Arts 1 Q 2

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts I

Suggested Time Allotment:1 hour


I- Objective:
A. Identify colors both in natural and man-made object
B. Appreciate the variety of colors in the aesthetics of the surroundings
C. Draw any man-made and natural objects and use different colors

II- Subject Matter:

A. Topic: A world of colors
A. References: Curriculum guide l, kad idton libro
B. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, pictures, bond papers and crayons
C. Value Focus: Observation, Creativity and appreciation for nature and art

III- Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Prayer
“Juan please lead the prayer.” “The pupils will pray”

2. Greetimgs
“Good morning grade 1 pupils!” “Good Morning Sir!”

3. Energizer
The teacher will present a video and ask The pupils will dance.
the students to dance along with it.

4. Checking of attendance
“ Please say present if your name is The pupils will say present if their name is
called.” called.

5. Imposing of rules
“Mike can you please read the rules?” Mike will read the rules aloud.
“listen attentively, avoid talking with seatmate
and raise your hand if you want to talk.”
B. Developmental Activities:

1. Review
“What was our topic last meeting about “Our topic last meeting, in arts were about lines
arts?” and different types of lines.”

“okay, very good!”

2. Motivation
“I have here a set of pictures.”

“What can you observe in these “Sir, the pictures are colorless.”

“Okay, correct!’

Teacher will divide the class into 4 Pupils will work together with their group
groups provide crayons and ask the members and color the drawings.
pupils to color the pictures using the

The teacher will ask what the pupils Pupils will answer, “Sir, the colors made the
observed after coloring the pictures. pictures beautiful.”

“Okay, Very good!”

3. Presentation

“Can you name any object around you Pupils will name objects from their
and try to tell me what color are they? surroundings and tell their color.
For example, trees – green and brown,
chairs – brown etc.”

4. Discussion

Colors are everywhere. All things have

colors. The trees, animals, flowers,
houses and even toys have colors.

Colors make everything nice. Colors add

life to the things around us.

“Do you agree children?” “Yes, Sir!”

“The pictures that you colored just “Yes, Sir! The colors gave the pictures life and
recently, did it make the pictures look it made them beautiful.”
“Do you know where the colors come “No, Sir”

Colors come from the reflection of light.

Light produces many colors.

“Colors happen when light bounces

around. Imagine light like a magic
painter, creating lots of different colors.

“Did you notice that the pictures you

colored earlier are of man-made objects
and natural objects?”

The colors that you see around you are

natural colors. God-made objects have
natural colors.

“The groups that colored the pictures of “Yes, Sir! The bird and the flower are God-
a bird and a flower, are they God-made made and they have natural colors.”
and did they have natural colors?”

“Okay, very good!”

There are also objects that came from

factories. They are made by people.
These are called man-made objects.
They have different color, too.

“For the groups who colored the picture “Sir, They are Man-made objects and they have
of a car and a house, are those man- colors too.”
made objects or God-made objects?”

5. Generalization

Teacher will show pictures of both man- Pupils well tell whether the picture is man-made
made and God-made objects and let the or God-made.
pupils tell which is what.




“Remember pupils that God-made

objects are all the natural things around
us and the man-made objects are those
that are created by people.”

Painter – an artist who paints pictures

Color – an element of art that gives life
to objects
Artwork – a painting or other beautiful
object created by man.

6. Application

Teacher will divide the pupils into 6 Students will draw any object and use crayon to
groups and will provide crayons and color it.
bond papers for students and will ask
them to draw.

1. Find an object/s in the surroundings,

may it be a house or a whole park,
anything at all.
2. Draw it and use crayons to color it.
3. Cooperate and finish it in 20 minutes

Rubric for the activity

Submitted on time 5
Teamwork 5
Creativity 5
Neatness 5
Total 20
IV. Evaluation

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. It is a natural object or God-made.

a) God-made
b) Man-made
c) Painter
2. It is an element of art that gives life to objects.
a) Color
b) Fish
c) Airplane
3. An object created by people or man
a) Man-made
b) God-made
c) Apple
4. A painting or other objects made by man that are beautiful
a) Artwork
b) Hat
c) Crayons
5. It produces colors
a) Light
b) Stone
c) Flower

Key to correction:
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A

V. Assignment

With the help of your parents, write down on your notebook a list of reasons or things on how
different colors make the surroundings of your home beautiful.

Guide questions:
 Does the surroundings inside and outside have different colors?
 Does the variety of colors make your home beautiful?
 Do you like the colors that you can see around your home?

Prepared by:
Team Chikadura 3rd year

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