Activity Plan in ARTS 1 (Complete and adjusted)_095445

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Activity Plan in ARTS 1

I. Objectives

Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of lines, shapes, colors and
texture, and principles of balance, proportion variety, through
Performance The learner creates a portrait of himself and his family which shows
Standard the elements and principles of art by drawing.
Learning The learner
Competencies I. creates a drawing to express one’s ideas about oneself,
one’s family , home and school.

II. Content
Learning Resources: *Umawit at Gumuhit 3. Valdecantos, Emelita C. 1997. pp.86

III. Preparation
Students’ Materials: the students will individually bring the following materials; Oslo Paper, Pencils, coloring
materials (crayons, colored pencil, etc.) individually.

The teacher will arrange the classroom where the students will do the art activity in the following
 Long table with ‘U’ shape setup.
 In every table there are 4 students.
 Every side in the table have a trashcan.

Class Management:
Before starting the activities the teacher will do the following:
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Checking of students materials and discuss each materials functions.
 Give students an enough time to prepare their materials and put it in the proper
During the Activity:
 The teacher will discuss the safety and precaution while using the materials.
 Observe and check every student’s performance.

After the activity

 Make the students pass their work in an organized way
 Give 1 to 2 minutes to the students to clean their work space.
 Select 3 students to share and present their artwork.

IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


Prayer May I request everyone to stand for our (The students will stand and
prayer? pray.)

Greetings and Good morning class! Good morning, Sir!

checking of the May I know who is absent today? (students will say present)
attendance. Please say present as I call your name.

Review Last time, what tools did you choose to Last time we used pencils,
make your drawing? crayons, pieces of charcoal, a
stick on different papers,
sinamay leaves, tree bark, and
other local materials.

(Students answers may vary)

Which drawing material was the easiest for
you to use? Which was the hardest?

Okay children, today we will have our new

lesson and activity. But before we proceed Yes Sir.
to that I prepared a set of questions for you
to answer. Are you ready?

Engagement (Students will tell the things

1. What is the most important thing/s they consider important in their
for you at home and school? home and school)

I will show you some examples of drawings

and pictures where kids like you express
their ideas about their oneself, their own
family and their school.

2. How
you are
and what’s important to you in a (Students answers may vary)

Okay, for today’s activity, we are going to

make a special drawing about ourselves and
our lives!”
Lesson proper

Introduction Do you know class that you can draw

anything you think that represents you, your
family, and your school?

For example, me as your teacher, this is my

drawings of what I think that represents me,
my family and this school that where I’m

(The teacher will show examples of his own

drawings and explain to the pupils why he
chose to draw those things.)

Have you also tried drawing yourselves, the

things that are important for you in your
house, and in your school class? Yes, Sir
Very Good!

For today’s activity, you are going to draw

things that represent yourself, your family,
and your school.
Are you excited? Yes, Sir!

Are your materials ready? Yes, Sir

Okay, Very Good!

Now, please sit properly and listen carefully

for my instructions.
1. Prepare your materials.
2. Think about what you are going to
Instructions 3. Plan how you will draw your ideas.
4. Create your drawings.
5. When you’re finished, look over
your drawing. Is there anything else
you want to add or any colors you
want to adjust?
6. Be ready to share your drawing with
the class. Think about one thing
you’d like to explain about it, like
why you chose certain colors,
shapes, or items.

And class, remember that there is no right

and wrong way of drawing whatever you
like. So, let your creativity and imagination
work to its full extent.
Is that clear class? Yes, Sir!
Do you have any questions? No, Sir.

Okay, you may now start doing the activity.

Guided Practice During the art activity teacher will roam
around to check every students doing.

Class, you can plan your ideas on scratch

Exploration papers by sketching some ideas such as who
or what will you include and what colors
will you use.

And class, before finalizing your work you

can explore and try different colors first.
In that way you can properly produce
different perspectives, helping you think
what colors can enhance the quality of your
Then try to find your theme or inspiration in
your work.
Did you understand? Yes, Sir!
Independent The teacher will allow the students to work
Practice independently in their drawings.

Class, you can include your favorite hobbies

Creation in school, or your hobbies when you are
with your family.

Is that clear? Yes, Sir.

The teacher will observe students and offer

support or prompts as needed.

Are you done class? Yes, Sir.

Okay, very good!

Anyone would like share their art work? (the students will share their
drawings in class and explain
how their drawings represent
them in their oneself, their
family, and their school.
Okay, very good class!
Post Activity Are you willing to share and display your
drawings on our bulletin board class? Yes, Sir!
What feelings did you feel while doing our (Students will tell their feelings
activity class? while doing the activity)

Okay, Very good class!

For your assignment,

kindly bring the following materials for our
next activity:
 Bond paper
 Pencil and eraser
 Coloring materials
Self-Expression Before we end our class, I would like to ask
you some questions.
1. What is your inspiration in doing (students will state his/her
your artwork? (call one students) inspiration in the class)

2. What is your favorite part in doing (students will state his/her

the activity? (call one students) favorite part in doing the

3. Did you find the activity easy and (students will state their answer)
enjoyable or not?

Good job everyone! You did very well. Give (students will clap)
yourself a clap.

Art Appreciation
Now, I see that everyone show confidence
and creativity in their drawings. I want
everyone to get your artworks and come
here in the front to have a picture taking
together with your artworks.

Conclusion 1. What did you enjoy most about

creating a drawing that shows who
you are? Was it choosing the (The students answers may
materials, using colors, or adding vary)
details about your family and

2. What was something new you (The students answers may

tried today, and how did it change vary)
your drawing?
(The students answers may
3. What parts of your drawing show vary)
something important to you?

4. Why do you think art can be a (The students answers may

powerful way to show our ideas and vary)
VI. Assessment Written Test:
Direction: Write T if the statement is true
and F if the statement if false.

1. We can use crayons to draw


2. Art is only about using pencils.

3. We should include important
things in our drawings, like our
family and home.

4. Using different materials can help

make our art more interesting

5. It’s not okay to express our

feelings through our drawings.

6. When we create art, we should

always copy someone else's work.

7. Using leaves or sticks can add

texture to our drawings

8. Art can help us tell stories about


9. Drawing is a fun way to show

who we are.

10. We should only use one color in

our drawings.

Rubrics for the Students’ Artworks

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs

Improvement Points
(3) (2) (1)
Creativity and The drawing The drawing The drawing lacks
Expression clearly shows includes some representation of
personal ideas representation of self, family,
about self, family, family, home, or home, or school.
home, and school. school but could
Thoughtful details use more personal
are included that details.
represent what is
important to the
Artistic The student uses The student uses The drawing
Techniques various artistic some techniques, shows little to no
techniques but they are not use of artistic
effectively, such applied techniques.
as blending consistently or
colors, shading, or effectively.
adding textures
that enhance the
Effort and The student The student was The student
Participation engaged in the minimally showed little to no
activity, followed engaged or did not effort in the
instructions, and fully follow activity.
showed instructions.
significant effort
in creating a

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