Art LP
Art LP
Art LP
Grade 3 ARTS
I. Objectives
Topic: Colors
Materials: Visual Aids, colored chalks or pen, bond paper, coloring materials, laptop
III. Procedure
C. Activity
I have drawn some natural and man-made
objects at the board, I want you to color
them with their appropriate color. Now
who wants to color? (The students start to color the images using
colored chalks)
D. Analysis
Base from our activity, do you have an idea
what our topic for today? Colors!
Correct! We are going to talk about colors.
Can you give me examples of body colors? Pink, black, purple!
Very good!
E. Abstraction
Natural objects are those that occur
naturally. They are not made by man. The
examples are plants and animals. Can you
give me some examples of natural objects?
Very good! I have here some pictures of Flowers
natural objects. Can you identify their
name and their color?
F. Application
Now get your bond paper and coloring
materials. You are going to draw natural
and man-made objects, and you are going
to color it, make it colorful. (The students start making their artwork)
(30 minutes later)
Pass your artwork. Well done everyone
give yourselves a round of applause.
(The students clap their hands)
IV. Evaluation
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
V. Assignment
In your notebook, draw one man-made object and one natural object you can see at your house. Color
Prepared by: