108 105 PB
108 105 PB
108 105 PB
The Journal of
42, n. 21 -- Apr
Volume 36, 2024 2018
Associate Editor
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The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (JFOS)is the official journal of the
International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (IOFOS) since 1983.
JFOS is an international journal dedicated to forensic odontology, legal odonto-
stomatology, dental anthropology, translational research in forensic sciences, litigation in
dentistry, dental ethics and law in the perspective of justice administration and legal
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The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
Vol 42 n. 1 Apr 2024
Authors Page
Original Articles
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
In recent decades mass disasters became a common global
issue of concern. A mass disaster or a mass fatality incident, is
KEYWORDS an event in which there is a critical relationship between the
number of casualties and resources, both human and material,
Mass disaster, available at the occurrence site, usually unpredictable and
Human identification, abrupt. 1 Environmental (such as tornadoes, hurricanes,
Orthodontic records earthquakes), transportation, industrial events, or terrorist acts,
might all result in mass fatalities .2
Depending on the location of the occurrence and the country/
countries of origin of the victims, the disaster might be
characterized as local, national, or international.2-4 Mass
catastrophes can also be classified as “closed” (an aircraft-related
accident) or “open” (an earthquake), based on whether the
J Forensic Odontostomatol number of victims and those involved are known details.2, 5- 7
2024. Apr;(42): 1-2:11 Human identification is the process to recognize an individual
ISSN :2219-6749
as a unique being. Forensic odontology is the branch of
dentistr y applied in criminal and civil law cases. The
DOI doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11061609
participation of forensic odontology in the human identification
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
process is fundamental when human remains are open and national. The cases show the valuable
found, since the dental arches have particularities contribution of orthodontics in the identification
that make such a process possible.8 According to of children when casualties of mass fatality
the International Criminal Police Organization events.
(Interpol), given the individuality of the teeth and
other anatomical str uctures of the CASE I
dentomaxillofacial region, forensic odontology is On August 14, 2005, a Boeing 737-300 plane
one of the three primary human identifiers. crashed in a mountainous area of Attica, Greece.
These are classified as primary or secondary The plane took-off from Larnaca airport with
according to their ability to achieve an accurate final destination Prague, Czech Republic, and
identification. Primary methods include dental stop over in Athens airport, Greece. While
analysis, fingerprinting, and DNA analysis. approaching Athens airport the plane lost
Considering the accuracy and reliability provided communication with the air traffic control center
to the process, these are the methods of choice in and soon crashed. All the people on board, 115
cases of human identification (‘https:// passengers (adults and children) and 6 crew
www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Forensics/ members, lost their lives.
Disaster-Victim-Identification-DVI'), equally Depending on each victim's individual situation,
reliable, trustworthy.9,10 The dental evidence is all primary human identification techniques
reliable thanks to the uniqueness and stability of (fingerprinting, DNA, and dental evidence) were
the dental tissues and treatments and includes used since it was impossible to identify the
dental records, study models, photographs, X- victims visually. Whenever possible, multiple
rays.11-13 identification techniques were used in each case.
However, for a successful comparison process of
ante-mortem and post-mortem dental evidence, Post-mortem data:
it is imperative to overcome several difficulties.14 Both jaws were available for examination. Post-
The most frequent challenge is when incomplete, mortem dental examination and charting were
ambiguous, or incorrectly documented ante- completed. The child was undergoing
mortem dental records are avalilable.14 Other orthodontic treatment, as evidenced by the post-
obstacles that may influence the identification mortem data of his corpse, which demonstrated
procedures are the administrative and that fixed orthodontic appliances had been fitted
collaborative issues with foreign authorities about in his maxilla.
the collection of the ante-mortem data.15 In particular, the first upper premolars were
Although the DNA evidence is a powerful tool in missing bilaterally, the first upper permanent
identification cases and especially in mass molars had orthodontic stainless-steel rings
disasters victims identification, there are various (bands), in which a trans-palatal arch was fixed.
limitations to be considered.16 Both the upper permanent canines, lateral and
Orthodontics is the dental speciality in charge of central incisors had been erupted and had
establishing a functional and aesthetic harmony metallic brackets, with hooks on the canines.
to the face. Since the treatment lasts a long time Also, the second permanent molars were erupted
and its planning is complicated, the orthodontist bilaterally (Fig.1).
takes several records in the pre-treatment, In the mandible, the first premolars were missing
treatment and post treatment phese. Mostly the bilaterally, the first permanent molars had
records consist of patient’s history, dental models, orthodontic rings and all the rest of the
extra oral and intraoral photographs, and X-rays permanent teeth had brackets. Moreover, the
(at least an Orthopantomogram and a lateral s e c o n d p e r m a n e n t m o l a r s w e r e e r u p te d
Cephalogram). All these data taken from the bilaterally. Supplementar y to the clinical
orthodontic records can help in the identification examination, post-mortem photographs were
of a patient.17 Dental evidence is a reliable tool taken (Fig.1). Age estimation based on tooth
thank to the uniqueness and stability of the eruption was between 12.5 and 16.5.
dental tissues and treatments.11
Two mass disaster cases are presented in this Ante-mortem data:
study; the first case can be characterized as Among the victims' postmortem dental records
closed and international and the second case as obtained by the police there was the orthodontic
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
record of a male child. The record included notes, Comparison of post-mortem and ante-mortem dental
a panoramic radiograph taken before the evidence.
orthodontic treatment,1 extraoral photograph, The little youngster was positively recognized based
3 intraoral photographs, and a set of on the similarities found from the analysis of the
orthodontic models (Fig. 2,3,4,5). The ante- dental records' ante-mortem and post-mortem data.
mortem data were collected and charted. The Specifically, there was no difference between the
study of the ante-mortem records revealed extracted teeth found in the ante-mortem and post-
that the boy had orthodontic stainless-steel mortem dental records. In both the antemortem
rings (bands) in his maxillary first molars in and postmortem reports, the fixed trans-palatal
which a trans-palatal arch was fixed, all teeth arch was precisely the same. And both the dental
(from # 15 to # 25) had metallic brackets with records, antemortem and postmortem, showed the
hooks on the canines. metal brackets with hooks on the canines.
Figure 1. Post-mortem photographs from both jaws which were available for examination. a) A stainless
steel trans-palatal arch was fixed on the palate. b) Fixed orthodontic appliances were placed on the
maxilla, first premolars bilaterally were not present, first permanent molars had orthodontic stainless-
steel rings (bands). Both permanent canines, lateral and central incisors had erupted and had metallic
brackets, with hooks on the canines. c) Right lateral view of the maxilla and mandible, d) Left lateral
view of the maxilla and mandible, second permanent molars had erupted bilaterally.
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Figure 2. A panoramic radiograph taken by the orthodontist before the orthodontic treatment started
Figure 3. Extraoral photograph taken by the orthodontist. Face frontal lips relaxed
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Figure 4. Intra-oral photographs taken by the orthodontist before treatment. a) Frontal in occlusion.
b) Upper occlusal a stainless steel trans-palatal arch fixed on the palate. c) Lower occlusal
Two homozygous twin girls were among the 102 establish the identity of the victims was the
people that died in a fire which broke out in a evaluation of dental evidence.
village in Attica in July 2018. Visual identification
was impossible. Moreover, the identification of Post-mortem data:
the children’s corpses could not be based on the The maxilla and the mandible were available for
DNA analysis process since the individuals were post-mortem examination in both cases. The
homozygous twins and shared exactly the same children were both in the phase of mixed
DNA.Therefore, the only suitable process to dentition (Fig. 6).
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
In the maxilla of both children, the first kind of dental intervention in their teeth.
permanent molars were erupted bilaterally, first Ho w e v e r, w e f o u n d d i f f e r e n c e s i n t h e
premolars were erupted bilaterally, both upper arrangement of the anterior maxillary teeth.
incisors were erupted, as well as the second According to the first plaster model, the left
deciduous molars bilaterally. central and lateral incisors had erupted labially,
The different finding among the post-mortem while the right lateral incisor had not yet been
dental findings of the children was that in the erupted since there was not enough space for its
maxilla of one of them, the left central and lateral eruption (Fig 7 and Fig. 8). On the contrary, the
incisors had erupted labially, while the right maxillary teeth of the second child’s orthodontic
lateral incisor had not been erupted yet since it plaster model seemed to have been erupted
seemed that there was not enough space for its normally (Fig. 9).
eruption. On the contrary, the maxillary teeth of
the second child had been erupted normally (Fig. Comparison of post-mortem and ante-mortem dental
6). Τhe dentition of both children did not evidence
present any kind of dental intervention. It was possible to identify the homozygous twins
based on the maxillary tooth eruption pattern,
Ante-mortem data. which was documented post-mortem and with the
The information the family members gave the comparison of the ante-mortem dental plaster
police authorities indicated that the youngsters models (Fig.8 and Fig. 10). One orthodontic plaster
had attended a private orthodontist office model's eruption pattern matched the eruption
recently. The orthodontist had the initial models. pattern of the first girl’s left central and lateral
We obtained the orthodontic models by the incisors in the maxilla. One other consistent finding
orthodontist once the police found him. between the postmortem and ante mortem dental
The study of the two orthodontic plaster models records was the right lateral incisor not yet erupted
that belonged to the homozygous twin girls due to limited space. The second homozygous twin
revealed that both children did not present any girl's maxillary incisors had all erupted.
Figure 6. Post-mortem dental records included photographs of the maxillae and mandibles of both
children’s corpses, that were taken during the post-mortem examination. Both children were in the phase
of mixed dentition. Photographs a, and b belonged to one child. Photographs c and d belonged to the other
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Figure 7. Ante-mortem dental records included plaster models (a and b) taken by the orthodontist for one
of the homozygous twin girls. The left central and lateral incisors in the maxilla had erupted labially, while the
right lateral incisor had not yet erupted, since there was insufficient space available for its eruption
Figure 8. a) Plaster model of the maxilla of one child taken by the orthodontist, ante-mortem records,
in the maxilla the left central and lateral incisors had erupted labially, while the right lateral incisor had
not been erupted yet since it seems that there was not enough space for its eruption. b) Post-mortem
dental records of the same child
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Figure 9. Ante-mortem dental records for the second of the homozygous twin girls from the
orthodontist included plaster models (a and b). As can be observed, the maxillary incisors had erupted
Figure 10. a) Post-mortem dental records of the second homozygous twin girl. b) Plaster model of the
maxilla of the same child taken by the orthodontist, in ante-mortem records, the maxillary teeth of the
second homozygous twin girl had erupted
The orthodontist, from the very first days of his impressions, and any other document included in
post graduate training, is used to take routinely a a patient's dental record are the evidence the
set of diagnostic records pre-treatment, during it orthodontist relies on to make initial diagnoses,
and at its end. These records are essential for assess prognoses and progress of the treatment
planning and carr ying out the appropriate outcome.18 These include case history recording,
t h e r a p i e s . Wr i t t e n i n f o r m a t i o n , d e n t a l a full set of intra and extra oral photographs, with
radiographs, photographs, plaster casts, digital complete clinical and a thorough medical
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
examination. Moreover, the orthodontist has missing people such as radiographic images out of
extensive knowledge about the various aspects of the dentomaxillofacial area could be considered
te e t h p o s i t i o n , c r a n i o f a c i a l g r o w t h , a g e an useful identification tool.31 Furthermore, when
assessment and can deal with the skeletal and there is an extreme lack of antemortem medical
dental remains. A well-detailed, accurate, and records, the analysis of images from other sources
updated dental record is an indicator of the (like social media) might be suitable for human
excellence of the orthodontic services provided. identification.32
Excellent documentation is directly related to the In order to use dental records for mass disaster
o r t h o d o n t i s t 's c l i n i c a l c o m p e t e n c e a n d human identification, a number of requirements
contributes to the increase of his prestige and should be satisfied: trained personnel must
trustworthiness. General dentists are more likely collect and evaluate pre- and post-mortem dental
to keep incomplete, insufficient, and out-of-date records; a uniform dental notation and coding
records.19 system should be adopted; the necessar y
Furthermore, orthodontic appliances are equipment must be available; and the personnel
generally manufactured of commercially pure must submit to media pressure. Human remains
titanium, titanium-aluminum-vanadium alloys, or must be adequately stored and recorded in order
nickel, molybdenum, copper, and stainless-steel to safeguard the dentomaxillofacial evidence. The
elements. The metals and alloys mentioned above process for identifying teeth should adhere to
have unique physical and mechanical properties, quality control guidelines. Since various DNA
as well as corrosion resistance.20-23 Fixed as well as tests that require specific expertise are available,
removable orthodontic appliances are valuable the DNA analysis should be used when dental
dental identification tools due to the evidence or fingerprint analysis are
aforementioned properties of the orthodontic inconclusive.15,16
materials and their resistance to extremely Given the complexities of orthodontic cases and
unfriendly circumstances.24-26 Therefore, all the long-term treatment plans, orthodontists should
data an orthodontist collects can be a significant always update the patient records on a regular
source of information in cases where basis. As a consequence, orthodontic records are
identification with soft tissue is impossible due to valuable in forensic cases.27-29
the putrefaction of the bodies. The success of an identification process based on
Creating and maintaining detailed, accurate forensic dental evidence depends on the
updated and well organized dental records is availability, accuracy and good quality of the ante-
essential for a variety of reasons.27-29 Concerning mortem and post-mortem dental records.20 Due
forensic odontology, detailed and accurate dental to their excellent quality, orthodontic dental
records, may help not only with the identification records are extremely valuable tools and when
of unidentified corpses or human remains by they are available the human identification
comparing antemortem and post-mortem dental procedures are greatly facilitated.33,34
evidence, but also to the reconstruction of an The present study highlights the contribution of
individual's biological profile and additionally orthodontics to establish the identity of mass
with the resolve of other criminal and civil law catastrophes victims. In the two cases presented
cases.22,30 the identification was based exclusively on the
The unavailability of dental records or the excellent quality and accuracy of the orthodontic
availability of insufficient dental records are records. The contribution of orthodontics
major concerns which complicates the records was even more prominent for the case of
identification procedures in isolated cases and in the identical twins where all the other primary
mass disasters. In this case scenario the collection forensic methods (DNA and finger prints) failed
of all available ante mortem medical data of to reach a definite result.
1. Marrone M, Tarantino F, Stellacci A, Baldassarra SL, Cazzato 2. Brough A.L., Morgan B. RGN. The basics of disaster
G, Vinci F D. A. Forensic Analysis and Identification victim identification. Journal of Forensic Radiology and
Processes in Mass Disasters: Explosion of Gun Powder in the Imaging. 2015;3(1):29–37.
Fireworks Factory. Molecules. 2022;27(1):244. 3. Nathan MD SD. Dentistry and mass disaster - a review. J
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
KEYWORDS Forensic odontology is a subspecialty of forensic medicine that
assists in establishing a post-mortem biologic profile,1 which
Sexual Dimorphism, primarily includes verifying age, sex, stature, and ancestry.2-4
Forensic Dentistry, The primary step in this context is sex determination.
Canine tooth, Although sex can be most accurately assessed by DNA analysis5
or examination of skeletal remains such as the pelvis, 6
Tooth length, craniofacial bones, 7 and mandible, 8 their applicability is
Cone-beam Computed restricted due to a variety of factors, including the need for
Tomography expensive equipment and time-consuming procedures or
suboptimal condition of the bones, especially those severely
mutilated.9 In such situations, teeth are considered a practical
adjacent in sex determination because of their structural
durability to pre- and post-mortem insults 10, 11 and their ability
to predict sex with an accuracy of 51.13% to 100%. 12-15
J Forensic Odontostomatol Moreover, since the complete development of dentition
2024. Apr;(42): 1-12:21 precedes skeletal maturation, teeth play an essential role in sex
ISSN :2219-6749 determination for younger individuals.1
DOI doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11061431
The application of dentition in sex determination is primarily
based on the distinctions between the dimensions or
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
morphology of the teeth in males and females.3, 16, m ore practical for forensic applications,
17 Among different types of teeth, the canine particularly in skeletal imaging and odontology.20
tooth has been consistently used for forensic Therefore, the present study aimed to assess the
purposes and is regarded as a "key tooth" in sex accuracy of sex determination in adult individuals
determination1, 18 primarily because they show using CBCT images based on the different
the most significant sex dimorphism in their length, width, and ratio measurements of the
dimensions. Moreover, they are the least crown and root of canine teeth in mesiodistal and
frequently extracted teeth,3 highly resistant to buccolingual dimensions in both jaws.
dental/periodontal diseases, and are more likely Additionally, it attempted to present a specific
to survive post-mortem trauma. formula for sex determination based on the
Many studies on the effectiveness of canine teeth canine teeth using the discriminant function
in sex determination used the canine index, analysis. The present study is the first to be
which considers the mesiodistal width of the conducted among the Iranian population. It is
canine teeth and inter-canine arch width.1-3, 15 one of the few studies evaluating the accuracy of
However, some studies showed that the canine canine sex dimorphism considering the tooth
index has poor sex dimorphism ability, and its root length and crown measurements.
application in forensic works should be confined,
and absolute measurements of the canine tooth MATERIALS AND METHODS
are better sex indicators.1, 3, 18 Another limitation In this cross-sectional study, the CBCT scans
of such studies is that they have not considered of 196 individuals (96 men and 100 females)
root measurements. This factor may impair the referred to the Dental School of Shiraz
accuracy of sex determination since it has been University of Medical Sciences (Shiraz, Iran)
demonstrated that the Y chromosome has a more for purposes other than the present study were
decisive influence over root length growth than evaluated. The study complied with all relevant
the X chromosome.12 principles of the Declaration of Helsinki at the
Radiographic examinations are a non-destructive time of imaging. All subjects signed a written
and ethical approach for evaluating the whole informed consent form authorizing the use of
tooth if radiographs are taken due to clinical their anonymous radiographic data in research
indications. Capitaneanu et al.19 used panoramic and publications. The Ethics Committee of
radiographs to compare the length and width Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz,
variables and ratios to determine the applicability Ir a n , approved the study
of various maxillary and mandibular teeth in (IR.Sums.Dental.REC. 1399.206). The study
sexual determination. They showed that the sample age ranged from 20 to 80 years and was
tooth length of the mandibular canine was the divided into five age groups: 20-29, 30-39,
most sexually dimorphic measurement. However, 40-49, 50-59, and 60+ years old. Except for the
panoramic radiographs have disadvantages, such final group, which comprised 16 males due to a
as unequal magnification and unpredictable lack of individuals matching the inclusion
distortion due to the patient positioning and criteria, all groups included 40 CBCT scans
location within the focal trough.20 These factors distributed evenly between the two sexes. The
preclude accurate measurements, and the results CBCT images were digitally captured using a
cannot accurately reproduce or represent direct New Tom VGi Evo CBCT unit (QR SRL
measurements. In recent years, computed Company, Verona, Italy) with 3 mA, 110 kVp,
tomography (CT) or cone-beam CT (CBCT) has and 0.3 mm voxel size, in accordance with the
been increasingly used in forensic investigations, manufacturer's instructions for positioning and
particularly for sex and age determination.21 CT exposure.
and CBCT provide images with a sub-millimeter The inclusion criteria of the study were CBCT
resolution free from distortion, magnification, scans with good image quality, the presence of
and superimposition of the adjacent structures, fully developed and erupted maxillary and
[22] which are not available in projection imaging mandibular permanent canine teeth, the
and panoramic radiography and can positively absence of restorations, significant occlusal
affect the findings of the studies. 21 The wear on the crown of the canine teeth, root
portability, lower cost, ease of image acquisition, resorption, dilacerations, significant
and user-friendliness of CBCT over CT make it buccolingual inclination in the canines, any
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
pathology or skeletal disorders, and history of the most incisal tooth point and the root apex)
trauma or orthodontic treatment. and the maximum root length (RL) (defined as
For each scan, the measurements were taken on the distance between the cemento-enamel
the canine teeth of both jaws, i.e., maxilla and junction (CEJ) and root apex) (Figure 1).
mandible. Since previous studies showed no
significant difference in canine measurements • The width measurements: The maximum
between the left and right sides of the jaw,3, 23, 24 buccolingual width of the crown (BL), the
all the measurements were made on the left buccolingual width of the tooth at the CEJ level
canine teeth. Yet, if the left canine tooth did not (CEJBL), the maximum mesiodistal width of
meet the inclusion criteria, the procedure was the crown (MD), the mesiodistal width of the
made on its right counterpart. Each canine tooth tooth at the CEJ level (CEJMD) (Figure 2).
underwent the following measurements: • The ratio and proportions: TL/RL, TL/MD, TL/
• The length measurements: The maximum tooth
length (TL) (defined as the distance between CEJBL, CEJBL/ CEJMD, BL/MD
Figure 1. Shows the tooth and root length measurements (TL & RL, respectively) used in the study:
Axial images used for reconstruction of mesiodistal cross-section; b the maximum tooth length; c the
maximum root length
Based on the axial section at the mid-root level, recorded all the measurements separately using
cross-sections perpendicular to the canine tooth NNT Viewer software (NNT V2.21, Image
were prepared for the measurements. The length works, Verona, Italy). The examiners were
measurements (TL and RL) were done on the blinded to the subject's age and sex. To assess
mesiodistal cross-sections. The thickness of these the intra- and inter-observer reliability, the
cross-sections was considered around 7 mm to examiners randomly selected one-third of the
account for the buccolingual inclination of the images and re-evaluated them after a two-week
canine tooth and to include both the incisal edge interval.
and the apex of the tooth in one section. MD and
CEJMD measurements were done on 1 mm thick Statistical analysis
mesiodistal cross-sections representing the Data were analyzed using SPSS software, version
maximum crown width. Buccolingual cross- 22.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, N.Y., USA). For each
sections with 1 mm thickness were prepared to variable, the two sexes were compared using an
measure BL and CEJBL variables. For each independent t-test. P values less than 0.05 were
subject, additional information such as the considered statistically significant. To find the
subjects' birth dates, date of acquisition of the best variables for sex determination, the
CBCT scans, and sex were also recorded. discriminant analysis and stepwise selection
Two examiners, an experienced oral and method were used. The accuracy of inter- and
maxillofacial radiologist and a well-trained post- the intera-examiner agreement was determined
graduate oral and maxillofacial radiology student, by Intra-class correlation coefficient test (ICC).
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Figure 2. Shows the width measurements used in the study: an Axial image used for reconstructing mesiodistal
cross-sections; b The maximum mesiodistal width of the crown (MD) and the mesiodistal width at the CEJ level
(CEJMD); c Axial image used for reconstructing buccolingual cross-sections; d The maximum buccolingual
width of the crown (BL) and the buccolingual width of the tooth at the CEJ level (CEJBL)
Based on the ICC values, there was a high inter were the TL and RL of maxillary canines. Other
and intra-obser ver agreement for all variables based on the magnitude of Standardized
odontometric measurements (r>0.90 and >0.95, Discriminant Function Coefficients (SDFC)
respectively). For analyzing the data, an average scores were CEJMD of maxillary canine, RL,
for each value was used. MD, and CEJMD of mandibular canines,
According to the independent t-test results, all respectively.
the maxillary and mandibular canine teeth length The discriminant function for all maxillary and
and width measurements significantly differed mandibular measurements was formulated using
between the sexes (all P values <0.05). There were the Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficient
also significant differences between males and (CDFC) as follows:
females in eight ratios of the upper jaw and two Formula 1 (for both jaws): D = [-20.254+ 0.571 (MD
of the lower jaw (Table 1). of mandibular canine) + 0.463 (TL of maxillary
The results of the stepwise discriminant analysis canine) - 0.270 (RL of maxillary canine) + 0.168
are shown in Table 2. When all measurements (RL of mandibular canine) + 0.976 (CEJMD of
from both jaws were considered, the most maxillary canine) + 0.434 (CEJMD of mandibular
pronounced variables in sex group differentiation canine)].
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Based on this formula, the discriminant D-score As presented in Table 2, the maxillary canine had
was 0.023 (values greater than 0.023 indicate an accuracy rate of 87.3% (87.5% for males and
males, while lower values indicate females). 87.0% for females), and the mandibular canine
had an accuracy rate of 80.6% (79.2% for males
Based on the corresponding CDFCs, the and 82.0% for females). When both jaws were
following formulae were presented for obtaining considered, the accuracy rate was 85.7% (86.0%
the discriminant function separately for each jaw for males and 85.4% for females).
Formula 2 (for the maxi#a): D = -18.568+ 0.502 (TL) Based on the magnitude of SDFC scores, the best
- 0.247 (RL) + 1.286 (CEJMD) + 0.529 (CEJBL) ratio variables for sex discrimination were MD/
The discriminant D-score was 0.022 (values CEJMD and TL/MD of the maxillary canine.
greater than 0.022 indicate males, while lower Based on the corresponding CDFCs, the
values indicate females). discriminant function for ratio variables was
Formula 3 (for the mandible): D = -18.829+ 0.962 formulated as follows:
(MD) + 0.261 (RL) + 0.952 (CEJMD) + 0.542 Formula 4: D = -6.330 – 1.171(TL/MD of maxillary
(CEJBL) canine) + 7.995(MD/ CEJMD of maxillary canine)
The discriminant D-score was 0.019 (values With the discriminant D-score of 0.017 (values
greater than 0.019 indicate males, while lower greater than 0.017 indicate males, while lower
values indicate females). values indicate females). The overall accuracy of
Based on the stepwise anal ysis, the best these ratio variables was 68.9%, which was the
differentiating variables for each jaw were TL for lowest among all the reported accuracies in the
the maxilla and CEJMD for the mandible. present study (Table3).
Table 1. Comparisons of all the variables of the permanent canine teeth between the two sexes)
Male Female
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Table 2. The length and width measurements of canine teeth with significant differentiating function
based on discriminant analysis
Jaw Variable C.D.F.C * S.D.F.C**
Accuracy (%)
TL 0.502 0.928
Table 3. The ratio variables of canine teeth with significant differentiating function based on
discriminant analysis
Jaw Variables C.D.F.C * S.D.F.C**
accuracy (%)
Exact sex estimation is the foremost step in the teeth, the canine tooth has consistently been
identification process. Teeth and skeleton-based considered the most sexually dimorphic and
methods have a prominent application in sex critical tooth across various populations.12, 18, 25, 26
determination as they are usually the best- Most studies on the applicability and accuracy of
preserved remains.9 Among different types of the canine teeth in sex dimorphism are based on
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
the crown measurements and canine index, and based measurements using NewTom scanning
root measures have rarely been utilized for sex and direct measurements by caliper was just 0.07
dimorphism analysis. This is mainly due to the ± 0.41mm. In addition, Kim et al.36 found no
inaccessibility of the tooth root.27 The root, statistically significant differences in the crown
preserved in the bony socket, is considered a and root length in CBCT scans and direct
more resilient structure than the tooth crown measurements of the premolar teeth using a
and, unlike the crown, is not affected by wear.28 d i g i t a l c a l i p e r. Ho w e v e r, C B C T- b a s e d
According to Lähdesmäki and Alvesalo,29 the Y measurements demonstrated that the total tooth
chromosome may play a more significant role in length of the premolars was 0.18 ± 0.44 mm
root length development than the X shorter than the direct measurements. This study
chromosome, which may be responsible for the also found a weak positive correlation between
sexual dimorphic characteristics of the root. the crown and root length in the canine and
Z o r b a e t a l .28 s h o w e d t h a t r o o t l e n g t h premolar teeth, indicating that the crown length
measurements of single-rooted teeth were a cannot accurately estimate root length in most
reliable indicator of sex dimorphism. Moreover, tooth types.
other studies reported that the root length of To lessen the impact of dental wear, the studies
permanent teeth had a higher degree of sexual using tooth crown measurements for sex
dimorphism than the crown measurements.9, 30 estimation12, 19, 37, 38 had to restrict the age range of
According to Garn et al.,9 root length alone their study samples to young adults. According to
shows comparable or greater sexual dimorphism Lambrechts et al.,39 the annual enamel vertical
as the crown measurements. They also showed loss in vivo ranged between 20 and 38
that combining root and crown measurements micrometers. Consequently, the teeth with
enhances the sexual discriminant power of each significant attrition were excluded from the
set of measurements on its own. However, few present investigation. On the other hand, since
studies9, 13, 19, 28, 31 considered canine tooth root the present study included tooth root
measurements for sex determination. measurements, which were not affected by wear,
Moreover, since different populations exhibited the age range of the study sample was set at
distinct patterns of sexual dimorphism, the 20-80 years old. This age range was comparable
findings of such studies were considered to studies by Zorba et al.28 and Kazzazi and
population-specific 13, 32 and should not be Kranioti,13 which similarly used root length and
generalized. Only one study has examined tooth root volume measurements for sex
root dimensions for sex determination in the determination.
archaeological Iranian population.13 This study The current study’s findings indicated that all the
was a CT volumetric examination of 52 length and width measurements of the maxillary
archaeological skeletal remains dating from and mandibular canine teeth were significantly
around 1400 to 800 BCE, which may not reliably higher in men than in women. However, only 8
represent the present population. ratio variables of the maxillary canines and 2 ratio
CBCT has been widely used for forensic purposes variables of the mandibular canines demonstrated
in recent years. 21, 33 Besides sub-millimeter a significant difference between the sexes.
resolution, CBCT offers other advantages over Similarly, Capitaneanu et al.19 assessed all the
conventional two-dimensional radiographs, maxillary and mandibular teeth in the panoramic
including distortion-free images, magnification, image and reported that males had higher mean
superimposition of the adjacent structures, and tooth length and mean width measures. Other
the capacity to adjust the structure orientation.21 studies 1, 12, 24, 37 that evaluated the crown or
These features enhance the ability to locate the cervical tooth measurements also found that men
anatomic structures better, which leads to more had higher values than women.
accurate results. Sherrard et al.34 investigated the It is estimated that for the dental measurements
reliability of the tooth measurements on CBCT to be used as the sole sex predictor, the accuracy
scans. They found that the total tooth and root should be at least 80%.19 In the current study,
length measurements were not significantly discriminant analysis results indicated that
different from the direct measurements on the maxillary canines had a higher sexual dimorphic
extracted teeth. Similarly, Stratemann et al.35 ability with an accuracy of 87.3%, whereas
reported that the difference between CBCT- mandibular canines had an accuracy of 80.6%.
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
When the measurements of both jaws were that combining tooth variables using ratios did
considered, the discriminant ability was found not increase the discriminant ability. They
to be 85.7%. Dumančić et al.,40 who explored introduced ratio variables to reduce the
sex dimorphism in canine teeth, reported an undesirable effect of unequal magnification of
accuracy of 73.5% for mandibular canine crown panoramic radiography. However, employing ratio
dimension and morphology. Zorba et al. 28 variables, which likewise have less accuracy in sex
evaluated the root length of single-rooted teeth dimorphism, seems unnecessary for this purpose,
and discovered that the maxillar y lateral as using CBCT makes it possible to have real-
incisors and canine were the most dimorphic sized images.
teeth. Similar to the present study, they
reported that maxillar y canine had higher CONCLUSION
sexual discriminant accuracy than mandibular Based on the discriminant analysis results, the
canine. They reported 80% and 76.9% maxillar y canine tooth was more sexually
discriminant accuracy for right and left dimorphic than the mandibular canine tooth
maxillary canine and 74.4% and 77.6% for right (87.3% vs. 80.6%). However, based on the
and left mandibular canine, which was lower accuracy, both had reliable sex dimorphism
than the present study. While Zorba et al.28 abilities. The use of ratio variables reduced the
only measured the root length, the current accuracy of sex dimorphism to 68.9%. The TL
study considered the length measurements of and RL of maxillary canine were the most
the tooth and root and the mesio-distal and discriminant variables of canine teeth. Root and
buccolingual width measurements of the canine total tooth measurements were more reliable sex
tooth crown. indicators than crown measurements. Thus, it is
In the present study, the tooth length and root r e co m m e n d e d t h a t r o o t a n d to t a l to o t h
length of maxillary canines showed the most mea surements be considered in forensic
prominent sex dimorphism among all the investigations for sex determination.
variables. This finding indicated that root
dimension and tooth length measurements are ACKNOWLEDGMENT
more sex dimorphic than crown measurement The authors thank the Vice-Chancellery of Shiraz
and should be considered in forensic University of Medical Sciences for supporting
investigations. These findings were in this research (Grant number: 22084). This
agreement with the findings of Capitaneanu et manuscript is based on the thesis by Dr.
a l . ,19 w h o r e p o r t e d t h a t t h e l e n g t h Mohammad Tajik, a post-graduate student of
measurements of mandibular and maxillary Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology under the
canines had a higher discriminant ability than supervision of Dr. Najmeh Movahhedian. The
the width measures. They also reported that authors also thank Dr. Mehrdad Vossoughi of the
mandibular canine tooth length was the most Center for Research Improvement of the School
discriminative variable among al l teeth. of Dentistry for the statistical analysis.
According to the present study’s findings, when
the ratio variables were considered, the Statements and Declarations:
accuracy for sex dimorphism decreased to This work was supported by Shiraz University of
68.9%. Similarly, Capitaneanu et al.19 showed Medical Sciences (Grant number 22084)
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JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
The authors declare that they The emergence of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
have no conflict of interest. systems in dentistry has opened new possibilities in diagnostics
and image analysis. Utilizing CBCT for patient diagnosis
provides dentists with a clear and detailed visualization of the
dentomaxillofacial feature. 1 The improved anatomical
KEYWORDS visualization provided by CBCT leads to more predictable
post-operative outcomes and safer clinical practices.2 On the
Forensic Dentistry, image analysis front, researchers have used volumetric
Age Determination by Teeth, information to deeply analyze anatomical structures,3 human
Cone Beam Computed growth,4 and other changes that happens in the craniofacial
Tomography, region.5 This volumetric information has also proven to be
highly valuable in various dental analyses, including dental age
Supervised Machine Learning
estimation performed by forensic odontologists.6
The importance of volumetric information provided by the
J Forensic Odontostomatol CBCT allows forensic odontologists to conduct a thorough
2024. Apr;(42): 1-22:29 investigation of regressive changes in teeth, which is essential
ISSN :2219-6749 in dental age estimation of adults when dental growth has
DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11061543 ceased.7 Recent research has expanded the capabilities of
volumetric measurement for dental a ge estimation by
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
segmenting it into various anatomical regions to exposure time between 1.7 to 8.7 seconds. The
enhance the reliability of predictive models, voxel size used in this study were 0.125mm3 (n =
namely: Lower Tooth Volume Ratio (LTVR), 14), 0.2mm3 (n = 36), 0.3mm3 (n = 43), and 0.4 mm3
derived from the lower root chamber volume (n =6). In relation to the respective fields of view,
(LRCV) and lower hard tissue volume (LHTV);8 the smaller voxel size was taken for the small field
Pulp to Dentine Volume Ratio (PDVR), derived of view (250 x 250 x 250), whilst the 0.3 and 0.4
from the pulp chamber volume (PCV) of the mm3 size was used for the 400 x 400 x 400 scans.
crown and dentine volume (DV); and Enamel to Importantly, no patient was subjected to
Dentine Volume Ratio (EDVR), derived from radiation specifically for the study, as the sample
enamel volume (EV) and DV.9 All these ratios collection was retrospective and taken from an
can be included in a single predictive model. existing image database of CBCT scans acquired
However, the introduction of more independent for clinical purposes.
variables into a predictive linear model carries The inclusion sample for the current study
the risk of multicollinearity, 10 lower model consists of maxillary teeth with fully erupted,
reliability,11 and inflated R2.12 closed apex, and a visible cemento-enamel
These problems were argued that it can be junction (CEJ). Teeth with restorations, caries,
solved by calculating the variance inflation impaction, resorption, associated tumors, cysts,
factor (VIF) and adjusted R2 ( Radj ) of the model. pulp calcification, visible accessory root canals, or
Moder n solutions — such a s Super vised any inter ventions that may affect tooth
Machine Learning (SML) — have also been formation or structure were excluded. The total
repor ted to reduce the multicol linearity sample size for this study includes 240 teeth
problem 13 while minimizing the error-rate of a (Table 1) consisting of maxillary canines (C, n =
dental age estimation model when compared to 80), lateral incisors (Li, n = 80), and central
the traditional multiple linear regression incisors (Ci, n = 80).
Considering these aspects, the aim of this Table 1. Total sample size of each examined
research is twofold: (1) to examine the predictive tooth for each sex and age range.
performance of the 5-Part Tooth Segmentation M F
( SG5t ) method by combining the variables Age (Years)
introduced by Merdietio Boedi et al. 8-9 and (2) C C Li Ci Li Ci
assessing the effectiveness of SML — namely, 20-24.99 5 5 5 5 5 5
support vector regression (SVR) and regression
tree (RT) — to improve the reliability of the 25-24.99 5 5 5 5 5 5
variables in predicting chronological age (CA). 30-34.99 5 5 5 5 5 5
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
label opacities were set to 35, "initialize with the specific tooth's volumetric ratio calculation
c u r r e n t s e g m e n t a t i o n" o p t i o n O N , a n d (i.e., E DV R Li represents the EDVR calculation
"thresholding" option was chosen in the for tooth Li). Generally, the meantime taken for
segmentation mode. All volumetric measurements the SG5t method was 45 minutes for each tooth.
are conducted through the built-in region of
interest (ROI) function within ITK-SNAP. Figure 1. Illustration of the 5-Part Tooth
The SG5t method star ts with the volume Segmentation method. The demarcation between
calculation for the crown region (i.e., PCV, DV, the crown area and root area is defined using the
and EV) followed the protocol described by highest or most apical point of the cemento-
Merdietio Boedi et al. in their 2023 work,9 while enamel junction in the sagittal section of the
for the root region (i.e., LRCV and LHTV), the CBCT.
procedure follows to their 2022 work. 8 The
volumetric measurement started with the
calculation of PCV, followed by the entire crown
volume, demarcated by the highest or most apical
C E J i n t h e s a g i t t a l v i e w o f t h e C B C T.
Subsequently, the volumetric information was
partitioned into DV and EV. Lastly, the calculation
extended to LRCV and LHTV (Fig. 2). In the
separation of the crown and root regions, the
regions of interest (ROI) were ensured to overlap,
ensuring the continuity of segmentation. All the
calculated volume will then be converted to 3
volumetric ratios:
EDVR ( ), PDVR ( ), and LTVR ( ).
The superscripted letter notation corresponds to
Figure 2. 5-Part Tooth Segmentation sequence in ITK-SNAP three-dimensional rendering. A: Pulp Chamber
Volume (red), B: Whole Crown Volume (green), C: Separation between Dentine (green) and Enamel (light blue)
Volume, D: Lower root chamber volume (blue), E: Lower hard tissue volume (yellow), F: Visualization of the
cross-sectioned volumetric data depicting the separation between 5 volumetric information.
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
were below 5, indicating no multicollinearity among the results evade the age mimicry phenomenon,
the independent variables. where the final error rate may be skewed toward a
A comparison of the models revealed that SVR- certain age group or population reference. 18
Poly consistently achieved superior performance in Secondly, the proposed methodology must
predicting CA compared to the other modelling incorporate inter- and intra-observer error,
approaches, as evidenced in Table 4. Notably, the certainly with a proper quantification analysis to
highest Radj values also translated to a lower MAE ensure methodological reproducibility. For
and RMSE metrics. The third-degree SVR-Poly instance, when dealing with ordinal data (e.g.,
model in C utilizing all independent variables and staging, atlases), Cohen's Kappa should be
sex as predictor yielded the lowest MAE (4.97 employed for analysis, while continuous data
years) and RMSE (6.37 years), with Radj value of (e.g., measurements) necessitate the use of ICC.19
0.71. Conversely, the Ci SVR-L model employing Thirdly, the reliability of the model is signified by
all independent variables produced the highest the error-rate that should be shown along with
MAE (6.6 years) and RMSE (7.97 years), with the the conversion of the age-related dental data, and
lowest Radj value of 0.55. this can be achieved through scoring systems,
diagrams, or models. Importantly, the error-rate
should be calculated from a different dataset than
Table 4. Model performance comparison for
the one used for model creation to prevent
each tooth. All error values were reported from
overfitting — a scenario that occurs when a
the cross-validated data using 5-fold cross-
model is too closely tailored to the training data
validation with 2 repetitions.
and may not perform well on new, unseen data.
Models The most straightforward approach to prevent
Tooth Metrics
MLR SVR-L SVR-Poly RT overfitting is to separate the dataset into training
and testing subsets. For instance, considering a
Radj 0.66 0.65 0.71 0.62 dataset denoted as x , the training data could use
the x − i portion of the data, while the model
C MAE 5.42 5.23 4.97 5.77
derived from the training dataset is evaluated
RMSE 6.86 6.8 6.37 7.18 against the i data. Another method — as
employed in this research — involves k-fold
Radj 0.69 0.7 0.73 0.69
cross-validation. This technique divides the data
Li MAE 5.14 5.15 4.86 5.28 into k parts or folds, utilizing k − 1 segments for
training the dataset and reserving the untrained
RMSE 6.46 6.42 6.05 6.67 fold for testing. This process is repeated k times,
Radj 0.56 0.55 0.68 0.56 with each fold serving as the test data exactly
Ci MAE 6.4 6.6 5.27 6.26 CBCT can be used for dental staging,20 alveolar
bone loss measurement,21 metric assessment,22
RMSE 7.7 7.97 6.67 7.7
and specifically for volumetric measurement
C = Maxillary Canine, = Li = Maxillary Lateral Incisor, Ci = application. Volumetric data has shown the
Maxillary Central Incisor, highest reliability within the adult population.6
2 = Adjusted R2, MAE = Mean Average Error, RMSE = Root
This is primarily attributed to the absence of
Mean Squared Error, MLR = Multiple Linear Regression, SVR-L =
dental maturation process, a method commonly
Support Vector Regression with Linear Kernel, SVR-Poly =
Support Vector Regression with Polynomial Kernel, RT = e m p l o y e d f o r c h i l d r e n a n d a d o l e s ce n t s .
Regression Tree Regressive dental changes are subtle when
compared to dental maturation, necessitating
DISCUSSION data granularity to ensure even the smallest shifts
Although studies on dental age estimation might in adult tooth structure are captured accurately.
use different approaches, several key objectives Unlike conventional radiographs — which
need to be addressed by researchers to establish a provide only two-dimensional measurements,
robust methodology.16 Firstly, an adequate sample volumetric data captures these details through
size is essential, not only in the quantity of CBCT voxels to approximate radiographic
analyzed data but also the distribution across age structure volume, acquired from the height,
group and sex.17 This key objective ensures that width, and depth of the images.24 Therefore, the
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
accuracy of the volumetric method has much to by using geometric approximations of upper
recommend it for the assessment of the dental central incisors to reduce operating time.32 A
age of adults. direct comparison of R2 values with the current
This study utilizes volumetric approximations of methodology reveals a higher R2 value of 0.71 for
a tooth obtained through CBCT scans employing the Li SVR-Poly model when compared to Zhang
various voxel sizes. As noted in previous studies, et al. (R2 = 0.42), Pinchi et al. (R2 = 0.58), or similar
inconsistencies in measuring or observing age- population study conducted by Anjani et al. (R2 =
related variables can introduce errors in the final 0.58). However, it is important to note that the
estimated age.25 Lee et al. recommend a 0.2mm3 SG5t a p p r o a c h i n v o l v e s a m o r e co m p l e x
voxel for optimal dental structure evaluation.27 segmentation process, and hence a greater time
Even so, Adisen et al. concluded that different commitment, for each part of the tooth to
voxel sizes have not significantly improved overall achieve enhanced model performance.
result.26 While smaller voxel sizes offer increased The error rate in adult dental age estimation was
clarity, methods utilizing CBCT volumetric found to be higher and possible causes include
information can still function appropriately with external factors, regressive dental changes, and
larger voxel sizes with good quality scans. population-specific influences.33 For instance,
Whenever feasible, uniform sampling if images individuals with bruxism may experience a higher
based on the same voxel size should be preferred rate of attrition, resulting in reduced enamel
to standardize the methodological settings. volume. Additionally, error rates may var y
The potential variability in CBCT-based significantly depending on the specific population,
measurements was seen by Yang et al. whom as seen in the Indonesian populations. Marroquin
conducted a comparison of pulp size obtained et al. (2018) conducted pulp/tooth volume
from an Archimedes' principle experiment to calculations on two distinct samples —Colombian
CBCT-derived volumes, yielding an acceptable and Malaysian— concluding the necessity of
error rate of ±7.6%.28 Further work by Star et al. population-specific methods for age estimation
revealed a more substantial discrepancy between due to discriminatory results.34 Du et al. (2021)
software measurements and the gold standard, observed significant differences in error rates
with differences of up to 21% and 16% for pulp when a model derived from Chinese samples was
and tooth volume, respectively.29 Adding to this applied to Black Americans, because the original
complexity, previous research has identified a MAE of 7.9 years Increased to 14.04 years for the
significant correlation between individual stature later population.35 Hence, the model performance
and tooth volume.30 This implies that larger reported in this study may be population-specific,
individuals may tend to have larger teeth, underscoring the importance of methodological
potentially introducing bias into the volumetric validation when a model is applied to a new or
measurements. This study used a ratio as its different populations.
independent variable, mitigating the influence of The limitations of this study are two-fold and
both intrinsic variability in CBCT measurements linked primarily to sample size and methodological
and the correlation between stature and tooth constraints. First, the sample size was 80 per tooth
size. position, above the required minimum sample size
This study employed a segmentation method to of 67 from G*Power analysis for a-priori sample
achieve higher model performance by discerning size determination with effect size of 0.3, Power
multiple volumetric regressive changes in anterior 0.95, and 4 estimated predictors. However, a
teeth using CBCT images. Previous studies have bigger sample size to achieve a lower effect size
primaril y utilized tooth volumetric data, may result in better age estimation performance
conducting this approach across various that more accurately representing dental regressive
populations,7 each with their own modifications changes in adults.36 Moreover, a non-uniform
aimed at either improving model performance or distribution of voxel sizes was obtained during
adopting a more user-friendly approach. For sampling process — a situation justified by the
instance, (1) Zhang et al. utilized only the enamel institutional protocol that require patient-specific
and pulp chamber of an impacted third molar to modeling of energy parameters for ima ge
eliminate the influence of external factors acquisition. Second, the inclusion of EV
affecting the rate of enamel attrition,31 and (2) calculation affected the operating time of the
Pinchi et al. simplified volumetric measurements segmentation, approximately 45 minutes, and with
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
a steeper learning curve. In contrast, similar the maxillary canine affording the best overall
segmentation study that divided the tooth performance in comparison to other anterior
volumetric information into four segments maxillary teeth examined. Nonetheless, this
without EV calculation took only 10 minutes.8 improvement in model performance comes with
This drawback certainly comes with a better greater labor time costs and a steep learning
overall performance. As reported in the previous curve for methodology application. Future
study, the current SG5t approach shows an research might consider the application of this
increase of R2 between 0.1 to 0.23. Hence, the segmentation methodology to additional teeth,
current SG5t is better suited for evaluating particularly molars, given their relatively greater
individual dental identification cases, where p r o t e c t i o n w i t h i n t h e o r a l c a v i t y, t h u s
time constraints are presumably more lenient potentially enhancing their usefulness in disaster
compared to mass disaster cases. scenarios.
The SG5t approach combined with SVR-Poly This work was supported by the Ministry of
model gives an overall better performance when Education and Culture, Universitas Diponegoro
compared to other modelling approaches, with No.497/UN7.P/HK/2021.
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JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
skull is the most dimorphic structure. The forensic odontology. Studies have shown that AI
Mandible being the strongest bone of the skull, is has the accuracy and precision equivalent to
the bone of choice for a ge and sex trained examiner in age and sex determination of
determination. 5,6 Radiographs are simple, the individuals.12,13 Hence this systematic review
accessible, and cost effective and demonstrate is aimed at reporting on Artificial intelligence in
high accuracy for age and sex determination. age and sex determination in forensic odontology.
They can be easily advised in both living and
Artificial intelligence (AI) can be described as an
intelligent computer system with the unique Search strategy and Review !amework
ability to mimic human potential in decision To conduct this systematic review, articles that
making, problem solving, understanding language were based on the application of artificial
and learning. AI models developed using machine intelligence in the mandible for age and sex
learning, can predict events with given sets of determination were selected. Preferred reporting
observations in the form of images or data. AI items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
not only overcomes the subjectivity of any PRISMA guideline for diagnostic test accuracy
diagnosis or individual examination but also were used Fig.1.14 The data search was conducted
reduces the overall cost. 8 Deep learning is through various search engines, namely Pubmed,
another type of neural networks where the model Cochrane, Google Scholar, and Scopus. The
on its own learns about the data and how to search duration spans 10 years, from January 2013
process the given data. Deep learning neural to March 2023. The following key words were
network have neurons in hidden layers in used in various combinations to improve the
thousands and millions.9,10 AI and its advent in search strategy like Artificial Intelligence (AI)
the field of medical science have made the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN),
possibility of sound diagnosis and prompt Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Mandible,
prediction with decision making achievable.11 The Fo r e n s i c O d o n to l o g y, O P G, a n d L a te r a l
major feature of decision making with already Cephalogram. The PICO guideline was used for
known observation is the main feature of AI searching for the right kind of study to be
which will be of great significance in the field of included in the systematic review (Table 1).
How will Artificial intelligence tool be used in mandibular age and sex determination in
forensic cases?
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Figure 1. PRISMA Flow chart showing the selection of articles for the systematic review.
Studies included in
systematic review
(n =7)
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
and timing. For each domain risk of bias was low risk. Patient selection, index test, reference
assessed in terms of high risk, unclear risk and standard also assessed the applicability.
While conducting the systematic review, 7 Risk of bias
articles were analysed for quantitative data. All Risk of bias assessment was conducted under 4
studies that were finally analysed were conducted domains, in patient selection, one study showed
in the past five years, although inclusion criteria high risk17 and one showed unclear risk.20 Overall,
stated a duration of 10 years. All the studies were 72% of studies showed low risk in patient
selection. All studies focused on age and sex
based on the AI tool and its application in
determination through the AI models therefore,
mandibular age and sex determination. The there was an overall low risk for reference
models used in the study were ANN16, ML17, standards and index test. For the flow and timing
KCNN-KNN18, BCNN19, and CNN.20-22 These of the study, one study showed unclear risk17. This
neural network models were used to evaluate risk of bias in assessment and applicability
p a n o r a m i c r a d i o g r a p h s 1 6 - 2 0, 2 2 a n d l a te r a l concern is shown in Fig. 2. The applicability
cephalograms.21 showed similar results.
Figure 2. Figure showing the number of studies and their proportion under high risk, unclear and low
risk categories for both Risk of Bias and Applicability Concerns.
Age and sex determination play a crucial role in determination in radiographs fails to provide the
the process of identification and in establishing proper identification. The ability of artificial
an anthropological profile.23 The resilience of jaw intelligence to minimise error and precision in
bones provides immense information for f e a t u r e a s s e s s m e n t , f o l l o we d b y p r o m p t
establishing the identity of any unknown body. prediction, makes it a tool of choice.15
Identification through bony and dental remains is In the present systematic review, an effort has
critical in cases of chemical burns, burns, and been made to analyse various AI tools for prompt
complete or partial tissue loss.24 The traditional identification involving age and sex in
morphometric measurement used for age and sex maxillofacial radiographs ( Table 2).
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Table 2. Details of studies in the systematic review involving AI based models in age and sex
determination using maxillofacial radiographs.
Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
DenseNet Concordance
Model1:53% analysis:69.1%
121:90% correlation
Result Model2:42% 84% Logistic 87% 99.80%
ResNet:62% coefficient
Model3:73% regression:69.9%
VGG 75% ccc=0.91
Non- Effective(+) Effective(+) Effective(+) Effective(+) Effective(+) Effective(+) Effective(+)
The model
CNN based
Outcome of In machine classified age with
The study DenseNet121 Bayesian CNN
the study learning 99.8% accuracy.
demonstrated The study has high quantifies the
depicts higher models age Evaluating the
noteworthy depicted high predictive predictive
accuracy for group proposed model
Outcome accuracy in accuracy of accuracy in sex uncertainty
gender prediction on a new dataset
placing images dental age determination which is
prediction accuracy was with different
in correct age estimation using lateral important in
using ANN more than races also proved
group cephalometric legal context
model acceptable the superior
performance of
the model
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
In a study conducted by Back et al16 for age determination from lateral cephalometric
estimation( 15-25 years age), Bayesian radiographs using CNN. The three models,
Convolutional neural network was used to attain DenseNet, ResNet, and VGG, were evaluated for
t h e co n co r d a n ce co r r e l a t i o n co e f f i c i e n t their ability to correctly determine the sex of the
ccc=0.910. Age estimation in orthopantomograms lateral cephalogram. DenseNet 121 architecture
was formulated using a regression task and CNN depicted the highest accuracy of 90%. The study
was designed in which Inception V3 architecture also showed the importance of transfer learning
was used. There was a considerable agreement to attain high accuracy in sex determination. The
between true age and predicted age; however, the study gives desirable results and can be
mean absolute error was almost 2 years, which is implemented with a larger sample size.
highly unacceptable for legal purposes. The In a study conducted by Lee et al 17 for age
results were encouraging for the application of AI determination (11 to 69 years), machine learning
in the form of BCNN, but not to the level that was used. Five machine learning models were
confirms routine application. formulated. Each model demonstrated high
Banjsak et al22 used CNN for archaeological age accuracy for age group prediction. Overall
estimation (19 to 85 years of age) through transfer accuracy of 87% was achieved, although a larger
learning. A VGG architecture pre trained on the sample size is needed to determine the true
ImageNet feature extractor was used. Three prediction accuracy.
models were used for age prediction by just The above mentioned studies have used various
changing the hyperparameters. Model 1 showed models in order to provide a ge or sex
53% accuracy, Model 2 showed 42% accuracy, and determination with accuracy higher than the
Model 3 showed 73% accuracy. This study already existing methodology. All these studies
demonstrated a noteworthy accuracy that should have certainly high accuracy, but translating the
be considered for further analysis using an results into routine applications will require a
orthopantomogram. deeper and more detailed study. Although the
In another study conducted by Baydogan et al20 present study is based on AI application on
for age determination (2 to 13 and 13 to 31 years) mandibular bone, expanding the application to
using orthopantomograms, CNN was used with dental age and sex determination can be of great
the Alexnet architecture for feature extraction, help if interpreted together. Teeth based age and
followed by four classification algorithms. The K sex determination using a hybrid transformer
nearest neighbour algorithm showed the highest model can add significant value to overall
accuracy (84% accuracy). This study depicts high results.26 The ability of AI to provide objective
accuracy with the intervention of AI in age and accurate decision making can be used
determination. explicitly in other domains like bitemark, facial
In a study conducted by Patil et al16 for sex identification, and dental comparison.27 AI is a
determination using ANN, orthopantomogram game changer when the correct data is available.
was used. Logistic regression and discriminant Data in the form of maxillofacial radiographs is a
analysis were used for sex determination, along prerequisite for such studies. In several studies
with an artificial neural network. ANN had an deep convolutional network have proven to be of
accuracy of 75%, much higher than the other two high accuracy and practical significance with
models. This study stated that ANN could be a accuracy as high as 94.7%.28 The advent of AI in
promising prediction tool for sex determination the field of forensic medicine and odontology will
in forensics. certainly aid in quality decision making. This
Sharifonnasabi et al 18 conducted a study on overarching domain requires skilled manpower
orthopantomograms for age determination (15 to and high quality data to provide highly objective
23 years) using the HCNN-KNN model. This and accurate results. Artificial intelligence
model had a very high accuracy of 99.8% for age provides an opportunity to revolutionise the
determination. The precision was as high as +_ 6 disciple, but comes with certain challenges. The
months. Principal component analysis was used issue of data privacy being one of the major
to compensate for overfitting. This study proves hindrances, followed by the availability of a huge
that a substantial model design could facilitate amount of good quality data is a challenge. This
prompt age classification. in turn could perpetuate bias and amplify
Khazaei et al 21 conducted a study on sex incorrect discrimination ability.29 In order to
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
mitigate the possible disadvantages offered by AI, taking over various sectors. Forensic medicine,
extensive research, an expanding knowledge base, forensic odontology, and anthropology are no
and exploring the true potential of deep learning exceptions. The advent of AI, with the help of
and machine learning algorithms are to be done. good-quality data and vast information, can be an
Good quality data is the cornerstone of all AI excellent tool. For age and sex determination,
applications. This data can be helpful for quality and quantity of data are imperative to
obtaining prompt results in a ge and sex facilitate the development of proper models or
determination in real-life scenarios, and could be tools that the authorities can rely upon. The
of great help in cases of mass victim development of such a model can be utilised by
identification, decomposed bodies, and criminal medical, legal, police, and forensic authorities.
cases where it is important to establish age and Therefore, future studies are recommended by
sex along with other parameters. utilising the application of AI in age and sex
determination in a wider maxillofacial
CONCLUSION radiographic data set.
We are at the doorstep of another technological
advancement, which will be directed by artificial Statements and Declarations:
intelligence. AI and its ability to mimic human No competing interest have appeared to affect
capabilities and decision-making are already the work.
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JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
that use the same imaging reconstruction Medicine), Embase® (Excerpta Medica Database),
principle, although they differ in radiation dose Scopus® (Elsevier), Cochrane Central Register of
and in spatial, contrast, and temporal resolution.3 Controlled Trials, Web of Science® (Institute of
CBCT is typically applied in cases of dental and Scientific Information – Clariative Analytics), and
jaw disorders; however, it is not applied in cases Google Scholar® (Google). The aforementioned
of neoplastic lesions where the administration of databases were searched without language and time
contrast agents and evaluation of soft tissues is restrictions (until June, 2023). The Boolean
required.3 operators “AND” or “OR” were used to combine
For postmortem human identification, several and optimize the searches.
combinations of distinct mandible landmarks and Itemized search strategies were established for each
linear or angular measurements have been database based on keywords determined by
proposed and extensively studied. However, this “Medical subjects headings” (MESH): “Mandible”
process is complicated by the fact that it is combined with keywords defining MCT as:
difficult to access and assess complex anatomical “Mu l ti sl i ce C om pu ted Tom ogra phy O R
structures or sites in mandibles covered by soft Multidetector Computed Tomography OR
tissue. Thus, MCT and CBCT have been utilized Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography OR
as imaging tools in forensic investigations. Multisection Computed Tomography” or keywords
Frequently, the objective of such investigations defining CBCT as: “ Cone-Beam Computed
was to verify the correlation between the linear Tomography OR CT Scan, Cone-Beam OR Cone-
or angular measurements of mandibular Beam CT OR Cone-Beam Computer-Assisted
anatomical sites and age or sexual dimorphism in Tomography OR Cone-Beam Computerized
different populations. Some of the studies also Tomography OR Volume CT OR Volume
investigated the influence of age and sex on Computed Tomography OR Volumetric CT OR
mandible shape. However, comparisons that Volumetric Computed TomographyCT Scan, Cone-
include distinct populations have not yet been Beam OR Cone-Beam CT OR Cone-Beam
performed. Computer-Assisted Tomography OR Cone-Beam
Hence, the objectives of the present systematic Computerized Tomography OR Volume CT OR
review were to determine 1) the mandible sites Volume Computed Tomography OR Volumetric
that have been studied for skeletal age and sex CT OR Volumetric Computed Tomography”.
determination, 2) the main results and For searches regarding age determination, the
conclusions of the reviewed studies, and 3) f ol l o wi ng keywo rd s wer e ad d ed to t he
whether mandible images are useful in the aforementioned combination: “Age Determination
determination of a ge and sex for human by Skeleton OR Bone Age Measurement OR
identification. It should be noted that only Skeletal Age Measurement OR Skeletal Maturation
studies that used MCT or CBCT for mandible- Index”. For searches regarding sex determination,
based assessment of age and/or sex were included the following keywords were added: “Sex
in the review. Determination Analysis OR Sex Determination
Technics OR Sex Determination Techniques”.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Manual searches were also performed.
Protocol and registration Eligibility criteria: Types of studies and Participant groups
This systematic review and metanalysis is registered Published research articles or technical notes were
at the National Institute for Health Research, considered for inclusion. Abstracts, oral
International Prospective Register of Systematic presentations, case reports and literature reviews
Reviews (PROSPERO). The registration number is were excluded.
CRD42021260967. The Preferred Reporting Items Investigations with mandible measurements or
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses morphologic classifications for age and sex
(PRISMA) checklist was followed.4 determinations in forensic science, using MCT or
CBCT were considered for inclusion. Investigations
Data selection about development of software or equations for age
The selection of studies potentially eligible for or sex determination without measurements or
inclusion in this was performed using the following morphologic classifications were excluded.
databases: PubMed Central® (United States The articles considering the following assessments
National Institutes of Health’s National Library of were excluded: dental status, canal mandibular,
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
mandibular foramen, mental foramen, alveolar bone selected study. The screening and selection of
evaluations. potentially included studies will be performed using
MCT or CBCT scans performed in human beings Rayyan QRI (https://www.rayyan.ai/).5
were included. Studies performed in dried The search results were summarized in one flow
mandibles or that did not used MCT or CBCT chart, according to PRISMA statement6 (Figure 1 –
were excluded. Investigations that not included data selection) and tables (Tables 1 to Table 4).
mandible bone in the assessment, were not
considered for inclusion. Data analysis – risk of bias
The quality of each original research were be
Data extraction assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool for
Data extraction was executed by two independent non-randomized studies, 7 and demonstrated in a
reviewers, who initially screened the titles and figure (Figure 2) using Robvis tool 8 (https://
abstracts, and then evaluated the full text of each mcguinlu.shinyapps.io/robvis/).
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Table 1. Year of publication, main subject (skeletal age or sex determination), type of computed
tomography used (Multislice computed tomography or cone beam computed tomography), sample
features and ethnicity of the group studies
Origin of the
Determination Bones Type
Author Year Country Sample features population
sex or age? included of CT
200 CT scans: minimum age
Libya and Population in
Atef et al.9 2020 Sex Mandible MCT 18 years; maximum age 60
Egypt Tripoli
years; 87 females, 113 males
60 CT scans: 30 females, 30
Barbieri et males. The scans were
2018 Brazil Age and Sex Mandible CBCT divided in groups according Brazilian
to age (5 examinations for
each decade of life).
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Abbreviations: MCT: multislice computed tomography; CT: computed tomography; CBCT: cone beam computed tomography
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Table 2. Summary of the methodology, results and conclusions of the studies included
Author Results Conclusions
Morphologic studies The validation results on actual casework skulls The sex estimation method developed
and machine learning were less acceptable than expected; a larger sample enables to perform objective
et al.10
for shapes creation. is needed to achieve better results. identification of skeletal remains.
Growth trajectories of
Growth direction in both males
the mandible in males Mandibular sexual dimorphism already exists at
and females is similar but is faster,
Fan et and females were 9 years of age, but this is mostly in size, but not in
peaks later and occurs over a
al.14 modelled using a non- shape. Significant dimorphism was evident by
longer period in males than in
linear kernel 11 years and increased through adolescence.
regression framework.
Measurements and
comparisons of gonial The authors showed that the gonial angle is The results revealed that the
angle, using 3D CT sexually dimorphic in senior adult ages (60 – 80 gonial angle is not a particularly
Bulut et
imaging. Sample years). Females have larger gonial angles in all 3 age good indicator to identify the sex
divided according to sex groups (no statistic test showed for the from the cranium and should not
and grouped according aforementioned information provided by authors). be used as a sole criterion.
to age ranges.
Authors compared
Panoramic radiography
panoramic radiographs
Tassoker According to CBCT examinations, right and left measurements showed significant
with CBCT using
et al.17 gonial angle are higher in females than males. differences from CBCT in the
linear and angular
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Condyle cortication
For Males: Chronologic age increased as the
assessment using visual
*Type I mean age observed: 14.14 years stages of the cortication progress
classification: type 1
*Type II mean age observed: 16.11 years from Type I to Type III in male
(no cortication); type
Barak et *Type III mean age observed: 19.39 years and female
2; type 3 (surface with
al.19 For Females: individuals, and all the stages of
similar or higher
*Type I mean age observed: 13.01 years the cortication in the mandibular
density than the
*Type II mean age observed: 15.52 years condyle of male occur compared
surrounding cortical
*Type III mean age observed: 17.95 years to female.
3D models generated No differences were found between mandibular The structure evaluated cannot
from 3D angular incision measurements in both sexes, or age ranges contribute to forensic
et al.20
measuring tools. groups. anthropology evaluations.
Sex determination of
The maxillofacial
Zheng et Evaluation of variables using CBCT reconstruction maxillofacial region using CBCT
bones were measured
al.21 technology provided a new theoretical basis and has a high accuracy rate and is
in the median sagittal
practical means for sex determination. also applicable to different
Linear measurements
Tunis et from 3D Except for mandibular angle, males have a greater The method applied is not age
al.23 reconstructions of the mean value than females. dependent.
Linear or angular
All of the measurements studied were sexually Mandible expresses sexual
Dong et measurements using
dimorphic, with the maximum mandibular length dimorphism in the contemporary
al.26 3D images from CBCT
and bi-condylar breadth being the most dimorphic. adult Han Chinese population.
Males are larger than females in all variables, The upper ramus above flexure
Lin et Measurements using except for mandibular flexure angle, mandibular has the larger potentials than the
al.29 mandible 3D models. flexure depth and mandibular flexure lower border mandibular ramus flexure itself to
and mandible angle. discriminate sexes.
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Table 3. Measurements performed, and their main values, angles or morphometric parameters reported
(values or classification, if applicable) and statistical analysis results from publications that used MCT in
the assessments
Values reported
Mean values Angles measured for the mandible
Measurements provided in mandible or angles measured Statistical analysis
Authors (mm) or morphologic
in mandible morphometric results*
parameters features
*Ramus lengtha
58.2 49.1
*Minimal ramus Except for minimal
23.3 23.4
breadth ramus breadth,
*Coronoid height variables showed
53.7 47.1
Atef et al.9 *Gonion- *Gonial angle 121.51 125.0 statistically significant
60.1 50.3
gnathion length differences. Mandible
*Bicondylar angle was higher in
96.3 87.9
breadth females than males.
77.7 76.7
*Bigonial length
*Mental eminence projecti
Virtual shapes created
Imaizumi et *Gonion on
Everted showed clear sexual
al.10 Little/no
*Chin eversion
*Mandibular 32.25 Male presented higher
symphyses height mean values than
Gillet et al.11
*Ramus heighta 58.96 *Gonial angle females, except for
54.34 Not reported
*Bigonial breadth 94.94 gonial angle.
*Bicondylar 104.16
No statistically
difference was
observed among the
*Gonial angle age groups in both
(20 – 39 years) 123.73 124.03 sexes; except for the
Bulut et al.16
(40 – 59 years) 123.38 124.16 age range 60 – 80
(60 – 80 years) 122.99 124.69 years, with higher
values for the gonial
angle for females than
males (p = 0.04).
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
breadth of ramus
*Minimum breath
of ramus
*Shapes chin:
*Condylar height
Squared 92% 84%
*Maximum height
Pointed The independent t-
of ramus
Mean values not *Gonial flare test showed significant
Alias et al.18 *Coronoid height
provided Everted 85% 80% difference between
Inverted males and females.
Body Height
*Muscle markings
More prominent
Less prominent 90%
*Bigonial Breadth
*Ramus lengthb
*Ramus width 66.9 58.9
*Body length 31.8 30.2
*Mandibular 79.9 75.0
angle 34.5 31.5
Width Significant differences
*Coronoid width 23.7 22.4 between males and
*Coronoid height 19.4 17.5 females were found for
*Condyle width 20.3 18.4 all mandibular external
Tunis et al.23 *Chin width 28.3 23.2 *Mandibular measurements and for
123.5 125.6
*Bicondylar 122.4 115.7 Angle most of the internal
Breadth measurements. Except
*Bigonial breadth 94.0 87.1 for mandibular angle,
*Chin heighta 21.6 21.0 males have a greater
*Chin thickness 4.0 3.9 mean value than
*Chin area 52.9 50.3 females.
*Symphysis area 322.9 283.5
*Symphysis 15.5 14.4
*Symphysis 33.1 30.1
*Minimum ramus
*Maximum ramus
*Mandibular *Mandibular angle
flexure upper *Upper mandibular Mandibular flexure
border Distance flexure angle angle presented no
*Mandibular (Mandibular flexure statistical difference
flexure lower upper border - between males and
Inci et al.24 border Distance Mean values not posterior plane of Mean values not females. Mandibular
*Mandibular provided mandibular ramus) provided angle values were
flexure depth * Mandibular flexure higher in females
vertical distance angle (Mandibular (P<0.001); all other
*Mandibular flexure upper border values were higher in
ramus flexure - Mandibular flexure males (P<0.001).
vertical height lower border)
*Maximum ramus
vertical height
*Upper ramus
vertical height
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Sex difference in
virtual measurements
*Bicondylar 61.5 63.3
*Angle formed by were observed in the
breadth 128.4 121.7
bilateral gnathion angle formed by
Kano et al.27 *Bigonial width 102.9 95.8
and condyles bilateral gnathion and
*Gnathion - 125.2 117.4
*Mandibular Angle condyles. No mention
Condylus 126.0 129.8
about mandibular
angle results.
Ramus Breadth Mean measurement
*Maximum 36.46 34.24 values between male
Ramus Breadth and female showed
*Mandibular 46.71 44.08 statistically significant
Flexure Upper differences, with the
Border 26.01 22.92 exception of
*Mandibular *Mandibular Angle mandibular flexure
122.53 124.30
Flexure Lower 17.08 18.01 *Upper Mandibular angle, mandibular
52.52 50.01
Lin et al.29 Border Flexure Angle flexure depth and
*Mandibular 2.22 2.24 *Mandibular Flexure mandibular flexure
165.31 164.62
Flexure Depth Angle lower border. Males
*Mandibular 26.71 24.96 are larger than the
Ramus Flexure females except for
*Maximum 57.62 51.52 mandible angle
Ramus Vertical (p<0.05).
Height 30.92 26.56
*Upper Ramus
Vertical Height
*Condylar *Mental Tubercule-
process- Coronoid process-
Mandibular angle condylar process Distances Coronoid
*Mandibular *Coronoid process- process to Condylar
angle-Mental condylar process- process and Coronoid
Minier et tubercle Mean values not mandibular angle Mean values not process to Mandibular
al.30 *Condylar provided *Condilar process- provided angle
process-Mental mandibular angle- (R2=0.85);Condylar
tubercle Mental tubercule process to Mental
*Coronoid *Mandibular Angle- tubercle (R2=0.72).
process- Mental Tubercule-
Mandibular angle Coronoid Process
e Bicondylar breadth
*Ramus lengthb 64.7 and minimum ramus
*Minimum ramus 27.96 breadth were
breadth significantly higher in
Karoshah et *Mandibular base Male Female males than in females.
al.31 length (gonion– *Gonial angle 122.8 121.1 Gonial angle in males
gnathion length) 83.1 was significantly
*Bigonial breadth greater than that in
*Bicondylar females.
breadth 100.8
aDistance between gonion and condilyon
bDistance from the highest point on the condyle to the gonion
*Pertaining to data demonstrated in this table only
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Table 4. Measurements performed, and their main values, angles or morphometric parameters reported
(values or classification, if applicable) and statistical analysis results from publications that used CBCT in
the assessments
Values reported
Angles for the mandible
Mean values measured in
Measurements angles measured Statistical analysis
Authors provided mandible or
in mandible or morphologic Results*
morphometric features
Male Female Male Female
No significant
differences between sex
in age range of 7 to 17
*Mandible Ramus
4.79 4.66 years; significant
Motawei et Length
6.04 5.42 difference between
al.12 (07 – 17 years)
males and females for
(17 – 58 years)
the mean length of the
mandible ramus in the
age range of 17–58 years.
*Coronoid height
63.54 57.57
*Condilar height
66.65 59.98
*Mandibular ramus All measurements in
Okkesim and 53.91 48.00
height mandible ramus
Erhamza13 *Maximum ramus presented significant
38.41 35.16
breadth differences.
*Minimum ramus
31.68 28.97
Females presented a
more obtuse gonial
angle and a narrower
*Gonial angle
chin compared with
males. These two traits
become more distinct
during growth.
Females = more
Considering the total
Fan et al.14 obtuse gonial More
sample, mandible was
angle and a obtuse
larger in males than in
narrower chin narrower
females at all ages. The
compared with
size difference became
males. These two
greater, as the size of
traits become
the mandible increased
more distinct
more rapidly in males
during growth.
than in females. The
growth rate is similar at
9–10 years for both
*Linear distance
from the gonion
right to menton 86.8 82.6
Albalawi et Statistically significant
*Linear distance *Angle formed by
values were found for
al.15 from the gonion 49.5 47.7 gonion right to
129.9 126.7 differences for all
left to menton menton to gonion
variables studied (p =
*Linear distance left.
from the gonion 47.7 46.6
right to gonion left
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
No statistically
significant differences
*right mandibular were found between
102.01 105.25
Barbieri et notch angle mandibular incision
al.20 *left mandibular measurements in both
102.70 103.55
notch angle sexes, and in the
different age groups
*Area of
*Bigonial breadth 7.18 5.95
*Direct distance
between right and 103.39 95.83
left coracoid 102.01 97.11
*Height of
symphysis Significant differences
* Min-height of 32.52 29.64 were not observed in
mandibular notch 52.33 47.82 two variables: Tongue
*Min-breadth of side bone
*Mandibular angle
mandibular ramus 34.61 32.00 thickness of mandibular
(total sample)
*Buccal side bone foramen and vertical
(18 – 24 years) 121.52 125.44
thickness of 1.03 0.93 diameter of mandibular
(25- 30 years) 122.70 125.35
Mandibular foramen. Female
Zheng et al.21 (31- 40 years) 120.44 124.78
foramen presented higher values
(41-50 years) 122.45 126.19
* Tongue side bone 5.91 5.76 of Mandibular angle.
(51- 60 years) 120.92 125.42
thickness of Considering age ranges,
(61 – 70 years) 121.83 125.62
Mandibular mandibular angle and
120.80 125.27
foramen 2.23 2.23 the other variables did
*Vertical diameter not present differences
of Mandibular 3.84 3.50 when genders were
foramen compared.
diameter of 38.70 37.17
*Vertical from 41.60 40.37
prosthion to
*Palatal breadth
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
129.70 121.80
breadth All the breadth
100.19 93.55
*Bigonial breadth dimensions described
89.81 85.72
Deng et al.22 *Biantegonial were significantly larger
notch breadth in males than in
49.45 47.32
*Bimental females.
foramina breadth
*Ramus length
54.36 49.41
*Gonion-gnathion All variables showed
70.37 67.14
length differences between sex
*Minimum ramus except minimum ramus
Gamba et al.25 28.70 28.91 *Gonial angle 121.28 119.83
breadth breadth. Gonial angle in
*Bigonial breadth male was larger than in
118.48 110.03
*Bicondylar female.
94.96 87.47
breadth 130.00 121.44
*Bigonial breadth 100.281 93.594
*Bi-antegonial 90.072 85.674
notch breadth
*Bi-mental 49.734 47.228
foramina breadth
*Distance between 15.297 14.006
mental foramen
and mandibular Mental Angle was the
*Mandibular angle 123.444 126.648
inferior border only measurement that
Dong et al.26 *Mental angle
*Maximum did not presented
72.909 71.974
mandibular ramus 45.413 41.996 statistical significance.
mandibular length 126.198 117.398
mandibular ramus 65.962 58.243
mandibular body 86.458 81.462
*Ramus length
61.67 54.72
*Min ramus
29.89 28.09 The mean values of
71.86 67.73 *Gonial angle
*Gonion–gnathion measurements were
İlgüy et al.28 121.14 122.31
length greater for males than
females except for
*Bigonial breadth 100.33 94.77 gonial angle.
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
RESULTS breadth,9, 11, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31 and bigonial breadth.9,
A total of 23 studies were included. 9-31 Eleven 21-23, 25, 27, 30, 31 Thus, means comparisons were
The investigators used a highly heterogeneous and results confirmed significant differences
landmarks and measures or qualitative between male and females. Graphics are available
classifications, which limited the articles on Figure 4A and 4B.
included in meta-analysis. First, as it was For MCT mean differences ranged from 6.70 to
necessary to include in each assessment the same 9.84. The estimated average standardized mean
type of CT as measurements varies between CT difference based on the random-effects model
and CBCT.32 Secondly, it is also needed to include was 7.97 (95% CI: 6.29 to 9.65). The average
measurements using the exactly the same outcome differed significantly from zero (z = 9.28,
landmarks or sites of mandible. Considering the p < 0.0001). Even though there may be some
aforementioned, it was included both for MCT heterogeneity, the true outcomes of the studies
and CBCT for sex comparisons: mandibular angle are generally in the same direction as the
(gonial angle),11, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31 bicondylar estimated average outcome. (Figure 4A)
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
For CBCT, the observed standardized mean differed significantly from zero (z = 10.32, p <
differences ranged from -8.56 to -4.91. The 0.0001). Even though there may be some
estimated average standardized mean difference heterogeneity, the true outcomes of the studies
based on the random-effects model was -7.34 are generally in the same direction as the
(95% CI: -8.37 to -5.94). The average outcome estimated average outcome. (Figure 4B)
Figure 3. Mandible angle meta-analysis results for multislice computed tomography (MCT) and cone-
beam computed tomography (CBCT)
Figure 4. Bicondylar breadth meta-analysis results for multislice computed tomography (MCT) and
cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Figure 5. Bigonial breadth meta-analysis results for multislice computed tomography (MCT) and cone-
beam computed tomography (CBCT)
JFOS - Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology Vol 42 n. 1 - Apr - 2024
Also, Tassoker et al.17 verified that the only this structure actually shows dimorphism or
mandibular bone measurement that correlated whether the imaging technique influences the
with age was the maximum ramus breadth, which final results. Considering the meta-analysis
has lower values in 10–19 year-olds compared to assessment method, more CBCT-based studies
60–69 year-olds. were included in the statistical analysis, and this
When compared to the other facial bones, the may have influenced the statistical significance
mandible exhibits the greatest growth and observed.
morphological size and remodeling changes.35 The bicondylar breadth was found to be greater
Considering that the mandible is isolated, others in males than in females,9, 11, 18, 22, 23, 25-27, 30, 31 as well
have concluded that the mandible ramus is the as the bigonial breadth.21-23, 25-27, 30, 31 Statistically
structure that best represents the remodeling significant differences were found in al l
changes that occur in certain age ranges and that populations studied.
changes in the mandible ramus strongly correlate In contrast to the findings of other studies
with age.35, 36 The findings of the included studies included in the model, in a study with a Libyan
corroborate these conclusions.12, 17 population, Atef et al. 11 found that the
Furthermore, the size and shape of the mandible bicondylar breadth had smaller mean values in
are also used to predict an individual’s sex.35 females than males. The same observation was
Although sexual dimorphism is present at birth,37 made by İlgüy et al.,27 who studied a population
sex differences decrease rapidly during early life12, of European descendants. These findings lead to
37 and only resume during the phase of puberty to the question: Do these Libyan and European-
adulthood37 with the influence of sex hormones.12 descendant populations differ from the other
Thus, sex dimorphism is not only reflected in the populations studied, or were the selected
size of the mandible, but also in its shape.10, 14, 18 individuals not an appropriate representative
The mandible angle is one of the most-studied sample of the populations?
factors responsible for shape differences and In terms of sex differences, it was found that
more obtuse angles have been found in females.14 both bicondylar breadth and bigonial breadth
In MCT-based studies, the mandible angle was could be used to determine sex. However, a study
found to have higher mean values in females of an Egyptian population showed outlier
compared to males.9, 11, 23, 24, 28 An exception was results.30 Hence, conducting larger studies that
reported by Karoshah et al.,30 who found that the include distinct populations worldwide could
angles were greater in males than in females in an answer the question of whether bicondylar
Egyptian population. In CBCT-based studies, the breadth, bigonial breadth, and mandible angle
results were similar,17, 27, 31 except in Gamba et measurements correlate with sex.
al.’s25 study of a Brazilian population. In a study
that included different age groups of males and CONCLUSION
females, Zheng et al. 21 also did not observe Considering the studies included in this review,
statistically significant differences in mandible we conclude that mandible measurements are
angle between the sexes. useful for sex determination, as both the
Hence, this meta-analysis of studies that focused bicondylar and bigonial breadth have been found
on the mandible angle has shown that the results to have higher values in males than in females.
of MCT-based studies are dissimilar, with no Regarding the mandible angle, the meta-analysis
significant differences found between males and results confirm that sex differences can be
females, and that CBCT-based studies have detected using CBCT scans but not MCT scans.
found significant differences between males and In terms of age estimation, further studies are
females. These findings raise the issue of whether needed to prove that the hole of the mandible is
a reliable parameter for age estimation.
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