A Comparative Study On Human and Domestic Animal Bitemark Patterns: An Aid in Forensic Investigation
A Comparative Study On Human and Domestic Animal Bitemark Patterns: An Aid in Forensic Investigation
A Comparative Study On Human and Domestic Animal Bitemark Patterns: An Aid in Forensic Investigation
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3 authors, including:
Abraham Johnson
Gujarat Forensic Sciences University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Abraham Johnson on 07 March 2019.
Citation: Johnson Abraham, Pandey Astha and Parikh, P.V. (2018). A comparative study on human and
domestic animal bitemark patterns: An aid in forensic investigation. Indian J. Vet. Res. 27(2): 1-6.
Bitemark analysis of humans and domestic animals is by far the most demanding and complicated part of
forensic dentistry. This study compared and analyzed the bite mark impression patterns of 34 domestic animals
and 16 humans. Bitemark comparison included comparing the bitemark of the suspected biter's distinctive
dental features to determine whether a link exists between the two sets of evidence. Oval or elliptical arch shape
of humans, circular to oval shape of dog, circular arch shape of cat was noted. The incisor morphology for
humans was rectangular shape, oval to rectangular for dogs, circular for cats was observed. The inter canine
distance of humans measured on dental cast ranged from 22-40 mm with a standard deviation of 5.0 and mean
of 33.2, 32-50 mm with a standard deviation of 4.11 and mean of 38.44 for dogs, 11.80 to 18.24 mm with a
standard deviation of 2.44 and mean of 16.14 for cats. Intercanine distance, arch shape are few, simple reliable
parameter to differentiate between bite marks that are produced by humans and domestic animals. The outcome
of the study serves and helps the forensic fraternity of different expertise such as forensic odontologist, forensic
pathologists, veterinarians, biologists, crime investigators, and others.
Keywords: Animals, Bitemarks, Forensic identification,
Johnson / Indian J. Vet. Res. Vol. 28 No. 2 2018: 1-6
Johnson / Indian J. Vet. Res. Vol. 28 No. 2 2018: 1-6
domestic animals to create the exemplars edges of central and lateral incisors are
(Fig. 1.). Secondly, the impression material 5-10 mm and 5-8mm respectively.
was placed in the mouth of the subjects Intercanine distance (ICD) measured on
(Fig.2.) and upper and lower impressions of dental cast ranged from 22-40 mm with
the teeth were recorded, which was a mean of 33.2 and standard deviation
thoroughly washed, dried and disinfected of 5.0. The maxillary intercanine
using isopropyl alcohol. Master casts was distance was normally larger than the
then prepared and labelled according to mandibular measurement.
manufacturer’s specifications.
Domestic Animals
The breeds of dog included in the study
were: German Shepherd (5), Doberman
(5), Pomeranian (5), Rottweiler (5),
Labrador (5), Indian dog (5).
The arch shape shows circular to oval
The dental formula of permanent
dentition of dog is I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 4/4,
M 2/3.
Incisor morphology of dogs was found
to be round to oval whereas canine
morphology showed round to oval.
Intercanine distance (ICD) measured on
dental cast ranged from 32-50 mm with
a mean of 34.647 and standard
deviation of 4.11.
When the different breeds of dogs were
compared the arch shape, incisor and
canine morphology continued to remain
the same. The only difference being in
Fig. 2. Impression of maxilla and mandible the arch size, with Pomeranian showing
using Silicone Impression material (Soft Putty) the smallest and Rottweiler showing the
RESULTS largest.
Humans Cat
The age range observed was 21-31 The arch shape of cat shows circular
years. pattern.
The arch shape was predominantly The dental formula for the permanent
found to be oval, elliptical or circular or dentition of cat is – I 3/3, C 1/1, PM
doughnut shape. 3/2, M 1/1.
The dental formula of permanent The incisor morphology was found to
dentition of humans is I 2/2, C 1/1, PM be circular (small size) and canine
2/2, M 3/3. morphology showed circular (large
The incisor morphology observed in size).
humans showed rectangular shapes Intercanine distance (ICD) measured on
whereas canine showed triangular or dental cast ranged from 11.80 to 18.24
trapezoidal shape. mm with a mean of 16.05 and standard
The average dimensions of the incisal deviation of 2.34.
Johnson / Indian J. Vet. Res. Vol. 28 No. 2 2018: 1-6
Johnson / Indian J. Vet. Res. Vol. 28 No. 2 2018: 1-6
Johnson / Indian J. Vet. Res. Vol. 28 No. 2 2018: 1-6