A Pilot Investigation of Enamel Reduction Procedures
A Pilot Investigation of Enamel Reduction Procedures
A Pilot Investigation of Enamel Reduction Procedures
A Pilot Investigation of
Enamel Reduction Procedures
• P. Emile Rossouw, BSc, BChD, BChD (Hons), MChD (Ortho), PhD, FRCD(C) •
• Andrew Tortorella, BSc, DDS •
A b s t r a c t
Objective: To test and describe the use of various combinations of mechanical and chemical techniques for enamel
reduction to obtain a smooth surface.
Methods: Bovine teeth (2 surfaces on each of 32 teeth) were used. The teeth were mounted in blocks of dental plaster,
which were then mounted in a vise. The mesiodistal enamel contact areas were reduced by various combinations
of mechanical and chemical aids. The mesiodistal width of each tooth was measured with a digital caliper after
initial reduction of the enamel surface and again after polishing. The teeth were subsequently prepared and
mounted for scanning electron microscopy.
Results: All combinations yielded statistically significant enamel reduction ( p < 0.05). The use of acid stripping in conjunc-
tion with mechanical procedures produced especially smooth enamel surfaces.
Conclusions: Steps must be taken to ensure that a smooth enamel surface remains after enamel reduction and polishing.
It is recommended that conventional enamel etchants be added to the polishing procedure. Enamel reduction can
increase available space, but the quantity of enamel that can be removed without adverse consequences should be
carefully evaluated.
tooth was mechanically removed, and the teeth were
tremendous flexibility. It can be used as a stand-alone mounted in blocks of dental plaster to simulate a dental
procedure to contour a tooth surface or as an adjunct arch. The blocks were then mounted in a vise for stability,
procedure during other restorative, prosthodontic and and the mesiodistal enamel contact areas were subjected to
orthodontic treatments. reduction by combinations of mechanical and chemical aids
The purpose of this pilot project was to test and describe (Table 1).
the use of various combinations of mechanical and chemi- The mechanical techniques included removal of the
cal techniques for enamel reduction to obtain a smooth enamel by Midwest high-speed and low-speed hand-
enamel surface and to evaluate the residual smoothness of pieces (Midwest Dental Products Corp. Des Plaines,
the enamel of bovine teeth after application of these differ- Illinois) equipped with 16-blade tungsten carbide burs
ent methods. (Brasseler, Savannah, Georgia), superfine needle diamond
burs (Brasseler), diamond disks (Brasseler) and diamond
Materials and Methods Lightning strips (Moyco Union Broach, York,
Bovine teeth were used for this study. They are readily Pennsylvania). The stripped enamel surfaces were polished
available, and bovine enamel is an acceptable substitute for with 3M Sof-Lex extra-thin polishing disks attached to
human enamel in research projects,1,2 because histochemi- mandrels (3M Dental Products, St. Paul, Minnesota) and
cally all mammalian teeth appear essentially similar.3 In the 3M Sof-Lex finishing strips (coarse and medium aluminum
present study, the mesial and distal surfaces of 32 bovine oxide, as well as fine and superfine) (3M Dental Products)
teeth were used (total of 64 surfaces). The pulp of each in combination with various enamel acid etching solutions
384 June 2003, Vol. 69, No. 6 Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
A Pilot Investigation of Enamel Reduction Procedures
in some of the groups. The chemical etching products were specially sharpened to a knife-edged point to make accurate
the Transbond XT etching gel delivery system containing measurement possible (Fig. 1).
35% phosphoric acid (3M Dental Products), Scotchbond The average mesiodistal width before enamel reduction
Multi-Purpose etchant containing 10% maleic acid (3M and after polishing was determined and used for statistical
Dental Products) and the Prema enamel microabrasion kit analysis. The teeth were immersed in 100% ethanol for
containing an abrasive powder in a water-soluble gel 1 week after the stripping procedures and then allowed
combined with a mild concentration of hydrochloric acid to air dry to remove all moisture. The teeth were then
(Premier Dental Products, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania). individually mounted on aluminum scanning electron
The enamel surfaces were rinsed with distilled water for microscopy (SEM) stubs and coated with 3 nm of platinum
60 seconds after the application of the acid compounds. in a Polaron E 5100 SEM coating unit (Quorum
Three measurements of the mesiodistal width of each Technologies, East Sussex, England). The samples were
tooth were obtained before each method of enamel reduc- then viewed with a scanning electron microscope (Hitachi
tion. A total of 32 methods of enamel reduction were S-2500, Mito City, Japan) at an operating voltage of 10 kV.
completed, with 9 repetitions of each method, for a total of Images were photographed at 100× and 500× magnifica-
288 observations. The measurements were obtained with a tion for descriptive purposes.
digital caliper (Mitutoyo Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan), Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics and
calibrated to 0.01 mm, after initial reduction of the enamel Duncan’s multiple range test. The level of significance was
surface and again after polishing. The caliper tips were set at p < 0.05.
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