Adult Age Estimation
Adult Age Estimation
Adult Age Estimation
Keywords: This study aimed to evaluate the reliability of an age estimation method based on the pulp⁄tooth area ratio by
Age estimation assessing intra- and inter-examiner agreement across five observers at different intervals. Using the same X-ray
Pulp/tooth area device and technical parameters, 96 digital periapical X-ray images of upper and lower canines were obtained
Observer agreement
from 28 deceased people in Central America, whose age at death ranged from 19 to 49 years. Excellent and good
Forensic odontology
Human identification
agreement of results were achieved, and there were no statistically significant differences. The R2 value for upper
Missing people teeth (54.0%) was higher than the R2 value for lower teeth (45.7%). The highest intraclass correlation coefficient
value was 0.995 (0.993–0.997) and the lowest 0.798 (0.545–0.895). Inter-examiner agreement was high with
values of 0.975 (0.965–0.983) and 0.927 (0.879–0.955). This method is adequate for assessing age in missing
and unidentified people, including victims of mass disasters.
Received 14 April 2024; Received in revised form 10 June 2024; Accepted 18 June 2024
Available online 26 June 2024
2589-871X/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
R. Scendoni et al. Forensic Science International: Synergy 9 (2024) 100484
Although new protocols have been developed to make the identifi Male 16 5 5 26
cation process faster and more accurate [4], each mass fatality incident Female 2 – – 2
Total 18 5 5 28
results in new challenges for identification teams of well-trained experts.
R. Scendoni et al. Forensic Science International: Synergy 9 (2024) 100484
Fig. 1. A digital system was used for periapical radiography. X-ray from extracted upper right canine (a); pulp and tooth outlines are well defined (b).
Fig. 2. Digital image of a periapical X-ray from an extracted lower left canine (a); measurement of pulp area (b); measurement of tooth area (c). The polygon
selection tool in ImageJ® software (National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA) was used [24].
post-mortem analysis units between 2020 and 2021. Each tooth was placed in a vertical position no more than 5 cm from the
Chronological age and country of origin/birth place were confirmed digital receptor and exposed using the paralleling technique. The
when the person was fully identified by one or more scientific methods equipment was operated at 50 kV and 8 mA with an exposure time of
for human identification. Age was calculated by subtracting date of birth 0.500 ms, and the two-digit notation system proposed by the FDI World
from the date the subject went missing or died. Table 4 shows the dis Dental Federation (French: Fédération Dentaire Internationale) was
tribution of the sample by age (categorized into groups: 19–29, 30–39, adopted. The exclusion criteria were: visible third molar open apices,
and 40–49 years) and sex. teeth with prosthetic restorations, any sign of endodontic treatment, and
Digital periapical X-ray images were obtained in line with routine visible alterations such as wear or extensive cavities.
dental post-mortem analysis using Kodak Carestream RVG 5200 digital The five observers were of four different nationalities (Italian,
sensors and the Aribex Nomad Pro Dentalportable X-ray system (Fig. 1). Russian, Japanese, and Mexican) and each had over five years’
R. Scendoni et al. Forensic Science International: Synergy 9 (2024) 100484
Table 5 images were saved in high resolution JPEG digital format, and dental
Results obtained regarding intra- and inter-examiner agreement according to the age assessment for each tooth was performed according to the pulp⁄tooth
intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). area ratio method [17]. To obtain the points of tooth and pulp outlines in
Agreement analysis Examiner/ ICC (CI95%) a
Classification order to evaluate tooth and pulp areas and area ratios, the ImageJ®
type Exam public domain image processing program (National Institute of Health,
Intra-examiner ST 0.953 Excellent Bethesda, Maryland, USA) was used [24] (Fig. 2).
agreement (0.925–0.970) The following morphological variables were recorded: TA = tooth
A 0.798 Good area; PA = pulp area; date of death/disappearance; date of birth; sex;
and nationality. Data were entered in a single Microsoft Excel©
SE 0.995 Excellent
(0.993–0.997) (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA) file (used by all five observers).
I 0.882 Excellent However, only the first observer (the person who collected the data of
(0.811–0.926) the whole sample) knew chronological age; the other four observers
G 0.986 Excellent performed blind age-at-death estimations in order to test the intra- and
Inter-examiner 1st 0.975 Excellent
inter-observer reliability [17].
agreement (0.965–0.983) The first observer assessed age at death for each of the 96 canines
2nd 0.927 Excellent within 48 h of collecting the sample. The other four observers evaluated
(0.879–0.955) age at death one month later. Two months after the first results, the five
ICC = Intraclass correlation coefficient; CI95% = Confidence interval 95%. observers evaluated twelve random cases from the twenty-eight
According to Landis & Koch [25]. deceased people, and the third and final evaluations were made by all
five observers on the entire sample eight months after the first
experience in the field of forensic anthropology or odontology. All ob evaluations.
servers were skilled at performing the age estimation method based on Cameriere et al.’s [17] linear regression equation was applied for
the pulp⁄tooth area ratio. each tooth according to upper or lower canine as follows:
A single forensic odontologist collected all dental information; the Upper canine: Age = 99.937–532.775 * PA/TA.
Fig. 3. Results of the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for the five examiners.
R. Scendoni et al. Forensic Science International: Synergy 9 (2024) 100484
Lower canine: Age = 89.456–461.873 * PA/TA. way random method and absolute agreement was observed in the
same evaluator at two different times (intra-examiner agreement), and
between evaluators for each examination (inter-examiner agreement)
2.2. Statistical analysis
The intraclass correlation coefficient values for four of the five ob
The analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the
servers showed high agreement between observers, indicating that the
Social Sciences software (SPSS version 26.0, IBM Corporation, Armonk,
measurements were strong and reliable. In one evaluator only, agree
New York, USA). Intra- and inter-observer agreement rates for the “age
ment between evaluations was moderate. However, the results from all
at death” variable were assessed with intraclass correlation coefficients
five observers indicated significant agreement on all measurements
using a two-way random method and expressed with 95% confidence.
(Figs. 3 and 4).
Thus, we evaluated absolute agreement between the 5 observers, as well
Upper right canines provided a higher determination coefficient and
as consistency of repeated measurements by the same observer at
lower mean prediction error compared to the lower right canines be
different times. The observers’ age-at-death estimates were compared to
tween all five observers. Therefore, upper canines offered more accurate
chronological age by linear regression, which generated the determi
age estimation with predictions closer to chronological age compared to
nation coefficient (R2), and error parameters were calculated. A signif
the lower canines (Fig. 5).
icance level of 5% was adopted for the entire analysis (Table 5).
The distribution of the difference between chronological and esti
mated age at death, according to observer and tooth evaluated for age-
3. Results at-death estimation, also combining two and three teeth, are reported in
Tables 6 and 7, respectively (Tables 6 and 7).
Both intra- and inter-observer agreement were considered satisfac
tory, in view of the good and excellent correlation coefficients (Table 5). 4. Discussion
The results indicate that the method under study could be reproduced
with confidence both by the same operator at different times and by In contexts of missing and unidentified people, age-at-death esti
different evaluators. mates are an integral part of establishing the individual characteristics
For the agreement analysis, the data were evaluated using the two-
R. Scendoni et al. Forensic Science International: Synergy 9 (2024) 100484
of the deceased person. Therefore, the proper age estimation method dental) aimed at finding specific signs of identity; these teams also use
and criteria must be selected according to the age range. radiographic examination tools to estimate sex and age [30].
Mexico is undergoing a forensic crisis regarding human identifica In our experience, radiography has been widely used in post-mortem
tion. According to official numbers, over 52,000 unidentified bodies are age estimation for the purposes of victim identification. Limiting the
being held in forensic facilities waiting to be fully identified, but this analysis to forensic odontology, several techniques have been developed
number could be higher [26]. to estimate chronological age in both children and adults, using the
In 2019, the state of Mexico approved the agreement and creation of relationship between age and morphological changes in the structure of
the Extraordinary Forensic Identification Mechanism (MEIF) whose the teeth, particularly dimensional changes in the pulp area in relation
main purpose is to collaborate with the national authorities in the to the tooth area [31].
identification process of unidentified deceased people in the custody of Using a single tooth in age assessment can lead to errors in age
forensic institutions. Once identified by valid scientific methods for estimation as the tooth under analysis might be the most worn down or
human identification [27,28], the deceased must be handed over to their not present in the mouth. Age assessment in forensic contexts requires
family members under decent conditions respecting human dignity in access to as much of the sample as possible in order to perform indi
accordance with international human rights standards [29]. vidual analysis and obtain independent results per tooth to express a
Mexico has constantly high rates of kidnappings, disappearances, unique result. At least two canines are needed to perform Cameriere’s
and other criminal violence that has resulted in the deaths of tens of age estimation method [32].
thousands of people in recent years [26]. Forensic anthropologists work In the context of age assessment for forensic purposes, the impor
with teams of forensic specialists that may include forensic pathologists, tance of intra- and inter-observer reliability in the measurement of
forensic odontologists, radiologists, fingerprint examiners, molecular odontological parameters cannot be overstated [34]. Inter-observer
biologists, mortuary technicians, photographers, and others. reliability is defined as the agreement between two or more observers.
Mass disasters are situations in which a multitude of victims need to Sometimes different observers produce different results because they do
be identified, and X-ray imaging is often a vital tool for victim identi not use the measurement device in the same way [33]. Differences in
fication. It is important to establish a team to carry out external exam readings could also be due to small random changes in the morpho
inations and autopsies, as well as instrumental examinations (especially logical variable itself during the measurement process. Intra-observer
R. Scendoni et al. Forensic Science International: Synergy 9 (2024) 100484
Table 6
Distribution of the difference between chronological and estimated age at death, according to observer and tooth evaluated for age estimation.
Observer Tooth R2 Mean chronological age (SD) Mean estimated age (SD) Mean difference (SD) Median difference (IQR) Mean prediction error (SD)
1 All 75.1% 29.16 (8.35) 30.74 (7.77) − 1.57 (4.12) − 2.87 (4.80) 0.49 (0.31)
13 77.4% 29.76 (8.58) 31.04 (9.23) − 1.27 (4.32) − 1.72 (6.02) 0.49 (0.32)
23 52.6% 28.93 (8.22) 30.22 (10.38) − 1.28 (7.01) − 0.80 (8.65) 0.69 (0.63)
33 63.3% 28.75 (8.29) 31.35 (7,51) − 2.60 (4.97) − 3.31 (7.69) 0.61 (0.41)
43 37.4% 28.43 (7.89) 28.97 (7.00) − 0.53 (6.43) − 0.47 (7.29) 0.62 (0.58)
2 All 67.9% 29.16 (8.35) 28.54 (8.21) 0.62 (4.81) 0.58 (3.79) 0.43 (0.47)
13 72.7% 29.76 (8.58) 29.85 (8.53) − 0.08 (4.54) 0.79 (4.80) 0.42 (0.42)
23 66.6% 28.93 (8.22) 28.95 (8.84) − 0.01 (5.08) − 0.12 (4.32) 0.43 (0.51)
33 58.4% 28.75 (8.29) 28.89 (7.87) − 0.13 (5.41) − 0.37 (6.40) 0.50 (0.50)
43 38.3% 28.43 (7.89) 26.71 (7.78) 1.71 (6.65) 1.84 (5.24) 0.61 (0.67)
3 All 68.1% 29.16 (8.35) 30.46 (7.93) − 1.29 (4.73) − 0.45 (1.64) 0.32 (0.56)
13 69.5% 29.76 (8.58) 31.29 (8.90) − 1.52 (4.93) − 0.68 (2.83) 0.41 (0.54)
23 56.8% 28.93 (8.22) 30.28 (8.72) − 1.35 (5.81) − 0.63 (1.57) 0.43 (0.66)
33 69.7% 28.75 (8.29) 30.59 (7.42) − 1.84 (4.47) − 0.62 (2.96) 0.34 (0.54)
43 42.7% 28.43 (7.89) 29.71 (7.81) − 1.28 (6.36) − 0.76 (3.13) 0.49 (0.70)
4 All 66.6% 29.16 (8.35) 28.09 (8.71) 1.07 (5.08) 0.51 (3.79) 0.44 (0.52)
13 58.5% 29.76 (8.58) 28.65 (9.72) 1.11 (6.22) 2.22 (7.97) 0.65 (0.51)
23 56.2% 28.93 (8.22) 27.95 (10.74) 0.98 (6.95) 0.92 (3.90) 0.61 (0.70)
33 70.6% 28.75 (8.29) 28.44 (8.71) 0.30 (4.70) 1.09 (4.23) 0.44 (0.43)
43 58.3% 28.43 (7.89) 27.01 (8.06) 1.42 (5.35) 2.22 (5.60) 0.56 (0.46)
5 All 45.0% 29.16 (8.35) 35.64 (10.31) − 6.48 (7.61) − 7.02 (13.80) 1.05 (0.80)
13 38.8% 29.76 (8.58) 36.90 (11.24) − 7.13 (8.71) − 6.24 (11.53) 1.14 (0.96)
23 38.2% 28.93 (8.22) 35.56 (10.97) − 6.62 (8.52) − 7.01 (13.48) 1.15 (0.84)
33 37.8% 28.75 (8.29) 35.41 (9.87) − 6.65 (7.86) − 8.31 (11.92) 1.11 (0.79)
43 26.6% 28.43 (7.89) 33.80 (9.62) − 5.36 (8.48) − 5.78 (15.04) 1.03 (0.84)
All All 57.5% 29.16 (8.35) 30.69 (8.93) − 1.53 (5.97) − 0.66 (4.75) 0.55 (0.61)
13 56.7% 29.76 (8.58) 31.54 (9.84) − 1.78 (6.52) − 0.68 (6.18) 0.62 (0.64)
23 50.5% 28.93 (8.22) 30.59 (10.16) − 1.65 (7.16) − 0.30 (6.83) 0.66 (0.71)
33 54.0% 28.75 (8.29) 30.94 (8.55) − 2.18 (6.05) − 0.93 (7.55) 0.60 (0.60)
43 37.3% 28.43 (7.89) 29.24 (8.36) − 0.80 (7.09) − 0.29 (6.83) 0.66 (0.68)
R2 = Determination coefficient; SD: Standard deviation; IQR: Interquartile range. Linear regression. Significance level = 5%.
Table 7
Distribution of the difference between chronological and estimated age at death, according to combinations of two and three teeth evaluated for age-at-death
Teeth R2 Mean chronological age (SD) Mean estimated age (SD) Mean difference (SD) Median difference (IQR) Mean prediction error (SD)
13 and 23 54.0% 29.36 (8.26) 31.08 (9.99) − 1.72 (6.83) − 0.44 (6.61) 0.64 (0.68)
13 and 33 55.8% 29.28 (8.29) 31.25 (9.23) − 1.97 (6.29) − 0.86 (6.92) 0.61 (0.62)
13 and 43 48.6% 29.11 (8.12) 30.42 (9.20) − 1.30 (6.81) − 0.48 (6.63) 0.64 (0.66)
23 and 33 52.0% 28.84 (8.09) 30.76 (9.39) − 1.91 (6.64) − 0.68 (7.04) 0.63 (0.66)
23 and 43 44.7% 28.68 (7.91) 29.92 (9.31) − 1.23 (7.13) − 0.29 (7.03) 0.66 (0.69)
33 and 43 45.7% 28.59 (7.93) 30.07 (8.48) − 1.48 (6.63) − 0.68 (7.37) 0.63 (0.64)
13, 23 and 33 53.9% 29.16 (8.21) 31.03 (9.54) − 1.86 (6.59) − 0.68 (6.84) 0.63 (0.66)
13, 23 and 43 49.3% 29.05 (8.10) 30.47 (9.51) − 1.42 (6.92) − 0.39 (6.77) 0.65 (0.68)
13, 33 and 43 50.1% 29.00 (8.12) 30.58 (8.99) − 1.58 (6.58) − 0.68 (6.85) 0.63 (0.64)
23, 33 and 43 47.4% 28.70 (7.97) 30.25 (9.07) − 1.54 (6.80) − 0.62 (7.00) 0.64 (0.67)
R2 = Determination coefficient; SD: Standard deviation, IQR: Interquartile range. Linear regression. Significance level = 5%.
reliability, on the other hand, is defined as consistency of measurements by calculating the average of the measurements performed on multiple
by the same rater on two or more different occasions. Cohen’s K statistic dental elements collected from the corpse; the specific standard devia
is commonly used for reliability assessments of categorical scales, while tion can be extrapolated from the same method. This certainly guaran
intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) or concordance correlation co tees greater ease of interpretation of the data, and the results can be
efficient (CCC) statistics are appropriate for continuous scales [35]. The explicitly reported to a judicial authority.
greater the difference between the results, the poorer the inter- and
intra-observer reliability of the survey [36].
4.1. Limitations
In this case study sample, the deceased subject more often had four
canines intact rather than just two. Since the linear regression equation
It is difficult to know which of the four permanent canines provides
model did not require any modification, the pulp⁄tooth area ratio
the best results in age-at-death estimation [34]. In comparison to third
method could be applied to the entire sample. In keeping with inter
molars, canines are more susceptible to the effects of external factors
national forensic best practices, the method was validated by at least a
such as dental wear, severe or low trauma, and even food and chewing
second observer to confirm the results in age estimation [37].
frequently on one side. The forensic odontologist must be highly trained
A critical issue in the field of age estimation for forensic purposes is
to confidently and accurately mark the precise points of pulp and tooth
the interpretation of results. Combined anthropological methods are
outlines in order to calculate pulp and tooth areas followed by pulp/
often used, but they give different results. Providing a court of law with a
tooth area ratios. At least two canines need to be evaluated for age
single result is not straightforward, given the risks of error involved in
assessment. For better results in pulp/tooth area ratios, dental X-rays
the application of different techniques. Our approach centers on a
should be obtained outside the tooth socket with digital sensors, along
consolidated forensic method for obtaining a single value which is given
with image enhancement tools for better visibility. Another limitation of
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