15 B Test Your Play Kantor Answers-1

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Advanced Players

Solutions to Test Your Play Problems are on page 59.

♠AJ943 This contract can actually be defeat- You are staring at two diamond and
1. ♥963 ed. See how? two trump losers, but all is not lost.
♦QJ3 East must ruff the third heart with If hearts are 3–3 and the king is well
♣Q6 the ♠Q, South shedding a diamond. placed, you can set up dummy’s long
♠K ♠Q6 East exits with the ♣J, and now South heart for a diamond discard. Of course,
♥AKJ852 ♥ 10 4 has to play diamonds for no losers they will ruff that fourth heart with
♦ 10 7 4 ♦K52 after drawing trumps. Say the ♦Q is a small trump ... but if the player who
♣542 ♣ J 10 9 8 7 3 led from dummy. If East covers, South ruffs started with ♠K x or ♠A x, the
♠ 10 8 7 5 2 wins and runs the ♦9 to make the ace and king of trumps will collide on
♥Q7 contract. If East refuses to cover, South the first lead of the suit, and you will
♦A986 must lose a diamond trick. What can lose two spades and a diamond. If the
♣AK declarer do? If the ♦J is led next, East player with the ♠K x or ♠A x does
covers and West’s 10 becomes the set- not ruff, then the other hand with a
With two heart tricks already lost ting trick. If South leads a low diamond singleton honor has to ruff and, again,
and one spade trick sure to be lost, you next, East plays low and takes the set- you lose two spade tricks but only one
must play diamonds for no losers. It ting trick with the ♦K. This diamond diamond trick.
can be done if East has the king and combination illustrates why second This is what you have to do: Ruff the
West the 10. hand should cover the second of two opening lead in dummy (mandatory
Cash the ♠A (presumably leaving touching honors and the third of three play), and take a winning heart fi-
a high trump at large) and the ♣A K. touching honors. nesse. Return to dummy, ruffing a high
Next play the ♦Q. If East has the king club, and take another winning heart
and West the 10, East does best not to ♠QJ762 finesse. Next, cash the ♥A and, assum-
cover. After the queen wins, exit with 2. ♥8732 ing both follow, ruff a third high club in
a trump. Whoever wins has to lead a ♦ Q J 10 9 dummy and lead dummy’s remaining
diamond or give up a ruff and sluff, ♣— heart, a winner. If one defender started
ending all problems, as a diamond can ♠K5 ♠A with ♠A x or ♠K x and the other with
be discarded from dummy. ♥ 10 6 5 ♥K94 a singleton honor, it doesn’t matter
If West wins the spade exit and leads ♦A843 ♦K76 which defender ruffs: You are going to
a low diamond, play low from dummy, ♣QJ95 ♣876432 lose one diamond and two spades. The
forcing East to play the king. If East ♠ 10 9 8 4 3 most fun occurs when the defender
wins the spade exit, East must lead ♥AQJ with honor doubleton ruffs the fourth
away from the ♦K. A lucky contract ♦52 heart low and the ♠A K crash on the
has just come home, but it still had to ♣ A K 10 first lead of spades. Very impressive. ◾
be played carefully.

➤ Mike’s Advice continued

♦A Q J 10 6 3
♦7 5 2 ♦K 8
♦9 4
West doesn’t have the king so gives
honest count by playing the 2. East
knows that South has a doubleton
and may choose to hold up. But West
might have K–7–5–2 and be giving a
fake count signal. Declarer has to guess
whether to finesse or play for the drop.

October 2019 Bridge Bulletin 61

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