Bebridge Article Achilles Heel PDF

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72 BeBRIDGE №03

JULY.AUG. 2020

IMPROVERS heel It is very often

at trick one that the fate

of a contract is decided.
So, never let yourself give in
to an excess of precipitation
at this crucial moment...

Teams. Dealer East. All Vul. Sitting

South, you receive the following hand: ♠ AJ542
♥ 1093
♦ A4
♣ K102


East opens 1♦ on your right and you S

overcall 1♠ (considering your hand to good
to preempt with 3♠), and you partner ♠ KQ109876
raises to game (4♠). ♥ A6
♣ 543
1♦ 1♠
Pass 4♠
How many winners do you have right
West leads the Diamond ten and now is now?
the moment to give deep thought about You have nine with seven high Spades
your game plan before calling for the first and the two red aces. You are one short.
card from dummy.
JULY.AUG. 2020 73
Can the Club Ace be onside? Hearts - your hand's Achilles' heel - on
East has opened 1♦, so you can add up the Ace of Diamonds... An exchange of
high card points and get set: 10 HCP losers that will make it impossible for
(you) + 12 HCP (North) = 22 HCP. This West, the dangerous opponent, to get on
means there are 18 left for East-West, so lead.
it not excluded that West has the Club
What do you also need to pay
Ace and East the remaining 14 HCP.
attention to?
Despite that, try to discover a line of
play that allows you to win your contract
To your communications and timing (the DECLARER
regardless of the location of the cards and
order in which you play).
against any defense. What are the key moments? IMPROVERS

What technique is this deal about? When East gets in with the Queen of
We find all the criteria for an elimination Diamonds and plays a Heart, you jump
and endplay: on it with the Ace. Then you play a small
- A large number of trumps (12!). Spade to the Jack and cash the Ace of
- Side suits that are a priori easy to Diamonds to discard the 6 of Hearts.
eliminate. Now you ruff a Heart, get back to dummy
- An exit card towards East, the 10 of with the Ace of Spades and ruff a second
Clubs: Heart. All is now in place for an endplay
against East:
♣ K102
♣ K102

♣ J987 ■ ♣ AQ6
♣ 543
♣ 543
Once Hearts and Diamonds are
eliminated from both hands, you will play You play a small Club to the 9, 10 and
the 3 of Clubs from your hand and cover East's Queen (if West prefers to insert
West's card - either with the 10 or the the Jack, you cover with the King for an
King - in order to endplay East who will identical result). Mission accomplished.
be forced to deliver your tenth trick to

you on a silver platter. ♠ AJ542
♥ 1093
What does “against any defense”

♦ A4
mean here? ♣ K102
That the defenders will do their best to
♠- N ♠3
spoil your plans. If West can get in with a

Heart, he won't hesitate for a moment to ♥ K742 W E
♥ QJ85
play a Club through dummy and kill your ♦ 109853 ♦ KQ762
possible endplay there and then. ♣ J987 S ♣ AQ6

But how can you protect against it? ♠ KQ109876

By playing the 4 of Diamonds instead of ♥ A6
the Ace on the first trick! East will find ♦J
himself on lead, unable to play a Club ♣ 543
effectively, and you will discard your 6 of
© Caroline Moreau

The principle
An “unusual” duck at trick one can be a surefire way to overcome a
bad distribution of the opposing cards and a deadly defense from your
opponents. It is very spectacular, but above all it is extremely effective By
in avoiding the loss of a trick to the dangerous opponent. Norbert

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