Conventional Wisdom: Filling Out The Convention Card - Part 21

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Filling out the convention card — part 21
When the opponents preempt, what does double by your side
mean? Does it matter how high the opposing preempt is? And
what do bids by the partner of the doubler mean? Preempting is
much more common in the modern game, so discussing common
preemptive auctions with your regular partners is a good idea.
This section of the convention card allows your opponents to
see what your methods are for battling preempts.

Takeout thru If you prefer to play that a double of a preempt is
The most popular way to play a double of a preempt is takeout, penalty-oriented instead, check the red box and
asking partner to bid his best suit. It makes sense to play this Alert the opponents. This treatment is sufficiently
way for a simple reason: when the opponents announce that rare in duplicate bridge that it requires an Alert.
they have a long suit by preempting, it’s more like likely you’ll
be short in their suit. Playing double as takeout is practical.
So when the auction begins, for example, 3 by right-hand
opponent and you hold A Conv.
Pairs who
play that double is for
A K 7 5 6 A 5 4 3 K J 7 2, l penalty will need some way to show
double would be the textbook action.
 e

How high should you extend this idea? Say RHO a takeout-oriented hand. Some
preempts 5 and you hold r prefer notrump at the cheapest

A 6 4 J 5 4 3 A K 9 7 4 2. level, while others prefer a particular
You hope to beat 5 with the A and the A K.  suit at the cheapest level. If you play

If you double, though, will partner think it’s takeout this way, write in your conventional
and bid a suit at the five level? takeout bid and Alert the opponents
To prevent this sort of misunderstanding at high when you use it.
levels, most partnerships establish a limit for the
takeout double of preempts. A common one is
4. If the opponents open 4 or higher, double
is penalty. If the opening is 4 or lower, double Lebensohl 2NT Response
is takeout. Say LHO open 2 (weak) and partner makes a
Whatever your partnership decides the limit should takeout double. RHO passes and you hold
be, check the “Takeout” box and write the limit in 9 7 A 7 4 8 6 3 K Q 8 6 4.
the blank provided after “thru.” You would happily respond 3 with this hand. But what if you held
9 7 8 7 4 8 6 3 Q 9 8 6 4?
Yuck! You still prefer clubs since it’s your longest suit, but if you bid 3 with this

 Other: If you have any other special

agreements, such as ways to show
hand too, how will partner know if you have the first hand or the second one?
In an effort to combat weak two-bids, the treatment known as “lebensohl 2NT”
was developed. It works like this: when partner makes a takeout double of a
weak two-bid and your natural reply would be on the three level, you can show
strong two-suited hands over a a bad hand (fewer, say, than 8 high-card points) by bidding 2NT first. This is a
preempt (e.g., Roman jump overcalls), warning to partner that you have a weak hand, and commands him to bid 3.
write it in the space provided and When partner obeys, you may pass (if clubs is your suit) or bid your own suit.
Alert the opponents. The corollary is that when you bid directly to the three level, you’re showing a
good hand. This method (which must be Alerted) allows the doubler to know if
partner has a weak hand.

April 2006 41

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