Chapter 2

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NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1


1 General 1.5 Visual, dimensional and non-destructive

1.1 Scope
1.5.1 Visual, dimensional and, as appropriate, non-destruc-
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to hot rolled tive examinations are to be performed by the Manufacturer
plates, strips, sections and bars intended for hull, structural on the materials supplied prior to delivery, as required.
applications, boilers, pressure vessels and parts of machin- The general provisions indicated in Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.6] and
ery. specific requirements for the various products as specified
Article [1] specifies the requirements common to all the in the relevant Articles of this Section apply.
above-mentioned steel products, while the appropriate spe- Non-destructive examinations may be required by the Sur-
cific requirements are indicated in Articles [2] to [9]. veyor when deemed necessary.

1.2 Manufacture 1.5.2 The thickness of the plates and strips is to be meas-
ured at random locations, whose distance from the longitu-
1.2.1 Steel is to be manufactured by the electric furnace, dinal edge is to be at least 10 mm.
basic oxygen or open hearth processes. The under thickness requirements are indicated in the Arti-
The use of other processes may be specially approved by cles relevant to the various products.
the Society.
1.6 Rectification of surface defects
1.2.2 The steel is to be cast in ingot moulds or by a contin-
uous casting process. 1.6.1 Rectification of surface defects by grinding
Provision is to be made for sufficient discard such as to Defects which need to be repaired may be removed by
ensure: grinding.
• at both ends of the ingots, the soundness of the material The general provisions of Ch 1, Sec 1 and specific require-
• at the transitory zones of continuous casting material, a ments for the various products as specified in the relevant
homogeneous chemical composition along the longitu- Articles of this Section apply.
dinal axis. The repaired areas are to be ground smooth to the adjacent
surface of the plate.
1.3 Approval
The Surveyor may request that the complete removal of
1.3.1 The manufacturing process is to be approved by the defects is verified by suitable non-destructive examination.
Society for individual steelmakers, grade of steel and prod-
1.6.2 Rectification of surface defects by welding
ucts, as specified in the applicable Articles.
Surface defects of products which cannot be removed as
Provisions for the approval are given in the document stated in [1.6.1] may be repaired by chipping or grinding
NR480 “Approval of the manufacturing process of metallic followed by welding subject to the Surveyor’s consent and
materials”. under his supervision.
1.3.2 It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to assure that The general provisions of Ch 1, Sec 1 and specific require-
effective process and production controls in operation are ments for the various products as specified in the relevant
adhered to within the manufacturing specifications. Where Articles of this Section apply.
control imperfection inducing possible inferior quality of
product occurs, the manufacturer is to identify the cause 1.7 Condition of supply
and establish a countermeasure to prevent its recurrence.
Also, the complete investigation report is to be submitted to 1.7.1 The conditions of supply are specified in the Articles
the surveyor. For further use, each affected piece is to be relevant to the various products.
tested to the Surveyor’s satisfaction. The frequency of testing Where alternative supply conditions are agreed, the choice
for subsequent products offered may be increased at the dis- of the supply condition, unless otherwise required, is left to
cretion of the Society. the Manufacturer; the condition of supply is always to be
mentioned in the testing documentation.
1.4 Quality of materials
1.7.2 When acceptable as an alternative to normalising,
1.4.1 All products are to have a workmanlike finish and to the procedures relevant to controlled or thermo-mechanical
be free from surface or internal defects which may impair rolling process are to be specially approved for individual
their proper workability and use. steelworks.

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NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

1.7.3 The rolling practice applied is to comply with the 1.8 Sampling and tests
appropriate condition of supply. The applicable procedures
are defined as follows: 1.8.1 General
All products are to be presented for testing in the final sup-
a) As Rolled, AR ply condition in batches or rolled units as specified in the
This procedure involves the rolling of steel at high tem- Articles relevant to the various products.
perature followed by air cooling. The rolling and finish-
ing temperatures are typically in the austenite 1.8.2 Sampling
recrystallization region and above the normalising tem- The samples required for the preparation of test specimens
perature. The strength and toughness properties of steel are, in general, to be cut from:
produced by this process are generally less than those of a) the end of the plate or section corresponding to the top
steel either heat treated after rolling or produced by position of the ingot, in the case of casting in ingot
advanced process. moulds
b) Normalising, N b) any end of the plate or section, where such products are
rolled from blooms or billets manufactured by continu-
Normalising involves heating rolled steel above the crit- ous casting, on the understanding that sufficient discard
ical temperature, Ac3 , and in the lower end of the is taken from the transitory zones of the cast beginning
austenite recrystallization region followed by air cool- and end
ing. The process improves the mechanical properties of
c) both the ends of the coil for plates fabricated in coils.
as rolled steel by refining the grain size.
Samples are to be taken from the following positions:
c) Controlled Rolling, CR (Normalising Rolling, NR) • plates and flats having width ≥ 600 mm: at approxi-
This is a rolling procedure in which the final deforma- mately one quarter of the width from an edge (see Fig 1)
tion is carried out in the normalising temperature range,
resulting in a material condition generally equivalent to Figure 1 : Plates and flats
that obtained by normalising.
1/4 W

d) Quenching and Tempering, QT

Quenching is a procedure which involves a heat treat-

ment process in which steel is heated to an appropriate

temperature above the Ac3 and then cooled with an
appropriate coolant for the purpose of hardening the
microstructure. Tempering subsequent to quenching is a
process in which the steel is reheated to an appropriate
temperature not higher than the Ac1 to restore tough- • flats having width < 600 mm, bulb flats and sections: at
ness properties by improving the microstructure. approximately 1/3 of the width from an edge (see Fig 2,
Fig 3 and Fig 4); alternatively, for channels, beams or
e) Thermo-Mechanical rolling, TM (Thermo-Mechanical bulb angles: on the web, at approximately 1/4 of the
Controlled Processing, TMCP) width from the centreline (see Fig 4)
This is a procedure which involves the strict control of
both the steel temperature and the rolling reduction. Figure 2 : Bulb flats
Generally a high proportion of the rolling reduction is
carried out close to the Ar3 temperature and may
involve the rolling in the dual phase temperature region.
Unlike controlled rolling (normalising rolling), the prop- 1/3 W
erties conferred by TM (TMCP) cannot be reproduced
by subsequent normalising or other heat treatment. W
The use of accelerated cooling on completion of TM-
rolling may also be accepted, subject to the special
Figure 3 : Angles
approval of the Society. The same applies for the use of
tempering after completion of the TM-rolling. W
f) Accelerated Cooling, AcC
Accelerated cooling is a process which aims to improve
the mechanical properties by controlled cooling with
rates higher than air cooling immediately after the final
TM-rolling operation. Direct quenching is excluded
from accelerated cooling.
1/3 W
The material properties conferred by TM and AcC can-
not be reproduced by subsequent normalising or other
heat treatment.

40 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

Figure 4 : Sections ucts and only one individual value may be less than the
average required, provided that it is not less than 70% of it.
The minimum average values are relevant to the standard
specimen 10x10 mm2.
For subsize specimen dimensions and requirements, refer-
1/3 A

1/4 B
ence is to be made to Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.2.2].

1.8.6 Re-test procedures

Reference is made to Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.5].

For tensile re-test procedure, reference is made to Ch 1, Sec
2, [2.3].
For Charpy V-notch re-test procedure, reference is made to
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4].

• hollow sections: if rectangular, at approximately in the 1.9 Identification and marking

centreline of one side; if circular, at any position along
the circumference 1.9.1 The Manufacturer is to adopt a suitable system of
• bars: at approximately 1/3 of the radius or half-diagonal identification which enables the product to be traced to its
from the outer surface; the axis of the sample should be original cast.
at least 12 mm from the outer surface, except for bars
having diameter 25 mm or less, in which case the sam- 1.9.2 All products which have been tested with satisfactory
ple is to be concentric with the bar (see Fig 5). results are to be identified and marked, in addition to the
Society’s brand required in Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.1.3], with the fol-
Figure 5 : Bars lowing indications:
a) Manufacturer’s name or trade mark
b) identification mark for the grade of steel
1/3 R c) cast number or other marking, which will enable the
history of the fabrication of the product to be traced.
Different marking systems are to be agreed with the Society.

1.10 Documentation and certification

1.10.1 Information required
The testing documentation indicated in Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.1]
is required and is to contain all the appropriate information.
The ladle analysis is to include the content of refining and
alloying elements as applicable.

1.10.2 Inspection certificate

Before signing the Society’s inspection certificate or endors-
ing the inspection certificate issued by the Manufacturer
1.8.3 Preparation of test specimens (mill sheets), the Surveyor is to be provided by the Manufac-
The test specimens are to be cut from the samples with their turer with a written declaration, stating that the material has
principal axis parallel (longitudinal test) or perpendicular been manufactured by a process accepted by the Society,
(transverse test) to the direction of rolling, as required in the complies with the applicable requirements and has been
Articles relevant to the various products. satisfactorily tested in accordance with the Rules.
For the preparation of test specimens and for the testing pro- The following wording may be acceptable, either printed or
cedures, reference is to be made to the applicable require- stamped on the delivery documents, with the name of the
ments of Ch 1, Sec 2. steel Manufacturer and signed by one of his authorised rep-
resentatives: "We hereby certify that the material has been
1.8.4 Tensile test
made by an approved process and has been satisfactorily
The results of the test are to comply with the values speci- tested in accordance with the Society’s Rules".
fied in the Tables relevant to the various products.
If during the tensile test there is no marked yield stress ReH, 1.10.3 Casting and rolling in different works
the 0,2% proof stress Rp0,2, may be taken as an alternative. When the steel is rolled, heat treated, etc., in a workshop
other than that where it is originally cast, the Surveyor is to
1.8.5 Impact test be supplied with the steelmaker’s certificate stating the
The average value is to comply with the minimum average manufacturing process, the type of steel, the identification
value specified in the Tables relevant to the various prod- of the cast and the ladle analysis.

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NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

The workshop where the steel was produced is to be 2.2 Steel grades
approved by the Society.
2.2.1 The steels are classed, on the basis of a minimum
The Society’s Surveyors are to have free access to the work- yield strength level ReH (N/mm 2), into normal strength
shop of the original Manufacturer, who is fully responsible (ReH=235) and higher strength (32: ReH=315 - 36: ReH=355 -
for complying with all applicable requirements. 40: ReH = 390).
Normal strength steels are divided into four grades A, B, D
2 Normal and higher strength steels for and E. For normal strength steels, the letters A, B, D and E
mean impact properties at +20, 0, −20 and −40°C, respec-
hull and other structural applications tively.
Higher strength steels are divided into four grades identified
2.1 Scope by the letters AH, DH, EH and FH followed by a number
related to the yield strength level. For higher strength steels,
2.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to weldable the letters AH, DH, EH and FH mean impact properties at 0,
normal and higher strength steel hot rolled plates, wide −20, −40 and −60°C, respectively.
flats, sections and bars intended for use in hull construction
2.2.2 Steels differing in chemical composition, deoxidation
and other structural applications.
practice, conditions of supply and mechanical properties
may be accepted, subject to the special approval of the
2.1.2 Provision is made for: Society. Such steels are to be given a special designation.
• plates and wide flats of all grades not exceeding
100 mm in thickness 2.3 Manufacture

• sections and bars of all grades not exceeding 50 mm in 2.3.1 Approval

thickness. The Manufacturers are to be approved by the Society and
the relevant requirements of [1.2] apply.
2.1.3 For thickness greater than the above, the require-
ments may be modified, as appropriate, in the individual 2.3.2 Deoxidation process
cases. The method of deoxidation is specified in Tab 1 and Tab 2.

Table 1 : Normal strength steels - Chemical composition and deoxidation practice

Steel grade A B D E
Deoxidation practice for t ≤ 50 mm: any method t ≤ 50 mm: any method t ≤ 25 mm: killed killed and fine
thickness t (mm) except rimmed (1) except rimmed t > 25 mm: killed and grain treated
t > 50 mm: killed t > 50 mm: killed fine grain treated
Chemical composition
(%) (2) (3) (4)
C max (5) 0,21 (6) 0,21 0,21 0,18
Mn min (5) 2,5 x C 0,80 (7) 0,60 0,70
Si max 0,50 0,35 0,35 0,35
P max 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,035
S max 0,035 0,035 0,035 0,035
Al (acid soluble) min 0,015 (8) (9) 0,015 (9)
(1) For sections up to a thickness of 12,5 mm, rimmed steel may be accepted subject to the special approval of the Society.
(2) When any grade of steel is supplied in the thermo-mechanically rolled condition, variations in the specified chemical composi-
tion may be allowed or required by the Society and are to be stated at the approval.
(3) The Society may limit the amount of residual elements which may have an adverse effect on the working and use of the steel,
e.g. copper and tin.
(4) Where additions of any other element have been made as part of the steelmaking practice, the content is to be indicated in the
ladle analysis certificate.
(5) C +1/6 Mn is not to exceed 0,40%.
(6) Max. 0,23% for sections.
(7) When Grade B steel is impact tested, the minimum manganese content may be reduced to 0,60%.
(8) Al is required for thickness greater than 25 mm.
(9) The total aluminum content may be determined instead of acid soluble content. In such cases the total aluminum content is to
be not less than 0,020%. Other suitable grain refining elements may be used subject to the special approval of the Society.

42 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

Table 2 : Higher strength steels - Chemical composition and deoxidation practice

AH32, DH32, EH32

Steel grade AH36, DH36, EH36 FH32, FH36, FH40
AH40, DH40, EH40
Deoxidation practice killed and fine grain treated killed and fine grain treated
Chemical composition (%) (1) (5)
C max. 0,18 0,16
Mn 0,90 - 1,60 (2) 0,90 - 1,60
Si max. 0,50 0,50
P max. 0,035 0,025
S max. 0,035 0,025
Al (acid soluble) min (3) (4) 0,015 0,015
Nb (4) 0,02 - 0,05 0,02 - 0,05
V (4) 0,05 - 0,10 0,05 - 0,10
Ti max. (4) 0,02 0,02
Cu max. 0,35 0,35
Cr max. 0,20 0,20
Ni max. 0,40 0,80
Mo max. 0,08 0,08
N max. 0,009 (0,012 if Al is present)
(1) Alloying elements other than those listed above or exceeding the specified limits may be accepted by the Society when pro-
posed by the steelmaker at the time of approval and their content is to be indicated in the ladle analysis.
(2) Up to a thickness of 12,5 mm, the minimum manganese content may be reduced to 0,70.
(3) The total aluminium content may be determined instead of the acid soluble content. In such cases the total aluminium content
is to be not less than 0, 020 %.
(4) The steel is to contain aluminium, niobium, vanadium or other suitable grain refining elements, either singly or in any combina-
tion. When used singly, the steel is to contain the specified minimum content of the grain refining element. When used in com-
bination, the specified minimum content of at least one grain refining element is applicable; the sum of Nb+V+Ti is not to
exceed 0,12%.
(5) When any grade of higher strength steel is supplied in the thermo-mechanically rolled condition, variations in the specified
chemical composition may be allowed or required by the Society and are to be stated at the approval.

2.3.3 Rolling practice ASTM A 578) and an examination level accepted by the
Where CR (NR) and TM with or without AcC are applied, Society.
the programmed rolling schedules are to be submitted to
the Society at the time of the approval and are to be made 2.3.6 Rectification of surface defects by grinding
available when required by the attending Surveyor. On the Surface defects may be removed by grinding as indicated in
manufacturer’s responsibility, the programmed rolling [1.6.1] provided that:
schedules are to be adhered to during the rolling operation
a) the nominal thickness will not be reduced by more than
(as per [1.3.2]). To this effect, the actual rolling records are
7% or 3 mm, whichever is the lesser
to be reviewed by the manufacturer and, occasionally, by
the Surveyor. b) each single ground area does not exceed 0,25 m 2
When deviation from the programmed rolling schedules c) the total area of local grinding does not exceed 2% of
occurs, the manufacturer is to take further measures, to the the total surface of the plate.
Surveyor’s satisfaction, in accordance with [1.3.2].
Adjacent repairs located at a distance less than their mean
2.3.4 Tolerances on dimensions width are considered as forming a single ground area.
For plates and wide flats with thicknesses of 5mm and over, In the case of ground areas lying opposite each other on
an under thickness tolerance of 0,3 mm is permitted. both surfaces of the plate, the resulting thickness is to satisfy
For sections and bars, the under thickness tolerance is to be in any place the values indicated in item a).
in accordance with the requirements of a recognised inter-
2.3.7 Rectification of surface defects by welding
national or national standard.
Surface defects of products which cannot be removed as
Measurements are to be made as indicated in [1.5.2].
stated in [2.3.6] may be repaired by chipping or grinding
2.3.5 Non-destructive examinations followed by welding subject to the Surveyor’s agreement
and witnessing when requested, provided that:
Ultrasonic testing of plates intended for offshore structural
applications of first and special category as defined in the a) after removal of defects and before welding, the thick-
Society’s Offshore Rules is required and is to be performed ness of the piece is in no place reduced by more than
in accordance with a recognised standard (e.g. EN 10160 or 20% with respect to the nominal thickness

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NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

b) repair is carried out by an approved procedure and by At the time of the approval of higher strength steels, an
qualified welders using approved low hydrogen elec- upper limit for carbon equivalent CEQ on the ladle analysis
trodes and the excess weld thickness is subsequently may be specified.
ground smooth to the surface level Unless otherwise agreed, the value of CEQ is calculated by
c) no single welded area exceeds 0,125 m and the sum of the following formula:
all welded areas does not exceed 2% of the total surface Mn Cr + M o + V Ni + Cu
area of the plate C E Q = C + --------- + -------------------------------- + --------------------- %
6 5 15
d) after the final grinding the piece is normalised or stress- For steel produced by thermo-mechanical rolling, CEQ is to
relieved, where required by the Surveyor. For plates to comply with the requirements of Tab 3.
be supplied in normalised condition, a new normalising As an alternative to CEQ, at the discretion of the Society, the
heat treatment is required as a rule, except for repairs of cold cracking susceptibility Pcm may be used for evaluating
negligible size, when the piece had already been nor- the weldability.
malised before repair; for products obtained by thermo-
mechanical rolling processes, the conditions stated at Pcm is given by the following formula and an upper limit
the approval of the rolling process apply may be agreed at the time of the approval of the steel:
S i Mn Cu N i Cr Mo V
e) the repaired plates are presented to the Surveyor for Pc m = C + ------ + --------- + ------- + ------ + ------ + --------- + ------ + 5B %
30 20 20 60 20 15 10
acceptance; in addition to the visual inspection the Sur-
veyor may require the soundness to be verified by ultra- When a limit of CEQ and Pcm is required, the relevant val-
sonic, magnetic particle or dye penetrant methods, as ues are to be stated by the Manufacturer and included in
appropriate. the testing documentation for each cast.

Table 3 : Carbon equivalent for higher strength steels

2.4 Condition of supply up to 100 mm in thickness produced by TM process

2.4.1 The products are to be supplied in the condition indi- Carbon equivalent
cated in Tab 5 and Tab 6 for normal strength steels and Tab Steel grade CEQ max. (%) (1)
9 and Tab 10 for higher strength steels.
t ≤ 50 50 < t ≤ 100
The definition of the supply conditions is given in [1.7.3].
AH32, DH32, EH32, FH32 0,36 0,38
AH36, DH36, EH36, FH36 0,38 0,40
2.5 Chemical composition AH40, DH40, EH40, FH40 0,40 0,42
t = thickness (mm)
2.5.1 General
(1) More stringent carbon equivalent limits may be agreed
The chemical composition is determined by the Manufac-
between the Manufacturer and the shipbuilder in indi-
turer on ladle samples (see Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.2.1]).
vidual cases.

2.5.2 Normal strength steels

2.6 Mechanical Properties
The chemical composition is to comply with the require-
ments specified in Tab 1. 2.6.1 Normal strength steels
The mechanical properties are indicated in Tab 4.
2.5.3 Higher strength steels The number of impact tests to be performed is indicated in
The chemical composition is to comply with the require- Tab 5 for plates and wide flats and Tab 6 for sections and
ments specified in Tab 2. bars.

Table 4 : Normal strength steels - Mechanical properties

Average impact energy (J) min

Yield stress Tensile
El. A5 KVL longitudinal - KVT transverse - t = thickness (mm)
Steel ReH strength
(%) min
grade (N/mm²) Rm Test temp t ≤ 50 50 < t ≤ 70 70 < t ≤ 100
min. (N/mm²) (°C) KVL KVT KVL KVT KVL KVT
A 235 400/520 (2) 22 +20 34 24 41 27
B 235 400/520 22 0 27 20 34 24 41 27
D 235 400/520 22 −20 27 20 34 24 41 27
E 235 400/520 22 −40 27 20 34 24 41 27
(1) El.: elongation. For full thickness flat tensile test specimens with a width of 25 mm and a gauge length of 200mm, the elonga-
tion is to comply with the minimum values given for strength level 32 in Tab 8.
(2) For sections in grade A of all thicknesses, the upper limit for the specified tensile stress range may be exceeded up to a maxi-
mum of 540 N/mm2.

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Table 5 : Normal strength plates and wide flats - Condition of supply and number of impact tests

Condition of supply (1)

Steel grade Batch for impact tests in tons ( ) for thickness t (mm) (2)
t ≤ 25 25 < t < 35 35 ≤ t ≤ 50 50 < t ≤ 100
A A(-) (3) (N,TM)(-) NR(50) AR*(50)
B (4) A (-) A(50) (N,TM)(50) NR(25) AR*(25)
D A(50) (N,NR,TM)(50) (N,TM)(50) NR(25)
E N or TM (each piece)
(1) Abbreviations:
A : Any
N : Normalised Condition (heat treatment)
NR : Normalising Rolled Condition as an alternative to Normalising
TM : Thermo-Mechanical Rolling
AR* : As Rolled Condition subject to the special approval of the Society.
(2) One set of impact tests is to be taken from each batch of the weight in tons specified in brackets (), from each fraction thereof or from
each piece as indicated. When impact tests are not required the indication is (-).
(3) Charpy V-notch tests are generally not required for fine grained grade A products over 50 mm thick N or TM; when required, the rate is
at the Society’s discretion.
(4) Charpy V-notch tests are generally not required for Grade B steel with thickness of 25 mm or less; when required, the rate is at the Soci-
ety’s discretion.

Table 6 : Normal strength sections and bars - Condition of supply and number of impact tests

Condition of supply (1)

Steel grade Batch for impact tests in tons ( ) for thickness t (mm) (2)
t ≤ 25 25< t ≤ 35 35 < t ≤ 50
A A (-)
B (3) A (-) A (50)
D A (50) N(50) NR(50) TM(50) AR*(25)
E N(25) TM(25) AR*(15) NR*(15)
(1) Abbreviations:
A : Any
N : Normalised Condition (heat treatment)
NR : Normalising Rolled Condition as an alternative to Normalising
TM : Thermo-Mechanical Rolling
AR* : As Rolled Condition subject to the special approval of the Society
NR* : Normalising Rolled Condition subject to the special approval of the Society.
(2) One set of impact tests is to be taken from each batch of the weight in tons specified in brackets ( ) or fraction thereof. When
impact tests are not required, the indication is (-).
(3) Charpy V-notch impact tests are generally not required for Grade B steel with thickness of 25 mm or less.

2.6.2 Higher strength steels 2.7.2 Batch testing

The mechanical properties are indicated in Tab 7. All materials in the batch are to be from the same heat, of
The condition of supply and the number of impact tests to the same product type, in the same condition of supply and
be performed are indicated in Tab 9 for plates and wide flats within the following ranges of thickness and mass:
and Tab 10 for sections and bars.
a) difference between minimum and maximum thickness
2.7 Mechanical Tests not exceeding 10 mm

b) mass not exceeding 50 t.

2.7.1 General
Samples for mechanical tests are to be cut from the prod- For products of steel type A intended for secondary applica-
ucts in the final supply condition.The tests are to be carried tions, the batch composition may not be required to be
out on pieces selected from batches or on individual pieces restricted to material from the same heat, but in such case
as required in [2.7.5] and [2.7.6]. the mass of the batch is not to exceed 25 t.

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Table 7 : Higher strength steels - Mechanical properties

Yield stress Tensile Elong. A5 Average impact energy (J) min. for thickness t (mm)
Steel grade ReH strength Rm (%) min. Test temp. t ≤ 50 50 < t ≤ 70 70 < t ≤ 100
(N/mm²) min. (N/mm²) (1) (°C) KVL KVT KVL KVT KVL KVT
AH32 315 440/570 22 0 31 22 38 26 46 31
DH32 − 20 31 22 38 26 46 31
EH32 − 40 31 22 38 26 46 31
FH32 − 60 31 22 38 26 46 31
AH36 355 490/630 21 0 34 24 41 27 50 34
DH36 − 20 34 24 41 27 50 34
EH36 − 40 34 24 41 27 50 34
FH36 − 60 34 24 41 27 50 34
AH40 390 510/660 20 0 39 26 46 31 55 37
DH40 − 20 39 26 46 31 55 37
EH40 − 40 39 26 46 31 55 37
FH40 − 60 39 26 46 31 55 37
(1) For full thickness flat tensile test specimens with a width of 25 mm and a gauge length of 200 mm, the elongation is to comply
with the minimum values given in Tab 8.

Table 8 : Elongation (%) on a gauge length of 200 mm for thickness t (mm)

Strength grade t≤5 5 < t ≤ 10 10 < t ≤ 15 15 < t ≤ 20 20 < t ≤ 25 25 < t ≤ 30 30 < t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 50
32 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
36 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
40 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Table 9 : Higher strength plates and wide flats - Condition of supply and number of impact tests

Condition of supply (1)

Grain refining
Steel grade Batch for impact tests in tons ( ) for thickness t (mm) up to: (2)
12,5 20 25 35 50 100
AH32 (3) Nb and/or V A(50) N(50), NR(50), TM(50) N(50), NR(25), TM(25)
AH36 (3) Al only A(50) AR*(25) Not applicable
or with Ti N(50), NR(50), TM(50) N(50), NR(25), TM(50)
AH40 Any A(50) N(50), NR(50), TM(50) N(50), TM(50), QT (each piece as
heat treated)
DH32 Nb and/or V A(50) N(50), NR(50), TM(50) N(50), NR(25), TM(50)
DH36 Al only A(50) AR*(25) Not applicable
or with Ti N(50), NR(50), TM(50) N(50), NR(25), TM(50)
DH40 Any N(50), NR(50), TM(50) N(50), TM(50), QT (each piece as
heat treated)
EH32 Any N (each piece), TM (each piece)
EH40 Any N (each piece), TM (each piece), QT (each piece as heat treated)
FH32 Any N (each piece), TM (each piece), QT (each piece as heat treated)
FH40 Any N (each piece), TM (each piece), QT (each piece as heat treated)
(1) Abbreviations:
A : Any
N : Normalised Condition (heat treatment)
NR : Normalising Rolled Condition as an alternative to Normalising
TM : Thermo-Mechanical Rolling
QT : Quenched and Tempered Condition
AR* : As Rolled Condition subject to the special approval of the Society.
(2) One set of impact tests is to be taken from each batch of the weight in tons specified in brackets ( ), from each fraction thereof
or from each piece as indicated. When impact tests are not required the indication is (−).
(3) For Grades AH32 and AH36 steels, a relaxation in the number of impact tests may be permitted by special agreement with the
Society, provided that satisfactory results are obtained from occasional checks.

46 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

Table 10 : Higher strength sections and bars - Condition of supply and number of impact tests

Condition of supply (1)

Grain refining Batch for impact test in tons( ) for thickness t (mm) up to: (2)
Steel grade
12,5 20 50
AH32 (3) Nb and/or V A(50 ) N(50), NR(50), TM(50), AR*(25)
AH36 (3) Al only or with Ti A(50) N(50), NR(50), TM(50), AR*(25)
AH40 Any A(50) N(50), NR(50), TM(50)
DH32 Nb and/or V A (50) N(50), NR(50), TM(50), AR*(25)
DH36 Al only or with Ti A(50) N(50), NR(50), TM(50), AR*(25)
DH40 Any N(50), NR(50), TM(50)
EH32 Any N(25), TM(25), AR*(15), NR*(15)
EH40 Any N(25), TM(25), QT(25)
FH32 Any N(25), TM(25), QT(25), NR*(15)
FH40 Any N(25), TM(25), QT(25)
(1) Abbreviations:
A : Any
N : Normalised Condition (heat treatment)
NR : Normalising Rolled Condition as an alternative to Normalising
TM : Thermo-Mechanical Rolling
QT : Quenched and Tempered Condition
AR* : As Rolled Condition subject to the special approval of the Society
NR* : Normalising Rolled Condition subject to the special approval of the Society.
(2) One set of impact tests is to be taken from each batch of the weight in tons specified in brackets ( ) or fraction thereof.
(3) For Grades AH32 and AH36 steels, a relaxation in the number of impact tests for acceptance purposes may be permitted by
special agreement with the Society provided that satisfactory results are obtained from occasional checks.

2.7.3 Individual testing 2.7.5 Number of tensile tests

For tests on individual pieces the term piece means rolled One tensile test is to be carried out from one piece for each
unit as defined in Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.3.3]. batch presented or fraction thereof.

2.7.4 Sampling In general the specimen is to be taken from a piece selected

in the batch among those with the highest thickness.
For plates and flats having width ≥ 600 mm, the specimens
for tensile test are to be taken in the transverse direction and
2.7.6 Number of impact tests
the specimens for the Charpy V impact test in the longitudi-
nal direction (KVL). The number of sets of impact tests required is indicated in
Tab 5 and Tab 6 for normal strength products and Tab 9 and
In other cases the specimens are to be taken in the longitu- Tab 10 for higher strength products.
dinal direction, unless otherwise required by or agreed with
the Society. When testing is by batches, the specimens are to be taken
from a piece selected among those of the batch having the
The impact test requirements specified on transverse speci-
highest thickness.
mens (KVT) are to be fulfilled by the Manufacturer and ran-
dom checks may be required by the Society. The number of sets of specimens for the impact test, each of
three specimens, summarised in the above-mentioned
Generally, impact tests are not required when the nominal
Tables, is to be in accordance with the following require-
product thickness is less than 6 mm.
For plates fabricated in coils, the tensile and impact tests
required are to be duplicated on specimens taken from a) one set is required for each batch of 50 tons, or fraction
samples cut at both ends of the coil. thereof for the following grades of steel, unless other-
wise specified in b):
Sampling positions are indicated in [1.8.2].
• A, for products having thickness > 50 mm
Additional through thickness tests may be required for spe-
cial applications and are to be carried out according to the • B, for products having thickness > 25 mm
requirements of Article [9]. • D, AH32, DH32, AH36, DH36, AH40, DH40

April 2005 with amendments May 2006 Bureau Veritas 47

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

b) except for grade A, for products supplied subject to spe- 3.3 Manufacture
cial approval in the as rolled condition (AR*), and for
products with thickness higher than 50 mm supplied in 3.3.1 Approval
the controlled rolled condition (NR), the mass of the The Manufacturers are to be approved by the Society and
batches for the purpose of impact tests is to be 25 t, or a the relevant requirements of [1.2] apply.
fraction thereof
3.3.2 Deoxidation process
c) one set of three impact test specimens is required for: The steel is to be fully killed and fine grain treated.
• each piece for grades E and F in all strengths
3.3.3 Dimensional tolerances and surface conditions
• each batch of 25 t or fraction thereof of sections of
Unless otherwise agreed or specially required, for under
grades E and F in all strengths
thickness tolerances, surface condition and rectification of
d) when, subject to special approval, sections of steel surface defects, the requirements depend on the applications
grades E and F in all strengths other than 40 are supplied and are indicated in [2.3.4], [2.3.6] and [2.3.7] for structural
in the as rolled (AR*) or controlled rolled (NR*) condi- applications, in [4.3.4], [4.3.5] and [4.3.6] for applications
tion, the mass of the batches for the purpose of impact under pressure and in [6.3.3] for parts of machinery.
tests is to be 15 t, or a fraction thereof.
Repair by welding is to be specially approved.
Random checks of the impact values may be required at the
discretion of the Surveyor. 3.3.4 Non-destructive examination
For specific applications, ultrasonic examination in accord-
ance with recognised standards may be required.
3 High strength quenched and tem-
Ultrasonic testing of plates intended for offshore structural
pered steels applications of first and special category as defined in the
Society’s Offshore Rules is required and is to be performed
3.1 Scope in accordance with a recognised standard (e.g. EN 10160 or
ASTM A 578) and an examination level accepted by the
3.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to weldable Society.
ferritic high strength quenched and tempered steel plates
and wide flats with thickness up to 70 mm. 3.4 Condition of supply
These requirements may also be applied to products with
thickness above 70 mm and to other product forms, such as 3.4.1 The products are to be supplied in the quenched and
sections and tubulars, subject to special agreement with the tempered condition.
Society. However, thermo-mechanical rolling may be also permitted
subject to special approval for thicknesses up to 50 mm, for
3.2 Steel grades steels up to grade 550.
For the definition of rolling procedures, see [1.7.3].
3.2.1 The requirements apply to carbon-manganese and
low alloyed steels. 3.5 Chemical composition
The steels are classed into six groups indicated by minimum
yield strength levels ReH (N/mm2) 420, 460, 500, 550, 620 3.5.1 The chemical composition on ladle analysis is to
and 690. comply with the requirements specified in Tab 11 and in
the approved specification.
Each group is further subdivided into four grades A, D, E
The approved specification is also to include the alloying
and F based on the impact test temperature. and grain refining elements and the maximum Pcm value
The letters A, D, E and F mean impact test at 0, −20, −40 (cold cracking susceptibility index), agreed during the initial
and −60°C, respectively. approval tests of the steel.

Table 11 : Chemical composition

Yield strength Steel Chemical composition (%) (1)

level (N/mm2) grade C max. Mn max Si max. P max. S max. Al min. (2) N max.
420 A 0,21 1,70 0,55 0,035 0,035 0,015 0,020
up to D-E 0,20 1,70 0,55 0,030 0,030 0,015 0,020
F 0,18 1,60 0,55 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,020
(1) The content of other elements used for alloying and fine grain treatment is to be within the limits specified for the steel at the
time of its approval and is not normally to exceed the following per cent limits:
Cu max.= 1,5 ; Cr max.= 2,0 ; Ni max.= 2,0 ; Mo max.= 1,0 ; N max.= 0,020 ; B max.= 0,06 ; Nb max.= 0,06 ; V max.= 0,10 ;
Ti max.= 0,20 ; Zr max.= 0,15.
(2) The acid soluble Al content may be totally replaced by Nb, V or Ti. The total aluminium content may be determined instead of
the acid soluble content and in such cases the total aluminium content is to be not less than 0,020%.

48 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

The Pcm value is to be calculated from the ladle analysis in The alloying and grain refining elements and Pcm value, as
accordance with the following formula: applicable, are to be stated by the steelmaker and included
in the testing documentation for each cast.
S i Mn Cu N i Cr Mo V
Pcm = C + ------ + --------- + ------- + ------ + ------ + --------- + ------ + 5B %
30 20 20 60 20 15 10
3.6 Mechanical properties
3.6.1 The mechanical properties are specified in Tab 12.

Table 12 : Mechanical properties

Yield stress Elongation Average impact energy test (J)min.

Tensile strength
Steel grade ReH (N/mm2) A5 (%)
Rm (N/mm2) Test temp (C°) Longitudinal KVL Transverse KVT
min. (1) min. (2)
A420 0
D420 420 530 - 680 18 − 20 42 28
E420 − 40
F420 − 60
A460 0
D460 460 570 - 720 17 − 20 46 31
E460 − 40
F460 − 60
A500 0
D500 500 610 - 770 16 − 20 50 33
E500 − 40
F500 − 60
A550 0
D550 550 670 - 830 16 − 20 55 37
E550 − 40
F550 − 60
A620 0
D620 620 720 - 890 15 − 20 62 41
E620 − 40
F620 − 60
A690 0
D690 690 770 - 940 14 − 20 69 46
E690 − 40
F690 − 60
(1) A yield strength to ultimate tensile strength ratio may be required when specified in the steel approval conditions.
(2) For full thickness flat test specimens with a width of 25 mm and a gauge length of 200 mm, the elongation is to comply with the
values given in Tab 13. The elongation values specified in Tab 12 and Tab 13 are relevant to tensile specimens taken in the
transverse direction. In the case of specimens taken in the longitudinal direction, the elongation values are to be 2 percentage
units above those listed in Tab 12 and Tab 13.

Table 13 : Minimum elongation values for flat specimens 25 mm width and 200 mm gauge length

Thickness t (mm)
Strength level
t ≤ 10 10 < t ≤ 15 15 < t ≤ 20 20 < t ≤ 25 25 < t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 50 50 < t ≤ 70
420 11 13 14 15 16 17 18
460 11 12 13 14 15 15 17
500 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
550 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
620 9 11 12 12 13 14 15
690 9 10 11 11 12 13 14

April 2005 with amendments May 2006 Bureau Veritas 49

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

3.7 Mechanical tests 4.1.2 Special requirements may be specified in the case of
applications intended for dangerous substances or particu-
3.7.1 General larly severe service conditions.
Samples for tests are to be cut from the products in the final
supply condition. The tests are to be carried out on each 4.1.3 In the case of applications involving the storage and
rolled unit as heat treated. transport of liquefied gases, the relevant requirements of the
Society’s Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships apply.
The definition of rolled unit is given in Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.3.3].
For continuously heat treated products, special sampling 4.2 Steel grades
procedures may be agreed at the Society’s discretion.
4.2.1 The requirements apply to carbon and carbon man-
3.7.2 Sampling
ganese steels and low alloy steels (Mo and Cr-Mo steels).
In the case of plates and flats having width ≥ 600 mm, the
tensile test and impact test specimens are to be taken in the 4.2.2 Carbon and carbon manganese steels are classed into
transverse direction. four groups indicated by the minimum ultimate tensile
In other cases the specimens are to be taken in the longitu- strength Rm ( N/mm2): 360, 410, 460 and 510.
dinal direction, unless otherwise required by or agreed with Each group may be further subdivided into grades HA, HB
the Society. and HD, as appropriate, based on the quality level and
impact properties.
3.7.3 Number of tests
The letters HA, HB and HD mean impact properties at
The following test specimens are to be taken from each
+20°C, 0°C and −20°C, respectively.
a) 1 tensile test specimen, 4.2.3 Low alloy steels are designated according to the
b) 1 set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact test specimens. chemical composition into the grades 0,3Mo - 1Cr0,5Mo -
4 Steels for boilers and pressure ves- Two types of 2,25Cr1Mo steel are specified in relation to
the heat treatment and consequent mechanical properties.
The figures mean the nominal percentage content of the
main alloying elements.
4.1 Scope
4.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to weldable 4.3 Manufacture
ferritic steel products (plates, flats, sections and bars)
4.3.1 Approval
intended for boilers and pressure vessels.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Society, the Manufacturers
Provision is made for products with thickness up to 60 mm
are to be approved and the relevant requirements of [1.2]
and impact properties at a temperature not lower than −
These requirements may also be applied to products with 4.3.2 Deoxidation process
thickness above 60 mm subject to agreement with the Soci- The method of deoxidation is specified in Tab 14 and Tab
ety. 15.

Table 14 : Carbon and carbon manganese steels - Chemical composition

Chemical composition (%) (1)

Steel grade Deoxidation
C max Mn Si P max S max Al tot. min. (1) Ni max
360HA not rimmed 0,16 ≥ 0,40 ≤ 0,35 0,030 0,030
360HB killed 0,16 0,40 - 1,20 0,10 - 0,35 0,030 0,030
360HD killed and fine grained 0,16 0,40 - 1,20 0,10 - 0,35 0,030 0,030 0,020
410HA not rimmed 0,20 ≥ 0,50 ≤ 0,35 0,030 0,030 0,30
410HB killed 0,20 0,50 - 1,40 0,10 - 0,35 0,030 0,030 0,30
410HD killed and fine grained 0,20 0,50 - 1,40 0,10 - 0,35 0,030 0,030 0,020 0,30
460HB killed 0,20 0,80 - 1,50 0,10 - 0,40 0,030 0,030 0,30
460HD killed and fine grained 0,20 0,80 - 1,50 0,10 - 0,40 0,030 0,030 0,020 0,30
510HB killed 0,22 0,90 - 1,60 0,10 - 0,50 0,030 0,025 0,30
510HD killed and fine grained 0,20 0,90 - 1,60 0,10 - 0,50 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,30
(1) Nb, V or Ti may be used for grain refining as a complete or partial substitute for Al. The grain refining elements are to be speci-
fied at the time of approval; in general Nb and V are not to exceed 0,05 and 0,10%, respectively.
Additional alloying elements are to be submitted for consideration and approval. Residual elements not intentionally added are
not to exceed the following limits:
Cu ≤ 0,30% ; Cr ≤ 0,25% ; Mo ≤ 0,10% . Total: Ni + Cu + Cr + Mo ≤ 0,70%

50 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

Table 15 : Low alloy steels - Chemical composition

Deoxidation Chemical composition (%) (1)

Steel grade
(2) C Mn Si P max S max Cr Mo
0,3Mo Si killed 0,12 - 0,20 0,40 - 0,90 0,10 - 0,35 0,030 0,030 ≤ 0,30 0,25-0,35
1Cr 0,5Mo Si killed 0,08 - 0,18 0,40 - 1,00 0,15 - 0,35 0,030 0,030 0,70-1,20 0,40-0,60
2,25Cr 1Mo Si killed 0,07 - 0,15 0,40 - 0,80 0,15 - 0,50 0,030 0,030 2,00-2,50 0,90-1,10
(1) Residual elements are not to exceed the following limits: Cu ≤ 0,30%, Ni ≤ 0,30%.
(2) Aluminium total max 0,020% for all grades of steel. The aluminium content is to be mentioned in the ladle analysis certificate.

4.3.3 Rolling practice ance and the relevant conditions are subject to special con-
Where CR (NR) are applied, the programmed rolling sched- sideration by the Society.
ules are to be submitted to the Society at the time of the
approval and are to be made available when required by 4.3.6 Rectification of surface defects by welding
the attending Surveyor. On the manufacturer’s responsibil- Defects which cannot be removed by grinding may gener-
ity, the programmed rolling schedules are to be adhered to ally be repaired by welding under the conditions given in
during the rolling operation (as per [1.3.2]). To this effect, [1.6.2], except that suitable heat treatment and non-
the actual rolling records are to be reviewed by the manu- destructive examination are always required after repair.
facturer and, occasionally, by the Surveyor.
The purchaser is to be informed as to the extent and posi-
When deviation from the programmed rolling schedules tion of the repairs carried out on the individual plates.
occurs, the manufacturer is to take further measures, to the
Surveyor’s satisfaction, in accordance with [1.3.2].
4.4 Condition of supply
4.3.4 Dimensional tolerances
Minus tolerances on the thickness are not normally permit- 4.4.1 The products are to be supplied in the conditions
ted. indicated in Tab 16 for carbon and carbon manganese
steels and Tab 17 for low alloy steels.
4.3.5 Rectification of surface defects by grinding
Surface defects may generally be removed by grinding as 4.4.2 The products to be processed after supply by hot
indicated in [1.6.1], provided that the thickness, after grind- forming may also be supplied, where agreed, in the as
ing, is not less than the nominal thickness. rolled condition.
However the extent of repairs is to be agreed with the Sur- In such cases heat treatment is to be carried out after hot
veyor. Where the thickness is reduced below the nominal forming and provision for the mechanical tests indicated in
thickness given in the approved plans, the possible accept- [4.8.4] is to be made.

Table 16 : Carbon and carbon manganese steels - Mechanical properties

Yield stress ReH (N/mm2) min. Tensile Average impact energy (J)
Heat min.
Steel for thickness (mm) strength Elong. A5
treatment Rm
grade (%) min. Test temp
(1) t ≤ 16 16 < t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 60 KVT KVL
(N/mm2) (°C)
360HA 215 205 195 360 - 480 25 + 20 27 41
360HB N or NR 235 225 215 0
360HD − 20
410HA 245 235 225 410 - 530 23 + 20
410HB N or NR 265 255 245 0
410HD − 20
460HB 285 270 260 460 - 580 22 0
N or NR
460HD 295 285 280 − 20
510HB 345 335 325 510 - 630 21 0
N or NR
510HD 355 345 335 − 20
(1) N : Normalising - NR : Normalising Rolling. As an alternative to normalising, the as rolled condition may be accepted for sec-
tions, subject to approval of individual steelmakers.

April 2005 with amendments May 2006 Bureau Veritas 51

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

Table 17 : Low alloy steels - Mechanical properties

Average impact
Heat Yield stress ReH (N/mm2) Tensile Elongation A5 (%) min.
energy (J) min.
Steel grade treatment min. for thickness (mm) strength Rm for thickness (mm)
at + 20°C
(1) (N/mm2)
t ≤ 16 16 < t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 60 t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 60 KVT
0,3Mo N 275 270 260 430 - 600 24 23 31
1Cr 0,5Mo N+T 300 295 295 450 - 610 20 19
2,25Cr 0,5Mo N+T 295 285 275 520 - 670 18 18
N+T or Q+T 310 310 310 470 - 620
(1) N = Normalising; T = Tempering; Q = Quenching

4.5 Chemical composition The above values are for design purposes only. Their verifi-
cation is in general not required during the testing, unless
4.5.1 The chemical composition on ladle analysis is to figures higher than those shown in the above Tables but in
comply with the requirements specified in Tab 14 for car- accordance with recognised standards are proposed by the
bon and carbon manganese steels and Tab 15 for low alloy steel Manufacturer.
steels and/or in the approved specification.
In such cases, the verification is required and the proce-
The approved specification is also to include the alloying dures detailed in [4.7.2] and [4.7.3] are to be followed.
and grain refining elements (not specified in the above-
mentioned Tables). 4.7.2 When Rp0,2 is required to be verified, at least one ten-
sile test for each cast is to be carried out at the agreed tem-
The relevant elements as applicable are to be stated by the perature.
steelmaker and included in the testing documentation for
each cast. The sample is to be cut from the thickest plate of the cast
and, if applicable, at the end of the plate that has shown the
For C and C-Mn steels, an upper limit for carbon equivalent lowest figures in the tensile test at ambient temperature.
CEQ on the ladle analysis may be specified at the time of
approval of the individual steels. The sample is to be taken halfway between the edge and the
axis of the piece, and the axis of the test specimen is to be
Unless otherwise agreed, the value of CEQ is calculated by located at one quarter of the thickness from one of the
the following formula: rolled surfaces.

Mn Cr + Mo + V Ni + Cu The dimensions of the specimens and the testing procedure

C E Q = C + --------- + -------------------------------- + --------------------- %
6 5 15 are to be in accordance with the requirements of Ch 1, Sec
2, [2.1] and Ch 1, Sec 2, [2.2.5], respectively.
Unless otherwise agreed, when a limit for CEQ is required,
the relevant values are to be stated by the steel- maker and The results of tests are to comply with the specified values.
included in the testing documentation for each cast.
4.7.3 As an alternative to the systematic verification of the
required Rp0,2 as in [4.7.2], it may be agreed with the indi-
4.6 Mechanical properties
vidual steelmakers to carry out an adequate program of tests
on the normal production for each type of steel to be
4.6.1 The mechanical properties are specified in Tab 16 for approved.
carbon and carbon manganese steels and Tab 17 for low
alloy steels. For Manufacturers and steel types approved on this basis,
tensile tests at elevated temperatures are not generally
required during the routine testing of the material supplied;
4.7 Mechanical properties at elevated tem- they may be required by the Society as a random check for
peratures the confirmation of the approval.

4.7.1 The values for the yield stress or 0,2% proof stress 4.7.4 For design purposes only, the estimated values of the
(Rp0,2) at temperatures of 100°C and higher are given in Tab stress to rupture in 100000 hours are given in Tab 19 for
18. groups of steels.

52 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

Table 18 : Minimum proof stress (Rp0,2) values at elevated temperatures

Steel Thickness Rp0,2 (N/mm2) at a temperature (°C) of

grade (mm) 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
360HA (1) ≤ 16 175 172 168 150 124 117 115
> 16 ≤ 40 171 169 162 144 124 117 115
> 40 ≤ 60 162 158 152 141 124 117 115
360HB (1) ≤ 16 204 185 165 145 127 116 110
360HD (1) > 16 ≤ 40 196 183 164 145 127 116 110
> 40 ≤ 60 179 172 159 145 127 116 110
410HA (1) ≤ 16 211 208 201 180 150 142 138
> 16 ≤ 40 201 198 191 171 150 142 138
> 40 ≤ 60 192 188 181 168 150 142 138
410HB (1) ≤ 16 235 216 194 171 152 141 134
410HD (1) > 16 ≤ 40 228 213 192 171 152 141 134
> 40 ≤ 60 215 204 188 171 152 141 134
460HB (1) ≤ 16 262 247 223 198 177 167 158
460HD (1) > 16 ≤ 40 260 242 220 198 177 167 158
> 40 ≤ 60 251 235 217 198 177 167 158
510HB (1) ≤ 60 290 270 255 235 215 200 180
510HD (1)
0,3Mo ≤ 60 215 200 170 160 150 145 140
1Cr 0,5Mo ≤ 60 230 220 205 190 180 170 165
2,25Cr 1Mo ≤ 60 (2) 235 230 220 210 200 190 180
≤ 60 (3) 265 255 235 225 215 205 195
(1) The values at Rp0,2 for temperatures ≤ 250°C are for guidance only.
(2) Normalised and tempered
(3) Normalised and tempered or quenched and tempered

4.8 Mechanical tests 4.8.5 Number of test specimens

4.8.1 General The following test specimens are to be taken from each
Unlesss otherwise agreed (see [4.8.6]), samples for tests are sample:
to be cut from the products in the final supply conditions.
a) 1 tensile test specimen (2 tests in the case of bars
4.8.2 Samples from plates and wide flats intended for tie rods)
One sample is to be taken from one end of each rolled unit b) 1 set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact test specimens (only
when the mass and the length do not exceed 5t and 15m, for grades HB and HD unless otherwise specified)
When either of these limits is exceeded, samples are to be c) 1 tensile test specimen at elevated temperature, for each
cut at both ends of each rolled unit. cast, when required.
The definition of rolled unit is given in Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.3.3].
4.8.6 Material to be hot worked
4.8.3 Samples from sections and bars
When for material to be hot worked after delivery, it is
One sample is to be taken from each batch homogeneous
agreed that the heat treatment required will be carried out
for cast, section size and condition of supply. Each batch is
by the purchaser, the samples are to be submitted by the
to contain not more than 50 pieces and its total mass is not
steelmaker to such treatment before the cutting of test spec-
to exceed 10 t.
4.8.4 Sampling of test specimens
In particular cases (when the material is submitted to cold
In the case of plates and wide flats having width ≥ 600mm,
or hot working during fabrication), tests additional to the
the tensile test and impact test specimens are to be taken in
routine testing may be required on samples in the final con-
the transverse direction.
dition of the material after fabrication.
In other cases the specimens are to be taken in the longitu-
dinal direction, unless otherwise required by or agreed with These may also include tests on material submitted to artifi-
the Society. cial aging treatment as indicated in Ch 1, Sec 2, [8.1.1].

April 2005 with amendments May 2006 Bureau Veritas 53

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

Table 19 : Average values for stress to rupture in 100000 hours (N/mm 2)

Steel grade
Temperature (°C)
360 - 410 460 - 510 0,3Mo 1Cr 0,5Mo 2,25Cr 1Mo
380 170 225
390 155 200
400 140 175
410 125 155
420 110 135
430 100 115
440 90 100
450 75 85 235 285 220
460 (60) (70) 205 250 205
470 (50) (60) 175 220 185
480 (40) (55) 145 190 170
490 (45) 120 160 150
500 (40) 100 135 135
510 80 120 120
520 65 95 105
530 50 80 90
540 60 75
550 50 65
560 40 55
570 30 50
580 45
590 (40)
600 (35)
Note 1: The values shown are estimated average values; the lower limit of the range is approximately 20% less than the average
value. The values in brackets for some higher temperatures indicate that the steel is not suitable for continuous use at such tempera-

5 Ferritic steels for low temperature 5.1.3 In case of applications involving the storage and
transport of liquefied gases, the appropriate requirements of
service the Society’s Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships also
5.1 Scope
5.2 Steel grades
5.1.1 The requirement of this Article apply to ferritic steel
5.2.1 The requirements apply to carbon, carbon manga-
products (plates, flats, sections and bars) intended for cargo
nese and Ni alloy steels.
tanks, storage tanks, process pressure vessels and systems
for liquefied gases and other pressure vessels in general, 5.2.2 The carbon and carbon manganese steels are classed
when impact properties at temperature lower than −20°C into four groups indicated by the minimum ultimate tensile
are required. strength Rm (N/mm2): 410, 460, 510 and 550.
Provision is made for products with thickness up to 60mm. Each group is further subdivided into two grades, LE and LF,
based on the quality level and impact properties.
The extension to higher thicknesses and relevant conditions
The letters LE and LF mean impact properties at −40 and −
are subject to agreement with the Society.
60°C, respectively.

5.1.2 Special requirements may be specified in the case of 5.2.3 Ni alloy steels are designated according to the chem-
applications intended for dangerous substances or particu- ical composition into the grades: 1,5Ni - 3,5Ni - 5Ni - 9Ni.
larly severe service conditions. The figures mean the Ni nominal percentage content.

54 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

5.3 Manufacture In such cases heat treatment is to be carried out after form-
ing and provision for the mechanical tests indicated in
5.3.1 Approval [4.8.6] is to be made.
The Manufacturers are to be approved by the Society (see
5.5 Chemical composition
5.3.2 Deoxidation process
The steel is to be killed and fine grained. 5.5.1 The chemical composition on ladle analysis is to
comply with the requirements specified in Tab 20 and Tab
5.3.3 Dimensional tolerances 21 and/or in the approved specification.
For pressure vessels, minus tolerances on thickness are not
The approved specification is also to include the alloying
normally permitted.
and grain refining elements (not specified in Tab 20).
5.3.4 Surface conditions
The content of the above elements, as applicable, is to be
For repairs, the provisions of [4.3.5] and [4.3.6] apply. stated by the steelmaker for each heat and included in the
Repairs by welding are not normally allowed on 5% or 9% testing documentation.
nickel steels.
For C and C-Mn steels, an upper limit for carbon equivalent
CEQ on the ladle analysis may be specified at the time of
5.4 Condition of supply
approval of the individual steels.
5.4.1 Unless otherwise accepted by the Society, carbon
Unless otherwise agreed, the value of CEQ is calculated by
and carbon manganese products are to be supplied in nor-
the following formula:
malised (N) condition.
Nickel steel products are to be supplied in the conditions Mn Cr + Mo + V Ni + Cu
C E Q = C + --------- + -------------------------------- + --------------------- %
indicated in Tab 23. 6 5 15

5.4.2 The products to be processed after supply by hot Unless otherwise agreed, when a limit for CEQ is required
working may also be supplied, where agreed, in the as the relevant values are to be stated by the steelmaker and
rolled condition. included in the testing documentation for each cast.

Table 20 : Carbon and carbon manganese steels - Chemical composition

Steel Chemical composition (%) (1)

grade C max Mn Si P max S max Al tot min Ni max
410 LE 0,18 0,50 - 1,40 0,10 - 0,35 0,030 0,030 0,020 0,30
410 LF 0,16 0,50 - 1,40 0,10 - 0,35 0,030 0,030 0,020 0,80
460 LE 0,18 0,80 - 1,50 0,10 - 0,40 0,030 0,030 0,020 0,30
460 LF 0,16 0,80 - 1,50 0,10 - 0,40 0,030 0,030 0,020 0,80
510 LE 0,18 1,00 - 1,70 0,10 - 0,50 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,30
510 LF 0,16 1,00 - 1,70 0,10 - 0,50 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,80
550 LE 0,18 1,00 - 1,70 0,10 - 0,50 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,30
550 LF 0,16 1,00 - 1,70 0,10 - 0,50 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,80
(1) Nb, V or Ti may be used for grain refining as a complete or partial substitute for Al. The grain refining elements are to be speci-
fied at the time of approval; in general Nb and V are not to exceed 0,05 and 0,10 %, respectively. Additional alloying elements
are to be submitted for consideration and approval. Residual elements not intentionally added are not to exceed the following
limits (%): Cu ≤ 0,30, Cr ≤ 0,15, Mo ≤ 0,10.

Table 21 : Nickel alloy steels - Chemical composition

Chemical composition (1) (2)

Steel grade
C max Mn Si max P max S max Ni Cr max Mo max
1,5 Ni 0,18 0,30 - 1,50 0,35 0,035 0,020 1,30 - 1,70 0,25 0,10
3,5 Ni 0,15 0,30 - 0,90 0,35 0,035 0,020 3,20 - 3,80 0,25 0,10
5,0 Ni 0,12 0,30 - 0,90 0,35 0,035 0,020 4,70 - 5,30 0,25 0,10
9,0 Ni 0,10 0,30 - 0,90 0,35 0,035 0,020 8,50 - 10,0 0,25 0,10
(1) Residual elements are not to exceed the following limits (%): Cu ≤ 0,35 ; V ≤ 0,05 . Total Cr + Cu + Mo ≤ 0,50
(2) Aluminium total not less than 0,020 for all grades of steels. The aluminium content is to be mentioned in the ladle analysis cer-

April 2005 with amendments May 2006 Bureau Veritas 55

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

5.6 Mechanical properties 5.7.5 Number of tests

The following test specimens are to be taken from each
5.6.1 The products are to comply with the mechanical
properties specified in Tab 22 and Tab 23.
a) 1 tensile test specimen
5.7 Mechanical tests b) 1 set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact test specimens
5.7.1 General c) 2 or more drop weight test specimens, when required.
Unless otherwise agreed in the case of materials to be hot
worked after delivery [5.4.2], samples for tests are to be cut
from the products in the final supply conditions. 6 Steels for machinery
5.7.2 Plates and wide flats
6.1 Scope
One sample is to be taken from one end of each rolled unit
when the mass and the length do not exceed 5t and 15m,
6.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to carbon, car-
bon manganese, low alloy and alloy rolled steel products
When either of these limits is exceeded, samples are to be intended for use in the construction of structures and parts
cut at both ends of each rolled unit. of machinery and equipment operating at ambient tempera-
The definition of rolled unit is given in Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.3.3]. ture.

5.7.3 Sections and bars In the case of applications in low or high temperature pres-
One sample is to be taken from each batch homogeneous sure systems, reference is to be made to the applicable
for heat, section size and condition of supply. requirements of Articles [5] and [4] respectively.
Each batch is to contain not more than 50 pieces and its
6.1.2 The products are grouped as follows, depending on
total mass is not to exceed 10 t.
the application:
5.7.4 Sampling a) structural parts of deck equipment
In the case of plates and wide flats having width ≥ 600mm,
the tensile test and impact test specimens are to be taken in b) welded machinery structures such as bedplates, crank-
the transverse direction. cases, frame entablatures or similar items
In other cases the specimens are to be taken in the longitu- c) rolled products, such as bars for small shafts, pins, bolts
dinal direction, unless otherwise required by or agreed with or similar items, when, in the limit of diameters of
the Society. 250mm, they are accepted in lieu of forgings.

Table 22 : Carbon and carbon manganese steels - Mechanical properties

Yield stress ReH (N/mm2) min.

Steel Tensile strength Elong. Average impact energy (J ) min.
for thickness t (mm)
grade Rm (N/mm2) A5 (%) min
t ≤ 16 16 < t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 60 Temp (°C) KVT KVL
410 LE 265 255 245 410 - 530 23 − 40 27 41
410 LF 290 280 270 410 - 530 23 − 60 27 41
460 LE 295 285 270 460 - 580 22 − 40 27 41
460 LF 320 310 300 460 - 580 22 − 60 27 41
510 LE 355 345 335 510 - 630 21 − 40 27 41
510 LF 355 345 335 510 - 630 21 − 60 27 41
550 LE 390 380 375 550 - 670 20 − 40 27 41
550 LF 390 380 375 550 - 670 20 − 60 27 41

Table 23 : Nickel steels - Mechanical properties

Steel Heat treatment Yield stress ReH Tensile strength Elongation A5 Average impact energy (J) min.
grade (1) (N/mm2)min. Rm (N/mm2) (%) min. Temp (°C) KVT KVL
1,5 Ni N+T or Q+T 275 490 - 640 22 − 80 27 41
3,5 Ni N+T or Q+T 285 450 - 610 21 − 95 27 41
5,0 Ni N+T or Q+T 390 540 - 740 21 − 110 27 41
9,0 Ni N+N+T or Q+T 490 640 - 790 18 − 196 27 41
(1) N=normalising T= tempering Q = quenching

56 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

6.2 Steel grades and relevant properties 7 Stainless steel products

6.2.1 The type of steels covered by Articles [2], [4], [5] and
[7] may be used as appropriate. 7.1 Scope
Chemical and mechanical properties are to comply with the
7.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to austenitic
requirements given therein.
and austenitic-ferritic (duplex) rolled stainless products
For products having thickness exceeding the maximum intended for use in construction of cargo tanks, storage
thickness considered in the above-mentioned Articles, the tanks and pressure vessels for chemicals and limitedly to the
following deviations in mechanical properties are permitted: austenitic grades for liquefied gases.
• the minimum yield stress ReH required is reduced by 1%
for every 5 mm thickness over the a.m. maximum 7.1.2 Austenitic stainless steels are suitable for use both at
elevated and low temperatures.
• the minimum elongation A5 min. required is reduced by
1 unit for thickness over than the a.m. max up to 100 When austenitic stainless steels are proposed for use at ele-
mm and by 2 units for thickness greater than 100 mm. vated temperatures, details of chemical composition, heat
treatment and mechanical properties are to be submitted for
6.3 Manufacture and condition of supply consideration and approval.
Unless otherwise specified, austenitic-ferritic stainless steels
6.3.1 Products intended for applications under [6.1.2] a) are in general suitable for service temperature between −
and [6.1.2] b) are to be manufactured and supplied as indi- 20°C and +275°C.
cated in [2.3] and [2.4], [4.3] and [4.4], [5.3] and [5.4], as
appropriate. 7.1.3 Stainless steel bars may be used for propeller shafts or
For products intended for applications under [6.1.2] c), the similar applications under the conditions given in [6.1.2] c).
applicable requirements of Sec 3 apply; unless otherwise
agreed, a reduction ration of 6:1 in respect of the original 7.1.4 In cases of applications involving the storage and
ingot is generally required. transport of liquefied gases in bulk, the appropriate require-
ments of the Society’s Rules for the Classification of Steel
6.3.2 For specific applications, ultrasonic examinations in Ships apply.
accordance with approved standards or procedures may be
required. 7.2 Steel grades
Rolled bars for shaft lines, used in lieu of forgings and having
a diameter higher than 150 mm, are to be submitted to non- 7.2.1 The requirements apply to Cr-Ni austenitic and auste-
destructive (ultrasonic and magnetoscopic) examinations. nitic-ferritic stainless steels.
Note 1: Reference is made for designation to the corresponding
6.3.3 Unless otherwise agreed or specially required, the
AISI grade.
under thickness tolerances indicated in Tab 24 apply to
plates and wide flats. Other stainless steel of martensitic types, in accordance
with international or national standards, may be accepted
Table 24 : Under thickness tolerance for specific applications such as in [7.1.3].

Nominal thickness t (mm) Under thickness tolerance (mm) 7.3 Manufacture

5≤t≤8 0,4
8 < t ≤ 15 0,5 7.3.1 Approval
15 < t ≤ 25 0,6
Unless otherwise agreed, the Manufacturers of steel
intended for the construction of chemical carriers are to be
25 < t ≤ 40 0,8 approved by the Society and the relevant requirements of
t > 40 1,0 [1.2] apply.

6.4 Mechanical tests 7.3.2 Corrosion resistance

The resistance of tank material to cargoes is under the
6.4.1 For applications under [6.1.2] a) and [6.1.2] b), irre- responsibility of the yard.
spective of the grade of steel, the testing may be in batches
in accordance with the relevant requirements of Article [2]. Justification of such resistance is to be submitted to the
One tensile test is to be carried out from one piece for each Society.
batch presented or fraction thereof.
7.3.3 Dimensional tolerances
Unless otherwise required, the impact tests may be omitted.
With the exception of pressure vessels (see [4.3.4]), the
6.4.2 For applications under [6.1.2] c), the testing proce- minimum tolerance on thickness is to be 0,3 mm.
dure is to be in accordance with the requirements of Sec 3,
7.3.4 Surface conditions
[1.8.4] relevant to forgings.
Surface defects may be removed by grinding, provided that
6.4.3 The results of tensile and impact tests are to comply with the plate thickness at the location of the ground zone is not
requirements of Articles [2], [4] and [5], [7], as applicable. less than the minimum thickness specified in [7.3.3].

April 2005 with amendments May 2006 Bureau Veritas 57

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

Surface defects which cannot be removed by grinding may 7.5 Chemical composition
be generally repaired under the conditions given in [2.3.7],
as applicable. 7.5.1 The chemical composition on ladle analysis is to
comply with the requirements specified in Tab 25.
7.4 Condition of supply
7.6 Mechanical properties
7.4.1 All materials are to be supplied in the solution treated
condition. 7.6.1 The mechanical properties are specified in Tab 26.

Table 25 : Chemical composition

AISI grade Chemical composition (%) (1)

designation C max Mn max Si max P max S max Cr Ni Mo Others
304 L 0,030 2,0 1,0 0,040 0,030 17,0 - 19,0 9,0 - 12,0 −
304 LN 0,030 2,0 1,0 0,040 0,030 17,0 - 19,0 8,5 - 11,0 − 0,14 ≤ N ≤ 0,22
316 L 0,030 2,0 1,0 0,040 0,030 16,0 - 18,5 10,0 - 14,0 2,0 - 3,0
316 LN 0,030 2,0 1,0 0,040 0,030 16,0 - 18,5 10,0 - 14,0 2,0 - 3,0 0,14 ≤ N ≤ 0,22
317 L 0,030 2,0 1,0 0,040 0,030 18,0 - 20,0 14,0 - 16,0 3,0 - 4,0
317 LN 0,030 2,0 1,0 0,040 0,030 18,0 - 20,0 12,5 - 14,0 3,0 - 4,0 0,14 ≤ N ≤ 0,22
321 0,080 2,0 1,0 0,040 0,030 17,0 - 19,0 9,0 - 13,0 − 5xC ≤ Ti ≤ 0,80
347 0,080 2,0 1,0 0,040 0,030 17,0 - 19,0 9,0 - 13,0 − 10xC ≤ Nb ≤ 0,80
Duplex austenitic-ferritic
UNS S 31803 0,030 2,0 0,75 0,035 0,010 21,0 - 23,0 4,5 - 6,5 2,5 - 3,0 0,10 ≤ N ≤ 0,22
UNS S 32550 0,030 2,0 0,75 0,035 0,010 24,0 - 26,0 5,5 - 7,5 2,7 - 3,9 1,0 ≤ Cu ≤ 2,0
UNS S 32750 0,030 2,0 0,80 0,035 0,020 24,0 - 26,0 6,0 - 8,0 3,0 - 5,0 Cu ≤ 0,50
(1) With the exception of refining elements, additional alloying elements are to be submitted for consideration and approval.
Residual elements are permitted provided they do not impair the properties, subsequent processing or behaviour in service of
the material.

Table 26 : Mechanical properties

AISI grade Yield strength (N/mm2) min. (1) Tensile strength Rm A5 (%) Average impact energy (J) min.
designation Rp0,2 Rp1,0 (N/mm2) min. KVL KVT
Austenitic at −196°C at −196°C
304 L 175 215 470 - 670 45 41 27
304LN 270 310 570 - 790 40
316L 195 235 490 - 690 45
316LN 300 340 ≥ 590 45
317L 195 235 490 - 690 40
317LN 300 340 ≥ 590 45
321 205 245 500 - 750 40
347 205 245 500 - 750 40
Duplex austenitic-ferritic at −20°C at −20°C
UNS S31803 ≥ 470 660 - 800 25 41 27
UNS S32550 ≥ 490 690 - 890 25
UNS S32750 ≥ 530 730 - 930 25
(1) The yield strength Rp0,2 is in general to be determined

58 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

7.7 Mechanical tests 8 Clad steel plates

7.7.1 Batch composition
8.1 Scope
The products are grouped in batches of 20 tons or fraction
thereof, consisting of parts coming from the same cast, the 8.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to clad steel
thickness of which differs by no more than 5mm in the case plates consisting of a base material ”backing steel” and a
of flat products. thinner stainless steel layer ”cladding steel” on one or both
When the batch is made up of plates, the plate selected to sides, continuously and integrally bonded, by hot rolling or
take the test specimens is to be one of those of highest by explosion bonding.
thickness. Provision is made for plates having total thickness higher
than 5mm; unless otherwise accepted by the Society, the
7.7.2 Sampling thickness of the cladding metal is to be ≥ 2mm.
In the case of plates and wide flats having width ≥ 600mm,
the tensile test and impact test specimens are to be taken in
8.2 Steel grades
the transverse direction.
In other cases the specimens are to be taken in the longitu- 8.2.1 The grade of the backing steel is to be chosen from
dinal direction, unless otherwise required by or agreed with the steel grades for boilers and pressure vessels defined in
the Society. Article [4].
Other backing steel grades may be accepted subject to the
7.7.3 Number of tests Society’s approval.
The following tests are to be carried out:
a) one tensile test at ambient temperature 8.2.2 The cladding metal in austenitic or austenitic-ferritic
stainless steel is to correspond to the grades defined in Arti-
b) unless otherwise required, 3 Charpy V-notch impact cle [7].
tests at:
The use of other grades for stainless steel cladding is to be
• −196°C for austenitic steels intended for use in con- proposed to the Society for prior approval.
structions with design temperature lower than −105°C
• −20°C for austenitic-ferritic steels. 8.3 Manufacture

7.8 Metallographic structure inspection 8.3.1 Approval

Clad steel plate manufacturing process is to be approved by
7.8.1 When required, a metallographic structure inspection the Society and the conditions for approval are indicated in
is to be carried out on sections parallel to the rolling direc- the document NR480 “Approval of the manufacturing proc-
tion of the product, and taken over the whole thickness of ess of metallic materials”.
the product.
The inspection is to be performed with magnification 200x. 8.3.2 Surface condition and dimensional tolerances
The Manufacturer is responsible for examination of the sur-
No detrimental intermetallic phase (sigma phase) is to
face condition, as well as the compliance with the dimen-
appear in appreciable quantity.
sions and the tolerances. However the Surveyor may
require to have the cladding surface presented for visual
7.9 Intergranular corrosion test examination.

7.9.1 When required, an intergranular corrosion test is to

be carried out in compliance with standard ASTM A262
8.4 Condition of supply
Practice E, or other recognised standards.
8.4.1 The plates are to be supplied in the same heat treat-
The test is to reveal no sensitivity to intergranular corrosion. ment condition as stated during the approval.

7.10 Through thickness tests 8.5 Chemical composition

7.10.1 Where improved through thickness ductility is 8.5.1 Works’ certificates for backing and cladding steels
required, through thickness tests are to be performed but are stating the chemical composition are to be supplied by the
generally not required for grades 304L, 304LN, 321 and 347. Manufacturer.

7.10.2 Tests and results are to be in accordance with the

requirements of Article [9] and [7.10.3]. 8.6 Mechanical properties

7.10.3 When the reduction in area is between 25 and 35 8.6.1 The mechanical properties of the backing material
per cent, additional metallographic examination or other are to comply with the requirements given in Article [4].
evidence is required to show that no significant amount of The check of the mechanical properties of the cladding
any detrimental phase, such as sigma, is present. material is not required.

April 2005 with amendments May 2006 Bureau Veritas 59

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

8.7 Mechanical tests 8.9 Ultrasonic testing

8.7.1 Batch composition 8.9.1 Ultrasonic inspection of the adhesion of the cladding
The batch is to be composed of plates having the same is generally to be performed on plates with an overall thick-
overall thickness, cladding thickness and cast of backing ness (backing + cladding) equal to or greater than 10mm.
steel, and mass not exceeding 20 t. For overall thickness less than 10mm, the ultrasonic inspec-
tion procedure is to be defined in agreement with the Soci-
8.7.2 Number of tests ety.
The following tests are to be performed:
• 1 tensile test on the full clad plate 8.9.2 The ultrasonic inspection is to be performed with the
following procedures:
• 2 bend tests on the the full clad plate
• peripheral inspection of a strip of 50mm in width on all
• 1 series of impact tests on the backing steel
the plate edges
• 1 shear test on the cladding.
• continuous inspection according to a grid with square
8.7.3 Tensile test meshes, 200 mm long and parallel to the plate edges.
During the tensile test of the full clad plate, the strength is to
Random checks may be required by the Surveyor.
be not less than the value given by the following formula:
Rb ⋅ tb + Rc ⋅ tc 8.9.3 The reflection technique is used, with a normal probe
R = ---------------------------------
t having a diameter ranging from 20 to 35 mm and a fre-
where: quency from 3 to 5 Mhz.

Rb : Nominal minimum ReH or Rm of backing mate- 8.9.4 Unless otherwise agreed with the Society, non-adhe-
rial sion areas which do not exceed (50 mm x 50 mm) are toler-
Rc : Nominal minimum ReH or Rm of cladding mate- ated without repair, provided that they are at least 500 mm
rial apart.
tb : Nominal thickness of backing material
tc : Nominal thickness of cladding material 8.10 Surface defects and repairs
t : Nominal thickness of the full clad plate.
8.10.1 Surface defects may be accepted by the Surveyor
If the values resulting from the tensile test yield stress, ulti- when they are not detrimental to the proper use of the prod-
mate tensile strength) are lower than those given by the uct and its corrosion resistance.
above formula, one additional test is to be performed after
removal of the cladding material. 8.10.2 All the surface defects are to be ground so as to
During the tests the requirements for the backing material restore the surface continuity. Nevertheless, such repair by
are to be satisfied. grinding is admitted only if the remaining thickness of the
cladding is at least equal to its guaranteed nominal thick-
The value of elongation specified for the backing material
applies also to the full clad plate.

8.7.4 Bend tests 8.10.3 In cases where, after grinding, the cladding thick-
ness is less than the guaranteed nominal thickness, the
The bending conditions (mandrel diameter in general 3
repair is carried out by welding. The filler metal is to be of
times the plate thickness) are those required for the backing
the same grade as the cladding and the repair procedure is
steel grade. One bend test is carried out with the cladding
to be defined in agreement with the Surveyor and prelimi-
metal on the tensioned side (outer side of bend) and another
narily approved.
with the cladding metal on the compressed side (inner side
of bend). In the latter test, separations of the cladding not
8.10.4 If, after grinding of the defect, the remaining thick-
exceeding 25% of the bent portion are admitted.
ness of the cladding is less than half of the guaranteed nom-
8.7.5 Shear test inal thickness, it is necessary to replace the cladding by
tapering and to rebuild the whole of the cladding by weld-
The shear test is carried out in accordance with ASTM A
ing. Such repair is to be carried out in agreement with the
264. The shear strength is to be at least 140 N/mm2.
Surveyor and preliminarily approved.

8.8 Corrosion testing

8.11 Adhesion defects in the cladding and
8.8.1 When required, an accelerated corrosion test is to be repairs
carried out to check the resistance of the cladding metal
against intergranular corrosion. This corrosion test may be 8.11.1 In the case of adhesion defects detected by an ultra-
carried out according to a national or an international sonic inspection as defined in [8.9], the areas of non-adhe-
standard, or to a particular specification, in agreement with sion of the cladding which exceed the limits specified in
the Society. ASTM A 262 practice E may be used. [8.9.4] are to be removed by cutting off or to be repaired.

60 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

9 Steels with specified through thick-

ness properties Table 27 : Batch size dependent on product
and sulphur content

9.1 Scope Product S > 0,005% S ≤ 0,005%

Plates Each piece Maximum 50 t of
9.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to steel plates
(parent plate) products of the same
and wide flats having thickness not less than 15mm, where cast, thickness and
improved through thickness ductility in the direction of heat treatment
thickness is required.
Wide flats of Maximum 10 t of Maximum 50 t of
The extension to lower thicknesses and relevant conditions nominal thick- products of the same products of the same
are at the discretion of the Society. ness ≤ 25 mm cast, thickness and cast, thickness and
heat treatment heat treatment

9.2 Steel grades Wide flats of Maximum 20 t of Maximum 50 t of

nominal thick- products of the same products of the same
ness > 25 mm cast, thickness and cast, thickness and
9.2.1 The requirements of Article [9] are intended as a sup- heat treatment heat treatment
plement to the requirements of Articles [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
and [7] which specify the quality of steels for hull struc-
tures, boilers, pressure vessels, low temperature applica- 9.7 Test preparation
tions and machinery.
9.7.1 The sample is to be taken close to the longitudinal
9.2.2 The Z designation is to be given to any steel grade centreline of one end of the rolled piece to be tested as
which has been tested according to the above mentioned shown in Fig 6.
specifications, and has been successfully subjected to the
tests defined in [9.6] and [9.7]. The sample must be large enough for the preparation of six
specimens. Three specimens are to be prepared while the
rest of the sample remains for possible retest.
9.3 Manufacture
Figure 6 : Plate and wide flat sampling position
9.3.1 Approval
Any Z grade steel must be submitted to the approval of the
Society. Test
Principal rolling direction sample

The conditions for approval are indicated in the document Central line of product
NR480 “Approval of the manufacturing process of metallic Test

9.4 Chemical composition

9.7.2 Cylindrical tensile test specimens are to be used hav-
9.4.1 In addition to the requirements of the appropriate ing the following dimensions:
steelgrade, the maximum sulphur content is to be 0,008% a) diameter:
determined by the laddle analysis.
• d = 6mm for product thickness between 15mm and
9.5 Mechanical properties
• d = 10mm for product thickness exceeding 25mm
9.5.1 The ductility in the direction of thickness is evalu-
ated, for the purpose of these requirements with the value of b) parallel length: not less than 2 d.
the reduction area measured on tensile test specimens taken Other dimensions are to be according to ISO 6892-84 or
in the through thickness direction of the product and pre- other recognised standards.
pared as specified in [9.7.3].
Where the product thickness does not allow the preparation
of specimens of sufficient length for the gripping jaws of the
9.6 Mechanical tests
testing machine, the ends of the specimens may be built up
by suitable welding methods in such a way as to not impair
9.6.1 Plates and wide flats the portion of the specimen within the parallel length.
Plates and wide flats are to be tested by rolled unit or by
batch in accordance with the conditions mentioned in Tab 9.7.3 The preparation of samples is indicated in Fig 7 and
27. Fig 8.

April 2005 with amendments May 2006 Bureau Veritas 61

NR 216, Ch 2, Sec 1

Figure 7 : Normal test specimen

Table 28 : Reduction of area acceptance values
Plate thickness
Grade Z25 Z35
Minimum average 25% 35%
d Minimum individual 15% 25%

9.9 Re-test
Parallel length > 2d
9.9.1 Three additional test specimens taken from the
remaining test sample can be prepared and tested in three
Figure 8 : Welded test specimen cases shown in Fig 9. The average of all six tensile tests is to
be greater than the required minimum average with no
more than two results below the minimum average.
d In the case of failure after retest, either the batch repre-
sented by the piece is rejected or each piece within the
Plate thickness batch is required to be tested.
Parallel length > t + 4mm

Welded Welded 9.10 Ultrasonic testing

extension extension
9.10.1 Ultrasonic testing is required and is to be performed
in accordance with either EN10160 Level S1/E1 or ASTM
9.8 Test results A578 Level C. Ultrasonic testing is to be carried out on each
piece in the final supply condition and unless otherwise
9.8.1 The three tensile test specimens taken in the through agreed with a probe frequency of 4MHz.
thickness direction are to be tested at ambient temperature.
The minimum average value for the reduction of area must 9.11 Marking
be that shown for the appropriate grade given in Tab 28.
Only one individual value may be below the minimum 9.11.1 in addition to the material grade designation, prod-
average but not less than minimum individual value shown ucts complying with these requirements are to be marked
for the appropriate grade. A value less than the minimum with the letter Z followed by the indication of the reduction
individual is a cause for rejection. of area required, e.g.: EH 36-Z 25.

Figure 9 : Diagram showing acceptance / rejection and retest criteria

Acceptable Result where retest is permitted Acceptable

result retest



Individual result Average result

62 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

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