ER288-Rebar Test Plan

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ER 288 Widening of CTE from PIE to Braddell Road Interchange

Reniforcement Test Plan page:1/4

Pg. Clause Title Description Remarks/Tests

MW/11/28 11.18.1 Hot Rolled Bars Hot rolled mild steel bars and hot rolled high yield
Pg.298 bars shall comply with the requirements of SS 2.

11.18.1 Cold Worked Cold worked steel bars shall comply with the Tests to be Done
Bars requirements of BS 4449.
a. Tensile Test
11.18.1 Hard Drawn Hard drawn mild steel wire shall comply with the b.Bend & Rebend
Steel Wire requirements of BS 4482. Test
c.Elongation Test
11.18.1 Steel Fabric Steel fabric reinforcement shall comply with the
requirements of SS 32 and shall be delivered to
the site in flat mats

11.18.1 Cut and Bent All bars shall be cut and/or bent in accordance
BS 4466

Reinforcement shall be secured against displacement outside the

11.18.1 Cover & Fixing specified
limits. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances of covers and fixings of
reinforcement shall be in accordance to SS CP65 Part 1

MW/11/29 11.18.1 Rebar Laps Laps shall be in

Pg,299 accordance with SS CP 65 or BS 5400 as appropriate.

11.18.2 Mechanical The Manufacturer of the couplers shall operate at least an ISO 9002
Couplers approved quality assurance program, or equivalent, for the
manufacture of couplers. The Supplier/Installer shall operate at least
an ISO 9002 approved quality assurance program, or equivalent, for
reinforcement bar end processing and for coupler installation
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Pg. Clause Title Description Remarks/Tests
MW/11/29 11.18.2 Mechanical All couplers shall be clearly stamped with the batch or heat number.
Pg.299 Couplers This number shall be traceable to the original cast. The relevant
material mill certificates for couplers are to be submitted with each
delivery. The certificates shall show the salient material properties of
the couplers

For threaded systems every prepared bar end shall undergo a load
test prior to leaving the suppliers workshop. Minimum test loading
shall be to 75% of the characteristic strength and maximum test
loading shall be to 100% of characteristic strength. A positive
indication shall be stamped on the rebar to indicate that this operation
has been carried out

The Contractor shall arrange for a suitably qualified Manufacturers

representative experienced in mechanically connecting reinforcement
to be present at site before the start of work for initial training of
personnel, and also to demonstrate the equipment and techniques as
Each coupler shall be visually examined prior to use to ensure the
absence of rust and of any foreign material on the inside surface. All
completed couplers shall be inspected and verified in accordance with
the Contractors accepted method statement. The Contractor shall
establish to the acceptance of the Engineer a procedure for
documenting the inspection of the couplers and to show that every
coupler installed complies with the requirements of this specification.

The Contractor shall retain inspection records and shall submit copies
to the Engineer within 7 days of the installation of the couplers.
Couplers that do not meet the acceptance standards shall be
completely removed and the bars re-connected as required.
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Pg. Clause Title Description Remarks/Tests

MW/11/31 11.18.2 Mechanical Permanent Elongation Test Tests to Done

Pg.301 Couplers When a test is made in accordance with the methodology in a. Permanent
SS2 of a representative gauge length assembly (comprising Elongation Test
reinforcement of the size, grade and profile to be used and a b.Static Tensile Test
coupler of the precise type to be used), the permanent
elongation after loading to 60% of the characteristic strength
and returning the load to zero should not exceed 0.1 mm.
MW/11/31 11.18.2 Coupler Test
Pg.301 Static Tensile Test.
The tensile strength of the coupled bar in a representative
gauge length assembly when tested to failure in accordance
with the methodology in SS2 shall exceed 287.5 N/mm2 for
grade 250, 529 N/mm2 for grade 460 hot rolled steel, and 506
N/mm2 for grade 460 cold worked steel; in addition the failure of
the coupled bar assembly shall occur in the bar clear of the
coupler and of the testing machine grips.

MW/11/32 11.18.2 Tests to perform Stress Strain (or Load Displacement) curves
Pg.301 (b) Yield Load & Yield Strength
(c) Elongation of the mechanical connection
(d) Ultimate load & Ultimate Tensile Strength
(e) Mode of failure
(f) Gauge length used for strain measurement and statement of
how gauge length was determined
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Pg. Clause Title Description Remarks
MW/11/33 11.18.3 Welding Welding on site shall be avoided wherever possible, but where suitable
safeguards and techniques are employed and provided that the types of
steel (including high-yield steels to SS 2) have the required welding
properties, it may be undertaken with the acceptance of the Engineer.
Before welding any reinforcement, the Contractor shall supply to the
Engineer a welding procedure specification (WPS) and an example of
the weld for the type of steel, connection and weld being proposed. If
such evidence is not available, the Contractor shall demonstrate
satisfactory performance by means of testing as accepted by the

Metal-arc welding of reinforcement shall be carried out in accordance

with BS 5135 and the recommendations of the reinforcement

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