Analysis of Improving Students Physics Conceptual
Analysis of Improving Students Physics Conceptual
Analysis of Improving Students Physics Conceptual
DOI: 10.12928/irip.v3i2.3064
L. Sahara, et al. / Indonesian Review of Physics 3(2), 2020, 57-65 58
alternative learning model that can enable students to problems of science learning (student-centered learning).
build their knowledge, one of which is the discovery A learning model that assumes that all these items can be
learning model. accommodating is the learning model for exploration.
Discovery learning is a model for developing active Discovery learning is a model that facilitates each
student learning by finding out and investigating so that student's active involvement through the teacher's
the results will last a long time in memory, not easily prepared questions to explore the concepts and values
forgotten by students [10,11]. The advantage of the individually or in groups. In this model, the teacher's job
discovery model of learning is a learning process based is to direct students with a few roles to look for concepts
on problem-solving [12]. With this model, students can and principles according to the goal defined.
be more intense in solving problems, making it useful for Several researchers have studied the use of multi-
life in the future [13]. Besides, discovery learning focuses representation based discovery learning models.
on solving a problem relevant to current developments Puspitasari et al. [21] reported that the guided discovery
required to think about society's problem-solving. learning model accompanied by multi-representation
Therefore, discovery-learning needs to be actualized in student worksheets based on problem-solving could
real life so that students can respond to more complex life improve students' conceptual understanding. Meanwhile,
problems. Ansori et al. [14], in their study, reported that Ummu et al. [22] argued that applying a multi-
implementing the discovery learning model can support perception-based discovery learning model could
students to think critically. Besides, applying the improve students' conceptual understanding by a
learning discovery made the children learn to think the percentage of 90%.
analysis and try to solve the problems they face However, based on the results of searches using
themselves [9], [15]. google scholar, Eric, and ProQuest, it is still rare to
The combination of multi-perception based explain in detail the use of multi-representation with the
knowledge to students can optimize the role of discovery discovery learning model, especially on the topic of
learning models. Multi representation is a model that re- measurement. In this study, researchers focused on multi-
represents the same concept in several different formats. perception on measuring instruments in the form of
Some representation types may be terms, images, calipers. This selection is due to the lack of literature
diagrams, graphs, simulations of machines, and sources that examine multi-perception on several
mathematical equations in physics. Multi-representation measuring instruments.
can help learners understand and construct a concept, Therefore, researchers are interested in studying
solve problems, help solve problems, and help solve students' conceptual understanding through models of
problems [16,17]. In developing knowledge of scientific discovery learning supported by multiple representations
concepts and processes, Setyandaru et al. [18] argue that from what has been mentioned. This study aims to
developing science learning in schools requires analyze and provide an overview of students' conceptual
understanding and connecting verbal, visual, and understanding based on multi-representation with
mathematical representations. In his research, Sunyono discovery learning models on measurement.
and Meristin [19] argued that multiple representation-
based learning could enhance students' conceptual
understanding of high school chemistry materials II. Theory
compared to discovery learning. Meanwhile, Altan and
Concept Understanding
Eksi [20] reported using several representations to
Understanding is the keyword in the learning.
enhance learners' conceptual understanding of energy
According to Berns and Erickson [23], understanding is
concepts, such as tables, data-meaning tables, conceptual
an absolute prerequisite for high cognitive abilities,
change texts, concept maps, and analogies.
application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in a
The solution proposed to solve this problem is to
learning domain. According to Amien [24], a concept is
choose models, methods, techniques, or learning
based on relevant experiences that can be generalized to
approaches with learning paradigms that emphasize
form a concept.
students' superiority or behavior in response to different
Physics is a discipline that needs more
facts and science learning issues (student-centered
comprehension than memorization, so the ability to use
learning). The exploratory learning model can
three principal points of physics, namely concepts, laws
accommodate all of these things. Discovery learning is a
or principles, and theories, is the key to success in
model that promotes the active participation of each
studying physics. In learning physics, the ability to
student by prepared issues presented by the instructor to
conceptualize physics is an absolute requirement in
discover the concepts and values individually or in
achieving the success of learning physics. According to
groups. According to the specified target, the teacher's
Bloom, the taxonomy of teaching objectives in the
task in this model is to direct students with a few roles in
cognitive realm consists of six levels: remember,
seeking concepts and principles.
understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create.
To solve this issue solution proposed is to choose
Competence is characterized by learners' ability to
models, methods, strategies, or learning approaches of
understand concepts, formulas, or facts to interpret and
learning paradigms that emphasize students' dominance
restate them with their own words. For example, tasks
or action in learning in response to various facts and
that fall under this skill summarize the subject matter,
clarify the fairy tale contents to one's own experience, conducted in Public High School 1 Kendari Class X-MIPA
and include examples of events similar to those on measurement with 36 students. The research
mentioned by the instructor. instrument consisted of a multi-representation test, as
presented in Table 1.
Discovery Learning Data collection techniques in the form of a written
Discovery learning model of learning based on test and an indicator containing multiple representations,
constructivist learning theories [25]. Learning is the multi-representation based student competency
active method of creating context, argument, dialogue, achievement indicators with discovery learning models
and physical experiences from constructivism. An are presented in Table 2.
assimilation process takes place and connects the Data analysis techniques consisted of descriptive
experiences or knowledge that has been acquired [26]. analysis and categorization and the students'
In discovery learning, students are not given the understanding of statistical analysis in which there are
concept in its final form, but students are encouraged to test N-gain normalization [29]. Formula descriptive
find the concept. Students build knowledge based on new analysis presented in equation (1).
information and data-sets they used to investigate
learning [27]. Participation in finding concepts in B (1)
A 100%
learning gives students a more profound impression so C
that information is stored longer in students' memory.
The process of exploring the concepts being taught also Symbol A is the total score obtained, B is the score
gives students the incentive to make more discoveries to obtained, and C is the maximum score.
improve their learning interest.
Syntax discovery learning consists of six phases as
follows: (a). Stimulation, (b).the problem statement, (c). IV. Results and Discussion
Data collection (d). Data processing, (e). Verification, Understanding is a manifestation of a person's
and (f). Generalization. perception or viewpoint given a problem. An individual
is said to understand whether the issues he faces may
Multi-representation derive meaning from messages or clues [30].
According to Ainsworth [28], a multi-representation Understanding representations is meaningful because
learning environment's conceptual analysis shows three information on a problem is often represented differently,
main functions of multi-representation used in learning such as providing visuals information [31-33]. Multi-
situations to complement and build conceptual representation understanding, namely, students'
understanding. The first function is to use representations understanding of visual, verbal, mathematical, pictures,
to obtain additional information or support existing and and graphics [34]. Students are expected to master
complementary cognitive processes. Secondly, the various representations during learning, such as
representation can be applied to restrict the interpretation experimental results, conceptual results, formulas,
of the possible. Recently, multi-representation can be images. It can be seen in Figure 1 that students are more
used to encourage students to build a deeper focused on responding to the questions given.
understanding of the concept.
Sunyono and Meristin [19] concluded that multi-
representation involves the importance of restating
principles that have been taught in different forms and
different acts and expressions, such as delivery by word
of mouth, gestures, visuals. Therefore, multi-
representation represents the physical processes in
various ways; verbal, sketches, diagrams, graphs, and
mathematical equations. There are several advantages of
using the first representation; representation helps
students understand the material as a visual aid to
increase perceptual understanding. Second, the
representation is a physical nature, bridging between
verbal representations with mathematical representations.
The representation of a physical nature helps facilitate
students in moving from words into mathematical
III. Method
This type of research includes experimental
research. The research design was made in the form of a
pretest-posttest one group design. The experiment was Figure 1. The results of the student's work
Text representation The measurement result on the screw micrometer is:
1. Viewed and read designation scale of the highest rates in the major scale (fixed jaw) near the jaw
swivel as reading the main scale
2. View and read the scale on the rotary jaw, which is in line with the horizontal line (horizontal) on
the fixed jaw and multiplied by NST (smallest unit value) on the micrometer screw, which is used
as the Nonius Scale (SN) reading. Of all the scales contained in the rotary scale or on the rotary
jaw, there is only one (1) scale that is entirely in line with the horizontal line on the fixed jaw, with
the reading scale in mm.
The measurement results are the sum of the Main Scale and the Nonius Scale.
Mathematical symbol The measurement results = SU + (Sn x NST)
Representation of
Image Symbol
Table 2. A multi-representation based competency achievement could improve students' conceptual understanding of
indicator with a discovery learning model physics education in the optical wave course with the N-
No Student Competency Achievement Indicators gain value obtained is 0.69, which is in the medium
1 Differences measure to calculate and provide an category.
example Therefore, the use of multi-representations with
2 Named parts of the caliper discovery learning models emphasizes qualitative
3 Named parts of the micrometer analysis and the quantitative aspects. The emphasis on
4 The procedure used and the scale reading caliper multi representation with discovery learning significantly
5 The procedure used and read the scale micrometer assists students in explaining physical phenomena
screw problem-solving.
6 Read the measurement of the length of an object
using a caliper
7 The reading the results of measurement of the length b. Total percentage of students (%) based on the N-
of an object using a .micrometre gain category.
The distribution of categories for increasing
understanding of concepts on the topic of measurement to
Applying multi-representation in the discovery students' numbers is shown in Table 4.
learning model makes it easier for students to understand
and question more about the questions given. The Table 4. Percentage of total students (%) based on N- gain
findings of the study can be seen as follows, based on the
review of research data: Category Total student (%)
a. The pre-test and post-test application of the High ( N- Gain ≥ 0.7 ) 30.6
discovery learning model assisted by multiple Medium ( 0.3 ≤N-gain < 0.7) 50.0
representations of the measurement topic are shown Low ( 0 < N-Gain ≤ 0.3 ) 19.4
in Table 3.
Table 3. Pre and post-test results in the application of Table 4 shows that the increase in N-gain usually is
discovery learning model assisted by multi-representation distributed; It means that more students (50%) have a
medium increase or as the gain category, in general, is
Value 0.55, which is in the medium category. However, the
min max average SD number of students who have a high N-gain category is
Pre Test 2.9 55.7 16.3 13.9
more significant than those in the low gain category.
Post Test 11.4 88.6 61.4 21.0
G 0.07 0.8 0.5 0.2
Note: G (N-gain normalization); SD (Standard Deviation) c. Description of the distribution of students' pre-test
and post-test scores in terms of the aspect of
It appears in Table 3 that the use of multi- competency achievement indicators on the topic of
representation-assisted discovery learning on the subject measurement.
of measurement increased the comprehension of the
measurement content by students from an average of 16.3 The distribution of student understanding for
to 61.4. After the application model with an increase in measures of student competency achievement is shown in
N-gain (normalized gain) of 0.55, which is in the medium Table 5. The distribution of understanding of each
category. An increase in N-gain of 0.55 means that indicator on the measurement subject is illustrated in
students in class XMIPA-4 experience an increase in Table 5. In general, based on this data, students had a
learning outcomes by 55% from the difference between poor understanding of all indicators before learning. The
the student's pre-test average score and the ideal or lowest indicator was using and reading the scale on the
maximum average (or 100) from the test on the topic of initial screw micrometer of 6.9. The extended
measurement. measurement results using a caliper are also low on the
In other words, the difference between the mean of indicator, and the micrometer parts of 10.7 and 11.6 are
the initial test and the ideal mean of the students class reported, respectively.
XMIPA-4 is 83.7 (from 100 - 16.3), and 55% of 83.7 is However, students calculate and offer marginally
46.04, or the average value of students after learning better examples than all other aspects of the distinction
increases by 46.04 from the initial test so that the average aspect. Students' comprehension improved after the
test eventually to 62.3 (relative value equal to the value of learning process, with the highest average being 70.1 in
post-test, differ only because of rounding). terms of mentioning the caliper components and 67.4 in
Thus, learning multi-representation assisted terms of saying the screw micrometer components.
discovery models can improve students' understanding of Compared to other aspects, namely 0.63, these two
the topic of measurement with an average N-gain of 0.55. elements also had the most considerable N-Gain rise.
Suhandi and Wibowo [35] argued that multi- Table 5 shows that the distinguishing aspect of
representation is one approach that is quite effective to measuring by counting and giving examples has the
use to instill an understanding of physics concepts. lowest N-Gain increase of 0.48. It also appears that
While, Utami et al. [36] reported that multi-representation although the invention has been applying aided
instructional model representation, there are still students indicators (even no value 0 both on the pre-test and post-
who do not understand the concept of the last four test).
Table 5. The distribution of students' pre-test and final test scores in terms of N-gain for each indicator of student competency
Student Competency Pre Test Post Test
Achievement Indicators min max Average SD min max Average SD N Gain
1 Differences measure to 12.5 43.8 26.2 10.2 21.9 93.8 61.8 17.5 0.4
calculate and provide an
2 Named parts of the caliper 0.0 66.7 19.2 25.8 25.0 100 70.1 14.6 0.6
3 Named parts of the micrometer 0.0 66.7 11.6 22.3 16.7 100 67.4 20.8 0.6
4 The procedure used and the 0.0 50 20.8 19 0.0 100 62.5 26.7 0.5
scale reading caliper
5 The procedure used and read the 0.0 50 6.9 15.4 0.0 100 53.5 32.3 0.5
scale micrometer screw
6 Read the measurement of the 0.0 69.2 10.7 17.3 0.0 100 60.1 40.3 0.5
length of an object using a
7 Reading the results of 0.0 84.6 13.2 24.4 0.0 100 59.7 40.2 0.5
measurement of the length of an
object using a micrometer
Teachers need to increase the awareness of students' and high-level cognitive. Understanding is a form of
multi-representation in different ways of presenting the student cognition in the learning process.
knowledge to grasp an abstract topic that becomes
tangible in all analysis areas [37]. One way to apply d. Description of the success rate of mastery of the
learning with multiple representations approach as the subject matter on the measurement topic
research results Widianingtiyas et al. [38] obtained a Table 6 and Table 7 shows the number of students
multi-representation approach can positively influence based on mastery of the material for measurement
students' cognitive abilities, including low-level cognitive subjects, both in the initial and final exams.
Table 6. The distribution number of students (%) each indicator of conceptual understanding in terms of the success rate of mastery of
the material on the initial test (pre-test)
Indicator codes and number of students (%)
No Level of success Category
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Mastering all topics/indicators of subject matter (100%) Excellent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 Most of them master the topic/indicators of the subject matter Very good
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6
(76 % - 99 %)
3 Students master 60% - 75% of indicators/subject topic Good
0.0 16.7 5.6 0.0 0.0 2.8 2.8
4 Students only master a small portion of the topic/topic Lest
100 27.7 19.4 75 22.2 50 33.3
indicator of the lesson (1% - 59%)
5 Students do not master the topic/indicator topic of the lesson Not
0 55.6 75 25 77.8 47.2 58.3
(0%) master
Indicator Information: (1) Differences measure to calculate and provide an example; (2) Named parts of the caliper; (3) Named parts of the
micrometer; (4) The procedure used and the scale reading caliper; (5) The procedure used and read the scale micrometer screw; (6) Read the
measurement of the length of an object using a caliper; (7) Reading the results of measurement of the length of an object using a micrometer
Table 7. The distribution number of students (%) each indicator of conceptual understanding in terms of the success rate of mastery of
the material on the final test (post-test)
Indicator codes and number of students (%)
No Level of success Category
1 2 3 4 1 6 7
1 Mastering all topics/indicators of subject matter (100%) Excellent 0.0 8.3 11.1 5.6 2.8 36.1 36.1
Most of them master the topic/ indicators of the subject Very good
2 19.4 16.7 16.7 25.0 25.0 13.9 13.9
matter (76 % - 99 %)
Students master 60% - 75% of indicators / subject topic Good
3 30.6 69.4 55.5 36.1 25.0 5.6 2.8
Students only master a small portion of the topic/topic Lest
4 50.0 5.6 16.7 25.0 27.8 38.8 36.1
indicator of the lesson (1% - 59%)
Students do not master the topic/indicator topic of the lesson Not master
5 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 19.4 5.6 11.1
Indicator Information: (1) Differences measure to calculate and provide an example; (2) Named parts of the caliper; (3) Named parts of the
micrometer; (4) The procedure used and the scale reading caliper; (5) The procedure used and read the scale micrometer screw; (6) Read the
measurement of the length of an object using a caliper; (7) Reading the results of measurement of the length of an object using a micrometer
It appears that of the 36 students, the level of learning. However, there are still students who are not
comprehension of the students is still in the mastering the material for the last four indicators.
decent/minimum group below (the level of mastery of It can be observed from this clarification that the
materials is below 76% for all indicators), based on Table implementation of the discovery learning model with
6 and Table 7 before learning. Besides, the indicator uses multi representations can enhance the comprehension of
a micrometer to read the long measurement results. Even each indicator in the measuring material by students. As
more than 50% of students do not master the explained, indicators mean N-gain on the subject
content/subject matter on four indicators, namely, calculation; all indicators have increased with an average
mentioning parts of the calipers, mentioning parts of the N-gain between 0.48-0.63.
micrometer, procedures for using and reading the
micrometer screw scale reading the length measurement e. The relationship between initial knowledge and pre-
using a screw micrometer. test and post-test on measurement topics
More than 50% of the students had a degree of The relationship between the original information
understanding of materials or indicators of more than gained from the basic understanding of physics
60% (good, excellent, and special categories) after assessments for class grouping when entering school to
learning, except for differentiating indicators calculated understand students on the subject of measurement is
by counting and offering. For instance, no students met a presented in Table 8.
particular category. Moreover, no more students are not
mastering the content for the first three indicators after
Table 8. The relationship between students' initial ability levels with pre-test and post-test on the topic of measurement
No Initial ability level Average
TA Pre-test Posttest N-gain
1 Groups of students with low abilities 37.5 13.2 62.8 0.57
2 Groups of students with medium abilities 41.4 17.2 58.0 0.52
3 Groups of students with high abilities 45.0 17.0 66.5 0.61
Average total (N=36) 41.5 16.3 61.4 0.55
Standard deviation total 2.8 13.9 21.0 0.21
Note: TA (Initial ability)
The mean comprehension of students on the These results indicate that the concept is substantially
measurement content tends to be compatible with their improved with a boost in the un-normalized gain of 0.5
initial ability (TA) based on Table 8. In contrast, the pre- (SD = 0.2) and the intermediate category. By offering
test has almost the same mean between students with representational learning facilities, student
modest abilities and elevated abilities. In the post-test communication can be generated, and students can help
performance, it can be shown that high-quality students solve problems and better understand concepts.
have a higher increase in N-Gain (0.61) compared to the Moreover, with an average N-gain of 0.63, an
middle and low-quality student classes with an average improvement in understanding the principle on the
N-Gain of 0.52 and 0.57, respectively. subject of measurement, particularly on the indicators
The rise N-Gain of the high-capacity and low- explaining the calipers' sections and the screw
capacity groups of students (0.61 and 0.57 respectively) micrometers obtained.
can be shown from the data in Table 8 to be higher than
the N-gain of the moderate-capable group (0.52). It
implies that implementing the multi representation Acknowledgment
discovery learning model is appropriate for enhancing the The researcher would like to thank Public High
comprehension of the measurement content by high- School 1 Kendari for facilitating the research to be
capacity students and low capacity. completed properly. Furthermore, the authors would like
These findings indicate that multi representation to thank Halu Oleo University for the financial support
based learning is effective in increasing the conceptual provided to finish this research.
understanding of students with "low" and "medium"
initial abilities [19].
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