Students Creative Thinking Skill On Scientific Ap

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Students’ creative thinking skill on scientific approach based on lesson

study for learning community
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ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

Students’ creative thinking skill on scientific approach

based on lesson study for learning community

Husniawati¹², Hobri¹², A C Prihandoko13, B T Utomo4

¹LS iMel ( Lesson Study in Mathematics Learning) University of Jember,
²Mathematics Edu. Depart. University of Jember, Indon
Information Technology Dept., University of Jember, Indonesia
Mathematics Edu.STKIP PGRI of Lumajang, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

Abstract. The ability to think creatively is one of the abilities needed in the 21st
century. But in fact, the students’ creative thinking is still relative. Therefore, this
research was intended to develop mathematical learning tools on the material of
Sequence and Number Series on the ninth grade of junior high school through
scientific approach that was on Lesson Study For Learning Community and its
influence on students' creative thinking skill. The method used was the mixed-
methods that combined qualitative and quantitative research. Thiagarajan model as the
developmental research was taken as qualitative one. This research consisted of two
classes; exsperimental and control classes while quasi-experimental method of non-
equivalent control group design. In normality test, the data obtained was normally
distributed and the data were homogeneous based on the homogeneity test, so that it
was necessary to do parametric data analysis by using independent sample t-test
analysis. Based on the results of this research, the conclusions were summed up into:
(1) The development of learning tools was into the category of valid, effective and
practical, (2) The application of Scientific Learning based on LSLC had a significant
effect on students' creative thinking skill indicated by a significance value of 0.000

1. Introduction

Mathematics is a branch of sciences which is able to drill the process of students' critical and
creative thinking skills. The ability to think creatively is one of the high-level thinking skills
urgently needed in the 21st century [1]. The material of sequence and number series is one of
the mathematical materials taught in the junior level that is able to train students' creative
thinking skills. Through this material, the students are expected to be able to manipulate the
pattern by making a generalization of a number pattern. The given task of exploring patterns
can contribute to the development of students' problem solving skills through the analysis on
certain cases, organizing data, and generalization [2]. There are four aspects of creative
thinking, each of which consists of several indicators. The indicator of creative thinking are
shown in the tabel 1 [3].

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ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

Table 1. Creative Thinking Skill Indicators

Aspect Indicator
Fluency •ask lots of questions
• answer with a number of answers if there are questions
• smoothly expressing his ideas
• work faster and do more than other children
• can quickly see errors or shortcomings in an object or situation
Feksibility •provide various interpretations (interpretations) of an image, story or
• applying a concept or principle in different ways
• in discussing or discussing a situation always has a different position from
the majority of groups.
• if given a problem, usually think of different ways to solve it
• classify things according to division (different categories).
• able to change the direction of thinking
Originality • think of problems or things that others don't think.
• question old ways and try to think of new ways.
• choose another way of thinking than others
Elaboration • seek deeper meaning for answers or problem solving by carrying out
detailed steps.
• develop or enrich other people's ideas.

The problems which generally occurred were the students still haven’t experienced a
meaningful learning process, students' ability in creative thinking has not been honed yet, and
there was no emergence of collaborative activities among students so that students tend to be
individuals and have not yet emerged caring for their friends who have learning difficulties.
Learning activities need to use principles, such as: student-centered, develop students'
creativity, creating interesting and challenging condition, covering values, ethics, aesthetics,
logic, and kinesthetic, and provide a diverse learning experience through the application of
various learning strategies and methods which surely joyful, contextual, effective, efficient,
and meaningful [4]. An example of a student-centered approach and in accordance with the
current principle of learning is scientific approach. Scientific approach is a learning approach
following scientific activities, with a sequence of activities or learning experiences as follows:
observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating [5]. Based on the steps and
activities contained in scientific approach, it can be seen that the scientific approach makes the
students actively involved in learning activities. Whereas Learning tools for Learning Study is
lesson study based on collaborative and learning community [6]. In this case, the objective of
learning community is that the students learn from each other (listening to each other), and the
teachers must also learn from each other [7]. The implementation of LSLC learning also has
the provision of jumping tasks, which is giving assignments in the form of application
questions to encourage the students to solve problems so that their cognitive skill improved.
Based on the problems above, it was necessary to develop learning plan through scientific
learning based on LSLC to improve students' creative thinking skills. Scientific learning based
on LSLC was carried out collaboratively between teachers and other teachers (plan, do, see),
teachers and students, or between students in which there was a sense of mutual care and none
of the students are neglected. Meanwhile, the elements that could train the students to think
creatively were found in exercise and presented discussion material. This learning was carried
out through several stages, namely: (1) Observing, (2) Questioning, (3) Exploring, (4)
Associating, and (5) Communicating.
This research is certainly different from previous researches. A research conducted by
Hobri, Ice Septiawati and Antonius Cahya Priandoko [8] aimed at developing mathematical

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

learning tools through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) based on Lesson Study for
Learning Community (LSLC) on the material of sequence and series of the tenth grade
students at Vocational School and to know their influence towards students' high level
thinking skills. A research done by Scipper [9] was intended to determine the effect of
learning tools in improving teacher professionalism in teaching and doing collaboration to
determine new teaching material or learning method. A Research conducted by Tohir, et al.
[10] aimed at analyzing the students' creative thinking skills in generalizing arithmetic
sequences. Whereas another research conducted by Wan Har Chong & Christine Anne Kong
[11] had the objective to explore the benefits obtained from the collaborative activities of
teachers as well as its implications on teaching. The purpose of this research was to develop
learning tools with scientific approach based on Lesson Study for Learning Community-based
on sequence and series of the eleventh grade students and know their effects on students'
creative thinking skills

2. Research Methods
This study used Mixed Methods with Sequential Exploratory Design model, a method that
combined sequentially qualitative and quantitative research methods [12]. The development of
these learning tools used the development of Thiagarajan model, Semmel & Semmel (4-D)
which consisted of four stages, namely the define, design, develop, and disseminate stages
[13]. In this development, the research was about to develop mathematical learning tools with
scientific approach based on Lesson Study for Learning Community. The developed learning
tools were Lesson Plan, Student Worksheet, and Student Learning Outcomes Test. In addition,
validation of the research instruments was also performed, namely the observation sheet of
student activities, observation of the implementation of learning tools, open class observation,
and response questionnaire. If learning tools and research instruments were valid, they could
be used on learning. But if the learning tool and research instrument were still not valid, it
needed to be revised according to the input from the validator. Explanation of development
research prosedures was illustrated in the chart as follows.

Figure 1. The Model of Reseach and Development (4-D)

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

In the experimental research, a quasi-experimental of non-equivalent control group design

pretest was used. The population in this research was the ninth grade students of Lumajang
Islamic Junior High School in the academic year of 2018/2019, IXB class was selected as an
experimental class that received learning using learning tools that had been developed and
IXC class as a control class was taught by using Direct Instruction. After collecting data in the
form of test results and observations, then the normality assumption test was carried out by
using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and variance homogeneity was by using Levene's test.
Each test for normality and homogeneity of variance was performed with a significance level
of 0.05 (p <0.05). The independent sample t-test was carried out if the data were normally
distributed and homogeneous, but if the data were not normally distributed or not
homogeneous then Mann-Whitney test would be used.

This research was done to the ninth grade students of Lumajang Islamic Junior High School in
the odd semester of the 2018/2019 academic year. The sampling technique used was random
sampling by randomly selecting two classes, the first class was the experimental class with the
implementation of scientific learning which was consisted of 18 students, and the second class
was class control with the application of direct instruction that consisted of 18 students.

The instruments used in this research were tests, observation, and interview. Theinstruments
of observation is observation sheet of student activities, observation of the implementation of
learning tools, open class observation, and response questionnaire. Explanation of exsperiment
research prosedures was illustrated in the chart as follows.

Development of learning device



Scientific based LSLC

Quantitative method Qualitative method

Homogenetity test
Control class
LSLC based scientific application class

Eksperimental class (draft 3) Control class(Withoutdraft 3) Sampling

Interview, Response
Normality Test questionnaire, observation

Data analysis

Figure 2.The Exsperiment Research

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

3. Research Finding

The Result of Data Analysis

The process of developing learning tools such as Lesson Plan, Student Worksheet, and Student
Learning Outcomes Test was conducted before implementing the treatment to the
experimental class and the control class. In the plan stage, that was asking for advice and input
to fellow teachers of Lumajang Islamic Junior High School (SMI) related to the process of
preparing the learning tools to be used. This is in line with research on developing a culture of
dialogue between teachers [14, 15]. Learning outcomes tests were given as the pre-test and
post-test to the control class and the experimental class with the aim of obtaining data on the
improvement of students' creative thinking skills. The research instruments were observation
sheets of students’ activities (OSA), observation of the implementation of learning tools
(OILT), open class observations (OCO), students’ response questionnaires (SRQ) and review
observation (RO) were also validated. The validation process was carried out by 3 validators,
which were 2 mathematics education lecturers and a practitioner, the mathematics teacher at
Lumajang Islamic Junior High School (SMI). The overall results of the validation of research
tools and instruments can be presented on chart 1 below.
Chart 1. The Validation Result of Learning Tools and Instrument
4.87 4.89
4.9 4.85
4.8 4.81 4.81
. 4.6
Lessom Plan Student Test OSA OILT SRQ RO OCO
average overall validator

The learning tools and research instruments could be used in this research if it was
declared valid with validity average values (𝑉r) were at the intervals of 4 ≤Vr<5. Thus, based
on Figure 3 above, it showed that the results of validation of learning tools and research
instruments could be used in this research. The interval of this study was made different from
the previous research related to the interval of validation of learning tools namely the value of
mean validity (𝑉r) at interval 3 ≤Vr <4 [8].
The next stage was the "Do" stage, which was the implementation of scientifi learning
based on Lesson Study for Learning Community in IXB class at Lumajang Islamic Junior
High School (SMI) on the material of Sequence and Series. This stage consisted of 7 meetings
which were 5 times learning, and 2 times giving test activities (pretest and post-test). The test
giving activities were also given to the control class. However, direct learning was given in the
control class.
The pre-test activity which consisted of three questions was carried out at the first
meeting in both the experimental class and the control class within 80 minutes. The pre-test
activity aimed to measure the students' initial creative thinking skills before the learning
implementation. The students’ pre-test results are shown in the following table 2.

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

Table 2. Pre-Test Result

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
pretes_eksperimen 18 10.00 69.00 27.7778 19.41363
pretes_control 18 10.00 67.00 28.6111 16.71962
Valid N (listwise) 18
In the experimental class, the treatment was given in the form of LSLC-based scientific
learning which was done at the 2nd to 6th meeting. In the learning activities, the students
made groups consisting of 3-4 students to collaborate in their groups. The stages in this
learning included; (a) observing, (b) questioning, (c) exploring, (d) associating, and (e)
communicating. This was certainly different from the control class which was in the form of
direct learning and students were only given problem exercises then discussed it together.
During the group discussion activities, students collaborated with each other so that there was
no friend in the group who felt neglected, on the contrary, there was a caring community.
LSLC aims to share information with each other to maximize learning in schools so that a
situation that is fair and full of love is built [16].
LSLC-based learning states that if children receive psychological support, they tend to
support others, as well as those who receive learning assistance from others; they will tend to
offer concrete assistance to others [17]. It seems that students shared knowledge in groups
when using LKS based on Lesson Study for Learning Community. While students who still
did not understand were expected not to be shy to ask questions. Student worksheet was also
presented exercise that could measure the ability to think creatively, the activities occurred
collaboratively in a community that cares for each other. The activities of students in groups
are presented in the following figure by taking one group as a sample.

A B A C : student asking

: student explaining
D B D /answering
Meeting 1 Meeting 2

Figure 3. Students’ activity in group discussion in the experimental class

The group discussion in the experimental class went pretty well. Student B provided
explanations to all group members. Whereas, there were only two students who had dared to
ask the group, they were student A and student C. At the meeting, it appeared that student D
was still less active in the group because student D still lacked of understanding of the material
related to number patterns, but friends in his group (students A, B and C) understand that, so
they kept trying to explain to student D who still did not understand. This certainly shows the
feeling of caring for friends in their group [16]. At the next meeting, students seemed to have
been able to collaborate well and there was a caring community, which was marked by a
feeling of caring for the inability of their friends in the group and the exchange of seating
positions in the group. Student D sat side by side with student B who was more active and
more understand the material. Thus student D began to grow the courage to ask or share
related to the material that he did not understand even he began to grow courage to help his
friends who had difficulty understanding the material. This is in line with research that states
that the concern for community-based learning is very effective, not only can improve student
understanding and achievement, but also increase their confidence in communication [18]. At

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

this meeting all students appeared active in the study group. They had become accustomed to
collaborating, which was sharing with each other in study groups.
The learning conditions in the control class were very different from the experimental class.
The following are discussed activities in the control class for groups 1 and 2.
: student asking
: student explaining /
S R S answering
Meeting 1 (Group 1) Meeting 2 (Group 1)

K L K L : : student asking
: student explaining /
Meeting 1 (Group 2) Meeting 2 (Group 2)

Figure 4. The activity of group discussion in the control class

In the control class, the group discussion activity did not run well. This can be seen from
the first meeting that in group 1, there was one discussion happened between two students that
were student P and student S while student Q and student R were not courage enough to
question even though they did not understand the material. This also happened in group 2, on
the contrary, there was no discussion happened within this group. Student K who understood
more about the material only gave the answer to the whole members of the group without any
explanation or group discussion. The second meeting was not really different from the first
one. Overall, the group discussion activity aimed only at answering the question of the given
problem without any sense of care for the group members who still did not understand the
Based on the result of the student activity observation in the experimental class, it was
known that students were active in group activity, questioning/reasoning, finishing, and
presenting task. In the experimental class, it was known that from the total 18 students, as
much as 11 students (61%) were categorized as active, 6 students (33%) were quite active, and
1 student (6%) was less active. This was because the students seemed to actively shared,
helped, encouraged, and facilitated each other with learning to reach the objective[19].
Whereas, the control group showed that, from 18 students, as much as 4 students (22%) were
categorized as quite active, and 14 students (78%) were less active. Thus, it can be concluded
that after following LSLC-based scientific learning, the students’ active level average was
The open class activity, which had been attended by 10 teachers of various lesson subjects
in Lumajang Islamic Junior High School, conducted in the third and fifth meeting. This
activity incorporated many teachers as the characteristic of more effective teacher professional
development [20]. Open lesson was one of LSLC activities in which in see stage contained
reflection activity based on the observation result in the class. This stage was focused on the
observation of how students learned in group while the observation of teacher’s activity during
learning was only used as suggestion in learning activity. Some teachers of different subject

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

were interested in implementing LSLC in their lesson. This was because in the experimental,
the students seemed to could collaborate and had high sense of care to their friends. In LSLC-
based scientific learning, the students became easy to get meaningful knowledge and improve
activeness, creativeness, argumentative and discussion skills. The teacher of open class
believed that LSLC-based scientific learning would be able to improve students’ creative
thinking process because, during learning, the students really experienced meaningful learning
within their group.
Post test was administered in the last meeting to know the level of students’ creative
thinking process after following the learning process. The result of post-test was presented in
the following Table 3.
Table 3. Post-test Result
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Completeness
Deviation Percentage
Experimental 18 56.00 100.00 87.0000 13.81815 89%
Post test
Control Post 18 44.00 85.00 70.6667 14.02938 72%
Valid N 18

Prerequisite test was early step to analyze the data before conducting hypothesis test
which covered normality test by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test and homogeneity
test by using Levene’s test. The data analysis aimed at knowing the effect of LSLC-based
scientific learning toward students’ creative thinking skill. The following table 4 is the result
of normality test.
Table 4. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Normality Test
Classes Kolmogorov-Smirnova
Statistic Df Sig.
Experimental class Pretest .149 18 .200
Control class Pretest .193 18 .075
Experimental class Posttest .176 18 .147
Control class Posttest .175 18 .152
Based on the table, it was known that the pre test value of students’ creative thinking skill
of the experimental class was sig=0.200 and the control class was sig=0.075, while the post-
test value of the experimental class was sig=0.147 and the control class was sig=0.152.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the data about pre-test and post-test value of the two class
that are distributed normally because the significant value was more than 0.05 (p>0.05).
The result of homogeneity test of pre-test and post-test is presented in the following Table 5.
Table 5. Levene’s Test Homogeneity Test
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Pretest .019 1 36 .890
Posttest .007 1 36 .934

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

Based on Table 5 above, it was known that the result of homogeneity test of students’
creative thinking skill showed the significant value of 0.890 for pre-test and 0.934 for post-
test. Therefore, it can be concluded that the data about students’ creative thinking skill of the
experimental and control classes was homogenous because it had same value. Thus, there
needed a data analysis by using parametric test that was independent sample t-test. The result
of the data analysis is presented in Table 6.
Table 6. Data Analysis by using independent sample t-test
Hasil Post-Test
Mean Difference 50.77778
Std.Error Difference 3.76883
Df 36
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Based on Table 6 above, the sig. value was 0.000 (p<0.05), therefore it can be concluded
that there was a significant different on students creative thinking skill in the experimental and
control classes. The following Figure 6 presents the average improvement of creative thinking
skill of each aspect in the experimental and control classes.
Chart 2. The Average Improvement of Creative Thinking Skill Aspects
70% 59%
56% 51%
60% 46%
50% 41% 40% 38%
40% Experimental class
30% control class
Fluency Fleksibility Originality Elaborasi
Based on the above figure, the experimental class showed a significant improvement in
creative thinking skill of each aspect compared to the control class. In this research, the
indicators to measure creative thinking skill referred to Munandar’s opinion [3]. The students’
creative thinking data from the experimental and control classes based on the result of pretest
and posttest is shown in the following chart 3.
Chart 3. Data of the Students’ Creative Thinking Level
0% 11%

56% 33%
Less Creative Creative Enough

Creative Very Creative

Experimental pre-test Experimental post-test

11% 0% 17% 0% 0%

89% 83%
Less Creative Creative Enough Less Creative Creative Enough

Creative Very Creative Creative Very Creative

Pre-Test of the Control Class Post-Test of the Control Class

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

Based on the chart 3, it is shown that there was a significant improvement in the
experimental class, especially on the pre-test that revealed the students who were less creative
reached 83% and the students who were creative enough as much as 17%, while in the post-
test there was an improvement of the students’ creative thinking ability that was the students
who were creative as much as 11% and very creative reached 56%. These results were
different from the control class, even though both of classes had an improvement; however,
the experimental class got a better improvement [21]. The following is the Figure 5. One of
the students’ answers that contains the 4 aspects of creative thinking

Aspect of Fluency ; able to draw 3 arrangements

of the next picture

Aspect of Fluency ;able to continue the next 3

numbers in the number pattern
Aspect of Fleksibility; able to mention 3 kinds of
number patterns

Aspect of Originality; able to mention the rules

in the 3 number patterns that had been made
Aspect of Elaboration; able to specify 3 or more
rules to find the n term

Figure 5. Results of students’ answers on the 4 aspects of creative thinking.

In the figure 5 above, it is known that the students already had the creative thinking ability
because the students’ answers showed the four aspects of creative thinking covering fluency,
flexibility, originality and elaboration aspects. The students who were very creative could be
seen from the fluency aspect were able and fluent in expressing ideas to answer the question
that were able to continue the next 3 pictures and the next 3 numbers in the number pattern
they made. Whereas, from the aspect of flexibility, the students were able to mention any kind
of number pattern formed based on the problem’s picture, even the students were capable to
find other different pattern from others’. Based on the aspect of originality, the students
thought about the stuffs that other people did not that were thinking various different ways to
find a number pattern, and from the aspect of elaboration, the students were able to determine
the rule of the pattern in each number pattern with the detailed steps [3]. This was certainly
different from the students’ answers that belonged to the low level of creative thinking ability.
Here is the figure 6. The students’ answers were categorized as less creative thinking students.
Aspect of Fluency ;unable to draw 3
arrangements of the next picture

Aspect of Fluency ;able to continue the next 3

numbers in the number pattern
Aspect of Fleksibility; only able to mention 2
number patterns that can be formed from the picture

Aspect of Originality; able to mention the rules

in the 3 number patterns that had been made
Aspect of Elaboration; able to specify 3 or
more rules to find the n term
Figure 6. The Answers of The StudentsWho had LessCreativeThinkingAbility

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

Based on the pictures above, it can be seen that the students with less creative thinking
ability had difficulties in drawing the next pattern in the aspect of fluency, but they were able
to determine the next 3 numbers from the number pattern they made. From the aspect of
flexibility, the students were only able to mention 2 number patterns that could be formed
from a picture, while from the aspect of originality, the students were only able to determine a
rule in the number pattern that they made while for the second number pattern, the students
had difficulties in determining the rule of the number pattern. The students were only able to
show the detailed steps of the number pattern they made and these were just simpler form of
number pattern. Therefore, the students with less creative thinking ability had not fulfilled the
four aspects of creative thinking. Here was the interview result between the teacher and the
students whose answer showed above.
Teacher: Does the picture in question number 1 only have 2 patterns?
Student: Yes ma'am, the pattern is only based on the number of triangles with red triangles.
Teacher: Are there no other patterns besides the pattern that you found?
Student: There's no more mom.
Teacher: Try, you see the picture in question number 1 again, does the number of lines in each
arrangement not form a pattern?
Students: (Students start counting), 1st arrangement of the number of lines is 3, 2nd
arrangement of lines is 7, 3rd arrangement of lines is 11. Oh ... yes ma'am, based on
the number of lines also forming a pattern with a difference the same which is 4.
Teacher: Why don't you answer the option c in pattern 1?
Student: I am still confused about the rules of the bu.
Teacher: Pay attention to the arrangement of numbers formed, how is then
arrangement between numbers close together?
Students: (Students observe the answer option b again in pattern 1), the difference is the same
as bu, which is a number that is close together has a difference of 2.
Teacher: What do you think about the pattern rules?
Student: Difference between two adjacent numbers 2, so that the pattern formed is 2n.
Teacher: Check again, if the pattern 2n can form a pattern like pattern 1 that you have made?
(students seem confused, but try to recount)
Student: It turns out that I am still mistaken if the pattern is 2n, it should still be reduced by 1.
Teacher: Yeah right.
Based on the results of the interview above, it appears that students are still not able to
think creatively that is on the fluency aspect. The fluency aspect in question is smooth in
expressing ideas by mentioning numbers for the next arrangement. While in aspects of
flexibility, students are still not able to think of different patterns that can be formed in an
image, and in the aspect of originality, students are still unable to make rules on the pattern of
numbers that have been made, and in the elaboration aspect students still have difficulty in
compiling steps or ways with details so that a number pattern is found

4. Disscusion
The class sample data used in this study is normally and homogeneously distributed so that the
data analysis used is parametric analysis (independent sample t-test) but if the sample data is
not normally distributed so data analysis used is nonparametric analysis (Mann-Whitney)[8].
Related to the effectiveness of learning tools, it can be said that the learning tools was
effective. This can be known from: (1) the percentage of classical completeness of the
students’ learning outcomes reached 89%, (2) the results of the students’ activity during the
learning process were categorized as active, (3) there was a significant improvement of the
students’ creative thinking ability in the experimental class. While, based on the observation
results, it is known that the implementation of learning process in each aspect showed that it
run well with the mean score of 4.88. Whereas, from the questionnaire of the students’

ICCGANT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1211 (2019) 012081 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1211/1/012081

response, it was obtained that the students gave the positive response towards the learning
tools on the implementation of LSLC-based scientific learning as much as 85%. Based on the
data above, it can be concluded that the practicality test of the learning tools being developed
fulfilled the criteria of: (1) the implementation level of the learning process was categorized as
practical; (2) the students had a positive response toward the media as well as the
implementation of LSLC based scientific learning.The results of the analysis of non
parametric showed that there was a significant different on students creative thinking skill in
the experimental and control classes.The results of this study show that there was a significant
improvement in the experimental class, especially on the pre-test that revealed the students
who were less creative reached 83% and the students who were creative enough as much as
17%, while in the post-test there was an improvement of the students’ creative thinking ability
that was the students who were creative as much as 11% and very creative reached 56%. The
results of different studies indicate that the test results, students who have high, medium and
low creative thinking skills have a significant increase between task 1 and task 2 and there are
some students who are able to adapt quickly and well in research-based learning. In addition,
the level of students' creative thinking skills based on their performance in task 1 is in the "less
creative" category, while in task 2 is in the "creative" category [21].

5. Conclusion
Based on the overview and data analysis, it can be concluded that Lesson Study for Learning
Community-based scientific learning tools on the material of sequence and number series in
the class IX of junior high school is valid, effective and practical. In addition, the development
of these learning tools had a significant influence toward the students’ creative thinking
ability. In the experiment class, there was a significant improvement of the students’ creative
thinking ability that were creative enough reached 11%, creative 33% and very creative 56%.

I would like to express my gratitude to Postgraduate Program of Mathematics Education,
Jember, Indonesia. I also want to thank the dean of the faculty of teacher training and
education for his supports, University of Jember, Indonesia, CGANT, LSiMel and the research

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