Action Research Finale
Action Research Finale
Action Research Finale
MAY 2021
individuals in daily life. Problem-solving skills are a mental and intellectual process that
students use to relate their prior knowledge and the problems they are facing. They also
call on their experience of pain solving to get a solution to the problem. Since the
Pandemic arose at the most unexpected time, students didn’t have a chance to learn
the basics of solving problems in Physics. It has brought a downfall to the learning of
students. When limited face-to-face classes open, many students encounter difficulty in
valuable and essential for progress, it is often the least preferred Science subject.
provides evidence of poor problem-solving skills; this is because students do not learn
what the steps in solving problems and do not know how to solve problems are; they
merely memorize solutions explained by teachers in line with the traditional method of
teaching. This was supported by (Ogunleye 2009), students who find problem-solving
meanings from the problem statement, not being able to link the importance of the
structure for that specific content area. They rely on how teachers give the given,
understand what is needed in the problem, and determine the solution they need to use.
As Kamble and Tembe (2013) stated, problem-solving is a complex activity that involves
various components that include concepts, rules, and principles; it also involves
structural knowledge, ampliative skills, and metacognition skills.
Numerous researchers have identified the rationale for the difficulty in problem-
solving in physics as physics students fail to construct the meanings of the problem
statement, unable to interlink the statement’s purpose. Most students lack the
2009). To help the students understand and analyze the context of the Physics lessons,
aids, which help students think more deeply about the problem, breaking up the
problems into smaller steps, and using the students’ prior knowledge by linking what
they know to the current word problems they are facing. Arifin, Zulkardi, Putri, Hartono,
Scaffolding informs written questions and directed guidance with step by step as a
bridge in solving problems. Scaffolding which starts with sketching, can be teacher
This study will benefit the learners since it will help them be better problem-
solvers and better critical thinkers. It will help the students fully understand and analyze
the word problems by looking at them. Linking to their prior knowledge, the students will
be able to enhance their skills and help them solve physics problems on their own
The primary goal of this research was to improve the problem-solving skills in
skills but also their critical thinking. Scaffolding strategy will be beneficial for the novice
or inexperienced teacher, providing them with the necessary support and guidance at
the initial stage so that they will be able to organize their thoughts, develop specific
knowledge or skills that bridge their prior knowledge to the current word problem they
systematic process through which a more knowledgeable person adds support for
cited in McLeod (2019), highlighted that in scaffolding, the more competent person must
control the elements of the task that are initially beyond the learner’s capability,
permitting the novice to concentrate upon and complete only those elements that are
learning that cover the domains of attitude, process, and the content of physics
(Podolefsky, Moore, & Perkins, 2013). The instructional scaffolding strategies this study
has used visual aids, linking the prior knowledge of students and breaking/chunking the
problems into smaller steps as the intervention in enhancing the problem-solving skills
of students. Scaffolding tools include visual aids like graphic organizers, photographs,
and charts. Graphic organizers are unique in that they assist children in visually
students can go right into a discussion, writing essays, or analyzing several hypotheses
without utilizing a graphic organizer, many of our students benefit from using one when
transitory instructional wheels that are intended to be removed. This helps learners to
visualize what they needed to learn. Ringenberg & Van Lehn (2006) indicated that using
scaffolding in physics classes can help students answer problems more easily.
With the prior knowledge a student has, the teacher can create an instructional
activity that is slightly above the students' present knowledge level so that the
scaffolding provided can assist them to connect between the targeted new knowledge
state and their current knowledge state. When students reach the first targeted state,
further scaffolding support can be provided to help them expand their learning even
further (Lin and Singh, 2016). This was also agreed by Uduafemhe (2015) saying
responsibility of teaching and learning by using scaffolds (support) that force them to go
beyond the skills and knowledge they already have. Using the chunking method as a
scaffolding tool also helps students to become better at problem-solving, not just that
For the study to be efficacious, the plan of innovation to be carried out are as
follows: (1) the researcher will give a checklist wherein students need to fill in to obtain
the data needed by the researcher. The plan is to know the effectiveness of using
instructional materials in enhancing the problem-solving skills of the students. (2) If the
collected data is in the hands of the researchers, they will tally and get weighted each
statement. (3) If the data yields a positive effect, then the intervention proposed which is
Research Design
In gathering the data required for this study the researcher used descriptive
design in collecting the data on the effects of using instructional scaffolding strategies in
discussing Physics problems with Grade 9 learners and the students’ perceptions of
data. The respondents of this study were the 20 students – 14 girls and 6 boys – from
the 9th grade Graham, a Special Program in the Arts (SPA) section.
Research Instrument
Kwe (2020) entitled “Scaffolding Problem Solving in Teaching and Learning the DPACE
solving word problems in Physics. This questionnaire used the 4-point Likert Scale to
determine the effects and students’ perception of using the scaffolding strategies to help
them become better problem-solver students. Indicated below are the scale, mean
In gathering the desired data for this study, the questionnaire was first-handedly
distributed by the researchers after they discussed the lesson. Beforehand, the
they can see how students enhance their problem-solving skills using the intervention
The data obtained from the survey will be tallied, analyzed, and interpreted using
descriptive analysis which was also used to summarize and analyze the data gathered.
Weighted mean was used to know the effects of using instructional scaffolding
strategies in discussing Physics problems with Grade 9 learners and the students’
problems in Physics.
Data Analysis
Descriptive analysis was also used to summarize and analyze the data gathered.
Weighted mean was used to know the effects of using instructional scaffolding
strategies in discussing Physics problems with Grade 9 learners and the students’
problems in Physics. Using the scale mean range, the researcher will know what are the
effects and what are the perceptions of students in using the instructional scaffolding
This chapter discusses data interpretation and analysis, as well as the effects of
Grade 9 Graham. There are 20 respondents, who are all grade 9 section Graham. The
Physics gathered an overall mean of 3.29 which means that the different scaffolding
strategies used by the teachers to teach problem-solving in Physics helps the students
to learn and solve Physics problem and it is moderately effective for the students based
on the results. Table 1 shows that statement 6 “doing the step-by-step procedure help
us reach the desired outcome of the word problem” had the highest mean of 3.50
among the ten statements. This showed that the students learn more effectively when
the teacher taught them the step-by-step process of how to solve world problems in
Physics. While statements 1 “The visual aid used helps us analyze the word problems
presented”, 2 “The probing strategies helped me reach the answer”, 3 “The questions
me break the problems into smaller details”, 7 “Linking our prior knowledge to the
current problems helped us to answer the word problems”, 8 “The scaffolding guidance
solution to the word problem” and 10 “I believe I can solve word problems in physics
better now” has weighted mean of 3.20, 3.15, 3.35, 3.25, 3.45, 3.30, 3.35, 3.15 and 3.20
The most effective scaffolding strategy that most students understand and are
easy to use is the step-by-step strategy when solving Physics problems. They can
easily identify the given, what to find and the formula that will be used in the solution .
appropriate action, and evaluating the solution) on students' academic achievement and
memory in 2012. In this study, which was conducted with 80 high school students, they
used a quartet Solomon model. The researchers developed their physics achievement
test to use as a measurement tool. This technique, according to the results of the three-
academic progress in high school physics classes and enabling them to remember
The following findings were drawn based on statistical data, descriptive ratings,
effective in enhancing the problem-solving skills of the learners. The students of grade 9
Graham have different strategies for solving their Physics problems. It is found that the
step-by-step strategy is highly effective when used as a strategy in teaching. This kind
of strategy helps the student to know what is the given, what is asked, and the formula
that will be used in solution when solving word problems in Physics. Students learn
more when word problems are chunked into smaller details for them to know what is the
strategy for solving problems, especially in Physics and Chemistry. Enhancing the use
of instructional scaffolding strategies for learners will help them to improve their
problem-solving skills and hone their critical minds. Science teachers should use these
pre-test and post-test exams can also be done to show the validity of the results.
The problem-solving skill of students is the first skill that can be observed when
teaching subjects like Physics. Before conducting the research, the researchers thought
of many possible interventions to enhance the skills of the learners, but enhancing the
problem-solving skills means you need to enhance the analysis of students. they must
hone their critical thinking to analyze the situations in word problems. So, the
researchers, studied the instructional scaffolding strategies since it will not only enhance
the problem-solving skills of the learners but also their critical thinking. They can link
their prior knowledge to the current word problems they are facing, they can chunk the
problem into smaller steps to reach the desired data and they can visualize images so
that they can understand the word problems given to them. As classes still going on, the
researchers can see the differences in how students can solve problems on their own
now than from the first two weeks of classes when the students are spoon-fed with
ideas since their critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills were at rest for almost
3 years.
This instructional scaffolding strategy will practice using the critical thinking skills
that were sometimes used because of the pandemic. Science teachers or any subject-
specific teachers should scaffold the students minds to practice enhancing their skills
Alber, R. (2011, May 24). 6 scaffolding strategies to use with your students.
Ringenberg, M.A., & Van Lehn, K. (2006). Scaffolding Problem Solving with Annotated,
WorkedOut Examples to Promote Deep Learning [electronic version]. Intelligent
Tutoring systems Volume 4053 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp