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Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(9): 1970-1975, 2019 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.070917

Science Literacy-based Scientific Method: A Study to

Improve Science Process Skill of the
Middle School Students
Nurlina*, Riskawati, Khaeruddin, Nurfadilah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia

Copyright©2019 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract The main problem in this research was how quality of human resources to create a great nation.
to apply a scientific literacy-based scientific approach to Education must be able to offer solutions to advance and
improve the physics science process skills of students in win a strict global competition if it is to survive and exist
the XI class of MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar, productively in international competition. The important
Indonesia in the 2018/2019 academic year. This study role of education is explicitly reflected in the National
aimed to determine the magnitude of the improvement in Education System Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning the
the physics science process skills of students before and National Education System. Article 1 number 1 states that
after the scientific literacy-based method is applied. This "Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a
research used pre-experiment and One Group learning atmosphere and learning process so that students
Pretest-Posttest Design consisting of three stages, which actively develop their potential to obtain religious, spiritual
were pretest, treatment, and posttest for six meetings. The strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
procedure in this study was divided into, namely the character, and skills needed by themselves, society, nation,
preparation stage, the implementation phase, and the final and country. "
phase. Two variables, the independent and the dependent In the context of the nature of learning, science covers
were used, while the sample of this research was 28 XI four aspects, which are content or products, processes or
grade students of MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah methods, attitudes, and technology [1]. Science as content
Makassar, Indonesia in the 2018/2019 academic year or product means that in science, there are facts, laws,
assuming the whole class was homogeneous. The research principles, and theories that have been accepted for its truth.
instrument used was a test of physical science process Science as a process or method means that science is a
skills that met valid criteria in 23 questions with material process of gaining knowledge. Besides being a product and
temperature and heat. The results showed that the average process, science is also an attitude, meaning that science is
pretest score of students was 8.29 and the posttest was inseparable from attitudes, such as diligence, openness,
14.50 with a normalized N-gain test score of 0.43 (medium honesty, and objectivity. Science as a technology implies
category). To conclude, students' science process skills of that science is related and used in everyday life.
class students experienced an increase after the Physics, as one part of science, is one of the disciplines
experimental method was applied. The researchers that are closely related to natural phenomena that can be
recommended that the results of this study provide benefits understood through concepts, laws, and theories that are
for practitioners to improve the science process skills of the formulated simply with the assistance of mathematics.
middle school students through the application of Science Learning physics helps humans to understand the
Literacy-based Scientific Method. symptoms of the environment. However, the paradigm that
is built in the middle of society makes physics less
Keywords Science Process Skills, Scientific desirable. Physics is considered difficult, boring, and
Approach, Scientific Literacy creepy and can only be done by smart students. This is
coupled with the habit of teachers who are busy choking
students with various kinds of formulas that are difficult to
understand without trying to explore physics with the daily
1. Introduction lives of students so that physics is further away from the
A good education is a strategic step to improve the word "fun".
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(9): 1970-1975, 2019 1971

In general, the knowledge received by students is only as replaced with activities to obtain information from various
information, not as an initiative to find knowledge or sources [6]. The syntax of the scientific method includes
information. As a result, knowledge is not meaningful in observing, questioning, reasoning, trying and
daily life and is quickly forgotten. Lecture methods are communicating.
often used by teachers without seeing many possibilities of From some scientific method understanding, physics is
applying other methods in accordance with the types of very suitable to be taught using this method. The scientific
materials and materials and tools available. Students are method has a close relationship with the learning of
seen only as blank paper that can be written by the teacher. physical science which emphasizes the activity of students
Physics is a process that can be shown by science process in learning and provides opportunities for students to
skills, but it is based on the results of observational surveys, build concepts in their knowledge independently,
so science process skills of MA Muallimin familiarize students in formulating, dealing with, and
Muhammadiyah Makassar students were still very low. solving problems found.
The learning process was merely shown in "to learn to
know" while the "learn how to learn" aspects had not been 2.1.2. Science Literacy
adequately touched. Students often got science experience Many countries are trying to make science literacy the
in everyday life but did not realize that the experience main goal of education [7]. For example, the
gained is related to science. policy-making process and determine how policy writers
Starting from these problems, the author tried to find a understood scientific literacy ideas in the 2005 curriculum
solution to overcome them. Although this solution was not in South Africa [8]. Although there were different
immediately possible to overcome the deterioration of definitions for scientific literacy, they all generally
education in Indonesia, the authors wish to play a role in incorporated talent to use scientific knowledge and think
overcoming educational problems, at least within reach of for personal and social purposes. According to the
the population studied. The solution offered was in the National Science Education Standards, scientific literacy
form of the application of methods that involved more includes understanding scientific concepts and supporting
active students, and focused on students through a cultural and economic production and decision-making
scientific approach. processes.
The scientific approach as mentioned [2] was a learning The stages of science-based science learning are based
process which was designed so that students actively on the stages, which are the contact stage (contact phase),
construct concepts, laws or principles through the stages of curiosity stage, concept formation stage, decision-making
observing, formulating problems, submitting or stage, concept development stage, and the evaluation
formulating hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing data, phase [9].
drawing conclusions and communicating concepts, laws or
principles found. In the scientific approach, competencies 2.1.3. The Correlation of Scientific Approach and Science
of attitudes, skills, and knowledge can be accommodated Literacy
with scientific activities that include scientific processes, The scientific approach is closely related to scientific
scientific attitudes, and scientific products. This opinion is literacy. The scientific approach, as its characteristics,
in line with the research conducted [3]. adopts the workings of scientists in finding the knowledge
In addition to the scientific approach, learning through that is done through stages such as observing, asking,
scientific literacy can also be used. This is because classifying, conducting experiments, and drawing
scientific literacy will guide students to have the ability in conclusions [10]. These stages become an approach that is
terms of knowledge and understanding of scientific very likely to be applied in learning science such as
concepts and processes needed [4]. Based on the physics at school because the character of science is
background that covers the education problems and the closely related to such stages.
methods used by the teacher in the learning process.
2.1.4. Science Process Skills
Knowledge is something broad. Science continues to
2. Materials and Methods improvise and increases so rapidly as a result of new ideas
throughout the world [11]. Therefore, people need to be
2.1. Theoretical Framework taught about how they can achieve the necessary and
accurate knowledge rather than being taught all the
2.1.1. Scientific Method Teaching knowledge in the education system. Therefore, process
Generally, scientific methods involve observational science skills (SPS) are important in teaching methods to
activities needed for the formulation of hypotheses or achieve good knowledge that is important for scientific
collecting data [5]. The scientific method is based on the inquiry as part of cognitive skills and investigation.
presentation of data obtained through observation or Science process skills (SPS) are "intellectual skills
experiment so that the experimental activities can be along with related learning abilities that scientists use as
1972 Science Literacy-based Scientific Method: A Study to Improve Science Process Skill of the Middle School Students

self-management management procedures in carrying out from the results of student evaluations by grouping them
their activities" [12]. SPS is very important for each in completeness criteria used at MA Muallimin
because each uses SPS in several stages from them in Muhammadiyah Makassar. The formula for the average
everyday life, in science education literacy, SPS can be value is as follows:
divided into two groups, "Basic" and "Integrated." Science ∑𝑓𝑖 𝑋𝑖
process skills refer to the following six actions, and there 𝑋� = ∑ 𝑓𝑖
is no specific sequence: observation, communication, Standard deviation formula:
classification, measurement, inference, and predictions.

2.2. Methodology (2)

This research is a Pre-Experimental Design

(Pre-Experimental) study with One-group pretest-posttest After all the data was collected, the significance of
design research design located at MA Muallimin improving the science process skills of students (pretest
Muhammadiyah Makassar, Muhammadiyah No. 51 B, and posttest) was found out, and the N-Gain formula was
Indonesia. used. G was the normalized gain (N-gain) of both models,
while Smaks was the maximum (ideal) score of the initial
This study consists of two variables, which are
test and the final test. Spost was the final test score, and
independent variables (scientific literacy-based scientific Spre was the initial test score. The high and low
methods) and dependent variables (science process skills). normalized gain (N-gain) were classified as follows: (1) if
The population in this study were all students of the XI g 0.7 then the resulting N-gain is high; (2) if 0.3 g 0.7,
IPA class of MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar then the resulting N-gain is included in the medium
Academic Year 2018/2019 and the sample in this study category, and (3) if g 0.3 then the resulting N-gain is
was class XI IPA with sampling techniques based on the included in the low category.
assumption that the whole class was homogeneous.
This research was carried out through three stages:
preparation, implementation, and final stages. The stage 3. Results and Discussion
was carried out in a consultation with the principal and
physics teachers in MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah This part presents the results of the analysis. There were
Makassar to ask permission to carry out research, to two kinds of results presented, the result of the descriptive
confirm the material to be used as research material, and analysis and the results of the analysis that applied
to compile learning devices consisting of 4 devices, they inferential statistics.
are: (1) The lesson plan used was adapted to the 2013
curriculum using the scientific method syntax based on 3.1. Descriptive Analysis of Physics Science Process
scientific literacy. (2) Compiled the test instrument sheet Skill
results of science skills. (3) Teaching materials in this
study were teaching materials that were created by the The results of the descriptive analysis showed a
description of the scores of students' physical science
researcher which are arranged based on the syntax of the
process skills in the group under the research. Based on
learning model in the study. (4) LKPD (Student the results of the descriptive analysis, the score of the XI
Worksheets) used in the research were prepared by the physics science process skills test results of the MA
researcher according to the syntax and are prepared based Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar in the 2018/2019
on the 2013 curriculum so that student activities will be academic year is shown in the following summary table.
Implementation was the main activity in the research. Table 1. The score of the Science Process Physics Skills of Students
This stage was conducted by applying science Before and after being Taught Using the Scientific Method Based on
Science Literacy of Class XI MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar
literacy-based scientific method after applying pre-test on
the students. Statistic Score
After the learning process was carried out by using a Pretest Posttest
literacy-based scientific method, the results of the Sample Size 28 28
students' scientific skills are tested as a result of
Highest Score 14 20
observation. To process data collected in research, the
statistical technique was used. Instrument analysis was Lowest Score 3 9
carried out to determine the validity and reliability of the Score Range 11,00 11, 00
instruments used, and the descriptive analysis used was Average Score 8,29 14,50
the presentation of data in the form of average values and
Standard deviation 3,23 3,42
standard deviation. This analysis was intended to present
or express/score the results of scientific skills obtained
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(9): 1970-1975, 2019 1973

3.1.1 Pretest Data Analysis Process Skills Score of Class XI Students of MA Muallimin
Muhammadiyah Makassar on Posttest
Table 1 shows that the XI grade students of MA
Scores Frequency Percentage
Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar have a total sample
9-10 5 17.86
of 28 people. Considering from the highest score of
11-12 4 14.29
Physics science process skills of Pretest students at 14, the
lowest score achieved by students was 3 from the ideal 13-14 4 14.29
score of 23, with a range of 11.00, so that the average 15-16 6 21.43
score of students was 8.29 and the standard deviation was 17-19 5 17.86
3.23. The scores of science process skills of XI MA 19-20 4 14.29
Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar students was Ʃ 28 100
analyzed using percentages on frequency distribution. The
results are shown in the following table: Posttest frequency distribution data on Table 3 is shown
in the following chart:
Table 2. Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Physics Science
Process Skills Score of Class XI Students of MA Muallimin
Muhammadiyah Makassar at Pretest.

Scores Frequency Percentage

3–4 3 10.71
5 -6 8 28.57
7-8 3 10.71
9-10 7 25.00
11-12 3 10.71
13-14 4 14.29
Figure 2. Cumulative Frequency Distribution and Physical Science
Ʃ 28 100.00 Process Skills Percentage Score of Class XI MA Muallimin
Muhammadiyah Makassar on the Posttest
The Pretest Frequency distribution data in table 2 is
presented in the figure 1 as follows:
3.2. Practice Result Data Analysis
Data was obtained from the observation sheet of
physics science process skills of students in class XI
laboratory activities of MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah
Makassar after being taught with scientific methods for 5
meetings with temperature and heat material; according to
what is shown in Table 4.4, the highest score from the
results of physics laboratory practice students are 30 and
the lowest score is 20. The number of samples in practice
Figure 1. Cumulative Frequency Distribution and Physical Science was 28 students, which were divided into five groups.
Skill Process Score Percentage Students in Class XI MA Muallimin After being analyzed, the sample obtained an average
Muhammadiyah Makassar at the Pretest.
score of 33.86 with the standard deviation obtained at 2.54.
3.1.2. Posttest Data Analysis Data obtained from the science process skills of students
after being taught by scientific literacy-based scientific
It can be seen that the data was obtained from the
methods by using frequency distribution analysis and the
physical science process skills of students in class XI MA
percentage score of physics science process skills can be
Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar after being taught
seen in the following Table:
with scientific methods for 5 meetings with temperature
and heat material; according to Table 4.3, the highest Table 4. Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Physical Science
Process Skills Scores of Students for Practice of Class XI Activities MA
score of learning outcomes of Physics students was 20 and Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar on Posttest
the lowest achieved was 9 of the ideal score of 23. The
number of samples in the Posttest is the same as the Scores Frequency Percentage
pretest sample, which is 28 people, and the average score 19 – 20 1 3.57
of 14.50 with the standard deviation obtained is 3.42. Data 21 - 22 1 3.57
obtained from the science process skills of students after 23 - 24 3 10.71
being taught by scientific literacy-based scientific 25 - 26 3 10.71
methods using the analysis of frequency distribution and 27 - 28 13 46.43
the percentage score of physics science process skills are 29 - 30 7 25.00
shown in the following table:
Table 3. Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Physics Science ∑ 28 100.00
1974 Science Literacy-based Scientific Method: A Study to Improve Science Process Skill of the Middle School Students

3.2.1. N-Gain test learning activities were completed more quickly. This
This test was conducted to determine the increase offered an opportunity to interact each other involving
occurred before and after being given treatment, to find various ideas and opinions and exchanging experiences
out the increase in science process skills of students in the through a process of mutual argumentation in analyzing
category of low, medium, or high. This N-Gain test was the information obtained to conclude.
conducted on Pretest and Posttest data, including tests of In addition to the descriptive analysis of the results of
students' physical science process skills before and after the pre and post-test scores of students, the researchers
being treated. The results of the analysis of the data also conducted a descriptive analysis using scores from
obtained can be seen in the following table. the observation sheets of students' science process skills.
From the results of data analysis, the average score was
Table 5. N-Gain Test Category of Students Process Skill Score before 33.86, and the standard deviation value was 2.54. If the
and After the Application of the Method
average score was calculated in the form of a value, the
Criteria Gain Index Normalized Gain (G) average score obtained by students was in the range of 84.
High g > 0.70 The second analysis was done using the N-Gain test
analysis. The data obtained from the pre and posttest
Moderate 0.70 ≥ g ≥ 0.30 0.43
results were then analyzed using the N-Gain test, and the
Low g < 0.30
improvement of the students' science process skills was
0.43, which means that this was in the medium category.
Table 5 illustrates the results of the calculation of the The results of this analysis illustrate that after the
N-Gain test with criteria of 0.43, then the improvement of application of scientific literacy-based scientific methods
students' science process skills that occurred before and to the learning of XI grade physics, the MA Muallimin
after applying scientific literacy-based scientific methods Muhammadiyah Makassar experienced an increase in
to physics learning in class XI MIA MA Muallimin, science process skills.
Muhammadiyah Makassar is considered in the moderate As a result, it can be concluded that a series of learning
category. processes using scientific literacy-based scientific
methods can improve students' science process skills. This
3.3. Discussion is because the scientific literacy-based method makes
students practice to build their concepts and understanding
This research is a pre-experimental study conducted on before conducting experiments and then proved by
class XI students of MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah analyzing. Learning that involves students directly creates
Makassar with a sample of 28 people. This study meaningful learning so that the material is easily accepted
compared the scores of the science process skills of by students.
students before and after being taught by scientific
literacy-based scientific methods. This research was
carried out by the research procedures that had been made 4. Conclusions
previously. The stages in this study are divided into two
parts, which are before and after treatment. The treatment Based on the results of the research and discussion, it
in question is the application of scientific literacy-based can be concluded that the results of the descriptive
scientific methods to students in the process of learning analysis show the science process skills of the XI grade
physics. students of MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar,
Before being given treatment, the students were given a Indonesia, 2018/2019 academic year before being taught
pre-test to determine the score of the students' science by scientific literacy-based scientific methods with an
process skills and are given a post-test after the treatment average score of 8.29. The results of descriptive analysis
is applied. This score from the pre-test and post-test of the showed that science process skills of class XI students of
students was analysed. MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar in the academic
This study used two types of analysis. The first analyst year 2018/2019 after being taught by scientific
was carried out using descriptive analysis. Descriptive literacy-based scientific methods showed an average score
analysis results showed that the average score of science of 14.50. The results of inferential analysis (N-Gain) show
process skills obtained by students before the application that physical science process skills of students class XI
of scientific literacy-based scientific methods is lower students of MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah Makassar,
than the scores obtained by students after treatment. It Indonesia, in the academic year 2018/2019 on temperature
happened because students who are taught using scientific and heat material after learning through science-based
literacy-based scientific approaches could understand scientific method methods increased by 0.43 (medium
physics learning from experimental activities equipped category). Finally, it can be stated that learning physics
with the given literacy [12]. Also, the activities carried out with experimental methods can improve students’ science
were shared equally among each group member so that process skills. The researchers recommended that the
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(9): 1970-1975, 2019 1975

results of this study provide benefits for practitioners to

improve the science process skills of the middle school
students through the application of Science Literacy-based
Scientific Method.

We are very grateful to experts for their appropriate and
constructive suggestions to improve this paper.

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