The document describes a subclass for the Sword Saint called the Gadabout, which is for those who have strayed from their original path. It provides details on the Gadabout's features at different levels, including focus techniques gained at 3rd level like Deride and Never With Empty Hands, and later features like Pathcarver's Expertise and Unbonded.
The document describes a subclass for the Sword Saint called the Gadabout, which is for those who have strayed from their original path. It provides details on the Gadabout's features at different levels, including focus techniques gained at 3rd level like Deride and Never With Empty Hands, and later features like Pathcarver's Expertise and Unbonded.
The document describes a subclass for the Sword Saint called the Gadabout, which is for those who have strayed from their original path. It provides details on the Gadabout's features at different levels, including focus techniques gained at 3rd level like Deride and Never With Empty Hands, and later features like Pathcarver's Expertise and Unbonded.
The document describes a subclass for the Sword Saint called the Gadabout, which is for those who have strayed from their original path. It provides details on the Gadabout's features at different levels, including focus techniques gained at 3rd level like Deride and Never With Empty Hands, and later features like Pathcarver's Expertise and Unbonded.
Focus Techniques (Gadabout) The Sword Saint 3rd level Gadabout Feature These subclasses are meant for the Sword Saint, You learn the following focus techniques: available at Deride When a creature makes a weapon attack against you, you can spend 2 focus points as a reaction to lower the result of their Gadabout attack roll by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier. The gadabout is not a path that follows an individual. It can You can choose to do so after the attack is rolled, but before be difficult for some to stay on their original path, or follow the DM states if it hits or misses. their discipline. Those who abandon their path but have Never With Empty Hands learned the ways of a Sword Saint become gadabouts, seeking only personal fulfillment. They are looked upon by When you make an attack with an improvised or replica other swordsmen as wanderers and quitters, and usually weapon (such as a bokken, chair leg, rock, etc.,) you can achieve very little. Rather than refine the skills of the one they spend 1 focus point to treat that weapon as if it were a better follow, the gadabout sharpens their personal skills. weapon for 1 minute. That weapon is treated as a normal weapon that is roughly equivalent to it (such as a bokken Fallen from a Path being a longsword, a stick being a javelin, or a rock being a If you stray from the path of devotion you follow as a Sword sling), and gains the durability of a weapon made of iron. Saint, and are no longer able to reach its conclusion, you may Reliable Standard switch your path of devotion to the gadabout. When you do, When you make a weapon attack, skill check or saving throw you may choose one of the following options: you have proficiency with and you roll less than a 10 on the You lose all features from your previous path and replace d20, you can spend 2 focus points to treat the d20 result as if them with the subclass features from the gadabout. it were a 10 instead. As above, except that you keep the 3rd level focus If another feature or path of devotion would allow you to techniques and the 14th level feature dealing with your learn another path’s focus techniques, you cannot choose to previous path, and do not gain the equivalent gadabout learn those exclusive to the gadabout. features. This only applies to features you have already gained. If you have yet to reach 14th level you gain the Stolen Fighting Style gadabout unbonded feature when you do. 3rd level Gadabout Feature You may choose to gain the benefits of any fighting style Conversely, if you are a gadabout and change to another available to any other Sword Saint path of Devotion. If path somehow, you must replace all gadabout features with another class or feature would allow you to take an additional those of that path instead. You cannot choose to keep some fighting style, you cannot take that fighting style again. and take others in this case. The higher your Sword Saint level, the more difficult changing to a different path should be. Pathcarver’s Expertise Gadabout Features 6th level Gadabout Feature Level Features As you are an individual who has struck out on their own and learned their own skills, you have mastered several of 3rd Focus Techniques (Gadabout), Stolen Fighting Style your talents. You may, when you gain this feature, choose one 6th Pathcarver's Expertise of the following two options: You gain proficiency in one skill or tool that you did not already have proficiency in. When you 11th Contemptible Reputation roll an ability check using that skill or tool , you can add your 14th Unbonded proficiency bonus to it a second time (unless you were 17th Pleasure Seeker already doing so). Choose two skills or tools (or one of each) that you are proficient with. When you roll an ability check using them, you can add your proficiency bonus a second time (unless you were already doing so).
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Contemptible Reputation Way of Chulainn Spellcasting 11th level Gadabout Feature Sword Saint Cantrips Spells As a bonus action, on your turn you can attempt to frighten Lvl Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th a creature within 30 feet that can see or hear you. That 3rd 2 3 2 - - - creature must attempt a Wisdom saving throw against your 4th 2 4 3 - - - focus technique DC. If they fail they become frightened of you. When you do so, you can spend up to 5 focus points, 5th 2 4 3 - - - targeting one additional creature that can see or hear you per 6th 2 5 3 - - - focus point you spent. Creatures frightened this way may reattempt the saving 7th 2 5 4 2 - - throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a 8th 2 6 4 2 - - success. If a creature succeeds against either save they 9th 2 6 4 2 - - become immune to this effect from you for 24 hours. 10th 3 6 4 3 - - Unbonded 11th 3 7 4 3 - - 14th level Gadabout Feature 12th 3 7 4 3 - - Your saint weapon grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with it rather than a +1 bonus. You must 13th 3 7 4 3 2 - attune to it, but it does not count against your total number of 14th 3 8 4 3 2 - attuned items. 15th 3 8 4 3 2 - Pleasure Seeker 16th 3 8 4 3 3 - 17th level Gadabout Feature 17th 3 9 4 3 3 - You are used to strenuous activity and a borderline hedonistic lifestyle, granting you benefits befitting someone 18th 3 10 4 3 3 - who walks the line between exhaustion and livelihood. 19th 3 11 4 3 3 1 You become immune to being poisoned, and when you drink a potion, receive healing or take medicine that would 20th 3 12 4 3 3 1 restore your hit points, you gain the maximum amount of hit points (temporary or otherwise) possible. Spellcasting You can benefit from a short rest after only thirty minutes 3rd level Chulainn Feature of rest, and a long rest after only four hours. During those Using runes to perform your magic, you can invoke magical four hours, you can remain engaged in moderate activity for effects as a caster would. These effects are produced by up to two of them. channeling natural energy through weapons to draw these runes into the air, surfaces or small objects. Way of Chulainn Cantrips A hero of Cu Chullis who shows up in various tales, wielding You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Druid spell a spear made of the remains of a great sea beast. He was a list. You learn an additional Druid cantrip of your choice at great, charismatic figure who was often depicted as a demi- 10th level. god, known for his great capacity for kindness and mastery of runes, but also for his legendary rage which could contort Spell Slots and twist his body into a beast of war. The Way of Cu Chulainn spellcasting table shows how many Those who follow the path of Chulainn find an accord with spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level or higher. nature, learning to cast druidic magic and bind others to your To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the own unfortunate fate when you must. Those who follow this spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots path skew toward the use of thrown weapons, particularly when you finish a long rest. spears. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Magic Missile and have a 1st-level and 2nd-level spell slot available, you can Way of Chulainn Features cast magic missile using either slot. Level Features 3rd Spellcasting, Focus Techniques (Chulainn) 6th Cursed Promise 11th Fangs of the Arcane 14th Spear of Mortal Pain 17th Warp Spasm
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher If you force a creature to fail a saving throw this way, you You know three 1st-level Druid spells of your choice. are also targeted by its effects and damage as if you had been The Spells Known column of the Way of Cu Chulainn targeted and failed as well. If you are not eligible to be Spellcasting table shows when you learn more Druid spells targeted by the conditions of the spell (such as a spell that of 1st level or higher. You must choose spells for which you targets undead), you still suffer its consequences as if you have spell slots. were. Your DM may determine what form this takes if it is Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one unclear. You suffer from the effects and damage of the spell of the Druid spells you know with another spell of your as if you had the target’s resistances, vulnerabilities and choice from the Druid spell list. The new spell must be of a immunities instead of your own. level you have spell slots for. If the spell requires ongoing saving throws to break free or end the effect, you do not make them. The target creature Spellcasting Ability does as normal, and you suffer the consequences of their roll. You use your focus technique DC for your Druid spells. Your When the spell deals continued effects against them or they spell attack bonus for these spells is equal to your Wisdom take additional damage from it, you share those modifier plus your proficiency bonus. consequences at that time. If they succeed in ending the effect, you choose to drop concentration on it (if it requires it), Spellcasting Focus or if something targets you that would end the effects, then You can use any weapon that you are proficient with as your the effects on both of you end immediately. spellcasting focus for casting Druid spells. You can also use Any damage you take from sharing the effect of a spell does any object a Druid would normally use as a spell focus, if you not cause you to make concentration checks to maintain that wish to. spell’s effects. Focus Techniques (Chulainn) Fangs of the Arcane 3rd level Chulainn Feature 11th level Chulainn Feature You learn the following focus techniques: When you are attuned to a weapon that grants a bonus to attack and damage rolls, and you use that weapon as your Casting Master spellcasting focus, you can add that bonus to your spell When you cast a spell using a spell slot, you can spend 1 attacks made with Druid spells as well. This does not add focus point to make a weapon attack against a creature bonuses that do not come from the weapon itself, such as within range. bonuses from spells or effects enchanting it. Blasting Spear Spear of Mortal Pain When you make a melee attack with a weapon that deals 14th level Chulainn Feature piercing damage, you may spend 2 focus points to forgo the If your saint weapon has the thrown property, its range attack roll. Instead, all creatures in a 30-foot-long, 5-foot-wide either doubles or becomes 300 feet (whichever is higher). As line originating from you make a Dexterity saving throw, a bonus action, after throwing it you can instantly recall it taking the weapon's damage on a failed save or half as much back to your hand, having it return either by flying back to you on a successful one. or by magically reappearing in your grasp. Nose of the Dog When your saint weapon is thrown as part of an attack and rolls the maximum result on any of its damage dice, you may You may spend 1 focus point to heighten your senses for 1 choose to cause bloody thorns to erupt from the point of hour, giving you advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks contact between the weapon and its target. The creature and Wisdom (Survival) checks that involve tracking, sight, must attempt a Strength saving throw against your focus scent, hearing or finding food. technique DC. On a failed save, these magical thorns deal 4d8 piercing damage to them, and the creature is restrained. Cursed Promise The restrained creature may reattempt the saving throw on 6th level Chulainn Feature their turn as an action, ending the effect on a success. At the You wield the ability to bind others with a cursed promise, end of each of their turns they spend restrained this way, they sealing them and yourself in a twisted shared fate that take 2d8 additional piercing damage. subjects you both to the harmful effects of your magic. Another creature may also attempt a Strength check When you target a non-ally creature with a Druid spell that against the DC as an action, freeing them on a success. requires a saving throw to avoid its effects, and they succeed However, attempting to do so causes them to take 2d8 their save against it, you can spend 2 focus points to force piercing damage from the thorns if they make the attempt by them to fail instead by tying your fate to theirs and subjecting trying to cut away or rip apart the thorns. yourself to the spell as well. If the creature uses an ability You can inflict these thorns on creatures an amount of such as a legendary resistance to automatically succeed, you times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down), may use another 2 focus points for each of these effects to regaining expended uses when you complete a long rest. force them to fail regardless. If the creature is outright immune to spells for any reason (such as a rakshasa’s magic immunity or them being in an anti-magic zone) the points are spent, but nothing comes of the spell effect.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Warp Spasm Way of Ittōsai 17th level Chulainn Feature Ito Ittōsai was a prolific swordsman who developed many The techniques of this path include the ability to draw upon techniques other swordmasters sought to replicate. His primal rage, and channel it briefly in a way that contorts one’s musōken technique allowed his body to react before his own body. As a bonus action, you can enter into a warp conscious mind was even aware of a threat. He was a master spasm for 1 minute, or until you end your turn without having attacked anything on that turn. Your body contorts and shifts, of offense and defense, but his greatest claim to fame was his turning you into a beast of death with a grotesque visage mastery of the technique of killing with one blow. He fought composed of misplaced organs, twisted bones and pulled many duels during his life, ending nearly all of them with a flesh. While transformed this way you gain the following single stroke. effects: His mastery of this death stroke has not been replicated since, but those who follow this path seek to reach that level Instead of a humanoid or member of your race, you are of precise skill. They sense when an opponent is showing any considered a monstrosity. sign of weakness, and capitalize on single surgical strikes You cannot communicate, use or understand any that exploit it. language. Your movement speed increases by 30 feet, and you gain a Way of Ittōsai Features climb speed equal to your movement speed. Your high and Level Features long jump distances are doubled. 3rd Fighting Style (Dueling), Focus Techniques (Ittōsai) You have advantage on attack rolls made against the first 6th Counterstroke creature you attack each turn. When you hit a creature with an attack, roll two more of 11th Musōken that weapon’s damage dice and add the result to the 14th Slay in One Move damage roll. You gain blindsight out to 60 feet. 17th Death in One Strike You cannot cast spells, and any effects you were concentrating on end immediately. Fighting Style: Dueling You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws 3rd level Way of Ittōsai Feature that use your Strength or Constitution, but disadvantage Whenever you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand on those that use your Intelligence or Wisdom. and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls At the start of each of your turns, you roll one of your hit with that weapon. dice and regain hit points from it as if you had taken a If another feature gives you the option of taking another short rest. Hit dice used this way are expended. fighting style option, you cannot take the dueling option If you begin your turn with no hostile creatures within 20 again. feet of you, you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your own focus technique DC. If you fail, you must Focus Techniques (Ittōsai) move toward the nearest living creature and make as 3rd level Way of Ittōsai Feature many attacks against them as possible. If you succeed on You learn the following focus techniques: the save you may act normally. Heel Cut At the start of each of your turns, roll 1d20. On a result When you hit a creature that is large or smaller with a melee equal to your sword saint level or lower, you may choose to weapon attack, you may spend 1 focus point to force them to end your warp spasm on that turn as a bonus action and make a Strength saving throw. On a failure the creature is return to your normal form. You also return to your regular knocked prone. state if you die or start your turn unconscious. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again Grit until you complete a long rest. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack for the first time on your turn, you can spend 1 focus point to add extra damage to all attacks with that weapon against them until the end of that turn. The damage is of the weapon's damage type and equal to your Strength modifier. You can only use this once per turn. Majestic On your turn, you may spend 2 focus points as a bonus action to have all attacks made against you be made with disadvantage until the start of your next turn. Improved Critical (Melee) 6th level Way of Ittōsai Feature You score a critical hit on any attack with a melee weapon if you roll a d20 result of 19 or 20.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Counterstroke Way of Rebellion 6th level Way of Ittōsai Feature Not every sword master is a person of great decorum. Some You can intuitively react to aggressors attempting to stun or are vagabonds, rebels and jokesters. So was the wielder of disable you, when the circumstances permit. When a Rebellion, the legendary demon sword. This individual was a creature uses an action to subject you to an effect that forces great hunter of demons and devils alike, often protecting the you to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw and you succeed, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack border between the prime material and lower planes. More with advantage against them. than just a swordmaster, this red-coated defender of humanity was known to master many styles of weapons, and Musōken fight in impractical manners that were as stylish as they were 11th level Way of Ittōsai Feature devastating. Those who follow in his footsteps try to master You have an extra-sensory perception of those around you, these habits and styles, favoring two-handed swords and one- and can deploy offensive or defensive countermeasures at a handed firearms. moment’s notice. When you would be surprised in combat Way of Rebellion Features you can act normally instead, and when you roll initiative in Level Features combat you can draw one weapon immediately if you weren’t already holding one, without using your interaction. 3rd Blademaster Style, Focus Techniques (Rebellion) Additionally, you gain a bonus to your armor class equal to 6th Dreadnaught Style half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) as long as you are not wearing heavy armor or carrying a shield. 11th Ebony Shot Style, Sky Star Style 14th SSS Slay in One Move 17th Jackpot 14th level Way of Ittōsai Feature Your saint weapon can detect the weakness in your Blademaster Style opponents. When your saint weapon hits a creature that has 3rd level Rebellion Feature fewer than half of their maximum hit points remaining, your You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with melee weapons. If weapon turns a deep crimson red and is coated in necrotic you take the Attack action on your turn and hit with all energy. When your saint weapon makes damage rolls against possible melee weapon attacks you can make (including those creatures, roll two extra weapon damage dice and add those from your extra attack feature), you can make one extra them to the result as necrotic damage. attack with that weapon as a bonus action. Death In One Strike If you take a fighting style through another feature that 17th level Way of Ittōsai Feature grants a bonus to weapon attacks equal to or higher than the The culmination of your training as a master of killing in +2 bonus from this feature, you only gain whichever bonus is one strike comes to fruition. When you make an attack higher. against a creature that meets the conditions for your slay in Focus Techniques (Rebellion) one move feature, you score a critical hit with your saint 3rd level Rebellion Feature weapon against those creatures on an attack roll where the You learn the following focus techniques: d20 result is an 18, 19 or 20. When you score a critical hit, you may spend 4 focus points Million Stabs to try to finish off that enemy immediately with a gouging When you take the Attack action against a creature that is slash. That creature must make a Constitution saving throw adjacent to you and you hit them with a melee weapon, you against your focus technique DC. If it has 100 or fewer hit may spend 1 focus point to turn your remaining attacks into a points, it is killed instantly instead of taking damage (unless it flurry of rapid strikes, giving you advantage on all subsequent cannot be killed by damage alone, or is immune to your attacks you make against that creature on this turn. You lose weapon’s damage type). Otherwise it takes 8d10 necrotic this benefit if one of the attacks misses, or if you make an damage on a failed save, and you become aware if it has been attack against a different target. reduced to 100 hit points or fewer. Thunder Joust When you move 10 or more feet towards a creature in a straight line you can spend 1 focus point to gain advantage on the attack roll. If you hit, and the target is no more than one size category larger than you, the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure the creature is knocked prone. Wind Chain When you make a melee weapon attack, you may spend 1 focus point to extend the range of the attack to 30 feet. All weapon attacks with the same weapon may benefit from this effect until the end of your turn. These attacks are treated as melee attacks.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Dreadnaught Style SSS 6th level Rebellion Feature 14th level Rebellion Feature When you take the Dodge action you can act with due A master of stylish combat, you can perform wild diligence, preparing to counterattack against others. If you flourishes while fighting which always seem to work out in are attacked by hostile creatures while dodging but the your favor. This effect is a charm bound to your saint weapon, attacks miss, you gain a dreadnaught die which begins as a and so you gain the following benefits as long as you are d4. attuned to it: you have a pool of style points equal to your Each time an attack from a hostile creature misses you proficiency bonus; When you make an attack roll, ability while you have a dreadnaught die, that die increases in size check or saving throw you can spend a style point to roll 1d6 from a d4, to a d6, then a d8, a d10, and finally a d12. It cannot and add it to the result. become larger than this. You regain spent style points when you complete a long When an attack hits you, you may choose to roll the die and rest, and also regain half of your spent style points (rounded subtract it from the attack roll, possibly lowering the result. If down) when you roll a 20 on weapon attack roll, ability check this causes the attack to miss you gain a new dreadnaught or saving throw. If you roll a 1 on any of these rolls you lose die as usual. If the die is a d8 or higher when you use it, you that amount of style points, but may roll a d20 and use the can also make a melee weapon attack against the creature new result for that roll instead. that triggered its use if they are in range. You may also spend six style points immediately to produce If you still have your dreadnaught die when your turn one of the following effects: begins you may roll it, and gain temporary hit points equal to the result plus your sword saint level. Turn a single attack that hit a target into a critical hit. Automatically succeed on a saving throw you failed. Ebony Shot Style Take no damage from a single source, be it an attack, spell 11th level Rebellion Feature or effect. While wielding weapons with the ammunition, range or Jackpot thrown property, you can display pinpoint accuracy with 17th level Rebellion Feature moments of set-up. You gain the following benefits with these Your ability to capitalize on opportunities has been refined weapons: to the point of mastery. You score a critical hit on any weapon You score a critical hit on ranged and thrown weapon attack where the result of the d20 roll is an 18, 19 or 20. attacks when the d20 result is a 19 or 20. Additionally, when you score a critical hit you roll two more of You can use your interaction to reload a weapon with a your weapon’s damage dice and add them to the result of the loading property, even if you don’t have a free hand to do damage roll. it. You reload the weapon with a stylish flourish. You can spend a focus point on your turn to suffer no penalty from making a ranged attack at the weapon’s long range. If you score a critical hit with one of these weapons, you can use your reaction to cause collateral damage, ricocheting the shot to another creature within 30 feet of the initial target and dealing half as much damage to them. Sky Star Style 11th level Rebellion Feature You can focus energy under your feet to allow you to leap further and move faster. You can use your bonus action to take the Dash action, or to take an immediate high jump or long jump without having to move any distance beforehand. You can take these special jumps even if you are in mid-air or on a horizontal surface. You can use the falter fleeting focus technique as a reaction when performing a long or high jump and add its extra movement speed to the leap. If you are going to take fall damage, you can use your reaction to break your momentum using one of these jumps, reducing the total distance you fall by an amount equal to the jump distance.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Way of the Cindered Soul Heir to Fire Old legends passed down from fallen kingdoms tell of an 6th level Cindered Soul Feature unremarkable individual who braved death many times, Your body is infused with soft flames born from your overcoming it relentlessly in their pursuit of a new age. powerful soul. You gain resistance to fire damage and have Though nameless, this soul was dubbed the Lord of Cinder advantage on death saving throws. by future generations. Those who follow in their path focus Endurance their essence into a flickering ember that ignites from within, 11th level Cindered Soul Feature granting them fortitude and undying will. You have a pool of endurance points equal to your To follow this path, however, is to one day become no more Constitution modifier + 1. You regain expended endurance than kindling. Death becomes lost to you even if you should points when you complete a short or long rest. You can spend wish to rest, and your life ceases to be your own. an endurance point to invoke any one of the following effects: Way of the Cindered Soul Features Take the Dodge action as a bonus action. Level Features Make one extra weapon attack as part of an Attack action 3rd Fighting Style (Quickdraw), Focus Techniques (once per turn). (Cindered Soul) When you hit an enemy and roll maximum damage on 6th Heir to Fire your weapon’s damage dice, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your focus technique 11th Endurance DC. On a failed save, they are stunned until the end of 14th Bursting Embers their next turn. As a reaction to taking damage, reduce the damage you 17th Lord of Cinder take by an amount equal to your Sword Saint level. Fighting Style (Quickdraw) Bursting Embers 3rd level Cindered Soul Feature 14th level Cindered Soul Feature You can quickly switch out weapons on a whim without it Your saint weapon becomes wreathed in flames that burn slowing you down. Stowing and drawing another weapon you with the vigor of your own soul. Your saint weapon deals are carrying can be done as a free action, no longer requiring additional fire damage to the first creature it hits each turn, an interaction. equal to 1d8 + half your Sword Saint level (rounded down). If another feature gives you the option of taking another fighting style, you cannot take the quickdraw option again. Lord of Cinder 17th level Cindered Soul Feature Focus Techniques (Cindered Soul) You become invigorated by the embers within, and your 3rd level Cindered Soul Feature body is wreathed in a warm, permanent aura that protects You learn the following focus techniques: you from death. You become immune to fire damage and no longer require sleep. When you take a long rest, you can Riposte remain conscious and still benefit from the rest as long as When a creature misses you with a weapon attack from you don’t engage in heavy activity during that time. within 5 feet of you and you are wielding a shield or a weapon When you are reduced to 0 hit points or killed, if anything with the light property, you can spend 2 focus points as a restores you to 1 or more hit points you may immediately roll reaction to knock them off balance. That creature has up to five of your hit dice, regaining hit points from them as if disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of your next turn, you had taken a short rest. If you have no hit dice you instead and the next attack roll you make against them before the regain hit points equal to your sword saint level. end of your next turn automatically hits. If you are killed, the amount of time that passes before reviving you becomes irrelevant as long as even faint ashes of Hold Fast your body remain. You are always treated as if you had just When a creature hits you with a weapon attack, you can died moments before. When you are restored to life by any spend 2 focus points to reduce the damage you take from the magic, your body is restored back to working order as though attack by an amount equal to 1d8 + your Constitution by the true resurrection spell. Conversely, you cannot refuse modifier. to be revived if an effect would consider your willingness. Reposition When a creature makes a melee attack against you and misses, you may spend 2 focus points to move immediately up to 20 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Way of the Wolf Device: Flame Spreader In place of a weapon attack, you can vent a 15 foot cone of The Wolf was a shinobi who had lost their name entirely, and flame originating from you in any direction. All creatures was given a new one on a blood-soaked battlefield where within that range must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking their master found them. They were raised in the way of a fire damage on a failed save equal to 1d6 per point of your shinobi, and after a tragic accident cost them their arm, they proficiency bonus. If you spend 1 focus point when using this acquired a prosthetic arm that could contain many devices prosthetic device, creatures that fail their saving throw are and weapons which could be employed as part of their craft. also set ablaze, taking 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of Those who follow in this path learn to craft a lesser replica their turns until they use an action to put out the flames. of this device and seek to emulate the Wolf. They eventually inflict themself with a curse the Wolf shared which would Device: Spring Axe require them be killed multiple times before staying down. In place of a weapon attack, you launch a hidden axe Way of the Wolf Features mechanism from your arm at a creature within 5 feet of you as a melee weapon attack. If it hits, that creature takes Level Features slashing damage equal to 2d8 plus your Strength modifier. If 3rd Focus Techniques (Wolf), Prosthetic Device you use a focus point, the creature must make a Strength Proficiency saving throw or be shoved by you. Medium sized creatures 6th Hookshot have disadvantage on this saving throw. 11th Greater Prosthetic Devices Device: Spring Shuriken 14th Lazulite Mortal Draw In place of a weapon attack, you may choose to use this prosthetic device to make two thrown weapon attacks with 17th Curse of Dragon Rot spring-loaded shuriken at two different creatures within 30 feet of you. If it hits, these shuriken deal 1d6 slashing damage Prosthetic Device Proficiency + your Dexterity modifier. If you spend 1 focus point when 3rd level Way of the Wolf Feature launching these shuriken, and if either of these shuriken hit You gain proficiency with tinkerer’s tools, and over the their target, you can have them bounce once to a creature course of a long rest, you can construct a piece of equipment within 10 feet of the target, repeating the attack against the that fits over your arm which can house various prosthetic new target. devices. You can choose two of the devices below to craft over the course of a long rest. You have an amount of uses of each Device: Spring Spear of these prosthetic devices equal to half your Sword Saint In place of a weapon attack, you can launch a spear level (rounded up), and regain spent uses when you complete mechanism from your arm. Make a melee weapon attack a long rest in which you spend 1 hour replacing, repairing, or against all creatures in a 10-foot-long line originating from crafting new devices using your tinkerer’s tools. Unused you, dealing piercing damage equal to 1d10 plus your prosthetic devices are disassembled and used for parts in the Strength modifier on a hit. If you use a focus point when new ones. using this prosthetic device, all creatures you hit must make a Each time you complete a long rest, you can switch out one Strength save or fall prone. Large and huge creatures have of the prosthetic devices you know from this list for a disadvantage on this saving throw, as the spear is designed to different one. You can only use any given prosthetic device pull them off balance. once per turn. Prosthetic Device Calculations Device: Echo Whistle Attacks made using your prosthetic devices have an attack As a reaction to a creature within 60 feet of you making an bonus equal to your proficiency bonus plus your Wisdom attack roll, you can use this device to whistle abruptly at score, and save DCs for them use your focus technique DC. them, giving them disadvantage on the attack. If you use a focus point when using this prosthetic device, they must also Limb Restoration succeed a Constitution saving throw or be deafened for 1 As an additional benefit, if you lose a limb you can spend 1 minute. A creature deafened this way may repeat the save at week and spend 100 gold pieces on wood, rope and other the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success. binding materials to construct a prosthetic limb that serves the same purpose as the housing for your prosthetic devices, Device: Firecrackers and can replace the lost limb in function. You must attune to As a bonus action, you can spread firecrackers around you in this new limb as if it were a magic item. While attuned to it, a spinning flourish. All creatures within 10 feet of you are you gain one additional use of each of your prosthetic distracted, and cannot take reactions until the start of your devices. next turn. If you use a focus point when using this prosthetic device, those creatures must also make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save they are blinded until the start of your next turn.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Focus Techniques (Wolf) Device: Abductive Vortex 3rd level Way of the Wolf Feature As an action, you can use this fan’s magic properties to shift a You learn the following focus techniques: creature’s location in a vortex of illusory winds. One large or smaller creature within 5 feet of you must attempt a Wisdom Iaijutsu saving throw. On a failed save, that creature is moved to an If you are surprised on your turn, you may spend 2 focus unoccupied space you choose within 50 feet. The space you points to no longer be surprised and take your turn normally. move them to must be within your sight. If they started with their feet on the ground, they must be moved to a space Scorpion Mark where they will still be on the ground. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you may spend 2 focus points to mark them as your primary Device: Armored Shroud target, analyzing their movements and gaining a supernatural As a reaction to being targeted by a weapon attack you are awareness of their intentions. For up to 1 hour you cannot be aware of, you may shield yourself with this circular metal surprised by the creature, they cannot gain advantage on any umbrella and take half damage from the attack. If you use a attack against you, and you have advantage on all Wisdom focus point when using this prosthetic device, all ranged (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) checks you make to track attacks made against you have disadvantage until the start of or follow them. If you hit them with a weapon attack during your next turn. this time you deal an additional 1d8 damage. You must concentrate on this effect as if it were a spell. Device: Mist Feathers As a reaction to being targeted by an attack or effect, you may Severance use the mist feathers to surround yourself with illusory mists When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you that conceal you. When the attack or effect resolves, you can may spend 2 focus points to force them to roll a Constitution move up to 30 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. By saving throw. On a failure, the target is dealt a wound that spending 1 focus point when you use this prosthetic device, causes them to suffer disadvantage on all of their attack rolls you turn invisible as part of this action, and remain invisible for the rest of the encounter. At the end of each of their turns until you make an attack, cast a spell, or reach the end of your they repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. next turn. Hookshot Device: Poison Rust 6th level Way of the Wolf Feature In place of a weapon attack, you can strike a creature within As long as you are in possession of your prosthetic device 5 feet of you by using a rust-coated hidden blade as a melee housing, you can construct a deployable grappling hook that weapon attack. If it hits, that creature takes poison damage can be fired into or onto surfaces to allow you to move equal to 1d6 per point of your proficiency bonus. If you use a rapidly. In place of a weapon attack, you can fire this focus point when using this prosthetic device, they must also hookshot up to 20 feet away into a solid object or creature. If make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save they are fired at a creature, it is made as a ranged weapon attack you poisoned for 1 minute. A creature poisoned this way may are proficient with, and deals piercing damage to them equal repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, to 1d6 plus your Dexterity modifier. ending the effect on a success. Once it strikes a surface or creature, it pulls you into the space of the target or the nearest unoccupied space. You can Lazulite Mortal Draw then secure yourself in place there until you choose to let go, 14th level Way of the Wolf Feature but cannot fire the hookshot again until you do. If you have Your saint weapon takes on a crystalline blue hue as it is weapon attacks remaining on your turn you can release the imbued with the power to bypass the resistances of others. hookshot then fire it again before falling. This movement Damage you deal using your attuned saint weapon ignores does not count against your movement speed, but still damage resistances, but does not ignore immunities. provokes opportunity attacks. If you hookshot into a creature and pull yourself toward Curse of Dragon Rot them, and you immediately make a weapon attack against 17th level Way of the Wolf Feature them before taking any other actions, that attack uses the When you use your dragon surge feature, you are momentum of your approach and has advantage. overcome by a protective curse. If you are killed or reduced to 0 hit points before the start of your next turn, then at the start Greater Prosthetic Devices of your next turn you are revived and regain hit points equal 11th level Way of the Wolf Feature to your level. On the turn you are revived this way you may Your capacity for crafting prosthetic devices increases. You stand from being prone without any penalty to your gain access to one additional prosthetic device, choosing movement speed, but due to fatigue caused by your revival, from the options below. Once you have chosen this device you any attacks or skill checks you make on that turn have cannot switch it out for another when you rest. You may disadvantage. Your body must be in a condition where it change out this device each time you gain a level as a Sword could be revived by the raise dead spell’s effects to be Saint. restored.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Crest Shield Saint Myth Weapons Armor (shield), artifact (requires attunement) Saint myth weapons are special artifacts that are tied to the This shield was carried by a knight whose name became history of the prolific figures in each path of devotion's lore. lost to history. Though he failed in his quest to become a lord They are the equipment, usually the weapons, wielded by the of cinder, this knight sacrificed himself in aid of one who original warriors who carved out that path for others to would succeed in his place. This shield was carried forward follow. These weapons can be used by anyone capable of by that would-be lord, and was held aloft by many more who wielding them, but have special properties when held by followed in their footsteps. It is a well-made piece of Sword Saints who follow the same path as their original user. equipment with enchantments that allow it to resist magic. There is no saint myth weapon for the gadabout subclass, due to no historic figure being directly associated with those The Crest Shield teachings. The Crest Shield is a magical +2 shield, and so grants an When the text of a saint myth weapon calls for rolling additional +2 bonus to the armor class of a creature who detrimental and beneficial qualities, refer to page 219 of the dons it. Dungeon Master's Guide for instructions on what to roll and Artifact Properties. If your DM wishes to include them, tables for those effects. Your DM may decide on specific the Crest Shield includes the following artifact properties qualities or determine them randomly. However, if your DM when you attune to it; these effects are different for any wishes to, you may simply disregard the artifact properties creature that attunes to the Crest Shield, determined for section of each weapon. them the first time they attune to it: Though none are present here, some saint myth weapons 2 minor beneficial properties may note that certain beneficial or detrimental qualities 1 major beneficial property should only apply to certain creatures, alignments or types 2 minor detrimental properties (such as one rolling 2 major beneficial qualities for a lawful good creature). In cases where this is included, it is Cindered Soul Focus. If you are a way of the cindered recommended to at least include those qualities as they are soul Sword Saint who attunes to this shield, you gain the likely part of the intention of the item. following benefits: Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 1 and 2 respectively (up to a maximum of 20, unless your ability score limit is increased by another effect). You may make a shield bash attack with this weapon using your bonus action. When you would take piercing, slashing or bludgeoning damage from an attack or effect, you take 5 fewer points of that damage. The first creature that hits you with a melee weapon attack from within 5 feet of you each turn takes 1d6 fire damage from an aura of embers surrounding you. Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects. Power Stance. On your turn before you make any attack rolls, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to your attack rolls until the start of your next turn. If you do, you gain a +3 bonus to your armor class during the same period. Shield Bash. You can use the shield as a weapon. It counts as a magical weapon, grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, has the heavy property, and deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. This weapon uses your Strength modifier.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Crimson Mortal Blade The Crimson Mortal Blade Martial weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement) The Crimson Mortal Blade is a magical +2 longsword, and so The Crimson Mortal Blade is part of an ancient set of grants a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls made with it. swords linked to the afterlife. One was said to be able to Artifact Properties. If your DM wishes to include them, sever the immortality of those it strikes, and the other able to the Crimson Mortal Blade includes the following artifact bring souls back from the land of the dead. This blade is the properties when you attune to it; these effects are different former. for any creature that attunes to the Crimson Mortal Blade, Legends speak of it as slaying immortal beings who had determined for them the first time they attune to it: overcome death, including the likes of liches and would-be- 2 minor beneficial properties demigods. However, to draw the blade is to invite death, and 1 major beneficial property one must overcome its nature when drawing it. Many have 2 minor detrimental properties lost their lives even trying to raise the blade. Trial of the Crimson Mortal Blade Wolf Focus. If you are a way of the Wolf Sword Saint who attunes to this weapon as your saint weapon, you gain the The Crimson Mortal Blade is cursed to take the life of following benefits: whomever attempts to draw it. When a creature attunes to it, their Constitution score is reduced by 4d6 points. If their Your Dexterity and Intelligence scores increase by 2 and 1 Constitution is reduced to 0 or less they die instantly, and fail respectively (up to a maximum of 20, unless your ability to attune to the weapon. Effects that prevent instant death score limit is increased by another effect). (such as death ward, relentless endurance, undead fortitude, You gain one extra use of each of your prosthetic devices, etc.,) cannot be used to prevent dying this way. which you regain with your other uses when you complete This Constitution damage is reversed at a rate of 1d6 a long rest. points each time the creature completes a long rest, or each When you kill a creature, you are shrouded in a protective time greater restoration or a similar spell is cast on them. aura generated from their blood, and take half damage Greater restoration cast through a wish spell can remove the from all attacks and effects that target you until the start damage entirely and immediately. of your next turn. Dying as part of the act of attuning to the blade counts as Death Sentence. When a creature is reduced to 0 hit being killed by the weapon, as per its death sentence effects. points by the Crimson Mortal Blade, it dies instantly. A When a creature attempts to attune to the blade for the creature killed by it must also roll 1d100 when it would be first time, they will be made aware that doing so puts them in brought back to life by a spell or similar effect. On a result of grave danger. They must attempt a DC 16 Wisdom saving 41 or higher, that creature cannot be returned to life or raised throw or be overcome by fear, unable to attempt to do so. as an undead by that or any other effect short of a wish spell Creatures immune to being frightened cannot be dissuaded or similar magic. by this. Step of Storms. A creature that is attuned to this weapon Alternatively, if the creature attempting to attune to the may use their action to cast the thunder step spell as if they weapon is a way of the Wolf Sword Saint, they may attempt a had used a 6th level spell slot (spell DC 16, or their focus DC 16 Constitution saving throw before taking the technique DC). This use of thunder step deals lightning Constitution reduction. If they succeed they still take the damage instead of thunder damage. You can use step of Constitution reduction, but immediately are revived with their storms two times, regaining spent uses at the next dawn. Constitution score either returned to normal, or to an amount Undead Bane. When this weapon hits an undead creature, equal to their Sword Saint level (whichever is lower). it rolls an additional two weapon dice as part of its damage roll.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Devil Sword Rebellion Gáe Bulg Weapon (greatsword), artifact (requires attunement) Weapon (spear), artifact (requires attunement) A legendary dark knight once awakened to justice and The Gáe Bulg is a spear made from the spine of a turned on his demonic brethren to save the world from fiends legendary sea beast, and forged for a heroic figure in the past of the lower planes. He created various weapons from his by his teacher. Crafted within a border realm of the own body that he used to combat and seal a gateway to the shadowfell, it is a cursed weapon that seeks the heart of those prime material plane, which he passed on to his two half- it aims toward. breed children. One of these weapons, Rebellion, was passed on to his Gáe Bulg more aloof son. This greatsword gives its user great strength, Gáe Bulg is a magical +2 spear, which grants a +2 bonus to and helps protect the mortal world from invading fiends who attack and damage rolls made with it. Unlike a regular spear, may threaten it. It is the sister blade of the more elegant it does 1d8 damage when wielded one-handed and 1d10 Yamato. when wielded two-handed. Artifact Properties. If your DM wishes to include them, The Rebellion Gáe Bulg includes the following artifact properties when you The Rebellion is a magical +2 greatsword, and so grants an attune to it; these effects are different for any creature that additional +2 to all attack and damage rolls made with it. attunes to Gáe Bulg, determined for them the first time they Artifact Properties. If your DM wishes to include them, attune to it: Rebellion includes the following artifact properties when you attune to it; these effects are different for any creature that 2 minor beneficial properties attunes to Rebellion, determined for them the first time they 1 major beneficial property attune to it: 2 minor detrimental properties 2 minor beneficial properties Chulainn Focus. If you are a way of chulainn Sword Saint 1 major beneficial property who attunes to this weapon as your saint weapon, you gain 2 minor detrimental properties the following benefits: Rebellion Focus. If you are a way of Rebellion Sword Your Strength and Dexterity scores increase by 1 and 2 Saint who attunes to this weapon as your saint weapon, you respectively (up to a maximum of 20, unless your ability gain the following benefits: score limit is increased by another effect). The throw range for this weapon becomes 300/600. Your Strength and Charisma scores increase by 1 and 2 Attacks made with this weapon deal an additional 1d8 respectively (up to a maximum of 20, unless your ability piercing damage. When used to make a thrown weapon score limit is increased by another effect). attack it uses its two-handed damage, and the bonus You can treat this weapon as if it has the thrown (range damage becomes 1d10 piercing instead. 30/90) property. If you hit a large or smaller creature with When using your warp spasm feature and you take the a thrown weapon attack using it, they are knocked prone. Attack action, you can make one extra weapon attack While holding the weapon, you can attempt to shove using Gáe Bulg. creatures of any size. Heart-Seeking Spear. When this weapon misses an attack You can spend a style point on your turn to briefly take on against a creature but the d20 result was not a 1, you may a demonic form, gaining a fly speed equal to your base movement speed until the start of your next turn. choose to hit instead. You may use this feature three times, regaining expended uses at the next dawn. Devil Slayer. Attack rolls made against fiends with this Protection from Arrows. While you are attuned to Gáe weapon have advantage and deal an additional weapon die of Bulg and are not incapacitated, the first ranged weapon damage. If wielded within the hells, abyss, gehenna or any attack made against you each turn has disadvantage due to other fiendish plane, its weapon dice become d10s instead of the weapon aiding in deflecting the projectile. d6s. Wall of Thorns. As an action, you can use Gáe Bulg to cast Steel Wind Strike. You may use this weapon as an action the spell wall of thorns as if it were cast at 9th level. The spell to cast the steel wind strike spell (using a +8 attack bonus, or uses a spell save DC of 16 (you may use your focus technique you may use your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier DC instead). Once you use this feature you cannot use it for the attack roll). Once you do, you may not do so again until again until the following dawn. the following dawn. Stinger. You may strike forward with Rebellion and hurl yourself at an enemy within 30 feet, immediately moving in a straight line to the nearest unoccupied space adjacent to them, even if they're in the air or you would pass through difficult terrain. You may then take your Attack action as usual before falling. The first thirty feet you fall after this does not count for the purposes of falling damage. This movement does not count against your regular movement speed. You may use this feature three times, regaining expended uses each dawn.
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Ittō Zanryū Weapon (longsword/shortsword), artifact (requires attunement) Ittō Zanryū was the favored weapon of the swordmaster who perfected the art of slaying others in one stroke. He used it to defeat over 30 opponents in duels, ending them all in a single strike. The weapon was passed on by his students and lost between the many hands who held it. It holds the memory of its master's ancient techniques. Ittō Zanryū Ittō Zanryū is a martial weapon that deals 1d8 slashing damage. It has the light and finesse properties. If you have proficiency in shortswords or longswords you have proficiency with Ittō Zanryū. Ittō Zanryū grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistances. Artifact Properties. If your DM wishes to include them, Ittō Zanryū includes the following artifact properties when you attune to it; these effects are different for any creature that attunes to Ittō Zanryū, determined for them the first time they attune to it: 2 minor beneficial properties 1 major beneficial property 2 minor detrimental properties Ittōsai Focus. If you are a way of Ittōsai Sword Saint who attunes to this weapon as your saint weapon, you gain the following benefits: Your Dexterity and Constitution scores increase by 2 and 1 respectively (up to a maximum of 20, unless your ability score limit is increased by another effect). Once per turn, when you kill a creature with a critical hit you regain focus points equal to your proficiency bonus. This weapon's +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls becomes +3. When you score a critical hit against a creature with this weapon, that attack deals an additional 2d8 necrotic damage. Death Rally. When you kill or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, the next attack roll or saving throw you make within 1 minute is made with advantage. Vorpal Blade. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll, the creature you hit is subjected to the effects of the power word kill spell. If they have more than 100 hit points, they must succeed a Constitution saving throw or be affected by power word pain instead. The DC for the save and ongoing saves against it is 16 (or your focus technique DC).
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)
Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196) Francesco Rizzo (Order #38778196)