Additional Feats: by Adam Redman
Additional Feats: by Adam Redman
Additional Feats: by Adam Redman
By Adam Redman
Created By: Adam Redman
Twitter: ClassyRed
Instagram: ClassyxRed
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Feats Enrage
Prerequisite: 15 Strength
Animal Lover
Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20 The more damage you take, the angrier and stronger you
Through many years of spending time around animals and get. If you are below half of your hit point maximum
deepening your bond with them, you gain proficiency in (rounded down), you deal an additional +2 to your melee
Land Vehicles and the Animal Handling skill. If you’re weapon or fist attacks. Additionally, you are able to use the
already proficient in them, your proficiency bonus is Barbarian feature, Rage, once per long rest and only if you
doubled for any check you make with them are below half of your hit point maximum (rounded down)
You learn the Animal Friendship spell and can cast it at If you are already a Barbarian, you are able to use this
will, without expending a spell slot. Wisdom is your feature to gain an additional rage
spellcasting ability for these spells If you are below a quarter of your hit point maximum
(rounded down), you deal an additional +4 to your melee
Beastiary Specialist weapon or fist attacks instead
Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20 Fireballer
After the lengthy study of the creatures of the universe, Prerequisite: Fireball spell
you have accumulated a vast amount of knowledge
concerning them. You gain proficiency in the Arcana and After the repeated use of the Fireball spell, you have
Survival skills. If you’re already proficient in them, your improved upon the spell and increase your skill with
proficiency bonus is doubled for any check you make with handling the casting of it. You may increase the radius of
them your Fireball spell to a 30-foot radius and increase its
You have advantage on all skill checks related to recalling damage by an additional d6
information about Beasts, Dragons and Oozes. You also Lastly, you gain the ability to “throw” and curve your
know basic information about fiends and supernatural Fireball spell toward a target you cannot see by making a
creatures like vampires and werewolves (although you do spell attack roll at disadvantage. If the intended target is
not gain advantage on these skill checks) beyond 150 feet, the spell detonates the exact moment
after traveling its maximum range. If the spell hits, it is
Blowgun Expert cast like normal with the target as the center. If the spell
Through extended training, you have become an expert in misses, all targets who happen to be in the affected area
the use of the Blowgun. You become proficient in the gain advantage on the Dexterity saving throw. Those who
Blowgun martial ranged weapon pass the save in this way, take no damage
Your attacks with a Blowgun gain a +2 to attack rolls (to
hit only) and have an increased range of 30/80. Hardened Shell
Additionally, you may use a Bonus Action to ignore the Prerequisite: Tortle
Loading property with the Blowgun, which would allow
any extra attack features you may possess to be utilized. Through training and consuming a nutritional diet, you
This feature still requires you to possess the ammunition have hardened your body and shell. Your Natural Armor
for it, which is used as normal (the Bonus Action just feature now provides a base 18 AC instead of 17
allows you to multi attack on your tun) Your Shell Defense feature now provides a +5 bonus to
Defensive Stance
Improved Breath Weapon
Prerequisite: 11 Constitution, 13 Dexterity
Prerequisite: Dragonborn
You have mastered the art of defense and keeping yourself
safe in the most dangerous of situations with the use of a You have practiced breathing exercises and trained
defensive stance. When you take the Dodge Action, you tirelessly to improve your breath attack. Your breath
temporarily gain +2 AC until the start of your next turn weapon now deals damage in d8s instead of d6s. You now
may use your Breath Weapon feature twice per short or
Elemental Affinity long rest
Prerequisite: Elemental Adept Feat Legendary Resistance
You have further mastered the study of your favored If you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed
element. When you gain this feat, the spells you cast of the instead. You can only use this feature once per long rest
chosen element from the Elemental Adept feat deal an Taking this feat more than once, you gain an additional
additional damage die use of the feature before requiring a long rest again. You
Once per long rest, you may cast a spell of the chosen can only take this feat a maximum of two times
element at one spell level above what you used to cast the
spell (example: Fireball cast at level 3 instead deals
damage as if cast at level 4)
Feats Suave
Prerequisite: 12 Wisdom
Master Craftsman
You have honed your skills with a variety of tools and You are flirtatious and charming. Your natural personality
mastered many crafts. You gain proficiency in any 5 woos all men and women alike. Increase your Charisma
Artisan’s tools of your choice score by 1 to a maximum of 20
You have ample knowledge about these career subjects You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. If you are
and any objects and important events related to them already proficient in the skill, you add double your
(example: smells or colors of potions, types of wood or proficiency bonus to checks you make with it
rock, types of metals and smells and colors related to When speaking to a creature who might (DM’s or other
them…etc PC’s discretion) find you attractive, you may cast the spell
Choose one of these tools as your expertise, granting Charm Person at 1st Level on them. This spell lasts only
double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it 10 minutes instead of 1 hour. Your spell casting ability for
this is Charisma and the DC is 8 + your Charisma
Master of Siege Weaponry modifier + your proficiency bonus. You cannot use this
feature on the same creature within a week timespan, if
After intensive study of siege weapons and the art of war, you do it automatically fails. Once you use this feature,
you have become proficient with a variety of war you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest
equipment and weapons. You know general information
about war tactics and strategies as well as about most Summon Humanoid Familiar
equipment used war. You become proficient in three siege Prerequisite: Find Familiar spell
weapons of your choice where you may add your
proficiency bonus to attack rolls made with them When you cast the Find Familiar spell, you may choose to
Twice per long rest, you may interact with a siege weapon use this feature instead. You gain the service of a familiar,
by using a Bonus Action instead of an Action in the a spirit that takes a humanoid form you choose: human,
processes to prepare or fire it (many siege weapons dragonborn, dwarf, elf, gnome, half-elf, half-orc, halfling,
require many Actions to prep and or fire) tiefling. Appearing in an unoccupied space within range,
the familiar has the statistics of one of the following of
Night Owl your choosing: acolyte, bandit, commoner, cultist, guard,
You can stay awake an additional day without gaining tribal warrior, apprentice wizard (Volos). You may choose
Exhaustion, otherwise you can still gain exhaustion if you the appearance of your familiar
do not rest after that time. When you Long Rest, you sleep Your familiar acts independently of you, but it always
in an additional 2 hours obeys your commands. In combat, it rolls its own initiative
You gain Proficiency in the History skill. If you are already and acts on its own turn. This familiar can attack and also
proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency has all of the equipment mentioned in its stat block
bonus to checks you make with it including common clothes
You have +3 to Perception Checks and Passive Perception When the familiar drops to 0 hit points, it disappears,
while in darkness, but -3 to Perception Checks and leaving behind no physical form. It reappears after you
Passive Perception while in direct sunlight cast this spell again While your familiar is within 100 feet
of you, you can communicate with it telepathically. If the
Psychologist familiar has spells or features that require rest, they must
Prerequisite: 13 Wisdom rest to replenish them just as a player would
If you cast this spell while you already have a familiar, you
You have practiced the art of insight and understanding instead cause it to adopt a new form. Choose one of the
others. Increase your Wisdom score by 1 to a maximum of forms from the above list or from the Find Familiar spell if
20 you would like to change from a humanoid into a monster
You gain proficiency in the Insight and Perception skills. If creature. Your familiar transforms into the chosen
you are already proficient in these skills, you add double creature
your proficiency bonus to checks you make with them. This familiar follows all of the same rules as the Find
If you study a creature you can see within 30 feet of you as Familiar Spell
an action for 1 minute, you are able to gain a bit of
information about them at the DM’s discretion such as: A The Drunkard
vague idea of their lifestyle, a surface glance at how they Prerequisite: 13 Constitution
are feeling, or any tension they might have between them
and another creature nearby Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of
As an expert alcoholic, you have built up the tolerance to
gain advantage on all Constitution saving throws when
consuming alcohol. Also, when you are under the
Poisoned Condition from consuming alcohol, you gain a
+2 to damage rolls if the attack is made with a melee
Treasure Hunter
Prerequisite: 12 Intelligence, 10 Wisdom
Increase your Intelligence score or Wisdom score by 1, to
a maximum of 20
As experienced treasure hunter, you gain advantage on
History (Intelligence) checks involving treasure. You gain
the ability to appraise the potential worth of a piece of
treasure with an Action Investigation (Intelligence) check
You also gain proficiency in Thieves’ Tools
You have inexplicable misfortune that seems to kick in at
just the right or wrong moment. You have 3 misfortune
points. Whenever you or another creature within 30 feet
of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving
throw, you can spend one misfortune point to impose a
disadvantage roll onto them. You can only choose to spend
one of your misfortune points before you or that creature
rolls the die
Whenever you spend a misfortune point on one of your
own rolls, you gain a 1d4 inspiration die that lasts 1
minute. You cannot use your inspiration die on the same
roll that you gained it from. You can only have one die of
inspiration at a time
Whenever you spend a misfortune point on another
creature’s roll, you are at disadvantage on your next attack
roll, ability check or saving throw. This feature lasts until
you make a roll with a d20
You regain your expended misfortune points when you
finish a long rest
Whip Master
You have expert control and precision with the use of a
whip. You are proficient with the melee weapon: Whip
You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with a whip
When you hit a creature with a whip that is of medium or
small size, you may make a simple Dexterity Check (only
adding your Dexterity modifier) equal to or greater than
the hit you just rolled. If you succeeded, that creature is
now grappled by you. If the creature wishes to break free
from the grapple, they must as an Action make an
Athletics (Strength) check with the DC of 10. You may
alternative use this feature to possibly grab an object at
your DM’s discretion