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TEACHER Kristine Joy DS. Urriza LEARNING AREA Practical Research 1

DATE Feb. 5-9, 2024 QUARTER Quarter 3
MELC/s Shares research experiences and knowledge; explains the importance of research in daily life; and describes characteristics, processes and ethics of research.


Schedule/s: 11-DELTA: 12:40-2:20pm 11-KILO 1:40-3:20noon 11-FOXTROT 11:40-1:20 11-KILO 10:00-11:40
11-FOXTROT 2:40-4:20 11-LIMA : 3:20-4:10pm 11-LIMA: 2:30-4:10 11-DELTA 11:40-1:20
11-LIMA 1:40-2:30
Classroom Routine/s: a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer
b. Greetings b. Greetings b. Greetings b. Greetings
Recall What is research? What is research?
Learning Objectives: After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
a. shares research experiences and knowledge (CS_RS11-IIIa-1);
b. explains the importance of research in daily life (CS_RS11-IIIa-2);
c. describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of research (CS_RS11- IIIa-3);
d. provide examples of research in the area of interest (CS_RS11-IIIa-5).
Topics/Learning Tasks: Nature of Qualitative Research and its Importance
LESSON CONTEXT Learning Task 1: Let’s Start with the Learning Task 1: Let’s Start with
1. Introduction What is RESEARCH? What is RESEARCH? Basic the Basic
Research is an organized Research is an organized Directions: Write terms, concepts or Directions: Write terms,
investigation and study of investigation and study of materials ideas that comes to your mind when concepts or ideas that comes to
materials and sources to create and sources to create you encounter the word research. your mind when you encounter
facts and reach new inferences. facts and reach new inferences. the word research.
Research has come up with Research has come up with
developing appropriate solutions developing appropriate solutions
to improve the individual’s to improve the individual’s quality of
quality of life. Although it may life. Although it may take place in a
take place in a different setting different setting and
and may use different methods, scientific
may use different methods, research is universally a systematic
scientific research is universally a and objective search
systematic and objective search for reliable knowledge (Walker,
for reliable knowledge (Walker, 2010).
2. Development Learning Task 1: Let’s Start with Learning Task 1: Let’s Start with the Learning Task 4: Share your Stuff Learning Task 4: Share your
the Basic Basic Directions: Share your personal Stuff
Directions: Write terms, concepts Directions: Write terms, concepts or experiences on research by Directions: Share your personal
or ideas that comes to your mind ideas that comes to your mind when completing the table below. Answer experiences on research by
when you encounter the word you encounter the word research. the guide questions that follow. completing the table below.
research. Your own experience of research Answer the guide questions
(or research that you know) that follow.
What is the importance of this Your own experience of
research to life? research
(or research that you know)
What is the importance of this
research to life?
3. Engagement Learning Task 4: Share your Stuff Learning Task 5: FB (Follow and Build) Learning Task 5: FB (Follow and
Directions: Share your personal Time! Build) Time!
experiences on research by Directions: Follow each process on Directions: Follow each process
completing the table below. the cycle below and build your own on the cycle below and build
Answer the guide questions that mnemonic device for you to easily your own mnemonic device for
follow. remember the research process you to easily remember the
Your own experience of research cycle. Answer the guide questions research process cycle. Answer
(or research that you know) that follow. the guide questions that follow.
What is the importance of this
research to life?
4. Assimilation Learning Task 5: FB (Follow and Learning Task 5: FB (Follow and Build) Check hand outs Written Task 1-10 Check hand outs Written Task
Build) Time! Time! 1-10
Directions: Follow each process Directions: Follow each process on
on the cycle below and build your the cycle below and build your own
own mnemonic device for you to mnemonic device for you to easily
easily remember the research remember the research process
process cycle. Answer the guide cycle. Answer the guide questions
questions that follow. that follow.
5. Assessment Check hand outs Performance Check hand outs Performance Task 1 Check hand outs Performance Task 2 Check hand outs Performance
Task 1 Task 2
6. Agreement In your journal, write your In your journal, write your personal In your journal, write your personal In your journal, write your
personal insights about the lesson insights about the lesson using the insights about the lesson using the personal insights about the
using the prompts below. prompts below. prompts below. lesson using the prompts
I understand that I understand that I understand that below.
___________________. ___________________. ___________________. I understand that
I realize that I realize that I realize that ___________________.
________________________. ________________________. ________________________. I realize that
I need to learn more about I need to learn more about I need to learn more about ________________________.
__________. __________. __________. I need to learn more about

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Key Teacher, Practical Research 1 Subject Group Head, HumSS Assistant School Principal II

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