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22602-1 - good data

Basic electronics (Sandip University)

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: Maintenance and Repairs of Structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual
(English + Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year
2021-2022. Hence if the students in first year (first and second semesters) write answers in Marathi or
bilingual language (English +Marathi), the Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer based
on matching of concepts with model answer.

Q. Sub Q. Marking
No. N. Scheme

Q-1 Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10 M

a) State any four objectives of building maintenance. 02
Ans. i) To improve the service life of the structure.
ii) For better serviceability of elements and components.
iii) This leads to early detection of defects.
iv) Prevents major deterioration leading to collapse. Each
v) Prevention of losses due to natural agencies and keeping them in good
appearance and working condition.
vi) Repair faults generated in the structure and if necessary, strengthen them.
b) List any four causes of crack formation in masonry wall. 02
Ans. i) Moisture change 1
ii) Thermal movement Each
iii) Elastic deformation
iv) Creep
v) Chemical reaction
vi) Foundation movement and settlement of soil
vii) Growth of vegetation
viii) Bulging of walls

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

c) Define the term - Retro fitting and restoration 02

Ans. Retrofitting: It is defined as the operation or process in which replacing, 1
strengthening, repairing etc. to be carried out to improve the performance of
damaged structure.
It is process of enhancing the resistance of damaged or weak structure by
appropriate technique of maintenance and repairs.
The process strengthening the structure along with structural systems so as to
comply with all relevant codal provisions that are in force, during that period.
It refers to the modification of a structure by adding a new technology or feature to
the older systems.
The process of re-establishing the materials, form and appearance of a structure.
OR 1
It is the process of restoring the structure to service level once it had and now lost.
d) Enlist any four additional repairing materials used for structure. 2
i. Plastic or aluminium nipples 1
ii. Polyester Putty Each
iii. Mortar
iv. Galvanized Steel Wire
v. Clamping Rods
e) State any four causes of RCC failure. 2
i. Bad structural designs are responsible for not providing sufficient 1
reinforcements. Each
ii. Lacking of adequate cover & wrongly placed steel bars. Write
iii. For concreting the specified W/c ratio, aggregate grading, workability,
compaction, finishing of concrete surfaces are not maintained.
iv. Bearing capacity of soil is considered without any soil investigation.
v. From environment causing corrosion to concrete and steel.
vi. Incorrect selection of materials and building materials are not strong enough.
vii. Improper construction techniques and insufficient quality control and
viii. Chemical attacks on concrete structures.
ix. Workers make mistakes and strength not be tested.
x. Corrosion of reinforcing steel.
f) Write any four techniques used to reduce the rate of damping in building. 2
i. By providing Damp Proof Course (i.e. DPC) 1
ii. By surface treatment i.e. by providing damp proof paint Each
iii. By integral water proofing method Technique
iv. By special device i.e. by providing Chajjas and by providing cavity walls etc.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

g) State any four points due to which structural audit is necessary. 2

i. To save human life and Property. 1
ii. To understand the condition of building and to project the expected future life. 2
iii. To comply with municipal and statutory requirements. Each
iv. To proactively assist the residents and the society to understand the seriousness of Point
the problems and the urgency required to attend the same. Write
v. To enhance life cycle of the building structure by suggesting preventive and Any
corrective measures. Four
vi. To find critical portion to repair immediately.
Q-2 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 M
a) Write four factors affecting while measuring the pulse velocity passing through 4
concrete element.
Ans. i. Quality of concrete in terms of density, homogeneity and lack of imperfection.
ii. Material quality and proportion of concrete mix
iii. Nature of concrete surface under test 1
iv. Influence of path length For
v. Moisture content and temperature of concrete Each
vi. Presence of reinforcing bar along the path length Write
vii. Age of concrete at the time of test Any
viii. Lateral dimension of the specimen tested which is measured at right angle to the four
pulse path Factor
ix. Path length in which influence of path length will be negligible when path length is
not less than 100 mm when average aggregate size used 20 mm.
b) Explain the phenomenon of bulging of wall. Also mention the causes of its 4
Ans. i. Along with the growing age masonry walls sometimes show signs of bulging. 2
ii. Bulging often takes place so slowly that the masonry doesn’t crack, and therefore
not much care is taken.
i. The cause of bulging of the wall is usually due to thermal or moisture expansion of
the walls outer surface, or due to contraction of the inner with.
ii. When the wall is pushed out of place, it is rarely completely pulled back.
c) State and explain in brief different types of maintenance. 4
Types of maintenance:
i. Routine maintenance:
ii. Preventive maintenance:
iii. Remedial maintenance:
iv. Special maintenance:
i. Routine maintenance is the post construction activity which is required to be
attended for the maintenance of the building to prevent its initial decay and to prevent
damage to it and prevent it from becoming non-functional.
It is the service maintenance involved in the structure from time to time. The nature of
the work done and the interval of time at which it depends on the specifications and 1
materials of the structure, purpose, intensity and condition of use.
There are various items of work which come under routine maintenance and it is
expected that the maintenance of the building will be attended regularly. Some items are
required to be attend daily, some weekly, while some at regular intervals.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602
This includes white washing, patch repair to plaster, replacement of fittings and
fixtures, road surface bonding etc.
ii) Preventive maintenance:
The maintenance work done before the defects occur or damage develops in the 1
structure is called as Preventive maintenance.
The preventive maintenance is also referred to as time-based maintenance or cyclic
maintenance which is performed in accordance with a pre-determined plan of
regular interval. The preventive maintenance of a structure means improving the
quality of construction and makes it more durable with functionally strong.
Preventive maintenance is a regular or routine for periodical inspection with a goal
of attending small problems and fixing them before major. The contract of this of
maintenance is generally having fixed cost and types of maintenance is generally
having fixed cost and types of maintenance include test, measurement, adjustment,
part replacement, cleaning etc.
Preventive maintenance is the work that must be done regularly in order to
minimize the possibility of breaking down the structural components and require
costly emergency repairs.
iii) Remedial maintenance:
Remedial maintenance is the process of removing decayed or damaged part of the 1
structure which would require making something better than earlier. Remedial
maintenance is the removal of any decayed as damaged part of the structure such
that structure can perform well functioning. Apart from taking all possible
preventive measures and applying routine maintenance, a structure may undergo
some damages which would require remedial maintenance. This method of
maintenance is generally used to carry out the repairs when the structure or
structural elements damaged below the level of acceptable standards.
iv) Special maintenance:
It is the work not covered in routine program or in the annual repair and under 1
special conditions and requires sanctioning, also observation to rectify heavy
damages if any.
For example:
1) Under natural calamities such as fire, earthquake or flood etc.,
2) Renewal of floors or roofs,
3) It may include particular or complete renewal of the structure occurring at long

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

d) Explain in brief any four factors influencing Periodical maintenance. 4

1. Lack of Preventive Maintenance: 1
Preventive building maintenance is a planned maintenance activity aimed at preventing For
the damage of your building. It helps you to preserve and enhance the reliability of your Each
building by replacing worn out components. When there is lack of preventive building Any
maintenance activities, this often results in deterioration of your building that leads to the Factor
point of collapse or demolition.
2. Faulty Workmanship:
Building workmanship is one of the most common factors affecting building maintenance.
A faulty workmanship dramatically increases the likelihood of problems and reduces the
life expectancy of your building there by leading to loss of time and money.
3. Use of Substandard Materials:
When building the first thing that should come to your mind is the quality and cost of the
building materials to use for the maintenance of your building. The use of substandard
materials leads to structural deformation of your building within a short period of time.
4. Insufficient Fund:
Maintaining a building against deterioration and to a standardized level requires time and
money. Lack of fund is one of the most common factors affecting building maintenance.
That is, insufficient funding for routine maintenance can cause neglect, allowing minor
repair work to evolve into more serious condition.
5. Non-utilization of Skilled Building Maintenance Professionals:
Maintaining a building requires the full services of skilled building maintenance
professionals. Not utilizing the services of skilled maintenance personnel usually result to
seeking the services of a faulty workmanship.
Property owners who fail to seek the services of skilled building maintenance personnel
end up utilizing unskilled maintenance professional there by dramatically increasing the
likelihood of problems to the building.
6. Non-application of Building Maintenance Policy:
Building maintenance policy is a written document that provides maintenance strategies to
be adopted by the maintenance professional in order to extend the life cycle of a building
and its fittings. The non-availability of building maintenance policy can result to a poorly
planned maintenance activity.
Property owners who seek the services of maintenance personnel without application of
maintenance policy do that at the risk of reducing the life span of the building.
7. Owners’ Attitude to Building Maintenance:
This is another factor that affects building maintenance because most building owners
tend to have nonchalant attitude towards maintenance. This leads to neglect, allowing
minor repair work to evolve into more serious condition.
8. Wrong Behavior of Occupants:
Occupants are those who make use of the building. And it is expected that they be the
ones to maintain it. But most occupants are often reluctant when it comes to building
maintenance. And the inefficiency of occupant behavior can result to lack of building
maintenance that result to serious deformation of the building.
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

Q-3 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 M

a) Define the concept of steel bar corrosion and how does the corrosion process take 4
The concept of corrosion is the reaction that takes place uniformly over the surface of 4
material thereby causing a general thinning of components and on eventual failure of
the material.
Where the metal (rebar) reacts in the solution (available in the concrete pores) and
gives away electrons from the anode (where oxidization occurs) to the cathode (where
reduction occurs). The positive ions formed at the surface of the anode will reacts and
create corrosion by-products.
Fe Fe2+ + 2 e- . . . . . . . at Anode
- -
2 H2O + O2 + 4 e 4 OH . . . . . . . at Cathode
Fe2+ + 2 OH- Fe(OH)2 . . . . . . . Chemical Reaction
b) Explain step by step procedure for Ferro cement water proofing technique of 4
roof slab.
i. The entire roof surface including parapet walls are to be cleaned with wire brushes
and washed with water. Any cracks found on the surface should be investigated, if
they are not static suitable remedial measures be provided before under taking any
water proofing treatment.
ii. The porous and honeycombed surfaces of the roof should be grouted by Non-
Shrink grout.
iii. Any cracks of more than 1 mm should be chased out to “V” shaped groove and
filled with Polymer modified mortar. For entire work the roof surface and parapet
walls are kept in saturated and surface dry condition.
iv. On the above saturated and surface dry surface thin cement slurry is applied by
brush. Mixing water of which admixed with super plasticizer at a dosage of 200
ml / 50 kg of cement.
v. Upon the wet slurry a mortar layer as per mix ratio 1:3 to be laid and provide a
suitable slope towards the drains.
vi. The layer surface is to be made rough with small hard coconut brush.
vii. For fixing wire mesh, wire nails were fixed in this mortar layer at appropriate
spacing with projection from the plaster surface of about 4 mm. proper curing
should be done for 3 days.
viii. Two layer of 20 gauge 12 mm x 12 mm galvanized wire mesh are stretched over
the above prepared surfaces. At the joints of wire meshes, 150 mm overlap is

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602
ix. The joints in the two layers of wire mesh are staggered. The mesh then fixed to 4
nails. 5 mm thick cover block or 5 mm dia. G. I. wire pieces are inserted between
roof and the mesh and in between the two meshes for keeping the meshes at
desired positions and for maintaining proper cover.
x. Thin cement slurry, the mixing water of which admixed with 200 ml super
plasticizer 50 kg of cement is sprayed over the surface and then immediately apply
the mortar. The mortar shall be as 1:2.5.
xi. The mortar is thoroughly mixed and applied with trowels to finished thickness of
about 20 mm.
xii. While applying the mortar, the wire mesh layers are lifted up using a hook so that
a cover of about 4 mm could be provided below the bottom layer of the wire mesh
and between the two meshes.
xiii. Hard troweling is carried out over the surface for leveling and finishing is done
using a wooden float. At the junction of roof slab with parapet walls or at roof
projections, water proofing treatment is done as shown in Fig. No. 1.

Fig. No. 1

(Marks will be given for appropriate procedure mentioning Ferro-cement wire mesh
technique, not necessarily should match with the mentioned answer)

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

c) State any four importance of structural audit for the structure. 4

Ans. 1. To save human life and Property. 1 each
2. To understand the condition of building and to project the expected future life. Any
3. To comply with municipal and statutory requirements. Four
4. To proactively assist the residents and the society to understand the seriousness
of the problems and the urgency required to attend the same.
5. To enhance life cycle of the building structure by suggesting preventive and
corrective measures.
6. To find critical portion to repair immediately.
d) Suggest any two materials necessary to repair the following - 4
i. Dampness of RCC roof slab
ii. Dampness in exterior brick wall
iii. Repairs of 0.4 mm wide crack for total depth of a RCC slab
iv. Concrete surface protection
i. Dampness of RCC roof slab 1
1) Bitumen & Bitumen emulsion
2) Mud Phuska with brick Tile Point
3) Lime Concrete
4) Ferro cement
ii. Dampness in exterior brick wall
1) Bituminous painting:
2) Cement wash:
3) Coats of soap and alum solutions
4) Paraffin oil
iii. Repairs of 0.4 mm wide crack for total depth of a RCC slab
1) Polymer Modified Cementitious Mortar
2) Resin Mortar
3) Polyester Putty
iv. Concrete surface protection
1) Bituminous cutbacks
2) Chlorinated rubber coating
3) Vinyl coating
4) Epoxy coating
5) Coal tar epoxy
6) Integrated four coat system
7) IPN polymer coating

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

4. Attempt any THREE of the following. 12

a) Explain in brief four stages of repairs work in general. 4
The four stages of repairs work are as below: 1
1. Surface Preparation, For
2. Fixing suitable formwork, Each
3. Application of bonding / Passivating coat, Stage
4. Application of suitable repair method. ination
1. Surface Preparation,
i. Prior to preparation of concrete surfaces, exposed reinforcement should be
inspected for access clearance, cross-sectional area and location.
ii. The surface contaminants like dust, efflorescence, laitance, form release
agents, oil, grease, tar and gum are to be completely removed so that there is
perfect adhesion.
iii. Any weak or loose concrete or mortar from face or body of the substrate
should be completely removed.
iv. Thorough flushing with clean water is times sufficient to clean the surface.
v. The stain marks need to be removed either by the use of soap solution or by
stearic acid or diluted HCL (diluted to 1:10 with water).
vi. Sand blasting may also be used to remove dirt. scales, rough texture and
2. Fixing suitable formwork,
i. For repairing badly damaged load bearing walls or incase of renewal of such
walls it is necessary to relieve the wall of the load by providing suitable
ii. And also, if repairs are on overhead surfaces and material is likely to sag,
formwork is essential.
iii. Prefabricated form gaskets or cast in situ foams will provide water tight seal.
3. Application of bonding / Passivating coat,
i. Repair methods need to be designed with consideration for remaining service
life of structure and thus the durability is important.
ii. Steel embedded in hydrated cement paste forms a thin passivity layer of oxide
which adheres to the underlying steel and gives it complete protection from
reaction with oxygen and water. This state of steel is known as passivation.
iii. When corroded steel is to be repaired the steel bars may be cut and replaced
with new steel bars having sufficient lap length. A Zinc - rich primer coating
on re-bars shall be applied as an anticorrosion passivation layer.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

b) Explain any two methods of improving the bearing capacity of foundations. 4

Following are the various methods for improving bearing capacity of foundations:
1. Compaction or Vibro-flotation or Vibro-compaction:
Vibro floatation refers to compaction of soil using a Vibro-float in horizontal 2
motion from the vibrator inserted into the ground. Utilization of a top pile For
driving vibrator in a vertical mode is less efficient. Each
 This method is used to increase bearing capacity of soil & to reduce
foundation settlement. Explai
 Utilization of the concept of frequency of Vibro-float matching that of nation
natural frequency of in-situ soil is also done in Vibro-compaction (e. g: Write
Miller Resonate compaction technique). Any
 Vibro-replacement uses the same equipment as in Vibro-compaction and Two
uses water/air as the jetting medium, and graded stone aggregate as backfill. method
2. Intruding sand piles
i. These are bored piles filled with sand. These piles are used for consolidation
of soil.
ii. Holes of diameter 400 mm to 500 mm are made in the ground, the length of
the holes are made 3 m to 4 m to reach pervious strata below, through the
soil required to be consolidated.
iii. The piles are spaced 1.2 to 3.0 centre to centre.
iv. The holes are then filled up with sand.
v. Now, water in the strata in addition to normal two paths top and bottom -
finds two more additional paths at sides to the sand piles.

3. Stone column:
Stone columns are compacted columns of gravel or crushed stone. Those are
installed in soft soil below the foundation. The stone columns provide vertical
support for load transferred from the structure above. They also provide
drainage of the soil and also resistance to horizontal or inclined shear like
normal piles.
i) Cylindrical holes are made by vibrating probe penetrating in the soil by jet
method with the help of casing pipes, which go down by its own weight.
ii) The diameter of the holes is 0.60 to 1.00 m. The hole is filled with gravel or
crushed rock.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602
iii) The fill is compacted simultaneously as they are filled in layers varying
from 0.4 to 0.8 m in depth and the casing pipe is withdrawn.
iv) The depth of column depends upon the soil condition and may go up to 20.0
v) The columns are installed in a configuration of square or rectangular grids
and spaced at 1.50 to 3.50 m intervals.

Compacted Stone Column

4. Grouting cement slurry
i) The grout is injected under high pressure. The ground is fractured
hydraulically and fissures occur.
ii) Grout penetrates rapidly into the fractured zone and coats, but does not
permeate the individual chunk of soil.
iii) Holes required for grouting are drilled usually with rotary rigs. Holes are
generally 40 mm in diameter and spaced at 1.3 to 3.5 m centre to centre.
iv) A casing is inserted, through which the grout is injected.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

Explain the step by step procedure of Grouting, repair method for cracks in
c) 4
RCC structure.
1. The method of crack repair depends on whether the crack is live or dormant. 4
2. Active cracks may not have adequate provision of movement joints in the
3. The repair process involves converting the crack into a movement joint, by
the use of a suitable sealant of a low Viscosity epoxy.
4. This is the best possible repair method for cracks between 0.02 mm to 6mm
in width.
5. Drill the Ports on the Surface: Drill the holes or ports in the cracks at a
regular interval. The minimum diameter and depth of ports are 2.5cm and
5cm, respectively. For fine cracks, the distance between two ports ranges
from 150 mm to 200 mm and the distance between ports in major cracks
ranges between 300-400 mm. The spacing of ports is usually kept greater
than the desired depth of grout penetration.
6. For epoxy joint to be effective, the cracks must be free of dirt, grease, etc.
before injection can being, the crack where it appears on the surface of the
member must be sealed.
7. External flexural, shear and torsion reinforcement for beams and girders may
be provided bonding deformed bars or plates to the surface of concrete
girders with shotcrete, cast-in place concrete, or epoxy and polymer concrete.
Anchors or proper bonds are necessary in the repair method to en composite
d) State any three repairing methods for major cracks and explain any one of 4
Repairing methods for major cracks: 1
1) Grouting For
2) Fixing mesh across cracks Types
3) Dowel bars or adding reinforcement
4) RCC band
5) Installing Ferro-cement Plates
6) Propping
For repair of large cracks and crushed concrete, following procedure can be
1) Grouting
For major cracks place filler materials such as flat stone chips can be used in
cracks. On the completion of the preparatory work the exposed and cleaned
reinforcement should be given a coat of grout having Portland cement with Styrene
Butadiene Rubber (SBR) latex; the proportions are usually 1 to 1.5 parts cement to 1
part of latex by volume. For different consistency different proportions can be done.
The prepared surface of the concrete should be well moist one hour before the
application of the grout. The grout can be brushed onto the concrete surface.
The grouting of the rebars can be done before the grouting of the concrete by 24
hours or more and the rebars can be given a second coat of grout at the same time
when grouting for the concrete is done.
The repair mortar should be applied within 20 to 30 minutes of the application of the
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602
. Fixing mesh across cracks
1. The surface of cracks or crushed concrete is cleaned and all the loose materials
are removed. These are then filled with quick setting cement mortar grouts.
2. If the cracks are large, then these cracks are dressed to have a V groove at both
sides of the member for easy placement of grouts. Explain
3. For cracks which are very large, filler materials such as stone chips can be tion
4. Additional reinforcement and shear reinforcements can be used for heavily of any
damaged concrete members or wherever necessary based on requirements. one
5. For damaged walls and roofs, additional reinforcement in the form of mesh is method
used on one side or both sides of the members. This mesh should sufficiently
tied with existing members.
6. The Stitching of cracks are done to prevent the widening of the existing cracks.
In this case, holes of 6 to 10mm are drilled on both sides of the crack. Then
these drilled holes are cleaned, legs of stitching dogs are anchored with short
legs. Reinforcement meshes in repair of roof slabs and walls

Wire mesh on front face,

Wire mesh on back face,
Cement plaster,
Crack in member.
2) Dowel bars or adding reinforcement
1. The cracked RCC members and masonry walls can be repaired by inserting
additional reinforcement.
2. The crack is sealed and holes are drilled across the crack plane at perpendicular
3. Then the crack and holes are filled by epoxy of low viscosity and modulus of
elasticity and capable of bonding in the presence of moisture.
4. The silicone rubber gap sealant may be used in cold weather.
5. Finally steel bars are inserted in the holes.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

5. Attempt any TWO of the following. 12

a) Write the step by step procedure for the following repair methods. 6
i) Guniting ii) Jacketing
step by step procedure for the following repair methods are mentioned below,
Guniting: -
1. Thoroughly clean all surfaces to receive Shotcrete by removing loose materials 3
and dust by pressure washing. Dampen the surface to a saturated surface dry
2. Fix wire mesh to the concrete surface. The steel wire mesh has to be placed in
position keeping the mesh within 10-15 mm from the surface.
3. Suitable fixing pins are to be inserted to keep the mesh in proper position and to
ensure that the weld mesh is not disturbed during concrete spray.
4. Prepare a cement/water mix. Pour this mix into Pump hose for lubrication before
starting to pump the production mixture.
5. When the pumped mixture reaches the nozzle, turn on the compressed air.
6. Apply Shotcrete evenly to targeted surfaces. Built-up the desired thickness of
shotcrete in layers of about 30 mm thick each. The presence of voids can be
found by hollow hammering sound after the shotcrete has attained strength after
around 3 days.
7. Clean all discharge lines with a through water flush.

1. Jacketing is the process whereby a section of an existing structural member is
restored to original dimensions or increased in size by encasement using suitable
materials. A steel reinforcement cage or composite material wrap can be 3
constructed around the damaged section onto which shotcrete or cast-in- place
concrete is placed.
2. Collars are jackets that surround only for a part of a column or pier. These are
usually used to provide increased support to the slab or beam at the top of the
3. The form for the jacket consists of timber, corrugated metal, precast concrete,
rubber, fiberglass, or special fabric; and may be permanent in some cases. The
form must be provided with spacers to ensure equal clearance between it and the
existing member

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

b) In renovation of a residential building, a RCC slab is to be casted to cover an 6

opening surrounded by beams. Apply the step by step procedure of joining the
new slab with surrounding beams.
 We should not join the new slab with an old beam only with the help of cement 6
 Clean the joining surface of the old beam with the help of a metallic brush
completely and water spray wash.
 Rebaring should be done on top of the beam and fix bars by using suitable
grouting material.
 Overlapping or fixing of reinforcement should be done.(interlock the
reinforcement of slab with rebaring done on top of the old beam)
 Adhesives are used to join new slab with old beam if necessary.
 Provide temporary support for casting of new slab.
 Overlapping of steel should not be less than 50 D.
 Cast new slab by using suitable concrete mix proportion and before placing
concrete provide clear cover blocks.
 After casting of new slab cure the new slab for next 28 days.
c) State any four methods used for repair of corroded RCC elements. Also explain 6
in brief any two of them.
1. Exposing & Undercutting Rebar:- 2
2. Cleaning Reinforcing Steel :-
3. Compensating Reinforcement :-
4. Surface Conditioning of Concrete :-

1. Exposing & Undercutting Rebar:-

i. All loose or delaminated concrete above corroded reinforcing steel shall be
removed until corrosion free locations along the bar are reached.
ii. Care shall be taken not to open bond between the non-corroded bar and
The exposed corroded rebar's are undercut Undercutting exposes the blind side of
the rebar cleaning and will allow the repair material to fully surround the rebar,
securing the repair material structurally. 15mm clearance between

2. Cleaning Reinforcing Steel :-

i. To promote maximum bond of the repair material, remove all heavy
corrosion and scale from the bar.
ii. It can be done preferably by abrasive blasting method.
iii. A tightly bonded with light rust on the Surface of rebar is usually not
detrimental to bond.
iv. Manufacturers recommendations shall be checked for rebar preparation and
protective coating.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

3. Compensating Reinforcement :- 2
Procedure: For
i. A structural engineer should be consulted if reinforcing steel has reduced Each
cross section significantly.
ii. The bar can be replaced completely or supplementary bars can be placed
over the affected section.
iii. The additional bars may be mechanically spliced to old bars or placed
parallel to old bars at approximately 15mm from existing bars.
iv. Lap lengths must be checked in accordance with latest IS specifications and
other design guidelines.

4. Surface Conditioning of Concrete :-

After removing damaged concrete and undercutting reinforcing steel, remove
additional concrete as required to provide the minimum required thickness of the
repair material. At edge location, provide right angle cuts to the concrete surface
with either of the following methods:
Saw cut 12mm or less as required. Avoid cutting reinforcing steel. Avoid leather
i. Repair configuration should be squared corners.
ii. Remove all dirt, concrete laitance, and loose aggregates by abrasive blasting
or high-pressure water blasting with or without abrasive.
iii. Cement and particulate slurry must be removed from the prepared surfaces
before the slurry.
6. Attempt any TWO of the following. 12

a) List any two suitable materials for the anti-corrosion, adhesive and mortar 6
repair. Also write one property of each material.
1.Types of anti-corrosive materials :
 Polymer Modified Cement slurry :
Properties :
1. Coating should be covered with screed concrete to avoid physical
damages to concrete.
2. Polymer provides significant improvement in imperviousness.
3. Water Proofing Material.
 Cement mortar slurry :
Properties :
1. The Coating is made impermeable to salts by sealing treatment.
2. Provides a passivating coat on steel members to reduce corrosion.
 Zinc Rich epoxy :
Properties :
1. Zinc is an atmospheric metal which reacts with both Strong acids and
strong base solutions.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602
2.Adhesives : Any
Solvent free adhesives : Two
 Epoxy adhesives :
1. Usually made of epoxy resins amine or polymer metals.
2. Having Excellent Adhesion Properties with less shrinkage.
 Polyester Adhesive :
1. Unsaturated polyester resin usually dissolves in the styler monomer.
2. Cure under low temperature curing.
 Acrylic Adhesive And
1. These adhesives are effective with fine aggregate to prepare adhesive
mortar. 1
 Silicon adhesives : For
1. These binding aids can work under in wide range of temperature Each
conditions. Two

Water borne adhesives : Material

 Polyvinyl acetates : Property
1. These are type I adhesives.
2. Water resistant.
 Vinyl Acetates copolymer :
1. These adhesives give high bond strength.
 Poly acrylic esters :
1. It is made up of nonionic surfactant system which improves adhesion.
 Styrene butadiene copolymers :
1. It improves adhesion and latex stability.
3.Mortar Repair Materials :
 Cementations mortars :
1. Various types of fibers and adhesives can be added to improve
overall performance and properties of repair mortar.
2. Reduces shrinkage of repaired portion.
 Polymer modified mortar :
1. SBR and acrylic and modified acrylic latex are commonly used
polymer modifiers.
2. Polymer based repair mortars are useful to repairer enforced
 Resin mortar :
1. High Strength.
2. Strong adhesion.
3. Rapid curing.
4. Chemical resistance.
5. Impermeability.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

b) Prepare the format involve any eight-information data of building for 6

structural audit.

Sr. Type of Information /
Information status Remark
No. Criteria
Name of Owner / Client / Mobile No.
Society E-mail:-
2. Address of Site Detailed address of Site:-
Details of contact person / Name:-
manager / care taker Mobile No.
responsible for all types of E-mail:-
Communication Address:-
Load bearing / RCC /
4. Type of structure
5. Type of Foundation
Grade of concrete / steel,
6. Materials used for construction
masonry, special material etc.
Any settlement in the Yes / No If yes the cause for
foundation settlement
Details of Adjoining structures
8. available before / during / after
Low Income Group Middle
Type / class of people using the
9. Income Group High Income
Terrace area (covered and PCC / Tile Flooring /
uncovered) Waterproofing is done or not.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: maintenance and repairs of structures Model Answer Subject Code: 22602

c) A brick wall has developed diagonal and other vertical crack then illustrate the 6
suitable repair method using mild steel U-shaped dowel bars along with sketch.
For this kind of cracks developed in brick wall then the suitable repair method using 6
mild steel U-shaped dowel bars is Stitching method:-
Step by step procedure:-
1. Insert precast cement concrete blocks of Common Size 250 x 125x75mm
which is cast with C.C 1:1.5:3 10 the first stitching method.
2. Holes are cut to the size of brick with depth 125 mm.
3. The CC blocks are set into the holes with mortar alternate layers of
brickwork along the line of crack.
4. You can carry out plasterwork after curing period.
5. Insert Mild steel U-shaped dowel bars of dia. 8 or 10mm. Or as per
requirement and of 200 to 250 mm length with legs of 125 mm.
6. Chase the crack and drill the hole for insertion of Dove 1-01 the dowel bar
with legs inside.
7. Ensure that the top of the U is at least 20mm below the brick surface.
8. The chase is then filled with C. C. 1:1.5:3 with 5mm down grit.
9. When the insertion of the dowels is complete, the surface is plastered.
10. Insert the RCC Stitching blocks of mix 1:2:4 with the provision of
11. The length of the block is equal to 1 to 2 bricks, thickness equal to 1 to 2
brick and width equal to thickness of the wall.

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