Model Answer: Winter-2018

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
Important Instructions to examiners
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance. (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.)
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by the candidate and those in the model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit
for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and the model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on
equivalent concept.
Que. Sub. Total
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Q. 1 (A) Attempt any FIVE of the following : 10
List four physical properties of OPC.
Ans. Physical properties of OPC:
i. Fineness
ii. Standard consistency or Normal consistency ½
iii. Initial and Final setting time each 2
iv. Soundness ( any
v. Compressive Strength four)

b) Define bulking of sand.

Ans. Bulking of sand is defined as increase in volume of given sand due to
surface moisture present on surface of particles. 2 2

c) State Duff Abraham’s water cement ratio law.

Ans. Duff Abraham’s Law: For workable concrete, the compressive
strength of concrete depends only on water-cement ratio. 2 2

d) Name four methods of concrete mix design.

Ans. i. Arbitrary proportion method
ii. Maximum density method
iii. Fineness modulus method
iv. ACI Committee 211 method ½
v. Road note no. 4 method (Grading Curve Method) each
vi. Indian road congress method (IRC - 44) ( any 2
vii. High strength concrete mix design method
viii. Indian Standard method (IS 10262: 2009)
ix. Trial and error method
x. Surface area method

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q. 1
xi. Mix design based on flexural strength
xii. 12.British DOE mix design method (Department of

In sequence, write concreting operations.

i. Batching of materials
Ans. ii. Mixing of materials 2 2
iii. Transportation of concrete
iv. Placing of concrete
v. Compaction of concrete
vi. Curing of concrete
vii. Finishing of concrete

f) State two purposes of using accelerating admixtures in the

concrete. 1
Ans. each 2
i. To accelerate the initial setting of concrete (any
ii. Permit early removal of formwork in cold climate. two)
iii. Reduce the required period of curing
iv. Speed of the work can be boosted by early removal of

g) State two uses of low heat cement.

Ans. i. It is used for mass concrete works such as dams. each 2
ii. It is used for cracks resistant structures. (any
iii. It is used for sulphate resistant structures. two)
iv. It used in concreting of nuclear power plant, sea walts, break
waters, etc.

Attempt any THREE of the following : 12

Explain the method to determine initial and final setting time of
a) cement.
Ans. Procedure:
i. Take 400 gm. of cement sample and add 0.85 times water
required for its standard consistency to prepare homogenous
cement paste. Note down the time at which water is added to
cement as T1 min. 4 4

ii. Fill this cement paste in Vicat’s mould. Keep this mould under
Vicat’s apparatus with IST needle attached to it.
iii. Now allow the IST needle to penetrate in the paste by realize
pin observe the total penetration. If the penetration is not 33

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.2 to 35 mm from top then change the position of penetration
iv. Note down the time at which IST needle will give required
penetration as T2 min. Hence calculate the initial setting
v. IST = T2 - T1 min.
vi. Replace IST needle with FST needle and allow FST needle to
penetrate in same cement paste.
vii. Note down the time at which FST needle will give the Just
impression on a cement surface as T3 min.
viii. Calculate final setting time i.e. FST = T3-T1 min.

b) Classify the aggregate based on its size and shape.

Ans. Classification of aggregate according to Size:
As per size aggregates are divided into two categories:
i. Coarse Aggregate: The aggregate having size bigger than 2
4.75mm is considered as coarse aggregate.
ii. Fine Aggregate: The aggregate whose size is 4.75mm and less
is considered as fine aggregate.
Classification of aggregate according to shape:
As per shape aggregates are divided into four categories:
i. Rounded: This type of aggregate is completely shaped by
attrition or water worn. 2
ii. Irregular or partly rounded: This type of aggregate is
naturally irregular or partly shaped by attrition.
iii. Angular: This type of aggregate contains well defined
edges formed at intersection of roughly planer faces.
iv. Flaky and elongated: This type of aggregate having small
thickness as compared to width or length.

Calculate the average crushing value of aggregate using following

c) data and write its suitability.
Sr. No. Description A B C
1 Weight of oven dried 3119 3246 3184
2 Weight of fraction passing 575 581 598
2.36mmI.S. Sieve

Ans. To find aggregate crushing value,

%ACV= Weight of agg.passing through 2.36mm IS sieve X 100

Weight of oven dried aggregate

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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For observation I:
%ACV= (575/3119)x100 = 18.43%
For observation II:
%ACV= (581/3246)x100 =17.89%

For observation III:

%ACV= (598/3184)x100 =18.78%

To find average crushing value of given aggregate

Average %ACV = (18.43+17.89+18.78)/3

Average %ACV = 18.36%

Suitability: As the % ACV is 18.36%,which is less than 30%, hence 1

the given sample of aggregate is suitable for non-wearing surfaces like
roadways, runways etc.

d) A sand sample has a fineness modulus of 1.95. Whether this sand

can be used for concreting? Explain the procedure to bring the
fineness modulus in required permissible limits. State its

Ans. The given sand sample has a fineness modulus 1.95, which is less than
prescribed limit i.e.2.2-3.2. It indicates that sand particles are finer, 1
which is not suitable for satisfactory concreting work.
Procedure to bring FM in prescribed limits:
i. The cumulative % retained of tested sand sample should be
increased by adding sand particles which are having lesser
% retained in the calculation.
2 4
ii. When quantity of such sand particles are increased, then
FM of sand will be in the above mentioned range, which is
also considered as well graded sand sample.

Importance of FM:
i. Fineness modulus of sand should be 2.2 to 2.6 for fine
sand, which is helpful for minimizing voids ratio and 1
increasing density of concrete mass.
ii. Well graded sand is also useful for good bonding of
particles and related strength criteria of concrete.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.3 Attempt any THREE of the following : 12
Suggest the compaction factor for the following degree of

Ans. Sr. Degree of Compaction

No. workability factor 1 4
i Medium 0.92

ii High 0.95

iii Very low 0.78

iv Low 0.85

Illustrate the effect of properties of coarse aggregates on

compressive strength of concrete.
Effect of properties of coarse aggregates on compressive strength of

i. Size of aggregate:

If coarse aggregate particles are of large size (say 20 mm) in

concrete mixture , then concrete becomes harsh and only 1
strength may reduce due to honey combing. But if coarse each 4
aggregate are of smaller sizes only (say 10 mm). Then ultimate (any
strength of concrete will be lesser. Therefore coarse aggregate four)
with combination of both sizes (i.e. 10 and 20 mm) will give
better workable concrete and more compressive strength.

ii. Shape of aggregate:

If shape of concrete aggregate is angular then there is good

interlocking of aggregate particles. Hence it gives more
compressive strength. If shape of coarse aggregate is sub
angular or sub rounded then compressive strength reduces due
to less bonding between particles.

iii. Surface texture:

If the texture of coarse aggregate is rough then aggregate gets

interlocked strongly than smooth textured aggregates in
presence of same cement slurry.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.3 iv. Water absorption:

If the % water absorption of coarse aggregate is more than

prescribed limit, then concrete becomes harsh result in
reduction of strength. But if water absorption is less concrete
becomes as per proportion giving required strength.

(Note: Other than above mentioned properties of coarse aggregate

should be considered).

Explain the procedure for measurement of workability of fresh

c) concrete using slump cone test.
Ans. Test Procedure:
i. Clean the mould from inside and apply oil to it.
ii. Place the mould on smooth horizontal, rigid & non-absorbent
surface or the centre of metallic tray.
iii. Fill the mould with the concrete to be tested in four layers,
tamping each layer 25 times with the tamping rod, taking care
that the strokes are evenly distributed over the c/s.
iv. Remove the mould by one smooth continuous vertical motion.
v. The concrete subsides and this subsidence is called “slump.”
Measure the slump in mm by using a metric scale from top of
vi. Based on measured slump, the degree of workability is
designated as follows.
Sr. 4 4
Slump (mm) Degree of workability
1 0-25 Very low
2 25-50 Low
3 50-100 Medium
4 100-175 High

d) Explain the necessity of supervision for concreting operations.(any

Ans. Necessity of supervision for concreting operation:
i. Supervision is necessary to complete all concreting
operations in standard manner.
ii. It is necessary to avoid any type of delay in concrete work. 1
iii. It is also beneficial to reduce wastage of concrete during each 4
concreting. (any
iv. It is required to get overall quality in concrete work at site. four)
v. Supervision becomes essential in maintaining smooth flow
of concreting operations at each stage of project.
vi. It found very effective in controlling bad workmanship.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Explain the importance of water/cement ratio in the concrete mix.

Importance of water/cement ratio in the concrete mix :

Ans. i. The W/C ratio plays very vital role in concrete mixture. The
improper or random selection of W/C ratio leads in various
defects in fresh and hardened concrete.
ii. If W/C ratio is less (say w/c= 1/4 = 0.25), then concrete will
become harsh and results in honeycombing or porous
nature due to poor workability.
each 4
iii. If w/c ratio is more (say w/c = 3/4 = 0.75), then concrete (any
undergoes segregation and bleeding. Thus finally concrete four)
shows defects in it.
iv. Therefore w/c ratio should be optimum, which depends on
grade of concrete and exposure conditions hence w/c ratio
should be selected from IS: 456:2000.
v. If w/c ratio is opted out properly as mentioned above, then
concrete possess good workability, compressive strength
and durability ultimately.
b) Write four objectives of concrete mix design.

Ans. i. To achieve a specified compressive strength of concrete.

ii. To reduce wastage of concrete by correct proportioning.
iii. To achieve economy by selecting appropriate concrete
iv. To maintain workability of concrete mix throughout work. each 4
v. To obtain maximum possible yield per bag of cement. four)
vi. To ensure less defects and enhanced durability of concrete.
c) Describe four characteristics of ready mix concrete.

Ans. Characteristics of ready mix concrete:

i. RMC can be ordered in bulk amount at a time.

ii. It has more homogeneity as compared to other concrete. 1

each 4
iii. It becomes economical in large project. (any

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Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.4 iv. It can be easily transported at a longer distance without setting
of concrete.
v. Quality of concrete is uniform and high.
vi. Useful in urban areas where it is lack of space.
vii. No dust and noise pollution.

d) Explain four effects of hot weather on concrete.

Ans. Effects of hot weather on concrete:

i. Due to hot weather, concrete shows rapid rate of hardening,
which results difficulty in transportation of concrete.
ii. Water from concrete mix gets evaporated fastly, which results
on w/c ratio and less workability of concrete.
iii. Water may get absorbed by formwork, aggregate or ground
due to excessive heat. 1
iv. More shrinkage cracks get developed on concrete surface due each 4
to incomplete hydration with less water in concrete. Hence, (any
early finishing becomes more essential. four)

v. Continuous curing is required to keep humidity and to avoid

further development of cracks.
vi. Air entrained in concrete may get expelled due to temperature,
hence workability may reduce additionally.

e) Write two advantages and two disadvantages of vacuum de-

watered concrete floor.

Ans. Advantages of vacuum de-watered concrete floor:

i. It reduces the time for finishing the floor.

ii. Smooth and clean finish surface.

iii. It reduce permeability and increase durability of concrete floor each
iv. Increase the strength of concrete. Compressive strength is two)
increased by 10 to 50%.

v. Decrease the total shrinkage.

Disadvantages of vacuum de-watered concrete floor: 4

i. High initial cost. 1

ii. It required specific equipment. (any

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.4 iii. The porosity which there in the concrete allows water, oil and
grease to seep into thereby weakening the structure.
iv. Joint can also weaken the concrete.
v. Abrasion can cause dust and cleanliness problem.

Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Explain the laboratory procedure to determine the compressive

strength of concrete cubes as per IS-516-1959 with reference to
following points:
i. Preparation of test specimen
ii. Procedure of testing
iii. Interpretation of results
Preparation of test specimen:
i.Take three cubes of 15 cm sides and apply oil to its inner
surface. 2
ii. Prepare the concrete mixture of required grade and fill it in
each mould in 3 layers. Compact each layer 25 times with
16 mm dia. steel rod.
iii. Keep all the moulds at room temperature for 24 hrs for
initial hardening and at relative humidity 90%.
iv. Remove cube moulds and keep concrete cubes under fresh
water for curing for 7, 14, 21, 28 days.
Procedure of testing:
i. Remove cube from water after curing period and keep it
under compression testing machine (CTM) for testing.
ii. Apply load at a rate of 35 N/mm2/min for 10 minutes or 2 6
till failure load in N by cross sectional area of cube in
iii. Finally calculate compressive strength of cubes as failure
load in N by cross sectional area of cube in mm2.
iv. The average of three test cubes can be calculated as
average compressive strength in MPa

Interpretation of results:
i. If the calculated compressive strength is less than the grade
of concrete used, then concrete can be rejected at site.
ii. When such strength is found more (say 23N/mm than the
specified grade M20, then that concrete is safe and good for

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.5 b) Explain the rebound hammer test procedure and show the
relationship between compressive strength and rebound number
with hammer horizontal and vertical on dry and wet surface of

Ans. Rebound Hammer Test:

i. Initially the plunger of rebound hammer is Kept touching
to the target concrete surface
ii. Then the tubular casing of hammer is pushed towards 4
concrete, so that the spring gets wind up around the
iii. Now release the mass attached to plunger using dash pot,
so that hammer will impact on concrete surface and
rebound back depending on strength of concrete.
iv. Due to backward motion of hammer, pointer on graduated
scale will move in same direction.
v. Observe the distance travelled by pointer/rider on 6
graduated scale as rebound Number.
vi. If this rebound Number is less, the strength of concrete will
be less, But if it is more, then concrete possess sufficient

Fig. Relationship between Compressive Strength and Rebound Number

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.5 c) Explain the ultrasonic pulse velocity test and techniques of
measuring pulse velocity through concrete.
i. Ultrasonic pulse velocity method consists of measuring the
time travel of an ultrasonic pulse passing through the
concrete to be tested.
ii. The pulse generated circuit consists of electronic circuit for
generating pulses and a transducer for transforming these
electronic pulses into mechanical energy having vibration
frequency in the range of 15 to 50 kHz. 3
iii. The time travel between the initial path and the reception
of the pulse is measured electronically.
iv. The path length between transducer divided by the time of
travel gives the average velocity of the wave propagation.
PUNDIT (Portable Ultrasonic Non Destructive Digital
Indicating Tester) is a battery operated fully digitized
instrument which is generally used for measuring
ultrasonic pulse velocity.

Techniques of measuring Pulse velocity through concrete :

a) Direct transmission: The transmitting and receiving
transducers are placed on opposite surfaces of the concrete 1
slab. This will give maximum sensitivity and provide a
well-defined path length

b) Indirect transmission: The transmitting and receiving

transducers are placed on adjacent surfaces of the concrete 1

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Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.5 c) Surface transmission: The transmitting and receiving
transducers are placed on same surfaces of the concrete 1

Q.6 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Write four requirements of good formwork and draw a sketch

showing cross section of formwork for a L-shaped column.
i. It should be strong enough to resist the weight of concrete,
workers and machinery. 1
ii. It should be economical compared to total cost of each
construction. (any
iii. It should be possible to use the formwork for more number four)
of times.
iv. It should give smooth finish and shape to concrete faces.
v. It should be possible to erect and dismantle the formwork
very easily.
vi. It should be easily and locally available.
vii. It should be rigid enough to retain its shape without
deflection or bulging. 6

Fig. Cross-Section of L-Shape Column

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer: Winter-2018
Subject: Concrete Technology Sub. Code: 22305
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Q.6 b) Suggest one type of materials for water proofing for the following
i. Rising dampness in building
ii. Leakages in dam
iii. Concrete continuously in wet or damp condition
iv. Leakages in lavatory ,bathroom and kitchen floor
v. Cracks on plastered surface
vi. Cracks on roof surface
Ans. i. Flexible materials like butyl rubber, hot bitumen (asphalt),
plastic sheets, bituminous felts, sheets of lead.
ii. Liquid applied cementitious membranes 1 6
iii. Liquid applied cementitious membranes each
iv. Liquid applied cementitious membranes, liquid applied latex
membranes, brick bat coba, liquid applied bituminous
v. Liquid applied cementitious membranes.
vi. Brick bat coba, liquid applied bituminous membrane.

c) Suggest the type of joints in concrete when it is likely to increase in

volume due to temperature change. Explain it and draw its neat
Ans. When it is likely to increase in volume due to temperature change
expansion joint is constructed. 1
i. Expansion joints are provided by keeping a gap between panels
of concrete and later sealing it
ii. The joint which is provided to present the expansion in
concrete caused due to thermal stresses.
iii. These stresses produce due to extreme temperature conditions. 6
The typical expansion joint is provided with dowel bars at a 3
depth equal to half of slab thickness.
iv. This dowel of 20 mm diameter and 550 mm long is covered
with metal cap filled with cotton and finally such joint is sealed
using sealants like wood, thermocol or bitumen.

Fig. Expansion Joint

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