INTERNSHIP-IV (11360004) : An Internship Report On
INTERNSHIP-IV (11360004) : An Internship Report On
INTERNSHIP-IV (11360004) : An Internship Report On
An Internship Report on
Completed at
Submitted by
Diploma Engineering
[SUMMER 2024]
This is to certify that the Internship report submitted has been carried out by YADAV ATUL
BALIRAM (21021302010015) at OM BUILDER INNOVATION COMPANY under my guidance in partial
fulfilment in 5th Semester for the Diploma Engineering in Civil Engineering of Monark University, Vahelal
during the academic year 2023-24.
Vahelal, Ahmedabad.
I hereby declare that the Internship report submitted along with the Internship entitled STRUCTURAL
DETAILING submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of the of Diploma Engineering in Civil
Engineering to Monark University, Vahelal, is a bonafide record of original project work carried out by me,
at OM BUIDER INNOVATION COMPANY under the supervision of MR RUTURAJ GAIKWAD and that
no part of this report has been directly copied from any students’ reports or taken from any other source,
without providing due reference.
Sign of Student :
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the guide, Prof.jaydip jadia for her invaluable guidance,
support, and encouragement throughout the process. His expertise, patience, and feedback have been
instrumental in shaping my ideas and guiding me towards the completion of this Internship.
I would also like to extend my appreciation to the faculty members of the Civil Department as well as H.O.D
of Civil Department, Prof. Jaydip Jadia, for their valuable insights and feedback on my Internship. Their
critiques, suggestions, and encouragement have helped me to develop a deeper understanding of the subject
In addition, I would like to thank my Family and Friends for their unwavering support and encouragement
throughout this journey. Their love, motivation, and belief in me have been the driving force behind my
academic success.
Once again, I express my deepest gratitude to all those members who have contributed to the successful
completion of this thesis and progress.
civil engineer.
In this project I have done study on building construction, its process and
This report document contains the knowledge and experience I have gained
Park. (Fig:1)
magnificence of the venture. Kids can use the Children's Play Area,
Car Parking. The project is approved by the regulatory authority and the
market D-Walls are often used on congested sites close to existing structures where
the excavation depth and ground condition would prove problematic for piled walls .
Dimension Floor Plan of Apartment:
PCC Full Form in civil engineering is Plain Cement Concrete. The Cement Concrete in
Figure-2.2 PCC
RCC [Reinforced Cement Concrete]. RCC is a process when plain cement
rain forced with steel bar. It is generally a concrete that contains steel bars,
Figure-2.3 RCC
Stepped footing step on top of each Other, the steps are often formed by Stacking three
The primary purpose of the foundation is to transfer the structure’s weight into the
subterranean strata.
Advantages of Step Footing:
Stepping foundations also prevents sudden and extreme level changes that can result in
They will be adequate for pillars that are placed in isolation and relatively simple
transmits, through compression, the weight of the structure above to other structural
Figure-4.1 Column
Advantage of Column:
Maintains column and wall dimension between slabs.
Disadvantage of Column:
The most outstanding disadvantage of kicker is the possible formation of joints at the
techniques are used to install column and wall shuttering. But the risk of errors is
Purpose of Column:
slab to its foundation and the ground beneath it. Often, they are vertically oriented.
1. Tied Column:
This type of column is commonly Construction from reinforced concrete. Longitudinal
2. Spiral Column:
Spiral column is also construction from Reinforced concrete. In this type of column,
longitudinal bars are confined within closely Spaced and continuously wound spiral
reinforce Cement. Spiral reinforce cement provide lateral restrains and delays axial
3. Short Column:
If the ratio effective length of the column to the least lateral dimension is less than 12,
the column is called as the short column. A Short column fails by crushing. (Fig:9)
If the ratio effective length of the column to the least lateral dimension exceeds 12, it is
5. T-Shape column:
If vertical axial loads act on the centre of gravity of the cross-section of the column,
construction are since coinciding and vertical loads on the centre of gravity of column
symmetrical loads from floor slabs from all sides is an example of this type of column.
When vertical loads do not coincide with centre of gravity of column cross section, but
rather act eccentrically either on X or Y axis of the column cross section, then it is
called uniaxial eccentric loading column. Column with uniaxial loading are generally
encountered in the case of columns rigidly connected beam from one side only such as
Schedule of column:
Schedule of Footing:
-D1 550
(DEPTH) -D2 550
-D3 -
Steel/B 12Ø125C/C
Steel/L 12Ø125C/C
Conc.Mix M:25
supervising our construction site. We have learned about step footing column
trainee engineers, Overall, the internship program Laid sound foundation for us