Rubric Asm3 BDM
Rubric Asm3 BDM
Rubric Asm3 BDM
This criterion is 7 to >5.59 pts 5.59 to 4.89 to 4.19 to 3.49 to >0 pts 7 pt
linked to a HD >4.89 pts >4.19 pts >3.49 pts NN s
Learning Expertly DI CR PA Fails to
OutcomeRisk identifies and Identifies Identifies key Identifies few identify
Identification and explains all most risks with risks with relevant risks
Management relevant risks relevant basic details limited details or provides
across risks clearly and provides and an incorrect
multiple across a basic risk underdevelope details with no
categories multiple management d risk coherent risk
with a detailed categories plan using a management management
and innovative with a clear simple risk plan. The Risk plan. The Risk
risk and matrix. The Register is Register is
management effective Risk Register poorly missing or too
plan, utilizing a risk may lack organized and unclear to
well- managemen clarity in difficult to interpret.
constructed t plan using categorization understand. Information is
risk matrix. a well- and Information is poorly
The Risk utilized risk prioritization. disorganized organized or
Register is matrix. The Information is with major presented,
comprehensiv Risk somewhat language or making
e, well- Register is organized but structural comprehensio
organized, and clear and lacks issues, and n impossible,
effectively effectively refinement, poor use of with irrelevant
categorizes organizes with some sources. or no sources.
and prioritizes risks. inconsistencie
risks. Presents Information s in
information in is well- referencing.
a clear, organized
logically with minor
structured issues in
manner with structure or
impeccable clarity,
use of supported
business by good
language and sources.
This criterion is 7 to >5.59 pts 5.59 to 4.89 to 4.19 to 3.49 to >0 pts 7 pt
linked to a HD >4.89 pts >4.19 pts >3.49 pts NN s
Learning Provides a DI CR PA Fails to provide
OutcomeImpact comprehensiv Offers a clear Provides a Analysis of a coherent
of AI e and and detailed basic analysis AI’s impact analysis of AI’s
Technologies insightful analysis of of AI’s impact is limited impact. Lacks
analysis of AI’s impact, with some and lacks relevant
how AI supported by relevant depth. examples or
technologies relevant examples. Examples academic
impact the examples and Shows an and support.
strategic references. understandin references Information is
decision, Shows a good g of AI in are minimal poorly
supported by understandin decision- or organized or
concrete g of how AI making but somewhat presented,
examples and technologies may lack irrelevant. making
academic influence depth or Presents comprehensio
references. decision- clarity. information n difficult or
Demonstrates making, with Information is in an impossible,
a deep well- somewhat unclear or with little to no
understanding organized organized, disorganize relevant
of AI's role in information with minor d manner evidence.
enhancing or and good use issues in with
challenging the of business referencing or significant
decision- language. evidence use. issues in
making language or
process, with a structure.
clear, well-
use of
relevant, high-
This criterion is 7 to >5.59 pts 5.59 to 4.89 to 4.19 to 3.49 to >0 pts 7 pt
linked to a HD >4.89 pts >4.19 pts >3.49 pts NN s
Learning Provides DI CR PA Fails to
OutcomeProposin highly Offers clear Provides Recommenda provide
g Strategic insightful and and practical adequate tions are coherent
Adjustments innovative recommenda recommenda general and recommenda
recommenda tions that are tions that not well- tions or does
tions for well- somewhat connected to not effectively
adjusting the supported by address the the analyses link them to
strategic analyses of analyses of of the analyses
decision, stakeholder stakeholders, stakeholders, of
clearly based impacts, risks, risks, and AI. risks, and AI. stakeholders,
on a and AI Connections The risks, and AI.
comprehensiv influences. between suggestions Lacks
e analysis of Shows good recommenda lack detail and actionable
stakeholder understanding tions and may not be suggestions
impacts, risk and previous fully and presents
management, connection analyses are actionable. information
and AI between present but Presentation poorly, with
influences. these may lack is somewhat little to no
Demonstrates elements. depth. disorganized relevant
a deep Recommenda Presentation and lacks clear supporting
understandin tions are is organized structure or evidence.
g of how actionable but could be sufficient
these and effectively improved in evidence.
elements presented, clarity or
interconnect. with good use evidence
The of business support.
suggestions language and
are detailed, relevant
actionable, evidence.
and directly
clear, well-
supported by
This criterion is 4 to >3.19 pts 3.19 to 2.79 to 2.39 to 1.99 to >0 pts 4 pt
linked to a HD >2.79 pts >2.39 pts >1.99 pts NN s
Learning Demonstrates DI CR PA Neglects
Outcome#AoL1c expertise in Routinely Considers Is developing ethical
Ethical Global forging makes ethics in an considerations,
Citizens: business business networking, understanding often engaging
decisions that decisions but may of ethical inappropriately
Formulate and
are deeply emphasising overlook the practices in or
justify ethical ethical, ethical importance networking insensitively.
practices in sustainable, partnerships of and the value
business decision- and promote and transparent of respectful
making (Aligned ethical global collaboration. interactions. engagements.
with SDG 16 - partnerships.
Peace, Justice and
This criterion is 4 to 3.19 to 2.79 to 2.39 to 1.99 to 4 pt
linked to a >3.19 pts >2.79 pts >2.39 pts >1.99 pts >0 pts s
Learning HD DI CR PA NN
Outcome#AoL1a Initiates Leads social Participates in Shows surface- Avoids or
Ethical Global complex impact social impact level fails to see
Citizens: social impact activities activities, engagement in the value of
activities with recognising social impact social impact
Advocate for
with insights. reflective community activities. activities.
equality, human insights. benefits.
rights, and
positive outcomes
based on respect
for diversity.
This criterion is 4 to >3.19 pts 3.19 to 2.79 to 2.39 to 1.99 to 4 pt
linked to a HD >2.79 pts >2.39 pts >1.99 pts >0 pts s
Learning Regularly DI CR PA NN
OutcomeInter- contributes Consistently Participates Participates in Rarely or
across all participates regularly in discussions never
sessions, in most discussions, intermittently, contributes
maintaining a sessions, though with to
high level of making contributions contributions discussions,
participation valuable may not that add showing a
that contributions always drive limited value lack of
consistently that enrich the to the learning participation
adds value to discussions. conversation experience. in the
the learning forward learning
environment. significantly. process.
Total Points: 40