Interdisciplinary Project Rubric

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Evaluation Criteria - Exit Point “Development”

Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1)

Research and Thoroughly Identifies and Partially Superficially

Analysis identifies and analyzes root identifies and addresses root
analyzes root causes, analyzes root causes,
causes, historical causes, historical
historical context, and historical context, and
context, and global context, and global
global implications of global implications. -
implications of the chosen implications of Lacks credible
the chosen issue. - Uses the chosen sources or
issue. - credible sources issue. - Uses analysis.
Demonstrates a and data to limited or
deep support analysis. non-credible
understanding of sources.
relevant data,
sources, and

Campaign Develops a Develops a Develops a Develops a

development compelling well-structured basic campaign vague or unclear
campaign with a campaign with a with a somewhat campaign with
clear message, clear message clear message minimal
innovative and effective and limited strategies and
strategies, and strategies. - strategies. - basic materials.
engaging Shows creativity Shows some - Lacks creativity
materials. - and attention to creativity but and attention to
Demonstrates detail in lacks detail
creativity, materials. consistency or
attention to detail.
detail, and
alignment with
the target

Mathematical Applies Applies Applies basic Fails to apply

Analysis & Data advanced appropriate mathematical relevant
Interpretation mathematical mathematical models and mathematical
models or
models and models and techniques to
techniques to
techniques to techniques to analyze some analyze data. -
analyze data analyze data data related to Presents
related to the related to the the issue. - inaccurate or
issue. - Presents issue. - Presents Presents limited incomplete data
complex data data analysis or simplistic data analysis.
analysis with with clear analysis.
clear visualizations
visualizations and
and insightful interpretations.

Integration & Integrates Integrates Partially Lacks

Solution research, research, integrates integration of
Development campaign, and campaign, and research, research,
mathematical mathematical campaign, and campaign, and
analysis analysis mathematical mathematical
seamlessly into effectively into a analysis into a analysis. -
a cohesive solution. - Proposes vague
comprehensive solution. - Proposes limited or irrelevant
solution. - Proposes or generic solutions.
Demonstrates a feasible solutions.
holistic solutions based
understanding of on evidence.
the issue and

Presentation & Delivers a Delivers a Delivers a Delivers a

Communication polished and well-structured somewhat disorganized or
engaging presentation structured unclear
presentation with clear presentation presentation
with clear communication with adequate with poor
organization, of ideas. - communication communication
confident Demonstrates of ideas. - of ideas. -
delivery, and confidence and Demonstrates Demonstrates
effective engages the limited lack of
communication audience. engagement engagement
of ideas. - with the with the
Engages the audience. audience.
audience and
adeptly to

Collaboration & Collaborates Collaborates Participates in Demonstrates

Teamwork effectively with well with team team limited
team members, members, collaboration but collaboration
demonstrating showing may require with team
leadership, cooperation, reminders or members. -
active active guidance. - Contributes
participation, participation, Contributes to minimally to the
and mutual and respect. - some aspects of project.
respect. - Contributes to the project.
Contributes most aspects of
significantly to the project.
all aspects of the

Overall quality Produces an Produces a solid Produces a Produces a

and impact exceptional project with satisfactory below-average
project with good quality project with project with poor
high-quality work work that acceptable quality work that
that addresses the quality work that does not meet
demonstrates objectives meets some most objectives.
innovation, effectively. objectives.
critical thinking,
and potential

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