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Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Improvement (2) Poor (1)

Student creates a
visually appealing The chart is visually The chart is The chart has
and accurate chart clear and accurate, created, but there significant
that effectively with minor are noticeable inaccuracies,
represents the data. opportunities for inaccuracies or it making it No chart is
Appropriate choice improvement. The lacks clarity. Some challenging to created, or it is
of chart type, clear choice of chart type improvements are understand the entirely inaccurate
labeling, and is suitable, and needed for labeling data. Poor choice and does not
Chart accurate data labeling is mostly and visual of chart type or represent the
Creation plotting. clear. representation. unclear labeling. data.

Student provides a
thoughtful and The reflection is
insightful reflection, good, providing The reflection is
discussing patterns, insights into present but lacks
trends, and patterns, trends, depth or detail in The reflection is
unexpected findings and unexpected discussing patterns, superficial, with No reflection is
in detail. The findings. There is a trends, or minimal analysis or provided, or it
reflection clear attempt to unexpected insights into does not address
demonstrates a analyze the data, findings. Limited patterns, trends, or patterns, trends,
deep understanding but more depth analysis of the data unexpected or unexpected
Reflection of the data. could be added. is provided. findings. findings.

The chart and The chart and

reflection are reflection appear
seamlessly There is a good somewhat The chart and
integrated. The connection The chart and disconnected, reflection are
reflection directly between the chart reflection are making it entirely disjointed,
references the chart, and reflection, but a somewhat challenging to see with no evident
providing a more explicit connected, but the the relationship connection
Integration comprehensive integration could relationship between the visual between the visual
of Chart and understanding of the enhance the overall between the two representation and representation
Reflection data. understanding. could be clearer. the analysis. and the an

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Needs Improvement Poor (1)
Creation Student creates a The chart is visually The chart is The chart has No chart is created
visually appealing clear and accurate, created, but there significant or it is entirely
and accurate with minor are noticeable inaccuracies, making inaccurate and doe
chart that opportunities for inaccuracies or it it challenging to not represent the
effectively improvement. The lacks clarity. Some understand the data.
represents the choice of chart improvements are data. Poor choice of
data. Appropriate type is suitable, needed for labeling chart type or
choice of chart and labeling is and visual unclear labeling.
type, clear mostly clear. representation.
labeling, and
accurate data
Student provides The reflection is The reflection is The reflection is No reflection is
a thoughtful and good, providing present but lacks superficial, with provided, or it doe
insightful insights into depth or detail in minimal analysis or not address patter
reflection, patterns, trends, discussing patterns, insights into trends, or
discussing and unexpected trends, or patterns, trends, or unexpected findin
patterns, trends, findings. There is a unexpected unexpected
and unexpected clear attempt to findings. Limited findings.
findings in detail. analyze the data, analysis of the data
The reflection but more depth is provided.
demonstrates a could be added.
understanding of
the data.
of Chart The chart and There is a good The chart and The chart and
and reflection are connection reflection are reflection appear The chart and
Reflection seamlessly between the chart somewhat somewhat reflection are entir
integrated. The and reflection, but connected, but the disconnected, disjointed, with no
reflection directly a more explicit relationship making it evident connection
references the integration could between the two challenging to see between the visua
chart, providing a enhance the could be clearer. the relationship representation and
comprehensive overall between the visual the analysis.
understanding of understanding. representation and
the data. the analysis.

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