Systemic Case Conceptualization Rubric (V. 2.0)

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Systemic Case Conceptualization Rubric (v. 2.

Therapist/Student:      Rating Scale
Evaluator:      4=Outstanding: Strong mastery of skills and thorough understanding of concepts
3=Mastered Basic Skills at Developmental Level: Understanding of concepts/skills evident
Level of Clinical Training: 2=Developing: Minor conceptual and skill errors; in process of developing
Pre-clinical training; coursework only 1=Deficits: Significant remediation needed; deficits in knowledge/skills
0-12 months 12-24 months 2+ years NA=Not Applicable: Unable to measure with given data (do not use to indicate deficit)

©2012. Diane R. Gehart, Ph.D. All rights reserved. For permission visit
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4: Outstanding 3: At Level 2: Developing 1: Deficits Comp Score
Introduction Detailed intro that Identifies basic Missing 1-2 Missing, incorrect 2.3.7 Score
identifies client, age, information: identifiers or significant
ethnicity, occupation, significant others, age, Does not identify problem with
grade, etc. ethnicity, occupation, any significant others identifiers and/or
Descriptions useful grade, etc. significant involved
for understanding parties
problem NA
Presenting Concern
Presenting Descriptions Clear description Minor problems or Significant 2.3.9 Score
Concern provides detailed, fair of problem for each lack of clarity with problems with
description of all person and key problem descriptions problem descriptions
stakeholder’s views stakeholders Missing Missing key
Thoughtful Sufficient stakeholders perspectives;
identification of description for case incorrect
stakeholders conceptualization characterization
Word choice
conveys empathy with
most perspectives
Begins to build
clear conceptualization NA
Background and History
Background Skillfully discusses Identifies salient Misses trauma or Significant 2.3.7 Score
Information trauma and substance trauma and substance substance use issues information missing
issues abuse issues Insufficient, vague, Unable to identify
Includes detailed Provides clear minimal or missing significant events
summary of recent and overview of history background
past events information
Begins to build
clear conceptualization NA
Strengths and Diversity
Client/ Detailed and useful Identifies at least Underdeveloped Significant 2.3.8 Score
Family description of all one of each form of description of problems identifying
Strengths forms of strengths strength strengths clinically relevant
and Meaningful Identifies at least Misses diversity strengths
Diversity discussion of diversity one diversity resource resources and limits Misses significant
resources and and limit diversity resources
limitations and limits NA
Family Structure
Boundaries Detailed and Clear assessment of: Minor problems with Significant problem 1.1.1 Score
sophisticated Family life cycle the following: with the following: 2.1.1
assessment of: Style of relating Family life cycle Family life cycle 2.2.3
Family life cycle Boundaries Style of relating Style of relating 6.3.2
Style of relating Triangles/Coalition Boundaries Boundaries
Boundaries Hierarchy Triangles/Coalition Triangles/Coalitio
Triangles/Coalition Complementary Hierarchy n
Hierarchy patterns Complementary Hierarchy
Complementary Communication patterns Complementary
patterns stances Communication patterns
Communication Divorce indicators stances Communication
stances Divorce indicators stances
Divorce indicators Divorce indicators NA
Consistency Develops Assessment Minor Significant Score

©2012. Diane R. Gehart, Ph.D. All rights reserved. For permission visit
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consistent, insightful generally consistent inconsistencies inconsistencies
conceptualization of across areas
dynamics NA
Interaction Patterns
Problem Detailed, insightful Clear, behavioral Vague, non- Unclear 1.1.1 Score
Interaction description of description of behavioral description interaction pattern 2.2.3
Pattern interaction sequence interaction behavioral of interaction pattern Problems with
Detailed, insightful sequence Hypothesis vague hypothesis
systemic hypothesis Clear, useful or non-systemic One member
No member systemic hypothesis blamed for problem NA
Intergenerational and Attachment Patterns
Genogram Detailed genogram Key relevant Genogram missing Missing 2.3.6 Score
with most relevant information including some key information significant
information including relational patterns, Does not provide information and/or
relational patterns, occupations, medical sufficient background family members
occupations, medical and abuse history to presenting problem Several and/or
and abuse history Provides useful Several format significant format
Tracks patterns information for errors errors
related to presenting presenting problem Does not provide
problem Minor format useful clinical
Few if any format errors information
errors NA
Intergenera- Detailed Clear description Vague or One or more key 2.3.6 Score
tional description of of key incomplete description intergenerational 2.3.7
Patterns significant intergenerational of patterns pattern not addressed
intergenerational patterns
Consistent with NA
rest of assessment
Attachment Detailed Assessed pattern Minor problems Significant 1.1.1 Score
Patterns description that consistent with rest of with identified pattern problems identified 2.1.1
supports assessed assessment for one or more person pattern 2.2.3 NA
attachment pattern
Solution-Based Assessment
Solution Detailed Clear description Vague or unhelpful Poor example of 2.3.8 Score
Assessment description of failed of solutions did not descriptions previous solutions
solutions and work and exceptions Non-behavioral or Confusing what
exceptions Clear behavioral negatively stated worked and what
Positively stated, answer to miracle answers to miracle didn’t
behavioral answers to question question Non-behavioral
miracle question Relevant to Implication for and negatively stated
Clear implications intervention intervention not clear answers to miracle
for intervention question NA
Postmodern and Diversity Discourses
Dominant Detailed, insightful Clear description Vague, unclear Misses impact of 1.2.1 Score
Discourses description of each of at least two description of key dominant
type of discourse discourses discourses and effects discourses and/or
Identifies how Links discourses to on identities diversity issues
discourses shape identity and problem Misses one salient
identity and problem formation diversity issue
formation Identifies key
Sophisticated diversity issues
understanding of
diversity issues NA

©2012. Diane R. Gehart, Ph.D. All rights reserved. For permission visit
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Client Perspective
Client Detailed Identifies Minor problems Significant 2.3.9 Score
Perspective description of areas of meaningful areas of identifying areas of problems identifying
agreement and agreement and agreement and areas of agreement
disagreement disagreement disagreement and disagreement
Notable insight Little evidence of Little evidence of
into how client views considering client considering client
situation perspective perspective NA
Overall Conceptualization
Overall Systematically Integrates available Minor problems Significant 2.2.2 Score
Conceptuali- integrates available information to develop with integration and problems with
zation: information to develop a clinically relevant consistency across integrating areas of
Quality of a clinically relevant conceptualization areas of assessment assessment
Assessment conceptualization Majority of Focus for treatment Numerous
Consistent assessment areas are not clear inconsistencies
throughout consistent No clear focus of
Sophisticated Clear depiction of treatment
depiction of systemic systemic functioning
functioning Provides at least
Provides clear one clear area of focus
focus for treatment for treatment NA

©2012. Diane R. Gehart, Ph.D. All rights reserved. For permission visit
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