An Analysis of The Significance of Gestalt Theory in English Listening Tests and English Vocabulary Teaching in Universities and Colleges
An Analysis of The Significance of Gestalt Theory in English Listening Tests and English Vocabulary Teaching in Universities and Colleges
An Analysis of The Significance of Gestalt Theory in English Listening Tests and English Vocabulary Teaching in Universities and Colleges
Abstract-Gestalt is an important term of psychological field, meanings of English texts on the whole. Besides, English
and it is also one important school of the studies of listening teaching and the role of listening tests are often
psychology as well. Relevant theories of gestalt also play an ignored in universities and colleges. [9] A large amount of
important role in English teaching in universities and English vocabulary explanations will make students
colleges. There is a close relationship between English become bored and there will be also not a good effect in
listening comprehension tests and cognitive linguistic theory, English learning and teaching in universities and colleges.
so that gestalt theory and relevant principles are also full The purpose of English education in universities and
applied in English listening tests in universities and colleges. colleges is to improve students’ comprehensive ability as
Besides, the connotation of integrity of gestalt theory has
well as communicative ability of using English, so proper
been also applied in the process of English vocabulary in
universities and colleges. The purpose of this paper is to
teaching methods can not only improve English classroom
makes an analysis of the application of gestalt theory in teaching effect, but also it can guide students to form a
English listening tests and English vocabulary teaching in habit of taking rational learning strategies in English
universities and colleges in order to promote development of learning in universities and colleges. As a result, this paper
English teaching in universities and colleges in China. This mainly makes an analysis of Gestalt principles of
paper is mainly a qualitative and documentary research. In cognitive linguistics in English listening tests and English
conclusion, this paper starts from the angle of Gestalt theory vocabulary teaching so as to find some laws and propose
in explore laws in English listening tests and teaching some teaching strategies for English teaching in
strategies of English vocabularies in universities and colleges universities and colleges. [2]
so that students can actually participate in the process of
knowledge construction of English learning in universities II. AN OVERVIEW OF GESTALT THEORY AND
and colleges.
Keywords-Gestalt Theory; English Listening Tests;
English Vocabulary Teaching; Universities and Colleges
This part is an overview of gestalt theory and English
I. INTRODUCTION learning in universities including gestalt theory and gestalt
Gestalt is an important term of psychological field, and principles, listening comprehension and listening
it is also one important school of the studies of psychology comprehension tests, importance of English vocabulary
as well. As a psychological theory, gestalt theory has close teaching as well as the necessity of application of gestalt
relationship with many linguistic fields, especially theory in traditional English teaching.
cognitive linguistics. Many teachers just regarded English A. Gestalt Theory and Gestalt Principles
vocabularies as the key point of English learning and In the field of cognitive linguistics, gestalt theory is
teaching under the influence of traditional English described as “categorized basis”, and Schmid made a
teaching methods and the existing examination system for conclusion that there are mainly two steps when a person
many years. In the view of English teachers, the is judging something. The first step is gestalt perception,
enlargement of students’ English vocabulary can improve then they can discompose objects into attributes. It can be
their language abilities. Therefore, they spent much time clearly seen that gestalt perception plays an important role
to explain the usage of English vocabularies in isolation, in categorization, and some gestalt principles put forward
but they put the integrity English teaching method in the by Pragnanz have a deep and comprehensive
second place. In this way, the integrity of English understanding of the process of recognition of language.
classroom teaching in universities and colleges was Besides, gestalt theory and principles also have reasonable
broken, and this is not favorable to grasp contents and
two or more individuals which can be easily to be you have had so long.
associated together as a gestalt. [4] This is very commonly
seen in English listening comprehension tests, so that if Question: Which one describes the woman’ s reaction
students hear clearly the key words, they can naturally best in the following?
think of or predict the meaning of who dialogue in order to
A Overjoyed B Confused C Surprised D Supportive
pick up a right answer. For example,
A: I have so much work to do tonight. This is a typical semantic closure in English, and it can
be seen that B’s response to A is a little surprised and he
B: Why not ask your husband to help you. seems not to believe that, thus negative sentence pattern is
A: Oh, he is a coach potato, you know. used. Therefore, students in universities and colleges can
easily understand English listening contents with the help
Question: Will the woman’s husband help her to
of this principle and find the right answer quickly.
From this example it can be seen this is to examine
4) Application of Continuity Principle
students’ understanding of the idiom “coach potato”, so
that students should firstly understand the literal meaning Continuity principle means several continuous
of this dialogue on the basis of personalities most similar individuals which cannot be interrupted generally can be
to “coach potato” in order to choose the right answer. perceived as on gestalt. The application of this principle is
do her work? more direct in the perception of graphs, for example,
people will generally consider continuous river and gallery
2) Application of Similarity Principle
as a whole. However, this principle in English listening is
Similarity principle means that people will perceive reflected as continuity and sequence of an event. For
two or more individuals of similar characteristics and example,
attributes as one gestalt, and students should form a
complete image in their minds by using their overall John get out of the school, turn left, walk along the
perception ability, then they can distinguish the attributes
street, take the second turning on the left and get down the
of the individuals in order to analyze the intention of the
tests.[5] This principle is generally reflected in English street till the end, then he turn left.
listening tests, namely several individuals of same Question: Where does John go?
characteristics are put together so that students should find
their similarities by this principle. For example, Topics of indicating the route with graphs are
A: Look, there, elephants. Can I feed them with these frequently seen in English listening tests, and the most
important thing for students in universities and colleges is
leaves? to find the correct direction by following its order.
B: No, these leaves are for the giraffes. You could Therefore, it can also be said a gestalt perception of a
process, so that students should firstly perceive the whole
give them a banana. map and then perceive specific locations of each places in
A: But, I want to save the banana for the monkeys order to find the right destination and answer quickly.
Question: Where are the two persons? Students’ Listening Vocabulary Reading Writing
A. Zoo B. Farm C. Museum performance
This conversation did not tell the place of their of Good
conversation clearly, but students can hear “elephant”,
“giraffe” and “monkey” in their conversation so that Before 20% 30% 35% 40
students can find similarities between them. They are all
animals, and they can be seen in the zoo, thus the answer
is obvious. After 60% 75% 50% 65%
3) Application of Closed Principle As a psychological theory, gestalt theory can be
Closed principle refers to a closed outline composed applied in language understanding and language
by the individuals, and this principle is more applied in the expressions to a large extent. Although it can help
perception of graphs which means that people will improve students’ English listening comprehension ability
naturally regard a closed graph and the object inside the with the four gestalt principles, it cannot deal with all
graph as a whole part. This principle is also embodied in kinds of situations, and many principles may be involved
language expressions, and they are called semantic closure in one topic of English listening tests so that English
as well as closure of the logical relationship between teachers should cultivate a kind of entire perceptual ability
sentences. In other words, the understanding of later of students in learning English in universities and colleges.
contents should be based on the understanding of former
contents such as causal relationship, adversative relation B. Application of Gestalt Theory in English Vocabulary
and parallel relation. For example, Teaching in Universities and Colleges
A:I am a freeman from today on. Nobody will tell In present English vocabulary teaching in many
universities and colleges, many teachers directly give
me what I should do or what I should not anymore. students the pronunciation and meanings of English words
B: You do not mean you quitted that well-paid job so that students will be bored of learning English words
and they cannot use these English words properly in daily teaching in universities and colleges in order to strengthen
life. They do not pay attention to the inner relationship the vocabulary memorization of students. At the same time,
meaning of words, thus it is difficult for them to enlarge students should also constantly review English words they
their English vocabulary in universities and colleges. [6] have learnt in order to retain a fresh memory of English
The explanations of an English word are shown from the vocabulary.
perspectives of pronunciation, form and meaning, but the
emergence of some English words in certain language and REFERENCES
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