Planificare Pregatitoare 2023-2024

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An şcolar 2023-2024

Număr de ore pe săptămână: 1 oră

Total: 36 de săptămȃni
Auxiliarul utilizat: English for kids – caiet de lucru pentru clasa pregătitoare
Editura: Booklet
Planificare realizată conform OMEN 3418/19.03.2013



1. Receptarea de mesaje orale simple

2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple
4. Redactarea de mesaje simple în situaţii de comunicare uzuală



1.1 Oferirea unei reacţii adecvate la salut şi la o întrebare/ instrucţiune scurtă şi simplă rostită clar şi
foarte rar, care este însoţită de gesturi de către interlocutor
1.2 Recunoaşterea denumirilor unor obiecte din universul imediat, în mesaje articulate clar şi rar
1.3 Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de sesizarea semnificaţiei globale a unor filme şi a unor cântece
pentru copii în limba modernă respectivă


2.1 Reproducerea unor informaţii simple/ cântece/poezii scurte şi simple cu sprijinul profesorului
2.2 Oferirea unor informaţii elementare, punctuale, despre sine (nume, gen, vârstă), despre
universul imediat, cu sprijin din partea interlocutorului
2.3 Participarea la jocuri de comunicare în care reproduce sau creează rime/ mesaje scurte


3.1 Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple şi scurte din universul


4.1 Participarea la proiecte de grup/ la nivelul clasei în care elaborează cu sprijin scurte mesaje

Acte de vorbire:
- a saluta persoane cunoscute,
- a se prezenta (nume, gen, vârsta)
- a identifica un obiect din universul imediat

Sugestii de contexte:
- obiecte din universul imediat (spaţiul clasei)
- personaje de desen animat
- jucării
- corpul - câteva componente
- comenzi simple
- cântece simple, scurte


învățare ALOCATE

L1. Hello! 18-22.09.2023

Unit 1
L2. I’m ... 3 25 -29.09.2023
I L1. Colours 9-13.10.2023
Unit 2
L2. Numbers 3 16-20.10.2023
Numbers and colours
L3. Toys and colours 23-27.10.2023
Unit 3 L1. Body parts 2 6-10.11.2023
My body L2. Supermonster 13-17.11.2023
Unit 4 L1. Family members 2 20-24.11.2023
My family L2. Adjectives 27.11-1.12.2023
II L1. Clothes 3 4-8.12.2023
Unit 5
L2. Coloured clothes 11-15.12.2023
My clothes
L3. It’s Christmas 18-22.12.2023
Unit 6 L1. Rooms 2 8-12.01.2024
III My big house L2. Furniture 15-19.01.2024
Unit 7 L1. School objects 2 22-26.01.2024
My schoolbag 29.01-2.02.2024
Unit 8 L1. Fruits 2 5-9.02.2024
I like fruit! 12-16.02.2024
Revision L1. Revision 1 19-24.03.2024
L1. Pets 11-15.03.2024
Unit 9
L2. Wild animals 3 18-22.03.2024
L1. Seasons 1-5.04.2024
Unit 10
IV L2. The weather 3 8-12.04.2024
Revision 1 22-26.04.2024
L1. The days of the week 3 8-10.05.2024
Unit 11
L2. I can 13-17.05.2024
From Monday to Sunday
V 20-24.05.2024
Unit 12 L1. Toys 2 27-31.05.2024
Toys L2. The kite is orange 3-7.06.2024
Revision 2 10-14.06.2024
Learning Unit Competences Lesson Content No of Week Obs
interval Classes
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a L1. Hello! Vocabulary: hello, hi, name, friend
simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very Structures:
slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the  Hello / Hi 18-22.09.2023
interlocutor  Good Bye / Bye-Bye 2
Unit 1 1.3. Show curiosity towards understanding the global  I am 6. 25 -29.09.2023
meaning of children’s films and songs in English  My name is....
Greetings! 2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the
support of the teacher
2.2 Provide elementary, punctual information about oneself L2. I’m ... Vocabulary: boy, girl
(name, gender, age), about the immediate universe, with Structures:
support from the interlocutor  What are you? 1 2-6.10.2023
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or  I’m a boy. / I’m Peter.
creating short chants/messages.
 How are you?
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written
 I’m fine, thank you.
messages related to their immediate universe
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a L1. Vocabulary: red, blue, orange, green,
I simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very Colours black, yellow, pink, purple, white 1
slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the Structures: 9-13.10.2023
interlocutor  What colours is ...?
1.2 Recognize the names of objects from their immediate  It is......
universe, in messages that are articulated slowly and clearly L2. Vocabulary: numbers 1-10, dog, cat,
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the Numbers frog 1 16-20.10.2023
Unit 2 support of the teacher Structures:
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or  What colour is five?
Numbers creating short chants/messages. L3. Vocabulary: flower, ball, dolphin,bear,
and colours 3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written Numbers sun, green, white, purple, blue, red,
messages related to their immediate universe and colours pink, grey, brown, orange, yellow, 1 23-27.10.2023
 What’s this...?
 It’s a....
 What colour is....?
 It’s ...
Unit 3 1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a L1. Body Vocabulary: body, head, ear, eye,
simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very parts nose, mouth, hand, arm, finger, leg, toe
My body slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the Structures: 1 6-10.11.2023
II interlocutor  Touch.....
1.2 Recognize the names of objects from their immediate  How many fingers have yu
universe, in messages that are articulated slowly and clearly got?
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the L2. Vocabulary: body, head, ear, eye,
support of the teacher
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written Supermons nose, mouth, hand, arm, finger, leg, toe,
messages related to their immediate universe ter happy ,sad 1 13-17.11.2023
4.1. Take part in group/class projects by producing short Structures:
written messages with help from the teacher  Touch your .....
 Hands up!
 Come here!
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a L1. Family Vocabulary: mother, father, brother,
simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very members sister, grandpa, grandma 1 20-24.11.2023
slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the Structures:
interlocutor  This is my......
1.3. Show curiosity towards understanding the global L2. Vocabulary: happy, sad, tall, short, fat,
II meaning of children’s films and songs in English Adjectives slim, beautiful ugly , old, young
Unit 4
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the Structures:
support of the teac  Mother is happy. 1 27.11-1.12.2023
My family
her  The dog is fat.
2.2 Provide elementary, punctual information about oneself
(name, gender, age), about the immediate universe, with
support from the interlocutor
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or
creating short chants/messages.
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a L1. Clothes Vocabulary: dress, jeans, skirt, shirt,
simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very T-shirt, socks, shoes, trainers, bag
slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the Structures: 1 4-8.12.2023
interlocutor  The skirt is.....
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the  What is this....?
support of the teacher  This is a ...... .
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or L2. Vocabulary: dress, jeans, skirt, shirt,
creating short chants/messages. Coloured T-shirt, socks, shoes, trainers, bag 1 11-15.12.2023
Unit 5 3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written clothes Structures:
messages related to their immediate universe  What is she wearing today?
My clothes 4.1. Take part in group/class projects by producing short  I’m wearing.....
written messages with help from the teacher L3. It’s Vocabulary: Christmas, Christmas
Christmas tree, branch, coat, to show, toy train,
summer sun, winter snow, a coat of 1 18-22.12.2023
 Merry, Christmas!
 I want a ....
Unit 6 1.2 Recognize the names of objects from their immediate L1. Rooms Vocabulary: bedroom, bathroom,
universe, in messages that are articulated slowly and clearly livingroom, kitchen, wardrobe, sofa, 1 8-12.01.2024
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the chair, armchair, curtain, bookcase,
support of the teacher table, fridge, carpet, lamp
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or Structures:
creating short chants/messages.  The bath is blue.
My big 3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written L2. Vocabulary: bedroom, bathroom,
house messages related to their immediate universe Furniture livingroom, kitchen, wardrobe, sofa,
4.1. Take part in group/class projects by producing short chair, armchair, curtain, bookcase, 1 15-19.01.2024
written messages with help from the teacher table, fridge, carpet, lamp
 The fridge is in the kitchen.
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a L1. School Vocabulary: pen, pencil, pencil case,
simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very objects rubber, book, note book, ruler, 22-26.01.2024
Unit 7 slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the schoolbag, board, table, chair sharpener
interlocutor Structures: 2 29.01-2.02.2024
My 2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the  I have a ...
schoolbag support of the teacher  Peter has a pencil.
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written  What’s this?
messages related to their immediate universe  It’s a ... .
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a L1. Fruits Vocabulary: apple, grapes, banana,
simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very cherry, strawberry, orange, pear,
slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the watermeln, lemon 5-9.02.2024
interlocutor Structures:
1.3. Show curiosity towards understanding the global  I like....
Unit 8
meaning of children’s films and songs in English  I don’t like ... 2
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the 12-16.02.2024
I like fruit!
support of the teacher
2.2 Provide elementary, punctual information about oneself
(name, gender, age), about the immediate universe, with
support from the interlocutor
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or
creating short chants/messages.
Revision 1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a Revision of the acquired knowledge
and simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very
Evaluation slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the 19-24.03.2024
interlocutor 1
1.2 Recognize the names of objects from their immediate
universe, in messages that are articulated slowly and clearly
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the
support of the teacher
2.2 Provide elementary, punctual information about oneself
(name, gender, age), about the immediate universe, with
support from the interlocutor
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or
creating short chants/messages.
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written
messages related to their immediate universe
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a L1. Pets Vocabulary: pet, dog, cat, chicken,
simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very fish, cow, horse, parrot, mouse, tortoise 11-15.03.2024
slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the  How many pigs? 2
interlocutor  My brother has got a dog. 18-22.03.2024
Unit 9 2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the
support of the teacher 2.2 Provide elementary, punctual L2. Wild Vocabulary: lion, elephant, giraffe,
Pets information about oneself (name, gender, age), about the animals dolphin, snake, tiger, zebra, bear, wolf,
immediate universe, with support from the interlocutor squirrel 1 25-29.03.2024
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written Structures:
messages related to their immediate universe  What is it...?
4.1. Take part in group/class projects by producing short  It’s a ...
written messages with help from the teacher  can run, can jump
 can fly, can swim
1.2 Recognize the names of objects from their immediate L1. Seasons Vocabulary: spring, summer, winter,
universe, in messages that are articulated slowly and clearly autumn, swim, ski, go back to school,
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the plant flowers 1 1-5.04.2024
support of the teacher Structures:
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written  I like....
messages related to their immediate universe  I don’t like ...
Unit 10 4.1. Take part in group/class projects by producing short  What is your favourite
written messages with help from the teacher season ?
 My favourite season is spring.
L2. The Vocabulary: cloud, cloudy, rain, rainy,
weather wind, windy, snow, snowy, sun, sunny, 8-12.04.2024
hot, cold 2
Structures: 15-19.04.2024
 It’s a warm / sunny / windy v/
snowy day.
 In summer it is hot and sunny.
Revision 1.2 Recognize the names of objects from their immediate Revision of the acquired knowledge
and universe, in messages that are articulated slowly and clearly
Evaluation 2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the
support of the teacher 1 22-26.04.2024
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or
creating short chants/messages.
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written
messages related to their immediate universe
V 1.2 Recognize the names of objects from their immediate L1. The Vocabulary: Monday, Tueday,
universe, in messages that are articulated slowly and clearly days of the Wednesday, Thursaday, Friday,
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the week Saturday, Sunday, read, write, go to 1 8-10.05.2024
support of the teacher school, play football, swim, watch TV,
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or play computer games
Unit 10 creating short chants/messages. Structures:
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written  I like....
From messages related to their immediate universe  I don’t like ...
Monday to 4.1. Take part in group/class projects by producing short  On Sunday I play computer
Sunday written messages with help from the teacher games.
L2. Ican Vocabulary: read, swim, play
computer games, run, play football, 2 13-17.05.2024
write, watch TV
Structures: 20-24.05.2024
 What can you do?
 I can swim,
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting and to a L1. Toys Vocabulary: bike, car, ball, computer,
simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very kite, train, doll
slowly, which is accompanied by gestures by the Structures: 1 27-31.05.2024
interlocutor  What’s this?
Unit 11 2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems with the  This is a bike.......
support of the teacher  The ball is blue
Toys 2.2 Provide elementary, punctual information about oneself L2. The Vocabulary: in, on, under, next to
(name, gender, age), about the immediate universe, with kite is Structures: 1 3-7.06.2024
support from the interlocutor orange  Where is teh car?
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written  The car is under the bed.
messages related to their immediate universe
4.1. Take part in group/class projects by producing short
written messages with help from the teacher
Revision All Revision of the acquired knowledge 2 10-14.06.2024
Evaluation 17-21.06.2024

Unit 1: Greetings!
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting Vocabulary: hello, hi, Activity 1 Laptop Observation
and to a simple question/instruction articulated name, friend - Listening exercise
clearly and very slowly, which is accompanied Structures: - Repetition drills Providing the
L1. Hello!
by gestures by the interlocutor  Hello / Hi Activity 2 The Internet right answer
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s  Good Bye / Bye- - Providing answers to greetings: “Hello”,
songs/poems with the support of the teacher Bye “Hi”, “Good morning”, “Good bye”
2.2 Provide elementary, punctual information  I am 6. Activity 3 Books
about oneself (name, gender, age), about the  My name is.... - Asking and answering questions: „ How
Asking questions
immediate universe, with support from the old are you?” – „I’ m 6!”
interlocutor Activity 4 Coloured pencils
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, - Singing a song „Hello, hello”
short written messages related to their
immediate universe
1.3. Show curiosity towards understanding the Vocabulary: boy, girl Activity 1
global meaning of children’s films and songs in Structures: - Listening exercise Flashcards Providing the
L2. I’m ... English  What are you? - Repetition drills right answer
2.2 Provide elementary, punctual information  I’m a boy. / I’m Activity 2 Laptop
about oneself (name, gender, age), about the Peter. - Asking and answering questions: „ How
immediate universe, with support from the  How are you? are you?” – „I’ m fine, thank you!” The Internet
Asking questions
interlocutor  I’m fine, thank Activity 3
2.3. Take part in communication games by you. - Role play Books
Oral feedback
reproducing or creating short chants/messages.

Unit 2: Numbers and colours


L1. Colours 1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting Vocabulary: red, blue, Activity 1 Laptop Observation
and to a simple question/instruction articulated orange, green, black, - Listening exercise
clearly and very slowly, which is accompanied yellow, pink, purple, - Repetition drills The Internet Providing the
by gestures by the interlocutor white Activity 2 right answer
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s Structures: - Asking and answering questions: „ What Books
songs/poems with the support of the teacher  What colours colours is ...?/ ” – „ It is......!”
2.3. Take part in communication games by is ...? Activity 3
Touching the right
reproducing or creating short chants/messages.  It is...... - Following a simple command (touch
something blue)
L2. 1.2 Recognize the names of objects from their Vocabulary: numbers 1- Activity 1 Flashcards Providing the
Numbers immediate universe, in messages that are 10, dog, cat, frog - Listening exercise right answer
articulated slowly and clearly Structures: - Repetition drills Laptop
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple,  What colour is Activity 2 - Asking and answering
short written messages related to their five? questions: „ What colour is five” – „It The Internet
Asking questions
immediate universe is.....!”
Activity 3 - Colour dictation Books
Oral feedback
L3. 1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a greeting Vocabulary: flower, ball, Activity 1 – Counting objects from the Laptop Providing the
Numbers and to a simple question/instruction articulated dolphin,bear, sun, green, classroom The Internet right answer
and colours clearly and very slowly, which is accompanied white, purple, blue, red, Activity 2 - Following a simple command Books
by gestures by the interlocutor pink, grey, brown, orange, (Where is the red book?)
Following commands
2.1.Reproduce short, simple children’s yellow, black Activity 3 – Identifying and labelling Coloured pencils
songs/poems with the support of the teacher Structures: objects Realia
2.3. Take part in communication games by  What’s this...? /
Oral feedback
reproducing or creating short chants/messages. It’s a.... Glue
 What colour Pictures
is....?/ It’s ... Labels

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