KORN-200-001 - Notes

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Korean 200

Intermediate Korean
Section - 001, 6 credits, 2016W

Instructor: Insun Lee (이인선) TA: Dawn Kim

Office: Asian Centre 214 E-mail: <[email protected]>
Office F: 12:30-2:30, or by
hours: appointment
Phone number: 604-822-5187
E-mail: [email protected]

Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Elementary Korean. Its aim is to consolidate students’
knowledge of the fundamental grammatical structures of Korean and to increase their ability to
communicate in Korean in a wide range of daily life situations. We will pay particular attention
to cultivating skills in the following areas: learning to express yourself with more sophisticated
vocabulary and grammar; sharpening your verbal skills so as to better reflect social status and
social distance by using appropriate verbs and forms of address; improving your ability to create
more natural-sounding sentences by stringing together a numbers of clauses in one sentence
using two or more connectives; and improving reading and translation skills.

Required Textbook:
Continuing Korean (Second Edition), by Ross King and Jae-hoon Yeon, with Insun Lee.
There will be a $15.00 fee towards other incidental xeroxing costs throughout the year.
Korean Language Website: http://www.korean.arts.ubc.ca/
Voice Forum (use Korean 200 site) for reading and speaking assignments:
Username -> ‘mok’
Password -> ‘sori’
Class time and room: 10:00 - 11:00
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday

Buch B142 *Buch D319 Buch D317 Buch B142

Term 1
Buch D205
Buch D208 *Buch B319 Buch D228 *Hennings 302
Term 2
Buch D216 Buch B142
Korean 200
Intermediate Korean
Section - 002, 6 credits, 2016W

Instructor: Insun Lee (이인선) TA: Dawn Kim

Office: Asian Centre 214 E-mail: <[email protected]>
Office F: 12:30-2:30, or by
hours: appointment
Phone number: 604-822-5187
E-mail: [email protected]

Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Elementary Korean. Its aim is to consolidate students’
knowledge of the fundamental grammatical structures of Korean and to increase their ability to
communicate in Korean in a wide range of daily life situations. We will pay particular attention
to cultivating skills in the following areas: learning to express yourself with more sophisticated
vocabulary and grammar; sharpening your verbal skills so as to better reflect social status and
social distance by using appropriate verbs and forms of address; improving your ability to create
more natural-sounding sentences by stringing together a numbers of clauses in one sentence
using two or more connectives; and improving reading and translation skills.

Required Textbook:
Continuing Korean (Second Edition), by Ross King and Jae-hoon Yeon, with Insun Lee.
There will be a $15.00 fee towards other incidental xeroxing costs throughout the year.
Korean Language Website: http://www.korean.arts.ubc.ca/
Voice Forum (use Korean 415 site) for reading and speaking assignments:
Username -> ‘mok’
Password -> ‘sori’
Class time and room: 11:00 - 12:00
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday

Buch D216 *Buch D205 Buch D304 Buch D218

Term 1
Mathematics 225
Buch D228 *Buch D201 Buch 142 *Buch B319
Term 2
Buch D216 Brock Hall Annex
This course will consist of daily homework assignments, weekly quizzes, biweekly tests (details
to be announced later), oral exams , an oral presentation, and two end of term examinations.

You will be graded on the following:

1) class attendance and participation:

Regular attendance in class is mandatory; classes missed will result in points lost.
Classroom participation is an important part of this course.
2) homework assignments:
All assignments are due at the beginning of class.
No late assignments will be accepted (0 points).

3) grades on quizzes, tests, and exams:

Your exams will be returned to you with circles around your mistakes.
It will be your responsibility to correct your own mistakes using the text book and class
notes. Students are expected to correct their exam errors (you can also do this on
a separate sheet). The corrections must be returned to the instructor the following
class. If the mistakes are still present, the instructor will provide feedback.

Absolutely no make-up quizzes, tests, and examinations will be given; re-writes will
ONLY be granted with a valid medical excuse. A make up test should be scheduled
before or on the same day the instructor returns the test.

Marks will be distributed as follows:

Written assignments/Attendance/Class participation 5%
Reading and speaking assignments (online) 5%
Quizzes and lesson tests 50%
Oral examinations (November’16 and March ‘17) 10%
Oral Presentation (March ’17) 5%
December examination 10%
April examination 15%

*E-mails from students to the instructor: E-mails should be sent ONLY when students need
to contact me for an urgent matter, or to make an appointment. If you have queries, please
come to see me during my office hours, or make an appointment.
*Electronic Devices: Please turn off all computers and cell phones in class as they distract other
*Please remember that this is a language course. Drinking is okay, but eating during class will
not be permitted.
Korean 200 (2016W, Term 1)

Tentative schedule (subject to change) (2016년 9월-12월)

월요일(M) 화요일(Tu) 목요일(Thu) 금요일(F)
Course Orientation
9/5 *공휴일* Imagin day L16
wk 1
9/12 L16 L16 L16 L16
wk2 16VQ RA & SA #1
9/19 L16 L16 16LT L17 RA & SA #2
wk 3
9/26 L17 L17 L17 L17
wk 4 17VQ RA & SA #3
10/3 L17 L17 17LT L18 RA & SA #4
wk 5
10/10 L18 L18 L18 L18
wk 6 18VQ RA & SA #5
10/17 *공휴일* L18 18LT L19
wk 7 추수감사절 RA & SA #6
10/24 L19 L19 L19 L19
wk 8 19VQ RA & SA #7
10/31 L19 L19 19LT L21
wk 9 RA & SA #8
11/7 L21 L21 L21 L21
wk 10 21VQ RA & SA #9
11/14 *공휴일* L21 21LT L22
wk 11 RA & SA #10
11/21 Oral exam Oral exam L22 L22
wk 12 (001) (002)
11/28 L22 L22 L22 L22 *종강*
wk 13 Last day of classes

*VQ: vocabulary Quiz * LT: Lesson Test

*Reading assignments (*RAs) and Speaking assignments (*SAs) will be posted on
every Mondays, and are due on every Saturday before midnight:
RAs will be evaluated(5-0), but SAs will not be evaluated.

Please note that absolutely no make-up quizzes, tests, and examinations will be
given; re-writes will ONLY be granted with a valid medical excuse.
Korean 200 (2016W, Term 2)

Tentative schedule (subject to change) (2017년 1월-4월)

월요일(M) 화요일(Tu) 목요일(Thu) 금요일(F)
01/02 복습 L23 L23
wk 1
01/9 L23 L23 L23 L23
wk2 23VQ RA & SA #1
01/16 L23 23LT L24 L24
wk 3 RA & SA #2
01/23 L24 L24 L24 L24
wk 4 24VQ RA & SA #3
01/30 L24 24LT L26 L26
wk 5 RA & SA #4
02/6 L26 L26 L26 L26
wk 6 26VQ RA & SA #5
02/13 가족의 날 26LT L27 L27
wk 7 RA & SA #6
02/20 Reading week
02/27 L27 L27 L27 L27
wk8 27VQ RA & SA #7
03/06 L27 27LT L28 L28
wk9 RA & SA #8
03/13 L28 L28 L28 L28
wk 10 28VQ RA & SA #9
03/20 L28 28LT OP OP
wk 11 RA & SA #10
03/27 OP OP Oral exam Oral exam
wk 12 (001) (002)
04/03 L29 L29 L29
wk 13 종강

*VQ: vocabulary Quiz * LT: Lesson Test

*Reading assignments (*RAs) and Speaking assignments (*SAs) will be posted on
every Mondays, and are due on every Saturday before midnight:
RAs will be evaluated, but SAs will not be evaluated.
*OP: Oral Presentation
Please note that absolutely no make-up quizzes, tests, and examinations will be
given; re-writes will ONLY be granted with a valid medical excuse.

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