Agyinasare, Charles - Transference of Spirits
Agyinasare, Charles - Transference of Spirits
Agyinasare, Charles - Transference of Spirits
Vivian Agyinasare
ISBN 978-9988-8598-1-7
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except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.
All Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible except as otherwise indicated.
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I want to dedicate this book to my biological firstborn son, Pastor Dr Selaise
Agyinasare. May you receive a spiritual transfer that would help you become
what you were born to be.
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I am indebted to my team who helped in various ways to make this book
I want to thank Nana Ama Asafo Boakye, Rev. Raymond Acquah and Dr
Peace Obeng for helping me prepare the initial manuscript.
And to my kids who, over the years, have had to put up with me for being
distracted sometimes during our family time by reading or writing.
And more especially, to my grand daughter Carly: but for this book, I would be
composing songs for your enjoyment, my dear.
I also want to acknowledge Francis Agyinasare for growing to become my
Chief Editor.
And now to my dear wife, confidante, and partner, who, since 1985, has had to
endure my waking up in the middle of the night to write, edit, or study. I would
like to show you my deepest acknowledgement. I love you sweetheart!
The Unseen World Of Transfers
Negative Transference
Means Of Negative Transfer
Positive Transference
Transference Of The Anointing
Means Of Transferring The Anointing
Barriers To Receiving The Anointing
You Must Be Born Again!
About The Author
Other Books By The Author
I am blessed and excited to write the foreword to this timely book by my
friend and brother Bishop Charles Agyinasare. This book is medicine to an
ailing and failing generation of believers. It is a tonic to the remnant in this
generation who want the pure power of God. I thank God for the release of this
book. As you read it, may you be a “combustible and conductible” person to the
power of the Holy Ghost and an “insulator” to the negative influences of satan.
The power of the transference of spirits is so real that no one can deny its
influence on people. We are all the result of one kind of spiritual transfer or the
other. Everybody is under the influence of something or another person. In this
book, “The Transference of Spirits” , Bishop Charles Agyinasare reveals some
spiritual truths that will exclude you from the negative influence of evil spirits
and gravitate you towards the positive influence of believers who are
empowered by the Holy Ghost.
The Apostle Paul underscored the importance of the transference of the power
of the Holy Ghost to believers, when he told the Romans that he longed to see
them in order to impart “some spiritual gift” to them. The purpose of the
spiritual gift was to establish them in the faith and comfort them.
10 Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous
journey by the will of God to come unto you.
11 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the
end ye may be established;
12 That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both
of you and me. Romans 1:10-12
The apostle Paul stressed the fact that he had to be with the Romans physically
in order to impart the spiritual gift to them. The gift could not be sent via
television, email or telephone – he had to be there. Some gifts are transferable by
television but not others. The apostle transferred spiritual gifts to the people by
associating with them, preaching the Word of God to them and laying hands on
them. These are common means of the impartation of spiritual virtue. It is easy
to receive the power of the Holy Ghost – stay close to the anointing. Many
believers miss out on the powerful influence of the Holy Ghost by staying away
from “power operators” and “carriers of the power of the Holy Ghost”. They are
terrified about the possibility of receiving negative spirits.
A typical example of the transference of the power of the Holy Ghost is vividly
displayed in the life of the author of this book. God has used Bishop Agyinasare
over the years to make walking in the miracle working power of God easy in
many people’s lives. He operates strongly in the gifts of the Holy Ghost with the
tangible and visible manifestation of the gifts of healing and miracles. I have
watched him over the years as he continues to make the occurrence of the
miraculous look simple. Through his ministry, the Body of Christ has been
emboldened to work signs and wonders as God grants grace.
In this priceless work, my friend shows the powerful influence of the anointing
on our lives as we expose ourselves to the right conduits of the power of the
Holy Ghost. He also warns us against the negative influences of evil spirits. The
apostle Paul taught his protégé Timothy not to be a partaker of other people’s
sins by laying hands on them suddenly.
20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
21 I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels,
that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing
nothing by partiality.
22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins:
keep thyself pure. 1 Timothy 5:20-22
Many believers have been destroyed through the negative influence of others.
We don’t receive negative spiritual influences only when others lay hands on us
but also when we lay hands on people without discernment. Staying in contact
with believers who are critical and envious of others can infect us with
dangerous spirits. Lot vexed his soul by living amongst perverse people. Living
in an unclean environment makes us unclean. It is strange to find believers who
keep close association with believers who are saturated with evil spirits but insist
that they would not be influenced negatively. Such believers deceive themselves
into thinking they have immunity to demonic spirits. Lot was not excluded from
the wicked deeds of Sodom and Gomorrha though he was Abraham’s nephew.
6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them
with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live
7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed
his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) 2 Peter 2:7-8
Bishop Agyinasare as an apostle of Jesus Christ has vast experience of how
demonic spirits can influence both pastors and believers in negative ways. He
therefore, places in your hands, mind and spirit a great tool to help you maximise
your potential in God. He has taught the Body of Christ on various subjects that
have brought soundness into many lives. Your life will be transformed as you
read this book with an open heart. The author writes the truth in plain language
that will leave an indelible imprint on your life. Your life will never be the same.
Eastwood Anaba
(President, Eastwood Anaba Ministries)
Apostle Paul makes us understand in 2 Corinthians 10:4 that “Though we walk
in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh” .
How true that is, especially in our age where many people are so moved by the
flesh and what they see! But the Scripture is replete with passages and verses
that help us understand that the world we see is not the only world that exists. In
fact, the unseen world is even more real than that which is seen, since it was
from the invisible things that God made the visible.
Moreover, the spirit world is not ruled by flesh, but rather the world of flesh is
influenced by the activities of spirits. These spirits are either good or bad spirits
that operate through human beings, animals, and other living or non-living
things, and these are transferable.
Some evil spirits have been transferred and have led to rebellion and sedition,
fear and discouragement, sorrow and bitterness, sexual perversion, and many
acts of wickedness. Such evil transfers have caused people to be radically
transformed into what God did not want them to be.
On the other hand, good spirits have been transferred and have led to unity and
camaraderie, love and boldness, joy and gladness, and many acts of supernatural
strength and exploits that have helped to support the work of God to a greater
Unfortunately, so many have received the wrong spirit through ignorance
when they could have positioned themselves to receive good spirits. Knowledge
is therefore key. In this book you will get not only knowledge about but also a
deeper understanding of the spirit world and how it affects human activities. You
will know how spirits are transferred and be equipped to reject the spirits that are
not of God.
The book is divided into three main parts and nine chapters that deal with the
spirit world; negative transferences and the means of transference; and positive
transference, with the means and barriers to receiving the anointing.
May you receive the transference of spirit that is necessary to propel you into
your God-given destiny!
Among the problems that worry the church is the negative transference of
spirits. As a believer, it will help your course if you arm yourself with this
knowledge that there is something called the negative transference of spirits. If
there is no transference of spirits then how could a man like David, who loved
the Lord and had such a sweet spirit, kill someone and take his wife? This
‘transformation’ was possible maybe due to a negative transfer that he received
when he committed adultery with Bathsheba.
Likewise, he had given birth to and raised an innocent son like Absalom, and
yet this son slyly lured some people to his side and later on took over his father’s
rulership by causing an uproar which kept David, the king, fleeing for his life.
He was able to do this by deceiving the people and gradually stealing their
hearts. He transferred a rebellious spirit that followed him.
I wish to reiterate the point that spiritual things cannot be understood with the
natural mind. If you want to know the effects in the spirit, you should understand
it with your human spirit.
‘The Spirit himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are children of
God’ Romans 8:16
The first Spirit mentioned here is the Holy Spirit, who is a personality and not
a force. He feels, speaks and has emotions etc. The second spirit mentioned is
the spirit of man. One cannot understand that he is a child of God through
physical means. It is the Spirit that bears witness because there has been a
transformation. Walking in the spirit is not always based on what you feel, but
the communication of God through our human spirit. The Bible has said that the
“spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the
belly”. The servants of Satan are guided by Satan in their spirits, and the servants
of God are guided by the Holy Spirit.
In the story of the twelve spies in Numbers 13:26, Sethur, whose name means,
‘to hide’ or ‘to cancel’, had a negative spirit and he initiated the doubting process
that spread like wild fire to the others. Such people are very subtle and they
always refuse to see the way God sees things and always have the attitude of
“let’s face facts”. God knew that it was not an easy task, but He asked them to go
ahead and possess the land. He knew that the city was walled but he had made a
way already and without a different spirit, they would not have seen the negative
The plan of God for your life is very big. He does not make small plans. If He
has said it, it will come to pass. When I came into ministry I was wondering if I
could make it because there were big churches. I could not see that there would
be space for me, but God had made space for me. You will do greater exploits
through an anointing that will surprise you - a breakthrough anointing. You need
to plan with what is in God’s pocket and not your own pocket, because there will
be a performance by the Most High God.
Believe the report that the Lord has about you. This is because the report of the
Devil says that, what God has said is not correct. He always creates doubt but
ignore the doubt he creates in you and believe what the Lord has said.
Caleb had another spirit of which God approved, but the others had a wrong
spirit. It was the spirit of unbelief that was clothed in practical attire. They were
being ‘objective’. A negative spirit is always clothed in seeds of doubt. There are
lessons to learn from this episode:
1. The people followed the majority decision but that did not mean it was the
will of God. The fact that they were in the majority did not make their decision
right. The majority is not always right.
The story is told about King Saul who was supposed to go to battle but had to
wait for the Prophet Samuel before proceeding to the battle ground. The story
continues that majority of the people put pressure on Saul to do what the
prophet was supposed to do. He did that but it did not augur well for him. This
is because the majority is not always right, because the votes can go in a
certain direction and we might lose the purpose of God. If Jesus had allowed
His disciples to cast votes to decide whether or not He should go to the cross,
He would have thwarted the purpose of God. If it is a spiritual thing and you
allow the majority decision to stay it might destroy the will and plan of God.
2. The evil report is mostly believed more than the good report. People believe
more in bad things or evil reports than in good. Do not be afraid when an evil
report goes around destroying you. If you are innocent, remember that God is
your defence, and at the appropriate time He will speak on your behalf. You
have to note that all things will work together for your good and you will
excel. He has engraved you in the palm of His hands and you are very
important to Him.
3. Do not always look at the natural, because most of the time the spiritual does
not make sense to the human mind. The Bible says that Abraham was looking
for a city whose builder was God. Abraham was going to a place he did not
know but he followed the leadings of God.
Be careful what you say, child of God. By the power of the Holy Ghost, let the
weak say “I am strong”, because you will not die but live to declare the works of
God. Make sure you are around people who are not disgruntled and bitter
because this lot stir controversy in the church.
1. Through Sex (for more on this, get my book, Dealing with Sex, Lust, Love
and Sexual Sins )
a. Because sex is the window to the soul of a person, sexual sin leads to
bondage and guilt
b. It is dangerous to have sex with someone other than your legitimate
partner. It deposits a wrong spirit in you
David received a wrong spirit after sinning with Bathsheba, which shrouded
his judgment to commit another sin which was murder. When he repented, he
had to pray to God to “Renew a right spirit within him” Ps 51:10.
2. Female satanic agents render some of their sexual partners impotent, or
release a lustful spirit to them. A young Nigerian prostitute working in Rome
(who was delivered from satanic possession) said, “I had two serpents in my
vagina: a ‘good’ one and a ‘wicked’ one. When I had sex with a man, and the
good one manifested through me, it would deposit a lustful spirit in the man.
Whether or not the man was married, he would lust after me and others. If the
wicked one manifested, the man I slept with would be struck with an incurable
In May 2005, I preached in Rome and visited with a sick man at the El Panza
hospital. He said to me, “Bishop, I met a girl I wanted to marry. I had sex with
her. The last thing I remember is her looking at me with a wicked frown. I woke
up in this hospital three weeks ago paralysed and with a brain infection. The lady
has not even come to visit me.” A man also shared this testimony with me
around the same period I was in Rome. He said, “I was going home one night
when I gave this lady a lift. We talked, went to her house and had sex. When we
finished, she just said to me “You are finished; I just put a snake in your body.”
Since then, I feel a snake walking under my skin. After much torment, I went to
Pastor Tony Ackon’s church and he had a word of knowledge about my situation
and prayed for me and I had my deliverance. Two days later, the lady called me
and said, ‘you returned my serpents to me when I was giving them to you for
power and protection.’ I changed my phone number and we haven’t been in
touch since.”
These female satanic agents neutralized the men’s importance after having sex
with them. Those sexual escapades opened the door to attacks. Do not forget that
when you have an affair with someone other than your legitimate partner, you
lose your confidence, come under guilt, open the door of satanic attack against
your ministry and family, and worst of all, you will lose your authority in your
local church. Jim Bakker writes about his 15-20 minutes quick tryst and furtive
sexual encounter with Jessica Hahn: “I had not even paused to think of the
potential ramification of my actions while giving in to the temptation of having
sex with a woman other than my wife. I had opened the door to attack on the
ministry I headed, my family and me, personally. Worse yet, the Devil had not
made me do any of it; I had done it of my own stubborn will.” Jim Bakker sadly
lost one of the major worldwide ministries of the time.
A young man on his deathbed invited me to listen to his confession: “Bishop, I
have been a committed and dedicated Christian since my Secondary School and
University days. I was working as an engineer with a good firm, married to a
committed wife and we had children. I went to the office one Saturday to finish
up my assignments. A young lady of about 18 years of age who had come to live
with me from our village for over five years suddenly entered my office and
said, ‘Dad I just came to see how you were faring.’ Before I could say Jack, we
were having sex. A few months after that, I discovered that my internal organs
were destroyed. Everything was done to find out the cause of my ailment but
there was no medical explanation. The more I prayed about it, the more I felt
convinced that my sexual sin had opened me up to satanic attack. I wish I had
been more careful.” If you break the hedge, the serpent will bite you.
Male satanic agents also release sperms to destroy wombs and fallopian tubes
during sexual intercourse. Many ladies are carrying sicknesses and diseases they
acquired through sexual intercourse. They however cannot tell how they got
these diseases but when they cast their minds back, they remember there was a
certain intercourse that opened them up.
These satanic agents also make the women carry a lustful spirit. Through sex,
some girls are initiated into a life of prostitution and immorality. Some know that
what they are doing is a shame to womanhood and they do not like what they are
doing, yet they cannot control themselves. It also opens them up to attacks.
3. Those with lustful spirits generally seduce people through the use of points of
contacts such as food, sweets, gift materials, clothes etc
a. Clothes - if the anointing can be transferred through clothes, so can demonic
spirits transfer things through the same medium. Ezek. 13:18 ‘And say, Thus
saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and
make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the
souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?’
b. Food - many single Christian brothers have fallen into sexual sins through
invitations to eat Ezekiel 13:19-21 ‘And will ye pollute me among my people
for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should
not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my
people that hear your lies? Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am
against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and
I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that
ye hunt to make them fly. Your kerchiefs also will I tear, and deliver my
people out of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand to be
hunted; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.’
Prov. 23:6-8 ‘Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither
desire thou his dainty meats: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and
drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. The morsel which thou
hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.’
c. Kisses, shaking of hands, intimate embraces (hugs), common usage of
handkerchiefs, sharing of clothes, wigs and attachments, materials sold by
satanic agents. This means you need to know the lifestyle of the people you
share things with lest you pick wrong spirits.
1 Tim. 5:22-25 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other
men’s sins: keep thyself pure.
Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine
often infirmities.
Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some
men they follow after.
Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that
are otherwise cannot be hid.
The second area where the Devil tempts us is in the area of sexual lust. The
Bible is full of people who did not stand the test of sexual lust. David, as well as
Samson, did not stand the test of sexual lust, so as you pray everyday, pray that
God would sustain you, and keep you from being influenced and from falling
into sexual sin. Sexual lust can also be transferred and that is what we call
seduction. One African writer has said, “The beautiful ones are not yet born,”
therefore you will keep coming across people who are more attractive than your
spouse. You will need to control yourself and be content with the partner God
has given you so that you will not fall into sexual sin.
The Jews have a proverb, which says that, “To every one person, there are
seven people that you are attracted to.” That means that the day you saw your
partner and you thought that your heart was like an ice block in the sun, there are
six other people you will see for whom your heart will be on fire. Thus the only
thing that will keep you is continuous and consistent prayer that God will keep
you from temptation and you would be able to resist temptation.
The Scripture tells us about Moses who sat down all day to judge between the
people of Israel who brought their grievances to him. His father-in-law, Jethro,
asked him to seek help so that he would not grow weary. God asked him to
choose seventy elders and He put the spirit that was on Moses on them. They
needed the same spirit that was upon Moses so that there will be no discord in
their work.
The same applies in our churches. People who are called to help the leader
should carry the spirit that is upon him so that they would be doing the same
thing. May this anointing come upon your life and work for you.
After Abraham and Lot separated, Lot went to Sodom and Gomorrah. Later
the city came under siege and Lot was taken away captive. When Abraham
heard it, he decided to rescue his nephew. The Bible says that he took servants
trained in his own house and with the same spirit to rescue Lot.
It is important that we not use “imported help” because it breeds a lot of
trouble. When people come and join us, it is important for them to be trained so
that they will do what we do and submit to the leadership of the church and work
for the benefit of all. It is unscriptural to start your own small groupings and
breed dissension in the church.
‘And they took Lot, Abram’s brother’s son, who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods,
and departed. And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the
Hebrew: now he dwelt by the oaks of Mamre, the Amorite, brother of Eshcol,
and brother of Aner; and these were confederate with Abram. And when Abram
heard that his brother was taken captive, he led forth his trained men, born in his
house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued as far as Dan. And he divided
himself against them by night, he and his servants, and smote them, and pursued
them unto Hobah, which is on the left hand of Damascus.’ Genesis 14:12-15
Churches that have done very well have associates and workers who admit,
admire, submit to and listen to their leader because they are of one spirit and one
‘And they told him, and said, We came unto the land whither thou sentest us;
and surely it floweth with milk and honey; and this is the fruit of it.
Howbeit the people that dwell in the land are strong, and the cities are
fortified, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak there.
Amalek dwelleth in the land of the South: and the Hittite, and the Jebusite, and
the Amorite, dwell in the hill-country; and the Canaanite dwelleth by the sea,
and along by the side of the Jordan.
And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and
possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. But the men that went up with him
said, We are not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.
And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had spied out unto the
children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is
a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it
are men of great stature.’ Numbers 13:27-32
Moses chose representatives from the twelve tribes of Israel to go and spy the
land that God had promised them. Ten of them came back with an evil report.
They confirmed that the land was good, but they could not possess it because
there were giants in there. It did not matter that those with the evil report were in
the majority; Joshua and Caleb were very optimistic.
‘And Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who were of
them that spied out the land, rent their clothes: and they spake unto all the
congregation of the children of Israel, saying, The land, which we passed
through to spy it out, is an exceeding good land. If Jehovah delight in us, then he
will bring us into this land, and give it unto us; a land which floweth with milk
and honey. Only rebel not against Jehovah, neither fear ye the people of the
land; for they are bread for us: their defence is removed from over them, and
Jehovah is with us: fear them not.’ Numbers 14:6-9
These men obviously had a different spirit. They did not want to associate
themselves with people who had a strange spirit.
God’s wrath was upon them and most of them died in the wilderness; and
years later when Joshua was leading them, they spied the land again, and the
people they sent, who had received the same spirit upon Joshua and Caleb,
brought the same report as Joshua and Caleb did. There had been a transference
of spirit.
‘And they said to Joshua, “Truly the LORD has delivered all the land into our
hands, for indeed all the inhabitants of the country are fainthearted because of
us.”’ Joshua 2:24
‘Now when the sons of the prophets who were from Jericho saw him, they said,
“The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” And they came to meet him, and bowed to
the ground before him.’ 2 Kings 2:15
The Prophet Elijah was one of the greatest prophets Israel ever had. It came to
pass that when he was about to go to heaven, he was instructed to mentor Elisha,
who was his assistant in the ministry. Elijah, by the plan of God, was to be taken
into heaven by chariots of fire and Elisha had gone to see him off and bid him
Elisha told his spiritual father that he wanted a double portion of his anointing
upon his life. To this Elijah answered him that if he saw him going to heaven,
then the anointing would come upon his life. Elijah threw his mantle down to
him and the spirit upon his life was transferred to Elisha. On his way back, the
sons of the prophets recognized immediately that the spirit that Elijah had was
resting upon Elisha. In fact, a close look at the ministry of Elisha shows that he
walked in the same anointing that came upon him when his master exited this
‘And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul:’ Acts 19:11-12
So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and
the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
Handkerchiefs and aprons are also referred to as mantles. A mantle in the
natural means a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes. Figuratively,
however, it is a cloak, which symbolizes authority or pre-eminence. It also
represents a covering or protection. It is therefore our spiritual covering whilst
on earth. In the spiritual realm it also means glory, kindness, lordship,
excellence, nobility, authority, strength, essence and great courage. The
anointing can be stored in clothes like Aaron’s transfer of the high priestly
‘Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor:
And strip Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son: and
Aaron shall be gathered unto his people, and shall die there.
And Moses did as the Lord commanded: and they went up into mount Hor in
the sight of all the congregation.
And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his
son; and Aaron died there in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came
down from the mount.’ Numbers 20:25-28
Reinhard Bonnke’s father was a pastor. Having been exposed to ministry life at
an early age, he sensed an urge to preach the gospel when he was still very
young and therefore went to England to study at a Bible school. He could not
speak English then because he was German. It was at this place that he started
learning the English language.
When he completed his Bible school and was about to go back home, the train
he was to board would arrive a bit late and so he decided to roam about town. As
he did that, he came across a small sign that read ‘George Jeffreys.’ George
Jeffreys was the founder of Elim Pentecostal Church. George Jeffreys and his
brother were evangelists who had the hand of God upon them. They often
preached and witnessed various signs and wonders that transformed the lives of
many people. It has been said that in one of the meetings that was held by
George, the face of Jesus Christ appeared on the wall and anyone who turned or
looked in the auditorium saw the eyes of Jesus lovingly staring at them; and as
many as saw the picture were healed.
Anyway, Reinhard Bonnke knocked at the door of this aging man of God, and
a woman answered. He enquired whether that was the house of the man of God
and the woman answered in the affirmative, but disappointed him by saying that
the man had advanced in years and was therefore not seeing anyone.
Disillusioned, Reinhard Bonnke turned to go but then he heard a deep voice
beckoning, ‘Let him come in, I want to see him.’ He intimated that God had
spoken to him, that a young man would come and see him and that God was
going to anoint him in order for him to carry the gospel across many nations
with great signs and power. So George Jeffreys asked him to kneel down and he
prayed for him. By the time he got to Germany the next day, George Jeffreys had
died. There had been a transference of spirit 2 .
2 Living a Life Of Fire: Reinhard Bonnke, copyright 2009, E-R Productions, Orlando, USA
My year of desperation began in 1983 and continued for the next nine months.
During that time, I wept, prayed, groaned, and told God I did not want to do
ministry and end up a pauper. The evangelists I saw in those days did not have
any notable miracles at their meetings. I abhorred it. I prayed and told God that I
did not want a powerless ministry. I beseeched God for a ministry patterned after
the Acts of the Apostles so that after preaching, sinners could be convicted like it
happened after Peter had preached and the people were pricked in their hearts
and asked, ‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?’ (Acts 2:37). I wanted nothing
less than the power of God to win souls and heal the sick like the apostles did in
the Bible. Incidentally, Acts of the Apostles was my favourite book in the Bible.
I devoted more time to seriously study the writings of A.W. Tozer, Andrew
Murray, Charles Finney, R.A. Torrey, biographies, and autobiographies of some
of the old time revivalists. During this period, I asked God to create in me a right
spirit for revival. I asked God to break me, melt me, mould me, and use me for
His glory. Night after night I would walk up my room having sleepless nights,
praying all night, getting up early in the morning to pray, going out at noon to
the beach to cry and pour out my heart to God. During these prayer times, I wept
continually and asked God that Christ be formed in my body such that when I
touched the sick they would recover and that when I spoke, conviction would
fall on sinners.
This year of desperation became one of the most formidable years in my
Christian life. The frustrations I faced gave me the inspiration to seek the face of
God more than ever before. It gave me the opportunity to carefully mull over all
that I felt God was asking me to do. I had the chance to carefully examine the
terms of God’s call upon my life. I was ready to pay the price but I needed the
assurance God would fulfil His side of the bargain.
God answered my heart’s cry by bringing a Morris Cerullo School of Ministry
to Accra in 1983. I knew very little of Dr. Morris Cerullo at that time. At the
School of Ministry, Dr Cerullo ministered to the attendees via video recordings.
As he spoke and wept on the screen, I also wept for my powerlessness to save
this sinful world.
On the last day of the conference, Dr. Alex Ness an associate of Dr. Cerullo
anointed the ears, thumbs, and toes of all present. When I got back to my seat
and knelt down, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say to me, “My boy Charles,
I send you out as I sent Moses; go and I would put My words in your lips and
reach the world for Me”. I was shocked, confused and did not understand why
the Holy Spirit would talk to me that way. I knew God had called me to preach
but reaching the world for the Lord added another dimension to the call.
After the School Of Ministry I rushed to get a place to fast and pray. On the
third day of my fast, around 11:30am, after much weeping, praying, and
worshiping, I laid quietly on my face on the floor exhausted and then again I
heard the same voice of the Holy Spirit say: “My boy Charles, I give unto thee
POWER over demons and principalities, heal the sick, raise the dead, preach the
Kingdom”. I lifted my head and asked the Holy Spirit to repeat the message, and
the voice came again. I immediately asked God for a scripture since everything
had to be in line with the word of God. Immediately the Holy Spirit echoed Luke
9:1-2 and Luke 8:1 in that order.
‘Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and
authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the
kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.’ Luke 9:1-2
‘And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village,
preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve
were with him.’ Luke 8:1
I saw that the Holy Spirit embedded His commission in the re-echoing of
scripture to me, which is referred to as a Rhema word, “God’s specific word to a
specific person for a specific purpose”. After hearing that distinct voice of God, I
broke the fast that morning because my heart’s cry had been answered. I was
convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that I had heard from the Lord.
I realized that even though God was asking me to go preach and heal the sick,
I did not have any knowledge on how to do it. I had heard that there were men
God had used in miracles and healings in Ghana, but I was not privileged to
attend any of their meetings and there were none of their books or tapes of their
ministry to which I could avail myself. I therefore carefully studied Luke 8:1
again and the word in the verse began to have meaning. I understood that God
expected me to go around the cities and towns like the disciples did when they
followed Jesus to see how He healed the sick and cast out devils. I started to read
and study the gospels and Acts of the Apostles over and over again. I learnt the
principles of preaching and how to heal the sick from the Master and His
disciples as the gospels and Acts documented. I wanted every move I made to be
in line with what Jesus and the Apostles did.
From that day that anointing on Dr Cerullo to open up nations by the
undeniable power of God came upon me.
Amazingly I have been privileged to serve with Dr Cerullo at his invitation to
many parts of the world. He held a West African School of Ministry in Labone,
Accra in 1996. There was a dinner for him and three of us men of God were
asked to share our testimony. During the dining time, each person was given five
minutes to share his story. When I shared my story about how Dr Cerullo’s
ministry had influenced me, something struck a cord between the two of us. At
the West African conference, Dr Cerullo was the only speaker in the evenings;
other speakers spoke in the mornings. On the fourth evening, Dr Cerullo was
invited to meet the president of Ghana so he had to miss the meeting that night.
The meeting was held at Labone Secondary School park, so I had gone to live
in a hotel close to the venue of the conference so that I could get easy access to
the meeting and enjoy all the meetings. I was in my hotel room getting ready to
go and receive word from the servant of God when I heard a knock on my door
at about 5pm. I opened the door and there was Dr Seth Ablorh (Dr Cerullo’s
Ghanaian Director). Dr Ablorh came to inform me that Dr Cerullo wanted me to
get ready and preach at the meeting in the night. He added that Dr Cerullo would
like me to turn the meeting into a miracle service. And one more thing, I was
instructed not to tell anyone about this arrangement.
I was both confused and flabbergasted. It was an honour to be called upon to
fill the shoes of Dr Cerullo, but that was a huge responsibility in front of 25,000
Christian leaders of all shades. I thought to myself, “This man has as his
speakers Pastor Ayo, Bishop Duncan Williams, Rev. Gary Whetstone, Bishop
Okonkwo, Dr Paul Trulin and Dr Peter Wagner, so why me who was not billed
to speak?” Secondly, I thought he had placed an impossible barrier for me
because Dr Cerullo had said the previous night that he didn’t come for a miracle
service but for a school of ministry. Here was I being asked to conduct a miracle
service. However, I had learnt to be ready in season and out of season, and at
every point in time I have at least three sermons ready in my spirit to preach
should an emergency arise and I am called upon. The evening came and the
meeting was underway. Dr Cerullo took the podium and introduced me as the
preacher for the night.
When I started preaching, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and instructed me to do
an altar call. I did not give a thought to the instruction because it sounded
ridiculous to me to make an altar call for pastors, leaders and church workers. I
said to myself, “These people did not need an altar call”. As I resisted the Holy
Spirit’s nudges, I realised that the anointing was lifting from me. When I
couldn’t resist any longer, I made the altar call and over 500 people came
forward to give their lives to Christ. I was shocked at the number that responded.
I continued and prayed for the sick and instant miracles took place: the blind
saw, cripples walked, the deaf heard, and all manner of diseases were healed.
After the meeting Dr Peter Wagner came and patted me on the back to say well
The occurrences at the West African Conference catapulted the level of respect
people had for my ministry. They reasoned that, if Dr Cerullo could leave his
meeting for me to handle whilst he (Dr Cerullo) had guests speaking for him,
then he might have seen something in me. After this incident, Dr Cerullo and I
began to have a close relationship. From there on when Dr Cerullo had some
speaking engagements that he could not honour he asked me to step in for him.
He has featured me in a number of his meetings worldwide and in most of those
meetings, I would do the miracle meeting and he, the impartation. In some of the
meetings I would be given five minutes to speak, ten minutes or forty five
minutes or an hour depending on what the occasion was and the time available. I
will never forget the 2011 Morris Cerullo World Conference in Orlando Florida.
I was scheduled to speak on Wednesday but my wife and I got there Monday
night exhausted so we could rest for a day before the meeting. At midnight, Don
Mandell his International Director, knocked on my door and said Papa as we call
him (Dr Cerullo) had asked if I could be the first speaker Tuesday morning
because one of the speakers had been held back by the snow. I just said “Yes”
and got ready for the meeting because as a father his wish or suggestion is my
command. When I got to the hall in a discussion with one American he said
“Miracles don’t happen in America, it does where you guys come from the
Mission field because we have so many doctors here which you don’t have.”
Well, that morning 23 people who came with walking aids got up and walked
and gave me their sticks at the command of faith when I said, “If you want to,
you can walk to me now.” As sons of Dr Cerullo when we speak for him, we
don’t take an honorarium, we pay our hotel bills and air tickets but we do it
gladly knowing how we are partakers of his grace. By association with him, I
have so much exposure and open doors. I am proud to have been privileged to
serve beside one of God’s five star generals. A man regarded by many as the
equivalent of the United Nations Secretary General. He is regarded as the man
who has raised, face to face and through his other outlets, probably more
nationals (pastors, politicians, lawyers, doctors, engineers, farmers, house wives
etc.,) and given them opportunities on his platform all over the world to rise up
and take the proof producing anointing to be God’s instruments than any other
person who ever lived.
After such a palpable experience of the presence of God, I began to see some
results in my ministry. I started a church at Mangoase, Teshie, Accra called
Teshie Praise Assembly. I also used to attend all-night prayer meetings with the
Ghana Evangelical Society (GES). In April 1984, Brother Enoch Agbozo the
leader of GES, and an evangelist who held crusades all around the nation, sent to
tell me that he was sending out some missionaries into the hinterlands of Ghana
and whilst he prayed God said I was one of them. In May 1984, he ordained
twelve of us missionaries and sent us into the hinterlands to preach anywhere
that was available to us. We were sent in batches of twos and threes. Our
transportation was paid to get us to the first town. We were then left on our own
to preach from town to town as the Holy Spirit led us. We depended on God for
our food and place of abode since no prior arrangement was made for anyone to
host us.
I saw many people healed and delivered from the powers of darkness. They
came forward and accepted Christ as their personal saviour and Lord in their
numbers. There was a man who had passed out and was considered dead; he was
brought back to life when I called back the man’s spirit into his body. Many
tangible miracles made it obvious to me that God was at work. This particular
journey started from Nsawam, Aburi, Adukrom, to Konongo, Kuntanase around
Lake Bosomtwi, Nkawie and Kwahu Pepease.
On our next journey, I found myself at Battor Aveyime in the Volta Region.
After preaching, I began to lay hands on the sick and when I got to the sixth
person in the healing line, the first person began to shout, “I am healed, I am
healed”. The woman who shouted about her healing had a swollen paralysis and
instantly she became normal. The second person also said she had stiff fingers
which she could not bend but could move them instantly after she was prayed
for. The presence of God was felt and the people celebrated the goodness of the
Lord for the miracles that had taken place in their midst. This particular journey
took me from Battor to Sogakope, to Kete Krachi, to Dambai, to Kpando and Ho
all in the Volta Region of Ghana. In all these places there were mighty
demonstrations of power.
Whilst on these two major missions by December 1984, I was convinced God
wanted me to go out and hold crusades. Earlier on I had told Brother Agbozo
that I wanted to hold crusades under his umbrella and plant churches for GES
but he said God had not called him to do that. I therefore resigned from GES and
asked the leader to pray for me. Before the prayer, Brother Agbozo said that
since he began GES, I was the first person to leave and had asked for prayer and
left without causing trouble. Everyone who left before then had fought with him.
I did not see myself in competition with Brother Agbozo but saw him as a leader
ahead of me. I also understood that we were all working in the same vineyard
and towards the same goal: the salvation of the world. I also carried his
anointing to go from place to place and his prayer mantle. It was at GES I learnt
to pray my first three hours non-stop prayer. Before I left there I could pray on
my own more than 10 hours non-stop.
There is an anointing that was on Brother Enoch, watchman to the nation. In
1983 in the early days of the 31st December 1981 Revolution you dared not say
anything against the ruling government. If you did you were arrested and ended
up in the military guardroom or cell. Many pastors had their heads shaved and
put behind these cells. Brother Enoch will lambast the government whilst
soldiers with guns stood by and no one dared lay hands on him. One day as he
spoke against the government on an issue and everybody’s blood run cold, I
sensed the Lord telling me that I had been set-aside as a watchman for the nation
and if I remained faithful I would be a watchman to the nations.
Later on whilst at the All Nations For Christ Bible Institute in Benin City,
Nigeria in 1986, the government gave an order that no one should hold an open-
air crusade anymore. The following month Archbishop Idahosa organized a
crusade in Onitsha, Nigeria, a truckload of soldiers were dispatched to arrest him
whilst he preached. I went as part of the crusade team, I watched as these
soldiers raised their hands to accept Christ with their guns as he preached instead
of arresting him. As I watched that day the Lord ministered to me, “You are a
watchman like this.”
My first encounter with the watchman anointing on my life was in 1997 when
Professor Evans Atta Mills was Vice President. He invited me to pray with him
in the Osu Castle, then the seat of government on national issues. (I used to pray
with him at his residence). When I got there in the presence of a number of
people including Rev. Julius Ankomah, Ambassador Kugblenu etc., he asked
that we make it a weekly affair. I said to him outright that I did not want to be
accused of partisanship so I would prefer his house and he agreed. Ten minutes
into prayer, I had a vision and in it, there was a mountain covered with a jute
sack like its clothing and about 20% of the top had been ripped off. Then the
Holy Spirit echoed to me this represents your nation, “your prayers and that of
the saints had ripped it to that level.” I therefore told them at the end of the
prayer time that we will continue to pray there weekly. We did pray regularly
once a week and when there were national crises more days.
There used to undertake ritual sacrifices of cows being slaughtered every year
in the castle. That year when the traditionalists came to slaughter the cow they
were chased by bees and so could not do it. They claimed it was their perfume
that attracted the bees. The following year a similar thing happened. For the four
years we prayed there they could not do the ritual sacrifice.
My second encounter with the watchman anointing was when I was invited to
pray for the nation at the National Emancipation Day in 1998. The night before
the meeting I sensed the Holy Spirit indicating to me to pray for the President
publicly. I argued in my heart saying, there is no precedent in the nation for
anyone praying for Flight Lieutenant Rawlings publicly. He could embarrass you
and worse of all you dared not. I prayed through the night to be sure if that was
the right thing to do. The following morning, when I was called upon to pray for
the nation, I took the microphone and said “Mr. President, can you please come
forward to the platform we are going to lay hands on you to pray for you”. The
whole room went quiet and you could hear a pin drop. His Excellency Jerry
Rawlings stepped out and walked to the platform and I asked the Bishops and
head of Churches to come forward and we laid hands on him.
The anointing of the watchman makes you bold and not afraid of faces. I will
never forget in 1998 when an American international evangelist came to town
and I was amongst the team that went with him to see the President. After our
greetings, the Bishops and senior pastors all sang the praises of the president. I
was quiet when suddenly Mr. Rawlings said “Starlet (how we refer to our junior
national team) Bishop, say something”. Suddenly, I sensed the anointing flow
down my body and I said “Mr President, thank God for what He has used you to
achieve. However, do not allow your achievements to make you proud and
forget it is God who set you here. Nebuchadnezzar, built the hanging gardens
and many great things and he stood and beat his chest and said ‘This is great
Babylon built by my hands.’ Immediately God turned him into an animal till he
had learnt that the most high rules in the affairs of men and gives it to whom He
will. Also King Herod was an orator and one day after speaking so eloquently
his hearers shouted ‘This is not the voice of a man but a god’. Immediately an
angel caused worms to eat him alive. Mr. President, you cannot stop the people
from praising you, but you can stop yourself from accepting their praise and
allowing it to get into your heard.” You could hear a feather fall, in those days
everything leaving the castle was censored. That evening during the news all that
I said in the room,that was what was highlighted.
31st December 2008 was a very charged day in Ghana. We had had
presidential elections, which got the party in power losing the election to the
opposition. From the Christmas nobody could even enjoy the festivities. 28th
December was the second round of voting, by the following day the whole
results were not coming out. People had closed their shops, no one could go out,
there was heavy police and military presence. With this background anything at
all could happen. As a nation we were sitting on a time bomb ready to explode
into violence. I had to address the whole nation at our all night service.
This was an excerpt “ … This election has seen bits of violence in some
places. There was suspicion that some politicians had stuffed election boxes with
already thumb printed ballot papers making some supporters profiling people
that they had ballot papers in their home thereby tarnishing their image. Some
journalists and some party agents had been beaten and some equipment of
journalists destroyed. In the midst of all this the precious voice of our president
Mr. Agyekum Kufuor has not been heard to speak to any of these issues to
assure us of calm. As commander in chief we expect you to say something to
soothe the heart of Ghanaians. If he does not know that there is an uneasy calm
that has engulfed this nation, then as a pastor of multiplied thousands in our
church and across this nation, then I am informing our father that there is an
unholy calm in this nation. The calm is so unholy that yesterday shops and banks
closed before noon, when people were asked they said they feared the eruption
of violence. Tonight I don’t want to be politically correct and bury my head in
the sand as an ostrich as if nothing is happening in the midst of all these things.
We need an assurance of peace and security as citizens of this law-abiding
nation. Christmas when we have to shop and go out we cannot go out and cannot
even eat our fowls and goats. Why? Because of one election which is not our
first. Why should the few politicians hold us to ransom? I speak like an apostolic
prophet to the nations. Put aside everyone your political inclinations and let us
preserve this nation. I am speaking as an elder and a watchman who sits at the
gate of this city and I am saying all is not well but we can change it. We are
going to pray for our president to say something. Our father, the president of the
nation, should say something even if it is bad. Until January 7th President
Kufour is the legitimate president of this nation. Within those seven days he
should leave a testimony. There are leaders who have gone down in history in
disgrace. We will also pray for the two political leaders. One should be able to
accept defeat and the winner should unite this nation…” My sermon was aired
on all the radio stations and a few hours later the president boldly came out to
assure the nation.”
People said I should flee from the country, not sleep in my house etc., but I felt
more peace after saying the things I said than before. The watchman’s anointing
is such that it is like fire in your bones. Jeremiah 20:9 Then I said, I will not
make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in
mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with
forbearing, and I could not stay.
Since that day many officers in the military, police, politicians etc., meet me
and say “Bishop, do you know you saved this nation that night?”
The watchman sees ahead of the nation, warns the nation like a watch dog.
Isaiah 56:10 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb
dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. In the days we
live in we need watchmen who are not afraid of what will happen to them but to
declare what God is saying and watch out for their communities. Receive the
watchman’s anointing in Jesus name. May you be as bold as a lion and not turn
away for any.
President J. A. Kufour is the man who had earlier, on July 6,2007, awarded me
a Member of the Order of the Volta (one of the highest national honours), for
outstanding achievements and helping to champion African Excellence as a
religious leader at the Accra International Conference Centre. This was before an
audience made up of very eminent persons including ministers, members of
parliament, members of the diplomatic corps, religious and traditional leaders,
corporate executives, veteran politicians and officers and men of the security
In November 2000, I was invited to preach and help pray for the new President
of La Côte D’Ivoire in his inaugural thanksgiving service. I had never met him
before this time. I returned from my Sogakope, Ghana miracle campaign at
11:00pm to meet Apostle Kore, a man I never met before sitting in my house
waiting to inform me that the new president wants me to go to Abidjan the
following day and preach at his thanksgiving service. My initial reaction was I
was not ready to go, however, I could not sleep all night. I prayed and sensed
God was telling me the destiny of a nation was at stake. What made matters
worst was God started putting a message of warning in my heart. I struggled
because thanksgiving should be a season of celebration. The nation at this point
was in turmoil. A year earlier, the military under General Guei had overthrown
the constitutionally elected government headed by Mr. Konan Bedie. The
Supreme Court under Mr. Bedie had declared Mr. Alhassan Outara (the former
Prime Minister to the first president, the late Mr. Houphet Boigny) as a non-
citizen of the country. General Guei promised to lead the nation into an election,
which he did and also contested as a presidential candidate. General Guei lost
the election to Laurent Gbagbo but refused to step down. The electorate
therefore took to the streets and demanded Mr. Gbagbo be installed president.
The supporters of General Guei, Alhassan Outara and Laurent Gbagbo began to
stir the nation into unrest. Mr. Gbagbo was installed President and two weeks
later, I was invited to this inaugural thanksgiving service. I preached and
instructed the new political leaders of that country on what to do to secure
righteousness and honesty for the nation and also exhorted the believers to see
their role in praying to reconcile the nation. After the thanksgiving some of the
clergy in town said I came as a foreigner to insult them etc. Many of the political
leaders felt the message was too bold. Years later everything I said came to pass
exactly as God used me to warn them.
This bed ridden young man was carried to the meeting, was prayed for by Bishop and got healed 09/2014
This bed ridden young man was carried to the meeting, was prayed for by Bishop and healed by the power
of God 09/2014
The bed ridden young man who was carried to the meeting but healed by the power of God and can now
walk 09/2014
Lady who could not walk being prayed for by Bishop 11/2014.
Lady who could not walk and prayed for by Bishop healed by God’s power 11/2014.
Bishop praying for a 13 year old girl who was deaf and dumb from birth.
Bishop testing the 13 year old girl who got healed by the power of God.
Mama who couldn’t walk for 15 years now healed and pushing Bishop in the wheel chair 01/2015
For one and half years Mr Agbeli couldn’t walk without the aid of a walker but was heald by the power of
Collecting the walking aids of 23 people who were healed after I commanded in Morris Cerullo World
Conference, USA 2011.
Walking aid of 23 people in Orlando, Florida 2011.
Are you born again? Have your sins been forgiven? Do you have eternal life?
Are you saved? Will you spend eternity with God when you die?
If your answer to any of these questions is “No”, then you can experience very
little or nothing of what this book talks about.
But if you want to be saved, take note of the following:
1. That you are a sinner – God’s word tells us that “All have sinned, and
come short of the glory of God”Romans 3:23 , and that “There is none
righteous, no, not one”Romans 3:10 . That means that, no matter how good you
and I think we are “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags”Isaiah 64:6 . In
the eyes of God you are a sinner!”
2. That the consequence of sin is death – because God is so pure, holy, and
just, He must punish our sinfulness, because “The wages of sin is
death”Romans 6:23 . All sinful men have to die – not just a physical death, but
also a spiritual one, because “Your iniquities have separated between you
and your God”Isaiah 59:2
3. That God loves you so much that He sent Jesus Christ to die for your sins
– in spite of our sinfulness, even “while we were still sinners, Christ died
for us”Romans 5:8 . In fact, Jesus was “wounded for our transgressions,
bruised for our iniquities” and the LORD “laid on him the iniquity of us
all”Isaiah 53:5-6 . Jesus took your place and took the punishment of sin on
your behalf.
4. That God raised Jesus from the dead – when Jesus died for you, He was
buried. But because God accepted His sacrifice of sin on your behalf, He
“raised Him from the dead”Romans 10:9 . Because He lives, you can also have
5. That you must believe in Jesus Christ and confess Him to be saved – now
you must believe in your heart that Christ died and was raised for you, and
you must confess Him with your mouth Romans 10:9 . That is the only way
you can be saved.
Do you believe? Will you accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of your
life? If so, pray this prayer after me:
Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I know I cannot save myself. I believe
Jesus died and was raised for me. Forgive me all my sins. Wash me with the
blood of Jesus. Make my life a testimony to those who know me. In Jesus’
name. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, then you just got born again. All your sins are
forgiven, and you can now have a relationship with God! God has promised,
“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. That is His word, so
you are saved!
But that is just the first step. Now that you are born again, you must grow
spiritually and in the things of God; so I would encourage you to find a Bible-
believing church or join any of our Perez Chapel International churches.
I would like to stay in touch with you and know how you are doing in your
walk with God. I would also like to hear your testimony of how my ministry
through this medium might have blessed you. You can reach me at:
Bishop Charles Agyinasare
105 Olusegun Obasanjo Way
Dzorwulu Junction
Or email me at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Or call me on: +233 302776002
Bishop Charles Agyinasare is the presiding bishop of Perez Chapel
International and several associate independent churches. He is the senior pastor
at the Perez Dome, Accra, Ghana, reputed to be the largest auditorium in Ghana.
Regarded as one of the national Christian leaders in Ghana, Dr Agyinasare has
been honoured by the nation as a Member of the Order of the Volta, for
Championing African Excellence.
Charles is also a frontier evangelist and an apostle to the nations.
He had a divine encounter in 1983 when he heard the audible voice of God
twice in four days commission him saying, “My boy Charles, I send you out as I
sent Moses; go, and I will put My words on your lips, and reach the world for
Me,” and “I give unto you power over demons and principalities; heal the sick,
raise the dead, preach the kingdom.”
Since then, he has shared the whole counsel of God in over eighty-three (83)
nations of the world, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom,
Germany, France, Italy, Ukraine, Israel, Japan, India, the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, the Islamic Kingdom of Bahrain, Burkina Faso, and many other
countries in Africa. His gospel campaigns have recorded over 300,000 people in
a single meeting.
Bishop Agyinasare has a mandate to lead God’s people into their breakthrough
by fully preaching the kingdom of God. His message encompasses Holiness,
Prayer, Faith, Prosperity, Leadership & Excellence, Family life, Last days, and a
very prominent demonstration of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. Through his
teaching and preaching many people who once were sick, alcoholics, and drug
addicts have been set free in his meetings. Many have also been raised from
nobodies to somebodies.
Dr Morris Cerullo has this to say about him: “It is very rare in the calling of
God to see the Apostolic, Evangelistic, Prophetical, Pastoral and Teaching call
all manifest through one ministry. But here in Bishop Agyinasare’s calling we
see the 5-fold ministry.”
Dr Agyinasare is also a Christian scholar, holding a PhD in the Philosophy of
Theology from the Vision International University in the USA; and has even
pursued an LLB at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public
Administration. He is also the Founder and President of the Perez Ministerial
College as well as the several Miracle Academy Schools. He is also the
Chairman of the board of FirsTrust Savings and Loans (a recognised Financial
Institution, Ghana).
Bishop also reaches the world through his over 40 life-changing books; and his
impact and presence are felt across the globe through Precious TV, the television
channel he founded in 2013.
He is married to Rev Mrs Vivian Sena Agyinasare, the co-founder of Perez
Chapel International, and they have three adult children and one adopted
daughter: Pastor Dr Selaise Esar Agyinasare, Pastor Francis Nyamekye
Agyinasare, Charlene Sena Agyinasare, and Clementina Quarshie.