God's Promises in Christ Fulfilled

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901 SW Fillmore | Topeka, Kansas 66606-1445 | 785.354.7132 | www.stjohnlcmstopeka.




God’s faithfulness means He will always do what He has said, fulfilling everything He has ever
Consider the ways in which God spoke of the details concerning the birth of Jesus. These prophecies
are so specific that they not only eliminate anybody else’s claim to be the Messiah, but at the same time
they confirm without a doubt that Jesus Christ is Lord.
The first announcement about the Messiah is in Genesis 3:15. From it, we learn two things. First, the
Messiah will be “the Seed of a woman.” He would take on human nature consisting of body and soul.
Second, His mission would be to crush the Serpent’s head. To see Genesis 3:15 fulfilled, look to Galatians
4:4, “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman…” (the Seed of
Genesis 3:15 tells us that the Messiah was not going to come into the world riding on a chariot of fire
with a thunder bolt in His hand. Rather, He was to become a permanent member of the human race via
the body of a woman, without the assistance of a man. And even here in Genesis 3:15 the Scriptures give
us a hint that there is going to be something entirely out of the ordinary about the birth of the Messiah. It
is male seed that normally gives human life. But in Genesis 3:15 it’s woman’s seed. He will be conceived
of the Holy Spirit in the womb of a Virgin—prophesied long before it happened, and clearly fulfilled in
the New Testament.
The second part of Genesis 3:15 to consider is who will deliver this crushing fatal blow to Satan. 1
John 3:8 says, “Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from
the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.”
So as far as prophecy is concerned, it begins very wide. The Messiah is to be born of a woman and
crush Satan. Things begin to narrow down. In Genesis 9:26 Noah pronounced the following blessing over
just one of his sons, “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem.” Shem receives this blessing because Shem’s
line is the one the Messiah would come through.
Pressing further, in Genesis 12:3, God reveals that the Messiah would be sent through one of Shem’s
descendants, Abraham. This prophecy is fulfilled in Matthew 1:1, “The book of the genealogy of Jesus
Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (or, of the seed of Abraham). In Galatians 3:16 we read,
“Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, ‘And to offsprings,’
referring to many, but referring to one, ‘And to your offspring,’ who is Christ.”
So, within just twelve chapters of the Bible, we have prophecies stating the Messiah would:
1. be born of a woman,
2. crush the works of Satan,
3. come through Shem, and
4. more specifically, through the line of Abraham, meaning He would be Jewish

The specificity sharpens. Of the twelve tribes of Israel, prophecy recorded that the Messiah would
come forth from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10). This prophecy eliminates the other eleven tribes.
Hebrews 7:14 confirms this by saying, “For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, and in
connection with that tribe Moses said nothing about priests.”
Is there more? Absolutely! The Messiah is to come from a particular family of Judah, namely Jesse.
In Isaiah 11:1, we have, “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse (that’s the family name),
and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.” Romans 15:12 tells of this fulfillment in Christ. But Jesse
had eight sons. Of those eight, the one no one expected could be the ancestor of the Messiah, i.e., David,
in fact was. Psalm 89:35-36 says, “Once for all I have sworn by My holiness; I will not lie to David. His
descendants shall endure forever, his throne as the sun before Me.” John 7:42 demonstrates how this was
fulfilled. “Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David, and comes from
Bethlehem, the village where David was?” So was the Old Testament right? Of course. The Messiah not
only came from the tribe of Judah, He was also from the family of Jesse, a descendent of David.
In Micah 5, Micah ministers during a time of deep national trouble and spiritual decline. His prophecy
is roughly 700 years before the birth of Christ. Micah 5 begins with, “Now muster your troops, O daughter
of troops; siege is laid against us; with a rod they strike the judge of Israel on the cheek. But you, O,
Bethlehem Ephrathah… (Ephrathah distinguishes this Bethlehem, just 5 miles south of Jerusalem, from
the other in Israel) too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is
to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.”
Micah prophesied that the Messiah would be born where David was born. In the New Testament,
Matthew 2:1 says, “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold,
wise men from the east came to Jerusalem,” and Luke 2:4-5 says, “And Joseph also went up from Galilee,
from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of
the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child.”
Most know that Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. But do they know that the Old Testament foretold
that Jesus Christ would be born of a woman (a Virgin, nonetheless), of the seed of Shem, Abraham, Isaac,
Judah, Jesse’s family, in David’s line to Solomon, and born in Bethlehem?
In light of the Lord’s steadfastness to His Word, at Christmas time we don’t just tip our hats. Instead,
with the shepherds we come on bended knee before the Lord of heaven and earth laid in manger, and we
sing with Luther, “Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled, within my heart that it
may be a quiet chamber kept for Thee.”

Senior Pastor - Rev. J. S. Bruss, ext. 104

Associate Pastor – Rev. D. M. Kerns, ext. 101
Kantor - Bethany M. Johnson
TLS Teachers - Andrea Kosmicki, Edith Kerns, Rachel Kathman


(Rumor is we will have eaten enough between Thanksgiving & Christmas to warrant skipping this breakfast)


Homilies on the Advent Canticles. In short succession in the Gospel according to St. Luke we get three
important New Testament psalms: the Magnificat, the Benedictus, and the Nunc Dimittis. So profoundly
do these hymns sung respectively by Mary, Zechariah, and Simeon proclaim the Gospel that they were
taken up into the liturgy of the church almost immediately and continue to be sung to this day: the
Magnificat at Vespers and Evening Prayer, the Benedictus at Matins, and the Nunc Dimittis in Compline
and the Divine Service. Our Midweek Advent series this year focuses on these first, important Advent
hymns. Wednesdays 5 and 12 December at 12:15 and 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday 19 December at 12:15
only. On 19 December we’ll have our Children’s Christmas Program. Please note, too, that the turning of
the church year will be observed by celebrating St. Andrew’s Day with Matins and Vespers at 7:30 a.m.
and 12:15 p.m., respectively, on Friday, 30 November. We hope you can take in all these opportunities to
“read, mark, learn and inwardly digest” God’s Holy Word!


2 December 8:15 AM Divine Service
9:45 AM Bible Classes and Sunday School
11:00 AM Divine Service
5 December 12:15 PM Advent Service
5:00 PM Sound Words Academy
7:00 PM Advent Service
7 December 10:30 AM LWML Bazaar
11:00 AM LWML Luncheon
8 December 2:00 PM Caroling
4:00 PM Chili Supper
9 December 8:15 AM Divine Service
9:45 AM Congregational Forum and Sunday School
NO Monthly Breakfast
11:00 AM Divine Service
10 December 6:30 PM Sarah Circle will meet at McFarland’s Restaurant
Note: All women are welcome to attend.
12 December 12:15 PM Advent Service
5:00 PM Sound Words Academy
7:00 PM Advent Service
15 December 9:30 AM Final Children’s Christmas Program Rehearsal
16 December 8:15 AM Divine Service
9:45 AM Bible Classes
11:00 AM Divine Service
19 December 12:15 PM Advent Service
5:00 PM NO Sound Words Academy (YCat II meets at 5:30)
6:30 PM Children’s Christmas Program
23 December 10:00 AM Divine Service – One Service Only
No Sunday School
24 December 7:00 PM Christmas Candlelight Lesson & Carols
10:00 PM Christmas Candlelight Divine Service
25 December 10:00 AM Christmas Day Divine Service
30 December 10:00 AM Divine Service – One Service Only
No Sunday School
1:30 PM Homebound Divine Service


Rhythm of Faith Choir (Wednesdays – 8 May, 5:00-5:40 p.m.; Johnson) Rhythm of Faith uses God’s
gift of music to confess the truth of His Word in song. Develop life-long skills in singing, ringing, and
reading music. Participate as a choir in Wednesday Evening Offices and Sunday services. Learn the rich
heritage of Lutheran hymnody and liturgy. Enroll after Sunday services now through 9 September or
contact Bethany Johnson.
Jr. Lutherans (Wednesdays – 8 May, 5:55-6:50 p.m.; Sweet) This fast-paced Bible, Catechism, and
Lutheran history quiz game places Lutherans aged 4 – 12 yrs. in competition with one another and teams
from other congregations—with “trivia” that is hardly trivial. Enroll after Sunday services now through 9
September or contact Daniel Sweet.
The Resurrection of the Flesh (7 November – 12 December, 5:55-6:50 p.m.; Bruss): Yup. That’s how
the creed actually puts it. Flesh. Raised incorruptible to immortality. The Resurrection of the Flesh picks
up where Dying the Lutheran Way left off last year and examines what the Bible says about the body’s
rest in the grave, the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to “raise up me and all the dead,” and the everlasting
life He has promised all His believers.
College Students and Young Adults
Martin Luther, The Antinomian Theses (Wednesdays – 12 December, 7:45-8:40 p.m.; Bruss) Luther
fought it, too—the impulse to think that all of God’s Word could be summed up just in the Gospel and
that the only thing worth proclaiming was just that (aka Gospel-reductionism). After all, if Christ has
abolished the Law, of what use is it to believers in Christ? Should a Christian regard the Law as friend or
foe? Does the Law do anything else than condemn? Answers to these questions and many more.
Adult Catechesis
Adult Catechesis (Wednesdays – 8 May 7:45-8:40 p.m.; Kerns through December; Bruss January
through May) The central teachings of the Christian faith. What does God say about me in His Law?
What does God say to me in His Gospel? How am I to relate to God? And where can I find Christ and
what He wants to give to me? This September through May course, with breaks scattered throughout those
8 months, weaves together the teachings of Scripture and The Small Catechism and shows how God
encounters you in the Divine Service. For those interested in becoming members of St. John’s or those
seeking a refresher in the guts of Lutheran theology.
Youth Catechesis
YCat I (Wednesdays – 8 May, 5:55-6:50 p.m.; Kinnett) Typically for 6th graders. 1 year long.
YCat II (Wednesdays – 8 May, 5:55-6:50 p.m.; Bruss & Kerns) Typically for 7th and 8th graders. 2
years long.
Keep your eyes out for some helpful teaching tools at church. Last month we introduced a new bulletin
format. This new format includes a cover picture that captures the Gospel lesson, an excellent way for you
to help children to understand what’s going on. The bulletin also includes an explanation of all the readings
for that Sunday. You can use this when you talk to your children about what they heard in church—and
even use it to help them anticipate what they’ll hear about. At the ends of the pews there’s also now a
laminated card that has two sides. On one side are some suggestions for parents to help their young
children participate in the Divine Service. On the other side is a guide for young and old alike for getting
the most out of the sermon. Coupled with our new Sunday School curriculum whose lessons are on the
Gospel for each Sunday, we hope that these things will help you and your family grow in grace and in the
knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.


“Savior of the Nations, Come” (LSB 332)
Background & Text
“Savior of the Nations, Come” is the hymn of the day for the first Sunday of Advent. With Advent,
we enter into a new season of the Church Year. While most people are eager to dive straight into Christmas
following Thanksgiving, we as Christians spend four weeks in Advent prior to Christmas to focus on the
coming of Jesus who became flesh to save sinners.
The text of this hymn was written by Ambrose (A.D. 337-397), Bishop of Milan. Ambrose is most
well-known as the “father of Latin hymnody.” He also introduced the Eastern Church’s tradition of hymn-
singing to the Western church and desired that music and theology work together to proclaim Christian
truths in the simplest manner. You may be thinking of someone who also encouraged hymn-singing in the
church, and if you guessed Martin Luther, you are correct! He translated this hymn, “Savior of the Nations,
Come,” into German, and it was found in two of the earliest hymnals in 1524.
Ambrose battled the Arian heresy, the claim that Jesus is not fully God and is not equal with the Father.
Therefore, in this hymn, Ambrose teaches that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and “not by human
flesh and blood” (stanza 2). Jesus’ life began in the womb of His mother; here He is named “Virgin’s Son”
(stanza 1) and “Woman’s Offspring” (stanza 2). Ambrose uses language from the Nicene Creed in stanza
4 that also contradicts Arian heresy: “God of God” and “fully man.”
The imagery in this hymn describes Jesus as a king whose throne is in Mary’s womb, His “pure and
kingly hall” (stanza 4). The hymn continues to describe Jesus’ course of salvation as He was victorious
over death. Jesus’ light shines in the darkness (stanza 7), and His salvation is for all people, including
those living in darkness and in the shadow of death (Matthew 4:16). We have comfort in knowing that our
faith abides in Christ whose light shines from the manger and through the cross.

Catechism: The Second Article of the Apostles Creed

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin
Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third
day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father
Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.
What does this mean? I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and
also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord, who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person,
purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver,
but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, that I may be His own and
live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness,
just as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity. This is most certainly true.


(3 years old - 8th grade)
Rehearsals (meet in Room 204):
Wednesday, November 28, 5:15 – 5:40 p.m.
Wednesday, December 5, 5:15 – 5:40 p.m.
Wednesday, December 12, 5:15 – 5:40 p.m.
Dress Rehearsal (meet in the Nave):
Saturday, December 15, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Christmas Program:
Wednesday, December 19, 6:30 p.m.


It hardly seems possible, but only a month remains in the “Year of Our Lord” 2018. At this time, the
Church Council and the Board of Stewardship wish to remind and encourage everyone to bring your year
2018 contributions up to date. The congregation’s financial books for 2018 will be closed for the year on
December 31, 2018. As per Federal regulations, contributions intended for 2018 must be received (or
postmarked) on or by 12/31/18 in order to be credited in 2018. 4th Quarter/Year-end contribution
statements will be mailed near the middle of January 2019. Thank you for your regular and continued
support of your congregation’s work!


Contribution envelopes will be available to be picked up in the breezeway mid-December. Your envelope
number may have changed for 2019. Please use the instructions on the clipboard located on the tables with
the contribution boxes to locate your box of envelopes. If you did not receive a contribution box or if you
have any questions regarding contribution boxes/envelopes, please speak with Yvonne Berry in the church
office. A Reminder! Please do not use your 2019 contribution envelopes before January 2019. This will
ensure that your contribution statements will be credited accurately. Thank you!


In an effort to keep our congregation informed about our financial situation, the Board of Stewardship
has agreed to publish monthly budget reports. These reports are designed to give you a snapshot of our
congregational support of the budget adopted by the voter’s assembly for 2018. We hope that you will
find this information useful.
Budget through October 31 $628,386.70
Budget Receipts through October 31 $574,917.77
Over (Under) Budget Year to Date ($53,468.93)


We have mentioned this before, but since it is getting close to tax time, we are providing it again. This
only applies to members who are at least 70 ½ and are required to withdraw funds from their retirement
accounts. As those who must do this know, these withdrawals are taxed as income. A way to defer part or
all of those taxes is through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (Contribution). If you have been giving to
St. John’s with your charitable gifts each year, or are seeking a way to contribute, we would advise you
to look into this option with your financial advisor if you meet the above-mentioned criteria. We believe
you will be glad you did. Board of Stewardship


Please remember that the speed limit in the alley way behind St. John’s is 15 m.p.h. This is especially
important to observe since cars must back out of garages (blindly), the households along the alley way
include children and grandchildren, and there’s school traffic in and out of Mater Dei.


Anyone interested in a Fall through Winter project of renewing, repairing, and painting the window putty
on the Breezeway windows and the lower portions of the stained-glass windows on the Courtyard side of
the nave is asked to contact Trustees chair Jeff LaCrone or Dennis Hintz. Jeff can be contacted at
785.969.1387 or Dennis at 785.235.9684. Please leave a message to return your call.


Please check the Flower Calendar on the bulletin board outside of the church offices. The 2019 Flower
Calendar should be posted by the time you receive this newsletter. If you would like to provide flowers
for a particular service this coming year, please sign your name and phone number by the date of your


The Welfare Fund provides monetary assistance to members who have special needs. If you wish to contribute
to this cause, please make your check payable to St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church with “Welfare” on the memo
line. In addition to monetary gifts, The Crisis Response Team, under the Human Care Team and The Board
of Missions, prepares and delivers meals and purchases groceries and gift certificates at Christmas time
and for members in need of assistance throughout the year.
If you would be willing to assist in providing meals and/or delivering poinsettias during the Christmas
season, please contact Pam Harms [email protected] or call the office at 354-7132. This is an
immediate need.

This year has presented many challenges for Doorstep, and thankfully many blessings. Since they ended
2017 with fewer financial gifts than in the past, they have struggled with agency expenses, and grant funds
that work on reimbursement throughout the year. Once again in December, they are working on their
annual Christmas Store. Doorstep has requested 260 households from the Christmas Bureau Sign-up this
year. There will be 800+ individuals in these households, and Doorstep is committed to helping them with
Christmas gifts and food.
To do this, they need your help! They collect clothing, household items, blankets, school supplies, hygiene
items, decorations, and more throughout the year. They did not have the funds to do clearance shopping
for winter clothing in the first quarter of this year. Therefore, they have less clothing for all ages saved for
the Store.
Doorstep is greatly in need of new winter clothing for infants & toddlers, youth, boys & girls, sizes 6-16,
women and men. Women like the sweat sets, pajama pants & tops & long nightgowns. The men can use
sweat sets, long sleeved shirts & boxer briefs (all sizes). All children receive an outfit and a set of pajamas.
The youth section, sizes 6-16, is the largest age range we help, and we always must buy clothing in these
sizes to cover the children we have adopted. They also need toys for all children, and gifts for teenagers.
Monetary gifts are also greatly appreciated to help cover the food expenses of the Christmas Store, which
is their largest expense.

The Christmas Store is the week of December 9 – 13. They need volunteers each day. Flyers have been
distributed with the dates and times. Each adopted family goes around the store with an escort. They
schedule 19 households per hour during distribution, so they need volunteer escorts!
You can bring donations for the Doorstep Christmas Store, Monday – Friday from 8am – 3pm., or drop
them off at the Doorstep display in the church. You can also donate online at: www.doorsteptopeka.org

1. You are invited to the TLS Christmas program, K-8 grades, which will be held on Tuesday,
December 18 at 7:00 pm, in the TLS Gym. Refreshments will be served following the performance.
2. Students will be performing Christmas music at McCrite Assisted Living on December 12 at 1:30
to 2:00 pm and at Atria Assisted Living on Thursday, December 20 (time TBD). We hope you can
stop by!
3. As a quick reminder, for those Thrivent members who are eligible to participate in the CHOICE
program, TLS would appreciate your consideration of designating the school as a recipient. This
program has generously provided approximately $8,000 in grant funds to TLS in 2017 which
provided additional resources to the school's tuition assistance program. Thank you for your on-
going support of TLS.
4. Save the Date-
The Augustana College Choir, Rock Island, IL. under the direction of Jon Hurty, will be
performing at Grace Cathedral on Monday, February 18th, at 7:00 p.m. The Topeka High School
choir will be joining them in some selections. Lutheran Fine Arts Council of Topeka will be
responsible for housing the 60 students and will be asking for your help at that time.


LWML Bazaar & Luncheon: It’s right around the corner. Please mark Friday, December 7, 2018 on
your calendar for the St. John’s LWML Bazaar and Luncheon. It’s time to think about what you can bring
to this event to ensure we have another successful bazaar. The ticket price for an adult is $8.00 and $3.00
for a child. Booths open at 10:30 a.m. and the Luncheon is from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. In addition, we
also will have one of the largest “Cookie Walks” in Topeka. The price for the cookies is $6.00 a pound.
As in the past few years, we will be selling woodworking items, homemade craft items, gift items,
paintings, quilts, etc. We will again be offering a baked goods area and the Sweet Shop. The proceeds will
be divided among many different local and national missions. Without the contributions from St. John’s
members and the participation from the general public, this would not be possible. We thank you in
advance for your help. Items may be brought to church on Wednesday, December 5 and Thursday,
December 6 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Additional information will be available in the Sunday bulletins.
We would like to ask for 4-6 volunteers for the congregation to help serve the Luncheon. Our ladies work
hard and never have time to eat or shop and with more volunteers this would give them a short break. We
would also like to emphasize that all the money received, less expenses, from this Christmas Luncheon
and bazaar, will be given to Missions, both locally and abroad. Watch the newsletter in January or
February and you will see where these funds were sent for this year.
Thank you in advance for your support, by volunteering, contributions, attending and purchasing items
and enjoying the wonderful luncheon.


The pastors are in the beginning stages of creating a more cohesive and coherent curriculum for our high
school youth Sunday School class. Our vision? A comprehensive curriculum, regularly repeatable (every
2 or 3 years) that works through the critical questions Christians face as they mature from childhood to
adulthood. Our goal? To apply the Word of God faithfully to these questions to keep our young people in
the Faith and to give parents additional incentive to make sure their kids regularly attend the high school
youth Sunday School class.
Here’s where you come in. We’d like you to send us your “critical questions”—the questions every
Christian needs an answer to. You can communicate them to us orally, via email ([email protected]
and/or [email protected]), via text, on the phone, in writing—whatever. We’ll amass those questions
that need a solid, biblical answer, and use them, along with many of our own, as the spine of our
To get the juices flowing: The answer to what question would have made a difference to you as you
matured in the Faith? What have you only recently discovered that would have made a big difference to
you as you grew up? What do you know today that you wish you knew years ago? What killer question
has plagued you for a long time?


As we near the end of this year, we are concluding our first year of Sunday School using the curriculum
based on the one-year lectionary. This has been an exciting year seeing the kids really grow in their
understanding of the Gospel reading for the Sunday. It really helps them understand what the sermon is
about each Sunday. We continue to incorporate this across the grades.

December 2: 1st Sunday in Advent Jesus' Entrance into Jerusalem Luke 20: 23-37
December 9: 2nd Sunday in Advent The Second Coming of Christ Luke 21:25-36
December 16: Gaudete Sunday The Lord's Messenger Matthew 11:2-20
December 23 & 30 No Sunday School

Please help share the warmth. St. John’s is having a “Coat Drive” to give a warm coat/jacket to those in
the neighborhood in need of one. The coats will be distributed by Doorstep and Grace Cathedral. If you
have a used coat in good condition that you no longer need please consider donating it to our “Coat Drive”.
New coats will be accepted also. Coats should be left at the “Coat Drive” drop off location, on the coat
racks in the narthex, on both sides of the main entry doors. The “Coat Drive” goes thru January 31. After
that, used coats may still be donated to “Doorstep” using the Doorstep display at church. Thank you!


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19–20a)
So that we may obtain faith in Christ, God instituted the ministry of teaching the gospel and administering
the sacraments. Through the gospel and sacraments, as through means, God gives the Holy Spirit who
produces faith, where and when He wills, in those who hear the gospel. (Augsburg Confession, Article 5)

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