Be Conscious of The Future - Prophet T.B Joshua
Be Conscious of The Future - Prophet T.B Joshua
Be Conscious of The Future - Prophet T.B Joshua
Never come around people just because of what you can get but come around people because of what you can give. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). Rewards of faithfulness - A faithful man will abound with blessings (Proverbs 28:20). Grateful receiving like gracious giving comes from the heart. There must be mutual giving, understanding and love. This is the kind of relationship approved of God. By giving, we mean making sacrifice, not giving only those things we do not really need, but what our life depends on, what we cherish. Each party should be ready to make some sacrifice in order to keep their relationship going. If you want to keep a relationship, you would not visit your friends, your partners only at your spare time the time you do not have any serious matter at hand. Many of us are here just because we dont have any other serious commitment that calls for our attention; just as many are not here today because of what they consider as a more serious commitment. As a man of faith, coming to the church should be given first priority over all other commitment. God is your source; He supplies your need. The Christian who gives his best to God expects Gods best in all areas of life (2 Corinthians 9:8). Remember the encounter between Prophet Elijah and the widow. Elijah said to her, You can still spare out of it for me because nothing is too small to share with others. This means every man has something big or small to plant. The poor widow gave something she cherished something her life depended on. What we cherish most we are unwilling to give out. It therefore makes us selfish and stingy. Selfishness and stinginess are a weakness. The woman gave what she cherished what her life depended on. She did not hold back in giving her only foodstuff to feed the prophet. As she was giving to the prophet, little did she know that she was planting a seed that would be multiplied back unto her a hundredfold. She never expected to receive anything in return for the service of feeding the prophet. In giving, we should not expect anything in return because God is the rewarder of those who give in truth (Matthew 6:4). You who say you do not have enough to spare, remember the poor widow. You dont receive because you dont give. When you give, you dont receive because you give wrongly you give in murmur (James 4:2-3). God loves a cheerful giver. When you share the little you have with others, remember God is able to give more than you need so that you can always have enough for every good cause (2 Corinthians 9:6-10). The most important thing to remember in living the abundant life is to Be A Giver. A major factor in living a life of abundance is Be A Cheerful Giver first to God, then to your fellow man.
The primary reason in asking for Gods blessings should be to share them with others. When your needs are met, you have an abundance to share with those around you. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that giving is the beginning of blessing (Luke 6:38). When you give, people around you would start giving to you. Take note you must give in truth. Everything you have as a Christian came from God. Everything you will receive in your future will come from God. When you give for Gods sake, you are planting seeds that would be multiplied back unto you. Mark 10:29-30 teaches us that he who gives for Gods sake would receive a hundredfold of whatever he gives. Whatever you give does not only meet the need of Gods people but also produces an outpouring of gratitude to God (2 Corinthians 9:12-13). If I give, I am helping Gods people and at the same time showing appreciation to God for His provision. Act 5 Ananias and Saphira held back. I mean they did not give according to the will of God. When we give an unworthy offering, we are not only holding back, we are lying to the Holy Spirit. In other words, there is no blessing for those who give against their will.