Test 4 (02 - Oct) - NEET 2023 NEETprep Test Series
Test 4 (02 - Oct) - NEET 2023 NEETprep Test Series
Test 4 (02 - Oct) - NEET 2023 NEETprep Test Series
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and fill in the particulars on ORIGINAL Copy carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 1 hour 45 minutes duration and the Test Booklet contains 100 multiple-choice questions (four options with
a single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology). 25 questions in each subject are
divided into two Sections (A and B) as per details given below:
(a) Section A shall consist of 17 (Seventeen) Questions in each subject (Question Nos - 1 to 17, 26 to 42, 51 to 67 and
76 to 92). All questions are compulsory.
(b) Section B shall consist of 8 (Eight) questions in each subject (Question Nos - 18 to 25, 43 to 50, 68 to 75 and 93 to
1. The Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the Answer sheet
100). In Section B, a candidate needs to attempt any 6 (Six) questions out of 8 (Eight) in each subject.
and fill in the particulars on ORIGINAL Copy carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
The test is ofare advised
1 hour to readduration
45 minutes all 8 questions
and the in
Testeach subject
Booklet of Section
contains B before they start
100 multiple-choice attempting
questions the
(four options with
question paper. answer)
a single correct In the event
a candidate attempting
Chemistry more than
and Biology five questions,
(Botany the first
and Zoology). six questions
25 questions answered
in each subject by
the candidate
divided into two shall be evaluated.
Sections (A and B) as per details given below:
3. Each question carries 4 marks. For each correct response, the candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response,
1. The Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the Answer sheet
one mark will be deducted from the total scores. The maximum marks are 368.
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2. The test is of 1 hour 45 minutes duration and the Test Booklet contains 100 multiple-choice questions (four options with
5. Rough work is to be done in the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only.
a single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology). 25 questions in each subject are
6. Syllabus of this test is:
divided into two Sections (A and B) as per details given below:
Physics: (1) Work, Energy & Power (2) Electric Charges & Fields (3) Electrostatic Potential & Capacitance
3. Each
Chemistry: (4)carries
question 4 marks.
Classification For each &
of Elements correct response,
Periodicity the candidate
in Properties will Bonding
(5) Chemical get 4 marks. For each
(6) Organic incorrect
Chemistry: response,
Some Basic
one mark will
Principles & be deducted
Techniques from
(Only the total scores.
Nomenclature The maximum marks are 368.
& Isomerism)
4. Use Blue/ (7)
Biology: Black
Point Pen only for writing particulars
(8) Reproductive on this page/
Health (9) Strategies marking responses
for Enhancement on Answer(Plant
in Food Production Sheet.
Breeding &
5. Rough work
Tissue is to (10)
Culture) be done in the
Microbes space provided
in Human forOrganisms
Welfare (11) this purpose in the Test(12)
& Populations Booklet only.of Inheritance & Variations
6. Sy (Monohybrid & Dihybrid Cross)
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
12. The technology of biogas production was developed 16. Classical plant breeding:
in India mainly by the contribution of: 1. Involves crossing or hybridisation of purelines
1. KVIC and IARI 2. Involves artificial selection of plants with desirable
2. NEERI and RRI traits after hybridisation
3. KVIC and NEERI 3. Both (1) and (2)
4. IARI and NEERI 4. Utilizes molecular genetic tools
13. Read the following statements: 17. Assertion: 99% of animals and nearly all plants are
(i) Trichoderma is a symbiotic algae which is common conformers.
in root ecosystems and effective against several plant Reason: Mammals and birds are regulators.
pathogens 1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is
(ii) Dragonflies are biocontrol agents the correct explanation of the assertion
(iii) Bacillus thuringiensis spores are mixed in alcohol 2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is
and sprayed to vulnerable plants like brassicas and fruit not the correct explanation of the assertion
trees 3. Assertion is true but reason is false
(iv) Baculoviruses attack arthropods and other insects 4. Both assertion and reason are false
(v) Nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) have species-specific,
broad spectrum insecticidal applications Botany - Section B
Which of the above statements are correct?
1. (i) and (iii) 18. The interacting species live closely together in which
2. (ii), (iii) and (iv) of the following interaction?
3. (ii) and (v) 1. Parasitism, Predation and Commensalism
4. (ii) and (iv) 2. Commensalism, Amensalism
3. Mutualism and Competition
14. Assertion: While working on Staphylocci, Alexander 4. Parasitism, Mutualism, Commensalism
Fleming observed that Penicillium notatum inhibits the
growth of the bacteria. 19. Assertion: Among red, green and brown algae, the
Reason: This inhibiting chemical was commercially red algae are found in the deepest ocean.
extracted and its full potential was established by Reason: Red algae posses phycobilins, which can absorb
Alexander Fleming. the blue and green light that penetrates the deepest
1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is water.
the correct explanation of the assertion 1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion
not the correct explanation of the assertion 2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is
3. Assertion is true but reason is false not the correct explanation of the assertion
4. Both assertion and reason are false 3. Assertion is true but reason is false
4. Both assertion and reason are false
15. Assertion: Biofertilizers are preferred over chemical
fertilizers. 20. To get pollinated by a bee, the Mediterranean
Reason: Chemical fertilizers are more hazardous to the Orchid, Ophrys, employs:
environment. 1. Sexual deceit
1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is 2. Pseudo-copulation
the correct explanation of the assertion 3. Reward in the form of Nectar
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is 4. Place for laying eggs
not the correct explanation of the assertion
3. Assertion is true but reason is false 21. Biofortification includes the improvement in all,
4. Both assertion and reason are false except
1. Vitamin content
2. Micronutrient content
3. Carbohydrate Content
4. Protein content
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
22. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains have been used for 28. The primary mechanism by which the combination
designing novel - oral contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy is by:
1. Bioinsecticidal plants 1. preventing ovulation
2. Bio-mineralization processes 2. causing follicular atresia
3. Biofertilizers 3. preventing implantation
4. Bio-metallurgical techniques 4. causing increase in sperm mortality in birth canal
23. High aspartic acid, low nitrogen, and sugar content 29. Which of the following is a recessive trait in Pisum
leads to resistance against stem borers in sativum?
1. Wheat 1. Yellow pod color
2. Cotton 2. Axial flower position
3. Maize 3. Inflated pod shape
4. Brassica 4. Violet flower color
24. Assertion: Wine and beer are 'soft' liquors whereas 30. Hormones secreted by the placenta to maintain
whisky, brandy, rum and vodka are 'hard' liquors. pregnancy are
Reason: Wine and beer are processed without distillation 1. hCG, hPL, progesterone, prolactin
whereas as whisky, brandy rum and vodka are processed 2. hCG, hPL, oestrogens, relaxin, oxytocin
by distillation. 3. hCG, hPL, progesterone, estrogens
1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is 4. hCG, progesterone, estrogens, glucocorticoids
the correct explanation of the assertion
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is 31. In context of amniocentesis, which of the following
not the correct explanation of the assertion statements is incorrect?
3. Assertion is true but reason is false 1. it is used for prenatal sex determination
4. Both assertion and reason are false 2. it can be used for detection of down's syndrome
3. it can be used for detection of cleft palate
25. Baculoviruses are pathogens that 4. it is usually done when a woman is between 14-16
1. Attack insects and arthropods weeks pregnant.
2. Have genus Nucleopolyhedrovirus
3. Show specific insecticidal application 32. The hormones that attain a peak level in the middle
4. All of the above of the menstrual cycle include:
I. Oestrogen
Zoology - Section A II. Progesterone
26. Seminal plasma mainly consists of contributions IV. FSH
from all the following except: 1. I, II, and III only
1. Testes 2. I, III, and IV only
2. Seminal vesicles 3. II, III, and IV only
3. Prostate 4. I, II, III, and IV
4. Bulbo-urethral glands
33. Identify the incorrect statement:
27. The primary mechanism of action of copper IUDs is 1. Fetal ejection reflex is initiated by a fully developed
that they prevent: fetus and placenta
1. fertilization 2. Colostrum contains IgA class of antibodies and is
2. ovulation very important for new born
3. implantation 3. For fertility, at least 60% of sperms in semen should
4. insemination show vigorous motility
4. The most common site of fertilization is the oviduct
and that of implantation is endometrium
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
34. A true breeding plant is 38. Which of the following events is not associated with
1. one that is able to breed on its own ovulation in human female?
2. produced due to cross-pollination among unrelated 1. Decrease in Oestradiol
plants 2. Full development of Graafian follicle
3. near homozygous and produces offspring of its own 3. Release of secondary oocyte
kind 4. LH Surge
4. always homozygous recessive in its genetic
constitution 39. Artificial insemination means:
1. Transfer of sperms of husband to a test tube
35. In pea plants, yellow seeds are dominant to green. If containing ova
a heterozygous yellow seeded plant is crossed with a 2. Artificial introduction of sperms of a healthy donor
green seeded plant, what ratio of yellow and green into the vagina
seeded plants would you expect in F1generation ? 3. Introduction of sperms of a healthy donor directly into
1. 50:50 the ovary
2. 9:1 4. Transfer of sperms of healthy donor to a test tube
3. 1:3 containing ova
4. 3:1
40. Government of India legalized Medical Termination
36. Match each item in Column I with one in Column II of Pregnancy in:
and select your answer from the codes given: 1. 1971
COLUMN 2. 1975
COLUMN II 3. 1993
4. 2017
a. injection of washed sperm into the uterus
with a catheter 41. The main function of mammalian corpus luteum is to
b. an egg fertilized in vitro (outside the produce:
B. ZIFT body) is placed into a woman's fallopian 1. Oestrogen only
tube 2. progesterone
c. eggs are removed from a woman's 3. human chorionic gonadotropin
C. GIFT ovaries, and placed in one of the Fallopian 4. relaxin only
tubes, along with the man's sperm
d. injection of a single sperm directly into a 42. Before placenta takes over, what structure secretes
D. ICSI large amounts of progesterone to support pregnancy?
mature egg
1. Corpus albicans
2. Graafian follicle
A B C D 3. Chorion
1. a b c d 4. Corpus luteum
2. d b c a
3. a c b d Zoology - Section B
4. d c b a
43. In a dihybrid cross between two pea plants with
37. Which of the following sexually transmitted round and yellow seeds [heterozygous at both loci], the
infections is completely curable if diagnosed and treated yellow and green color will segregate in a ratio:
early? 1. 1 : 1
1. Hepatitis B 2. 3 : 1
2. Syphilis 3. 1 : 1 : 1 : 1
3. Genital herpes 4. 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
4. HIV
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
44. At what stage of the follicular development does the 50. In a plant red fruit (R) is dominant over yellow fruit
primary oocyte complete its first meiotic division? (r) and tallness (T) is dominant over shortness (t). If a
1. Primary follicle plant with RRTt genotype is crossed with a plant that is
2. Secondary follicle rrtt
3. Tertiary follicle 1. 50% will be tall with red fruit
4. Graafian follicle 2. 75% will be tall with red fruit
3. All the offspring will be tall with red fruit
45. Which of these is not an important component of 4. 25% will be tall with red fruit
initiation of parturition in humans?
1. Increase in oestrogen and progesterone ratio Chemistry - Section A
2. Synthesis of prostaglandins
3. Release of oxytocin 51. The IUPAC name of the following compound is -
4. Release of prolactin
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
52. The correct structure of P Cl 3 F2 is 55. The compounds that show geometrical isomerism
among the following are:
a. 2-Butene
b. Propene
c. 1-Phenylpropene
d. 2-Methylbut-2-ene
1. a, b
1. 2. c, d
3. a, b, c
4. a, c
1. C and D only
2. A and B only
3. A and C only
4. B and C only
3. Alkyl halides
2. He 2
4. Cyanides
3. H −
4. H 2−
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
60. The incorrect order of given properties is- 64. What is the IUPAC name of this compound?
1. Van der waal radius - Ne < F < O
2. Negative electron gain enthalpy - O < Se < S
3. Electronegativity – Cl– < Cl < Cl+
4. Ionisation potential - P > S > Si
1. B O , CaO
2 3 2 2 5
D : 1s 2s 2p
2. B O , SiO
2 3 2
The element having a maximum difference between the
3. N O , BaO
first and second ionization energy is
4. CaO , SiO 2
1. A
63. Among the following, the order that presents the 2. C
correct sequence of the increasing basic nature of the 3. B
given oxides is - 4. D
1. Al O < MgO < Na O < K O
2 3 2 2
66. Assertion(A): SF4 has two significant lp-bp
2. MgO < K O < Al O < Na O
2 2 3 2
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Chemistry - Section B 74. The IUPAC name of the given compound is-
1. 1-Chloro-2-nitro-4-methylbenzene
2. 1-Chloro-4-methyl-2-nitrobenzene
3. 2-Chloro-1-nitro-5-methylbenezene
1. 4 4. m-Nitro-p-chlorotoluene
2. 5
3. 6 75. From the given pairs below, the pair in which both
4. 7 elements have the same electronegativity is
1. O and Cl
69. Which of the following species has the highest bond 2. N and Cl
energy? 3. N and Br
1. N2 4. C and Br
2. CO
3. CO+ Physics - Section A
4. N +
76. A and B are two concentric metallic shells. If A is
70. The IUPAC name of the compound positively charged and B is earthed, then electric:
CH3-CH=CH – C ≡ CH is
1. Pent - 4 - yn-2-ene
2. Pent -3-en-1-yne
3. pent – 2– en – 4 – yne
4. Pent – 1 – yn –3 –ene
varies from 2 V to 4 V from point to point. There are no
1. -1 charges in the interior of the region.
2. +1 Assertion (A): The potential at the centre cannot be 0 V.
3. +5 Reason (R): Potential in the interior of a sphere must
4. -3 always be greater than the potential on the surface.
1. (A) is true but (R) is false.
73. With respect to the conformers of ethane, which of 2. (A) is false but (R) is true.
the following statements is true? 3. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
1. Bond angle changes but bond length remains same explanation of (A).
2. Both bond angle and bond length change 4. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
3. Both bond angle and bond length remains same explanation of (A).
4. Bond angle remains same but bond length changes
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
78. An infinite line charge produces a field of 84. Assertion: Electrons move away from a low
9×10 4 N/C at a distance of 2 cm. The linear charge potential to a high potential region.
density is: Reason: Electrons are negatively charged.
1. 0. 1 μC/m
1. Both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is
2. 100 μC/m the correct explanation of the assertion.
3. 1.0 μC/m 2. Both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not
4. 10 μC/m the correct explanation of the assertion.
3. Assertion is a true statement but Reason is false.
79. The charge on 500 cc of water due to protons will 4. Assertion is false but Reason is true.
85. An elevator can carry a maximum load of 1800 kg
1. 6.0 × 1027 C
(elevator + passengers) is moving up with a constant
2. 2.67 × 107 C speed of 2 m/s. The frictional force opposing the motion
3. 6 × 1023 C is 4000 N. The minimum power delivered by the motor
4. 1.67 × 10 C to the elevator is:
1. 59000 W
80. 512 identical drops of mercury are charged to a 2. 44000 W
potential of 2 V each. The drops are joined to 3. 11000 W
form a single drop. The potential of this drop is: 4. 22000 W
1. 32 V
2. 64 V 86. Statement I: In an elastic collision, the relative
3. 96 V velocity of approach equals the relative velocity of
4. 128 V separation.
Statement II: In an elastic collision, the kinetic energy
81. The total work done on a particle is equal to the before the collision is equal to the kinetic energy after
change in its kinetic energy the collision.
1. always 1. Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is correct.
2. only if the forces acting on it are conservative 2. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
3. only if gravitational force alone acts on it 3. Both Statement I and statement II are incorrect.
4. only if elastic force alone acts on it 4. Statement I is correct and statement II is incorrect.
82. A proton and an electron are placed in a uniform 87. A force acts on a 2 kg object so that its position is
electric field. given as a function of time as x = 3t + 5. What is the
3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
2. 1 4. Assertion is false but reason is true.
4. b
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
89. An electric dipole is placed at an angle of 30° with 94. Consider the charges q, q and -q placed at the
an electric field of intensity 2 × 10 NC . It5 −1
vertices of an equilateral triangle of each side l. The
experiences a torque equal to 4 N-m. The charge on the force on each charge (q) is:
dipole, if the dipole length is 2 cm is:
1. F =
1. 8 mC 4πε0 l
2. 4 mC 2. F =
4πε0 l
3. 6 mC q
4. 2 mC 3. F =
4πε0 l
4. zero
90. Statement I: Gauss law for electric fields is a
consequence of the conservation of energy. 95. A particle of mass 4M kg at rest splits into two
Statement II: Coulomb's law for electric charges leads particles of mass M and 3M. The ratio of the kinetic
to a conservative electric field. energies of mass M and 3M would be:
1. Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is correct. 1. 3 : 1
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct. 2. 1 : 4
3. Both Statement I and statement II are incorrect. 3. 1 : 1
4. Statement I is correct and statement II is incorrect. 4. 1 : 3
91. A charge of 5 C is moved in an electric field of a 96. A particle of mass m is attached to a light string of
fixed charge distribution from point A to another point B length I, the other end of which is fixed. Initially, the
slowly. If the work done by the external agent doing this string is kept horizontal and the particle is given an
work is 75 J, then potential difference (VA – VB) will upward velocity v. The particle is just able to complete a
be: circle.
1. 15 volt (a) The string becomes slack when the particle reaches
2. 10 volt its highest point.
3. –15 volt (b) The velocity of the particle becomes zero at the
4. –10 volt highest point.
(c) The kinetic energy of the ball in its initial position
92. A hexagon of side 8 cm has a charge 4 μC at each of was mv = mgl.
1 2
its vertices. The potential at the centre of the hexagon is: (d) The particle again passes through the initial position.
1. 2.7 × 10 V
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Test #4 (02-Oct) Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
2. r
3. r√K
4. rK
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