Test 9 Oct - NEET 2023 NEETprep Test Series
Test 9 Oct - NEET 2023 NEETprep Test Series
Test 9 Oct - NEET 2023 NEETprep Test Series
: 1231231
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This Booklet contains 12 pages.
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1. The Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the Answer sheet
and fill in the particulars on ORIGINAL Copy carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 1 hour 45 minutes duration and the Test Booklet contains 100 multiple-choice questions (four options with
a single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology). 25 questions in each subject are
divided into two Sections (A and B) as per details given below:
(a) Section A shall consist of 17 (Seventeen) Questions in each subject (Question Nos - 1 to 17, 26 to 42, 51 to 67 and
76 to 92). All questions are compulsory.
(b) Section B shall consist of 8 (Eight) questions in each subject (Question Nos - 18 to 25, 43 to 50, 68 to 75 and 93 to
1. The Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the Answer sheet
100). In Section B, a candidate needs to attempt any 6 (Six) questions out of 8 (Eight) in each subject.
and fill in the particulars on ORIGINAL Copy carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
The test is ofare advised
1 hour to readduration
45 minutes all 8 questions
and the inTesteach subject
Booklet of Section
contains B before they start
100 multiple-choice attempting
questions the
(four options with
question paper. answer)
a single correct In the event
a candidate attempting
Chemistry more than
and Biology five questions,
(Botany the first
and Zoology). six questions
25 questions answered
in each subject by
the candidate
divided into two shall be evaluated.
Sections (A and B) as per details given below:
3. The
1. EachAnswer
question carries
Sheet 4 marks.
is inside this For
Testeach correct
Booklet. response,
When you arethe candidate
directed will get
to open the 4Test
marks. For each
Booklet, take incorrect response,
out the Answer sheet
one mark
and will particulars
fill in the be deducted onfrom the total
ORIGINAL Copy scores. The with
carefully maximum
blue/blackmarksballare 368.
point pen only.
4. The
2. Use test
Blue/ is Black
of 1 hourBall45Point Pen duration
minutes only for writing
and theparticulars
Test Booklet on contains
this page/ marking
100 responsesquestions
multiple-choice on Answer Sheet.
(four options with
5. a
Rough work is to be done in the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only.
single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology). 25 questions in each subject are
6. divided
Syllabusintoof this
twotest is:
Sections (A and B) as per details given below:
3. Each question carriesCharges
Physics: (1) Electric 4 marks.& Fields (2) Electrostatic
For each Potential
correct response, & Capacitance
the candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response,
Chemistry: (3) Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles
one mark will be deducted from the total scores. The maximum marks & Techniques (Nomenclature,
are 368. Isomerism & Electronic Effects)
4. Use Blue/ Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page/(7)
Biology: (4) Organisms & Populations (5) Ecosystem (6) Reproductive Health Principles
marking of Inheritance
responses & Variations
on Answer Sheet.
(Monohybrid & Dihybrid Cross, Incomplete Dominance, Co-dominance,
5. Rough work is to be done in the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only. Multiple Allelism, Pleiotropy, Polygenic Inheritance &
6. Sy Linkage)
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: in words
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
10 Assertion (A) : A person goes to high altitude and 13 Consider the following statements (A)-(D) each
experiences 'altitude sickness' with symptoms like with one or two blanks :
breathing difficulty and heart palpitations. (A) Bears go into ________ (1) _ during winter to
Reason (R) : Due to low atmospheric pressure at high ________ (2) _ cold weather.
altitude, the body does not get sufficient oxygen. (B) A conical age pyramid with a broad base represents
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct _________ (3) human population.
answer from the options given below. (C) A wasp pollinating a fig flower is an example of
1. (A) is true but (R) is false ________ (4) _ .
2. (A) is false but (R) is true (D) An area with high levels of species richness is
3. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct known as _________ (5) .
explanation of (A) Which of the following options, gives the correct fill ups
4. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct for the respective blank numbers from(1) to (5) in the
explanation of (A) statements ?
1. (1) - hibernation, (2) - escape, 3) - expanding, (5) - hot
11 Productivity is the rate of production of biomass spot
expressed in 2. (3) - stable, (4) - commensalism, (5) - marsh
(i) (kcal m
) yr
(ii) gm
−1 3. (1) - aestivation, (2) - escape, (3) - stable, (4) -
−1 −1 −2 −1
(iii) g yr (iv) (kcal m ) yr
4. (3) - expanding, (4) - commensalism, (5) -
(1) (ii) biodiversity park
(2) (iii)
(3) (ii) and (iv) 14 In which of the following, both the pairs have the
(4) (i) and (iii) correct combination?
(a) Gaseous nutrient cycle Carbon and nitrogen
12 Assertion: Small sized organisms are rarely found Sedimentary nutrient cycle Sulphur and phosphorous
in polar regions. (b) Gaseous nutrient cycle Carbon and sulphur
Reason: Small sized animals have larger surface-area Sedimentary nutrient cycle Nitrogen and phosphorus
relative to their volume and they have to spend much
energy to generate body heat through metabolism. (c) Gaseous nutrient cycle Nitrogen and sulphur
1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is Sedimentary nutrient cycle Carbon and Phosphorous
the correct explanation of the assertion (d) Gaseous nutrient cycle Sulphur and phosphorous
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is Sedimentary nutrient cycle Carbon and nitrogen
not the correct explanation of the assertion 1. a
3. Assertion is true but reason is false 2. b
4. Both assertion and reason are false 3. c
4. d
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
24 How do Lichens play a vital role in succession? 29 The best example for pleiotropy is:-
1. They grow in pollution free area 1. Skin color
2. They secrete acids to dissolve rock, helping in 2. Phenylketonuria
weathering and soil formation. 3. Colour Blindness
3. They are symbiotic association between fungi and 4. ABO Blood group
4. More than one options are correct. 30 In Antirrhinum (Snapdragon), a red flower was
crossed with a white flower and in F1 generation, pink
25 “Detritus food chain may be connected with the flowers were obtained. When pink flowers were selfed,
grazing food chain at some levels”. This is evident from the F generation showed white, red and pink flowers.
(i) Some of the organisms of DFC are prey to the GFC Choose the incorrect statement from the following:
animals 1. Law of Segregation does not apply in this experiment
(ii) In a natural ecosystem, some animals like 2. This experiment does not follow the Principle of
cockroaches, crows, etc., are omnivores. Dominance
(iii) Some of the organisms of GFC are facultative 3. Pink colour in F is due to incomplete dominance
1. i and iii
2. i and ii 31 A dihybrid test cross leads to a frequency of
3. ii and iii recombinants of 50% in progeny. The most obvious
4. i only conclusion will be:
1. The two genes likely are located on different
B iology 2-S ection A chromosomes.
2. All of the offspring have combinations of traits that
26 Which of the following observations regarding a match one of the two parents.
3. Abnormal meiosis has occurred.
monohybrid cross cannot be explained with the Law of
4. Independent assortment is hindered
1. Expression of only one of the parental characters in F1
32 The number of recessive traits in garden pea in the
2. Expression of both parental characters in F2
list given in the box below is:
3. 3:1 phenotypic ratio in F2 dwarf stem height, wrinkled seed shape, yellow seed
4. A gamete receives only one of the two-unit factors color; yellow pod color, inflated pod shape, terminal
present in the parent. flower position, violet flower color
1. 2
27 A dihybrid test cross results in a 50% frequency of 2. 3
recombinants in progeny. This shows that: 3. 4
1. The two genes are most likely located on different 4. 5
2. One of the genes must be located on the X 33 The progeny of a dihybrid test cross AaBb x aabb
chromosome show the following genotypes: AaBb 160, Aabb 460,
3. The two genes are closely linked on the same aaBb 440, aabb 140. The recombination frequency
chromosome between the two loci is:
4. The two genes must be pleiotropic 1. 12.5 %
2. 25 %
28 An F2 phenotypic ratio of 1 : 4 : 6 : 4 : 1 from a 3. 15 %
cross AaBb X AaBb is expected in the case of: 4. 30 %
1. Dominant epistasis
2. Complementary genes 34 If the F1 progeny in a monohybrid cross resembles
3. Polygenic inheritance both parents, most likely the alleles exhibit:
4. Independent assortment 1. Incomplete dominance
2. Co-dominance
3. Complete dominance
4. Lack of segregation
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
35 When a cluster of genes show linkage behaviour 41 Match the terms in Column I with their description
they : - in Column II and choose the correct option.
(1) Do not show a chromosome map Column I Column II
(2) Show recombination during meiosis A. Dominance 1. Many govern a single character
(3) Do not show independent assortment
B. 2. In a heterozygous organism only one
(4) Induce cell division
Codominance allele expresses itself
36 Assuming independent assortment, the ratio of C. Pleiotropy 3. In a heterozygous organism both
alleles express themselves fully
progeny with the genotypes AaBb : Aabb : aaBb : aabb
from a dihybrid cross AabB X AaBb will respectively D. Polygenic 4. A single gene influences many
be: inheritance characters
1. 4 : 3 : 2 : 1
2. 4 : 4 : 2 : 1 A B C D
3. 4 : 2 : 2 : 1 1. 2 3 4 1
4. 4 : 2 : 1 : 1 2. 4 1 2 3
3. 4 3 1 2
37 The number of types of gametes produced by a 4. 2 1 4 3
plant with the genotype AaBbCCDd will be:
1. 2
42 Mating between a male with blood group A and a
2. 4
3. 8 female with blood group B results in the progeny with
4. 16 blood group AB can be explained by:
1. Complete dominance
38 A cross that involves the breeding of an 2. Incomplete dominance
3. Co-dominance
phenotypically dominant individual with a 4. Epistasis
phenotypically recessive individual, in order to
determine the zygosity of the former by analyzing
proportions of offspring phenotypes is termed as a: B iology 2-S ection B
1. Monohybrid cross
2. Test cross 43 Two individual plants heterozygous at two unlinked
3. Back cross loci are crossed. What proportion of progeny is expected
4. Reciprocal cross to be homozygous recessive at least at one of the loci?
1. 1/16
39 Which of the following is hormone-releasing IUD? 2. 3/4
1. LNG-20 3. 9/16
2. Multiload-375 4. 7/16
3. Lippes loop
4. Cu-7 44 The father and the mother of a child, with blood
group O, have the blood groups A and B respectively. If
40 The rediscovery of Mendel’s Laws is credited these parents then have non-identical twins, what is the
independently to: probability that both twins will have blood group B?
1. de Vries, Correns and von Tschermak 1. ¼
2. Sutton and Boveri 2. 1/8
3. Garrod 3. ¾
4. Beadle and Tatum 4/ 1/16
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Multiple alleles are present
1. on different chromosomes
2. at different loci on the same chromosome
3. at the same locus of the chromosome
4. on non-sister chromatids 1. a
2. b
47 In a dihybrid cross between two pea plants with 3. c
round and yellow seeds [heterozygous at both loci], the 4. d
yellow and green color will segregate in a ratio:
1. 1 : 1 50 The permissible use of the technique amniocentesis
2. 3 : 1 is for
3. 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 1. detecting sex of the unborn foetus
4. 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 2. artificial insemination
3. transfer of embryo into the uterus of a surrogate
48 Which of the following characteristics represent mother
'Inheritance of blood groups' in humans? 4. detecting any genetic abnormality
a. Dominance
b. Co-dominance C hemistry -S ection A
c. Multiple allelism
d. Incomplete dominance 51 Which of the following have only one type of
e. Polygenic inheritance
1. b, c and e carbon atoms :-
2. a, b and c
3. b, d and e
4. a, c and e 1.
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
52 The IUPAC name of the compound 57 Among the following, the aromatic compound is:-
1. 3, 3-Dimethyl-1-hydroxycyclohexane
2. 1,1-Dimethyl-3-hydroxycyclohexane 1.
3. 3,3-Dimethyl-1-cyclohexanol
4. 1,1-Dimethyl-3-cyclohexanol
(i) (ii)
1. 13
2. 14
3. 15
4. 16
54 Arrange the following groups in order of decreasing
- I (inductive) effect : 58 The order of stability of the following carbocations
NO2 , C(CH3 ) ,
CH3 , OCH3 , Br
1. NO2 > Br > OCH3 > C(CH3 )
> CH3
1. 6-bromo-4-methyl-2-chlorohexan-4-ol 2.
2. 1-bromo-5-chloro-4-methylhexan-3-ol
3. 6-bromo-2-chloro-4-methylhaxan-4-ol 3.
4. 1-bromo-4-methyl-5-chorohexan-3-ol
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
60 Assertion: The compound tetraene has the 64 In the following benzyl/allyl system
following structural formula.
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
2. 1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
2. ( me
3. (
(IV) 4. 1836
4. (a, c) 1. 3d
3ε0 A
75 The correct IUPAC name of the given compound is- 4d
2ε0 A
3. d
ε0 A
4. d
1. towards left
2. towards right
3. upward
4. zero
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
79 Assertion: If the distance between parallel plates of 83 A battery does 200 J of work in charging a
a capacitor is halved and the dielectric constant is made capacitor. The energy stored in the capacitor is:
three times, then the capacitor becomes 6 times. 1. 200 J
Reason: The capacity of the capacitor does not depend 2. 100 J
upon the charge. 3. 50 J
1. Both Assertion & Reason are true and the Reason is 4. 400 J
the correct explanation of the Assertion.
2. Both Assertion & Reason are true but the Reason is 84 Assertion: If three capacitors of capacitance
not the correct explanation of the Assertion. C1 < C2 < C3 are connected in parallel, then their
3. Assertion is a true statement but Reason is false. equivalent capacitance C > CP S
CP C1 C2 C3
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
the arc of a circle of radius 40 cm from C to D. The distance between the plates is 3 mm. The capacitance of
change in the potential energy of the system is k, the capacitor is:
1. 18 μF
2. 9 μF
3. 6 μF
4. 12 μF
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Test (09-Oct)Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
94 Assertion: The tyres of aircraft's are slightly 98 If the electric flux entering and leaving an enclosed
conducting. surface respectively is ϕ and
1 ϕ2 , the electric charge
Reason: If a conductor is connected to the ground, the inside the surface will be:
extra charge induced on the conductor will flow to the 1. (ϕ − ϕ )ε
1 2 0
ground. 2. (ϕ − ϕ )ε
2 1 0
2. decreases 2. 4.5 × 10 F −9
1. C > C
1 2
2. C = C
3. C < C
4. the information is not sufficient to decide the relation
between C and C 1 2
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