MR Scanner BR
MR Scanner BR
MR Scanner BR
Direct reservoir
Applications Formation evaluation simplicity Multiple depths of investigation
I Radial profiling of fluid vol- The MR Scanner* expert magnetic An important feature of the MR Scanner
umes and fluid saturations resonance service is provided with the tool is its multiple-antenna design.
I Direct hydrocarbon charac- next-generation wireline nuclear mag- The main antenna operates at multiple
terization in fresh, unknown, netic resonance (NMR) logging tool. frequencies and is used primarily for
or varying formation water Using simultaneous multifrequency fluid characterization applications. It
resistivities, as well as in measurements in a gradient-field design, has three different frequencies of oper-
low-resistivity, low-contrast the MR Scanner tool performs investiga- ation corresponding to independent
pay and thin beds tions at multiple DOIs in a single pass. measurement volumes (shells) that
Its measurement sequence allows a form concentric arcs in front of the
I Formation evaluation in
profiled view of the reservoir fluids. antenna. Because of the eccentered
rugose boreholes
Deep DOIs enable easy identification mode of operation and sensor design,
I Thin-bed evaluation from of data-quality problems associated with the four DOIs, ranging from 1.5 to 4 in.,
high vertical-resolution rugose boreholes, mudcake, and fluids are maintained regardless of hole size,
measurements invasion; and the measurement depths mud type, or temperature.
I Continuous log of oil viscosity are maintained regardless of the hole Because the MR Scanner tool makes
by depth for perforation and size, deviation, shape, or temperature. simultaneous measurements at multiple
completion optimization This wireline NMR tool provides DOIs, it can provide a profile of satura-
I Determination of fluid storage numerous user-friendly and direct-depth tion distribution and formation damage
volume based on lithology- log outputs for immediate input to petro- in a single pass. Knowledge of the inva-
independent porosity physical analysis and log interpretation. sion profile lends important insight to
They include the reverse process of production; and
I Residual oil saturation in
I oil and water saturations for identifi- along with other formation evaluation
water-base muds and residual
cation and quantification of pay zones measurements, the MR Scanner tool
water saturation in oil-base
delivers producibility information that
muds I total and effective porosities for
governs overall project economics.
determination of pore volume and
The high-resolution antennae operate
Benefits storage capacity
at a single frequency, which corresponds
I bulk volume irreducible water for
I Measurements taken beyond to a slightly shallower DOI than that
damaged zone determination of water-production rate of the main antenna. These antennae
I crude oil T2 distributions for deter- provide rock-quality and producibility
I Fluids and environmental
effects identified by radial mination of oil viscosity and to assist answers, even in thin beds. The MR
profiling in standard T2 log interpretation Scanner tool is capable of downlogging
I brine T2 distributions corrected for for comparison of main-antenna output
I Valid interpretations in the
hydrocarbon effects for improved with high-resolution-antennae output
presence of borehole rugosity
pore size analysis to identify light hydrocarbons. Down-
or thick mudcake
logging saves time and enables acquisi-
I hydrocarbon-corrected Timur-Coates
I Reduced rig time tion of data in difficult environments.
permeabilities for determination of
A flexible pulse-sequence programmer
Features allows the parameters measured at the
I T1 for use when T2 is unavailable;
I Eccentered, gradient design multiple frequencies to be acquired in
e.g., when logging in vuggy porosities a single pass, thereby eliminating the
I Multiple, simultaneous, well- or light hydrocarbons. need for multiple logging passes.
defined depths of investiga-
These outputs comprise a detailed for- The sensors can be operated either
tion (DOIs) up to 4 in.,
mation evaluation of the near-wellbore separately or simultaneously at logging
regardless of hole size or
region and are independent of conven- speeds to 3,600 ft/hr. Comparison of
tional formation evaluation measure- the responses is used to provide high-
I Vertical resolution of 7.5 in. ments, such as resistivity or density. resolution identification of fluids
I Logging speeds to 3,600 ft/hr The answers are independent of Archie with long T1 values, such as light
I Hydrocarbon characterization analysis and can be derived without hydrocarbons.
having to input water salinity.
I Transverse relaxation time
The advanced design of the MR
(T2), longitudinal relaxation
Scanner tool and its ready-to-apply
time (T1), and diffusion distri-
computations bring simplicity to for-
butions at multiple DOIs
mation evaluation. You don’t have to
be an NMR data processing and inter-
pretation expert to take advantage of
the wealth of information provided
by this NMR instrument.
Fluid saturation depth logging Fig. 2. MR Scanner saturation profile log.
The MR Scanner tool was run through an
oil-bearing sand in a well in Louisiana. DOI = 1.5 in. DOI = 2.7 in.
The log (Fig. 2) shows continuous oil Bound Water Bound Water
10–3 Gas
Diffusion (cm2 s–1) Water
determined to be gas bearing (Fig. 7). MD GR RES MRP (1.5) NPHI T2 Dist (1.5 in.) T2 Dist (2.7 in.)
The neutron-density crossover was 0 (gAPI) 150 0.2 (gAPI) 20 0.4 (v/v) 0 0.4 (gAPI) 0 0.3 (ms) 3000 0.3 (ms) 3000
Gas Gas
(MR Scanner) (D-N)
MD GR RES MRP (1.5) NPHI T2 Dist (1.5 in.) T2 Dist (2.7 in.)
0 (gAPI) 150 0.2 (gAPI) 20 0.4 (v/v) 0 0.4 (gAPI) 0 0.3 (ms) 3000 0.3 (ms) 3000
Deficit on deeper
Figure 1. The tool has a multifrequency main antenna designed for fluid characterization applications and two
high-resolution antennae that provide rock-quality and producibility answers.
High-resolution antenna
High-resolution antenna
Main antenna
Measurements beyond the zone In addition to improving data quality, Any hole, any size, any shape
of formation damage deep DOIs maximize the signals from The MR Scanner tool is run eccentered,
The MR Scanner tool maintains multiple hydrocarbons that are displaced by using bowsprings to press the antennae
DOIs regardless of the hole size or shape invasion processes. The MR Scanner against the borehole wall. The tool’s
(Fig 1). Its DOIs are so deep that data- tool uses the latest advancements in design enables it to be conveyed on
quality problems associated with rugose NMR-based in situ hydrocarbon char- pipe and to be operated in large holes
boreholes, thick mudcake, and mud- acterization and analysis methods and deviated wells. It also ensures that
fines invasion are easily identified and to provide the measurement volumes and depths
avoided. Deep measurements provide I hydrocarbon characterization, of investigation are fixed, consistent,
an excellent opportunity to sense native including oil viscosity and independent of hole size.
fluids in shallow-invasion environments. I hydrocarbon contrasts at
The deep DOIs allow NMR measure- multiple DOIs
ments beyond the zone of formation I near-wellbore oil and water
damage. These measurements include
I total porosity, independent of I wettability indicators and pore-
geometry measurements.
I pore size distribution
I permeability
I bound and free fluid volumes
I T2, T1, and diffusion distributions.
MR Scanner Tool Specifications Fig. 8. MR Scanner expert magnetic
resonance tool.
Physical specifications
Length (ft [m]) 32.7 [10]
Weight (lbm [kg]) 1,200 [544]
Diameter (in. [cm]) 5 [12.7] sonde, 4.75 [12.1] cartridge
Measurement point (ft [m]) 8.2 [2.5] above the bottom of the tool
Min. hole size (in. [cm]) 5.875 [14.9] (in good borehole conditions)
Max. hole size No limit
Max. tension limit (lbf [N]) 50,000 [222,410]
Max. compression limit (lbf [N]) 7,900 [35,140]
Operational ratings
Max. pressure (psi [kPa]) 20,000 [137,900]
Max. temperature (°F [°C]) 300 [150]
Mud salinity (ohm-m) (0.05)†
Measurement specifications
Max. logging speed
Bound fluid logging (ft/hr [m/h]) 3,600 [1,100]
Basic NMR profiling (ft/hr [m/h]) 1,800 [550]
T2 radial profiling (ft/hr [m/h]) 900 [275]
High-resolution logging (ft/hr [m/h]) 400 [120]
T1 radial profiling (ft/hr [m/h]) 300 [90]
Saturation profiling (ft/hr [m/h]) 250 [75]
Min. vertical resolution (in. [cm]) 7.5 [19.1], 18 [45.7]
Min. echo spacing 0.45 ms
Frequency (kHz) 1,100 (high-resolution antennae)
1,000–500 (main antenna)
Field gradient (G/cm) 44 (high-resolution antennae)
38–12 (main antenna)
Measurement ranges
Porosity 0–100 p.u.
T2 distribution 0.4 ms–3.0 s
T1 distribution 0.5 ms–9.0 s
Total NMR porosity 1-p.u. standard deviation,
three-level averaging at 75°F [24°C]
NMR free-fluid porosity 0.5-p.u. standard deviation,
three-level averaging at 75°F [24°C]
Depth of investigation (in. [cm]) 1.25 [3.2] (high-resolution antennae)
1.5, 2.3, 2.7, and 4.0 [3.8, 5.8,
6.9, and 10.2] (main antenna)
†Main antenna only; stacking may be required. MR Scanner logs have been acquired in 0.02-ohm-m environments with minor loss of precision.
06-FE-180 August 2006
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2006 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.
Produced by Schlumberger Marketing Communications