Efficiency and CFD Analysis
Hunting offers a unique combination of high
Sand Management
quality process and well test equipment.
Heat Exchangers
Well Test Equipment
Together with more than 40 years’ experience
in fabrication services, using highly qualified
welding processes, Hunting manufactures
superior and customized packages.
Efficiency Calculator
CFD Analysis
The flow across the filter media is characterized using a The flow characteristics in the pot will then be simulated,
local detailed model of the filter media. This enables the including pressure drop and determination of regions of high
determination of the resistance of an equivalent porous medium velocity and flow re-circulation.
representation of the filter screen cartridge to be used in the full
3D representation of the pot. Multi-phase flow effects will be simulated and enable the
determination of the gas-volume fraction distribution in the pot.
Simulations will be carried out for a range of representative GOR
(gas-oil-ratio) values.
Hunting provides high quality well test and process technologies. With over 40 years of speciality
fabrication experience, Hunting can provide equipment specific to your requirements.
Hunting’s extensive product portfolio includes sand filters, heat exchangers, choke manifolds,
plug catchers and piping equipment.
Our success has been built around knowledge of the industry, correct planning, reliability of
the equipment and ability to react to client requirements through timely engineering service
and teamwork.
In addition to offering a wide range of industry standard products, Hunting’s Well Testing division has developed a comprehensive sand
the team is also ready to work closely with their client’s on management solution with a range of safe and efficient high-pressure
customized equipment to optimize a solution both in terms of cost sand removal technologies to address the industry challenge of
and operational efficiency. This also includes automation and avoiding damage by erosion and plugging of process equipment
winterization of equipment. during well testing, frac flowback and clean-up operations.
Choke Manifolds
The Choke Manifold is the primary well pressure and flow control
package used during both offshore and onshore well testing,
frac flow-back, well clean-up and early production operations.
It is essential that products and services provided by Hunting Hunting is committed to achieving and maintaining the highest
are designed and manufactured to conform to the agreed API, standards of safety for its employees, customers, suppliers and
proprietary licensor, or other specification of the customer, the public. All Hunting business units consciously operate in a
meeting their needs and expectations the first time, every time. manner that includes environmental matters as an integral part of
its business plan.
It is the policy of Hunting that only the highest quality products
and services, that meet all specification requirements, are Hunting’s aims are no accidents, no harm to people, and no
provided to customers. Hunting operates a corporate Quality damage to the environment.
Management System covering all worldwide locations.
The Hunting goal is “Total Customer Satisfaction”.
© Hunting