A New Method For Estimating RW Using NMR Logging Data
A New Method For Estimating RW Using NMR Logging Data
A New Method For Estimating RW Using NMR Logging Data
A New Method for Estimating Formation Water Rw Using NMR Logging Data
METHODOLOGY Where dbh and dOD are the diameter of borehole and
Chen et al, (2006) described a method of using Q as a MReX tool, respectively, and dOD = 5 1 8 " .
hydrocarbon indicator and as a filtrate invasion α , β , and λ are coefficients that also can be determined
indicator. U.S. patent 7,425,827 described the details of by calibration and simulation.
an NMR logging tool antenna Qa, and the borehole and
formation-loading effects on the overall Q The measured Q value can be treated as the collective
measurement. In this section, we first summarize these effects of antenna Qa , borehole Qbh , and formation
effects, then outline the method leading to the
estimation of flushed zone resistivity. We then discuss Q fm by:
the required conditions to enable this technique to
work. At the end of the section we describe one data 1 1 1 1 T
interpretation method to obtain the formation Rw. = + + (3)
Q Qa Q fm Qbh T
Effect of Antenna, Borehole, and Formation on Q
The quality factor, Q, of NMR logging is often used as Thus, the effective formation Q fm can be computed by:
a QC tool for monitoring the tool performance in Q −fm1 = Q −1 − Qa−1 − Qbh
. (4)
various mud salinity environments. If the tool is placed
in a non-conductive environment, the Q of an NMR
logging tool, such as the MR ExplorerSM (MReXSM) Consequently, the formation Rxo can be expressed as:
(Chen et al, 2003), is a measure of the resonance circuit
(antenna) performance and is resonance frequency Rxo,MReX = fn( f , dbh ⋅ Q fm ) . (5)
dependent. As temperature can affect the performance
of the circuit elements (inductor, capacitor, and The empirical equation can be determined by
resistor), it is also dependent on temperature. The performing a series of experiments in a calibration tank
MReX logging tool operates in a relatively narrow with varying known formation salinity.
frequency range of approximately 500-975 kHz, so we
can approximate the antenna Qa as being linearly It is important to note that the idea described above
dependent of frequency f. The temperature effect can applies to all types of NMR logging tools conceptually.
also be account for in accordance with the following The actual equations, though, and in particular the
empirical expression: coefficients, vary according to the specific tool design.
Not only are the antenna and operating frequencies
( f − flo ) 300 different for different NMR logging instruments, the
( )
Qa , f ≈ Qa , f hi + Qa, f hi − Qa, flo ⋅
⋅ (1)
geometry and DOI of the sensitive volumes are also
unique to each tool. For a given hardware
configuration, such as MReX, the antenna Q variation
where f hi and f lo are the highest and lowest frequencies from one tool to another is usually small.
of MReX operation and Qa , f hi and Qa, flo are the
corresponding antenna Qa values, respectively. TK is the Sensitivity of Q
absolute temperature, and b and c are coefficients that Fig. 1 is a simulated Q contour plot as a function of
can be determined by calibration. borehole conductivity and formation conductivity,
computed for a borehole size of 6.375 in. For a non-
conductive borehole mud, such as the yellow, dashed
line in Fig. 1, the Q technique is sensitive to formation
SPWLA 51st Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-23, 2010
averaged all Q curves of the same frequency in a data- where ζ and η are determined by a linear regression of
acquisition sequence. To further improve the quality of the crossplot (Figure 3). If the linear regression holds
Q curve, we can also average all Q curves acquired at well for Q, we can approximate Qfm with Q. Otherwise,
different frequencies. we must first compute Q −fm1 = Q −1 − Qa−1 then replace Q
Both Q and the standard deviation of the noise in NMR with Qfm in Eq. (7). We can then assume that the same
measurement are affected by borehole and formation correlation applies other intervals. Plug Q or Qfm value
loading. Consequently, one can expect that, corresponding to other depths, one can determine
alternatively, it is also possible to use the standard Rxo,MReX. In other words, Eq. (7) is one form of Eq. (5).
deviation of the noise for predicting formation water
salinity or Rw. Another potentially useful curve that is Note that the above shallow-resistivity calibration
familiar to NMR log analysts is “CHI,” the measure of procedure usually is carried out in a low-permeable
goodness of fit which is affected by both the noise and zone to minimize the discrepancy between the DOI of
the data-fit model. In general, the CHI and noise shallow resistivity and NMR logs.
measures are not as direct and straightforward as the Q
measurements in terms of correlating to formation and Next, we use one of the NMR-based fluid-typing
borehole conductivities, because the Q approach is not techniques described in a previous section to determine
complicated by the addition effects that are irrelevant to the part of the porosity that corresponds to
conductivity, such as the data-fitting quality. hydrocarbon-occupying porosity, and using the
difference between the NMR determined total porosity
Method for Taking into Account the Saturation Effect and hydrocarbon-occupying porosity as the water-
Equations (4) and (5) provide the means of deriving the occupying porosity:
flushed zone Rxo,MReX from NMR Q measurement.
Deriving formation Rw from Rxo,MReX requires φw = φT − φhc . (8)
quantification of porosity and saturation, both can be T
obtained by NMR logging. Hydrocarbon saturation, We further assume the hydrocarbon-occupying porosity
which includes both native oil and OBMF, can be has infinite resistivity so that we can correlate the
derived using NMR-based fluid-typing techniques. For water-bearing φw with Rxo derived with the NMR-based
high magnetic-field-gradient NMR tools such as Q measurement. The examples we used in this paper
MReX, 2D NMR techniques, such as D-T2int (Sun et al, range from clean sands to moderately shaly sands.
2006, DiRosa et al, 2006, Chen et al, 2009) or R-T2app Archie equations are considered approximately valid
(Hursan et al, 2005), can be used. For low-gradient for Rw estimation.
NMR tools such as MagTrakSM (Chemali, et al, 2005),
the light hydrocarbon signal sometimes can be
separated from the water signal on T2 spectra, in which R 2= 0. 85
case the hydrocarbon volume fraction can be
determined simply using a defined cutoff method.
Shallo w Re sistivity
log Rx0,shallow = ζ ⋅ log Q(or Q fm ) +η , (7) Finally, we determine formation water resistivity Rw by
combining the NMR-based Rx0,MReX and water-filled
SPWLA 51st Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-23, 2010
porosities in a reservoir section with using a Pickett- curve. The calibration is illustrated in Fig. 8, using
plot as shown in Figures 4 - 6. which we derived the fitting coefficients of Eq. (7).
SPWLA 51st Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-23, 2010
R = 0. 85
Sh allo w Re sistivity
38 40 42 44
Fig. 7. Well C log example illustrating the section selected
for calibrating coefficient of Eq. (7) and the low-GR T
section where reservoir Rw is estimated. T
Hursan, G., Chen, S., and Murphy, E., “New NMR two-
dimensional inversion of T1/T2app vs. T2app method
for gas well petrophysical interpretation,” Paper GGG
presented at 2005 Annual Symposium of SPWLA, New
Orleans, June 2005.