Fuel Cycle Database
Fuel Cycle Database
Fuel Cycle Database
April 2009
April 2009
The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was:
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials Section
International Atomic Energy Agency
Wagramer Strasse 5
P.O. Box 100
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
In recent years, there have been rising expectations for nuclear power all over the world to
meet the ever increasing demand for electricity. Several countries with nuclear power
have declared intentions to build new nuclear power plants to replace their existing
capacities or to add new capacities. Several other countries without nuclear power are
taking an active interest in launching nuclear power programmes. Nuclear power and
nuclear fuel cycle go hand in hand. Hence implementations of such nuclear power
programmes cannot be considered without parallel development in the nuclear fuel cycle
The worldwide nuclear fuel cycle industry comprises several global players which are
operating on a commercial basis in more than one country and many other domestic
players which are active only in their respective countries. Knowing the current status and
the future outlook of the nuclear fuel cycle industry is important not only for meeting the
needs of global nuclear power development but also for facilitating the multilateral
approach to the nuclear fuel cycle currently being discussed with a focus on ‘assurance of
fuel supply’ and ‘non-proliferation of nuclear materials’.
NFCIS covers almost all of the main nuclear fuel cycle activities except transportation, waste
management and nuclear power and research reactors. Waste management facilities are
covered by the IAEA’s Net Enabled Waste Management Database (NEWMDB), nuclear
power reactors are covered by the IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) and
nuclear research reactors are covered by the IAEA’s Research Reactor Database (RRDB).
The information has been obtained through questionnaires, directly from some of the
IAEA Member States and from authoritative published sources. Every effort has been
made to present the most complete and accurate information available but, given the
magnitude of the task and the constantly changing conditions of the nuclear industry, it is
inevitable that there will be some errors and omissions.
This document and its attached CD-ROM provide information on 650 civilian nuclear
fuel cycle facilities in 53 countries. It is hoped that the material presented will provide
readers with useful information on the nuclear fuel cycle industry worldwide, and
improve the transparency of nuclear energy development in general. The information in this
document comes from the database and is updated as of end of 2008 if not stated otherwise.
The IAEA wishes to thank the experts who took part in the preparation of this report for their
valuable contribution. The IAEA is also grateful to Member States and individual
organizations for their generous support in providing experts and information to assist in this
work. The IAEA officer responsible for this publication was M. Ceyhan of the Division of
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology.
The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the
publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and
institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.
The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does
not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or
recommendation on the part of the IAEA.
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Background......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objective............................................................................................................. 1
1.3. Scope .................................................................................................................. 2
1.4. Description of the database................................................................................. 3
1.5. Sources of the information ................................................................................. 3
1.6. The other related IAEA databases ...................................................................... 6
2. NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE .............................................................................................. 7
2.1. Nuclear fuel cycle options and developments .................................................... 7
2.1.1. Open fuel cycle ....................................................................................... 9
2.1.2. Closed fuel cycle..................................................................................... 9
2.2. Stages of the nuclear fuel cycle .......................................................................... 9
2.2.1. Front-end................................................................................................. 9
2.2.2. Irradiation/Nuclear reactor operation.................................................... 10
2.2.3. Back-end ............................................................................................... 10
2.2.4. Related industrial activities................................................................... 10
2.3. Steps in the different stages of the nuclear fuel cycle ...................................... 11
2.3.1. Uranium production (uranium ore processing)..................................... 11
2.3.2. Conversion ............................................................................................ 14
2.3.3. Enrichment............................................................................................ 16
2.3.4. Uranium fuel fabrication....................................................................... 19
2.3.5. Irradiation / Nuclear reactor operation.................................................. 23
2.3.6. Spent fuel management options............................................................ 25
2.3.7. Spent fuel storage.................................................................................. 26
2.3.8. Spent fuel conditioning......................................................................... 27
2.3.9. Spent fuel reprocessing and recycling .................................................. 27
2.3.10. Spent fuel disposal ................................................................................ 30
2.3.11. Related Industrial Activities ................................................................. 31
2.4. Economic aspects of nuclear fuel cycle steps................................................... 32
3. DIRECTORY OF NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE FACILITIES ........................................ 33
3.1. NFCIS CDROM ............................................................................................... 33
3.1.1. Facility list ............................................................................................ 33
3.1.2. Facility report........................................................................................ 33
3.1.3. Worldwide summary tables .................................................................. 36
3.2. Directory of nuclear fuel cycle facilities .......................................................... 37
3.3. List of operating commercial nuclear fuel cycle facilities ............................... 53
3.4. Worldwide operating commercial nuclear fuel cycle facilities: Total
capacities .......................................................................................................... 61
3.5. Worldwide operating commercial nuclear fuel cycle facilities: Numbers ....... 63
3.6. Total number of nuclear fuel cycle facilities .................................................... 64
3.7. Total number of nuclear fuel cycle facilities: Country by status...................... 65
4. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................ 68
REFERENCES......................................................................................................................... 71
ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................. 73
CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW ............................................................. 75
1.1. Background
The nuclear fuel cycle may be broadly defined as the set of processes and operations needed
to manufacture nuclear fuel, its irradiation in nuclear power reactors and storage,
reprocessing, recycling or disposal. Several nuclear fuel cycles may be considered depending
on the type of reactor and the type of fuel used and whether or not the irradiated fuel is
reprocessed and recycled.
The IAEA in 1980 began development of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information System
(NFCIS) as [1] an international directory of civilian nuclear fuel cycle facilities worldwide.
NFCIS has been operated by the IAEA as a computerized database system since 1985. In
January 1998, a major upgrade to NFCIS was completed. The NFCIS web site was developed
in 2001 to enable users to search and retrieve information on nuclear fuel cycle facilities via
the Internet (http://www-nfcis.iaea.org) [2].
NFCIS is a computerized database which became operational in 1985 and was first
published as IAEA-TECDOC-408 in February 1987 [3]. The second and third editions
prior to the present publication were: The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information System,
published in 1988 [4] and 1996 [5]. The database migrated to a database server and
published through the internet since 2001 in http://www-nfcis.iaea.org.
In 1985 NFCIS covered 271 (operational and non-operational) civil nuclear fuel cycle
facilities in 32 countries, in 1987 344 facilities in 33 countries, in 1995, 422 facilities in 46
countries, and in 2008, 650 facilities in 53 countries. However, qualitative improvement of
the NFCIS database by inclusion of technical information on technological processes is,
probably, more important than quantitative growth of the number of facilities covered by the
NFCIS. In proportion to these changes, the number of NFCIS users has been growing every
year. This demonstrates the necessity of maintaining such database and serving it to IAEA
Member States.
1.2. Objective
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information System (NFCIS) is an international directory of civilian
nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Its purpose is to provide the IAEA, its Member States and public
users with current, consistent, and readily accessible information on existing, closed and
planned nuclear fuel cycle facilities throughout the world. NFCIS publishes main parameters
of the facilities, including capacities, types of the processes, feed and product materials.
NFCIS allows obtaining summary/statistical data on all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle
services in each country and globally. Providing significant block of data, NFCIS thus
offers a better understanding of the nuclear fuel cycle industry worldwide.
This information is of special importance at present time, because of increasing globalization
of the nuclear fuel market. The interactions of the nuclear fuel cycle market will become more
complex in support of the potential increasing use of nuclear power. No globally
comprehensive and publicly available source of such information exists at present. There are
private reports and databases which are maintained and published by various companies and
organizations such as NAC International Fuel-Trac Status Reports [6] and Nuclear
Engineering International World Nuclear Industry Handbook [7]. However, the reports and
the information they contain are commercial products and usually requires subscription or
purchasing. They do not contain all stages of nuclear fuel cycle or the related industrial
activities, like zirconium alloy production, zirconium alloy tubing and heavy water
production. And, finally, most of those reports are not structured and published through a
queryable web site.
Another purpose of the NFCIS database is to provide support for the Contracting Parties
under the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of
Radioactive Waste Management by the preparation of their National Reports.
In this context, a need was perceived for a compilation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities data in a
form which can easily be understood both by experts and by the public, and which should
lead to a greater understanding of these activities worldwide. Furthermore, such information
would improve the transparency of nuclear energy development in general.
1.3. Scope
As all databases, NFCIS attempts to model the real world. The current NFCIS database
considers eight discrete operations of the nuclear fuel cycle (uranium production, conversion,
enrichment, fuel fabrication, spent fuel conditioning, spent fuel storage, spent fuel
reprocessing and recycling and spent fuel disposal) and related industrial activities
(production of nuclear grade zirconium, zirconium alloy tubing and production of heavy
water) as shown in TABLE 1. There are 29 Subtypes of facilities in total. NFCIS does not
cover the entire nuclear fuel cycle to avoid duplication with other IAEA databases and
publications. Information on uranium deposits and mines is included in the IAEA World
Distribution of Uranium Deposits (UDEPO) [8], which is a part of the Integrated Nuclear
Fuel Cycle Information Systems (iNFCIS) web site [2]. Alongside with UDEPO, Nuclear
Fuel Cycle Simulation System (NFCSS) [9][10] supports in part of material balance
Information on nuclear power reactors can be found in the IAEA Power Reactor Information
System (PRIS). PRIS is available online [11]. There are also hardcopy publications from
PRIS [12].
Information on waste management facilities is covered by the IAEA Net Enabled Waste
Management Database (NEWMDB) including data on research, inventories, facilities and
management practices on radioactive wastes [13].
Information on Research Reactors are maintained and published by the IAEA through its
Research Reactor Database (RRDB) [14].
So far it has not been possible to include information on at-reactor storage of spent fuel
(mainly spent fuel pools in the reactors) in NFCIS because much of the data are not readily
available, and because of the nature of these data. Inventory of the reactor pools can easily be
changed through the discharge from the reactors or movement from the pools to the interim
storage facilities. In future, attempts to collect information on at-reactor spent fuel storage
facilities will be undertaken.
Currently NFCIS includes 650 facilities (operational and non-operational) in 53 Countries.
Section 3 provides directory of the nuclear fuel cycle facilities by describing capacities of
facilities by country and by status for each facility for all stages/components of the nuclear
fuel cycle presented in the NFCIS.
NFCIS covers all statuses from ‘planned’ stage to the ‘remediated’ stage including
operational and non-operational stages. Non-operational stages include under study, planned
or under construction, closed or on stand-by, commissioned, deferred, etc. A nuclear fuel
cycle facility has been defined as an installation in which one of the main nuclear fuel cycle
operations is being performed. Therefore, a plant in which more than one operation is being
carried out is listed in this directory two or more times as separate records to be able to
describe the actual fuel cycle activity in the plant.
NFCIS covers laboratory and pilot plant scale facilities in addition to the commercial scale
facilities in order to reflect the research and developments in the area of nuclear fuel cycle.
The NFCIS database was first developed as an electronic database in early 1980s. Since
then there were major upgrades or revisions in the system. The current version of NFCIS is
a structured database stored in a relational database server which enables users to define
the customizable queries to retrieve the information requested. The database has been
available online since early 2001 on the internet environment [2]. The visitors of this web
site are able to prepare their own queries and get the information they are interested in.
The NFCIS is a structured database with a number of data fields which can have one of the
predefined values (lookup fields). The main fields with this characteristic are Facility
Type, Facility Status and Scale of Operation. TABLE 1, and TABLE 3 give the possible
entries for those three main lookup fields and explanatory information for each of the
TABLE 1 gives the list of facility types which have already been covered by NFCIS and
the types which will be covered by NFCIS in future. Some facility types are excluded due
to avoid duplication with other IAEA databases.
Facilities are grouped in eight main groups and one related activities group. Each group
might have one or more sub facility types. For example, enrichment group has only one
sub type whereas uranium fuel fabrication group has five sub types.
Some facilities might have more than one operations carried out. Those facilities are
represented either by one-single integrated facility in which the product material is final
output material or by multiple facilities each of them has its own output material.
TABLE 2 gives the list of facility statuses including all operational statuses starting from under
construction to decommissioned/remediated as well as non-operational statuses such as under study,
planned, siting/design, cancelled and deferred.
TABLE 3 gives the list of operational scales of the nuclear fuel cycle facilities which are
covered by the NFCIS. The list includes commercial facilities as well as pilot plant and
laboratory scale facilities in order to represent all ongoing nuclear fuel cycle activities
including research and development.
TABLE 4 gives the list of data fields which are publicly available on the NFCIS internet site
and in this publication. A short description of each field is also given in the table.
The data stored in the NFCIS database is based mainly on the official data collected from the
Member States through the officially nominated contact points. Starting 2003, a questionnaire
has been sent to Member States every year. Those questionnaires are the primary data source
for the NFCIS database.
Nuclear Fuel Cycle NFCIS Facility Description
Stage Subtypes
Uranium Mine a Uranium mines from which uranium ore is extracted
Uranium Ore Processing Facilities in which uranium ore is processed to produce yellowcake
Uranium Production (includes in-situ-leach facilities)
Uranium Recovery from Facilities in which uranium is retrieved as by product of phosphate.
Conversion to UO2 Facilities which convert U3O8 to UO2 to produce PHWR fuel.
Conversion to UO3 Facilities which convert U3O8 to UO3 which is used later for
conversion to UO2 or UF6.
Conversion to UF4 Facilities in which U3O8 is converted to UF4 which is later converted
to UF6 for enrichment or to Umetal for Magnox fuel.
Conversion to UF6 Facilities in which U3O8 or UF4 is converted to UF6 to be used in
enrichment process.
Conversion to U Metal Facilities in which UF4 is converted to Umetal for Magnox fuel.
Re-Conversion to U3O8 Facilities in which depleted UF6 is converted to U3O8 for further
(Dep U) storage or processing.
Enrichment Facilities in which 235U content is increased in comparison to 238U
Re-conversion to UO2 Facilities which convert enriched UF6 to UO2 powder.
Fuel Fabrication Facilities which produce fuel pellets and/or pins using UO2 powder.
(U Pellet-Pin)
Fuel Fabrication Facilities which produce fuel assemblies using the pellets/pins
(Fresh) Uranium
(U Assembly) (Sometimes fuel fabrication facilities include all three steps: powder,
Fuel Fabrication
pellet/pin and assembly in one integrated facility).
Fuel Fabrication Facilities in which research reactor fuel is produced.
(Research Reactors)
Fuel Fabrication Facilities in which fuel pebbles are produced for pebble bed reactors.
(Pebble) a
Irradiation b Reactors which irradiate the fuel.
AR Spent Fuel Storage a Facilities, located in the reactor site, in which spent fuel is stored
temporarily, usually reactor pools.
AFR Wet Spent Fuel Facilities, located outside the reactor site, in which spent fuel is
Spent Fuel Storage
Storage stored temporarily in pools.
AFR Dry Spent Fuel Facilities, located outside the reactor site, in which spent fuel is
Storage stored temporarily in dry silos or containers.
Spent Fuel Reprocessing Facilities in which spent fuel is reprocessed to retrieve nuclear
Re-conversion to U3O8 Facilities in which Reprocessed uranium is converted U3O8.
(Rep. U)
Spent Fuel
Co-conversion to MOX Facilities in which Uranium and Plutonium is mixed in the form of
Reprocessing and
Powder MOX powder.
Fuel Fabrication Facilities in which MOX fuel pellets/pins are produced.
(MOX Pellet-Pin)
Fuel Fabrication Facilities in which MOX fuel assemblies are produced.
(MOX Assembly)
Spent Fuel Spent Fuel Conditioning Facilities in which spent fuel is conditioned for longer term interim
Conditioning storage or for disposal.
Spent Fuel Disposal Spent Fuel Disposal a Facilities in which spent fuel is disposed permanently.
Heavy Water Production Facilities in which heavy water is produced for PHWRs.
Zirconium Alloy Facilities in which zirconium metal sponges are produced.
Related Industrial Production
Activities Zirconium Alloy Tubing Facilities in which zirconium alloy tubes are produced.
Fuel Assembly Facilities in which other fuel structurals are produced.
Component a
Transportation c All transportation related to the nuclear fuel cycle.
Waste Management d Facilities in which all kind of radioactive wastes are conditioned,
processed, stored or disposed.
New type (will be included in the NFCIS database).
Not covered in the NFCIS (Covered in PRIS and RRDB).
Not covered in the NFCIS.
Not covered in the NFCIS (Covered in NEWMDB).
Facility Status Description
Under Study/Assessment Formal feasibility or pre-feasibility studies or assessments are
Planned A formal commitment has been made to build the facility or process
Siting/Design Site and/or design have been licensed.
Under Construction The facility or process line is currently being built.
Commissioning The construction of the facility or process line has been completed and
is under commissioning.
In Operation The facility or process line is currently operational.
Stand by The facility or process line is not currently in operation but can be
restarted in a relatively short time.
Refurbishment A major modification is underway in the facility or process line.
Shutdown The facility or process line is not currently in operation and there are no
plans to restart it.
Decommissioning The facility or process line is currently under decommissioning.
Dismantling and remediation work is included.
Decommissioned The facility or process line is decommissioned and dismantled. The
facility is not under regulatory control.
Cancelled The project has been cancelled completely during any stage before
Deferred The project has been postponed indefinitely.
Not reported The status of the facility or process line is unknown.
Sometimes it is not possible to get officially reported data. In those cases, there is a need to
feed the database by using other authoritative information sources. These authoritative
information sources are called secondary data sources. The most important secondary data
sources are the other IAEA publications such as IAEA/OECD-NEA publication 'Uranium:
Resources, Production and Demand' [15] (Red Book) which is also based on officially
reported information. Consultants to IAEA activities, publications of the IAEA conferences,
other scientific and technical journals are among the other secondary information sources.
It should be noted that since NFCIS is based mainly on the voluntary declaration of data by
the IAEA Member States, the NFCIS does not contain all of the nuclear fuel cycle facilities in
the world. The IAEA is aware of many other nuclear fuel cycle facilities through its
Safeguard functions. Those facilities are reported in the IAEA Annual Report for safeguarded
facilities in States.
In accordance with its exchange of information function, the IAEA has been maintaining
quite large number of databases since the very beginning of the establishment. Some of the
databases are related to nuclear fuel cycle in one way or another. Below is the list of IAEA
databases which are related to nuclear fuel cycle. Most of them are currently available online.
• Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information Systems (NFCIS): Directory of civilian nuclear fuel
cycle facilities.
• Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulation System (NFCSS) [9][10]: A web based tool for
estimation of long term nuclear fuel cycle material and service requirements.
• Research Reactor Database (RRDB) [14]: Database on worldwide research and test
• Net Enabled Waste Management Database (NEWMDB) [13]: Database on all waste
management issues covering policies, regulations, facilities, inventories, etc.
• Fast Reactor Database (FR): Catalogue of existing fast reactor designs and
For the purposes of the NFCIS, the nuclear fuel cycle may be broadly defined as the set of
processes and operations needed to manufacture nuclear fuel, its irradiation in nuclear power
reactors and storage, reprocessing or disposal of the irradiated fuel. Several nuclear fuel
cycles may be considered, depending on the type of reactor and the fuel used and whether or
not the irradiated fuel is reprocessed and the nuclear material is recycled. There are two fuel
cycle options: ‘open’ (or once-through) fuel cycle (without reuse of nuclear materials) and
‘closed’ fuel cycle (with reuse of nuclear materials extracted from irradiated fuel).
Choosing the ‘closed’ or ‘open’ fuel cycle is a matter of national policy. Some countries have
adopted the ‘closed’ fuel cycle solution, and some others have chosen the ‘open’ fuel cycle.
Combination of solutions or on hold (wait and see) is a position of other nuclear power
countries. Additional information on the national policies can be found in Technical Rports
Series No. 425 [16], which reflects the statuses as of end of 2002. An artistic view of the
nuclear fuel cycle with its open and closed variants is presented in Fig. 1 A more detailed
scheme of the processes in the open and closed fuel cycle for different reactor types might be
seen in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Flowsheet of processes in the typical nuclear fuel cycle.
In addition to the typical open and closed fuel cycle options, there are research and
developments on alternative fuel cycle options such as GNEP [17], DUPIC [18], ADS [19],
P&T [20], etc. All of the alternative options focus on the resource utilization and radiotoxicity
reduction as well as non-proliferation.
The open fuel cycle is the mode of operation in which the nuclear material passes through the
reactor just once. After irradiation, the fuel is kept in at-reactor pools until it is sent to away-
from-reactor storage. It is planned that the fuel will be conditioned and put into a final
repository in this mode of operation. This fuel cycle strategy is the one currently adopted by
many nuclear power countries. However, no final repositories for spent fuel have yet been
established. As it can be seen in Fig. 2, this strategy is definitely applied today for pressurized
heavy water reactors (PHWR) and graphite moderated light water cooled reactors (RBMK).
The closed fuel cycle is the mode of operation in which, after a sufficient cooling period, the
spent fuel is reprocessed to extract the remaining uranium and plutonium from the fission
products and other actinides. The reprocessed uranium and plutonium is then reused in the
reactors. This recycle strategy has been adopted by some countries mainly in light water
reactors (LWR) in the form of mixed oxide (MOX) fuel.
Apart from the current LWR recycling experience, another closed fuel cycle practice is the
recycle of nuclear materials in fast reactors in which, reprocessed uranium and plutonium are
used for production of fast reactor (FR) fuel. By suitable operation, such a reactor can produce
more fissile plutonium than it consumes.
The nuclear fuel cycle starts with uranium exploration and ends with disposal of the materials
used and generated during the cycle. For practical reasons the cycle has been further subdivided
into two stages: the front-end and the back-end. The nuclear fuel cycle is then completed by
the addition of irradiation of nuclear fuel and other related industrial activities to those two
main stages. The front-end of the fuel cycle occurs before irradiation and the back-end begins
with the discharge of spent fuel from the reactor. The specific steps or processes and the
corresponding nuclear fuel cycle facilities can be subdivided on front-end,
irradiation/nuclear power reactor operation, back-end, and related industrial activities.
The below sections give the list of stages and processes involved (with indication,
whether these stages and processes are covered by the NFCIS or not).
2.2.1. Front-end
• uranium ore exploration: activities related to the finding and development of the
uranium ores for uranium production; not presented in the NFCIS;
• uranium ore mining: activities related to the extracting uranium ore from the ground;
will be included in the NFCIS;
• uranium ore processing: activities related to the milling and refining of the ore to
produce uranium concentrates including in-situ leaching (commonly called yellow
cake — ammonium diuranate containing 80 to 90% of U3O8); presented in the NFCIS;
• conversion: activities related to the refining and conversion to the form which is
suitable for any of the other processes; presented in the NFCIS;
The fuel is inserted in the reactor and irradiated. Nuclear fission takes place, with the release
of energy. The length of irradiation of a fuel load is in general three to five years in LWRs
and one year in GCRs and PHWRs. The information about the nuclear power reactors are
covered by the IAEA PRIS database and not by the NFCIS.
2.2.3. Back-end
• At-reactor (AR) spent fuel storage: activities related to the storage of spent fuel in at-
reactor spent fuel storage facilities (wet type) for interim period. The storage is by
definition an interim measure; will be included in the NFCIS ;
• Away from reactor (AFR) spent fuel storage: activities related to the storage of spent
fuel in away-from-reactor spent fuel storage facilities (wet or dry type) for interim
period; presented in the NFCIS;
• spent fuel reprocessing and recycling: activities related to the special treatment of
spent fuel to be able to extract the usable materials and to recycle them in the reactors;
presented in the NFCIS;
• spent fuel conditioning: activities related to the production of spent fuel packages
suitable for handling, transport, storage and/or disposal; will be included in the
• heavy water production (for PHWRs): activities related to the production of heavy
water which is necessary to run PHWRs; presented in the NFCIS;
• zirconium alloy production: activities related to the production of nuclear grade
zirconium sponge which will be used to produce zirconium alloy tubing; presented in
the NFCIS;
• zirconium alloy tubing: activities related to the production of zirconium alloy tubing to
be used as cladding material for nuclear fuel; presented in the NFCIS;
• Stainless steel metal production (for AGRs, FRs): activities related to the production
of nuclear grade stainless steel which will be used to produce stainless steel tubing;
will be included in the NFCIS;
• Stainless steel tubing production (for AGRs, FRs): activities related to the production
of stainless steel tubing to be used as cladding material for nuclear fuel; will be
included in the NFCIS;
• Magnox fuel element cladding fabrication (for Magnox reactors): activities related to
the production of Magnox fuel cladding which is special type of cladding; not
presented in the NFCIS;
• Management of high level and other wastes: activities related to the management of
radioactive waste from all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle and the reactor operation;
not presented in the NFCIS;
This section provides a description of the basic nuclear fuel cycle processes mentioned in the
Section 2.1.3, including:
This section is accompanied and supported by tables given in the Section 3. Tables show the
capacities of nuclear fuel cycle facilities and their operational status.
Uranium is an element that is widely distributed within the earth’s crust. Its principal use is as
the primary fuel for nuclear power reactors. Naturally occurring uranium is composed of
about 99.3% 238U, 0.7% 235U and traces of 234U. 235U is the fissile isotope of uranium, i.e. its
atoms have a high probability of undergoing fission after capture of a thermal neutron. In
order to use uranium in the ground, it has to be extracted from the ore and converted into a
compound which can be utilized in the further steps of the nuclear fuel cycle. The form of
uranium to be used in next step is called uranium concentrate and known as yellowcake due to
its colour.
For the sake of NFCIS, there are two major facility types in the database regarding uranium
ore processing. One is called uranium ore processing and covers conventional uranium mills
and the other is called uranium recovery from phosphates and covers facilities in which
uranium is recovered as by-product from phosphate production facilities.
Data on uranium resources and demand are not included in the NFCIS and might be found in
the above-mentioned Uranium Red Book published biennially jointly by the IAEA and
OECD/NEA. The last publication of the Uranium Red Book was done in 2008 [15]. Also, a
lot of data and present status in the area were well presented at the IAEA “International
Symposium on Uranium Production and Raw Materials for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle — Supply
and Demand, Economics, the Environment and Energy Security” in June 2005 [21].
According to the last issue of the Red Book, the Reasonably Assured Resources and Inferred
Resources recoverable at costs US$ 130/kgU are equal to 3.338 and 2.130 million t U,
The planned growth of nuclear energy in the late 1970s motivated intensive uranium resource
exploration and exploitation. In reality, the actual nuclear energy growth and related uranium
consumption were much lower than forecast. In the 1980s the production of uranium
exceeded the consumption in the civilian nuclear programme and large civilian stockpiles of
natural uranium were created. The consequence was the closure of high cost uranium
production centres. Present uranium production is sufficient to meet only about 60% of
current uranium demand of the world civilian nuclear programme. For example, annual
demand of uranium in 2007 was equal to 69 110 t U, while production is 43 328 t U in 2007
[21]. The difference is provided from uranium inventories (natural U in concentrates, enriched
U, reprocessed U). In addition to civilian stocks, nuclear grade highly enriched uranium
(HEU) from military reserves is diluted and used for LWR fuel. But these two sources
inherited from 1970s are of limited character. The use of recycled materials (reprocessed
uranium and recovered plutonium) also helped to reduce the uranium demand. Reenriching
uranium tails (depleted uranium) is an additional way to reduce the uranium demand.
Uranium prices in the spot market, which had been low and stable for the previous decade and
a half, continued their climb — from US$25/kg in 2002 to US$350/kg in July 2007 then
reduced to US$122/kg in August 2008 [22]. Uranium production has been well below
consumption for about 15 years, and the current price increase reflects the growing perception
that secondary sources, which have covered the difference, are becoming exhausted. The
pressure on uranium prices is likely to remain strong, as primary production once again
becomes the dominant source of supply to satisfy demand, given the heavy investment that
will be required over the long term. This increase in production requires increased capacity
and an extension of the life of some production facilities, the start of mining operations at new
deposits, and rapid resumption of exploration. One of major conclusions of the 2005 IAEA
International Symposium [21] was that there is sufficient uranium resource in ground to fuel
expanding nuclear power programmes. However, the gap between the uranium in ground and
yellow cake (uranium concentrate) availability has to be narrowed by expansion of uranium
exploration, mining, milling and production activities.
Most uranium is produced by conventional ore mines and ore processing plants. Uranium
ores usually contain 0.1% to 0.5% of uranium although higher grades (up to several per
cent) have been found in some cases. Uranium is extracted by several basic processes:
underground mining (~38% of total), open pit mining (~23%), in situ leaching-ISL (~28%),
with co-product and by-product recovery from copper and gold operations (~8%) and other
methods (~3%) [15]. Figure 3 shows the major mining methods and their share in the 2007
total uranium production. Underground mining is used to exploit orebodies lying well below
the earth’s surface. This is a traditional process of mineral extraction, with shafts sunk into the
earth in order to gain access to the uranium ore. Open pit mining is used on ore bodies lying
nearer to the surface. With both of these processes, the ore is transported to a processing
facility (mill) in which the uranium is separated from the ore. In situ leaching is a process that
does not require the removal of solid ore from the ground. Instead the uranium is extracted
from the ore in the site by the use of a leaching solution (water with the addition of oxidants
and less often with the addition of sulphuric acid). ISL technology is used to extract uranium
from sandstone deposits.
Among other process methods, Heap Leaching is the process being used to recover uranium
from low grade ore and it is usually associated with a conventional uranium mine and ore
processing plant. In-place Leaching involves the extraction of uranium from broken ore
without removing it from an underground mine, whereas heap leaching involved the use of a
leaching facility on the surface.
Fig. 3. Major methods of mining uranium and their share in 2007 production [15].
Once the uranium ore has been extracted, it is processed in a mill where the uranium is
leached from the ore using either an acid or an alkaline leaching solution. The uranium is
recovered from this solution, or from ISL solutions, using an ion exchange or solvent
extraction process. The usable mill product is a uranium oxide concentrate termed
yellowcake. The yellowcake is usually heated to remove impurities, thus increasing the U3O8
2.3.2. Conversion
In order to use the uranium for the nuclear fuel uranium concentrate has to be converted to
other forms which is usable by the further steps in the fuel cycle, i.e. uranium hexafluoride
(UF6) in case of enriched uranium fuel, natural uranium oxide (UO2) in case of PHWRs, metal
uranium in case of fuel based on metallic uranium alloy.
Conversion to UF6 is a two-stage process. In the first stage, the uranium is converted into
uranium tetrafluoride (UF4), green salt. The UF4 is a solid with a melting point of 960oC. This
stage involves dissolving the uranium concentrates with acid, obtaining UO2(NO3)2·6H2O
(UNH) and purifying and then calcining it to produce UO3 powder. This product is then
hydrofluorinated with hydrofluoric acid, which converts it into UF4, which is granular and
green. In the second stage, the UF4 is converted into uranium hexafluoride (UF6) through
fluorination. One of the chemical characteristics of UF6 is that it turns into a gas when heated
at relatively low temperature. The fluorine used in this process is produced through
electrolysis of hydrofluoric acid. Two stages are usually performed at one plant, but,
sometimes, these two stages might be performed at two different plants (one example for
separate facilities — hydrofluorination stage with production of UF4 is carried out at the
Comurhex Malvesi plant, Narbonne, France and fluorination stage with production of UF6 is
carried out at the Comurhex Pierrelatte plant in southern France).
The scheme of uranium ore concentrate refining and conversion into UF6 by conventional
‘wet route’ is presented in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Stages in conventional (wet route) UF6 refining-conversion process.
The purified uranium trioxide (UO3) transformed in uranium dioxide (UO2) is used for the
fabrication of fuel elements for PHWRs, which usually operate with natural UO2 fuel. For
LWRs, using enriched fuel, UO2 is converted to UF6 (feed for enrichment process). UF4
conversion to U metal is used for fabrication of Magnox fuel.
The introduction of reprocessed uranium (RepU) into the fuel cycle has led to plans for the
construction of facilities dedicated to the production of UF6 from RepU. AREVA operates
TU2 and TU5 lines in Pierrelatte to convert UNH from reprocessing plant into U3O8, stable
oxide form for storage purposes. This U3O8 can be further converted to UF6 in Comurhex
Pierrelatte facility for re-enrichment purposes. Conversion of RepU was also done by Tomsk
(Rosatom, Russia), BNFL (UK) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) (Japan).
The uranium enrichment process generates depleted UF6, which might be converted into
stable, insoluble and non-corrosive U3O8 that can be safely stored pending reuse. The
AREVA Pierrelatte defluorination (Reconversion to U3O8) plant is the only facility in the
world to convert depleted uranium hexafluoride into U3O8 on a commercial scale. Also,
conversion of depleted uranium hexafluoride into an oxide generates an ultra pure 70%
hydrofluoric acid.
15 Balance (Supply-Demand-Production)
Regarding NFCIS data, the total capacity of uranium conversion facilities worldwide is about
74 000 t U/a for conversion into UF6 and 3 400 t U/a for conversion into UO2 for PHWR fuel.
The current demand for UF6 conversion is about 60 000 t U/a. The projected demand will be
between 60 000 and 90 000 t U/a in year 2025. In case the high growth case is realized in
nuclear power projections, there will be a need to build new conversion facilities. The existing
conversion facilities are also aging and need to be replaced. AREVA has already started the
construction of its new conversion facilities (Comurhex II). At present, the world uranium
conversion services are characterized by a small oversupply and relatively stable prices.
2.3.3. Enrichment
Natural uranium consists of three isotopes: 238U (99.28 % by mass), 235U (0.711 % by
mass) and 234U (0.0054% by mass). 235U is fissionable by thermal neutrons and is the only
naturally occurring uranium isotope which can be used as nuclear fuel in thermal reactors.
While pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) and natural uranium gas cooled graphite
reactors (Magnox) use natural uranium as a fuel, LWRs, Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors
(AGRs) and Graphite Moderated Light Water Cooled Reactors (RBMKs), which altogether
represent more than 90% of the installed nuclear power in the world [11][12], require
enriched uranium as a fuel material. For these reactors, 235U has to be enriched to about
2-5% by mass. Some PHWRs are also planned to be fuelled with the Slightly Enriched
Uranium fuel with 0.85-1.25% 235U.
The enrichment of uranium is a physical process used to increase the concentration of the
U isotope. Enrichment is the altering of isotope ratios in an element, and is usually done by
isotope separation. Enrichment processes are made up of many stages, both in series and
parallel, so it is usual to speak of separation factors per stage of process. When each process
stage has only a small separation factor, many stages in series are needed to get the desired
enrichment level. Also, when each stage has only a limited throughput, many stages are
needed in parallel to get the required production rate. Since it is difficult to achieve both high
separation and high throughput in a stage, design compromises are often made. Physical and
technological principles of enrichment are very well presented in [24].
To obtain the desired enrichment and quantity, an enrichment plant is designed as a series of
cascades, each with multiple units. At each stage, the enriched product feeds a higher
enrichment cascade and the depleted product a lower one. Diagram illustrating the concept of
enrichment unit, stage and cascade is given in Fig. 5, where enriched streams go to the next
stage of the enrichment section and depleted streams are returned to the stripping section. The
unit of measurement of enrichment is the Separative Work Unit (SWU). This can be defined
in mathematical terms, but is the best thought of as related to the amount of energy required to
take 1 kg of material from one enrichment level to another. Million SWU is the most common
used unit for enrichment services. However, sometimes, MTSWU which represents
1 000 SWU, is used when large quantities of enrichment are involved. The tails usually
contain 0.2-0.3 wt% 235U. NFCIS database was designed to use enrichment capacities in
MTSWU terms. The capacities from NFCIS can easily be converted to the other notation by
using the relation 1 000 MTSWU = 1 million SWU.
Fig. 5. Illustration of enrichment cascades.
The most common methods for enrichment are gaseous diffusion enrichment and centrifugal
enrichment. In both technologies UF6 is used as feed material. UF6 is the only gas form
suitable for diffusion/centrifuging. It has three main advantages: (1) it is a gas at low
temperatures (56.4oC is its sublimation temperature at normal pressure); (2) fluorine has only
one isotope, and (3) fluorine has a low atomic weight. Disadvantages of UF6 are how it acts
with moisture to form UO2F2 (uranyl fluoride), which is very corrosive media.
In gaseous diffusion, separation is achieved by virtue of the faster rate of diffusion of 235UF6
through a porous membrane relative to 238UF6 (Fig. 6). This process is energy intensive and
requires very large plants for economically viable operation, because separation factor is very
low (1.0043). The number of stages should be very significant, e.g. Eurodif Georges Besse
gaseous diffusion plant’s cascade includes 1400 diffusion barrier stages.
The more recent technology is centrifuge enrichment, which relies on the application of
extremely high rotational speeds to separate the lighter 235U from the 238U, again present in
the form of gaseous UF6. The separation is effected in cylinders (Fig. 7). Gas centrifuge has
two major advantages over gaseous diffusion: (1) it is much more energy efficient; and (2) its
plants have much fewer stages to a given enrichment. Although centrifuges have much
smaller throughput than diffusion stages, this allows incremental capacity to be put on-line in
smaller steps. The capital cost per unit capacity is about the same for both. Typical separation
factor is higher than 1.25, up to 2.0 for very advanced units. The electricity consumption of
the centrifuge process is relatively low — about 50 kWh for one SWU, which is about 1/50 of
that for gaseous diffusion. Also, this technology can be developed in a modular way, allowing
expansion of the facility according to demand.
Chemical exchange and aerodynamic enrichment processes were developed and implemented
on commercial/semi-commercial scale in the past, but no industrial application came to life.
Some countries have investigated other isotope separation technologies. Most of these involve
separation by atomic and molecular laser excitation. The first one was under development in
the USA (by USEC/LLL — ‘AVLIS’), France (by CEA – ‘SILVA’), Japan (‘Laser Jet’); the
second one was under development in Australia (‘SILEX’). These technologies have not been
commercialized and it is unlikely that commercialization will be achieved in the near future.
Financing of these projects was either stopped or drastically reduced. Typical stage separation
factors over 2.0 were achieved for some of experimental laser devices.
There are plans to replace gaseous diffusion plants by gaseous centrifuge plants in France and
USA. Georges Besse II plant using centrifuge technology will replace the current gaseous
diffusion plant in in France. Construction and commissioning is expected to span the period
from 2006 to about 2018. It is expected that the Georges Besse II plant will start up by 2009.
The facility then will gradually reach to its full production capacity in about 2018.
USEC started construction of the American Centrifuge Plant in 2007 in Piketon, which will
begin uranium enrichment operations in 2010, and reach an initial annual production capacity
of 3.8 million SWU in 2012 [25].
URENCO has started the work for constructing a gasous centrifuge plant in USA. The facility
is called National Enrichment Facility (NEF) and located in New Mexico. The final capacity
will be 3 million SWU and is expected to be achieved in year 2013.
In case of utilizing the reprocessed uranium as low enriched fuel, it has to be re-enriched to
the required level. Since RepU contains isotopes that are difficult to handle at a diffusion
plant, the low inventory and modular design of a centrifuge enrichment plant is preferred for
its re-enrichment.
World demand of enrichment services in 2007 was estimated about 40 million SWU.
Regarding NFCIS, available worldwide enrichment capacity is about 56 million SWU plus
5.5 million SWU from dilution of excessive HEU from Russian defence programme. That is
the evidence of some over-capacity in enrichment sector.
The demand for uranium enrichment is projected between 50 and 85 million SWU in year
2025 for low and high growth of nuclear power projection.
The breakdown of the commercial enrichment facilities is given in Section 3 TABLE 14.
The next step in the nuclear fuel cycle after enrichment (after conversion in the case of natural
uranium fuel) is manufacturing the nuclear fuel in the form of an assembly in order to be
utilized in the nuclear power reactors. The assembly has to be in a certain shape to meet the
neutronic and thermalhydraulic design of the reactor and in a certain material form to provide
first level of containment of radioactive material including fission products and other
actinides which are produced during the irradiation of the nuclear fuel.
Usually, final product of fuel fabrication plant delivered to the electric utilities is a fuel
assembly (FA). An LWR fuel assembly is made of cylindrical tubes called ‘fuel rods’
containing sintered uranium oxide pellets — the fissile material — held in place in a metal
frame, or ‘skeleton’, usually made of zirconium alloy. An assembly can contain 200 to
500 kilograms of heavy metal, depending on the type of assembly. Figure 8 demonstrates
typical fuel assemblies for the most common nuclear power plants in the world including
Main stages in FA fabrication are shown in Fig. 9. They include re-conversion of UF6 to UO2
powder, pellet fabrication, cladding fabrication, fuel rod fabrication, and skeleton fabrication
(in case of LWRs; guide tubes, grids and end pieces) and, finally assembly fabrication. There
are facilities which produce powder, pellets, rods and assembly. However, there are facilities
which produce powder, pellets or rods as final products to feed other facilities.
Fig. 8. Various typical fuel assemblies.
In order to manufacture enriched uranium fuel, enriched UF6 has to be re-converted into UO2
powder. This is the first step in the enriched fuel fabrication. It is called re-conversion. There
are several dry or wet processes for re-conversion (or deconversion) of UF6 to UO2 powder.
The first commercially introduced dry process so-called IDR (Integrated Dry Route Powder
Process) was developed by BNFL [26] and licensed in many countries. Two wet processes,
namely ADU (ammonium di-uranate) and AUC (ammonium uranyl carbonate), are the most
frequently used wet processes worldwide.
Flow sheet of ADU and AUC reconversion processes and some reaction data are given in Fig.
10. Usually, independently on the type of main reconversion process used, large capacity fuel
fabrication plant operates separate ADU line for own UO2 scrap recycling and purification
and or RepU conversion. High industrial maturity is the distinctive feature of the ADU
process. The shortage is insufficient powder flowability and the need for intermediate
granulation stage.
Flow sheet of IDR process is given in Fig. 11. The IDR technique consists, in brief, of feeding
UF6 vapour with steam through a jet to form a plume of UO2F2 powder which is then ejected
into a rotating kiln where it meets a counter-current flow of hydrogen and steam. The product
UO2 of high reactivity and fine particle size is discharged from the end of the kiln through
check-hoppers into product containers.
Fig. 10. Flow sheet of ADU and AUC reconversion processes and some reaction data.
Fig. 11. Flow sheet of Integrated Dry Route for reconversion to UO2 powder [26].
21 Fuel pellet production
Characteristics of UO2 powders obtained by different routes might be found in [26], and
information on powder/pelletizing technologies in [27][28] in more details. Flow sheet of
pellet manufacturing is given in Fig. 12, [29]. Depending on characteristics of the initial
powder, mainly flowability and bulk density, and requirements on finished pellet
characteristics, press feed preparation stage (pre-pressing and granulation) might be omitted.
Addition of fine U3O8 powder increases mechanical strength of green (before sintering)
pellets and impacts on pore structure, (i.e. on densification behaviour). Pore former agent
assists to obtaining desirable porosity level and pore’s distribution. Addition of lubricant
provides for better pressing behaviour and lower green density gradient.
Fig. 12. Flow sheet of LWR pellet manufacturing starting from UF6 [29].
The green pellet density is about 60% of theoretical density (5.9-6.3 g/cm3). Sintering is
usually done in furnaces with different temperature/cover gas zones (preheat, densification
and high temperature zones) divided by a gas barrier (nitrogen jet) to provide the required
physical and chemical characteristics such as mechanical strength, porosity and grain size, etc.
The pellets are subjected to grinding, cleaning and drying to achieve necessary geometrical
and quality requirements.
In detail, fuel pellet technology was considered at the IAEA Technical Meetings on Advanced
Methods of Process/Quality Control in Nuclear Reactor Fuel Manufacture held in 1999 [27]
and on Advanced Fuel Pellet Materials and Designs for Water Cooled Reactors held in 2003
22 Rod manufacturing
Fabrication of rods includes insertion of fuel pellets in the cladding and, in some case, blanket
pellets in the end of fuel column, then springs and welding of the lower end plug. LWR fuel
rods are filled in with helium. Helium pressure depends on rod design and varies from about
15 to 30 bars. Fabrication and inspection (fuel column weight, column continuity, cladding
integrity and others) operations are maximally automated.
PHWR fuel rods are of different in comparison to LWR rods design, because cladding
(sheath) is thin (~0.35 mm thickness) and collapses during the operation of power reactor.
Before pellet loading, a thin layer of graphite is applied to reduce pellet-cladding interaction
(PCI). Inside rod, like in PWR rods, there is helium-inert gas mixture atmosphere.
The final step in the fuel fabrication is to assemble all components in one structure. This final
product is called fuel assembly.
LWR fuel assembly components include spacer grids, usually made of zirconium alloy plates
with welded Inconel springs (more than 500 welding points and more than 200 welding seams
per grid [25]), top and bottom nozzles made of stainless steel, and guide tubes. First, the
skeleton assembly is made, which is the assembly of the guide tubes and the instrumentation
tube to the spacer grids and bottom nozzle. On the assembly bench, the rods are driven by
traction equipment. Then the top nozzle is mounted. The nozzles are mounted on the guide
tubes by screws which heads are crimped by machining, which ensures blocking during
rotation [29]. The screws can be taken out to dismantle the nozzles and, if needed, to replace
defective rod/rods with zirconium alloy dummy/dummies (FA repair). After replacement, new
screws are inserted.
In PHWR fuel assembly fuel rods (configuration of spacer elements on rods is different for
inner and outer rods) are welded with end plates at both ends.
Worldwide requirement on LWR fuel was about 7 500 t HM in 2007 and total capacity,
regarding NFCIS, constituted about 11 500 t HM/a in fuel assemblies. MOX fuel fabrication
capacities were equal about 315 t HM/a, and the production is about 150-200 t HM/a.
Worldwide capacity for PHWR fuel manufacture constituted of about 4 250 t HM/a. The
demand for PWHR fuel was about 2 750 t HM in 2007.
The projections for LWR fuel fabrication shows that the demand will be between 6 000 and
12 000 t HM/a in year 2025 for the low and high nuclear power growth projections.
The breakdown of the commercial uranium fuel fabrication facilities is given in TABLE 15 to
TABLE 23 of Section 3.
The finished fuel is loaded into nuclear reactors and irradiated, i.e. nuclear fission
reactions are allowed to take place, thereby releasing energy which is used to generate
electricity. The amount of energy that can be obtained from a given amount of uranium
depends on the type of reactor used, the degree of burnup achieved and other variables. One
metric tonne of natural uranium dioxide, at the present level of nuclear fuel cycle technology,
can produce approximately 3 × 107 kWh of the electricity, which is equivalent about to
11 000 tonnes of crude oil. TABLE 5 shows basic characteristics of presently operating
nuclear power reactors and their fuels. According to the IAEA PRIS database, there are
439 reactors in operation and the total installed capacity of those is about 372 GWe as of
September 2008 [11][12]. PRIS show also that 35 reactors with total capacity of 29.3 GWe is
under construction as of September 2008.
type Press. H2O Boiling H2O Pr. D2O Boil. CO2 CO2 Na
pressure, bar 155 70 110 40 19 5
temperature, 320 286 310 630 400 550
outlet, 0C 284
type UO2 or MOX UO2 or MOX UO2 UO2 UO2 U metal UO2*
enrichment 235
Up to 5% Nat. U Up to 3% 2.5-3.8% Nat. U 17-26%
up to 5% U 235 235 235 235
U eff. U U U*
Burnup, Up to 60 Up to 55 7 Up to 25 Up to 30 4 Up to
Number of 229 93 39 16 14 8 1
Types of presently operating nuclear power reactors include Pressurized Water Reactors
(PWRs and WWERs), Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs), Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors
(PHWRs), Graphite Moderated Light Water Cooled Reactors (RBMKs), Advanced Gas
Reactors (AGRs), Magnox Reactors and Fast Reactors (FRs). Prototype High Temperature
Gas Cooled Reactors (HTGRs) which were operated earlier are shutdown. There are
continuous studies on the development of HTGRs and on the other new designs including
new type of fast reactors.
2.3.6. Spent fuel management options
The nuclear fuel, which has been irradiated in the nuclear reactor, has to be removed
(discharged) from the reactor after the irradiation period. Discharged fuel is called spent fuel,
used fuel or irradiated fuel. After discharge the spent fuel is usually stored at At-Reactor (AR)
pools for a certain period of time. Following the AR storage the nuclear fuel goes to the next
step of the nuclear fuel cycle.
Figure 13 shows the main paths of fuel after discharge from the reactor for different fuel cycle
options. In the open fuel cycle option, the next fuel cycle step is the storage of nuclear fuel in
Away From Reactor (AFR) storage facilities. AFR facilities can be wet type (pools) or dry
types. The storage solutions available on the market allow nuclear power utility to manage its
own spent fuel for several decades. The long-term challenge will be the final disposal of the
utility’s inventory of spent fuel, often in connection with the national nuclear waste disposal
In the closed fuel cycle option, the next fuel cycle step is the reprocessing of the spent nuclear
fuel. In wait-and-see option, the spent fuel is stored at AFR facilities for uncertain period after
at-reactor storage period. Spent fuel is conditioned if the longer term storage is planned.
In LWR, spent fuel is discharged from the core during regular reactor refuelling outage, with
primary circuit depressurized and the vessel open. Fuel assembly first goes to the at-reactor
(AR) pool and then to the away-from-reactor (AFR) spent fuel storage facility or to
reprocessing facility depending on the fuel cycle option. Spent PHWR, RBMK and some
AGR fuel are discharged on-power and assemblies are stored in water pools, at least, for heat
removal period of time. FR spent fuel assemblies are stored in internal sodium storage for
heat removal before transport to water pool.
Magnox spent fuel elements have to be reprocessed because they cannot be stored for long
periods of time without serious degradation of the cladding. The Magnox system was
designed with a wet discharge routes and interim pool storage of fuel in anticipation of early
reprocessing. Wylfa NPP, which utilizes a wet discharge route also, has an at-reactor dry
storage facility built to guard against any interruption to reprocessing activities at Sellafield.
Magnox fuel is reprocessed after about 6 month’s storage.
AGRs have very small AR spent fuel storage pools, as early reprocessing was envisaged
during the design of the reactors, and hence all spent AGR fuel is sent to Sellafield where it is
stored underwater. The contractual relationship between BNFL & BE covers the lifetime
arisings of AGR fuel. It provides for a near maximum commitment to reprocessing over the
first two decades of Thorp operation. There are options for further reprocessing following the
first 20 years of Thorp operation or long term storage [30].
The spent fuel has to be stored for certain period after discharge from the reactor regardless of
the spent fuel management route. However, the duration of the storage period depends on the
spent fuel management route and the type of the fuel. Spent fuel can be stored in either wet
storage facilities or dry storage facilities.
The wet storage of spent LWR fuel has been in use for rather more than 30 years. Spent FAs
are stored in vertical racks, usually done of borated SS in order to avoid criticality, in water at
temperatures below 40°C. Water is constantly purified and activity is maintained below
107 Bq/m3.
The dry storage is possible in air, nitrogen or in inert gas. The present conclusions for air
storage are that the maximum cladding temperature should not exceed 140-150°C
[29][31][32]. At these conditions the additional oxidation of a Zircaloy cladding, as estimated,
to be less than 10 µm over 50 years [29]. Regarding storage in inert gas, experiments and
calculations have led to the recommendation on maintaining 350-400°C as maximum
cladding temperature to avoid creep risk and cladding oxidation [29][31][32]. There are
several types of dry storage designs based on different cask types or vault type facilities.
Wet fuel storage is now considered to be a mature technology. Dry storage has been
developed over the past 25-30 years and can also be regarded as an established industrial
Figure 14 shows the trends in spent fuel discharge, reprocessing and storage estimated by the
NFCSS [9] based on the nuclear power projection which is given in the IAEA RDS-1 [33]. In
this estimation, the arithmetic median of the low and high projection of RDS-1 was used.
Regarding the NFCSS estimation, the spent fuel generation rate worldwide was about
11 000 t HM/year in 2007 and expected to increase to about 13 00 t HM/year by 2030. As less
than one third of the fuel inventory is reprocessed in current practice, about 8 500 t HM/year
was needed to be placed into interim storage facilities in 2007. At the beginning of 2008,
slightly more than 200 000 t HM of spent fuel were stored in storage facilities of various
types. This will reach to about 400 000 t HM-in 2030 if the current trend in reprocessing is
maintained. Total capacity of existing spent fuel storage (SFS) facilities in 2003 was
243 800 t HM and total capacity of the facilities under construction is about 24 000 t HM
[34]. Most of this fuel was under water, but dry storage was becoming a commonly used
technology with more than 12 000 t HM stored in dry storage facilities worldwide.
Consequently, a storage shortage is not expected globally. On a national level however, a
shortage may occur if construction or expansion cannot be completed in time. The breakdown
of AFR spent fuel storage facilities is given in TABLE 24 and TABLE 25 of Section 3.
700 600
0 300
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Fig. 14. Cumulative spent fuel discharged, stored and reprocessed from 1990 to 2030.
After a storage period in interim storage facilities (AR or AFR type), spent fuel will be
prepared for reprocessing or conditioned for further storage or disposal. Depending on the
disposal concept, spent fuel is generally placed first in a primary metallic (usually iron or
steel) container that is then placed inside an overpack or canister (usually mild steel, cast iron,
stainless steel, concrete, copper and titanium) [35][36]. Normally, only the overpack/canister
is intended to have a barrier function once emplaced in the repository. One of the functions of
the primary or inner container is to facilitate handling by providing the required mechanical
strength. In regard to spent fuel, fuel assemblies might be placed individually into slots in a
composite disposal canister (i.e. one without an inner container).
One of the important steps in the closed nuclear fuel cycle is the reprocessing of spent fuel.
The spent nuclear fuel still consists of significant amount of fissile material that can be used
to produce energy. The considerable amount of 235U is still contained in the spent fuel and
there are new fissile nuclides that were produced during the operation of nuclear power
reactor such as 239Pu. Closed nuclear fuel cycle considers taking out those fissile material
from the spent fuel, refabricating it as fuel and burning in the reactor. MOX fuel and ERU
fuels are the most common fuels that use reprocessed material. Reprocessed uranium from
WWER fuel is also used in RBMK by blending with fresh materials and with other
reprocessed uranium with higher content of fissile material (reprocessed research reactor
fuel). Reprocessing process is based on chemical and physical processes to separate the
required material from spent nuclear fuel. The feed of this process is spent fuel and the
products are reusable material and high level waste. Reprocessing not only utilizes nuclear
materials more effectively but also reduces the volume and the radiotoxicity of the material
requiring deep geological disposal.
Reprocessing has been carried out on a commercial scale for over four decades in several
countries. Reprocessing strategy considers spent fuel as an energy resource which is recovered
through reprocessing. As it is displayed in Fig. 15, spent fuel contains, (for 4% initial
enrichment and 45 GWd/t discharge burnup), about 0.67% unburned 235U, about 0.5% 236 U,
about 93% 238U, about 1% plutonium (0.67% is Fissile Pu), 0.1% Minor Actinides, 4% of
fission products and small amounts of other actinides. After cooling in a pool for a few
years, the fuel can be reprocessed. Reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel separates
plutonium and uranium from the intensely radioactive fission products and other actinides.
Fig. 15. Illustration of a typical PWR fuel assembly and approxiomate composition of fresh
fuel and spent fuel after irradiation after 45 GWd/t burnup.
Different technical processes can be used to accomplish this separation. However, over
the years Purex (Fig. 16) has become the most commonly accepted process. The Purex
process has a number of advantages including lower solvent volatility and flammability,
higher chemical and radiation stability of the solvent and lower operating costs. Purex
involves the shearing of irradiated nuclear fuel and its dissolution in nitric acid, followed
by separation of uranium, plutonium and fission products by solvent extraction using an
organic diluent — the extractant tributyl phosphate (TBP) mixed in a largely inert
hydrocarbon solvent [24].
In order to increase proliferation resistance features of the fuel cycles, the studies are going
on to develop and commercialize other reprocessing techniques which will retrieve uranium
and plutonium together from the spent fuel.
The fission products are stored temporarily in stainless steel tanks fitted with continuous
cooling and agitating devices. After a decay period of about one year, the fission
product solutions can be solidified usually by vitrification. Glass containing the high level
nuclear waste is poured into stainless steel canisters which are stored in an interim
monitored storage where they are cooled by ventilation. After sufficient cooling, the
canisters could be sent to an underground repository for disposal.
Recovered uranium is converted into oxide powder and stored prior to further use. It is
then re-enriched or blended with HEU and fabricated into new fuel. It could also be used
as a matrix for MOX fuel to replace the depleted uranium. Since reprocessed uranium
contains artificial isotopes not present in natural uranium, the fuel fabrication requires
special shielding and processing lines. The additional measures include protection against
radiation due to the presence of the 232U isotope and its by-products and require over
enrichment in 235U compensating for 236U neutron absorption effects.
Separated plutonium is converted into an oxide powder, packed in leak tight cans and
transported to plutonium fuel fabrication facilities for the production of MOX fuels for
LWRs and FRs. Because of the fissile isotopes 239Pu and 241Pu, plutonium is used as
substitute for 235U. But 241Pu decays into the non-fissile and highly radioactive 241Am. For this
reason the utilization of plutonium for MOX fuel should ideally take place shortly after its
separation from the spent fuel.
In general MOX fuel pellets are produced from UO2 and PuO2 powders in a similar way to
the uranium fuel. Details for the MOX fuel pellet production can be found in IAEA Technical
Reports Series 415 “Status and Advances in MOX fuel Technology [37].
Balance (supply-demand-production)
As of the end of 2007, about 90 000 t HM of commercial spent fuel has been reprocessed,
mostly at the two commercial plants at La Hague and Sellafield [38] and in Mayak. Activities
range from the small scale reprocessing of fuel from research or experimental reactors to
large-scale industrial plants offering an international service for standard oxide LWR, WWER
and AGR fuel. The total reprocessing capacity will increase with the new plant, Rokkasho-
mura of 800 t HM/a nominal capacities, currently under commissioning test in Japan, which is
expected to come on line soon.
Only operating MOX fuel assembly fabrication facility is MELOX in France with nominal
capacity of 145 t HM. Sellafield MOX facility is under commissioning tests (capacity will be
120 t HM). There is also a planned MOX fabrication facility in Rokkasho with nominal
capacity of 130 t HM.
The breakdown of commercial reprocessing facilities is given in Section 3 TABLE 26. The
breakdown of commercial MOX fuel fabrication facilities is given in Section 3 TABLE 27
and TABLE 28.
After being properly conditioned, spent fuel can be disposed in deep geological formations
for an indefinite period of time until a non-hazardous level of radioactivity from the
actinides and fission products is reached by decay. The term ‘Spent Nuclear Fuel’ includes
whole or dismantled fuel assemblies or consolidated fuel rods, containing the original metallic
uranium, uranium dioxide or mixed oxide (MOX) fuel matrices and the fission products and
transuranics that were formed while the fuel was in the reactor. Spent fuel can easily
withstand the elevated temperatures that will be reached during its early phase in the
repository, since the temperatures experienced in reactors are very much higher. The
repository EBS may, however, be much more sensitive to elevated temperatures, and its long
term performance in the context of the thermal evolution of the repository will need to be
estimated with care. In this respect, MOX fuels generate more heat, and for a longer period,
than normal uranium oxide fuel.
Various repository concepts are under consideration. Some are based on underground
engineered galleries several hundred meters below the surface, where conditioned fuel packed
into canisters would be loaded into tunnels and then backfilled with a material impervious to
water such as bentonite. The siting of such a repository requires special geological and
seismic conditions in order to provide a physically and chemically stable environment
preventing eventual migration of actinides and fission products into the environment.
Several geological formations are under investigation for underground repository siting,
including granite, schists, salt deposits and clay beds.
At present there is no operating repository for spent nuclear fuel, although several are under
study. The fuel is at present kept in at-reactor pools or in monitored and retrievable interim
spent fuel storage. Scientific and technical basis for the geological disposal of spent fuel and
radioactive wastes are considered in [35].
Zirconium is a very important metal in nuclear power industry. With atomic number 40,
6.5 g/cm3 density, 1875 °C melting point, good mechanical properties and thermal
conductivity and very low macroscopic cross-section for thermal neutrons, Zirconium is the
best material for water reactor claddings and fuel assembly components. Zr is among the most
abundant (0.28%) elements in the Earth's crust. It occurs in the form of Zr-sand (mineral with
the formula ZrSiO4) and usually contains up to 3% Hf which is a neutron poison and should
be separated from Zr. The production of zirconium alloy from Zr-sand to the alloyed metallic
ingot is based on a Zr-tetrachloride (ZrCl4) technology for basic manufacturers.
The zirconium alloys in use for nuclear fuel fabrication are: Zircaloy-2 (BWR FR cladding),
Zircaloy-4 (PWR/PHWR FR cladding and BWR and PWR FA structure), M5 and ZIRLOTM
(PWR fuel rod cladding and FA structure), E-110 and E-635 (WWER/RBMK fuel rod
cladding and FA structure), Zr-2.5Nb or E-125 (respectively, PHWR and RBMK pressure
tubes). Chemical compositions for Zr-based alloys (wt %) are: Zircaloy -2 (Sn: 1.2-1.7%;
Fe: 0.07-0.2%; Ni: 0.03-0.08%; Cr: 0.05-0.15% plus Zr); Zircaloy-4 (Sn: 1.2-1.7%;
Fe: 0.18- 0.24%; Ni: 0.007%; Cr: 0.07-0.15% plus Zr). The zirconium alloy (Zr + 1 %
Nb) is used for WWER fuel. The zirconium alloy (Zr + 2.5% Nb) is mainly used as
pressure tube material for RBMKs and PHWRs.
To reduce the fuel-cycle costs the nuclear industry strives to extend the discharge burnup of
the fuel and to prolong the operating cycles. In PWRs this trend is accompanied by new
operating regimes, including higher B and Li levels in the primary coolant. Similar changes
are carried out in WWERs. Under these operating conditions, corrosion, hydriding and
irradiation induced growth of Zr-based materials are important factors for the performance of
LWR fuel. R&D work resulted in development and introduction of modified or new advanced
cladding materials.
As mentioned in previous part, Zr-alloy metal is used as feed material for fabrication of final
products, like FR claddings, pressure tubes, FA components (spacer grids, springs) and guide
tubes. Zr-alloy products must meet very rigorous quality requirements for dimensional
tolerances and mechanical properties, material condition, surface state and direction of
residual stresses in order to minimize fuel failures.
More detailed information on zirconium alloy tubing technology might be found in [39].
Technology of fabrication of PHWR/RBMK pressure tubes and zirconium alloy sheets has
own peculiarities and might be found in appropriate literature, e.g. in the Proceedings of the
ASTM Zirconium Conferences and also in ‘Zr Handbook’ to be published by the IAEA
presumably in 2008.
The breakdown of commercial Zirconium alloy tubing facilities is given in Section 3 TABLE
Heavy water is the common name for D2O, deuterium oxide. Heavy water is required as a
moderator and coolant for PHWRs loaded with natural UO2 fuel. Heavy water represents
about 10% of the operational cost of PHWRs. Several chemical exchange processes are
available for the commercial production of heavy water. For bulk commercial production, the
primary extraction process to date, the bithermal ‘Girdler-Sulphide (G-S)’ process, exploits
the temperature-dependence of the exchange of deuterium between water and hydrogen-
sulphide gas (H2S). Exchange reaction is fast and occurs without a catalyst to produce
‘reactor-grade’ heavy water with 99.75 wt% deuterium content. The G-S process is expensive
and requires large quantities of toxic H2S gas and the last G-S plant in Canada was shutdown
in 1997. There are still operating G-S plants in China, India, and Romania.
Another chemical exchange process used for commercial heavy water production is
monothermal ammonia-hydrogen processes depends on ammoniacal alkali metal salts to
catalyse the reaction (KNH2 in ammonia). Even with these, the reaction is still rather slow and
complex mechanical agitation is needed to provide adequate transfer rates. To exploit the
effect of temperature on separation factors, refrigeration is needed and the energy demands of
the process are significant. Plants using this process are in operation in Argentina and India.
The breakdown of commercial heavy water production facilities is given in Section 3 TABLE
Economics is not, of course, a part of the NFCIS. However, information on the price of
nuclear fuel cycle components/stages may help understanding the role of each stage in the
nuclear fuel cycle as a whole.
In order to asses the economic aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, we need to know the
components of the overall nuclear fuel cycle cost. These are (typical for enriched uranium fuel
• Front-end componets
o Natural uranium purchase
o Conversion
o Enrichment
o Fuel fabrication
• Back-end components
o Open-cycle
Spent fuel storage and transport
Spent fuel conditioning and disposal
o Closed-cycle
Spent fuel transport and storage
Spent fuel reprocessing
Disposal of LLW, ILW and HLW
The OECD/NEA published a comprehensive report on the economics of fuel cycle in 1994
[41]. Details about the contribution of each fuel cycle stage to the total fuel cycle cost can be
found in this report for different type of reactors and fuel cycle options. Although the prices
levels of each stage changed significantly nowadays (especially the price for natural uranium)
the report provides a good overview of the fuel cycle cost calculation.
Facility report is opened when link over the FacilityID or Facility Name is clicked. As it can
be seen in Fig. 19, detailed catalogue information about the selected facility is displayed in the
facility report page.
Fig. 17. Home page of the NFCIS CDROM.
Fig. 18. List of nuclear fuel cycle facilities from NFCIS CDROM.
Fig. 19. Facility report page from NFCIS CDROM.
The third page in the NFCIS CDROM is the Summary Tables page which hosts a number of
statistical or summary tables to illustrate the worldwide overview of the nuclear fuel cycle
facilities (Fig. 20). There are a number of different tables and they can be selected by clicking
on the radio button which resides on the left part of the table caption.
3.2. Directory of nuclear fuel cycle facilities
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
Beisa South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Belgonucleaire PO Plant Belgium Fuel Fabrication (MOX Shutdown Commercial
Ben Lomond Australia Uranium Ore Processing Deferred Commercial
Benxi China Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Bertholene (Les Ballaures) France Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Bessines France Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Beva South Africa Fuel Fabrication (U Shutdown Commercial
Beverley Australia Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
BHWP — A Canada Heavy Water Production Decommissioned Commercial
BHWP — B Canada Heavy Water Production Decommissioning Commercial
BHWP — C Canada Heavy Water Production Cancelled Commercial
BHWP — D Canada Heavy Water Production Deferred Commercial
Biblis NPP On-Site Interim Storage Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Shutdown Commercial
Facility (Temporary)
Biblis NPP On-Site Storage Facility Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Big Rock Point NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Bluewater United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Blyvooruitzicht South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Bohunice NPP Site SFSF Slovakia AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
BRF Enrichment Brazil Uranium Enrichment In operation Pilot plant
BRN Enrichment Brazil Uranium Enrichment In operation Laboratory
Brokdorf NPP On-Site Storage Facility Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Browns Ferry NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
BRQ Pellet Production Brazil Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- In operation Laboratory
BRTG Fuel Fabrication Brazil Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- In operation Laboratory
Bruni United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Brunsbuettel NPP On-Site Interim Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Cancelled Commercial
Storage Facility (Temporary)
Brunsbuettel NPP On-site Storage Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
BRW Conversion Brazil Conversion to UF6 Under construction Pilot plant
Buffelsfontein South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Under construction Commercial
Building 18 France Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Laboratory
Building 19 France Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioned Laboratory
Bukhovo Bulgaria Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Burns United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
BWXT United States of America Fuel Fabrication (Research In operation Commercial
Calgary Canada U Recovery from Phosphates Stand by Commercial
Calvert Cliffs NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Cameco — Blind River (UO3) Canada Conversion to UO3 In operation Commercial
Cameco — Port Hope (U) Canada Conversion to U Metal In operation Commercial
Cameco — Port Hope (UF6) Canada Conversion to UF6 In operation Commercial
Cameco — Port Hope (UO2) Canada Conversion to UO2 In operation Commercial
Candu Fuel Fabrication Plant (1) Korea, Republic of Fuel Fabrication (U Shutdown Commercial
CANDU Fuel Fabrication Plant (2) Korea, Republic of Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Candu Fuel Plant China Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Canon City-I United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
Canon City-II United States of America Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Central Processing Plant South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Centralized Wet Storage Facility China AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Centralnoye (Taukent) Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
CEZUS — Jarrie France Zirconium Alloy Production In operation Commercial
CEZUS — Montreuil Juigné France Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
Cezus — Nagahama Japan Zirconium Alloy Production Shutdown Commercial
CEZUS — Paimboeuf France Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
CEZUS — Rugles France Zirconium Alloy Production In operation Commercial
CEZUS — Ugine France Zirconium Alloy Production In operation Commercial
Chalk River Laboratories, NFFF Canada Fuel Fabrication (Research In operation Commercial
Chashma Pakistan Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Chepetski Machine Plant — Zircaloy Russian Federation Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
Chepetski Machine Plant- Zirconium Russian Federation Zirconium Alloy Production In operation Commercial
Chernobyl NPP Site Ukraine AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Planned Commercial
Chernobyl NPP Site Ukraine AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Chkalovsk (Vostok-Redmet) Tajikistan Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Chongyi China Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Christensen Ranch United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioning Commercial
Clab ISF Sweden AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Claiborne Enrichment Center United States of America Uranium Enrichment Deferred Commercial
Clay West United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Cluff Lake Canada Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioning Commercial
CNRC Nuclear Fuel Pilot Plant — Turkey Conversion to UO2 In operation Pilot plant
CNRC Nuclear Fuel Pilot Plant — Pellet Turkey Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- In operation Pilot plant
Production Pin)
Columbia (Westinghouse) United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Columbia Generating Station NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Comurhex II — Malvesi (UF4) France Conversion to UF4 Under construction Commercial
Comurhex II — Pierrelatte (RepU) France Conversion to UF6 Under study- Commercial
Comurhex II — Pierrelatte (UF6) France Conversion to UF6 Under construction Commercial
Comurhex Malvesi (UF4) France Conversion to UF4 In operation Commercial
Comurhex Pierrelatte (Rep. U) France Conversion to UF6 Shutdown Commercial
Comurhex Pierrelatte (UF6) France Conversion to UF6 In operation Commercial
CONU Magnox Fuel Fabrication Plant Italy Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Coral India Spent Fuel Reprocessing In operation Pilot plant
Cordoba Conversion Facility Argentina Conversion to UO2 In operation Commercial
Crossen Uranium Ore Processing Plant Germany Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Crow Butte United States of America Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Crown Point United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Under study Commercial
Cserkut (Mecsekuran LLC) Hungary Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Dalur Russian Federation Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Danish Decommissioning Denmark Fuel Fabrication (Research Shutdown Pilot plant
Davis Besse NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
DeMOX — ToMOX United States of America Fuel Fabrication (MOX Planned Commercial
Denison Canada Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
Dnieprodzerzynsk Ukraine Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Doel NPP Site Belgium AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Don Otto Argentina Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Dornod / Erdes Mongolia Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
Douglas Point NPP Site Canada AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
DP West Plutonium Facility United States of America Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioning Commercial
Dresden NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Driefontein South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Dry Storage Facility (ROG) Romania AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Duane Arnold NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
DUPIC Fuel Dev. Fac. (DFDF) Korea, Republic of Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Laboratory
DUPIC Pilot Scale Facility Korea, Republic of Fuel Fabrication (U Cancelled Pilot plant
East Rand South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk-44) Russian Federation Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk-44) Russian Federation Conversion to UF6 In operation Commercial
Eleshnitza Bulgaria Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Ellweiler Uranium Ore Processing Plant Germany Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Embalse SF Storage Facility Argentina AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Engis Belgium U Recovery from Phosphates Decommissioned Commercial
Enrichment Technology Company Ltd. Germany Uranium Enrichment In operation Laboratory
Zweigniederlassung Deutschland
Eurex SFRE (MTR) Italy Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Pilot plant
Eurex SFRE (Oxide) Italy Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Pilot plant
Eurex SFRE (Pu Nitrate Line) Italy Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Pilot plant
Eurochemic (Belgoprocess Site) Belgium Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Pilot plant
Eurochemic (Belgoprocess Site) Storage Belgium AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage Decommissioning Commercial
Eurodif (Georges Besse) France Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Existing Dry Spent Fuel Storage Facility Lithuania AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
— Ignalina
Experimental Fuel Element Facility Indonesia Fuel Fabrication (Research In operation Laboratory
Experimental Reprocessing Facility France Spent Fuel Reprocessing Shutdown Pilot plant
(Building 211)
Ezeiza — Nuclear Fuel Manufacture Argentina Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Plant Assembly)
Ezeiza — SF Reprocessing Facility Argentina Spent Fuel Reprocessing Deferred Pilot plant
Ezeiza — Special Alloy Fabrication Argentina Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
Ezeiza — Special Alloy Fabrication Argentina Zirconium Alloy Production In operation Commercial
Fabrica de combustible Spain Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Fabrica de Combustivel Nuclear Brazil Conversion to UO2 In operation Commercial
Fabricazioni Nucleari SPA Italy Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Falls City United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Farley NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Faustina (Agrico) United States of America U Recovery from Phosphates Stand by Commercial
FBFC — Pierrelatte France Fuel Fabrication (U Shutdown Commercial
FBFC — Romans France Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
FBFC International — LWR Belgium Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
FBFC International — MOX Belgium Fuel Fabrication (MOX In operation Commercial
FCN Resende — Unit 1 Brazil Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Feldioara Branch Romania Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
FitzPatrick NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Fiuminero Italy Uranium Ore Processing Deferred Commercial
Fort St. Vrain NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Four Mile Australia Uranium Mining Planned Commercial
Freegold South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Fuel Element Fabrication Plant Egypt Fuel Fabrication (Research In operation Pilot plant
Fuel Fabrication Facility Attleboro United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Fuel Fabrication Plant Norway Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- In operation Pilot plant
Fuels and Materials Examination Fac. United States of America Fuel Fabrication (MOX Stand by Laboratory
(FMEF) Assembly)
Fukushima Daiichi NPP Site SFSF Japan AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Fukushima Daiichi NPP Site SFSF Japan AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Fuzhou China Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Gabes Tunisia U Recovery from Phosphates Under study Commercial
Gas Hills / American Nuclear United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Gas Hills / Umetco United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
GEAM Dolni Rozinka Czech Republic Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
General Electric Canada Inc. — Canada Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
Gentilly 1 NPP Site Canada AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Gentilly 2 NPP Site Canada AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Georges Besse II France Uranium Enrichment Under construction Commercial
Glace Bay Canada Heavy Water Production Decommissioned Commercial
Global Nuclear Fuel-Japan Co. Ltd. Japan Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
(GNF-J) Assembly)
Gore United States of America Conversion to UF6 Decommissioning Commercial
Gorleben Central Storage Facility Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Gorleben Pilot Conditioning Plant Germany Spent Fuel Conditioning Stand by Pilot plant
Grafenrheinfeld NPP On-site Storage Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Grants United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Green River United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Greifswald Interim Storage Facility Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Greifswald NPP On-Site Interim Storage Germany AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage Decommissioning Commercial
Facility (temporary)
Grohnde NPP On-site Storage Facility Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Gruy Ranch (Satellite) United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Gundremmingen NPP On-site Storage Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
H.B. Robinson NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Haddam Neck NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Hanford United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U Shutdown Laboratory
Hanford United States of America Conversion to UO3 Shutdown Laboratory
Hanford — B Plant United States of America Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Laboratory
Hanford — Canister Storage Building United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Under construction Laboratory
Hanford — K Basins United States of America AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Laboratory
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
Hanford — Plutonium Finishing Plant United States of America Fuel Fabrication (MOX Shutdown Laboratory
Hanford Redox Facility United States of America Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Pilot plant
Hanford T Plant Complex United States of America Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Commercial
Hansen United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Deferred Commercial
Harmony (Merriespruit) South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Hartebeestfontein South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Hatch NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Hazira India Heavy Water Production In operation Commercial
Hematite (ABB-CE) United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioning Commercial
Hengyang China Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
Highland United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
Hobeg Fuel Fabrication Plant Germany Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Hobson United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
Holiday / El Mesquite United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioning Commercial
Honeymoon Australia Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Idaho Chemical Processing Plant United States of America Spent Fuel Reprocessing Shutdown Laboratory
Idaho CPP-603 IFSF, CPP-749 United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Laboratory
Idaho CPP-603, CPP-666 United States of America AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Laboratory
Idaho TAN-607 demonstration United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Laboratory
IFEC FABR — High Enrich. Line Italy Fuel Fabrication (Research Decommissioned Pilot plant
IFEC FABR — HWR — CIRENE Line Italy Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Pilot plant
IFEC FABR — MTR Line Italy Fuel Fabrication (Research Decommissioned Pilot plant
Inchas Nuclear Fuel Laboratory Egypt Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Laboratory
Irigaray United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioning Commercial
Isar NPP On-site Storage Facility Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
ISFSF Dukovany Czech Republic AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Islamabad Pakistan Conversion to UO2 In operation Commercial
Issa Khel / Kubul Kel Pakistan Uranium Ore Processing In operation Pilot plant
ITREC Italy Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Pilot plant
JAEA Ningyo — Toge Enrichment Japan Uranium Enrichment Shutdown Pilot plant
Demo. Plant (DOP)
JAEA Tokai (Enrichment Tests) Japan Uranium Enrichment Shutdown Laboratory
JAEA Tokai (PCDF) Japan Co-conversion to MOX In operation Pilot plant
JAEA Tokai (PFDF-MOX) Japan Fuel Fabrication (MOX In operation Laboratory
JAEA Tokai (PFFF-ATR) Japan Fuel Fabrication (MOX In operation Pilot plant
JAEA Tokai (PFFF-FBR) Japan Fuel Fabrication (MOX Shutdown Pilot plant
JAEA Tokai (PFPF-FBR) Japan Fuel Fabrication (MOX In operation Pilot plant
JAEA Tokai Reprocessing Plant Japan Spent Fuel Reprocessing In operation Pilot plant
JAEA Tokai Reprocessing Plant — Japan AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Pilot plant
Spent Fuel Storage
Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion (JCO) Japan Re-conversion to UO2 Shutdown Commercial
Jorf Lasfar — Khouribga Morocco U Recovery from Phosphates Deferred Commercial
JV Betpak-Dala Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing Under Construction Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
JV Inkai Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
JV Katco (Moynkum) Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
JV Zarechnoye Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing Under Construction Commercial
Kahuta Pakistan Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
KALNA Mine Serbia Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Pilot plant
Kara Balta Kyrgyzstan Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Karamurun — Mining Company Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Karatau Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing Under Construction Commercial
Karlsruhe Enrichment, Research Centre Germany Uranium Enrichment Decommissioned Pilot plant
Karlsruhe, Institute for Nuclear Process
Karlsruhe Reprocessing Plant Germany Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioned Pilot plant
Kaskor (Prikaspisky) Kazakhstan U Recovery from Phosphates Stand by Commercial
Kaskor Mill Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
Ken-Dala Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing Under Construction Commercial
Kennewick United States of America Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
Key Lake/McArthur River Canada Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Khiagda Russian Federation Uranium Ore Processing Under construction Commercial
Kiggavik Canada Uranium Ore Processing Deferred Commercial
Kingsville Dome United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
Kintyre Australia Uranium Ore Processing Deferred Commercial
Kizilkum Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing Under Construction Commercial
Kobe Special Tube Chofu-Kita Japan Zirconium Alloy Tubing Shutdown Commercial
Koenigstein Uranium Ore Processing Germany Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Koongarra Australia Uranium Ore Processing Deferred Commercial
Koprubasi Pilot Plant Turkey Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Pilot plant
Kota India Heavy Water Production In operation Commercial
Kozloduy NPP Site Bulgaria AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
KPM India Uranium Ore Processing Under study Commercial
Krasnoyarsk Russian Federation Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Kruemmel NPP On- Site Interim Storage Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Shutdown Commercial
Facility (Temporary)
Kruemmel NPP On-site Storage Facility Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Kursk NPP Site Russian Federation AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
La Estela Argentina Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
La Hague — AT1 France Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Pilot plant
La Hague — C France AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
La Hague — D France AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
La Hague — E France AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
La Hague — HAO France AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
La Hague — NPH France AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
La Hague — UP2-400 France Spent Fuel Reprocessing Shutdown Commercial
La Hague — UP2-800 France Spent Fuel Reprocessing In operation Commercial
La Hague — UP3 France Spent Fuel Reprocessing In operation Commercial
Laboratory RM2 France Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioned Laboratory
Lagoa Real Brazil Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Lake Way Australia Uranium Ore Processing Under Study Commercial
Lamprecht United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Langer Heinrich Uranium Namibia Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
LANL TA-21 United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Lantian China Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
Lanzhou Conversion Facility China Conversion to UF6 In operation Commercial
Lanzhou (RPP) China Spent Fuel Reprocessing Under construction Pilot plant
Lanzhou 2 China Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Las Palmas United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioning Commercial
Lawrence Livermore National United States of America Uranium Enrichment Decommissioned Laboratory
L-Bar United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Le Bernardan (Jouac) France Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Le Cellier France Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
L'Ecarpiere France Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Lemajung Pilot U Processing Indonesia Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Pilot plant
Leningrad NPP Site Russian Federation AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Lingen NPP On-site Storage Facility Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Lisbon United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Los Adobes Argentina Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Los Alamos Plutonium Facility United States of America Spent Fuel Reprocessing In operation Laboratory
Los Colorados Argentina Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Los Gigantes Argentina Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Loviisa NPP Site (Spent Fuel Storage 1) Finland AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Loviisa NPP Site (Spent Fuel Storage 2) Finland AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Lucky Mc (Pathfinder) United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Lynchburg — FC Fuels United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Machine — Building Plant (FBR) Russian Federation Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Machine — Building Plant (RBMK) Russian Federation Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Machine — Building Plant (WWER) Russian Federation Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Machine Building Plant (Pellets) Russian Federation Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- In operation Commercial
Madawaska (Faraday) Canada Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Maine Yankee NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Malargue Argentina Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Mannesmann Röhrenwerke AG Germany Zirconium Alloy Tubing Decommissioned Commercial
Manuguru India Heavy Water Production In operation Commercial
MAPE Mydlovary Processing Plant Czech Republic Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Marcoule — UP1 France Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Commercial
Marquez United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Deferred Commercial
Mayak — Paket Russian Federation Fuel Fabrication (MOX In operation Pilot plant
McBryde United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
McClean Lake Canada Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
McGuire NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Melox France Fuel Fabrication (MOX In operation Commercial
Metropolis / Converdyn United States of America Conversion to UF6 In operation Commercial
Metzamor NPP Site Armenia AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Midnite United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
MILLI Reprocessing Test Facility Germany Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioned Pilot plant
Millstone NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Mina Cunha Baixa Portugal Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Mina Da Bica Portugal Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
Mina Da Quinta Do Bispo Portugal Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Mina De Castelejo Portugal Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Mina De Sevilha Portugal Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Mina Senhora Das Fontes Portugal Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Pilot plant
Mining and Chemical Complex Site Russian Federation AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Planned Commercial
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation — Japan Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
Okegawa Plant
Mitsubishi Nuclear Fuel Ltd. (MNF) Japan Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Mitsubushi Nuclear Fuel Ltd. (MNF) Japan Re-conversion to UO2 In operation Commercial
Moab United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Mochovce NPP Site SFSF Slovakia AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Planned Commercial
Moncton Canada Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Morris United States of America Spent Fuel Reprocessing Shutdown Commercial
Morris Reprocessing Plant Site United States of America AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Mosaboni, Rakha, Surda India Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
Mounana Gabon Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Mt. Lucas United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioning Commercial
MTA Technology Lab — ThO2 Turkey Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Laboratory
MTA Technology Lab. Turkey U Recovery from Phosphates Shutdown Pilot plant
N. Fuel PLLT. OP. — Toronto Canada Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- In operation Commercial
Nabarlek Australia Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Nangal India Heavy Water Production Decommissioned Commercial
National Enrichment Facility (NEF) United States of America Uranium Enrichment Under construction Commercial
Navoi Hydrometallurgical C. Uzbekistan Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
NDA A58 Pellet Plant United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- Decommissioning Commercial
NDA B203 Pu Residues Recovery Plant United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Commercial
NDA B204 Reprocessing Plant United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Commercial
NDA B205 Magnox Reprocessing United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing In operation Commercial
NDA B205 Magnox Reprocessing Pilot United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Pilot plant
NDA B205 Plutonium Operating United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Commercial
NDA B206 Solvent Regeneration Plant United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Commercial
NDA B207 Uranium Purification Plant United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Commercial
NDA B209N Plutonium Finishing Line United Kingdom Co-conversion to MOX Decommissioning Commercial
III Powder
NDA B209S Dry Granulation United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioning Commercial
Production Assembly)
NDA Capenhurst (GD) United Kingdom Uranium Enrichment Decommissioned Commercial
NDA Coprecipitation Plant United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioning Commercial
NDA Dry Recovery Plant United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
NDA MOX For FBR United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (MOX Shutdown Commercial
NDA Sellafield B27 Pond United Kingdom AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
NDA Sellafield B29 Pond United Kingdom AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage Decommissioning Commercial
NDA Sellafield B30 Pond United Kingdom AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage Decommissioning Commercial
NDA Sellafield Fuel Handling Plant United Kingdom AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
NDA Sellafield MDF (MOX United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (MOX Stand by Pilot plant
Demonstration Facility) Assembly)
NDA Sellafield MOX Plant (SMP) United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (MOX Commissioning Commercial
NDA Sellafield North Group Facilities United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioned Commercial
NDA Sellafield Pond 4 United Kingdom AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
NDA Springfields (PWR) United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
NDA Springfields AGR Fuel Canning United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Plant Assembly)
NDA Springfields Enr. U Residue United Kingdom Conversion to UO2 In operation Commercial
Recovery Plant
NDA Springfields IDR Plant United Kingdom Conversion to UO2 Decommissioning Commercial
NDA Springfields Line 2 Hex Plant United Kingdom Conversion to UF6 Decommissioned Commercial
NDA Springfields Line 3 Hex Plant United Kingdom Conversion to UF6 Decommissioned Commercial
NDA Springfields Line 4 Hex Plant United Kingdom Conversion to UF6 In operation Commercial
NDA Springfields Magnox Canning United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Plant Assembly)
NDA Springfields Main Line Chemical United Kingdom Conversion to UF4 In operation Commercial
NDA Springfields OFC AGR Line United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
NDA Springfields OFC IDR UO2 Line United Kingdom Conversion to UO2 In operation Commercial
NDA Springfields OFC LWR Line United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
NDA Springfields U Metal Plant United Kingdom Conversion to U Metal In operation Commercial
NDA Thorp United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing In operation Commercial
NDA Thorp Miniature Pilot Plant United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Pilot plant
NDA Thorp RT and ST-1,2 United Kingdom AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
NDA UKAEA Conversion Plant United Kingdom Conversion to U Metal Stand by Commercial
NDA UKAEA Fuel Fabrication Plant United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (Research Shutdown Commercial
NDA UKAEA Fuel Manufacturing United Kingdom Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioned Pilot plant
Facility (Winfrith) Assembly)
NDA UKAEA Reprocessing Plant, United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Stand by Commercial
NDA UKAEA Reprocessing Plant, MTR United Kingdom Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Commercial
NDA Wylfa NPP Site United Kingdom AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Neckarwestheim NPP On-Site Storage Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
New Dry Spent Fuel Storage Facility — Lithuania AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Planned Commercial
New Wales Plant United States of America U Recovery from Phosphates Stand by Commercial
NFC — Hyderabad (BWR) India Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
NFC — Hyderabad (NZFP) India Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
NFC — Hyderabad (NZSP) India Zirconium Alloy Production In operation Commercial
NFC — Hyderabad (PELLET) India Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- In operation Commercial
NFC — Hyderabad (PHWR) India Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
NFC — Hyderabad (PHWR)-2 India Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
NFC — Hyderabad (UOP) India Conversion to UO2 In operation Commercial
NFC — Hyderabad (ZFP) India Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
NFC — Hyderabad (ZIR) India Zirconium Alloy Production In operation Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
NFC — Hyderabad (ZSP) India Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
NFC, Palayakayal India Zirconium Alloy Production Under construction Commercial
Ningyo — Toge Milling Plant Japan Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Pilot plant
Ningyo — Toge Ref. Conv. Plant (Dry Japan Conversion to UF6 Shutdown Pilot plant
Ningyo — Toge Ref. Conv. Plant (Wet Japan Conversion to UF6 Shutdown Pilot plant
Ningyo — Toge Uranium Pilot Plant Japan Uranium Enrichment Shutdown Pilot plant
NISA Portugal Uranium Ore Processing Cancelled Commercial
North Anna NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Russian Federation Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Plant (Assembly) Assembly)
Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Russian Federation Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- Planned Commercial
Plant (Pellets) Pin)
Novovoronezh NPP Site Russian Federation AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
NPD Spent Fuel Storage Canada AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Plant Dem. P.R. of Korea Fuel Fabrication (Research Stand by Commercial
Nuclear Fuel Industry Ltd. (NFI Japan Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Kumatori) Assembly)
Nuclear Fuel Industry Ltd. (NFI Tokai) Japan Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Nuclear Fuel Services United States of America Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioned Commercial
Nuclear Material Development Facility United States of America Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioned Laboratory
Nuclear Product Department — Canada Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
Nukem Fuel Fabrication Plant Germany Fuel Fabrication (Research Decommissioned Commercial
Oak Ridge United States of America Spent Fuel Reprocessing Cancelled Commercial
Oak Ridge K-25, Y-12 United States of America Uranium Enrichment Decommissioning Commercial
Obrigheim NPP On-Site Interim Storage Germany AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Facility (temporary)
Obrigheim NPP On-Site Storage Facility Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Planned Commercial
Oconee NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Oficina De Tratamento Quim. Portugal Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Olkiluoto NPP Site, TVO KPA Finland AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Olympic Dam Australia Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Ore Treatment Plant Geugnon France Conversion to U Metal Decommissioned Commercial
Ore Treatment Plant Le Bouchet France Conversion to U Metal Decommissioned Commercial
Owl Creek NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Deferred Commercial
Oyster Creek NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Paducah United States of America Re-conversion to UO2 Planned Commercial
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion United States of America Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Paks NPP Site ISFSF Hungary AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Palabora South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Palangana United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Palisades NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Palo Verde NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Panel Canada Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Panna Maria United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Peach Bottom NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Pelindaba Fuel Fabrication South Africa Fuel Fabrication (Research In operation Pilot plant
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
Pelindaba Zircaloy Tubing South Africa Zirconium Alloy Tubing Shutdown Commercial
Peterborough Facility Canada Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Philippsburg NPP On-Site Storage Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Pilcaniyeu Conversion Facility Argentina Conversion to UF6 In operation Commercial
Pilcaniyeu Enrichment Facility Argentina Uranium Enrichment In operation Pilot plant
Pilot Uranium Enrichment Plant Brazil Uranium Enrichment Decommissioned Pilot plant
Pilot Uranium Reprocessing Plant Norway Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioned Pilot plant
Pitesti Fuel Fabrication Plant (FCN) Romania Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
PL4 France Uranium Enrichment Decommissioned Laboratory
Plant 7 (Hex Reduction Plant) United States of America Conversion to UF4 Decommissioned Commercial
Plant City Module United States of America U Recovery from Phosphates Stand by Commercial
Planta de Beneficio de Uranio de Villa Mexico Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Aldama Chi.
Planta Elefante Spain Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Planta Lobo-G Spain Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Planta Piloto de Fabrication de Mexico Fuel Fabrication (U Stand by Pilot plant
Combustible (PPFC) Assembly)
Planta Provisional de Fabricacion de Mexico Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Laboratory
Combustible Assembly)
Planta Quercus Spain Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Plovdiv (Rosen) Bulgaria Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Plutonium Fabrication Facility (Building United States of America Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioned Pilot plant
350) Assembly)
Plutonium Laboratory Italy Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioning Pilot plant
Plutonium Test Extraction Facility Germany Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioned Pilot plant
Pocos De Caldas — CIPC Brazil Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Point Beach NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Point Lepreau NPP Site Canada AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Port Hawkesbury, Point Tupper Canada Heavy Water Production Decommissioned Commercial
Port Hope Eldorado Canada Zirconium Alloy Production Decommissioned Commercial
Portsmouth United States of America Re-conversion to UO2 Planned Commercial
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion United States of America Uranium Enrichment Stand By Commercial
Prairie Island NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Priargunski / Krasnokamensk Russian Federation Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Private Fuel Storage LLC United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Awaiting license Commercial
Pu and Thorium Processing Facility Canada Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioning Laboratory
PWR Fuel Fabrication Plant Korea, Republic of Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Quad Cities NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Quirke Canada Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Rabbit Lake Canada Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Radiochemical Laboratory Dem. P.R. of Korea Spent Fuel Reprocessing Stand by Laboratory
Rajasthan NPP Site India AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Rancho Seco NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Rancho Seco NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Randfontein (Cooke) South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Ranger Australia Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Ranstad Mineral AB Sweden Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
Recycle Fuel Fabr. Lab. (RFFL) Canada Fuel Fabrication (MOX In operation Laboratory
Reproccesing Plant Karlsruhe (pool for Germany AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage Decommissioned Pilot plant
storage of spent fuel assemblies)
Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) Japan Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Laboratory
Resende Enrichment Brazil Uranium Enrichment Commissioning Commercial
Resende Pilot Plant Brazil Uranium Enrichment Decommissioned Pilot plant
Rhone Poulenc, Inc. United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
RIAR (Research Institute of Atomic Russian Federation Fuel Fabrication (MOX In operation Pilot plant
Reactors) Assembly)
RIAR (Research Institute of Atomic Russian Federation Spent Fuel Reprocessing In operation Pilot plant
Richland (ANF) United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
River Bend NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Rjukan Norway Heavy Water Production Shutdown Commercial
RMI Extrusion Plant United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioning Commercial
Rokkasho MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant Japan Fuel Fabrication (MOX Planned Commercial
Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant Japan Spent Fuel Reprocessing Under construction Commercial
Rokkasho Spent Fuel Storage Japan AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Rokkasho Uranium Enrichment Plant Japan Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Rosita United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Rössing Namibia Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Rotem fertilizers plant Israel U Recovery from Phosphates Shutdown Pilot plant
RR Fuel Element Production Installation Indonesia Fuel Fabrication (Research In operation Pilot plant
(IFEBRR) Reactors)
RT-1, Combined Mayak Russian Federation Spent Fuel Reprocessing In operation Commercial
RT-1, Mayak, Reprocessing Plant Site Russian Federation AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
RT-2, Krasnoyarsk, 1st Line Russian Federation Spent Fuel Reprocessing Deferred Commercial
RT-2, Krasnoyarsk, Reprocessing Plant Russian Federation AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Rudnik Zirovski VRH Slovenia Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioning Commercial
Rum Jungle Australia Uranium Ore Processing Under study- Commercial
Safi — Youssoufia Morocco U Recovery from Phosphates Deferred Commercial
San Onofre NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
San Rafael Argentina Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
Sandvik Materials Technology Sweden Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
Santa Quitéria Brazil U Recovery from Phosphates Deferred Commercial
Sao Jose dos Campos Brazil Uranium Enrichment In operation Laboratory
Sao Paulo — Conversion Unit Brazil Conversion to UF6 Shutdown Pilot plant
Sao Paulo — Fuel Element Fabrication Brazil Fuel Fabrication (Research In operation Pilot plant
Plant for Research Reactors Reactors)
Sao Paulo — Reprocessing Brazil Spent Fuel Reprocessing Shutdown Laboratory
Sao Paulo — U Reduction Unit Brazil Conversion to U Metal Shutdown Pilot plant
Sao Paulo — Zirconium Metal Brazil Zirconium Alloy Production Shutdown Pilot plant
Sao Paulo — Zirconium Oxide Brazil Zirconium Alloy Production Shutdown Pilot plant
Savannah River (SRS) United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Pilot plant
Savannah River (SRS) United States of America AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Laboratory
Seelingstaedt Uranium Ore Processing Germany Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Sequoyah NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Serpong Conversion Facility Indonesia Conversion to UO2 Shutdown Pilot plant
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
SFSF Dukovany Czech Republic AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Commissioning Commercial
SFSF Temelin Czech Republic AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Under study Commercial
Shaanxi Uranium Enrichment Plant China Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Shirley Basin / Pathfinder United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Shirley Basin / Petromics United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Shootering Canyon United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Stand by Commercial
Siberian Chemical Combine (Seversk) Russian Federation Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
SICN France Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioning Commercial
SICN GCR Fuel Fabrication France Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioning Commercial
Siemens Fuel Fabrication Plant Hanau, Germany Fuel Fabrication (MOX Cancelled Commercial
Section MOX new Assembly)
Siemens Fuel Fabrication Plant Hanau, Germany Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioned Commercial
Section MOX old Assembly)
Siemens Fuel Fabrication Plant Hanau, Germany Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Section Uranium Assembly)
Siemens Fuel Fabrication Plant Karlstein Germany Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Silex Australia Uranium Enrichment Decommissioning Laboratory
Sillamae Estonia Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Smith Ranch United States of America Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Smolensk NPP Site Russian Federation AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Special Metallurgical Facility United States of America Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioned Commercial
Split Rock United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Laboratory
St. Martin Du Bosc (Lodeve) France Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Stanleigh Canada Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Stanrock Canada Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Stepnogorsky Mining and Chemical Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Complex (SMCC)
Stepnoye — Mining Company Kazakhstan Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Stilfontein South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
SUMITOMO Tube Production Plant Japan Zirconium Alloy Tubing Shutdown Commercial
Surry NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Susquehanna NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Sweetwater (Green Mountain) United States of America Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Syrian fertilizers plant Syrian Arab Republic U Recovery from Phosphates Under construction Pilot plant
Takeyama Japan Fuel Fabrication (MOX Decommissioned Commercial
Talcher India Heavy Water Production Stand by Commercial
Tarapur (AFR) India AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Tarapur NPP Site India AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Tengchong China Uranium Ore Processing In operation Pilot plant
Thal — Vaishet India Heavy Water Production In operation Commercial
Tihange NPP Site Belgium AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
TMI-2, Debris at Idaho United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Laboratory
Tokai II NPP Site SFSF Japan AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Tokai Test Facility Japan Uranium Enrichment Decommissioned Laboratory
Tomsk — Siberian Chemical Combine Russian Federation Conversion to UF6 Shutdown Commercial
Trevino United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Trillo NPP Site SFSF Spain AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Trojan NPP Site ISFSI United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Trombay — FBTR India Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Laboratory
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
Trombay, Fuel Fabrication India Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
TU2 Cogema France Conversion to UO2 In operation Commercial
TU2 Cogema Reprocessing Line France Re-Conversion to U3O8 In operation Commercial
(Rep. U)
TU5 Cogema Reprocessing Line France Re-Conversion to U3O8 In operation Commercial
(Rep. U)
Tuticorin India Heavy Water Production In operation Commercial
TUU Straz pod Ralskem: Processing Czech Republic Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioning Commercial
Plant and ISL Plan
UCIL-Jaduguda India Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
UCIL-Turamdih India Uranium Ore Processing Under construction Commercial
Ulba Metalurgical Plant (UMP) Kazakhstan Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet- In operation Commercial
Uncle Sam United States of America U Recovery from Phosphates Stand by Commercial
Unterweser NPP On-Site Storage Germany AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Uranium — Sea Water Recovery Japan Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Pilot plant
Uranium Concentrates Refining Pilot Mexico Conversion to UO2 Decommissioned Pilot plant
Plant (PPRCU)
Uranium Conversion Facility Korea, Republic of Conversion to UO2 Decommissioning Pilot plant
Uranium Fuel Fabrication Plant United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Uranium Fuel Fabrication Plant — San United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Jose Assembly)
Uranium Manufacturing Facility — United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U Decommissioned Commercial
Compton Assembly)
Uranium One South Africa Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Uravan United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Urenco Capenhurst United Kingdom Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Urenco Germany GmbH Germany Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Urenco Nederland Netherlands Uranium Enrichment In operation Commercial
Urgeirica Portugal Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Vaal Reefs — 1 South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Vaal Reefs — 2 South Africa Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Valindaba (Laser) South Africa Uranium Enrichment Deferred Pilot plant
Valindaba (UF6) South Africa Conversion to UF6 Shutdown Commercial
Valindaba Y — Plant South Africa Uranium Enrichment Decommissioning Pilot plant
Valindaba Z — Plant South Africa Uranium Enrichment Decommissioning Commercial
Vasquez United States of America Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
W Defluorinat (Depl. UF6) France Re-Conversion to U3O8 In operation Commercial
(Dep. U)
Wackersdorf Reprocessing Plant Germany Spent Fuel Reprocessing Cancelled Commercial
Wah Chang — Albany United States of America Zirconium Alloy Production In operation Commercial
Weldon Spring Site United States of America Conversion to UO2 Decommissioned Commercial
Wellpinit United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
West Cole United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
West Rand Consolidated South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
West Valley United States of America Spent Fuel Reprocessing Decommissioning Commercial
West Valley Reprocessing Plant Site United States of America AFR Wet Spent Fuel Storage Decommissioning Commercial
Western Areas South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Western Deep Levels South Africa Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial
Western Zirconium United States of America Zirconium Alloy Production In operation Commercial
Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB Sweden Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Facility Name Country Facility Type Status Scale
White Mesa United States of America Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Whiteshell Laboratories Canada AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Wilmington United States of America Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
Wilmington (GNF) United States of America Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Wolsong Dry Storage Korea, Republic of AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Yankee Rowe NPP Site United States of America AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Yeelirrie Australia Uranium Ore Processing Deferred Commercial
Yibin Nuclear Fuel Element Plant China Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Yining China Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Zamzow United States of America Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial
Zaporozhe NPP Site Ukraine AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
Zheltiye Vody Ukraine Uranium Ore Processing In operation Commercial
Zircatec Precision Ind. — Port Hope Canada Fuel Fabrication (U In operation Commercial
Zirco Products Amagasaki Japan Zirconium Alloy Tubing Shutdown Commercial
Zirco Products Chofu-kita Japan Zirconium Alloy Tubing In operation Commercial
ZWIBEZ Switzerland AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage Under construction Commercial
ZWILAG Switzerland AFR Dry Spent Fuel Storage In operation Commercial
3.3. List of operating commercial nuclear fuel cycle facilities
Fac. ID Country Facility Name Start Capacity Unit
94 Canada Cameco — Port Hope (U) 1985 2 000.0 t HM/year
38 United Kingdom NDA Springfields U Metal Plant 1960 2 000.0 t HM/year
Total 4 000.0 t HM/year
Fac. ID Country Facility Name Start Capacity Unit
712 China Lanzhou 2 2005 500.0 MTSWU/year
590 China Shaanxi Uranium Enrichment Plant 1997 500.0 MTSWU/year
117 France Eurodif (Georges Besse) 1979 10 800.0 MTSWU/year
122 Germany Urenco Deutschland 1985 1 800.0 MTSWU/year
150 Japan Rokkasho Uranium Enrichment Plant 1992 1 050.0 MTSWU/year
421 Netherlands Urenco Nederland 1973 3 500.0 MTSWU/year
156 Pakistan Kahuta 1984 5.0 MTSWU/year
544 Russian Federation Angarsk 1954 1 000.0 MTSWU/year
402 Russian Federation Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk-44) 1949 7 000.0 MTSWU/year
541 Russian Federation Krasnoyarsk 1964 3 000.0 MTSWU/year
542 Russian Federation Siberian Chemical Combine (Seversk) 1950 4 000.0 MTSWU/year
341 United Kingdom Urenco Capenhurst 1972 4 000.0 MTSWU/year
243 United States of America Paducah Gaseous Diffusion 1954 11 300.0 MTSWU/year
Total 48 455.0 MTSWU/year
Fac. ID Country Facility Name Start Capacity Unit
546 Russian Federation Machine — Building Plant (RBMK) 1953 900.0 t HM/year
Total 900.0 t HM/year
Fac. ID Country Facility Name Start Capacity Unit
680 Argentina Atucha SF Storage Facility 1988 986.0 t HM
681 Belgium Tihange NPP Site 1997 1 760.0 t HM
169 Bulgaria Kozloduy NPP Site 1984 600.0 t HM
627 China Centralized Wet Storage Facility (CWSF) 2003 500.0 t HM
630 Finland Loviisa NPP Site (Spent Fuel Storage 1) 1980 57.0 t HM
631 Finland Loviisa NPP Site (Spent Fuel Storage 2) 1985 485.0 t HM
326 Finland Olkiluoto NPP Site, TVO KPA 1987 1 200.0 t HM
675 France La Hague — C 1984 4 800.0 t HM
676 France La Hague — D 1986 4 600.0 t HM
677 France La Hague — E 1988 6 200.0 t HM
674 France La Hague — HAO 1976 400.0 t HM
177 France La Hague — NPH 1981 2 000.0 t HM
Obrigheim NPP On-Site Interim Storage Facility
901 Germany (temporary) 1985 560.0 t HM
678 India Tarapur (AFR) 1990 275.0 t HM
679 Japan Fukushima Daiichi NPP Site SFSF 1997 6 840.0 Cask-Bund.
278 Japan Rokkasho Spent Fuel Storage 1999 3 000.0 t HM
485 Russian Federation Kursk NPP Site 1986 2 000.0 t HM
185 Russian Federation Leningrad NPP Site 1984 4 000.0 t HM
233 Russian Federation Novovoronezh NPP Site 1986 400.0 t HM
636 Russian Federation RT-1, Mayak, Reprocessing Plant Site 1975 560.0 t HM
496 Russian Federation RT-2, Krasnoyarsk, Reprocessing Plant Site 1985 6 000.0 t HM
487 Russian Federation Smolensk NPP Site 1996 2 000.0 t HM
147 Slovakia Bohunice NPP Site SFSF 1987 1 690.0 t HM
64 Sweden Clab ISF 1985 8 000.0 t HM
486 Ukraine Chernobyl NPP Site 1986 2 518.0 t HM
47 United Kingdom BNFL Sellafield B27 Pond 1964 2 300.0 t HM
114 United Kingdom BNFL Sellafield Fuel Handling Plant 1986 2 700.0 t HM
257 United Kingdom BNFL Sellafield Pond 4 1981 1 500.0 t HM
310 United Kingdom BNFL Thorp RT and ST-1,2 1988 3 800.0 t HM
209 United States of America West Valley Reprocessing Plant Site 1984 750.0 t HM
Total 65 641.0 t HM
and 6 840.0 Cask-bundle
Fac. ID Country Facility Name Start Capacity Unit
684 Argentina Embalse SF Storage Facility 1993 2000 t HM
667 Armenia Metzamor NPP Site 2000 74 t HM
664 Belgium Doel NPP Site 1995 2100 t HM
478 Canada Douglas Point NPP Site 1987 0 t HM
477 Canada Gentilly 1 NPP Site 1985 0 t HM
614 Canada Gentilly 2 NPP Site 1995 0 t HM
494 Canada NPD Spent Fuel Storage 1987 75 t HM
367 Canada Point Lepreau NPP Site 1991 0 t HM
493 Canada Whiteshell Laboratories 1977 0 t HM
605 Czech Republic ISFSF Dukovany 1995 600 t HM
2 Germany Ahaus Central Storage Facility 1997 3960 t HM
803 Germany Biblis NPP On-Site Storage Facility 2005 1400 t HM
797 Germany Brokdorf NPP On-Site Storage Facility 2007 100 Cask-Bund.
805 Germany Brunsbuettel NPP On-site Storage Facility 2006 450 t HM
120 Germany Gorleben Central Storage Facility 1995 3800 t HM
798 Germany Grafenrheinfeld NPP On-site Storage Facility 2005 88 Cask-Bund.
604 Germany Greifswald Interim Storage Facility North 1999 585 t HM
800 Germany Grohnde NPP On-site Storage Facility 2005 1000 t HM
801 Germany Gundremmingen NPP On-site Storage Facility 2006 1850 t HM
799 Germany Isar NPP On-site Storage Facility 2007 1500 Cask-Bund.
807 Germany Kruemmel NPP On-site Storage Facility 2006 800 t HM
802 Germany Lingen NPP On-site Storage Facility 2002 1250 t HM
717 Germany Neckarwestheim NPP On-Site Storage Facility 2006 1600 t HM
796 Germany Philippsburg NPP On-Site Storage Facility 2006 1600 t HM
900 Germany Unterweser NPP On-Site Storage Facility 2007 800 t HM
571 Hungary Paks NPP Site ISFSF 1997 850 t HM
724 India Rajasthan NPP Site 1994 570 t HM
683 India Tarapur NPP Site 1990 20 t HM
615 Japan Fukushima Daiichi NPP Site SFSF 1995 408 Cask-Bund.
825 Japan Tokai II NPP Site SFSF 2001 915 Cask-Bund.
616 Korea, Republic of Wolsong Dry Storage 1992 6250 t HM
608 Lithuania Existing Dry Spent Fuel Storage Facility — Ignalina 1998 98 Cask-Bund.
793 Romania Dry Storage Facility (ROG) 2003 300000 Cask-Bund.
606 Spain Trillo NPP Site SFSF 2002 1680 Cask-Bund.
0 Switzerland ZWILAG 2001 2500 t HM
607 Ukraine Zaporozhe NPP Site 2001 9120 Cask-Bund.
682 United Kingdom NDA Wylfa NPP Site 1979 700 t HM
593 United States of America Arkansas Nuclear No:1 and No:2 NPP Site ISFSI 1997 150 t HM
641 United States of America Big Rock Point NPP Site 0 t HM
846 United States of America Browns Ferry NPP Site 2004 190 t HM
621 United States of America Calvert Cliffs NPP Site 1992 1112 t HM
847 United States of America Columbia Generating Station NPP Site 2000 190 t HM
620 United States of America Davis Besse NPP Site ISFSI 1995 360 t HM
725 United States of America Dresden NPP Site 2001 70 t HM
730 United States of America Duane Arnold NPP Site 2004 0 t HM
848 United States of America Farley NPP Site 2006 190 t HM
849 United States of America FitzPatrick NPP Site 2002 190 t HM
617 United States of America Fort St. Vrain NPP Site ISFSI 1992 15.4 t HM
623 United States of America H.B. Robinson NPP Site ISFSI 1986 26 t HM
Fac. ID Country Facility Name Start Capacity Unit
850 United States of America Haddam Neck NPP Site 1996 190 t HM
851 United States of America Hatch NPP Site 1998 190 t HM
852 United States of America Maine Yankee NPP Site 1997 190 t HM
643 United States of America McGuire NPP Site 2000 0 t HM
853 United States of America Millstone NPP Site 2004 190 t HM
696 United States of America North Anna NPP Site ISFSI 1998 840 t HM
624 United States of America Oconee NPP Site ISFSI 1990 380 t HM
726 United States of America Oyster Creek NPP Site 2000 190 t HM
619 United States of America Palisades NPP Site ISFSI 1993 233 t HM
854 United States of America Palo Verde NPP Site 2003 190 t HM
611 United States of America Peach Bottom NPP Site 2000 0 t HM
618 United States of America Point Beach NPP Site ISFSI 1995 447 t HM
613 United States of America Prairie Island NPP Site ISFSI 1994 724 t HM
855 United States of America Quad Cities NPP Site 2004 190 t HM
856 United States of America Rancho Seco NPP Site 1989 190 t HM
727 United States of America Rancho Seco NPP Site ISFSI 1989 202 t HM
857 United States of America River Bend NPP Site 2006 190 t HM
858 United States of America San Onofre NPP Site 2007 190 t HM
859 United States of America Sequoyah NPP Site 2004 190 t HM
622 United States of America Surry NPP Site ISFSI 1986 808 t HM
728 United States of America Susquehanna NPP Site 1998 343 t HM
642 United States of America Trojan NPP Site ISFSI 359 t HM
860 United States of America Yankee Rowe NPP Site 1991 190 t HM
Total 313 909.0 Cask/bundle
and 43 943.4 t HM
Fac. ID Country Facility Name Start Capacity Unit
104 Argentina Ezeiza — Special Alloy Fabrication 1987 10.0 t/year
57+863 France CEZUS — (Jarrie+Ugine) 1981 2 200.0 t/year
816 France CEZUS — Rugles 1981 400.0 t/year
219 India NFC — Hyderabad (NZSP) 250.0 t/year
218 India NFC — Hyderabad (ZIR) 1980 250.0 t/year
557 Russian Federation Chepetski Machine Plant- Zirconium 1951 2 000.0 t/year
306 United States of America Wah Chang — Albany 1956 2 000.0 t/year
362 United States of America Western Zirconium 1980 1 350.0 t/year
Total 8 460.0 t/year
3.4. Worldwide operating commercial nuclear fuel cycle facilities: Total capacities
Country Uranium Conversion Enrichment LWR Fuel PHWR Fuel MOX Fuel SF Storage SF Storage SF Zirc. Alloy Zirc. Alloy Heavy Water
Production to UF6 Assembly Assembly Assembly (Wet) (Dry) Reprocessing Production Tubing
Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication
(t U/year) (t HM/year) (t HM/year) (t HM/year) (t HM/year) (t HM/year) (t HM) (t HM) (t HM/year) (t/yr) (km/yr) (t/yr)
Australia 9 778
Argentina 62 270 986 2 000 10 300 200
Armenia 74
Belgium 500 100 1 760 2 100
Brazil 340 240
Bulgaria 600
Canada 14 890 12 500 2 400 75 2 300
China 840 400 1 000 200 200 500
Czech 400 600
Finland 1 742
France 14 000 10 800 1 400 195 18 000 2 000 4 800 5 000
(2 200 t/yr)
Germany 1 800 650 286 19 095 2 100
(+1 688 Cask-
Hungary 850
India 175 24 570 275 590 0 500 319 494
Japan 1 050 1 724 3 000 1 323 2 200
(+6 840 (Cask-Bund)
Kazakhstan 7 000
Republic of 400 400 6 250
Lithuania 98
Kyrgyzstan 2 000
Namibia 5 000
Netherlands 3 500
Niger 3 800
Pakistan 5 20
Romania 300 200 300 000
Country Uranium Conversion Enrichment LWR Fuel PHWR Fuel MOX Fuel SF Storage SF Storage SF Zirc. Alloy Zirc. Alloy Heavy Water
Production to UF6 Assembly Assembly Assembly (Wet) (Dry) Reprocessing Production Tubing
Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication
(t U/year) (t HM/year) (t HM/year) (t HM/year) (t HM/year) (t HM/year) (t HM) (t HM) (t HM/year) (t/yr) (km/yr) (t/yr)
Russian 4 300 24 000 15 000 1 620 14 960 400 2 000 6 000
Slovakia 1 690
Spain 400 1 680
Sweden 600 8 000 1 000
Switzerland 2 500
South Africa 2 472
Ukraine 1 000 2 518 9 120
United 6 000 4 000 330 10 320 700 2 400
United States 4 020 17 600 11 300 3 450 750 9109.4 3 350 4 900
of America
Uzbekistan 3 000
Total 59 435 74 562 48 455 11538 4 060 295 65 641 43 943 4 800 10 660 23 800 694
(+6 840 (+313 909 (+2 519 t/yr)
Cask-Bund) Cask-Bund)
(*) Please note that the list might not include all of the facilities in the world due to the unavailability of the data.
(**) The total capacities listed here might not reflect the actual figures due to lack of exact figures for some individual facilities!
3.5. Worldwide operating commercial nuclear fuel cycle facilities: Numbers
3.6. Total number of nuclear fuel cycle facilities
Status Under Other
Facility Type In Oper. Shut. StandBy+ Decomm. + Constr. Planned+ Commis. + Total
Uranium Mining and
Milling 43 43 17 69 10 2 0 13 201
Conversion 23 9 1 10 3 1 0 0 47
Enrichment 18 4 1 11 2 1 2 2 41
Fuel Fabrication 52 7 2 28 0 3 0 2 94
Spent Fuel Storage 109 2 0 6 2 7 1 2 130
Spent Fuel
Reprocessing and
Recycling 20 11 4 44 2 2 1 6 90
Spent Fuel
Conditioning 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Spent Fuel Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Related Industrial
Activities 33 9 1 7 1 0 0 2 53
Total 298 85 28 175 20 16 4 27 658
(*) Please note that the list might not include all of the facilities in the world due to the unavailability of the data.
(+) Planned includes: Planned, Under Study-Assessment, Siting-Design phases.
(+) StandBy includes: Stand by, Refurbishment phases.
(+) Decomm. includes: Decommissioning, Decommissioned phases.
(+) Other includes: Cancelled, Deferred, Unknownn phases.
Status Under
Facility Type In Oper. Shut. StandBy+ Decomm. + Constr. Planned+ Commis. Other+ Total
Uranium Mining and
Milling 3 7 0 4 1 0 0 0 15
Conversion 1 6 0 2 1 0 0 0 10
Enrichment 5 4 0 8 0 0 1 1 19
Fuel Fabrication 12 2 1 5 0 0 0 1 21
Spent Fuel Storage 7 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 10
Spent Fuel
Reprocessing and
Recycling 11 6 3 27 1 0 0 1 49
Spent Fuel
Conditioning 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Spent Fuel Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Related Industrial
Activities 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Total 39 28 6 47 4 1 1 3 129
(*) Please note that the list might not include all of the facilities in the world due to the unavailability of the
(+) Planned includes: Planned, Under Study-Assessment, Siting-Design phases.
(+) StandBy includes: Stand by, Refurbishment phases.
(+) Decomm. includes: Decommissioning, Decommissioned phases.
(+) Other includes: Cancelled, Deferred, Unknownn phases.
Under In Stand
Country Planned Const. Commiss. Opera. By Shut. Decomm. Other Total
Israel 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Italy 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 11
Japan 1 1 0 18 0 12 5 0 37
Kazakhstan 0 6 0 7 2 0 0 0 15
Korea, Republic of 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 8
Kyrgyzstan 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Lithuania 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Mexico 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 4
Mongolia 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Namibia 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Netherlands 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Niger 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Norway 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 3
Pakistan 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5
Portugal 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 9
Romania 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3
Russian Federation 2 1 0 25 0 1 0 1 30
Serbia 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Slovakia 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
South Africa 0 1 0 3 0 10 10 1 25
Spain 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 6
Sweden 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4
Switzerland 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Syrian Arab
Republic 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Tajikistan 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Tunisia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Turkey 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 5
Ukraine 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 5
United Kingdom 0 0 1 16 3 2 23 0 45
United States of
America 6 2 1 61 12 10 57 8 158
Uzbekistan 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Total 16 20 4 298 28 85 175 27 658
Under In Stand
Country Planned Constr. Commiss. Opera. By Shut. Decomm. Other Total
Argentina 0 0 0 8 1 5 1 0 15
Armenia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Australia 2 0 0 4 0 0 1 4 12
Belgium 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 7
Brazil 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 1 6
Bulgaria 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 4
Canada 0 0 0 19 1 0 15 3 38
China 0 0 0 11 1 1 0 0 13
Czech Republic 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 6
Dem. P.R. of Korea 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Estonia 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Finland 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3
France 1 3 0 21 0 5 10 0 40
Gabon 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Germany 1 0 0 20 0 4 9 3 37
Hungary 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2
India 0 2 0 20 2 0 2 0 27
Italy 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3
Japan 1 1 0 12 0 5 1 0 20
Kazakhstan 0 6 0 7 2 0 0 0 15
Korea, Republic of 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 4
Kyrgyzstan 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Lithuania 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Mexico 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Mongolia 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Namibia 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Netherlands 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Niger 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Norway 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Pakistan 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3
Portugal 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 8
Romania 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3
Russian Federation 2 1 0 22 0 1 0 1 27
Slovakia 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
South Africa 0 1 0 2 0 10 9 0 22
Spain 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 6
Sweden 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4
Switzerland 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Tajikistan 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Tunisia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Ukraine 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 5
United Kingdom 0 0 1 16 2 2 20 0 41
United States of
America 5 1 0 54 11 6 47 8 133
Uzbekistan 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Total 15 16 3 259 22 57 128 24 529
Under In Stand
Country Planned Constr. Commiss. Opera. By Shut. Decomm. Other Total
Argentina 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 3
Australia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Belgium 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Brazil 0 1 0 6 0 5 2 0 14
Canada 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
China 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Denmark 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Dem. P.R. of Korea 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Egypt 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
France 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 8
Germany 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 8
India 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Indonesia 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 4
Israel 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Italy 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8
Japan 0 0 0 6 0 7 4 0 17
Korea, Republic of 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 4
Mexico 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3
Norway 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
Pakistan 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Portugal 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Russian Federation 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3
Serbia 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
South Africa 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 3
Syrian Arab
Republic 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Turkey 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 5
United Kingdom 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 4
United States of
America 1 1 1 7 1 4 10 0 25
Total 1 4 1 39 6 28 47 3 129
IAEA Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information System (NFCIS) database provides general and
technical information, including references, on nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Facilities dealing
with waste management are covered by other IAEA database and not included in the NFCIS.
NFCIS also covers related nuclear industrial activities such as production of Zr metal and Zr
alloy tubes, and heavy water. Technical information indicates type, status, scale, process,
design capacity, feed and product material of the facility. General information includes
facility name, facility location, owner(s) and operators.
NFCIS has been published on the internet which allows the users to register freely and to
work with datasets (http://www-nfcis.iaea.org). The web site provides filtering and navigation
to the data from the database. It has also a statistical tool which provides summary
information on number of facilities and capacities by type and status, and by country and
status. In this respect and with regard to the data presented, the NFCIS database is a unique
database which provides freely accessible information on worldwide nuclear fuel cycle
Accuracy and completeness of the datasets presented in the NFCIS, like in every database,
directly depends on the information either provided by the Member States or retrieved by the
IAEA from other sources. Member States’ co-operation is of crucial importance to keep the
database up-to-date and complete. The contribution from Member States is believed to be
enhanced with the increased use of the database hence this document, as an additional path for
dissemination of the data, is expected to help the improvement of the database in terms of
accuracy and completeness.
Although a great effort is spent to have complete and accurate database, the users should take
into consideration that there still might be missing or outdated data for individual facilities
due to the rapid changes in the nuclear fuel cycle industry, the complexity of the nuclear fuel
cycle industry and mutual links inside it.
The feedback from the users of the database is very important and welcome to improve the
usability and the usefulness of the database and its web site.
This document and its supplementary CD-ROM represent a snapshot of the status of the
database as of the end of 2008. However, the database is being continuously updated and the
latest updates and additions can be accessed from the database web site (http://www-
[23] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Thorium and Unconventional
Uranium Resources, (Proc. Technical Meeting, 12-15 September 2005, Vienna), in
[24] RAHN, F.J., ADAMANTIADES, A.G., KENTON, J.E., BRAUN, C., A Guide to
Nuclear Power Technology, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1984).
[25] USEC, (http://www.usec.com/v2001_02/HTML/Aboutusec_centrifuge.asp).
[26] INGLIS, G.H., LITTLECHILD, J.E., STEWART, R., “Fabrication of Uranium Oxide
Fuel Pellets Using the IDR Powder Process”, Nuclear Power Experience (Proc. Conf.
Vienna, 1982), IAEA, Vienna 3 (1983) 553.
Process/Quality Control in Nuclear Reactor Fuel Manufacture, (Proc. Technical
Meeting, 18-22 October 1999, Lingen), IAEA-TECDOC-1166 (2000).
[28] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Advanced Fuel Pellet Materials
and Designs for Water Cooled Reactors, (Proc. Technical Meeting, 20-24 October 2003,
Brussels), IAEA-TECDOC-1416, IAEA, Vienna (2004).
[29] BAILLY, H., MENESSIER, D., PRUNIER, C. (Eds), The Nuclear Fuel of Pressurized
Water Reactors and Fast Neutron Reactors, Lavoisier, Paris (1999).
[30] STANDRING, P.N., “The long term storage of Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors”,
Storage of Spent Fuel for Power Reactors (Proc. IAEA Symp. Vienna, 1998), IAEA-
TECDOC-1089, IAEA, Vienna (1999) 215-222.
[31] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Concepts for the Conditioning of
Spent Nuclear Fuel for Final Waste Disposal, Technical Reports Series No 345, IAEA,
Vienna (1992).
[32] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Guidebook on Spent Fuel Storage,
Second Edition, Technical Reports Series No 240, IAEA, Vienna (1991).
[33] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Energy, Electricity and Nuclear
Power Estimates for the Period up to 2030, IAEA-RDS-1, IAEA, Vienna (2007).
Vienna (2006) GC(50)/4.
[35] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Scientific and Technical Basis for
the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Wastes, Technical Reports Series No 413,
IAEA, Vienna (2003).
[36] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Evaluation of Spent Fuel as a Final
Waste Form, Technical Reports Series No 320, IAEA, Vienna (1991).
Technology, Technical Reports Series 415, Vienna (2003).
[38] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Status and Trends in Spent Fuel
Reprocessing, IAEA-TECDOC-1467, IAEA, Vienna (2005).
[39] WEIDINGER, H.G., Fabrication of Zirconium Alloy Cladding Tubes and Other Fuel
Assembly Components“, Lecture presented at the IAEA Workshop on Modelling and
Quality Control for Advanced and Innovative Fuel Technologies, The Abdus Salam
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, 14-25 November 2005, ICTP
(2005) CD-ROM.
[40] MILLER, A.I., “Heavy Water: A Manufacturers’ Guide for the Hydrogen Century”,
Canadian Nuclear Society Bulletin 22 1 (February 2001).
[41] OECD NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY, The Economics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle,
OECD/NEA, Paris (1994).
FA — Fuel Assembly
FR — Fast Reactor
G-S — Girdler-sulphide
HM — Heavy Metal
INPRO — (IAEA) International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles
JNFL — Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
OECD/NEA — Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
SS — Stainless Steel
SF — Spent Fuel
I. Obadia Brazil
M. Lamontagne Canada
A. Largeault France
B. Xiu China
S. Rehbinder France
M. Chiguer France
W. Reuter Germany
Consultants Meetings
Vienna, Austria: 14-16 Dec 2005, 6-8 Dec 2006, 12-14 Dec 2007