January 2014 MS - Paper 1C Edexcel Chemistry IGCSE

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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2014

International GCSE
Chemistry (4CH0) Paper 1C
Science Double Award (4SC0) Paper 1C

Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 Certificates

Chemistry (KCH0) Paper 1C
Science (Double Award) (KSC0) Paper 1C


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January 2014
Publications Code UG037642
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General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark
the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded
for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to
their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should
be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer
matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award
zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according
to the mark scheme.
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced
it with an alternative response.


Answer Accept Reject Marks
1 M1 dissolve 1

M2 solution 1

M3 evaporate 1

M4 crystals 1

M5 filter 1

Total 5


Answer Accept Reject Marks
2 (a) X boiling 1
Y condensing 1
Z freezing 1

(b) C The particles move freely. 1

(c) (i) thermometer 1

water does not get hotter
(ii) it/water boils at 100ºC
than 100ºC 1
it/water boils below the melting point of (solid) Q / reverse argument
140ºC / boils before Q melts
IGNORE evaporates
words that imply 1
(iii) to keep the liquid at an even/equal temperature OWTTE
constant temperature,
eg steady

to avoid the bottom of the liquid from overheating/the

bottom getting hotter than the rest of the liquid/to
evenly distribute the heat/to avoid hot spots
IGNORE references to increasing movement, etc of

Total 7


Expected Answer Accept Reject Marks
3 (a)(i) nitrogen and oxygen 1

IGNORE formulae whether right or wrong

(ii) argon 1

IGNORE formula whether right or wrong

(b) Any one from:

 manufacture of ammonia/in the Haber process 1
 food packaging/preservative
 aircraft tyres
 (in) light bulbs
 coolant/refrigerant/freezing agent
 treatment of warts
(c) Any one from:
 sulfur dioxide nitrogen oxide any other gas 1
 nitrogen monoxide
 nitrogen dioxide a correct formula
 dinitrogen tetr(a)oxide
 oxide(s) of nitrogen

If both a name and a formula are given, IGNORE the

IGNORE carbon dioxide


(d) (i) iron + oxygen (+ water)  (hydrated) iron (III) oxide ferric oxide/iron oxide any other oxidation state 2
M1 lhs correct chemical
M2 rhs equation
M1 all formulae correct
M2 balanced 1
(ii) M1 volume of oxygen = 80 – 63 / 17 (cm3)

M2 percentage = ( 100 ) / 21 1
21.25 / 21.3/21.2

OR 100 correctly evaluated

21 with no working scores 1

78.75/78.8/78.7 with no working scores 1

100 = 79 scores 1

79 with no working scores 0

(e) (whether it/the height / the measurement is) the no change 1

same as before
IGNORE references to iron had stopped rusting
Total 9


Answer Accept Reject Marks
4 (a) (i) the (orange) colouring dissolves in ethanol / does not dissolve 1
in water
the (orange) colouring is more soluble in ethanol (than water)
ethanol is a better solvent (than water)
IGNORE petals dissolve

(ii) water bath / electric heater / isomantle description of 1

water bath
hot water/steam

(iii) filter / decant / pour off the liquid use a sieve 1

(b) M1 2 spots/dots/circles drawn at different heights above the one spot level with 1
original orange spot and below the solvent front the orange spot
M2 one spot labelled red AND one spot labelled yellow


Total 5


Answer Accept Reject Marks
5 (a) A - (tap) funnel burette 1

B - (conical) flask 1

C - (gas) jar measuring cylinder 1

(b) M1 (limewater) goes milky/chalky/cloudy

(white) precipitate/solid/suspension (formed) ppt colours other than white 1

M2 (mixture) goes clear OWTTE (eg cloudiness solid dissolves OWTTE 1

disappears) colourless solution
IGNORE bubbles

(c) more dense than air/oxygen poor conductor of just heavier than air 1

(d) C weakly acidic 1

Total 7


Question Mark
Answer Accept Reject
number s
6 (a) M1 C6H14 1

M2 58 1

M3 any value in the range 25 to 45 1

(b) boiling point/it increases as Mr increases reverse argument directly proportional 1
positive correlation
as one increases the
other increases
(c) different general formulae / same number of carbon just different number of 1
OR atoms but different hydrogen atoms
(general) formula of ethene is not CnH2n+2 / (general) number of hydrogen
formula of ethane is not CnH2n atoms


use of/ mention of displayed formulae to show/indicate

double (C to C) bond in ethene and single (C to C)
bond in ethane

(d) (i)

M1 1

penailse one missng H or one missing bond once only
accept answers in either order

(structural) isomer(s) 1
(ii) isomerism


6 (e) (i) C2H6 + Br2  C2H5Br + HBr further substituted formula 2

structural or displayed formulae
M1 – C2H5Br
M2 – rest of equation correct
M2 dep on M1
IGNORE state symbols

(ii) substitution bromination/halogenation 1

(iii) ultraviolet/uv (radiation) uv light light on its own 1

Total 12


Question Mark
Answer Accept Reject
number s
7 (a) releases thermal energy releases heat (energy) just releases energy 1
produces an increase in
(b) 1

(c) 1

(d) M1 (consists of) positive AND negative/oppositely 4
charged ions/Mg2+ AND O2— (ions)
IGNORE references to loss and gain of electrons

M2 (strong) attraction between (positive AND (strong) ionic bonding/(strong)

negative/ ionic bonds
oppositely charged) ions/Mg2+ AND O2— (ions)

M3 many ions (present in lattice)/giant

structure/giant lattice

M4 large amount of energy required (to separate the break the ionic bonding/bonds
ions/overcome the attraction between the ions)

If mention of covalent bonds/metallic

bonds/intermolecular forces only M4 can be awarded
7 (e) M1 (name) magnesium chloride 1
M2 (formula) MgCl2 accept a correct formula as a
product in an equation whether
Penalise inappropriate use of upper or lower case
the equation correct or not
letters or numbers in the wrong place
Total 9


Answer Accept Reject Marks
8 (a) M1 electronic configuration / 2.1, 2.8.1, electronic structure / 1
arrangement of electrons

M2 same number of electrons in outer shell / one 1

electron in outer shell


the number of electrons in the outer shell determines

the chemical properties

(b) melting point / melting temperature 1

(c) (i) burns with a pop/squeak (when mixed with air and use burning/lit spill / glowing spill 1
ignited) flame to see if just ‘squeaky pop test’
splint for spill
s l aq g
capital letters
M1 turns blue
IGNORE purple

M2 alkaline solution formed/alkali formed/hydroxide OH for hydroxide ions
ions pH is greater than 7
formed/LiOH is an alkali/LiOH forms hydroxide

IGNORE references to lithium hydroxide is a metal

M2 dep on M1 correct or missing


(d) Similarities - any two from: 2

 floats forms an alkali/forms a
 moves around hydroxide
 fizzes/effervesces/bubbles/produces
react vigorously
gas/produces hydrogen
 disappears/dissolves exothermic/gives out heat
 forms a solution

Differences – any two from:

 more vigorous/move around faster/reacts 2
faster/fizzes more/explodes reverse arguments for lithium
 flame (IGNORE colour)/catches fire
 forms a ball/bead/melts comparison between the two,
eg only potassium catches fire,
they react at different rates

8 (e) (i) 4Li + O2  2Li2O multiples and halves 2

IGNORE state symbols

M1 formulae
M2 balancing

M2 dep on M1

(ii) 2 (1) (1) multiples and halves 1

Total 14


Answer Accept Reject Marks
9 (a) (i) M1 & M2– all points correctly plotted to nearest gridline 2
deduct 1 mark for each incorrectly plotted point

M3 smooth curve of best fit drawn 1

value from candidate’s graph to nearest gridline

Penalise incorrect units 1
(iii) as temperature increases, time (taken) decreases reverse argument 1
negative correlation
IGNORE references to rate and inverse proportionality


Answer Accept Reject Marks
9 (b) M1 (average kinetic) energy of particles/ions particles move faster molecules/atoms (but 1
increases once only)
sufficient energy to react 1
M2 more collisions/particles/ions have energy
activation 1

M3 more (successful) collisions per second / more

(successful) collisions

IGNORE references to chance of collisions

Penalise reference to molecules once only

(c) (same) concentration (of each solution) (same) volume (of each 1
(same) amount of (each)
rate of mixing

Total 9


Answer Accept Reject Marks
10 (a)
initial final changes
16 17 (+)1
16 19 (+)3
16 21 (+)5
M1 & M2 all 6 temperature readings
correct 1
deduct one mark for each incorrect value

M3 all 3 temperature changes correct

Mark M3 csq on temperature readings

(b) M1 (the smaller the chips the) larger the 1

(total) surface area

M2 more (thermal) energy (is transferred heat for thermal energy 1

to the water)
faster reaction
reverse argument for experiment 1
(c) M1 (it would be) lower 1

M2 larger volume of liquid/more liquid to water or acid in place of liquid 1

up (with same amount of thermal
energy transferred)

M2 dep on M1
Total 7


Answer Accept Reject Marks
11 (a) oxidised AND gain of oxygen increase in oxidation number gain of electrons 1
IGNORE reference to loss of electrons

(b) M1 it/magnesium is more reactive than titanium reverse argument 1

M2 it/magnesium has displaced titanium replaced 1

M2 dep on M1
(c) it/magnesium chloride has a different/lower more volatile 1
boiling point
IGNORE references to melting point reverse argument

(d) M1 (aircraft engines) – high strength-to-weight high m.pt / corrosion resistant not corrosive 1
high strength-to-weight ratio / 1
M2 (hip replacements) – non-toxic corrosion resistant
not corrosive 1
M3 (propellers) – corrosion resistant


Total 7


Answer Accept Reject Marks
12 (a) (i) 1

M2 0.004(0) 1

(ii) M1

M2 0.01(00) an answer of 10(.0) for 1

mark (i.e. failing to divide
by 1000)
(b) M1 0.004 mol of Mg react with 0.008 mol of HCl Mg and HCl react in a 1:2 1
ratio (by moles)
0.01 is greater than 0.008 / M2 from (a)(ii) is
greater than
2 x M2 from (a)(i)
M2 HCl is in excess

M2 dep on M1

Mark csq on answers in (a)(i) and (a)(ii)

Total 6


Answer Accept Reject Marks
13 (a) M1 air atmosphere 1

M2 natural gas / water/ hydrocarbons steam 1

(b) M1 (temperature) 400 to 500 ºC 623 to 823 K 1

M2 (pressure) 150 to 250 atmospheres atm / bar 1

Units required, but allow one mark for both numbers correct with units
M3 (catalyst) iron / Fe

IGNORE references to promoters such as iron oxide

(c) nitric acid / nitric(V) acid all other oxidation 1

(d) other suitable 1

M1 n(NH3) = / 7.5 x 10-3 (mol) methods, e.g.
use of V1M1 =

M2 n(HNO3) = / 7.5 x 10-3 (mol) 1

M3 conc.(HNO3) = 0.5(00) (mol/dm3) 1

OR correctly evaluated

Mark csq throughout

correct answer with no working scores 3

Total 9


Answer Accept Reject Marks
14 (a) Any two from: 2

M1 both forward and backwards reactions are occurring

M2 amounts/concentrations of reactants and products stay the masses for are the same
same/pressure (of gas mixture) stays the same amounts
M3 rate of forward reaction = rate of backwards reaction

(b) (i) M1 increase 1

M2 (forward) reaction is exothermic/gives out heat reverse reaction is equilibrium
endothermic 1
shifts to left
M2 dep on M1
IGNORE references to le Chatelier’s principle and to reaction tries to
decrease the temperature/equilibrium shifts to right
(b) (ii) M1 increase 1
M2 fewer moles/molecules (of gas) on right (hand side) more molecules on equilibrium 1
left (hand side) shifts to left
M2 dep on M1
IGNORE references to le Chatelier’s principle and to reaction tries to
decrease the pressure/equilibrium shifts to right


(c) (i) 2CH3OH + O2  2H2CO + 2H2O multiples and halves 2

M1 formulae
M2 balancing
M2 dep on M1
IGNORE catalyst if on both sides or above arrow
IGNORE state symbols

(ii) M1 – a substance that increases the rate of a reaction

mass does not 1
IGNORE alters the rate and any reference to enzymes change
without being used
M2 and is chemically unchanged (at the end of the reaction) 1
IGNORE references to takes no part in the reaction

(iii) M1 provides an alternative reaction path(way)/route/mechanism 1

M2 (alternative path has a) lower activation energy 1
M1 molecules
[Activation energy can be described, e.g. the minimum energy
adsorb on/stick
needed (by colliding particles) for reaction to occur]
to the catalyst
MAX 1 if any mention of particles gaining energy
M2 weakens the
bonds in the
(d) 2CH3OH + 3O2  2CO2 + 4H2O multiples and halves 2

M1 all formulae correct correct equation for

methanal for one
M2 balanced
M2 dep on M1
IGNORE state symbols
Total 14


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