Manual For Reactor Produced Radioisotopes: IAEA-TECDOC-1340
Manual For Reactor Produced Radioisotopes: IAEA-TECDOC-1340
Manual For Reactor Produced Radioisotopes: IAEA-TECDOC-1340
Manual for
reactor produced radioisotopes
January 2003
The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was:
Industrial Applications and Chemistry Section
International Atomic Energy Agency
Wagramer Strasse 5
P.O. Box 100
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
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1.1. Introduction
The isotope production programme involves several interrelated activities such as target
fabrication, irradiation in reactor or accelerator, transportation of irradiated target to
radioactive laboratory, radiochemical processing or encapsulation in sealed source, quality
control and transportation to end users. Each step needs experts from respective disciplines,
laboratory facilities equipped for radioactivity handling and other supporting infrastructure.
Radioisotope production started on a significant scale in several countries with the
commissioning of research reactors starting from the late 1950s. In 1966 the IAEA published
a compilation of procedures for production of 15 radioisotopes. It also contained an
introductory chapter covering the handling and processing facilities, radiation protection
aspects and applications among others. The years 1955 to 1970 witnessed rapid growth in
construction of new research reactors and corresponding increase in radioisotope production
and utilization. In response to this the IAEA published an updated manual in 1971 which
covered 25 reactor-produced isotopes and 8 accelerator produced isotopes. In addition it also
included preparation of radioisotope generators and radiolabel led compounds. As in the
earlier volume, this also contained an introductory chapter covering related aspects such as
irradiation techniques and handling. Both publications served as useful references for
laboratories engaged in and initiating radioisotope production and supply programmes the
world over. The 1971 publication has been out of print for quite sometime. Publication of an
updated manual was considered in a consultants meeting organized in 1998. The meeting
considered publications on the topic available from other sources, need for a reference
manual, developments in isotope production that have taken place since 1971, changes in the
pattern of use and the need to preserve the expertise developed over the years in several
centres. It recommended that the IAEA should bring out an updated manual. The meeting also
made recommendations on the proposed contents of the manual. The earlier publications
contained detailed procedures followed in different centres for the same isotope. For example,
for 131I production, the first and second contained 13 and 17 procedures, respectively. It was
recommended that typical procedures followed from representative laboratories be compiled.
Based on the information available from responses to a questionnaire from the IAEA to
different isotope producers and on the consultants’ personal information, they also suggested
the contributors for each isotope. Unlike the 1971 publication, the meeting felt that the
compilation of information be done in stages, the first one to be focused on reactor-produced
isotopes. A format in which the contributions are to be sought was also suggested. The
identified laboratories were requested to submit their contributions in this format. By and
large all contributors followed the given format. But still some variations in the presentation
of technical information and additional data were observed and nevertheless accepted. The
contributions received are included with minimum editing. The consultants were also in
favour of including a brief introductory write-up covering the essentials of related aspects,
such as irradiation and handling techniques. The availability of several IAEA publications
related to transportation of radioisotopes, radiological safety and radioactive waste handling
was given consideration and these aspects are only briefly referred to.
The first operating nuclear reactor that used natural uranium as fuel and graphite blocks
as moderator (graphite reactor) was constructed in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA and operated
from 1943 to 1963.
The IAEA maintains a worldwide directory of research reactors. The period from 1950
to 1970 saw construction of a large number of research reactors with multiple facilities. After
1980, because of the decommissioning of many old ones, the number of operating reactors has
been steadily decreasing. At present there are 278 research reactors in operation of which
nearly 73 are useful for regular isotope production.
The research reactors used for radioisotope production could be broadly classified into:
– enriched uranium, light water moderated, swimming pool type reactors (FIG. 1-1)
– natural uranium, heavy water moderated and cooled tank type reactors (FIG. 1–2).
Radioisotopes are produced by exposing suitable target materials to the neutron flux in a
nuclear reactor for an appropriate time. In swimming pool type reactors, the core is compact
and visible, and is accessible from the top of the pool. Target materials to be irradiated are
sealed in primary capsules, loaded in specially designed irradiation jigs and then lowered in
predetermined locations in the core for irradiation. In swimming pool reactors, the core being
easily accessible, loading and unloading of targets are easy, and can be carried out from top of
the pool using simple devices. The irradiated targets are then loaded in appropriate shielding
containers and transported to the radioisotope processing laboratories.
In the tank type reactors, the irradiation assemblies contain a large number of target
capsules and are lowered using specially designed jigs. The irradiation assembly is lowered
into a hot cell fitted with master slave manipulators for carrying out loading and unloading of
target capsules subsequent to irradiation.
Production of quality radioisotopes with high specific activity will depend on the target
as well as irradiation conditions.
Factors that determine the type of nuclear reaction taking place and the rate of
production of the product are:
– energy of the neutrons and the neutron flux
– characteristics of the target material
– activation cross-section for the desired reaction.
FIG. 1-1. Cerenkov radiation in the core of swimming pool reactor.
FIG. 1-2. The reactor block of a tank type reactor with irradiation facilities.
1.3.1. Energy of neutrons in pile
Thermal neutrons are those which are in thermal equilibrium with molecules/atoms of
the surrounding medium. The energy distribution of this group of neutrons can be represented
by Maxwellian distribution. The thermal neutrons have energy of about 0.025 eV at a
temperature of 20°C.
These are neutrons of intermediate energy, normally in the keV region. The 1/E law can
represent their distribution.
Fast neutrons are neutrons with high energy (above 1 MeV). They have an energy
distribution similar to that of fission neutrons.
The distribution of neutrons in the three groups is different at different locations in the
reactor. For example in the reactor core, the fast neutron percentage will be higher, whereas as
one approaches the periphery of the reactor, the fast neutrons flux will decrease.
1.3.2. Cross-section
The neutron interaction with the nucleus of the target material can be expressed
quantitatively in terms of the nuclear cross-section, which is a measure of the probability that
the given reaction takes place. This can be expressed in terms of an imaginary cross sectional
area presented by the nucleus around the nucleus to the beam of neutrons, perpendicular to the
beam, such that if and only if the neutrons pass through this area, the nuclear reaction takes
place. The unit of cross-section is barn (one barn = 10-24 cm2). The value of cross-section
varies with energy of the neutrons and from nucleus to nucleus.
In general, slower the neutron, greater is the probability for the reaction. Hence thermal
neutrons have the maximum value for the cross-section. In this region, cross-section varies as
‘1/v’, where v is velocity of neutrons. Normally the cross-section values are quoted at room
temperature (20°C).
If the moderator temperature is high, the cross-section value will have to be corrected
for the temperature.
As the energy of neutrons increases to epithermal region, the cross-section shows sharp
variation with energy, with discrete sharp peaks or resonances.
Some of the major nuclear reactions that are used for radioisotope production are given
4 (n,J) reaction
Most of the reactor-produced radioisotopes, are products of the (n,J) reaction. This
reaction is also referred to as radiative capture and is primarily a thermal neutron reaction.
Some of the common radioisotopes produced by (n,J) reactions are:
27 Co + 0 n o 27
Co + J (V = 36 barn)
77 Ir + 0 n1 o 192
77 Ir + J (V = 370 barn)
42 Mo + 0 n1 o 99
42 Mo + J (V = 0.11 barn)
Here, the product is an isotope of the target element itself and hence cannot be
chemically separated. Therefore the specific activity is limited by the neutron flux available in
the reactor.
In some cases the (n,J) reaction produces a very short-lived radioisotope, which decays
by beta emission to a different radioisotope.
52 Te+ 0 n1 o 131
52Te * + J (V = 67 millibarn)
52 Te* o E + 131
53 I
The product can be chemically separated from the target. This will enable us to obtain
high specific activity or carrier free radioisotope.
28 Ni + 0 n1 o 27
Co+ 1 p1 (V = 4.8 barn)
16 S+ 0 n1 o 32
15 P + 1 p
(V = 165 millibarn)
Also in this case, the product nucleus can often be chemically separated from the target,
thereby obtaining very high specific activity product.
This reaction is also a threshold reaction as neutrons having energy above a specific
value (threshold energy) is absorbed by the nucleus causing an alpha particle to be ejected. In
some very special cases, the reaction is caused by thermal neutrons as well.
3 Li + 0 n1 o 1 H 3 + 2 He 4 (V = 980 barns)
There are certain radioisotopes that are produced by multistage processes or successive
neutron capture:
W (n,J) 187W (n,J) 188W Fission
137 147 90
Long lived fission products o 55 Cs, 61 Pm, 38 Sr
When a target is under irradiation in a reactor, the activation per second can be
represented by:
= nv V act N T (1)
NT is the total number of atoms present in target,
nv is neutron flux = I,
Vact is activation cross-section,
N’ the number of activated atoms,
A atomic weight of the target.
Equation 1 considers the neutron flux to be isotropic. In case the neutrons are not
mono-energetic and if a velocity distribution exists, then the average value of the flux is to be
Since the product radioisotope starts decaying with its own half-life, once production
starts Equation 1 representing net growth rate of active atoms can be written as:
= I V act N T O N ' (2)
Equation 2 can be solved to determine the value of radioactive atoms at time ‘t’, as
0.6V I
S= (1 e Ot ) %q / g (3)
0.6V I
S= Bq / g
A (4)
In practice, the activity induced in the target under irradiation will be less than the
activity calculated using the above equation, due to several factors, such as:
The neutron self-shielding factor is:
f= (1 e 2 L ) (5)
W = 2¦ a'
Surface area
in which
FIG. 1-3 shows the self-shielding factor for the slab and sphere of various thicknesses. It
is rather difficult to arrive at a suitable correction factor for odd geometry. It is preferable to
establish such factors by actual trial irradiation in the reactor.
1.4.4. Corrections for burnup of the target and destruction of target atoms
The above effects become predominant in the long term irradiation of targets with high
activation cross-sections, such as production of cobalt-60.
In such cases the net rate of growth of the product nucleus could be written as:
= N a act I O N ' N ' V 'ab I (6)
N is equal to N 0 e V ab I t ,
Vact is the activation cross-section for product nucleus,
O is the decay constant of product nucleus,
N’ is the number of product atoms at time t,
I is the neutron flux,
Vab is absorption cross-section of the target causing target burn up,
V’ab is absorption cross-section of the product nucleus.
0.6 V act I O KT Ct
S= (e e ) Bq / g (7)
A (C K)
S is specific activity,
K is equal to Vab I,
C is equal to O+V ab’ I.
A is atomic weight of target.
From Equation 7, irradiation time for obtaining maximum specific activity tm is found as
log(C / K)
tm= (C K) (8)
For example, in the case of cobalt-60 production by irradiation of cobalt metal pellets, it
could be seen that at a flux of 4×1013 n/cm2/s, maximum attainable specific activity is
225 Ci/g in approximately 11 years (FIG. 1-4). Whereas at a flux of, approximately
1014 n/cm2/s, the specific activity reaches a maximum value at the end of seven years of
irradiation to 370 Ci/g and, thereafter, decreases with time. At a flux of 2×1014 n/cm2/s, a
maximum activity of 325 Ci/g can be reached after an irradiation for three and a half years.
Irradiation beyond the time indicated above will tend to reduce the specific activity.
The ratio of the activity actually produced in the target to the activity calculated using
the basic growth equation is referred to as the irradiation efficiency. It depends on the
cumulative effects of all factors referred to above. This factor should be experimentally
determined by trial irradiation. This factor could vary from 90% to as low as a value as 10%.
FIG. 1-4. Production of cobalt-60 in various neutron fluxes with cobalt metal target.
The following points should be kept in mind while selecting a target material for
irradiation in a reactor.
– Substances which are explosive, pyrophoric, or volatile, are not to be irradiated in the
– As a policy, in many reactors, mercury in elemental form is not permitted to be
irradiated since most of reactor components are made of aluminium and an amalgam
could be formed when aluminium comes into contact with mercury.
– Targets should be stable under irradiation conditions. It should not decompose under
irradiation to form any gaseous products. Generally unstable products like
hydrocarbons, are not permitted to be irradiated except under extremely controlled
– High purity targets should be irradiated to avoid production of unwanted radionuclides.
– Enriched target materials will enable production of radioisotopes with higher specific
– Physical form of the target or the target geometry should be such that self absorption is
– Target should be in a suitable chemical form to enable easy post irradiation processing.
Usually targets in metallic forms or oxides are preferred.
– Whenever long lived radioisotopes like cobalt-60, iridium-192 are involved, the size and
shape of the targets and encapsulation should be so chosen that the irradiated assembly
could preferably be used as such for the intended purpose.
– If the target is hygroscopic in nature, it is preferable to pre-heat and completely dry the
target prior to encapsulation.
– Since targets in metallic form like cobalt do contain certain amount of adsorbed gases
like hydrogen, nitrogen, etc. such targets should be de-gassed in an inert atmosphere
before encapsulation. Targets like cobalt are normally plated with nickel, to avoid oxide
formation leading to contamination during post irradiation handling.
The most commonly used encapsulation materials are aluminium, zircaloy and stainless
steel. However, majority of targets is encapsulated in aluminium capsules. Aluminium is
chosen as the material for fabrication of irradiation capsules because of the following reasons:
Cold welded capsules are generally tested for leak tightness before irradiation, either by
hot water bath bubbling test, or by using ethylene glycol. A helium leak test is also possible to
conduct if helium is admitted in the capsule while sealing.
may also often have to be further processed and purified to obtain a product which could be
used effectively and safely for the intended purpose.
– facilities for processing low level radioisotopes involving simple procedures like
dilution, dispensing, etc.
– facilities for processing medium level radioisotopes involving complex procedures like
– facilities for processing high level radioisotopes, e.g. cobalt-60, fission products,
molybdenum-99, etc. which will need heavily shielded hot cells and allied facilities
– quality control laboratories
– health physics monitoring set-up
– analytical laboratories
– research and development laboratories
– counting room consisting of E, J counting instruments, multichannel analyser, etc.
– animal house, in case the programme involves production of radiopharmaceuticals
– decontamination room for personnel and equipment
– radioactive solid waste storage room with lead shielded cell
– radioactive consignment packing room
– stores
– workshop
– offices.
The extent of the facilities to be included and areas to be allocated will depend on the
volume of activities.
The laboratory areas can be broadly categorized as high active and low active areas,
depending upon the levels of activities handled. While designing a laboratory, it would be
appropriate to locate the high active area in the central portion of the facility, whereas
peripheral rooms or areas could be used for low levels laboratories, inactive laboratories as
well as offices. Entry into the high active areas should be through barriers. This arrangement
will enable segregation of the low active and high active areas, keeping intact their functional
In addition, appropriate waste collection and disposal system needs to be incorporated.
There is also a need to provide a low level effluent collection tank with sufficient capacity
(say, for effluents generated over a week).
The design of a radioisotope production facility should take into account appropriate
radiation protection rules, which aim to limit radiation exposures of occupational workers to
acceptable limits, both from the point of view of acute radiation effects and delayed effects of
radiation. Adopting safety standards set on the basis of relevant IAEA publications can attain
these objectives. Safety measures in any installation are to be included in the planning stage
by giving adequate consideration for control of external radiation and contamination hazards.
Planning should also provide for appropriate emergency preparedness. The nature of
radioactivity as well as the processing and handling operations involved is to be considered
while providing for external radiation control. Adequate shielding should be provided to keep
the radiation levels to acceptable levels.
Contamination can occur and easily spread in working environment unless adequate
steps for confinement of radioactivity are taken at all stages of operations. The presence of
radioactive materials on the surfaces in concentration greater than derived working levels
(DWL) may result in significant uptake by ingestion and inhalation routes. The training of
workers in radiological safety and implementation of proper operating procedures plays an
important role in the maintenance of radiologically safe conditions.
The incidents or accidents that could occur in radioisotope laboratories range from small
radioactive spillage which can be controlled quickly without much radiological significance to
a severe accidents involving large amounts of radioactive materials which could result in high
external and internal exposure. Fire incidents involving large quantity of radioactive material
are equally serious. Adequate emergency plans should be in place to tackle such occurrences.
Radioisotope processing laboratories are provided with handling facilities, such as fume
hoods, glove boxes, shielded tong boxes, and hot cells.
(1) Fume hoods
Fume hoods are generally used when contamination and external hazards are not significant. It
is a partial enclosure and the opening of the panel provides an access to the material being
handled (FIG. 1-5). The face velocity of air (0.5–0.75 m/s) at the fume hood opening should
be comparable to or greater than capture velocity for the particular contaminant likely to be
released into fume hood atmosphere. Utility services such as lighting, electrical power,
instrument air and water are provided inside the fume hood. The quantities of radioactivity
handled in fumehood are limited by their toxicity grading.
When quantity of radioactive material being handled exceeds the limit prescribed for a fume
hood, the operation should be carried out in a glove box. A glove box is a total containment
system, which completely isolates the hazardous materials from the operator’s environment
(FIG. 1-6). It is made up of mild steel, stainless steel or aluminium coated with epoxy paints.
They are provided with laminated safety glass panels for viewing. The gloves are made of
neoprene with thickness varying from 0.2 mm to 1.4 mm.
The degree of leak tightness may vary from a few percentage of box volume per hour for
simple chemical operations to less than 0.05% box volume per hour for dry and dusty
FIG. 1-6. A view of typical glove box.
Lead shielded tong boxes are very often used in radioisotope laboratory (FIG. 1-7). The
lead shield thickness varies from 50 mm to 200 mm.
They are fabricated out of mild steel frame and aluminium panels with perspex viewing
windows. Up to several curies of gamma emitting isotopes are routinely handled in such
facilities. They are fitted with tongs or mini manipulators for handling. Lead glass viewing
windows with glass thickness equivalent to lead shield are also provided.
(4) Hot cells
A hot cell is a large volume shielded enclosure in which operations are carried with
master slave manipulators, FIG. 1-8. The cell walls are usually made of concrete. These are
used for handling kilocurie quantities of gamma emitters.
1.6.4. Ventilation
Ventilation is the most important and expensive part of the radioactive laboratory where large
quantity of radioactive materials are handled (class A laboratory). The general laboratory
ventilation system consists of a balanced supply and exhaust of air. The air supply in isotope
production laboratory is a once-through system. The air is conditioned for human comfort and
for stable operation of electronic equipment and counting systems. The airflow always follows
the pattern from inactive to low active to high active areas to prevent spread of air borne
contamination. The major part of the laboratory air is exhausted through a bank of HEPA
filters and is released through a stack.
The glove box and other handling facilities have no separate air supply but draw air
from the surroundings through leakage and, in certain cases, through designed air inlet points.
following guidelines given in relevant IAEA publications. They consist of solid, liquid and
gaseous wastes.
Low and medium active liquid wastes from laboratories should be collected first in a
hold up tank and pumped/transported to the treatment facility after checking for activity
content. High active liquid wastes generated during processing of radioisotopes should be
stored for sufficient period to allow activity to decay before transporting to the treatment
These wastes are mainly in the form of ventilation air and, in few cases, consist of
volatile products generated during processing of radioisotopes such as fission products and
(2) Area monitoring
Area monitoring system indicates the radiation status in the area and gives an early
indication of any unusual radiation fields to which the attention of the supervisors and health
physicists should be drawn. Areas handling significant amount of radioactive materials should
be provided with fixed gamma radiation monitors. In addition portable radiation survey
meters should be used for routine surveillance.
The presence of radioactive material on the surfaces in concentration greater than the
derived working level (DWL) may ultimately result in significant uptake by operating staff.
Monitoring of surface contamination of the workplace is carried out by direct monitoring
using probes and by measuring radioactivity in swipes of the surfaces. Whenever
contamination level exceeds the limit set for specific purpose, decontamination procedure is
recommended and followed.
The IAEA has formulated regulations governing design requirements for different types
of packages for radioactive materials, categories of packages, procedures for testing of
packages, their storage, quality assurance requirements, documentation and emergency
response planning to deal with accident situations during transport. These regulations have
been adopted by most of the countries and also by various international organizations such as
the International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Maritime Organization
(IMO) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The packages generally used for transporting radioactive materials are classified into
various types: (1) excepted, (2) industrial, (3) Type A, (4) Type B, and (5) Type C packages
depending on the material’s nature and quantity.
Type A package is the most commonly used one for transport of relatively smaller
quantities of radioactive materials, FIG. 1-9. Its design is such that it is capable of
withstanding the rigors of normal conditions of transport.
FIG. 1-9. Typical components of a type A package.
If the radioactivity of the material to be transported exceeds the Type A limits, Type B
package which is designed to withstand the rigors of normal transport as well as severe
accidental conditions should be used, FIG. 1-10.
These labels are also known as radioactive material transport labels, and are affixed on
two opposite sides of the package. The category label provides: radiation symbol, hazards
class number 7 for the radioactive material, transport index of the package (i.e. number
indicating maximum radiation level measured at 1 meter distance from the surface of the
package in mSv/h multiplied by 100), name and activity of the radioactive material. In
addition, it is required to indicate the complete address of the consignor.
In view of the hazardous nature of the radioactive material cargo, every package, other
than postal and excepted packages, should be accompanied by a shipping document providing
details as per IAEA guidelines.
The labels and documents are very useful for easy identification of the nature and
contents of the package, procedures to be followed for handling the package during transport
and storage, and precautions to be taken in the event of an emergency involving the package.
1.8. Conclusion
IAEA Publications
Bromine-82 (82Br35)
Half-life : 35.30 h
Production scheme : Br (n, J) 82Br
Processing facility
This material is purchased as such and meets British Pharmacopoeia 1998 requirements.
Cation exchange resin
This material is purchased as such and meets British Pharmacopoeia 1998 requirements.
This material is prepared by making a ~4% w/v solution of sodium hydroxide in Water for
Injections BP. The solution is filtered through a 0.22 µm membrane filter into sterile clinbritic
vials. The solution is standardized by titrating against standardized 1.0 M hydrochloric acid,
using phenolphthalein as an indicator. The solution is approved for use with a concentration
of 0.9–1.1 M NaOH. Material approved for use is stored under refrigeration, and has an
expiry period of 3 months.
This material is prepared by diluting concentrated Hydrochloric Acid AR grade with Water
for Injections BP. The solution is filtered through a 0.22 µm membrane filter into sterile
clinbritic vials. The vials are then autoclaved for 6 minutes at 132°C. The solution is
standardized by titrating against standardized 1.0 M sodium hydroxide solution, using
phenolphthalein as an indicator. The solution is approved for use with a concentration of 0.9–
1.1 M HCl. Material approved for use is stored under refrigeration, and has an expiry period
of 6 months.
The preferred column is a 10 or 20 mL disposable plastic syringe body with a silica wool wad
pushed into the body. Alternatively, a glass column can also be used. The column is prepared
by weighing 5–10 g of cationic exchange resin into a beaker and covering with Water for
Injections BP, and allowing to hydrate for 5 minutes. The water is decanted then the process
repeated another 2 times. The cationic exchange slurry is then poured into the column over
the silica wool to a level of ~10 mL. The column is then rinsed with a minimum of 50 mL of
Water for Injections BP.
6. Add the required calculated volume and mix well. Then filter diluted stock through a 0.22
µm membrane filter into a sterile vial.
7. Using a clean pipette dispense the required volumes into sterile vials. Seal then autoclave
the vials at 132°C for 6 minutes.
8. When autoclaving is complete, place the vials into 25 mm lead pots.
Radioactive concentration
The radioactive concentration must be 36–44 MBq/mL 82Br at the calibration time and date.
Measure a sample in an ionization chamber that has been calibrated to measure bromine-82.
Ac = Ame-0.019t
Radionuclidic purity
The radionuclidic purity is acceptable if a gamma spectrum analysis identifies Br, and all
other gamma emitters are <0.05%.
A sample of bromine-82 solution is put in a sealed container, and placed centrally on the
detector of a gamma spectrometer. The data must be collected over the 2000 keV range for at
least 1000 s.
554, 619, 698, 777, 828, 1044, 1317, and 1475 keV.
Potassium-42 which has a J-energy peak at 1525 keV must not be detected.
The sample is kept for 24 h after irradiation, and before dispensing, to ensure that the
bromine-80m content is less than 2%. (80mBr major J-energy peaks: 511, 617 and 666 keV)
The pH must be between 4.0–10.0. Measure the sample on a pH meter or using a suitable
narrow pH range paper.
Final product specification
Calcium-45 (45Ca20)
Duration 6 months.
Type of facility for processing
Standard fumehood 4 feet × 3 feet × 6 feet with local 2 inch lead shielding.
Chemical process
The irradiated CaCO3 can is cooled for one month to allow the decay of short lived 47Ca
activity. The can is opened and then irradiated target is transferred to a beaker. Approx. 30
mL concentrated HCl is added slowly to dissolve the CaCO3. The solution is boiled to expel
CO2. About 1 g iron carrier as FeCl3 in solution is added to the beaker. Sufficient quantities of
ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide are added to it and iron hydroxide is
precipitated which carries the scandium-46 impurity activity. The precipitate of iron
hydroxide (Fe (OH)3) is separated by filtration. Filtrate is heated to reduce the volume and
carrier iron precipitation is repeated thrice to eliminate impurities. The filtrate is boiled.
Volume of the solution is reduced and a solution of saturated ammonium carbonate is added
to precipitate calcium as calcium carbonate. The precipitate is filtered, washed with dilute
solution of ammonium carbonate and double distilled water and finally dissolved in dilute
HCl. The solution is boiled to expel CO2 and filtered to a clear solution.
Radionuclide purity is determined by beta ray absorption analysis and by confirming absence
of gamma emitting impurities in gamma ray spectrum.
Carbon-14 (14C6)
Half-life : 5730 ± 40 a
Production and decay scheme : N7 + 1n0o 14C6 + 1p1 V = 1.81 b
The purity of AlN target powder is not less than 95%. The AlN powder has a particle size
between 0.007 to 0.1mm, and contains 12C of less than 0.01%.
AlN synthesis
FIG. 1. Illustration of the AlN synthesis apparatus: 1—gas mixing chamber; 2—Ni boat; 3—quartz
tube; 4—electric resistance furnace; 5—buffer bottle; 6—glass beaker
Target capsule: 14g AlN powder is added into a 305 Al alloy can of 10mm in inner diameter
and 100mm in length. Two Al plates are put on the top of AlN powder. Air in the can is
replaced with N2 gas and the can is argon arc welded.
Target assembly: Eight target capsules are put into a 305 Al alloys tube and the tube is argon
arc welded.
The target is irradiated in the beryllium channel ()=20mm) of the High Flux Engineering
Test Reactor at the Nuclear Power Institute of China for 180 days. The neutron flux is
12 × 1014 n/cm2/s. Specific activity is over 185 MBq/gAlN and the typical total yield of one
target assembly at EOI is 21GBq.
The hot cell used for target assembly cutting is 2200 × 1800 × 2400(length × width × high),
shielded with concrete of 500mm in thickness, and equipped with a pair of MJ-2 model
master-slave manipulators.
The glove box used for target capsule cutting is shielded with cast iron of 75mm in thickness.
The glove box used for chemical processing is shielded with stainless steel of 3 mm in
C is AlN content(%),
V1 is the volume of HCl used (mL),
V2 is the volume of HCl used in blank titration (mL),
W is the sample weight(g) and T is the titer of HCl to N.
C content in AlN: AlN is dissolved in a 40% NaOH solution and CH4 formed is oxidized to
CO2 by heat CuO. Then CO2 is determined with GC. The LOD of the method is 20ppm, and
the relative standard deviation is 10%.
H2SO4, H3PO4 used are of MOS grade, while CrO3, KIO3, NaOH, Ba(OH)2 and C2H5OH were
of G.R. grade.
100 mL oxidant (5g KIO3 and 25g CrO3 dissolved in 333 mL H2SO4 and 167 mL H3PO4
solution at 150oC) is added into the reaction flask(1). The reaction flask is heated to 130oC
and the system is flowed with N2 gas for 30min. Then the reaction flask was heated to 150oC,
while the temperature of CuO oven is kept at 750oC. After reaction for 4 hours, 9 mL
saturated Ba(OH)2 solution is added into 2.5 mol/l NaOH adsorption solution (11). Ba14CO3
precipitated is filtered by the funnel (12) and washed with CO2-free water and CO2-free ethyl
alcohol and finally dried by infrared lamp in an N2 atmosphere. The processing system is
shown in Fig. 2.
Dispensing, assay and quality control
1.0 mg Ba14CO3 is put into a 10 mL beaker and 0.5 mL EDTA solution (30g/l, PH=13) is
added. After Ba14CO3 is dissolved, the solution was diluted to 50 mL with 1 mol/l NaOH
solution. About 10mg of the solution is taken and weighed, and the radioactivity is measured
by scintillation spectrometry. The specific activity is calculated by the following equation:
Asp=N. K/(E. M)
Chromium-51 (51Cr24)
Half-life : 27.70 d.
Production scheme : Cr (n, J) 51Cr V = 15.9 ± 0.2 b
Processing facility
This target material is processed inside a Hot Cell to make the stock Chromium (51Cr)
Chloride solution. The Chromium (51Cr) Edetate Injection BP is manufactured in a class 350
clean room (AS 1386), which contains a class 3.5 (100) laminar flow cabinet (AS 1386.5–
1994) for dispensing.
This material is purchased as such and meets British Pharmacopoeia 1998 requirements.
This material is purchased as such and meets British Pharmacopoeia 1998 requirements.
This material is prepared by making a ~4% w/v solution of sodium hydroxide in Water for
Injections BP. The solution is filtered through a 0.22 µm membrane filter into sterile clinbritic
vials. The solution is standardized by titrating against standardized 1.0 M hydrochloric acid,
using phenolphthalein as an indicator. The solution is approved for use with a concentration
of 0.9–1.1 M NaOH. Material approved for use is stored under refrigeration, and has an
expiry period of three months.
This material is purchased as such and meets British Pharmacopoeia 1998 requirements.
Hydrochloric acid
This material is purchased as such and meets British Pharmacopoeia 1998 requirements.
5. Filter through a 0.45 µm membrane filter into a sterile 30 mL vial.
6. Cap, seal and autoclave the vial at 132°C for 6 minutes. This stock solution can then be
stored in a shielded storage area until required for manufacture of Chromium (51Cr)
Edetate Injection BP.
When autoclaving is complete, place the vials into lead pots containing absorbent material.
Radioactive concentration
The radioactive concentration must be 7.2–8.8 MBq/mL 51Cr at the calibration time and date.
Measure a sample in an ionization chamber that has been calibrated to measure chromium-51.
Ac = Ame-0.025t
Ac is the activity at the calibration date and time,
Am is the activity at the measurement date and time,
0.025 is the decay factor based on half-life of 27.7 d,
t is the difference in hours between measurement time and calibration time.
Radionuclidic purity
The radionuclidic purity is acceptable if a gamma spectrum analysis identifies Cr, and no
other gamma emitter is detected.
A sample of chromium-51 solution is put in a sealed container, and placed centrally on the
detector of a gamma spectrometer. The data must be collected over the 2000 keV range for at
least 1000 s. The product is identified from the major Ȗ-energy peak at 320 keV.
Radiochemical purity
The solution is analysed by paper electrophoresis, using 0.005 M hydrochloric acid as the
mobile phase. The strips are marked with an origin 3 cm from the anode, and one strip is
spotted with the dilute solution, and a second strip is spotted with a chromium-51 sample.
These strips are electrolysed for 35 min at 1000 V. The strips are dried, then cut into 1 cm
segments, which are counted in a Ȗ well counter.
The chromium (51Cr) edetate species is found approximately 0–5 cm on the cathode side from
the point of application, and must be greater than 95% of the total radioactivity. The Cr3+
species is found approximately 10–13 cm on the cathode side from the point of application,
and must be less than 0.5% of the total radioactivity.
The isotonicity is measured on a standardized osometer. The value obtained must be between
240 and 360 milliosmoles/kg. The measurement is made on a decayed sample.
To each tube, add 1 mL of 0.5% potassium chromate solution and mix. Carefully add 1 mL of
the reducing agent, then heat the tubes in boiling water for 5 minutes. Compare the tubes
against a white background. The colour in the Chromium (51Cr) Edetate Injection BP sample
tube should be equivalent to the EDTA standard 10.9 mg/mL, and should not be darker than
the EDTA standard 15 mg/mL.
The absorbance measured at 560 nm for the Chromium (51Cr) Edetate Injection BP sample is
not more than the standard chromium edetate solution.
Cell cleanup : All waste is removed from the cell and placed into the
appropriate shielded waste receptacles. Solid waste is
stored separate to liquid waste. If required, equipment
in the cell is allowed to decay prior to cleaning the
cell. The cell surfaces are then cleaned by swabbing
with lint free cloths liberally doused with isopropanol
or ethanol.
It has been found beneficial during the reflux step to use a specially designed condenser that
is filled with cold water and ice.
Cobalt-58 (58Co27)
High purity nickel metal targets (i.e. 68.27% natural abundance) are used. The projected
production yields of cobalt-58 from irradiation of nickel as a function of irradiation time at
various thermal neutron flux values are shown in Fig. 1.
An adequately shielded hot cell or other shielded facility, dependent upon the levels of
activity handled, is required for processing the irradiated targets.
Chemical processing procedure
Processing of cobalt-58 from nickel targets (from ORNL Radioisotopes Procedure Manual,
ORNL-3633, 1964)
1. The following equipment should be prepared: Hot off-gas scrubber unit, quartz
evaporation dish, five 150 mL Pyrex beakers, 40 mL ion exchange column and 100 mL
product bottle.
3. Wash crushed quartz capsule and NiO into evaporation dish with 12 M HCI.
4. Heat to dissolve NiO using hot off-gas scrubber assembly. Add additional HCI if
necessary to dissolve sample.
5. Dissolve NiCl2.6 H2O crystals in 12 M HCl. Use approximately 100 mL of 12 M HCl per
gram of nickel and heat if necessary to produce clear solution.
6. Evaporate NiCl2 solution to dryness and fume with 12 M HCl. Care should be taken to
avoid conversion of the chloride to oxide.
7. Prepare a 100-mesh Dowex 1 resin column for 58Co separation conditioned with 12 M
HCl. Resin volume should be ~70 mL per gram of nickel in solution.
8. Pass NiCl2 solution through the resin column and rinse column with 12 M HCl until
green color is eluted. Cobalt-58 remains on the column.
9. Elute ion exchange column with distilled H2O and check effluent for Co activity to
determine efficiency of removal from column.
10. Collect effluent in beaker and evaporate to near dryness under hot off-gas scrubber
12. Fume with 12 M HCl to destroy any organic compounds which may be present and to
remove the Nitric acid.
Molarity of HCl
Co concentration
Radiochemical purity
Total solids.
Final product specification for use
The final product should be analysed by gamma spectrocopy and is provided as the chloride
in HCl solution.
Because of the low 0.092 barn production cross-section, only low yields of cobalt-58 are
produced by this route. At ORNL, yields of 400 mCi were produced after one year irradiation
of a one gram target at a flux of 2 × 10 n/cm2/s.
Cobalt-60 (60Co27)
The slugs and pellets encapsulated inside Zircalloy 4 tubes (called pencils) with welded seal
caps at both ends.
Irradiation parameters, specific activity and total yield at EOI
Stringing a number of cobalt bundles onto a tie rod makes up the cobalt adjuster element of
the CANDU reactor. The bundles consist of cobalt pencils arranged circunferentially around a
central rod, and held between two end plates; these are counter bored to receive the cobalt
pencils. The rod and the plates are made of Zircalloy. Twenty-one cobalt adjuster elements
are placed in the reactor.
3. Mass of target:
The mass of each pencil varies from 52 g to 80 g depending of the length of the pencils and
the form of the cobalt (slugs or pellets).
5. Specific activity achieved:
The specific activity varies between a range of 4.5–9.5 TBq (120–250 Ci)/g depending of
Planned Outage schedule and marketing conditions.
POOL in Embalse Nuclear Power Plant for target disassembly and the calibration underwater
of the bundles of pencils with Co-60.
PRODUCTION HOT CELL in Ezeiza Atomic Center for the fabrication of the sealed
Thickness: 1,3 m of heavy concrete.
Internal dimensions: 3 m × 3 m × 4 m of height.
Internal equipment: bridge-crane, containers for transitory storage, TIG electronic
welding machine.
3. QUALITY CONTROL HOT CELL for the quality control of all the sealed sources and
the calibration of the sources used in teletherapy.
Thickness: 1 m of heavy concrete
Internal dimensions: 2 m × 2 m × 3,3 m of height.
4. POOL OF TRANSFER for the calibration of the industrial sealed sources and the loading
of the sources in transport containers.
Immersion test (hot liquid) in agreement with ISO 9978 (5.1.1)/ ISO: TR 4826 (2.1.3).
Dry wipe test in agreement with ISO 9978 (5.3.2)/ ISO: TR 4826 (2.1.2).
Approval criteria: If the activity detected does not exceed 0,2 kBq (5 nCi) in agreement
with ISO 9978 (5.1.5 and 5.3.3).
The sources has two stainless steel AISI 316-L encapsulations sealed by TIG Electronic
Welding, in agreement with:
The transport of high activities of Cobalt 60 is made with transport packaging in agreement
with the: "Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive materials", 1985 Edition (As
Amended 1990), Safety Series Nº 6 of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
FIG. 4. Containers for Co-60 and their handling in Argentina.
FIG. 5. Containers for Co-60 and their handling in Argentina (cont.).
Final product specification for use
1.1 Co-60 Pencil has one zircaloy encapsulation sealed by TIG. Dimensions: total length
212,73 mm or 285,2 mm; external diameter 8,05 mm.
1.2 FIS 60–04 (Industrial Source) has an internal Cobalt-60 pencil and two external stainless
steel AISI 316-L encapsulations sealed by TIG. Dimensions: total length 296 mm or 229
mm; external diameter 11,3 mm.
1.3 FIS 60–03 (Industrial Source) has two internal Cobalt-60 pencils (length 212,73 mm) and
an external stainless steel AISI 316-L encapsulation sealed by TIG. Dimensions: total
length 451,5 mm; external diameter 11,1 mm. Classification ISO 2919 E 66646.
1.4 FSM 60–03 (Teletherapy Source) Cobalt-60 is in the form of slugs or pellets has two
stainless steel AISI 316-L encapsulations sealed by TIG. Dimensions are total length
36,5 mm; external diameter 23,5 mm. Classification ISO 2919 E 53524.
The National Commission of Atomic Energy of Argentina (CNEA) produces Co-60 sealed
sources from 1981, for teletherapy, industry and research.
Since then, the sources have been exported to different countries all over the world.
With the production Co-60 and important experience has been obtained, especially in the
handling of high activities.
Copper-64/Copper-67 (64Cu29, 67Cu29)
Half-life : Cu – 12.7 ± 0.02 h
Cu – 61.83 ± 0.12 h
Production scheme : Cu (n,J) 64Cu V = 4.5 b
Zn (n,pJ) 67Cu
Copper 67
Copper-64 is one of the few neutron rich positron emitting radioisotopes which can be
reactor-produced by a simple radiative (n,J) reaction with relatively high specific activity. As
an alternative, carrier-free copper-64 can also be reactor-produced (n,p) by neutron irradiation
of enriched zinc-64 targets. Although the preferred route for production of copper-67 is via
spallation using an accelerator (Mirzadeh, et al., 1986), low levels of carrier-freee copper-67
can be produced in a nuclear reactor by the (n,p) reaction via irradiation of the very expensive
enriched zinc-67 targets. Three typical procedures are provided describing the processing of
copper targets by direct dissolution of copper-63 targets, solvent extraction of solutions
prepared from neutron-irradiated enriched zinc targets and more recent electrochemical
techniques for processing of zinc targets to obtain carrier-free copper-64 and copper-67.
For direct production of copper-64, high purity enriched copper-63 targets (i.e. 63.9% natural
abundance) are used. The projected production yields of copper-64 from irradiation of
copper-63 as a function of irradiation time at various thermal neutron flux values are shown in
Fig. 1. For production of copper-67, highly enriched zinc-67 targets (i.e. >94%) are required.
FIG. 1. Calculated production yields of copper-64 by neutron irradiation of enriched copper-63
targets as a function of irradiation time at various thermal neutron flux values.
An adequately shielded hot cell or other shielded facility, dependent upon the levels of
activity handled, is required for processing the irradiated targets.
Processing of copper-64 from enriched copper-63 targets (from ORNL nuclear medicine
procedure # 24)
1. The quartz ampule is removed from the aluminum capsule using tubing cutter and vise
and examine ampule to determine if it has been broken. If unbroken, place the ampule on
cloth wipe and rinse with 1 M HCl and then blot dry. If broken, proceed to Step 5.
2. Transfer the quartz ampule to a plastic break tube, stopper, and crush using vise. Transfer
the content of the break tube to a 125 mL flask and add sufficient volume of 4 M HCl and
transfer to flask.
3. Begin evaporation of the liquid on a hot plate adjusted to keep the temperature just below
the boiling point. Shake the flask occasionally to insure that the quartz pieces have been
wetted. Continue the evaporation to incipient dryness and then allow the flask to cool.
4. Transfer the 64CuCl2 residue in the flask to a 15 mL product bottle using incremental
portions of 0.1 M HCl. Be sure the quartz fragments are rinsed after each addition of
5. Rinse outside of product bottle using small amount of H2O and transfer out of the hot cell
into a lead shield for radiochemical assay. Caution: 64Cu yields a 511 keV gamma due to
positron emission.
FIG. 2. Calculated production yields of copper-64 by neutron irradiation of enriched zinc-64 targets
as a function of irradiation time at various thermal neutron flux values.
FIG. 3. Calculated production yields of copper-64 by neutron irradiation of enriched zinc-67 targets
as a function of irradiation time at various thermal neutron flux values.
6. Transfer the lead shield to a radiochemical hood and prepare for radiochemical assay.
Make a dilution of 0.1 mL of product solution to 0.9 mL 0.1 M HCl. Prepare a counting
mount of 20 µl for assay on a J-Spectrometer. Assay is made using the 38.6% abundant
annihilation gamma (511 keV).
2. For pre-equilibration, measure required volumes of organic and aqueous reagents into a
clean, dry separatory funnel. Contact phases for 5 minutes and allow phases to separate
for a minimum of 10 minutes. Drain aqueous phase into a clean, dry labeled stock bottle
and transfer organic phase through top of funnel into a separate clean, dry labeled stock
3. Transfer Cu-67 target to "hot-cell" and remove from aluminum can. Crush ampule using
break-tube and vise. Pour contents into 150 mL beaker and rinse break-tube 2 times using
small aliquots of 1 N HCl (containing 5–10 drops of 30% H2O2). Transfer rinses to
150 mL beaker. Add 1 N HCl until volume equals 10.0 mL. Transfer beaker to hot-plate
and heat gently if necessary to dissolve ZnO.
4. After dissolution, transfer solution to a clean 150 mL beaker. Rinse beaker containing
quartz using small volumes of H2O, and transfer rinses to beaker containing Cu-67
solution. Evaporate solution to dryness, allow to cool, and add a small volume of H2O.
Evaporate slowly to dryness. Complete dryness on all surfaces is necessary at this stage
to ensure correct acid normality.
5. Allow residue to cool for 5 minutes, then dissolve solids in 15.0 mL 0.01 N HCl. Mix
well, and assay for Cu-67 (184.6 keV).
6. Transfer solution to a clean separatory funnel (labeled #1). Add 15.0 mL of pre-
equilibrated 0.2 M TTA and contact for 2 minutes. Allow phases to separate for
5 minutes.
7. Drain aqueous (lower) phase into a clean separatory funnel (labeled #2), and repeat above
8. Drain aqueous (lower) phase into a clean bottle (labeled "holding bottle #1"). Set aside
bottle for ZnO recovery.
9. Combine organic phases into separatory funnel #2 and wash 4 times using 15.0 mL
volumes of 0.01 N HCl (pre-equilibrated using 0.2 M TTA/benzene). Drain the aqueous
phases from first and second washes into "holding bottle #1". Drain the third and fourth
washes into separate holding bottles (labeled accordingly). Monitor fourth wash if
possible, since detectable radioactivity should be very low.
10. Transfer organic phases through top of separatory funnel #2 into a clean separatory
funnel (labeled #3). DO NOT TRANSFER THROUGH STOPCOCK !!
11. Back extract Cu-67 from organic phases 2 times using 15.0 mL volumes of pre-
equilibrated 0.5 N HCl. Drain aqueous (lower) phases into a clean separatory funnel
(labeled #4). Drain organic phases into a separate holding bottle.
12. Wash aqueous phase in separatory funnel #4 using 15.0 mL volume of pre-equilibrated
benzene. Drain aqueous phase into clean 250 mL beaker and evaporate slowly under air
or argon stream. Air or argon stream decreases evaporation time. As evaporation volume
decreases, solution may appear yellow. This is a normal observation.
13. After evaporation is complete, fume several times using concentrated HNO3 to destroy
any remaining organic residue.*
14. Fume solids from step #11 using concentrated HCl to convert solids from nitrate to
chloride form. Add concentrated HCl 3 times and evaporate slowly under argon or air
15. Dissolve chloride solids in 10.0 mL. of 0.05 N HCl, mix well, and assay for Cu-67
(184.6 keV). After assay, store product in appropriate facility for future experimental use.
1. Collect and combine “holding bottles” from Cu-67 processing that contain Zn-65, by
assay, into clean 150 mL beaker. Transfer beaker to hot-plate and begin evaporation
under argon stream. EXTREME care must be taken to avoid “burping” and splatter.
Loss of solution will decrease recovery yield.
2. During evaporation, assemble glass column using glass wool and Bio-Rad resin. Load
resin to a height of approximately 5" (12.7 cm). Pre-equilibrate column using 2.0 N HCl.
3. After evaporation is completed (all solutions containing Zn-65 are combined and
evaporated), allow ZnO solids to cool.
4. Dissolve solids in 20.0 ml of 2 N HCl and transfer solution onto pre-equilibrated Bio-Rad
column, and rinse beaker using small volumes of 2 N HCl. Transfer rinses to column.
5. Wash column using 100 mL of 2 N HCl and collect eluent in labeled glass bottle for
assay if necessary.
6. Wash column using 200 mL of 6 N HNO3, and collect solution in tared beaker #1.
NOTE: Monitor column and determine Zn-65 activity. If appreciable activity is present,
continue washing with 6 N HNO3, and collect eluent tared beaker #2. Save for additional
ZnO recovery.
7. Begin evaporation of Zn-65 solution under argon stream. During this evaporation, set up
furnace and test temperature using temperature controller. Furnace must be capable of
maintaining prescribed temperature setting.
FIG. 4. Apparatus use for the spontaneous electrodeposition of carrier-free copper-67 (from,
Mirzadeh, et al., 1992).
9. Remove beaker from furnace and cool to facility temperature. After beaker has cooled,
weigh tared beaker and calculate ZnO recovery yield.
2. The electrolysis apparatus (Fig. 3) consists of a U-shape cell (three chamber right and left
half cells), a Zn electrode (1.5 mm O.D. rod) immersed in a saturated solution of ZnSO4 in
1 M H2SO4 (left half cell) and a Pt electrode (1.5 mm O.D.). The natZn(wire) target
material is of Puratronic grade and all metal electrodes should be of high chemical purity
3. To eliminate traces of copper, the new Pt electrodes or electrolysis cells should always be
soaked in conc. HNO3 for several hours prior to use. A typical source of stable copper is
from the spotwelder contacts which are generally made from copper and leave traces of it
on the Pt.
4. The two electrolytes are separated by a porous barrier (10–20 micron fritted glass disc,
2 mm thick, ~2 cm2 surface area), which allows electrical contact but prevents excessive
mixing of the solutions by interdiffusion. The external connection of the two half cells is
simply achieved by connecting the Pt and Zn electrodes with a suitable conductor. During
the electrolysis, the right electrolyte is mixed magnetically, and the volume of each
electrolyte is 25 mL.
5. At the end of electrolysis, the Pt electrode is removed from the electrolysis apparatus, and
the deposited 67Cu dissolved by immersing the Pt electrode in concentrated HNO3 for 1–
2 minutes. The electrolysis is performed at room temperature, and the duration of
electrolysis is 30 minutes.
For the electrodeposition method, in a typical production run, the neutron-irradiated 67Zn
target (50–100 mg as ZnO) is dissolved directly in 25 mL of 1 M H2SO4 and transferred to the
electrolysis cell. After 30 minutes, when an assay of the right electrolyte indicates the
quantitative removal of 67Cu, the target solution is replaced with fresh 1 M H2SO4, and
deposition continued for an additional 30 minutes. This step is repeated once more and then
the deposited carrier-free 67Cu is dissolved by immersing the Pt electrode in concentrated
HNO3 for 1–2 minutes.
Although the routine production of copper-67 via the (n,p) reaction in a nuclear reactor is
probably not practical because of the relatively low yields and highly expensive enriched
zinc-67 target material, this route can be used as a back-up when accelerator-produced
copper-67 is unavailable.
BROWN, L.C., CALLAHAN, A.P., “Copper-67 Processing and ZnO Recovery Procedure by
Solvent Extraction”, Nuclear Medicine Procedure # NMG-45, Life Sciences Division, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, (L. C. Brown) 1972).
MIRZADEH, S., KNAPP, F.F., JR., “Spontaneous Electrochemical Separation of Carrier-free
Copper-64 and Copper-67 from Zinc Targets”, Radiochim. Acta, 57 (1992) 193–199.
MIRZADEH, S., MAUSNER, L., SRIVASTAVA, S.C., “Production of No-Carrier Adder
Cu”, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 37, (1986) 29–36.
RICE, D.E.,.Oak Ridge National Laboratory ‘Copper-64 Processing Procedure of Enriched
Copper-64 Target”, Nuclear Medicine Procedure # NMG-24, Life Sciences Division (1986).
Dysprosium-165 (165Dy66)
MIT Research Reactor is used for irradiation because of its proximity to Boston’s hospitals.
The one inch pneumatic tubes (1PH1 and 1PH2, thermal neutron flux ~8 × 1012 n/cm2/s) are
normally used for the irradiation. Each sample contains 2 mg of natural dysprosium nitrate in
3% nitric acid and is irradiated for 6 hours.
The target solution was added to 1 mg of ferrous sulfate in 0.5 mL of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid,
and then 1 mL of 0.2 N sodium hydroxide was added to precipitate the ferric hydroxide
macroaggregate (FHMA). The 165Dy-FEMA was resuspended and washed twice with
polyvinyl pyrrolidone. The average particle size was determined to be 5 µm (range 3–10) by
serial filtration through nucleopore membranes.
The amount of 165Dy to treat patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis and persistent
synovitis of the knee is estimated to be 9.5–11 TBq (250–300 mCi) based on an extrapolation
from the clinical results of previous studies which found that 185 MBq (5 mCi) of 96Y-citrate
was adequate. 165Dy-FHMA was injected into the joint space after instillation of 1% lidocaine
hydrochloride in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
HARLING, O.K., et al., Boron Neutron Capture Therapy and Radiation Synovectomy
Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Reactor, Nuclear Science and
Engineering, 110 (1992) 330–348.
SLEDGE, C.B., et al., Treatment of Rheumatoid Synovitis of the Knee with Intraarticular
Injection of Dysprosium 165-Ferric Hydroxide Macroaggregates, Arthritis and Rheumatism,
Vol. 29 No. 2 (1986).
SLEDGE, C.B., et al., Synovectomy of the Rheumatoid Knee Using Intra-Articular Injection
of Dysprosium 165-Ferric Hydroxide Macroaggregates, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery,
Vol. 69-A, No. 7 (1987).
Dysprosium-166 (166Dy66)
As shown in Fig. 1, even at low to moderate thermal neutron flux, multicurie levels of
dysprosium-166 can be produced by the radiative (n,J)(n,J) reaction.
Type of facility for processing
An adequately shielded hot cell is required for processing the irradiated target.
The radiochemical purity of the dysprosium-166 can be evaluated with a germanium crystal
detector system.
Gadolinium-153 (153Gd64)
Half-life : 241.6.d
Production scheme : Gd(n,J)153Gd V = 735 ± 20 b
Type of decay and energy
EC (100%) J IC
0.06987 (2.42%) 11%
0.09743 (29.5%) 8%
0.1032 (21.1%) 30%
Target preparation
Chemical processing
The irradiated target is allowed to cool for about two weeks before taking up for chemical
processing to allow the decay of shorter half-life component, 159Gd (half-life-18.5 hours). The
irradiated can is cut open and the target is dissolved in 5 mL of 3N HCl. The solution is then
heated to enable complete dissolution of the powder and then diluted with 10 mL of 0.1N
Gold-198 (198Au79)
Target material: metallic gold in the form of wire, diameter 0.8 mm.
Reactor used: RA-3, 5 MW pool type research reactor. Thermal fluxes from 2 × 1013 to 1 ×
1014 n/cm2/s, 4 irradiation boxes with 14 places each one, and 120 hours of continuous
operation per week.
Capsule details: a quartz ampoule is used; dimensions are 40–50 mm long, 6–8 mm diameter.
The quartz ampoule sealed using an oxigen/gas blowpipe is placed with quartz wool into an
aluminium can (70 mm long, 20 mm diameter) wich is cold welded.
Mass of target per capsule: 100 mg of metallic gold.
Reactor irradiation parameters: flux 4 × 1013 n/cm2/s; irradiation time: 24 h
Specific activity achieved: 2.6 GBq (70 mCi)/mg.
Total activity under this conditions: 7 Ci EOI.
Impurity: 199Au <0.5%, other <0.5%.
Type of facility for processing
The hot cell is a sealed box under reduced pressure (15–20 mm of water-reduced pressure),
with remote handling tong, and with a wall 5 cm of lead thickness as biological shielding.
Viewing windows are made of lead glass (10 cm thick). The windows are mounted in frames
fitting the interlocking lead brick system, and the space between the glass and the lead frame
is packed with lead yarn. The tong used has a detachable head to enable to change the types of
jaws without removing the tong from the box. A flexible plastic sleeve is attached to the tong
shaft to prevent contamination being carried into the laboratory when the tong is drawn
outwards. In addition there are a few special tools for opening cans and cutting quartz
ampoules, a rigid support for the glass material, a sealing machine for glass vials, a fume
hood and the glass vial containing the radioisotope solution (storage bottle).
After irradiation the aluminium can and the ampoule are opened in hot cell.
The irradiated gold wire is converted to gold chloride by reaction with aqua regia at 100ºC
and the excess of aqua regia is evaporated to dryness, in the case of seeds they are not
processed. The residual gold chloride is dissolved in 0.1 N HCl, assayed for radioactivity and
Dispensing, assay and quality control
The final solution of 198AuCl3 (act.conc. 1.8–3.7 GBq (50- 100 mCi)/mL) is filtered through
Millipore filter 0.22 µm for dispensing or used for the production of gold colloides. For
quality control a 3 mL fraction is separated.
Gold-199 (199Au79)
Target purity: Enriched 198Pt (95.31% 198Pt, <0.05% 190,192Pt, 1.06% 194Pt, 1.60% 195Pt, 2.03%
Pt and <0.05% 197Au) purchased from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Stable
gold in the target material shall be kept low to maximize specific activity.
Processing shall be performed in a shielded hot cell with HEPA filtration in the hot cell
exhaust line.
All reagents used in processing were of analytical grade without further analysis.
Chemical processing procedure
Silica gel, SiO2 (100–200 mesh, DavisilTM) deactivated by treatment with dimethyl-
dichlorosiland (DMCS) as discussed in the reference given below; Tri-n-butyl phosphate
(TBP) was 99+% pure when purchased from Aldrich. All glassware was acid washed with
HNO3 before use. Nitric and hydrochloric acids were purchased from Aldrich. Nitric acid
solutions used on the columns was always presaturated with TBP prior to use.
Columns were prepared by thoroughly mixing the hydrophobic silica gel with TBP until no
air bubbles remained on the support material. Columns were filled with the slurry and excess
TBP was eluted under pressure with presaturated 14 N HNO3. Under these conditions, the
absorption capacity was measured to be 0.18 g TBP per g of dried silica gel. The column was
then preconditioned with presaturated 1 N HNO3. Typical columns were 2.54–4 cm × 0.5 cm
Target dissolution
Enriched 198Pt targets were dissolved slowly (t ~ 1–2 h) in warm aqua regia.
Separation procedure
After dissolution, the solution was evaporated to near dryness and redissolved in 1–3 mL 1 N
HNO3. This solution was loaded on the column. Platinum was eluted with 30 mL of 1 N
HNO3 followed by 10 mL of 3.5 N HNO3 (typical flowrates were 1 mL/min). Gold-199 was
eluted with 10–15 mL of 14 N HNO3. This solution was gently evaporated to dryness using a
rotoevaporator. The residue was redissolved in aqua regia and converted to the chloride by
several evaporations to near dryness with HCl. The gold chloride was then redissolved in
methanol (2 mg/µL) for cluster synthesis.
Final products are assayed with regard to yield and radionuclidic purity.
Radioactivity measurements
Radioactive samples were assayed by direct J counting on an intrinsic germanium detector
(50 cm3, FWHM 2.0 keV at 1332 keV) connected to a 8192 multichannel analyser. The
detector was calibrated against a known mixed gamma solution standard traceable to NIST.
Counting samples were prepared in a plastic vial by dilution of the sample aliquot to 1 mL.
All samples were counted at distances >8 cm from the detector face where coincident
summing corrections are negligible.
Stable elemental analysis is made with spectrophotometric assay. From this data, the specific
activity may be estimated.
Final product specification for use
The final product was intended for use in radiopharmaceutical development by synthesizing
gold clusters and attaching them to antibodies.
Physical observations : The final product should be clear and colorless.
Radionuclide identification : by the 159 keV photon (37% abundant)
Radionuclide purity : Radionuclide impurity (due to 198Au) should total
<2% of 199Au activity
Solution pH : pH <1
Radiochemical purity : The radiochemical purity of is determined using
HPLC and spectrophotometric assay (for stable Pt).
Concentration requirements : Varies depending on application.
Shelf life and recommended storage conditions: Shelf life depends on specific activity
requirements of final preparation of antibody
conjugate. If not used immediately, the radionuclide
should be stored at pH <1.
Waste disposal : Waste disposal is similar for waste disposal of any
waste containing E/J radionuclides.
Preparation and cleanup considerations: Extraction columns are poured fresh for each
production run. Acid solutions are presaturated with
TBP immediately prior to each production run.
Silica gel must by hydrophobized before use to ensure consistently high 199Au recovery from
the target material.
MEINKEN, G.E., STEPLEWSKI, Z., Radioactive Gold Cluster Immunoconjugates: Potential
Agents for Cancer Therapy, Nucl. Med. Biol. 17 (1990) 287.
KOLSKY, K. L., MAUSNER, L.F., Production of No-carrier-added Au for Gold Cluster-
labelled Antibodies, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 44 (1993) 553.
Gold-199 (199Au79)
(Alternate procedure)
Production scheme : 78 Pt (n,J) o 199
78 Pt
p E-30 min
79 Au
Decay product : Hg
Irradiation 1.week
Flux 5 × 10 13 n/cm2/s.
Type of facility for Standard glove box with 2 inch lead shielding.
Chemicals and reagents required for processing
Holmium-166 (166Ho67)
Target purity
Nuclide Half-life Activity (Bq) Initial Activity Remarks
Ho-166 26.8 h 573,200 3,3 E09 (92 mCi)
Ho-166m 1200 a 1,858 1,860 0.564 ppm
Lu-177m 160.9 d 1,550 1,646 0.5 ppm
Lu-177 6.71 d 8,390 35,621 10.79 ppm
Ce-141 32.5 d 457 616 0.19 ppm
Yb-169 32.02 d 2,488 3,369 1.02 ppm
Yb-175 324.19 d 17,640 178,695 54.15 ppm
La-140 40.22 h 90 29,412 8.91 ppm
1. Reactor used and which assembly (hydraulic tube, etc.) HANARO, HTS (Hydraulic
Transfer System) in D2O reflect region of HANARO
2. Capsule details (material, dimensions, encapsulation method, etc.) any special
precaustions for target encapsulation (degassing, low pressure, etc.)
– Sample container material: Titanium, Dia. 15 mm, length: 50 mm
– Inner capsule material: Aluminum 1050, Dia. 22 mm, length: 107 mm,
Sealing method: cold welding, 10–6 torr
– Outer capsule material: Aluminum 1050, Dia. 28 mm, length: 150 mm
Sealing method: tig welding in Helium chamber, 10–8 torr
3. Mass of target per capsle: 200 mg
4. Preparation of target for encapsulation, reactor irradiation parameters (flux, irradiation
time, etc.
– Thermal neutron flux in HANARO (at 20 MW, power): 4.2 × 1013 n/cm2/s
– Irradiation time: 60 h
– Cooling time: 30 h
5. Specific activity achieved and typical production yield per capsule
– Specific Activity: 2.28 GBq (75 mCi)/mg
– Production Yield per Capsule: approximately 90%
6. Any other pertinent information
1. Negative pressure: hot cell in: 9,000 zone, out: 8,000 zone, operation area: 7,000 zone
2. HEPA filter and activated charcoal filter
Weight out approximately 0.05 g and 0.1 g respectively and dissolve to 100 mL with 1%
nitric acid and complies with atomic spectrometry of Korea pharmacopoeia.
– Absorbency: 410.4 and 425.4 nm.
– Light source: Holmium lamp.
– Combustibles: mixed gas of nitrous oxide and acetylene (9:5).
3. pH: Between 4.0 to 6.0, in solution (1 in 100).
4. Moisture content: Between 20.4 to 22.2 percent.
5. Purity
5.1 Characteristics
Colourless or light orange in a solution (1 in 100).
5.2 Heavy metals
Dissolves 100 mg in 10 mL of 1% nitrate and complies with atomic spectrometry.
–Calcium: not more than 200 ppm.
–Erbium: not more than 30 ppm.
5.3 Arsenic
Weigh out 1 g and complies with limit tests for arsenic of Korea Pharmacopoeia
6. Assay
Approximately 100 mg is dissolved in 100 mL water.
Add 2–3 aliquot of xylene oragnge and titrate with 0.05 M EDTA until red colour
changed to yellow. Carry out the blank test.
0.05 M EDTA 1 mL = 22.051 mg Ho(NO3)3 5H2O
22.051 × B × f 100
Ho(NO3)3 5H2O (%) = ×
Wt 100 ( m 20.4)
Physical observation
Radionuclide identification
The most prominent gamma rays of holmium-166 have energies of 80.6, 1379.4 keV.
Radionuclidic purity
Record the gamma ray and X ray spectrum using a multi channel analyser The spectrum does
not differ significantly from that of a standardized solution of holmium-166.
PH of final solution
Radiochemical purity
Examine by thin-layer chromatography using silicic acid as the coating substance on a instant
thin layer sheet. Apply to the plat 5 µl of the solution to be examined. Develop immedicately
over a path of 10 cm using a solution (methanol: water: glacial acetae = 100: 100: 1) Allow
the plate to dry in a current of cold air. Determine the distribution of radioactivity using a
TLC scanner. Holmium-166 nitrate migrates with an Rf value of 1.0. Not less than 95% of
total radioactivity of the chromatogram corresponds to holmium-166 nitrate.
The specific radioactivity is not less than 2.28 GBq (75 mCi0 of holmium-166 per milligram
of holmium.
Half-life is 26.7 hour. Holmium nitrate [166Ho] sterile solution should be used not later than 3
days from the date stated on the label.
Preparation and cleanup of the facility and preparation for processing of next batch
Iodine-125 (125I53)
Half-life : 59.408 d
Production scheme
E, 18 h
Xe(n,J)125Xe 125
I V = 165 ± 20 b
Decay product : Te
Iodine-125 decays directly to the excited state at 0.03549 MeV by electron capture. Only
6.68% of this excited state decays to the ground state, to 125Te stable nuclide. The remainder
93.32% decays by internal conversion. As a consequence of electron vacancies in inner shell
results in characteristic X ray, the main energy is 0.028 MeV.
EC: 100% Gamma: 0.03549 MeV, (6.68%)
X ray: 0.028 MeV
Vm = 28 b, Vg = 137 b
As natural xenon target contains 124Xe nuclide in 0.096% only, there are two options to
produce high yields of 125I: (i) long irradiation of natural xenon, (ii) use of enriched xenon
target. In the former case it is necessary to calculate with the following nuclear reaction:
since the forming 125I radionuclides can also capture neutrons with a cross-section of 900 barn
which leads to the presence of 126I radionuclidic impurity. If long irradiation of the natural
xenon target is performed the amount of the 126I impurity can be decreased by cooling since
the physical half-life of 126I is shorter (13 days). If the construction of a loop in the nuclear
reactor is possible, the circulation of the natural xenon target can ensure extremely low level
of 126I since the forming 125I radionuclides are immediately taken away from the circulation.
In case of using enriched xenon-124 target, the short irradiation period keeps the 126I content
on low level. On the other hand the recovery of the expensive enriched xenon target is
The flow chart of the technology is given below:
Xe, target (124Xe target, enrichment >99%)
irradiation in nuclear research reactor
cooling for E- decay to obtain 125I
opening capsule, (target recovery in case of enriched xenon)
dry distillation of 125I from the inner wall of aluminium container,
absorption in alkaline medium e.g. 0.05 M NaOH
I-sodium iodide bulk solution
I-sodium iodide solution for labelling various compounds.
Target specification
Target purity
Enrichment factor
Impurity details
No detectable impurities.
Nuclear research reactors with a neutron flux of 1 × 1013 – 1 × 1014 n/cm2/s can be used.
Higher fluxes should be avoided as the pressure in the target capsule containing natural xenon
can inrease up to 50 kg/cm2 during irradiation. Water cooling of the target within the
irradiation channel, during the whole irradiation, is necessary.
Capsule details
15 g of natural Xe gas is filled into the aluminium capsule in the filling equipment showed in
the Fig. 1. The aluminium capsule is fixed to the tube and liquid nitrogen containing Dewar
bottle is placed under the Al-capsule. The capsule is immersed into the liquid nitrogen. The
valve is opened and pressure is adjusted to 6 bar. Vacuum pump is connected to the tube end
and it is switched on and operated for approx. 3 minutes. The aluminium capsule is vacuumed
followed by filling it with xenon gas up to a pressure of 5 bar three times as 5 bar pressure
corresponds to 5 g natural xenon gas. Finally the aluminium capsule is removed (asbest
gloves!) and plugged with hand pressing machine. The aluminium capsule is left to warm up
to room temperature and the leak-tightness is tested in glicerine at a temperature of 120–
In case of enriched xenon-124 capsule filling is performed by similar way with the exception
of the pressure adjusted since only 0.4 g of target should be encapsulated.
Fluxes up to 1 × 1014 n/cm2/s can be used, a typical flux used is 5 × 1013 n/cm2/s. At least
200 hours irradiation is requiered which can be extended up to 300 hours from point of view
of higher yields. After irradiation a cooling period of at least 120 hours is required to
complete E decay for obtaining iodine-125. In addition to this further cooling for 30–40 days
is necessary so that the 126I content should decrease to an acceptable level.
In case of the use of enriched xenon-124 irradiation for 10–24 hours is sufficient followed by
a 10–20 days cooling period.
For iodine-125 production two hot cells under negative pressure with 2–2 manipulators, as
well as air ventilation system with iodine (aerosol) filter is required. Hot cells are made of
iron with a lead shielding of 15 cm. The window of the hot cell is made of lead glass with a
thickness of 20 cm. One hot cell is prepared for the target opening and for the distillation
equipment, the other is used for dilution, dispensing and sterilization of the 125I-sodium iodide
solutions. Any other conditions (e.g. radiation protection system, etc.) should correspond to
the regulations being valid for isotope laboratories of level "A".
In case of the use of enriched 124Xe as target, the recovery of the irradiated xenon in a hot cell
is necessary.
1. Natural xenon gas or enriched 124Xe gas target, see the specifications above. No other
analysis than trial irradiation and the determination of the radionuclidic purity as well as
radiochemical and chemical purity of the 125I obtained are suggested.
2. Sodium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide white pellets, grade extra pure is used (DAB, Ph.Eur, BP).
Identification is performed by flame photometry. Drops coming from the aqueous
solution of NaOH give a bright yellow colour. Content determination is carried out by
acidi-alkalimetric titration.
The aluminium capsule is opened in the first hot cell. When the needle punches the
aluminium the Xe gas is released into the chimney and the 125I radioisotope is adsorbed on the
inside wall of the aluminium capsule.
Before placing the capsule into the dry distillation equipment two holes with diameter of
approximately 5 mm is advisable to drill through the wall of the alumium capsule at the lower
one third part to increase efficiency of the distillation. The dry distillation equipment can be
shown on Fig. 2. It consists of a furnace (1), a quartz bridge (2), an acidic washing vessel (3)
and alkaline collectors (4a,b). The distillation is followed through 120 minutes at a
temperature of 550oC.
The 125I-NaI solution is transferred to the second hot cell. Radioactive concentration of the
fractions is determined. Based on the measured radioactive concentration the required value
should be adjusted dilution with 0.04 M NaOH. Solutions of the required radioactive
concentration are dispensed to portions into vials. If sterile product is required ampoules
should be autoclaved for 30 minutes at a temperature of 120oC.
A vial containing 5–10 MBq I-125 sample is measured. Main gamma-peak of 125I are: 28 keV
(X ray) and 35.49 keV (J-ray). Impurity limit: not more than 0,9% of 126I (gamma of 380 keV
and 650 keV, beta: 390 keV, 870 keV and 1250 keV, positron: 460 keV and 1110 keV). A
gamma spectrum of iodine-125 can be seen in Fig. 3.
FIG.3. Gamma spectrum of 125I.
Paper electrophoresis is used. Paper stripes, type Whatman No.3 MM for electrophoresis,
possess dimension of 65 × 3 cm. Dropping of 10–20 µl samples takes place in a distance of
10- 13 cm from the end of the stripes. Borate buffer is used, concentration 9 g/l, pH=9 +/–0.1.
Electrophoresis is carried out on a potential of 900 V. Time: 50 min.
Rf values: product, i.e. iodide Rf = 0.7–0.9
impurities: iodate: Rf = 0.4
periodate: Rf = 0–0.1
elemental iod: Rf = 0.
Product can be accepted if the I-125-iodide anion content is higher than 95% even on the
expiration date.
7. Shelf life and recommended storage conditions.
Expiry: production + 60 days, storage at room temperature.
8. Special comments of waste generated:
Wastes should be collected and left for decay. No special prescriptions are given, the
normal radioactive waste tretament procedures described for isotope laboratories should
be applied. Do not let iodine-125 to be contacted with acidic medium!
9. Preparation and clean up of the facility for next production.
The distillation equipment is surely contaminated and should be dismounted by
manipulators in the hot cell. Acidic and alkaline solutions should be taken off into
separate vessels. The quartz bridge should be washed in 1 M NaOH and finally rinsed
with water.
Iodine-125 production from natural xenon gas target is a safe method if irradiation capsules
made of aluminium are well prepared and well-controlled against both negative and positive
pressure in order to avoid the xenon loss as well as the explosion of the capsule during
irradiation. This method has been used in Hungary for more than 20 years without any
breakdown. The air coming from the hot cells of 125I production should be filtered by using a
multilayer filter which is capable of capturing radioactive aerosols as well.
In case of the use of enriched xenon the proper closing of the aluminium capsule is the crucial
factor for avoiding the eventual loss of the very expensive target. A careful servicing of the
equipment can help.
DEWANJEE, M.K., RAO, S.A., “Principles of radioiodination and iodine labelled tracers”,
Radiotracers for Medical Application, CRC Press, Vol. II, Boca Raton (1983).
FIRESTONE, R.B., Table of Isotopes, CD ROM Edition, (SHIRLEY V.S., CHU S.Y., Eds.)
Version 1.0, Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, US Department of Energy (1996).
MYERS, G.W., Radioisotopes of iodine, (Proc. Symp. Oak Ridge, 1965), USAEC Techn.
Information Extension, Oak Ridge (1966) 217.
MYERS, W.G., VANDERLEEDEN, J.C., Radioiodine-125., J. Nucl. Med. 1 (1960), 149; 16
(1971) 565.
Iodine-131 (131I53)
(Wet distillation method)
Te(n,J) 131mTe 33.8 0.04 14.8 292 650 Te(n,J) 121gTe
E–7.8% MBq MBq MBq Half-life: 17 days
30 h. (1.4 (7.9 (17.5 Isotopic abundance: 0.089%
mCi) mCi) mCi) V = 2.0 barn
131 /g /g /g
IT 22.2% I
min 120
Te(n, J) 121mTe
33.8 0.2 Half-life: 154 days
V = 0.34 barn
Te(n,J) 131gTe 30 h
250 1.4 3 GBq 122
Te(n,J) 123mTe
MBq GBq (83.0 Half-life: 119.7 days
(6.8 (38.0 mCi) Isotope abundance: 2.46%
mCi) mCi) /g V = 1.1 barn
/g /g
Te(n,J) 125mTe
Half-life: 47.4 d
Isotopic Abundance: 4.61%
V = 0.04 barn
Te(n,J) 127g Te
Half-life: 9.4 hours
Isotopic Abundance: 18.71%
V = 0.9 barn
Te(n,J) 127mTe
Half-life: 109 days
V = 0.135 barn
Te(n,J) 129 Te
Half-life: 69.6 minutes
Isotopic Abundance: 31.7%
V = 0.14 barn
Te(n,J) 129mTe
Half-life: 33.6 days
V = 0.015 barn
Type of decay and energy (MeV)
Irradiation parameters
The radiochemical processing of I-131 is carried out in sealed boxes (Al or SS) kept under
negative pressure (2–3 cm WG) and provided with 4 inch lead shielding. The boxes are
connected to iodine filters (charcoal) fixed at the top.
All the reagents used is chromic acid, sulphuric acid, oxalic acid, sodium sulphate, sodium
hydroride are AR/GR.
The irradiated can containing 60g tellurium powder is opened and the contents are transferred
into a 4-necked 5 lit distillation flask. The oxidation mixture consisting of 360 mL of 15 N
chromic acid solution and 960 mL of 50% H2SO4 is loaded into the dissolution flask. The
mixture is then refluxed for two and half hours using infra red lamps to heat the flask. After
dissolution, the mixture is cooled for 3 hours by passing water through a cooling coil fitted to
the centre neck of the flask. 240 g of oxalic acid dihydrate are added to reduce the excess of
chromic acid. After about half-an-hour of completion of reduction reaction, the flask is heated
using the infra red lamp. The receiver flask is cleaned with double distilled water and ten
millilitres of 0.01 N Na2SO3 is transferred to it. The distillation of iodine-131 is carried out for
half an hour or till no more iodine-131 distils into the receiver flask as indicated by the
reading in the ion chambers kept close to the dissolution flask. The flask is allowed to cool for
15 minutes. The pH of distillate is adjusted to approx. 8 by adding necessary quantity of 1 N
NaOH solution. The contents of the receiver flask is concentrated to a small volume to obtain
the necessary radioactive concentration of 250–400 mCi/mL. Finally the radioactive iodine-
131 solution is transferred into a storage bottle (Fig.1).
The activity is assayed by taking the ion current measurement of known volume of stock
solution in a calibrated ion chamber.
Radionuclide identification is performed by checking the 0.36 MeV (81.2%) gamma peak.
The gamma ray spectrum is examined for any other gamma emitting impurities.
Radiochemical purity
This is determined by a paper chromatogram, using iodide and iodate carrier and a solvent
mixture of 75% methnol and 25% water adjusted to pH 7–8 with potassium carbonate.
Rf value of I- = 0.75
Rf value of IO3- = 0.50
Rf value of IO4- = 0.00
The iodide content must be more than 95% in a typical batch. The total solid content is
determied by evaporating a known volume of the stock solution and weighing the residue.
Any heavy metal impurity is estimated colarimetrically.
Total reducing agents: A known amount of stock solution is treated with a known excess of
potassium permanganate solution and the excess of permanganate is back litrated against
standard oxalic acid solution. The reducing agent content is expressed in millilitres of 0.1N
KMnO4 per mL of Na 131I solution.
Characteristics of the final solution
Chemical reaction
The following reactions take place during the oxidation of tellurium and subsequent reduction
with oxalic acid prior to the distillation of iodine:
1. Te + 2H2CrO4 + 3 H2SO4 o Cr2 (SO4)3 + H2Te04 + 4H2O
3I2 + 10 H2CrO4 + 15 H2SO4 o 5 Cr2(SO4)3 + 6HIO3 + 22 H2O
2. H2TeO4 + H2C2O4 o H2TeO3 + 2CO2n + H2O.
2HIO3 + 5 H2C2O4 o I2 + 10CO2n + 6H2O.
The distilled iodine reacts with the sodium sulphite and sodium hydroxide solution in the
receiver flask.
3. I2 + Na2 SO3 + H2O o Na2SO4 + 2H I
2H I + 2 NaOH o 2 NaI + 2H20.
Iodine-131 (131I53)
(Dry distillation method)
Production scheme
Production process
The 131I production process: 131I is produced by the irradiation of TeO2 in the heavy water
research reactor. After irradiation, the 131I is dry-distilled off and absorbed in an alkaline
solution containing sulfite, dispensed according to the pharmacopoeia. The overall yield of
I is 952%. The whole process is described in Fig.1.
Powder TeO2
Dry at 200oC
Pill at 8 Mpa
Sinter at 650oC
Seal in Target Capsule
Target Irradiation
Dry-distillation and absorption
In dilute NaOH solution
Assay and quality control
FIG.1. I production process.
I No 127I Tl: <0.001%
Al <0.001% Mg: <0.0003%
Na <0.03% Ca: <0.001%
Sr <0.003 Sn: <0.0003%
P <0.00001% Cu: <0.0003%
Fe <0.01% Mn: <0.0003%
As <0.000001% Ba: <0.01%
Cd <0.001% Si: <0.1ppm
3. Isotopic composition and supplier of target material and grade isotopic composition:
The facilities for dry-distillation of 131I showed in Fig. 2 are placed in a hot cell with an
exhaust line.
Hot cell wall-thickness: 20cm cast steel and 10cm lead.
Hot cell dimension: 1550L+1200W+2600mmH.
Negative pressure: Maintain at the negative pressure of 20mm H2O.
The exhaust line: The radioactive waste gas should pass through the 2.0mol/L NaOH,
0.5mol/L Na2SO3 solution, the activated charcoal filter and then get into the radioactive
management factory.
Analysis of raw materials, reagents and chemicals required for processing
The 131I is separated from the target TeO2 by dry distillation and absorbed in 17 mL of a
mixed solution of 0.02M NaOH-0.004M Na2SO3. Then the solution is adjusted to pH7–9 with
distilled water i.e. final product.
Radioactive concentration
Radioactive concentration is determined by a CAPINTEC CRC-30 BC ionization chamber
with 226Ra standardized source. The 226Ra source has been previously compared with the 131I
source calibrated by absolute measurement.
Radionuclidic purity
Gamma-emitting impurities in the solution are determined by gamma spectrum, using a high
purity Ge(Li)-detector and a multi-channel pulse height analyser.
Radiochemical purity
By ascending paper chromatography using the methanol: water (4:1) solvent developing
Chemical purity
Tellurium content is determined by double-channel Hydride-Generation atomic fluorescence
4. pH: 7~9.
5. Radiochemical purity: >95%.
The method of determination is paper chromatographs of the usual way.
6. Radioactive concentration and application
1.85–3.7 GBq/mL for diagnosis and/or therapy thyroid disease.
73.7GB1/mL for radioisotope labeling.
7. Shelf-life and recommended storage condition
Expiry: The expiration of 8 days after reference date is indicated on the quality certificate
and on the labels.
Storage: In lead container at room temperature.
8. Preparation and cleanup of the facility and preparation for processing of next production
(a) Put the dry-distillated target material into a special steel can for storage.
(b) Wash the hot cell floor to clean up all the powder TeO2 and liquid waste that may be
thrown off during the processing.
Keep all the transportation system, the heating system and the adsorbing system in a good
state for production of next batch.
Iodine-131 (131I53)
(Dry distillation method)
(Alternate procedure)
Iodine-131 is produced from the irradiated tellurium dioxide in a neutron flux, while
contained in a welded aluminum capsule, according to the nuclear reaction as follows
The irradiated tellurium dioxide powder is transferred to a Vycor distillation vessel and
connected to the iodine-131 tellurium processing system. The processing furnace is heated to
750oC in order to distill the iodine-131 over to a charcoal column trap connected in-line of the
distillation system. The charcoal column trap is rinsed with the de-ionized water then eluted
with sodium hydroxide 0.05N to form the final product iodine-131 solution. The scheme
below shows the flow chart of the operation and procedures.
Irradiation is performed at a nominal thermal neutron flux of 1.0 × 1014 n/cm2/s for 120 hours
at reactor core of CIP (Central Irradiation Position) in MPR-30 (Multi-Purpose Reactor 30
MW). Irradiation capsules are made of aluminum, type A1050, and comprised as an inner
capsule and an outer capsule. The dimension of the inner capsule is 200 mm (length), 24.4
mm (diameter), and 1.5 mm (thickness), whereas that of the outer capsule is 457 mm (length),
30 mm (diameter), and 2.3 mm (thickness).
Encapsulation method of the inner capsule is performed by welding aluminum plugs onto
both ends of the capsule tubing, whereas that of the outer capsule is carried out by welding an
aluminum plug onto one end of the tubing and screwing a cap on the other end. The integrity
of the weld of the capsules is inspected. Once the construction of the capsule is complete the
capsule is cleaned in ultrasonic bath for 30 minutes using trichloroethylene, then dried in oven
at 110oC for at least one hour.
Mass of target per capsule is 100 g of tellurium dioxide. Target preparation is carried out as
follows. The target material is transferred to porcelain crucible and placed in a muffle furnace
at temperature 500oC for 2 hours. The tellurium dioxide is allowed to cool to room
temperature and placed in a ball mill and broken up until it has a fine texture. The precise
quantity of target material is carefully transferred to the clean dried inner capsule and an
aluminum plug is placed in the open end and welded closed. The leak of the capsule is
checked by immersing the capsule in water and bubble checking in a vacuum of at least 30%
of Hg and stored until it is transferred into the outer capsule scheduled for irradiation in the
reactor core. If the target capsule is not used for a period of time the leak test is repeated prior
insertion into the reactor core.
The activity of I-131 at the end of irradiation (EOI) by irradiating 100 g TeO2 at a thermal
neutron flux of 1.0 × 1014 n/cm2/s in reactor for 120 hours is 740 GBq (20 Ci), so the total
yield at EOI is ~ 83.3%.
The facilities for processing include glove box, hot cell, and supporting areas, which equipped
with the ventilation system, such as carbon filter, pre-filter, HEPA filter, etc., for nuclear
grade installation. A glove box is used for dispensing low activity final product.
The hot cell include master slave manipulators, shield window, a conveyor for
interconnecting with other hot cells, an overhead shield plug (to allow for the removal of hot
cell containment box and equipment), and a shield door on the back side. The cell was lined
or coated with material that facilitates decontamination, and containment box is provided to
minimize the spread of contamination.
Concrete shielding walls of the cell consists of higher-density hematite concrete (minimum
density 3.0 g/cm3. Glove box and fume hood filter housings were shielded with 1.3 cm of lead
as required. Other local shielding are used as necessary to reduce dose rates.
Ventilation exhaust from radioactively contaminated areas and areas in which radioactive
materials are handled (except materials packaged for shipping) will flow through HEPA
filters to protect against inadvertent release of radioactive materials. Ventilation exhaust from
the hot cell will also flow through charcoal filter for absorption of any gaseous iodine prior to
release. If there is a loss a normal power, emergency electrical power will be provided to
maintain at least 50% of the ventilation exhaust flow rate from general areas that are
potentially contaminated. In addition, hot cell ventilation exhaust will be operated at a
sufficient flow rate to maintain negative pressure in the cell with all doors and inlet dumpers
closed. The ventilation exhaust systems were designed to achieve internal negative pressure
up to 76 mm of water for hot cell and up to 51 mm of water for glove box, respectively.
Analysis of raw materials, reagent and chemicals required for processing is performed to
confirm that all materials comply to the specified criteria for processing. Analysis includes the
determination of chemical purity and concentration by emission spectrograph and titrimetric.
The acceptable impurities of tellurium dioxide raw materials through analysis by emission
spectrograph should show selenium content less than 0.05% and heavy metal content less than
Chemical processing procedure
The target capsule is transported from the reactor using the transfer cask to the hot cell for
processing after the irradiation process is complete. The processing reagents and supporting
components required to process the target material are transported to the hot cell using the
inter-cell cart system.
The flow chart of iodine-131 processing is shown in Fig. 1 and the processing is carried out as
3. Check the engraved serial number on the target capsule and confirm to the correct target
capsule for processing, and then the capsule is stood on end.
4. Completely vibrate the target capsule using a vibrating tool to knock down any target
material which might be on the side walls of the target capsule. Then, the top of the target
capsule is cut off using a tubing cutter.
5. Pour the irradiated tellurium powder from the opened target capsule into the Vycor tube,
taking care to minimize spillage of the powder. The tellurium powder should dry and
pour freely from the target capsule.
6. Make a visual inspection of the capsule to be sure that all of the tellurium powder has
been transferred to the Vycor tube. Repeat the vibration process if there is any remaining
target material on the inner capsule walls.
7. Cap off the Vycor tube and place the Vycor tube on the furnace, then connect it to the
gooseneck and vacuum lines.
8. Position the stopcocks for distillation so that the vacuum pump is pumping in a direct
path to the Vycor tube. Turn on the vacuum pump, and establish a vacuum of at least –
28” of Hg on the gauge.
9. Physically and visually check all connection and valves in the distillation system to be
sure that they are secure and functioning properly.
10. Turn on the furnace, and observe the temperature controller to be sure that it is working
11. Set the temperature controller at 750oC.
12. Observe the furnace and the controller until the 750oC temperature is reached. At this
point, check operation of the distillation system by moving the controller set point up and
down slightly to ensure that the furnace turns on and off at the proper temperature. Also
recheck the vacuum connection at this point.
13. Periodically check the charcoal column trap with the radiation monitor in the hot cell to
ensure that I-131 activity is loading properly on the charcoal column trap.
14. When the run has been completed, turn off the furnace, maintain vacuum on the system
until the furnace has cooled down to no more than 200oC, and turn all valves in the
distillation system to the elution position.
15. Mount the loaded charcoal column trap in the ring stand, and read it with the radiation
16. Wash the column with ~10 mL of sterile water for injection, collecting this water in a
water bottle. Check the water bottle with the radiation monitor to be sure that I-131
product activity is not being eluted.
17. Elute the column with sodium hydroxide 0.05N, collecting the I-131 produced in a
cleaned labeled glass bottle. Elute with 5 mL portions of sodium hydroxide 0.05N until
all significant activity has been removed from the charcoal column trap.
18. The tellurium breakthrough is checked by placing 3–4 grains of thioacetamide in a clean
25 mL beaker and send the beaker into the I-131 processing hot cell. To the beaker
containing thioacetamide is added 3 drops of I-131 product and the solution is swirled. If
the solution color change to grey/black, the resulting solution indicates the presence of
tellurium in the product, and the product must be rejected and disposed of in a capped
waste bottle containing absorbent material.
The dispensing of final product for assay and quality control is carried out by removing a 0.1–
0.2 mL of I-131 sample and placing it into 2 mL sample bottle, to be transported to the hood
or glove box inside a lead assay pig. From this sample two 20 lambda aliquots are removed to
prepare sample dilution to perform the bulk of the final product tests and the remaining
sample volume is used to performed a pH analysis using a strip of pH paper, with a range of
10.5 to 12.5. The pH results should be greater than 11.
Two dram vial for the determination of I-131 concentration are prepared by removing a
known amount aliquot of the 20 lambda/50 mL dilution, transferring each aliquot to a
separate 2 dram sample vial, and checking I-131 activity of both 2 dram vial with the Gamma
Ionization Chamber (GIC). The reading difference should not greater than 5%.
I-131 concentration assay is performed by (a) removing two 10 lambda aliquots from each 2
dram vial, (b) placing each aliquot onto a stainless steel counting planchet located in the
drying hood, (c) adding three drops of silver nitrate 0.1N solution to precipitate the iodine, (d)
drying the liquid on the planchets under heat lamp, and (e) counting all four sample planchets
placed into a plastic bag at the calibrated geometry on the GeLi multichannel analyser system.
The I-133 concentration determination is performed using one of the four planchet sources
prepared for the I-131 concentration determination on the GeLi detector system. The
radionuclidic purity determination is carried out by counting a 2 mL sample of the 20
lambda/50 mL dilution at the GeLi multichannel analyser system and analysing the spectra
for positive gamma emitters. The radiochemical purity is controlled by paper chromatography
utilizing one of the two dram sample vials, using 75% methanol as solvent.
The final product as sodium iodide, 131I, solution in NaOH, without reducing agents will be
used as 131I bulk solution for radiopharmaceuticals production. The specification of the final
Physical appearance colorless solution.
Radioactive concentration >11.1 GBq (300 mCi) I-131/mL.
I-133 concentration d 0.80% of the I-131 concentration at assay time.
pH >11
Radionuclidic purity I-131 content >99.9%.
Radiochemical purity Iodide t 95%.
The ability to maintain vacuum on the system during the distillation process in separating
iodine from the irradiated tellurium is very critical and important. If the vacuum system
doesn’t work as expected, not only the distillation process will be uncontrollable, but also the
expensive Vycor will be broken.
(Dry distillation method)
(Alternate procedure)
Production scheme
(a) Tem 82% E-, 30 h
130 131
Te(n,J) 18% I
(b) Te E-, 24.8 min
Cross-sections for (a) and (b) routes are 0.04 barn and 0.2 barn, respectively. As natural
tellurium contains 130Te nuclide in 34.48% there is no special need for using enriched
tellurium target. On the other hand, natural tellurium contains 126Te in 18.71%, which can
take part in the following nuclear reaction:
126 E decay
Te (n,J)127Te o 127
As a consequence of this, the 131I produced from natural tellurium cannot be considered as
carrier-free radioisotope and specific activity may play role in radiolabelling of organic
molecules. In order to attain sufficiently high yields of 131I as well as to simplify the
processing technology of the target, irradiation of tellurium can be recommended from point
of view of expedience. A wet method was earlier used for distillation of iodine, nowadays dry
distillation became wide-spread due to the higher yields and lower amount of radioactive
As an alternative way extraction of Iodine-131 from uranium fission products may also be
considered. Since the uranium fission technology requires a rather complicated and expensive
facility, the tellurium irradiation would be the proper method for isotope production
laboratories established beside nuclear research reactors. Thus flow chart of the technology
based on tellurium dioxide irradiation is given as follows:
TeO2, target
p irradiation in nuclear research reactor
Tem, 131Te
p cooling for E- decay to obtain 131I
p opening capsule, dry distillation of 131I from tellurium,
absorption in alkaline medium e.g. 0.05 M NaOH
I-sodium iodide solution
p dispensing, sterilizing, adding reducing agent in case of direct human use
I-sodium iodide solution as radiopharmaceutical, for direct use or for labelling
Target purity
Enrichment factor
Impurity details
Supplier of target and grade: Fluka Chemie AG., Buchs, Schwitzerland, purum 02TE, product
number 86370, analytical data confirmed by certificate of analysis enclosed to the shipments.
Nuclear research reactors with a neutron flux of 5 × 1012 – 1 × 1014 n/cm2/s can be used.
Higher fluxes should be avoided as the explosion of the target may occur due to the
generating heat and aerosols. Water cooling of the target within the irradiation channel,
during the whole irradiation, is necessary.
Capsule details
150 g tellurium dioxide powder is measured into a quartz tube and put into an electric
furnace. In a temperature range of 800–850oC the tellurium dioxide is melted and carefully
poured into an aluminium vessel (capsule) of dimensions diameter 22 mm and height: 90 mm.
The aluminium capsule is cooled by immersing in water while. Proper eye-guard and safety
gloves should be worn by the staff. After cooling to room temperature.
The aluminium capsule containing the tellurium dioxide is placed into an aluminium
container possessing diameter of 30 mm and height of 110 mm. The container is closed by
welding. A lifting head, for handling the container in the irradiation channel, supplied with a
screw is fixed in the top of the container.
Fluxes up to 1 × 1014 n/cm2/s can be used, the higher flux results in higher yield of iodine-131.
At least 120 hours irradiation is requiered. It is worthwhile to extend the irradiation time up to
200 hours from point of view of higher yields however specific activities obtained decrease
After irradiation a cooling period of 48 hours is required to complete E decay for obtaining
For iodine-131 production two hot cells under negative pressure, with manipulators, as well
as air ventilation system with iodine (aerosol) filter is required. Hot cells are made of iron
with a lead shielding of 15–20 cm. The window of the hot cell is made of lead glass with a
thickness of 40 cm. One hot cell is used for the distillation and absorption equipment, the
other is used for dilution, dispensing and sterilization of the 131I-sodium iodide solutions. The
cells and systems (e.g. radiation protection system, etc.) should correspond to the regulations
being valid for isotope laboratories of level "A".
See above.
Sodium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide white pellets, grade extra pure is used (DAB, Ph.Eur, BP). Identification is
performed by flame photometry. Drops coming from the aqueous solution of NaOH give a
bright yellow colour. Content determination is carried out by acidi-alkalimetric titration.
Sodium sulphate
Odour-free, colourless, transparent crystals or powder. Sodium gives bright yellow colour by
flame photometric analysis. Sulphate is identified when sodium sulphate is dissolved in 2 M
hydrochloric acid and barium chloride is added into it. White precipitation is formed. Limits
for impurities: Pb and Fe <10 µg/g, As <2 µg/g, K <1 mg/g, chloride <200 µg/g. By heating
at 130oC for 3 hours, rest should be 44.0–48.0%.
Sodium thiosulphate
The irradiated container, delivered to the first hot cell, is opened by mechanical cutting. The
tellurium dioxide is crushed and filled into the vessel (1) of the distillation equipment, see
Fig. 1. The equipment, in addition, consists of a quartz bridge (2), acidic washing vessel (3)
and alkaline collectors (4a,b,c) are necessary to the distillation.Before starting glass beads are
filled into vessels (3) and (4c). In vessel (3) 40 mL 90% sulphuric acid is filled, while vessels
(4a,b,c) are filled with 0.05 M NaOH.
After assembling the distillation equipment, heating and vacuum is started. The melting point
of tellurium dioxide is attained within 30–60 minutes. Iodine-131 is collected in a collector
and is registered by the detectors. The distillation can be regarded as completed if the detector
and the recording unit do not indicate any further increase in radioactivity in the collector. pH
value of the collected solution should be higher than 8.
FIG. 1. Distillation equipment for 131I production.
The 131I-NaI solution is transferred to the second hot cell. The required radioactive
concentration is adjusted by adding 0.05 M NaOH and 0.01 M sodium sulphate solutions. If
the Iodine-131 solution is for direct human use (for thyroid diagnosis or for therapy),
maximum 2 mg/mL sodium thiosulphate solution is added into it. The activity is dispensed
into vials as required and sterilized by heat in an autoclave in the hot cell at 120oC for
30 minutes.
A vial containing 5-10 MBq I-131 sample is shielded by 0.5 mm lead foil. The detector is
positioned 30 cm far from the sample and the sample measured for 1000 seconds. Main
gamma-peak of I-131: 364.5 keV. Impurity limit: not more than 0,1% of other gamma
emitting impurities. A gamma-spectrum of Iodine-131 can be seen in Fig. 2.
FIG. 2. Gamma spectrum of 131I.
7. Shelf life and recommended storage conditions:
Expiry: production + 21 days, storage at room temperature.
8. Special comments of waste generated:
As Iodine-131 radionuclide is of relatively short half-life, wastes should be left to decay.
No special prescriptions are given, the normal radioactive waste tretament procedures
described for isotope laboratories should be applied. Do not let iodine-131 to be contacted
with acidic medium!
9. Preparation and clean up of the facility for next production.
The distillation equipment is surely contaminated and should be dismounted by
manipulators in the hot cell. Acidic and alkaline solutions should be taken off into
separate vessels. The molten tellurium dioxide should be poured into a steel receiver. The
quartz bridge should be washed in 1 M NaOH and finally rinsed with water.
Dry distillation has been developed around 1980 and 131I has been manufactured by this
method since that time. Purity of products was always found over the given limits (>99.9%).
One of them, 129I may be present only in insignificant quantities (less than 1 × 10-5%). The
ventilated air coming from the hot cells of 131I production should be filtered by using a multilayer
filter that is capable of capturing radioactive aerosols as well.
DEWANJEE, M.K. RAO, S.A., Principles of radioiodination and iodine labelled tracers,
Radiotracers for medical application, Vol. II, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1983).
FIRESTONE, R.B., Table of Isotopes, CD ROM Edition, (Shirley V.S., Chu S.Y., Eds.)
Version 1.0, Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, US Department of Energy (1996).
MONTESA, E., Production of iodine-131 by the wet distillation of tellurium dioxide, Philipp.
Nucl. J. 3 (1) (1975) 262.
distillation method for iodine-131 production, Hungarian Patent No. 34.710 (1984).
SHIKATA, E., AMANO, H., Dry distillation of iodine-131 from several tellutium
compounds, J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., 10 (2) (1973) 80.
Iodine-131 (131I53)
(Dry distillation method)
(Alternate procedure)
Production scheme : Te (n,J) Te o 131I .
Production route
A flow chart of the operations and 131I production apparatus.
Specific analysis
TeO2 - 99.99% pure (79.62% Te)
- 100 mesh
X ray diffraction analysis
TeO2 - paratellurite, tetragonal
Enrichment factor if applicable
Impurity details
Element Results
Na <1 ppm
Al <0.001%
Ca <0.001%
Cu <0.001%
Fe <0.001%
Mg <0.001%
Sb <0.002%
Se <0.002 5
Si <0.001%
Ti <0.001%
The quality of the tellurium dioxide from diverse origins varies significantly. A purification as
indispensable due to impurities such as nitric acid and others.
1. Take up to 2 kg. customary TeO2 into a glass-filter funnel and wash it by at least two liters
distilled water until the wash-water shows a pH neutral reaction.
2. Dry the TeO2 in the covered glass-filter funnel over night.
3. Transfer the moderate wet TeO2 into porcelain crucibles, dry it carefully at 100 to 150oC
and then melt it for about 1 hour in order to evaporate any volatile impurity as e.g. Cool
down and repeat the wash procedure if brown nitrous gases are vigorously released during
the melting procedure.
4. After cooling break the TeO2, which often shows green or yellow-brown colour.
5. Remove the crucible fragments.
6. Grind the TeO2 lumps in a ball mill and separate the powder by a sieve (0.100 mm).
7. Test a powder sample for constant weight after heating at 150oC.
8. Test another powder sample by a could test-run in the furnace cell: the absorption solution
in the first winding absorber of the iodine traps must stay at neutral pH.
If the test was satisfactory the TeO2 powder can be used as target material.
Irradiation parameters, specific activity and total yield at EOI
Irradiation position Thermal neutron flux
CT 3.1 × 1013
C8 2.5 × 1013
C12 2.5 × 1013
G5 1.2 × 1013
G6 1.0 × 1013
G32 0.98 × 1013
G33 1.2 × 1013
2. Capsule details (material, dimension, encapsulation method, etc.) any special precautions
for target encapsulation (degassing, low pressure, etc,)
- Material : Aluminium Japan Industrail Standard (JIS)
grade A-1050 purity 99.5%
- Dimension : OD 22 mm, ID 19 mm, L 12.5 cm
- Encapsulation method : Cold welding at pressure 700 kg/cm2.
- Leak testing : Bubble test with acetone.
– Aluminium can.
– Soaking in acetone solvent for removing organic substance (24 h), let it dry.
– cleaning with 10% NaOH (15 min).
– Rinsing with clean water.
– Dipping into 30% HNO3 (1–2 min).
– Rinsing with clean water.
– Rinsing with distilled water.
– Drying at 105oC (1 h).
3. Mass of target per capsule.
65 g. of TeO2/capsule.
4. Preparation of target for encapsulation, reactor irradiation parameters (flux, irradiation
time, etc.).
- Preparation of target for encapsulation. TeO2 in Powder form (100 mesh) is compacted
in Al. Container and sealed by cold welding method (700 kg/cm2).
- Reactor irradiation parameters.;
Reactor Power : Operate at 1.2 MW
Operating period : 40 MW-h/week (wed = 12 h., Thur = 12 h, Fti = 10 h)
Neutron flux : average 1.78 × 1013 n/cm2/s
Irradiation time : average 5 weeks by rotating position of irradiation from
G o C o CT.
5. Specific activity achieved and typical production yield per capsule.
11 GBq (1.3 Ci)/capsule (65 g. TeO2).
6. Any other pertinent information.
– Two cells boxes of stainless steel sheets (x 8 CrNiTi 18.10) of 0.2 mm. thickness,
dimension l 1850 mm. w 855 mm. h 1510 mm. Use for Production cell and dispensing
– A channel l 200 mm., w 220 mm., h 340 mm. Connects the two cell boxes.
– Shielding
Front 100 mm. Pb.
Side 100 mm. Pb.
Back 50 mm. Pb.
Roof 30 mm. Pb.
– Four lead-glass windows 300 × 300 mm. 220 mm. thickness, density 3.6 g /cm3
– 8 Ball tongs.
– Conditional Processing:
negative pressure — 150 Pa.
exhaust fan 48 m3/h (1.7 m /s).
– Special filters in the exhaust line is siliga gel treated with silver nitrate and maintain at
– Dose rate monitor.
Adjustable alarm threshold 0 to 50 µGy/h.
– Under pressure gauge and under pressure monitor.
The under pressure monitor gives optic and acoustic signals if the actual under pressure in the
cell box drop to less than — 50 Pa.
Method : Polarography
Voltage : - 980 mV
Supporting electrolyte : 0.5 (NH4)2SO4 + 0.004 M Na2EDTA.
Analysis of Te in 131I
A tenfold concentrated buffer solution can be prepared in a 500 mL batch and stored in a
closed flask for a certain period. The required volume of buffer solution must be freshly
prepared immediately before use by dilution of the tenfold concentrated buffer solution and
succeeding filtration.
1. Take 8.0 g NaHCO3 (AR) and 4.35 g Na3CO3 (AR) into a 500 mL volumetric flask, add
water and shake thoroughly for dissolving.
2. Fill up after complete dissolving to 500 mL with tridistilled water.
3. Filter through a glass-filter funnel (fritte G 3 average pore diameter 15 to
40 micrometers) into a clean storage flask. Thus the tenfold concentrated solution is
obtained and can stored in the closed flask for a certain period.
4. Immediately before use dilute the required volume of the concentrated buffer solution by
tridistilled water in a ratio 1: 9 and filter again through a glass-filter funnel G 3 into a
clean 20 mL vial. Close the vial by a rubber stopper and transfer it into the production
Radioactive concentration
The radioactive concentration is measured at 1.00 p.m. hours on the date specified on the
label. Sodium iodide (I-131) contains not less than 90.0% and not more than 110.0% at the
date and hour stated on the label. The activities of the product available are not less than
25.0 mCi per mL.
The sample in a sealed and capped vial is measured in an ionization chamber detector, the
activity is calibrated using an appropriate factor. Decay factor and volume correction.
Radionuclidic purity
Iodine-131 decays by beta and gamma emissions with physical half-life of 8.04 days. The
main photopeaks are 80.02 (2.2%) 284.3 (6.3%) 364.5 (79.0%) 639.9 (9.3%) and 722.9
(2.8%) keV.
Using the NBS mixed standard No. 4275C-90 contained with 154Eu, 155Eu, 125Sb and the
OMNIGAM package for calibration of HPGe detector equipped Multichannel Analyser. The
radionuclidic purity is determined by measured the small amount of sodium iodide (I-131) in
the same geometry of the calibrated standard. The quantity is expressed in kBq and the five
photopeaks are presented.
Radiochemical purity
Sodium carbonate solution 0.05 M. Sodium carbonate (AR) 5.29 g is dissolved in 1,000 mL
of distilled water.
Palladium chloride solution 0.1%. Palladium chloride (AR) 0.1 g is dissolved in 100 mL of
EC Power Supply Model EC-500 and Gelman Electrophoresis Chamber Raytest Scanner
Model Gita-92 Thin-layer Chromatorgraphy Analyser.
Whatman No. 1 (40 × 300 mm.)
1. Whatman paper is dipped in the Sodium carbonate solution.
2. Place a measured volume of solution containing 100 mg of potassium iodide. 200 mg of
potassium iodate and 1 g of sodium bicarbonate in each 100 mL. 50 mm. from one end of
the strip.
3. Add a similar volume of appropriate sodium iodide I-131 solution which count rate about
20,000 counts per sec.
4. Develop the chromatographic strip in electrophoresis chamber using high voltage
240 volts (8 volts/cm.). 60 min. The cathode is at the origin.
5. Dry the chromatogram in air, and determine the radioactive distribution by scanning with
Na (Tl) detector equipped with Raytest Scanner. The radioactivity of the iodide 131I band
is not less than 95.0% of the total radioactivity and its Rf values about 0.7 while the Rf
value of 131IO3 is about 0.4.
6. Confirm the identity of the iodide band by spraying with PdCl2 solution. The
development of a brown color indicates the presence of iodide ions.
Chemical purity
1. Place one drop of standard tellurium solution, water (blank) and sodium iodide (sample)
solution into each hole of spot plate.
2. Add one drop of stannous chloride, saturated sodium carbonate and 25.0% of sodium
hydroxide solution respectively.
3. Compare the black precipitation of Te metal from the sample with standard Te and blank.
(Te4+ is reduced by Sn2+ to give the tellurium metal). If there is preservative such as
sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) in the sample solution, it will give the dark brown
precipitation together with Te metal.
The intened use of the final product is for oral and some labeled compound preparation.
Sodium iodide (I-131)
Product specification
– The booting of ball tong used in I-131 production cell should be able to resist penetration
of iodocompounds. As some iodo-compounds can penetrate rubber booting and leak into
the operating room.
– The iodine up to three production runs can be absorbed into the same absorption solution
in order to produce a higher concentration of radio-iodine solution.
BEYER, J.J., ET AL., Isotope Production Technology I-131 Iodine Production Line Part I,
Rossendorf. Dresdren, Germany.
EG & ORTEC, Gamma VisionTM. Gamma ray Spectrum Analysis and MCA Emulation for
Microsoft Windows 3x and Microsoft Windows for Workgroups A66-BI, Software User
Manual, Software Version 2.4, Ortec Part No. 762880, Manual Revision F, USA.
Pharmacopeia Commission, Group of Expets No. 14 (Radioactive Compounds). Council of
Europe, 5th revision (1985).
FEIGL, F., Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis, 5th edition, Elsevier Publishing Company, Rio
de Janeiro (1958) 600.
INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Radioisotope Production and Quality
Control, Technical Report Series No. 128, Vienna (1971) 968.
PHAN, T., WANICH, R., Practical Nuclear Pharmacy, 2nd edition, Banyan Enterprises Ltd.,
Lit Fresenius, Z. Te determination by polarography and CSV., Anal. Chem. 295 (1981) 1–6.
Company, Easton, USA (1985).
Iodine-131 (131I53)
(Fission product)
Production scheme : U (n,f) 131I
Iodine processing
continued separately
The targets for fission I-131 production are the same as for 99Mo, viz. an uranium/aluminium
alloy (containing U enriched to 45% 235U) clad in aluminium. It contains 4.2 g 235U in a 200
mm × 45 mm target plate manufactured by the NECSA of SA. Only very low levels of
impurities which could act as neutron poisons are allowed.
Irradiation parameters
Processing facility
A typical production line of four shielded hot cells consists of the following:
– an elution cell in which the first ion exchange column from the 99Mo process is eluted as
well as waste tank under the cell floor for the accumulation of liquid waste. The dissolver
cell of the of the 99Mo process can also be used to elute the 131I from the stored resin
– a purification cell containing the distillation apparatus;
– a dispensing cell containing an ionization chamber for the quantification of the product
and the dispensing thereof according to client needs; and
– a packaging cell where the product bottles are placed into transport containers, labelled
and removed for shipment to the client.
The 131I production hot cells are served by a dedicated ventilation system, keeping the cells
under slight negative pressure relative to the surrounding areas. It is an once-through system
to prevent any build-up of process gases. There is 100% back-up with respect to the extraction
as well as the primary filtration system, and the system is coupled to emergency diesel
generator and uninterrupted power supply standby systems.
Dedicated filtration is provided for aerosols (HEPA filters), iodine (specially impregnated
activated carbon filter beds) and noble gases which are realized during dissolution of the
target plates (activated carbon filter banks). The dissolution rate of target plates, during which
hydrogen is formed, is controlled in such a way that the hydrogen concentration in the
ventilation system is within safety limits. In addition the I-131 purification and dispensing
cells contain in-cell impregnated activated carbon filters to trap volatile iodine at low flow
Monitoring systems for noble gases, iodine, alpha and beta/gamma emitters as well as
hydrogen are distributed throughout the ventilation system for process control measures as
well as the quantification of releases to the environment as part of application of the ALARA
The materials and reagents used in the extraction and purification of 131I are prepared in a
dedicated laboratory consisting of a quarantine holding area, a section for storage of approved
materials and reagents, and a processing area where chemicals and reagents are prepared.
Raw materials received from suppliers are placed in quarantine, and released for further use
only after being tested for compliance with specified requirements. Bulk reagents prepared
from approved raw chemicals are tested (where applicable) for functionality and
concentration. These reagents are also placed in quarantine directly after preparation, and
released only when verified to comply with specification. Process reagents are made up and
transferred to the 131I processing facility in quantities just enough for each production run.
A typical specification for the concentration of process reagents is ±10%. Analytical methods
such as atomic absorption spectrometry, titrimetry and ion chromatography, with precision
and accuracy typically 1–4%, are used in the analysis of process reagents.
FIG. 2. Process scheme for I-131 extraction and purification.
Chemical processing
Irradiated target plates are dissolved in concentrated NaOH. A suitable oxidizing agent is
added to ensure that all molybdenum is dissolved, while at the same time leaving the non-
fissioned uranium as a solid residue for recovery at a later stage. Nuclides of only a few
elements are dissolved with molybdenum, and the purification steps following dissolution
have been designed to specifically ensure proper decontamination of Mo and I (in separate
production streams) with respect to these elements, while also giving good product recovery.
Purification of iodine is carried out by means of an anion exchange resin and a distillation
step. The first purification step consists of sorption of I, treating the resin column with a
storage solution and storing it for a suitable decay period, followed by elution of I from the
column. In the second step the eluate is distilled and collected in a solution as specified by the
client, or in a related NaOH solution which is adjusted to the client’s specifications
Apart from the above mentioned control measures regarding process reagents, the distillation
rate as well as the flow rate through ion exchange columns is controlled and monitored.
Progress is monitored through observation of colour changes and by means of analysis of pre-
distillation samples. All actions are carried out according to prescribed work instructions for
the operators.
The 131I product is dispensed according to clients’ requirements based on the bulk activity
measured in the third hot cell and the particular precalibration period. Assaying is done by
means of a frequently calibrated ionization chamber. Radioactive concentration ( is
calculated from the product activity and the final volume of product solution. The final mass
is also reported to the client.
Quality control testing of the final 131I product is geared to provide a certificate of compliance
within 48 hours of the dispensing of each production run. This demonstrates that the product
is within specifications and is reported in a “less than” format.
Fission 131I, which is produced as described above, is used for the production of Na131I
capsules and solution. The final 131I product complies with the specifications derived from
European, British and United States Pharmacopoeia specifications for Sodium Iodine-131I:
Radionuclidic purity
Not less than 99.9% of the total radioactivity is due to 131I and not more than 0.1% of the total
radioactivity is due to 133I, 135I and other impurities.
Other nuclides
Nb:131I <1 × 10-3
Zr:131I <1 × 10-3
132 131
I: I <1 × 10-3
133 131
I: I <1 × 10-3
Nuclides not
specified Not detected
Radiochemical purity
Radioactive concentration
Product solvent
0.05 M NaOH, with a client specified reducing agent and buffer solution.
Calibration date
Waste management
All process consumables such as pipes, ion exchange columns and reagent containers are used
for only one production run. After each run, these are collected and stored to allow for decay
of the short-lived nuclides with which it is contaminated. This is followed by compaction and
disposal as low level waste.
Alkaline liquid waste is accumulated in shielded stainless steel tanks for later immobilization
in a cement-vermiculite or left to decay for treatment with other on-site low-level liquid
Hot cell off gas is treated by adsorption and filtration as described above.
Being a raw material for medical end use, it is absolutely imperative that all aspects of fission
I production are covered by a quality assurance programme. The latter should conform to
an internationally accepted code of practice for quality systems, e.g. ISO 9002, as well as
other requirements such as Good Manufacturing Practice according to 21 CFR Parts 210 and
211. Particularly important aspects are quality control of process consumables, strict control
of the chemical purification process and purity certification of the final product.
Drug Master Files have to be submitted to the pharmaceutical regulatory authorities in the
countries where the product will be used in Na131I capsules, solution and other products.
Iridium-192 (192Ir77)
Half-life : 73.83 d
Metastable 1 (m1): 1.45 min (~100% IT)
Metastable 2 (m2): 241 a
191 192
Production scheme : 77 Ir (n, J) 77 Ir
Target material : Na2 IrCl6 (Koch Light /Fluka) (GR/AR)
Nuclear reactions and yield
Target specification and preparation
Type of facility for Standard glove box 6 feet × 4 feet × 6 feet with 4 inch lead
processing shielding- under negative pressure.
Chemical process
The can is opened and the irradiated target transferred to a 100 mL beaker. 10 mL 0.1 N HCl
is added to it and the solution stirred to complete the dissolution of target.
Radio nuclide purity is determined by gamma ray spectrometer (MCA) Specific activity is
determined by the known weight of target taken for Irradiation.
Characteristics of solution
Iron-59 (59Fe26)
Half-life : 44.5 d
Production scheme : Fe (n,J) 59Fe V = 1.155 b
Iron-59 is reactor-produced by the radiative (n,J) reaction on enriched (>60%) iron-58 ferric
oxide targets.
Enriched iron oxide targets (i.e. only 0.28% natural abundance) are used. The projected
production yields of iron-59 from irradiation of enriched iron-58 as a function of irradiation
time at various thermal neutron flux values are shown in Fig. 1.
An adequately shielded hot cell or other shielded facility, dependent upon the levels of
activity handled, is required for processing the irradiated targets.
Chemical processing procedure
Processing of iron-59 produced from enriched iron-58 ferric oxide targets (from ORNL
radioisotopes procedure manual, ORNL-3633, 1964)
3. Add 10 to 20 mL of 12 M HCI and heat solution on hot plate under hot off-gas scrubber
assembly. Adjust solution to ~100 mL of 9 M HCI solution to prepare for extraction of
54 54
Mn (i.e. from any Fe activation).
5. Transfer the 9 M HCI solution containing the 59Fe into 250 mL separatory funnel and add
an equal volume of HCI-washed dichlorodiethyl ether. Agitate for 10 min and separate
the two phases. Iron-59 is extracted into the organic phase.
7. Collect ether fractions and extract with 50 mL of distilled H2O. This step removes all
Fe from aqueous solution. Iron-59 is extracted into aqueous phase.
8. Repeat water wash with 10-min agitation periods until all 59Fe is removed from organic
phase. Three extractions are usually sufficient.
9. Collect water wash in a 50 mL Vycor beaker and evaporate to dryness under hot off-gas
10. Fuming the product with 16 M HNO3 removes any organic compounds which may be
12. Dissolve residue in 50 mL of 1 M HCI and transfer to product bottle. Product should be
clear and yellow-colored solution.
Molarity of HCI
Total solids
Radiochemical purity
Fe concentration
Fe concentration
Co concentration.
Dispensing, assay and quality control
The final product should be analysed by gamma spectroscopy and is provided as the chloride
in HCl solution.
Iron-59 had been produced at ORNL with a specific activity of about 16 mCi/mg. A typical
production run consisted of irradiation of a 10 mg for 30 minutes at a flux of 2 × 10 . The
processing yields are >95%.
Lutetium-177 (177Lu71)
Half-life : 6.734 d
Production scheme : Lu (n,J) 177Lu
Lutetium-177 (maximal beta energy of 0.497 MeV) is an useful lanthanide +3 metal for
various therapeutic application. Because of a rather large cross-section, lutetium-177 can be
directly reactor-produced (Fig. 1) with relatively high specific activity by neutron capture of
enriched lutetium-176. Because of the relatively low 2.6% natural abundance, enriched
lutetium-176 (i.e. >70%) target material is required for this production route. As an alternative
production route, carrier-free lutetium-177 can be obtained carrier-free from beta decay
(indirect production) of ytterbium-177 produced by neutron capture of enriched ytterbium-
FIG. 1. The projected direct production of lutetium-177 from neutron irradiation of enriched
lutetium-176 as a function of irradiation time for various thermal neutron flux values.
177 177
FIG. 2. Indirect production of Lu illustrating the theoretical yields of Yb and 177Lu as a
function of irradiation time in hydraulic position of # 5 of the ORNL High Flux Isotope
15 2
Reactor; (Ith = 2.05 × 10 n/cm /s).
An adequately shielded hot cell is required for processing the irradiated target.
These initial irradiation studies conducted at ORNL did not involve chemical processing and
irradiated samples were counted directly. Efficient techniques for the separation of carrier-
free lutetium-177 from the irradiated ytterbium-166 targets would have to be developed.
The specific activity of lutetium-177 directly produced from enriched lutetium-176 may be
limited by the irradiation periods required to minimize the production of the long-lived
Lu produced by the competing lutetium-176(n,J)lutetium-177m reaction. For these
reasons the indirect route provides the highest radiochemically pure lutetium-177.
177m 177
FIG. 3. The ratio of Lu/ Lu as a function of irradiation time in hydraulic position # 4 or
15 2
6 of the ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor (Ith = 1.76 × 10 n/cm /s).
Lutetium-177 (177Lu71)
(Alternate procedure)
Production process
Radioactive 177Lu is produced by the 176Lu (n,J) 177Lu reaction in a Lu2O3 target and is
prepared as 177LuCl3 in HCl solution. After irradiation, the target is decayed for 3 days for
reduction of activity of 176mLu (half-life 3.664 h) produced by the side reaction.
Target purity
Lu2O3 99.99%
Impurity details
Y2O3 < 5 ppm, CeO3 < 5 ppm, Pr2O3 < 5 ppm, Nd2O3 < 5 ppm, Sm2O3 15 ppm,
EuO3 < 5 ppm, Gd2O3 14 ppm, Tb2O3 < 5 ppm, Dy2O3 < 5 ppm, Ho2O3 < 5 ppm,
Er2O3 < 5 ppm, Tm2O3 < 7 ppm, Yb2O3 22 ppm, La2O3 < 5 ppm, CaO 30 ppm,
Fe2O3 < 5 ppm, SiO2 30 ppm.
Isotopic composition and supplier of target material and grade
Natural abundance
Rare Metallic Co., Ltd., Japan
White powder of Lu2O3 99.99%.
Capsule details
The target is sealed in a quartz ampoule (outer diameter: 10 mm, inner diameter: 8 mm,
length: 50 mm) which is in a cold-pressure-weld type cylindrical aluminium can (Outer
diameter: 30 mm, inner diameter: 25 mm, length: 150 mm) with aluminium foil as shock
A 5 cm thick lead hot cell equipped with tongs, lead glass windows and apparatus inside is
used to treat the irradiated target. The apparatus consists of cutter, dissolving vessel, hotplate-
stirrer unit, reagent feeding pipe, trap for exhausted fumes, remote pipette, etc. Absolute
filters are in the exhaust line of cell.
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrochloric acid
Pure water
Purified by Milli-QSP ultra pure water production system, Electric resistance >18 M:.
After irradiation, quartz ampoule is broken off carefully. Target is drawn out from it to
dissolving vessel with 2 mL 6M-HCl, then added 2 mL H2O2. The vessel is put on a hotplate-
stirrer unit and connected to trap.
The target is dissolved at room temperature (~25oC) by stirring with a magnetic rod. After
dissolution, the solution is heated and evaporated to dry.
Target material used must be guaranteed more than 99% for radionulidic purity of the product
by activation analysis. Radioactivity of target in ampoul is measured with a calibrated well-
type ionization chamber. A small quantity of the product is spent for assay. Radionuclidic
purity is checked by gamma-spectrometry using a germanium detector system. Chemical
assay performed is the determination of acidity and heavy metal impurities.
Physical observation
Final product is colourless and clear aqueous solution. The colour of the solution and
presence of suspended particles are confirmed by an appearance test used a microscope.
Radionuclide identification
Lu product is checked by J ray spectrometry using HPGe detection system. Gamma
spectrum is shown in Fig. 1.
Radionuclidic purity
Radiochemical purity
Radioactive concentration
~300 M Bq mL-1
Storage conditions
The product is dispensed into glass storage bottle and stored till next production.
FIRESTONE, R.B., SHERLEY, V.S., Table of Isotopes, 8th Edition, Vol. II (1996).
Mercury-197 (197Hg80)
Half-life : 64.13 h
196 197
Production scheme : 80 Hg (n,J) 80 Hg
Irradiation 72 hours.
Type of facility for Standard glove box 1.5 m × 1.2 m × 1.5 m. with 5 cm lead
processing shielding with HEPA filters.
Chemical processing
The irradiated can is opened and quartz ampoule broken inside a teflon tube and HgO
transferred to a 100 mL beaker. A few mL of con. HNO3 is added to it and HgO completely
dissolved. The solution is diluted with double distilled water to required volume and
transferred to a storage bottle.
The irradiated can is opened and the quartz ampoule is crushed inside a tygon tube. Mercuric
oxide is transferred to a 100 mL beaker and dissolved in 30 mL concentrated HCl. The
solution is decanted into a 250 mL beaker. The dissolution vessel is washed with 20 mL
double distilled water and washings transferred to the 250 mL beaker and solution warmed on
hot plate. 10 mL solution of 10% hypophosphorous acid is added to the hot solution of HgCl2
and stirred. Reduction of HgCl2 to elemental mercury is completed in a few minutes and Hg
separates out. The supernatant liquid is separated and mercury washed with hot double
distilled water thrice. Traces of moisture from mercury are removed and beaker warmed to
dry the mercury and then transferred to a vial.
Radioactive concentration
A measured quantity, 50–100 mg, of metallic mercury is taken in a vial and mercury
dissolved in minimum quantity of hot concentrated HNO3 which is then diluted with double
distilled water to 5 mL. Radioactive concentration of this solution is measured in a
precalibrated well type ion chamber.
Specific activity is determined by the knowledge of quantity of metallic mercury taken in the
sample for ion current measurement.
Mercury-203 (203Hg80)
Irradiation 3 months.
Flux Approx. 5 to 6 × 1013 n/cm2/s.
Chemical process
The target is stored for one month to allow the decay of 197Hg. Can is opened and quartz
ampoule crushed in a tygon tube. HgO is transferred to a dissolution flask and 10 mL
concentrated HNO3 is added to it. The dissolution is completed by warming. The solution is
concentrated to minimum volume and diluted with required volume of 1N HNO3, filtered and
transferred to a storage bottle.
Radioactive concentration is measured in a well type ion chamber standardized with 226Ra.
Radionuclide purity is determined by gamma spectrometry. Specific activity is calculated
from the known weight of the target taken for irradiation.
After irradiation, the can is opened and quartz ampoule crushed in a tygon tube. HgO is
transferred to a 100 mL beaker and dissolved in 30 mL concentrated HCl. The solution is
warmed to complete the dissolution and decanted into a 250 mL beaker. The dissolution
vessel is washed with 30 mL concentrated HCl and washings added to the Hgcl2 solution. The
solution is warmed. 20 mL 10% solution of hypophosphorous acid is diluted to 50 mL with
double distilled water and is added to hot solution of Hgcl2 in HCl and stirred for a few
minutes. Mercury globules separate out. The supernatant solution is removed by decantation
and mercury washed thrice with hot double distilled water. Washings removed and trace of
moisture in the beaker containing Hg is removed. Beaker warmed to completely dry the
mercury and the active mercury transferred to a storage vial. Recovery is 98 to 100%.
Assay and quality control
Radioactive concentration: A known quantity 100–200 mg metallic mercury from the stock is
taken in a vial and dissolved in minimum quantity of a hot solution of concentrated HNO3.
The solution is diluted to 5 mL with double distilled water and radioactivity measured in a
well type ion chamber standardized with 226Ra.
Specific activity is calculated from the quantity of metallic mercury taken for assay.
Molybdenum-99 (99Mo42)
(Fission product)
Half-life : 65.94 h
Production scheme : U (n,f) 99Mo
Decay products : Tc (t1/2 6.01 h) and 99Tc (t1/2 2.11 × 105 a)
Target specification and preparation
The targets for fission Mo-99 production consist of a uranium/aluminium alloy (containing U
enriched to 45% 235U) clad in aluminium. It contains 4.2 g 235U in one 200 mm × 45 mm
target plate manufactured by NECSA. Only very low levels of impurities that could act as
neutron poisons are allowed.
Processing facility
A typical production line of five shielded hot cells (shielding capacity of 200–250 mm lead
equivalent) consists of the following:
– As dissolver cell containing the dissolution vessel for irradiated target plates, the first ion
exchange column, as well as waste tanks under the cell floor for the accumulation of
liquid waste for further processing after sufficient decay;
– A purification cell containing the second and third purification columns;
– A filtration cell containing the evaporator and sundry equipment for the filtration,
redissolution, sampling and bottling of the 99Mo containing solution;
– A dispensing cell containing an ionization chamber for the quantification of the product
and the dispensing thereof according to client needs; and
– A packaging cell where the product bottles are placed into transport containers, labelled
and removed for shipment to the client.
The 99Mo production hot cells are served by a dedicated ventilation system, keeping the cells
under slight negative pressure relative to the surrounding areas. It is a once-through system to
prevent any build-up of process gases. There is 100% back-up with respect to the extraction
as well as the primary filtration system, and the system is coupled to emergency diesel
generator and uninterrupted power supply standby systems.
Dedicated filtration is provided for aerosols (HEPA filters), iodine (specially impregnated
activated carbon filter beds) and noble gases. During target plate dissolution the latter gases
are trapped on activated carbon in large stainless steel columns, which are then closed off and
left for a period long enough to allow for sufficient decay of the relevant isotopes. The
dissolution rate of target plates, during which hydrogen is formed, is controlled in such a way
that the hydrogen concentration in the ventilation system is within safety limits.
Monitoring systems for noble gases, iodine, alpha and beta/gamma emitters as well as
hydrogen are distributed throughout the ventilation system for process control measures as
well as the quantification of releases to the environment as part of application of the ALARA
The materials and reagents used in the extraction and purification of 99Mo are prepared in a
dedicated laboratory consisting of a quarantine holding area, a section for storage of approved
materials and reagents, and a processing area where chemicals and reagents are prepared.
Raw materials received from suppliers are placed in quarantine, and released for further use
only after being tested for compliance with specified requirements. This includes analysing
raw materials for a selected constituent. Bulk reagents prepared from approved raw chemicals
are tested (where applicable) for identity and concentration. These reagents are also placed in
quarantine directly after preparation, and released only when verified to comply with
specification. Process reagents are made up and transferred to the 99Mo processing facility in
quantities just enough for each production run.
A typical specification for the concentration of process reagents is ±10%. Analytical methods
such as atomic absorption spectrometry, titrimetry and ion chromatography, with precision
and accuracy typically 1–5%, are used in the analysis of process reagents.
Chemical processing
Irradiated target plates are dissolved in concentrated NaOH. A suitable oxidizing agent is
added to ensure that all molybdenum is dissolved, while at the same time leaving the non-
fissioned uranium as a solid residue for recovery at a later stage. Nuclides of only a few
elements are dissolved with molybdenum, and the purification steps following dissolution
have been designed to specifically ensure proper decontamination of Mo with respect to these
elements, while also giving good product recovery.
Purification is carried out by means of two anion exchange resins and one chelating resin, all
commercially available. Each purification step consists of sorption of Mo, washing to remove
any residual source solution, and elution of Mo under conditions suitable for separation from
any impurities which might still be present at the particular stage. The eluate from the third
column is filtered, evaporated to dryness, and redissolved in 0.2 M NaOH to convert the
product into sodium molybdate. Sodium hypochlorite is normally added at this stage to ensure
that Mo is maintained in the molybdate form.
Apart from the above mentioned control measures regarding process reagents, the process or
solution temperature as well as the flow rate through ion exchange columns are controlled
with predefined parameters. All actions are carried out according to prescribed checklists for
the operators.
The 99Mo product is dispensed according to clients’ requirements based on the bulk activity
measured in the fourth hot cell and the particular precalibration period. Assaying is done by
means of a frequently calibrated ionization chamber. Radioactive concentration ( is
calculated from the product activity and the final volume of product solution.
Quality control testing of the final 99Mo product is geared to provide a preliminary certificate
of compliance within 24 hours of the completion of each production run. This demonstrates
that the product is within specifications and is reported in a “less than” format. Samples from
each production run are also analysed 10 weeks after production for final certification. This
demonstrates the extent to which the product is within specifications.
Final product specification
Fission 99Mo, which is produced as described above, is used for the production of 99mTc
generators. The final 99Mo product complies with the following specifications, which have
been derived from European, British and United States Pharmacopoeia specifications for
Sodium Pertechnetate-99mTc:
Radionuclidic purity
131 99
I: Mo < 5 × 10-5
Ru:99Mo < 5 × 10-5
Sr:99Mo < 6 × 10-7
Sr:99Mo < 6 × 10-8
6D:99Mo < 1 × 10-9
Other 6E/J:99Mo < 1 × 10-4
Radiochemical purity
Radioactive concentration
Product solvent
Calibration date
Waste management
All process consumables such as pipes, ion exchange columns and reagent containers are used
for only one production run. After each run, these are collected and stored to allow for decay
of the short-lived nuclides with which it is contaminated. This is followed by compaction and
disposal as low-level waste.
Alkaline liquid waste is accumulated in shielded stainless steel tanks for later immobilization
in a cement-vermiculite mixture. Other liquid waste, which is slightly acidic, is left to decay
and is then treated with other on-site low-level liquid waste.
Practical experience gained
Being a raw material for medical end-use, it is absolutely imperative that all aspects of fission
Mo production are covered by a quality assurance programme. The latter should conform to
an internationally accepted code of practice for quality systems, e.g. ISO 9002, as well as
other requirements such as Good Manufacturing Practice according to 21 CFR Parts 210 and
211. Particularly important aspects are quality control of process consumables, strict control
of the chemical purification process and purity certification of the final product.
Drug Master Files have to be submitted to the pharmaceutical regulatory authorities in the
countries where the product will be used in 99mTc generators and radiopharmaceuticals.
Molybdenum-99 (99Mo42)
(By neutron irradiation)
Half-life : 65.94 h
Production scheme : Mo (n,J) 99Mo V =0.13b
Irradiation details
Processing procedure
Procedure: Irradiated MoO3 cans are opened using specially designed can cutters and the
target is transferred to a dissolution flask containing 4N NaOH solution. The solution is
heated to 60 degrees centigrade to facilitate complete dissolution. The solution is also
simultaneously stirred by passing compressed air. The solution is then allowed to cool and
passed through a filter to remove any undissolved impurity.
Radioactive concentration 2.2–2.6 GBq (60–70 mCi)/mL
Radionuclide purity No other extraneous gamma emitters should be detectable in
the gamma spectrum.
Specific activity 11–15 GBq (300–400 mCi)/g.
Appearance A clear colorless solution.
Mo as sodium molybdate on sodium hydroxide solution is dispensed in 10–15 mL vials for
supply to users directly or in 100 mL vials for shipment to Radiopharmaceutical labs for use
as raw material for conversion into medical grade product for supply to hospitals for
extraction of 99Tcm.
The radioactivity is measured in a well type ionization chamber calibrated against a standard
source. The radionuclide purity is checked by taking a gamma spectrum.
Nickel-63 (63Ni28)
Half-life : 100 a
62 63
Production scheme : 28 Ni (n,J) 28 Ni
Irradiation 8 to 12 weeks.
Flux 4 × 10 13n/cm2/s.
All the reagents used are of GR/AR quality and all dilutions are carried out using double
distilled water.
Chemical process
The irradiated can is opened and nickel powder transferred to a dissolution flask. 60 mL
concentrated HCl is added to it and the solution refluxed under heating for one hour to
complete the dissolution. Acidity of the solution is adjusted to 9.5 N with reference to HCl by
addition of concentrated HCl. The solution is then passed through an anion exchange column.
Dowex 1 × 8 (50 to 100 mesh) (1 cm × 15 cm) conditioned with 200 mL 9.5 N HCl. The flow
rate is maintained at 0.3 mL/minute. (The column is separately treated to recover 58Co). The
effluent is collected and concentrated to approx. 50 mL and once again the ion exchange
procedure is repeated to eliminate trace quantities of gamma emitting impurities like 58Co,
Co, 59Fe etc.
The effluent from the column is concentrated to minimum volume and the solution is diluted
with 0.1N HCl.
The activity assay is done by liquid scintillation counting. Radionuclide purity is controlled
by beta absorption analysis and gamma spectrometry.
Osmium-191 (191Os76)
Half-life : 15.4 d
Production scheme : Os (n,J) 191Os
E 0.1424 (100%)
J 1.29.43 (29%)
1. Highly enriched and highly purified osmium-190 is generally used as the metallic powder
for production of osmium-191 to minimize any radionuclide impurities in the final
product. Depending on the desired activity yield, 10–30 mg of enriched osmium-190 are
sealed in evacuated quartz tubes.
2. Enrichments greater than 96% will provide the highest purity osmium-191.
3. Although highly enriched osmium-190 target material is used, decay of the metastable
iridum-191m in the reactor during the irradiation process forms iridium-191 which
captures a neutron with formation of low levels of iridium-192 (t1/2 73.8 days) as an
induced radionuclide impurity (Brihaye, et al., 1989; Butler, et al., 1985).
4. Highly enriched osmium-190 (>95%) is available from Isotope Distribution Office (IDO)
the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Irradiation parameters, specific activity and total yield at EOI
The calculated specific activity values for production of osmium-191 at various thermal
neutron flux values are illustrated in Fig. 2.
FIG. 2. Predicted specific activity values for reactor production of osmium-191 at various
thermal neutron flux values (from Brihaye, et al., 1989).
A highly shielded hot cell is required for processing any significant levels of osmium-191. An
apparatus similar to the one shown in Fig. 3 is required for removal of the iridium-192
A zirconium crucible is required for the oxidative dissolution of the irradiated osmium-190
target (Brihaye, et al., 1989; Butler, et al., 1985). All other reagents and chemicals should be
analytical grade.
FIG. 3. Processing of reactor-irradiated osmium-191 target.
The procedure for the chemical processing of reactor-produced osmium-191 has been
described in detail earlier (Brihaye, et al., 1989; Brihaye, et al., 1986a) and is based on the
sequential oxidative dissolution of the irradiated target as summarized in Fig. 3.
FIG. 4a. Chemical transformations used for purification of osmium-191 and removal of
iridium-192 impurity (from Brihaye, et al., 1989).
Following dissolution and distillation, the sodium perosmate solution probably has a definite
shelf-life and should be used for generator fabrication within a few days after formation,
although the effects of long-term storage on stability and decomposition have not been
evaluated and reported.
Final product specification for use
The required specifications for the final osmium-191 product depend upon the intended
application. For medical use for fabrication of the osmium-191/iridium-191m generators, it is
important that the iridium-192 impurity be removed. The levels of iridium-192 formed will of
course depend upon the particular reactor used for the irradiation. A gamma spectrum should
be provided to document the radionuclidic purity.
In our experience, the shelf-life of the processed osmium-191 solution may be limited.
FIG. 4b. Apparatus used for purification of osmium-191 and removal of iridium-192 impurity
(from, Brihaye, et al., 1989).
BRIHAYE, C., BUTLER, T.A., KNAPP, F.F., JR. “The 191Os/191mIr Generator for Clinical
Use. I. Evaluation of Potential Adsorbants”, J. Radioanalyt. Nucl. Chem., 102 (1986) 399–
STABIN, M.G., “New Osmium-191/Iridium-191m Radionuclide Generator System Using
Activated Carbon”, J. Nucl. Med., 27 (1986) 380–387.
KNAPP, F. F., JR., “Reactor Production and Purification of Osmium-191 for Use in a New
Os/191mIr Radionuclide Generator System”, Appl. Radiat. Isot., 40 (1989) 183-191.
BUTLER, T.A., BUYER, C.E., KNAPP, F.F., JR., “Production of Osmium-191 in the Oak
Ridge High Flux Isotope Reactor” (Proc. International Symposium on Single-Photon Ultra-
Short Lived Radionuclides, PARAS, P., THIESSEN, J.W., Eds.), U. S. Department of
Energy, DOE Symposium Series, No. 57, Office of Scientific and Technical Information,
Oak Ridge, TN, USA (1985) 195–201.
KNAPP, F.F., JR., VANDEVIVIERE, J. “Clinical Usefulness of Ultrashort-Lived Iridium-
191m from a Carbon-Based Generator System for Evaluation of the Left Ventricular
Function”, J. Nucl. Med., 30 (1989) 1025–1031.
Osmium-194 (194Os76)
Production scheme : Os (n,J) 193Os (n,J) 194Os o 194Ir V1 = 2.0 ± 0.1 b
V2 = 38 ± 10 b
Type of decay and energy : E 2.246 MeV (85.4%)
1.918 MeV (9.3%)
1.625 MeV (1.28%)
Type of facility for processing
An adequately shielded hot cell is required for processing the irradiated target.
2. The chromatography tube assembly is placed into a split tube furnace. The boat
containing the irradiated osmium-102 sample is introduced into the tube from the ball
joint end and centered at the position of the maximum temperature at the center of the
3. The furnace temperature is monitored with a thermocouple placed close to the center of
the oven and a Variac is used to control the furnace temperature. The volume flow rate of
the carrier gas (air) is monitored by a flow meter. An evolved version of the above
apparatus that is currently used for routine hot-cell operations is shown in Fig. 2.
4. For ease of remote handling connections between the chromatographic assembly and air
supply line, the traps are made with Teflon tubing (0.6 mm i.d.). The glass/Teflon-tubing
connections can conveniently be made by the use of Cheminert connectors (Valco
Instruments Co., Houston, TX). The exploded view of this connector is also shown in
Fig. 2.
5. The irradiated 192Os (50 mg or less) target is transferred to a quartz boat which is then
placed in the chromatography tube assembly. While maintaining an air flow rate of 10–
20 mL/min the furnace is turned on.
6. As OsO4 forms, it is carried by the air and trapped in 2 mL of 0.1 M KOH placed down
stream (Fig. 2). The first evidence of conversion of metallic Os to OsO4 usually occurs at
~300(C within the first 30 min of start of distillation, as indicated by the slight yellowish
color in the first trap.
7. Distillation is continued for the next 2 h where the furnace temperature is increased to
~500(C. At this point, conversion is usually complete, and the furnace is turned off. The
air flow is continued for an additional 3 h to insure quantitative transport and recovery of
the OsO4.
The gamma spectrum of the product is used to determine the purity of the distilled/trapped
osmium-194 by analysis of the 328 keV (13% abundance) gamma photon of the iridium-194
daughter after equilibrium is attained.
The final product can be stored as a solution of potassium perosmate and used for subsequent
reduction to the Os(IV) species for preparation of the activated carbon-based osmium-
194/iridium-194 generator system as described in detail for preparation of the osmium-
191/iridium-191m generator system (Brihaye, et al., 1986).
The quantitative conversion of 50 mg of Os to OsO4 within 2.5 h and under the above
conditions is demonstrated by analysis of the mass of the boat before and after distillation in
several cold runs employing natural Os metal. Consistently, a light-weight black residue (~1%
of the Os mass) remains in the boat after distillation. By spectrographic analysis, the residue
is found to be primarily graphite.
STABIN, M.G., “New Osmium-191/Iridium-191m Radionuclide Generator System Using
Activated Carbon”, J. Nucl. Med., 27 (1986) 380–387.
MIRZADEH, S., KNAPP, F.F., JR., CALLAHAN, A.P., Production of Tungsten-188 and
Osmium-194 in a Nuclear reactor for New Clinical Generators, Nuclear Data for Science and
Technology (QAIM, S., Ed.), Spinger Verlag Pub. (1992) 619–620.
194 194 194
MIRZADEH, S., RICE, D.E., KNAPP, F.F., JR. “Carrier-free Ir from an Os/ Ir
Generator — A New Candidate for Radioimmunotherapy,” Appl. Radiat. Isot., 43 (1992)
Palladium-103 (103Pd46)
Half-life : 16.99 d
Production scheme : Pd (n,J) 103Pd V=3b
EC 100%
J (MeV) 0.04 (2%)
0.02 Rh X rays
IC 10%
Secondary reactions : Pd(n,J)109Pd (Half-life-13.46 h).
Pd(n,J)111Pd o 111Ag (Half-life-7.5days).
Irradiation container
Standard glove box of dimensions 2 × 1 × 2 m provided with lead shielding wall of 5 cm.
Chemical processing
The irradiated target palladium is allowed to cool for about a week before chemical
processing for decay of short-lived contaminants. The target is dissolved in 5 mL of aqua
regia. Excess HNO3 is destroyed by repeated treatment with small quantities of concentrated
hydrochloric acid. The solution is evaporated to small volume and 10 mL 9.5 N HCl is added
to it. Then the solution is passed through an ion-exchange column (1 cm dia × 15 cm long)
Dowe × 1 × 8, 50–100mesh conditioned with 9.5N HCl at a flow rate of 0.25 mL/minute. The
column is washed with approximately 100 mL of 9.5 N HCl. The effluent is collected for
recovery of an important by-product 111Ag.
The column is washed free from HCl by passing double distilled water. Palladium is eluted
with 25 mL of concentrated ammonia solution followed by 100 mL of 1N ammonium
hydroxide. The eluate is collected and evaporated to a small volume and treated with 5 mL
concentrated HNO3. A small quantity of concentrated HCl is also added to the solution and
boiled to remove excess HNO3. The solution is diluted with 10 mL of 1N HCl.
Radioactive concentration and activity yield are calculated based on activation data such as,
period of irradiation, neutron flux and mass of the target.
Radionuclidic purity
Specific activity
The quantity of palladium in the solution is estimated spectrophotometrically and the activity
is calculated from irradiation data.
Palladium-109 (109Pd46)
Enriched high purity palladium metal targets are used. The projected production yields of
palladium-109 from irradiation of palladium-108 as a function of irradiation time at various
thermal neutron flux values are shown in Fig. 1.
Type of facility for processing
An adequately shielded hot cell or other shielded facility (>3 inches of lead), for processing
the irradiated targets equipped of an off gas system is required.
1. Prepare equipment which includes the hot off-gas scrubber unit, 150 mL Pyrex beaker
and 100 mL product bottle.
2. Open irradiation can and transfer target into beaker under a hot off-gas scrubber
3. Cover target material with aqua regia and heat to near boiling. Add fresh aqua regia as
required until the target material is completely dissolved.
4. Evaporate target solution to 3 to 4 mL during which time the excess acid is expelled.
5. Dilute to 50 mL with distilled H2O and transfer to product bottle. Product solution should
be clear and reddish brown in color.
Molarity of HCl
Total solids
Pd concentration
Radiochemical purity.
The product is supplied as the chloride in HCl solution. The radiochemical purity should be
>95%, exclusive of the silver-109m daughter activity.
The final yields of palladium-109 are usually >80%. At ORNL at a thermal neutron flux of
13 2
about 1 × 10 n/cm /s, the optimal irradiation time was about 60 hours, with an average
target mass of 50 mg, and a yield of 12.95 GBq (350 mCi).
Phosphorous-32 (32P15)
Half-life : 14.26 d
Production scheme : 16 S (n,p) 1532 P
Decay product : S
Container Standard 1S aluminium can (22 mm dia and 44 mm ht.) each is filled
with 18 g of sulphur. The capsules are sealed by cold welding process
and tested leak proof in boiling water. 14 capsules are normally
processed per run.
Irradiation A typical irradiation of 250 g of purified sulphur at a flux of 1 × 1014
n/cm2/s. For 8 weeks produces ~100 GBq (2.5 to 3 Ci) of 32P with sp.
activity in the HE range of 185 TBq (5000 Ci)/m.mole.
Extreme care is taken in cleaning the buffed surface of irradiation container to prevent any
impurity coming in contact with the target.
The process equipment consists of a distillation flask, receiver, ion exchange (cation) column,
evaporating flask and storage bottle all made of corning glass with standard joints.
Chemical process
The irradiated cans are decapped and transferred to a funnel on the distillation flask and
heated to 130 degrees C when all the sulphur melts and collects in the distillation flask. The
distillation assembly is connected to a vacuum pump and pressure reduced to 1 to 5 mm Hg.
Distillation of sulphur takes place between 180 to 200o C and is completed in 1–2 h. The
vacuum is released and flask allowed to cool. 32P activity is leached out in 100 mL 0.1 N pure
HCl heated to approx. 60–700 as H332PO4 and purified free from impurities by passing
through a cation exchange column. Dowex 50 (1 × 8). Excess HCl is removed by evaporation
under infrared lamp and then pH of product brought to 1 to 2 with respect to HCL.
The distilled sulphur collected in a receiver is found suitable for reuse as target after a period
of six months.
Assay and quality control
The stock solution is assayed for radioactivity in ion chamber by measuring the ion current
produced by bremsstrahlung radiation (or by E- counting in a GM counter). Specific activity is
determined by spectrophotometric method measuring the absorption maxima at 660 nm of the
malachite green molybdophosphate complex containing 32P.
The radionuclide purity is determined by finding the range of beta by beta absorption using
GM Counter and absence of any gamma emitting impurities in gamma spectrum (MCA).
Radiochemical purity is determined by paper chromatography using a solvent mixture
consisting of isopropanol, ammonia and trichloroacetic acid.
Rf of orthophosphate 0.76
Rf of metaphosphate 0.00
Rf of pyrophosphate 0.40.
Phosphorus-32 (32P15)
(Alternate procedure)
Production scheme : S (n,p) 32P
Sublimated sulphur in the form of fine powder is used as a target material. It is obtained by
evaporation and sublimation condensation of sulphur in the inert gas atmosphere.
Trade name: Sulphur sublimated for analysis Chemical specification:
assay of sulphur >99.96%
sulphated ash <0.02%
arsenic absence
water <0.10%
acids (as H2SO4) <0.005%
organic matter <0.015%
solubility in NaOH complete
Sulphur is melted and poured to the aluminium capsules which are immersed in the cooling
water bath. After cooling down the capsules are sealed and transferred to the irradiation site.
The average activity obtained (calculated at the activation end) is about 8.15 GBq (220 mCi)
P/g of sulphur.
The hot cell of 100 mm lead wall equipped with manipulators and connected to the separate
ventilation system. Filters on the air outlet: paper-charcoal. Standard under pressure inside the
hot-cell is 20 mm H2O.
Analysis of raw materials, reagents and chemicals required for processing
The irradiated target material is melted and poured into water. Dispersed material is dried out
and grind to the fine powder. The leaching process is carried out in diluted sulphuric acid
solution with addition of ethyl alcohol and continuous agitation. Phosphorus-32 is separated
from the residual sulphur by filtration. The obtained solution is evaporated to about 5 mL
volume, transferred to the glass vial and autoclaved for about 1h at 131oC. The obtained
product solution is purified by chromatography. First on the column filled with Dowex 50W ×
4 (cation exchanger) eluted with water and then on the column with cellulose DE-11 (anion
exchanger) eluted with 0.01 M HCl. The obtained solution of H332PO4 is diluted with 0.01 M
HCl to the desired activity. Schematic diagram of the production process is presented on the
next page.
Parameters of the obtained solution are controlled: pH, radiochemical purity, specific activity,
radioactive concentration and radionuclidic purity.
Natural sulphur consists mostly of 32S but it contains also other isotopes of sulphur like 33S,
S and 36S. Due to possible reactions: 33S (n, p) 33P and 34S (n, J) 35S phosphorus-33 and
sulfur-35 can be present in the product.
P has a half-life of 25,3 days and decays by E- with the energy of 250 keV.
S has a half-life of 87,5 days and decays by E- with the energy of 167 keV.
Test for radiochemical purity
The impurities in the form of pyrophosphate and polyphosphate are removed from the product
at the chromatographic purification step. The efficacy of this process is controlled by paper
chromatography (radiochemical purity control) in the system presented below:
Whatman 1 and the mixture of isopropyl alcohol: water: 50% trichloracetic acid: 25%
NH4OH (75:15:10:0.3 v.v.) as a mobile phase, developing time: 12–17 h.
At the starting point of the paper strip the drop of carrier mixture is placed prior to analysis
which contains in 5 µl of solution phosphorus in the form of: orthophosphate — 5 µg
pyrophosphate — 10 µg
metaphosphate — 10 µg
At these conditions the phosphoric acid, H332PO4 migrates with a solvent (Rf = 0.64–0.67)
Radiochemical impurities: in the form of pyrophosphate migrate to the Rf = 0.35–0.38
in the form of polyphosphate migrate to the Rf = 0.0–0.22.
Activity of the known volume of the solution is measured in 4S ionization chamber (the
overall uncertainty of the measurement ± 3%) which was previously calibrated using 32P
standard source.
Each solution is mixed gently and its absorbance measured against blank at l = 620 nm.
The content of H332PO4 is read of the calibration curve.
Specific activity, rs of the H332PO4 solution is determined on the basis of its radioactive
concentration according to the formula:
rs = R
where: CR — radioactive concentration of the solution [GBq/mL]
CP — concentration of phosphorus in the solution [ngP/mL]
The specific activity (theoretical) of the carrier free H332PO4 solution is over 9 TBq/mL.
Intensities of the emitted lines in the recorded spectrum are evaluated. The limits for
impurities in 32P- solution are as follows:
Test for pH
beta -spectrum absorption curve of maximum energy 1.71MeV
pH 1.0–2.2
Radionuclidic purity >99.5%
Radiochemical purity >99.0%
Radioactive concentration t 14.8 GBq/mL
Specific activity t 9 TBq/mg P.
Chemical purity t 99.9%
P in the form of ortho-phosphoric acid is used for production of nucleotides labeled with 32P
etc. and for production of radiopharmaceutical: Sodium ortho-phosphate -32P for injection,
destined for therapy of polycythemia vera and polythrombocythemia.
Disposal of generated waste: The residual sulphur which still contains some not leached
phosphorus-32 is melted and poured to the metal containers and then disposed as a solid
Preparation and cleanup of the facility and preparation for processing of next
production batch: The processing is performed in single steps which are performed in the
destined cells of a hot cell. Therefore there aren’t any special requirements for cleanup of the
facility. Glass vials for final product dispensing are washed and heated in 250oC prior to use
and closures are washed and autoclaved.
Practical experience gained
The glass beakers and other vials used during processing of carrier-free 32P must be made of
good quality glass (high hydrolytic resistance). This prevents washing out of cations which
may contaminate the product and reduces adsorbance of carrier-free phosphorus-32 on glass
walls which may influence the yield of the process.
Preparation of target material in the form of melt and then melting of residual sulphur for
waste disposal make the handling of sulphur easier, its volume is reduced and contamination
of laboratory space and inside a hot-cell is avoided.
Phosphorus-33 (33P15)
Phosphorus-33 is a useful radioisotope for medical research and has a longer half-life and less
energetic beta emission than phosphorus-32. Phosphorus-33 had been routinely produced at
the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) by the (n,D) reaction by neutron irradiation of
chlorine-36-enriched potassium chloride targets (Brown, et al.; Nuclear Medicine Group
Procedure #2). Phosphorus-33 can also be produced by the enriched sulfur-
33(n,p)phosphorus-33 reaction, since the natural abundance is only about 0.75%. (Lewis, et
al., 1965; Lewis, et al., 1967).
The target material for the (n,D) route is chlorine-36-enriched potassium chloride and
enriched sulfur-33 for the (n,p) route.
An adequately shielded hot cell is required for opening the irradiated reactor target but the
phosphorus-33 can be processed in a glove box or fume hood with adequate shielding.
The following procedure has been tested and proven satisfactory for the preparation of
carrier-free products of 33P in the form H333PO4. Phosphorus-33 is produced by neutron
irradiation of K36Cl (~60% 36CL) sealed in quartz ampuls which are in turn sealed in
aluminum RB tubes for insertion in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). The nuclear
reaction is 36Cl(n,D)33P. A typical target containing 3.0 grams of K36Cl will yield ~74 GBq
(2000 mCi) of 33P product after a 66-day irradiation period.
The processing of the irradiated enriched chlorine-36 targets and recovery of the chlorine-
36-enriched target material are described below
1. In the hot cell, open the target unit over a plastic tray and remove the quartz ampoules.
Insert the quartz ampoules in the plastic break-tube, stopper the end, and crush the
2. Transfer the contents of the break-tube to a 150 mL beaker, rinse the break-tube with
pure water and transfer rinses to the 150 mL beaker. Stir the solution to dissolve the KCl
and then decant the solution to the 500 mL product bottle.
3. Continue additions of pure water to the 150 mL beaker containing the broken quartz
followed by stirring and decantations to the 500 mL product bottle until ~ 300 mL of
solution has been accumulated.
4. Cap the 500 mL product and transfer to the glove box. Proceed with glove-box operations
within 3 hours or less.
1. Filter the hot-cell product solution through a medium-frit glass filter using vacuum and
wash the filter with pure water and discard the filter
2. Transfer the K36Cl solution to a 500 mL beaker. Rinse the suction flask with pure water
and add rinses to the beaker.
3. Add the 150 mg of Fe2(SO4)3 solution to the beaker and adjust the solution pH to ~10
with NH4OH.
4. Heat the solution to ~80(C to form a flocculent brick-red precipitate which carries the
P activity. Cool to ambient temperature.
5. Filter the slurry through a medium-frit glass filter using a suction flask. Rinse beaker with
pure water containing a few drops of 1 M NH4OH and add to the filter. Let filter pull dry
and read at 6–8 inches with a Cutie Pie inserted in the glove port. Reading should be ~10
R/h directly above the filter cake.
6. Transfer the filtrate and washings, which contain the valuable K36Cl target material to a
clean bottle, cap, and save for subsequent recovery operations.
7. Break vacuum on suction flask. Add ~20 mL of 1 M HCl to the filter funnel and allow to
stand until the Fe(OH)3 dissolves. Add vacuum and pull the solution into the suction
flask. Check to make sure all of the precipitate dissolved, if not repeat the
8. HCl addition. Otherwise, wash the filter thoroughly with pure water.
9. Transfer the filtrate to a beaker, wash suction flask with pure water and add washings to
the beaker.
10. Adjust the pH to ~10 with 1 M NH4OH, heat to ~80(C and cool to ambient temperature
to reform the Fe(OH)3 precipitate and carry the 33P recovery has been obtained.
11. Repeat steps 7, 8, and 9 three more times using clean glassware each time. The filtrates
from the Fe(OH)3 precipitations are accumulated and held until it has been determined
that a satisfactory 33P recovery has been obtained.
12. Dissolve the final Fe(OH)3 precipitate in 6 M HCl, rinse filter with 6 M HCl. Hold total
volume of 6 M HCl to 25 mL or less. Note: Further processing can be deferred until the
next day if desired.
1. Transfer 6 M HCl solution from II, 11 to a 100 mL separatory funnel along with 6 M HCl
rinses of the vessel.
2. Add an equal volume of methylisobutyl ketone (MIBK) and shake for 2 minutes. Let
phases separate completely.
3. Drain the acid phase (lower) into the second 100 mL separator funnel and ~0.5 mL of the
organic phase (upper). Add an equal volume of MIBK, shake 2 minutes, and let phases
separate completely.
4. Drain almost all of the acid phase (lower) into a 150 mL beaker. Leave ~0.5 mL of the
acid phase in the separator funnel. Dilute out the small acid heel by addition of three
1 mL portions of 6 M HCl with draining of ~1 mL after each addition. Do not shake the
separator funnel and do not let any organic phase enter the beaker.
5. Evaporate the 6 M HCl solution to a damp-dry solid using a hood and NaOH scrubber
solution to trap the HCl vapor.
6. Dissolve the solids in ~5 mL of 0.01 M HCl and pass through a clean AG-50W-X8
column and catch effluent in a 150 mL beaker. Wash original beaker with pure water and
pass through the ion-exchange column. Wash column with ~15 mL of pure water.
8. Pass the solution through a Millipore-Millex (0.22 µ) filter into a labeled, 100 mL product
9. Remove ~2 mL of the solution for local assay of 33P and 32P concentration and submit a
sample for complete assay.
to reflux temperature, the rate of extraction is accelerated and more complete during
33 33
which the P2O5 is converted to H3 PO4.
Distillation method
1. The irradiation enriched sulfur-33 target is heated at 450–475 C and the distilled sulfur
2. The residue containing the phosphorus-33 as P2O5 is leached with 1 M HCl at 80 C.
3. The solution is heated at for 4 hours for conversion to H3 PO4.
Both methods work well for the reactor production of phosphorus-33 but the enriched sulfur-
33 target material for the (n,p) reaction is more widely available.
BROWN, L., CALLAHAN, A.P., Taken from ORNL Nuclear Medicine Program Procedure
#2, Phosphorus-33 Processing Procedure, ORNL, Tennessee (1979).
LEWIS, R.E., REYNOLDS, S.A., Preparation of Phosphorus-33 by Irradiation of Enriched
Sulfur-33 in Highly Thermalized Flux, Isotopes Development Center, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (1967).
LEWIS, R.E., BUTLER, T.A., Reactor Neutron Cross-Sections for Production of
Phosphorus-33 from Clhorine-36 and Enriched Sulfur-33 in the Oak Ridge Research reactor,
Isotope Development Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1967).
Platinum-195m (195mPt78)
See Fig. 1.
1. Reactor used and which assembly: KUR (Kyoto Univesity Reactor) and Hydraulic Tube
(Fig. 2).
2. Capsule details as per Fig. 3, weight 69.5 g made of Al. Silica tube: 1.8 g.
3. Mass of target per capsule: 10–100 mg.
4. Preparation of target for encapsulation, reactor irradiation parameters: 194Pt-metal powder
is packed into a silica tube and sealed at 1 × 10-5 mm Hg pressure. The sample is
irradiated at a flux of 8.15 × 10-13 n/cm2/s for a period of 75 hours.
5. Specific activity achieved and typical production yield per capsule: Sp. Act.
11.1 MBq/mg-Pt and Prod. Yield: 111–1110 MBq/capsule.
6. Properties of various 195mPt-compounds are given in Table 1.
FIG. 1. Synthesis route map of various 195mPt-labelled compounds.
FIG. 2. Capsule handling station.
Final product specification for use
As the final concentration, in the case of CDDP, is higher than 1 mg/mL in physiological
saline, a long time (overnight) storage in a refrigerator makes the CDDP precipitate.
The gamma spectrum of the irradiated 194Pt target and synthesized finished product 195mPt-
CDDP is taken to ensure the purity of the product. Figs. 6 and 7 shows the gamma spectra
obtained. Figs. 8 and 9 indicate the results of HPLC analysis carried out on labeled CDDP and
chromatogram on the CDDP fraction.
FIG. 5. Automatic synthesizer and HPLC-apparatus inside a hot-cell.
FIG. 7. J ray spectrum of 195mPt labeled CDDP.
FIG. 8. HPLC analysis of 195mPt labeled CDDP (Sample: 20 µl specimen taken out at the final
step of the synthesis; Elution: H2O, at 4.0 mL/min).
FIG. 9. Re-chromatogram of the CDDP fraction (from Fig. 8).
AKABOSHI, M. et. al., Annu. Rep. Res. Reactor Inst. Kyoto Univ., 23 (1990) 64–69.
– Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 66 (1994) 215–220.
– J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem, 217 (1997) 179–183.
– J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 236 (1998) 145–148.
– Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 83 (1992) 522–526.
– Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 87 (1996) 178–183.
– Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 88 (1997) 506–511.
– Nucl. Med. Biol., 20 (1993) 389–393.
– Nucl. Med. Biol., 21 (1994) 953-958.
– Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 38 (1993) 51–60.
– Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 85 (1994) 106–111.
AKABOSHI, M., et. al., Annu. Rep. Res. Reactor Inst. Kyoto Univ., 20 (1987) 150–154.
EHDICH, W., et. al., Annu. Rep.Res. Reactor Inst. KyotoUniv., 22 (1989) 97–101.
KATAOKA, M., et. al., Radiat. Med, 11 (1993) 247–250.
– Radiat. Med., 11 (1993) 173–176.
Rhenium-186 (186Re75)
Half-life : 3.7183 d
Production scheme : Re (n,J)186Re V = 112 b
Decay Scheme
The 137 keV J-ray energy (9.42%) provides an excellent tool for calibration and activity
Operations and procedures flow chart
Irradiation parameters, specific activity, total yield at EOI
Reactor: HFR-Petten (NL) operated by JRC Eur. Comm. in operation since 1962.
Type – pressurized tank-in – pool, light water-cooled and moderated, operated at 45 MW.
Facility – TIRO: Thermal Flux Irradiation Device for Radioisotope Production in-core
reloadable during reactor cycle
Capsule: Desiccator-dried target material 1–12 mg is encapsulated under N2 in clean and
depyrogenated synthetic quartz-“Spectrosil”-ampoule I.D. 9.3mm, max L=55 mm.
Irradiation: Time: 240 h.; Flux: 2.2–3 × 1014n/cm²/s
EO1 yield: 65–88 GBq (1750–2390 mCi)/mg for 97.4% 185Re enrichment
Typical spec. activity EOI: 68 GBq (1840 mCi)/mg
Processing facility
Standard hot cell provided with 1 activated charcoal and 1 absolute filter in the exhaust-
line. Required: negative pressure 150–250 Pa; max. dose/rate 1 µSv/h at 1m distance from the
The irradiated ampoule is removed from the aluminium can, behind the shield of a hot
cell. The ampoule is then properly cleaned by sonication in Re-processing cell. The tip of the
ampoule is removed by means of electrical ampoule opener (2) and the ampoule is transferred
into a glass ampoule holder (1). After addition of magnetic mini-bar into the ampoule, the
holder is crimp-sealed and positioned on second production panel where a required micro-
volume of 30% H2O2 (e.g. 200 µl/ 4 mg target) is added. After 5 minutes on still-standing, the
ampoule holder is locked in the miniature low pressure distillation apparatus (3) provided
with off-gas trap (4) and hot-water jacket (5). Re is then completely dissolved under constant
stirring at elevated temperature (+ 40°C; 20 min.). The excess of H2O2 is removed from
residing HReO4 by means of low pressure distillation (–40 kPa; +40ºC; 70 min.).
Any escape of vapours to the pump is prevented by incorporation of a system of 2 Re-
traps and 2 moisture traps in the vacuum exhaustion line. The dry Re-residue (6) is dissolved
in portions of isotonic saline (7) and quantitatively transferred via 0.2 µm filter into a sterile
crimp-sealed collection vial (8) on the 3rd production panel. All operation steps in this
validated process are computer controlled and all additions of solutions are conducted by
means of the electronic pipette system. The vial, containing 6 mL of (186Re)-NaReO4-
Concentrate is transferred into a dedicated hot cell system in the Radiopharmacy, where after
the volume/activity calibration in well-type ionization chamber and weighing on electronic
balance, the concentrate is diluted to required radioactive concentration (0.9% NaCl) by
means of positive N2-pressure. The finally calibrated solution is dispensed into the transport
vials where each of the vials is again assayed for total vial activity prior to packaging and
FIG.1. In cell equipment for Re186 processing
The final product is dispensed according to the internationally recognized method, where
the nominal value of the dispensed activity lies between 90–110%. All vials are assayed in
well-type, standard-calibrated ionization chamber where the ionization current is corrected for
present 188Re-impurity and the vial geometry at the time of measurement. Radionuclidic
purity is determined by means of Ge-detector combined with multichannel analyser and
computer system where all J-energies originated from other radionuclides than 186Re are
subtracted and computed as radionuclidic impurities. 188Re impurity is individually
determined and evaluated in relationship to 186Re activity.
1. Activity reference time (ART) is on Wednesday 8.00 CET (max. 56 h after EOI).
2. (186Re) NaReO4 Radiochemical is not a sterile solution – therefore it is supplied as: not
for direct human application.
3. The product can be used for preparation of sterilized pharmaceuticals and for research.
4. The radioactive waste generated during processing and Q.C., can be handled as a short
half-life radioactive waste.
5. All glassware and small accessories that come in contact with the product, such as:
needles and tubing used for transfer of fluids are disposed after every production run.
Practical experience gained
Rhenium-186 (186Re75)
(Alternate procedure)
Production scheme : Re (n,J) 186Re
Highly enriched rhenium-185 (>99%) targets are required for reactor production.
Irradiation parameters, specific activity and total yield at EOI
FIG. 1. Projected production yields of rhenium-186 at various thermal neutron flux values.
Type of facility for processing
An adequately shielded hot cell is required for processing the irradiated target.
Chemical processing procedure
2. The processing vessel is sealed with a Teflon-lined cap. For processing at ORNL, a
sidearm attachment (evaporation head) is also used and vented through a coarse charcoal
trap to cell vacuum line. The rhenium metal is allowed to react at room temperature for
30 min to insure complete dissolution.
3. The vial is then heated at <80oC until dry (2–4 hours) to insure decomposition of excess
peroxide and removal of all moisture until sample has evaporated to dryness.
4. To prepare stock solution of processed sample, add 2 mL of sterile saline solution (0.9%
NaCl) to the processing vessel for an expected final concentration (i.e. based on target
size and irradiation period and HT position) of > 10 Curies per 0.5 mL.
6. Peroxide levels in the stock solution are determined with the peroxide colorimetric test
strip. Peroxide solution must be less than 2 )gm/mL. Record peroxide ppm on Check
Sheet (Note — Because of thickness of leaded glass cell window, it will be difficult to
accurately assess light colors).
8. For radioassay, take 100 microliters (for example) of sample from stock solution and
dilute with 50 mL of distilled water (Dilution # 1). After making a second dilution of
100 microliters of Dilution 1 with 50 mL of water, take aliquot from Dilution # 2
(100 microliters) out of hot cell for assay of rhenium-186 and rhenium-188 and any
radionuclide contaminants by gamma spectroscopy.
9. Dispense required level of the product into product bottle for shipment.
Final product specification for use
The specific activity and specific volume requirements are specified by the customer.
“Rhenium radioisotopes for radiopharmaceutical development”, (Proc., International Seminar
on Therapeutic Applications of Radiopharmaceuticals, Hyderabad, 1999), IAEA-SR-209,
OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY (ORNL), Nuclear Medicine Procedure # 60,
Rhenium-186 Hydrogen Peroxide Processing Procedure, Tennessee.
HASHIMOTO, K., SEKINE, T., LAMBRECHT, R.M., J. Radioanalyt. Nucl. Chem. Articles,
205 (1996) 85.
186 186 186
of Production Possibility of Re via the W(d,2n) Re Nuclear Reaction for Use in
Radiotherapy, J. Lab. Cmpds, Radiopharm., 42, Suppl. 1 (1999) S912-S914.
Rhenium-188 (188Re75)
Highly enriched rhenium-187 (97%) metallic targets are usually used for production of
rhenium-188 since they are easily directly oxidized to Re(VII) perrhenic acid. The
concomitant production of rhenium-186 (i.e. from the rhenium-185 impurity) is minimized by
use of highly enriched rhenium-187.
Irradiation parameters, specific activity and total yield at EOI
The projected production of rhenium-188 from the radiative (n,J) reaction on enriched
rhenium-187 at various thermal neutron flux values is shown in Fig. 1.
Type of facility for processing
An adequately shielded hot cell is required for processing the irradiated target.
Chemical processing procedure
FIG. 1. Projected reactor production of rhenium-188 from enriched rhenium-187 as a
function of irradiation time at various thermal neutron flux values.
2. The processing vessel is sealed with a Teflon-lined cap. For processing at ORNL, a
sidearm attachment (evaporation head) is also used and vented through a coarse charcoal
trap to cell vacuum line. The rhenium metal is allowed to react at room temperature for
30 min to insure complete dissolution.
3. The vial is then heated at <80oC until dry (2–4 hours) to insure decomposition of excess
peroxide and removal of all moisture until sample has evaporated to dryness.
4. To prepare stock solution of processed sample, add 2 mL of sterile saline solution (0.9%
NaCl) to the processing vessel for an expected final concentration (i.e. based on target
size and irradiation period and HT position) of > 370 GBq (10 Ci) per 0.5 mL.
6. Peroxide levels in the stock solution are determined with the peroxide colorimetric test
strip. Peroxide solution must be less than 2 )gm/mL. Record peroxide ppm on Check
Sheet (Note — Because of thickness of leaded glass cell window, it will be difficult to
accurately assess light colors).
8. For radioassay, take 100 microliters (for example) of sample from stock solution and
dilute with 50 mL of distilled water (Dilution # 1). After making a second dilution of
100 microliters of Dilution 1 with 50 mL of water, take aliquot from Dilution # 2
(100 microliters) out of hot cell for assay of rhenium-186 and rhenium-188 and any
radionuclide contaminants by gamma spectroscopy.
9. Dispense required level of the product into product bottle for shipment.
Dispensing, assay and quality control
The saline rhenium-188 perrhenate solution is stable indefinitely. The product should be
analysed by gamma spectroscopy.
The specific activity and specific volume requirements are specified by the customer.
KNAPP, F.F., JR. Use of Rhenium-188 for Cancer Treatment, Cancer Biotherapy and
Radiopharm., 13 (5) (1998) 337–349.
H., BIERSACK, H.-J., Development of the Alumina-Based Tungsten-188/Rhenium-188
Generator and Use of Rhenium-188-Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals for Cancer Treatment,
Anticancer Research, 17 (1997) 1783–1796.
Rhenium Radioisotopes for Radiopharmaceutical Development, (Proc. International Seminar
on Therapeutic Applications of Radiopharmaceuticals, IAEA-SR-209, Hyderabad, 1999),
IAEA, Vienna.
Processing of Reactor-Produced W for fabrication of Clinical Scale Alumina based
188 188
W/ Re Generators, Appl. Radiat. Isot., 45 (1994) 1123–1128.
MIRZADEH, S., KNAPP, F.F., JR., CALLAHAN, A.P., Production of Tungsten-188 and
Osmium-194 in a Nuclear reactor for New Clinical Generators, Nuclear Data for Science and
Technology (QAIM, S., Ed.) Spinger Verlag Pub., (1992) 619–620.
Samarium-153 (153Sm62)
Half-life : 46.27 h
Production scheme : Sm (n,J) 153Sm V = 206 b
1. Reactor used: RA-3, 5 MW pool type research reactor. Thermal fluxes from 2 × 1013 to
1 × 1014 n/cm2s, 4 irradiation boxes with 14 places each one, and 120 hours of continuous
operation per week.
2. Capsule details: the samarium oxide is irradiated in a quartz ampoule; dimensions are 40–
50 mm long, 6–8 mm diameter; oxygen/gas blowpipe is used to seal the ampoule.
3. Mass of target per capsule: 1 mg of samarium oxide.
4. Preparation of target for encapsulation: 0.2 mL of target solution is placed in the quartz
ampoule, taken to dryness in nitrogen atmosphere by heating up to 100–120ºC on a
heating plate. The quartz ampoule, sealed with a blowpipe, is then placed with quartz
wool into an aluminium can (70 mm long, 20 mm diameter), which is cold welded.
Reactor irradiation parameters: neutron flux 4 × 1013 n/cm2/s; irradiation time: 48–54 h.
5. Specific activity achieved at EOI: 14.8–16.8 GBq (400–450 mCi)/mg oxide. Total
activity achieved at EOI: 14.8–16.8 GBq (400–450) mCi.
Flux Irradiation time (days)
(n/cm2/s) 1 2 3 4 5
1,00E+13 56 95 123 142 156
2,00E+13 112 191 246 285 312
3,00E+13 168 287 370 428 468
4,00E+13 225 382 493 570 625
5,00E+13 281 478 616 713 781
6,00E+13 337 574 740 856 937
7,00E+13 393 670 863 998 1093
8,00E+13 450 765 986 1141 1250
Total activity at EOI (mCi/mg oxide)
The hot cell is a sealed box under reduced pressure (15–20 mm of water-reduced
pressure), with remote handling tong, and 10 cm of lead thickness as biological shielding.
Viewing windows are made of lead glass (20 cm thick). The windows are mounted in frames
fitting the interlocking lead brick system, and the space between the glass and the lead frame
is packed with lead yarn. The tong used has a detachable head to enable to change the types of
jaws without removing the tong from the box. A flexible plastic sleeve is attached to the tong
shaft to prevent contamination being carried into the laboratory when the tong is drawn
outwards. In addition there are a few special tools: for opening cans, cutting quartz ampoules,
rigid support for the glass material and a sealing machine for glass vials.
For dispensing a sealed glove box working at reduced pressure is used. The equipment
placed inside consist in a remote operated pipette (5 mL syringe) connected by means of a
plastic tube to a hypodermic syringe, a glass vial containing the radioisotope solution (storage
bottle) placed in a lead pot, a crimper for opening the vial, millipore filters and needles fitting
the pipette for sterilization of the solution when dispensing.
Reagents and chemicals required for processing
EDTMP solution: 150 mg of EDTMP, dissolved in bidistilled H2O (1.5 mL) with NaOH 1N
(2.5 mL) up to pH=8–9. Final volume is 4 mL.
After irradiation the aluminium can and the ampoule are opened in the hot cell.
The active target is dissolved in the EDTMP solution. After 15–20 minutes bidistilled H2O
(2 mL) is added. Final volume is 6 mL. The solution is heated for 45–60 minutes at 75–80ºC.
Total activity calibration is carried out, and bidistilled H2O is added to achieve an activity
concentration of 1.1–1.3 GBq (30–35 mCi)/mL.
FIG. 1. Hot cell for the production of 153Sm-EDTMP.
The final solution of Sm–153-EDTMP (act.conc. 1.1–1.3 GBq (30–35 mCi)/mL) is filtered
through Millipore filter 0.22 µm for dispensing. For quality control a 3 mL fraction is
Radionuclidic purity: determined by J-spectrometry with a GeHp semiconducting detector
associated to a multichannel analyser.
Alcalinity: determined by pHmeter.
Radiochemical purity: determined by thin layer chromatography, using ITLC-SG/H2O. Rf
(Sm3+) = 0. Rf (Sm-EDTMP) = 0.8–1.0.
Sterility: by millipore filter 0,22 µm.
Pirogenity: test on animals. Three rabbits are injected in the ear vein.
Toxicity: test on animals. A lot of five NIH mice are injected with 0.1 mL of the final
solution. The animals remain under observation during 5 hours.
Biodistribution: test on animals. Wistar rats, weigth 200–250 g, i.v. injected (0.2 mL).
Isotonicity: determined by conductimetry.
Radioactive concentration: determined by comparative method in a well-type ionization
According to the required activity, a determined volume of Sm-153-EDTMP solution
from the storage bottle is dispensed into a steril evacuated penicillin-type glass vial, sealed
with a rubber stop and an aluminium cap crimped on.
Final product specification for use
6. Concentration activity at date of calibration: 740–925 MBq (20–25 mCi)/mL.
7. Specific activity: 14.8–16.8 GBq (400–450 mCi)/mg oxide.
8. Storage conditions: at room temperature.
9. Disposal of waste generated: all the solid material used during the process in the hot cell
is discarded to a polyethylene container placed under the box of the hot cell. A small
quantity of liquid waste is generated in the process. Remaining liquid after dispensing in
the glove box is stored for decay. All the solid material used is discard to a shielded
recipient, and stored for decay.
Intended use of the final product: pain palliation of bone metastases.
Labelling is better carried out when solid target is irradiated and dissolved with the
EDTMP solution. Colloid is formed when liquid solution of target (nitric solution) is
irradiated and diluted with EDTMP solution.
A remarkable difference is noticed when EDTMP concentration is modified in the final
solution. When this concentration is increased, hepatic uptake of the complex diminishes. For
EDTMP concentration a minimum of 10 mg/mL was established.
Scandium-46 (46Sc21)
Half-life : 83.77 ± 0.04 d
Production scheme : Sc(n,J)46Sc V = 27 b
Type of decay and energy : E (MeV) 0.3566 (99.996%)
J (MeV) 0.889 (99.98%)
1.120 (99.98%)
Irradiation container
Standard high purity aluminium can of dimensions 22 mm dia × 46 mm ht., cold welded.
Chemical processing
The irradiated Sc2O3 is transferred to a dissolution flask and 10 mL of 3N HCl is added to it.
The solution is heated to boiling and dissolution of the target is completed. 20 mL of 0.1N
HCl is then added to it and the solution transferred to a storage bottle.
Scandium-47 (47Sc21)
Half-life : 3.35 d
Production scheme : Ti (n,p)47Sc
Target Purity: Enriched 47Ti (94.53% 47Ti, 4.74% 48Ti, 0.35% 46Ti, 0.2% 49Ti, and 0.18%
Ti) purchased from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Stable scandium in the target
material shall be kept low to maximize specific activity.
Type of facility for processing
Processing shall be performed in a shielded hot cell with HEPA filtration in the hot cell
exhaust line.
Dowex AG 50W-X4 cation-exchange resin was purchased in 100–200 mesh size from BIO-
RAD. All glassware was acid washed with HNO3 before use.
Dowex AG 50W-X4 resin was purified as follows. Batches of resin were purified by washing
seven times with H2O, each time decanting the fines, twice with 95% ethanol, twice with
H2O, four times with KOH, followed by a H2O rinse to neutrality, and four times with 2 N
HCl followed by a H2O rinse to neutrality. Ion-exchange columns were poured using a H2O
slurry containing the resin. After allowing time for the resin to settle, a quartz wool plug was
placed on the top of the resin bed and the columns were eluted with 5 column volumes of
H2O. Columns were then preconditioned with the same solution containing the sample.
Target dissolution
Enriched 47TiO2 targets were dissolved slowly (t ~ 1–2 h) in very hot H2SO4 (heated to
copious fuming) containing a 10:1 mass ratio of (NH4)2SO4 to Ti. Volumes were reduced with
heating to 10–15 mL and diluted with H2O and H2O2 to obtain a solution (Vf ~ 750 mL)
approximately # 0.15 M in ammonium sulphate, # 3 N in H2SO4 and 0.3% in H2O2. Addition
of peroxide is necessary to oxidize all Ti species in solution to Ti(IV).
Separation procedure
Tests were made with irradiated targets ranging from 50–200 mg of irradiated 47TiO2 or 1.2 g
of Ti metal. The separation procedure is shown schematically in Figure 1. The target solution
was passed over a large column (2 cm ID × 11 cm) containing 35 mL of the cation exchanger
that was previously conditioned 0.2 N HCl. Both Ti and Sc were retained, the Ti appearing as
a large orange band whose width was dependent on the solution acidity. The column was then
washed with 4 column volumes of 0.2 N HCl to further elute traces of the ammonium
sulfate/sulfuric acid solution, followed by 5 column volumes of 1.5 N HCl to elute the
majority of the Ti. More Ti was then eluted with 3 column volumes of 2.5 N HCl along with
trace impurities of Cu, Zn, Co, Pb, or Fe+3. Sc-47 was eluted in nearly quantitative yield with
5 column volumes of 4 N HCl/0.1 N HF., 47Sc was eluted in nearly quantitative yield with 5
column volumes. The 4 N HCl/0.1 N HF fraction containing 47Sc from the first column was
evaporated to near dryness and taken up with 2–3 mL aqua regia to destroy organic residue
which may have eluted with 47Sc from the first column. This solution was evaporated to near
dryness and redissolved in 2–3 mL of 12 N HCl to convert 47Sc to the chloride, followed by
another evaporation to dryness. The residue was taken up in 2–3 mL 0.2 N HCl and this
solution was passed over a smaller column (1.1 cm ID × 6 cm, 5.7 mL, Dowex AG 50W-X4
cation-exchange resin). Sc and Ti were again retained, the column was washed with 5 column
volumes of 0.2 N HCl, and Ti was eluted with 5 column volumes of 2.5 N HCl. Scandium-47
was then eluted with 5 column volumes of 4 N HCl/0.1 N HF. This solution was evaporated
to near dryness and the residue was first taken up with ~ 0.3 mL 30% H2O2 and evaporated
with heat to ~ 0. 1 mL, and then treated as described above with aqua regia and HCl. After the
final evaporation with HCl, the solution was transferred with 2–3 mL of 0.5 N HCl from the
beaker to a small rotovap tube. An aliquot was removed for determination of recovery yield
and stable metal analysis (Fe, Zn, Co, Cu, Pb, Sc), and the remaining solution was evaporated
to dryness under vacuum using a rotavapor and redissolved in 0.01 N HCl.
FIG. 1. 47Sc Separation from Ti Targets: Cation exchange with Dowex AG 50W-X4 resin.
Final products are assayed with regard to yield and radionuclidic purity.
Radioactivity measurements
Radioactive samples were assayed by direct J counting on an intrinsic germanium detector
(50 cm3, FWHM 2.0 keV at 1332 keV) connected to a 8192 multichannel analyser. The
detector was calibrated against a known mixed gamma solution standard traceable to NIST.
Counting samples were prepared in a plastic vial by dilution of the sample aliquot to 1 mL.
All samples were counted at distances >8 cm from the detector face where coincident
summing corrections are negligible.
Stable elemental Analysis is made with and ICP-AE. From this data, the specific activity may
be determined. Chemical purity limits: <30 µg each of Pb, Mn, Zn, Cu, or Ti (though actual
impurity levels should be kept as low as possilbe).
MAUSNER, L.F., et al, Radionuclide Development at BNL for Nuclear Medicine Therapy,
Appl. Radiat. Isot. 49 (1998) 285.
Silver-111 (111Ag47)
Half-life : 7.45 d
Production scheme : Pd (n,J) 111Pd o 111Ag
Decay product : Cd
Production process
Ag-111 is a radionuclide with potential application in the field of radioimmunotherapy. It can
easily be prepared by neutron irradiation of palladium according to the nuclear reactions
depicted in scheme 1. Natural palladium consists of a mixture of 6 stable isotopes but only the
upper three neutron capture processes are relevant. For the production of Ag-111 from natural
palladium, the neutron capture of Pd-108 to Pd-109 with subsequent decay to stable Ag-109 is
the most important parallel reaction, since this isotope limits the final specific activity after
the separation of silver (Ag-109 and Ag-111) from target palladium. Therefore, preparation of
Ag-111 from natural palladium results always in carrier added Ag-111 according to the datas
given in Table I.
To yield n.c.a. Ag-111, enriched Pd-110 has to be used instead of natural Pd. 98% isotopically
pure Pd-110 is commercially available, however it is rather expensive. For the processes
described below it has to be recycled, which might cause problems due to long lived
contamination in the original sample (i.e. Ir-192, Hg-203 etc.) which are always present as
impurities in the targets. The specific activities achieved with natural Pd are usually
sufficiently high for the labelling of therapeutically useful biomolecules, the studies have
been performed with nat. Pd only.
Scheme 1. Neutron irradiation of nat. Pd, Pd-102 (1.02%); Pd-104 (11.14%); Pd-105
(22.33%); Pd-106 (27.33%); Pd-108 (26.46%); Pd-110; 11.72%
Since the purification process is special it will be explained in detail. Liquid/liquid extractions
are usually applied for the separation of a component from bulk material, which forms with
high selectivity and stability only compounds with the desired radionuclide. If the process is
repeatedly performed, high purity material can be yielded.
Such specific ligands or phase transfer carriers do not exist for palladium and silver, since
their chemistry is very similar in terms of preferred ligand atoms or ligands. Comparing the
few thermodynamic stability constants reveals, that log K are larger for Pd2+ by about 1–
2 orders of magnitude. Consequently, Pd2+ could be extracted into an organic layer with a
versatile ligand, however, very high accumulation of Ag-111 can obviously not be achieved
by this method. A very slight excess of ligand would transfer Ag+ as well.
Pd2+ and Ag+ differ significantly in their kinetic behaviour Pd2+ is very slowly reacting while
Ag+ is a very fast. The basis of the seapration is, thus, different kinetic behaviour rather then
The phase transfer ligand is triphenyl-phosphine (TPP) which forms stable complexes with
Ag+ and Pd2+.
Pd2+ is extracted slower to a concentration which corresponds to about 1 eq. Pd2+ per
TPP. This process can easily be monitored by external radioactivity measurement, since Pd-
109 decomposes to short-lived Ag-109m. After all TPP are coordinated to Pd2+, the TPP
ligands coordinated to Ag+ are slowly released by competition of [Pd(TPP)]2+. The remaining
Ag+ is then again phase transferred back into water.
[Pd(TPP)]2+ + [Ag(TPP)n]+ o Ag+ + [Pd(TPP)2]2+
aqueous organic
The original acidic layer is exchanged by a slightly acidic fresh solution Ag+ can be collected
after reextraction in quantitative yield and very high purity. The Pd-TPP complexes are
almost insoluble in aqueous solution. After a certain period of time, Ag-111 is reexctracted
into the fresh aqueous solution.
Dissolution of Pd to Pd(NO3)2
The irradiated capsule was broken and the aluminium packages transferred to a round bottom
flask. The metallic Pd powder was dissolved in conc. HNO3 (20 cm3) over 12 h at 130oC,
resulting in a dark brown but clear solution. The Pd must completely be dissolved, otherwise
catalytic decomposition of TPP might occure. The solution was then diluted to a final volume
of a 50 cm3 with bidistilled water.
The aqueous nitric acid solution was transferred nto a round bottom flask equipped with stir
bar and overlayered with 150 cm3 of toluene. The stirring rate was adjusted to a value, where
the two layers did not mix and no toluene drops in water (and vice versa) formed. For
reproducibility of the procedure, this rate should be kept constant. 5 cm3 of a 0.1 M solution
of TPP in toluene were added by means of a syringue. The activity in the organic layer was
monitored either by a J-counting tube focused on the organic layer or by a bypass attached to
the flask continuously flushed by a means of peristaltic pump. The activity in the organic
layer steadily increased. Maximum was reached after about 20 min depending on the tirring
rate. The organic layer turned yellow. At the maximum, about 95% of Ag-111 was in the
organic layer.
After the maximum was achieved, stirring was stopped and the organic layer transferred into
a separation funnel, containing about 10 cm3 of 10-4 M HNO3. For the purity of the product
carefull separation was crucial. Remaining toluene fractions and the 10-4 M HNO3 were
mixed by dropping the aqueous layer continously through the organic layer for about 2h.
After this time period, about 80% of Ag-111 were reextracted into the aqueous solution,
which was separated through the lower end of the funnel. The solution was completely
colourless and even UV/VIS spectroscopy did not show the presence of any Pd2+. Pd2+
contamination was checked by means of ICP-MS, which gave usually less than 1% of Pd
relative to Ag+.
normal glass ware with the exception of the last separation funnel, which has to be either from
teflon or better quartz glass. Ag+ has the tendency to adsorb very well on normal glass
probably by ion exchange with Na+ or K+. As long as the aqueous solution was acidic, no
problem with adsorption were encountered since competition of H+ was strong enough.
However, when changing to more physiological buffer solution or to slightly acidic medium,
a steadily growing amount of Ag-111 was found to bind irreversible to glass. In any case,
rubber should be omitted, since any sulfur containing material will adsorb Ag+ very
Target specification
0.1 g of Pd powder was packed in a aluminium foil. Two of these packages were placed in a
quartz glass ampule and sealed under vacuum. Pd was pruchased in puriss quality from Fluka
AG Buchs/Switzerland.
Irradiation parameters and facility of processing
In general, the Seibersdorf Astra research reactor was used for irradiation, in a few exceptions
also the Dutch research reactor at Petten. The amount of target and its quality are described
above. The targets were usually irradiated during a 72 h time period at a neutron flux between
7.7 and 8.3 × 1013 n/cm2/s. The specific activities achieved after the separation process
corresponded in general the data given in Table I. For the processing of the target, hot cells
with negative pressure and charcoal filters were used.
Sodium-24 (24Na11)
Half-life : 14.959 h
Production scheme : Na (n, J) 24Na V = 0.53 b
Processing facility
Analysis of raw materials, reagents and chemicals required for processing
This material is purchased as such and meets British Pharmacopoeia 1998 requirements.
This material is prepared by dissolving sodium hydroxide in Water for Injections BP. The
solution is filtered through a 0.22 µm membrane filter into sterile clinbritic vials. The solution
is standardized by titrating against standardized 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, using
phenolphthalein as an indicator. The solution is approved for use with a concentration of
0.18–0.22 M NaOH. Material approved for use is stored under refrigeration, and has an expiry
period of 3 months.
This material is prepared by diluting concentrated Hydrochloric Acid AR grade with Water
for Injections BP. The solution is filtered through a 0.22 µm membrane filter into sterile
clinbritic vials. The vials are then autoclaved for 6 minutes at 132°C. The solution is
standardized by titrating against standardized 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution, using
phenolphthalein as an indicator. The solution is approved for use with a concentration of
0.18–0.22 M HCl. Material approved for use is stored under refrigeration, and has an expiry
period of 6 months.
Radioactive concentration
The radioactive concentration must be within 90–110% of the required concentration at the
calibration time and date. Measure a sample in an ionization chamber that has been calibrated
to measure sodium-24.
Radionuclidic purity
The radionuclidic purity is acceptable if a gamma spectrum analysis identifies 24Na as >99%
of the total gamma emitters
The pH must be between 6.0–8.0. Measure the sample on a pH meter or using a suitable
narrow pH range paper.
Cell cleanup : All waste is removed from the cell and placed into the
appropriate shielded waste receptacles. Solid waste is
stored separate to liquid waste. If required, equipment
in the cell is allowed to decay prior to cleaning the cell.
The cell surfaces are then cleaned by swabbing with
lint free cloths liberally doused with isopropanol or
Strontium-89 (89Sr38)
Half-life : 50.53 d
Production scheme : Sr (n,γ) 89Sr σ = 0.058 b
Decay product : Y
Type of decay and energy : β− (keV) 586.1
The average activity obtained at Maria reactor (calculated at the activation end) was about
110 mCi (4.0 GBq)/g of Sr. Currently the irradiation is not possible; installation of thermal
neutrons converter is planned.
The average activity obtained at SM-3 reactor (calculated at the activation end) is about
900mCi (33 GBq) per target i.e. 0.15–0.2 Ci (5.5–7.4 GBq)/g of strontium.
Irradiated target
Dissolving of target
in 1M HCl
Dissolving in water
and filtration 0.22um
purity chemical No cooling of short lived
assay radionuclides
Adjustm ent of specific
sodium activity
class C
Radioactive concentration
determ ination
QC on final
No Rejected
Y es
M Sr-1
Analysis of raw materials, reagents and chemicals required for processing
Hydrochloric acid 36% : reagent, European Pharmacopoeia, supplier Merck
Sodium chloride : reagent, European Pharmacopoeia, supplier Merck
Water for injection : European Pharmacopoeia, supplier POLATOM
The measurement is performed by gamma-spectrometry (GC 1520 detector with the volume
of 70 cm3 and resolution of 0.8 keV at 122 keV from 57Co and 1.8 keV at 1332 keV from
60Co). The spectrum is recorded by multichannel analyser AccuSpecA (Canberra) and
Genie2000 software. The volume of 1 ml of the solution in a standard glass vial is measured,
J-radionuclidic impurities are detected at the lowest limit of 5 × 10–5%. In most of the
produced batches J impurities were not exceeding 0.001%.
Beta radiation impurities
Beta radiation impurities are measured by LSC (liquid scintillation count) method in
WALLAC 1411 (LKB) spectrometer with application of liquid scintillator Ultima Gold
(Hewlett Packard). Measured spectrum is identified against theoretical spectrum of 89Sr
available in the spectrometer’s software.
Activity of strontium-89 in the known volume of the solution was measured by Liquid
Scintillation Method. Liquid scintillator Ultima Gold from Packard was used. The results
were calculated by TDK method (the overall uncertainty of the measurement ±3%).
Test for specific activity
Specific activity, rs of the SrCl2 solution is determined on the basis of its radioactive
concentration according to the formula:
rs =
C Sr
The detection limits (LDL) for impurities in 89SrCl2 solution are, as follows:
Test for pH
Final product specification for use
Tests Specifications
beta-spectrum absorption curve of maximum energy 1.49 MeV
gamma-spectrum Emax = 909 keV
PH: 4.0–7.0
Radionuclidic purity: >99.6%
total beta impurities <0.2%
Assay of strontium chloride: 10.8–19.4 mg/ml
Assay of sodium chloride: 0–3.0 mg/ml
Radioactive concentration: 37.5 MBq/ml
Specific activity: 3.5–6.3 MBq/mg Sr
Chemical purity: overall t 99.9%
Al < 2 ppm
Fe <5 ppm
Pb < 5 ppm
Sterility: sterile
Preparation and cleanup of the facility and preparation for processing of next production
batch: the processing is performed in single step, which is performed in the destined cells of a
hot cell. Therefore there aren’t any special requirements for cleanup of the facility. Glass vials
for final product dispensing are washed and heated in 250oC prior to use, vials and closures
are autoclaved. The product is administered intravenously after final sterilization. The
requirements of GMP apply to the manufacturing process.
Counts in CPM
1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 1001
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Energy (keV)
DEPTULA, C.Z., CHMIELOWSKI, K., KEMPISTY, T., et al., Method of preparation and
application of strontium chloride-89SrCl2 for palliative treatment of painful bone metastases,
Part I. Production method of strontium -89Sr chloride, Problemy Medycyny Nuklearnej
10 (19) (1996) 161–168.
DEPTULA, C.Z., KEMPISTY, T., MARKIEWICZ, A., et al., Quality control methods of
strontium chloride 89SrCl2, radiopharmaceutical for palliative treatment of bone metastases
(Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Isotopes, Sydney) (1997) 196–199.
Strontium-89 (89Sr38)
(Alternate procedure)
Yttrium oxide
The pellets fabrication, their loading into irradiation device (ID)
Irradiation in BR-10 reactor (SSC RF IPPE)
Cutting, drying, pellets unloading
The yttrium oxide pellets dilution
Sr-89 purification from yttrium is carried out by sorption on cationite out of EDTA solution
of pH=4.0
Sr-89 final purification is carried out by sorption on cationite out of hydrochloric medium
The produced Sr-89 analysis, preparation for fabrication, radiopharmaceutical fabrication out
of Sr-89.
Due to the fact that (n,p) nuclear reaction cross-section is not large it is necessary to load a
significant amount of yttrium oxide into ID with maximally possible density in order to
accumulate the economically acceptable amount of Sr-89.
The process of the pellets pressing and caking in vacuum at t ~ 1600°C has been developed.
The yttrium oxide pellets are put into irradiation device (ID). The pellets are of 18.6mm
diameter, 4.6 – 10.7mm height, 4.16 – 4.44g/cm3 density. The yttrium oxide amount in ID is
330–340g. (Up to 1kg for BOR-60 reactor in Dimitrovgrad).
In order to prevent the irradiated yttrium oxide contamination with fission products (FP)
during the ID unloading and transportation the pellets are put into the quartz ampoules which
are brought into ID after their sealing (3 ampoules into ID). The ID outer diameter is
26.0 mm, length is 832.0mm. ID is made of stainless steel of 06X18H10T. Its tightness is
provided and controlled. That ID is put into the fast neutron reactor core. Sr-89 yield per
ampoule is 150 mCi.
In the chain of nuclear transformations during the Y-89 irradiation by fast neutrons the
probability of Sr-89 accumulation is negligible, Sr-90 accumulation is less than 10-5%,
rhubidium-89 accumulation is about 1% of Sr-89 activity, the strontium stable accumulation
(mainly of Sr-88 >88%) reduces the Sr-89 specific activity from theoretic value–2.9*104C/g
up to (1.6–1.7)*104Ci/g (according to the calculation).
That operation section infrastructure has to provide the personnel clothes entire changing, the
possible collection and disposal (storage) of the solid and liquid radioactive waste.
Analysis of the raw material, reagents and chemicals needed for processing
The following materials have to be subjected to the inlet analysis:
– yttrium dioxide — for the chemical admixture content, uranium especially;
– quartz and stainless steel (pipe) — for their certificates compliance;
– chemical agents: nitric acid, EDTA, ammonia solution, hydrochloride acid have to be of
“X4” model and their compliance have to be controlled;
– tributylphosphate of “technical” model is used after washing by soda solution and
saturation with nitric acid.
concentration containing 450–500 mCi of Sr-89 and 120–150 mCi of Y-88 (by the end of
– separation of the main part of yttrium (>99%) from Sr-89 is carried out by the yttrium
extraction by 100% tributylphosphate previously saturated with nitric acid. Extraction
takes place from the nitric acid solution of not less than 12–13M acidity. Sr-89 is kept in
liquid phase in these conditions; yttrium is re-extracted from 100%TBP by distillate and
kept in a vessel in the form of nitric acid solution (~2M) during 2.5–3.0 years up to full
Y-88 decay (T1/2 = 100 days); after that yttrium can be used again; Sr-89 purification
from Y-88 factor is not less than 5*103; the further operations of Sr-89 purification are
carried out in the glove boxes of work premises with the use of local shielding;
– Sr-89 further purification from macro (Y) and micro (Rb-86, Fe, Cr, NiO) admixtures is
carried out by the sorption method with the use of cation exchange resins (KU-2, KU-23,
Dawex-50) in NH4+ form, from solution out of 0.1M, EDTA at pH=+4,0; the solution for
Sr-89 sorption on the cationite is prepared by the nitric acid sublimation by the solution
evaporation up to moist salts, dilution in 0.1M nitric acid, the yttrium hydroxide fallen
sediments dilution in EDTA solution at slight warming and the solution bringing up to
pH=4.0 by ammonia at pH-meter device;
– Sr-89 sorption final purification takes place on cationite in NH4+ form with the solution
flow rate ~ 1 mL/min*cm2;
– Sorption column is washed first by 0.1M EDTA solution of pH=4.0 which amount equals
to 5–6 column free volumes and then it is washed out of EDTA by the distillate which
flow rate is 3–5mm/min;
– the column washing by 0.25–0.3M hydrochloride acid takes place in order to put the
sorbent into H+ from which amount equals to 6-8 free volumes (Vfree);
– Sr-89 is desorped into small volume (70–100 mL) by 7M hydrochloride acid of 0.2–
0.3 mL/min*cm2 rate;
– Sr-89 desorbent obtained is gathered into the quartz vessel and analysed regarding Sr-89
content by beta-accounting and regarding radionuclide admixtures at gamma-
spectrometer. As for radionuclide admixtures at that purification phase as a rule only Rb-
86 tracks can be detected in Sr-89 solution;
– Sr-89 final purification is also carried out on the cationites with preliminary sublimation
of 7M hydrochloride acid, the solution acidity correction up to 0.15–0.2M, Sr-89 sorption
on cationite out of that acidity, column washing by 0.2M hydrochloride acid first with
amount equal to 5 free column volumes and then column washing by 0.4–0.45M
hydrochloride acid in order to refine from Rb-86. Rb-86 content is controlled by gamma-
spectrometric method during the washing; Sr-89 desorption is carried out by 4–5M
hydrochloric acid at ~0.1mm/min*cm2 rate into 30–4-mL volume; all the operations of
that phase of Sr-89 purification are carried out in the quartz dishware with the use of
quartz distillate and hydrochloric acid obtained by isothermal method;
– Sr-89 desorbent obtained is carefully boiled down up to the moist salts, diluted by the
hydrochloric acid solution of pH~4,5 and put into injection vials; the product obtained is
the final product, i.e. strontium-89 radionuclide solution.
The product total activity and concentration activity are defined as follows:
The sources are fabricated out of the purified strontium-89 chloride solution by sampling the
definite amount of the liquid, putting it on to the substrate and drying. Sr-89 activity is
defined according to beta-emission at the beta-radiometer. The measurement are carried out
by relative method by comparison with beta-emission of the reference source made of
reference solutions of the first grade.
The result processing is carried out according to the special method. The relative value of the
measurement result total error is not more than ±5%.
The beta-emitting admixtures (Sr-90, Y-90) content is defined by measuring the activity of Y-
90 recovered out of the solution which acid concentration is 0.4mol/L by the method of
ascending chromotography on the paper impregnated by di-2-ethyl-gexyl-phosphoric acid.
That operation is carried out after ~7 days storage for the yttrium accumulation. Activity is
defined with the help of scintillation beta-spectrometer. Beta spectrometer energy and
efficiency calibration is carried out with the help of the reference Cs-137 sources.
The product Sr-90 activity will correspond to Y-90 activity calculated by the moment of its
recovering according to the formula: A0 = At/e-OT
been tested at the US NIST and certified. A number of other foreign companies have tested it
Sr-89 carrier-free production according to the given technology has a number of advantages:
– there is no need to use the enriched Sr-89 target;
– high specific activity of Sr-89 and the low Sr-90 content allow longer
radiopharmaceutical shelf-life;
– the synthesis of the radiopharmaceuticals with the optimal specific activity is possible;
– there are more preferable economical parameters of the process.
Sulphur-35 (35S16)
Half-life : 87.51 d
Production scheme : Cl (n, p) 35S
Type of decay and energy : E (MeV) 0.167 (100%) Emax
0.049 (Eave)
Decay product : Cl
REAGENTS SO4 content
The process equipment consists of distillation unit, ion exchange alumina column, filter
assembly with G-2 filter and concentration flask.
The process
The irradiated potassium chloride is allowed to cool for a week to allow the decay of 42K
formed. The can is decapped and irradiated KCl powder transferred to a 250 mL beaker,
100 mL 0.1 N HCl (purified by repeated distillation) is added to it and KCl is completely
dissolved. Ion exchange column (1 cm dia and 12 cm height) prepared with chromatography
grade alumina is washed with double distilled water and conditioned with 200 mL 0.1 N HCl.
KCl solution is passed through the column at a flow rate of 0.15 mL per minute and effluent
is collected in a receiver to recover 36Cl isotope. The column is washed with 100 mL 0.1 N
HCl and then with 100 mL double distilled water. 35S activity is eluted with 25 mL 1N
NH4OH followed by 50 mL 0.1 N NH4OH. The eluate is collected and concentrated to
approx. 10 mL and neutralized with 1N HCl. It is passed through a filter assembly (G-2) and
filtrate is collected in a concentration flask. Filtrate is concentrated to near dryness and treated
with 10 mL concentrated HNO3 to remove ammonia. The residual activity is treated with
concentrated HCl (5 mL) twice to remove traces of HNO3 followed by 10 mL double distilled
water. 25 mL double distilled water is added to the flask, solution warmed and allowed to
cool and then 35 S activity is transferred to storage bottle.
Radionuclitide purity is determined by the aluminium absorption curve for the test sample
compared with that of standard and by absence of any gamma emitting radionuclide.
Characteristics of final solution
Radiochemical form H2 35 SO4 in 0.1 N HCL.
Tellurium-123m (123mTe52)
Production scheme : Te (n,J) 123mTe V = 1.1 ± 0.5 b
1. The irradiated tellurium-122 target is dissolved in concentrated HNO3 by heating in a
sand bath at a temperature of 90-100 C. Aliquots are taken for counting to accurately
determine the production yield.
2. The solution is then taken to incipient dryness, and the product dissolved in 5 mL of HCl
and the solution taken to dryness again.
5. Small aliquots of hydrazine hydrate (N2H4H2O, MW 50.07) are added and the metallic
tellurium precipitates as a fine powder which is recovered by low speed centrifugation.
6. As an alternative procedure (Knapp, et al., 1980), after dilution of the HCl solution of
telluric acid in 200 mL of distilled water, 5 gm of NaBr is added and the solution boiled
for 30 min, cooled, and sulfur dioxide gas is slowly passed through the solution (about 2
bubbles/sec) for 2 hours. The metallic tellurium precipitates as very fine powder which is
recovered by low speed centrifugation.
7. The powder is re-suspended in with water and centrifuged three times, and then dried in
an oven at 140 C or under a heating lamp. This material is then ready for tellurium-123m
source fabrication.
KNAPP, F.F., JR., Selenium and Tellurium as Carbon Substitutes, Radiopharmaceuticals-
Structure-Activity Relationships (SPENCER, R.P., Ed.) Grune and Straaton, Inc. (1981) 345–
KNAPP, F.F., JR., AMBROSE, K.R., CALLAHAN, A.P., Tellurium-123m-Labeled-23-
(Isopropyl Telluro)-24-nor-5D-Cholan-3E-ol: A New Potential Adrenal Imaging Agent, J.
Nucl. Med., 21 (1980) 251–257.
WANG, H., JASZCZAK, R.J., MCCORMICK, J.W., et al., Experimental Evaluation of a
Tellurium-123m Transmission Source to Determine Attenuation Maps for SPECT, IEEE
Trans. Nucl. Sci., 42 (1995) 1214–1218.
Thallium-204 (204Tl81)
Production scheme : Tl (n,J) 20481Tl
Irradiation 1.year
Chemical process
The can is opened and the irradiated sample transferred to a 250 mL dissolution flask. 30 mL
IN H2SO4 and 5 mL 30 percent v/v H2O2 is added to it and solution refluxed for one hour to
complete the dissolution. Excess H2O2 is boiled off and active solution transferred to storage
Extra care is taken to maintain the negative pressure in the glove box during the entire period
of processing and extra hand glove used to carry out any operation in the box to avoid
Thulium-170 (170Tm69)
Half-life : 128.6 d
Production scheme : Tm (n,J)170Tm
Decay product : Yb and 170Er.
Chemical processing
After irradiation the can is opened and Tm2O3 powder is transferred to a 100 mL beaker.
10 mL 3N HCl solution is added to it and boiled to complete the dissolution of target.
Solution is concentrated to minimum volume and 20 mL of 1.0 N HCl added to it and activity
transferred to a storage bottle.
Tin-113 (113Sn50)
The average activity obtained (calculated at the activation end) is about 30 mCi/mg Sn.
Type of facility for processing
The hot cell of 100 mm lead wall equipped with the manipulators and connected to the
separate ventilation system. Filters on the air outlet: paper — charcoal. Standard under
pressure inside the hot-cell is 20 mm H2O.
The solution of tin-113 is loaded on the generator column containing zirconium oxide. Then
the column is washed with 0.05N HCl. After the equilibrium between tin-113 and indium-
113m is reached the generator is eluted with 0.05 N HCl. Indium-113m is present in the eluate
as In(III). Production steps are described below.
Zirconium oxide chloride octahydrate is dissolved in water and heated to 50oC, 0.1N NH4OH
is added to precipitate zirconium hydroxide. The precipitate is washed out of chlorides and
dried in 120 oC for 24 hours. After drying the glassy precipitate of zirconium oxide is ground
and sieved. The fraction between 0.250 mm and 0.125 mm is used for production of the
generator columns.
Target dissolving
After opening the container and cutting off the quartz capsule the irradiated target is dissolved
in concentrated hydrochloric acid. Tin dissolves completely within 24 hours, the process can
be faster when the solution is heated.
React potassium permanganate with hydrochloric acid in the glass reactor. Collect produced
chloride into the water trap and cool the solution below 8oC to get saturated chloride solution.
Yellow crystals of Cl2×8H2O are formed. Filter the solution and separate the crystals.
Oxidation of tin
Absorption of tin-113 on the zirconium oxide is the most efficient when it is oxidized to tin
(IV), SnCl4. To the solution with dissolved target the Cl2×8H2O dissolved in 50 mL of water
is added. The volume of the solution is adjusted with water to obtain final concentration 0.4 N
A portion of 0.1 mL is taken for radionuclidic purity control and of 1 mL for radioactive
concentration test. Portions containing required activity of 113Sn are dispensed onto the
generator columns. Then generator column is washed with 100 mL of 0.05 N HCl. Final
mounting of the generator elements is made.
Elution yield of 113mIn should not be less than 75% of the nominal activity (with respect to
Sn parent — daughter decay scheme). Nominal activity of the generator is 4–8 GBq. Over
90% of indium-113m activity is collected in the first 10 mL of eluent.
Radionuclidic purity
Other nuclides present next to tin-113 in the irradiated target: 117mSn (T1/2 =13.6d), 119m
(T1/2 = 293.1d), 121Sn (T1/2 =27.06h), 123mSn (T1/2 =40m), 125gSn (T1/2 =9.64d).
The radinuclidic purity of the eluate of 113mInCl3 from isotope generator 113Sn/113mIn is
controlled by gamma-spectrometry with use of Ge(Li) detector (20cm3 FWHM = 4.0 keV for
1332 keV of 60Co). The activities of characteristic lines corresponding to each isotope are
190 keV for 114mIn
391 keV for 113Sn
427.87 keV for 125Sb
and related to the total activity of 113mIn in the sample. The limit for the total activity of
radionuclidic impurities measured in the eluate is 0.1%, related to indium-113m.
Chemical purity
Eluates are controlled for chemical contamination by DC spectrography. The limits for
the impurities are:
Zr,As,Pb,Cr,Ni,Fe <5 µg/mL
Ag <10 µg/mL
Zinc can be present in the eluate.
Radiochemical purity
In the environment of 0.05N HCl used as an eluent for the generator, indium chloride InCl3 is
completely dissociated and no other electrovalence states of indium than In3+ are present in
the solution.
The generator can be used over the period of 6 months and it is stable from the chemical point
of view. No changes in the performance of the generator have been observed over that period.
Indium-113m was popular in eighties and seventies as a diagnostic agent, used for labelling of
kits such as DTPA, Phytate, colloid etc. It’s production is much cheaper than indium-111 and
therefore 113mIn still can be used as a model radionuclide in research studies. Because of its
short half-life and gamma-radiation, indium-113m is presently used as a tracer in various
technical experimental studies.
Product characteristics
Tests Specifications
Low radiactive concentration liquid waste is produced when generator column is being
washed after tin-113 deposition.
Preparation and cleanup of the facility and preparation for processing of next production
– Preparation of zirconium oxide and tin oxidation agent is performed in a laboratory fume-
– Dissolving of target, oxidation to tin(IV) and dispensing of the dissolved tin-113 on the
generator columns is performed in the destined cells of a hot cell. Therefore there aren’t
any special requirements for cleanup of the facility. Glass vials for final product
dispensing are washed and heated in 250oC prior to use and closures are washed and
Tin-117m (117mSn50)
Irradiation parameters, specific activity and total yield at EOI
KNAPP, F.F., JR., Tin-117m Radiopharmaceuticals: Effects of Structural Modifications on
the Adrenal Uptake of Steroids Labeled in the Sidechain with Sn (Proc. International
Symposium on Medical Radionuclide Imaging, Heidelberg, 1980), I, International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA-SM-247/89), Vienna (1981).
Neutron Inelastic Scattering for Radiosiotope Production, Appl. Radit. Isot., 48 (1997) 441–
OSTER, Z.H., SOM, P., SRIVASTAVA, S.C., FAIRCHILD, et al., The Development and In
Vivo Behaviour of Tin Containing Radiopharmaceuticals, II. Autoradiographic and
Scintigraphic Studies in Normal Animals and in Animal Models of Bone Disease, Int. J.
Nucl. Med. Biol., 12 (1985) 175–184.
SRIVASTAVA, S.C., MEINKEN, G.E., RICHARDS, P., et al., The Development and In
Vivo Behaviour of Tin Containing Radiopharmaceuticals, I. Chemistry, Preparation, and
Biodistribution in Small Animals, Int. J. Nucl. Med. Biol., 12 (1985) 167–174.
WOO, D.V., KNAPP, F.F., JR., BUTLER, T.A., CALLAHAN, A.P., An Efficient Micro-
scale preparation of Tin-117m Tin Tetrachloride — A pivotal Intermediate for the Synthesis
of Tin-117m-Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals (Proc., 2nd International Symposium on
Radiopharmaceuticals, Seattle, Washington, 1979) Society of Nuclear medicine, New York,
(1979) 147–154.
Tungsten-188 (188W74)
Half-life : 69.4 d
Production scheme : W (n,J) 187W (n,J) 188W
The use of tungsten-186 with enrichment greater than 96% will provide the highest purity
tungsten-188 via the double neutron process.
Iridium-192 and osmium-191 are two radionuclide impurities which are formed during
reactor irradiation of tungsten-186 (Figure 1) and are thus always present in reactor-produced
tungsten-188. Both of these impurities can be subsequently removed, however, when the
rhenium-188 daughter is obtained by generator elution and subsequent sequential post elution
passage through an alumina SepPak, to remove any possible tungsten-188 breakthrough
(Callahan, et al., 1989), and then the cation/anion tandem concentration system (Knapp, et al.,
1998; Guhlke, et al., 1997).
As an example, 97.5% enriched W-186 is available from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(ORNL) Isotope Production and Distribution Program (IPDP).
FIG. 2. Predicted specific activity values for tungsten-188 produced at various thermal
neutron flux values.
Chemical processing procedure
The chemical processing procedures are summarized in Figure 3. Processing of the granular
tungsten metal and tungsten oxide targets involves dissolution in sodium hydroxide solution
containing hydrogen peroxide solution to form sodium tungstate.
If any aluminum from the irradiation vessel or from shims used in the target holder is
dissolved during the target processing, low levels of colbalt-60 can also be introduced into the
tungsten-188 product by this route. It is recommended that silicon wool or some other inert
material be used if shims are required for loading the quartz tube containing the target
material into the aluminum capsule. Any aluminum which may have been introduced can be
removed by acidification to <pH 8 followed by filtration or centrifugation.
At high neutron flux such as in the ORNL HFIR, an unidentified black solid is also usually
formed which is difficult to solubilize in base, and even under oxidizing conditions with
hydrogen peroxide and potassium hypochlorite (Knapp, et al., 1994). Processing of metal
powder targets involves the oxidation and dissolution in base. In contrast, the pressed targets
are efficiently processed by oxidation in an air stream at high temperature (>750 oC). The
green-colored tungsten oxide which is formed is then dissolved in sodium hydroxide to form
sodium tungstate (Mirzadeh, et al., 1998).
CALLAHAN, A.P., RICE, D.E., KNAPP, F.F., JR. “Rhenium-188 for Therapeutic
Applications from an Alumina-Based W-188/Re-188 Radionuclide Generator System”,
NucCompact, 20 (1989) 3–6.
DADACHOVA, E. "Tungsten-188/Rhenium-188 Generator for Biomedical Applications,"
Radiochim. Acta, 65, 39–46 (1994).
"Processing of Reactor-Produced Tungsten-188 for Fabrication of Clinical Scale Alumina-
Based Tungsten-188/Rhenium-188 Generators," Appl. Rad. and Isot., 45 (1994) 1123–1128.
KNAPP, F.F., JR., MIRZADEH, S., BEETS, A.L., Reactor Production and Processing of
Therapeutic Radioisotopes for Applications in Nuclear Medicine,” J. Radioanalyt. Nucl.
Chem. Lett., 205 (1996) 93–100.
PALMEDO, H., BIERSACK, H.-J., “Development of the Alumina-Based Tungsten-
188/Rhenium-188 Generator and Use of Rhenium-188-Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals for
Cancer Treatment,” Anticancer Research, 17 (1997) 1783–1796.
KNAPP, F.F., JR., BEETS, A.L., MIRZADEH, S., GUHLKE, S., “Use of a New Tandem
Cation/Anion Exchange System with Clinical-Scale Generators Provides High Specific
Volume Solutions of Technetium-99m and Rhenium-188,” (Proc. International Trends in
Radiopharmaceuticals for Diagnosis and Therapy) IAEA TECDOC-1029, (1998) 419–425.
KNAPP, F.F., JR., “Radionuclide Generators in Nuclear Medicine: Present Status and Future
Perspectives,” Proceedings, International Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals for Diagnosis and
Therapy, IAEA TECDOC-1029 (1998) 485–495.
“Production of Medical Radioisotopes in the ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) for
Cancer Treatment and Arterial Restenosis Therapy after PTCA” (Proc. 13th Radiochemical
Conference, Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic, 1998).
KNAPP, F.F., JR., “Use of Rhenium-188 for Cancer Treatment,” Cancer Biotherapy and
Radiopharm., 13 (1998) 337–342.
“Therapeutic Applications of Rhenium-188 — A readily Available Generator-Derived
Radioisotope” (Proc. International Seminar on Therapeutic Applications of
Radiopharmaceuticals, IAEA-SR-209, Hyderabad, 1999).
MIRZADEH, S., KNAPP, F.F., JR., CALLAHAN, A.P., “Production of Tungsten-188 and
Osmium-194 in a Nuclear Reactor for New Clinical Applications” (Proc. International
Conference on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Sciences, Julich, 1991), Nuclear Data for
Science and Technology, (Qaim, S., Ed.); Spring Verlag, (1992) 619–620.
MIRZADEH, S., BEETS, A.L., KNAPP, F.F., JR., “HFIR-Produced Radioisotopes of
Current Medical Interest” (Proc. Sixth Workshop on Targetry and Chemistry, Vancouver,
B.C., Canada, 1995, Link, J. M., Ruth, T.J., Eds.) (1996) 129-131.
MIRZADEH, S., KNAPP, F.F. JR, LAMBRECHT, R.M., “Burn-up Cross-section of
Tungsten-188,” Radiochemica Acta, 77 (1997) 99–102.
MIRZADEH, S., DU, M., BEETS, A. L. AND KNAPP, F.F., JR., “Thermochromatographic
Separation of Medical Radioisotopes,” Industrial and Engineering Research (Proc. ACS
Symposium on Nuclear Separation for the Radiopharmacy, National Meeting, Boston, 1998).
MUSTAQ, A. “Recovery of Enriched 186W from Spent 188W/188Re generators,” Appl. Radiat.
Isot., 47 (1996) 727–729.
Ytterbium-169 (169Yb70)
Half-life : 32.026 d
Production scheme : Yb (n,J) 169Yb
Type of decay and energy : J (MeV)
0.0631 (44.2%)
0.0936 (2.61%)
0.1097 (17.47%)
0.1181 (1.87%)
0.1305 (11.31%)
0.1772 (22.16%)
0.1979 (35.8%)
0.2610 (1.71%)
0.3077 (10.05%)
Decay product : Tm
Target specification
1. Target purity : Ytterbium-oxide, analytical grade
2. Enrichment factor : Yb enriched up to 17.1%
3. Impurity details:
Possible chemical impurities:
Gd: 0.19%, Lu: 0.05%, Er: 0.07%, Sm: 0.05%, Ho: 0.04%,
others such as K, Na, Ca, Mg, Si, Fe, Al, Cr, Ni, Cu, Mn, Pb, Sn altogether <0.1%.
Cross-section value of 2300 barn is known in case of thermal neutrons. As natural ytterbium
target contains 168Yb nuclide in 0.13% only, the use of enriched ytterbium target is necessary
in order to attain proper specific activity. On the other hand, even the enriched target may
contain 174Yb and 176Yb stable isotopes in considerable extent. Since cross-section data for
these nuclides are 69 barn and 2.85 barn, the corresponding (n,J) reactions lead to the
presence of 175Yb and 177Yb impurities, respectively. The half-life of these radionuclides
formed are 101 hours and 1.9 hours, so they can be let to decay to an acceptable level by
The 169Yb radionuclides can capture further neutrons with a cross-section of 3600 barn,
Yb (n,J) 170Yb (stable)
which decreases the 169Yb yield by forming stable ytterbium isotope in nuclear reaction. This
consecutive reactions should be taken into consideration when specific activities are
Yb + 175Yb + 177Yb
cooling for at least 10 days to decay radionuclidic impurities
opening capsule,
dissolving the target in HCl, evaporation, making solution
Yb-ytterbium chloride bulk solution
dilution with Ca-EDTA solution,
dispensing, sterilization
Yb-EDTA injection.
Nuclear research reactors with a neutron flux of 3 × 1013 — 2 × 1014 n/cm2/s can be used.
Even higher fluxes can be used if available.Water cooling of the target within the irradiation
channel, during the whole irradiation, can be advised.
Capsule details
A quartz vial with ground quartz stopper is used. Dimensions: diameter 14 mm, height:40mm.
The proper amount of the enriched ytterbium-oxide is dissolved in 2 M nitric acid at elevated
temperature. The solution is carefully evaporated to dryness. The rest is dissolved in distilled
water and an ytterbium concentration of 4 mg/mL is adjusted. 0.25 mL of this solution is
poured into the quartz irradiation vial and evaporated to dryness in vacuum.
The quartz vial is closed with its ground quartz stopper. The stopper is firmed to the vial with
aluminium wire.
Preparation of target for encapsulation and irradiation parameters
The stoppered quartz vial is encapsulated into an aluminium container possessing diameter of
30 mm, height of 110 mm. The container is closed by welding. A lifting head, for handling
the container in the irradiation channel supplied with a screw is fixed on the top of the
container. Fluxes up to 2 × 1014 n/cm2/s or even higher can be used.
100–288 hours irradiation can be performed. Irradiation on higher fluxes makes possible the
decrease of the irradiation time.
After irradiation, a cooling period of at least 30 days is required so that the 177Yb content
should completely decay and the 175Yb content should decay to an acceptable level.
2. Nitric acid. Assay: 64–66% which corresponds to cca. 14.4 M solution. Other
impurities: chloride <5 × 10-3%, sulphate <1 × 10-3%, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn <5 ×
10-4%. (Fluka).
Impurities: sulphate <5 × 10-4%, Fe, Zn <5 × 10-5%,
As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb <5 × 10-6% (Fluka).
Preparation of 169Yb-EDTA is performed by diluting the bulk solution with the mixture of 5%
Ca-EDTA and 95% NaCl solutions to the proper radioactive concentration. The final solution
is filtered on G4 filter.
The final 169Yb-EDTA solution is dispensed into vials by pipetting, the vials are closed with
rubber stoppers and aluminium caps. Vials are autoclaved for 30 minutes at a temperature of
120 oC for sterilization.
A vial containing 5–10 MBq I-125 sample is measured. Main gamma-peak of 169Yb are: 63.1
keV, 109.7 keV, 130.5 keV, 177.2 keV, 197.9 keV and 307.7 keV.
Impurity limits: not more than 0,4% of 175Yb (gamma of 283 keV and 396 keV, beta: 70 keV,
470 keV).
The examined sample (volume 5–15 µl) is dropped onto a chromatographic paper stripe, type
Whatman No.3, dimensions of 40 × 3 cm. The chromatogram is developed in the following
eluent mixture:
Developing time. 5 hours. Front distance: 20–22 cm.
Rf values: product, Yb-EDTA : Rf = 0.7–0.9
impurity: Yb-chloride : Rf = 0.0
Product can be accepted if the 169Yb-content is higher than 98% even on the expiry date.
8. Special comments of waste generated
Wastes should be collected and left for decay. No special prescriptions are given, the
normal radioactive waste treatment procedures described for isotope laboratories should
be applied.
9. Preparation and clean up of the facility for next production.
In case of careful operation low level contamination is expected. The glasses can be
washed and rinsed in distilled water. Radioactive wastes should be collected and let to
stay on a properly protected place to decay. New glasses should be used for each
ALAZRAKI, N.P., HALPERN, S.E., ASHBURN, W.L., J. Nucl. Med. 14 (1973) 226.
DOGE, H., JOHANSEN, B.A., J. Nucl. Med. 18 (1977) 1202.
FIRESTONE, R.B., Table of Isotopes, CD ROM Edition (SHIRLEY, V.S., CHU S.Y., Eds.),
Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, US Department of Energy, Version 1.0 (1996).
GRYCHOWSKY, P.I., MIKULSKI, J., PETRINA, T., Obtaining and separation of 169Yb for
nuclear medicine, Radiochem. Radioanal. Letters 40(6) (1979) 373.
HETHERINGTON, E.L.R., WOOD, N.R., Production of 169Yb radiography sources in a high
flux reactor, AAEC/E, Australia 306 (1974) 22.
Yttrium-90 (90Y39)
Production process
Yttrium-90 is an important pure beta-emitting radioisotope of interest for therapeutic
applications in medicine as a result of the emission of a beta particle with a high maximal
energy of 2.3 MeV. Yttrium-90 is formed by decay of fission-produced strontium-90 and is
normally batch extracted from an inventory of the long-lived strontium-90 parent. In addition,
several strontium-90/yttrium-90 generators have been described, such as the chromatographic
system using Dowex 50 cation exchange system eluted with 0.003M ethylenediammine-
tetraacetic acid (EDTA) for routine in-house use (Chinol, et al., 1987). The procedure
described in this report is the process which was developed at ORNL, involving batch
extraction of yttrium-90 from fission-produced strontium-90 using di-(2-eththylhexyl)
phosphoric acid (HDEHP) extraction method.
Although batch-extracted yttrium-90 is available from several sources, the principal source in
recent years has been the U.S. Department of Energy facilities in the U.S., initially at the Oak
Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (Wike, et al., 1990), and more
recently from about 1991 to 1998, from the Pacific Norwest National Laboratory (PNNL), in
Hanford, Washington. Since 1998, the technology from PNNL was privatized by an
agreement with NEN Life Sciences, in North Billerica, Massachusetts, and yttrium-90 is now
commercially available from this source.
Chemical processing procedure
The processing procedure (Figure 1) described here is summarized from the procedure which
had been used at ORNL for many years which was described by Wike, et al. (1990).
1. The HDEHP-dodecane stock reagent is prepared for use by first stripping three times with
equal volumes of 6 M HCl to reduce trace elements and then washing with 0.1 M HCl to
reduce the acid content. Filtration through Whatman No. 1 filter paper is necessary to
remove suspended water droplets from the HDEHP-dodecane phase.
2. Strontium-90 cows up to 20 Ci* of 90SrCl2 are diluted to 50 mL with 0.1 M HCl. New
glassware, which has been acid washed, is required for each step in the separation
3. The 90Sr cow is transferred to a 125-mL separatory funnel that contains 25 mL of 1.0 M
HDEHP in dodecane. The phases are mixed by agitation for 5 minutes and allowed to
4. The aqueous phase cow is drained into a 140-mL beaker and the 90Y-rich organic phase is
washed four times with 25 mL of 0.1 M HCl to strip the residual 90Sr. The first 25-mL
wash is added to the cow to recover 90Sr. Approximately 95% of the 90Y is back-extracted
from the organic phase by shaking it with two 25-mL vol of 6 M HCl for 5 minutes each.
5. The 6 M HCl is evaporated to moist dryness, cooled, and transferred to a second 125-mL
funnel with 25 mL of 1.0 M HDEHP-dodecane followed by a 50-mL rinse with 0.1 M
6. A second 5-minute extraction is made, followed by four 0.1 M HCl washes that are
discharged to waste.
7. The 90Y is stripped with two 5-minute contacts with 30 mL each of 9 M HCl. The strip
solutions are combined and mixed in preparation for trace-element removal by ion-
exchange chromatography.
8. AG-1X8 (50-100 mesh) anion-exchange resin in the hydrogen form is placed in a 0.7-cm-
dia glass column to a depth of 12 cm. The column is alternately washed with 50 mL of 9
M HCl and 0.1 M HCl.
9. The 90Y-rich 9 M HCl strip solution is then passed through the anion-exchange resin at the
rate of 2 mL/minute. Finally, the column is washed with 5 mL of 9 M HCl to clean out
any residual 90Y solution.
10. The column effluent, which contains the 90Y, is again evaporated to moist dryness to
prepare for cation-exchange chromatography to remove phosphates and traces of organic
residue remaining after the previous treatment in the anion-exchange column.
11. The cation-exchange column is prepared by placing AG-50X8 (50–100 mesh) cation-
exchange resin in a 0.7-cm-dia glass column to a depth of 5 cm. The resin is conditioned
successively with 50 mL of 6 M HCl and 50 mL of 0.1 M HCl. The 90Y product from the
anion-exchange step is dissolved and transferred to the column with 50 mL of 0.1 M HCl.
The column flow rate is set at 2 mL/min. The 90Y adsorbed near the top of the resin is
removed from the column with 60 mL HCl, and the resulting solution is evaporated to
near dryness.
12. The yttrium product is then diluted to the desired volume and normality. The 90Sr cow
must be prepared for the subsequent separation by oxidizing soluble organic phosphates
with 5 mL of aqua regia. The residue is redissolved in 50 mL of 0.1 M HCl and stored for
the next separation.
13. Quality control and analytical procedures must be conducted rapidly and efficiently
because of the short half-life of 90Y. In addition, the 90Sr level must be accurately
determined because of the possible therapeutic application in humans. The intense E
radiation from the 90Y product solution must be reduced (by coprecipitation of the 90Y on
iron hydroxide) so that radiochemical analyses for the 90Sr in the 90Y product can be
performed in a laboratory hood. Most of the 90Y is precipitated with the iron when made
basic with NH4OH. Samples are prepared for 90Sr analyses by pipeting 1 mL of a 1000-
fold dilution into a beaker containing 10 mL of distilled water, 10 mg of Fe3+, and 25 mg
of standardized natural strontium carrier. Then the filtrate is analysed for 90Sr by routine
radiochemical methods (Krieger, 1980) following the removal of the 90Y.
FIG. 1. Processing scheme for obtaining carrier-free yttrium-90 from the strontium-90 stock
solution by solvent extraction.
Dispensing, assay and quality control
As indicated earlier, high purity water, reagents and equipment must be used which are free of
metallic impurities, especially iron. The yttrium-90 is carrier-free, and is usually dispensed as
the chloride in dilute (0.05–0.1) HCl solution.
CHINOL, M., HNATOWICH, D.J., “Generator-produced Yttrium-90 for Radioimmuno-
therapy”, J. Nucl. Med., 28 (1987) 1465–1470.
WIKE, J.S., GUYER, C.E., RAMEY, D.W., PHILLIPS, B.P., “Chemistry for Commercial
Scale Production of Yttrium-90 for Medical Research”, Appl. Radiat. Isot., 41 (1990) 861–
Xenon-133 (133Xe54)
Production scheme : U (n,J) 133Xe
Production process
Xenon-133 is formed according to 235U (n,f) reaction among the other fission products when
uranium-235 contained targets are irradiated by thermal neutrons. Xenon-133 is a gas. Then it
is purified from iodine radioactive isotopes and other volatile elements. Fission fragments
yield is 6.7%. The isotope activity per 1 g uranium-235 is ~370–445 GBq (10–12 Ci) (after
six days in irradiation and one day storage).
Target manufacturing
Reactor irradiation
Target dissolution
Radiopharmaceutical production
quantity per 1 target is 4.2 g. Uranium-235 of 90% enrichment produced in the Russian
Federation is used.
The main requirement to the target is the uranium uniform distribution in the target
composition, tightness, and heat removal possibility during the irradiation.
The irradiation is performed in a water cooling channel. Isotope Xe-133 carrier free is formed
during the irradiation process. (specific activity is 1.4 PBq (3.8 × 104 Ci)/g. Xenon- 133 yield
per 1 target is 1.6–1.8 TBq (45–50 Ci).
The pressure drop between the operator's and working premises must not be less than 20 mm
of water column in case of the “hot” cell and protective box.
Taking into account the physical state (gas) all the process equipment and process lines have
to ensure the tightness.
The reagents — activate carbon, ethyl alcohol, distilled water, acetone — are of the best
marks (X4, RGA), and the input control confirms their correspondence to the given
Chemical processing procedure
After the irradiation the ampoule is transported from the reactor facility to the “hot”
laboratory building. The ampoule is cut to pieces of 400 mm in the “hot” cell, and these
pieces are dissolved in nitric acid (8M).
During the cutting and dissolution the exhaust goes through aerosol and radioactive iodine
trapping system (two scrubbers with 4M alkali + silica gel columns) and is collected in a tank
of 50 liters volume. Then it is sorbed on carbon column by cryogen method.
The sorption column is transported to a heavy box where it is connected to the gas collector
with the help of the reentrant line. A heater is put inside the sorption column, and the column
heating is turned on.
The heating is controlled with the help of a thermocouple put into the sorption column, and
also — by water coming into a receiving tank of the gas collector according to the measuring
When the gas collector is filled 90%, the heating is turned off. The gas sample is taken to an
evacuated vial through the pre-packing device transferring line.
If the gas concentration activity is a satisfactory one, the gas from the gas collector is
transferred by accurately measured portions to the pre-packing box through the transfer line.
The pre-packing device electromagnetic valves control the solution volume being transferred.
In the xenon pre-packing device the gas is transferred to an evacuated vial through the valve
system and the needle.
The vial is put into KT-1-5 transport container and sent for the activity measurement.
Auxiliary equipment:
– set of standard spectrometric gamma-sources;
– reference volumetric radiation source containing radionuclide Ba-133 which is calibrated
with an error of ±5%;
– the detector lead shield of 5Onim thickness;
– KT-5 lead container with a collimator on the bottom.
The same equipment is used to measure the radionuclide impurities simultaneously with the
sample activity measurement. The radionuclide impurity detection sensitivity is not less than
0.05% of the basic isotope activity.
The product quality control also includes:
– visual inspection (transparent, colourless gas);
– capsule or vial scaling control.
This operation is carried out by the method of xenon-133 activity measurement repeated in 12
hours. The vial is considered sealed if a result of the xenon activity repeated measurement
differs from the first measurement result within the confident boundaries of the measurement
result total error taking into account a correction for radionuclide xenon-133 decay.
The ampoule or vial surface contamination level is determined by taking a smear and by
measuring its activity.
The 133Xe production technology provides its regular (weekly) production and stable quality
parameters. This preparation is supplied to radiopharmaceutical companies for
radiopharmaceuticals production.
De Villiers, W. van Z. South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Ltd., South Africa
Knapp, F.F., Jr. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States of America
Mirzadeh, S. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States of America