The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the
publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and
institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.
The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does
not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement
or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.
INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 1
1. GENERAL INFORMATION........................................................................................... 3
References to Introduction And Section 1........................................................................ 8
2. NUCLEAR FUEL........................................................................................................... 11
2.1. General performance of fissile materials and nuclear fuel ................................ 11
2.2. Metallic fuel....................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1. Uranium................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2. Plutonium ................................................................................................ 18
2.2.3. Thorium................................................................................................... 21
2.3. Ceramic fuel ...................................................................................................... 24
2.3.1. Uranium dioxide...................................................................................... 24
2.3.2. Plutonium dioxide ................................................................................... 34
2.3.3. Mixed oxide fuel MOX — (U, Pu)O2 ..................................................... 36
2.3.4. Uranium mononitride .............................................................................. 38
2.3.5. Uranium carbide...................................................................................... 44
References to Section 2................................................................................................... 49
3. COOLANTS.................................................................................................................... 56
3.1. Gases.................................................................................................................. 56
3.1.1. Air ........................................................................................................... 56
3.1.2. Helium..................................................................................................... 56
3.2. Water (H2O)....................................................................................................... 59
3.3. Heavy water (D2O) ............................................................................................ 70
3.4. Liquid metals ..................................................................................................... 81
3.4.1. Basic thermophysical properties (Li, Na, K, Cs, Hg, Pb, Bi, Ga, In,
alloys NaK, NaKCs, PbBi, PbLi ............................................................. 81
3.4.2. Approxcimate correlations and comments to tables on
thermophysical properties (Li, Na, K, Cs, Hg, Pb, Bi, Ga, In,
alloys NaK, NaKCs, PbBi, PbLi)............................................................ 81
3.4.3. Tables of thermophysical properties ....................................................... 92
3.4.4. Thermophysical properties of vapours of some metals
(Li, Na, K, Cs)....................................................................................... 116
References to Section 3................................................................................................. 118
4. MODERATORS........................................................................................................... 121
4.1. Basic properties of moderators ........................................................................ 121
4.2. Graphite (carbon)............................................................................................. 124
4.3. Beryllium ......................................................................................................... 130
4.3.1. Properties of solid beryllium depending on temperature ...................... 131
4.3.2. Properties of liquid beryllium depending on temperature..................... 134
4.4. Beryllium oxide ............................................................................................... 135
References to Section 4................................................................................................. 140
5. ABSORBING MATERIALS ....................................................................................... 142
5.1. Materials of control rods.................................................................................. 142
5.1.1. Boron (natural) ...................................................................................... 142
5.1.2. AgInCd alloy ......................................................................................... 145
5.1.3. Hafnium................................................................................................. 145
5.2. Burnable absorbers .......................................................................................... 145
References to Section 5................................................................................................. 147
APPENDIX 3 General plant data of fast reactors cooled by liquid metal…..…….... 183
Vapours in Ref. [11]. The properties of light water are based on the tables in Refs [12, 13], the
properties of heavy water on Hill’s tables [14], which were provided to SSC RF-IPPE by
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd (AECL) under the agreement for mutual scientific and
technical cooperation. It was considered unreasonable to include in the tutorial the
thermophysical data of high temperature organic coolants, molten salts and other advanced
coolants, which have not yet found application in nuclear engineering, in spite of continuing
Section 4 outlines the characteristics of basic moderators such as graphite, beryllium, and
beryllium oxide.
Section 5 is devoted to the properties of neutron absorbers, which are used in control devices
and burnable absorbers (boron, boron carbide, AgInCd alloy).
In Section 6, properties of structural materials including metals, a number of traditional alloys
and steels used in the power industry and nuclear power engineering are addressed.
In the first appendix to the tutorial, the table on conversion factors of some units is presented.
In the next three appendixes, the general data plant of main reactor types (WWER, fast,
graphite) are given based on monographs [15, 18, 19] and IAEA reports [16, 17].
Property Value
Speed of light in vacuum c = 2.998 × 108 m/s
Gravity constant G = 6.672 × 10−11 N⋅m2/kg2
Plank constant H = 6.626 × 10−34 J⋅s
h/2π = 1.055 × 10−34 J⋅s
Avogadro constant NA = 6.022 × 1023 mol−1
Faraday constant F = 96485 C/mol
Universal gas constant R = 8.314 J/(mol⋅K)
Boltzmann constant k = R/NA=1.3807 × 10−23 J/K
Stefan-Boltzmann constant σo = 5.670 × 10−8 W/(m2⋅K 4)
First constant of radiation C1 = 2hc2 = 3.742 × 10−16 W⋅m2
Second constant of radiation C2 = hc/k = 0.01439 m⋅K
Wien constant C3 = λmax⋅T = 2.8978 × 10−3 m⋅K
Solar constant S = 1325 W/m2
Acceleration of gravity (standard) go = 9.8066 m/s2
Proton mass mp = 1.503302 × 10−10 J = 1.672623 × 10−27 kg
Neutron mass mn = 1.505374 × 10−10 J = 1.674928 × 10−27 kg
Electron mass me = 8.187241 × 10−14 J = 9.109 × 10−31 kg
Electron charge 1.602 × 10−19 C
Ratio mp/me 1836.153
Electron-volt 1eV = 1.602 × 10−19 J
FIG. 1.2. Thermal conductivity of various materials at 0.1 Mpa.
The data on U, UC2, UO2 are in Refs [1, 20], on Th and other metals in Refs [21, 22], on
steels and industrial materials in Refs [23–25], on gases and liquids at saturation line in
Ref. [26].
TEMPERATURES [21, 22, 27]
Thermal Thermal Thermal Thermal Thermal
Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp.
conductivity conductivity conductivity conductivity conductivity
W/(m⋅K) W/(m⋅K) W/(m⋅K) W/(m⋅K) W/(m⋅K)
300 237 300 80.2 300 401 300 71.6 300 21.9
400 240 400 69.5 400 393 400 71.8 400 20.4
500 236 500 61.3 500 386 600 73.2 600 19.4
600 236 600 54.7 600 379 800 75.6 800 19.7
700 225 800 43.3 800 366 1000 78.7 1000 20.7
800 218 1000 32.8 1000 352 1200 82.6 1200 22.0
933.5 208 1400 31.2 1200 339 1400 87.1 1400 23.6
1500 32.1 1600 91.9 1600 25.3
2000 99.4 1900 27.9
300 200 300 138
PLUTONIUM (Pu) [21] THORIUM (Th) [21]
400 161 300 317 400 134
500 139 400 311 600 126 300 5.2 300 35.6
600 126 600 298 800 118 400 5.8 400 33.3
800 106 800 284 1000 112 450 6.1 500 31.0
1000 91 1000 270 1200 105 500 6.4 600 28.6
1200 79 1200 255 1500 98 550 6.6 800 24.0
1400 69 1800 93 600 7.0 1000 19.3
2000 90 700 7.6 1200 14.4
300 96.8 2200 88 800 8.2 1500 7.5
300 30.7 400 94.7 900 8.8
400 31.3 500 92.0 1000 9.3
600 33.3 594.3 88.0 273 142 300 22.6
800 35.7 300 141 400 24.9
1000 38.2 350 139 300 35.3 600 29.5
1200 40.8 273 104 371.0 132 350 34.7 800 34.1
1400 43.4 300 102 400 34.0 1000 38.7
1600 45.9 336.8 98.5 500 32.8 1200 43.3
1800 48.4 300 90.7 600.7 31.4 1400 47.9
2000 50.9 400 80.2 CHROMIUM (Cr)
300 71.6 500 72.2 300 93.7
400 98.2 600 62.7 300 429 400 90.9
300 7.9 500 111 800 67.6 400 425 500 86.0
350 7.4 600 119 1000 71.8 600 412 600 80.7
400 7.0 800 126 1200 76.2 800 396 800 75.6
500 6.6 1000 114 1400 80.4 1000 379 1000 65.4
544.6 6.5 1200 92 1500 82.6 1200 361 1200 61.9
1500 43.7 1400 58.8
- - 1600 55.6
300 174 400 51.7 300 24.3
400 159 600 55.2 400 16.5
600 137 273 85.9 800 58.4 500 16.4 300 116
800 125 300 84.7 1000 61.2 600 17.2 400 111
1000 118 350 82.8 1200 63.6 700 18.4 500 107
1200 113 400 80.4 1400 65.4 800 20 600 103
1500 107 453.7 77.2 1600 66.8 900 24 692.7 99.3
2000 100 1800 68.0
2500 95 2000 68.9
3000 91 300 156 2200 69.8 300 57.5 300 21.2
400 153 600 58.6 400 19.6
TIN (Sn)
500 151 800 59.4 600 19.0
600 149 300 66.6 1000 60.2 800 19.9
300 23.0 800 146 400 62.2 1400 61.8 1000 21.5
400 22.3 923.2 145 505.1 59.5 1800 63.4 1200 23.5
600 21.3 - - 2000 64.1 1400 25.9
800 20.8 - - 2400 65.4 1600 28.5
1000 20.7 300 7.8 - - 2800 66.4 1800 31.5
1400 21.1 700 11 - - 3200 66.6 - -
1600 21.5 800 12 - - - - - -
1900 22.3 900 13 - - - - - -
- - 1000 14 - - - - - -
Gas (Vapour) °C
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000
0.1 23.9 30.9 37.2 43.0 48.4 53.5 58.4 68.6 79.6
Nitrogen (N2) 20.0 34.0 39.4 43.3 48.1 52.4 56.6 61.6 70.7 81.5
50.0 61.3 54.5 54.7 56.2 59.1 62.9 66.9 74.5 84.3
Ammonia (NH3) 0.1 21.1 33.9 48.8 65.5 84.0 104 124 − −
Argon (Ar) 0.1 16.4 21.0 25.4 29.6 33.2 36.5 39.8 45.6 50.8
0.1 169 214 256 290 332 368 403 477 557
Hydrogen (H2)
50.0 210 246 282 313 345 380 413 486 567
0.1 143 174 209 242 270 297 323 372 423
Helium (He)
30.0 160 183 220 251 279 307 329 377 427
0.1 24.4 29.8 38.6 45.6 51.3 57.4 63.4 74.5 85.7
Oxygen (О2) 10.0 31.6 36.3 42.4 47.8 53.7 59.7 64.9 75.2 86.5
30.0 51.9 48.3 51.3 55.1 59.3 64.1 69.1 78.4 88.6
Krypton (Kr) 0.1 8.8 11.7 14.3 16.8 19.0 21.2 23.3 27.1 30.3
Xenon (Хе) 0.1 5.2 7.7 8.6 10.2 11.7 13.1 14.5 17.2 19.7
Carbon oxide
0.1 23.3 30.1 36.5 42.6 48.5 54.1 59.7 70.1 80.6
Sulfur dioxide
0.1 8.4 12.3 16.6 21.2 25.8 30.7 35.8 46.3 57.6
Carbon dioxide 0.1 14.7 22.2 30.2 38.5 46.1 53.3 60.0 72.7 84.6
(СО2) 5.0 − 26.2 33.0 40.7 48.0 54.9 61.3 73.6 85.4
Carbon tetra
0.1 − 8.7 11.6 14.7 17.8 21.2 24.5 − −
Chloride (CCl4)
Fluor (F2) 0.1 24.8 32.5 39.7 46.8 53.5 − − − −
Chlorine (Cl2) 0.1 7.9 11.4 14.9 18.0 20.8 − − − −
TABLE 1.4 (continued)
Heat Thermal Thermal Heat
Temperature Density
Material capacity Conductivity diffusivity permeability*
°C kg/m3
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s) W⋅s1/2/(m2⋅K)
Building and heat-insulating materials (in dry air)
Asphalt 20 2120 - 0.70 0.19 1590
Concrete 20 2200 879 1.28 0.66 1570
Wood (pine) 20 550 2700 0.16 0.10 472
Reinforced concrete 20 2200 840 1.5 0.81 1660
Red brick 20 1800 890 0.77 0.49 1100
Lime-sand brick 20 1900 840 0.81 0.51 1140
Sand 20 1500 1020 0.50 0.33 875
Cement 20 1900 1130 0.30 0.14 802
Cement mortar 20 1900 800 0.93 0.61 1190
Slag concrete 0 1500 750 0.87 0.77 990
Asbestos fiber 50 470 820 0.11 0.29 210
Asbestos cardboard 20 900 816 0.16 0.22 340
Mineral wool 50 200 920 0.046 0.25 92
Glass-wool 0 200 660 0.037 0.28 70
Slag-wool 25 200 800 0.05 0.31 89
Various materials
Bakelite 20 1270 1590 0.23 0.114 680
Paper 20 700 1200 0.12 0.14 320
Paper laminate 25 1350 1420 0.23 0.12 664
Granite 20 2750 890 2.9 1.2 2700
Graphite (natural) 20 1700 710 100 0.83 10990
Ground (compact) 20 1900 1150 1.5 0.69 1810
Coal (brown) 20 1200 1260 0.26 0.18 630
Quartz 20 2500 780 1.4 0.72 1650
Ice 0 917 2040 2.25 1.20 2050
Chalk stone 20 2000 880 0.93 0.53 1280
Paraffin 30 925 2260 0.27 0.13 750
Polyvinyl chloride 20 1380 960 0.15 0.113 445
Polystyrene 20 1050 1250 0.14 0.107 430
Polyurethane 20 1200 2090 0.32 0.128 800
Polyethylene 25 930 2500 0.28 0.12 810
White rubber 20 1100 1670 0.16−0.23 0.087−0.095 540−650
Sponge rubber 20 250 2050 0.06 0.12 17
Sulfur 20 2070 720 0.27 0.18 630
Snow (recent) 0 200 2100 0.10 0.24 648
Snow (dense) 0 350 2100 0.35 0.48 507
Window glass 20 2480 800 1.16 0.58 1520
Quartz glass 20 2210 730 1.40 0.87 1500
Lead glass 20 2890 680 0.80 0.40 1250
Laminated cloth 20 1350 1500 0.28 1.38 753
Porcelain ware 25 2200 900 1.0 0.5 1400
Cotton 30 80 1150 0.059 0.63 74
3. Kirillov P.L., Yuriev Yu.S., Bobkov V.P. Reference Book on Thermohydraulic Designs
(Nuclear Reactors, Heat exchangers, Steam generators). 2nd rev. and enl. ed. − M.:
Energoatomizdat, 1990 (Russian).
4. Kirillov P.L., Bogoslovskaya G.P. Heat and Mass Transfer in Nuclear Power
Installations. − M.: Energoatomizdat, 2000 (Russian).
5. Thermophysical Properties of Materials for Water Cooled Reactors/IAEA-TECDOC–
949. − Vienna: IAEA, 1997.
6. INSC Material Properties Database. − http://www.insc.anl.gov/matprop/
7. Physical Quantities. Reference book/A.P. Babichev, N.A. Babushkin, A.M. Bratkovsky,
et al.; Ed. by I.S. Grigoriev, E.Z. Meilikhov. − M.: Energoatomizdat, 1991 (Russian).
8. International Encyclopedia of Heat and Mass Transfer/Ed. By G.F. Hewitt, G.L. Shires
and Y.V. Polezhaev. − New York: CRC Press LLC, 1997.
9. Miakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B. Physics/10th ed. − M.: Prosveshcheniye. 1989
10. Kirillov P.L., Deniskina N.B. Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Metal Coolants
(Reference Tables and Correlations)/Review, IPPE-0291. − M.: TSNIIAtominform.
2000 (Russian).
11. Handbook of Physical Properties of Liquids and Gases/N.B. Vargaftik, V.K.
Vinogradov, V.S. Yargin, 3rd enl. and rev. ed. − N.Y.: Begell House Inc., 1996.
12. ASME Steam Tables for Industrial Use/Based on IAPWS — IF97, CRTD — vol.58.
13. Alexandrov A.A., Grigoriev B.A. Tables of Thermophysical Properties of Water and
Steam/Reference book. −М.: MEI Press, 1999 (Russian).
14. Hill P.G., MacMillan R.D., Lee V. Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of Heavy
Water in SI Tables. AECL. 1981.
15. White Book of Nuclear Power Engineering/Edited by Prof. O.E. Adamov. Minatom of
Russia. − M.: GUP NIKIET Press, 2001 (Russian).
16. Review of Design Approaches of Advanced Pressurized LWRs/IAEA-TECDOC-861.
−Vienna: IAEA, 1996.
17. Fast Reactor Database/IAEA-TECDOC-866. −Vienna: IAEA, 1996.
18. Dollezhal N.A., Emelianov I.Ya. Channel Nuclear Power Reactor. − M.: Atomizdat,
1980 (Russian).
19. Margulova T.Kh. Atomic Power Stations/3rd rev. and enl. ed. − M.: Vysshaya Shkola,
1978; 5th rev. and enl. ed. − M.: IzdAT, 1994 (Russian).
20. Benjamin M.Ma. Nuclear Reactor Materials and Applications, Van Nostrand Reihold
Co., 1983.
21. Theoretical Science of Heat Engineering. Heat Engineering Experiment/Reference book
Ed. by A.V. Klimenko, V.M. Zorin. 3rd rev. and enl. ed. −. M.: MEI Press. 2001, Book
2nd (Russian).
22. Zinoviev V.E. Thermophysical Properties of Metals at High Temperatures/Reference
edition. − M.: Metallurgiya. 1989 (Russian).
23. Smithells C.J. Metal Reference Book/Ed. by S.G. Glazunov. Translated from English
(5th ed. London: Publ. Butterworth and Co. Ltd., 1976). − M.: Metallurgiya. 1980
24. Chirkin V.S. Thermal Conductivity of Industrial Materials/2nd ed. − M.: Mashgiz. 1962
25. Thermal Conductivity of Solids/Reference book. Ed. by A.S. Okhotin. − М.:
Energoatomizdat. 1984 (Russian).
26. Vargaftik N.B. Reference Book on Thermophysical Properties of Gases and Liquids. −
M.: Nauka, 1972 (Russian).
27. Heat and Mass Transfer. Heat Engineering Experiment/Reference book. Edited by V.A.
Grigoriev, V.M. Zorin. − M.: Energoatomizdat, 1982 (Russian).
Nuclear fuel relates to materials that are capable to release energy in the course of nuclear
reactions. They are categorized into fissile materials and fertile materials providing new fuels.
Among the first class are the materials of neutron-induced fission. The unique natural material
of thermal fission is isotope 235U. Another isotope 238U is fissionable only by fast neutrons
(>1–2 MeV). Naturally occurring uranium contains 238U (99.283%) and 235U (0.711%) as well
as some other isotopes.
Two natural isotopes 238U and 232Th are fertile materials, because they produce new
fissionable materials 239Pu and 233U by absorbing neutrons. The ability of producing new fuel
is used in fast neutron reactors the so called breeder reactors [1, 2].
Thus, there are principally three fissionable isotopes important for the nuclear power
engineering: a naturally occurring isotope (235U) and two other artificial isotopes (239Pu and
U) made from 238U and 232Th by neutron capture. The characteristics of thermal neutron
fissionable isotopes are presented in Table 2.1 [3].
The energy carried away by neutrino is partially compensated by γ ray absorption at radiation
capture of fission neutrons by materials. Thus, the energy being released at one nuclear fission
is close to 200 MeV or 3.2 × 10−11 J. Total energy released at fission of 1g of the isotope 235U
is defined as:
Kind of energy energy Character of release
Kinetic energy
of fission fragments
Released practically
Kinetic energy 178
5 instantly (10−12 s)
of fission neutrons
Prompt gamma energy 6–7
Energy of β-particles at
6–8 Released gradually
decay of fission products
15 through decay chains
Energy of γ decay of of fission-products
fission products
Loss of energy, because of
Neutrino energy 10–12 no interaction between
neutrino and reactor materials
Total energy approx. 205
Owing to the properties of metallic uranium, it is of limited value as a nuclear fuel. It has
three allotropic modifications, and considerable changes in volume are observed at phase
transitions. Metallic uranium is unstable under the action of water and air. Besides,
fission products accumulate in the course of uranium radiation, which results in metal
swelling. The most reasonable types of nuclear fuel are uranium dioxide (UO2) and mixed
fuel MOX — (UO2+PuO2). These fuels have found wide applications in the nuclear power
engineering, although they have low thermal conductivity, which leads to high temperatures
and thermal stresses in fuel.
Uranium carbide (UC), uranium nitride (UN) and thorium based fuel are the advanced types
of nuclear fuel. As compared with MOX fuel, uranium carbide and mixed carbide fuel
(U, Pu)C have higher thermal conductivity, lower linear expansion coefficient and better
compatibility with coolant and fuel cladding materials [5, 6].
Naturally-occurring thorium is composed only of the isotope 232Th, which is not fissionable,
but converts to the fissionable isotope 233U at neutron capture as a result of two β decays. The
advantage of 233U consists in higher neutron yield per one capture (~2.21 as compared to 2.08
of uranium and plutonium, see Table 2.1), high thermal conductivity and low linear expansion
coefficient [4, 8]. Thorium dioxide (ThO2) and mixed fuel from ThO2 and UO2, PuO2 can be
used as fuel. The properties of ThO2 are similar to those of UO2 and PuO2. Thorium is suitable
for long-term application owing to its inventory that exceeds uranium reserves several times.
The basic properties of fissile materials and nuclear fuels are presented in Table 2.3.
Atomic or Linear
kg/m3 Heat Thermal Electrical
Materials molecular Tmelt, K expansion
on capacity conductivity resistivity
[references] mass (tmelt),°С coefficient
physical fission J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 108(Ω⋅m) *
amu 106(1/K)
Uranium 1405 155 31.2 13.9 35
238 19050 19050 (1132) (673 K) (673 K) (300 K) (298 K)
U [9, 10]
Plutonium 913 135 6.5 33.9 (298 K).
244 19840 19840
Pu [11, 12] (640) (300 K) (508 K) (400–470 K) 102
(673 K)
Thorium 2023 118 54 11.2 13–15
232 11720 11720
Th [13, 14] (1750) (298 K) (298 K) (298–473 K) (298 K)
Uranium dioxide 3120 328 9.8 7.32
270 10963 9664 (1523 K)
UO2 [9, 19] (2850) (1523 K) (300 K) (300 K)
theor. density
Plutonium dioxide 2663 344 2.2 6.7
271 11440 10100 −
PuO2[16, 17] (2390) (1523 K) (1500 K) (300 K)
6 × 10–5
Thorium dioxide 3923 266 3.2 8.9
264 10600 9315 Ω⋅m
ThO2 [18, 21] (3650) (1500 K) (1500 K) (300 K)
(300 K)
MOX fuel 3023 321 2.6 9.1
271 11070 9770 −
(U0,8Pu0,2)O2 [19] (2750) (1523 K) (1523 K) (300 K)
Fuel, 2873 365 2.35 10.5
275 10370 8560 −
(U0,95Gd0,05)O2 [20, 20а] (2600) (1500 K) (1500 K) (300 K)
Fuel 3553 317 2.1 11.0
269 10140 8930 −
(U0,8Th0,2)O2 [21] (3280) (1500 K) (1500 K) (700 K)
Uranium nitride 3123 238 20.9 7.5 146
252 14420 13619
UN [22, 23, 24] (2850) (1000 K) (1000 K) (300 K) (300 K)
Plutonium nitride 2823 239 15.0 12.5
253 14400 13603 1000
PuN [22, 25] (2550) (1000 K) (500 K) (300 K)
Uranium carbide 2793 240 23.0 10.5
250 13630 12970 250
UC [22, 26] (2520) (700 K) (700 K) (300 K)
Plutonium carbide 1923 165 16.0 28
251 13500 12870 120
PuC [21, 22] (1650) (700 K) (300 K) (300 K)
* Dimension of electrical resistivity is used for all values, except as stated particularly.
2.2.1. Uranium
Uranium is a chemical element that has atomic number 92 and atomic mass 238.03 amu and
belongs to the actinide series. Uranium is more widespread than gold, platinum, silver,
cadmium, bismuth and mercury. Uranium is heavy, silvery white metal with high density
exceeding lead density. It is malleable, ductile metal, which is softer than steel. Uranium is
weakly radioactive and slightly paramagnetic. The basic properties of uranium are given in
Table 2.4.
Uranium has three allotropic modifications (alpha, beta and gamma); their characteristics are
presented in Table 2.5 [27, 34]. The uranium crystals are characterized by strong anisotropy
along the symmetry axes of crystals.
The mechanical properties of uranium are shown in Table 2.6 [48]. The β phase of uranium is
harder and more brittle than the α phase. Uranium in the γ phase is very soft that influences its
processing technology.
Property Value
Density (ρ), kg/m 19050 [27]
Melting point, K (°С) 1405 (1132) [27]
Boiling point, K (°С) 4018–4400 (3745–4127) [44–48]
Heat of fusion (ΔНf), kJ/kg 36.6–39.1
kJ/mol 8.72–9.3 [31–33]
acc. to data from Refs [38, 46–48, 131] kJ/mol 15.5–19.6
Heat ofvapourization (ΔНvap) kJ/kg 2046
kJ/mol 487 [31]
Heat capacity, J/(kg⋅K) 116.3 at 293 K
J/(mol⋅K) 27.67 [31]
Thermal conductivity (λ), W/(m⋅K) 22.5 [27]
Linear expansion coefficient, 10–6 K–1 13.9 [46]
for single crystal [31, 44–48, 131] 21–26
Electrical resistivity (ρе), 10–8 Ω⋅m 21.8 [32]
acc. to data from Refs [37, 44–48, 131] 21–31
Emissivity 0.51 at λ = 67 nm [28]
Sound velocity, m/s 2490–3155 [44–48]
Critical constants [31, 95]
Temperature (Тc), K 11630
Pressure (Рc), MPa 611
Molar volume (Vc), dm3/mol 0.045
Density (ρc), kg/m3 5290
[27, 34]
Property Value
Brinell hardness 185
Vickers hardness 190
Tensile strength, MPa 615
Modulus of elasticity, GPa 190
Poisson ratio 0.22
Shear modulus of elasticity, GPa 86
Heat capacity of uranium in the range of 293−942 K is calculated by expression in Ref. [1]:
Thermal conductivity in the range of 293−1405 K is estimated using the correlation obtained
by averaging the data of Fig. in Ref. [27] on P.24 to an accuracy of ± 10%:
λ [W/(m⋅K)] = 22 + 0.023(T − 273) (2.4)
The properties of solid uranium evaluated by the correlations (2.2−2.5) are given in Table 2.7.
At a temperature of 1405 K uranium transfers to liquid state. The properties of liquid uranium
at melting point are shown in Table 2.8.
16 Properties of liquid uranium at 0.1 MPa
lg P (MPa ) = 4.701 - . (2.9)
The properties of liquid uranium according to the correlations (2.6–2.8) are given in Table
2.9, the radiological properties of uranium isotopes in Table 2.10 [40].
Mass Concentration
Half-life Decay energy Decay
Isotope number in natural
years keV product
amu* uranium, %
232 228
U 232.04 - 68.9 5414 Th
U 233.04 - 159.2 × 103 4909 229
U 234.09 0.0055 245.7 × 103 4859 230
U 235.04 0.711 703.8 × 106 4679 231
U 236.046 - 234.2 × 105 4572 232
U 238.05 99.283 446.8 × 107 4270 234
* On the scale 12С
2.2.2. Plutonium
Plutonium is a man-made transuranium element of the actinide series that has atomic number
94 and atomic mass 244.06 amu. Plutonium is silvery gray metal that is formed by slow
neutron bombardment of uranium as a result of radioactive neutron capture by the isotope 238U
and subsequent two-stage β decay of intermediate products. The mechanism of its formation
is the following:
92 U239
92 93Np239 94 Pu239
(n, γ) (−β) (−β)
Plutonium has six crystal modifications (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, delta-prime, epsilon);
their properties are presented in Tables 2.12 [37] and 2.13 [36, 139, 140].
Property Value
Density (ρ), kg/m3 19840 [32]
Melting point, K (°С) 913 (640) [31, 32]
Boiling point, K (°С) 3500 (3230) [33, 131]
Heat capacity, J/mol 31.2 [31, 32]
J/(kg⋅K) 130
Heat of fusion (ΔНf), kJ/mol 2.8 [31, 32]
kJ/kg 117
Heat ofvapourization (ΔНvap), kJ/mol 350 [31, 32]
kJ/kg 1464
Thermal conductivity, W/(m⋅K) 5.2*[32]
Electrical resistivity, 10–8 Ω⋅m 150 [33, 38, 131]
Sound velocity, m/s 2260 [56–59]
Critical constants: [31]
Temperature (Тc), K 10000
Pressure (Рc), MPa 324
Molar volume (Vc), dm3/mol 0.081
Density (ρc), kg/m3 2950
The range of another data on thermal conductivity of Pu is 4.2÷6.74 W/(m⋅K) according to Refs [33, 38, 56–59].
Crystal structure. Temperature of Heat of
Lattice Volumetric
Stability temperature phase phase
Phase dimensions expansion
range transition transition
nm %
K K (°C) J/mol
at 294 K
Monoclinic α→β
α-Pu b=4.8244 3365±41 8.9−9.62
at T < 395 395 (122±2)
at 463 K
Monoclinic a=9.284
β-Pu body-centered b=10.463 637±63 2.4−2.67
at 395 < T < 479 c=7.859 479 (206±3)
at 506 K
a=3.1587 γ→δ
γ-Pu face-centered 721±84 6.7−6.90
b=5.7862 592 (319±5)
at 479 < T <5 92
Face-centered, cubic δ→η
δ-Pu at 593 K a=4.6371 80±46 (−0.36)−(−0.4)
at 59 2< T < 724 724 (451±4)
at 738 K
a=4.701 η→ε
δ'-Pu tetragonal 1927±84 (−2.16)−(−3.0)
b=4.489 749 (476±5)
at 724 < T < 749
Body-centered, cubic at 763 K ε→melt
ε-Pu 2933±251 (−0.1)−(0.82)
at 749 < T < 913 a=3.6361 >913 (639.4)
Internal heat generation owing to fission of the Pu239 nuclei is equal to (1.923±0.019) × 10–3
W/g. The mechanical properties of plutonium at 298 K are presented in Table 2.14 [30]. They
essentially depend on temperature varying from high strength and brittleness for α phase to
low strength and high ductility for δ phase at 593–723 K. Owing to great changes in volume
combined with anisotropy of most crystal phases, there occur internal stresses and defects,
which influence on elastic and plastic properties of plutonium.
a) b)
FIG. 2.1. Changes of density (a) [10a] and heat capacity (b) [29] of different plutonium
phases depending on temperature.
Property Value
Brinell hardness 242
Vickers hardness 250
Tensile strength, MPa 400
Modulus of elasticity, GPa 96.5
Compression strength, MPa 830
Poisson ratio 0.15–0.21
Shear modulus of elasticity, GPa 45
Heat capacity [138] Cp (J/kg⋅K) = 177; Cp (kJ/mol⋅K) = 42.3
Dynamic viscosity of liquid plutonium at melting point is equal to 4.51 × 10−3 Pa⋅s according
to the experimental data in Ref. [60].
The viscosity can be calculated by the correlation ln μ (Pa⋅s) = A + B⋅lnT +C/T, where
А= −2.4909, B = 0.2751, C = 1948 in the range Тmelt ≤ T ≤ 2313 K [51].
Surface tension [139] σ (mN/m) = 550 – а (Т − Тmelt) at Т < 1200 K. Here а = 0.08 ÷ 0.15.
lg P (МPа ) = 4.019 - (2.10)
The radiological properties of some plutonium isotopes are presented in Table 2.15 [40].
2.2.3. Thorium
Thorium is a chemical element with atomic number 90 and atomic mass 232.04 amu, which
occurs in nature and belongs to the actinide series. When pure, thorium is silvery white,
ductile metal. The basic properties of thorium are given in Table 2.16. Thorium has two
crystal modifications; their characteristics are presented in Table 2.17 [37]. Metallic thorium
is soft, ductile metal similar to platinum. It is easily amenable to processing by cold
stretching, swaging and stretch forming. The mechanical properties of thorium at 298 K are
given in Table 2.18 [64]. These properties depend on the metal purity and its preprocessing.
Such impurities as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon increase thorium strength, carbon providing
the largest increase.
(0.1 MPa, 298 K)
Property Value
Theoretical density, kg/m3 11720 [32, 61]
Melting point, K (°С) 2023 (1750)
Boiling point, K (°С) 5063 (4790)
Heat capacity, J/(kg⋅K) 118 [31]
J/(mol⋅K) 26.23
Heat of fusion (ΔНf), kJ/kg 69.4 [63]
kJ/mol 16.1
Acc. to data from Refs [31, 61, 62], kJ/mol 13.8–15.6
Heat ofvapourization (ΔНvap) kJ/kg 2330 [31]
kJ/mol 540
Thermal conductivity, W/(m⋅K) 37 [30]
according to another data [32, 61] 54
Linear expansion coefficient, K–1 11.2 (393 K) [31]
Electrical resistivity, Ω⋅m (13–19) × 10–8 [31, 33]
Emissivity 0.38 at λ=67 nm; 1273–1973 K [30]
Sound velocity, m/s 2490 [61]
Critical constants: [31]
Temperature (Тc), K 14950
Pressure (Рc), MPa 488
Molar volume (Vc), dm3/mol 0.0723
Density (ρc), kg/m3 3220
Property Value
Vickers hardness 35–114
Tensile strength, MPa 200
Modulus of elasticity, GPa 73.1
Poisson ratio 0.27
Fatigue strength, MPa 97
Shear modulus of elasticity, GPa 28
22 Properties of solid thorium depending on temperature
ρ (kg/m3) = 11836 – 0.4219 T (2.11)
Thermal conductivity
The data on thermal conductivity of thorium in different references greatly disagree. In Refs
[32, 36] and many web sites, the values of 50–54 (W/m K) are found, the temperature range
not indicated. In Ref. [134] there are the data on composition and processing of a number of
thorium specimens. These data and those in Refs [38, 43, 135, 136] are in an agreement with
accuracy of ± 15% and evaluated by the correlation:
The values given in Refs [28, 42, 130] that indicate a considerable decrease of thorium
thermal conductivity with increasing temperature up to 10 W/(m⋅K) at 1773 K, seem to be
lg P(МPа ) = 4.991 - (2.14)
Twenty five isotopes of thorium are known with mass numbers from 212 to 236, among them
only the isotope 232Th occurs in nature. In the course of 232Th decay that includes six stages of
α decay and four stages of β decay, thorium turns into stable isotope 208Pb. The radiological
properties of the most stable isotopes are given in Table 2.19 [40]. Most of other thorium
isotopes have a half-life, which is less than 10 minutes.
232 233
At slow neutron radiation, the isotope Th turns into fissionable isotope U according to
the reaction:
−β −β
232 1 233
90Th + 0n → 90Th → 91Pa → 92U233
The isotope 233U is characterized by higher neutron yield per number of absorbed neutrons as
compared to other fission materials such as 235U or 239Pu. In combination with one of these
isotopes, thorium gives rise of fuel-breeding cycle in thermal-neutron reactors. The thorium
cycle is proposed for the use in advanced converter reactors.
Uranium dioxide is a ceramic refractory uranium compound, in many cases used as a nuclear
fuel. The basic properties of uranium dioxide are given in Table 2.20.
The crystal lattice of uranium dioxide corresponds to the face-centered cubic lattice of Ca2F
fluoride with the lattice constant а=0.5704 nm [37].
Density [67]
( )
ρ kg / m 3 = ρ 0 (273) ⋅ K i−3 , (2.15)
where ρ0 (273) (kg/m3) is the theoretical density of UO2, Ki are the relative linear thermal
expansion coefficients estimated by the Martin correlations [70]:
at 273 ≤ Т ≤ 923 K.
Property Value
Molecular mass, amu 270.3
Theoretical density ρ0, kg/m3 10960 [41]
Melting point, K (°С) 3120 ± 30 (2850) [27]
Boiling point, K (°С) 3815 (3542) [68]
Heat of fusion ΔНf, kJ/kg 259 ± 15
kJ/mol 70 ± 4 [65]
Heat ofvapourization ΔНvap, kJ/kg 1530
kJ/mol 413 [68]
Heat capacity, J/(kg⋅K) 235 [66]
J/(mol⋅K) 63.7
Thermal conductivity, W/(m⋅K) 8.68 [67]
Linear expansion coefficient, 1/K 9.75 × 10–6 [67]
Electrical resistivity, Ω⋅m 7.32 × 10–8 [69]
Total normal emissivity(εt) 0.79 [41]
L(T )
K1 = = 0.99734 + 9.802 × 10 −6 T − 2.705 × 10 −10 T 2 + 4.291 × 10 −13 T 3 , (2.16)
at 923 ≤ Т ≤ 3120 K
L(T )
K2 = = 0.99672 + 1.179 × 10 −5 T − 2.429 × 10 −9 T 2 + 1.219 × 10 −12 T 3 . (2.17)
Enthalpy and heat capacity. The enthalpy of solid uranium dioxide at 298.15 ≤ Т ≤3120 K is
defined by correlation [66]:
[H (Т ) − H (298.15K )](kJ [
mol ) = C1θ (e θ T − 1) − (e θ 298.15 − 1)
−1 −1
]+ C [T
2 2
− (98.15) + C 3 e − E a T
where С1 = 81.613, θ = 548.68, С2 = 2.285 × 10−3, С3 = 2.360 × 107, Еа = 18531.7, T (K). The
uncertainty of correlation (2.18) is ± 2% in the range from 298.15 to 1800 K, and ± 3% in the
range from 1800 to 3120 K. Correlation (2.18) is approximated by polynomial [66]:
As (∂H/∂T)p = Cp, after differentiation (2.18) in [66] we obtain,
C1 θ 2 e θ T C3 E a e −Ea T
C p [kJ (mol ⋅ K )] = + 2C 2 T + . (2.20)
T 2 eθ T −1 )
Equation (2.20) has an uncertainty of ± 3% in the range from 298 to 1800 K and ± 13% at
1800−3120 K. In Ref. [67] the data on UO2 heat capacity are given in the form of polynomial:
Thermal conductivity of solid UO2 with a density of 95% is estimated by correlation [71]:
where τ = T/1000, T (K). The uncertainty of correlation (2.21) is +10% in the range from
298.15 to 2000 K and +20% in the range from 2000 to 3120 K.
Taking into account the porosity (λр), the thermal conductivity of solid UO2 can be calculated
by the Brandt-Neuer correlation [72]:
λ p [W (m ⋅ K )] = λ 0 (1 − α р) (2.22)
where α = (2.6 − 0.5τ), р is the UO2 porosity in volume fractions, λ0 the UO2 thermal
conductivity with no porosity.
Integral thermal conductivity of solid UO2 is determined as Λ (W m ) = ∫ λ(T ) dT . The
values of integral thermal conductivity of UO2 (95% and theoretical density) defined by
numerical integration of correlations (2.21, 2.22) using MATHCAD are given in Table 2.21.
For uranium dioxide with a density of 95%, the integral thermal conductivity is approximated
by the following polynomials: at 323 ≤ T ≤ 623 K with an accuracy of ± 2%
(Λ )UO ,95% ( W
m) = −4211.3τ 3 + 546.65τ 2 + 8407τ − 2402 , (2.23)
where τ = T/1000, T (K).
The correlation for calculation of thermal conductivity, which takes into account the deviation
from stoichiometric composition for UO2+Х of theoretical density, has been developed for a
range of 773≤ T ≤ 1773 K [Washington, cit. in Ref. 41]:
, (2.27)
+ (83.0 − 537 X + 7610 X 2 ) × 10 −12 T 3
where Х is the deviation from stoichiometry; T (K).
Based on (2.27) Martin [73] obtained a correlation for UO2+Х of theoretical density in the
range of 773≤ T ≤3120 K and 0≤ Х ≤0.2:
where φ = (3120 − T ) 1347 .
For calculation of thermal conductivity of irradiated uranium dioxide by the computer codes
FRAPCON-3 and FRAPTRAN, the following correlation [45] has been developed based on
the modified NFI model:
1 E
λ irr [W (m ⋅ K )] = + 2 exp(− F T ) ,
A + BT + f (Bu ) + [1 − 0,9 exp((−0.04Bu )] g (Bu ) h (T ) T
where Bu is the burnup in terms of GW day/Mt U, f(Bu) = 0.00187 Bu is the function that
considers the effect of decay products on crystalline matrix (solution); g(Bu) = 0.00187 Bu0.28
is the function that considers the effect of radiation defects; h (T ) = 1 1 + 396e − Q T is the )
function that considers temperature dependence of annealing from radiation defects;
Q = 6380 K is the temperature parameter, А = 0.0452 (m⋅K)/W, В = 2.46Е−4 (m/W),
Е = 3.59Е9 ((W⋅К)/m), F = 16361 K.
(UO2) BY EQS (2.15−2.17, 2.19, 2.20а, 2.21, 2.23, 2.24, 2.30, 2.31)
TABLE 2.21 (continued)
The data on electrical resistivity of solid UO2 can greatly disagree owing to the manufacturing
process and composition of specimens. Uranium dioxide is a semiconductor with mixed
conduction and its coefficient of electrical resistivity at 20°С is of 380 ohm⋅m. Depending on
temperature at 300–600 K, electrical resistivity of UO2 is described by the formula [124, 125]:
ρе (Ω⋅m) = 18.04 exp (1867/T). (2.32)
For UO2+х in the form of single crystal of non-stoichiometric composition at 773 K≤ Т≤ 1423
K the formula is proposed in Ref. [126]:
1/ρе = 3.8 × 104/T (2 × ) (1–2 × ) exp [ (−0.30 ± 0.03 eV)/kT], (2.33)
where ρе – (Ω⋅m); k = 1.38 × 10–23 J/K = 8.625 × 10–3 еV/K.
1 830.68
at 286 K≤ Т ≤ 1430 K lg = 1.9045 − , (2.33 a)
ρе T
1 5662.36
at 1430 K≤ Т ≤ 4000 K lg = 5.2607 − . (2.33 b)
ρе T
Total normal emissivity of solid UO2 [38]
at 1000 < Т < 3120 K and a wave length of 630 nm ε t = 0.78 + 1.53 × 10 −5 T . (2.34)
Temperature Pressure
1723 3.43 × 10−11
1773 1.12 × 10−10
1973 6.74 × 10−9
2273 7.76 × 10−7
2673 7.41 × 10−5
2723 1.18 × 10−4
2773 1.84 × 10−4
2823 4.13 × 10−4
2923 6.23 × 10−4
2973 9.04 × 10−4
3023 1.29 × 10−3
3073 1.82 × 10−3
3120 2.47 × 10−3
The uncertainty of correlation (2.37) is ± 2% at 3120 ≤ Т ≤ 3500 K and ± 10% at 3500 ≤ Т ≤
4500 K.
Heat capacity of liquid UO2 is estimated with an uncertainty of ± 10% at 3120≤Т≤ 3500 K
and ± 25% at 3500 ≤ Т ≤ 4500 K by the correlation [77]:
Thermal conductivity of liquid UO2 was studied in Refs [78–80]. According to recent data of
the MATPRO computer code, thermal conductivity of liquid UO2 is in the range from 2.5 to
3.6 W/(m⋅K) [81]. The λ value at 3120 ≤ Т ≤4500 K is calculated with an uncertainty of
± 40% by the empirical formula
1 ⎛∂ρ ⎞ ⎛∂P⎞
β 0 (1 / K ) = − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + β T ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (2.40)
ρ ⎝ ∂ T ⎠0 ⎝ ∂ T ⎠0
where ρ is density, βТ isothermal compressibility, Рvapour pressure; the subscript ‘ο‘ denotes
along the saturation line. As the quantity of the second member is very low, the β0 value is
defined by the first member; thus, taking into account the correlation (2.36) we obtain:
The uncertainty of the correlation (2.41) is +10% and −12% at 3120 K, +10% and −13% at
3500 K, +12% and −15% at 4500 K.
Dynamic viscosity of liquid UO2 at 3120 K< Т <3400 K is calculated with an uncertainty of
± 25% by correlation [82]:
Surface tension of liquid UO2 with an uncertainty of ± 17% is calculated by formula [54]:
Vapour pressure [47] at 3120 K ≤ Т ≤ 8000 K:
lg Р ( MPa ) = 15.961 − − 2.76 lg T . (2.45)
− 40% − 45%
The uncertainty of correlation (2.45) is at 3120 K and at 6000 K.
+ 60% + 80%
In Refs [76, 84, 85] the following properties of liquid UO2 at Тmelt=3120 K are given:
Тc = Тboil/0.54. (2.46)
Т е Т c = 0.283(М ρ boil )
0 ,18
, (2.47)
where ρboil is material’s density at boiling point, М molecular weight, Те transient
temperature, at whichvapour density is М/22400g/cm3. Based on correlation (2.47) the Тc
value is calculated as:
Т c = Т е [0.283(М ρ boil )]
0 ,18
. (2.48)
The critical temperature of UO2 defined by correlations (2.46, 2.48) is equal to 7052 K and
9306 K, respectively. The compressibility factor Zc is calculated by the formula
P (V )
Z c = c m c , where Рc is the critical pressure, MPa; (Vm)c is the critical molar volume,
R Tc
cm /mol; R is the universal gas constant [88].
The critical constants of uranium dioxide are calculated based on various theoretical models
including different equations of state of UO2. The data on critical constants of UO2 are
presented in Table 2.24.
The problem of discrepancy between the data on critical constants of UO2 is analyzed in Refs
[86, 95].
Critical constants
Molar Compressi-
Author, year, theory Temperature Pressure Density
volume bility
Тc Pc ρc
(Vm)c 3 factor
K MPa g/cm
cm3/mol Zc
Menzies,1996 cit. in Ref. [91]
principle of corresponding state 8000 200 90 3.14 0.27
Taking into account the scattering of the afore cited data, the following values of critical
constants of UO2 are recommended for estimations: Тc = 10400 K, Рc = 200 MPa,
(Vm)c = 126 cm3/mol, ρc = 2.15 g/cm3.
PuO2 is ceramic fuel that makes it possible to achieve burnups of 10% of heavy atoms, used
in the reactors of types BR-5, IBR-2, etc. Basic properties of plutonium dioxide at 0.1 MPa,
298 K [31, 32] are as follows:
а (nm) = 0.53943 ± 0.00007 + (4.7 ± 0.3) × 10–6 (Т − 298) + (8 ± 2) × 10–10 (Т − 298)2. (2.50)
Taking into account the scattering of data in Refs [102, 103] on linear thermal expansion
coefficient of PuO2, they can be approximated by correlation:
(H u )PuO (J
mol) = −32481 + 228656τ + 43346τ 2 − 11270τ 3 + 987.72τ 4 + 1970.7 τ 5 + 744.21τ −1
at τ > 0.856
(H u )PuO (J
mol) = 352544τ − 109876 . (2.52а)
⎛ 571 ⎞
347.4 × 5712 exp⎜ ⎟
⎝ T ⎠ 3.860 × 10 7 × 1.967 × 10 5 ⎛ 1.965 × 10 5 ⎞
C p PuO [J (kg ⋅ K )] = 2
+ 3. 95 × 10 −4
T + exp ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
2⎡ ⎛ 571 ⎞ ⎤ RT 2 ⎝ RT ⎠
T ⎢exp⎜ ⎟ − 1⎥ (2.53)
⎣ ⎝ T ⎠ ⎦
Thermal conductivity. The data on thermal conductivity of PuO2 used in Ref. [2] are
approximated by the correlation:
The thermal conductivity of PuO2 as a function of density (at porosity up to 10%) is defined
by the correlation:
⎛ ρ − ρf ⎞
λ = λ 0 ⎜⎜1 − 2.5 0 ⎟⎟ . (2.56)
⎝ ρf ⎠
29240 ± 530
lg Р (atm) = 8.072 ± 0.239 − .. (2.57)
The term ‘МОХ’ derived from ‘mixed oxides’ relates to the nuclear fuel manufactured from
uranium and plutonium oxides (UO2 + PuO2). The concentration of plutonium in MOX fuel is
equal from 3 to 10%. In the course of analysis of MOX fuel thermophysical properties, fuel of
stoichiometric composition (U0.8Pu0.2)O2 is usually considered, where 0.8 and 0.2 are the
molar fractions of UO2 and PuO2. The basic properties of MOX fuel (U0.8Pu0.2)O2 are
presented in Table 2.26.
Property Value
Molecular mass, amu 271.2
Density, kg/m 11074 at 298 K [89]
Solidus temperature (ТS), K (°С) 3002 (2729) [98]
Liquidus temperature (ТL), K (°С) 3041 (2768) [98]
Melting point, K (°С) 3023 [101]
Boiling point, K (°С) 3811 (3538) [101]
Heat of fusion, kJ/kg 285.3 [27]
Heat ofvapourization, kJ/mol 413.5 [68]
Heat capacity, J/(kg⋅K) 240 at 298 K [27]
Thermal conductivity, W/(m⋅K) 7.82 at 298 K for МОХ of 95% density [100]
Linear expansion coefficient, 1/K 9.4 × 10–6 at 300 K [Table 2.28]
Solidus/liquidus temperature (TS)/(TL) of МОХ fuel of stoichiometric composition is
estimated by the Adamson correlations [98]:
where у is the PuO2 content in molar fractions. The standard deviation of correlations
(2.60, 2.60a) is of ± 30 K.
Based on Eq. (2.59), the density of МОХ fuel is 9889 kg/m3 at ТS and 9865 kg/m3at ТL.
Enthalpy of MOX fuel in terms of J/mol is calculated by the sum of enthalpies of its
components in the ratio from their molar fractions (H u )MOX = (H u )UO 2 0,8 + (H u )PuO 2 0,2 ,
where Hu = H(T) − H(298.15) [27]. The value (H u )UO 2 is calculated by Eq. (2.19). The
enthalpy of PuO2 is evaluated by Eqs (2.50, 2.53).
Heat capacity of MOX fuel can be estimated from the sum of heat capacities of its
components in the ratio of molar fractions (C p )MOX = (C p )UO 0.8 + (C p )PuO 0.2 [27]. In this
2 2
case, correlation (2.20) (see Table 2.21) is used to calculate heat capacity of uranium dioxide,
and correlation (2.54) for plutonium dioxide.
Thermal conductivity of МОХ fuel with 95% density of the theoretical one is calculated by
the relation [100]:
λ MOX ,95% [W (m ⋅ K )] = 1.528 X + 0.00931 − 0.1055 + 2.885 × 10 − 4 T ]
+ 76.38 × 10 −12 T 3 ,
The values of the ratio λ MOX ,95% to λ MOX ,100% were found by the Brandt-Neuer relation (see Eq.
(2.22)), namely:
The value of λ MOX ,95% is less than the thermal conductivity of UO2 of theoretical density by
about 7–10% (by the Harding estimation approximately by 5% [27]). The thermal
conductivity of superstoichiometric MOX fuel (U, Pu)O2+X of theoretical density in the range
of 773 < T < 3120 − 470y, 0 ≤ Х ≤ 0.12 according to Ref .[73] is evaluated as:
λ [W (m ⋅ K )] = 0.037 + 1.67 x + 2.37 × 10 −4 T ]
+ 78.9 × 10 −12 T 3 (2.66)
Integral thermal conductivity in terms of W/m of MOX fuel both of 95% and theoretical
density was evaluated as Λ = ∫ λ(T ) dt
by numerical integration of Eqs (2.61, 2.65).
Linear expansion coefficient of MOX fuel can be evaluated by the sum of linear expansion
coefficients of their components in the ratio of their molar fractions
(α )MOX = (α )UO2 0.8 + (α )PuO 2 0.2 [27]. The values of the linear expansion coefficient of UO2
calculated by correlations (2.30, 2.31) are given in Table 2.21.
The calculated values α for stoichiometric PuO2 (Eq. (2.51)) and МОХ fuel are given in
Table 2.28.
The thermophysical properties of МОХ fuel of stoichiometric composition in liquid state are
accepted in Ref. [27] to be the same as the properties of liquid uranium dioxide (see
Table 2.24)
Uranium nitride (UN) is the advanced nuclear fuel for fast reactors with respect to safety
improvement and efficiency of reactors. Uranium mononitride is characterized by high
concentration of uranium, high melting point and thermal conductivity, increased radiation
resistance and good compatibility with structural materials [104, 105]. Advanced types of
nitride fuels for actinide transmutation are discussed in Ref. [106]. The basic properties of
uranium mononitride are presented in Table 2.29.
COMPOSITION (U0.8Pu0.2)O2 IN SOLID STATE BY CORRELATIONS (2.55, 2.58−2.61, 2.65)
Enthalpy Heat Thermal Thermal
Temperature [(H(T)−H(298)] capacity conductivity diffusivity
Density conductivity
kJ/kg J/(kg/K) W/(m/K) 106 (m2/s)
kg/m3 W/m
°C K PuO2 MOX PuO2 MOX 95% of theor. 95% of theor. 95% of theor.
density density density density density density
25 298 11074 0 0 258 240 7.82 8.91 39 45 2.95 3.36
50 323 11068 0 4 270 249 7.40 8.43 300 262 2.68 3.06
100 373 11056 7 16 287 265 6.69 7.61 581 662 2.28 2.59
150 423 11044 18 29 299 276 6.10 6.93 901 1025 2.00 2.28
200 473 11031 29 42 308 285 5.61 6.37 1194 1357 1.79 2.03
250 523 11018 41 56 315 291 5.20 5.89 1464 1663 1.62 1.84
300 573 11004 54 70 320 296 4.84 5.47 1714 1947 1.49 1.68
350 623 10990 66 84 324 300 4.53 5.11 1948 2211 1.37 1.55
400 673 10975 79 99 328 303 4.26 4.80 2168 2459 1.28 1.44
450 723 10960 92 113 330 306 4.02 4.53 2375 2692 1.20 1.35
500 773 10945 105 128 332 309 3.81 4.28 2571 2913 1.13 1.27
550 823 10929 118 143 334 311 3.62 4.07 2756 3121 1.07 1.20
600 873 10912 131 158 336 313 3.45 3.87 2933 3320 1.01 1.14
650 923 10895 144 173 337 315 3.30 3.70 3102 3509 0.96 1.08
700 973 10878 158 188 338 316 3.17 3.54 3264 3690 0.92 1.03
750 1023 10861 171 203 339 317 3.05 3.40 3419 3864 0.88 0.99
800 1073 10843 184 218 340 319 2.94 3.28 3569 4031 0.85 0.95
850 1123 10824 198 233 340 320 2.84 3.16 3714 4192 0.82 0.91
900 1173 10805 211 248 341 322 2.75 3.06 3853 4347 0.79 0.88
950 1223 10786 224 264 342 323 2.67 2.97 3989 4498 0.77 0.85
1000 1273 10767 238 279 342 324 2.60 2.88 4121 4644 0.74 0.83
1050 1323 10747 251 294 343 325 2.54 2.81 4249 4787 0.73 0.80
1100 1373 10726 264 310 343 327 2.48 2.74 4375 4925 0.71 0.78
1150 1423 10706 278 325 343 328 2.43 2.68 4497 5061 0.69 0.76
1200 1473 10685 291 341 344 330 2.39 2.63 4618 5194 0.68 0.75
1250 1523 10663 304 356 344 331 2.35 2.59 4736 5324 0.66 0.73
1300 1573 10641 318 372 344 334 2.31 2.55 4853 5453 0.65 0.72
1350 1623 10619 331 388 345 336 2.29 2.51 4968 5579 0.64 0.70
25 298 11074 0 0 258 240 7.82 8.91 39 45 2.95 3.36
1500 1773 10551 371 436 346 345 2.23 2.44 5306 5950 0.61 0.67
1550 1823 10527 384 453 346 349 2.22 2.43 5417 6072 0.60 0.66
1600 1873 10503 397 469 346 353 2.22 2.42 5529 6193 0.60 0.65
1650 1923 10479 411 486 347 358 2.22 2.42 5639 6314 0.59 0.64
1700 1973 10455 424 504 347 364 2.22 2.42 5751 6435 0.58 0.64
1750 2023 10430 437 521 348 370 2.23 2.42 5862 6556 0.58 0.63
1800 2073 10405 450 539 348 378 2.24 2.43 5974 6676 0.57 0.62
1850 2123 10379 464 558 349 386 2.26 2.45 6086 6794 0.56 0.61
1900 2173 10354 477 576 350 394 2.28 2.47 6200 6922 0.56 0.60
1950 2223 10328 490 596 351 404 2.30 2.49 6314 7046 0.55 0.60
2000 2273 10301 503 615 352 414 2.33 2.51 6430 7171 0.55 0.59
2050 2323 10275 516 636 353 425 2.36 2.54 6547 7297 0.54 0.58
2100 2373 10248 529 656 354 437 2.40 2.58 6666 7425 0.53 0.57
2150 2423 10221 543 678 356 450 2.44 2.62 6787 7558 0.53 0.57
2200 2473 10193 556 700 357 463 2.48 2.66 6910 7687 0.52 0.56
2250 2523 10166 569 722 359 478 2.53 2.71 7035 7821 0.52 0.55
2300 2573 10138 582 746 361 494 2.58 2.76 7163 7958 0.51 0.55
2350 2623 10110 710 793 363 510 2.63 2.81 7293 8097 0.51 0.54
2397 2670 10083 730 818 365 526 2.69 2.87 7418 8230 0.51 0.54
2400 2673 10081 731 819 366 528 2.69 2.87 7426 8239 0.51 0.54
2450 2723 10053 752 847 368 545 2.75 2.93 7562 8384 0.50 0.54
2500 2773 10024 774 875 371 564 2.82 3.00 7701 8532 0.50 0.53
2550 2823 9995 795 904 374 584 2.89 3.07 7843 8684 0.49 0.53
2600 2873 9965 816 934 377 603 2.96 3.14 7989 8839 0.49 0.52
2650 2923 9936 837 965 380 624 3.04 3.22 8139 8998 0.49 0.52
2729 3002 9889 870 1017 386 659 3.17 3.35 8384 9258 0.49 0.51
2750 3023 9876 879 1031 388 668 3.20 3.39 8451 9329 0.48 0.51
2768 3041 9865 887 1043 389 676 3.24 3.42 8509 9390 0.48 0.51
Linear expansion coefficient
Temperature 106/K
experimental calculated fuel
°C K
[102] (Eq. 2.51)
27 300 - 7.9 9.4
50 323 - 8.0 9.4
100 373 7.47 8.4 9.5
200 473 8.13 9.1 9.7
300 573 9.90 9.8 9.9
400 673 9.90 10.5 10.1
500 773 10.20 11.2 10.3
600 873 11.20 11.9 10.6
700 973 11.40 12.6 10.9
800 1073 11.20 13.3 11.2
900 1173 11.62 14.0 11.6
1000 1273 12.33 14.7 12.1
1100 1373 - 15.4 12.6
1200 1473 - 16.1 13.1
1300 1573 - 16.8 13.8
1400 1673 - 17.5 14.5
1500 1773 - 18.2 15.2
Property Value
Molecular mass, amu 252
Theoretical density ρ°, kg/m3 14300 [107]
Melting point, K (°С) 3123 (2850 ± 30) [108]
At nitrogen pressure PN2 ≥ 0.25 MPa
Heat capacity, J/(kg⋅K) 190
J/(mol⋅K) 48 [110]
Thermal conductivity, W/(m⋅K) 13.0 [109]
Linear expansion coefficient, 1/K 7.52 × 10–6 [107]
Electrical resistivity, Ω⋅m 1.46 × 10–6 [109]
40 Properties of uranium mononitride depending on temperature
Uranium mononitride melts congruently only at high values of partial pressure of nitrogen
PN2, at low values of PN2 UN decomposes, UN(s)→U(liq) + 0.5 N2(gas) [112].
Partialvapour pressures of nitrogen and uranium over UN are calculated by the correlations
Total Vapour pressure above UN is evaluated by the sum of partial pressures of PN2 and PU
vapours, because the PUN(gas) value is very low. The values of vapour pressures are given in
Table 2.30.
Partial pressure
Temperature Total pressure
°C K N2 U
1127 1400 4.41 × 10 1.73 × 10−8 6.14 × 10−8
1200 1473 4.12 × 10−7 1.39 × 10−7 5.51 × 10−7
1300 1573 6.60 × 10−6 1.74 × 10−6 8.33 × 10−6
1400 1673 7.99 × 10−5 1.59 × 10−5 9.57 × 10−5
1427 1700 1.50 × 10−4 2.75 × 10−5 1.78 × 10−4
1500 1773 7.66 × 10−4 1.11 × 10−4 8.77 × 10−4
1527 1800 1.36 × 10−3 1.81 × 10−4 1.54 × 10−3
1600 1873 6.04 × 10−3 6.26 × 10−4 6.67 × 10−3
1627 1900 1.02 × 10−2 9.65 × 10−4 1.12 × 10−2
1700 1973 4.04 × 10−2 2.9 × 10−3 4.33 × 10−2
1800 2073 2.34 × 10−1 1.16 × 10−2 2.46 × 10−1
1900 2173 1.21 × 100 4.03 × 10−2 1.25 × 100
2000 2273 5.57 × 100 1.24 × 10−1 5.69 × 100
2027 2300 8.29 × 100 1.64 × 10−1 8.45 × 100
2100 2373 2.35 × 10 3.42 × 10−1 2.38 × 10
2127 2400 3.41 × 10 4.43 × 10 3.46 × 10
Theoretical density of UN at 298 ≤ T ≤ 2523 K [107],
where Р is the porosity in volume fractions. The thermal conductivity of UN decreases with
increasing porosity (Table 2.31).
Integral thermal conductivity Λ( W / m) = ∫ λ(T ) dt
of uranium nitride was evaluated by
Electrical resistivity of UN is estimated at 298 ≤ T ≤ 1600 K by the formula in Ref. [109]:
Mechanical properties of uranium mononitride are given in Table 2.34. They were calculated
at UN density in the range of 70 ≤ ρ ≤ 100% of the theoretical density and the temperature of
298 ≤ Т ≤ 1473 K [111].
Uranium carbide (UC) as a nuclear fuel for fast reactors has an advantage as compared with
UO2 owing to a higher density of fissile material (1.34 times) and thermal conductivity (2.6
times). The basic properties of UC are presented in Table 2.35.
Property Value
Molecular mass, amu 250
Theoretical density (ρ0), kg/m3 13630 [116]
Melting point, K (°С) 2638 ± 165 (2365 ± 165) [117]
2780 ± 25 [35]
Boiling point, K 4691 [118]
4866 [97]
Heat capacity, J/(kg⋅K) 200
J/(mol⋅K) 50 [120]
Heat of fusion, kJ/kg 195.6
kJ/mol 48.9 [119]
Heat of vapourization, kJ/kg ~2120
kJ/mol ~530 at Тb [120]
Thermal conductivity, W/(m⋅K) 25.3 [82]
Linear expansion coefficient, 1/K 10.1 × 10–6 [115]
Electrical resistivity, Ω⋅m 72.7 × 10−8 [115]
The crystal lattice of uranium carbide is similar to that of NaCl (face-centered cubic). The
excess of uranium over superstoichiometric quantity results in free metallic uranium at crystal
boundaries. As a consequence, the fuel properties may be deteriorated due to carbonization of
fuel element cladding [35].
where Т is temperature, K. This correlation has been derived based on the experimental data
in Refs [115, 116] that were obtained by measurement of linear expansion coefficient in the
temperature range from 0 to 2800°С.
The analysis of data in Refs [121, 122] results in the correlation, which gives more severe
decrease of UC density with temperature:
for 50 – 700°С λ [W/(m K)] = 21.7 − 3.04 × 10–3 t + 3.61 × 10–6 t2. (2.83)
for 700 — 2300°С λ [W/(m K)] = 20.2 + 1.48 × 10 t. (2.84)
Here, t (°С).
Integral thermal conductivity Λ (t ) ( W / m) = ∫ λ( t )dt of uranium carbide is evaluated by
numerical integration of Eqs (2.83, 2.84) using the MATHCAD program.
Linear expansion coefficient of UC is calculated according to Ref. [115] in the range from
0 to 2000°Сwith an uncertainty of ±15% by the correlation:
α (1/°С) = 1.007 × 10−5 + 1.17 × 10−9t. (2.85)
where t (°С).
The data in Ref. [137] apparently relating to a higher purity UC of theoretical density are
estimated by formula:
where Т (K).
In Ref. [128] the data on UC eVapouration are given; on the basis of these data vapour
pressure above solid UC at 1600 ≤ T ≤ 2780 K is estimated by following correlation:
where Т (K).
Vapour pressure above liquid UC above melting point at 2780 ≤ Т ≤ 6270 K is described by
correlation [118] (see Table 2.38):
The critical constants of uranium carbide have a slight scattering with the exception of density
(see Table 2.39).
Integral Linear
Temperature Heat Thermal Thermal Electrical
Density thermal expansion
capacity conductivity diffusivity resistivity
kg/m3 conductivity coefficient
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s) 108(Ω⋅m)
°С K W/m 106/K
25 298 13500 200 25.3 127 9.34 10.1 72.7
100 373 13460 215 24.5 1991 8.44 10.2 82.8
200 473 13420 226 23.6 4392 7.81 10.3 95.9
300 573 13370 232 23.1 6728 7.46 10.4 108.4
400 673 13320 237 23.0 9030 7.29 10.5 120.4
500 773 13270 240 23.1 11332 7.25 10.7 131.9
600 873 13220 244 23.6 13666 7.31 10.8 142.9
700 973 13170 248 24.4 16065 7.48 10. 9 153.4
800 1073 13120 252 25.6 18560 7.74 11.0 163.3
900 1173 13070 255 27.0 21186 8.09 11.1 172.8
1000 1273 13010 260 28.8 23974 8.53 11.2 181.7
1100 1373 12960 264 30.9 26957 9.03 11.4 190.1
1200 1473 12900 269 33.4 30167 9.62 11.5 198.0
1300 1573 12840 274 36.1 33638 10.27 11.6 205.4
1400 1673 12790 279 39.2 37402 10.98 11.7 212.3
1500 1773 12730 285 42.6 41491 11.75 11.8 218.7
1600 1873 12670 291 46.4 45936 12.58 11.9 224.6
1700 1973 12610 297 50.4 50775 13.46 12.1 229.9
1800 2073 12550 304 54.8 56036 14.38 12.2 234.8
1900 2173 12490 311 59.6 61752 15.34 12.3 239.1
2000 2273 12420 318 64.6 67957 16.33 12.4 242.9
2100 2373 12350 326 70.0 74683 17.36 12.5 246.2
2200 2473 12290 334 75. 7 81963 18.42 12.6 249.0
2300 2573 12220 343 81.7 89828 19.51 12.8 251.3
Temperature Pressure
°С K MPa
2507 2780 2.2 × 10−6
2600 2873 5.1 × 10−6
2700 2973 1.2 × 10−5
3227 3500 5.0 × 10−4
4000 4273 2.2 × 10−2
4418 4691 9.8 × 10−2
5727 6000 2.8
6000 6273 4.6
Critical constants
Author, year
Theory Тc Рc (Vm)c ρc
K MPa cm3/mol g/cm3
Ohse, 1980 [118]
9300 180 219 1.14
The significant structure theory
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3.1. GASES
The thermophysical properties of dry air and helium are presented in Tables 3.1 and 3.2,
3.1.1. Air
3.1.2. Helium
The isobaric heat capacity of helium in the range of temperatures and pressures under
considerations can be accepted to be constant and be Ср = 5.193 kJ/(kg⋅K).
Temp. Р = 1 × 105 Pa Р = 5 × 105 Pa
°C Density Enthalpy Thermal Dynamic Prandtl Density Enthalpy Thermal Dynamic Prandtl
kg/m3 kJ/kg conductivity viscosity number kg/m3 kJ/kg conductivity viscosity number
W/(m⋅K) mPa⋅s W/(m⋅K) 106 (Pa⋅s)
100 0.1290 519.6 179.0 22.92 0.665 0.6439 520.9 179.1 22.92 0.665
150 0.1137 779.3 196.1 24.93 0.660 0.5679 780.6 196.2 24.93 0.660
200 0.1017 1039 212.6 26.87 0.656 0.5080 1040 212.7 26.37 0.656
250 0.09200 1299 228.6 28.75 0.653 0.4595 1300 223.7 28.75 0.653
300 0.08398 1558 244.1 30.57 0.650 0.4195 1560 244.2 30.57 0.650
350 0.07724 1818 259.3 32.35 0.648 0.3859 1819 259.3 32.35 0.643
400 0.07150 2078 274.0 34.09 0.646 0.3573 2079 274.1 34.09 0.646
450 0.06656 2337 288.3 35.79 0.645 0.3326 2338 288.4 35.79 0.644
500 0.06226 2597 302.3 37.45 0.643 0.3111 2598 302.3 37.45 0.643
550 0.05848 2856 315.7 39.08 0.643 0.2922 2858 315.8 39.08 0.643
600 0.05513 3116 328.8 40.68 0.642 0.2775 3117 328.8 40.68 0.642
650 0.05214 3376 341.3 42.26 0.643 0.2606 3377 341.3 42.26 0.643
700 0.04946 3635 353.3 43.80 0.644 0.2472 3637 353.4 43.80 0.644
750 0.04705 3895 365.0 45.33 0.645 0.2351 3896 365.0 45.33 0.645
800 0.04486 4155 376.2 46.83 0.646 0 2242 4156 376.2 46.83 0.646
850 0.04286 4414 387.1 48.31 0.648 0.2142 4416 387.2 48.31 0.648
900 0.04103 4674 397.8 49.77 0.650 0.2051 4675 397.9 49.77 0.650
1000 0.03781 5193 418.8 52.64 0.653 0.1890 5194 418.8 52.64 0.653
1100 0.03506 5713 439.4 55.44 0.655 0.1722 57I4 439.4 55.44 0.655
100 1.285 522.5 179.2 22.92 0.664 2.562 525.8 179.5 22.92 0.663
150 1.134 782.2 169.3 24.93 0.660 2.261 785.4 196.6 24.93 0.659
200 1.015 1042 212.8 26.87 0.656 2.024 1045 213.0 26.87 0.655
250 0.9179 1301 228.8 28.75 0.653 1.831 1305 229.0 28.75 0.652
300 0.8381 156 244.3 30.57 0.650 1.672 1564 244.5 30.57 0.649
350 0.7710 1821 259.4 32.35 0.648 1.539 1824 259.6 32.35 0.647
400 0.7139 2080 274.2 34.09 0.646 1.425 1083 274.3 34.09 0.645
450 0.6646 2340 288.5 35.79 0.644 1.327 2343 288.6 35.79 0.644
500 0.6217 2600 302.4 37.45 0.643 1.242 2603 302.5 37.45 0.643
550 0.5840 2859 315.9 39.08 0.642 1.166 2862 316.0 39.08 0.641
600 0.5506 3119 328.9 40.68 0.642 1.100 3122 329.0 40.68 0.642
650 0.5208 3379 341.1 42.26 0.643 1.040 3382 341.5 42.26 0.643
700 0.4941 3638 353.4 43.80 0.644 0.9871 3641 353.6 43.80 0.643
750 0.4700 3898 365.1 45.33 0.645 0.9390 3901 365.2 45.33 0.645
800 0.4481 4157 376.3 46.83 0.646 0.8954 4160 376.4 46.83 0.646
850 0.4282 4417 387.2 43.31 0.648 0.8556 4420 387.3 48.31 0.648
900 0.4100 4677 397.9 49.77 0.650 0.8192 4680 398.0 49.77 0.649
1000 0.3778 5196 413.8 52.64 0.653 0.7550 5189 418.9 52.64 0.653
1100 0.3503 5715 439.4 55.44 0.655 0.7001 5718 439.5 55.44 0.655
TABLE 3.2. (continued)
Р = 4 × 106 Pa Р = 6 × 106 Pa
Temp. Thermal Dynamic Thermal Dynamic
°C Density Enthalpy
conductivity viscosity Prandtl Density Enthalpy
conductivity viscosity Prandtl
kg/m3 kJ/kg mPa⋅s number kg/m3 kJ/kg mPa⋅s number
W/(m⋅K) W/(m⋅K)
100 5.086 532.3 180.2 22.93 0.661 7.575 538.7 180.8 22.93 0.659
150 4.494 79l.8 197.1 24.93 0.656 6.699 798.3 197.7 24.94 0.655
200 4.025 1051 213.5 26.87 0.653 6.005 1058 214.0 26.88 0.652
250 3.645 1311 229.4 23.75 0.649 5.441 1317 229.9 28.75 0.649
300 3.330 1571 244.9 30.57 0.649 4.971 1577 2453 30.58 0.647
350 3.066 830 260.0 32.35 0.641 4.580 1836 260.4 32.36 0.645
400 2.840 2090 274.7 34.09 0.644 4.244 2096 275.0 34.09 0.644
450 2.645 2349 289.0 35.79 0.643 3.955 2355 289.3 35.79 0.642
500 2.475 2609 302.8 37.45 0.641 3.702 2615 303.1 37.45 0.642
550 2.326 2868 316.3 39.08 0.642 3.479 2875 316.6 39.08 0.641
600 2.194 3128 329.3 40.68 0.642 3.282 3134 329.5 40.68 0.641
650 2.076 3388 341.8 42.6 0.642 3.106 3394 342.0 42.26 0.642
700 1.970 3647 353.8 43.80 0.642 2.948 3653 354.0 43.81 0.643
750 1.874 3901 365.4 45.33 0.644 2.805 3913 365.6 45.33 0.644
800 l.7ε7 4166 376.6 46.83 0.645 2.675 4171 376.8 46.83 0.645
850 1.708 4426 387.5 48.3 0.646 2.557 443 387.7 48.31 0.648
900 1.636 4685 398.2 49.77 0.650 2.449 4691 398.4 49.77 0.649
1000 1.508 5204 419.1 52.64 0.652 2.258 5210 419.3 52.64 0.651
1100 1.398 5724 439.7 55.44 0.655 2.094 5729 439.8 55.44 0.655
100 10.03 545.2 181.5 22.94 0.656 12.45 551.7 182.2 22.96 0.654
150 8.877 804.7 198.3 24.95 0.653 11.03 811.2 198.9 24.96 0.652
200 7.963 1064 214.5 26.88 0.651 9.900 1071 215.1 26.89 0.649
250 7.219 1324 230.4 28.76 0.648 8.980 1330 230.8 28.77 0.647
300 6.602 1503 245.8 30.58 0.646 8.217 1590 246.2 30.59 0.645
350 6.083 1843 260.8 32.36 0.644 7.573 1849 261.2 32.37 0.644
400 5.639 2102 275.4 34.10 0.643 7.023 2108 275.8 34.10 0.642
450 5.255 2362 289.6 35.79 0.642 6.557 2368 290.0 35.80 0.641
500 4.921 2621 303.5 37.46 0.641 6.132 2627 303.8 37.46 0.640
550 4.626 2881 316.9 39.09 0.641 5.766 2887 317.2 39.09 0.640
600 4.364 3140 329.8 40.69 0.641 5.441 3146 330.1 40.69 0.640
650 4.131 3400 342.3 42.25 0.641 5.151 3406 342.5 42.26 0.641
700 3.921 3659 354.3 43.81 0.642 4.890 3665 354.5 43.81 0.642
750 3.732 3919 365.8 45.33 0.644 4.655 3924 366.1 45.33 0.643
800 3.560 4178 377.0 46.83 0.645 4.441 4184 377.3 46.84 0.645
850 3.403 4437 187.9 48.31 0.647 4.245 4443 388.1 48.32 0.646
900 3.259 4697 398.6 49.77 0.648 4.067 4703 398.7 49.77 0.648
1000 3.005 5216 419.5 52.64 0.652 3.751 5222 419.7 52.64 0.651
1100 2788 5732 440.0 55.44 0.654 3.480 5740 440.2 55.44 0.654
3.2. WATER (Н2О)
The thermophysical properties of water and steam (see Tables 3.3–3.8) are taken in Refs [3, 4].
Critical constants of water [Ref. 3, p. 23], and are as follows;
TABLE 3.3. (continued)
Temp. Heat Specific Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal Surface
Pressure Density Enthalpy Prandtl
rature capacity heat conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity tension
Pa kg/m3 kJ/kg 6 2 number 3
°C kJ/(kg⋅K) kJ/kg 103W/(m⋅K) 104(Pa⋅s) 10 (m /s) 107(m2/s) 10 N/m
115.00 1.6918×105 943.1 482.55 4.229 2216.0 682.4 2.432 0.2579 1.711 1.507 56.00
120.00 1.9867×105 943.0 503.80 4.246 2202.1 683.6 2.330 0.2471 1.707 1.447 54.90
120.21 2.0000×105 939.1 504.70 4.246 2201.6 683.7 2.326 0.2477 1.715 1.445 54.60
125.00 2.3222×105 934.8 525.10 4.260 2188.0 684.2 2.236 0.2392 1.718 1.392 54.00
130.00 2.7026×105 931.8 546.40 4.274 2173.7 684.8 2.148 0.2305 1.720 1.341 52.90
133.53 3.0000×105 930.5 561.50 4.284 2163.4 684.8 2.089 0.2245 1.718 1.307 52.30
135.00 3.1320×105 926.1 567.80 4.287 2159.1 684.8 2.065 0.2230 1.725 1.293 52.00
140.00 3.6150×105 922.8 589.20 4.286 2144.2 684.8 1.984 0.2150 1.731 1.242 50.90
143.61 4.0000×105 921.7 604.70 4.309 2133.3 684.6 1.927 0.2091 1.724 1.213 50.10
145.00 4.1563×105 917.0 610.70 4.312 2129.1 684.3 1.904 0.2076 1.731 1.200 49.90
150.00 4.7610×105 915.2 632.30 4.310 2113.7 683.8 1.823 0.1992 1.733 1.149 48.70
151.84 5.0000×105 912.2 640.20 4.328 2107.9 683.0 1.784 0.1956 1.730 1.130 48.40
155.00 5.4342×105 908.6 653.90 4.336 2097.9 682.8 1.742 0.1917 1.733 1.106 47.70
158.83 6.0000×105 907.4 670.50 4.345 2085.6 682.0 1.696 0.1869 1.730 1.081 46.90
160.00 6.1814×105 902.5 675.60 4.338 2081.9 681.8 1.683 0.1865 1.741 1.071 46.60
165.00 7.0000×105 897.4 697.30 4.360 2065.4 680.3 1.630 0.1816 1.739 1.045 45.50
170.00 7.9205×105 897.4 719.20 4.369 2048.7 678.7 1.582 0.1763 1.731 1.018 44.40
170.41 8.0000×105 897.0 721.00 4.375 2047.3 678.6 1.579 0.1760 1.729 1.018 44.30
175.00 8.9245×105 892.3 741.20 4.388 2031.6 676.6 1.538 0.1724 1.728 0.997 43.30
175.36 9.0000×105 891.9 742.70 4.389 2030.3 676.5 1.535 0.1721 1.728 0.996 43.20
179.89 1.0000×106 887.2 762.70 4.403 2014.4 674.7 1.497 0.1687 1.727 0.977 42.20
180.00 1.0026×106 887.0 763.20 4.406 2014.0 674.6 1.496 0.1687 1.726 0.977 42.20
185.00 1.1233×106 881.6 785.30 4.420 1996.1 672.0 1.457 0.1653 1.725 0.958 41.10
190.00 1.2550×106 876.1 807.60 4.447 1977.7 669.5 1.419 0.1620 1.718 0.943 40.00
195.00 1.3986×106 870.5 829.90 4.459 1958.9 666.4 1.382 0.1588 1.717 0.925 38.80
198.30 1.5000×106 866.6 844.70 4.474 1946.3 664.3 1.359 0.1568 1.713 0.915 38.00
200.00 1.5547×106 864.7 852.40 4.494 1939.7 663.3 1.347 0.1558 1.707 0.913 37.70
205.00 1.7240×106 858.7 875.00 4.506 1919.9 659.7 1.313 0.1529 1.705 0.897 36.60
210.00 1.9074×106 852.7 897.70 4.548 1899.6 656.2 1.279 0.1500 1.692 0.886 35.40
212.38 2.0000×106 849.8 908.60 4.547 1889.8 654.3 1.264 0.1487 1.693 0.878 34.90
215.00 2.1055×106 846.5 920.60 4.563 1878.8 652.2 1.248 0.1474 1.688 0.873 34.40
220.00 2.3193×106 840.2 943.60 4.611 1857.4 648.2 1.217 0.1448 1.673 0.866 33.10
223.96 2.5000×106 835.1 962.00 4.625 1840.1 644.5 1.193 0.1428 1.669 0.856 32.10
225.00 2.5494×106 833.8 966.80 4.633 1835.4 643.6 1.187 0.1424 1.666 0.854 31.90
230.00 2.7968×106 827.1 990.20 4.683 1812.8 639.1 1.159 0.1401 1.650 0.849 30.70
233.86 3.0000×106 821.9 1008.40 4.705 1794.9 635.1 1.138 0.1385 1.642 0.843 29.70
235.00 3.0622×106 820.3 1013.80 4.716 1789.5 634.0 1.132 0.1380 1.639 0.842 29.50
240.00 3.3467×106 813.3 1037.50 4.767 1765.5 628.9 1.106 0.1360 1.622 0.838 28.40
241.00 3.4059×106 812.0 1042.30 4.773 1760.7 627.7 1.101 0.1356 1.620 0.837 28.10
242.56 3.5000×106 809.7 1049.80 4.789 1753.0 625.9 1.093 0.1350 1.614 0.836 27.70
245.00 3.6509×106 806.2 1061.50 4.814 1740.8 623.3 1.081 0.1341 1.606 0.835 27.20
250.00 3.9759×106 798.9 1085.70 4.865 1715.3 617.8 1.058 0.1324 1.590 0.833 26.00
250.36 4.0000×106 798.3 1087.40 4.874 1713.5 617.4 1.056 0.1323 1.587 0.834 25.90
255.00 4.3227×106 791.4 1110.10 4.930 1689.0 622.6 1.036 0.1309 1.596 0.820 24.80
TABLE 3.3. (continued)
Temp. Heat Specific Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal Surface
Pressure Density Enthalpy Prandtl
rature capacity heat conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity tension
Pa kg/m3 kJ/kg 6 2 number 3
°C kJ/(kg⋅K) kJ/kg 103W/(m⋅K) 104(Pa⋅s) 10 (m /s) 107(m2/s) 10 N/m
257.44 4.5000×106 787.6 1122.10 4.961 1675.9 608.7 1.025 0.1301 1.558 0.835 24.20
260.00 4.6921×106 783.6 1134.80 4.981 1661.8 605.6 1.015 0.1295 1.552 0.835 23.70
263.94 5.0000×106 777.4 1154.50 5.050 1639.7 600.5 0.999 0.1285 1.530 0.840 22.60
265.00 5.0851×106 775.7 1159.80 5.066 1633.7 599.0 0.994 0.1281 1.524 0.841 22.40
270.00 5.5000×106 767.5 1184.90 5.141 1604.8 595.6 0.975 0.1270 1.509 0.842 21.30
275.00 5.9463×106 767.5 1210.70 5.222 1574.4 585.0 0.957 0.1247 1.460 0.854 20.00
275.59 6.0000×106 759.0 1213.70 5.232 1570.8 584.1 0.954 0.1257 1.471 0.855 19.90
280.00 6.4165×106 758.0 1236.70 5.290 1543.2 577.7 0.939 0.1239 1.441 0.860 19.00
280.86 6.5000×106 750.3 1241.20 5.324 1537.7 576.4 0.936 0.1248 1.443 0.865 18.60
285.00 6.9145×106 748.7 1263.00 5.401 1510.7 568.8 0.921 0.1230 1.407 0.875 17.70
285.83 7.0000×106 741.2 1267.40 5.417 1505.1 568.7 0.918 0.1238 1.416 0.874 17.60
290.00 7.4416×106 739.7 1289.80 5.490 1476.8 562.0 0.904 0.1222 1.384 0.883 16.70
290.54 7.5000×106 731.9 1292.70 5.511 1473.1 561.2 0.902 0.1232 1.391 0.886 16.60
295.00 8.0000×106 730.9 1317.10 5.605 1441.5 553.5 0.887 0.1214 1.351 0.898 15.50
299.27 8.5000×106 722.2 1340.70 5.700 1410.3 500.7 0.873 0.1209 1.216 0.994 14.50
300.00 8.5877×106 722.2 1344.80 5.750 1404.8 544.9 0.870 0.1205 1.312 0.918 14.40
303.35 9.0000×106 713.6 1363.70 5.850 1379.2 538.8 0.859 0.1204 1.291 0.933 13.60
305.00 9.2092×10б 712.1 1373.10 5.900 1366.3 535.7 0.853 0.1198 1.275 0.939 13.10
307.25 9.5000×106 705.2 1386.00 5.980 1348.4 530.4 0.845 0.1198 1.258 0.953 12.70
310.00 9.8647×106 701.7 1402.00 6.090 1325.9 526.5 0.835 0.1190 1.232 0.966 12.10
311.00 1.0000×107 696.8 1407.90 6.140 1317.6 524.5 0.832 0.1194 1.226 0.974 11.90
314.61 1.0500×107 690.7 1429.30 6.320 1286.9 517.2 0.818 0.1184 1.185 1.000 11.10
315.00 1.0556×107 688.4 1439.80 6.410 1271.5 516.4 0.817 0.1187 1.170 1.014 11.00
318.08 1.1000×107 680.1 1450.30 6.500 1256.1 510.1 0.805 0.1184 1.154 1.026 10.30
320.00 1.1284×107 671.8 1462.10 6.540 1238.6 506.4 0.798 0.1188 1.153 1.031 9.86
321.44 1.1500×107 667.1 1470.90 6.680 1225.3 503.4 0.792 0.1187 1.130 1.051 9.60
324.68 1.2000×107 663.5 1491.30 6.870 1194.3 496.3 0.779 0.1174 1.089 1.078 8.90
325.00 1.2051×107 655.2 1493.40 6.890 1191.1 495.7 0.777 0.1186 1.098 1.080 8.80
327.82 1.2500×107 654.3 1511.50 7.060 1163.0 489.6 0.765 0.1169 1.060 1.103 8.10
330.00 1.2858×107 646.8 1525.70 7.190 1140.5 484.8 0.756 0.1169 1.042 1.121 7.70
330.86 1.3000×107 640.8 1531.40 7.210 1131.5 482.8 0.752 0.1174 1.045 1.123 7.50
333.81 1.3500×107 638.4 1551.20 7.270 1099.6 476.0 0.738 0.1156 1.026 1.127 7.00
335.00 1.3707×107 629.8 1559.30 7.510 1086.3 473.2 0.733 0.1164 1.000 1.163 6.70
336.67 1.4000×107 626.3 1570.90 7.620 1067.2 469.2 0.724 0.1156 0.983 1.176 6.40
339.45 1.4500×107 621.2 1590.50 7.780 1034.3 362.7 0.711 0.1144 0.750 1.525 5.70
340.00 1.4600×107 612.4 1594.40 8.110 1027.6 461.4 0.708 0.1156 0.929 1.244 5.63
342.16 1.5000×107 610.7 1610.20 8.490 1000.7 455.9 0.696 0.1140 0.879 1.296 5.20
344.79 1.5500×107 603.5 1629.90 8.950 966.4 449.5 0.682 0.1130 0.832 1.358 4.80
345.00 1.5540×107 594.4 1631.40 8.990 963.6 449.0 0.681 0.1146 0.840 1.364 4.70
347.36 1.6000×107 593.6 1649.70 9.490 931.1 442.9 0.668 0.1125 0.786 1.431 4.10
350.00 1.6500×107 585.0 1669.70 10.120 894.9 436.6 0.652 0.1115 0.738 1.511 3.67
352.29 1.7000×107 574.7 1690.00 10.850 857.4 430.8 0.638 0.1110 0.691 1.607 3.20
354.67 1.7500×107 565.2 1710.80 11.700 818.4 424.5 0.623 0.1102 0.642 1.717 2.80
TABLE 3.3. (continued)
Temp. Heat Specific Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal Surface
Pressure Density Enthalpy Prandtl
rature capacity heat conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity tension
Pa kg/m3 kJ/kg 6 2 number
°C kJ/(kg⋅K) kJ/kg 103W/(m⋅K) 106(Pa⋅s) 10 (m /s) 106(m2/s) mN/m
355.00 1.7570×107 554.7 1713.70 11.860 812.7 423.8 0.621 0.1120 0.644 1.738 2.74
356.99 1.8000×107 553.2 1732.00 13.540 777.5 419.5 0.607 0.1097 0.560 1.959 2.30
359.26 1.8500×107 543.6 1754.00 14.520 734.4 414.0 0.592 0.1089 0.524 2.076 1.90
360.00 1.8666×107 531.9 1761.50 14.870 719.5 412.0 0.587 0.1104 0.521 2.119 1.88
361.47 1.9000×107 527.8 1776.90 15.720 688.5 409.0 0.576 0.1091 0.493 2.214 1.52
363.63 1.9500×107 519.3 1801.10 18.430 638.9 405.3 0.560 0.1078 0.423 2.546 1.19
365.00 1.9822×107 496.1 1817.60 21.500 604.5 404.0 0.550 0.1109 0.379 2.927 1.08
365.75 2.0000×107 490.4 1827.10 23.760 584.3 404.2 0.544 0.1109 0.347 3.198 0.95
367.81 2.0500×107 473.0 1855.90 32.590 522.3 411.8 0.528 0.1116 0.267 4.179 0.68
369.83 2.1000×107 452.1 1889.40 45.800 448.2 417.6 0.512 0.1133 0.202 5.615 0.40
370.00 2.1043×107 450.0 1892.70 47.100 440.9 418.0 0.510 0.1133 0.197 5.747 0.39
371.00 2.1296×107 436.6 1913.30 64.100 394.3 433.0 0.502 0.1150 0.155 7.431 0.27
372.00 2.1553×107 419.9 1938.50 101.200 336.1 462.0 0.493 0.1174 0.109 10.799 0.16
373.00 2.1813×107 395.8 1974.10 231.000 253.2 534.0 0.485 0.1225 0.062 20.980 0.06
TABLE 3.4. (continued)
Temp. Heat Specific Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal
Pressure Density Enthalpy Prandtl
rature capacity heat conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity
Pa kg/m3 kJ/kg 6 2 number
°C kJ/(kg⋅K) kJ/kg 103W/(m⋅K) 106(Pa⋅s) 10 (m /s) 106(m2/s)
90 7.0182×104 0.4239 2659.5 2.042 2282.6 24.0 11.93 28.14 27.5 1.02
93.49 8.0000×104 0.4791 2665.2 2.054 2273.5 24.3 12.03 25.11 24.7 1.02
95 8.4609×104 0.5049 2667.6 2.060 2269.6 24.4 12.08 23.93 23.5 1.02
96.69 9.0000×104 0.5349 2670.3 2.066 2265.2 24.6 12.14 22.70 22.3 1.02
99.61 1.0000×105 0.5903 2674.9 2.076 2257.5 24.7 12.23 20.72 20.2 1.03
100 1.0142×105 0.5981 2675.6 2.077 2256.5 24.8 12.27 20.51 20.0 1.03
105 1.2090×105 0.7050 2683.4 2.101 2243.2 25.3 12.59 17.86 17.5 1.04
110 1.4338×105 0.8269 2691.1 2.121 2229.7 25.8 12.61 15.25 14.7 1.04
115 1.6918×105 0.9653 2698.6 2.150 2216.0 26.4 12.76 13.22 12.7 1.04
120 1.9867×105 1.1220 2705.9 2.174 2202.1 27.0 12.95 11.54 11.1 1.04
120.21 2.0000×105 1.1290 2706.2 2.179 2201.6 27.1 12.94 11.46 10.9 1.04
125 2.3222×105 1.2985 2713.1 2.208 2188.0 27.4 13.11 10.10 9.56 1.05
130 2.7026×105 1.4968 2720.1 2.237 2173.7 28.1 13.30 8.886 8.39 1.06
133.53 3.0000×105 1.6507 2724.9 2.264 2163.4 28.4 13.42 8.130 7.60 1.06
135 3.1320×105 1.7188 2726.9 2.275 2159.1 28.6 13.47 7.837 7.31 1.07
140 3.6150×105 1.9665 2733.4 2.311 2144.2 29.4 13.64 6.936 6.47 1.07
143.61 4.0000×105 2.1627 2738.1 2.340 2133.3 29.6 13.78 6.372 5.85 1.08
145 4.1563×105 2.2421 2739.8 2.352 2129.1 29.8 13.83 6.168 5.65 1.08
150 4.7610×105 2.5478 2745.9 2.396 2113.7 30.8 13.99 5.491 5.05 1.09
151.84 5.0000×105 2.6681 2748.1 2.411 2107.9 30.7 14.07 5.273 4.77 1.10
155 5.4342×105 2.8860 2751.8 2.440 2097.9 31.1 14.17 4.910 4.42 1.10
158.83 6.0000×105 3.1688 2756.1 2.477 2085.6 31.7 14.30 4.513 4.04 1.11
160 6.1814×105 3.2592 2757.4 2.492 2081.9 32.2 14.33 4.397 3.96 1.11
164.95 7.0000×105 3.6662 2762.7 2.539 2065.6 32.6 14.50 3.955 3.50 1.12
165 7.0082×105 3.6703 2762.8 2.540 2065.4 32.6 14.50 3.951 3.50 1.13
170 7.9205×105 4.1217 2767.9 2.599 2048.7 33.8 14.68 3.562 3.16 1.13
170.41 8.0000×105 4.1609 2768.3 2.601 2047.3 33.8 14.68 3.528 3.12 1.13
175 8.9245×105 4.6168 2772.7 2.652 2031.6 34.2 14.84 3.214 2.79 1.14
175.36 9.0000×105 4.6540 2773.0 2.656 2030.3 34.3 14.85 3.191 2.77 1.14
179.89 1.0000×106 5.1454 2777.1 2.712 2014.4 35.0 15.00 2.915 2.51 1.15
180 1.0026×106 5.1584 2777.2 2.716 2014.0 35.4 15.02 2.912 2.53 1.15
185 1.1233×106 5.7498 2781.4 2.778 1996.1 35.9 15.18 2.640 2.25 1.17
190 1.2550×106 6.3947 2785.3 2.846 1977.7 37.2 15.37 2.404 2.04 1.18
195 1.3986×106 7.0967 2788.9 2.918 1958.9 37.8 15.52 2.187 1.83 1.19
198.30 1.5000×106 7.5930 2791.0 2.968 1946.3 38.5 15.64 2.060 1.71 1.20
200 1.5547×106 7.8604 2792.1 2.990 1939.7 39.1 15.71 1.999 1.66 1.20
205 1.7240×106 8.6889 2794.9 3.070 1919.9 39.9 15.87 1.826 1.50 1.22
210 1.9074×106 9.5877 2797.4 3.150 1899.6 41.1 16.06 1.675 1.36 1.23
212.38 2.0000×106 10.042 2798.4 3.203 1889.8 41.6 16.13 1.606 1.29 1.24
215 2.1055×106 10.561 2799.4 3.250 1878.8 42.2 16.23 1.537 1.23 1.25
220 2.3193×106 11.614 2801.1 3.328 1857.4 43.3 16.41 1.413 1.12 1.26
223.96 2.5000×106 12.508 2802.0 3.415 1840.1 44.4 16.55 1.323 1.04 1.27
225 2.5494×106 12.753 2802.3 3.435 1835.4 44.6 16.59 1.301 1.02 1.28
TABLE 3.4. (continued)
Temp. Heat Specific Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal
Pressure Density Enthalpy Prandtl
rature capacity heat conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity
Pa kg/m3 kJ/kg 6 2 number
°C kJ/(kg⋅K) kJ/kg 103W/(m⋅K) 106(Pa⋅s) 10 (m /s) 106(m2/s)
230 2.7968×106 13.984 2803.0 3.528 1812.8 45.7 16.76 1.199 0.926 1.29
233.86 3.0000×106 15.002 2803.3 3.613 1794.9 47.0 16.91 1.127 0.867 1.30
235 3.0622×106 15.314 2803.3 3.637 1789.5 47.3 16.95 1.107 0.849 1.31
240 3.3460×106 16.748 2803.1 3.755 1765.5 48.3 17.12 1.022 0.768 1.33
241 3.4059×106 17.047 2803.0 3.772 1760.7 49.0 17.18 1.008 0.762 1.33
242.56 3.5000×106 17.525 2802.7 3.809 1753.0 49.4 17.23 0.983 0.740 1.33
245 3.6509×106 18.295 2802.3 3.868 1740.8 50.2 17.32 0.947 0.709 1.33
250 3.9759×106 19.964 2801.0 4.012 1715.3 51.2 17.49 0.876 0.639 1.37
250.36 4.0000×106 20.088 2800.9 4.028 1713.5 51.8 17.53 0.873 0.640 1.36
255 4.3227×106 21.768 2799.1 4.141 1689.0 53.3 17.70 0.813 0.591 1.38
257.44 4.5000×106 22.696 2798.0 4.216 1675.9 54.1 17.79 0.784 0.565 1.39
260 4.6921×106 23.708 2796.6 4.308 1661.8 54.3 17.87 0.754 0.532 1.42
263.94 5.0000×106 25.349 2794.2 4.430 1639.7 56.3 18.04 0.712 0.501 1.44
265 5.0851×106 25.806 2793.5 4.468 1633.7 56.7 18.08 0.701 0.492 1.45
270 5.5000×106 28.074 2789.7 4.655 1604.6 57.8 18.27 0.651 0.442 1.47
275 5.9463×106 30.516 2785.1 4.860 1574.4 60.3 18.47 0.605 0.407 1.49
275.59 6.0000×106 30.817 2784.6 4.885 1570.8 60.5 18.49 0.600 0.402 1.49
280 6.4165×106 33.167 2779.8 5.070 1543.2 61.8 18.70 0.564 0.368 1.53
280.86 6.5000×106 33.636 2778.8 5.125 1537.7 62.5 18.86 0.561 0.363 1.55
285 6.9145×106 36.023 2773.7 5.329 1510.7 64.2 18.99 0.527 0.334 1.58
285.83 7.0000×106 36.523 2772.6 5.372 1505.1 64.5 19.02 0.521 0.329 1.58
290 7.4416×106 39.124 2766.6 5.580 1476.8 66.4 19.15 0.489 0.304 1.61
290.54 7.5000×106 39.479 2765.8 5.627 1473.1 66.5 19.19 0.486 0.299 1.62
295 8.0000×106 42.499 2758.6 5.888 1441.6 68.4 19.38 0.456 0.273 1.67
299.27 8.5000×106 45.600 2751.0 6.157 1410.3 70.3 19.58 0.429 0.250 1.70
300 8.5877×106 46.168 2749.6 6.220 1404.8 71.8 19.65 0.426 0.250 1.70
303.35 9.0000×106 48.804 2742.9 6.497 1379.2 73.8 19.80 0.406 0.233 1.74
305 9.2092×10б 50.150 2739.4 6.634 1366.3 74.9 19.89 0.397 0.225 1.76
307.25 9.5000×106 52.083 2734.4 6.824 1348.4 76.4 20.02 0.384 0.215 1.79
310 9.8647×106 54.526 2727.9 7.050 1325.9 78.3 20.20 0.370 0.204 1.82
311 1.0000×107 55.463 2725.5 7.158 1317.6 79.0 20.24 0.365 0.199 1.83
314.61 1.0500×107 58.928 2716.1 7.513 1286.9 81.7 20.48 0.348 0.185 1.88
315 1.0556×107 59.312 2715.1 7.554 1283.4 82.1 20.50 0.346 0.183 1.89
318.08 1.1000×107 62.539 2706.4 7.901 1256.1 84.6 20.72 0.331 0.171 1.94
320 1.1284×107 64.599 2700.7 8.160 1238.6 86.4 20.84 0.323 0.164 1.97
321.44 1.1500×107 66.225 2696.2 8.331 1225.3 87.7 20.96 0.316 0.159 1.99
324.68 1.2000×107 70.077 2685.6 8.808 1194.3 91.0 21.21 0.303 0.147 2.05
325 1.2051×107 70.472 2684.5 8.859 1191.1 91.3 21.23 0.301 0.146 2.06
327.82 1.2500×107 74.074 2674.5 9.341 1163.0 94.4 21.46 0.290 0.136 2.12
330 1.2858×107 77.042 2666.2 9.740 1140.5 97.0 21.60 0.280 0.129 2.17
330.86 1.3000×107 78.186 2662.9 9.931 1131.5 98.0 21.71 0.278 0.126 2.20
333.81 1.3500×107 82.508 2650.8 10.58 1099.6 101.7 21.96 0.266 0.117 2.28
335 1.3707×107 84.388 2645.6 10.87 1086.3 103.4 22.07 0.262 0.113 2.32
TABLE 3.4. (continued)
Temp. Heat Specific Thermal Dynamic Kinematic Thermal
Pressure Density Enthalpy Prandtl
rature capacity heat conductivity viscosity viscosity diffusivity
Pa kg/m3 kJ/kg 6 2 number
°C kJ/(kg⋅K) kJ/kg 103W/(m⋅K) 106(Pa⋅s) 10 (m /s) 106(m2/s)
336.67 1.4000×107 87.032 2638.1 11.30 1067.2 106.0 22.22 0.255 0.108 2.37
339.45 1.4500×107 91.743 2624.8 12.07 1034.3 110.8 22.47 0.245 0.100 2.45
340 1.4600×107 92.764 2622.1 12.24 1027.6 111.8 22.55 0.243 0.098 2.47
342.16 1.5000×107 96.712 2610.9 12.92 1000.7 116.0 22.79 0.236 0.093 2.54
344.79 1.5500×107 101.93 2596.2 13.93 966.4 121.7 23.10 0.227 0.086 2.64
345 1.5540×107 102.35 2595.0 14.02 963.6 122.2 23.13 0.226 0.085 2.65
347.36 1.6000×107 107.43 2580.8 15.04 931.1 127.8 23.43 0.218 0.079 2.76
350 1.6500×107 113.62 2563.6 16.64 892.7 134.6 23.82 0.210 0.071 2.95
352.29 1.7000×107 119.47 2547.4 18.04 857.4 140.5 24.15 0.202 0.065 3.10
354.67 1.7500×107 126.15 2529.1 20.17 818.4 148.9 24.57 0.195 0.059 3.33
355 1.7570×107 127.13 2526.4 20.71 812.7 151.7 24.65 0.194 0.058 3.37
356.99 1.8000×107 133.35 2509.5 22.84 777.5 159 25.02 0.188 0.052 3.59
359.26 1.8500×107 141.20 2488.4 26.13 734.4 172.3 25.53 0.181 0.047 3.87
360 1.8666×107 143.97 2481.0 27.57 719.5 176.6 25.73 0.179 0.044 4.02
361.47 1.9000×107 149.86 2465.4 31.81 688.5 188.1 26.08 0.174 0.039 4.41
363.63 1.9500×107 159.57 2440.0 38.04 638.9 205.2 26.70 0.167 0.034 4.95
365 1.9822×107 166.50 2422.1 42.00 604.5 217.7 27.21 0.163 0.031 5.25
365.75 2.0000×107 170.68 2411.4 49.71 584.3 224.1 26.75 0.157 0.026 5.93
367.81 2.0500×107 183.89 2378.2 70.89 522.3 244.6 27.51 0.150 0.019 7.97
369.83 2.1000×107 200.48 2337.6 91.65 448.2 266.6 28.78 0.144 0.015 9.89
370 2.1043×107 202.14 2333.6 93.40 440.9 309.0 29.70 0.147 0.016 8.97
371 2.1296×107 213.13 2307.5 124.9 394.3 346.0 30.5 0.143 0.013 11.0
371.80 2.1500×107 223.91 2282.6 177.2 349.8 390 30.76 0.137 0.007 14.0
372 2.1553×107 227.38 2274.6 190.3 336.1 403.0 31.6 0.139 0.009 14.9
373 2.1813×107 248.82 2227.3 404.0 253.2 504.0 33.2 0.133 0.005 26.2
TABLE 3.5. (continued)
Temp. Isobaric heat capacity [kJ/(kg⋅K)] at pressure (MPa)
°C 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 75 100
120 1.910 1.921 1.956 2.019 4.246 4.246 4.244 4.242 4.234 4.222 4.199 4.137 4.093 4.055
130 1.913 1.922 1.952 2.004 2.123 4.264 4.263 4.260 4.252 4.239 4.214 4.149 4.103 4.063
140 1.916 1.924 1.949 1.993 2.090 4.286 4.284 4.281 4.273 4.258 4.232 4.163 4.114 4.072
150 1.920 1.927 1.948 1.986 .2.067 4.310 4.309 4.305 4.296 4.281 4.252 4.177 4.126 4.081
160 1.924 1.930 1.949 1.980 2.049 2.318 4.337 4.333 4.323 4.306 4.274 4.194 4.139 4.092
170 1.929 1.934 1.950 1.977 2.036 2.250 4.369 4.365 4.353 4.334 4.300 4.212 4.153 4.103
180 1.934 1.938 1.952 1.976 2.026 2.205 2.712 4.401 4.388 4.367 4.328 4.232 4.169 4.115
190 1.938 1.942 1.954 1.975 2.019 2.171 2.529 4.443 4.428 4.404 4.361 4.255 4.186 4.129
200 1.944 1.947 1.958 1.976 2.014 2.145 2.429 4.491 4.474 4.447 4.398 4.281 4.205 4.144
220 1.954 1.957 1.965 1.979 2.009 2.108 2.310 2.949 4.590 4.553 4.489 4.341 4.250 4.179
240 1.965 1.968 1.974 1.985 2.009 2.086 2.238 2.648 4.749 4.697 4.608 4.417 4.306 4.221
260 1.977 1.979 1.984 1.993 2.012 2.073 2.191 2.491 4.976 4.897 4.769 4.512 4.373 4.271
280 1.989 1.990 1.995 2.002 2.018 2.067 2.160 2.389 3.635 5.193 4.991 4.631 4.455 4.331
300 2.001 2.002 2.006 2.012 2.025 2.066 2.141 2.320 3.171 5.682 5.317 4.782 4.553 4.400
320 2.013 2.014 2.017 2.023 2.034 2.068 2.130 2.273 2.903 5.747 5.849 4.974 4.669 4.478
340 2.026 2.026 2.029 2.034 2.043 2.072 2.124 2.242 2.727 4.389 6.924 5.220 4.801 4.562
360 2.038 2.039 2.041 2.045 2.054 2.079 2.123 2.221 2.606 3.732 11.460 5.562 4.960 4.654
380 2.051 2.052 2.054 2.057 2.065 2.086 2.124 2.207 2.520 3.347 10.221 6.053 5.162 4.774
400 2.064 2.065 2.067 2.070 2.076 2.095 2.128 2.200 2.459 3.096 6.360 6.778 5.395 4.892
420 2:077 2.078 2.079 2.082 2.088 2.105 2.134 2:196 2.415 2.922 4.982 7.864 5.681 5.025
440 2.091 2.091 2.093 2.095 2.100 2.115 2.141 2.196 2.383 2.796 4.257 9.16 6.011 5.178
460 2.104 2.104 2.106 2.108 2.113 2.126 2.149 2.198 2.360 2.704 3.806 9.578 6.337 5.336
480 2.118 2.118 2.119 2.121 2.125 2.138 2.158 2.202 2.344 2.635 3.501 8.609 6.582 5.477
500 2.131 2.132 2.133 2.135 2.138 2.149 2.168 2.207 2.333 2.583 3.284 7.309 6.658 5.576
520 2.145 2.145 2.146 2.148 2.151 2.162 2.179 2.214 2.326 2.544 3.125 6.213 6.524 5.615
540 2.159 2.159 2.160 2.162 2.165 2.174 2.189 2.221 2.322 2.513 3.005 5.414 6.226 5.588
560 2.173 2.173 2.174 2.175 2.178 2.187 2.201 2.230 2.321 2.490 2.912 4.837 5.837 5.495
580 2.187 2.187 2.188 2.189 2.192 2.200 2.213 2.239 2.321 2.473 2.839 4.413 5.425 5.351
600 2.201 2.201 2.202 2.203 2.205 2.213 2.224 2.249 2.324 2.460 2.781 4.097 5.051 5.171
620 2.215 2.215 2.216 2.217 2.219 2.226 2.237 2.259 2.328 2.451 2.735 3.856 4.712 4.977
640 2.229 2.229 2.230 2.231 2.233 2.239 2.249 2.270 2.332 2.444 2.698 3.667 4.427 4.734
660 2.243 2.244 2.244 2.245 2.247 2.253 2.262 2.281 2.338 2.440 2.668 3.515 4.191 4.532
680 2.258 2.258 2.258 2.259 2.261 2.266 2.275 2.292 2.345 2.438 2.644 3.391 3.992 4.358
700 2.272 2.272 2.272 2.273 2.275 2.280 2.287 2.303 2.353 2.438 2.625 3.288 3.824 4.191
720 2.286 2.286 2.287 2.287 2.289 2.293 2.300 2.315 2.361 2.439 2.610 3.203 3.682 4.032
740 2.300 2.300 2.301 2.301 2.303 2.307 2.314 2.327 2.369 2.442 2.598 3.132 3.563 3.888
760 2.314 2.314 2.315 2.315 2.317 2.320 2.327 2.339 2.378 2.445 2.589 3.072 3.465 3.764
780 2.328 2.328 2.329 2.329 2.331 2.334 2.340 2.352 2.388 2.450 2.582 3.023 3.383 3.661
800 2.344 2.344 2.344 2.345 2.346 2.349 2.354 2.365 2.397 2.454 2.578 2.981 3.316 3.576
Temp. Dynamic viscosity [µPa⋅s] at pressure (MPa)
°C 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 75 100
Water 587.6 466.0 348.6 282.9 231.6 180.1 150.2 126.1 100.0 81.8 56.2 - - -
Steam 10.5 10.9 11.6 12.3 13.0 14.1 15.0 16.1 18.0 20.3 27.5 - - -
0 1791.8 1791.7 1791.7 1791.5 1791.3 1790.5 1789.3 1786.8 1779.5 1767.9 1746.6 1696.5 1668.8 1652.0
10 1306.0 1306.0 1305.9 1305.9 1305.8 1305.4 1304.9 1303.8 1300.7 1295.7 1286.6 1266.4 1256.7 1252.7
20 1001.6 1001.6 1001.6 1001.6 1001.6 1001.4 1001.2 1000.8 999.6 997.7 994.4 988.4 987.2 989.3
25 890.1 890.1 890.1 890.1 890.1 890.0 889.9 889.6 889.0 888.0 886.4 884.5 885.9 889.7
30 797.4 797.4 797.4 797.3 797.3 797.3 797.3 797.2 796.9 796.6 796.2 797.2 800.4 805.4
40 653.0 653.0 653.0 653.0 653.0 653.0 653.1 653.1 653.4 653.9 655.0 659.7 665.0 671.4
50 10.6 546.8 546.8 546.9 546.9 546.9 547.0 547.2 547.7 548.6 550.6 557.2 563.5 570.6
60 10.9 466.4 466.4 466.4 466.4 466.5 466.6 466.8 467.5 468.6 471.0 478.6 485.4 492.6
70 11.3 11.3 403.9 403.9 403.9 404.0 404.1 404.4 405.1 406.4 409.0 417.0 423.9 431.1
80 11.6 11.6 354.3 354.4 354.4 354.5 354.6 354.9 355.6 357.0 359.6 367.8 374.7 381.7
90 12.0 12.0 11.9 314.4 314.4 314.5 314.7 314.9 315.7 317.1 319.7 327.9 334.7 341.5
100 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 281.8 281.9 282.0 282.3 283.1 284.4 287.1 295.1 301.7 308.4
110 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.6 254.7 254.8 254.9 255.2 256.0 257.3 260.0 267.8 274.3 280.7
120 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.0 232.1 232.1 232.3 232.5 233.3 234.6 237.2 244.9 251.2 257.4
130 13.5 13.5 13.4 13.4 13.3 213.0 213.1 213.3 214.1 215.4 218.0 225.5 231.6 237.6
140 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.7 196.6 196.7 197.0 197.7 199.0 201.5 208.9 214.8 220.6
150 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.1 182.5 182.6 182.8 183.6 184.9 187.3 194.6 200.4 206.0
160 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.4 170.3 170.6 171.3 172.6 175.0 182.1 187.8 193.3
170 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 14.9 14.8 159.6 159.9 160.6 161.8 164.2 171.2 176.8 182.1
180 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.0 150.4 151.1 152.4 154.8 161.7 167.1 172.3
190 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.7 15.6 15.5 142.0 142.7 143.9 146.3 153.2 158.5 163.7
200 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.1 16.1 15.9 134.4 135.2 136.4 138.8 145.6 150.9 155.9
220 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 16.9 16.8 16.5 122.2 123.5 125.9 132.7 137.9 142.8
240 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.7 17.6 17.4 111.3 112.6 115.2 122.1 127.3 132.1
260 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.5 18.3 101.8 103.2 105.9 113.1 118.4 123.2
280 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.4 19.4 19.3 19.2 18.8 94.7 97.7 105.4 110.8 115.6
300 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.2 20.2 20.1 19.8 86.5 90.1 98.5 104.1 109.1
320 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.0 21.0 20.7 20.7 82.5 92.2 98.2 103.3
340 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.8 21.7 21.7 74.2 86.2 92.8 98.2
360 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.7 22.7 22.6 22.6 62.8 80.3 87.7 93.4
380 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.5 23.5 23.6 25.8 74.3 82.8 89.0
400 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.5 26.0 68.0 78.0 84.8
420 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.2 25.4 26.7 61.2 73.2 80.7
440 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.3 27.4 53.9 68.5 76.8
460 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 27.0 27.2 28.2 47.4 64.6 73.0
480 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 28.0 29.0 43.0 59.6 69.4
500 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.7 28.9 29.8 40.5 55.8 66.1
520 29.4 29.4 29.4 29:4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.5 29.8 30.7 39.3 52.6 63.0
540 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.4 30.6 31.5 38.8 50.2 60.3
560 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.4 32.3 38.7 48.5 58.0
580 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.9 32.0 32.3 33.1 38.8 47.3 56.2
600 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.7 32.8 33.1 33.9 39.1 46.6 54.7
TABLE 3.6. (continued)
Temp. Dynamic viscosity [µPa⋅s] at pressure (MPa)
°C 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 75 100
620 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.5 33.6 33.9 34.7 39.5 46.1 53.6
640 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.7 35.5 40.0 46.0 52.7
660 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.5 36.3 40.5 45.9 52.2
680 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.9 36.0 36.3 37.1 41.1 46.1 51.8
700 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.8 37.1 37.8 41.6 46.3 51.6
720 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.4 37.4 37.6 37.8 38.6 42.2 46.6 51.5
740 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.6 39.4 42.9 46.9 51.5
760 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 39.1 39.4 40.1 43.5 47.3 51.7
780 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.6 39.7 39.7 39.9 40.1 40.9 44.1 47.8 51.9
800 40.4 40.4 40.4 40.4 40.4 40.4 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.9 41.6 44.7 48.2 52.1
TABLE 3.7. (continued)
Temp. Thermal conductivity [mW/(m⋅K)] at pressure (MPa)
°C 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 75 100
360 50.0 50.0 50.1 50.1 50.2 50.4 50.9 51.9 56.0 67.7 419.8 521.1 567.4 602.3
380 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.4 52.5 52.7 53.1 54.1 57.6 66.7 129.4 481.7 537.2 576.9
400 54.6 54.7 54.7 54.7 54.8 55.0 55.4 56.3 59.5 67.2 103.4 438.3 504.7 550.0
420 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.4 57.8 58.6 61.6 68.3 94.6 391.5 470.4 521.9
440 59.4 59.4 59.4 59.5 59.5 59.8 60.1 60.9 63.7 69.7 90.8 342.0 434.7 492.7
460 61.9 61.9 61.9 61.9 62.0 62.2 62.6 63.3 65.9 71.4 89.1 289.0 398.9 463.1
480 64.3 64.3 64.4 64.4 64.5 64.7 65.0 65.8 68.2 73.3 88.7 240.3 363.9 433.5
500 66.8 66.8 66.9 66.9 67.0 67.2 67.5 68.2 70.6 75.3 89.1 205.5 330.9 404.8
520 69.4 69.4 69.4 69.4 69.5 69.7 70.0 70.7 73.0 77.5 90.0 182.8 300.6 377.7
560 74.6 74.6 74.6 74.6 74.7 74.9 75.2 75.8 77.9 82.0 92.7 158.5 251.4 329.9
580 77.2 77.2 77.2 77.2 77.3 77.5 77.8 78.4 80.5 84.3 94.4 152.0 233.4 309.6
600 79.8 79.9 79.9 79.9 80.0 80.1 80.4 81.0 83.0 86.8 96.2 147.7 219.2 291.7
620 82.5 82.5 82.6 82.6 82.6 82.8 83.1 83.7 85.6 89.2 98.2 144.8 208.2 276.2
640 85.2 85.3 85.3 85.3 85.4 85.5 85.8 86.4 88.2 91.7 100.3 142.9 199.8 263.0
660 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 88.1 88.2 88.5 89.1 90.9 94.3 102.5 141.9 193.3 252.0
680 90.7 90.7 90.8 90.8 90.8 91.0 91.3 91.8 93.6 96.9 104.7 141.4 188.3 242.7
700 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.6 93.6 93.8 94.0 94.6 96.3 99.5 107.0 141.4 184.5 235.0
720 96.3 96.3 96.3 96.4 96.4 96.6 96.8 97.4 99.0 102.1 109.4 141.8 181.7 228.7
740 99.1 99.1 99.2 99.2 99.2 99.4 99.6 100.2 101.8 104.8 111.8 142.5 179.6 223.5
760 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.1 102.2 102.5 103.0 104.6 107.5 114.3 143.5 178.2 219.3
780 104.8 104.8 104.8 104.9 104.9 105.1 105.3 105.8 107.4 110.2 116.8 144.6 177.2 215.9
800 107.7 107.7 107.7 107.7 107.8 107.9 108.2 108.6 110.2 113.0 119.3 145.9 176.7 213.2
Water 3.86 2.99 2.19 1.76 1.44 1.14 0.98 0.88 0.84 0.96 3.23 - - -
Steam 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.09 1.15 1.24 1.44 1.83 5.54 - - -
0 13.45 13.45 13.45 13.45 13.44 13.43 13.41 13.36 13.22 12.99 12.57 11.56 10.94 10.47
10 9.42 9.42 9.42 9.41 9.41 9.40 9.39 9.37 9.29 9.17 8.95 8.41 8.07 7.80
20 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.98 6.96 6.92 6.85 6.73 6.41 6.21 6.05
25 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.12 6.12 6.11 6.07 6.02 5.92 5.67 5.52 5.39
30 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.41 5.40 5.38 5.34 5.26 5.06 4.94 4.84
40 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.33 4.31 4.29 4.24 4.11 4.03 3.97
50 1.01 3.57' 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.56 3.55 3.53 3.50 3.42 3.36 3.32
60 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.99 2.99 2.97 2.95 2.89 2.86 2.83
70 0.99 1.00 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.55 2.53 2.49 2.47 2.45
80 0.98 0.99 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.22 2.22 2.21 2.18 2.16 2.15
90 0.97 0.98 1.01 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.95 1.93 1.92 1.91
100 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.03 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.74 1.73 1.72 1.71
110 0.97 0.97 0.99 1.01 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.57 1.56 1.55 1.55
120 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.42 1.42 1.42
130 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.99 1.03 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.31 1.31 1.31
140 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.01 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.22 1.22 1.21 1.21
TABLE 3.8. (continued)
Temp. Prandtl numbers at pressure (MPa)
°C 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 75 100
150 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.13
160 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.99 1.06 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.07 1.07
170 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.99 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01
180 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.98 1.03 1.15 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96
190 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.97 1.02 1.10 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92
200 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.97 1.01 1.07 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.88
220 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.99 1.04 1.17 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.83 0.83 0.82
240 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.98 1.02 1.10 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.80 0.79 0.78
260 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.97 1.00 1.07 0.84 0.82 0.81 0.78 0.76 0.75
280 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.98 1.04 1.28 0.84 0.81 0.77 0.74 0.73
300 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.97 1.01 1.18 0.90 0.84 0.77 0.74 0.72
320 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.96 1.00 1.13 1.59 0.91 0.78 0.74 0.71
340 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.98 1.08 1.36 1.06 0.81 0.75 0.72
360 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.97 1.05 1.25 1.71 0.86 0.77 0.72
380 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.96 1.03 1.18 2.04 0.93 0.80 0.74
400 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.95 1.01 1.13 1.60 1.05 0.83 0.75
420 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.95 0.99 1.09 1.40 1.23 0.88 0.78
440 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.98 1.05 1.29 1.44 0.95 0.81
460 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.97 1.03 1.20 1-.57 ' 1.02 0.84
480 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.96 1.01 1.15 1.54 1.08 0.88
500 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.95 0.99 1.10 1.44 1.12 0.91
520 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.94 0.98 1.07 1.34 1.14 0.94
540 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.97 1.04 1.25 1.14 0.96
560 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.93 0.96 1.01 1.18 1.13 0.97
580 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.95 1.00 1.13 1.10 0.97
600 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.94 0.98 1.09 1.07 0.97
620 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.93 0.97 1.05 1.04 0.97
640 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.96 1.03 1.02 0.95
660 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.94
680 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.94 0.98 0.98 0.93
700 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.93 0.97 0.96 0.92
720 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.92 0.95 0.94 0.91
740 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.89 0:89 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.94 0.93 0.90
760 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.93 0.92 0.89
780 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.91 0:88
800 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.90 0.87
TABLE 3.9. (continued)
TABLE 3.9. (continued)
TABLE 3.9. (continued)
TABLE 3.9. (continued)
TABLE 3.9. (continued)
The history of the study of thermophysical properties of liquid metals in the Russian
Federation has been over five decades long. In the early 1950s the properties of liquid metals,
which were a totally new class of coolants, were unknown. The development of this type of
coolants was associated with new requirements of nuclear power engineering, in particular
with the development of fast sodium cooled reactors.
As compared with other coolants (gas, water), liquid metals have two major advantages, such
as low pressure in the system (owing to their high boiling point) and high thermal
conductivity owing to their electron conductivity. The use of liquid metal coolants made it
possible to provide high rate of heat transfer in power plants as well as the temperatures of
working surfaces of their constructions close to coolant temperature [7, 10].
The most significant research in this field were carried out in 1950–1970 years. The first
tables on thermophysical properties of liquid metals were developed on the basis of the results
of experimental investigations performed in ENIN [28] by the initiative of Academician
A.I. Leipunsky, the IPPE’s research supervisor. These tables were included in many well
known monographs [7, 10–14].
Further development of nuclear power engineering required the study of properties of liquid
metal coolants such as lead, Pb-Bi alloy, lithium, cesium, Na-K alloy, etc. In particular, lead
is considered promising for applications in new generation reactors as well as for targets of
accelerator-driven systems.
It has been found that a number of thermophysical properties of liquid metals have a
pronounced effect on the features of both hydrodynamic and heat-mass transfer processes in
power plants. Specifically, relatively low Prandtl and Peclet numbers typical of liquid metals
offer no advantages in terms of decreasing temperature nonuniformities in NPP designs as
compared with water. The disadvantage of many liquid metals is also their high chemical
activity at interaction with oxygen, water and structural materials, which may cause heat
transfer deterioration in the plant under certain conditions [11].
The basic results of long-term studies on thermophysical properties of liquid metals are
presented in the reviews and monographs [7, 11, 18, 19, 26, 27, 30, 39, 40, 45, 46].
3.4.1. Basic thermophysical properties (Li, Na, K, Cs, Hg, Pb, Bi, Ga, In, alloys NaK,
NaKCs, PbBi, PbLi)
Basis thermophysical properties of Li, Na, K, and Cs are shown in Table 3.10 [34], basic
thermophysical properties of Hg, Pb, Ga, and In are shown in Table 3.11 [34], and
thermophysical properties of NaK, NaKCs, PbBi and PbLi alloys in Table 3.12 [9].
In the course of deriving the tables on density, the correlation in Ref. [40] was used because
we believe that it is the most exact. We have established that data presented in other Refs [11,
19, 39, 46] are related to lithium contained 0.3–0.5 wt.% of various impurities and they are
taken in Ref. [39].
Other properties of alkaline metals have been detailed in the monograph [12] where more
reliable sources were used in addition. The same data are available also in other recent
monographs [25, 33]. Other properties were calculated by the formulas: a (m2/s) = λ/(Cp⋅ρ);
ν (m2/s) = μ/ρ; Pr = ν/a.
Property Li Na K Cs
Atomic number 3 11 19 55
Atomic mass, amu 6.94 22.99 39.1 132.9
°С 180.5 98 63.6 28.5
Melting point
K 453.7 371 336.8 301.6
°С 1347 883 774 678
Boiling point
K 1620 1156 1047 951.6
kJ/mol 663 113.1 61.4 15.73
Heat of fusion,
kJ/kg 4.6 2.64 2.40 2.09
Property Hg Pb Bi Ga In
Atomic number 80 82 83 31 49
Atomic mass, amu 200.6 207.2 209.0 69.72 114.82
Viscosity at 450°С, m2/s 0.66 × 10–7 1.9 × 10–7 1.3 × 10–7 1.59 × 10–7 -
ρ⋅10–3 (kg/m3) = 0.53799943 − 0.016043986(T × 10–3) − 0.099963362(T × 10–3)2 +
+ 0.054609894⋅(T × 10–3)3 − 0.015087628(T × 10–3)4 +
+ 0.0027045593(T × 10–3)5 – 0.00031537739(T × 10–3)6. (3.1)
Heat capacity
Cp [J/(kg⋅K)]= (31.227 + 0.205 × 106 T–2 – 5.265 × 10–3T + 2.628 × 10–6 T2)/6.941. (3.2)
Thermal conductivity
λ [W/(m⋅K)]= 24.8 + 45.0 × 10–3⋅T – 11.6 × 10–6⋅T2. (3.3)
Dynamic viscosity
lnμ (Pa⋅s)= −4.16435 – 0.63740lnT + 292.1/T. (3.4)
Surface tension
σ (N/m) = 438.98 – 18.44 × 10–3T – 132.20 × 10–6 T2 + 37.44 × 10–9T3. (3.5)
Vapour pressure
lnPs (MPa) = −2.0532ln(T × 10–3) – 19.4268(T × 10–3)–1 + 9.4993 + 0.753(T × 10–3). (3.6)
Electrical resistivity
ρе (Ω⋅m) = [0.9249 × 109⋅T–1 + 2.3167 × 106 – 0.7131 × 103⋅T]–1. (3.7)
ρ⋅10–3 (kg/m3)= 0.89660679 + 0.5161343(T × 10–3) −1.8297218(T × 10–3)2 +
+2.2016247(T × 10–3)3− 1.3975634(T × 10–3)4 + 0.44866894(T × 10–3)5 −
−0.057963628(T × 10–3)6 (3.8)
Heat capacity
Cp [J/(kg⋅K)] = (38.12 – 0.069 × 106⋅T–2 – 19.493 × 10–3⋅T + 10.24 × 106⋅T2)/22.99. (3.9)
Thermal conductivity
λ [W/(m⋅K)]= 99.5 – 39.1 × 10–3T. (3.10)
Dynamic viscosity
lnμ (Pa⋅s) = −6.4406 − 0.39580lnT + 556.8/T. (3.11)
Surface tension
σ (N/m) = 247.00 − 142.3 × 10–3⋅T + 50.33 × 10–6T2 − 16.62 × 10–9⋅T3. (3.12)
Vapour pressure
lnPs (MPa) = −2.4946ln(T × 10–3) − 13.2905(T × 10–3)–1 + 7.8441 +
+ 1.7093(T × 10–3) 0.1716(T × 10–3 )2 – 0.0088(T × 10–3 )3 –
– 0.0091(T × 10–3)4 + 0.0029(T × 10–3)5 (3.13
Electrical resistivity
ρе (Ω⋅m) = [4.9053 × 109⋅T–1 – 2.7768 × 106 + 0.4329 × 103⋅T]–1. (3.14)
ρ⋅10–3 (kg/m3) = 0.90281376 − 0.16990711(T × 10–3) − 0.26864769(T × 10–3)2 −
− 0.50568188(T × 10–3)3 − 0.46537912(T × 10–3)4 +
+ 0.20378107(T × 10–3)5 – 0.034771308(T × 10–3)6. (3.15)
Heat capacity
Cp [J/(kg⋅K)] = (39.288 − 0.086 × 106T–2 − 24.334 × 10–3T + 15.863 × 10–6T2)/39.098. (3.16)
Thermal conductivity
Dynamic viscosity
lnμ (Pa⋅s) = − 6.4846 − 0.42903⋅lnT + 485.3/T. (3.18)
Surface tension
σ (N/m) = 130.48 − 45.72 × 10–3⋅T − 32.65 × 10–6⋅T2 + 12.12 × 10–9⋅T3. (3.19)
Vapour pressure
lnPs(MPa) = −0.9875ln(T × 10–3) − 10.8427(T × 10–3)–1 + 8.9156 – 1.5573(T⋅10–3) +
+ 1.1129(T × 10–3)2 − −0.1124(T × 10–3)3 − 0.1276(T × 10–3)4 +
+ 0.0324(T × 10–3)5. (3.20)
Electrical resistivity
ρе (Ω⋅m) = [2.9394 × 109 × T–1 − 1.6125 × 106 + 0.1580 × 103T]–1. (3.21)
ρ × 10–3 (kg/m3) = 1.9058924 + 0.29801989(T × 10–3) − 2.8529531(T × 10–3)2 +
+ 4.6810162(T × 10–3)3 −4.0361819(T × 10–3)4 +
+ 1.736613(T × 10–3)5 − 0.29684317(T × 10–3)6. (3.22)
Heat capacity
Cp [J/(kg⋅K)]= (46.727 − 0.363 × 106 T–2 − 40.865 × 10–3T + 24.449 × 10–6T2)/132.9. (3.23)
Thermal conductivity
λ [W/(m⋅K)] = 18.9 + 4.1 × 10–3T – 6.5 × 10–6T2. (3.24)
Dynamic viscosity
lnμ (Pa⋅s) = − 6.4072 − 0.40767 lnT + 432.8/T. (3.25)
Surface tension
σ (N/m) = 88.02 − 59.49 × 10–3 T + 13.30 × 10–6 T2 − 4.04 × 10–9 T3. (3.26)
Vapour pressure
lnPs (MPa)= − 0.7063ln (T × 10–3) − 9.3205(T × 10–3)–1 + 8.7226 −
− 2.4528(T × 10–3) +1.2463(T × 10–3)2 + 0.4933(T × 10–3)3
− 0.5969(T × 10–3)4 +0.135(T × 10–3)5 . (3.27)
Electrical resistivity
ρе (Ω⋅m) = [0.8185 × 109⋅T–1+ 0.1684 × 106 – 0.2678 × 103⋅T]–1. (3.28)
86 Mercury [15, 16, 27, 28, 34]
Thermophysical and transport properties of mercury are given in Refs [16 (1971), 34 (1991)].
Density [15]
ρ (kg/m3) = 13595 (1 – 1.8144 × 10–4 t – 7.016 × 10–9 t2 – 2.8625 × 10–11 t3 –
– 2.617 × 10–14 t4). (3.29)
Heat capacity
Cp [J/(kg⋅K)] = 0.1508 − 6.630 × ⋅10–5Т + 6.4185 × 10–8Т2 + 0.8049/T. (3.30)
Thermal conductivity
λ [W/(m⋅K)] = 8.178 + 1.36 × 10–2 t − 6.378 × 10–6t2. (3.31)
Vapour pressure
lnPs(Pa) = 33.197 − 7765.6/T – 1.5337 lnT + 0.864 × 10–3 T. (3.36)
ν⋅107 (m2/s) =28.6 + 2.0 × 10–2 T + 3.27 × 10–6Т2. (3.41)
Formula (3.41) was derived by approximation the data in Ref. [158] cited in Ref. [36].
–3 3 –4
ρ⋅10 (kg/m ) = (11.42 ± 0.01) − (12.42 ± 0.012) × 10 Т. (3.44)
Electrical resistivity,
at Т = (600–1200) K in Ref. [30]:
ρе⋅108 (Ω⋅m) = (65.73 ± 0.15) + (4.65 ± 0.05) × 10–2Т. (3.48)
at Т = (1000–2400) K in Ref. [9]:
ρе⋅108 (Ω⋅m) = – 84.5 + 0.3655Т – 2.135 × 10–4Т2 + 4.77 × 10–8Т3. (3.49)
Density was calculated on the basis of the additivity law by weight fractions:
1/ρNaK= 0.22/ρNa⋅+ 0.78/ρK. (3.50)
Heat capacity was defined on the basis of the additivity law by weight fractions:
Cp [J/(kg⋅K)]= 0.22Cp(Na) + 0.78Cp(K). (3.51)
Thermal conductivity
λ [W/(m⋅K)]= 15.0006 + 30.2877 × 10–3T − 20.8095 × 10–6⋅T2. (3.52)
Kinematic viscosity
ν⋅108 (m2/s)= 200.7657 − 0.734683⋅T + 1.12102⋅ × 10–3⋅T2 –
–0.774427 × 10–6⋅T3 + 0.200382 × 10–9⋅T4 (3.53)
Surface tension was evaluated on the basis of the additivity law by molar fractions:
σ (N/m) = σNa⋅0.32 + σK⋅0.68. (3.54)
Electrical resistivity
ρе⋅108 (Ω⋅m) = 0.0570831⋅t + 33.8419. (3.55)
Density was defined on the basis of the additivity law by weight fractions:
1/ρ = 0.0416/ρNa + 0.2014/ρK + 0.737/ρCs. (3.56)
Heat capacity was calculated on the basis of the additivity law by weight fractions:
Cp [J/(kg⋅K)]= (42.8 – 35.3 × 10–3⋅T + 23.4 × 10–6⋅T2)/76.81.
Thermal conductivity
λ [W/(m⋅K)] = 8.2 + 27.3 × 10–3⋅T – 41.0 × 10–6⋅T2 + 16.1 × 10–9⋅T3.
Dynamic viscosity
lnμ (Pa⋅s) = – 6.954 – 0.353lnT + 511.3/T. (3.59)
Surface tension was estimated on the basis of the additivity law by molar fractions:
σ (N/m) = σNa⋅0.139 + σK⋅0.435 + σCs⋅0.426. (3.60
Vapour pressure
lnP (MPa)= 0.434 ln(T × 10–3) – 8.433(T × 10–3)–1 + 6.208. (3.61)
Electrical resistivity
ρе⋅108 (Ω⋅m) = 0.23⋅T/λ. (3.62)
Density was evaluated on the basis of the additivity law by weight fractions:
ρ⋅10–3 (kg/m3) = (11.05 ± 0.01) − (12.49 ± 0.012) × 10–4Т. (3.63)
Thermal conductivity. Taking into account the closeness of atomic weights of alloy
components, their weight and volume percentages (Pb − 0.491, Bi − 0.509), the justified
assessments of alloy thermal conductivity can be made by the additivity law. The data of such
calculation are in a full agreement with the experimental data in Ref. [28].
Surface tension. Taking into account the closeness of the values of surface tension of pure
alloy components, it can be assumed that the additivity law will be adequately true that gives
the following formula:
and according to the additivity law ρе(Pb) and ρе(Bi) are practically consistent.
where t is temperature, °С. The approximated formula (3.60) was derived by averaging the
values of density estimated by the following three methods:
Heat capacity was evaluated as the mean value of heat capacity calculated by two methods:
Thermal conductivity
The calculating formula was derived by approximation of the data in Ref. [44]:
Dynamic viscosity
Formula (3.74) was derived as mean values of dynamic viscosity given in two corresponding
Electrical resistivity in terms of Ω⋅m is based on the data given in Ref. [44].
3.4.3. Tables of thermophysical properties
473 200 513 4357 43.5 19.45 110.79 5.70 404.6 1.290E-07 25.4
483 210 512 4348 43.8 19.68 108.10 5.49 403.5 2.914E-07 25.7
493 220 512 4339 44.2 19.90 105.56 5.30 402.2 6.366E-07 26.0
503 230 511 4330 44.5 20.12 103.16 5.13 401.0 1.347E-06 26.3
513 240 510 4322 44.8 20.35 100.89 4.96 399.8 2.768E-06 26.6
523 250 509 4314 45.2 20.57 98.74 4.80 398.5 5.529E-06 26.9
533 260 508 4306 45.5 20.79 96.70 4.65 397.3 1.076E-05 27.2
543 270 507 4299 45.8 21.01 94.76 4.51 396.0 2.041E-05 27.5
553 280 507 4292 46.1 21.22 92.91 4.38 394.7 3.783E-05 27.8
563 290 506 4285 46.5 21.44 91.15 4.25 393.4 6.857E-05 28.1
573 300 505 4279 46.8 21.66 89.48 4.13 392.1 1.217E-04 28.4
583 310 504 4272 47.1 21.87 87.88 4.02 390.7 2.117E-04 28.7
593 320 503 4266 47.4 22.09 86.35 3.91 389.4 3.612E-04 29.0
603 330 502 4260 47.7 22.30 84.89 3.81 388.0 6.055E-04 29.2
613 340 501 4255 48.0 22.52 83.49 3.71 386.6 9.976E-04 29.5
623 350 500 4249 48.3 22.73 82.15 3.61 385.2 1.617E-03 29.8
633 360 499 4244 48.6 22.94 80.86 3.52 383.8 2.581E-03 30.1
643 370 499 4239 48.9 23.16 79.63 3.44 382.4 4.058E-03 30.3
653 380 498 4234 49.2 23.37 78.45 3.36 381.0 6.292E-03 30.6
663 390 497 4230 49.5 23.58 77.31 3.28 379.6 9.624E-03 30.9
673 400 496 4225 49.8 23.79 76.22 3.20 378.1 1.453E-02 31.1
683 410 495 4221 50.1 24.00 75.17 3.13 376.6 2.168E-02 31.4
693 420 494 4217 50.4 24.20 74.15 3.06 375.2 3.196E-02 31.7
703 430 493 4213 50.7 24.41 73.18 3.00 373.7 4.659E-02 31.9
713 440 492 4209 51.0 24.62 72.24 2.93 372.2 6.718E-02 32.2
723 450 491 4205 51.3 24.83 71.33 2.87 370.7 9.589E-02 32.5
TABLE 3.13. (continued)
TABLE 3.13. (continued)
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C kg/m3 Pa
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s) 108(m2/s) number 103N/m 108(Ω⋅m)
373 100 925 1382 84.9 66.42 73.67 1.11 200.1 1.848E-05 9.49
383 110 923 1378 84.5 66.44 70.25 1.06 198.9 4.457E-05 9.81
393 120 921 1374 84.1 66.46 67.15 1.01 197.8 1.027E-04 10.1
403 130 919 1370 83.7 66.48 64.32 0.97 196.7 2.267E-04 10.4
413 140 917 1366 83.3 66.51 61.74 0.93 195.6 4.813E-04 10.8
423 150 915 1362 83.0 66.54 59.37 0.89 194.5 9.856E-04 11.1
433 160 913 1358 82.6 66.56 57.19 0.86 193.5 1.951E-03 11.4
443 170 911 1354 82.2 66.59 55.19 0.83 192.4 3.743E-03 11.8
453 180 909 1350 81.8 66.62 53.33 0.80 191.3 6.972E-03 12.1
463 190 907 1347 81.4 66.65 51.61 0.77 190.2 1.264E-02 12.5
473 200 904 1343 81.0 66.68 50.01 0.75 189.2 2.232E-02 12.8
483 210 902 1340 80.6 66.70 48.53 0.73 188.1 3.849E-02 13.2
493 220 900 1336 80.2 66.73 47.14 0.71 187.1 6.489E-02 13.5
503 230 898 1332 79.8 66.75 45.85 0.69 186.0 1.071E-01 13.9
513 240 895 1329 79.4 66.77 44.64 0.67 185.0 1.733E-01 14.3
523 250 893 1325 79.0 66.79 43.50 0.65 184.0 2.752E-01 14.6
533 260 890 1322 78.7 66.81 42.44 0.64 182.9 4.293E-01 15.0
543 270 888 1318 78.3 66.82 41.44 0.62 181.9 6.586E-01 15.4
553 280 886 1315 77.9 66.83 40.49 0.61 180.9 9.945E-01 15.8
563 290 883 1312 77.5 66.84 39.60 0.59 179.9 1.480E+00 16.2
573 300 881 1309 77.1 66.85 38.76 0.58 178.9 2.170E+00 16.6
583 310 878 1306 76.7 66.85 37.96 0.57 177.8 3.141E+00 17.0
593 320 876 1303 76.3 66.84 37.21 0.56 176.8 4.488E+00 17.4
603 330 873 1301 75.9 66.83 36.50 0.55 175.8 6.336E+00 17.8
613 340 871 1298 75.5 66.82 35.82 0.54 174.8 8.843E+00 18.2
623 350 869 1295 75.1 66.80 35.17 0.53 173.9 1.221E+01 18.6
633 360 866 1292 74.7 66.78 34.56 0.52 172.9 1.668E+01 19.1
643 370 864 1290 74.4 66.75 33.98 0.51 172.0 2.256E+01 19.5
653 380 861 1287 74.0 66.72 33.42 0.50 170.9 3.024E+01 19.9
663 390 859 1285 73.6 66.68 32.89 0.49 169.9 4.015E+01 20.4
673 400 856 1283 73.2 66.64 32.38 0.49 167.0 5.287E+01 20.8
683 410 854 1280 72.8 66.59 31.90 0.48 168.0 6.904E+01 21.3
693 420 851 1278 72.4 66.54 31.44 0.47 167.0 8.946E+01 21.7
703 430 849 1276 72.0 66.48 30.99 0.47 166.1 1.150E+02 22.2
713 440 846 1274 71.6 66.42 30.57 0.46 165.1 1.469E+02 22.7
723 450 844 1272 71.2 66.35 30.16 0.45 164.1 1.863E+02 23.1
733 460 841 1270 70.8 66.27 29.77 0.45 163.2 2.346E+02 23.6
743 470 839 1269 70.4 66.19 29.40 0.44 162.2 2.937E+02 24.1
753 480 837 1267 70.1 66.10 29.04 0.44 161.3 3.654E+02 24.6
763 490 834 1265 69.7 66.01 28.69 0.43 160.3 4.520E+02 25.1
773 500 832 1264 69.3 65.91 28.36 0.43 159.4 5.560E+02 25.6
783 510 829 1262 68.9 65.80 28.04 0.43 158.5 6.802E+02 26.1
793 520 827 1261 68.5 65.69 27.73 0.42 157.5 8.279E+02 26.6
803 530 824 1260 68.1 65.57 27.43 0.42 156.6 1.003E+03 27.2
813 540 822 1259 67.7 65.45 27.14 0.41 155.6 1.209E+03 27.7
823 550 820 1258 67.3 65.32 26.87 0.41 154.7 1.450E+03 28.2
833 560 817 1257 66.9 65.18 26.60 0.41 153.8 1.732E+03 28.8
843 570 815 1256 66.5 65.04 26.34 0.41 152.8 2.060E+03 29.3
TABLE 3.14. (continued)
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K K kg/m3 Pa
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s) 108(m2/s) number 103N/m 108(Ω⋅m)
853 580 812 1255 66.1 64.89 26.10 0.40 151.9 2.440E+03 29.9
863 590 810 1254 65.8 64.73 25.86 0.40 151.0 2.878E+03 30.5
873 600 808 1253 65.4 64.57 25.62 0.40 150.1 3.382E+03 31.1
883 610 805 1253 65.0 64.40 25.40 0.39 149.1 3.960E+03 31.6
893 620 803 1252 64.6 64.23 25.18 0.39 148.2 4.620E+03 32.2
903 630 801 1252 64.2 64.05 24.97 0.39 147.3 5.371E+03 32.8
913 640 798 1252 63.8 63.86 24.77 0.39 146.4 6.223E+03 33.4
923 650 796 1251 63.4 63.67 24.57 0.39 145.5 7.188E+03 34.0
933 660 793 1251 63.0 63.47 24.38 0.38 144.5 8.276E+03 34.7
943 670 791 1251 62.6 63.27 24.20 0.38 143.6 9.500E+03 35.3
953 680 789 1251 62.2 63.06 24.02 0.38 142.7 1.087E+04 35.9
963 690 786 1251 61.8 62.84 23.85 0.38 141.8 1.241E+04 36.6
973 700 784 1252 61.5 62.62 23.68 0.38 140.9 1.412E+04 37.2
983 710 782 1252 61.1 62.39 23.52 0.38 140.0 1.603E+04 37.9
993 720 779 1252 60.7 62.16 23.36 0.38 139.0 1.815E+04 38.6
1003 730 777 1253 60.3 61.92 23.21 0.37 138.1 2.050E+04 39.2
1013 740 775 1253 59.9 61.68 23.06 0.37 137.2 2.309E+04 39.9
1023 750 772 1254 59.5 61.43 22.91 0.37 136.3 2.595E+04 40.6
1033 760 770 1255 59.1 61.17 22.78 0.37 135.4 2.910E+04 41.3
1043 770 768 1256 58.7 60.91 22.64 0.37 134.5 3.256E+04 42.1
1053 780 765 1256 58.3 60.65 22.51 0.37 133.6 3.636E+04 42.8
1063 790 763 1257 57.9 60.38 22.38 0.37 132.6 4.051E+04 43.5
1073 800 761 1259 57.5 60.10 22.26 0.37 131.7 4.504E+04 44.3
1083 810 758 1260 57.1 59.82 22.14 0.37 130.8 4.998E+04 45.0
1093 820 756 1261 56.8 59.53 22.02 0.37 129.9 5.535E+04 45.8
1103 830 754 1262 56.4 59.24 21.91 0.37 129.0 6.119E+04 46.6
1113 840 751 1264 56.0 58.95 21.80 0.37 128.0 6.752E+04 47.3
1123 850 749 1265 56.0 58.65 21.69 0.37 127.1 7.437E+04 48.1
1133 860 747 1267 55.2 58.35 21.59 0.37 126.2 8.177E+04 48.9
1143 870 744 1269 54.8 58.04 21.49 0.37 125.3 8.977E+04 49.8
1153 880 742 1270 54.4 57.72 21.40 0.37 124.4 9.838E+04 50.6
1163 890 740 1272 54.0 57.41 21.30 0.37 123.4 1.076E+05 51.4
1173 900 737 1274 53.6 57.09 21.21 0.37 122.5 1.176E+05 52.3
1183 910 735 1276 53.2 56.76 21.12 0.37 121.6 1.283E+05 53.1
1193 920 733 1278 52.8 56.43 21.04 0.37 120.6 1.397E+05 54.0
1203 930 730 1281 52.5 56.10 20.95 0.37 119.7 1.520E+05 54.9
1213 940 728 1283 52.1 55.76 20.87 0.37 118.8 1.651E+05 55.8
1223 950 725 1285 51.7 55.42 20.80 0.38 117.8 1.791E+05 56.7
1233 960 723 1288 51.3 55.08 20.72 0.38 116.9 1.940E+05 57.6
1243 970 721 1290 50.9 54.73 20.65 0.38 116.0 2.099E+05 58.6
1253 980 718 1293 50.5 54.38 20.58 0.38 115.0 2.267E+05 59.5
1263 990 716 1296 50.1 54.03 20.51 0.38 114.1 2.447E+05 60.5
1273 1000 713 1299 49.7 53.67 20.45 0.38 113.1 2.637E+05 61.4
1283 1010 711 1302 49.3 53.31 20.38 0.38 112.2 2.839E+05 62.4
1293 1020 709 1305 48.9 52.94 20.32 0.38 111.2 3.053E+05 63.4
1303 1030 706 1308 48.5 52.58 20.26 0.39 110.3 3.279E+05 64.4
1313 1040 704 1311 48.2 52.21 20.21 0.39 109.3 3.518E+05 65.5
TABLE 3.14. (continued)
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C kg/m3 Pa
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s) 108(m2/s) number 103N/m 108(Ω⋅m)
1323 1050 701 1314 47.8 51.84 20.15 0.39 108.3 3.771E+05 66.5
1333 1060 699 1318 47.4 51.46 20.10 0.39 107.4 4.037E+05 67.6
1343 1070 696 1321 47.0 51.08 20.05 0.39 106.4 4.318E+05 68.6
1353 1080 694 1325 46.6 50.70 20.00 0.39 105.4 4.613E+05 69.7
1363 1090 691 1328 46.2 50.32 19.95 0.40 104.5 4.924E+05 70.8
1373 1100 689 1332 45.8 49.94 19.91 0.40 103.5 5.251E+05 71.9
1383 1110 686 1336 45.4 49.55 19.87 0.40 102.5 5.594E+05 73.1
1393 1120 684 1340 45.0 49.16 19.83 0.40 101.5 5.954E+05 74.2
1403 1130 681 1344 44.6 48.77 19.79 0.41 100.5 6.332E+05 75.4
1413 1140 679 1348 44.2 48.38 19.75 0.41 99.5 6.728E+05 76.5
1423 1150 676 1352 43.9 47.98 19.71 0.41 98.5 7.142E+05 77.7
1433 1160 674 1356 43.5 47.59 19.68 0.41 97.5 7.575E+05 78.9
1443 1170 671 1361 43.1 47.19 19.65 0.42 96.5 8.028E+05 80.2
1453 1180 668 1365 42.7 46.79 19.62 0.42 95.5 8.502E+05 81.4
1463 1190 666 1370 42.3 46.39 19.59 0.42 94.5 8.995E+05 82.7
1473 1200 663 1374 41.9 45.98 19.56 0.43 93.5 9.511E+05 84.0
1483 1210 661 1379 41.5 45.58 19.54 0.43 92.4 1.005E+06 85.3
1493 1220 658 1384 41.1 45.17 19.52 0.43 91.4 1.061E+06 86.6
1503 1230 655 1389 40.7 44.76 19.49 0.44 90.4 1.119E+06 87.9
1513 1240 653 1394 40.3 44.35 19.47 0.44 89.3 1.179E+06 89.3
1523 1250 650 1399 39.9 43.94 19.46 0.44 88.3 1.242E+06 90.6
1533 1260 647 1404 39.6 43.53 19.44 0.45 87.3 1.308E+06 92.0
1543 1270 645 1409 39.2 43.12 19.42 0.45 86.2 1.376E+06 93.4
1553 1280 642 1414 38.8 42.70 19.41 0.45 85.1 1.446E+06 94.9
1563 1290 639 1420 38.4 42.29 19.40 0.46 84.1 1.519E+06 96.3
1573 1300 637 1425 38.0 41.87 19.39 0.46 83.0 1.595E+06 97.8
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C kg/m3 Pa
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106 (m2/s) 108 (m2/s) number 103N/m 108 (Ω⋅m)
373 100 821 813 50.9 76.22 53.87 0.71 109.5 3.033E-03 15.8
383 110 818 811 50.6 76.27 51.63 0.68 108.9 6.263E-03 16.3
393 120 816 809 50.4 76.32 49.59 0.65 108.2 1.245E-02 16.9
403 130 814 806 50.1 76.37 47.71 0.62 107.5 2.391E-02 17.4
413 140 811 804 49.8 76.42 45.99 0.60 106.9 4.444E-02 17.9
423 150 809 802 49.6 76.45 44.40 0.58 106.2 8.015E-02 18.5
433 160 806 800 49.3 76.49 42.94 0.56 105.5 1.406E-01 19.1
443 170 804 798 49.1 76.52 41.58 0.54 104.9 2.402E-01 19.6
453 180 802 795 48.8 76.54 40.32 0.53 104.2 4.007E-01 20.2
463 190 799 793 48.6 76.56 39.14 0.51 103.5 6.534E-01 20.8
473 200 797 791 48.3 76.57 38.05 0.50 102.8 1.043E-06 21.4
483 210 795 789 48.0 76.57 37.02 0.48 102.1 1.632E+00 22.0
493 220 792 788 47.8 76.57 36.07 0.47 101.5 2.507E+00 22.6
503 230 790 786 47.5 76.56 35.17 0.46 100.8 3.783E+00 23.2
513 240 788 784 47.3 76.55 34.32 0.45 100.1 5.615E+00 23.8
523 250 785 782 47.0 76.52 33.53 0.44 99.4 8.207E+00 24.4
533 260 783 781 46.8 76.49 32.78 0.43 98.7 1.182E+01 25.1
543 270 781 779 46.5 76.45 32.08 0.42 98.0 1.679E+01 25.7
553 280 778 778 46.2 76.40 31.41 0.41 97.3 2.355E+01 26.4
563 290 776 776 46.0 76.34 30.78 0.40 96.5 3.261E+01 27.0
573 300 774 775 45.7 76.28 30.18 0.40 95.8 4.463E+01 27.7
583 310 771 773 45.5 76.21 29.62 0.39 95.1 6.042E+01 28.4
593 320 769 772 45.2 76.13 29.08 0.38 94.4 8.094E+01 29.1
603 330 767 771 44.9 76.04 28.57 0.38 93.7 1.073E+02 29.8
613 340 764 770 44.7 75.94 28.08 0.37 93.0 1.410E+02 30.5
623 350 762 769 44.4 75.83 27.62 0.36 92.2 1.836E+02 31.2
633 360 760 768 44.2 75.71 27.18 0.36 91.5 2.370E+02 31.9
643 370 757 767 43.9 75.59 26.76 0.35 90.8 3.034E+02 32.7
653 380 755 766 43.7 75.45 26.36 0.35 90.1 3.855E+02 33.4
663 390 753 766 43.4 75.31 25.98 0.34 89.3 4.861E+02 34.2
673 400 750 765 43.1 75.16 25.61 0.34 88.6 6.086E+02 34.9
683 410 748 764 42.9 75.00 25.26 0.34 87.9 7.569E+02 35.7
693 420 746 764 42.6 74.83 24.92 0.33 87.1 9.353E+02 36.5
703 430 743 763 42.4 74.65 24.60 0.33 86.4 1.148E+03 37.3
713 440 741 763 42.1 74.46 24.29 0.33 85.7 1.402E+03 38.1
723 450 739 763 41.9 74.26 24.00 0.32 84.9 1.702E+03 38.9
733 460 736 763 41.6 74.05 23.71 0.32 84.2 2.055E+03 39.8
743 470 734 762 41.3 73.84 23.44 0.32 83.5 2.468E+03 40.6
753 480 732 762 41.1 73.62 23.18 0.31 82.7 2.949E+03 41.5
763 490 730 762 40.8 73.38 22.92 0.31 82.0 3.507E+03 42.4
773 500 727 763 40.6 73.14 22.68 0.31 81.2 4.152E+03 43.2
783 510 725 763 40.3 72.89 22.45 0.31 80.5 4.893E+03 44.1
793 520 723 763 40.0 72.64 22.22 0.31 79.7 5.743E+03 45.1
803 530 720 763 39.8 72.37 22.01 0.30 79.0 6.712E+03 46.0
813 540 718 764 39.5 72.09 21.80 0.30 78.2 7.815E+03 46.9
823 550 716 764 39.3 71.81 21.60 0.30 77.5 9.064E+03 47.9
833 560 713 765 39.0 71.52 21.41 0.30 76.7 1.047E+04 48.8
TABLE 3.15 (continued)
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C kg/m3 Pa
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106 (m2/s) 108 (m2/s) number 103N/m 108 (Ω⋅m)
843 570 711 765 38.8 71.22 21.22 0.30 76.0 1.206E+04 49.8
853 580 709 766 38.5 70.91 21.04 0.30 75.2 1.384E+04 50.8
863 590 706 767 38.2 70.60 20.87 0.30 74.5 1.584E+04 51.8
873 600 704 768 38.0 70.27 20.70 0.29 73.7 1.806E+04 52.8
883 610 701 769 37.7 69.94 20.54 0.29 73.0 2.053E+04 53.9
893 620 699 770 37.5 69.60 20.38 0.29 72.2 2.327E+04 54.9
903 630 697 771 37.2 69.26 20.23 0.29 71.5 2.631E+04 56.0
913 640 694 772 36.9 68.90 20.09 0.29 70.7 2.965E+04 57.1
923 650 692 773 36.7 68.54 19.95 0.29 70.0 3.334E+04 58.2
933 660 690 775 36.4 68.17 19.81 0.29 69.2 3.738E+04 59.3
943 670 687 776 36.2 67.80 19.68 0.29 68.5 4.182E+04 60.5
953 680 685 778 35.9 67.42 19.55 0.29 67.7 4.667E+04 61.6
963 690 682 779 35.7 67.03 19.43 0.29 67.0 5.196E+04 62.8
973 700 680 781 35.4 66.64 19.31 0.29 66.2 5.772E+04 64.1
983 710 678 783 35.1 66.24 19.20 0.29 65.5 6.397E+04 65.2
993 720 675 785 34.9 65.83 19.09 0.29 64.7 7.076E+04 66.5
1003 730 673 787 34.6 65.42 18.98 0.29 64.0 7.811E+04 67.7
1013 740 670 789 34.4 65.00 18.88 0.29 63.3 8.605E+04 69.0
1023 750 668 791 34.1 64.58 18.78 0.29 62.5 9.461E+04 70.3
1033 760 666 793 33.9 64.15 18.68 0.29 61.8 1.038E+05 71.6
1043 770 663 795 33.6 63.71 18.59 0.29 61.0 1.137E+05 73.0
1053 780 661 797 33.3 63.27 18.50 0.29 60.3 1.244E+05 74.3
1063 790 658 800 33.1 62.83 18.42 0.29 59.5 1.358E+05 75.7
1073 800 656 802 32.8 62.38 18.33 0.29 58.8 1.480E+05 77.1
1083 810 653 805 32.6 61.92 18.25 0.29 58.1 1.610E+05 78.6
1093 820 651 807 32.3 61.46 18.17 0.30 57.3 1.749E+05 80.0
1103 830 648 810 32.0 61.00 18.10 0.30 56.6 1.898E+05 81.5
1113 840 646 813 31.8 60.53 18.03 0.30 55.9 2.055E+05 83.0
1123 850 643 816 31.5 60.06 17.96 0.30 55.1 2.223E+05 84.6
1133 860 641 819 31.3 59.58 17.89 0.30 54.4 2.401E+05 86.1
1143 870 638 822 31.0 59.10 17.83 0.30 53.7 2.590E+05 87.7
1153 880 636 825 30.8 58.62 17.76 0.30 52.9 2.789E+05 89.4
1163 890 633 828 30.5 58.13 17.70 0.30 52.2 3.001E+05 91.0
1173 900 631 831 30.2 57.64 17.65 0.31 51.5 3.224E+05 92.7
1183 910 628 835 30.0 57.14 17.59 0.31 50.8 3.459E+05 94.4
1193 920 626 838 29.7 56.65 17.54 0.31 50.0 3.708E+05 96.2
1203 930 623 842 29.5 56.15 17.49 0.31 49.3 3.969E+05 97.9
1213 940 621 845 29.2 55.64 17.44 0.31 48.6 4.244E+05 99.8
1223 950 618 849 29.0 55.14 17.39 0.32 47.9 4.533E+05 101.6
1233 960 616 853 28.7 54.63 17.35 0.32 47.2 4.836E+05 103.5
1243 970 613 857 28.4 54.12 17.30 0.32 46.5 5.154E+05 105.4
1253 980 611 861 28.2 53.61 17.26 0.32 45.8 5.487E+05 107.4
1263 990 608 865 27.9 53.10 17.22 0.32 45.1 5.836E+05 109.4
1273 1000 605 869 27.7 52.58 17.19 0.33 44.4 6.201E+05 111.4
1283 1010 603 873 27.4 52.06 17.15 0.33 43.7 6.583E+05 113.5
1293 1020 600 877 27.1 51.54 17.12 0.33 43.0 6.981E+05 115.6
1303 1030 598 881 26.9 51.02 17.08 0.33 42.3 7.397E+05 117.7
1313 1040 595 886 26.6 50.50 17.05 0.34 41.6 7.830E+05 120.0
TABLE 3.15. (continued)
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C kg/m3 Pa
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106 (m2/s) 108 (m2/s) number 103N/m 108 (Ω⋅m)
1323 1050 593 890 26.4 49.98 17.03 0.34 40.9 8.281E+05 122.2
1333 1060 590 895 26.1 49.45 17.00 0.34 40.2 8.751E+05 124.5
1343 1070 587 900 25.9 48.93 16.97 0.35 39.5 9.239E+05 126.8
1353 1080 585 904 25.6 48.40 16.95 0.35 38.8 9.747E+05 129.2
1363 1090 582 909 25.3 47.87 16.93 0.35 38.2 1.027E+06 131.7
1373 1100 579 914 25.1 47.35 16.91 0.36 37.5 1.082E+06 134.2
1383 1110 577 919 24.8 46.82 16.89 0.36 36.9 1.139E+06 136.7
1393 1120 574 924 24.6 46.29 16.87 0.36 36.2 1.198E+06 139.3
1403 1130 572 929 24.3 45.76 16.86 0.37 35.5 1.259E+06 142.0
1413 1140 569 934 24.0 45.23 16.84 0.37 34.9 1.322E+06 144.7
1423 1150 566 940 23.8 44.70 16.83 0.38 34.2 1.387E+06 147.5
1433 1160 564 945 23.5 44.17 16.82 0.38 33.6 1.454E+06 150.3
1443 1170 561 951 23.3 43.65 16.81 0.39 32.9 1.524E+06 153.3
1453 1180 558 956 23.0 43.12 16.80 0.39 32.3 1.596E+06 156.2
1463 1190 556 962 22.8 42.59 16.79 0.39 31.7 1.670E+06 159.3
1473 1200 553 967 22.5 42.06 16.79 0.40 31.0 1.747E+06 162.4
1483 1210 550 973 22.2 41.53 16.78 0.40 30.4 1.826E+06 165.6
1493 1220 547 979 22.0 41.01 16.78 0.41 29.8 1.907E+06 168.9
1503 1230 545 985 21.7 40.48 16.78 0.41 29.2 1.990E+06 172.2
1513 1240 542 991 21.5 39.96 16.78 0.42 28.5 2.076E+06 175.6
1523 1250 539 997 21.2 39.43 16.78 0.43 27.9 2.165E+06 179.2
1533 1260 537 1003 21.0 38.91 16.79 0.43 27.3 2.256E+06 182.8
1543 1270 534 1010 20.7 38.39 16.79 0.44 26.7 2.349E+06 186.5
1553 1280 531 1016 20.4 37.87 16.80 0.44 26.1 2.445E+06 190.3
1563 1290 528 1022 20.2 37.35 16.80 0.45 25.5 2.544E+06 194.1
1573 1300 526 1029 19.9 36.83 16.81 0.46 24.9 2.645E+06 198.1
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C kg/m3 Pa
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106 (m2/s) 108 (m2/s) number 103N/m 108 (Ω⋅m)
303 30 1835 245.6 19.46 44.69 36.52 0.82 71.1 3.358E-04 35.9
313 40 1829 245.5 19.48 44.93 34.53 0.77 70.6 8.629E-04 37.0
323 50 1824 245.3 19.55 45.19 32.75 0.72 70.1 2.088E-03 38.2
333 60 1819 245.0 19.54 45.47 31.17 0.69 69.5 4.787E-03 39.4
343 70 1813 244.6 19.54 45.78 29.74 0.65 69.0 1.044E-02 40.6
353 80 1808 244.1 19.54 46.10 28.44 0.62 68.5 2.176E-02 41.8
363 90 1802 243.5 19.53 46.44 27.27 0.59 68.0 4.352E-02 43.0
373 100 1797 242.9 19.52 46.80 26.20 0.56 67.5 8.376E-02 44.2
383 110 1791 242.2 19.52 47.17 25.23 0.53 67.0 1.556E-01 45.4
393 120 1785 241.5 19.51 47.55 24.33 0.51 66.5 2.800E-01 46.6
403 130 1780 240.7 19.50 47.94 23.51 0.49 65.9 4.888E-01 47.8
413 140 1774 240.0 19.48 48.35 22.75 0.47 65.4 8.298E-01 49.0
423 150 1768 239.2 19.47 48.76 22.05 0.45 64.9 1.373E+00 50.3
433 160 1763 238.4 19.46 49.18 21.40 0.44 64.4 2.218E+00 51.5
443 170 1757 237.6 19.44 49.60 20.80 0.42 63.9 3.504E+00 52.7
453 180 1751 236.7 19.42 50.04 20.24 0.40 63.4 5.421E+00 53.9
463 190 1745 235.9 19.40 50.47 19.71 0.39 62.9 8.225E+00 55.2
473 200 1740 235.1 19.39 50.92 19.22 0.38 62.4 1.226E+01 56.4
483 210 1734 234.3 19.36 51.36 18.76 0.37 61.9 1.795E+01 57.7
493 220 1728 233.5 19.34 51.81 18.33 0.35 61.4 2.588E+01 58.9
503 230 1722 232.7 19.32 52.26 17.93 0.34 61.0 3.675E+01 60.2
513 240 1717 231.9 19.29 52.72 17.55 0.33 60.5 5.145E+01 61.5
523 250 1711 231.1 19.27 53.18 17.19 0.32 60.0 7.109E+01 62.8
533 260 1705 230.4 19.24 53.63 16.85 0.31 59.5 9.700E+01 64.1
543 270 1699 229.6 19.21 54.09 16.53 0.31 59.0 1.308E+02 65.3
553 280 1694 228.9 19.18 54.55 16.23 0.30 58.5 1.744E+02 66.7
563 290 1688 228.2 19.15 55.01 15.94 0.29 58.0 2.301E+02 68.0
573 300 1682 227.5 19.12 55.47 15.67 0.28 57.5 3.006E+02 69.3
583 310 1677 226.8 19.08 55.93 15.41 0.28 57.1 3.890E+02 70.6
593 320 1671 226.2 19.05 56.39 15.17 0.27 56.6 4.989E+02 72.0
603 330 1665 225.6 19.01 56.84 14.93 0.26 56.1 6.344E+02 73.3
613 340 1659 225.0 18.97 57.29 14.71 0.26 55.6 8.002E+02 74.7
623 350 1654 224.4 18.93 57.75 14.50 0.25 55.1 1.002E+03 76.0
633 360 1648 223.9 18.89 58.20 14.30 0.25 54.7 1.245E+03 77.4
643 370 1642 223.3 18.85 58.64 14.11 0.24 54.2 1.536E+03 78.8
653 380 1637 222.9 18.81 59.08 13.92 0.24 53.7 1.883E+03 80.2
663 390 1631 222.4 18.76 59.52 13.75 0.23 53.3 2.293E+03 81.6
673 400 1625 222.0 18.72 59.96 13.58 0.23 52.8 2.776E+03 83.0
683 410 1620 221.5 18.67 60.39 13.42 0.22 52.3 3.342E+03 84.5
693 420 1614 221.2 18.62 60.82 13.26 0.22 51.8 4.002E+03 85.9
703 430 1608 220.8 18.57 61.24 13.11 0.21 51.4 4.766E+03 87.4
713 440 1603 220.5 18.52 61.66 12.97 0.21 50.9 5.647E+03 88.9
723 450 1597 220.2 18.47 62.07 12.84 0.21 50.4 6.660E+03 90.3
733 460 1591 220.0 18.41 62.48 12.71 0.20 50.0 7.818E+03 91.9
743 470 1586 219.7 18.36 62.88 12.58 0.20 49.5 9.137E+03 93.4
TABLE 3.16. (continued)
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C kg/m3 Pa
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106 (m2/s) 108 (m2/s) number 103N/m 108 (Ω⋅m)
753 480 1580 219.6 18.30 63.28 12.46 0.20 49.0 1.063E+04 94.9
763 490 1574 219.4 18.24 63.67 12.35 0.19 48.6 1.232E+04 96.5
773 500 1569 219.3 18.19 64.06 12.23 0.19 48.1 1.423E+04 98.0
783 510 1563 219.2 18.13 64.44 12.13 0.19 47.7 1.637E+04 99.6
793 520 1557 219.1 18.06 64.81 12.03 0.19 47.2 1.876E+04 101.2
803 530 1551 219.1 18.00 65.17 11.93 0.18 46.7 2.143E+04 102.8
813 540 1546 219.1 17.94 65.53 11.83 0.18 46.3 2.439E+04 104.4
823 550 1540 219.1 17.87 65.89 11.74 0.18 45.8 2.767E+04 106.1
833 560 1534 219.2 17.81 66.23 11.65 0.18 45.4 3.131E+04 107.8
843 570 1528 219.3 17.74 66.57 11.57 0.17 44.9 3.531E+04 109.5
853 580 1523 219.4 17.67 66.90 11.49 0.17 44.4 3.971E+04 111.2
863 590 1517 219.6 17.60 67.22 11.41 0.17 44.0 4.454E+04 112.9
873 600 1511 219.8 17.53 67.54 11.34 0.17 43.5 4.982E+04 114.7
883 610 1505 220.0 17.45 67.85 11.26 0.17 43.1 5.558E+04 116.4
893 620 1499 220.3 17.38 68.15 11.19 0.16 42.6 6.186E+04 118.2
903 630 1493 220.6 17.30 68.45 11.13 0.16 42.2 6.868E+04 120.1
913 640 1488 220.9 17.23 68.73 11.06 0.16 41.7 7.608E+04 121.9
923 650 1482 221.3 17.15 69.01 11.00 0.16 41.3 8.409E+04 123.8
933 660 1476 221.7 17.07 69.28 10.94 0.16 40.8 9.273E+04 125.7
943 670 1470 222.2 16.99 69.54 10.88 0.16 40.4 1.021E+05 127.6
953 680 1464 222.6 16.90 69.80 10.83 0.16 39.9 1.121E+05 129.5
963 690 1458 223.1 16.82 70.05 10.78 0.15 39.5 1.229E+05 131.5
973 700 1452 223.7 16.74 70.29 10.73 0.15 39.0 1.344E+05 133.5
983 710 1446 224.3 16.65 70.52 10.68 0.15 38.6 1.468E+05 135.5
993 720 1440 224.9 16.56 70.75 10.63 0.15 38.1 1.600E+05 137.6
1003 730 1434 225.5 16.47 70.96 10.59 0.15 37.7 1.742E+05 139.7
1013 740 1428 226.2 16.38 71.17 10.54 0.15 37.2 1.892E+05 141.8
1023 750 1422 227.0 16.29 71.37 10.50 0.15 36.8 2.052E+05 144.0
1033 760 1415 227.7 16.20 71.57 10.46 0.15 36.3 2.222E+05 146.2
1043 770 1409 228.5 16.11 71.75 10.43 0.15 35.9 2.403E+05 148.4
1053 780 1403 229.3 16.01 71.93 10.39 0.14 35.4 2.594E+05 150.7
1063 790 1397 230.2 15.91 72.10 10.36 0.14 35.0 2.797E+05 153.0
1073 800 1391 231.1 15.82 72.27 10.32 0.14 34.5 3.011E+05 155.3
1083 810 1384 232.0 15.72 72.43 10.29 0.14 34.1 3.237E+05 157.7
1093 820 1378 233.0 15.62 72.58 10.26 0.14 33.6 3.475E+05 160.1
1103 830 1372 234.0 15.51 72.72 10.24 0.14 33.2 3.727E+05 162.6
1113 840 1365 235.1 15.41 72.86 10.21 0.14 32.7 3.991E+05 165.1
1123 850 1359 236.1 15.31 72.99 10.18 0.14 32.3 4.269E+05 167.6
1133 860 1353 237.2 15.20 73.11 10.16 0.14 31.8 4.560E+05 170.2
1143 870 1346 238.4 15.09 73.22 10.14 0.14 31.4 4.866E+05 172.9
1153 880 1340 239.6 14.99 73.33 10.12 0.14 30.9 5.186E+05 175.6
1163 890 1333 240.8 14.88 73.44 10.10 0.14 30.5 5.522E+05 178.3
1173 900 1327 242.1 14.77 73.53 10.08 0.14 30.0 5.872E+05 181.1
1183 910 1321 243.3 14.65 73.62 10.06 0.14 29.6 6.239E+05 184.0
1193 920 1314 244.7 14.54 73.71 10.05 0.14 29.1 6.621E+05 186.9
1203 930 1308 246.0 14.43 73.79 10.03 0.14 28.7 7.019E+05 189.9
1213 940 1301 247.4 14.31 73.86 10.02 0.14 28.2 7.435E+05 192.9
TABLE 3.16. (continued)
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C kg/m3 Pa
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106 (m2/s) 108 (m2/s) number 103N/m 108 (Ω⋅m)
1223 950 1294 248.9 14.19 73.93 10.01 0.14 27.8 7.867E+05 196.0
1233 960 1288 250.4 14.07 73.99 10.00 0.14 27.3 8.317E+05 199.2
1243 970 1281 251.9 13.95 74.05 9.99 0.13 26.9 8.784E+05 202.4
1253 980 1275 253.4 13.83 74.10 9.98 0.13 26.4 9.270E+05 205.7
1263 990 1268 255.0 13.71 74.15 9.97 0.13 26.0 9.773E+05 209.1
1273 1000 1261 256.6 13.59 74.19 9.96 0.13 25.5 1.030E+06 212.6
1283 1010 1255 258.3 13.46 74.23 9.96 0.13 25.1 1.084E+06 216.1
1293 1020 1248 259.9 13.33 74.26 9.95 0.13 24.6 1.140E+06 219.7
1303 1030 1241 261.7 13.21 74.29 9.95 0.13 24.2 1.198E+06 223.4
1313 1040 1235 263.4 13.08 74.32 9.95 0.13 23.7 1.257E+06 227.2
1323 1050 1228 265.2 12.95 74.34 9.95 0.13 23.2 1.319E+06 231.1
1333 1060 1221 267.1 12.82 74.35 9.95 0.13 22.8 1.383E+06 235.0
1343 1070 1214 268.9 12.68 74.37 9.95 0.13 22.3 1.449E+06 239.1
1353 1080 1208 270.8 12.55 74.38 9.95 0.13 21.9 1.517E+06 243.3
1363 1090 1201 272.8 12.41 74.39 9.95 0.13 21.4 1.587E+06 247.6
1373 1100 1194 274.8 12.28 74.39 9.96 0.13 21.0 1.659E+06 252.0
1383 1110 1187 276.8 12.14 74.40 9.96 0.13 20.5 1.733E+06 256.5
1393 1120 1180 278.8 12.00 74.40 9.97 0.13 20.0 1.810E+06 261.1
1403 1130 1173 280.9 11.86 74.40 9.98 0.13 19.6 1.888E+06 265.9
1413 1140 1166 283.1 11.72 74.40 9.98 0.13 19.1 1.969E+06 270.8
1423 1150 1160 285.2 11.57 74.39 9.99 0.13 18.7 2.051E+06 275.9
1433 1160 1153 287.4 11.43 74.39 10.00 0.13 18.2 2.136E+06 281.0
1443 1170 1146 289.6 11.28 74.38 10.02 0.13 17.7 2.223E+06 286.4
1453 1180 1139 291.9 11.13 74.37 10.03 0.13 17.3 2.313E+06 291.9
1463 1190 1132 294.2 10.99 74.37 10.04 0.14 16.8 2.404E+06 297.6
1473 1200 1124 296.6 10.84 74.36 10.06 0.14 16.3 2.498E+06 303.4
1483 1210 1117 298.9 10.68 74.36 10.07 0.14 15.9 2.593E+06 309.4
1493 1220 1110 301.4 10.53 74.35 10.09 0.14 15.4 2.692E+06 315.7
1503 1230 1103 303.8 10.38 74.35 10.11 0.14 14.9 2.792E+06 322.1
1513 1240 1096 306.3 10.22 74.35 10.13 0.14 14.5 2.894E+06 328.7
1523 1250 1089 308.8 10.07 74.35 10.15 0.14 14.0 2.999E+06 335.6
1533 1260 1081 311.4 9.91 74.35 10.17 0.14 13.5 3.106E+06 342.7
1543 1270 1074 314.0 9.75 74.36 10.20 0.14 13.1 3.215E+06 350.1
1553 1280 1066 316.6 9.59 74.37 10.22 0.14 12.6 3.326E+06 357.7
1563 1290 1059 319.3 9.43 74.38 10.25 0.14 12.1 3.440E+06 365.6
1573 1300 1051 322.0 9.27 74.40 10.28 0.14 11.6 3.556E+06 373.8
Temperature Heat
Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface Electrical
Density capacity
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C kg/m3 10–3 J/kg
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106 (m2/s) 10–7(m2/s) number mN/m 108 (Ω⋅m)
273 0 13595 140.4 8.18 4.285 1.242 2.81 486 94.120 306.8
293 20 13546 139.6 8.45 4.467 1.151 2.58 480 95.830 306.1
313 40 13497 138.9 8.71 4.648 1.078 2.32 475 97.616 305.4
333 60 13448 138.2 8.97 4.826 1.018 2.11 469 99.478 304.7
353 80 13400 137.6 9.23 5.002 0.969 1.94 464 101.41 304.0
373 100 13351 137.1 9.48 5.175 0.927 1.80 458 103.42 303.3
393 120 13303 136.7 9.72 5.346 0.892 1.67 452 105.51 302.6
413 140 13255 136.3 9.96 5.513 0.862 1.57 447 107.68 302,0
433 160 13207 136.0 10.19 5.675 0.836 1.47 441 109.92 301.3
453 180 13136 135.7 10.42 5.836 0.813 1.39 435 112.24 300.7
473 200 13112 135.5 10.64 5.990 0.793 1.32 430 114.64 300.1
523 250 12993 135.2 11.18 6.365 0.753 1.18 416 121.01 298.4
573 300 12873 135.3 11.69 6.710 0.723 1.07 402 127.96 296.8
623 350 12754 135.7 12.16 7.030 0.701 0.99 388 135.56 295.1
673 400 12633 136.4 12.60 7.310 0.683 0.92 374 143.90 293.3
723 450 12510 137.5 13.01 7.560 0.670 0.87 360 153.80 291.3
773 500 12386 138.9 13.39 7.780 0.660 0.83 345 163.50 289.1
823 550 12259 140.6 13.73 7.960 0.653 0.80 331 175.50 286.6
873 600 12130 142.7 14.04 8.110 0.647 0.78 317 188.40 283.8
923 650 11998 145.1 14.33 8.230 0.643 0.76 303 203.40 280.5
973 700 11863 147.8 14.58 8.320 0.641 0.75 289 220.80 276.8
1023 750 11725 150.7 14.79 8.370 0.640 0.74 275 240.80 272.7
1073 800 11584 154.0 14.98 8.400 0.640 0.74 261 264.00 268.0
TABLE 3.18. (continued)
TABLE 3.19. (continued)
TABLE 3.19. (continued)
273 0 863 962 21.7 26.15 7.60 2.91 146.5 7.29E-08 33.8
283 10 861 960 21.9 26.50 7.33 2.76 145.7 2.83E-07 34.4
293 20 859 958 22.1 26.85 7.06 2.63 144.9 1.00E-06 35.0
303 30 857 955 22.3 27.20 6.81 2.50 144.1 3.26E-06 35.6
313 40 855 953 22.4 27.55 6.57 2.39 143.3 9.82E-06 36.1
323 50 852 950 22.6 27.93 6.34 2.27 142.5 2.76E-05 36.7
333 60 850 948 22.8 28.28 6.12 2.16 141.7 7.27E-05 37.3
343 70 848 945 22.9 28.63 5.91 2.06 140.9 1.81E-04 37.8
353 80 846 942 23.1 28.98 5.71 1.97 140.1 4.27E-04 38.4
363 90 844 940 23.3 29.32 5.51 1.88 139.3 9.61E-04 39.0
373 100 841 937 23.4 29.70 5.33 1.79 138.5 2.07E-03 39.6
383 110 839 934 23.6 30.05 5.15 1.71 137.7 4.27E-03 40.1
393 120 837 931 23.7 30.39 4.98 1.64 136.9 8.50E-03 40.7
403 130 834 929 23.8 30.76 4.82 1.57 136.1 1.63E-02 41.3
413 140 832 926 24.0 31.10 4.67 1.50 135.3 3.04E-02 41.8
423 150 830 924 24.1 31.43 4.53 1.44 134.5 5.48E-02 42.4
433 160 827 921 24.2 31.79 4.39 1.38 133.7 9.62E-02 43.0
443 170 825 918 24.3 32.11 4.26 1.33 132.9 1.65E-01 43.6
453 180 823 916 24.5 32.43 4.13 1.27 132.1 2.75E-01 44.1
463 190 820 914 24.6 32.79 4.02 1.22 131.3 4.48E-01 44.7
473 200 818 911 24.7 33.10 3.90 1.18 130.5 7.16E-01 45.3
483 210 816 909 24.8 33.41 3.80 1.14 129.7 1.12E+00 45.8
493 220 813 907 24.9 33.75 3.70 1.10 128.9 1.72E+00 46.4
503 230 811 904 25.0 34.04 3.60 1.06 128.1 2.61E+00 47.0
513 240 809 902 25.1 34.33 3.51 1.02 127.3 3.87E+00 47.5
523 250 806 900 25.2 34.66 3.43 0.99 126.4 5.67E+00 48.1
533 260 804 898 25.2 34.94 3.35 0.96 125.6 8.18E+00 48.7
543 270 802 896 25.3 35.22 3.27 0.93 124.8 1.16E+01 49.3
553 280 799 894 25.4 35.53 3.20 0.90 124.0 1.63E+01 49.8
563 290 797 893 25.5 35.79 3.13 0.87 123.2 2.26E+01 50.4
573 300 795 891 25.5 36.04 3.07 0.85 122.4 3.10E+01 51.0
583 310 792 889 25.6 36.33 3.01 0.83 121.6 4.21E+01 51.5
593 320 790 888 25.6 36.58 2.95 0.81 120.8 5.65E+01 52.1
603 330 788 886 25.7 36.81 2.90 0.79 120.0 7.50E+01 52.7
613 340 785 885 25.8 37.08 2.85 0.77 119.2 9.87E+01 53.3
TABLE 3.20. (continued)
Temperature Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface Electrical
Density Pressure
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
kg/m3 Pa
K °C J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106 (m2/s) 107 (m2/s) number 103N/m 108 (Ω⋅m)
623 350 783 883 25.8 37.30 2.80 0.75 118.4 1.29E+02 53.8
633 360 780 882 25.8 37.56 2.75 0.73 117.6 1.66E+02 54.4
643 370 778 881 25.9 37.77 2.71 0.72 116.8 2.14E+02 55.0
653 380 776 879 25.9 37.96 2.67 0.70 115.9 2.72E+02 55.5
663 390 773 878 25.9 38.20 2.64 0.69 115.1 3.43E+02 56.1
673 400 771 877 26.0 38.38 2.60 0.68 114.3 4.31E+02 56.7
683 410 769 876 26.0 38.55 2.57 0.67 113.5 5.37E+02 57.3
693 420 766 875 26.0 38.77 2.54 0.65 112.7 6.65E+02 57.8
703 430 764 875 26.0 38.92 2.51 0.64 111.9 8.18E+02 58.4
713 440 762 874 26.0 39.07 2.48 0.63 111.1 1.00E+03 59.0
723 450 759 873 26.0 39.26 2.45 0.63 110.3 1.22E+03 59.5
733 460 757 873 26.0 39.39 2.43 0.62 109.5 1.47E+03 60.1
743 470 755 872 26.0 39.50 2.41 0.61 108.7 1.77E+03 60.7
753 480 752 872 26.0 39.67 2.38 0.60 107.9 2.12E+03 61.2
763 490 750 872 26.0 39.77 2.36 0.59 107.1 2.53E+03 61.8
773 500 748 871 26.0 39.86 2.34 0.59 106.2 3.00E+03 62.4
783 510 745 871 26.0 40.00 2.32 0.58 105.4 3.54E+03 63.0
793 520 743 871 25.9 40.07 2.31 0.58 104.6 4.17E+03 63.5
803 530 741 871 25.9 40.13 2.29 0.57 103.8 4.88E+03 64.1
813 540 738 871 25.9 40.24 2.27 0.56 103.0 5.70E+03 64.7
823 550 736 871 25.8 40.28 2.25 0.56 102.2 6.63E+03 65.2
833 560 733 872 25.8 40.37 2.24 0.55 101.4 7.68E+03 65.8
843 570 731 872 25.7 40.40 2.22 0.55 100.6 8.86E+03 66.4
853 580 729 872 25.7 40.41 2.21 0.55 99.8 1.02E+04 67.0
863 590 726 873 25.6 40.47 2.19 0.54 99.0 1.17E+04 67.5
873 600 724 873 25.6 40.46 2.18 0.54 98.2 1.34E+04 68.1
883 610 722 874 25.5 40.45 2.16 0.53 97.4 1.52E+04 68.7
893 620 719 875 25.5 40.48 2.15 0.53 96.6 1.73E+04 69.2
903 630 717 875 25.4 40.44 2.13 0.53 95.8 1.96E+04 69.8
913 640 715 876 25.3 40.39 2.12 0.52 95.0 2.22E+04 70.4
923 650 712 877 25.2 40.39 2.11 0.52 94.2 2.50E+04 71.0
933 660 710 878 25.1 40.33 2.09 0.52 93.3 2.81E+04 71.5
943 670 707 879 25.1 40.30 2.08 0.52 92.5 3.15E+04 72.1
953 680 705 881 25.0 40.22 2.06 0.51 91.7 3.52E+04 72.7
963 690 703 882 24.9 40.12 2.05 0.51 90.9 3.93E+04 73.2
973 700 700 883 24.8 40.07 2.03 0.51 90.1 4.38E+04 73.8
983 710 698 885 24.7 39.95 2.02 0.51 89.3 4.86E+04 74.4
993 720 695 886 24.6 39.87 2.01 0.50 88.5 5.39E+04 74.9
1003 730 693 888 24.4 39.73 1.99 0.50 87.7 5.97E+04 75.5
1013 740 691 889 24.3 39.58 1.98 0.50 86.9 6.59E+04 76.1
1023 750 688 891 24.2 39.48 1.96 0.50 86.1 7.26E+04 76.7
1033 760 686 893 24.1 39.31 1.95 0.50 85.3 7.99E+04 77.2
1043 770 683 895 24.0 39.19 1.93 0.49 84.5 8.78E+04 77.8
1053 780 681 897 23.8 38.99 1.92 0.49 83.7 9.62E+04 78.4
1063 790 678 899 23.7 38.85 1.91 0.49 82.9 1.05E+05 78.9
1073 800 676 901 23.5 38.64 1.89 0.49 82.1 1.15E+05 79.5
1083 810 674 904 23.4 38.42 1.88 0.49 81.3 1.25E+05 80.1
1093 820 671 906 23.3 38.24 1.87 0.49 80.6 1.37E+05 80.7
TABLE 3.20. (continued)
TABLE 3.21. (continued)
TABLE 3.21. (continued)
TABLE 3.22. PROPERTIES OF 44.5Pb–55.5Bi WT. % ALLOY BY EQUATIONS (3.63–3.66)
TABLE 3.22. (continued)
Temperature Heat Thermal Thermal Kinematic 102 Surface Electrical
capacity conductivity diffusivity viscosity Prandtl tension resistivity
K °C J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s) 108(m2/s) number 103N/m 108(Ω⋅m)
833 560 10010 146 15.3 10.47 12.17 1.16 385.42 126.90
843 570 10000 146 15.4 10.55 12.07 1.14 384.72 127.42
853 580 9980 146 15.5 10.63 11.99 1.13 384.01 127.94
863 590 9970 146 15.6 10.72 11.92 1.11 383.31 128.46
873 600 9960 146 15.7 10.80 11.87 1.10 382.61 128.99
883 610 9950 146 15.8 10.88 11.83 1.09 381.90 129.51
893 620 9930 146 15.9 10.96 11.80 1.08 381.20 130.03
903 630 9920 146 16.0 11.04 11.79 1.07 380.50 130.56
913 640 9910 146 16.1 11.13 11.80 1.06 379.80 131.08
923 650 9900 146 16.2 11.21 11.81 1.05 379.09 131.60
933 660 9880 146 16.3 11.29 11.84 1.05 378.39 132.13
943 670 9870 146 16.4 11.38 11.88 1.04 377.69 132.65
953 680 9860 146 16.5 11.46 11.94 1.04 376.98 133.17
963 690 9850 146 16.6 11.54 12.01 1.04 376.28 133.69
973 700 9830 146 16.7 11.63 12.10 1.04 375.58 134.22
983 710 9820 146 16.8 11.71 12.20 1.04 374.87 134.74
993 720 9810 146 16.9 11.80 12.31 1.04 374.17 135.26
1003 730 9800 146 17.0 11.88 12.44 1.05 373.47 135.79
1013 740 9780 146 17.1 11.96 12.58 1.05 372.77 136.31
1023 750 9770 146 17.2 12.05 12.74 1.06 372.06 136.83
1033 760 9760 146 17.3 12.13 12.90 1.06 371.36 137.36
1043 770 9750 146 17.4 12.22 13.09 1.07 370.66 137.88
1053 780 9730 146 17.5 12.31 13.28 1.08 369.95 138.40
1063 790 9720 146 17.6 12.39 13.49 1.09 369.25 138.92
1073 800 9710 146 17.7 12.48 13.72 1.10 368.55 139.45
TABLE 3.23. (continued)
3.4.4. Thermophysical properties of vapours of some metals (Li, Na, K, Cs) [11–13]
TABLE 3.24. (continued)
Temp. Heat Specific Thermal Dynamic Sound
Pressure Density″
rature capacity″ heat″ conductivity″ viscosity″ velocity
MPa kg/m3
K J/(kg⋅K) 10–3(kJ/kg) W/(m⋅K) 107(Pa·s) m/s
2700 9.744 4.911 8.140 14.00 0.131 - 1611
2800 12.41 6.299 7.624 13.45 0.135 - 1591
2900 15.55 7.935 7.149 12.92 0.137 - 1571
3000 19.19 9.829 6.722 12.42 0.142 - 1553
Temp. Heat Specific Thermal Dynamic Sound
Pressure Density″
rature capacity″ heat″ conductivity″ viscosity″ velocity
MPa kg/m3
K KJ/(kg⋅K) kJ/kg 103W/(m⋅K) 107(Pa·s) m/s
500 3.312E-5 1.070E-3 0.230 542 - - 215
600 5.906E-4 1.604E-2 0.265 530 - - 230
700 4.524E-3 0.1065 0.296 518 6.58 204 244
800 2.059E-2 0.4353 0.315 504 7.55 221 257
900 6.656E-2 1.285 0.314 490 8.40 236 270
1000 0.170 3.031 0.314 476 9.13 250 282
1100 0.365 6.101 0.315 461 9.77 264 293
1200 0.690 10.89 0.316 444 10.37 278 303
1300 1.179 17.73 0.319 425 10.96 292 311
1400 1.863 26.97 0.323 403 - 306 318
1500 2.760 38.88 0.337 377 - 321 324
1600 3.876 54.23 0.381 345 - 336 327
1700 5.213 75.00 0.453 306 - 352 321
1800 6.773 110.8 0.658 248 - 369 291
1900 8.572 173.8 - 189 - 385 -
2000 10.66 - - 100 - - -
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Thermophysics, 1990, Vol. 11, No. 4, PP. 719–729.
42. Pottlacher G., Iager H. Determinations of Critical Point Data of Metals using Subsecond
Pulse Heating Techniques: Preprint Techn. Univ. Graz. 1998.
43. Powell R.W. The Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of Molten Metals/Proc. 8th
Conf. of Thermal Conductivity, West Lafayette, Ind. 1968. — N.Y., 1969, PP. 357–365.
44. Schulz B. Thermophysical Properties of the Li17Pb83 Alloy. — Fusion Engineering
and Design, 1991, Vol. 14, PP. 199–206.
45. Selected Values of Thermodynamic Properties of the Elements/R. Hultgren, R.D. Decai,
D.T. Hawkins et al. — Metal Park (Ohio), Amer. Soc. Metals, 1973.
46. Thermophysical Properties of Matter. The TPRC Data Series./Ed. Y.S. Touloukian,
N. Y. Wash., Plenum Press, 1970.
47. Coen V. Lithium-Lead eutectic as breeding material in Fusion Reactors. — Journal of
Nuclear Materials, 1985, Vol.133–134, No 1, PP. 46–51.
48. Holrayd R. J., Mitchell J.T. — Nuclear Engineering and Design/Fusion, 1984, No 1.
Neutrons being formed at fission have the energy spectrum from 0.25 eV to 10 MeV, the most
probable energy is slightly smaller than 1 MeV. The absolute majority of reactors operate on
slow (thermal) neutrons with energy of 0.025 eV, because they are easily absorbed by 235U,
Pu239 nuclei and cause a larger number of fissions than high energy neutrons. Efficient
moderators of neutrons are materials with light nuclei (for example, hydrogen, deuterium,
beryllium, etc.) Water is a good moderator, as it contains a large amount of hydrogen.
Neutron with an energy of 2 MeV undergoes on the average ξ = 19.6 collisions in water prior
to being moderated to energy of 0.025 eV [1].
A moderator must have a high scattering cross section to provide a high collision number of
neutrons per time unit prior to being captured, as well as a low neutron-absorption cross
section that not to deteriorate a neutron balance owing to nonproductive absorption in
moderator mass. The measure of this characteristic is the ratio ξΣs/Σа termed as moderating
ratio. The product of the mean number of collisions prior to being attained thermal energy (ξ)
by the macroscopic scattering cross section (Σs) is called as moderating power [2, 3]. The
basic neutron-physical and thermophysical properties of moderators are presented in Tables
4.1 and 4.2, respectively.
Light water (H2O) is characterized by the highest moderating power and the high absorption
cross section. As a result in the case of moderating neutrons by light water, it is impossible to
make a natural uranium fuel reactor as a critical one. For this reason, fuel enriched up to 2–
4% has been used in power reactors. In reactor, water is subject to radiolysis that results in
formation of gases such as hydrogen and oxygen and moreover, formation of detonating
mixture is possible. Another problem consists in interaction of water with zirconium (from a
fuel element cladding) accompanied by formation of ZrO2 and Н2. The disadvantage of water
is a low boiling point, thus high pressures are to be applied [2].
Heavy water (D2O) has the absorption cross section, which is rather lower as compared to
light water, and the highest moderating ratio among all moderators. The natural uranium fuel
reactor can become critical, if D2O is used as moderator. The disadvantages of heavy water
are its high cost and the need of high pressures [2].
Graphite (C) used as a moderator in power reactors (gas cooled reactors, channel reactors of
high power RBMK, etc.) is an anisotropic material. It has good moderating characteristics and
satisfactory mechanical properties. Reactor artificial graphite is produced from oil coke. Its
production technology is rather complicated and involves the following preliminary
operations: coke crushing, incineration to purify material, preparing charge from particles of
different sizes, and molding (pressing). In the course of molding process, there occurs
anisotropy of product properties to parallel and to perpendicular directions vs. a pressing axis.
The final operations of manufacturing graphite are as follows: preliminary annealing at
1000-1300°С, long-term annealing at 450–500°С, fining and impregnation by carbon-bearing
materials (pitch, alcohol etc.) to increase compression strength. Structural graphite is
characterized by pronounced anisotropy of its properties. However, graphite materials
(GR-220, GR-280) used in uranium-graphite reactors have rather low anisotropy. Typical
density of reactor graphite is of 1600–1700 kg/m3, which is considerably smaller, than the
theoretical one (2260 kg/m3). Such difference is caused by graphite porosity being formed
during its manufacture.
Heavy Beryllium, Beryllium Graphite Zirconium
Light water
water metal oxide C hydride
Property H2O
D2O Be BeO ZrH1.85
[1, 3]
[1, 3] [4, 5] [6] [7] [1, 3]
Density at normal conditions, kg/m3 1000 1100 1840 2860 1710 5620
Absorption cross section, σа, 10–24 cm2 660 2.6 7.6 9.0 3.53 799
Macroscopic scattering cross section (above-thermal), Σs, cm–1 1.496 0.350 0.757 0.666 0.397 1.60
Macroscopic absorption cross section сечение (thermal), Σа, cm–1 0.0197 3.88 × 10–5 8.2 × 10–4 4.7 × 10–4 2.6 × 10–4 0.0291
Moderating power, ξΣs, cm–1 1.385 0.1784 0.1561 0.1156 0.0626 1.37
Number of atoms (H, D, Be, C respectively) in cm3 , 1023 cm–3 0.669 0.662 1.230 0.689 0.852 0.673
For concentration of D2O – 99.8% and Н2O – 0.2%.
In the course of using graphite, the main problems are in its chemical reactions with oxygen,
water steam, metals that requires creation of inert atmosphere in reactor. Under radiation,
internal energy is being accumulated in the crystal lattice of graphite owing to atomic
displacements. At ordinary temperatures (<350°С) and fluence of 1019 neutr/cm2, the value of
stored energy in graphite can achieve up to 1.7 MJ/kg. In the generation of this energy
(Wigner effect), graphite can be heated up to 1000°С. Therefore in the case of operating
graphite in reactors at low temperatures, it is periodically exposed to slow heating (annealing).
At high temperatures this problem is not significant, because accumulation and generation of
internal energy occurs continuously [7, 14].
Zirconium hydride (ZrН1.85) is hydrogen-bearing moderator that has good moderating
characteristics practically similar to those of water (see Table 4.1). In the case, when
zirconium hydride is mixed with uranium, these reactors are characterized by reliable safety
and high stability as they have the high negative temperature coefficients of reactivity.
Zirconium hydride is produced by heating metallic zirconium in hydrogen at 350°С [2].
Beryllium (Be) has the small absorption cross section, which together with a high number of
atoms in 1 cm3 and the high scattering cross section provides its application as a good
moderator and reflector in reactors. However, beryllium is not widely used for power
engineering due to its high cost and such its properties as brittleness, swelling and
embrittlement at radiation. The advantages of beryllium are in low density, high melting point
and low coefficient of thermal expansion (see Table 4.2). Under exposure to radiation, nuclear
reactions with formation of helium and tritium are occurred in beryllium (see below). An
essential feature of beryllium is its low value of induced activity under the action of major
types of radiations. Beryllium and its compounds are toxic [2, 14].
Beryllium oxide (BeO) is used as a moderator not only in nuclear reactors, but also as a
matrix of dispersion fuel elements. Beryllium oxide is the best moderator among high
temperature oxides. Besides, BeO is a source of additional neutrons being formed at the
reactions of types (α, n), (γ, n), (n, 2n). The radiation effect on BeO and its radiation stability
have been extensively studied. Under radiation of BeO in reactor, formation of helium and
tritium takes place according to the reaction (n, 2n):
4 Be + n → 48 Be + 2n; 8
4 Be + 2 42 He;
and the reaction (α, n):
4 Be + n → 26 He + 42 He; 6 6
2 He → 3 Li + β; 6
3 Li + n → 42 He + 3 H.
Helium is formed in about ten times larger quantity than tritium. For more details on the
change of BeO properties under radiation, see Refs [2, 6].
Carbon comes in several modifications; their properties are being different, namely: graphite,
diamond, fullerene (produced artificially) and other. These modifications are different in the
structure of molecules and their arrangement in the crystal lattice. The basic properties of
graphite are as follows:
In recent years, a considerable disagreement of experimental data on graphite melting
point is observed [15, 16]. This is caused by difficulties of high temperature experiment.
According to early research Тmelt ≅ 3700–4000 K, whereas owing to the most recent data,
Тmelt ≅ 4530-080 K. The reasons of such difference are still unknown. Thermophysical
properties of graphite can greatly differ depending on its production method and owing to its
anisotropic structure.
Graphite used as a moderator must not contain any impurities of elements with the high
neutron absorption coefficient (boron, cadmium, etc.) or volatile matters (hydrocarbons and
others). Graphite blocks of RBMK reactor with dimensions of 250 × 250 × 600 mm are
manufactured from graphite type GR-280 and designated to operate under conditions of gas
medium with composition: 75% Не; 25% N2; O2 < 0.01%, at temperatures 300–800°C and
neutron flux ~ 3 × 1013 n/(cm2s) [17].
It has been noted that pressing graphite during its production results in anisotropy of its
physical properties. The basic physical characteristics of reactor graphite type GR-280 in
initial state given in Table 4.3, where the numerator is the values of characteristics to parallel
direction about a pressing axis, and the denominator is the values of these characteristics to
perpendicular direction about a pressing axis.
The graphite crystal has a layer-like structure. In this case, atoms in each layer are located in a
hexagonal lattice. Bonding between parallel layers is provided by weak Van der Waals forces.
In the course of pressing, particles of coke are oriented along the pressing direction; therefore,
thermal and electrical conductivity of graphite is higher in this direction as compared to
transverse direction.
Graphite is commonly a porous material. The surface area of graphite with pores taken into
account is estimated to be 0.47–0.87 m2/g [18]. Reactor graphite with density of 1740 kg/m3
has porosity in the region of 23% [19].
In the course of operating under reactor conditions, there occurs the change of graphite
properties caused by displacement of carbon atoms from the lattice sites. The change of the
lattice parameters under radiation depends on radiation temperature, neutron spectrum, value
of integral flux and radiation rate, as well as the degree of graphitization of initial graphite.
The effect of preliminary radiation was also discovered. The fluence of neutrons with energy
of more 0.18 MeV and the operating conditions has the greatest effect on this process. In this
case, the change of such graphite properties as density, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal
conductivity, electrical resistivity as well as its mechanical properties takes place [20].
Heat of fusion of graphite is evaluated as 27900 kJ/kg in Ref. [21]. Heat of vapourization of
graphite is evaluated as 59450 kJ/kg in Ref. [18].
Radiation of graphite at rather low temperatures (<300°C) results in the accumulation of
displaced atoms in the interlattice area. This causes the accumulation of Wigner energy that
can be generated with increasing temperature up to the level, at which the energy of thermal
vibrations of atoms provides a way for them to fill again the vacant sites in the crystal lattice.
Therefore, graphite is to be annealed to prevent accumulation of such energy [17].
Enthalpy and heat capacity of graphite are calculated by the following formulas of the
MATPROP code [22]:
H(T) − H(298,15) (kJ/kg)= − 1446.04 + 2.0231T + 3.9322 × 10–5T2 + 4.2671 × 105T–1 −
− 6.60145 × 107T–2 + 3.9963 × 109T–3. (4.1)
At 298≤ Т ≤ 1273 K
Ср [kJ/(kg⋅K)] = 2.031 + 7.8645 × 10–5 T − 4.2671 × 105T –2 +
+ 1.3203 × 108T –3 − 1.199 × 1010T –4 . (4.2)
At 1273≤ Т ≤ 3273 K
Ср [kJ/(kg⋅K)] = 1.131 + 6.62 × 10–4Т − 9.969 × 10–8Т2. (4.3)
At 3273≤ Т ≤ 5000 K
Ср [kJ/(kg⋅K)] = 6.12 × 10–5Т 1.3 . (4.4)
These formulas are in a good agreement with the well known experimental data. The
uncertainty of Eq. (4.2) is of ± 10%. The heat capacity of graphite according to Eqs (4.2.–4.4) is
given in Table 4.4.
TABLE 4.4. (continued)
Temperature Heat capacity
°C K kJ/(kg⋅K)
2127 2400 2.147
2227 2500 2.160
2327 2600 2.172
2427 2700 2.183
2527 2800 2.195
2627 2900 2.206
2727 3000 2.216
2827 3100 2.227
2927 3200 2.237
3027 3300 2.247
3127 3400 2.257
3227 3500 2.267
Values of enthalpy and heat capacity of graphite type UPV-1 in the range of temperature
range 1200–2000 K are given in Ref. [23]. At high temperatures the data by various authors
disagree greatly (± 20% and more). The uncertainties in data on heat capacity of graphite are
shown in Table 4.5.
Density of reactor graphite depending on temperature is presented in Table 4.6 [17].
Thermal conductivity of reactor graphite in initial state depending on temperature based on
different data is presented in Table 4.7. The table presents also the values of coefficient of
linear thermal expansion, where the numerator is the value of coefficient to parallel direction
about a pressing axis, and denominator is the value of coefficient to perpendicular direction
about a pressing axis.
Vapour pressure above solid graphite. The results of available experimental research and the
recommendations given in reference books differ significantly, particularly at Т > 2000 K that
can be shown from the following correlations, which are true within the narrow range of
according to data in Ref. [25] at 1850–3400 K
lgP (Pа) = 12.8313 – 36781.5/T (4.5)
according to data in Ref. [11] at 1700–3000 K
lgP (Pа) = 15.7488 – 40384.5/T (4.6)
The electrical resistivity of electrode graphite vs. temperature is presented in Table 4.8, for the
transverse directions and along the axis [26].
Emissivity of graphite for λ = 0.65 µm is given in Table 4.9, where ελ is the spectral radiation
coefficient; εt is the integral radiation coefficient [25, 27].
Transverse direction Along the axis
0 2.18 1.65
100 1.97 1.5
200 1.87 1.45
300 1.80 1.42
400 1.77 1.38
500 1.77 1.38
600 1.80 1.39
700 1.82 1.40
800 1.85 1.42
900 1.92 1.48
1000 1.97 1.55
1100 2.0 1.58
1200 2.03 1.60
1300 2.10 1.65
1400 2.15 1.70
1500 2.20 1.73
1600 2.25 1.77
1700 2.32 1.82
1800 2.37 1.87
1900 2.42 1.92
2000 2.50 1.95
GRAPHITE AT 500–550°С [17, 28]
Neutron fluence λ20 α20 ρe20
F × 10–21 (1/cm2) W/(m⋅K) 10–6 (1/K) ( Ω⋅m)
10 (kg/m3)
E > 0.18 MeV а b а b а b
0 1710 75 55 4.4 5.7 10 13
0.5 1710.5 42 30.8 4.54 5.87 22 23.4
1 1712 31.5 23.1 4.62 5.98 29 31.2
2 1710 24.8 18.1 4.8 6.20 32 37.8
3 1692 24.0 17.6 4.94 6.44 32 37.8
4 1686 23.3 17.1 5.02 6.55 32 37.8
5 1677 23.3 17.1 5.06 6.72 32 37.8
6 1671 22.5 17.1 5.1 6.89 32 37.8
7 1664 22.5 17.1 5.15 6.95 32 37.8
8 1657 22.5 17.1 5.19 7.06 32 37.8
9 1650 22.5 17.1 5.24 7.12 32 37.8
10 1643 22.5 17.1 5.24 7.17 32 37.8
11 1638 22.5 17.1 5.28 7.24 32 37.8
12 1636 22.5 17.1 5.28 7.29 32 37.8
13 1634 22.5 17.1 5.28 7.40 32 37.8
14 1633 22.5 17.1 5.28 7.45 32 37.8
15 1638 21.0 15.4 5.28 7.52 32 37.8
16 1640 19.5 14.3 5.28 7.57 32.5 37.8
17 1648 17.3 12.6 5.28 7.63 33 39
18 1657 15.8 11.5 5.24 7.68 34 41.7
19 1671 14.2 10.5 5.24 7.74 37 45.5
20 1696 12.8 9.4 5.19 7.80 40 49.4
21 1772 11.3 8.3 5.15 7.80 46 55.9
22 1772 10.0 7.1 5.1 7.85 54 67.5
23 1840 - - 5.06 7.91 60 78
24 - - - - - - -
4.3.1. Properties of solid beryllium depending on temperature
Thermal conductivity is defined by the formula derived on the basis of the recommended data
in Ref. [32]:
λ [W/(m⋅K)] = 202.5 – 0.1723 T + 5.467 × 10–5 T2. (4.9)
In Table 4.12, the specimens are as follows:
Emissivity of beryllium. The spectral radiation coefficient of beryllium ελ for a wave length of
0.65 µm in solid and liquid state is 0.61 [11]; for a wave length of 0.55µm, 0.61 and 0.81,
respectively [30]. The integral emissivity coefficient of beryllium as a function of temperature
is presented in Table 4.13 [30].
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion of beryllium. The values of mean linear expansion
coefficient α for the corresponding temperature range are shown in Table 4.14 [30]. The
values of linear expansion coefficients of beryllium to the directions, which are parallel and
perpendicular about a pressing axis, α⁄ ⁄ and α⊥ respectively, are presented in Table 4.15. After
annealing, the value of α⁄ ⁄ is somewhat decreased by 5–10%, and the value of α⊥ increased by
20–30% [25, 33].
K α⁄ ⁄ × 10 6 (1/K) α⊥ × 10 6 (1/K)
300 9.2 12.4
400 11.5 14.9
500 12.9 16.9
600 14.0 18.3
800 15.9 20.2
1000 17.6 21.4
1200 19.5 23.4
Vapour pressure above solid beryllium. The following two correlations are known:
in Refs [30, 31, 34] at T < Tmelt
lg P( at ) = 6.186 + 1.454 × 10 −4 T − ; (4.10)
in Ref. [30] at Tmelt < T < 2058 K
lg P( mm Hg ) = 6.494 − . (4.11)
According to the data in Ref. [11] at 960 ≤ T ≤1500 K another formula follows:
lg P( Pa ) = 11.389 − , (4.12)
According to the data in Ref. [8] at 1000 ≤ T ≤2000 K another equation follows:
lg P( Pa ) = 10.990 − . (4.13)
The values of vapour pressure above solid beryllium calculated by Equations (4.10–4.13) are
presented in Table 4.16. In this case, Equations (4.10, 4.11) were transferred to the SI-system
[P (Pa)].
Density of liquid beryllium at 99.8% of the theoretical density according to the data in Ref.
[11] at Т < 2750 K is estimated by formula:
Heat capacity of liquid beryllium at Т > Тmelt is 3.3 kJ/(kg K) in Ref. [9]
Surface tension of liquid beryllium is 1100 mN/m at 1773 K in Ref. [25] and 1145 mN/m at
1553 K in Ref. [11].
The basic properties of beryllium oxide are as follows:
Molecular mass 25.0116 amu
Molar volume, m3/mol or m3/kg 8.31 × 10–6 m3/mol; 3.322 × 10–4 m3/kg
Theoretical density, kg/m3 3010 ± 0.3 kg/m3 [25]
Melting point, °C (K) 2550°C (2823 K) [6]
Boiling point, °C (K) 4120°C (4393 K) [25]
Heat of fusion, kJ/kg 3416 kJ/kg [25]
Heat of vapourization kJ/kg 19600 kJ/kg [6]
The basic thermophysical properties of beryllium oxide for a density of 2870 kg/m3are
presented in Table 4.17.
The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of ВеО is calculated as:
α × 106 (1/K) = 5.133 +4.65 × 10–3t – 1.539 × 10–7t2 – 3.621 × 10–10t3, (4.16)
This equation generalizes the data in Refs [6, 12]. The data are also known as the graphical
curve of function α⋅= f(t) published in Ref. [6] on P. 56.
The data on coefficients of linear thermal expansion for BeO differ greatly. In this case, such
factor as the purity of specimen (quantity and type of impurity) as well as its production
technology is of considerable importance. The Beo specimens manufactured by the same
technology show a wide scattering in the linear expansion coefficient up to 20–25% (see
Table 34 on P. 57 in Ref. [6]). This data scattering is caused by imperfection of applied
methods and equipment [6].
The comparison of the values of linear thermal expansion coefficient for ВеО is shown in
Table 4.18.
Beryllium oxide has the highest specific heat capacity among all refractory oxides. At
temperature T > 2820 K, the value of Сp is equal to 2.678 kJ/(kg⋅K).
Thermal conductivity. Beryllium oxide has extremely high thermal conductivity, which
exceeds thermal conductivity of most other oxides. Thermal conductivity of beryllium oxide
like other properties depends on specimen purity; thus its density, temperature, and other
parameters can vary by an order (see Table 4.19) [32].
Under neutron radiation, the more is the specimen density, the more decreases thermal
conductivity. The variations of thermal conductivity caused by radiation can be eliminated by
thermal annealing at 1400°C.
Electrical resistivity of beryllium oxide like other properties depends heavily on the specimen
purity and its density. The data on the BeO specimen with a density of 2250 kg/m3 and
impurity concentration of ~1.5% produced by sintering at 2100°C in the nitrogen atmosphere
[in Ref. 6, P. 103] are presented in Table 4.20.
At a temperature of 100°C, the value of ρе for ВеО is equal to ~1012 Ω⋅m. High purity
specimens of ВеО have more high resistivity, namely: 1020 Ω m at 20°C, 1016 Ω⋅m at 1000°C,
1012 Ω⋅m at 1600°C and 109 Ω⋅m at 2000°C [6].
The data on emissivity of beryllium oxide are shown in Table 4.21 [6]
Temperature Electrical resistivity
°C (Ω⋅m)
1000 8 × 109
1100 1.6 × 109
1200 8 × 108
1300 8 × 107
1400 2.5 × 107
1500 8 × 106
1600 3.5 × 106
1700 1.5 × 106
1800 6.5 × 105
1900 3.5 × 105
2000 1.6 × 105
2100 8 × 104
K Integral Total Monochromatic
εt ε ελ (λ = 0.665 µm)
900 0.34 - -
1000 0.37 - -
1100 0.40 - -
1200 0.42 0.336–0.351 -
1300 0.44 0.361–0.382 0.057
1400 0.46 0.392–0.405 0.068
1500 0.48 0.420–0.425 0.08
1600 0.49 0.439–0.447 0.091
1700 0.50 0.453–0.474 0.102
1800 0.51 0.463–0.499 0.113
1900 - 0.470–0.513 0.124
2000 - 0.474–0.517 0.135
2100 - 0.475–0.514 0.146
Vapour pressure above solid beryllium oxide is calculated by correlation in Ref. [38]:
at 1000 ≤Т≤ 2800 K
lg P( Pa ) = 13.13 − (4.19)
According to the calculations presented in Refs [6, 38], evaporation of beryllium oxide occurs
in the form of beryllium atoms.
25. Physical Quantities. Reference book/A.P. Babichev, N.A. Babushkin, A.M. Bratkovsky,
et al.; Ed. by I.S. Grigoriev, E.Z. Meilikhov. − M.: Energoatomizdat, 1991 (Russian).
26. High Temperature Engineering/Translated from English. − M.: IIL, 1959 (Russian).
27. Ostrovsky V.S., Virgiliev Yu.S., Kostikov V.I., Shipkov N.N. Artificial Graphite. − M.:
Metallurgiya, 1986 (Russian).
28. Wockham A.J. International Database on Irradiated Nuclear Graphite Properties//Proc.
4-th Int. Nucl. Graphite Spec. Meet., Japan, 13–16.09, 2003.
29. Samsonov G.V. Beryllides. − Kiev. Naukova Dumka., 1966 (Russian).
30. Darwin J., Buddery J. Beryllium/Translated from English. − М.: IIL, 1962 (Russian).
31. Kubashevsky O., Evans E. Thermochemistry in Metallurgy. − М.: IIL, 1954 (Russian).
32. Thermal Conductivity of Solids/Reference Book. Ed. by A.S. Okhotin. − М.:
Energoatomizdat. 1984 (Russian).
33. Novikova S.I. Thermal Expansion of Solids. − M.: Nauka, 1974 (Russian).
34. Gulbransen E.A. et al. − Journal of Electrochem. Soc., 1950, Vol. 97, P. 383. (Cit. by
35. Thermodynamic Properties of Individual Substances/Ed. by V.P. Glushko, L.V. Gurvich
et al. 3rd rev. and enl. ed. −М.: Nauka, 1982, Vol. IV, Book 2 (Russian).
36. Beryllium Oxide. − Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1964, Vol. 14.
37. Beryllium Oxide/Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Beryllium Oxide, 21–25.10.1963, Sydney.
Translated from English. −М.: Atomizdat, 1968 (Russian).
38. Kotelnikov R.B. et al. Extra Refractory Elements and Compounds. − М.: Metallurgia
1969 (Cit. by [6]) (Russian).
39. Toropov N.A., Barzakovsky V.P. HighTemperature Chemistry of Silicate and other
Oxide Systems. − M.:Izdatelstvo AN SSSR, 1963 (Russian).
The materials that absorb neutrons are used in reactor core in the following three cases:
Shim rods compensate a fuel excess above its critical mass, and in the case of fuel burn-up,
they are pulled out from the core up to their full removal. Control rods are located within the
core and used for fine control and transition from one power level to another. Emergency
shutdown rods are designed for quick cessation of fission reaction under accident conditions.
At normal operation these rods are located outside of the core, and in the case of need, they
are quickly pulled in it. In some cases, the functions of absorbing rods can be combined [1, 2].
The basic requirements to materials of control rods and burnable absorbers are the high
neutron absorption cross section and stability at operating temperatures. Absorbing materials
are to be high resistant to radiation effects and to have good corrosion resistance in coolant
medium. These requirements limit the choice of these materials.
Physical and nuclear properties of chemical elements with the high neutron absorption cross
section are given in Table 5.1 [2–6]. The basic thermophysical properties of absorbing
materials are presented in Table 5.2.
Materials of control rods used in water cooled reactors are boron carbide (B4C) and silver
based alloys (80% Ag, 15% In, 5% Cd). Boron carbide as powder or pellets is loaded into
tubes of austenite steel, whereas alloy AgInCd − in the casing of austenite steel or nickel
alloy. In fast neutron reactors with liquid metal cooling, boron carbide is used usually.
Materials of control rods (the only moving part of the reactor core) are to have high
mechanical strength, resistance to shocks and vibrations, high wear strength, as well as low
density to provide quick movement of these rods, low cost and good processibility [9].
Boron (natural) is a mixture of two isotopes 19% 10В and 81% 11В. Isotope 10В has the
absorption thermal neutron cross section of 3840 × 10–24 cm2. Natural boron is characterized
by lower absorbing ability due to dilution. Pure boron is rarely used. Boron carbide is
refractory material with a melting point of 2450°С. The basic problem of using boron carbide
consists in its swelling caused by helium formation under reactions [1, 9]:
В + n → 3H + 2 4He; 10В + n → 7Li + 4He.
After several years of operation the boron carbide rods should be replaced to prevent the
cladding damage. Instead of the rods, the stainless steel plates with boron additives or cavities
filled with B4C powder can be used. These plates are also to be replaced periodically every
4–7 years.
At absorption of neutron 10В (n, α), energy of 2.78 MeV releases per one action and
formation of helium gas occurs. As a result, it is necessary to cool down control rods and to
provide for a cavity for helium accumulation, in order to reduce pressure in a rod cladding.
Using B4C in fast neutron reactors is of particular complexity due to higher density of neutron
flux (as compared with thermal neutron reactors) and decrease of B4C operating life. The
density of power release in B4C runs to 75 W/cm3.
Temperature absorption Isotope
Atomic cross absorption
Atomic Density in
Element mass section of Isotope cross
number kg/m3 mixture
amu all stable section
Тmelt Тboil %
isotopes 10–24 cm2
°C °C
10–24 cm2
[3, 4] [7, 8] [7, 8] [7, 8] [7, 8] [7, 8] [3, 4] [1, 2] [10] [10] [3, 4]
Molecular mass, amu 10.811 55.24 24.81 112.85 69.5 200.1 178.5 108.1 352 373 180.9
Melting point, °C 2075 2450 3000 3050 2920 3240 2220 800 2050 2340 2996
Density, kg/m3 2330 2510 2250 6090 4520 11200 13090 10170 7340 8100 16650
Heat capacity, J/(kg⋅K) 387 960 848 230 387 396 363 230 413 290 140
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion, 5 4.5 2 5.5 7.3 5.3 5.9 22.5 10.1 8.3 6.6
Electrical resistivity, Ω⋅m 1.8 × 104 (3÷8) × 10–3 1.7 × 107 9.2 28.4 12 35.1 × 10–8 - - - 12.4 × 10–8
The alloy AgInCd has compensating ability that is lower by 15% than that of B4C. Its
swelling under the action of neutron flux is not too large; therefore, it can be used in reactor
for about 10 years. The disadvantage of alloy AgInCd is that coolant can be contaminated by
radioactive isotope 110Ag, which has the high half-life (270 days) [1, 9]. Low corrosion
resistance in water and high cost of alloy are the reasons that hafnium is used as an absorbing
5.1.3. Hafnium
Hafnium (natural) is a mixture of six isotopes, from which 174Hf has the highest thermal
neutron absorption cross section. The advantage of hafnium is that in the course of its
interaction with neutron, formation of helium does not occur. Moreover, its corrosion
resistance in water is higher than that of zirconium cladding. Hafnium, which can be used
without cladding, is characterized by necessary mechanical strength, good stability and ability
to maintain high mechanical properties under radiation; it is well processed. The service life
of hafnium rod can exceed 10 years [9, 12]. The comparison characteristics of control rod
materials are given in Table 5.3 [2].
Burnable absorbers are used either as assemblies of rods in the form of solid absorbents
located in certain sections of the reactor core or its uniformly mixed mixture with fuel. The
materials of burnable absorbers are to have necessary concentration of absorbent, so that the
rate of its burn-up corresponds to the rate of fuel burn-up. Burnable absorbers are used to
compensate excess reactivity at the beginning of fuel cycle, to profile density of heat flux in
the core and to provide optimum burn-up.
In pressurized water reactors, the pellets of Al2O3 + B4C (3.3–7%) mixture, borosilicate glass
with B2O3 concentration of 12.5% or solution of boron compounds (boric acid) in coolant are
normally used.
Combined using boron solution in water and fuel of type as mixture of gadolinium oxide with
uranium dioxide enables to reduce the initial concentration of boric acid in coolant by more
than 6 times. The gadolinium isotopes 155Gd, 157Gd have the high thermal neutron capture
cross section. Gadolinium is burnt up more fully to the end of fuel cycle that provides a better
balance of neutrons and a better use of fuel. Application of pellets from a uniform mixture of
UO2 + 8%Gd2O3 can achieve a weak change of reactivity (or its constancy) during the core
service life. The disadvantages of using this mixture are as follows:
1) Lower thermal conductivity and lower melting point as compared with UO2;
2) Complexity of manufacturing fuel assemblies.
However, the advantages of composition UO2 + Gd2O3 overweigh its disadvantages [1, 2]
Number of atoms in
sm3, 10–22 Compensating Swelling at
Material Density ability radiation Processibility* Relative cost Corrosion Note
Boron Metal kg/m3 resistance in
(73% of theoretical 8.0 - 1780 1 H G 1
Alloy AgInCd - 10200 0.85 L G 10–15 M
Ag - 4.8 - - - - - -
The same
In - 0.059 - - - - - -
Cd - 0.023 - - - - - -
One of the best
Hafnium - 4.4 13100 0.85 L G 4–8 G
Boron 13.0 - 2340 1.1 H P 3–5 P
No technical
Europium - 1.9 4800 0.9 - - 30 P
Eu2O3 2.3 6700 0.95 H M 20–25 - -"-
EuB6 7.4 1.2 4500 ~1.1 H P 20–30 - -
Eu2O3–70% B4C 6.9 0.7 3600 >1 - P 10 P No technology
CdB6 7.6 1.5 4700 >1 - P >5 P -"-
W-70% B4C 6.9 1.7 6800 ~1 - M >2 P -
- - 8300 0.93 - M >2 M -
Many various materials are used in the designs of reactor core. Some core materials are likely
to have the lower cross sections of thermal neutron capture; on the contrary, some others such
as absorbers, shielding materials should have the considerable neutron capture cross sections.
Metals are rarely used in pure state, mainly they used as alloys (Al, Mg, Zr, Ni, Nb, Mo),
steels. Depending on the structure, steels are classified as pearlitic, martensitic, ferritic and
The name of steel and alloy types consists of the element designation followed by figures,
which indicate mean percentage of alloying element. The chemical elements in steel grades
are identified with letters (see Table 6.1).
The basic physical properties of some structural materials under normal conditions are
presented in Table 6.2., and the physical properties of some structural materials at melting
point are shown in Table 6.3.
neutron Concentrat
Atomic capture ion of Melting Heat Thermal Electrical
Material, Density expansion
mass cross nuclei point capacity conductivity resistivity
reference kg/m3 coefficient
amu section 1022 cm–3 °С kJ/(kg⋅K) W/(mK) 10–8 Ω⋅m
10–6 1/K
10–24cm2 [35]
Aluminium [14, 19] 26.98 0.215 6.23 660 2700 0.897 220 23.3 2.5–2.66
Beryllium [14, 19] 9.01 0.09 1.23 1288 1848 1.825 200 11.3 3.2–4.0
Magnesium [14, 19] 24.3 0.060 4.31 650 1740 1.040 156 24.8 3.5–4.2
Iron [14, 19] 55.85 2.43 8.49 1538 7870 0.450 74 11.8 8.6–9.7
Molybdenum [1, 14, 19, 36] 95.94 2.4 6.4 2623 10200 0.249 147 5.2 4.9
Nickel [14, 19] 58.7 4.8 9.13 1455 8900 0.440 88 13.5 6.14–6.84
Niobium [14, 19] 92.91 1.15 5.55 2477 8570 0.265 54 7.3 12.5
Chromium 52 3.07 8.31 1907 7150 0.450 95 4.9 12.9
Steel (13% Cr) [3] 54.70 2.70 8.53 1480–1500 7750–7810 0.48 42 11.2 57.0
Stainless steel austenite [3] 55.93 2.88 8.56 1440 7950 0.50 16 16.0 72.0
Zirconium 99.99% [14, 19] 91.22 0.185 4.29 1855 6520 0.278 24 5.7 40
Zr + 1 Nb [31, 34] 91.24 0.178 4.32 1837 6550 0.320 18 5.8 70.0
Zr + 2,5 Nb [31, 34] 91.26 0.191 4.33 1827 6570 0.315 19 5.2 72.0
Zircalloy 2 [31, 34] 91.37 0.1806 4.31 1845 6550 0.290 17 5.8 74.0
Zircalloy 4 [31, 34] 91.38 0.1812 4.34 - 6580 0.293 14.1 5.8 -
1 — Low carbon high chromium stainless steel of martensitic-ferrite class.
2 — Austenitic stainless steel type 1Kh18N10Т and SS 316.
Zirconium Steel1
Aluminium Beryllium Magnesium Iron Nickel Niobium Chromium Zr (С<0.2; Zr+1% Zr+2.5% Molybdenum
Properties Kh18N10Т
Al Be Mg Fe Ni Nb Cr 99,99% 13% Cr) Nb [34] Nb [34] Мо
[34] [9]
Melting point, K 933 1560 923 1811 1728 2750 2180 2128 1770 1713 2110 2100 2896
Boiling point, K 2792 2744 1363 3134 3186 5017 2945 4682 3010 3090 ~4600 ~4600 ~5080
Heat of fusion, kJ/kg 397 880 357 240 295 302 400 230** ~240** ~240** ~200** ~215** 382
Heat of
10896 32963 5267 5916 6441 7426 6519 6358 − − − − 6191
vapourization, kJ/kg
Density of liquid
2368 1690 1580 7034 7770 7580 6290 6000 − 6980 6020 6040 9080
material, kg/m3
Heat capacity,
1177 3330 1410 835 735 450 962 467 852 775 467 467 420
conductivity of
98 75** 84 33 69 65 46 36** − 22** 45** 39** 70
liquid material,
Dynamic viscosity,
1.24 (1.95) 2.25 1.41 4.6−5.4 4.85 (5.88) 4.7−5.8 7.8 (4.31) (4.82)** 4.45 (4.81) (4.61) (4.62) (6.25)
10–3 Pa⋅s
Surface tension,
915 1100 550 1830 1735 2040 1540 1455 1520 ~1500 ~1550 ~1550 2130
mN/m [8]
Electrical resistivity
of liquid material, 24.8 45 26.1 138 83 109 115 141 − − − − 100
10–8 Ω⋅m
Volume expansion
6.6 1.7 2.8 3.58 3.2−5.4 4.5 5.8−6.2 3.6 ~4 3.9 ~5.1 ~6.0 ~6
at melting ΔV/V, %
1 Low carbon high chromium stainless steel of martensitic-ferrite class;
2 Austenitic stainless steel of types 1Kh18N10Т and SS 316;
** References only for metals;
* These data should be refined.
6.2.1. Aluminium
Alloying aluminium by various metals permits to increase the range of operating temperatures
After thermal processing, duralumin alloys acquire high strength at normal temperatures.
Composition of duralumin different grades is presented in Table 6.4.
These alloys cannot be used for nuclear engineering owing to the high absorption
cross section of Cu (3.6 × 10–24cm2) and Mn (13.4 × 10–24cm2). Besides, the isotopes of
these elements are characterized by high induced radioactivity with high half-lives for 64Cu –τ
(1/2) = 12.8 h and 56Mn – τ (1/2) = 2.6 h [35]. Low corrosion resistance of duralumin alloys in
water and steam at temperature >200°С is another obstacle to use duralumin in nuclear
Aluminium-magnesium alloys types AMg-5 and AMg-7 contained up to 7.5% Mg have good
nuclear properties, lower corrosion activity in contact with water as compared with
duralumin; and they have found use in some constructions [33].
6.2.2. Magnesium
Magnesium is used to manufacture fuel element claddings and matrices of dispersion fuel
elements. It has the low thermal neutron absorption cross section, low density and high
thermal conductivity. Fuel elements with claddings from magnesium alloys apply for
uranium-graphite and heavy water reactors, where natural uranium is used as fuel and carbon
dioxide (СО2) as coolant аt temperatures of 350–450°С.
The claddings from magnesium alloys of type Magnox (Mg + 0.01 Be + 0.8% Al) are well
compatible with metallic uranium at temperatures up to 500°С; they are highly resistant to
oxidation. The disadvantage of these alloys is a high tendency to grain growth, loss of
strength properties, oxidation in the presence of water steam. Magnesium can fire at
temperatures of 470–500°С in the atmosphere of oxygen and air [32, 33].
Zirconium is a metal with high melting point (1850°С). Its thermal neutron absorption cross
section is less than 1 × 10–24cm2. Zirconium is well compatible with nuclear fuel and
characterized by high processing properties. The zirconium thermal conductivity is close to
that of stainless steel. The disadvantages of zirconium are low strength properties and low
heat resistance, which can be eliminated, for example, by alloying with niobium.
Atomic number 40
Atomic mass 91.224 amu
Density at normal conditions 6511 kg/m3 [34]
Melting point 1855°C (2128 K) [31]
Boiling point 4409°C (4680 K) [31]
Heat of fusion 153 ± 4 kJ/kg [23]
Heat of vapourization 638 kJ/kg [1]
Molar volume 0.1402 × 10–8 m–3 [14]
Thermal neutron capture cross section 0.18 × 10–24 cm2 [35]
Zirconium alloys with niobium are used as claddings of fuel elements of WWER1, RBMK2
and transport reactors. These alloys are the basis material of assembly channel of RBMK
reactor. The maximum temperature, at which zirconium alloys can be used in water cooled
reactors, depends on their corrosion resistance. Alloys of type Zircalloy, in which tin is the
basic alloying element that provides improvement of their mechanical properties, have a wide
distribution in the USA. However in this case, the decrease of corrosion resistance in water
and steam is taken place that resulted in the need for additional alloying [33].
In the Russian Federation, the alloy type Ozhenit-0.5 (0.25 Sn, 0.1 Fe, 0.1 Nb, 0.1 Ni) with
low alloying was developed. This alloy is close to Zircalloy by its mechanical properties and
can be used in water and steam at temperatures up to 400°С [34]. The Zr + 1% Nb alloy of
type N-1 (E-110) is used for fuel element claddings, the Zr + 2.5% Nb alloy of typeN-2.5
(Э-125) is applied for tubes of assembly channels.
High corrosion resistance of niobium alloyed metals in water (350 K) and steam at
temperatures of 400–550°С is caused by their ability to passivation with formation of
protective films. The corrosion rate of the Zr + 2.5% Nb alloy does not exceed
0.024 g/(m2day) in the course of 8000 h testing [16, 17]. Under irradiation, the corrosion rate
increases only by 5–10% [18]. The oxidation kinetics is defined by expression:
Δm = k τn, (6.1)
WWER — water–water power reactor
RMBK — graphite channel-type reactor of large power
where Δm is the weight increment of zirconium owing to formation of oxide film for time τ in
hours; the values of k, n coefficients depend on the composition of alloy and temperature.
Some data on oxidation kinetics of zirconium and its alloys are presented in Table 6.5.
The basic thermophysical properties of solid zirconium according to Equations (6.2–6.7) are
shown in Table 6.6.
EQS (6.2–6.7)
Heat Thermal Thermal Electrical
Temperature Density
capacity conductivity diffusivity resistivity
K kg/m3
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s) 108(Ω⋅m)
298 6500 285 21.2 11.46 46
300 6499 285 21.2 11.42 46
400 6483 298 19.6 10.13 66
500 6466 310 19.0 9.50 85
600 6449 320 19.0 9.19 102
700 6432 331 19.3 9.09 115
800 6415 340 19.9 9.10 126
900 6398 350 20.6 9.20 133
1000 6382 360 21.5 9.35 139
1100 6365 370 22.4 9.53 143
1200 6348 307 23.5 8.30 120
1300 6331 313 24.6 8.11 122
1200 6348 307 23.5 8.30 120
1300 6331 313 24.6 8.11 122
1400 6314 320 25.9 7.90 125
1500 6297 327 27.2 7.66 127
1600 6280 335 28.5 7.40 129
1700 6264 344 30.0 7.11 131
1800 6247 354 31.5 6.80 134
1900 6230 366 33.0 6.47 136
2000 6213 378 34.6 6.12 138
2100 6196 392 36.3 5.76 141
2128 6191 396 36.7 5.66 141
ρ (kg/m3) = 6844.5 − 0.609898 T + 2.05008 × 10–4 T2 −
− 4.47829 × 10–8 T3 + 3.26469 × 10–12 T4, (6.8)
ρ(Тmelt) = 6107 kg/m3; ρ(Тboil)=5590 kg/m3.
Heat capacity
Ср [kJ/(kg⋅K)] = − 1.48 + 1.74588 × 10–3 T3 − 5.26174 × 10–7 T2 + 5.56831 × 10–11 T3. (6.9)
Electrical resistivity is calculated by the correlation,
ρе⋅108 (Ω⋅m) = 130 + 8⋅10–3T, (6.10)
or a more exact equation,
ρе⋅108 (Ω⋅m) = − 65.63192 + 0.10319T − 5.0937 × 10–5 T2 +
+ 1.16791 × 10–8 T3 − 9.64305 × 10–13 T4 . (6.11)
Mean coefficient of volumetric expansion β = 39 × 10–6 1/K.
Dynamic viscosity μ = 8 × 10–3 Pa⋅s [24].
Surface tension [23]
at 2128 K (1855°С) σ = 1455 mN/m; at 2733 K (2460°С) σ = 1395 mN/m.
Thermophysical properties of liquid zirconium in the temperature range from 2128 to
4100 K calculated on the basis of Eqs (6.8–6.11) are presented in Table 6.7 [21–23].
The basic component of Zr + 1% Nb alloy is zirconium with the following content of other
elements (%): Nb – (0.9÷1.1), Fe – 0.015, Ni – 0.007, Al – 0.004, Ti – 0.003, C – 0.02,
Si − 0.004, O – 0.05, N – 0.003, H – (0.001÷0.002).
Some thermophysical properties of this alloy are as follows:
at 300 ≤ Т ≤ 1100 K [34]
ρ(T) (kg/m3) = 6636 − 0.286 T. (6.12)
The Zr-Nb alloy type E-635 differs from the previous alloy type E-110 by addition of such
alloying elements as Sn and Fe. The composition of this alloy based on zirconium is the
following (%): Nb – (0.9 – 1.1), Sn – (1.0 – 1.5), Fe – (0.3 – 0.5).
The thermophysical properties of the alloy type E-635 are similar in general to the properties
of the alloy type E-110. The particular correlations are presented below [37, 38].
λ [W/(m⋅K)] = 13.1 + 1.6 × 10–2 (Т – 273), (6.18а)
Composition of Zr + 2.5% Nb alloy with zirconium as the basis is as follows (%): Nb – 2.5,
Fe – 0.015, Ni – 0.007, Al – 0.004, Ti – 0.003, C – 0.02, Si – 0.004, O – 0.05, N – 0.003,
H − (0.001÷0.002). Some thermophysical properties of this alloy are as follows:
Heat capacity
at 300 ≤ Т ≤ 1100 K
Cp [J/(kg K)] = 221 + 0.172 T − 5.87 × 10–5 T2, (6.21)
at 1100 ≤ Т ≤ 1600 K Cp = 380 J/(kg K)
Thermal conductivity
at 300 ≤ Т ≤ 1100 K
λ [W/(m⋅ K)] = 14 + 0.0115T. (6.22)
Heat Thermal Thermal expansion
Temp. Density
capacity conductivity diffusivity coefficient
K kg/m3
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s) 106(1/K)
300 6571 267 17.5 9.9 4.3
400 6543 280 18.6 10.1 4.7
500 6514 292 19.8 10.4 4.8
600 6485 303 20.9 10.6 4.9
700 6457 313 22.1 10.9 5.3
800 6428 321 23.2 11.2 5.4
900 6400 328 24.4 11.6 4.0
1000 6371 334 25.5 12.0 3.0
1100 6342 339 26.7 12.4 -
1200 6314 380 - - -
1300 6285 380 - - -
1400 6256 380 - - -
1500 6228 380 - - -
1600 6199 380 - - -
2100 6056 - - - -
The steels alloyed by chromium have found a wide use in nuclear reactor industry, because
chromium has a favorable effect on corrosion resistance of steel at high temperatures.
The most important thermophysical properties of materials used for NPP units are thermal
conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient. These properties govern the heat transfer
processes and occurrence of thermal stresses in constructions [39–48].
Depending on the concentration of chromium and other alloying elements, the structure and
thermal processing, steels are classified as pearlitic, martensitic, ferrite and austenitic.
Thermophysical properties of steels of basic classes are presented in Table 6.10 [55].
The thermal conductivity of steel is reduced as the chromium content is increased. At the
content of Cr < 5%, the thermal conductivity of steel decreases with increasing temperature
and rises at the content of Cr >12%. The thermal conductivity of chromium steels and alloys
used in heat exchangers of NPP is shown in Table 6.11 [54]. The linear expansion coefficient
is reduced with increasing the chromium concentration and rises as temperature is increased.
Pearlitic steels are referred to low alloyed alloys. These steels are used to manufacture high
pressure vessels and tubes for thermal power plants. In some cases, they replace more
expensive chromium-nickel stainless steels. Pearlitic steels are not prone to intergranular
attack (IGA) and stress-corrosion cracking. The chemical composition of some pearlitic steels
is shown in Table 6.1.
Pearlitic steels Martensitic steels Austenitic steels Nickel based
Property alloy
10 35 12Kh1МF 20Kh13 11Kh11N2V2МF 12Kh18N9Т 20Kh25N20S2 KhN67МVТYu
Density, kg/m3 7830 7810 7800 7750 7860 8000 7820 8170
Thermal conductivity,
50.5 47.7 41.2 27.1 25.0 16.5 14.3 12.5
Linear expansion
coefficient, 106 1/K
С Cr Mo Mn V/Nb Ni Si Cu/Al
15М 0.10–0.18 0.4–0.7 - - - - -
12KhМ 0.09–0.16 0.4–0.6 0.4–0.6 - - - - -
12Kh1МF 0.08–0.15 0.9–1.2 0.25–0.35 - 0.15–0.30/-
12Kh2МFB 0.08–0.12 2.1–2.6 0.5–0.7 - - - -
15Kh2МFА 0.13–0.18 2.5–3.0 0.6–0.8 0.3–0.6 0.25–0.35/- ≤0.4 0.17–0.37 ≤0.025/-
15Kh2NМFА 0.13–0.18 1.8–2.3 0.5–0.7 0.3–0.6 0.1–0.12/- 1.0–1.5 0.17–0.37 ≤0.3/-
15Kh3NМFА 0.12–0.16 2.2–2.7 0.5–0.8 0.3–0.6 0.08–0.15/- 0.8–1.3 0.17–0.37 ≤0.15/-
25Kh3МFА 0.22–0.27 2.8–3.3 0.6–0.8 0.3–0.6 0.25–0.35/- ≤0.4 0.17–0.37 ≤0.025/-
16GNМ 0.13–0.18 - 0.4–0.55 0.8–1.1 - 1.1–1.3 - -
10KhSND <0.12 0.6–0.9 - - - 0.5–0.8 0.8–1.1 0.4–0.65/-
48ТS-1 0.22–0.27 2.5–3.0 0.6–0.8 - 0.25–0.35/- 0.4–0.7 - -
38KhМYuА 0.35–0.42 1.35–1.65 0.15–0.25 - - - - -/0.7–1.1
In nuclear power engineering, pearlitic steels are used to manufacture reactor vessels and
heads, pipelines, steam generators and other units operating in contact with water, steam and
liquid metals in the temperature range of 250–580°С. The low alloyed steels have the high
thermal conductivity of 30–50 W/(m⋅K) instead of that 12–17 W/(m⋅K) for the high alloyed
steels. They also characterized by the low linear expansion coefficient of (12–13) × 10–6K–1 as
compared with that (15–17) × 10–6K–1 of chromium-nickel stainless steels. These thermo-
physical properties are of great importance for evaluation of thermal stresses in reactor vessel
161 Pearlitic steels
Pearlitic steels are characterized by good processing properties. Corrosion products of these
steels contain no Co impurities, the presence of which deteriorates the radiation environment
as a result of the formation of the isotope 60Со with a half-life of 5.26 years.
The main disadvantage of pearlitic steels is their poor resistance to oxidation in air at the low
chromium content (≤1%). Heat resistance of these steels increases by their alloying with
molybdenum and vanadium (12KhМ1F). In the course of cooling in air, pearlitic steels with
the content of 2–2.5% Cr and 1% Мо gain susceptibility to formation of brittle structure that
results in difficulties during manufacture operations such as deformation, welding and others.
These disadvantages are eliminated by steel alloying with niobium.
Steels of type12Kh2МFB and similar ones have high plastic properties. They are well welded
between each other and with other steels. These steels are designated for continuous operation
(pipelines, superheaters, collectors). The specific heat capacity of pearlitic steels of two types
is determined from the following correlations [50, 51]:
for steel type 15Kh2NМfА
162 Martensitic chromium steels
At the boron concentration of more than 2–3%, steels acquire the martensitic structure that
causes problems in the course of manufacturing various components. In the case when the
higher resistance to oxidation is required as compared with pearlitic steels, in particular for
nuclear power engineering, martensitic chromium steels can be used to manufacture pipelines,
superheaters, heat exchangers and accessories.
Steels with the Cr concentration of 14–16% are referred to the stainless class. They are used
in the case when high corrosion resistance simultaneously with high oxidation resistance are
desired. In nuclear power engineering, the chromium steels type Kh13 with the different
content of carbon and alloying elements are used to manufacture pipelines, fastening elements
and control mechanisms. The heat resistance of steels with the content of 13% Cr increases at
their alloying by Mo, W and Nb. The chemical composition of the complex-alloyed stainless
chromium steels is presented in Table 6.14 [47].
With the use of chromium steels for nuclear power engineering, in particular in boiling
reactors, their corrosion resistance, which depends on the Cr content, is to be taken into
account. The corrosion resistance of low alloyed pearlitic steels and martensitic ones in water
and steam at high temperature is distinctly lower than that of stainless steel with the high
chromium content. This leads to the necessity of precautions, which have been taken to
reduce depositions of corrosion products on heat-transfer surfaces and to improve the
radiation environment. The corrosion rate of chromium steels in water with impurities
increases at the presence of gaps, slits etc. In the case of the use of chromium-nickel steels in
the circuit, the corrosion rate of chromium steels increases owing to the formation of galvanic
In liquid sodium used as coolant, solubility of chromium steel components such as Fe, Cr, Nb,
V and others is rather small and does not exceed thousandth percent. The oxygen impurity in
sodium has a considerable effect on corrosion processes in it. Due to the effect of oxygen,
mass transfer is enhanced under non-isothermal conditions or at the presence of dissimilar
materials in the circulation system. The contact of low alloyed pearlitic steels with sodium
results in decarbonization of a surface layer of steels. At temperature of 600°С and the oxygen
concentration of ≤5 × 10–3%, steels with the Cr content of 12% are characterized by high
corrosion resistance in the non-isothermal sodium flux. However owing to low heat resistance
of chromium steels at temperatures above 600°С, they are not used widely.
Stainless high chromium steels of this class (15–30% Cr) have substantial oxidation resistance
at high temperatures and high corrosion resistance in aggressive environments and
atmosphere. They can be used for electrical resistance elements of heaters. Steels with the
chromium content of 17% have low heat resistance, swell slightly under irradiation and have a
tendency to grain growth and brittleness. Steels with the chromium content of 25–30% have
high oxidation resistance. To reduce their tendency to grain growth, these steels are alloyed
by such additives as Ti, Nb, Ta, N as well as silicon and aluminium (1–5%). These steels can
be used in liquid metal circuits (Pb, PbBi). Thermophysical properties of some martensitic-
ferrite chromium steels are presented in Table 6.15 [46].
These steels are basic structural materials for manufacturing NPP units (fuel element
claddings, vessel internals, heat exchangers, pipelines, pumps and accessories). They
can operate at 650–750°С, whereas the maximum operating temperature of chromium steels
is 580–620°С. The composition of some stainless chromium-nickel steels is given in
Table 6.16 [47]. The properties of some grades of austenitic steels are presented in Table 6.17
[49–51], Table 6.18 and Table 6.19 [46, 49, 50, 52], respectively.
Alloying chromium-nickel steels by molybdenum (content of 2–3%) increases their heat
resistance and corrosion resistance in water and steam. Therefore, these steels are of great
importance for nuclear power engineering. The operation experience of water cooled and
liquid metal reactors indicates that at temperature <550°С the most widespread stainless
austenitic steel type of 1Kh18N10Т can provide safe operation of fuel element claddings. At
higher operating temperatures, steels alloyed by Mo, Nb, W and other elements are to be
applied. In this case, intermetallic compounds may occur in the steel structure that will serve
to harden steels so called intermetallide hardening. Intermetallide hardening of chromium-
nickel steels achieved by alloying with Ti (2.3%) and Al (1–3%) has found the most
application. In particular, these steels have the high nickel content of 20–35%.
Analog of steel
0Kh18N10 ≤0.08 18 10 - - -
type 304
C Analog
0Kh18N10Т 0.03–0.06 18 10 - -
5(%) of steel 321
1Kh18N10Т ≤0.12 18 10 0.5 - - -
Temperature Heat Thermal Linear
Density expansion
capacity conductivity diffusivity
°С K kg/m3 coefficient
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s)
20 293 7900 478 16.6 4.4 15.8
100 373 7862 495 17.2 4.42 16.2
200 473 7821 516 18.0 4.45 16.7
300 573 7778 537 18.7 4.47 17.2
400 673 7732 558 19.4 4.50 17.7
500 773 7684 579 20.1 4.51 18.2
600 873 7634 600 20.8 4.53 18.7
700 973 7582 622 22.2 4.70 19.2
800 1073 7527 643 23.4 4.83 19.7
900 1173 7470 664 24.8 5.00 20.2
1000 1273 7411 685 26.1 5.15 20.7
1100 1373 7349 706 27.5 5.30 21.1
1200 1473 7285 727 28.9 5.45 21.6
Temperature Linear
Heat Thermal Electrical
capacity conductivity resistivity
K °С J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 108(Ω⋅m)
20 293 512 15.9 (15.2) 71
100 373 529 16.3 16.0 74
200 473 546 18.0 17.0 82
300 573 567 18.9 17.5 89
400 673 592 20.1 17.9 95
500 773 630 21.4 18.5 100
600 873 638 23.9 18.6 105
700 973 642 25.6 18.9 109
800 1073 646 26.8 19.1 -
900 1173 651 27.4 19.3 -
1000 1273 - 28.1 19.5 -
Molybdenum and vanadium are the basic alloying elements, which add to austenitic steels to
increase their high temperature resistance that is defined, primarily, by the enhancement of
strength of interatomic bonds.
Under radiation of austenitic steels with neutrons at temperatures of 100–400°С, the increase
of strength and yield point as well as the decrease of plasticity is taken place. Within the
temperature range from 625 to 650°С, these effects do not appear that is caused by annealing
radiation defects. At neutron fluence of 1023 n/cm2, swelling of chromium-nickel steels is
observed that is manifested as the change of component shape and sizes, structure and
mechanical properties. Each atom of material undergoes up to 50 and more displacements at
fluence of 2 × 1023 n/cm2 that presents a complicated problem. The value of radiation damage
depends heavily on alloying. For example, swelling of fuel element claddings from steel
alloyed by molybdenum (type 0Kh18N12М2-3) is reduced by 2 times as compared with those
from steel type 0Kh18N10. Adding of such elements as chromium and nickel has an opposite
effect. In austenitic steels, corrosion cracking may take place, which can result in the
restriction of their efficiency. Over a short time period, the metal, which is not affected by
total corrosion, is attacked by through cracks, and its failure happens unexpectedly with no
preliminary visible changes. The service experience of water cooled NPP shows that the most
often failure units are steam generators, heat exchangers and fuel element claddings of boiling
reactors. In most cases, failure is caused by combined effect of two factors such as
inobservance of water regime norms, e.g. the increase of content of chlorides and oxygen in
water, and action of tensile stresses.
Corrosion cracking of austenitic steels can take place in the presence of oxygen in water
steam (saturated, superheated, as well as at supercritical parameters). The protection against
such type of cracking is based on depressing of factors, which effect on this process (see
above). Moreover, another dangerous type of corrosion is known such as intercrystalline
(intergranular) corrosion (ICC). In this case, the boundaries of metal grains are subject to
selective fracture in water and steam. The higher is the carbon content in steel, the more it is
subject to ICC due to the formation of chromium carbides at grain boundaries. The ICC
phenomenon is prevented by alloying steel with titanium and niobium. The content of
titanium and niobium is to be of 5 and 8% respectively, whereas the content of carbon is of
0.01%. The steels alloyed by titanium (type of 1Kh18NН10Т and others) are widely used.
167 Austenitic stainless steel type 316
Austenitic stainless steel type 316 is an analogue of Russian steel type Kh18N12М3.
This steel is characterized by the following composition (%): C – 0.08, Cr – (16–18),
Ni - (10-14), Mn – ≤2, Mo – (2–3), Si – ≤1.0, P – <0.045, S – <0.03. Basic properties of steel
type 316 are as follows [43]: Properties of austenite stainless steel type 316 in solid state depending on temperature
Heat capacity
Thermal conductivity
The properties of austenitic stainless steel type 316 in solid state calculated by correlations
(6.25–6.28) are presented in Table 6.20.
STATE BY EQS (6.25–6.28)
Heat Thermal Thermal
Temperature Density expansion
capacity conductivity diffusivity
K kg/m3 coefficient
J/(kg⋅K) W/(m⋅K) 106(m2/s)
300 7954 502 14.0 3.5 18.6
400 7909 516 15.5 3.8 18.9
500 7864 529 17.1 4.1 19.2
600 7817 542 18.7 4.4 19.4
700 7770 556 20.2 4.7 19.7
800 7722 569 21.8 5.0 20.0
900 7674 583 23.4 5.2 20.3
1000 7624 596 25.0 5.5 20.6
1100 7574 609 26.5 5.7 20.9
1200 7523 623 28.1 6.0 21.2
1300 7471 636 29.7 6.2 21.6
1400 7418 650 31.2 6.5 21.9
1500 7365 663 32.8 6.7 22.2
1600 7311 676 34.4 7.0 22.6
1700 7256 690 35.9 7.2 22.9 Properties of austenite stainless steel type 316 in liquid state depending on temperature
Dynamic viscosity
lg μ ( mPa ⋅ s) = − 3.5958 . (6.32)
lg P(Pa ) = 11.1183 − , (6.33)
or to an accuracy of ± 30%,
lg P ( Pa ) = 23.47496 − + 67.2678 × 10 −6 T − 1.4359 ln T . (6.34)
The properties of austenitic stainless steel type 316 in liquid state in the temperature range
from 1750 to 5000 K calculated by Eqs (6.29–6.34) are shown in Table 6.21 [43, 44].
These alloys are promising for fuel element claddings of reactors with supercritical steam
parameters at pressure of 23–25 MPa and temperature up to 600°C. They are also used for
control rod channels. The main advantage of nickel based alloys is high heat resistance
properties. However at radiation, their heat resistance is decreased. The operating temperature
of nickel based alloys can be within the range of 800–850°C instead of that 650–750°C for
austenitic steels. The properties of some nickel based alloys are given in Table 6.22 [56–58].
The basic alloying elements of such alloys are Cr, Al and Ti (see Table 6.23).
Element content
Steel type %
C Ni Cr Ti Al (Mn) Fe Mo W Ce Nb Others
(nichromium) ≤0.15 77 20 - ≤ 0.2 basis - - - - -
Kh15N60 ≤0.15 58 16 - ≤ 0.2 basis - - - - -
KhN77ТYu ≤0.06 basis 21 2.5 0.75 ≤ 1.0 - - ≤0.01 - -
KhN77ТYuR ≤0.07 basis 21 2.6 0.8 ≤ 1.0 - - ≤0.01 - Be ≤ 0.01
B – 0.01–0.02
KhН75VМFYu ≤0.12 75 10 - 4.3 ≤ 5.0 ~5.7 ~5.0 - - V~0.7
KhN70VМТYu ≤0.12 basis 15 2.1 2 ≤ 5.0 ~5 ~6 ≤0.02 V~0.3
KhN80ТBYu 0.08 basis 16 2.1 0.8 ≤ 3.0 - - - ~1.25 -
KhN82ТYuМB 0.10 basis 9 3 1.8 ≤ 3.0 ~2.3 - - ~1.8 -
Hastalloy С ≤0.12 basis 16 - - 6 ~1.6 ~4.5 - - -
Hastalloy Х ≤0.15 45 22 - - 20 9 0.6 - - -
Incoloy 800 0.04 32 20.5 - Mn-0.75 46 - - - Cu-0.30
Inconel 600 0.15 basis 17 - Mn-1.0 10 - - - Si-0.5
Inconel Х 750 0.08 basis 17 2.75 Mn-1.0 9 - - - 1.2 Si-0.5
Inconel 718 0.10 55 21 1.15 Mn-0.35 12.5 3.3 - - 5.5 Si-0.35
Inconel 625 0.10 basis 23 0.4 Mn-0.5 5 - - - 4.15 Si-0.5
Metals with melting point ranging in 2400–3400°C and higher, e.g. V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo and W,
are considered as refractory ones. The maximum values of operating temperatures of these
metals are about 0.5 of tmelt, (°C). Niobium and its alloys are the most promising for the use in
NPP due to beneficial combination of heat resistance, and corrosion properties, nuclear
characteristics and processing properties. They can be used for manufacturing fuel element
claddings, tubes, pump components and other elements of NPP circuits with liquid metal (Na,
K, NaK alloys at 1000–1100°C) as well as for superheaters of water cooled NPP [72].
The composition of niobium and molybdenum alloys is presented in Table 6.24. The general
physical properties of refractory materials are shown in Table 6.25 [60, 71].
The radiation shielding is provided by surrounding the radiation source with walls or layers
from radiation absorbing materials. There are three types of radiation:
Concrete shielding is considerably cheaper than others and presents a mixture of elements
with low and mean atomic mass. It is believed that ordinary concrete (a mixture of sand,
gravel, Portland cement and water) is most economical to use for shielding. To give it
necessary properties, the additions are used such as barium sulphate, limonite, metal scrap,
etc. In concrete, water is contained in the following three forms:
1) In bound state with other compounds,
2) As adsorbed on surfaces of cement paste;
3) As moisture in concrete pores.
Concrete performs two functions:
1) In the view of building material,
2) As radiation shielding material.
COMPOSITION, %) [69, 70]
Relaxation Neutron
distance, cm Maximum
Concrete Cement Density operating
type grade Admixes kg/m3 γ temperature
Fine Coarse Neutrons section
radiation °С
Σ, cm–1
Water has good protection properties owing to a high concentration of hydrogen nuclei.
Hydrogen may be introduced in the shielding as water, paraffin wax, polyethylene, plastic
materials, and metal hydrides. Concrete contains considerable amount of hydrogen in the
form of bound and free water.
Polyethylene is a good material for protection against neutrons. It is odor free, not toxic, does
not interact with acids, alkalis, oils and most spirits. However, it has low radiation resistance
and is fire dangerous. At temperatures of 104–116°С, polyethylene softens, thus it is used at
temperatures below 100°С.
For protection against neutrons, boron-bearing materials are used such as boron carbides,
boron-bearing steels, Boral (a mixture of 10−50% boron carbide and aluminium powder
coated with aluminium plates and hot rolled).
In a number of reactors lithium hydride, boron carbide or mixtures of boron carbide with
aluminium are used as neutron shielding materials. Lithium hydride is not stable at high
temperatures, at ~700°С it melts and dissociates into hydrogen and lithium [64].
To attenuate γ-radiation, a layer from materials such as lead, molybdenum, tungsten, uranium
and others is added to neutron shielding.
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Appendix 1
Appendix 2
(Based on IAEA-TECDOC-861, Review of Design Approaches of Advanced Pressurized LWRs, IAEA, Vienna: 1996)
WWER-440 (V-392) VPBR-600 EPR ABB CENP
Units Russian Gidropress OKBM Russian France, (System 80+)
Federation Russian Federation Germany USA
Power plant output, gross MW(e) 408 1000 630 1750 1300 1350
Reactor thermal output MW 1375 3000 1800 4900 4000 3914
Power plant efficiency, net % 29.7 30.7 35 35.7 32.5 34.5
Reactor Coolant System
Number of coolant loops 6 4 4 4 2 2
Primary circuit volume, including pressurizer m - - - 380+75 448.40 454.7
Steam flow rate kg/s 8290 18040 10140 22240 20891 20800
Reactor operating pressure MPa 12.5 15.7 15.70 15.50 15.50 15.5
Coolant temperature at inlet/outlet to pressure vessel С 269/300 293.9/323.3 294.8/325 292.5/330 291.1/323.9 291/323.9
Maximum coolant velocity in subassembly m/c 4.6 6.5 - - - -
Reactor Core
Active core height m 2.5 3.53 3.53 4.2 3.81 3.81
Equivalent core diameter m 2.88 3.16 3.04 3.80 3.65 3.658
Heat transfer surface in the core m2 3150 4957 4465 7975.0 6359.0 6590.0
Average linear heat rate kW/m - 16.67 10.8 17.86 18.14 18.1
Average fuel power density kW/kg U - 45.81 32.9 - - 34
Average core power density (volumetric) kW/l 84 107.5 69.4 103.0 98.4 95.5
Heat flux Fq kW/m2 - 605.2 403.10 598.00 2.35 602.00
Fuel Pin Assembly
Number of fuel assemblies 349 163 151 241 241 241
42 80 - 124 - sintered UO2 or
Weight and type of loaded fuel t
UO2 sintered UO2 sintered UO2 sintered UO2 sintered UO2 PuO2
Enrichment (range) of first core wt. % - 1.6/3/4.4 1.0/3.6/4.0/4.4 <=5.0 1.8/2.9/3.7 1.9/2.8/3.3
WWER-440 (V-392) VPBR-600 EPR (System 80+)
Units Russian Gidropress OKBM Russian France,
Federation Russian Federation Germany USA
Enrichment of reloaded fuel at equilibrium core wt.% 3.3 4.4 4.0/4.4 4.7
Operating cycle length months 12 18–24 18 18 18–24
Average discharge burnup of fuel MW day/t 28600 43000 52000 65000 60000 31700
hexagonal, with hexagonal, without square square square
Type of fuel assembly triangular
cover cover 17x17 16х16 16х16
Fuel assembly total length mm 4670 4800 4800.0 4127.5 4350
Overall weight of fuel assembly kg - - - 662.7 662.7
Active length of fuel pins mm - 3530 3530 4200 3810 3810
Number of fuel pins in assembly 126 311 287 264 236 236
12 or 4 per
Number of guide tubes for control rods - 18/1 18 25 5
Number of control rods 121 139 89 93 93
Number of spacers 9 11 11
Cladding tube material Zr+1%Nb Zr alloy Zr-4 Zr-4 Zr-4 Zr-4
Cladding tube wall thickness mm 0.60 0.61 0.65 0.625 0.635 0.635
Outer diameter of fuel pin mm 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.5 9.7 9.7
Number of absorber rods - 18 18 24 4 or 12 4 or 12
Reactor Pressure Vessel
Inner diameter mm 3560 4070 5440 4870 4630 4630
Wall thickness mm 140 190 265 250+7.5 230 229
Total height mm 19100 23960 13105 15280 15280
Vessel weight t 500 850 - - - -
Design pressure/temperature MPa/ C - 17.65/350 18/350 17.6/351 17.2/343.3 17.2/343.3
low carbon steel
16MND5/20Mn low carbon steel
Material of cylindrical shell - 15Kh2 NMFA 15X2MPА steel SA 508 class 2
MoNi55 SA-509
and 3
Transport weight (lower part) t - 417 880 405 - 508
Transport weight (RPV head) t - - - 115.5 - 81.2
WWER-440 (V-392) VPBR-600 EPR (System 80+)
Units Russian Gidropress OKBM Russian France,
Federation Russian Federation Germany USA
Steam Generator
U-tube with
Horizontal Horizontal Once-through, U-tube Vertical
Type integral moisture
U-tube U-tube vertical heat exchanger U-tube
separator and
Number - 4 1 in 12 sections 4 2 2
Dry, double
Dry, double containment:
containment: Prestressed steel sphere and
Type and material - - Dry, single reinforced
steel/reinforced concrete containment of
concrete reinforced
Overall form (spherical/cylindrical) - - Cylindrical (reinforced Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical
WWER-440 (V-392) VPBR-600 EPR (System 80+)
Units Russian Gidropress OKBM Russian France,
Federation Russian Federation Germany USA
Dimensions (diameter/height) m - 53/61.6 40/36.51 1/ 45.7/70 61
Free volume m - 7500 60000 80000 91180 96300
Design pressure/temperature (severe accident situations) kPa/0С 500/ 200/ 4 480/ 365/143.3
Design leakage rate vol.%/day - 0.3 0.3 <1 <0.5
Turbine Plant
Number of turbines per reactor 2 1 1 1 1 1
in line tandem-
Type of turbines - - condense К-600-5.9/500
6 flow tandem combined
Appendix 3
(Sodium for all reactors except for BREST-OD-300 cooled by lead)
Steam conditions (temperature/pressure) С/MPa - 430/8 480/10 410/4.5 500/13.2 483/12.5 520/25.5 490/13.7 495/13.7 487/17.7 490/18.5
Equivalent diameter of outer core zone mm 206 460 605,8 1580 2050 1800 2232 2560 4450 3700 4051
Height of fissile zone mm 400 450 500 1000 1030 930 1100 880 780 1000 1000
Fuel UN PuO2-UO2 PuO2-UO2 UO2 UO2 PuO2-UO2 UN-PuN PuO2-UO2
Inner/outer core enrichment % 90/ 45–75/ 49/ 17UO2/16UO2 16/21 - 19.5/24.7 18.2/21.1 16/19.7 18.3/26.9
MW day/t
up to
Burnup max/ 62300/ 97000/5800
260000 62300/45500 97000/60000 - 12%/6,6– - - 80000/50000 -
average 45500 0
Neutron flux
maximum х1015 n/cm2.s 0.86 3.5 2.97 5.4 6.5 6.0 8.8 5.5 6.1 5.3
average 0.63 2.5 1.76 3.5 4.3 3.6 5.6 - 3.6 3.5
Fuel Pin Assembly
Number of subassemblies in inner/outer 86–90/ 96–100/ 82/ 61/ 136/ 108/ 137/ 211/ 258/ 193/ 207/
core 0 0 0 113 139 90 - 198 216 171 72
Number of fuel pins per subassembly 7 37 61 127 127 217 160 127 331 271 331
Outer diameter/ 8.4/ 4.42/ 6.00/ 6.9/ 6.9/ 6.5/ 9.6 6.6/ 8.8/ 8.5/ 8.2/
thickness of fuel pin 0.4 0.305 0.40 0.4 0.4 0.47 - 0.4 0.55 0.56 0.52
Overall length of fuel pin mm 615 1100 1622 2445 2445 2800 - 2410 2500 2700 2645
Cr16Ni15 Cr16Ni15Mo3 316 Ti (20% Cr16Ni15Mo2 Steel Cr17Ni13Mo2 AIM1 or
Cladding material (steel) o2MnTiSi Stainless steel Cr16Ni15Mo2Mn TiSi (СW)
Mo3Nb Nb CW) Mn TiSi (СW) Type 316 5Mn1.5TiSi PE 16
Experimental Reactors Demonstration Reactors Commercial Size Reactors
BR-10 CEFR BN-350 BN-600 Monju BREST BN-800 BN-1600 SPX-1 EFR
Heat Transport System
Number of coolant loops
primary 2 2 2 6 3 3 4 3 3 4 3
secondary 2 2 2 6 3 3 - 3 6 4 6
Sodium inventory
primary 1.7 16 260 470 770 760 820 2600 3200 2200
t 740m3 Pb
secondary 5 25 48,2 450 830 760 1025 2700 1500 1300
Coolant flow rate (total)
primary 48 270 396 3950 6600 4250 3.8m3/с 8600 19500 15700 19300
secondary 50 220 274 4400 6090 3090 - 8400 17800 13100 15300
Maximum coolant velocity in core
m/s 4.0 8.0 5.0 7.4 8.0 6.9 1.7 7.3 5.7 7.7 7.8
Coolant temperature in primary circuit
hot leg 0 470 545 514 430 535 529 540 547 550 545 545
cold leg 350 330 360 280 365 397 - 354 397 395 395
Coolant temperature in primary circuit
hot leg 0 380 480 495 415 510 505 505 515 525 525
С -
cold leg 270 210 310 260 315 325 309 345 345 345
Steam temperature at steam generator
0 430 480 410 505 487 520 490 495 490 490
inlet/outlet С -
200 190 158 240 240 340 217 240 237 240
No. of steam generators per secondary
evaporators 1 1 2 8 1 10 2 1 1
superheaters - 1 1 2 8 1 - 10 - - -
reheaters 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0
Sodium temperature in steam generator
at inlet/outlet to
evaporator - -/463 449/328
0 391/260 469/325 451/309 -/345 345/ 345/
superheaters С - 300/450 310/495 518/449 -
417/319 505/469 505/451 515/- -/525 -/525
reheaters - 463/- 518/449
Pressure of steam at the outlet of
MPa - 8.8 10.0 4.9 13.7 12.5 - 13.7 13.7 18.4 18.5
Experimental Reactors Demonstration Reactors Commercial Size Reactors
BR-10 CEFR BN-350 BN-600 Monju BREST BN-800 BN-1600 SPX-1 EFR
Tube material:
9 Cr1 Mo
10Cr2 Mo Ni33Cr21
evaporator - 2.25Cr1 Mo 9 Cr1 Mo 2.25Cr1 Mo 2.25Cr1 Mo 2.25Cr-1 Mo 9Cr1Mo (evap. 2.25Cr1 Mo VNB
and superh. in
2.25Cr1 Mo one unit) 10Cr2 Mo 9 Cr1 Mo
superheater 9 Cr1 Mo 2.25Cr1 Mo Cr18Ni19 austenitic steel 2.25Cr1 Mo -
Reactor Vessel
Inside diameter mm 338 1400 8800 6000 12860 7100 - 12900 17000 21000 17200
Wall thickness mm 7 20 50 50 30 50 - 30 25 60 35
Total height mm 4500 6200 8340 11900 12600 17800 - 14000 14000 17300 15900
Containment Building
cylindrical cylindrical cylindrical cylindrical
rectangular with dome rectangular rectangular rectangular
Material - with dome - building with dome (reinforced
(concrete) (concrete & (concrete) (concrete) (concrete)
(carbon steel) (concrete) (concrete) concrete)
Gross volume m3 - - 17000 - - 130000 - - - 6500 136000
Maximum design pressure MPa - - 0.1 - - 0.03 - - - 0.3 0.05
IAEA-TECDOC-1531, Fast reactor Database, IAEA, Vienna, 2006.
White Paper of Nuclear Power/Edited by Prof. E.O. Adamov. MINATOM of Russian Federation − М.: NIKIET Press, 2001.
Adamov E.O. et al. Conceptual Design of BREST-300 Lead cooled Fast Reactor.−Proc. of ARS'94 Topical Meeting, 17–21 April 1994, Pittsburg, USA. ANS, 1994, vol. 1 pp.
Appendix 4
Dollezhal N.A., Emelianov I.Ya. The Pressure Tube Nuclear Reactor. − М.: Atomizdat, 1980.
Margulova T.Kh. Nuclear Power Plants/3rd rev. and enl. ed. − М.: Vysshaia Shkola, 1978.
The power of GE technology at work. Fuel. Services. New Plants. − Nuclear Engineering International, 2002,
vol. 47, No. 578, p. 24–26, 28, 29.
RBMK — High Energy Channel Reactor, Russian Federation.