Lesson Plans For TP
Lesson Plans For TP
Lesson Plans For TP
Story time
Activity title: characters
Name of activity:
Objective: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
1. Listen to the story “Eddie the donkey” and recall information from the story after the
4. Color and paste pictures of at least two (2) characters in the story.
Content summary:
Resource materials: illustrated picture story of “Eddie the donkey”, crayons, pencils, glue.
1. Introduce the story to the class outlining the title of the story and ask students to retell the
2. Engage students in a discussion about the story by asking the following questions,
1. Using the illustrated picture story entitled, “Eddie the donkey,” students will listen
2. While reading the story the teacher will pause at different sections such as,
3. Students will be asked to imitate the different voices using voce modulation.
1. The teacher will ask specific questions about the text such as.
Students will be asked to roleplay their favorite part of the story after the teacher
Complete the task; using safety scissors, cut and paste three different pictures of two
characters mentioned in the story, after which they will color the pictures.
Day 2 week 1
Story time
Activity title: characters
Name of activity: Farmer Brown and Dee the donkey
4. Color and paste pictures of at least two (2) characters in the story.
Content summary:
3. Introduce the story to the class outlining the title of the story and ask students to retell the
4. Engage students in a discussion about the story by asking the following questions,
a. Who is a farmer?
c. How do you think the farmer gets to the market? Do they walk or take taxi?
4. using the illustrated picture story entitled, “Farmer Brown and Dee the donkey,” students
will listen attentively as the teacher reads the story of “Farmer Brown and the donkey”.
5. While reading the story the teacher will pause at different sections such as,
6. Students will be asked to imitate the different voices using voce modulation.
5. The teacher will ask specific questions about the text such as.
Students will be asked to roleplay their favorite part of the story after the teacher
Complete the task; using safety scissors, cut and paste three different pictures of two
characters mentioned in the story, after which they will color the pictures.
Day 3 week 1
Grade: K2
Duration: 45mins
Theme: Transportation
Sub theme: land transportation.
Guided learning time.
Activity title: moving vehicles.
Name of activity:
police car and fire truck after listening to the transportation song. https://youtu.be/Ut-
3. Tell or state the difference between a truck and car. Say which one is long or which is
4. Match pictures of vehicles that are the same example trucks cars, bicycles after teacher
5. Draw and color at least 1 type of vehicle that was mentioned today.
Content summary: there are many types of vehicles that transport people and goods from one
place to another, for example bicycles bikes cars, vans, trucks, ambulances, police cars, fire
trucks, trains, and others. Some vehicles are long, and some are short, for example a truck is
1. students will be encouraged dance and sing along while watching the transportation song.
2. After watching the video, the students will be asked to retell some of the transportation
3. Students will be asked to tell/ say the type of transportation that takes them to school in
the morning.
Explore: given a sorting box with picture of different types of vehicles, students will sort to find
types of vehicles they like after which they will say why it is their favorite type of vehicle, after
being identified.
Explain: Using an interactive chart the teacher will explain to the students that there are sone
vehicles that are long and there are some that are short. For example, a truck is longer than a car,
Given a work sheet, students will be asked to match pictures of vehicles that are the same
Independent activity: paste the given pictures of vehicles in their scrap books.
Day 4 week 1
Grade: K2
Duration: 30mins
Theme: Transportation
Sub theme: land transportation.
Circle time.
Activity title:
Name of activity:
Day 5 week 1
Grade: K2
Duration: 30mins
Theme: Transportation
Sub theme: land transportation.
Circle time.
Activity title:
Name of activity:
3. listen to identify and reproduce the /Vv/ sound practice forming the letter Vv in different
4. Have a discussion about different types of vehicles and the sound they make.
5. Write the letter /Vv/, and at least 1 word that begins with the v sound.
Content summary: there are many types of vehicles that transport people and goods from one
place to another, for example bicycles, bikes, cars, trucks etc.... The word vehicle and fun begin
with the letter /V/ sound. The V sound is represented by the letter ‘Vv’ sound. the capital letter is
students will be asked to sing, dance, and play percussion instruments while singing the song
“the wheels on the bus go round and round.” After singing the song they will be engaged in a
discussion about land transportation. Students will be allowed to name a type of transportation.
Explore: using the vehicles chart provided, the students will be instructed to search the
classroom to find pictures of vehicles after which they will say what type of vehicle it is, and
match/ stick it to the same picture on the chart. They will be asked to raise their hands and wait
to be identified.
the teacher will explain that the letter /Vv/ makes the v sound, and the letter V can also be
written. There are lots of words that begin with the letter V sound, some of these words
The students will reproduce the V sound after which they will create the letter V with
play dough.
Using a chart with different types of vehicles the teacher will discuss the different
The students will be asked to produce the different sounds. The truck says honk
honk, the car goes, Beep beep, Vroom, Zoom, Whoosh, Beep beep (backing up
Evaluate: from the board the students will be asked to copy the letter ‘V’, draw and write the
word van.
Week 2 day 1
Grade: 4yrs old
Duration: 45mins
Theme: Transportation
Sub-theme: Safety on the road
Circle time.
Name of activity: Road safety
2. Count from 1-10, and they should be able to identify the number 10. (cognitive)
4. Roleplay and demonstrate how to walk safely on the road and how to walk on the road
Content summary: we all need to know about road safety. A person walking on the road is a
pedestrian. All persons or passengers driving on the road in vehicles must ensure their safety and
their children’s safety by wearing seatbelts, using car seats, and keeping body parts inside the
vehicle. The word pedestrian begins with the “P” sound, the capital letter is written P and the
Resource material:
1. students will engage in an action song entitled “when I walk across the road.” They
will be encouraged to sing, and dance doing the action of the song.
2. After singing the song, students will be engaged in a discussion about how to keep
safe on the road. Questions such as, how do you cross the road when crossing, do you
just run across the road, or do you look and listen before crossing?
1. Students will be asked to role play and demonstrate how to walk safely on the road
1. The teacher will explain to the students that road signs are very important because they
help people to follow rules and keep people safe, after which the teacher will explain to
1. The teacher will provide each student with a word card with the word pedestrian and
2. On a chart the students will identify the number 10and describe it (a one and a zero
Evaluate: have students complete a task to identify and circle the number (10) ten.
Week 2 day 2
2. Count from 1-10, after singing the jingle, ‘one two buckle my shoe, three four shut
the door….’
3. Identify 10 safety rules that were mentioned today and talk about how they feel about
4. Form the number 10 using different methods such as play dough or paint. (creative/
Content summary: We all need to learn about road safety. All persons or passengers driving on
the road in vehicles must ensure their own safety and their children’s safety. Ten (10) ways to
keep safe on the road are, wearing seatbelts, using children’s car seats, keeping windows up,
keeping body parts in the vehicle, look left and right before crossing the road, wearing helmets,
knee pads, walk in the sidewalk, obey road signs, listen when on the road. The numeral can be
1) students will be engaged in singing the song, ‘one two, buckle my shoe, three four shut
the door….’ Students will be asked to sing, dance, play percussion instruments, and do
the action of the song after a quick demonstration from the teacher. The teacher will do
what the song says when demonstrating, for e.g. buckle her shoe, close the door, pick up
2) After the demonstration the student will be asked to roleplay what the song says.
1. The students will have a brief discussion about safety, after which the teacher will allow
each student to talk about the places where we need to be safe and express their thoughts
about it.
2. Using a number chart students will be asked to count from 1-10, after which they will be
asked to talk about 10 safety rules that were mentioned earlier in the day/ previously.
3. Using a picture chart students will be asked to identify the 10 safety rules.
1. The teacher will talk about the numeral ten (10). The teacher will explain how the
numeral 10 is written, thus she will state that a one and a zero written together will for the
1. The students will do a treasure hunt to find number 10. The teacher will say let me see
who can find the most ten (10) in the class. The students with 10 will be asked to show
show their number, say what it is, and spell the number name.
Evaluate: There will be two groups, team apple and team banana
The students will sort pictures with 10 things and write the number 10 along with its number
Independent activity: students will be instructed to create form the number 10 using different
1. Listen to the story “Signs Signs everywhere” and recall information from the story
3. Choose a road safety sign and say what type of sign it is.
4. Construct and use improvised STOP signs and traffic lights in role play after teacher
Content summary: there are different types of road safety signs, some of which are, pedestrian
crossing signs, traffic light signs, direction signs, school ahead sign…We must obey signs, for
1. Introduce the story to the class outlining the title of the story and ask students to retell the
2. Engage students in a discussion about the story by asking the following questions,
1. Using the illustrated picture story entitled, “signs signs everywhere,” students will
listen attentively as the teacher reads the story of “Signs signs everywhere”.
2. While reading the story the teacher will pause at different sections such as,
c. Red says?
Explain: The teacher will show the students examples of the different road safety signs and
explain what each one is used for and what they mean. After explaining the different signs, the
teacher will allow each student to choose a sign from a sorting box, stand and say what it is and
their favorite sign using playdough, after which they will roleplay a traffic light game. The
teacher will have circular cut out of each traffic light color, red, green and orange.
The student will be instructed by the teacher to pretend they are driving. Whichever color from
the traffic light the teacher holds up, they either stop, go, or go slow.
Evaluate: for assessment the students will be asked to, Draw and color a road safety sign.
Week 2 day 4
4. make the letter P sound and construct the letter P who's in playdough after teacher
Content summary: The bus terminal is a safe place where small and large buses begins and end
their journey. People who take the bus are called passengers. Passengers must wait in a line
before they board the bus and should walk safely on the road when they get off the bus the word
Students will engage in singing the song “the wheels on the bus go round and round”
Explain: the teacher will explain to the students that there are some safety rules when riding on a
bus these safety rules are, keep body parts inside the bus and before you get into the bus you
Using a chart to demonstrate, the teacher will tell the students that people who take the
bus are called the passengers, and passengers begin with the letter P sound.
Students will be asked to make the Pp sound after which they will construct the letter Pp
Elaborate: using an interactive chart to demonstrate the teacher will show students what large
and small buses are like after which the students will be ask to sort and group pictures in two
Evaluate: students will complete the assessment to write the letter /Pp/ and the word
Week 2 day 5
2. Epress how they feel about safety after hearing how important it is.
5. Colour within boundaries of pictures provided by the teacher and cut the picture in a
Content summary: we wear safety gear when traveling. some of these are helmets, knee gear
and seat belts. Bikes, cars, vans, trucks, and trains all have wheels arranged in pairs. A pair has a
set of two objects that are alike. There are road safety signs that help us to be safe on the road.
We can move our bodies fast or slow as we pretend to be vehicles on the road by running fast or
Students will be encouraged to sing, dance, and play percussion instruments while
protect us all protect your head, wear a helmet to protect your head, protect your
hands with a blue, red gloves protect your knees with a little knee pad, safety
From the song students will be asked to identify 2 safety gears and say what it does.
Explore: students and teachers will have a discussion about different types of safety gear. Each
student will be asked to stand, name a safety gear, and express how they feel about it after the
teacher demonstration.
Explain: the teacher will explain to the students that two things make a pair, for example a pair
of socks, a pair of girls/ boys and a pair of students, after which the teacher will instruct the
students to search the classroom to find and group objects a pair. Could also be a pair of books.
Elaborate: using an interactive chart, the teacher will emphasize that there are other things that
can be in pairs, the word pair means a set of two things used together. Students will be asked to
name a pair of things that they have at home. Students will be given playdough to create a pair of
Evaluate: on the work sheet given search and find the picture that has a pair of things, and color
within the boundary. After colouring the picture use safety scissors to cut and paste the picture in
their books.
Teacher directed activity: find the picture that has a pair of things, and color within the
boundary. After colouring the picture use safety scissors to cut and paste the picture in their
Independent activity: Use playdough to create a pair of apples, banana, or mango.