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Ministère de l’Education Moroccan Association of

Nationale et de la Jeunesse Teachers of English




M'barek Ahellal

MEN & MATE 2002

Table of contents

LEARNER TRAINING.................................................................................................. 3
ACTION RESEARCH................................................................................................... 9
CHANGING ATTITUDES TO CHANGE .................................................................. 14
MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR TEXTBOOK ........................................................ 18
ADAPTING MATERIALS ......................................................................................... 28
CLASS MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 33
CLASS MANAGEMENT LEARNER/TEACHER ROLES ....................................... 36
TEACHER'S FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH CLASS ................................................... 41
LESSON PLANNING .................................................................................................. 44
LESSON PLANNING (2) ........................................................................................... 48
TASK-BASED GROUP WORK................................................................................ 52
TEACHING GRAMMAR COMMUNICATIVELY ................................................... 55
EFFICIENTLY? ........................................................................................................... 58
TEACHING VOCABULARY ..................................................................................... 63
THE TEACHING OF LISTENING ............................................................................. 66
CLASSROOM .............................................................................................................. 70

Ahmed Chaibi
Delegation of Errachidia

The participants will be able to:
1. Make a distinction between study skills and learner training.
2. Define new roles for teachers and learners under a learner training approach.
3. Delimit the characteristics of a ‘good’ language learner.
4. Relate learner training to learning strategies.
5. Draw implications/applications for classroom practice.


TASK 1: (pair/group work)

Discuss the meaning of the saying below, relating it to education in general.

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.

Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

TASK 2: (pair/group work)

Read the following quotation, highlighting the features of a progressist
We are … faced with an entirely new situation where the goal of education, if
we are to survive, is the facilitation of change and learning. The only man who is
educated is the man who has learned how to adapt and change; the man who has
realized that no knowledge is secure, that only the process of seeking knowledge
gives a basis for security.
( Carl Rogers 1969)

TASK 3: (pair/group work)

Read the following citation and discuss reasons of promoting learner training
in the Moroccan EFL context.

… ‘successful’ or ‘expert’ or ‘intelligent’ learners have learned how to learn.

They have acquired the learning strategies, the knowledge about learning, and
the attitudes that enable them to use these skills and knowledge confidently,
flexibly, appropriately and independently of a teacher. Therefore, they are
(Wenden 1991: 15)


TASK 4: (group work followed by reports)

Read the 4 statements below and comment on the relationship between learner
training and study skills.

Statement 1 : In study skills objectives are usually imposed from some external
source, such as a syllabus, specific assessment procedures or a particular cultural
setting (although learners may indeed have the freedom to choose how to achieve
these objectives). Learner training provides learners with more opportunity to
select their own learning objectives.

Statement 2 : Study skills tend to focus on the particular product required by a

specific study context such as passing examinations or writing a good précis.
Learner training focuses on the process of learning in order to provide learners
with wider insights into their own learning.

Statement 3: Study skills tend to involve learners in specific tasks or activities

directly related to the requirements of their course of study. Learner training tends
to provide more opportunities for learners to reflect on their attitudes towards
themselves as learners and their personal learning preferences, as well as to
experiment with different learning and practice activities in general.

Statement 4: Study skills usually prepare learners for an external system of

assessment. Learner training trains them in self-assessment.


TASK 5: (pair/group work)

a) Discuss the following citation.

As a teacher I see my role as being two-fold. One is, yes, I am teaching the
language but I feel my other very important role is to assist the learners to take
a growing responsibility for the management of their own learning. Within our
programme, learners are with us for only relatively – short time, and we have to
prepare them so that their learning continues outside, erm, the length of their
(An EFL teacher interviewed by Nunan 1991: 185)

b) Use the table below to identify traditional (T) roles and new (N) roles for
teachers. Tick the appropriate boxes, then discuss your answers.


Authority figure Recipient
Facilitator Producer of his own learning
Guide Imitator
Judge Self-critical
Know-all Self-evaluator
Consultant Consumer
Evaluator Follower
Helper Negotiator
Controller Initiator
Communicator Participant in curriculum


TASK 6: (pair/group work)

a. What do you feel would be the characteristics of “good” language learners?
List the ones you agree on in the box below.

Good language learners …

b.Compare your list with the following list suggested by Rubin & Thompson
1983 (cited by Nunan 1991).

Good learners
1. find their own way.

2. organise information about language.

3. are creative and experiment with language.

4. make their own opportunities, and find strategies for getting practice in using the
language inside and outside the classroom.

5. learn to live with uncertainty and develop strategies for making sense of the target
language without wanting to understand every word.

6. use mnemonics (rhymes, word associations …etc) to recall what has been learned.

7. make errors work.

8. use linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of their language, in mastering a

second language.

9. let the context (extra-linguistic knowledge and knowledge of the world) help them in

10. learn to make intelligent guesses.

11. learn chunks of language as wholes and formalised routines to help them perform
“beyond their competence”.

12. learn production techniques (e.g. techniques for keeping a conversation going).

13. learn different styles of speech and writing and learn to vary their language according
to the formality of the situation.

c.Think of students of yours who have some of these qualities.

what do they do?


Nunan (1988: 2-4) describes a theoretical empirical rationale for a learner-centred curriculum
development. He stresses the need to provide learners with efficient learning strategies, to assist
learners to identify their own preferred ways of learning (i.e. styles) and to negotiate the
curriculum, having set their objectives and defined realistic goals and time frames. A key feature
of curricular developed in this way is that they should be susceptible to self-evaluation and to
modification as the individual progresses.

TASK 7: (pair/group discussion)
Consider the learning strategies and the guidelines for strategy training listed
To what extent would it be feasible to integrate learner training into your
regular lessons ?


1. Determine if there is a topic sentence that represents the gist of the material.
2. Invent a topic sentence if one is not present.
3. Name lists or steps (identify a superordinate).
4. Delete what is trivial.
5. Delete what is redundant.


1. Strategy training should be informed rather than blind.
2. Strategy training should include training in self-regulation.
3. Strategy training should be contextualized (e.g. related to skill problem)
4. Strategy training should be interactive so that students are not told what to do and
then left to their own to practise. The presence of the teacher is no longer necessary.
5. Efficient training should be based on a diagnosis of learners’ entering proficiency.
(Adapted from Nunan 1991)

Cook, V. (1991) Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. London: Adward Arnold.
Ellis, G. and B. Sinclair (1989) Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nunan,D. (1991) Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers. Hertsfordshire. Prentice Hall
International (UK) Ltd.
Nunan, D. (1988) The learner-centred curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
O’Malley, J M. and A.U. Chamot (1990) Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Oxford, R. (1990) Language Learning Strategies. What every Teacher Should Know. Boston: Heinle and
Parrot, M. (1993) Tasks for Language Teachers: A Resource Book for Training and Development.
Cambvridge: Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. C. (1990) The Language Teaching Matrix. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ur, P. (1984) Teaching Listening Comprehension. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Willing, K. (1988) Learning Styles in Adult Migrant Education. Adelaide: National Curriculum Resource
Wenden, A. (1991). Learner Strategies for Learner Autonomy. New York: Prentice Hall.
Wenden, A. and J. Rubin (1987) Learner Strategies for Learner Autonomy. New York: Prentice Hall.

1. Language Learning Strategies Vs Language Learning Styles:
Language learning strategies are mental steps or operations that learners use to learn a
new language and to regulate their efforts to do so. They are one type of learner
training content that should be included in plans to promote learner autonomy.
Language learning styles, on the other hand, are the general approaches – for example,
global or analytic, auditory or visual – that students use in acquiring a new language.
(Oxford et al. 1983:9). A learning style, then, “is the biologically and developmentally
imposed set of characteristics that make the same teaching method wonderful for some
and terrible for others.” (Dunn and Briggs 1988, in Hill 1995).

2. Ellis and Sinclair (1989: 141-5) list learning strategies under the categories of
metacognitive, cognitive, social, and communication strategies.

3. Study Skills equip learners with the skills required in order to succeed in a particular
study environment. Which has its own set of conventions (e.g. at a British university,
the study requires students to be proficient in such skills as taking notes, preparing for
seminars, organizing and presenting essays …etc. (Wallace 1980).

4. Ellis and Sinclair (1989: 5-7) highlight the complex interplay of factors potentially
affecting success in language learning, and on the basis of the work of Naiman (1975)
suggest the following characteristics of good language learners:
a. self-aware,
b. inquisitive and tolerant,
c. self-critical,
d. realistic
e. willing to experiment,
f. actively involved, and
g. organized.

5. Informed Training is explicit about the value or significance of the expected result; it is
training for lateral transfer: when students are given information about where a
strategy can be used; it will be more likely that they will use it not only in the training
context but in other appropriate settings as well.

Table of contents

Thami Talbi & Omar Marzouki
Delegation of Kenitra

The participants will be able to:
1. Define action research.
2. Discuss its characteristics, techniques and steps.
3. See the relevance of such research to their daily practices.

TASK 1: (pair work followed by group discussion)

What is Action Research ?
•Write a suitable definition in the space below then exchange and compare your

TASK 2: (pair/group work)

Compare your answers with the definitions below:

Action Research is:

investigation into any classroom issue that puzzles a teacher. Using simple tools such as
questionnaires, tests, and observation, a teacher can find a satisfactory answer to that puzzle.
(Mazzillo 1994)

… research carried out by teachers, with teachers and for teachers.

(Webber 1994)

… an action undertaken by teachers either to improve their own or colleague's teaching or

test the assumptions of educational theory in practice.
(Hopkins 1985)

… is a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by the participants in social situations in

order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practices and the situation in which
these practices are carried out. (Kemmis 1983 in Hopkins 1985)

… is a systematic inquiry that is collective, collaborative, self-reflective, critical and

undertaken by the participants of the inquiry.
(Kemmis & McTaggarts 1990)

TASK 3: (Pair/group work followed by general discussion)
According to the quotes on the previous page,
.Who does action research?
.What are the characteristics of such research?
. Relate your answers to key terms in the quotes.

TASK 4: (pair work followed by general discussion)

What is the purpose of action research?
There is one statement below which is not an accurate answer to this question.
Which one is it? Check the correct box.

Action Research is carried out as a means of:

a. remedying problems diagnosed in specific situations.
b. improving in some way a given set of circumstances.
c. in-service training, providing teachers with new skills and methods and heightening
d. injecting additional or innovative approaches to teaching and learning into a system
which normally inhibits innovation and change.
e. creating a new theory/method that will be generalized and extended to all teaching
learning situations.
f. improving the normally poor communication between the practising teacher and the
academic researcher.
g. providing an alternative to the more subjective, impressionistic approach to problem
solving in the classroom (although lacking the rigour of classical scientific research).

TASK 5: (Pair/group work followed by general discussion)

The steps of action research are listed below in a scrambled order.
Put them in the correct order. The first step has been found for you.

___ a. Collect data systematically.

___ b. Evaluate the outcome (consider the results).

1_ c. Identify an issue/interest/concern needing improvement.

___ d. Develop an action plan / a way of addressing the issue on reflection of results of data.

___ e. Share insights with colleagues.

___ f. Implement action plan (experiment with alternative teaching).

___ g. Inform yourself on the issue, narrow down the focus and pose investigation questions.

TASK 6: (Individual work followed by pair/group discussion)
What are the advantages and limitations of the action research techniques
listed below?









TASK 7: (Pair/group work)
Match the action research steps on the left with the actions on the right.
Follow the example.

1. Problem Identification a. Teacher increases target language use. Teacher uses

German for classroom management etc.

2. Preliminary investigation b. Teacher uses too much English. The important stuff
is done in English.

3. Hypothesis c. An English teacher of German identifies a problem:

"My students aren't using the target language

4. Plan intervention d. Teacher writes an article in teachers' newsletter.

5. Outcome e. What's going on? Recording and observing class

several days.

6. Reporting f. Dramatic increase in use of German by students.

(Adapted from Nunan 1993)

Bell, J. (1987) Doing your Research Project: a Guide for First-time Researchers in Education and Social
Science. Milton Keynes. Open University Press.
Bendazzoli, G.M. and G.B. Escalante (1992) “From ‘Real Life’ Problems to Research” English Teaching
Forum. 30/1.
CARR, W. and S. Kemmis (1985) Becoming Critical: Knowing Through Action Research. Victoria: Deakin
University Press.
Cohen, L. and L. Manion (1994) Research Methods in Education. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Edge, J. and K. Richards (1993) Teachers Develop Teachers Research. UK: Heinemann.
Fawzi, A., E. Imad and S. Diouny (eds) (1994) Classroom Oriented Research: Proceedings of the XIVth MATE
Conference. Casablanca: Imprimerie Najah Eljadida.
Hopkins, D. (1985) A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Milton Keynes. Open University Press.
Judd Elliot, L. (ed) (1994) TESOL Journal. 4/1.
Kemmis, S. and R. Mc Taggart (1981) The Action Research Planner. Victoria: Deakin University Press.
Mc Niff, J. (1985) Action Research: Principles and Practice. Macmillan Education Ltd.
Mc Niff, J (1993) Teaching as Learning: an Action Research Approach. London / New York: Routledge.
Nunan, D. (1989) Understanding Language Classrooms: a Guide for Teacher-initiated Action. Hertfordshire:
Prentice Hall Inter.
Nunan, D. (1993) “Action Research in Language Eduaction” in Edge, J. and J. Richards (1993) Teachers
Develop Teachers Research. UK: Heinemann.
Pica, T. (1992) “Language Learning Research and Classroom Concerns” English Teaching Forum. 30/3
Strickland, D.S. (1988) “The Teacher as Researcher: Toward the Extended Professional” Language Arts. 65.
Walker, R. (1985) Doing Research: a Handbook for Teachers. London: Methuen.

Webber, R. (1994) in Fawzi, A. et al (eds) Classroom Oriented Research. Proceedings of the XIV MATE
Conference. Casablanca: Imprimerie Najah Eljadida.
Yousfi, A. and M. Baghdadi (1993) Implementation of Action Research in Moroccan EFL Classes. Paper
submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the diploma of CNFIE. Rabat.

Table of contents

M’barek Ahellal
ENS Rabat

The participants will be able to:
1. Reflect on common attitudes towards change.
2. Examine their own attitudes towards innovation and change.
3. discuss the impact of attitudes on everyday practices.

In the educational policy in general and in the teachers’ everyday practices in
particular, innovations and changes are continually being introduced. However, we
often fail to remember that changes that occur in our lives necessitate changes in
attitudes too. This is probably the case because the changes we are confronted with
seem sometimes so huge and abrupt that we prefer to cling safely to our
established behaviours and routines. As teachers, usually concerned with the now
and here, we fail to understand that through small changes we can pave the road
for larger, broader, and long-term ones.

TASK 1: (group work followed by reports)

Read the statements below and answer these questions:
• To we what extent do you agree with the statements ?
• What are the implications of the statements for education in general
and for ELT in particular ?

Every public action which is not

either is wrong,
or if it is right,
is a dangerous precedent.
It follows that nothing should ever be done for the
-Francis Cornford, British Poet

Faced with having to change our views or prove that

there is no need to do so, most of us get busy on the
-John Kenneth Galbraith, US Economist

The Chinese use two characters to write CRISIS.

One means opportunity.
The other means problem.
We can look at life’s “events” and see problems
or we can re-focus and see opportunity.
-Chinese Proverb

TASK 1: (group work followed by general discussion)
The Following are some areas where changes have been (are being) introduced.
Think of other changes that have been brought about in those areas and add
them to the list.
How did/do teachers in general react to these changes?
Was/is there any resistance, What were/are the reasons advanced by teachers?


- Steps to English
- Further steps to English
- English in Life
Textbooks - Bridges

- Communicative Language Teaching

Approaches and Methods

- NORY activities
- cue cards
- process writing
Teaching Techniques

- Continuous assessment
- Academy bac exams
- New bac system
Testing and Evaluation

- Language at primary school level

Language policy

TASK 3: (Individual work followed by group discussion)
Look at the list of excuses below and:
●Check 5 excuses that are likely to be made by Moroccan teachers
when faced with change and innovation.
●Justify your choice giving concrete examples of situations where these
excuses were/could be made.

1. I’ve tried that before. OTHER EXCUSES:

2. Our place is different.
3. It costs too much.
4. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
5. That’s beyond our responsibility.
6. We don’t have the personnel.
7. It isn’t in the budget.
8. We’re all too busy to do that.
9. Good thought but impractical.
10. That’s not my job.
11. Let’s give it more thought.
12. We don’t have the time.
13. They’ll laugh at us.
14. We did all right without it.
15. We’ve never done it before.
16. The students will never buy it.
17. We don’t have the authority.
18. It’s against school policy.
19. It won’t work..
20. Let’s get back to reality.
21. That’ not our problem.
22. You’re right but ...
23. We’ve always done it this way.
24. We don’t have the equipment.
25. It’s impossible.
26. We’re not ready for that.
27. Let’s all sleep on it.
28. I don’t see the connection.
29. Not that again.
30. It’s never been tried before.

TASK 3: (pair/group work followed by discussion)

What other excuses can you think of ? Add them to the list.

TASK 3: (General discussion)

Are some of the excuses discussed well-founded sometimes ? Explain.


1. The title Changing Attitudes to Change has deliberately been chosen for its ambiguity. It
has two slightly different meanings depending on the part of speech you assign to the
word change. While this word could be read as a noun, and in this case the title would
suggest that attitudes towards changes should be changed, it could also be read as a verb,
and consequently the title would suggest that in order for teachers to change (improve),
changes in attitudes should be brought about.
Both meanings serve the purpose of this contribution as the ultimate aim is to lead the
participants to realize that if we want to change (develop), we should change our attitudes
to changes and innovations taking place around us.

2. The statements in task 1 have been taken from Svendson,D.S. and S. Wijetilleke (1988)
Training Activities for Group Building, Health and Income Generation. Washington: The
overseas Education Fund

3. One of the statements in Task 1 is by John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-...), an

American economist whose books sparked widespread interest in economic issues.
In American Capitalism (1952), Galbraith stated that Americans must adjust to new
patterns of competition among big industry, big labour, and big government. He argued
that strong labour unions and strong buyers, such as chain stores, restrain the power of
large producers.
Galbraith was born in the Canadian city of Iona Station, near London, Ont. He became a
U.S. citizen in 1937. He became a professor of economics at Harvard University in 1949.
Galbraith interrupted his scholarly career to serve from 1961 to 1963 as U.S. ambassador
to India. He retired from Harvard in 1975.

(From World Book Encyclopaedia)

Table of contents

Ali Bouddouch
Academy of Kenitra

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of using textbooks.
2. Consider strategies of adapting textbook materials.
3. use these strategies to adapt textbook materials.

Textbooks play an important role in the teaching/learning process; yet, they have some
inherent limitations. It is therefore of paramount importance that teachers should be aware of
these limitations and should interact with the textbooks to promote creative and effective
teaching and learning in their classrooms.

TASK 1: (Pair work then whole class discussion)

Discuss a) some reasons of heavy reliance on the textbook.
b) the effect of heavy reliance on the textbook.

TASK 2: (Group work then whole class discussion)

Read the following statements and decide which ones you agree with.

The textbook:

1. Indicates to teachers and students where they are going, where they are and where they
have been.

2. Provides both teachers and students with a sense of security and self-confidence.

3. Predicts the content to be learned.

4. Saves teachers money and frees them from the time consuming task of preparing teaching

5. Saves learners from our deficiencies as teachers.

6. Specifies teachers and students needs.

7. Standardizes the teaching practices regardless of the teachers various training backgrounds.

8. Specifies in advance what is to be taught and what is to be learned.

TASK 3: (Group work and reports)
The following are adaptation strategies. Which one(s) do you apply in
teaching? Give examples.








TASK 4: (Group work followed by reports)

Look at lesson 37 EIL 2. Identify what adaptation strategies you could apply
to improve the lesson.

Allwright, R.L. (1981) “What do we want teaching materials for”. ELT Journal. Vol. 36/1:
Peterson,P.L. et al. (1978) “Teacher planning, teacher behaviour, and student achievement”..
American Educational Research Journal. Vol. 15, No 3, pp. 417-432.
Hutchinson, T. and A. Waters (1987) English for specific purposes: A learner-centered
Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
M’Derreg, M. (1989) Evaluation and Analysis of the Moroccan English Textbook ‘English in
life 3’. Unpublished paper.C.F.I.E, Rabat.
Miller, J. and F. Ong. (1993) TESOL. Atlanta.
O’Neil, R. (1982) ”Why Use Textbooks?” ELT Journal, Vol. 36/2: 104-111.
Messaoudi, S. (1995) 'Making the most of your textbook.' English Inspectors’ Forum
document. Tetouan Academy. March 8-10, 1995.


TASK 1 (a):
- Lack of confidence on the part of the teacher.
- Lack of experience and competence.
- Teacher can’t be inventive when teaching materials supplied by others.
- Teacher not familiar with the innovation in methodology and approaches.
- Exam system restrictions.
- Supervision impact: evaluative, judgemental and directive not developmental.
- Other factors: Laziness, unwillingness to contribute personal efforts, resistance to change,
personal attitude ...

TASK 1 (b):
- Ritual and mechanical teaching.
- Fossilized and static knowledge.
- Inability to develop professionally.
- inability to create because of parroting textbook instructions.
- Teacher may lose confidence in his/her teaching capacities.
- Teacher becomes irresponsible.

1. A textbook makes it possible for both the teacher and the students to look ahead to what they are to
do or look back at what they had done (O’Neil, 1982).

2: Teachers feel more secure and more confident when presented with what to teach and how to teach
it. As for learners ..., “ the tangible element that gives a language course face validity to many
teachers and learners is the textbook. The teachers’ smudged handouts seldom carry the same air of
authority. ” (Dubin and Olshtain, 1982). It provides a useful medium of orientation and study
outside the classroom (O’Neil, 1982) and makes it possible for students to work on their own at

3. Textbooks do contribute but cannot determine content. It is something that emerges because of the
interactive nature of classroom events. There is input from the teacher, but students in a classroom
also listen to each other as well as to the teacher and are potentially exposed to much more language
than is focused on in teaching. There is then ‘what is taught’ and ‘what is available to be learnt’ as a
result of the interactive nature of the classroom events, e.g. teacher explaining something, language
instructions, things said when errors are being corrected, etc.

4. The demands on the teacher are very much reduced. This should allow him/her time to develop the
expertise to develop the classroom language skills such as classroom management.

5. According to Allwright, there are two approaches to the question of the role of teaching materials.
According to the deficiency view, we need teaching materials to save learners from our deficiencies
as teachers, to make sure as far as possible, that the syllabus is properly covered and that the
exercises are well taught out. According to the difference view, we need teaching materials as
‘carriers’ of decisions best made by some other than the classroom teacher, not because the
classroom teacher is different as a classroom teacher, but because the expertise required of materials
writers is importantly different from what is required of classroom teachers.

6. Any textbook cannot specify in precise terms all students and teachers wants and needs. This may
be a demotivating factor for students whose interests are not taken into consideration. “Textbooks if
they are to provide anything at all, can only provide the prop or framework within which much of
the activity occurs. ” (O’Neil, 1982).

7. Teachers vary widely in their planning statements. The fact that there is a heterogeneous teaching
community with different training backgrounds makes of a textbook a useful tool that minimizes the
differences between teachers in their teaching practices and techniques. This also saves learners
from teachers’ deficiencies as regards to exam requirements.

8. “Textbooks can at best provide only a base or a core of materials. They are jumping-off point for
teacher and class. They should not aim to be more than that. A great deal of the most important work
in class may start with the textbook but ends outside it, in improvisation and adaptation, in
spontaneous interaction in the class and development from that interaction.. ”
(O’Neil, 1982).

“ While teaching materials can embody decisions, they cannot themselves undertake the
action. ”
(Allwright, 1982).

- A textbook may help determine what is to be taught but not what is to be learnt. A teacher
interprets what is in the textbook and the variability among the teachers inevitably affects
the degree of learning.
- The learner has also his internal syllabus: the network of knowledge that develops in his
brain and which enables that learner to comprehend and store the later knowledge. What is
in a learner syllabus may help or impede future knowledge to be learnt.
- The classroom too is a dynamic, interactive environment which affects the nature of both
what is taught and whet is learnt.

Table of contents

Noureddine Bendouqi
Delegation of Taounate

The participants will be able to
1. Define the characteristics of effective evaluation.
2. See the importance of evaluation in the teaching/learning process.
3. Discuss ways of undertaking effective evaluation

TASK 1: (Group work followed by general discussion)

Read the following quotation, underline the key terms, then discuss how evaluation
and reflective teaching can be related.

"To be useful and effective, evaluation requires planning. Preparing for evaluation
should be an integral part of planning each lesson or unit as well as general planning
at the beginning of the school year or course. Instruction and evaluation should be
considered together in order to ensure that instruction lends itself to evaluation and
that the results of evaluation can direct ongoing instructional planning."
( Genese and Upshur 1996:44)

TASK 2: (Small group discussion followed by reports)

Consider the following statements: What are the main characteristics of
adequate evaluation?

1. Testing is only one component of the evaluation process.

2. Evaluation is an intrinsic part of teaching and learning.
3. It can provide a wealth of information to use for the future direction of
classroom practice, for the planning of courses, and for the management of
learning tasks and students.
4. Ill prepared and ad-hoc evaluation is likely to be unreliable, unfair, and
uninformative. It is not a suitable source on which to base educational
5. Careful thought is given to make explicit what it is we are evaluating, and the
criteria by which we judge whether something is “very good”, “adequate”, or
“inadequate”. Evaluation in an educational context should be systematic.

TASK 3: (Group work followed by general discussion)
Read the following quotations from Weir and Roberts (1994:7), underline the
key terms, then discuss evaluation in relation with teacher development.

"Development-oriented evaluation is intended to improve the educational quality of a

programme or a project, normally while it is in progress. This form of evaluation may
be carried out cooperatively between an external evaluator and the insider staff … or by
insiders only. In either case, evaluation for development should be guided by the
intrinsic concerns of insiders: by identification of strengths which can be built upon (for
example, parts of the course, materials or teaching which are working well as well as by
the identification of obstacles to progress and the identification of more effective means
to achieve desired objectives. It can both be formative and summative in focus."

"It should be recognized that involvement in self-directed formative evaluation is a form

of teacher-development, arguably one of the most effective forms if done consistently,
collaboratively and with relevant external help if and when it is needed.
(Cohen and Manion 1984)".

TASK 4: (Group work followed by reports)

The following are instruments of data collection for classroom-based
evaluation. Which instruments would be most appropriate to obtain
information from in the Moroccan context? Justify your choices.



Observation sheets

Interview questions


Diaries and logs

Structured discussion

Self-assessment checklist

Case- study

Eye contact (informal)

TASK 5: (General discussion)
As a follow-up of task 4, discuss the following questions.

1. How would you keep records of your teaching and your students' interaction with
the materials?
2. What ways - if any - do students use to provide feedback about their learning
3. How would you find out about important aspects of your students backgrounds?
4. If you had to interview the students in order to determine their attitudes to the
materials in use
a. What kind of questions would you ask?
b. How would you explain the purpose of the interview to them?
c. How would you put them at ease?
5. Do you think it would be feasible to ask the students to keep personal journals or
diaries to record feedback about their learning experiences?

Genese and Upshur (1996). Classroom-Based Evaluation in Second Language Education. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
McDonough and Shaw (1993). Materials and Methods in ELT. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Rea-Dickens and Germaine (1992). Evaluation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Weir and Roberts (1994). Evaluation in ELT. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Table of contents

Noureddine Bendouqi
Delegation of Taounate

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of evaluation for teacher development.
2. Distinguish between impressionistic judgements of textbooks and systematic evaluation.
3. Come up with a systematic framework for textbook evaluation.

TASK 1: (pair work followed by general discussion)

What is your personal impression / opinion about one of the textbooks you use?

TASK 2: (Pair/group work followed by general discussion)

What do you think ? Check yes or no.
yes no
1.Evaluation should have clear objectives
2.Evaluation should be systematic
3.There is a relationship between evaluation, innovation, management and context
4.Evaluation should be seen as a tool to achieve development

TASK 3: (pair work followed by general discussion)

► Work out a tentative definition of the concept of development in the context
of Teaching.


► Having defined development, in what way can we talk of evaluation for

development ?


TASK 4: (Pair/group work followed by general discussion)
What information does textbook / materials evaluation provide you with ?
Match the concepts in A with the appropriate information in B.


The evaluation of: provides

A. information about ways in which learners and teachers

1. Materials as work plans actually use and respond to materials, thus giving indication
as to whether the materials are “successful” or not.

2. Materials in process B. information about the relative achievement of the learners.

C. information about the theoretical value of materials and

3. Outcomes from materials opportunities for change in knowledge and capability and
for successful outcomes in relatively unpredictable and
broad measure.

TASK 5: (Group work : jigsaw)

Choose one of the textbooks you use and do the following tasks:

GROUP A: Provide information about the following aspects:

●Type of text ●The context in which it is used
●Design and layout ●Intended audience

GROUP B: Discuss the availability and appropriateness of the following points:

●Practicality in handling information ●World lists
●Table of contents ●Section objectives
●Index ●Inclusion of audio/video material

GROUP C: Consider the following points in relation to your own teaching context:
●Themes, units, topics ●Activity steps
●Language focus ●Revision exercises and practice tests
●Language record ●Test and evaluation of learning

GROUP D: What is the author’s view on language learning and teaching?


TASK 6: (Group work: jigsaw)
Evaluation of textbook content (for time constraints only 4 aspects will be
Examined). In your group, answer the questions.

-Is the purpose for postulating the text clearly defined ?

-Is the subject matter of genuine interest to the learners ?
GROUP A -Do the target culture elements engender positive reactions from the learners ?
Reading -Is the text challenging ?
-Do the activities encourage personal involvement ?
-Are the instructions clear to the learners ?
-Is the process writing approach adopted in the textbook ?
GROUP B -Is the type of monitoring, if any, suggested in the book adequate ?
Writing -Does the book provide enough activities for conducting remedial work for all
The writing subskills ?
-Do the materials in the book sensitize the students to stylistic variations ?
-Do they take into account the inexplicit nature of naturally occurring
GROUP C conversations ?
Functions -Do the teaching materials provide opportunities for practice in turn-taking
and interruption techniques ?
-Do they include strategy for repair and negotiation of meaning ?
GROUP D -How are the new structures presented ?
Grammar -How are they practised ?
-Is there any recycling of previously presented grammar items ?

TASK 7: (Group work followed by reports)

State the modifications you would include in the area you investigated.


Table of contents

Mohammed Nahid
Delegation of Chefchaouen

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of adapting materials in ELT.
2. Delimit the factors that dictate adaptation.
3. Consider ways and techniques of adapting materials.

TASK 1: (pair / group work)

Consider the following extracts about the experience of two “freshly-baked
teachers” during the practicum period.
• How would you relate the extracts to materials adaptation ?

“With first year, it was all right, but with third year, she had problems. The students did
not want to participate. She asked questions and answered them herself.”

“As the class have covered all the lessons, the teacher-supervisor asked the trainee to
prepare a two-page reading text as an intensive reading activity. While preparing the lesson,
the trainee realized that the text lends itself to extensive rather than intensive reading. He
also felt that the suggested procedure in the TB is not appropriate enough ... He finally
decided to choose another text and change the teaching procedure. For the first time he felt
he was doing the right thing.
The following day, he gave the lesson. There was a feeling of enjoyment and satisfaction...”

TASK 2: (pair work followed by group discussion)

Materials adaptation is usually conceived of as trying to bring together
external factors (i.e. what we have) and internal factors (i.e. what the materials
offer) so that they match each other as closely as possible.
1.With your partner, think of examples of such factors and list them below.

External Factors Internal Factors

…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………

2. Think of ways of bringing them together.

TASK 3: (group work followed by reports)

Think of one of the units/lessons that you have taught. To what extent have
you adapted the content and/or the methodology?
Note down the main aspects of change or modification that were necessary or
at least desirable.

TASK 4: (group work)

Consider the techniques suggested in the framework below.
•What technique (s) have you applied in the aspects you noted down in Task 3?

A Framework for Adaptation

Mcdonough and Shaw (1993:96)


External Criteria Internal Criteria

need to

Localize Personalize Individualize etc

by means of


adding deleting modifying simplifying re-ordering

applied to

Content Areas

Language Texts Skills Classroom etc

Practice management
Table of contents

Said Messaoudi
Delegation of Rabat

The participants will be able to:
1. Reflect on and discuss the structure of an English lesson.
2. Make a distinction between the various stages of an English lesson.
3. Discuss the decisions made at different stages of a lesson.
4. Reflect on and discuss strategies and activities introduced at different levels of a lesson.

TASK 1: (individual/pair work followed by group discussion)

Decide which of the following questions are related to : before (1), while (2), or
after (3) the lesson? Tick where appropriate.

1 2 3
1. What did the students get out of the lesson?
2. What do I want my students to learn from this lesson?
3. Do the students understand this?
4. What were the main strengths and weaknesses of the lesson?
5. How can I get the students' attention?
6. What activities will be included in the lesson?
7. Is this taking too much time?
8. Were all the students involved in the lesson?
9. How much time will I need for each activity?
10. Is this too difficult for the students?
11. What grouping arrangement will I use?
12. Do I need to re-teach any aspect of the lesson?
13. Am I teaching too much rather than letting the students do the activities themselves?
14. How will I begin and conclude the lesson?
15. What would be a suitable follow up to the lesson?
16. What are my alternative plans if problems arise with some aspects of the lesson?
17. Are my instructions clear and understood?
18. Did I do sufficient preparation for the lesson?

TASK 2: (pair/group work)
Match the following dimensions of structuring in lessons with the appropriate
Definitions. Write the letters in the spaces provided.


_____ 1.The planning of sub activities to attain the overall goals of a lesson.
_____ 2.The extent to which a lesson maintains its momentum and
communicates a sense of development.
_____ 3. Strategies to bring a lesson to an end effectively.
_____ 4. The procedure the teacher uses to focus the students attention on
the learning aims of the lesson.

TASK 3: (pair/group work)

Lesson beginnings have a number of purposes. Match the following purposes
with the appropriate activities.

1. create a friendly relaxed atmosphere. a. Greeting, visual stimulus, listening activity.
2. Focus attention. b. Get students to arrange furniture.
3. Create suitable physical environment. c. Anything lively or unusual – vary the beginning
4. Make class enjoyable. d. Go through previous homework.
5. Get everyone involved. e. Introductions, greetings, jokes, chat…
6. Raise confidence. f. Make connections with the last lesson: describe
activities or objectives, introduce topic.
7. Stimulate interest. g. Light-hearted oral activity, game …
8. Provide organizing framework. h. questions, quiz…
9. Stimulate awareness of need. i. Quiz, game, ask for summary, brainstorm.
10. Elicit relevant linguistic knowledge. j. Short activities, chat.
11. Elicit relevant experience. k. Game, pair work activity, go over homework.
12. Give feedback. l. This has to do more with how you start than
what you do.
13. Check on previous learning. m. Chat, (familiar questions) controlled
activities, review.
14. Give value for time. n. Questions.
15. Cope with students arriving late o. brainstorming, oral activity.

TASK 4: (group work followed by reports)

Consider a typical lesson such as reading, process writing or listening.
What format does this kind of lesson typically follow?
What principles or beliefs account for this format?

TASK 5: (group work followed by reports)

Suggest ways that a teacher could adopt to improve his or her pacing of

Task 6: (group work)
Go through the following list of strategies for lesson closures.
Which ones do you use most often?
Can you think of other strategies of this kind?

1. Summarizing what has been covered in the lesson.

2. Reviewing key points in the lesson.
3. Relating the lesson to the course or lesson goals.
4. Pointing out links between the lesson and previous lessons.
5. Showing how the lesson related to the students real world needs.
6. Making links to a forthcoming lesson.
7. Praising the students for what they have accomplished during the

Table of contents

Omar Marzouki
Delegation of Kenitra

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss some class management assumptions and practices.
2. Define class management.
3. Experience jigsaw group work.

TASK 1 : (individual, pair and group work)

Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statements in the
chart. Tick the appropriate box then compare your answer with your partner
Agree Not Disagree
strongly Agree Sure Disagree Strongly
1. Students would easily identify teachers who are not sure
what to do in class.
2. A teacher who does not adhere to classroom rules and
routines should not blame students for breaking them.
3. Teachers opting only for lockstep teaching will deprive
students of great opportunities for interaction and
4. classroom management is an end in itself.

5.A teacher’s adoption of only one role will be detrimental

to a varied and interesting class.

6.The best policy of pairing the students is to do it at

7.A teacher needn’t worry about instruction giving till the
students are to start the activity.
8.An unresponsive group is always the product of a
teacher’s mistake in planning and organization
9.Establishing a code of conduct will help a lot in
preventing disruptive behaviour.
10.The more you talk the better you manage your class.

11.Student groupings may provoke negative reactions if

they are not used intelligently and appropriately.
12.One way of dealing with a class getting out of control is
to give a quiz.
13.A teacher’s behaviour does not have any effect on
discipline in class.
14.Experienced teachers are effective class managers by

TASK 2: (pair then whole class discussion)
List down the most prominent aspects you discussed in task 1 and that will
help you to work out a tentative definition of class management.

TASK 3: (group work /jigsaw: see group configuration below)

PART 1 : (first grouping)

Group A: List down some advantages of lesson planning.

Group B: What are the different roles that a teacher should adopt in the
Group C: List down some causes of disruptive behaviour.
Group D: Discuss ways of dealing with or preventing disruptive behaviour.

PART 2: (second grouping)

Members from different groups get together to discuss the four

tasks. Group representatives take turns reporting to the other
members who may comment, suggest, add ...

PART 1 (first grouping)
Group A: 1 2 3 4 5
Group B: 1 2 3 4 5
Group C: 1 2 3 4 5
Group D: 1 2 3 4 5

PART 2 (second grouping)

Group 1: 1 1 1 1
Group 2: 2 2 2 2
Group 3: 3 3 3 3
Group 4: 4 4 4 4
Group 5: 5 5 5 5

TASK 4: (group work followed by wrapping up)

Work out a self-evaluation checklist to help you reflect on your managerial
skills after a lesson. Add more questions to the following:

- Was my classroom organization appropriate to the tasks/steps of the lesson ?

- Was my lesson orderly and sequential ?
- Did I terminate the lesson in order ?
- .........................................................................................................................
- .........................................................................................................................
- .........................................................................................................................

Anker, W. (1992) “Advice on Language Teaching from Language teachers”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 30/4.
Armour, D. (1996) “Six Ways of Pairing Students in an ESL Classroom”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 34/1.
Byrne,D. (1984) “Five Approaches to the classroom”. ELT Documents: Teaching and the Teacher. The British
Ceyhan, D. (1988) “How to Start a Lesson”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 26/1.
Doff, A. (1988) Teach English: a Training course for Teachers. Cambridge University Press.
Finocchiaro, M. (1988) “Teacher Development: A continuous Process”. English Teaching Forum Vol 26/3.
Finocchiaro, M. & M. Bronomo (1973) The Foreign Language Learner: A Guide for Teachers. New York:
Regents Publishing. Ch. 9.
Gower, R. & S. Walters (1983) Teaching Practice Handbook. London: Heinman Educational Books. Ch. 2 & 3.
Harmer, J. (1991) The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman. Ch. 11.
Hall, S. (1994) “Implementing Cooperative Learning”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 32/4.
Imhoof, M. (1991) “Making the Most of Classroom Constraints”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 29/3.
Kerr, L. (1985) “Pair Work: Some Practical Hints”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 23/4.
McGreal,R. (1989) “Coping with Large Classes”. English Teaching Forum. Vol27/2.
Miller, P. (1987) “Ten Characteristics of a Good Teacher”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 25/1.
Nation, P. (1989) “Group Work and Language Learning”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 27/2.
Ngongwikuo,J. (1990) “The Need and Format for Planning English Language Lessons”. English Teaching
Forum. Vol 29/2.
Prodromou, L. (1991) “The Good Language Teacher”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 29/2.
Wajnryb, R. (1994) Classroom Observation Tasks. Cambridge University Press.
Wheeler, J. (1994) “Overcoming Difficulties in Pair and Group Work”. English Teaching Forum. Vol 23/3.
Wiriyachitra, A. (1995) “The Roles of the teacher in the Language Classroom”. English Teaching Forum.
Vol 33/4.
Wright, T. (1987) Roles of Teachers and Learners. Oxford University Press.
Xiaochum, L. (1992) “How to Deal with Uncooperative Students in Group Work”. English Teaching Forum.
Vol 30/1

Table of contents

Ali Bouddouch
Academy of Kenitra

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss some class management practices.
2. Discuss the advantages and limitations of individual, pair, and group work.
3. Identify some roles of learners and teachers.
4. Define and discuss some characteristics of ‘good learners’.

TASK 1: (Group work with reporters)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Discuss your
arguments with your partners.

1. Students would easily identify teachers who are not sure what to do in class.

2. A teacher who does not adhere to classroom rules and routines should not blame the
students for breaking them.

3. Teachers opting only for lockstep teaching will deprive students of great opportunities
of interaction and communication.
4. The best policy in pairing the students is to do it at random.

5. An unresponsive group is always the product of a teacher’s mistake in planning and


6. Establishing a code of conduct will help a lot in preventing disruptive behaviour.

7. The more you talk, the better you manage the class.

8. Students groupings may provoke negative reactions if they are not used intelligently and

9. One way of dealing with a class getting out of control is to give a quiz.

10. Experienced teachers are effective class managers by nature.

TASK 2: (individual work followed by pair and group work)
List some advantages and limitations of the following working modes:





TASK 3: (group work, then general discussion)

Among the roles a student is likely to perform are the following:
Experimenter Researcher Struggler Negotiator Path-follower Obeyer
Initiator Explorer ...
Read the following descriptions of classroom activities. For each activity,
indicate the role of the learner.(there might be more than one role in one activity).

1. Students work in pairs. Student A has a picture of an empty room. Student B has the
same room, but furnished. Without looking at each other’s pictures student A has to
attempt to draw in the details so that his/her picture resembles that of student B.
Student A therefore has to ask student B about the picture.
2. Students work individually. They complete an exercise in which the infinitive form of
each verb is given in brackets and they have to choose and insert the appropriate tense
3. Students work in pairs or groups. They complete an exercise in which the infinitive
form of each verb is given in brackets and they have to choose and insert the
appropriate tense form.
4. Students listen to a recorded conversation in order to find the answers to specific
questions. They subsequently discuss their answers to these questions in small groups
and then listen again.
5. Students repeat a sentence in chorus after the teacher practising intonation.
6. Students read different texts on a common subject at home, and then pool their
knowledge in class.

TASK 4: (Group work, then general discussion)
Read the following teacher’s roles and functions, then match the functions to
the appropriate roles (more than one role may be related to the same

Roles: a) Diagnostician b) Planner c) Manager d) Provider

1. To find out (as far an as consistently as possible) the needs, interests, language
difficulties and preferred learning styles of the students.
2. To cater for these (as far as group exigencies allow).
3. To foster a group feeling (cooperation, liking, common aims, mutual confidence
4. To ensure that the learners have clear short and long-term learning objectives.
5. To assess the progress of individuals and the class as a whole.
6. To ensure that learners are aware of this progress.
7. To encourage students to take responsibility for their learning.
8. To vary the patterns of interaction within the lesson according to the precise aims and
the nature/feeling of the group.
9. To ensure that the students find their involvement sufficiently challenging.
10. To analyse and present realistic ‘chunks’ of the target language for students to process.
11. To select and introduce activities and materials for language work.
12. To help students develop positive, individual strategies for learning.

TASK 5: (individual work, then whole class wrap up)

In the light of your experience, list some characteristics of ‘good learners’

Bird, K. (1993) •earner development, teacher responsibility. English Teaching. Forum. 31/4.
Davis, C et al.(1994) Helping learners and teachers understand learning styles. English Teaching Forum.
Finocchiaro, M. And M. Bronomo.(1973) The Foreign Language Learner: A Guide for Teachers. New York:
Regents Publishing. Ch.9
Nunan, D. (1991) Language Teaching Methodology: A textbook for Teachers. Prentice Hall.
Parrott, M. (1993) Tasks for Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press.
Wajnry, R. (1992) Classroom Observation Tasks. Cambridge: CUP. Chaps 4, 6.
Wright,T.(1987) Roles of teachers and learners. Oxford University Press.



1: Knowledge of subject matter, mastery of target language. lesson planning, etc.

2: A certain code of behaviour to be established from the beginning.
3: Learning from others, inhibited, introvert students unlikely to participate, attention

4: Affective filter to be considered.
5: Improvisation may not pay off.
6: As 2 above
7: T.T.T versus S.T.T
8: Nature of activities. Introverts with extroverts
9 and 10: Answers will vary.

a) Individual work:
Advantages: Individual capacities tried out., lower affective filter, independent learning...
Limitations: Passive learners, slow pace of learning.....
b) Pair work:
Advantages: Interaction fostered. cooperative learning...
Limitations: Use of L1 reliance on others, encourages laziness...
C) Group work:
Advantages: Interaction fostered, learning strategies developed, confidence...
Limitations: Use of L1, reliance on others....

1: struggler, negotiator.
2: Experimenter.
3: Path follower, negotiator.
4: Negotiator, researcher.
5: Path follower, obeyer.
6: Researcher, negotiator.

The examples offered here give little provision for the learner as sponge. explorer or
initiator. This begs the question of activities and approaches which favour these roles.
Learners act as explorers when they are encouraged to pursue individual interests, with
little guidance and report back to the class. Learners are initiators when there is a
pleasure to respond to initiatives from other learners. They act as sponges when they are just


Diagnostician: 1, 5, 12..
Planner: 2, 4, 9, 11, 12.
Manager: 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12.
Provider: 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Other possible roles: entertainer - friend - judge – disciplinarian - police officer - facilitator -
Listener - counsellor - helper - leader - adviser - expert - encourager – resource - provider of
Feedback - competent - speaker of target language - observer - monitor - researcher - patient.

TASK FIVE: Good learners

- Communicate at every opportunity (inside and outside the classroom)

- Actively involved in learning activities.
- Negotiate, make suggestions about texts, tasks and methods.
- Share knowledge. experiences, feelings, reactions
- Respect the individuality of others.
- Live with uncertainty and take risks.
- Learn from attempts at communication.
- Accept correction from both teacher and classmates.
- Seek guidance.
- Look for patterns in the language.
- Find ways of remembering new language.
- Use resources (reference books. library, pen-pals ...)
- Discuss problems.
- Share solutions.
- Evaluate materials and tasks.
- Evaluate own performance and progress.

Table of contents

Said Messaoudi
Delegation of Rabat

The participants will be able to:
1. Reflect on problems they have had with their students.
2. Suggest possible solutions to the problems.
3. Understand the importance of the first encounter with students.
4. Anticipate potential problems that may come up.
5. Discuss actions/decisions to take in the first encounter with students

TASK 1: (individual, then pair/group work)

Think critically of your teaching performance and your relationship with your students this
What problems have you encountered? What do you think were the reasons? Then discuss
your problems with your colleagues and suggest possible ways to avoid them.


- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

TASK 2: (group discussion)

Think of the next academic year and answer the following questions:

a. What information on students would you like to have prior to meeting them?
b. How would you enter the classroom?
c. What sort of topic might you begin with?
d. What rules might you establish and how would you set about this?
e. What kind of relationship would you like to see develop with your students
and colleagues?

TASK 3: (individual, then pair/group work)
Consider the following list of classroom rules: How effective are they? Which rules would you establish in
your classroom? Which do you consider inappropriate?

a. No talking when teacher is talking.

b. No disruptive noises.
c. Rules for entering, leaving and moving in classroom.
d. No interference with the work of others.
e. Work must be completed in a specified way.
f. Students must raise hands to answer, not shout out.
g. Students must make positive efforts in their work.
h. Students must not challenge the authority of the teacher.
i. Respect should be shown for property and equipment.
j. Rules to do with safety.
k. Students must ask if they do not understand.

TASK 4: (pair work followed by whole group discussion)

Look at the tables below. Table 1 contains actions that a teacher might take in a first lesson.
Table 2 on the next page contains beliefs which a teacher might have.
Match each action with a belief or beliefs, by writing the letter(s) of the belief(s) next to each


____________ 1. Establish a particular classroom atmosphere: co-operative and respectful.

____________ 2. Establish a code of classroom conduct (acceptable behaviour, etc.).

____________ 3. Learn about learners' expectations.

____________ 4. Present the course: point out important information about course content,
ways of working, assessment…etc.

____________ 5. Introduce yourself.

____________ 6. Learners introduce themselves, or each other, or learn something about each

____________ 7. Pre-test learners to assess their proficiency level.

____________ 8. Teach a typical lesson, saving unusual activities(introductions, etc.) for the
second lesson.


a. Learning means forming a series of good habits from the start.

b. Learners should understand what the course is about to be properly oriented and motivated to

c. Language is for communication, and learners should begin using a foreign language for this

d. Learners should take responsibility for their own learning.

e. A teacher must know something about her learners’ personal lives to make the class
interesting to them.

f. It is difficult and unnatural to work with strangers.

g. Learners' attitudes about the course will be formed quickly, by the end of the first lesson.

h. A teacher cannot teach learners properly unless she knows who they are and what their
needs are

i. Discipline is an important element in the classroom and learners should be shown that early on.

j. Learning should be fun in order to be motivating.

k. Learners should believe that their teacher is well-qualified and interesting.

TASK 5: (individual task, then group discussion)

Are there any other actions/decisions that you would take ?
What are the underlying beliefs ?


- -

- -

- -

- -

Table of contents

Omar Marzouki
Delegation of Kenitra

The participants will be able to :
1. Define the concept of lesson planning.
2. Identify the components of a lesson plan.
3. Design a reading lesson plan using a checklist.

TASK 1: (Brainstorming: individual / pair work followed by general discussion)

State what you understand by lesson planning in the space below, then share
your definition with partners.

TASK 2: (Group work followed by general discussion)

Read 5 hypothetical answers to the question: “Is it worth planning a lesson?”
► Which one of these answers you feel more comfortable with?
► What can be gained from lesson planning?

I think I don’t have

I always plan a plan; I
there’s place I always have
my lesson have no
for broad a plan I never
because it basis for
planning but because I teach
compels me lesson
not every think the according
to think single step evaluation.
through my teacher & the to my own
of the learners know plan ; I
aims and lesson.
objectives where they rely on the
and the steps are heading. TB plans.
in the lesson.


TASK 3: (pair work then whole class discussion)
Look at the two models below and discuss the characteristics of each.



TASK 4: (small group work followed by whole group wrapping up)

Make a list of the essential elements of a lesson plan; i.e. what a lesson plan
should include.

TASK 5: (group work followed by reports)

Use the following text and checklist to design a lesson plan format for a reading
lesson for a third year class.

Chernobyl used to be a little unknown town in the Ukraine in the south-west Soviet
Union. All that changed in 1986 when the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl that was used to
produce electricity exploded and killed 27 people.
Radiation from the nuclear reactor escaped and formed a radioactive cloud that was
carried across the Soviet Union and into Europe by the wind. As the radiation continued to
travel across Europe it fell on many more countries whenever there was rain.
In some parts of western Europe – north-west England for example- some farmers have
not been allowed to produce any milk or meat since the accident because of the risks of
contamination through the food chain. Radiation in the rain that fell on these farms,
particularly the milk-producing cattle and those kept for meat, are regularly checked for signs
of illness. Their milk and meat are destroyed as they contain levels of radiation that might be
dangerous to people. The same is true in other areas of western Europe. Farmers are waiting
for authorisation before they can start selling their produce again.
However, the situation for the people who lived around Chernobyl was and still is
much worse. Thousands have become homeless because of the high levels of radiation found
in their towns since 1986. Although only 27 people were killed in the explosion, hundreds of
people have suffered from illness caused by the radiation and children in the area are growing
up in the shadow of life-threatening illnesses.
The explosion has forced governments world-wide to rethink their energy policies. Is
nuclear power the answer to the energy crisis or does the answer lie with alternative energy
production ? If nuclear power had not been invented, would the world have been a better or
safer place ? Nuclear power is clean and more powerful than solar, wind and wave energy, but
is it too powerful and too dangerous ?



- State clear objectives.
- Know how much and what to teach.
- Think of how to teach the new lesson.
- Set the exact time for each activity.
- Anticipate unpredictable problems.
- Have in mind contingency activities.
- Begin with a warm up.
- Draw out passive knowledge from students (review).
- Announce to the students the general steps of the lesson.
- Contextualize language realistically through reading, listening, charts ...etc.
- Help students recognize new elements.
- Encourage students to be aware of the use of the new elements.
- Make sure the students account for the use of new elements (e.g. T/F + justification).
- Be ready to go back to the presentation phase in case of failure.
- Provide safe contexts for practice.
- Devise varied and motivating tasks.
- Help students identify rules.
- Help students organize new knowledge.
- Enable students to compare their results.
- Encourage self and peer correction.
- Promote negotiation among students.
- Set activities that promote communication.
- Establish a framework where the teacher’s role is to monitor the students’ work.
- Integrate skills .
- Check for learning.
- Plan (if necessary) remedial work in group hours.
- Link the lesson with future one(s) (e.g. homework)
- Spot the positive aspects of the lesson to adopt them.
- Identify problem areas in the lesson.
- Think of how to solve them.
- Be ready to implement new solutions in the classroom.
- Use a checklist to help you reflect on your lesson.

∗Source: A handout by A. Ouaakrouch and A. Oulbouch at the Inspectors’ meeting,
Kenitra March 1996

► What sort of lesson ‘notes’ will you actually carry out into the classroom ?
► Should the lesson plan be written down in a book or kept loose-leaf ?
► How neatly should a lesson plan be written down ?
► How will you react if the planned lesson ends earlier than expected ?
► What will be your reaction if your lesson is not completed as planned ?
► Any other questions ? ....................................................................................

Brown, D. H. (1994) Teaching by Principles. Englwood Cliffs. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Ch. 20.
Doff, A. (1988) Teach English : A Training Course for Teachers. Cambridge University
Gower, R. And S. Walter (1983) Teaching Practice Handbook. London: Heineman
Educational Books.
Ngongwikuo, J. (1990) “The need and Format for Planning English Language Lesson” in
English Teaching Forum. Vol 28/2.
Purgason, K.B. (1991) “Planning Lessons and Units” in Celce-Murcia, M. (ed.) Teaching
English as a second or Foreign Language. 2nd Edition. Newbury House.

Table of contents

Ali Bouddouch
Academy of Kenitra

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the main principles of lesson planning.
2. Identify the variables that should be considered to plan a lesson.
3. Identify the main components of a lesson plan.

Lesson planning is a prerequisite step for the achievement of the teaching and learning goals
and objectives. No teacher is therefore expected to step into the classroom and start teaching
without any preparation. Moreover, the demands on the teachers have been increased with the
implementation of the new textbooks which, unlike the previous ones, provide little guidance
on how to go about teaching every lesson of the book. This is positive aspect as it is likely to
free the teachers from the heavy reliance on ready made plans which may not satisfy their
objectives and the specific needs of their students.

TASK 1: (Group work then general discussion)

Why and when is lesson planning necessary?

TASK 2: (Pair work then general discussion)

Variety and flexibility are 2 fundamental principles of lesson planning. How can they
Be accounted for when planning a lesson?

TASK 3: (Jigsaw: teachers get into 3 groups each group discussing one item, then teachers
from different groups get together to discuss their answers.)
When planning a lesson, what might be considered with regard to

a. the profession:

b. the institution:

c. the students:

TASK 4: (Group work , then general discussion.)

What are the major components of a lesson plan?
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

TASK 5: (General discussion)

1. Is it necessary to prepare a careful and detailed lesson plan?
2. What reasons might there be for departing from a plan or even abandoning it?
3. How can a lesson plan be recorded?
4. Should old lesson plans be kept?

Harmer, J. (1991) The Practice of English Language Teaching. Singapour: Longman. ch. 11.
Ouaakrouch, A. And A. Oulbouch (1996) “Lesson Planning”. Inspectors’ Forum Document.
Parrot, M. (1993) Tasks for Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press.
Tahir, F. (1992). “Lesson Planning: a Plea” MATE Newsletter. Vol 14. Nov.


TASK 1: Why and when is planning necessary?

- Planning lessons ensures and enhances a systematic and balanced learning Process.
- It helps teachers develop their skills by constantly reflecting on their teaching practices and
on the contents of the lessons, and by so doing, question the assumptions and beliefs
underlying these.
- It helps teachers gain their students’ confidence.
- It develops and promotes self-confidence when using new and unfamiliar materials.
- When you have demanding classes.
- When the suggested plan in the textbook does not satisfy the needs of your students.
- It helps teachers evaluate their teaching practices and outcomes.
- Teachers usually look forward to trying out what has been prepared.

TASK 2: VARIETY and FLEXIBILITY are two fundamental principles of lesson
planning. How can they be accounted for when planning a lesson?
VARIETY means:
- Exposing the students to a wide range of different activities.
- Introducing them to a wide selection of materials.
- Making learning enjoyable and interesting.

- The ability to use a number of different techniques and not to be a slave of one approach or
- Adapting your teaching practice to any situations which are likely to arise during a class
session. Situations in which the teacher is sometimes required to abandon the plan
and do something else.

TASK 3: When planning a lesson, what variables might be considered with regard to
the profession , the institution, and the students?
a) The profession:
The teacher should
- know the language he/she teaches.
- know the educational goals, aims and objectives.
- Keep informed about the changes and innovations in ELT.
- Know what aids and teaching instruments are available and appropriate for the lesson.
- Have a repertoire of activities.
- Be able to use different groupings and class configurations.
b) The institution:
- The physical conditions of the classroom (chairs, tables, size of room, lighting, sockets
available ... etc)
- The restrictions and constraints regarding the availability of aids, class size ...etc.
- Familiarity with the textbook and the syllabus.
- The type of exams that the students will take and when.
c) The students:
- who the students are: age, sex, social background ...etc.
- What they bring to class: motivation and attitude, educational background, knowledge of the
world ...etc.
- Their needs and interests: why they are learning the language ...

TASK 4: What are the major components of a lesson plan?

a. Review of recent work.
b. Objectives: the teacher states clear objectives for the class.
c. Contents: this is the most detailed part of the plan
- Context: what the situation is (the context for teaching showing and asking for
directions might be a map.)
- Activity and class organisation: the teacher indicates the type of activity and the
working pattern for task execution: pair, group, lockstep ...
- Aids: the teacher indicates the kind of teaching aids he/she will be using (textbook,
pictures, tape recorder, blackboard ...)
- Language: the teachers states the language items to be introduced.
- Possible problems: the teacher anticipates problems the students are likely to face and
consider ways of solving them.

d. Additional possibilities: extra activities if the lesson ends earlier or if an activity has to
be stopped because it is not working well.
e. Follow up: homework to test out if the stated objectives have been achieved.

TASK 5: Discuss the following questions related to lesson planning:

1. Is it necessary to prepare a careful and detailed lesson plan?
2. What reasons might there be for departing from a plan or even abandoning it?
3. How can you record your lesson plan?
4. Should old plans be kept.

Table of contents

Aomar Ouaakarrouch
Delegation of Rabat

The participants will be able to:
1. See the relevance and effectiveness of task-based group work.
2. Reflect on and discuss suggested classroom activities.
3. gain confidence in using group work activities.
4. evaluate tasks and learners performances/roles.


Activity 1: What shall we build?
The local municipality members intend to construct a building in an empty area in the city.
So, they invite the following people to discuss and agree on what will be built: an ecologist, a
sports person, a business person, a housing consultant, ...

Activity 2: What is the story?

One student goes to the front of the class and says: "I read a very interesting story". The other
students and the teacher ask him/her questions to know more about the story. The student
does not give any details except in response to questions, e.g. "Who are the characters? What
are their names? Where did X get the gun? etc."

Activity 3: How can I get to …?

Student A: You want to go to the following places: the cinema, the market, the post office,
the stadium … Use the following expressions to ask student B to show you the way:
Please, can you tell me how …?
How can I get to …?
Can you help me find …?
Where is …, please?
Student B: You have a map with the places student A wants to go to. Use the map and the
following expressions to show him/her how to get to the places:
Go straight ahead, then turn …
Turn left on Wall Street, then …
It' a long way from here, but you …
Go past the train station, …

Activity 4: All the students draw the chart below and fill it in:
Places you must go to Things you needn't do people you should listen to
………………………….. ………………………. …………………………….
………………………….. ………………………. …………………………….
………………………….. ………………………. …………………………….

• Use the information in the chart to converse with your partner.

Example: A: I must go to hospital
B: Why?
A: Because I want to have a chest X-ray.

TASK 1: (group work followed by reports)
Fill in the chart below, then, in groups, compare your answers.
How can you account for the similarities and/or the differences?
Activities working mode skills used Learner's role Teacher's role
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4

TASK 2: (group work followed by reports)

To what extent do the suggested activities (1,2,3 and 4) reflect principles of
communication? Put a check in the appropriate column, then compare and
discuss your answers.

Principles of communication 1 2 3 4
1. Cooperative social climate
2. Information gap
3. Use of free language
4. Learner involvement
5. Learner creativity
6. Integration of skills
7. Feedback from peers

TASK 3: (group work followed by reports)

At what lesson stage can the suggested activities be implemented to make a
lesson of grammar or functions more communicative? Give your reasons.

Lesson Stage Activity Reasons



Receptive practice

Productive practice


Follow up

TASK 4: (pair/group work followed by general discussion)
What are the advantages and/or limitations of task-based group work ?


Breen, M . (1987) “Learner contribution to task design” In Candlin and Murphy (eds.) Language Learning Tasks
. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Long, M. (1985) “A role for instruction in second language acquisition” In K Hyltenstam and
M. Pienemann (eds.) Modelling and Assessing Second Language Acquisition. Clevedon Avon:
Multilingual Matters.
Nunan, D. (1989) Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Cambridge: CUP.
Richards, et al. (1986) Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics. London: Longman.
Skehan, P. (1996) “A framework for the implementation of task-based instruction.” Applied Linguistics.
Vol.17/1. pp. 39-62.
Willis, J. (1996) A Framework for Task-Based Learning. London: Longman.

Table of contents

Abderrahim Oulbouch
Delegation of Rabat

The participants will be able to:
1. Do suggested grammar tasks and reflect on them.
2. Discuss the underlying principles of the procedures adopted.
3. Design/discuss similar tasks.

TASK 1: (individual work followed by pair/group work)

The following is an interview between a journalist and an Information
Technology engineer about a new telephone Pay Card.
Match the journalist’s questions with the engineer’s answers.

The journalist’s questions :

a. How do you know what the balance of your Pay Card account is ?
b. Who is the new card for? Is it aimed at tourists or the general business
c. What is the difference between the new Pay Card and ordinary phone

Journalist : ……………………………………………………………………?
Engineer : The Pay Card is not designed for public telephones only; you can
use it with any phone, for example in a hotel. Each Pay Card has an account
number on the back, and that is a bit like a bank account. This account is
credited with money from your Visa card or Access card. When you want to
make a call, you ring the pay card operator, and then you are connected with the
number you want. The cost of the call is deducted from your Pay Card balance.

Journalist: ……………………………………………………………………?
Engineer : At the beginning of the call, you are told by the operator, for
example, that you have £15 in the account, and you can talk as long as you like.
And if the money runs out, you are warned that you only have one minute left.

Journalist: ……………………………………………………………………?
Engineer : Business people will find it very useful. Business people often
complain that they are charged too much for phone calls at hotels. With this
system, you can use the hotel phone, but the cost of the call is not put on your
hotel bill. It is taken from the balance in your Pay Card account, so of course it
is much cheaper and more convenient, and you can use almost any phone

TASK 2: (individual work followed by pair/group discussion)
Select parts from the interview that match the following sentences and do the
tasks below.

1. a. ……………………………………………………………………………….
b. Engineers do not design the Pay Card for public telephones.

2. a. ……………………………………………………………………………….
b. The Pay Card operator connects you with the number you want.

3. a. ………………………………………………………………………………
b. Telecom charges business people too much for the calls at hotels.

•Underline the subject in each of the six sentences above.

•Underline all the verbs in the sentences.
•What do you think is the difference between a and b in 1, 2 and 3 above.

TASK 3: (pair work)

•Read the numbered sentences below, then decide if they should be followed
by sentence a or sentence b. Tick the correct answer.
1. Roche is one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical groups.
a. It manufactures vitamins, perfumes, and antibiotics.
b. Vitamins, perfumes, and antibiotics are manufactured by it.

2. British Airways is the second oldest international airline.

a. The British government currently owns it.
b. It is owned by the British government.

3. These days, people avoid taking exercise.

a. Labour-saving machines surround them.
b. They are surrounded by labour-saving machines.

• Diana works in the Personnel Department. She is explaining how candidates

are selected in her company.
Read Diana’s explanation and complete the sentences on the next page to
give a general description of the recruitment process.

"If there's a vacancy, I usually advertise it in-house first of all, and if I don't find
any suitable candidates, then we advertise the job in the papers. We ask applicants
to send their CVs and we invite some candidates to have an interview. After that
we draw up a short list and ask some of the applicants back for a second
interview. We choose the best candidate. And then I check his or her reference.
And if everything is OK, we offer the applicant the job."

1. The vacancy …is advertised in-house.
2. Applicants …………………………………………………
3. Some candidates …………………………………………..
4. A short list ………………………………………………...
5. The references …………………………………………….
6. Selected candidates ……………………………………….

TASK 4: (individual/pair work)

Write a short letter to your English pen friend, telling him/her about
what happens in the throne feast in Morocco.

Dear …………
As promised I'm writing to inform you about what happens in the throne feast here
in Morocco. Before the day of the feast, the cities witness remarkable changes: the
houses in the main streets are whitewashed, the flags …………………… and
banderols ……………………… On the day of the feast, …………………………
Besides,…………………………….and ……………….………………………….
Late in the morning, the King's speech ……………………..on TV.
That's all for now, in my next letter, I'll tell you about other Moroccan customs.
Take care.

Table of contents

Abderrahim Oulbouch
Delegation of Rabat

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss different ways of teaching vocabulary.
2. Reflect on suggested vocabulary learning tasks.
3. Discuss the underlying principles of these tasks.
4. Design/discuss similar tasks.

BRAINSTORMING: (pair work followed by group discussion)

The following are some of the ways teachers deal with vocabulary.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with them ?

a. “Can you use this word in a full sentence ?”

b. “Are there any words you don’t understand ?”
c. “What’s the word for ‘convaincre’ ?”
d. “Learn this list of words by heart.”
e. “Read the words in this list and explain them.”
f. “Now, let’s explain the key words in the text before you read.”
g. “It’s quicker if I explain vocabulary words myself.”

TASK 1: (individual then pair work followed by general discussion)

Read text 1 and fill in the table on the next page.

People all over the world have target word 1 harmful buying habits. For instance,
to save labour we buy domestic target word 2: refrigerators, microwaves, vacuum
cleaner, etc. and to save time, we eat both target word 3 and fast food. Sooner or later,
most things that we bring into our homes end up as garbage. Surveys have revealed that
in developing countries, the waste level in large cities is significantly higher than in
target word 4 areas.
The increase in rubbish target word 5 the environment in many ways. Forests
are cut down to make throwaway furniture. Burning plastic gives off toxic gases which
target word 6 the air.

What are the target What context clues helped What is the relationship
words? you guess the words? between the context clues and
the target words?

REFLECTING : (pair/group work)

What is the purpose of TASK 1 ?
Make a list of the principles of learner training addressed in TASK 1.

APPLICATION : (individual/pair work followed by group discussion)

Go through the text below and do the following tasks:
a. Select the words/expressions that meet the requirements
discussed in TASK 1 and list them in column 1. Then justify your
choice by filling in columns 3 and 4.
b. Write 4 sentences with gaps to enable the students to fill them in
with the words/expressions targeted in the text.
The honeybee has been one of mankind’s greatest friends for thousands of years. Bee
products have been used since ancient times as remedies for, among other things, colds,
bronchial complaints, eczema and rheumatic disorders. Their little-known properties can
boost the immune system and help keep viral infections at bay.
For centuries, pollen has been esteemed as a valuable nutrient by the Egyptians, Arabs and
the Chinese who use it as food and a medicine. Athletes of ancient Greece and Rome
consumed it in quantity to increase stamina and prolong youthfulness. Pollen also helps give
energy and build resistance to disease.
Typically, a hive of bees can gather over 60 lb of pollen each spring. They extract the
pollen brushing flowers with their hairy legs, to which the delicate particles cling. Grains
from each flower are mixed with a bit of nectar, formed Into a tiny ball, carried back to the
hive and served as food for the developing larvae.
Pollen is packed with vitamins including the complete B complex chain and A, C, D and
E. It also contains protein, natural sugars, biotin and folic acid. Although it is a cause, it can
be used to treat fever.
Probably the best-known and most frequently used bee product is honey.
Honey is a highly nutritious, high-energy food, which has many benefits, especially in
revitalizing you after illness or when you are run down. It can be useful as an antiseptic and
It is a healthy mix of pre-digested sugars, vitamins B and potassium. The sugars in honey
have calming effects, stimulating serotonin, which quitens brain activity and induces
relaxation and sleep. It may help to relieve the pain of headaches or arthritis.
(from Bridges: p 96)

TASK 2: (pair/group work)
Complete the following classroom task. The last column is reserved for the
Find in the text Words/expressions Words that helped The relationship
words/expressions in the text: you guess the between the context
that mean the same meaning: clues and the
as: words/expressions:

TASK 3: (pair/group work)

Write sentences with blanks to fit in the following exercise:

Exercise: Complete the following sentences with the words/expressions you found in the

a. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
c. …………………………………………………………………………………………….


Abderrahim Oulbouch
Delegation of Rabat


REFLECTING: (pair/group work)

Consider the tasks below and discuss:
a. The purpose of each task.
b. The underlying principle of teaching vocabulary implied in each task.
• The tasks are based on text 1 in Part One.

TASK 1: (pair/group work)

The word “large” appears in text 1. Knowing that there are many adjectives to
describe different degrees, from large to the largest, use your dictionary to
figure out the difference between the words below; then fill in the following

large – gigantic – grand – immense – huge – great – enormous – colossal


TASK 2: (pair/group work)

Find in the text all the words that have the same meaning as waste; then add
any other words you know.


TASK 3: (pair/group work)
The word “spoil” in text 1 can have different meanings. Write the letters of the
explanations next to the appropriate sentences.

____1. Burning plastic gives off toxic gases that spoil the air. a. bad
____2. We can’t go on a picnic because the weather is spoilt. b. treat too well
____3. Don’t spoil your child, use the stick and the carrot method. c. rot, decompose
____4. Put the fruit in the fridge; otherwise, the heat will spoil it. d. pollute
____5. The hotel promises to spoil its guests. e. treat well

Go back to text 1 and decide if the following words express positive, negative
or neutral meanings. Tick the right option.

TASK 4: (pair/group work)

harmful (par.1)
fast (par.1)
significantly (par.1)
developing (par.1)
increase (par.2)

APPLICATION: (pair/group work)

Use text 2 in part one to devise tasks similar to the ones above.
Devise a follow up activity for each of the tasks you suggest.

Table of contents

Mohammed Nahid
Delegation of Chefchaouen

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of vocabulary in ELT.
2. Discuss ways of selecting vocabulary.
3. Discuss techniques of introducing and recycling vocabulary.

TASK 1: (Small group work followed by general discussion)

Consider the following claims about the place of vocabulary in language teaching:
What issues do these quotations raise?
Which of them most reflect(s) your own view about the importance of

► There have been changing trends - from Grammar Translation to Direct method to
the Communicative approach - but none of these have emphasised the
importance of the learner’s lexical competence over structural grammatical
competence. (Summers)

►Functions without lexis are no better than structures without lexis. Referential
lexis is a vast field - it certainly makes up the bulk of the learning load for any
general purpose language course. (Swan)

►The more one considers the matter, the more reasonable it seems to suppose
that lexis is where we need to start from, the syntax needs to be put to the
service of words and not the other way round. (Widdowson)

►Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be
said. (Wilkins).

TASK 2: (Small group work followed by general discussion)
Consider the following criteria that have been proposed as bases for vocabulary
To what extent do you take these criteria into consideration when teaching
To what extent do you think these criteria are accounted for in the textbooks? (refer
to the textbooks you are using to give concrete examples?)


PRICE The ease/difficulty of learning and/or teaching

VALUE: The importance or utility for the learner

............................................................................... .............................................................................
- Frequency The most important words of a language are
deemed to be those that the learner will meet
most often
.................................................................................. .............................................................................
- Range more important words are those that occur in
more different contexts and varieties of English
.................................................................................. .............................................................................
- Learners’ needs The most important words are those that the
learner needs

TASK 3: (Group work)

A key moment in vocabulary teaching is when a new word is introduced to learners for
the first time. At the very least one meaning of a word and its spelling and/or sound shape
must come across [..] Usually the biggest problem is how to convey the meaning.

A. Consider the ways of meaning explanation described below

Non-linguistic: Translation: Target Language:
Pointing Mother tongue Synonyms
Miming French Opposites
using pictures, etc. Other Contextualization

- How often do make use of these techniques ?

- How efficient are they ? With what level (first, second, or third year) ?
- What are some of the pros and cons of using these techniques ?

B. Consider the views of these teachers

Teacher A: “I pre-teach some of the key words because this makes the subsequent task
more amenable.”
Teacher B: “I prefer to wait until problems arise because it is often uncertain which
words are going to be unknown.”
Teacher C: “I don’t explain new words at all. Instead, I supply the learners with extra
examples of the word in use, or helpful pictures if the basis for guessing
is thin in the original context.”
- Which of these views do you feel most comfortable with ?

TASK 4: (Group work followed by reports)
Good initial presentation is only a first step in the teaching of vocabulary. It
is clear from research on memory that one essential requirement for the
effective retention of vocabulary by learners is that the words must recur.
when the materials fail to “recycle” the vocabulary, the teacher can keep
track of the important vocabulary from past lessons and ensuring that it
comes up again in a variety of ways in language activities not just a week
later, but months later.

Consider these 2 types of activities to recycle vocabulary:

Games and exercises that focus on words overtly Tasks that closely simulate real-life use of
Separated from other aspects of language: language to communicate:
Anagram games Role plays
Crossword puzzles simulation
Synonym discrimination tasks

Choose a lesson from a textbook you are working with:

- Is the vocabulary in that particular lesson recycled ?
- If not suggest a follow-up procedure specifying the time and the activities to

Table of contents

Noureddine Bendouqi
Delegation of Taounate

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the underlying principles of listening.
2. Discuss their implications for classroom practice.
3. Design a lesson plan for the teaching of listening.

TASK 1: (pair/group work followed by discussion)

Discuss the following statements providing examples from classroom
practice when appropriate.
1. Listening is vital in the language classroom because it provides input for
the learner. Without understandable input at the right level, any learning
simply cannot begin.
2. Authentic spoken language presents a challenge for the learner to attempt
to understand language as is actually used by native speakers.
3. Listening exercises provide teachers with a means for drawing learners
attention to new forms (vocabulary, grammar, interaction patterns …) of
4. Listening can provide enjoyment, stimulate cultural interest, and
participation in the target culture. (via movies, radio, TV, songs, plays…).
(Adapted from Rost 1994)

TASK 2: (pair/group work followed by discussion)

Consider the following views about listening. Which speaker do you
agree with and why?
▪ I believe that listening is a sequential ▪ For me, listening is triggering a set of
process initiated by incoming input. schemas*.
▪ I take in raw speech (sounds, word parts…) ▪ This schema triggers our background
▪ I immediately try to organize this knowledge.
representation in parts. ▪ We have countless schemas available
▪ I construct meaning connection between to us in memory. In each schema, there
these parts. is stereotypical knowledge based on
▪ Then I continually build up a hierarchy of our experience and imagination.
these subsets of meaning. ▪ Speech perception is for language
▪ By combining sounds, we understand understanding.
words. ▪ The point at which the sound-meaning
▪ By combining words, we understand relations are established is the
sentences. lexicon**.
▪ By combining phrases and sentences, we ▪ I construct meaning out of the
understand ideas, and relationships and information provided by the sender.
hierarchies among ideas.

* A schema is an organizational system that is needed in order to make inferences.
** The lexicon is a complex of semantic, grammatical and phonological information.

TASK 3: (pair/group work followed by discussion)
Discuss the following variables that come into play while listening to a
piece of discourse. Are there any other factors that could be added to
the list?


▪ Intelligence ▪ Discussion topics

▪ Language facility: ▪ Speakers awareness of listener’s needs:
- accuracy and spontaneity. - amount of information listener has
- vocabulary stock. about topic.
- Anaphoric terms. - Educational and intellectual level of
- Knowledge of syntax. learner.
▪ Background knowledge of: - Listener’s interest in discussion
- Speech registers (formal, topics.
informal…). - Momentary fluctuations of attention.
- Non-verbal signals (facial ▪ Message clarity.
expressions, eye contact, body ▪ Context.
motions …).
▪ Motivation:
-It provides energy for directing
attention to task.
-It aids in information processing.

TASK 4: (individual then group work followed by general discussion)

The following are problems the students face in any listening task.
Rank them from 1 to 6 in terms of frequency of occurrence in your
classroom. Write the numbers in the space provided.

___ a. Native speaker speak too fast.

___ b. Native speakers swallow words.

___ c. Too much information is given.

___ d. Students are unfamiliar with the words.

___ e. The students are asked to treat spoken language as if it were written.

___ f. The students are asked to listen with a sustained level of attention
over several minutes.

TASK 5: (pair/group work)
From the list below, select the materials type that would be of most interest to
you and your students. Justify your choice.

1. Taped authentic conversations between native speakers, featuring expressions

such as ‘ordering food in a restaurant’.

2. Taped conversations that are simplified to allow for ease of comprehension.

3. Taped authentic broadcasts taken from TV or radio, featuring news or

documentaries on current topics.

4. Prepared broadcasts of news or documentaries that are simplified for ease of


5. Taped authentic films that are popular among native speakers.

6. Texts, dialogues, and conversations read by the teacher (within and outside the

7. Isolated words.

TASK 6: (pair/group work)

Match the subskills with the appropriate activities


1. Hearing prominent words. a. True / false statements.

2. Looking at lists of items, thoughts …etc
3. Guessing the meaning of unknown b. Carrying out actions.
4. Activating images or memories when we c. Role play / simulation.
listen to a story or description.
5. Relating linguistic cues to paralinguistic d. Predicting / speculating.
cues (intonation and stress) and to non-
linguistic cues (body language) in order e. Text completion (gap-filling)
to construct meaning.
6. Reformulating what the speaker has f. Previewing language.
7. Recalling important words, topics and g. Following a route.
8. Identifying functions (such as giving h. Completing grids
directions, apologizing …etc.).

TASK 7: (pair/group work)
The following are scrambled steps of a listening comprehension lesson. Put
them in the correct order.

___ a. Make the students listen to a dialogue or conversation on tape.

___ b. Present them with a reading text (or conduct an informal talk or discussion)
___ c. Make them read through questions (to be answered while listening).
___ d. Make them fill in a chart/form or match pictures with what they heard.
___ e. Make them do role play/simulation activities (or extend notes into written
___ f. Make them look for specific items of information.
___ g. Ask them to identify relationships between speakers.
___ h. Preview language.

TASK 8: (Pair/group work followed by reports)

How can listening be integrated with other skills?
Suggest activities integrating reading, speaking, and writing.




TASK 9: (group work followed by reports)

Use the ‘text’ provided by the trainer to design a plan for a listening
comprehension lesson.

Table of contents

Mohammed Hassim
Delegation of Ouarzazate

The participants will be able to:
1. Discuss and understand some general and basic principles and techniques of
using the VCR in language teaching.
2. Make use of the video in the classroom with some basic pedagogical and
technical knowledge.
3. Discuss some possible activities for video lessons.

BRAINSTORMING: (Group work followed by general discussion)

1. Read the quote below and answer the following questions:

•What are the differences between the VCR and other teaching aids (pictures,
textbooks, audio-cassette recorder, newspapers, readers, etc.)?
•What is the rationale behind the use of the VCR in language teaching?

“Video can provide unique kinds of teaching. It can extend

learners’ access to English and its uses by presenting a greater variety of
speakers in a wider range of contexts than can be convincingly treated in
the classroom or textbook. It can focus attention at work within whole
systems of interaction, including non-verbal communication; and it can
help supply the social and cultural background necessary for the
language to be understood fully. The narrative interest of television can
motivate learners to watch, to find out ‘what happens next’, and thus
sharpen their determination to understand. The ability of television to
focus closely on details and to show the telling moment can also make the
meaning of difficult language immediately clear. Powerful images,
suspense, visual comedy, animated cartoons and the activities of familiar
characters will all make people want to watch and learn.”
(Walton 1988:2)

2. How can the VCR be used as a language teaching aid?

List possible Video techniques that can implemented in the classroom.

TASK 1: (pair/group work followed by general discussion)
Below is a list of 6 video techniques. What are the possible pedagogical implications &
objectives of each technique?

Videos can generally be presented in 6 forms:

1. With sound only (sound on / vision off: only listening with the screen covered
with a cloth, a newspaper or by using the test button at the back of the VCR if
2. Without sound (sound off / vision on: silent viewing).
3. Right through from beginning to end (complete viewing: sound and vision on).
4. In parts (jumbling sequences).
5. Freeze-frame (motionless pictures: pause control).
6. Split viewing(jigsaw-viewing: some of the class listen without watching while the
others listen and watch).

TASK 2: (pair/group work followed by general discussion)

Read the following statement and discuss its implications for using the
VCR in the classroom.

Active viewing and the notion of viewing comprehension:

Preparation for ‘viewing comprehension’ is not different from other lesson
preparation (e.g. reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, etc.),
but the viewing medium should be emphasised, as well as the motivational power
that characterises video materials.
Viewing should not be introduced for its own sake, but it should be an active one
through the presentation of tasks and activities that help learners understand, and
guide their viewing and comprehension. So, to foster active viewing, three types of
activities can be integrated in the lesson: pre-viewing activities, (while) viewing
activities, and post-viewing activities.

TASK 3: (pair/group work followed by general discussion)

The following are factors that should be considered when selecting a
sequence for language teaching. Discuss each factor giving appropriate

level interest, flexibility, suitability of language and subject matter

purpose active viewing, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, the four skills,

cross-cultural concerns, testing, etc.
sequence type drama, documentaries, TV commercials, the news, ELT materials,
specialised material, off-air/self-recorded material
a meaningful unit, flexibility (the shorter, the better)
“…long enough to convey meaningful content, yet short enough to
sequence length allow classroom time for pre-viewing, viewing and post-viewing
activities.” (Stoller, 1990:12)

activities + number of viewings (teachers should make use of the
activity time video counter to specify different stops)

integrating pre-viewing / viewing / post-viewing activities into the

preparation lesson.

TASK 4: (pair/group work)

Consider the adapted five-stage lesson preparation diagram below.
How does it compare to a usual reading/listening lesson structure?


Anticipate Present

Practice Reinforce Consolidate

(Bouman 1990:9)

TASK 5: (pair/group work followed by general discussion)

Read the following list of activities, then put the activities under the
appropriate headings in the table below. Some activities are suitable for
only one stage, others may fit in more than one slot. In the latter case
justify your answer.

1. discussion of the video title 15. jigsaw viewing/listening

2. information gathering 16. blank-filling.
3. setting the scene 17. pre-viewing questions
4. discussion/debate 18. directed listening/viewing
5. film summary reading 19. true/false
6. putting the scenes in chronological order 20. using notes for writing practice
7. matching exercises 21. brain-storming activities
8. film interruptions 22. role-plays/simulation games
9. a list of characters 23. freeze-frame
10. film summary writing 24. paragraph organisation
11. note-taking 25. completing cloze dialogues
12. prediction/guessing 26. comprehension check
13. alternative endings 27. dictionary/vocabulary work
14. setting a task for viewing 28. comparison with native culture


Bouman, L. (1990) “Veni, video, vici : video in language teaching,” English Teaching Forum. April 28/2.
Cooper, R, M. Leavery, and M. Rinvolucri (1991) Video. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Horner, D. (1993) “The sound of music: some pedagogic principles for using songs in class” Modern English
Teacher.2/3 July. Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Lonergan, J. (1984) Video in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Murphey, T. (1992) Music and song. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ministere de l’éducation nationale (1996) Recommandations pédagogiques et programmes de
l’anglais dans l’enseignement secondaire. Casablanca: Imprimerie les éditions Maghrébines.
Stempleski, S. and B. Tomalin (1990) Video in action. Prentice Hall International Group.
Stoller, F.L. (1990) “Films and videotapes in the content-based ESL/EFL classroom” English Teaching
Forum. October 28/4 .
Tomalin, B. (1990) Video in the English class. BBC English.
Walton, P. (1988) BBC video courses 1988. BBC English.

Table of contents


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