Week 5
Week 5
Week 5
Attainment Targets:
1. Give and receive information
2. Know and use basic language skills and the conventions of spoken and written language
Attainment Target:
Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment.
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Read grade level texts in phrases
Content: To understand what we read we must be able to call the words accurately and read at a
speed that is not too fast or too slow. It is also important we use the sound of our voice to help
the listener to understand what we read (expression). By doing all of these things our reading
becomes clear. When we read clearly and accurately we call it fluency.
Skill: Reading in phrases
Materials: Phrase strips with phrases from story, pocket chart, Literacy 1-2-3 reader “Careful
and Carefree”, flash cards, phrase cards, Passage for Reader’s Theatre
Strategies: Echo Reading, Paired Reading, Readers’ Theatre
Procedure/ Activities
Engage: Read a sentence, first, word by word, then in phrases to students.
a. I do not play
b. I do not play with anything
c. I do not play with anything that could be bad
d. I do not play with anything that could be bad for me
Explore: Ask students to tell which reading was easier to understand and why. Confirm correct
answers and state reason(s).
Explain: Give an explanation of fluency in reading (see content) to pupils.
Display the sentence cut into phrases in a pocket chart.
Model fluency by reading to and with pupils, sweeping fingers under each phrase (I/ do not
play /with anything /that could be bad/ for me).
Elaborate: Display a phrase pyramid and have pupils read and predict what will come next in
the pyramid; display the phrases in the following order.
Read the completed sentence and direct pupils to listen for the pauses (I do not play/ with
anything/ that could be bad/ for me.)
Students will practice by reading sentences in phrases as modelled by teacher.
Evaluation Activity: Assessment: The teacher and students will practice phrasing by echo
reading the first or a few pages of the book, Careful and Carefree. (Students will follow in their
little books)
Procedure/ Activities
Engage: Students will say the jingle entitled “Reading is Fun”. Lesson will commence with a
riddle in order for students to state what they think the passage will be all about. Teacher will
say ‘Riddle mi dis riddle mi dat guess mi dis riddle and perhaps not’; I wear a white coat and
black pants and I carry a stethoscope around my neck. Expected Response: Police Man. The
title will then be written on the board.
Explore: A KWL chart will be drawn on the board. Students will complete the ‘K’ aspect of
the KWL chart. After that a discussion will ensue. They will then discuss what they would want
to learn. They will then fill out the ‘W’ aspect.
Explain: A vocabulary activity will be played. Teacher will use flash cards so that students can
become familiar with words before reading.
Elaborate: Students will then be instructed to read the passage as whole class, paired and
individually. Questions will be asked in between reading. After reading students will complete
the ‘L’ aspect of the chart.
Evaluation Activity: Assessment: Write one sentence about why doctors are important.
Sentence Stem: Doctors are important because……………………………………
Name: Miss Morris
Grade: Two
Subject: Reading
Duration: 1Hour
Day 4
Attainment Target:
know and use basic language and the conventions of spoken written language.
Respond critically and aesthetically to literature and other stimuli.
General objectives:
1. Know about the body parts
2. Show awareness and appreciation of their body parts
3. Tell the functions of the body parts
4. Give and receive information
5. Demonstrate motor movements successfully which are appropriate to grade level
Key vocabulary: skeleton, bones, joints, short, long, framework bend, Organ, inside, outside,
brain, head, skull, face, hand, feet, upper, lower, internal, external, function, nerves, senses, heart
Skills: observe and compare bones, list words, draw, dramatize
Materials: video YouTube video, computer/TV/, (songs, music), drums, picture/model of
skeleton, word cards, chart, “My Body” workbook pages 1
Key vocabulary: skeleton, bones, head, skull, neck, shoulder, ribs, joints, short, long,
framework, bend, protect, posture, skipping, walking, running, pretend, straight, muscle
Content: Your brain controls your movements. When your brain is healthy, it can send
messages to your muscles to tell them to work with your skeleton so you can move about. When
your muscles are healthy, they can receive the messages from the brain. Remember, our skeleton
helps us to move. We are able to move because of our muscles pulling on the bones of our
skeleton. Our heart pumps blood to our muscles. Our brain controls how all these parts work
together. A dance pattern is the set of different body shapes and body movements that we can do.
We can make different shapes with our body (curved shapes, straight shape, circular shapes….)
Day: 1
Topic: - Organs working together
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Describe how the brain, heart and skeleton work together
2. Retell religious and other stories related to how the parts of the body work
3. Draw a picture of the brain, heart and lungs
Engage: Introduce the topic for the lesson. Encourage students to watch You tube video
“Fingers and Thumbs keep moving….” They will imitate actions in the video and sing along. At
the end of the song, they will talk about the different body parts moving and working together.
Explore: Share with students that organs work together to perform their special functions.
Display word cards for brain, heart and lungs. Students will spell the words and recall their
function. They will say why they think the organs should work together. Students will be
selected at random to say what will happen if the organs were not working together. Have
students recall the functions of the skeleton and how it works with the brain, heart and lungs.
Explain: Teacher will emphasis the importance of organs working together. Students will listen
to the story “Organs working Together” Text, “Inside My Body” page 113. Students will be
allowed to ask questions and teacher will provide answers and clear up misconceptions.
Elaborate: Students will listen to or read clues in their groups to find the correct organs. Page
115- workbook. For example, Clue 1- Organ that pumps blood around our body. (The heart).
Evaluate: Students will label the picture of the brain, heart and lungs and label them. NB
Teacher will guide students.
Name: Miss Morris
Grade: Two
Subject: Integrated Studies
Duration: 1Hour
Unit Title: My Body (11)
Focus Question: What do I need to know about my Brain, Heart and Skeleton
Day: 2
Topic: Our movement
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate the flexibility of the skeleton as they move the body in different ways to
beats of the drum and rhythms
2. Tell at least two functions of the skeleton
3. Identify at least three organs in the human body.
Engage: Students will join in with teacher to sing ““Fingers and Thumbs keep moving….”.
https://youtu.be/_PRBO_AdTjE They will do related actions.
Explore: Students will run, jump, skip and hop on the spot. They will make body shapes and
patterns (workbook page 16). Teacher and students will have a discussion about which organ
controls movements.
Explain: Teacher will display the picture of the brain and point out the area that controls
movement. The small, back part of the brain controls our movement and our balance. Our brain
controls our body. It gets messages from all our body parts. It sends messages to all body parts to
tell them what to do. When your brain is healthy, it can send messages to your muscles to tell
them to work with your skeleton so you can move about.
Elaborate: Students will do demonstrations to show how the skeleton helps the body to move,
stand straight and bend. Students will view chart with the skeleton. Discuss the different parts of
the skeleton which allow movement to take place. Students will do movements with their bodies
to show this (neck, shoulders, arms, legs…).
(protects, shape)
Explore: Students will use their body parts to do movement like animals. They will listen and
follow instructions before doing each action. For example, flap wings like a butterfly, leap like a
Explain: Have students recall how the brain and skeleton work together to produce different
movements. Students will tell what they think would happen if they did not have a skeleton. If
we had no bones or skeleton, our bodies would have no shape. Our bodies would shake like
slime or jelly. We would not be able to stand straight; walk or move around like we are doing
now. Our skeleton gives our body its shape.
Elaborate: Students will read information from text (page 97) about the skeleton and its
movement. Students will tell what they understand from the text. Students will then do activities
such as raising and lowering their hands and bending their knees. They will use play dough to
make bodies without bones/skeleton and talk about their model with each other.
Evaluate: In groups students will put together a 1min dance routine using clap hands, swing
arms, shake hips, bend knees and touch their toes.
Rubric: Grade students based on the actions done in the specified time. Rate the routine from 1-
5, with 5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest.
5 4 3 2 1
Students used Students used Students used Students used Students
one minute and one minute and more than one more than one misunderstood
did all actions did some minute and did minute and did the instructions
actions. all the actions some actions. given.
Name: Miss Morris
Grade: Two
Subject: Integrated Studies
Duration: 1Hour
Unit Title: My Body (11)
Focus Question: What do I need to know about my Brain, Heart and Skeleton
Day: 4
Topic: The body as a community
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Describe how the brain, heart and skeleton work together
2. Retell religious and other stories related to how the parts of the body work
Engage: Students and teacher will sing the song “The More We Work Together”.
Students will find a partner and do the actions.
Explore: Teacher and students will talk about the importance/benefits of working co-operatively
in groups, at home, at school and in their community e.g. Football teams, athletes on a relay
team, groups in school, church choirs, youth clubs.
Explain: Teacher will share the Bible story “The man who could not walk” on page 111 in the
workbook. At the end of the story allow students to answer this question; which organs and body
parts work together to make us able to walk? Teacher and students will be engaged in a
discussion about how working together results in unity and harmony in different situations. For
example, playing a game that requires you to have a partner and both students play together until
the game is completed. Discuss how working co-operatively is related to how the various parts of
the body work together
Elaborate: In groups students will write what they understand from the story “The man who
could not walk”.
Evaluate: Students will complete the activity on page 104 in their workbook.
Finish the sentence to tell how your body parts worked together in this activity.
Our________ controls our __________, muscles and ________, and makes them work together
so that we can _________.
NB Teacher will supply words
Explore: Students will play a group game “Ring around the Roses” and a partner game “Throw
and catch.
Explain: Teacher will engage students in a discussion about them working together in unity to
make things work. For example, playing a game that requires the help of others. The discussion
will continue making reference to organs working together to make our body work and stay
healthy. Information from the lesson content will be used to guide the discussion.
Elaborate: Students will say the poem “Shadow Dance” work book page 123. Students will be
given a question card in their group and they will work together to come up with the answer for
their questions.
Name: Miss Morris
Grade: Two
Subject: Language Arts
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Duration: 1Hour
Unit Title: My Body (11)
Focus Question: What do I need to know about my Brain, Heart and Skeleton
Topic: Speaking
Attainment Targets: - Communicate with confidence and competence for different purpose and
audiences, using SJE and JC appropriately and creatively.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
Listen to the ideas and opinions of others.
Express thoughts and opinions
Materials: Printed work sheet
Strategies: communication skills, and critical thinking
Procedure: Whole Group 1 [20 minutes]
Introduce the lesson by asking the class to think about lunch. Say something like, "Would
you rather play ball or stay in the class and read books? Why?"
Have students share their answers with a partner and ask a few students to share aloud
with the whole group.
Explain that they just shared an opinion, or how they feel about something and why.
Tell the students that today you will be reading aloud a story and asking students to share
their opinion, or how they feel about the story.
Pair work 1 (15 Minutes)
Introduce the vocabulary words for the lesson by providing student friendly definitions and
utilizing the accompanying glossary and visual vocabulary cards as a reference. Invite students to
share in their own words what each of the vocabulary words mean.
Whole Class Activity 2 (15Minutes)
Read aloud Mr. Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley. As you read, pause to notice the story pattern
and encourage the students to read it along with you (by prompting them). For example, "Can
you help me ____. No!"
Pair Work 2 (5Minutes)
Pair students up to share their opinion of the story.
Ask the following questions and allow time for student discussion:
I. How did Mr. Wolf's neighbors behave when he needed their help?
II. Do you agree with Mr. Wolf's decision to eat the pancakes himself?
III. Do you think he should have shared with his neighbors? Why/Why not?
Name: Miss Morris
Grade: Two
Subject: Language Arts
Strand: Word Recognition and fluency
Duration: 1Hour
Unit Title: My Body (11)
Focus Question: What do I need to know about my Brain, Heart and Skeleton
Topic: Context Clues
Attainment Targets:
Establish a concept of print and use a range of word recognition clues.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
Identify context clues in written texts.
Read sentences
Identify context clues
(A)dance (B)ate
Whole Class Activity 2 (15Minutes) Teacher will model how to use context clues to define
words. A brief story will be read to class. Teacher will find unknown words and use context to
determine meaning.
Pair Work 2 (5Minutes)
Students will then be asked to do the same for the two more words
A video will be shown to concretize the concept of using context clues to define words.
Discussion will ensue. https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v= 73 p_oKEYqTQ .
Name: Miss Morris
Grade: Two
Subject: Language Arts
Strand: Comprehension
Duration: 1Hour
Unit Title: My Body (11)
Focus Question: What do I need to know about my Brain, Heart and Skeleton
Topic: Sequencing Events
Attainment Targets: Read for meaning fluency and enjoyment of text using a variety of clues
to gain information and identify ideas and events.
Objectives: sequence events, pictures and information in stories or other texts.
sequence pictures
Use signal words to sequence story events
- JB Gets Ready for School by William Ziegler All About Story
- Sequence worksheets
- Glue Paper
1 2 3
4 5
Attainment Targets: Write sentences which are grammatically accurate and correctly
punctuated, using SJE and JC appropriately.
Objectives: Use appropriately personal pronoun in their first points of view.
Skills: Use personal pronouns
Procedures / Activities:
Whole Class Activity (1) 20 Minutes
1. Ask a volunteer to think of a sentence that uses the pronoun I. Write the sentence on the
whiteboard. Tell the class that I is a first-person pronoun. Explain that we use first-person
pronouns to talk or write about ourselves. Tell them that the other first-person pronouns
include me, we, and us as you write them on the whiteboard. Ask another volunteer to
think of a sentence using the pronoun me. Write it below the I sentence. Ask students
how they think I and me differ? If no knows, explain that I is the subject -- it does the
action, while me is the object -- it receives the action. Then ask volunteers to come up
with sentences using each pronoun.
2. Show the movie I Vs. Me on an interactive whiteboard or other large display for the
whole class once through without pausing.
Pair Work (1) 10 Minutes
1. Pair students and have them watch the movie again as they complete the Star Diagram
Graphic Organizer distribute the graphic organizer for students. Instruct partners to
pause the movie to write the grammatical rules for each of the four first-person pronouns.
Name: Miss Morris
Grade: Two
Subject: Language Arts
Strand: Writing
Duration: 1Hour
Unit Title: My Body (11)
Focus Question: What do I need to know about my Brain, Heart and Skeleton
Topic: Creating Advertisements/Posters
Attainment Targets:
1. Give and receive information.
2. Write to narrate, persuade and for a range of transactional purposes.
3. Know and use the basic conventions of the spoken and written language.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Apply the last three steps in the writing process in the creation of an advertisement.
Materials: “The Yellow Gas Balloon” Read With Me, Literacy 1-2-3 Grade 2 Primary
Anthology, markers, pictures of leisure activities, sample of advertisement, individual
advertisement templates, Editing Checklist
1. The writing process involves five steps. These are first Pre Writing, Drafting, Revising,
Editing/Proofreading and Publishing. a. Revising.
This is the third step in the writing process. This is done after you have decided on
what you want to write and have completed a draft of your ideas. This is a time to
improve your writing. During this step you should:
c. Publishing
The fifth and last step is to publish your work.
Illustrate your writing.
Share your writing.
Display your writing in the classroom.
(Source- http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/j/writingprocessl.cfm)
2. An advertisement is something (such as a short film or a written notice) that is shown or
presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement. (Merriam
Webster Dictionary)
1. Students will be given a copy of the Editing Checklist and a sample of an advertisement.
They will be asked to use the checklist to evaluate the sample given and to make
suggestions to the group members on how to improve the advertisement, e.g. bigger
letters, neater writing etc.
2. Students will be asked to re- create the advertisement given incorporating the suggestions
they made.
Whole Class Activities [15 minutes]
1. Complete final editing of advertisements using checklist and place on class notice board
It’s Fun
Date: _____________
Time: _____________
Place: ____________
Venue: ____________
Activities: Student will repeat the poem” I’m special” Students and teacher discuss poem. They
will then state the things that make them special and different.
The differences between two students at the front of the classroom (height, age, size) will be
discussed. Class will repeat quotation. Class will discuss quotation, then repeat, Class write
quotations in their notebooks.
Evaluation Activity: Assessment:
I. Students will give at least two sentences about what they think makes the special.
II. Students draw themselves as the profession they would like to be in the future
I. Injury
II. Lack of Physical activity
III. Poor diet
IV. Poor sleep
V. Dehydration
Evaluation Activity: Assessment: Students will talk about their personal experience about
factors affecting fitness performance.
NAME: Miss Morris Subject: Health & Family Life
Date: Grade: 2
Theme: Self and Interpersonal Relationships Topic: Learning about Myself
Duration: 1 hour
General Objective: Students will understand more about themselves.
As the teacher reads out characteristics of people students will move to the boxes that best
describes them and shout out what is written in the boxes. At the end of the game students will
write one thing they know about themselves. Students will then discuss in groups what
appreciation means and ways in which they show appreciation for self.
Sam went on a class trip to the botanical garden. When he arrived, his teacher noticed that he
could not stop sneezing and his eyes were swollen to the point where he could not see. Sam
was allergic to some of the plants there but did not know.
Pat was lost and went to the police station for help. The police officers asked her for her full
name, her parents’ names and their telephone numbers. Pat did not know the any of the
information the police asked for.
Mary entered a contest where she could win a million dollars but when asked what she was
good at, she coud not answer and therefore could not win the money.
Students will then role play ways in which they can use self-awareness to help themselves.
They will use the appreciation signal throughout the role play to show that the appreciate
Evaluation: Students will be placed into pairs and conduct interviews as on a television show.
They will sit around a table and answer questions asked by their peers. They will then take
turns to ensure everyone get a turn at answering and asking questions. They will practice their
responses using the steps in self-awareness and the value appreciation. Rubric will be shared
with students on how to assessed each presentation.
Name/Group: _________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________
Criteria Rating
Students will use non-standards and/ or standard metric (Sl) units, instruments and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes and to compare and solve problems.
Estimate and measure distance and use these to solve related problems.
Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurement
Specific Objectives:
Students will read the poem and then do a role-play of the poem.
My sister is tall, tall as can be But I am short, O can’t
you see She can reach, reach O so high
But I have to sit, just sit and cry.
1. One person will stack 7 red connecting cubes on top of the desk
2. Another student will stack 12 yellow connecting cubes on top of the desk.
3. What is the relation of the two stacks of connecting cubes?
4. Use words to describe the two stacks of connecting cubes seen.
Task B
1. Lay nine (9)
white paper clips on top of the desk forming a line.
2. Lay fourteen (14) blue paper clips on top of the desk forming a line.
3. What is the relation of the two lines formed?
4. Use words to describe to describe the two lines.
Task C
Students will be given
the following
word cards with the following words.
taller longer shorter
Preselected objects will be place in a box in each group. For example: eraser, pencil,
sharpener, ruler, small book, etc.…
1. Students will select two objects from the box, observe and use the words from the word
cards (taller, longer and shorter) to compare each of the objects using complete
2. Explain your answer.
For example:
1. The _________________
is taller than the___________________.
2. The_________________
_ is longer/ shorter than
the .
Longer Taller
Pam is ___
SUE is ________ than Roy.
Estimate and measure distance, and use these to solve related problems.
Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
- Paper clips, pencil, string, index card, interlocking cubes, square tiles
Key Vocabulary:
Content Outline:
Measurement involves a comparison of an attribute of an item or situation with a unit that has
the same attribute. Lengths are compared to units of length.
Non-Standard unit is any unit or item that is not a standard metric or customary unit, which
can be used to measure something. For example, paper clips, blocks, finger space and hand
In groups, provide the students with three to five items such as an index card, a pencil, a paper
clip and a piece of string. They will then search (scavenger hunt) to find things that are of the
same length shorter or longer than the length of each item.
They will now display their items and the class says whether they are correct or not.
- Each group/pair will estimate then measure to show be asked to look at the given
item and guess/estimate approximately how many it will take to have the same length
as the pencil and record.
- They will measure the pencil with their item/object by lining them up end to end. -
Students will tell the number of items it took to measure the length of the
Based on the exploratory activity students will have a whole group discussion.
Guided Questions
- What have you observed in the responses/answers?
- Why did we get different answers?
- Is the measurement accurate if there are spaces between the objects used?
- Does it matter if we have the same unit when we are measuring something? Why or
why not?
Each child will be asked to draw a boat in his/her notebooks. They will then share the drawing
with their elbow partner, who will measure the drawing and record the measurement ensuring
that the unit is stated e.g. 5 paper clips, 8 square tiles etc. They will then make a comparison
with each other’s drawing for example which is taller or longer and by how many units.
Students will estimate and then measure items using paperclips and then record their responses
in a table. For example;
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: Term:
Day 4 & 5 Measurement 60 minutes 1
Estimate and measure distance, and use these to solve related problems.
Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
- Metre strips
- Centimetre/metre ruler
- Tape measure
- Paper clips of different sizes
- pencils
- Non- standard units such as: hand span, foot step, etc.
Key Vocabulary:
- Standard units
- Non- standard unit
- International standard units
- length
- metre, centimetre
Content Outline:
- Standard units of measurement are units of measurement that are typically used
within each measurement system.
- Nonstandard units of measurement are units of measurement that are not typically
used, such as a pencil, an arm, a toothpick, or a shoe.
- The International System of Units (SI, abbreviated from the French Système
international (d'unités)) is the modern form of the metric system and is the most
widely used system of measurement.
Students will be placed in small groups. Each group will be given a set of cards with
standards and non- standard units written on them. Students will place the words into two
groups: Used for Standard Measure or Used for Non- Standard Measure. Possible words are:
Foot, yarn, toothpick, pencil, paper clips, hand span ….
Metre, centimetre, kilogram, gram, millimetre, litre….
Students will give a reason for their choice of grouping.
Explore and Explain:
In the same group, each student will be asked to measure the length of a given object in the
classroom. Each member of the group will be required to measure the object using the same
standard (tape measure, centimetre ruler, metre ruler) and non- standard units (hand span, foot
step, etc.). The information should be tabulated.
Focus Questions:
- What do you notice when you use the non -standard unit then you use the standard unit
to measure?
- Which unit of measure is more accurate?
- Which unit of measure do you think is better to use; Standard or non-standard? Justify
your response.
Mark wanted a length of chain for his dog. He went to the store and ordered 20 hand span of
chain based on his estimation.
- Mary estimated the 20 hand spans of chain but it was way too short.
- John estimated the length of the chain was way too long.
- Paul estimated the length of the chain it still too short.
- The supervisor estimated the length of the chain also and it was too long.
His mother told him to use a metre stick to measure the length and he got 3 metres. He went
back to the store and ordered the 3 metres length of chain. The supervisor measured it and it
was exactly the length he needed.
Students will be required to discuss the scenario in their groups and answer the following
- Why do you think the length of chain that Mary and Paul estimated was too short?
(use of non-standard unit of measure should be highlighted in the discussion)
- Why do you think the length of chain that John and the supervisor estimated was too
- What do you notice when Mark got the exact length of chain he needed? (Use of
standard unit of measure should be highlighted in the discussion.)
Estimate then measure the lengths of these objects to the nearest centimetre a) your pencil b)
your shoe c) one of your textbook d) a piece of cord. Write your answer in the table below.
Without using a ruler, have students estimate and draw line segments of varied lengths. Then
measure the line segments with a ruler to the nearest centimetre.