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STANDARD 11073-91064

First edition

Health informatics — Standard

communication protocol —
Part 91064:
Computer-assisted electrocardiography
Informatique de santé — Communication entre dispositifs médicaux sur
le site des soins —
Partie 91064: Protocole de communication standard pour
l'électrocardiographie assistée par ordinateur

Reference number
ISO 11073-91064:2009(E)

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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E)

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved
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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E)

Contents Page

Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
4 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................ 3
5 Definition of the data contents and format ........................................................................................ 4
5.1 General considerations ........................................................................................................................ 4
5.2 Specifications for the data structure .................................................................................................. 5

5.3 Pointer section – Section 0.................................................................................................................. 8

5.4 Header information – Patient data/ECG acquisition data – Section 1........................................... 10
5.5 Huffman tables – Section 2................................................................................................................ 23
5.6 ECG lead definition – Section 3......................................................................................................... 24
5.7 QRS locations, reference beat subtraction zones and protected areas – Section 4 ................... 30
5.8 Encoded type 0 reference beat data – Section 5 ............................................................................. 32
5.9 Rhythm data – Section 6 .................................................................................................................... 34
5.10 Global measurements – Section 7 .................................................................................................... 36
5.11 Storage of full text interpretive statements – Section 8 ................................................................. 41
5.12 Storing manufacturer specific interpretive statements and data related to the overreading
trail – Section 9 ................................................................................................................................... 43
5.13 Lead measurement block – Section 10............................................................................................. 43
5.14 Storage of the universal ECG interpretive statement codes – Section 11.................................... 46
6 Minimum requirements for encoding and compression of the ECG signal data......................... 48
6.1 Scope and field of application........................................................................................................... 48
6.2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 48
6.3 ECG compression methodology ....................................................................................................... 49
6.4 Main results from investigations on ECG data compression in the SCP-ECG Project............... 50
6.5 Minimum requirements for ECG data compression........................................................................ 51
Annex A (normative) Encoding of alphanumeric ECG data in a multilingual environment ..................... 53
Annex B (normative) Definition of compliance with the SCP ECG standard ............................................. 66
Annex C (normative) Methodology and conformance testing of the recommended ECG signal
compression technique...................................................................................................................... 74
Annex D (informative) Definition of a minimum set of control and query messages for the
interchange of ECG data .................................................................................................................. 106
Annex E (informative) Standard low-level ECG-Cart to host protocol...................................................... 121
Annex F (informative) Universal ECG interpretation statements codes................................................... 132
Annex G (informative) Glossary.................................................................................................................... 154
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................... 156

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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 11073-91064 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 215, Health informatics.


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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E)

The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a recording of voltage changes transmitted to the body surface by electrical
events in the heart muscle, providing direct evidence of cardiac rhythm and conduction, and indirect evidence
of certain aspects of myocardial anatomy, blood supply and function. During its propagation to the surface,
extracardiac tissues may intervene and influence the ECG.

Electrocardiography has been used for many years as a key, non-invasive method in the diagnosis and early
detection of coronary heart disease, which is the leading cause of mortality in western countries. In 1993, it
was estimated that more than 100 million standard ECGs are recorded yearly in the European Community
(EC) for routine diagnostic and screening purposes at an estimated cost of more than 1,2 billion € per year.

Almost all newer electrocardiographs nowadays use digital recording, interpretation and communication
techniques. These stand-alone, microcomputer based machines can be connected to each other, and to
larger minicomputer-based management servers for long-term storage and serial comparison. To this end,
various manufacturers have used different techniques.

It is in the general public interest for users not to be restricted in their options by incompatible technical
features and services of different systems. ECG processing is increasingly being integrated with various other
data processing in health care. This evolution shall have considerable impact on the storage and
communication of ECG data. There are many different end-users who for different purposes (support of
patient care, management, research and education) want to obtain a copy of the signal data, of the
interpretive report and/or measurement results. Being one of the very first systems for medical decision
support, computerized ECG interpretation stretches from departments of cardiology in hospitals, to general
practitioners in primary care and health care centres. In life-threatening acute myocardial infarction, ECGs are
being used in ambulances by paramedical personnel to assess the necessity for administering thrombolytic
agents, with long-distance monitoring whenever possible.

To enable the exchange of information between various systems it was of utmost importance that a standard
communications protocol for computer-aided electrocardiography (SCP-ECG) had to be established, as
defined in this document. The primary aim of this document is to specify a data format for transferring ECG

reports and data from any vendor's computerized ECG recorder to any other vendor's central ECG
management system. The same standard should also allow standardized transfer of digitized ECG data and
results between various computer systems.

Under the standard communication protocol (SCP) the contents and format of the ECG waveform data and
the measurements from ECG devices of different manufacturers are not expected to be identical. As a result,
the determination of the suitability of a device and/or system for any particular application remains with the
user/purchaser. The following possible uses of ECG records require special attention:

⎯ serial comparison of ECGs and interpretations;

⎯ plot formats of ECGs;

⎯ maintaining audit trail of edits;

⎯ bi-directional communication and remote query.

The user is cautioned to make sure that the data contents and format of the waveform data, measurements,
and the interpretive statements meet his or her specific needs. If more than one type of ECG device and/or
database management system are interconnected, the user is also advised to verify with the manufacturers
that the data from different systems are compatible with each other and with the user’s needs.

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In order to understand this document, the reader needs some basic understanding of electrocardiology,
electrocardiography and signal processing.

This part of ISO 11073 relates to the conventional recording of the electrocardiogram, i.e. the so-called
standard 12-lead electrocardiogram and the vectorcardiogram (VCG). Initially, the electrical connections used
for recording the ECG were made to the limbs only. These connections to the right arm (RA), left arm (LA), left
leg (LL) and right leg (RL) were introduced by Einthoven. The electrical variations detected by these leads are
algebraically combined to form the bipolar leads I, II and III. Lead I, for example, records the difference
between the voltages of the electrodes placed on the left arm and the right arm. The unipolar
electrocardiographic leads (aVR, aVL, aVF and the precordial leads V1 to V6) were introduced much later,
starting in 1933. In these leads, potentials are recorded at one location with respect to a level which does not
vary significantly in electrical activity during cardiac contraction. The “augmented” limb lead potentials are
recorded with reference to the average potential of (L+F), (R+F) and (L+R) respectively. The unipolar chest
leads are recorded with reference to the average potential of which is called the Wilson “central
terminal” (CT). In vectorcardiography, recordings are made of three mutually perpendicular leads, running
parallel to one of the rectilinear coordinate axes of the body. The axes are the X-axis going right to left, the Y-
axis with a top to bottom orientation and the Z or front to back axis.

In some research centres, so-called body surface maps are obtained by placing many (from 24 to 124 or even
more) closely-spaced electrodes around the torso. This part of ISO 11073 has not been designed to handle
exchanges of such recordings, although future extensions could be made to this end. This part of ISO 11073
has also not been designed to exchange specialized recordings of intracardiac potentials or of the so-called
Holter or other long-term ECG recordings made for monitoring cardiac rhythm. This part of ISO 11073 also
does not address exercise ECG recordings.

ECG computer processing can be reduced to three principal stages:

1) data acquisition, encoding, transmission and storage;

2) pattern recognition and feature extraction, i.e. ECG measurement;

3) diagnostic classification.

In each of these stages there are important needs for standardization and quality assurance testing. The
scope of this part of ISO 11073 is confined to the first of these three stages.

The various data sections that shall be transmitted by means of the standard ECG communications protocol
are defined in Clause 5. Minimum requirements for data encoding and compression are defined in Clause 6.

The compliance categories defined in Annex B provide users and manufacturers of ECG devices and/or
systems with a relatively simple codification of SCP-ECG related features and information content that may be
provided by a specific device. Two data format categories have been defined based on information content as
in Table 1.

Table 1 — Data format categories for compliance specifications

Category Data sections required Content description

I 0, 1, [2], 3, 6, (7), (8), (10) Demographics, and ECG rhythm data (uncompressed or with
lossless compression)
II 0, 1, [2], 3, 4, 5, 6, (7), (8), (10) Demographics, ECG rhythm data (uncompressed, with lossless
compression or with high compression), and reference beats
NOTE 1 Square brackets [ ] indicate that data section 2 is required if Huffman encoding has been used.
NOTE 2 Parentheses ( ) indicate that these data sections are optional for export.

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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E)

A further category may be added in future versions in order to fulfil the specific needs of ECG devices used in
other applications (such as telemedicine or homecare).

All devices stating an SCP-ECG data format category shall import at minimum data sections 0, 1, 3, 6, 7 and
8. All categories may have additional sections added (e.g. 9, 10, 11). Manufacturer-specific data shall be
optionally included only in manufacturer-specific fields, bytes and data blocks that have been defined in the
document. Reserved, unspecified and undefined fields, bytes or data blocks shall not be used for
manufacturer-specific data.

For a particular device, an SCP-ECG compliance statement lists data format category(ies) for export
(i.e. acquiring and making available an SCP-ECG record) and import (i.e. accepting, and making available to a
user, an SCP-ECG record). A device may also state its ability to transfer (i.e. making available an SCP-ECG
record without changing its data format, for example, exporting a record that was previously imported). (These
terms are precisely defined in Annex B for the purpose of this part of ISO 11073).

The selection and definition of ECG-specific high-level syntaxes for transfer of messages and data host-to-
hosts, such as EDIFACT or ASN.1, are beyond the scope of this part of ISO 11073.


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Health informatics — Standard communication protocol —

Part 91064:
Computer-assisted electrocardiography

1 Scope
This part of ISO 11073 specifies the common conventions required for the cart-to-host as well as cart-to-cart
interchange of specific patient data (demographic, recording, ...), ECG signal data, ECG measurement and

ECG interpretation results.

This part of ISO 11073 specifies the content and structure of the information that is to be interchanged
between digital ECG carts and computer ECG management systems, as well as other computer systems
where ECG data can be stored.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO/IEC 646, Information technology — ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange

ISO/IEC 2022:1994, Information technology — Character code structure and extension techniques

ISO/IEC 4873, Information technology — ISO 8-bit code for information interchange — Structure and rules for

ISO/IEC 8859-1, Information technology — 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 1: Latin
alphabet No. 1

JIS X 0201-1976, Code for Information Interchange

JIS X 0208-1997, Code of the Japanese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

acquiring cardiograph
cardiograph recording the original ECG signal

bimodal compression
use of low pass filtering and sample decimation outside of a protected zone containing the QRS complex, with
no decimation or filtering within the protected zone, indicated by 5.9.3 byte 6

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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E)

process whereby a trained and experienced cardiologist reviews the computer-generated (or overread)
interpretation of an ECG in order to confirm the computer-generated (or overread) interpretation or to make
the final changes to the interpretation text

NOTE The confirmed ECG is the final clinically acceptable version for diagnosis and treatment.

CSE Project
project supported by DG XII of the European Commission aiming at the development of Common Standards
for (Quantitative) Electrocardiography

downsampling factor
decimation factor
factor that gives the reduction of samples in data sections where the sampling rate is reduced with reference
to the original sampling rate.

NOTE This applies for bimodal data compression.

EXAMPLE Original sampling rate 500 S/s (equivalent to a sample interval of 2 ms) is reduced to 125 S/s (equivalent
to a sample interval of 8 ms). The downsampling factor is then 4.

interpretive device
device (cart, computer) analysing the ECG signal

textual body of information

process whereby a cardiologist or a cardiology fellow reviews the computer-generated interpretation of an
ECG in order to verify the accuracy or to make changes to the interpretation text

NOTE An overread ECG is generally not the final clinically acceptable version for diagnosis and treatment. Usually,
the overreading process precedes the confirming process.

entire data file to be transmitted, including the ECG data and associated information, such as patient
identification, demographic and other clinical data

reference beat
reference/representative ECG cycle computed through any (but not specified) algorithm comprising the P,
QRS and the ST-T waves

residual data
remaining original ECG data after “proper” subtraction of the reference beat where the adjective “proper”
refers to accurate beat alignment

rhythm data
full original ECG data, or the decompressed and reconstructed ECG data at reduced resolution

NOTE Rhythm data is typically 10 s in length.

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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E)

aggregate of data elements related to one aspect of the electrocardiographic recording, measurement or

universal statement codes
ECG interpretation codes

See Annex F.

NOTE See Glossary in Annex G for other technical terms related to this part of ISO 11073.

4 Abbreviations
AAMI American Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation

AC Alternating current

AHA American Heart Association

AIM Advanced Informatics for Medicine Programmes of the European Commission Directorate
General XIII

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One

AVM Amplitude Value Multiplier (see 5.8.3)

BS Backspace (control character)

CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee

CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation/European Committee for Standardization

CR Carriage return (control character)

CRC Cyclic redundancy check

CSE Common standards for quantitative electrocardiography

DG Directorate General (of the European Commission)

EC European Community

ECG Electrocardiogram

ECU European currency unit (€)

EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport

EN Europäische Norm (European Standard)


ENV Europäische Norm Vorausgabe (European Pre-standard)

ESC Escape (control character)

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FF Form feed (control character)

HT Horizontal Tab (control character)

ICD International Classification of Diseases

ID Identification

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IMIA International Medical Informatics Association

ISO International Organization for Standardization

JIS Japanese Industrial Standard

LF Line feed (control character)

LSB Least significant bit

MSB Most significant bit

RMS Root mean square

SCP Standard Communications Protocol

SCP-ECG Standard Communications Protocol for Computerized Electrocardiography

TC Technical Committee

VCG Vectorcardiogram

VT Vertical tab (control character)

5 Definition of the data contents and format

5.1 General considerations

5.1.1 The data record which is to be interchanged shall be divided into different sections. The contents and
format of each of these sections are defined in this part of ISO 11073.

5.1.2 All text data (character strings) shall comply to the limited conformance requirements of
ISO/IEC 2022, described in Annex A. Latin-1 (ISO/IEC 8859-1) shall be the default character set.

5.1.3 All character strings shall be NULL terminated (not part of ISO/IEC 2022).

5.1.4 For all signed binary values 2's-complement coding shall be applied.

5.1.5 All single and multiple byte binary values are regarded as unsigned integers, if not otherwise

5.1.6 Binary values spanning more than 1 byte shall be transmitted in ascending order of significance (the
least significant byte is transmitted first, the most significant byte last).

5.1.7 Consecutive bytes are numbered from left to right (starting with 1). Bits of a byte are numbered from
right to left (0 = LSB, 7 = MSB).

5.1.8 The first byte in the record (i.e. the first byte of the checksum) is defined as Byte 1.

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5.1.9 ECG samples are indexed and numbered starting with sample number 1. Sample index 0 is not used
in this part of ISO 11073. The sample index is a ones-based 16-bit index. The first sample starts at time 0.
The second sample is at time (0 + 2) ms in case of 500 samples/s sampling rate.

5.1.10 Sections are numbered starting from 0 (the Pointer Section) to 32 767.

5.1.11 The term “Reference Beat” used in this part of ISO 11073 refers to an ECG complex that is chosen as
representative of a class of such complexes. No specific statistical meaning is implied by this term; for
example, it may be an averaged beat, a “Median Beat”, a selected or any other representative single cycle
taken from the total ECG recording. This “Reference Beat” does include the P-wave if present (not in case of
atrial fibrillation), the ST-T segment and the T wave of this beat.

An ECG may have multiple reference beats. The term “Beat type” used in this part of ISO 11073 refers to any
one of an ordered list of reference beats, starting with reference beat type 0 (zero). Reference beat type 0 is,
by definition, the reference beat used for classification of the ECG, and for reference beat subtraction, if
reference beat subtraction is used in compression. The ordering of the list of reference beats does not imply a
temporal sequence within the rhythm data.

The term “Rhythm Data” is used to indicate the ECG recording over the entire recording time, usually 10 s in
most recorders. A description of these terms and of the recommended data compression methodology,
including numerical examples and the methods for conformance testing on the minimum requirements of data
compression and signal distortion are given in Clause 6, Annex B and Annex C.

Reference Beat type 0 data in 5.8 are intended to be used for display, (re)analysis and, if reference beat
subtraction has been used for data compression, for Rhythm Data reconstruction.

5.1.12 All indexes or pointers to a field are defined in bytes and are ones-based (start at 1) if not otherwise

5.1.13 1 KByte = 1 024 bytes.


5.2 Specifications for the data structure

5.2.1 All sections shall start on an odd index (even offset) boundary. This implies that all sections shall
contain an even number of bytes. A padding byte has to be added to the end of any section containing an odd
number of bytes. Padding bytes shall always be set to NULL. Blocks of data within a section may contain
either odd or even numbers of bytes. Padding occurs only at the end of a section if needed.

5.2.2 All sections are given identification numbers. Section ID numbers 0 to 11 are currently defined in the
SCP-ECG protocol, numbers 12 to 127, as well as numbers above 1 024 are reserved for future use.
Numbers 128 to 1 023 are for manufacturer-specific sections. The combination of the manufacturer code
(see, tag 14) and section numbers 128 to 1 023 uniquely defines the content of the manufacturer-
specific sections. There are no specific rules for the layout and format of these sections. However, use of the
structure defined in 5.2.7 is recommended.

5.2.3 Inclusion of Sections 2, 4, 5, 7 to 11 (5.2.7 and 5.2.8) is optional. Any SCP-ECG data record shall
contain Section 0 (Pointers), Section 1 (Header), Section 3 (ECG Lead Definition) and Section 6 (Rhythm
Data). No other consistency checking among the presence of different sections is assumed. Specifically, if any
of the Sections 8, 9 or 11 is present, it is not assumed that all three shall be present.

5.2.4 The ECG record starts with a 6-byte record header, consisting of a 2-byte CRC followed by a 4-byte
record length. These are defined as follows:

1) the 2-byte cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is calculated as a CRC-CCITT, the algorithm of which is
described in E.5.5, and is calculated over the entire range starting with the first byte following the
CRC and ending with the last byte in the record;

2) the 4-byte record length denotes the number of bytes in the total record, including the 6 bytes of this
record header.

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5.2.5 Record overview:

Figure 1 — Record overview

5.2.6 The sequence order of the sections of a record is free, with the exception of Section 0 (zero) which

shall immediately follow the record header. However, a maximum of one instance of any section is allowed in
an SCP-ECG data record.

5.2.7 Each section consists of:

1) a Section Identification Header (Section ID Header);

2) a Section Data Part.

Any section shall start with a “Section ID Header” (16 bytes) defined below:

Bytes Contents
1 to 2 16 bit CRC-CCITT over the entire section except these 2 bytes.
3 to 4 Section ID number as defined in 5.2.2 (see also
5 to 8 Section length in bytes including the “Section ID Header” (
9 Version number of the Section.
10 Version number of the Protocol (see tag 14, byte 15).
11 to 16 Reserved (for data section 0 see 5.3.1).

Each section shall have a Section Protocol Version Number (see bytes 9 and 10) which may be used to
specify different levels of compatibility with the standard when this is updated in the future (see Annex B). For
data Sections 1 to 11, Section Version Numbers (byte 9) shall be the Protocol Version under which the section
was approved. For data Sections 12 to 1 023, Section Version shall refer to the manufacturer’s version for that
section, independent of the Protocol version.

5.2.8 Reserved fields shall always be set to NULL (zero).

5.2.9 Section layout overview:

Figure 2 — Section layout overview

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5.2.10 The numbers in italic in the layout overviews (in 5.2.5, 5.2.9 and below) indicate the length in bytes of
the corresponding field or indicated block (var = variable length).

5.2.11 A global overview of the SCP-ECG data structure is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 — SCP-ECG data structure

Requirement Content


Required (Section 0)
Required (Section 1)
Dependent (Section 2)
Required (Section 3)
Optional (Section 4)
Optional (Section 5)
Required (Section 6)
Optional (Section 7)
Optional (Section 8)
Optional (Section 9)
Optional (Section 10)
Optional (Section 11)


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5.2.12 The following remarks apply to the data areas identified above.

0 This section contains pointers to the start of each of the following sections. This section is
1 This section contains information of general interest concerning the patient (e.g. patient's name,
patient's ID, age, etc.) and the ECG (acquisition date, time, etc.). This section is required.
2 This section contains all of the Huffman tables used in the encoding of rhythm (or “residual
signal”) and reference beat data. The tables shall be referenced by Sections 5 and 6 by their
numerical order in this section. Thus, when reference is made in the reference beat encoding
section to Table 2, this shall refer to the second table defined in Section 2. This section is
required, dependent upon Huffman encoding being used in the encoding of rhythm (or “residual
signal”) and of reference beat (if stored).
3 This section specifies which ECG leads are contained within the record. This section is required.
4 If reference beats are encoded, then this section shall identify the position of these reference
beats relative to the “residual” signal contained in Section 6. This section is optional.
5 Reference beats for each lead are encoded if the originating device has identified those
complexes. This section is optional.
6 This section contains the “residual” signal that remains for each lead after the reference beats
have been subtracted, or if no reference beats have been subtracted, the entire rhythm signal.
This section is required.
7 This section contains global measurements for each reference beat type or for each QRS
contained in the record and a list of possible pacemaker spikes in the record. This section is
8 This section contains the latest actual text of the diagnostic interpretation of the recorded ECG
data, including all overreadings if performed. Only the text of the most recent interpretation and
overreading shall be included in this section. No manufacturer-specific codes should be used in
the text. Mnemonic codes as listed in the Universal Statement Codes may be used if necessary.
The data contained in this section shall be consistent with the data in Section 9 and Section 11.
This section is optional.
9 This section contains the manufacturer-specific diagnostic statements of the analysing device and
overreading trails of the interpretations. The source of the analysing device and the name of the
latest confirming physician (or device) are defined in the “Header section” (Section 1). This
section is optional.
10 A set of basic measurements and manufacturer-specific measurements (if any) for each recorded
lead are presented in this section. This section is optional.
11 This section contains the most recent interpretation and overreading data, coded according to the
Universal Statement Codes and Coding rules (Annex F). The data contained in this section shall
be consistent with the data in Sections 8 and 9. This section is optional.

5.3 Pointer section – Section 0

5.3.1 The purpose of this section is to store pointers at the remaining sections in the record. All sections are
given identification numbers, as listed in 5.2.2.

5.3.2 The section starts with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7. Bytes 11 to 16 of the Section ID
Header shall contain the six-character ASCII string: “SCPECG”.


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5.3.3 To provide a flexible way of section management, the data part of the pointer section are defined as

⎯ One pointer field for each of Sections 0 to 11 defined by SCP-ECG protocol shall be provided in the
pointer section, whether the optional sections are present or not. For any optional section not included in
an SCP-ECG data record, the special codes defined in and for the pointer field shall be

⎯ Manufacturer specific sections, if present, shall have a pointer field in Section 0.

⎯ The first pointer field included in this section shall be the field for Section 0 (this section).

Each pointer field contains three parts:

a) A Section Identification (see

b) A Section Length (see

c) An Index to the Section (see The Section Identification number is stored in 2 bytes containing the section number, as listed in
5.2.2. Section ID numbers 0 to 11 are currently defined in this SCP-ECG protocol, numbers 12 to 127, as well
as numbers above 1 023 are reserved for future use, numbers 128 to 1 023 are codes for manufacturer-
specific sections. The length, in bytes, of a section (= an even number, see 5.2.1) is presented in this unsigned
4 byte integer field part. The length includes the “Section ID Header” bytes (see 5.2.7). The 4 byte integer is
necessary to allow sections to be larger than 32 KBytes. For data Sections 2 to 11 a pointer field shall be
included. If no data are transmitted for any of these sections, set the section length to 0.
--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- An index to the first byte of a section shall be presented in this unsigned 4 byte integer field part.
The index is calculated relative to the start of the record, i.e. byte 1 of the record (first byte of the CRC). For
example, if Section 11 begins at an offset of 128 900 bytes from the beginning of the ECG record, the index to
Section 11 would be set to 128 901. The 4 byte integer is necessary to allow an SCP-ECG record to be larger
than 32 KBytes. If a section is not included in the SCP-ECG record the index shall be set to NULL (0). The
index to Section 0 shall always be set to 7, since Section 0 is always preceded by the Checksum (2 bytes)
and the Record Length (4 bytes). The pointer fields shall be in numerical order. However, the sections themselves do not
necessarily have to follow in numerical order.

5.3.4 Pointer section data part overview:

Figure 3 — Pointer section data part overview

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5.4 Header information – Patient data/ECG acquisition data – Section 1

5.4.1 General

The section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.

5.4.2 Introduction to the section data part

The following layout details the format that should be used to transmit patient demographic and ECG
administrative data as part of the standard (SCP-ECG) communications protocol for digital ECG data.

5.4.3 Basic methodology It is recognized that, although a large number of parameters may be transmitted, most devices
will only send a subset of that number. As a result, it was agreed that the format of the patient demographic
area should be made flexible.

Each parameter shall be stored in a separate field. Including a field in this section shall be optional, with the
single provision that the following parameters (1 to 4) shall be present.

Tag Parameter
1 2 Patient ID (used as primary key in the ECG management database)
2 14 ID of the acquiring device
3 25 Date of acquisition
4 26 Time of acquisition

In addition, the SCP-ECG Working Group highly recommends the following parameters for uniquely identifying
the patient and time of acquisition.

Tag Parameter
5 0 Patient's last name
6 1 Patient's first name
7 5 Patient's date of birth (the date of birth shall in principle be given AD)
8 8 Patient's sex
9 15 ID of the analysing device
10 34 Date time zone Flexibility is achieved by identifying each field by the following means.

a) One leading specification byte, referred to as “tag”, indicating the contents of the parameter field.

b) A 2-byte unsigned integer, referred to as “length”, containing the length of the field value in bytes,
allowing variable length text entries and use of multiple byte character sets (as the Japanese character

set). The NULL terminator character of a text string shall be included to calculate the field length. For
example, for the last name “Menuel” the length shall be listed as 7, the NULL included. A length field
value of 0 is allowed, which is equivalent to “not defined”.

c) Zero or more parameter bytes, referred to as “value”, containing the actual parameter data.

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The field tag (1 binary byte) permits a total of 255 different field types to be defined (0 to 254; 255 is used as
terminator), of which 55 (200 to 254) are reserved for use by an individual manufacturer. Any field identified by
a value of 200 to 254 is not defined within the specification of this protocol and permits a manufacturer to
define its own set of fields.

The field length (2 binary bytes) shall contain the actual length of the field value. The tag and length bytes
(first 3 bytes of any field) are not included in the field length. The maximum possible length of each field value
is 65 535 bytes (unsigned 2 bytes). However, for practical reasons the maximum length of a field shall not
exceed 64 bytes, except for the free text items (see

The field value, containing the actual parameter data, can be of any combination of binary bytes and text
characters. A maximum of one instance of any field defined in 5.4.5 is allowed to be included in the “Header”
section, except for the following fields listed below:

Tag Value description Max. instances

10 Drugs no limit
13 Diagnosis or referral indication no limit
30 Free text no limit
32 History diagnostic codes no limit
35 Free-text Medical History no limit The first 16 characters of the patient identification number shall be unique. In order to facilitate the implementation of the protocol, a maximum field length, i.e. 64 (except for
tag 13, tag 30 and tag 35, where the limit is 80) and reasonable values for the length of the different free text
fields have been determined, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3 — Maximum and reasonable length of free text fields

Section Tag Contents Instance > once Reasonable length

1 0 Last name – 40

1 1 First name – 40

1 2 Patient identification number – 40

1 3 Second last name – 40

1 10 Drugs yes 40a

1 13 Diagnosis or referral indication yes 80a

1 14 Acquiring device identification number – 40

1 15 Analysing device ID number – 40

1 16 Acquiring institution description – 40

1 17 Analysing institution description – 40

1 18 Acquiring department description – 40

1 19 Analysing department description – 40


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Table 3 (continued)

Section Tag Contents Instance > once Reasonable length

1 20 Referring physician – 60

1 21 Latest confirming physician – 60

1 22 Technician description – 40

1 23 Room description – 40

1 30 Free text field yes 80a

1 31 ECG sequence number – 12

1 35 Free-text medical history yes 80a

a Multiple instances are allowed for these fields, each with 40 or 80 characters, NULL terminated.

5.4.4 An overview of the “Header” section data part is presented below:

NOTE Padding bytes (if any) should be set to zero. This applies to all sections, but will not be shown in all the
following diagrams.

Figure 4 — Overview of the “Header” section data part

5.4.5 For specification of the defined parameters, see Table 4.

Table 4 — Specification of the defined parameters

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

0 length Last name (text characters)

This shall also be used to transmit the entire name if the originating unit does not explicitly
determine a first name.
1 length First name (text characters)
2 length Patient ID (text characters)
3 length Second last name (text characters)
The field value may be defined as appropriate for the country or area where the ECG-
device is used. For instance in the USA this field may hold the family member prefix code,
in France it may contain the patient's maiden name, and in Portugal as well as in Spain and
several Latin American countries, the second last name of the patient.

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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

4 3 Age (binary)
This field has the following format:
Byte Contents
1 to 2 Binary: Age in units as indicated in byte 3.
3 Binary: Units of age as defined below:
Value Unit
0 Unspecified
1 Years
2 Months
3 Weeks
4 Days
5 Hours
If all 3 bytes are zero, then age is not specified.
5 4 Date of birth (binary)
This field has the following format:
Byte Contents
1 to 2 Binary: Year (full integer notation, as in 1 990).
3 Binary: Month (range 01 to 12; 01 = January).
4 Binary: Day (range 01 to 31).
If all 4 bytes are zero, then date of birth is not specified.
6 3 Height (binary)
This field has the following format:
Byte Contents
1 to 2 Binary: Height in units as indicated in byte 3.
3 Binary: Units of height as defined below:
Value Unit
0 Unspecified
1 Centimetres
2 Inches
3 Millimetres
If all 3 bytes are zero, then height is not specified.
7 3 Weight (binary)
This field has the following format:
Byte Contents
1 to 2 Binary: Weight in units as indicated in byte 3.
3 Binary: Units of weight as defined below:
Value Unit Value Unit
0 Unspecified 3 Pound
1 Kilogram 4 Ounce
2 Gram
If all 3 bytes are zero, then height is not specified.


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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

8 1 Sex (binary)
This has the following format:
Byte Contents
1 Binary: Sex indication defined as:
Value Sex Value Meaning
1 Male 0 Not Known
2 Female 9 Unspecified
9 1 Race (binary)
This has the following format:
Byte Contents
1 Binary: Race indication defined as:
Value Race
0 Unspecified
1 Caucasian
2 Black
3 Oriental
4 to 9 Reserved
10 to 255 Other (manufacturer specific)
10 length Drugs (binary bytes and text characters)
Each drug entered in the patient demographic area shall be described by the following
Byte Contents
1 Binary: Drug code table indicator. If byte 1 is set to 0 then the following
table applies.
2 Binary: Class code.
3 Binary: Specific drug code within the specified class.
4 to *** Text characters: Text description of the drug (optional).
The following classes are defined:
0 - Unspecified 5 - Antianginal
1 - Digitalis 6 - Antithrombotic
2 - Antiarrhythmic 7 - Beta blockers
3 - Diuretics 8 - Psychotropic
4 - Antihypertensive 9 - Calcium blockers
10 - Antihypotensive 100 - Not taking drugs
11 - Anticholesterol 101 - Drugs, but unknown type
12 - ACE- Inhibitors 102 - Other medication
13 to 99 - Reserved 103 to 255 - Manufacturer specific codes
NOTE 1 A class code of 0 is always followed by a drug code of 0, indicating that the drug is
undefined within this document, and that the text in bytes 4 to *** is the only description available.
NOTE 2 A non-zero class code together with a drug code of 0 always indicates that a drug of that
particular class has been applied, but that it is either unknown or not defined within this document.
Even if a non-zero class and drug code are applied, a text description of the drug may also be sent in

bytes 4 to ***. There are no standardized naming conventions.

NOTE 3 There is no limit on the number of drugs which can be coded.
NOTE 4 Within each class, subcode 9 shall be used for “other”.

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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

0 – Unspecified 0 – Unspecified 4 – Warfarin
1 – Digoxin-Lanoxin 1 – Aspirin 5 – Streptokinase
2 – Digitoxin-Digitalis 2 – Coumadin 6 – t-PA
0 – Unspecified CLASS 7: BETA BLOCKERS
1 – Dysopyramide 0 – Unspecified 4 – Metoprolol
2 – Quinidine 1 – Propranolol 5 – Pindolol
3 – Procainamide 2 – Corgard 6 – Acebutolol
4 – Lidocaine 3 – Atenolol
6 – Dilantin 0 – Unspecified
7 – Amiodarone 1 – Tricyclic antidepressant
8 – Tocainide 2 – Phenothiazide
9 – Other 3 – Barbiturate
11 – Mexitil/Mexilitine 0 – Unspecified
12 – Flecainide 1 – Nifedipine
13 – Lorcainide 2 – Verapamil
0 – Unspecified 0 – Unspecified
1 – Thiazide 1 – Asthmatic drug
2 – Furosemide (Lasix) 2 – Aminophyline
3 – Potassium Chloride 3 – Isuprel
0 – Unspecified 0 – Unspecified
1 – Clonidine 1 – Colestid
2 – Prasozin 2 – Lovastatin
3 – Hydralazine 3 – Simvastatin
0 – Unspecified CLASS 12: ACE- INHIBITORS
1 – Isosorbide 0 – Unspecified
2 – Calcium Blockers 1 – Captopril
3 – Nitrates
11 2 Systolic blood pressure (binary)
Byte Contents
1 to 2 Binary: Systolic blood pressure in millimetres of mercury.

12 2 Diastolic blood pressure (binary)

Byte Contents
1 to 2 Binary: Diastolic blood pressure in millimetres of mercury.
13 length Diagnosis or referral indication (text characters)
This field contains a text description of the patient's diagnosis or the referral indication.

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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

14 length Machine ID acquiring device (binary bytes and text characters)

This field uniquely identifies the device that acquired the ECG. It uses the following generic
data structure for device characterization, which is also used in tag 15:
Byte Contents
1 to 2 Binary: Institution number
3 to 4 Binary: Department number
5 to 6 Binary: Device ID
7 Binary: Device type
Value Type
0 Cart
1 System (or Host)
8 Binary: set equal to 255 - see manufacturer character string at end of tag 14.
NOTE Legacy devices used this byte to specify a manufacturer code. These codes shall no
longer be used except for identifying legacy files. For historical purposes the assigned
codes were as follows:
0 – Unknown 11 – Quinton
1 – Burdick 12 – Siemens
2 – Cambridge 13 – Spacelabs
3 – Compumed 14 – Telemed
4 – Datamed 15 – Hellige
5 – Fukuda 16 – ESA-OTE

6 – Hewlett-Packard 17 – Schiller
7 – Marquette electronics 18 – Picker-Schwarzer
8 – Mortara instruments 19 – et medical devices
(ex Elettronica-Trentina)
9 – Nihon Kohden 20 – Zwönitz
10 – Okin 21 to 99 – Reserved
100 – Other

9 to 14 Text characters: Text model description. Up to 5 bytes of text and NULL

15 Binary: SCP-ECG protocol revision number (the decimal point shall be
deleted; version 1.0 becomes 10; the revisions shall as far as possible be
backward compatible). This number shall exactly refer to the written document
describing the actual protocol revision.
16 Binary: SCP-ECG protocol compatibility level (1 byte). Detailed specifications
are given in Annex B (see B.4).

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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

14, 17 Binary: Language support code (1 byte). This bit map indicates the supported
cont. character sets:

Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Meaning

0 x x x x x x x 8-bit ASCII-only
1 0 x x x x x x ISO-8859-1 Latin-1
ISO-8859-2 Latin-2 (Central
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
and Eastern European)
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ISO-8859-4 Latin-4 (Baltic)
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ISO-8859-5 Cyrillic
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 ISO-8859-6 Arabic
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ISO-8859-7 Greek
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 ISO-8859-8 Hebrew
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ISO-8859-11 Thai
ISO-8859-15 Latin-9
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 (update to Latin-1, also
called “Latin-0”)
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ISO/IEC 10646
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 JIS X 0201-1976 (Japanese)
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 JIS X 0208-1997 (Japanese)
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 JIS X 0212-1990 (Japanese)
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 GB 2312-80 (Chinese)
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 KS C5601-1987 (Korean)
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Reserved
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Reserved
x x x x x x 0 1 Reserved
x x x x x x 1 0 Reserved
Reserved (except for
x x x x x x 1 1
following entry)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Manufacturer-specific

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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

14, 18 Binary: Capabilities of the ECG Device (1 byte bit map). This bit map indicates
cont. the supported functions:
Bit Contents
Reset (0) Set (1)
0 to 3 Reserved Reserved
4 No printing Can print ECG reports
5 No analysis Can interpret ECG
6 No storage Can store ECG records
7(MSB) No acquisition Can acquire ECG data
19 Binary: AC mains frequency environment (1 byte):
Value Meaning
0 Unspecified
1 50 Hz
2 60 Hz
20 to 35 Reserved for future use.
36 Binary: Length of the string for analysing program revision number. Byte 36
shall be equal to or greater than 1. The character strings following byte 36 are
required. If a particular character string is empty, a single NULL is required to
be present.
37 to *** Character string: Analysing program revision number. The string has to be
NULL terminated.
*** to *** Character string: Serial number of the acquisition device. The character string
has to be NULL terminated.
*** to *** Character string: Acquisition device system software identifier. The character
string has to be NULL terminated.
*** to *** Character string: Acquisition device SCP implementation software identifier
(maximum 24 characters plus NULL terminator). The character string has to
be NULL terminated.
*** to *** Character string: Manufacturer of the acquisition device. Contains the
manufacturer’s registered trade name. The character string has to be NULL
15 length Machine ID analysing device (binary bytes and text characters)
This field uniquely identifies the device that analysed the ECG (if other than the acquiring
cardiograph). The format of this field is identical to that utilized by tag 14 above.
16 length Acquiring institution description (text characters)
This field provides a text description of the institution where the ECG was acquired.
17 length Analyzing institution description (text characters)
This field provides a text description of the institution where the ECG was analysed.
18 length Acquiring department description (text characters)
This field provides a text description of the department where the ECG was acquired.
19 length Analyzing department description (text characters)
This field provides a text description of the department where the ECG was analysed.


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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

20 length Referring physician (text characters)

This field provides a text description of the referring physician.
21 length Latest confirming physician (text characters)
This field provides a text description of the latest confirming physician.
22 length Technician description (text characters)
This field provides a text description of the technician.
23 length Room description (text characters)
This field provides a text description of the room where the ECG was recorded.
24 1 Stat code (binary)
Byte Contents
1 Binary: Level of emergency.
Value 0 refers to “routine” and higher values to increasing levels of emergency
as defined by the user. For this, codes in the range of
1 to 10 are recommended.
25 4 Date of acquisition (binary)
This field has the following format:
Byte Contents
1 to 2 Binary: year (full integer notation, as in 1990).

3 Binary: month (range 01 to 12; 01 = January).

4 Binary: day (range 01 to 31).
26 3 Time of acquisition (binary)
This field has the following format:

Byte Contents
1 Binary: hours (range 0 to 23).
2 Binary: minutes (range 0 to 59).
3 Binary: seconds (range 0 to 59).
The time of acquisition shall be expressed as local time in the time zone of acquisition (see
tag 34).
27 2 Baseline filter (binary)

This field contains the “cut-off” frequency (−3 db) of the high pass baseline filter in units of
(1/100) Hertz.

28 2 Low-pass filter (binary)

This field contains the “cut-off” frequency (-3 db) of the low pass filter in units of Hertz.

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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

29 1 Filter bit map (binary)
This field indicates if other filters, which were not defined within tag 27 and 28, have been
used during the processing of the ECG. The definition of these bits are:
0 60 Hertz notch filter
1 50 Hertz notch filter
2 Artifact filter
3 Baseline filter (e.g. adaptive filter or spline filter)
4 to 7 Undefined
If all bits are zero then the filter setting was not specified.
30 length Free text field (text characters)
This field permits free text comments to be carried along with the ECG.
31 length Sequence number (text characters)
ECG sequence number.
32 length Medical history codes (binary)
This field contains a description of the patient's clinical problems and diagnoses. There is
no limit on the number of diagnoses. Each diagnosis shall be represented by 1 byte.
Byte 1 is used to designate the Medical History Code Table which is applied. If Byte 1 is not
equal to zero, the designated Medical History Code Table is undefined. In case this byte is
equal to zero (0) then the following set of codes apply:
Value Contents
0 Diagnoses or clinical problems not specified
1 Apparently healthy
10 Acute myocardial infarction
11 Myocardial infarction
12 Previous myocardial infarction
15 Ischemic heart disease
18 Peripheral vascular disease
20 Cyanotic congenital heart disease
21 Acyanotic congenital heart disease
22 Valvular heart disease
25 Hypertension
27 Cerebrovascular accident
30 Cardiomyopathy
35 Pericarditis
36 Myocarditis
40 Post-operative cardiac surgery
42 Implanted cardiac pacemaker
45 Pulmonary embolism
50 Respiratory disease
55 Endocrine disease
60 Neurological disease
65 Alimentary disease
70 Renal disease
80 Pre-operative general surgery
81 Post-operative general surgery
90 General medical
100 Other
128 to 255 Manufacturer specific
The missing numbers in the series from 1 to 100 have been reserved for future extension of

some categories.

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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

33 2 Electrode configuration code (binary)

This field is used to identify the placement and system of electrodes:
Byte Contents
1 Binary: Code representing the definitions for system of electrode placements
for 12-lead ECG (standard, Mason-Likar, Omnitrode, etc.).
Value Electrode placement system
0 Unspecified
Note: carts that do not record the electrode placement information
should use 0.

1 Standard 12-lead positions: RA, RL, LA, and LL are placed at limb
extremities. V1 to V6 at standard positions on the chest. All
electrodes are placed individually.
2 RA, RL, LA, and LL are placed on the torso (Mason-Likar positions).
V1 to V6 are placed at standard positions on the chest. All electrodes
are placed individually.
3 RA, RL, LA, and LL are placed on the torso (Mason-Likar positions).
These limb electrodes are individually placed. V1 to V6 are placed on
the chest as part of a single electrode pad (V1 to V6 are NOT placed
4 RA, RL, LA, LL, and V1 to V6 (all electrodes) are placed on the chest
in a single electrode pad (such as Omnitrode). (None of the
electrodes is placed individually).
5 12-lead ECG is derived from Frank XYZ leads.
6 12-lead ECG is derived from non-standard leads.
7 to 255 Undefined now. Reserved for later use.
2 Binary: Code representing the definitions for system of electrode placements
for XYZ leads such as Frank, Cube, McFee-Parungao, Bipolar, etc. [see
chapter 1 of Vectorcardiography by Alberto Benchimol (Williams & Wilkins,
Baltimore, 1973) for location of electrodes on the torso and weighting
Value Electrode placement system
0 Unspecified
Note: carts that do not record the electrode placement information
should use 0.
1 Frank lead system (Frank, 1956; 13:737).
2 McFee-Parungao lead system (see Benchimol, Vectorcardiography,
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1973, fig. 1.6 on page 6).
3 Cube lead system (Grishman et al, Amer. Heart J. 1951; 41, p. 483).
4 Bipolar uncorrected XYZ lead system.
5 Pseudo-orthogonal XYZ lead system (as used in Holter recording).
6 XYZ leads derived from standard 12-lead ECG.
7 to 255 Undefined now. Reserved for later use.

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Table 4 (continued)

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

34 length Date time zone (binary bytes and text characters)

The contents of this tag identify the global time zone in which the acquired data were
obtained, thus allowing the date/time value specified by tags 25 and 26 to be converted to
any time zone (e.g. UTC). The following parameter bytes of this tag provide three ways to
indicate time zone.
Byte Name Type Notes
1 to 2 Offset signed binary Time zone specified as an offset from UTC in
minutes [Note 1].
3 to 4 Index unsigned binary Time zone specified by a manufacturer-
defined mapping (until a consensus mapping
is defined using bytes 1 to 1 000) using this
value as a lookup-table index [Note 2].

Value Meaning
0 = Index not used
1 to 1 000 = Reserved for future use
1 001 to 32 766 = Manufacturer-specific
32 767 = Reserved
5 to *** Description Text string Time zone specified by a null-terminated string
[Note 3].
NOTE 1 Allowable values for offset are -780 to 780 (i.e., ± 13 h) and hexadecimal 0x7FFF.
0x7FFF indicates that the field is not initialized or is unused. If the offset field contains
an allowed value other than 0x7FFF, the index and description fields are considered
redundant and may be ignored.
NOTE 2 The index value specifies time zone only if the offset value is 0x7FFF. An index value of
zero indicates that the field is not used or not initialized. Use of this byte as currently
defined is manufacturer-specific.
NOTE 3 The description field specifies time zone only if the offset value is 0x7FFF. This string
should be in the format of the TZ environment variable as standardized by Posix (Unix).
Reference: 'C/C++' language subroutine name tzset(), environment variable “TZ”, and
associated data structures. The description field must be 1 byte at a minimum (i.e., the
null terminator).
NOTE 4 If time zone is not defined for the device, Tag 34 may be omitted from the data record.
Similarly, an instance of Tag 34 containing values for the offset = 0x7FFF, index = 0,
and description = null terminator is also allowed if time zone is not defined.

35 length Free text medical history (text characters)

This field permits free text for entering the medical history.
255 0 None (demographic section terminator).

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5.5 Huffman tables – Section 2

5.5.1 If present, the section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.

5.5.2 The scheme for signal compression presented below is based on the Huffman method of encoding.
This method is not the only one possible, but is the recommended one.

5.5.3 This section of the ECG record contains the definition of the Huffman Code Tables that were used to
encode the ECG. The provision of a number of tables permits optimum encoding of the data (e.g. the
reference beats and rhythm data will probably use different tables). It shall be assumed that the encoded data
within each entity shall be encoded using table # 1 (i.e. the first table defined within this Section 2). Escape
codes should be provided within each table to enable a change to another table.

5.5.4 The following basic values are used:

1) The fundamental sample time, as defined in the section containing the coded data (i.e. Section 5
“Reference Beat data” and Section 6 “Rhythm data”).

2) The fundamental of ECG amplitude, as defined in the section containing the coded data (i.e.
Section 5 “Reference Beat data” and Section 6 “Rhythm data”).

The structure of the data part of this Section is then as follows:

Byte Contents

1 to 2 Number of Huffman Tables defined (if 19 999 then the default table, defined in C.3.7.6, is

3 to 4 Number of code structures in table # 1.

5 to *** The structures defining each code in table # 1. Each structure has the following layout:

1 byte Number of bits in prefix

1 byte Number of bits in entire code
1 byte Table mode switch

Value Content
0 Switch to another Huffman table
1 Huffman coding if # of bits in prefix = # of bits in entire code
1 Original data if # of bits in prefix < # of bits in entire code
2 bytes Base value represented by base code (in AVM units).
4 bytes Base code - 1st bit in code represented by least significant bit of the 4 byte area.

***+1 to ***+2 Number of structures in table # 2.

***+3 to *** Structures representing table # 2.


5.5.5 The Huffman codes have been defined to permit a single structure described above to specify a
series of consecutive amplitude values. The “prefix” mentioned above is common to all of the codes
describing the consecutive values - the remaining bit field changes by 1 LSB in incrementing through the

indicated range.

Structures that define the Huffman code for just one value shall have no remainder and hence the prefix
length shall equal the total code length.

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An example byte structure of the Huffman code is then:

Table 5 — Example byte structure (Huffman code)


Received Byte 1 P1 P2 P3 P4 C1 C2 C3 C4
Received Byte 2 C5 C6 P5 P6 P7 C7 C8 C9
Received Byte 3 C10 C11 P8 P9 P10 C12 C13 C14
etc. … … … … … … … …

NOTE This represents the following coded values:

P1 P2 P3 P4 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

4 bit prefix with total code length of 10.

P5 P6 P7 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11

3 bit prefix with total code of 8.

P8 P9 P10 C12 C13 C14

3 bit prefix with total code length of 6.

It shall be seen that the “picking” of bits in a given byte proceeds from the most significant bit to the least
significant bit and that the bytes are processed in the order received.

5.5.6 Escape codes, i.e. codes that shall dictate a change of Huffman table, shall include a zero (0) value
for the “Table mode switch”. The “Base Value” shall then contain the number of the table to which a switch is

5.5.7 An overview of the data part of this section is presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5 — Overview of the data part of the Huffman tables section

5.6 ECG lead definition – Section 3

5.6.1 This section defines the leads that are transmitted, together with some general administrative

5.6.2 If present, the section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.


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5.6.3 The section data part is defined below:

Byte Contents

1 Number of leads enclosed

2 Flag byte:

Bit 0 (LSB) Set = Reference beat subtraction used for compression

Reset = Reference beat subtraction not used for compression

Bit 1 Reserved

Bit 2 Set = Leads all simultaneously recorded
Reset = Leads not all simultaneously recorded

Bits 3 to 7 The number of simultaneously recorded leads

3 to 11 Detail for first lead (see 5.6.4)

12 to 20 Detail for second lead (see 5.6.4)


In case not all leads are recorded simultaneously, the leads shall be presented in groups corresponding to
those recorded simultaneously.

EXAMPLE Three leads are recorded simultaneously: e.g. first leads I, aVF, V2; second leads X, Y, Z, etc. Lead
details should be listed in above listed order: Lead I in the first segment (3 to 11), Lead aVF in the second segment (12 to
20), Lead V2 in the third segment (21 to 29), Lead X in the fourth segment (30 to 38), etc.

5.6.4 The detailed information for each lead is as follows:

Byte Contents
1 to 4 (Unsigned) Starting sample number
5 to 8 (Unsigned) Ending sample number
9 Lead identification. The numbering scheme shown in Table 6 shall be used.

Table 6 — Lead identification codes


SCP-ECG Code Description
name MDC_ECG_LEAD_xxx
0 Unspecified lead MDC_ECG_LEAD_CONFIG

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Table 6 (continued)


SCP-ECG Code Description
name MDC_ECG_LEAD_xxx
CC5c 19 CC5, per V5 and V5R placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CC5
CM5 20 CM5, per V5 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CM5
LA 21 Left arm MDC_ECG_LEAD_LA
RA 22 Right arm MDC_ECG_LEAD_RA
LL 23 Left leg MDC_ECG_LEAD_LL
dI 31 Derived lead I MDC_ECG_LEAD_dI
dII 32 Derived lead II MDC_ECG_LEAD_dII
dV1 33 Derived lead V1 MDC_ECG_LEAD_dV1
dV2 34 Derived lead V2 MDC_ECG_LEAD_dV2
dV3 35 Derived lead V3 MDC_ECG_LEAD_dV3
dV4 36 Derived lead V4 MDC_ECG_LEAD_dV4
dV5 37 Derived lead V5 MDC_ECG_LEAD_dV5

dV6 38 Derived lead V6 MDC_ECG_LEAD_dV6

dV7 39 Derived lead V7
dV2R 40 Derived lead V2R
dV3R 41 Derived lead V3R
dV4R 42 Derived lead V4R
dV5R 43 Derived lead V5R
dV6R 44 Derived lead V6R
dV7R 45 Derived lead V7R
dX 46 Derived lead X
dY 47 Derived lead Y
dZ 48 Derived lead Z
dCC5 49 Derived lead CC5
dCM5 50 Derived lead CM5
dLA 51 Derived lead LA
dRA 52 Derived lead RA
dLL 53 Derived lead LL
dfI 54 Derived lead fI
dfE 55 Derived lead fE
dfC 56 Derived lead fC

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Table 6 (continued)


SCP-ECG Code Description
name MDC_ECG_LEAD_xxx
dfA 57 Derived lead fA
dfM 58 Derived lead fM
dfF 59 Derived lead fF
dfH 60 Derived lead fH
aVR 62 aVR, augmented voltage, right MDC_ECG_LEAD_AVR
aVL 63 aVL, augmented voltage, left MDC_ECG_LEAD_AVL
aVF 64 aVF, augmented voltage, foot MDC_ECG_LEAD_AVF
aVRneg 65 aVRneg MDC_ECG_LEAD_AVRneg
D 70 D (Nehb – Dorsal) MDC_ECG_LEAD_D
A 71 A (Nehb – Anterior) MDC_ECG_LEAD_A
J 72 J (Nehb – Inferior) MDC_ECG_LEAD_J
Defib 73 Defibrillator lead: anterior-lateral MDC_ECG_LEAD_DEFIB
Extern 74 External pacing lead: anterior-posterior MDC_ECG_LEAD_EXTERN
A1 75 A1 (Auxiliary unipolar lead #1) MDC_ECG_LEAD_A1
A2 76 A2 (Auxiliary unipolar lead #2) MDC_ECG_LEAD_A2
A3 77 A3 (Auxiliary unipolar lead #3) MDC_ECG_LEAD_A3
A4 78 A4 (Auxiliary unipolar lead #4) MDC_ECG_LEAD_A4
dV8 79 Derived lead V8
dV9 80 Derived lead V9
dV8R 81 Derived lead V8R
dV9R 82 Derived lead V9R
dD 83 Derived lead D (Nehb – Dorsal)
dA 84 Derived lead A (Nehb – Anterior)
dJ 85 Derived lead J (Nehb – Inferior)
Chest 86 Chest lead MDC_ECG_LEAD_C
V 87 Precordial lead MDC_ECG_LEAD_V
VR 88 VR, nonaugmented voltage, vector of RA MDC_ECG_LEAD_VR
VL 89 VL, nonaugmented voltage, vector of LA MDC_ECG_LEAD_VL
VF 90 VF, nonaugmented voltage, vector of LL MDC_ECG_LEAD_VF
MCL 91 Modified chest lead (left arm indifferent) MDC_ECG_LEAD_MCL
MCL1 92 MCL, per V1 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_MCL1
MCL2 93 MCL, per V2 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_MCL2
MCL3 94 MCL, per V3 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_MCL3
MCL4 95 MCL, per V4 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_MCL4
MCL5 96 MCL, per V5 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_MCL5
MCL6 97 MCL, per V6 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_MCL6
CC 98 Chest lead (symmetric placement) MDC_ECG_LEAD_CC
CC1 99 CC1, per V1 and V1R placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CC1
CC2 100 CC2, per V2 and V2R placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CC2
CC3 101 CC3, per V3 and V3R placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CC3
CC4 102 CC4, per V4 and V4R placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CC4
CC6 103 CC6, per V6 and V6R placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CC6
CC7 104 CC7, per V7 and V8R placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CC7


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Table 6 (continued)


SCP-ECG Code Description
name MDC_ECG_LEAD_xxx
CM 105 Chest-manubrium MDC_ECG_LEAD_CM
CM1 106 CM1, per V1 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CM1
CM2 107 CM2, per V2 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CM2
CM3 108 CM3, per V3 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CM3
CM4 109 CM4, per V4 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CM4
CM6 110 CM6, per V6 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CM6
dIII 111 Derived lead III MDC_ECG_LEAD_dIII
daVR 112 Derived lead aVR MDC_ECG_LEAD_daVR
daVL 113 Derived lead aVL MDC_ECG_LEAD_daVL
daVF 114 Derived lead aVF MDC_ECG_LEAD_daVF
daVRneg 115 Derived lead aVRneg
dChest 116 Derived lead Chest
dV 117 Derived lead V
dVR 118 Derived lead VR
dVL 119 Derived lead VL
dVF 120 Derived lead VF
CM7 121 CM7, per V7 placement MDC_ECG_LEAD_CM7
CS5 123 Negative: right infraclavicular fossa MDC_ECG_LEAD_CS5
CB5 124 Negative: low right scapula MDC_ECG_LEAD_CB5
ML 126 ML, modified limb lead, ~ Lead II MDC_ECG_LEAD_ML
AB1 127 AB1 (auxiliary bipolar lead #1) MDC_ECG_LEAD_AB1
AB2 128 AB2 (auxiliary bipolar lead #2) MDC_ECG_LEAD_AB2
AB3 129 AB3 (auxiliary bipolar lead #3) MDC_ECG_LEAD_AB3
AB4 130 AB4 (auxiliary bipolar lead #4) MDC_ECG_LEAD_AB4


S 134 EASI upper sternum lead MDC_ECG_LEAD_S
dDefib 135 Derived lead Defib: Defibrillator lead: anterior-
dExtern 136 Derived lead Extern: External pacing lead:
dA1 137 Derived lead A1 (Auxiliary unipolar lead #1)
dA2 138 Derived lead A2 (Auxiliary unipolar lead #2)
dA3 139 Derived lead A3 (Auxiliary unipolar lead #3)
dA4 140 Derived lead A4 (Auxiliary unipolar lead #4)
dMCL1 141 Derived lead MCL1: MCL, per V1 placement
dMCL2 142 Derived lead MCL2: MCL, per V2 placement
dMCL3 143 Derived lead MCL3: MCL, per V3 placement
dMCL4 144 Derived lead MCL4: MCL, per V4 placement
dMCL5 145 Derived lead MCL5: MCL, per V5 placement
dMCL6 146 Derived lead MCL6: MCL, per V6 placement
RL 147 Right leg MDC_ECG_LEAD_RL
CV5RL 148 Canine, fifth right intercostal space near the MDC_ECG_LEAD_CV5RL
edge of the sternum at the most curved part of
the costal cartilage

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Table 6 (continued)


SCP-ECG Code Description
name MDC_ECG_LEAD_xxx
CV6LL 149 Canine, sixth left intercostal space near the MDC_ECG_LEAD_CV6LL
edge of the sternum at the most curved part of
the costal cartilage
CV6LU 150 Canine, sixth left intercostal space at the MDC_ECG_LEAD_CV6LU
costochondral junction
V10 151 Canine, over dorsal spinous process of the MDC_ECG_LEAD_V10
seventh thoracic vertebra
dMCL 152 Derived lead MCL: Modified chest lead (left
arm indifferent)

dCC 153 Derived lead CC: Chest lead (symmetric
dCC1 154 Derived lead CC1, per V1 and V1R placement
dCC2 155 Derived lead CC2, per V2 and V2R placement
dCC3 156 Derived lead CC3, per V3 and V3R placement
dCC4 157 Derived lead CC4, per V4 and V4R placement
dCC6 158 Derived lead CC6, per V6 and V6R placement
dCC7 159 Derived lead CC7, per V7 and V8R placement
dCM 160 Derived lead CM Chest-manubrium
dCM1 161 Derived lead CM1, per V1 placement
dCM2 162 Derived lead CM2, per V2 placement
dCM3 163 Derived lead CM3, per V3 placement
dCM4 164 Derived lead CM4, per V4 placement
dCM6 165 Derived lead CM6, per V6 placement
dCM7 166 Derived lead CM7, per V7 placement
dCH5 167 Derived lead CH5
dCS5 168 Derived lead CS5: negative: right
infraclavicular fossa
dCB5 169 Derived lead CB5: negative: low right scapula
dCR5 170 Derived lead CR5
dML 171 Derived lead ML, modified limb lead, ~ Lead II
dAB1 172 Derived lead AB1 (auxiliary bipolar lead #1)
dAB2 173 Derived lead AB2 (auxiliary bipolar lead #2)
dAB3 174 Derived lead AB3 (auxiliary bipolar lead #3)
dAB4 175 Derived lead AB4 (auxiliary bipolar lead #4)
dES 176 Derived lead ES: EASIe ES
dAS 177 Derived lead AS: EASI AS
dAI 178 Derived lead AI: EASI AI
dS 179 Derived lead S: EASI upper sternum lead
dRL 180 Derived lead RL: right leg
dCV5RL 181 Derived lead CV5RL: Canine, fifth right
intercostal space near the edge of the sternum
at the most curved part of the costal cartilage
dCV6LL 182 Derived lead CV6LL: Canine, sixth left
intercostal space near the edge of the sternum
at the most curved part of the costal cartilage
dCV6LU 183 Derived lead CV6LU: Canine, sixth left
intercostal space at the costochondral junction

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Table 6 (continued)


SCP-ECG Code Description
name MDC_ECG_LEAD_xxx
dV10 184 Derived lead V10: Canine, over dorsal spinous
process of the seventh thoracic vertebra
185 to 199 Reserved for future expansion
200 to 255 Manufacturer specific
a V2R is identical to lead V1. Similarly, lead V1R (not listed in the lead table) is identical to lead V2.
b Leads X, Y and Z can be recorded by an orthogonal system, such as Frank or McFee lead systems, etc.
c CM5, CH5, CS5, CC5, CB5, CR5 bipolar leads used in conjunction with stress testing. Macfarlane, Volume 1, page 323. [CX5?].
d Frank leads indicated by ‘f’ for clarity and label uniqueness.
e EASI™ trademark owned by Philips, invented by Dr. Gordon Dower. Leads: S, upper sternum; E, lower sternum (Frank lead fE); A,
under left arm, above V6 (Frank lead fA); I, under right arm, above V6R (Frank lead fI).
NOTE 1 Extension of the lead numbering scheme may be done in future revisions of the protocol.
NOTE 2 Users of this part of ISO 11073 are advised to refer to documents [6], [12] and other current standards in the ISO/IEEE
nomenclature series to avoid unintended duplication in these code ranges.

5.6.5 The sample numbering shall start with sample number 1 and refers to all leads recorded
simultaneously. In order to convert these values to time, the sampling rate of the proper data section
(see 5.8.3) should be consulted.

For example, if 8 leads (I, II, V1 to V6) are recorded simultaneously over 10 seconds at 500 samples/s and
stored this way, then each lead begins with sample number 1 and ends with sample number 5 000.

If the leads are recorded in groups of three, for example over 2,5 s at 500 samples/s, then leads I, II and III
begin with sample number 1 to sample 1 250, and leads aVR, aVL and aVF begin with sample number 1 251.

5.6.6 An overview of the data part of this section is presented in Figure 6.

Figure 6 — Overview of the data part of the ECG lead definition section

5.7 QRS locations, reference beat subtraction zones and protected areas – Section 4

5.7.1 If present, this section defines the locations and width of the various QRS complexes. For a definition
of reference beats, beat types and the significance of reference beat type 0, see 5.1.11. For a detailed
description of the overall process, see Annex C.

5.7.2 The section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.


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5.7.3 The header area of the section data part defines certain quantities that are common to the type 0
reference beat for all leads. The remaining data indicate the reference beat type and location of each QRS
relative to the “residual” signal. The section data part header area has the following contents:

Byte Contents
1 to 2 Length of reference beat type 0 data in milliseconds.
NOTE The number of samples N is obtained by dividing the length L of the reference beat (in milliseconds)
by the sample time interval SI (in microseconds, see 5.9.3, bytes 3 to 4) using the following equation:

(1 000µs/ms × L ) ⎤
N = truncation ⎡
⎣⎢ SI ⎦⎥
The manufacturer shall assign a length (in bytes 1 to 2) such that when this equation is used, the intended
number of samples in the reference beat is obtained. For example, 1 000 ms of data at 2 000 µs per sample
results in an N of 500 samples.
3 to 4 (Unsigned) sample number of the fiducial (QRS trigger point) relative to the beginning of reference
beat type 0. This location is abbreviated as fcM in Annex C. The first sample is numbered 1.
5 to 6 Total number of QRS complexes within the entire ECG record.

5.7.4 The following information on location of reference beat subtraction zones is stored, consisting of one
block of 14 bytes for each QRS complex. The total number of blocks is equal to the number of QRSs stored in
5.7.3 bytes 5 to 6.

Byte Contents

1 to 2 Beat type of 1st QRS (see 5.1.11 for definition of “Beat type”)

3 to 6 (Unsigned) sample number1) on residual data for the start of subtraction/addition of reference
beat 0 for 1st QRS, if the QRS is of type 0, otherwise a value of 0 (zero).2), 3)

7 to 10 (Unsigned) sample number1) on residual data for location of fiducial point for 1st QRS.4) This
location is abbreviated as fc(1) in Annex C.

11 to 14 (Unsigned) sample number1) on residual data for end of subtraction/addition of reference beat
0 for 1st QRS, if the QRS is of type 0, otherwise a value of 0 (zero).2,3)

15 to 16 Beat type of 2nd QRS etc.

1) All sample numbers in this clause refer to the original samples before processing them for decimation and/or
compression. The first sample of the original data is numbered 1.
2) If bytes 1 to 2 indicate reference beat type 0, then bytes 3 to 6 and 11 to 14 bound the area around the QRS for
reference beat type 0 subtraction or addition, as specified and illustrated in Annex C. These locations are abbreviated in
Annex C as SB(k) and SE(k), respectively.
3) If bytes 1 to 2 indicate a reference beat type other than 0, then reference beat subtraction is not used, in which case
bytes 3 to 6 and 11 to 14 contain 0 (zero).
4) 5.7.4 and 5.7.5 may also be used to indicate location of the protected zones in case bimodal compression is used but
not reference beat subtraction. In this case, 5.7.4 bytes 3 to 6 and 11 to 14 shall be set to zero.


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5.7.5 The following information on location of protected areas (QRS complexes) is stored, consisting of one
block of 8 bytes for each QRS complex. The total number of blocks is equal to the number of QRSs stored in
5.7.3 bytes 5 to 6.4)

Byte Contents

1 to 4 (Unsigned) sample number1) on residual data for the start of the protected area of the 1st
QRS. This location is abbreviated as QB(1) in Annex C.

5 to-8 (Unsigned) sample number1) on residual data for the end of the protected area of the 1st
QRS. This location is abbreviated as QE(1) in Annex C.

9 to 12 (Unsigned) sample number1) on residual data for the protected area of the start of the 2nd
QRS. This location is abbreviated as QB(2) in Annex C.

13 to 16 (Unsigned) sample number1) on residual data for the end of the protected area of the 2nd
QRS. This location is abbreviated as QE(2) in Annex C.


5.7.6 An overview of the data part of this section is presented in Figure 7.

Figure 7 — Overview of the data part of Section 4

5.8 Encoded type 0 reference beat data – Section 5

5.8.1 This section provides details of reference beat type 0. For a definition of reference beats, reference
beat types, and the significance of reference beat type 0, see 5.1.11. For a detailed description of the overall
process see Annex C.

5.8.2 If present, the section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.

5.8.3 The section data part begins with a header that has the following format:

Byte Contents

1 to 2 Multiplier for amplitude value (AVM). This operates as follows:

The amplitude value multiplier is expressed in nanovolt (1 × 10−9 V).

Example: 1 250 → 1 amplitude quantum = 1,250 µV

2 441 → 1 amplitude quantum = 2,441 µV

3 to 4 The sample time interval for this section in microseconds (1 × 10−6 s).

Example: 4 000 → 250 samples/s.

1 250 → 800 samples/s.

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5 This value indicates the encoding of the sample data as follows:

0 = Real (zero difference) data used for reference beat 0 data.

1 = First difference data used for reference beat 0 data.

2 = Second difference data used for reference beat 0 data.

6 Reserved.

NOTE 1 Difference data are defined as: [sample value (difference) for time t] − (sample value (difference) for time t−1).
NOTE 2 For the first two samples in each lead, second differences are not computed in the SCP-ECG protocol. The
original value amplitudes of these samples are retained. The first sample value is similarly retained in the encoded data
stream using first differences.

NOTE 3 An example of the encoded results using second differences is given in Table 8 for a series of eight sample

NOTE 4 An example of the encoded results using first differences is given in Table 9 using the same series of eight
sample data.

Table 7 — Difference data

Original data First differences Second differences

X(1) D1(1)=X(1) D2(1)=X(1)

X(2) D1(2)=X(2)-X(1) D2(2)=X(2)
X(3) D1(3)=X(3)-X(2) D2(3)=D1(3)-D1(2)=X(3)-2*X(2)+X(1)
X(4) D1(4)=X(4)-X(3) D2(4)=D1(4)-D1(3)=X(4)-2*X(3)+X(2)

So the general formula for the first difference is as follows: D1(n) = X(n) − X(n−1).

The general formula for the second difference is as follows: D2(n) = X(n) − 2*X(n−1) + X(n−2).

Decoding of the 2nd difference data is performed using the following formula: X(n) = D2(n) + 2*X(n−1) − X(n−2).

Table 8 — Example of encoded results using 2nd differences

Sample Number: n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sample Value: X(n) 10 12 13 15 18 22 20 15
2nd Difference: D2(n) – – −1 1 1 1 −6 −3
Encoded data: 10 12 −1 1 1 1 −6 −3

Table 9 — Example of encoded results using 1st differences

Sample Number: n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sample Value: X(n) 10 12 13 15 18 22 20 15
1st Difference: D1(n) – 2 1 2 3 4 −2 −5
Encoded data: 10 2 1 2 3 4 −2 −5

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5.8.4 The section data part contains the byte lengths of the encoded leads. Its format is as follows:

Byte Contents

1 to 2 (Unsigned) number of bytes in compressed reference beat 0 data for first encoded lead.

3 to 4 (Unsigned) number of bytes in compressed reference beat 0 data for second encoded lead.


5.8.5 The encoded reference beat 0 data then follows. If Section 2 has been provided, the data is coded as
a series of Huffman codes taken from Section 2. The leads are encoded in the order specified in Section 3. If

Section 2 is not provided, ECG data (either differenced or non-differenced) shall be formatted as signed, two-
byte integers.

Other formats may be accommodated by providing a “dummy” Huffman table with one code structure. The
number of bits in the prefix shall be set to zero. The number of bits in the entire code shall be set to the
desired number of bits per sample.

5.8.6 An overview of the data part of this section is presented in Figure 8.

Figure 8 — Overview of the data part of the encoded type 0 reference beat section

5.9 Rhythm data – Section 6

5.9.1 This section contains either:

i) the entire ECG rhythm data, if no reference beats have been subtracted (5.6.3, byte 2),


ii) the residual signal after reference beats have been subtracted.

5.9.2 If present, the section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.

5.9.3 The section data part begins with a header that has the following format:

Byte Contents

1 to 2 Multiplier for amplitude value (AVM). This operates as follows:

The amplitude value multiplier is expressed in nanovolt (1 × 10−9 Volt).

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Example: 1 250 → 1 amplitude quantum = 1,250 µV

2 441 → 1 amplitude quantum = 2,441 µV

3 to 4 The sample time interval for this section in microseconds (1 × 10−6 s).

Example: 4 000 → 250 samples/s.

1 250 → 800 samples/s.

5 This value indicates the encoding of the sample data as follows:

0 = Real (zero difference) data used for rhythm data.

1 = First difference data used for rhythm data.
2 = Second difference data used for rhythm data.

6 This value indicates how rhythm data is compressed, as follows:

0 = Bimodal compression not used.

1 = Bimodal compression used.

NOTE If bimodal compression is used, the protected region sample time interval is as in 5.8.3, but AVM is as in 5.9.3
bytes 1 to 2. Outside the protected region, AVM and sample time interval are as in 5.9.3 bytes 1 to 2 and 3 to 4.

5.9.4 The section data part contains the byte lengths of the encoded leads. Its format is as follows:

Byte Contents

1 to 2 (Unsigned) number of bytes in compressed rhythm data for first encoded lead.

3 to 4 (Unsigned) number of bytes in compressed rhythm data for second encoded lead.


5.9.5 The rhythm data then follows. If Section 2 has been provided, the data is coded as a series of
Huffman codes taken from Section 2. The leads are encoded in the order specified in Section 3. If Section 2 is
not provided, ECG data (either differenced or non-differenced) shall be formatted as signed, 2-byte integers.

Other formats may be accommodated by providing a “dummy” Huffman table with one code structure. The
number of bits in the prefix shall be set to zero. The number of bits in the entire code shall be set to the
desired number of bits per sample.

5.9.6 An overview of the data part of this section is presented in Figure 9.

Figure 9 — Overview of the data part of the rhythm data section

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5.10 Global measurements – Section 7

5.10.1 General

This section contains either global measurements for each reference beat type or for each QRS in the record,
and a list of pacemaker spikes in the record. If measurements are provided for each QRS, then the first
measurement block shall contain global measurements of beat type 0. The term “global” refers to
measurements taken across all leads of the ECG, but not necessarily representing more than one individual
beat. See 5.1.11 for a discussion of beat types.

5.10.2 Section Header ID

If present, the section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined 5.2.7.

5.10.3 Global ECG measurement data and pacemaker spike measurement data General

The section data part contains global ECG measurement data and pacemaker spike measurement data if any.

Special codes, as defined in the CSE Project, have been reserved to indicate:

29 999 (decimal) Measurement not computed by the program.

29 998 (decimal) Measurement result not found due to rejection of the lead by the measurement program.
19 999 (decimal) Measurement not found because wave was not present (e.g. P wave during atrial
These codes shall replace the measurement data when appropriate. Global ECG measurement data


Byte Contents

1 This byte contains either the number of reference beat types or the number of QRS’s + 1
(compare to byte 1 to 2). This byte refers to the number of measurement blocks
stored, where the first block (bytes 7 to 22) always contains measurements for reference beat
type 0. If this byte contains the number of reference beat types (i.e., it is not equal to
byte 1 to 2 plus 1), then each subsequent block contains the global measurements for each
subsequent reference beat type. If this byte contains the number of QRS’s + 1, then the
subsequent blocks contain the measurements for each individual beat in sequence.

2 The number of pacemaker spikes for which location times are sent.

3 to 4 Average RR interval in milliseconds for all QRS's.

5 to 6 Average PP interval in milliseconds for all QRS's.

7 to 22 Measurements for reference beat type 0 (see 5.10.4).

23 to 38 Measurements for reference beat type 1, or for first QRS (see byte 1).


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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E) Pacemaker spike measurement data (if any)

Byte Contents

1 to 2 1st spike time in milliseconds from start of rhythm record (unsigned integer).

3 to 4 1st spike amplitude in microvolts (1 × 10−6 V) (signed integer).

5 to 6 2nd spike time in milliseconds from start of rhythm record (unsigned integer).

7 to 8 2nd spike amplitude in microvolts (1 × 10−6 V) (signed integer).


Time and amplitude of these pacemaker spikes shall be given as signed quantities, which give a range of 0 to
65,535 s and ± 32,767 mV, respectively.

The time resolution for the pacemaker spikes shall be less than or equal to 2 ms. Pacemaker spike information

For each pacemaker spike identified in, byte 2, and in, this section shall contain one 6-byte
block providing additional information about the pacemaker spike. The order of the blocks corresponds to the
order of the spikes identified in

Byte Contents

1 Spike type of Pacemaker Spike #1:

0 Unknown

1 Spike triggers neither P-wave nor QRS

2 Spike triggers a QRS

3 Spike triggers a P-wave

4 to 127 Reserved

128 to 254 Manufacturer-specific

255 No spike type analysis performed

2 Source of Pacemaker Spike #1:

0 Unknown

1 Internal

2 External

3 to 255 Reserved

3 to 4 Index of triggered QRS complex for pacemaker spike #1:

0 No link

1 Link to QRS #1 first QRS complex

2 Link to QRS #2 second QRS complex etc.

5 to 6 Pulse width in microseconds – 0 is unknown or uncomputed (unsigned).


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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E) QRS type information

This section identifies the reference beat type for each QRS complex in the ECG. Complexes are addressed
in order. Reference beat types are numbered according to their appearance in the Global ECG measurement
data section (

Byte Contents

1 to 2 Number of QRS complexes.

3 Reference beat type of first QRS complex (0-??).

4 Reference beat type of second QRS complex (0-??).

etc. Additional global measurements

This section provides for additional measurements beyond those defined It is placed here so as not
to render inoperable any implementations of previous versions of the protocol.

Byte Contents

1 to 2 Ventricular rate, in beats per minute (unsigned integer).

3 to 4 Atrial rate, in beats per minute (unsigned integer).

5 to 6 QT corrected (milliseconds) (unsigned integer).

7 Formula type used for HR correction:


0 Unknown or unspecified

1 Bazett

2 Hodges

3 to 127 Reserved

128 to 254 Manufacturer-specific

255 Measurement not available

8 to 9 Number of bytes in tagged fields, which follow (zero if no tagged fields).

10 to *** Tagged fields, as in the following table. Valid tags are 0 to 254, tag 255 is a terminator. Each
tag has at least a 1-byte tag identifier and a 1-byte length specifier (tag 255 length is 0).

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Table 10 — Tagged fields

Tag Length Value (parameter data)

0 5 QT end All-lead Dispersion (Binary)
QT Intervals measured in milliseconds, from QRS onset to T wave offset. All ECG leads are
used in measurement.
Valid values are 0 to 254 (milliseconds); 255 = measurement not provided.
Byte Contents
1 Dispersion = maximum QT interval – minimum QT interval.
2 Heart rate corrected Dispersion: max.–min.
3 Dispersion = standard deviation of the QT intervals.
4 Heart rate corrected Dispersion: standard deviation.
5 Heart rate correction formula (see definition of byte 7 for valid values).
1 5 QT peak All-lead Dispersion (Binary)
QT Intervals measured in milliseconds, from QRS onset to T wave peak. All ECG leads are used
in measurement.
Valid values are 0 to 254 (milliseconds); 255 = measurement not provided.
Byte Contents
1 Dispersion = maximum QT peak interval – minimum QT peak interval.
2 Heart rate corrected Dispersion: max.–min.
3 Dispersion = standard deviation of the QT peak intervals.
4 Heart rate corrected Dispersion: standard deviation.
5 Heart rate correction formula (see definition of byte 7 for valid values).
2 5 QT end Precordial Dispersion (Binary)
QT Intervals measured in milliseconds, from QRS onset to T wave offset. Precordial ECG leads
only are used in measurement.
Valid values are 0 to 254 (milliseconds); 255 = measurement not provided.
Byte Contents
1 Dispersion = maximum QT interval – minimum QT interval.
2 Heart rate corrected Dispersion: max.–min.
3 Dispersion = standard deviation of the QT intervals.
4 Heart rate corrected Dispersion: standard deviation.
5 Heart rate correction formula (see definition of byte 7 for valid values).
3 5 QT peak Precordial Dispersion (Binary)
QT Intervals measured in milliseconds, from QRS onset to T wave peak. Precordial ECG leads
only are used in measurement.
Valid values are 0 to 254 (milliseconds); 255 = measurement not provided.
Byte Contents
1 Dispersion = maximum QT peak interval – minimum QT peak interval.
2 Heart rate corrected Dispersion: max.–min.
3 Dispersion = standard deviation of the QT peak intervals.
4 Heart rate corrected Dispersion: standard deviation.
5 Heart rate correction formula (see definition of byte 7 for valid values).
4 to
(none) Reserved
255 0 None (section terminator)


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5.10.4 The format of the measurement block for each reference beat type or for each individual QRS

Byte Contents

1 to 2 P onset

3 to 4 P offset

5 to 6 QRS onset

7 to 8 QRS offset

9 to 10 T offset

11 to 12 P axis in the frontal plane (angular degrees, 999 if undefined)

13 to 14 QRS axis in the frontal plane (angular degrees, 999 if undefined)

15 to 16 T axis in the frontal plane (angular degrees, 999 if undefined)

NOTE 1 If the measurement block contains measurements for a reference beat type, then measurements for
onset/offset are given in milliseconds from the beginning of the reference beat. If the measurement block contains
measurements for an individual beat, then measurements for onset/offset are given in milliseconds from the beginning of
the ECG record. Wave durations and intervals can be computed from wave or interval offset minus onset.

NOTE 2 For the axes (P, QRS, T) in the frontal plane the convention shown in Figure 10 is used.

Figure 10 — Angle definition

5.10.5 Manufacturer specific global measurement block

⎯ A block with variable length for manufacturer-specific global measurements can be added to this section,
after the data on pacemaker spikes.

⎯ The start of the manufacturer-specific block (counting from the beginning of the Section ID Header) shall
be derived from the information given for the global ECG measurement data. For example, if the
measurement blocks contain global measurements for each reference beat type, the start of the
manufacturer specific block will be 16 (i.e. 5.2.7) + 6 + (Number of reference beat types times 16) +
(Number of pacemaker spikes times 4) + (Number of pacemaker spikes times 6) + (2 + Number of QRSs)
+ (9 + the number of bytes in tagged global measurements) + 1. The end shall be given in the Section ID
Header by the total length of the section, including the Section ID Header (see 5.2.7).


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5.10.6 An overview of the data part of global measurements

An overview of the data part of Section 7, global measurements, is presented in Figure 11.

Figure 11 — Overview of the data part of the global measurements section

5.11 Storage of full text interpretive statements – Section 8

5.11.1 This section contains a text version of the latest diagnostic interpretation of the ECG.

5.11.2 If present, the section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.

5.11.3 The data portion of this section includes a data header followed by multiple statements.

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5.11.4 Header:

Byte Contents

1 Binary: Confirmed/Non-confirmed report:

Value Type

0 Original report (not overread).

1 Confirmed report.

2 Overread report, but not confirmed.

2 to 3 Binary: year (full integer notation, as in 1 990).

4 Binary: month (range 01 to 12; 01 = January).

5 Binary: day (range 01 to 31).

6 Binary: hours (range 00 to 23).

7 Binary: minutes (range 00 to 59).

8 Binary: seconds (range 00 to 59).

9 Binary: number of statements in this section.

5.11.5 Statement data:

Byte Contents

1 Binary: Statement sequence number, starting with 1.

2 to 3 Binary: Statement field length (number of bytes in the statement, starting with the first byte
following, and including, the NULL terminator).

4 to *** Statement body: text terminated by NULL.

5.11.6 No codes are allowed in the statements, unless accompanied by descriptive text.

5.11.7 The section data part lay-out is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12 — Overview of the data part of Section 8

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5.12 Storing manufacturer specific interpretive statements and data related to the
overreading trail – Section 9

5.12.1 This section is reserved for manufacturer-specific diagnostic statements of the analysing device and
overreading trail of the interpretation. The source of the analysing device and the name of the overreading
physician (or device) are defined in the “Header Section” (Section 1).

5.12.2 If present, the section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.

5.12.3 The structure and format of the data part of this section are manufacturer specific.

5.13 Lead measurement block – Section 10

5.13.1 This section contains the measurements of each recorded lead separately. The mandatory
measurements and their format are listed below. A manufacturer specific area, and escape codes for special
conditions have been provided.

5.13.2 If present, the section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.

5.13.3 The lead measurement section data part shall consist of one record for each measured lead. Each
record shall consist of four fields:

a) Lead identifier (Binary 2 bytes). Refer to 5.6.4, byte 9, for lead numbering scheme.

b) Length (unsigned integer) of record in bytes, excluding bytes 1 to 4 (Binary; 2 bytes).

c) Up to 50 basic measurements (signed integers) (Binary fields; 2 bytes each).

d) Manufacturer measurement area, starting from byte 105 on (Binary). No specific guidelines are included
for the layout or format of this block.

5.13.4 Special codes, as defined in the CSE Project, have been reserved to indicate:

29 999 (decimal) Measurement not computed by the program.

29 998 (decimal) Measurement result not found due to rejection of the lead by measurement program.
19 999 (decimal) Measurement not found because wave (e.g. Q wave) was not present in the
corresponding lead.
5.13.5 The header of the data part of this section contains the number of leads for which a measurement
block is transmitted (binary, 2 bytes), followed by 2 bytes of manufacturer-specific information.

5.13.6 Each lead measurement block shall consist of:

Byte Contents
1 to 2 Lead ID
3 to 4 Length of record
5 to 6 P-duration (ms) (total P-duration, including P+ and P- components)
7 to 8 PR-interval (ms)
9 to 10 QRS-duration (ms)
11 to 12 QT-interval (ms)
13 to 14 Q-duration (ms)
15 to 16 R-duration (ms)
17 to 18 S-duration (ms)


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19 to 20 R'-duration (ms)
21 to 22 S'-duration (ms)
23 to 24 Q-amplitude (µV)
25 to 26 R-amplitude (µV)
27 to 28 S-amplitude (µV)
29 to 30 R'-amplitude (µV)
31 to 32 S'-amplitude (µV)
33 to 34 J-point-amplitude (µV) (amplitude of the J-point = amplitude of end of QRS)
35 to 36 P(+)-amplitude (µV)
37 to 38 P(-) -amplitude (µV)
39 to 40 T(+)-amplitude (µV)
41 to 42 T(-)-amplitude (µV)
43 to 44 ST-slope (µV/s)
45 to 46 P morphology description, as defined below
47 to 48 T morphology description, as defined below
49 to 50 Iso-electric segment at onset of QRS (in milliseconds) (Segment I)
51 to 52 Iso-electric segment at the end of QRS (in milliseconds) (Segment K)

NOTE For the definition of the iso-electric segments I and K see European Heart Journal 1985, vol.6, pp. 815-825.
Briefly, “I” is the interval between the global onset of QRS derived from all simultaneously recorded leads and the onset of
QRS in a specific lead. Conversely, “K” is the time between the end of QRS in a specific lead and the global end of QRS.
53 to 54 Intrinsicoid deflection (in ms)
55 to 56 Quality code reflecting ECG recording conditions, as defined below
57 to 58 ST-amplitude at the J-point plus 20 ms
59 to 60 ST-amplitude at the J-point plus 60 ms
61 to 62 ST-amplitude at the J-point plus 80 ms
63 to 64 ST-amplitude at the J-point plus 1/16 average R-R interval
65 to 66 ST-amplitude at the J-point plus 1/8 average R-R interval
67 to 104 Reserved for future use
105 to *** Manufacturer specific block for measurement results

All measurements shall be expressed as signed integers. The amplitudes of the Q, S, S', T(−) and P(−) waves
shall be expressed as negative integers, as well as the J-point amplitude and J+20, J+60 and J+80 amplitudes,
when they are negative. Note that the J-point (J) is the same as the QRS-end location.

Bytes 67 to 104 have to be set to zero and need to be transmitted if a manufacturer specific measurement
block is included.

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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E) The P and T morphology description codes (Bytes 45 to 48) are defined as follows:

Value Contents
0 unknown
1 positive
2 negative
3 positive/negative
4 negative/positive
5 positive/negative/positive
6 negative/positive/negative
7 notched M-shaped
8 notched W-shaped The Quality Code (Bytes 55 to 56) is defined as follows:

2 binary bytes per lead, consisting of 8 2-bit fields. Each 2-bit pair represents the noise level in one of four

The least significant bit of byte 55 is defined as bit 0. The most significant bit of byte 56 is defined as bit 15.

Bit Contents Level Class

0 to 1 AC (mains) noise 0 none/no

2 to 3 overrange 1 moderate/yes

4 to 5 wander 2 severe

6 to 7 tremor or muscle artifact 3 unknown

8 to 9 spikes or sudden jumps

10 to 11 electrode loose or off

12 to 13 pacemaker

14 to 15 interchanged lead

5.13.7 An overview of the data part of this section is presented in Figure 13.

Figure 13 — Overview of the data part of the lead measurement block section

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5.14 Storage of the universal ECG interpretive statement codes – Section 11

5.14.1 This section contains the most recent interpretation and overreading data, coded according to the
Universal Statement Codes and Coding Rules, defined in Annex F. The data contained in this section shall be
consistent with the data in Sections 8 and 9.

5.14.2 If present, the section shall start with a “Section ID Header” as defined in 5.2.7.

5.14.3 Structure and format definition:

Data shall be stored on a statement-by-statement basis. There are three possible types of statement:

1) Universal Statement Codes (as defined in Annex F).

2) Full Text (as used in Section 8).

3) Statement Logic (identifying logical relationships between statements).

To store the three types of statement, three separate statement fields have been defined.

Only one field of type “Statement Logic” is allowed to identify the logical relationships between
statements of the other types. If no “Statement Logic” type field is included in the section, it is assumed

that all statements are equally valid, and have no “special” relationship to each other, except for what
is declared in the statement. The number of fields of the types “Universal Statement Codes” and “Full
Text” are not restricted.

5.14.4 The layout of the data part of this section is presented in 5.14.5, and is explained below. Header

Byte Contents

1 Binary: Confirmed/Non confirmed report:

Value Type

0 Original report (not overread).

1 Confirmed report.

2 Overread report, but not confirmed.

2 to 3 Binary: year (Full integer notation, as in 1 990).

4 Binary: month (range 01 to 12; 01 = January).

5 Binary: day (range 1 to 31).

6 Binary: hours (range 0 to 23) (time is always local time).

7 Binary: minutes (range 0 to 59).

8 Binary: seconds (range 0 to 59).

9 Binary: number of statements in this section.

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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E) Statement data

Byte Contents

1 Binary: Statement sequence number. Each statement has been given a sequence number to
allow easy binding by the Type 3 logical operands.

2 to 3 Binary: Statement field length (number of bytes in the statement, starting with the statement
field type byte, and including the NULL terminator).

4 to *** Statement field:

Byte Contents

1 Binary: Statement field type:

Value Type

1 Coded statement type, using the Universal Statement Codes.

2 Full text type, as used in Section 8.
3 Statement logic type, as described below.

2 to *** Data depending on the field type, terminated by NULL (0). Statement type

Type 1: This type shall contain one coded statement optionally followed by one or more modifiers,
according to the Universal Statement Codes. The coded statement and modifiers shall each

occupy one data part terminated by a NULL (0). The data parts are of variable length and the
number of data parts is not restricted. The only restriction is the total length of all data parts
together, which is 65 535 bytes maximum.

Type 2: This type has one data part containing only text characters, and is NULL (0) terminated.

Type 3: This type has one data part containing only text characters, and is NULL (0) terminated. The
contents of this field identify the logical relationships between statements by using logical
operands acting on statements referred to by their sequence number.

EXAMPLE “(1+2);3” with “+” = or, “;” = and, “(...)” marking precedence this means: statement No. 1 OR statement
No. 2. AND statement No. 3.

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5.14.5 Layout of the data part of Section 11

See Figure 14.

Figure 14 — Overview of the data part of Section 11

6 Minimum requirements for encoding and compression of the ECG signal data

6.1 Scope and field of application

As described in Clause 1, ECGs are taken in routine clinical practice with the patient being at rest, during
defined periods of exercise or over long-term periods during regular daily activity, i.e. during ambulatory (so-
called Holter) monitoring or in intensive care units for cardiac arrhythmia monitoring. Recommendations for
compression of data from long-term ECG recordings have been excluded from this part of ISO 11073. The
specifications for encoding and compression described are restricted to the routine resting electrocardiogram.

6.2 Introduction

ECG recordings made at rest have typically a length of 10 s. If digitized within accuracy limits recommended
by the International Committees on Electrocardiology of AHA, AAMI, CSE and others, namely 500 samples/s
and maximum 5 µV/LSB, for each ECG lead per second, 1 000 bytes of data is obtained with 16 bits/sample.

This results in 80 000 bytes of data for a standard 12-lead 10-second ECG (in this case, redundancy of limb
leads which can be reconstructed from lead I and lead II has already been removed).

Although less than medical imaging, electrocardiography thus results in large amounts of digital data
compared to other medical data such as patient history, diagnostic codes and biomedical laboratory data.
Although technology has nowadays significantly increased the available capacity and transmission speed,
data reduction is still desirable, if not an economic necessity, especially when transmission is performed over
the normal telephone network.

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Indeed, there are two compelling reasons for compressing digital ECG data:

1) to reduce the (magnetic) storage requirements for medical databases and hospital information

2) to reduce the time (and telephone expense) of ECG data transmission.

Although the semantic diagnostic ECG information can in theory be stored in a few bytes, re-analysis and
comparison with consecutive ECG recordings is a frequent need, particularly for cardiac patients. Small
changes in the morphology of an ECG may be sensitive indicators for the course of a disease. They may be
recognizable within ECG serial comparison, but they may be lost if only major diagnostic findings of ECG
analysis are documented as textual information.

Various ECG compression algorithms have been developed during the past decades. Compression of ECGs
was, except where in specific environment only redundancy reduction was applied, always accompanied by
some deterioration of the original record. Since there are no standards for accuracy limits, data formats or
compression methods, compressed ECG data could be re-analysed and compared only within processing

systems of the same manufacturer. Neither could data be exchanged between systems of different
manufacturers nor was quantitative information available on the deterioration of the data from compression
and decompression procedures.

The major goal and achievement obtained under the activities of Workpackage 2 within the SCP-ECG Project
of the Preliminary AIM Programs (1989-1990) of the European Community was to define and to agree on
accuracy limits and specifications for compression of ECG data, and to define encoding of data in such a way
that compressed ECGs can be transmitted and re-analysed in systems of different manufacturers. The
recommendations resulting from this activity form the basis of this document.

6.3 ECG compression methodology

The following principles applied to ECG data compression can be identified:

1) redundancy reduction within the digital record (reproducible data compression);

2) bandwidth limitation and reduction of sampling rate;

3) information reduction by irreversible data compression with and without defined accuracy limits.

A review of various algorithms, developed during the past 20 years, for compression of resting as well as
Holter ECGs has been prepared during the SCP-ECG Project. Relevant contributions to ECG data
compression can be found in the references listed in the Bibliography.

The major conclusions from this review were the following.

1) Redundancy reduction is the only method to avoid deterioration of the signal. Redundancy reduction
results in compression ratios in the order of magnitude of 2 to 5.

2) Other compression schemes allow compression between 5 and 12.

3) The error measures for signal reconstruction are mainly given in RMS values. The RMS figures,
however, are averages and even at small RMS figures unpredictably high absolute errors in
significant signal parts may occur.

4) Validation of compression schemes should always include the analysis of absolute amplitude errors
since they may be 10 to 20 times larger than the RMS figures.

5) Signal transformation (discrete Fourier transformation, Karhunen-Loeve transformation, Walsh

transformation) has also been applied. The compression ratios reported range from 6 to 12. However,
for these methods the reconstruction fidelity is given only in terms of RMS figures. Results reported
indicate that transform compression may be used for data reduction of one typical ECG cycle rather
than compression of complete ECG records.

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6) Measurability of minimum waves and reproducibility of notches/slurs determine the possible

compression of ECGs. At present the CSE recommendations require that minimum waveforms down
to 20 µV/6 ms be measurable. Clinically significant notches of ~ 4 ms have been reported. However,
as a result of recent experiments, the duration requirement for minimum waves has, for practical
reasons, been adjusted to 10 ms. With a sampling rate of 500 samples/s shorter waves can indeed
not be reliably measured.

7) Standardization of ECG data compression requires:

a) harmonization of hardware specifications, amplifier noise, input voltage range, analog to digital
converter precision, LSB-value, etc.;

b) definition of reproducibility limits and maximum error tolerances.

6.4 Main results from investigations on ECG data compression in the SCP-ECG Project

6.4.1 Proposed solution for compression

Except for the redundancy reduction, any compression results in reduction of signal resolution. However, from
a practical point of view, not every µV resolution and not every bit is significant. More important is that
measurements, obtained at a reasonable degree of amplitude and time resolution, match with each other
before and after compression.

A compression scheme was therefore developed by investigators of some companies, where a reference beat
is processed from the original data and is stored or transmitted in such a way that reprocessing would provide
the same measurements as before. This could be achieved:

a) by a compression which makes use of redundancy reduction only;

b) by transmission of pointers (wave recognition points) which allow re-measurement based on exactly the
same references.

Besides the reference beat, a residual record is stored and transmitted. The residual record is obtained by
subtracting the reference beat from the original ECG record at each cycle location. The residual record is low-
pass filtered, truncated and the sampling rate is reduced. From this record first or second amplitude
differences are Huffman encoded and stored or transmitted. Reconstitution of the ECG record for visual
inspection is possible by adding the reference beat to the residual record at the respective cycle locations. For
this method overall compression ratios in the order of twenty could be obtained.

A detailed analysis of this compression scheme in the SCP-ECG Project has revealed that within the
reconstructed record relatively large errors may occur within QRS. These errors result from low-pass filtering.
Particularly the QRS sections of the residual record contain high frequency components which are removed
by low-pass filtering, truncation and sample rate reduction by the methods proposed and used in some
commercial programs.

In the SCP-ECG Project a method was therefore designed which applies basically the same compression
scheme, but whereby the QRS-section is protected from low pass filtering and sample rate reduction. In this
way all the details of the QRS-T complex are maintained, on which the main morphology diagnosis shall be
made. In the residual record needed to reconstruct the ECG recording on which the rhythm diagnosis has to
be made, only almost invisible changes to the human eye can be seen with the compression scheme
developed in SCP-ECG. These changes had no effect on the rhythm diagnosis of the studied cases.

The major advantage of the new compression scheme is that essential details of sensitive QRS data sections
are protected and that the overall accuracy could be substantially improved. A detailed description of the
methodology is given in Annex C, with numerical examples.

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6.4.2 Testing methodology for the proposed solutions

To investigate the behaviour of this and various other compression algorithms at first a set (test set 1) of
11 ECGs from the CSE database for assessment of wave recognition accuracy has been used. These ECGs
were selected according to rhythm (sinus rhythm, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter), “normal” beats and
extrasystoles, with different QRS-morphology including normal, myocardial infarction, left ventricular
hypertrophy and others. These ECGs represent various types of ECG waveforms and contain low and high
levels of low frequency (baseline) and high frequency (line frequency, muscle tremor) noise. Essential
observations could be made on this data set. To get statistically relevant data a second set (test set 2) of
89 + 19 ECGs from the CSE diagnostic studies has been evaluated. These data were selected according to
amplitude distributions, which had to be multiples of 1µV. It also consists of cases with normal and abnormal
rhythm, extrasystoles and normal and pathological QRS-morphology.

In some situations it was helpful to use artificial waveforms (e.g. simulating atrial flutter waves) and a number
of artificial ECGs with normal P-QRS-T morphology. To avoid unrealistic results because of signal edges etc.,
care was taken that in all leads first and second derivatives are continuous. The advantage of the synthetic
signals is that true amplitudes and intervals are known and that results from compression experiments are not
masked by effects from noise removal or noise reproduction.

In Annex C a set of test ECGs is presented by which conformance testing and error evaluation of ECG
compression algorithms can be done with respect to the requirements described in this part of ISO 11073.

6.5 Minimum requirements for ECG data compression

6.5.1 General

Based upon the results from the investigations in the SCP-ECG Project the following quantization and error
limits have been chosen as standard for digital ECG encoding and compression.

6.5.2 Categories of compression schemes

Basically three categories of compression of ECG information can be identified:

Category A: Only a set of measurement parameters and diagnostic statements shall be stored or
transmitted from an original ECG record.
Category B: A set of measurements, diagnostic statements and a Reference Beat with the residual
record from which the original ECG can be reconstituted within error limits is
Category C: A set of measurements and diagnostic statements and the only redundancy reduced
compressed original ECG is stored/transmitted. Besides, a Reference Beat (as processing
result) may be compressed, stored and transmitted as well.

6.5.3 Minimum requirements for ECG data encoding and compression It is left open to the manufacturers in which way they carry out the data compression. However,
reference beat type 0 and the residual record shall be provided if reference beat subtraction is applied. The
reconstruction RMS error and the absolute errors shall be verifiable on the SCP test set. Error measures shall
be calculated from the beginning of the first subtraction to the end of the last subtraction. For pure redundancy
reduction, the reconstruction errors (RMS and absolute errors – except the quantization error) shall be 0 with
reference to a 500 samples/s and 5 µV/LSB record. If reference beat subtraction is used for data compression, all leads of an ECG record shall be
recorded simultaneously. Digitization: SR W 500 samples/s; LSB u 5 µV.

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ISO 11073-91064:2009(E) Reference Beat: SR W 500 samples/s; LSB u 5 µV. Residual Record: Truncation Error u ±15 µV. Residual Record: Sampling Interval u 8 ms. Reconstruction Error: RMS u 10 µV. Absolute Error: u 100 µV in a single sample outside P-QRS-T. Absolute Error within QRS: u 15 µV in a single sample.


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Annex A

Encoding of alphanumeric ECG data in a multilingual environment

A.1 General
The encoding method to be used for text fields in SCP-ECG is explained in this annex. The method is taken
from the ISO/IEC standards that describe the use of multiple character sets. For a better understanding of the
present annex, the reader should consult the structure and extension rules of the ISO 8-bit code, documented
in ISO/IEC 4873 and ISO/IEC 2022.

Multiple character sets are required, not only in the case of the Japanese but also in European languages
which use non-ASCII characters (e.g., “ ä ” in German, “ ç ” in French, “ å ” in Swedish etc.). Thus, use of
extended character sets shall ensure that the SCP-ECG protocol can be accepted internationally.

A text string, which includes unknown character sets, may cause serious problems with patient identification in
some machines. Therefore, a method for handling unsupported character sets shall also be described in this

A.2 Scope
Text encoding should be applied to the fields of the SCP-ECG protocol listed in Table A.1.

Table A.1 — Fields of the SCP-ECG protocol

Section Tag Contents

1 0 Last name
1 1 First name
1 2 Patient identification number
1 3 Second last name
1 10 Drugs
1 13 Diagnosis or referral indication
1 14 Acquiring device ID number
1 15 Analysing device ID number
1 16 Acquiring institution description
1 17 Analysing institution description
1 18 Acquiring department description
1 19 Analysing department description
1 20 Referring physician
1 21 Overreading physician
1 22 Technician description
1 23 Room description
1 30 Free text field


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Table A.1 (continued)

Section Tag Contents

1 31 ECG sequence number

1 32 History diagnostic codes
1 33 Electrode configuration code
1 34 Date time zone
1 35 Free text medical history
8+11 – Free text diagnostic report information
9 – Manufacturer specific diagnostic report information

This encoding is intended as an interchange format, not as an internal representation. It is expected (but not
required) that each ECG computer system shall convert this format to some internal representation for
processing and rendering, and convert from that internal representation to this format for data communication.

A.3 References and definitions

A.3.1 References

See Clause 2 as well as the following.

ISO/IEC 2375, Information technology — Procedure for registration of escape sequences and coded
character sets

ISO/IEC 6429:1992, Information technology — Control functions for coded character sets

ISO/IEC 8859-2:1999, Information technology — 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 2:
Latin alphabet No. 2

JIS X 0202, Code Extension Techniques for Use with the Code for Information Interchange; Japanese
Industrial Standard (JIS)

SCHEIFLER, R. W., Compound Text Encoding version 1.1, MIT X Consortium Standard

A.3.2 Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this annex, the following definitions were taken over from ISO/IEC 4873 and JIS C 6228,
that on March 1, 1987 was renamed JIS X 0202.

Latin-1 defined in ISO/IEC 8859-1 shall be used as the default character set in this part of ISO 11073.

coded character set
set of unambiguous rules which establishes a character set and the one-to-one relationship between each
character of the set and its coded representation by one or more bit combinations

control character
control function, the coded representation of which consists of a single bit combination


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graphic character
character, other than a control function, that has a visual representation normally handwritten, printed or
displayed, and that has a coded representation consisting of one or more bit combinations

control function
action that affects the recording, processing, transmission or interpretation of data, and that has a coded
representation consisting of one or more bit combinations

format effector
control character that controls the layout and positioning of information on character-imaging devices such as
printing and display devices

to designate
to identify a set of characters that are to be represented, in some cases immediately and in others on the
occurrence of a further control function, in a prescribed manner

to invoke
to cause a designated set of characters to be represented by the prescribed bit combinations whenever those
bit combinations occur, until an appropriate extension function occurs

to represent
a to use a prescribed bit combination with the meaning of a character in a set of characters that has been
designated and invoked or

b to use an escape sequence with the meaning of an additional control function

A.4 Values
Byte values are represented in this annex as two decimal numbers in the form column/row as defined in the
ISO/IEC standards. This means that the value can be calculated as (col*16) + row; e.g. 01/11 corresponds to
the value 27 (1B hex).

The byte encoding space is divided into four ranges:

C0 bytes from 00/00 to 01/15

GL bytes from 02/00 to 07/15

C1 bytes from 08/00 to 09/15

GR bytes from 10/00 to 15/15

C0 and C1 are “control character” sets, while GL and GR are “graphic character” sets. For GL, byte 02/00 is
always defined as SPACE, and byte 07/15 (normally DELETE) is never used.

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Figure A.1 — Ranges of the byte encoding space

The 16-by-16 array of columns numbered 00 to 15, and rows numbered 0 to 15 contains 256 code positions.
Columns 00 to 07 of this array contain 128 character positions which are in one-to-one correspondence with
the characters of the 7-bit set. Their coded representation is the same as in the 7-bit environment with the
addition of an eight bit that is ZERO. Columns 08 to 15 contain 128 more positions. The eighth bit of their
coded representation is ONE. Columns 08 and 09 are used to indicate control characters, and columns 10 to
15 graphic characters, with the exception of positions 10/0 and 15/15.

The 8-bit code table can be extended through various code extension facilities, one of which is by means of
an appropriate escape sequence, as summarised in A.6.2.

A.5 Control characters

The definition of each control character comes from ISO/IEC 646 and ISO/IEC 4873.

As shown in Table A.2, only a subset of the control characters of C0 shall be used for the encoding of free text
in SCP-ECG. No values of the control set C1 shall be used.

The interchange of text string data (such as Sections 8, 10 and 11) may require some formatting information.
To this end format effectors (as listed in Table A.2) should be used, but their usage should be kept to a
minimum since some machines may handle them inappropriately.

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Table A.2 — Control characters

Category Acronym Name Coded Presentation

Format effector BS BACKSPACE 00/08
Format effector HT HORIZONTAL TAB 00/09
Format effector LF LINE FEED 00/10
Format effector VT VERTICAL TAB 00/11
Format effector FF FORM FEED 00/12
Format effector CR CARRIAGE RETURN 00/13
Code extension ESC ESCAPE 01/11

1) BS

Backspace may be used for making composed characters by overstriking (ISO/IEC 646 allows this kind of
representation). However, some machines have no overstriking facility, so it is better to use adequate
character sets (e.g. ISO/IEC 8859-1) to represent compound characters.

2) HT, VT

Specification of tabulation width settings is not part of this proposal.

3) CR

CARRIAGE RETURN may also be used for composite characters. The same can be said for

4) LF

Some machines (such as UNIX based machines) may interpret LINEFEED (00/10) as a NEWLINE. This
can be thought of as using the (deprecated) NEW LINE mode, described in E.1.3 in ISO/IEC 6429:1992.

In this proposal, NEWLINE is represented as CR+LF. So under such an environment, it is expected that

this format is converted to an internal representation (i.e. convert CR+LF to LF).

NULL is used for a string terminator in the SCP-ECG protocol. But it is not a part of the text string. This is
consistent with ISO/IEC 646 and ISO/IEC 4873.

A.6 Character set encoding

A.6.1 General principle of multi-lingual text encoding

In order to realize a multi-lingual environment, a switching facility for different character sets in a text string is
required. Some graphic characters have different visual representation with the same code, e.g. both lower
case “a” with a tilde in ISO/IEC 8859-1 and lower case “a” with a brave in ISO/IEC 8859-2 have the same
code i.e. 14/03. In addition, there are some multi-byte character sets such as Japanese Kanji and Chinese
Hanzi that have thousands of characters, in which case single byte encoding is impossible.

ISO/IEC 2022 defines the code extension techniques (see Figure A.2) making it possible to use multiple
graphic character sets in a text string thereby achieving a multi-lingual environment. In ISO/IEC 2022, the
code extension is realized by mapping the desired graphic character set into the coding space by using the
following two steps:

1) the desired graphic character set is designated to one of G0, G1, G2 or G3; this is done by using
escape sequences;

2) the designated set (G0, G1, G2 or G3) is invoked to the area in the coding space 02/00 to 07/15 or
10/00 to 15/15; this is done by using shift functions.

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Figure A.2 — Code extension techniques (see ISO/IEC 2022)

A.6.2 Default and initial setting

A.6.2.1 We shall use only an 8-bit environment, and shall always use G0 for GL and G1 for GR (see
Figure A.3). This is done by the announcement of the necessary extension facilities, as described in Clause 9
of ISO/IEC 2022:1994. Under this condition, designation also invokes, so it is not necessary to explicitly

A 96-character set can only be designated/invoked to GR. This is because 02/00 is SPACE and 07/15 is
DELETE so that GL can contain only 94 characters in 02/01 to 07/14. GR can contain 96 characters in 00/00
to 15/15. Hence GR can be invoked by different 94-character sets as well as 96-character sets.

In a 94-character set no characters shall be allocated to the positions 02/00, 07/15, 10/00 and 15/15, while in
a 96-character set these positions can contain characters. The three-dimensional block in the figure below
represents a multi-byte character set. A 94-n character set uses n (n >1) bytes for each character as shown in
Figure A.3.

A.6.2.2 The default GL set corresponds to the left half of ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Latin 1). This is the same as
ASCII (ANSI X3.4-1968).

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A.6.2.3 The default GR set corresponds to the right half of ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Latin 1).

These specifications determine the default character set which can be used without an escape sequence as
specified in 6.4 “Initial designation and invocation” of ISO/IEC 2022. The subset of ISO/IEC 2022 for SCP-
ECG is shown in Figure A.3.

Figure A.3 — The default GR set (subset of ISO/IEC 2022)

A.6.2.4 The implied initial state in ISO/IEC 2022 is defined by the sequence shown in Table A.3.

Table A.3 — Implied initial state in ISO/IEC 2022

Escape sequence Description

ESC 02/00 04/03 GO and G1 in 8-bit environment only. Designation also invokes.
ESC 02/00 04/07 In an 8-bit environment, C1 represented as 8-bits.
ESC 02/00 04/09 Graphic character sets can be 94 or 96.
ESC 02/00 04/11 8-bit code is used.
ESC 02/08 04/02 Designate ASCII into G0.
ESC 02/13 04/01 Designate right-handed part of ISO Latin-1 into G1.
ESC 02/01 04/00 Designate ISO/IEC 646 into C0.

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The default character set for SCP-ECG is shown in Figure A.4.

Figure A.4 — The default character set for SCP-ECG

A.6.3 Character sets extension

A.6.3.1 Figure A.5 shows the string field structure encoded in accordance with ISO/IEC 2022. The text
string with such encoding contains escape sequences or shift function characters, as well as the
announcement of extension facilities at the beginning of the string.


Figure A.5 — The text string field structure (ISO/IEC 2022)

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A.6.3.2 The ISO/IEC 2022 method is flexible and powerful, but the full implementation may become too
complicated for the SCP-ECG protocol. Some escape sequences, shift functions and announcements can be
omitted in accordance with the standard.

The following rules are applied in order to omit some escape sequences and offer a simpler method for multi-
lingual encoding.

1) Announcers (1) in Figure A.5 shall be omitted by agreement on extension facilities between
interchanging parties.

2) Shift functions (3) and (4) shall be omitted by the escape sequences which designate and also
invoke the G0 and G1 into GL and GR respectively, as defined by “ESC 02/00 04/03”.

3) The escape sequence (2) is omitted by the following initial default setting:

⎯ Designate ASCII (left-handed part of ISO/IEC 8859-1) into G0 and also invoke to GL.

⎯ Designate Latin-1 (right-handed part of ISO/IEC 8859-1) into G1 and also invoke to GR.

⎯ Designate ISO/IEC 646 into C0.

⎯ No designation to C1.

No escape sequences shall be found in a text string when only ISO/IEC 8859-1 is used. This is the normal
ASCII 8-bit text string. If another character set is required in a string, an escape sequence for switching the
character set is necessary before the characters of the other character set.

The format of a text field with multiple character sets is summarised in Table A.4.

Table A.4 — Format of an encoded text string in SCP-ECG

Escape sequence to
Characters from the Escape Characters from the
change to another –
default character set sequence new character set
character set

Each string in the transmission shall start with the default character set. A new field or the trailing NULL shall
reset to the default character set.

A.6.3.3 The format of an escape sequence for an extension character set is:


* “ESC” is the escape character. Its code representation is 01/11.

* “{I}” stands for one or more “intermediate characters”, which are in the range 02/00 to 02/15. It shows the
function of the escape sequence.

* “F” stands for “Final character”, which is always in the range 04/00 to 07/14. These are registered by an
International Registration Authority. Some of the final characters are listed in A.6.4.

A.6.3.4 To define another character set encoding to be the GL set, one of the following escape
sequences is used:

ESC 02/08 F 94 character set

ESC 02/04 02/08 F 94N character set

ESC 02/04 F some special 94N character set

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For the final characters, 04/01 and 04/02 can be used in the form “ESC 02/04 F”. This exception comes from
6.3.9 of ISO/IEC 2022:1994. The sequence “ESC 02/04 04/02”, for the Japanese character set, is commonly
used in Japan.

A.6.3.5 To define one of the other character set encodings to be the GR set, one of the following control
sequences is used:

ESC 02/09 F 94 character set

ESC 02/13 F 96 character set

ESC 02/04 02/09 F 94N character set

A.6.3.6 The following intermediate characters are allowed: 02/00, 02/01, 02/04, 02/09 and 02/13. The
following intermediate characters are not permitted in SCP-ECG:

02/02, 02/03, 02/05, 02/06, 02/07, 02/10, 02/11, 02/12, 02/14 and 02/15.

A.6.3.7 Final characters for private encoding (in the range of 03/00 to 03/15) are not permitted in SCP-

A.6.3.8 The other escape sequences described in ISO/IEC 2022 shall not be used for SCP-ECG.

A.6.3.9 A 94N character set uses N bytes (N > 1) for each character. The value of N is derived from the
column value of the final character F, specified above:

column 04 2 bytes

column 05 2 bytes

column 06 3 bytes

column 07 4 or more bytes

In a 94N encoding, the byte values 02/00 and 07/15 (in GL) and 10/00 and 15/15 (in GR) are never used (the
column definitions come from ISO/IEC 2022).

A.6.4 Final characters

In SCP-ECG only internationally registered final characters shall be used. The list in Table A.5 shows some of
the final characters which may be used.

Table A.5 — Final characters

F 94/96 Description
04/02 94 7-bit ASCII graphics (ANSI X3.4-1968)
Left half of ISO/IEC 8859 sets
04/09 94 Right half of JIS X 0201-1976 (reaffirmed 1984)
8-bit Alphanumeric-Katakana Code
04/10 94 Left half of JIS X 0201-1976 (reaffirmed 1984)
8-bit Alphanumeric-Katakana Code
04/01 96 Right half of ISO/IEC 8859-1, Latin alphabet No.1
04/02 96 Right half of ISO/IEC 8859-2, Latin alphabet No.2
04/03 96 Right half of ISO/IEC 8859-3, Latin alphabet No.3
04/04 96 Right half of ISO/IEC 8859-4, Latin alphabet No.4
04/06 96 Right half of ISO/IEC 8859-7, Latin/Greek alphabet
04/07 96 Right half of ISO/IEC 8859-6, Latin/Arabic alphabet


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Table A.5 (continued)

F 94/96 Description
04/08 96 Right half of ISO/IEC 8859-8, Latin/Hebrew alphabet
04/12 96 Right half of ISO/IEC 8859-5, Latin/Cyrillic alphabet No.1
04/13 96 Right half of ISO/IEC 8859-9, Latin alphabet No.5
04/01 942 GB2312-1980, China (PRC) Hanzi
04/02 942 JIS X 0203-1983, Japanese Graphic Character Set
04/03 942 KS C5601-1987, Korean Graphic Character Set

The sets listed as “Left half of ...” shall always be defined as GL. The sets listed as “Right half of ...” shall
always be defined as GR. Other sets can be defined either as GL or GR.

If 04/01, 04/02 and 04/03 are used in the form “ESC 02/04 F”, they are always defined as GR.

A.7 Language code

The “Language code” field of Section 2 in the SCP-ECG protocol is used to identify the class of character sets
used. This field is coded according to Table A.6.

Table A.6 — Language code

Value Description
Bit 0 reset to 0 uses ASCII only
Bit 0 set to 1 uses non-ASCII character set (includes the right half of ISO/IEC 8859-1)

Bit 1 reset to 0 uses ISO/IEC 8859-1 only

Bit 1 set to 1 uses other than ISO/IEC 8859-1
Bit 2 reset to 0 does not use multi-byte character set
Bit 2 set to 1 uses multi-byte character set
Bits 3 to 7 always reset to 0

Note that bit 0 shall be set to be 1, when using the right-handed part of ISO/IEC 8859-1. In this case, no
escape sequence shall appear in the string.

A.8 Method for handling unsupported character sets

A.8.1 General

The use of unsupported character sets in the string may cause serious problems in patient identification. The
method for handling unsupported character sets is described below. It is assumed that one system can input
all characters being displayed/printed.

A.8.2 ISO/IEC 8859-1 based machine

Print, display and input all GR and GL characters which cannot be handled in the following manner.

* replace all “\” characters (05/02) with two characters “\\”.

* replace the escape character (01/11), which precedes unknown escape sequences, with four characters
“\033”. Note that known escape sequences should be processed adequately.

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A.8.3 ASCII based machine

* replace all “\” characters (05/02) with two characters “\\”.

* replace the escape character (01/11), which precedes unknown escape sequences, with four characters
“\033” (note that known escape sequences should be processed adequately).

* replace all GR set characters with four characters “\nnn”, where 'nnn' is the 3 column octal representation
of each byte.

Checking the language code is helpful for this method. However, parsing of the text string is still required
because there might be supported and unsupported character sets in one string.

NOTE This proposal does not define the actions for over-flowing of display, print or input fields.

A.9 Summary of the Escape sequences described in this annex for the encoding of
free text in SCP-ECG
At the beginning of an information interchange, it may be required to announce the code extension facilities
used in the data which follow. If such an announcement is to be embedded within the character coded
information, one or more of the class of three-character escape sequences ESC 02/00 F shall be used.
Subject to agreement between the interchanging parties, such an announcement sequence may be omitted.

Escape sequences that are not listed here shall not be used in text fields. “Announcer” shall not appear in the
field explicitly.

Table A.7 — Escape sequences

Escape sequence Description Note

ESC 02/00 04/03 G0 and G1 in 8-bit environment only; designation also Announcera
ESC 02/00 04/07 In an 8-bit environment, C1 represented as 8-bits Announcera
ESC 02/00 04/09 Graphic character sets can be 94 or 96 Announcera
ESC 02/00 04/11 8-bit code is used Announcera
ESC 02/08 04/02 Designate ASCII left half of ISO/IEC 8895-1 into G0 Default
ESC 02/13 04/01 Designate right half of ISO/IEC 8895-1 Latin-1 into G1 Default
ESC 02/01 04/00 Designate ISO/IEC 646 into C0 Default
ESC 02/08 F Designate 94 character set into G0
ESC 02/04 02/08 F Designate 94N character set into G0
ESC 02/04 F Designate some special 94N character set into G0
ESC 02/09 F Designate 94 character set into G1
ESC 02/13 F Designate 96 character set into G1
ESC 02/04 02/09 F Designate 94N character set into G1
a The final characters (04/03, 04/07, 04/09, 04/11) announce the code extension that is actually used, hence the term
“Announcer” and also “announcing sequence”. The final character of the announcing sequence indicates the facilities for
representing graphic sets and some control sets in the 7-bit or 8-bit environments.

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A.10 Examples of encoded text strings

Some examples of encoded strings are shown below. The representation in an unsupported environment is
also shown.

EXAMPLE 1 ISO/IEC 8859-1 string

text: äçå

code representation: 14/04 14/07 14/05

in unsupported environment: \344\347\345

EXAMPLE 2 mixture of ASCII and Japanese Kanji string (JIS X 0208)

text: abc 123

code representation: as shown in Table A.8.

Table A.8 — Code representation

Character encoding Comments

06/01 character “a”

06/02 character “b”
06/03 character “c”
01/11 02/04 04/02 escape sequence to change to Kanji

04/06 07/12 1st character of Kanji string shown above ( )

04/11 05/12 2nd character of Kanji string shown above ( )

03/08 06/12 3rd character of Kanji string shown above ( )

01/11 02/08 04/02 escape sequence to change to ASCII
03/01 character “1”
03/02 character “2”
03/03 character “3”

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Annex B

Definition of compliance with the SCP ECG standard

B.1 General

The SCP-ECG standard specifies means by which ECG devices and systems may exchange information. The
Data Format Categories defined in this annex provide users and manufacturers of ECG devices and/or
systems with a relatively simple codification of SCP-ECG related features and information content that may be
provided by a specific device. The ways in which ECG data may be encoded are well defined, but are also
flexible. In implementing this document, a manufacturer may choose to implement only a subset of all possible
ways of encoding the ECG data. Therefore, Clause B.3 defines a testing procedure that shall be followed by
manufacturers who state SCP-ECG compliance. Because of the flexibility allowed in information content and
encoding, the user/purchaser shall determine the suitability of a device and/or system for a particular

Manufacturers who state SCP-ECG compliance for their devices and/or systems shall follow the specifications
and definitions of this annex. Data format includes those items specified in Clauses 5 and 6 (and referenced
annexes) of this document. Compliance for communication support is not a mandatory part of this document.
In case the exchange of ECG records between two different carts and/or systems is made through a serial line
connection (direct cable or modem), then a possible solution could be to use query messaging functions as
specified in Annex D and data transport as specified in Annex E. If different communication supports are used
(i.e. Bluetooth, wireless, LAN, etc.), the query messaging and the data transport should be clearly described in
a similar way to Annex D and Annex E and made freely available to the cart/system potential user/purchaser
upon request.

At this time, there is no recognised tool/method to allow testing compliance with the specifications of this
document. At best such a tool would be useful to manufacturers in their efforts to assure compatibility of their
devices. Because of the flexibility allowed in information content and encoding, compatibility between devices
made by different manufacturers shall be determined in each case, even if both devices could be shown to be
compliant with the SCP-ECG standard. A statement of compliance with the standard alone would be of little
use to a user/purchaser. Therefore, a statement of compliance with the SCP-ECG standard shall be made
with an accompanying statement of compatibility with a device or devices of another manufacturer or
manufacturers, uniquely identified by manufacturer trade name, model description and SCP implementation
software identifier.

B.2 Compliance specification

B.2.1 Data format categories

Table B.1 defines data format categories that shall be used in specifying compliance with the SCP-ECG
standard. The information content provided by each category is summarized under “Content description”.
Compliance implies that each data section shall be encoded as specified in the applicable subclause of
Clause 5.

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Table B.1 — Data format categories for compliance specifications

Category Data sections required Content description

I 0, 1, [2]a, 3, 6, (7)b, (8)b, (10)b Demographics, and ECG rhythm data (uncompressed or with
lossless compression)
II 0, 1, [2]a, 3, 4, 5, 6, (7)b, (8)b, (10)b Demographics, ECG rhythm data (uncompressed, with lossless
compression or with high compression), and reference beats
a Square brackets [.] indicate that data section 2 is required if Huffman encoding has been used.
b Parentheses (.) indicate that these data sections are optional for export. “Import” and “Export” are defined in B.2.2.

A further category may be added in future versions in order to fulfil the specific needs of ECG devices used in
other applications (such as telemedicine or homecare).

All devices stating SCP-ECG compliance shall import at minimum data sections 0, 1, 3, 6, 7 and 8. All
Categories may have additional sections added (e.g. 9, 10, 11). Manufacturer specific data shall be optionally
included only in manufacturer specific fields, bytes and data blocks that have been defined in the document.
Reserved, unspecified and undefined fields, bytes or data blocks shall not be used for manufacturer specific


B.2.2 Data exchange functions

B.2.2.1 Export

The ability to make available to a communications channel an SCP-ECG record with a specified data format
category. The SCP-ECG record is created from raw ECG data as per the SCP-ECG specification, with data
compression performance specified in 6.5.3.

B.2.2.2 Import

The ability to accept from a communications channel, extract and make available to the user, information from
an SCP-ECG record with a specified data format category. An importing device shall minimally import data
sections 0, 1, 3, 6, 7, and 8 [e.g. from a standard 10-second, 12-lead ECG (coded as I, II, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5,
V6)] and make available to the user the extracted information (requirements in 6.5.3 have to be satisfied).

B.2.2.3 Transfer

Export of a previously imported record, at the same data format, with or without modification to the individual
sections. ECG records stored in formats other than SCP can be converted in compliance with SCP-ECG
format. Waveform data imported in a SCP-ECG format shall not be subjected to losses in compression
processes for transfer.

The purpose of the transfer definition is to preserve components in the record (for example, a manufacturer-
specific section) that the Importing device is unable to process. The requirement that ECG data shall not be
subjected to further losses during transfer implies that either the original compressed data be sent, or that
further compression be without loss. Editing by the user of demographic data, measurements and
interpretations, or user chosen data reduction/losses are beyond the scope of this part of ISO 11073.

B.2.2.4 Communication channel

Any mechanism capable of making the SCP-ECG record available externally.

NOTE An example of a communication channel is RS-232 with the query messaging described in Annex D and the
data transport described in Annex E. This part of ISO 11073 neither prohibits nor supports the use of any other

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B.2.3 SCP-ECG Messaging/transport protocol

In case the exchange of ECG records between different carts and/or systems is made through a serial line
connection (direct cable or modem), then Annex D specifies a possible solution for the query messaging and
Annex E a possible solution for data transport. A device shall specify the communication support(s) (RS-232,
Bluetooth, wireless, Lan, etc.) and state that the communication protocol information for the query messaging
and data transport are available upon request. Generically the manufacturer shall disclose the mechanism(s)
by which SCP-ECG data formatted files may be accessed.

If a cart/system uses the RS-232 communication support, “Query Messaging supported” implies compliance
with Annex D, but via a transport protocol not specified by this part of ISO 11073, and which the manufacturer
shall disclose. “Query Messaging and Data Transport supported” implies compliance with Annex D and
Annex E. If a device does not support all functions specified, it will be considered compliant if it responds to
requests in a manner defined in this part of ISO 11073. For example, if a “Request for patient list” (D.2.2.2) is
not supported, the request may be answered with “processing request not supported” [D.2.6, 11)]. A device
that fails to respond to an unsupported request, or responds in a manner unspecified in this document will not
be considered compliant.

It is recognized that other mechanisms for transfer of a SCP-ECG formatted file exist. This document neither
prohibits nor supports the use of any mechanism other than SCP-ECG query messaging and data transport
defined in Annex D and Annex E.


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B.2.4 Specification for statement of compliance

A statement of SCP-ECG compliance shall have the following form and contents:

The specified device is compliant with SCP-ECG Standard Version x.x as follows:

Device: Manufacturer’s trade name.

Model description.
SCP-ECG implementation software identifier.
Export: Data format category(ies), or “Not supported.”
Data sections with content description.
List of manufacturers (and devices) specifying categories and optional
sections with which export compatibility has been verified by testing for each
device; or the following statement: “A list of manufacturers (and devices)
specifying categories and optional sections with which SCP-ECG export
compatibility has been verified by testing for each device is available on

Import: Data format category(ies), or “Not supported”.

Data sections with content description.
List of manufacturers (and devices) specifying categories and optional
sections with which import compatibility has been verified by testing for each
device or the following statement: “A list of manufacturers (and devices)
specifying categories and optional sections with which SCP-ECG import
compatibility has been verified by testing for each device is available on
Transfer: “Supported” or “Not Supported”.
Communication Channel:
Communication support: RS-232
Transmit: “Query Messaging and Data Transport not supported”, or
“Query Messaging supported”, or
“Query Messaging and Data Transport supported”.
Receive: “Query Messaging and Data Transport not supported”, or
“Query Messaging supported”, or
“Query Messaging and Data Transport supported”.
In case the Communication Support is different by RS-232 or transmit and/or
receive are different by “Query Messaging and Data Transport supported”,
then the following sentence should be added: “The communication protocol
information for the query messaging and data transport is available upon
request” or “The mechanism(s) by which SCP-ECG data formatted files may
be accessed is(are) available upon request”.
In case of “Query Messaging and Data Transport Support” for transmit
and/or receive then a List of manufacturers (and devices) with which SCP
messaging/transport layer compatibility has been verified by testing should
be added; or the following statement: “A list of manufacturers (and devices)
with which SCP-ECG messaging/transport layer compatibility has been
verified by testing is available on request”.

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B.2.5 Hypothetical examples

B.2.5.1 Cardiograph

SCP-ECG Standard Version 2.x Statement of Compliance

Device: MyECG Company
Model Top1
SCP-ECG implementation MyECG SCP version 2.
Export: Data format category II.
Data sections 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, containing demographics, ECG
rhythm data, reference beats, global measurements, lead measurements
and interpretation.
Export compatibility at Category II has been verified by testing with:
- Xzq Manufacturing, Inc. Models LB1577, LB1755 and ZM922 (SCP-
ECG version 1.3, software implementation version 6.1);

- BestECG, LTD. Model PQRST2 (SCP-ECG version 1.3, software
implementation version 3.0).
Import: Data format category I:
Data sections 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, containing demographics, ECG rhythm
data, global measurements, lead measurements and interpretation.
Data format category II:
Data Sections 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, containing demographics, ECG
rhythm data, reference beats, global measurements, lead measurements
and interpretation.
A list of manufacturers (and devices) specifying categories and optional
sections with which SCP-ECG import compatibility has been verified by
testing for each device is available on request.

B.2.5.2 Management System

SCP-ECG Standard Version 2.x Statement of Compliance:

Device: MyECG Company.

Model Top2.
SCP_ECG implementation version MyECG SCP version 2.
Export: Not supported.
Import: Data format category I:
Data sections 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, containing demographics, ECG rhythm
data, global measurements, lead measurements and interpretation.
Data format category II:
Data sections 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, containing demographics, ECG
rhythm data, reference beats, global measurements, lead measurements
and interpretation.
A list of manufacturers (and devices) specifying categories and optional
sections with which SCP-ECG Import compatibility has been verified by
testing for each device is available on request.

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B.2.5.3 Defibrillator 12-lead ECG

SCP-ECG Standard Version 2.x Statement of Compliance:

Device: MyECG Company.

Model Top3.
SCP_ECG implementation version MyECG SCP version 2.
Export: Data format category I:
Data sections 0, 1, 2, 3, 6 containing demographics and ECG rhythm data.
Export compatibility at Category I has been verified by testing with:
- Xzq Manufacturing, Inc. Models LB1577, LB1755 and ZM922 (SCP-ECG
version 1.3, software implementation version 6.1);

- BestECG, LTD. Model PQRST2 (SCP-ECG version 1.3, software
implementation version 3.0).

B.3 Testing/validation of SCP-ECG data format compatibility

B.3.1 Overview

Testing/validation of SCP-ECG data format compliance/compatibility may be done by individual

manufacturers. The requirements for testing/validation are shown in Figure B.1 and are detailed in B.3.2. In
brief, each manufacturer that states export compliance makes publicly and freely available example SCP-ECG
formatted records for each ECG generating device and for each data format level claimed, and additional
supporting data files to allow an importing manufacturer to validate accurate decoding of the SCP-ECG
records. By reading Manufacturer A’s files, Manufacturer B can validate that A’s files could be Imported. If in a
SCP-ECG compliance statement, Manufacturer B states validation of import compatibility with A then
Manufacturer A is notified in writing by Manufacturer B. Manufacturer A may then state export validation
with B. Manufacturers therefore “cooperatively self-validate” compatibility with each other.

Import validation may be diagrammed as follows:

Figure B.1 — Import validation diagram

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B.3.2 Requirements

An export manufacturer shall make five file types publicly and freely available for each test case provided, for
each exporting device type and for each compliance level.

1) An SCP-ECG formatted binary file (***.ECG).

2) An original ECG raw data file from which the SCP-ECG file was compiled, and in the binary format
defined in B.3.3 (***.EC0).

3) A decompressed ECG data file from the SCP-ECG file using the export manufacturer’s
decompression process, and in the binary format defined in B.3.3. (***.EC1).

4) A text file as defined in B.3.3 specifying the data in the original and the decompressed ECG binary
files (***.EC2).

5) An ASCII data file (for non-waveform data) containing all demographic, measurement and
interpretation data (***.EC3).

An export manufacturer shall provide test cases consisting of the required five file types for at least those
cases specified in Clause C.5 (and Table C.13). The export manufacturer may also provide additional test
cases in the required file formats. The set of test cases provided by the export manufacturer shall include files
with data content at the limits implemented by the export manufacturer.

For all test cases provided by the export manufacturer, the import manufacturer shall import the SCP-ECG
records, then decode and decompress them. For each test case, the decompressed ECG data shall be
compared to the original ECG data (comparison “A” in the diagram), and the decompressed ECG data shall
meet the requirements for quantization and for error limits specified in 6.5. Comparison “B” between the export
manufacturer’s decompressed data and the import manufacturer’s decompressed data is to aid the import
manufacturer in evaluating differences seen in comparison “A”. Comparison “B” is optional.

For each test case, the import manufacturer shall compare the decoded demographic, measurement and
interpretation data with the data in the ASCII file provided by the export manufacturer (comparison “C” in the
diagram). This comparison shall be exact for all data fields decoded by the import manufacturer.

A manufacturer may state Import compatibility for each manufacturer’s device and for each data format
category that has been validated. If import compliance is stated for another manufacturer’s exported files, then
the exporting manufacturer shall be notified in writing, and the exporting manufacturer shall be allowed to
state export compatibility with the importing manufacturer.

B.3.3 ECG Binary File Format (***.EC0, ***.EC1)

Each test ECG shall be provided with the following information.

1) A text file (***.EC2) containing:

i) comma delimited descriptors for each lead of ECG data (which may be more leads or less leads
than the typical 8 stored for a resting 12-lead ECG);

ii) the total number of samples for each lead;

iii) the sample rate (per second) or sample interval (microseconds);

iv) the number of nanovolts per least significant bit.

2) Binary files (***.EC0, ***.EC1) with ECG data stored as 16 bit signed words, stored in Intel format
(low-byte, high-byte). The sequence of the samples (S1, S2 … Sn) for leads (L1, L2 … Lm) is:

S1L1, S1L2 … S1Lm, S2L1, S2L2 …SnL1, SnL2 … SnLm


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EXAMPLE The following example is for 8 ECG leads, all identical to each other, with alternating samples of ± 1,0
mV for each lead. In this case, ± 1 000, hexadecimal values of 03E8 and FC18.

***.EC2 - Text file contains the following:

Leads: I, II, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6

5 000 samples per lead; 500 samples per second; 1 000 nanovolts per LSB.

***.EC0 or ***.EC1 - Binary file (in hexadecimal for each byte)

Table B.2 — Example for 8 ECG leads

I II V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
00 to 0F E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 Sample 1
10 to 1F 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC Sample 2
20 to 2F E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 Sample 3

30 to 3F 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC Sample 4
40 to 4F E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 Sample 5
50 to 5F 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC 18 FC Sample 6

B.4 Coding of SCP-ECG compliance

5.4.5, Tag 14 (Machine ID Acquiring Device), byte 16 contains the coded compatibility categories. The upper
four bits of byte 16 shall be used to characterize the data format category, and the lower 4 bits of the same
byte are reserved, as depicted in Table B.3. Although a particular device may state a variety of data format
categories (B.2.4), the upper 4 bits of byte 16 shall indicate the data format category for the record in which
the tag is embedded.

Table B.3 — Specification of 5.4.5, Tag 14, Byte 16

Specification of 5.4.5, Tag 14, Upper 4 bits: SCP-ECG Data

Byte 16: Format Category (I to II)
bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Upper 4 bits: Category I: 1 1 0 1

Data Content Category II: 1 1 1 0

Lower 4 bits: Reserved 0 0 0 0


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Annex C

Methodology and conformance testing of the recommended ECG signal

compression technique

C.1 General
The methodology of the recommended SCP-ECG signal data compression techniques is explained in this
annex. The principles of the methodology are presented first in general in various diagrams (Clause C.2).
Subsequently, a detailed description is given of the recommended data compression and decompression
methodology, with corresponding mathematical definitions (see Clauses C.3 and C.4). Finally, a description is
given of a test set for conformance testing (see Clause C.5).

A test set ad hoc was created to assess the reconstruction errors of ECG compression methods and to test
the absolute accuracy of an ECG compression implementation. This test set is available for public use. The
set provides a useful tool for validation and performance testing.

C.2 Principles of “HIGH” SCP-ECG data compression

C.2.1 Original ECG - “raw data”

a) Locate a reference point inside all ECG complexes, e.g. the time of QRSmax or any other marker:

⎯ fiducials for reference beat subtraction (see fc1 to fc7 in Figure C.1).

b) Identify ECG complex types, i.e. normal type, different extrasystoles:

⎯ QRS-type 0, 1, etc.

Figure C.1 — Example of raw data, fiducials and QRS typing

C.2.2 Reference beat 0

a) Compute the “Reference beat Type 0”, e.g. representative average cycle, median cycle, modal beat.

b) Identify the wave onsets and offsets of the Reference beat 0 (see Figure C.2):

⎯ length of the reference beat 0 to be subtracted;

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⎯ pointers for QRS data segments p (see Figures C.3 and C.4) to be protected from filtering and

Figure C.2 — Example of a reference beat

C.2.3 Residual record

Subtract the Reference Beat Type 0 from all ECG complexes of type 0 using the fiducial locations.

Figure C.3 — Example of a residual record

C.2.4 Compressed data

a) Low pass filtering of the residual record (excluding the protected areas p).

b) Sample decimation 2 ms to 8 ms (excluding the protected areas p).

c) Compute 2nd successive differences on all the resulting data.

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Residual record:

Figure C.4 — Example of residual data compression

C.2.5 Encoding

The second successive differences are then Huffman encoded, see numerical examples.

C.2.6 Decompression of SCP-ECG data

For decompression of the ECG data the steps of compression are generally performed backwards. If “high
compression” is used, the steps (a) and (b) described below have to be performed on the Residual Record
and the Representative Beat 0. Steps (c) and (d) apply to the Residual Record only, whereas (e) and (f) apply
to both the Representative Beat 0 and the Residual Record.

The steps of decompression are:

a) decoding with Huffman tables;

b) reconstitution of the data from the first or second differences;

c) reconstitution of decimated samples;

d) low pass filtering of the reconstructed Residual Record outside protected areas;

e) multiplication with AVM (the amplitude value modifier);

f) in case of high compression: addition of the Representative Beat 0 to the Residual Record at all complex
type 0 locations. For this the stored pointers fc(k), SB(k) and SE(k) of the Residual Record and fcM of the
Reference Beat 0 shall be used.

Steps C.2.1 to C.2.6 are explained in detail in Clauses C.3 and C.4.


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C.3 Equations for SCP-ECG data compression

C.3.1 Definitions

C.3.1.1 Raw data

Elements of raw data : Xr(m,n)

Subscript r : raw data

Lead : m; 1 u m u M

Sample : n; 1 u n u N

Amplitude quantization: LSB [µV] = AVM * 10−3

(AVM, the amplitude value multiplier specified in Section 6, Header bytes 1 to 2)

Sampling interval : SI[ms] = STM * 10−3

(STM, the sampling time multiplier specified in Section 6, Header bytes 3 to 4)

C.3.1.2 Sample number and time relationship

a) By definition: the first sample, n=1, is at time t=0.

b) A sampling interval (SI) of 2 ms is specified as a minimum requirement for SCP-ECG compatible data.

c) With SI = 2 ms, then the relationship between sample, n, and time, t, within the record is:

t = (n−1)*SI[ms]=2*(n−1)[ms].

C.3.1.3 Examples of denomination and indexing of ECG data

C. Raw data

Leads I, II, V1, ..., V6 ⇒ M = 8

Record length 10 s, 2 ms sampling interval

Number of samples ⇒ N = 5 000

Lead I: Xr(1,1), Xr(1,2), ... Xr(1,n), ... Xr(1,5 000)

Lead II: Xr(2,1), Xr(2,2), ... Xr(2,n), ... Xr(2,5 000)

Lead V1: Xr(3,1), Xr(3,2), ... Xr(3,n), ... Xr(3,5 000)

Lead V6: Xr(8,1), Xr(8,2), ... Xr(8,n), ... Xr(8,5 000)

C. Reference beat

Leads I, II, V1,..., V6 ⇒ M = 8

Record length 1 second, 2 ms sampling interval


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Number of samples ⇒ p = 500

Lead I: Yr(1,1), Yr(1,2), ... Yr(1,p), ... Yr(1,500)

Lead II: Yr(2,1), Yr(2,2), ... Yr(2,p), ... Yr(2,500)

Lead V1: Yr(3,1), Yr(3,2), ... Yr(3,p), ... Yr(3,500)

Lead V6: Yr(8,1), Yr(8,2), ... Yr(8,p), ... Yr(8,500)

NOTE The data (potentials V) for leads III, aVR, aVL and aVF can be computed according to the formula of Einthoven
and Goldberger, where

− (I + II)
2VR − VL − VF
III = II − I = VF − VL VaVR = =
2 2
II 2VL − VR − VF I 2VF − VL − VR
VaVL = I − = VaVF = II − =
2 2 2 2

C.3.1.4 Pointers

C. Raw data

Pointer to the fiducial point of cycle, k, in the raw data (number of QRS complexes in raw data: K): fc(k)

C. Reference beat

Pointer to the fiducial point in the reference beat data (the fiducial point may be the spatial maximum,
QRS-onset or any other point of the QRS complex.): fcM

Pointer to the beginning of P in the reference beat data: PBM

Pointer to P end in the reference beat data: PEM

Pointer to QRS beginning in the reference beat data: QBM

Pointer to QRS end in the reference beat data: QEM

Pointer to T end in the reference beat data: TEM

C. Residual record

Pointer to the beginning of subtraction of reference beat 0 for cycle, k, in the raw data: SB(k)

Pointer to the end of subtraction of reference beat 0 for cycle, k, in the raw data: SE(k)

Pointer to the beginning of the protected area for complex, k, in the raw data and in the residual data: QB(k)

Pointer to the end of the protected area for complex, k, in the raw data and in the residual data: QE(k)

NOTE The pointers QB(k), QE(k) are explicitly stored in SCP-ECG section 4 (5.7.5). The protected area includes the
interval from QRSonset until QRSoffset, but it may be larger (e.g. because of N-sample boundaries for decimated samples,
see C.3.4.2). QRSonset(k) and QRSoffset(k) can be calculated from the fiducial fcM of Reference Beat 0, its QRS duration
and the intervals bM and eM (see C.3.3.1), and from the fiducials fc(k) for each beat.

QRSonset(k) = fc(k)−bM

QRSoffset(k) = fc(k)−eM


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C.3.2 Truncation of all values to 5 µV resolution

C.3.2.1 General

The amplitude quantization (resolution, precision) of the raw data and the reference beat data should be
LSB u 5 µV. The following equations describe the truncation of the data to 5 µV/LSB based upon the
assumption that the original data are recorded with 1 µV/LSB resolution.

NOTE 1 Rounding and truncation are not handled by all compilers in the same way. During design of a compression
program it should be made sure that rounding of positive and negative numbers is correct. For example, in Intel
processors, truncation is always towards zero, i.e., −9/5 = −1.8 truncates to −1. In contrast, for calculations done in offset
binary, the answer would truncate to a value equivalent to −2.

NOTE 2 Index t: truncated data.

C.3.2.2 Raw data

X r ( m, n ) + 2
X t ( m, n ) = for X r ( m, n ) W 0

X r ( m, n ) − 2
X t ( m, n ) = for X r ( m, n ) < 0

C.3.2.3 Reference beat data

Yr ( m, p ) + 2
Yt ( m, p ) = for Yr ( m, p ) W 0

Yr ( m, p ) − 2
Yt ( m, n ) = for Yr ( m, p ) < 0

C.3.3 Subtraction of the reference beat from the raw signal data

C.3.3.1 General

The SCP-ECG protocol was designed to handle ECG signal data which may be compressed and encoded by
different methods:

a) pure redundancy reduction;

b) “high compression” by using a “Reference Beat 0” which is encoded separately; it may be subtracted from
the raw data and the residual data may be filtered, sample decimated, etc.

The following text and equations describe in detail the computation and specification of the residual record for
a compression according to b), described above as “high compression” scheme.

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C.3.3.2 Truncated raw data

Given truncated raw data of lead V6 with located ECG complexes (fiducial points fck) as indicated in
Figure C.5.

Figure C.5 — Example of raw data, fiducials and QRS typing

Table C.1 gives the locations and types of the QRS complexes located in the raw data depicted in Figure C.5
from t = 0 to t = 5 s (samples 1 to 2 500).

Table C.1 — Locations and types of QRS complexes

Sample Pointer QRS type Data

1 Xt(m,1)

2 Xt(m,2)
333 fc1 0 Xt(m,333)
675 fc2 0 Xt(m,675)
840 fc3 1 Xt(m,840)
1 357 fc4 0 Xt(m,1 357)
1 702 fc5 0 Xt(m,1 702)
1 869 fc6 1 Xt(m,1 869)
2 373 fc7 0 Xt(m,2 373)
5 000 Xt(m,5 000)

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C.3.3.3 Computation of the residual data

C. Align (“synchronize”) the fiducial point fcM of reference beat 0 data with each of the fiducial points
fc1, fc2, ..., fc(k) for beat type 0 complexes of the raw data. See Figure C.6.

Figure C.6 — Example of a reference beat and reference beat pointers

Table C.2 presents the direct storage location of the pointers and the formula to calculate them from the data
in the SCP-ECG record.

Table C.2 — Direct storage locations of pointers

Pointer Subclause Section Byte Direct Calculation

LM 5.10.4 7 no TEM-PBM
PM 5.7.3/5.10.4 4,7 no fcM-PBM
TM 5.7.3/5.10.4 4,7 no TEM-fcM
BM 5.7.3/5.10.4 4,7 no fcM-QBM
EM 5.7.3/5.10.4 4,7 no QEM-fcM
FcM 5.7.3 4 3 to 4 yes
PBM 5.10.4 7 1 to 2 yes
PEM 5.10.4 7 3 to 4 yes
QBM 5.10.4 7 5 to 6 yes
QEM 5.10.4 7 7 to 8 yes
TEM 5.10.4 7 9 to 10 yes

C. Subtract sample by sample the reference beat data from the raw data at the respective cycle
location fc(k).

NOTE The length of the data segment to be subtracted is not necessarily the total length LM of the reference beat. In
addition it may vary from cycle to cycle within the raw data. To accommodate this, within Section 4 of the SCP-ECG
protocol under 5.7.4, bytes 3 to 6 are reserved to store pointers for the beginning of reference beat data subtraction. Bytes
11 to 14 are reserved to store the end of reference beat data subtraction for each cycle respectively.

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C. For practical reasons it is most convenient to constantly subtract the “complete” reference beat
data from PBM to TEM (this segment has the length LM). The pointers for the beginning and end of the
subtraction of the reference beat data for cycle, k, are then found by:

SB(k) = fc(k) − PM

SE(k) = fc(k) + TM

These pointers shall be used during the subtraction procedure and they shall be stored within the QRS field
data of Section 4.

NOTE Subtraction of the reference beat (“normal” Type 0) is not effective if the raw data cycle is not of the same type,
e.g. an extrasystole (Type 1). However, the QRS data segments of the extrasystoles should be protected from low pass
filtering and sample decimation as well.

C. The data remaining after subtraction of the reference beat at all suitable complex locations fc(k)
are called “Residual Record”.

C.3.4 Low-pass filtering

C.3.4.1 Low-pass filtering of the residual record effectively improves the compression ratio. Since high
frequency components are usually found only within the QRS, all data segments except those where QRS
complexes were located, can be filtered and sample decimated.

C.3.4.2 Pointers to the protected data segment of cycle k, are computed as follows:

QB(k) = QRSonset (k) − eB(k)

QE(k) = QRSoffset(k) + eE(k)

If reference beat global measurements (see 5.10.4) are present for the beat type of beat k, pointers to the
QRSonset and QRSoffset are computed as follows:

QRSonset(k) = fc(k) − bM

QRSoffset(k) = fc(k) + eM

where bM denotes the interval from fiducial point fcM to QRS beginning with the reference beat and eM is the
interval from fcM to QRS-end of the reference beat. The values bM and eM can be calculated from the
location of the fiducial point of the reference beat (stored in bytes 3 to 4 of Section 4, see 5.7.3) and the QRS
onset and offset pointers (stored in bytes 5 to 6 and 7 to 8 of Section 7, see 5.10.4).

The values eB(k) and eE(k) in the equations are adjustments to the protected data segment to avoid problems
with sample decimation/reconstruction. A practical solution is to set boundaries for QB and QE so that the
interval for sample decimation between beat k−1, and beat k, [= QB(k)−QE(k−1) − 1], is a multiple of the
sample interval of the residual record.

Thus, QB(k) can be reduced of a quantity eB(k) (from 0 to downsampling factor − 1) to take into account the
need of maintaining the previous non-protected interval as a multiple of the downsampling factor. Moreover
the last QE(k) can be increased by a quantity eE(k) (from 0 to downsampling factor − 1) to take into account
the need of maintaining the last non-protected interval as a multiple of the downsampling factor. The fiducials
eB(k) or eE(k) may additionally be decreased or increased by a multiple of the downsampling factor due to a
“safety margin” for possible errors in locating QRS onset and QRS offset.

C.3.4.3 A simple non-recursive moving average filter has given sufficient results for low pass filtering of
the residual record. The filter length, L, is 9 samples.

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Filter values for an odd filter length, L, are calculated as follows:

F ( m, a ) = X ( m, a )
X ( m, a ) + X ( m, a + 1) + X ( m, a + 2) + 1
F ( m, a + 1) =
X ( m, a ) + X ( m, a + 1) + X ( m, a + 2) + X ( m, a + 3) + X ( m, a + 4) + 2
F ( m, a + 2) =
F ( m, a + 3) =

F ( m, n ) =
{ } { }
X m, n − ⎡⎣( L − 1) / 2 ⎤⎦ + ... + X ( m, n) + ... + X m, n + ⎡⎣( L − 1) / 2⎤⎦ + ( L − 1) / 2
F ( m, b − 3) =
X ( m, b − 4) + X ( m, b − 3) + X ( m, b − 2) + X ( m, b − 1) + X ( m, b ) + 2
F ( m, b − 2) =
X ( m, b − 2) + X ( m, b − 1) + X ( m, b) + 1
F ( m, b − 1) =
F ( m, b) = X ( m, b )

NOTE The methods for rounding are defined in C.3.2.2 and C.3.2.3. The rounding constants 1, 2, …, (L−1)/2 in the
following filter equations should be negated in case the filtered values are negative.

After subtraction of reference beat type 0, there can be steps in the residual data at the boundaries of the
subtraction zones, SB(k) and SE(k). These steps shall not be filtered, so that it is possible to reproduce them
in the reconstituted residual data.

There are three filter intervals, a and b, for each complex k, and an additional one from the end of complex K,
to the end of the data stream.

1) From the end of the reference beat type 0 subtraction of the preceding complex (k−1) to the
beginning of subtraction of the current complex k.

a = SE(k−1)+1 SE(0) = 0

b = SB(k)−1

2) From the beginning of the reference beat type 0 subtraction of the current complex k, to the QRS
onset of the current complex k.

a = SB(k)

b = QB(k)−1

3) From the QRS offset of the current complex k, to the end of the reference beat type 0 subtraction of

the current complex k.

a = QE(k)+1

b = SE(k)

4) The filter interval for the remaining samples until the end of the data is:

a = SE(K)+1


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m is the lead number;

n is the sample number;

K is the number of QRS complexes;

N is the number of the last sample;

k is the QRS complex number.

Pointer to begin subtraction of reference beat type 0 for cycle (k) in raw data: SB(k)

Pointer to end subtraction of reference beat type 0 data for cycle (k) in raw data: SE(k)

Pointer to beginning of protected area for complex (k) in raw data and in residual data: QB(k)

Pointer to end of protected area for complex (k) in raw data and in residual data: QE(k)

C.3.5 Sample decimation

Besides low pass filtering, sample decimation can be applied to “slowly changing” data. The SCP-ECG
protocol specifies a minimum sampling rate of 125 samples/s for the residual record, which is equivalent to an
8 ms sampling interval.

Decimation of sampling is permitted only outside the protected QRS data segments. In SCP, sample
decimation is called “bimodal compression”.

For sample decimation an averaging algorithm is applied. This is different from sample decimation with
subsequent four sample averaging.

For the implementation of SCP-ECG, manufacturers may choose the method with which they want to perform
sample decimation, by averaging or sample skipping. It should be noted that the best results are obtained if
compression and decompression algorithms are adjusted to each other.

Although no particular method of decimation and reconstruction is required, transients can be created at the
subtraction zone boundaries by the reconstruction process unless certain conditions are met. Therefore SCP-
ECG recommends the following boundaries for reference beat type 0 subtraction:

⎯ Place SB(k) at the beginning of a decimated sample interval (e.g. sample 1,5,9,13,17,21,...)

⎯ SE(k) is at the end of a decimated sample interval (e.g. sample 4,8,12,16,20,…)

If these conditions are met, it is not necessary to know which decimating algorithm is used to avoid transients
at the subtraction zone boundaries during reconstruction.

A sampling interval of 8 ms is the maximum which is allowed for the residual record in SCP-ECG. So 125
samples/s is the lowest effective sampling rate within the residual record. Bimodal compression is indicated by
5.9.3 byte 6.

To avoid problems with sample decimation/reconstruction a practical solution is to set boundaries for QB and
QE so that the interval for sample decimation between beat k−1 and beat k (= QB(k)−QE(k−1)−1) is a multiple
of the sample interval of the residual record.

It is not necessary to update the pointers for beginning and end of the protected area after sample decimation,
because they are pointers within the residual record and not within the sample decimated residual record
(see specifications for Section 4 in 5.7).

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There is no universal algorithm for the reconstruction of the decimated samples. It is left to the manufacturers
as to which way they perform the reconstruction (interpolation or repetition of samples). However, the
reconstruction RMS error and the absolute errors between the original and decompressed ECG shall be
verifiable on the SCP-ECG test set. This test set is described in C.5.

EXAMPLE Filtering and decimation of the residual record resulting from ECG data is depicted in C.3.3.

Table C.3 — Example of filtering and decimation

Sample Protected Data Data

Pointer Comment
number segment filtered decimated

1 no yes yes
2 no yes yes
3 no yes yes
178 SB1 no yes yes P1 onset
264 no yes yes
265 QB1 yes no no Begin protected area 1st QRS
267 QRSonset1 yes no no QRS begin 1st QRS
333 fc1 yes no no Fiducial 1st QRS
End protected area and QRS end
361 QE1 = QRSoffset1 yes no no
1st QRS
362 no yes yes
495 SE1 no yes yes T1 end
520 SB2 no yes yes P2 onset
605 no yes yes
606 QB2 yes no no Begin protected area 2nd QRS
609 QRSonset2 yes no no QRS begin 2nd QRS
675 fc2 yes no no Fiducial 2nd QRS

NOTE QB2 is not equal to QRSonset2 because in this case the difference for sample decimation (= QB2−QE1−1)
would be 609−361−1= 247 samples, which is not a multiple of the 4 sample decimation. The sample 606 for QB2 is
suitable, because 606−361−1= 244 samples, which is a multiple of the 4 sample decimation.

C.3.6 Computation and storage of the difference data


C.3.6.1 General

To take advantage of inter-sample correlation, first or second successive differences of the respective data
can be stored and encoded instead of the “original” values of the reference beat and of the residual record
data. Usually the word length (in bits) of an original sample is much larger than that of the first or second
successive differences.

The SCP-ECG protocol leaves it to the user, whether first or second differences (or even original data) are
stored/transmitted. This shall be specified in byte 5 of the header of Section 5 (for reference beat data) and of
Section 6 (for residual data), respectively.

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C.3.6.2 Computation of first and second successive differences

It is assumed that of the residual record, resulting from the raw data recording of N samples, Q samples
remain in the decimated record.

We denote these samples for lead, m, as follows:

Z ( m,1), Z ( m,2), … Z ( m, q ), … Z ( m, Q )

The differences are then calculated in the following way:

First differences:

∆1( m, q ) = Z ( m, q + 1) − Z ( m, q ); q = 1 … (Q − 1)

NOTE ∆1( m,1) ≡ Z ( m,1) , where ≡ means, “is defined as”.

Second differences:

∆ 2( m, q ) = Z ( m, q + 2) − 2 * Z ( m, q + 1) + Z ( m, q ); q = 1 … (Q − 2)

NOTE ∆ 2( m,1) ≡ Z ( m,1), ∆ 2( m, 2) ≡ Z ( m, 2)

Equivalently the first and/or second differences for the reference beat can be calculated from the reference
beat data Yt(m,p).

C.3.6.3 Reconstitution of the data from the differences

Reconstitution of the data from the first differences requires storage/transmission of one (the first) original
value because:

Z ( m, q + 1) = Z ( m, q ) + ∆1( m, q ); q = 1 … (Q − 1)

where Z(m,1) is the necessary value to restore Z(m,2),

Z ( m,2) = Z ( m,1) + ∆1( m,1)

NOTE Z ( m,1) = ∆1( m,1)

Reconstitution of the data from the second differences requires storage and transmission of two original

Z ( m, q + 2) = 2 * Z ( m, q + 1) − Z ( m, q ) + ∆2( m, q ); q = 1 … (Q − 2)

where Z(m,1) and Z(m,2) are the necessary values to restore Z(m,3),

Z ( m,3) = 2 * Z ( m,2) − Z ( m,1) + ∆2( m,1)

NOTE Z ( m,1) = ∆ 2( m,1), Z ( m, 2) = ∆ 2( m, 2)

The respective original values should be stored at the beginning of the encoded data (see 5.8.3).

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C.3.7 Huffman encoding within SCP-ECG

C.3.7.1 General

Huffman encoding provides a minimum redundancy encoding for data with non-uniform probability of
occurrence. An encoding scheme is applied where the most frequently occurring values are assigned the
shortest bit code length. The most seldomly occurring data shall be given the longest bit code length. Huffman
encoding changes word-oriented data into a bit-oriented data stream.

With the Huffman tables provided in the SCP-ECG protocol, pure Huffman encoding and initial encoding are
possible. It is possible to use more than one Huffman table and to switch between different tables during the
encoding for better compression efficiency if the distribution of the data word lengths changes.

C.3.7.2 Pure Huffman encoding

In pure Huffman encoding one data word is represented in the Huffman table with the “entire code”, which is
stored as the “base code” or the “prefix”. For encoding, the prefix shall be used and for the decoding, the base
value from the table shall be used. The length of the entire code in bits after encoding is equal to the length of
the prefix.

EXAMPLE In the Huffman table # 1 (Table C.4) the code for “0” is 0b in the prefix. The entire code length is 1 bit
which is equal to the length of the prefix. For the value “1” the prefix is 100b and the bit code length is 3, i.e. the length of
the prefix.

C.3.7.3 Initial encoding

If the data value is not contained in the Huffman table the value shall be initially encoded. The base value
contains, in this case, no reasonable and useful value (should be “0”). But the table contains information about
the number of bits of a “remainder” in the bit stream which follows the prefix. From this remainder the
reconstructed data word shall be calculated. The number of these bits is equal to the difference between the
number of bits of the entire case and the prefix.

EXAMPLE Bit stream: 1110000000101b

1) The comparison of the bit stream to the Huffman table # 1 (Table C.4) provides structure 6 for
decoding. Therefore the first 4 bits are used and this is a switch to Huffman table # 2.

2) For decoding, the method of initial encoding shall be used, because in table # 2 the number of bits of
the prefix 1 (prefix is 0b) is less than that of the entire code (9 bit − 1 bit = 8 bit > 0).

3) The length of the remainder is equal to the difference between the number of bits of the entire code
and the prefix. In this case these are 8 bits (00000101b), used for reconstruction of the data word.

4) To complete the data word (2 bytes), the missing bits shall be filled with the most significant bit of the

EXAMPLE Reconstructed data word: 0000000000000101b = 5h


C.3.7.4 Huffman tables used in SCP-ECG

C. General

Tables C.4 and C.5 are used in the examples for encoding of the ECG data.

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C. Structure of the Huffman tables

Huffman table # 1 contains 7 structures, 5 structures for pure Huffman encoding, 1 for 8-bit initial encoding
and 1 for changing to table # 2. Data values u 2 are pure Huffman encoded. Data values > 2 are initial
encoded. In this case the first 4 bits of 12 bits of entire code are the prefix (1111b). The following 8 bits are the

If the third byte (table mode switch) of a structure (in this case No. 6) is reset to 0 this indicates that the actual
Huffman table should change to the Huffman table with the number entered in the base value. In this case the
prefix for changing is 1110b and the number of the new table is 2.

Table C.4 — Huffman table # 1

No. of code Number of bits Prefix code

Table mode Base value
structures Entire code Prefix (in bits)

1 1 1 1 0 0
2 3 3 1 1 100
3 3 3 1 −1 101
4 4 4 1 2 1100
5 4 4 1 −2 1101
6 4 4 0 2 (switch to table # 2) 1110
7 12 4 1 No entry (0), 8-bit original 1111

Huffman table # 2 contains 5 structures, 3 structures for pure Huffman encoding, 1 for 8-bit initial encoding
and 1 for changing to table # 1. Data values u 1 are pure Huffman encoded. Data values > 1 are initial
encoded. The first bit of the nine-bit code is the prefix.

If the third field (table mode switch) of the structure (in this case No. 5) is reset to 0 this indicates that the
actual Huffman table should change to the Huffman table with the number entered in the base value. In this
case the prefix for changing is 111b and the number of the new table is 1.

Table C.5 — Huffman table # 2

No. of code Number of bits Prefix code

Table mode Base value
structures Entire code Prefix (in bits)

1 9 1 1 no entry (0), 8-bit original 0

2 3 3 1 0 100
3 3 3 1 1 101
4 3 3 1 −1 110
5 3 3 0 1 (switch to table # 1) 111

C. Huffman tables without table mode switch

Let us consider an example of the following succession of byte-oriented data values:

1, 2, −1, 0, 3, 0, 4, 1, 0, −2,

0, 15, −1, 0, 13, 0,1, −2, −1, 1

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These data shall be encoded with the Huffman table # 1. For each data value the corresponding bit code from
the Huffman table is picked up and connected to the bit stream. If a value is not found in the table it shall be
encoded with the initial encoding as described above.

Table C.6 — Alignment of byte oriented data values and Huffman code bits

No. Value Entire code Comments

1 1 100 3 bit prefix, no remainder

2 2 1100 4 bit prefix, no remainder
3 −1 101 3 bit prefix, no remainder
4 0 0 1 bit prefix, no remainder
5 3 111100000011 4 bit prefix, 8 bit remainder
6 0 0 1 bit prefix, no remainder
7 4 111100000100 4 bit prefix, 8 bit remainder
8 1 100 3 bit prefix, no remainder
9 0 0 1 bit prefix, no remainder
10 −2 1101 4 bit prefix, no remainder
11 0 0 1 bit prefix, no remainder
12 15 111100001111 4 bit prefix, 8 bit remainder
13 −1 101 3 bit prefix, no remainder
14 0 0 1 bit prefix, no remainder
15 13 111100001101 4 bit prefix, 8 bit remainder
16 0 0 1 bit prefix, no remainder
17 1 100 3 bit prefix, no remainder
18 −2 1101 4 bit prefix, no remainder
19 −1 101 3 bit prefix, no remainder
20 1 100 3 bit prefix, no remainder

Resulting bit stream:



C. Huffman tables with table mode switch

To get better compression efficiency it is possible to encode data with more than one Huffman table. For
example it is reasonable to encode the reference beat and the residual record with different tables, or to

switch to another Huffman table within the encoding exercise because the probability of occurrences has
changed with time.

For example, should the following succession of byte oriented data values be picked up (including the switch

1, 2, −1, 0, 3, 0, 4, 1, 0, −2, switch to table 2

0, 15, −1, 0, 13, switch to table 1, 0, 1, −2, −1, 1

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The encoding begins with Huffman table # 1. After the 10th value, the encoding changes to Huffman table # 2,
and after the encoding of the 16th value, it changes back to table # 1.

For alignment of byte oriented data values and Huffman bit codes see Table C.7.

Table C.7 — Alignment of byte oriented data values and Huffman code bits

No. Value Entire code Table TMS Comments

1 1 100 1 1 3 bit prf., no rem.

2 2 1100 1 1 4 bit prf., no rem.
3 −1 101 1 1 3 bit prf., no rem.
4 0 0 1 1 1 bit prf., no rem.
5 3 111100000011 1 1 4 bit prf., 8 bit rem.
6 0 0 1 1 1 bit prf., no rem.
7 4 111100000100 1 1 4 bit prf., 8 bit rem.
8 1 100 1 1 3 bit prf., no rem.
9 0 0 1 1 1 bit prf., no rem.
10 −2 1101 1 1 4 bit prf., no rem.
11 (2) 1110 1 0 4 bit prf. → table # 2
12 0 100 2 1 3 bit prf., no rem.
13 15 000001111 2 1 1 bit prf., 8 bit rem.
14 −1 110 2 1 3 bit prf., no rem.
15 0 100 2 1 3 bit prf., no rem.
16 13 000001101 2 1 1 bit prf., 8 bit rem.
17 (1) 111 2 0 3 bit prf. → table # 1
18 0 0 1 1 1 bit prf., no rem.
19 1 100 1 1 3 bit prf., no rem.
20 −2 1101 1 1 4 bit prf., no rem.
21 −1 101 1 1 3 bit prf., no rem.
22 1 100 1 1 3 bit prf., no rem.
TMS: table mode switch;
prf.: prefix;
rem.: remainder;
“ → table #”: switch to table #;
(#): # shall not be transferred from the base value to the reconstituted data field;
#: the number of the new Huffman table.

Resulting bit stream:




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C.3.7.5 Definition and storage of the Huffman tables in Section 2

To explain how Huffman tables (for base code/prefix see Note 1) have to be stored in Section 2, Tables C.6
and C.7 are presented like the layout overview in the SCP-ECG protocol in the main document.

Table C.8 — Example of storage of two Huffman tables in Section 2

Section header: CRC ID length reserved

2 a) 2 4 8

Number of tables: 2
Number of structures: 7 (number for the first
Structure 1 1 1 1 0 0
Structure 2 3 3 1 1 1
Structure 3 3 3 1 −1 5
Structure 4 4 4 1 2 3

Structure 5 4 4 1 −2 11
Structure 6 4 4 0 2 7
Structure 7 4 12 1 0 15
a) for each structure 1 1 1 2 4

Number of structures: 5 (number for the

second table)
Structure 1 1 9 1 0 0
Structure 2 3 3 1 0 1
Structure 3 3 3 1 1 5
Structure 4 3 3 1 −1 3
Structure 5 3 3 0 1 7
a) for each structure 1 1 1 2 4

NOTE 1 Base code/prefix 1st bit in code represented by the least significant bit of the 4 byte area. It means that the
code is stored in the 4-byte field in its bit-reversed format. Thus, store code 100b (decimal 4) as 1b (decimal 1), code
1100b (decimal 12) as 0011b (decimal 3) and so on. Compare for this the last two columns in the default Huffman table
(Table C.9 – see C.3.7.6).

NOTE 2 The numbers in italics indicate the length in bytes of the corresponding fields.

C.3.7.6 Definition of the default SCP-ECG Huffman table

Theoretically, different ECG data sets may require different Huffman code tables. However, through extended
experiments with different data sets it was found that the following Huffman table could be used for practically
all types of ECG data without much loss in data compression efficiency.

If, on the other hand, a manufacturer wants to apply different tables to different ECGs (ECG data sets) he can
do so by specifying these tables in Section 2 of the SCP-ECG protocol.

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Table C.9 is the default SCP-ECG Huffman table referred to in the main document under 5.5.4, bytes 1 to 2.
The table has been used for the encoding of the data depicted in the Examples 1 and 2 in C.4.1 and C.4.2,

Table C.9 — Default SCP-ECG Huffman table

Number of bits Table Prefix code Store

No. Base value
mode (in bits) binary as
Entire code Prefix

1 1 1 1 0 0 0d
2 3 3 1 1 100 1d
3 3 3 1 −1 101 5d
4 4 4 1 2 1100 3d
5 4 4 1 −2 1101 11d
6 5 5 1 3 11100 7d
7 5 5 1 −3 11101 23d
8 6 6 1 4 111100 15d
9 6 6 1 −4 111101 47d
10 7 7 1 5 1111100 31d
11 7 7 1 −5 1111101 95d
12 8 8 1 6 11111100 63d
13 8 8 1 −6 11111101 191d
14 9 9 1 7 111111100 127d
15 9 9 1 −7 111111101 383d
16 10 10 1 8 1111111100 255d
17 10 10 1 −8 1111111101 767d
18 18 10 1 8 bit orig. 1111111110 511d
19 26 10 1 16 bit orig. 1111111111 1023d

In order to identify a switch to another Huffman table a TMS shall be used (see 5.6.4, byte 7 in the main
document). This switch shall be inserted in the Huffman encoded data stream. It identifies the change of the
Huffman table. The new Huffman table that shall be used to decode the data is identified in the structure
(see 5.6.4, bytes 8-9 in the main document).

C.3.8 Decoding of compressed ECG data

C.3.8.1 General

To make the explanation of the compression and decompression logic consistent, the same notation has been
used for variables and indices. The variables and indices used in the decompression algorithms get a
prime (′).

EXAMPLES compression: X(m,n), Z(m,q), ∆1(m,q), etc.

decompression: X′(m,n), Z′(m,q), ∆1′(m,q), etc.

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C.3.8.2 Decoding with Huffman tables

The method of decoding Huffman encoded data is as follows.

The first bit from the bit stream of every encoded lead is picked up and compared with the first (or default)
Huffman table. If an equal prefix is found, the corresponding value shall be entered in the field for the decoded
data. This value is in case of pure Huffman coding the corresponding base value or in case of initial encoding
from the remainder reconstructed data value. The length of the remainder is equal to the difference in length
of the entire code and prefix. If there is no equal prefix code found, the first two bits are picked up and
compared, if necessary, with the first three and so on. If the code is found and the data value entered in the
field, the comparison continues with the next bit.

If a prefix of a structure for changing to another Huffman table is found, the actual table shall be quit. This is
indicated by the table mode switch of this structure. It is reset to 0. The number of the new table is read from
the base value of this structure. Inside the new table the decoding can continue as described.

C.3.8.3 Reconstitution of the first and second differences

C. General

In the SCP-ECG protocol it is left to the user whether first or second differences are stored/transmitted (or
even original data). The kind of data is specified in the headers of Section 5 (for the reference beat) and
Section 6 (for the residual record) in byte 5. It is assumed that the residual record, resulting from Huffman
decoding, contains a total of Q values.

C. First differences

We denote the Huffman decoded samples for lead m:

∆1′(m,1), ∆1′(m,2),...∆1′(m,q),...∆1′(m,Q)

The “original” data Z′(m,n) can be calculated in the following way:

Z′(m,q) = Z′(m,q−1) + ∆1′(m,q); q = 2 to Q

Reconstitution of the “original” data from first differences requires storage/transmission of one (the first)
original data value:

Z′(m,1) = ∆1′(m,1)

Z′(m,2) = Z′(m,1) + ∆1′(m,2)

where ∆1′(m,1) is the necessary “original” value.

C. Second differences

We denote the Huffman decoded samples for lead, m:

∆2′(m,1), ∆2′(m,2),...∆2′(m,q),...∆2′(m,Q)

The “original” data Z′(m,n) can be calculated in the following way:

Z′(m,q) = 2*Z′(m,q−1) − Z′(m,q−2) + ∆2′(m,q); q = 3 to Q

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Reconstitution of the “original” data from second differences requires storage and transmission of two original

Z′(m,1) = ∆2′(m,1)

Z′(m,2) = ∆2′(m,2)

Z′(m,3) = 2*Z′(m,2) − Z′(m,1) + ∆2′(m,3)

where ∆2′(m,1) and ∆2′(m,2) are the necessary “original” values.

Equivalently the reference beat data Y′(m,p) can be calculated from the first and/or second differences of the
reference beat.

The respective original values should be stored at the beginning of the encoded data (see 5.8.3).

C.3.8.4 Reconstitution of decimated samples

For “slowly changing” data, a sample decimation (up to a maximum sample interval of 8 ms, which is
equivalent to 125 samples/s) can be applied. The use of sample decimation is called bimodal compression,
and is indicated by 5.9.3, byte 6.

There is no exact algorithm for reconstitution of the decimated samples. The best results of sample
decimation are obtained if compression and decompression algorithms are adjusted to each other.

An averaging algorithm with sufficient results for compression is:

first average value:

X ( m,1) + X ( m,2) + X ( m,3) + X ( m,4)

Z av ( m,1) =

second average value:

X ( m,5) + X ( m,6) + X ( m,7) + X ( m,8)

Z av ( m,2) =

and for decompression:

′ ( m,2) − Z av
Z av ′ ( m,1)
X ′( m, i ) = ′ ( m,1)
* (i − 1) + Z av

where 1 u i u 4.

Z′av(m,1) is the left-sided average value [equal to X′(m,1)] and Z′av(m,2) is the right-sided average value of the
four recalculated values of the interval. This reconstruction moves over the complete non-protected area, a,b,
(b−a is the number of the non-decimated samples). The first two reconstructed samples of this area are set
equal to the first average value and the last two samples equal to the last average value.

Interval, a,b:

X′(m,a) = Z′av(m,a),

X′(m,a+1) = Z′av(m,a),

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Interpolation over (b−a−1)/4 intervals.

X′(m, b−1) = Z′av(m,(b−a)/4),

X′(m,b) = Z′av(m,(b−a)/4)

EXAMPLE Table C.10 gives an example of decimation and reconstitution of 100 samples. For easier presentation,
the steps with difference data and Huffman encoding are omitted. The values of Zav are calculated as described above.

Table C.10 — Example of decimation and reconstitution of 100 samples

No. Original Decimated Reconstructed

1 X′(m,1) Z′av(m,1) Z′av(m,1)

2 X′(m,2) Z′av(m,1)
3 X′(m,3) Z′av(m,1)
4 X′(m,4) Z′av(m,1)+1*[Z′av(m,2)−Z′av(m,1)]/4
5 X′(m,5) Z′av(m,2) Z′av(m,1)+2*[Z′av(m,2)−Z′av(m,1)]/4
6 X′(m,6) Z′av(m,1)+3*[Z′av(m,2)−Z′av(m,1)[/4
7 X′(m,7) Z′av(m,2)
8 X′(m,8) Z′av(m,2)+1*[Z′av(m,3)−Z′av(m,2)]/4
9 X′(m,9) Z′av(m,3) Z′av(m,2)+2*[Z′av(m,3)−Z′av(m,2)]/4
10 X′(m,10) Z′av(m,2)+3*[Z′av(m,3)−Z′av(m,2)]/4
11 X′(m,11) Z′av(m,3)
12 X′(m,12) Z′av(m,3)+1*[Z′av(m,4)−Z′av(m,3)]/4
93 X′(m,93) Z′av(m,24) Z′av(m,23)+2*[Z′av(m,24)−Z′av(m,24)]/4
94 X′(m,94) Z′av(m,23)+3*[Z′av(m,24)−Z′av(m,24)]/4
95 X′(m,95) Z′av(m,24)
96 X′(m,96) Z′av(m,24)+1*[Z′av(m,25)−Z′av(m,24)]/4
97 X′(m,97) Z′av(m,25) Z′av(m,24)+2*[Z′av(m,25)−Z′av(m,24)]/4
98 X′(m,98) Z′av(m,24)+3*[Z′av(m,25)−Z′av(m,24)]/4
99 X′(m,99) Z′av(m,25)
100 X′(m,100) Z′av(m,25)

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C.3.8.5 Low pass filtering of reconstructed residual record

Low pass filtering of the residual record outside the protected areas after reconstruction of the decimated
samples smoothes noise which has risen during reconstitution. A simple non-recursive moving average filter
has given sufficient results for low pass filtering of the residual record.

The filter length is three samples. The filter values are calculated as follows:

F ′( m,a ) − X ′( m,a )
X ′( m,a ) + X ′( m,a + 1) + X ′( m,a + 2) + 1
F ′( m,a + 1) =
X ′( m,a + 1) + X ′( m,a + 2) + X ′( m,a + 3) + 1
F ′( m,a + 2) =

X ′( m,n − 1) + X ′( m,n ) + X ′( m,n + 1) + 1

F ′( m,n) =

X ′( m,b − 2) + X ′( m,b − 1) + X ′( m,b) + 1

F ( m,b − 1) =
F ′( m,b) = X ′( m,b )

for k = 0 to K

a = QE(k)+1, QE(0) = 0

b = QB(k+1)−1, QB(K+1) = N +1

a+1 u n u b − 1

NOTE The methods for rounding are defined in C.3.2.2 and C.3.2.3. The rounding constant “1” in the previous
equation should be negated in case the filtered values are negative.

C.3.8.6 Multiplication of raw data with AVM

C. General

This step means calibration. For this purpose the data are multiplied by the AVM to get the raw data, and in
case of high compression, the residual record and the reference beat in equal resolution for addition.

C. Raw data

X′r(m,n) = X′(m,n) * AVM, for 1 u n u N


C. Reference beat data

Y′r(m,p) = Y′(m,p) * AVM, for 1 u p u P



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C.3.8.7 Addition of the reference beat to the residual record

The SCP-ECG protocol was designed to handle data that may be compressed and encoded by different

a) pure redundancy reduction;

b) “high SCP-ECG compression”.

In case of “high” compression it is necessary to add the reference beat again to the residual record at all
locations were it was subtracted during compression. Therefore the reference beat shall be synchronized with
the residual record with the fiducial pointers stored in the SCP-ECG record as fc(k) and fc(M). Pointers to the
QRS protected zones are calculated from the stored pointers. The area for addition of reference beat to cycle,
k, is known through the pointers SB(k) (addition beginning) and SE(k) (addition end).

NOTE 1 Within Section 4 of the SCP-ECG protocol under 5.7.4, bytes 3 to 6 are reserved to store pointers for the
beginning of reference beat data addition [SB(k)]. Bytes 7 to 10 are reserved to store the fiducial pointer of cycle, k [fc(k)],
and bytes 11 to 14 are reserved to store the end of reference beat data addition [SE(k)] for each cycle. Addition on a
sample by sample basis of the reference beat data to the residual record at the respective cycle location fc(k) will get the
original sample data back.

NOTE 2 If the QRS type is non-zero (bytes 1 to 2, under 5.7.4) then reference beat 0 has not been subtracted from this
cycle [see footnote 3) on page 38].

C.3.8.8 Default SCP-ECG decompression parameters

⎯ reference beat subtraction used (Section 3, byte 2, bit 0 = 1);

⎯ AVM for reference beat data = 5 µV (Section 5, bytes 1+2 = 5 000);

⎯ sample time interval for reference beat data = 2 ms (Section 5, bytes 3+4 = 2 000);

⎯ second difference data used for reference beat data (Section 5, byte 5 = 2);

⎯ AVM for residual record = 20 µV (Section 6, bytes 1+2 = 20 000);

⎯ sample time interval for residual record outside protected areas (QRS) = 8 ms (Section 6, bytes 3+4 =
8 000);

⎯ second difference data used for residual record (Section 6, byte 5 = 2);

⎯ sample interpolation to 2 ms sampling interval (for algorithm see C.3.8.9);

⎯ low-pass filtering after sample interpolation with filter length of three samples (for algorithm see C.3.8.10);

⎯ Huffman table for decoding of reference beat data and residual record (see Table C.9).

C.3.8.9 Default method for interpolation of decimated samples

In compressed data only the protected areas have the original sampling interval. The areas between the
protected areas and the parts before the first and after the last protected area have to be expanded by an
interpolation algorithm in order to get the original sampling interval.

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An algorithm that gives sufficient results for sample interpolation in the interval, a,b, is as follows:

Z′(m,a′) = decimated samples

X′(m,a) = interpolated samples

m = lead number

X′(m,a) = Z′(m,a′)

X′(m,a+1) = Z′(m,a′)

X′(m,a+2) = Z′(m,a′) ∆ = [Z′(m,a′+1)−Z′(m,a′)]/4

X′(m,a+3) = Z′(m,a′) + 1*∆

X′(m,a+4) = Z′(m,a′) + 2*∆

X′(m,a+5) = Z′(m,a′) + 3*∆

X′(m,a+6) = Z′(m,a′+1) ∆ = [Z′(m,a′+2)−Z′(m,a′+1)]/4

. .

X′(m,a+9) = Z′(m,a′+1) + 3*∆

. .

. .

. .

X′(m,b−1) = Z′(m,b′)

X′(m,b) = Z′(m,b′)

These computations are performed for all K+1 data segments outside the protected areas:

for k = 0 to K

a = QE(k)+1 QE(0) = 0

b = QB(k+1)−1 QB(K+1) = N+1

C.3.8.10 Default method for three sample point moving average

Low-pass filtering of the reconstituted residual record is done for smoothing of the truncation steps. Low-pass
filtering can only be done outside the protected areas, because inside the QRS the reconstruction error is
strictly limited to 15 µV. Special care shall be taken of the boundaries of the subtraction areas. After the
subtraction of the reference beat data there can be steps at these boundaries and those steps shall be
present again after the addition of the reference beat data. Therefore they cannot be eliminated by filtering. A
simple non-recursive moving averaging filter has given sufficient results for low pass filtering of the
reconstituted residual record.

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The filter length, L, shall be three samples. The filter values for an odd filter length, L, are calculated as

F ′( m,a ) = X ′( m,a )
X ′( m,a ) + X ′( m,a + 1) + X ′( m,a + 2) + 1
F ′( m,a + 1) =

X ′( m,n − ( L − 1) / 2) + + X ′( m,n) + + X ′( m, n + ( L − 1) / 2) + ( L − 1) / 2
F ′( m,n) =

X ′( m,b − 2) + X ′( m,b − 1) + X ′( m,b) + 1

F ′( m,b − 1) =
F ′( m,b) = X ′( m,b )

There are three filter intervals, a,b, for each complex k, and an additional one from the end of complex K, to
the end of the data stream:

1) From the end of the reference beat subtraction of the preceding complex (k−1) to the beginning of
subtraction of the current complex k.

a = SE(k−1)+1 SE(0)= 0

b = SB(k)−1

2) From the beginning of the reference beat subtraction of the current complex k, to the QRS onset of
the current complex k.

a = SB(k)

b = QB(k)−1

3) From the QRS offset of the current complex k, to the end of the reference beat subtraction of the
current complex k.

a = QE(k)+1

b = SE(k)

4) The filter interval for the remaining samples until the end of the data is:

a = SE(K)+1



m is the lead number;

n is the sample number;

K is the number of QRS complexes;

N is the number of the last sample;

k is the QRS complex number;

Pointer to begin subtraction of Reference Beat for cycle k in raw data: SB(k)


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Pointer to end subtraction of Reference Beat data for cycle k, in raw data: SE(k)

Pointer to the beginning of the protected area for complex k, in the raw data and in the residual data: QB(k)

Pointer to end of the protected area for complex k, in the raw data and in the residual data: QE(k)

NOTE The methods for rounding are defined in C.3.2.2 and C.3.2.3. The rounding constants 1, ... (L-1)/2 in the
previous equation should be negated in case the filtered values are negative.

C.4 Numerical examples for SCP-ECG data compression

C.4.1 Example 1

This example shows the different data obtained during SCP-ECG high compression for the first 28 samples of
an ECG record.

⎯ RAW: raw data with 1 µV/LSB, sampling interval 2 ms (500 samples/s)

⎯ TRU: truncated raw data 1 µV/LSB → 5 µV/LSB

⎯ RES: residual record, after subtraction of the reference beat

⎯ FIL: non-recursive moving average filter over nine samples

⎯ DEC: sampling rate decimation to 8 ms with averaging (125 samples/s)

⎯ 2D: second differences, first two original values

⎯ HUF: Huffman encoding (default code Table C.9)

Table C.11 — Data obtained during SCP-ECG high compresssion


1 63 13 13 13 14 14 111111111000001110
2 70 14 14 14
3 74 15 15 14
4 71 14 14 15
5 79 16 16 16 18 18 111111111000010010
6 89 18 18 17
7 96 19 19 19
8 102 20 20 20

9 108 22 22 21 22 0 0
10 112 22 22 22
11 114 23 23 22
12 116 23 23 23
13 116 23 23 23 22 −4 111101
14 112 22 22 22

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Table C.11 (continued)


15 110 22 22 21
16 100 20 20 19
17 87 17 17 18 13 −9 111111111011110111
18 74 15 15 14
19 59 12 12 12
20 42 8 8 9
21 28 6 6 6 3 −1 101
22 13 3 3 4
23 5 1 1 2
24 −1 0 0 0
25 −8 −2 −2 −1 −2 5 1111100
26 −11 −2 −2 −2
27 −13 −3 −3 −3
28 −17 −3 −3 −3
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

56 bytes = 448 bits → reduced to 71 bits

The first 28 samples of the raw data lead are compressed to this bit stream:



which is hexadecimal represented by these bytes:

FF 83 BF E1 27 BF F7 BD ...

C.4.2 Example 2

This example shows the different data obtained during SCP-ECG pure redundancy reduction for the first
28 samples of an ECG record.

⎯ RAW: raw data with 1 µV/LSB, sampling interval 2 ms (500 samples/s)

⎯ TRU: truncated raw data 1 µV/LSB → 5 µV/LSB

⎯ RES: residual record, after subtraction of the reference beat

⎯ 2D: second differences, first two data are original values

⎯ HUF: Huffman encoding with default Huffman table (Table C.9)


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Table C.12 — SCP-ECG pure redundancy reduction


1 63 13 13 13 111111111000001101
2 70 14 14 14 111111111000001110
3 74 15 15 0 0
4 71 14 14 −2 1101
5 79 16 16 3 11100
6 89 18 18 0 0
7 96 19 19 −1 101
8 102 20 20 0 0
9 108 22 22 1 100
10 112 22 22 −2 1101
11 114 23 23 1 100
12 116 23 23 −1 101
13 116 23 23 0 0
14 112 22 22 −1 101
15 110 22 22 1 100
16 100 20 20 −2 1101
17 87 17 17 −1 101
18 74 15 15 1 100
19 59 12 12 −1 101
20 42 8 8 −1 101
21 28 6 6 2 1100
22 13 3 3 −1 101
23 5 1 1 1 100
24 −1 0 0 1 100
25 −8 −2 −2 −1 101
26 −11 −2 −2 2 1100
27 −13 −3 −3 −1 101
28 −17 −3 −3 1 100
... ... ... ... … …

56 bytes = 448 bits → reduced to 113 bits

The first 28 samples of the lead are compressed to this bit stream:



which is hexadecimal represented by these bytes:

FF 83 7F E0 E6 F5 53 65 59 B6 5B 96 4B 96 …


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C.5 Test set of ECGs for conformance testing

Table C.13 lists the ECGs selected for testing SCP-ECG compression and decompression errors. The data
are provided as 10 s digital records with 500 samples/s and 5 µV/LSB quantization level. There are ECGs with
sinus rhythm, with atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, with polyform and monoform ventricular extrasystoles, and
with a supraventricular extrasystole. Two cases with major intraventricular conduction defects are included. To
verify the absolute calibration, an artificial ECG with low noise and a heart rate of 120 bpm and sinus rhythm
has also been included.

These data are selected from the CSE multilead reference database for wave recognition testing and from the
CSE diagnostic reference database. A few data have been slightly smoothed to remove some noise. All these
ECG recordings have been compressed and decompressed within the standards proposed by the SCP-ECG
Working Group. The RMS error figures and the absolute maximum errors found after reconstitution of the
original signals are listed in Table C.13.

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Figure C.7 — ECG for the example data (lead V1 to V6)

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Table C.13 — Test set for error verification of SCP-ECG compression requirements

Patient Rhythm, QRS morphology Noise

PD2-003 Sinus rhythm, anterior infarction, QRS with notch 5 µV

Decompressed Absolute maximum error: 64 µV; RMS: 7,9 µV
PD2-010 Sinus tachycardia; 6 µV
Decompressed Absolute maximum error: 67µV; RMS: 8,1 µV
PD2-051 Sinus rhythm, infarction 3 µV
Decompressed Absolute maximum error: 44 µV; RMS: 7,6 µV
PD2-078 Atrial flutter, muscle tremor in leads I, and II, large amplitudes (prefiltered) 16 µV
PF2-078 Absolute maximum error: 43 µV; RMS: 8,8 µV 10 µV
PD2-217 Sinus rhythm, intraventr. conduction defect, anterior infarction 3 µV
Decompressed Absolute maximum error: 39 µV; RMS: 7,5 µV
PD2-313 Atrial flutter/fibrillation 8 µV
Decompressed Abs. maximum error: 62 µV; RMS: 8,8 µV
PD3-145 Polymorphic ventricular extrasystoles (prefiltered) 18 µV
PF3-145 Absolute maximum error: 77 µV; RMS: 8,6 µV 8 µV
PD3-471 Atrial flutter 4 µV
Decompressed Absolute maximum error: 52 µV; RMS: 8,1 µV
PD3-1207 Supraventricular extrasystoles (prefiltered) 6 µV
PF3-1207 Absolute maximum error: 89 µV; RMS: 7,7 µV 4 µV
PWE-103 Polymorphic ventricular extrasystoles (prefiltered) 26 µV
PFE-103 Absolute maximum error: 41 µV; RMS: 8,6 µV 8 µV

PWE-105 Ventricular extrasystoles, complete right bundle branch block (prefiltered) 19 µV
PFE-105 Absolute maximum error: 54 µV; RMS: 7,7 µV 12 µV
P120-N00 Sinus tachycardia, normal QRS complex-mathematically constructed 0 µV
Decompressed Absolute maximum error: 16 µV; RMS: 5,0 µV 3 µV

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Annex D

Definition of a minimum set of control and query messages for the

interchange of ECG data

D.1 General
The messaging part of the SCP-ECG standard describes the type of information that can be requested and
transmitted, at the application layer level, between devices, and what the format of the message headers are.
This document defines the structures for data messages and gives the sequences needed for data transfers
and queries required by the protocol along with the format of each message type. Also described is the use of
advisory messages. The data content is described in Clause 5. Knowledge of the data content for the protocol
is necessary to understand the messaging part.

D.2 Message formats

D.2.1 General

Each message block is 256 bytes long. The first byte of each message block is an ASCII character specifying
the message type. The types currently defined (minimum set) are I, R, S, A and D. Default binary data and
reserved fields should be filled with zeros. Text character strings should be NULL terminated. The
implementer is responsible for insuring that all messages have a length of 256 bytes or less. Data fields
containing free-format strings (Section 1, Tag 14, for example) may need to be truncated to comply with this
restriction. Messages longer than 256 bytes will be treated as improperly formatted.

All superscripts in Tables D.1 to D.8 refer to the notes [a) to l)] listed in D.2.7.

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D.2.2 Identification data interchange (Message type = “I”)

Table D.1 — Identification data interchange (Message type = “I”)

Byte number

Message type = “I” (ASCII, 1 byte) 1

Institution identification number a (binary) 2 to 3
Department identification number (binary) a 4 to 5
Device identification number (ID) a (binary) 6 to 7
Device type a (0=Cart, 1=System) (binary) 8
Manufacturer code (binary) b 9
Model description (up to 5 ASCII characters e.g.,
10 to 15
“0107B”,“MAC15”,“4760A”+ NULL)
SCP-ECG protocol revision number (binary) 16
SCP-ECG protocol compatibility level (binary) 17
Language support code c (1-byte bit mapped) 18
Capabilities (binary) d 19
AC mains frequency environment (binary) 20
Reserved 21 to 128
Acquisition device SCP implementation software identifier. Maximum 24
129 to 153
characters plus NULL terminator from 5.4.5, tag 14.
Manufacturer of acquisition device – registered trade name. Maximum 24
154 to 178
characters plus NULL terminator from 5.4.5, tag 14.
SPARE l 179 to 256


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D.2.3 Request (Message type = “R”)

Table D.2 — Request (Message type = “R”)

Byte number

Generic request contents (bytes 1 to 14)

Message type = “R” (ASCII, 1 byte) 1
Processing request e (ASCII, 1 byte) 2
Sub-request (1 binary byte) 3
Request sequence number (1 unsigned integer; 1 – 65 535) 4 to 5
Password, 9 ASCII characters (optional) g 6 to 14
[See notes a) to l) in D.2.7 and D.2.3.1 to D.2.3.3 for definitions] 15 to 256
⎯ For security reasons, any request should be processed only if the ID messages of the 2 communicating systems
(cart and host) have been exchanged successfully.
⎯ Unknown or don't care fields are set to NULL.
⎯ Each request message starts with a 14 byte long “Generic Request” field followed by a 242 byte field (bytes 15
to 256) which contains patient data as specified in D.2.2.1 to D.2.2.3. Each parameter shall be stored in a
separate field, each identified by a leading specification byte, referred to as a “tag”, followed by the length (an

unsigned integer) referred to as “length”, followed by zero or more parameter bytes, referred to as “value” (see
D.2.2.1 to D.2.2.3).
⎯ A request sequence number counter should be incremented for each “request” message and may rollover to a
value of 1 (one). Reset to 1 (one) with each “ID” message from receiving machine. A value of 0 (zero) is not
⎯ Request sequence numbers are intended to be used to detect redundant and/or missing “Request” messages.

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D.2.3.1 Search rules for subrequest types “E” or “L”

Table D.3 — ECG list request (subrequest type “E” or “L”)

Field length in bytes

Generic request (see D.2.2) 14

Institution number (1 binary integer) 2
Department number (1 binary integer) 2
Patient ID, tag = 2 (binary) 1
Patient ID length (binary) 1
Patient ID, text (text characters) variable
Patient last name, Tag = 0 (binary) 1
Patient last name length (binary) 1
Patient last name (text characters) variable
Patient first name, tag = 1 (binary) 1
Patient first name length (binary) 1
Patient first name (text characters) variable
Patient sex tag = 8 (binary) 1
Patient sex length = 1 (binary) 1
Patient sex (byte) 1
Patient date-of-birth (DOB), tag = 5 (binary) 1
Patient DOB length = 4 (binary) 1
Patient DOB (4 byte binary) h 4
SPARE l variable

Total 256 Bytes


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D.2.3.2 Search rules for Subrequest Types “I” or “P”

Table D.4 — Patient List Request (Subrequest type “I” or “P”)

Field length in bytes

Generic request (see D.2.2) 14

Institution number (binary) 2
Department number (binary) 2
Patient ID, tag = 2 (binary) 1
Patient ID length (binary) 1
Patient ID, text (text characters) variable
Patient last name, tag = 0 (binary) 1
Patient last name length (binary) 1
Patient last name (text characters) variable
Patient first name, tag = 1 (binary) 1
Patient first name length (binary) 1
Patient first name (text characters) variable
SPARE l variable

Total 256 Bytes


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D.2.3.3 Search rules for Subrequest Types “R” or “S”

Table D.5 — Test Request (Subrequest type “R” or “S”)

Field length in bytes

Generic request (see D.2.2) 14

Institution number (binary) 2
Department number (binary) 2
Patient ID, tag = 2 (binary) 1
Patient ID length (binary) 1
Patient ID (text characters) variable
Patient last name, tag = 0 (binary) 1
Patient last name length (binary) 1
Patient last name (text characters) variable

Patient first name, tag = 1 (binary) 1
Patient first name length (binary) 1
Patient first name (text characters) variable
Patient sex, tag = 8 (binary) 1
Patient sex length = 1 (binary) 1
Patient sex (binary) 1
Patient date of birth (DOB), tag = 5 (binary) 1
Patient DOB length = 4 (binary) 1
Patient DOB (4 byte binary) 4
Date of acquisition, Tag = 25 (binary) 1
Date of acquisition length = 4 (binary) 1
Date of acquisition (4 byte binary, format same as DOB) 4
Time of acquisition, tag = 26 (binary) 1
Time of acquisition length = 3 (binary) 1
Time of acquisition (3 byte binary) i 3
SPARE l variable

Total 256 bytes

The data sent in response to “L” and “P” requests consists of a series of SCP-ECG header sections,
consisting of Sections 0 and 1 only, for each report or patient which matches the search criteria.

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D.2.3.4 Search rules for subrequest types “L” and “P”

1) When requesting to receive an ECG list (subrequest type “L”) or a patient list (subrequest type “P”)
the following search rules are applied:

i) any field may or may not be specified;

ii) if a field is unspecified, it is assumed to be “don't care” and not used as part of the search

iii) if a field is specified without wildcards [see iv)], an exact match is required;

iv) the patient ID and name fields may include “wildcards”, these are determined as follows:
? : matches exactly one character to that location,
* : matches zero or more characters at that location,
both * and ? may be literally interpreted by preceding either with a backslash (\);

v) all searches are case insensitive (upper or lower case characters are equally accepted).

EXAMPLE 1 Patient ID = 123, patient last name and first name not specified, matches all patient names with patient

EXAMPLE 2 Patient last name = “M*CFARL*” matches “MCFARLEY”, “MacFarlane”, “Macfarlane”, “Mcfarlane”, etc.

EXAMPLE 3 Patient ID = “\*FAR?” matches “*FAR1”, “*FAR2”, but not “*FAR99”.

2) These search rules apply only to requests for lists, and do not apply to requests for ECGs
(subrequest type “R”) for which the search criteria are exact for the required parameters (institution,
department, patient ID, date and time of acquisition).

3) A Tag of type 255 with length 0 is used to mark the end of the Tag data in a “list request” message.

D.2.4 Status (Message type = “S”)

The format of the status Message is as follows.

Table D.6 — Status (Message type = or “S”)

Byte number

Message type = “S” (ASCII character) 1

Status flag (ASCII character) 2
Error-reason code k (binary) 3
Request sequence number (binary): 1 to 65 535 4 to 5
SPARE l 6 to 256

The request sequence number (RSN) in this message is the RSN of the “request” message to which the
Status message responds.

Spurious “STATUS OK” messages received prior to an expected “DONE” message will be ignored.

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D.2.5 Advisory (Message type = “A”)

The format of the Advisory Message is as follows.

Table D.7 — Advisory (Message type “A”)

Byte number

Message type = “A” (ASCII character) 1

Reserved 2 to 3
Advisory message (text character string, NULL terminated) 4 to 256

Guidelines for the use of Advisory Messages are given in D.5.

D.2.6 Done (Message type = “D”)

A “DONE” message indicates the completion of a command. The format of the done message is as follows.

Table D.8 — Done (Message type “D”)

Byte number

Message type = “D” (ASCII character) 1

Reserved 2 to 3
SPARE l 4 to 256

Notes on the done message:

⎯ a “pending termination” (PT) flag is maintained by each device;

⎯ a master device changes its status to slave by sending the “D” message and setting its PT flag;

⎯ a slave device changes its status to master and sets its PT flag on the reception of a “D” message;

⎯ the reception by a slave device of a “D” message, without an intervening “R” message and with its PT flag
set, will cause the end of the session and the termination of the link;

⎯ a slave device without the PT flag set may send a “D” message without changing to a master device and
without modifying the state of the PT flag in either the master or the slave device;

⎯ a master device, on receipt of a “D” message without its PT flag set, will set its PT flag;

⎯ a master device with its PT flag set, on receipt of a “D” message, will terminate the link.

D.2.7 Notes for D.2.2 to D.2.6

a) These fields uniquely identify the requesting device and its location.

b) Manufacturer codes and the ECG recorder's model designation are defined in the patient demographic
and acquisition data fields of Section 1 (see and 5.4.5).

c) The language support code is as defined in 5.4.5, Section 1, tag 14, byte 17.


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d) Device capabilities are bit-encoded as follows:

1 (LSB) Spare
2 Spare
4 Spare
8 Spare
16 Print ECG
32 Interpret ECG
64 Store ECG
128 (MSB) Acquire ECG

e) Processing request is one ASCII character, defined as follows:

“E” - Request to Send ECG List for Specified Patient

“I” - Request to Send Patient List for Specified Name
“L” - Request to Receive ECG List for Specified Patient
“P” - Request to Receive Patient List for Specified Name
“R” - Request to receive ECGs
“S” - Request to send ECGs
“X” - Escape to Vendor specific request

f) This field is only used for “R” and “X” requests. For these types of request the receiver looks here for the
request subcode.

For “R” requests, this field allows multiple tests to be requested without the need for multiple requests, or
the need to necessarily know the date and time of the test. This field is a bit map. Values are defined as

0 (no bits set) = No request mask needed: send all ECGs.

1 (LSB) = Requested ECG, will have date and time.
2 = Latest ECG.
4 = 1st previous ECG.
8 = 2nd previous ECG.
16 = Baseline ECG if present, otherwise oldest ECG.
32 = All since, will have date and time.

For “X” requests, subrequest codes are vendor-specific extensions and are not defined here.

g) This field contains a nine-character NULL terminated ASCII password, if required by the receiving

h) The format for dates (see 5.4.5, Section 1, tag 5 and 25) is as follows:

Bytes 1 to 2 Binary: year.

Byte 3 Binary: month (01 to 12).
Byte 4 Binary: day of month (01 to 31).

i) The Format for Time (see 5.4.5, Section 1, tag 26) is as follows:

Byte 1 Binary: hours (0 to 23).

Byte 2 Binary: minutes (0 to 59).
Byte 3 Binary: seconds (0 to 59).

j) The status flag is one character (ASCII) defined as follows:

“G” - OK (go ahead); error code not used. Receiver should resume and send the next

“E” - Not OK, error:

- if ID error, call is terminated immediately.
- if Request or ECG data error, receiver may send another request or send done.


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k) For a status “E” (error status) flag, this field contains a binary code indicating the reason for the error.
Codes are as follows:

0 = non-specific error.

1 = last message type not recognised.

2 = last message invalid.

3 = invalid location code; the location (i.e. the institution or department number) sent is not

4 = invalid password.

5 = processing request not recognised: processing device does not understand request.

6 = processing request not supported: processing device does not support request.

7 = processing request not supported: processing device has insufficient memory.

10 = patient ID invalid.

11 = patient name invalid.

12 = patient demographic data invalid; data other than ID or name is not of a valid type or

13 = patient demographic data inconsistent; the data do not agree with that currently stored
for the patient.

These codes all pertain to the signal data and the support for it in the receiving device:

20 = incorrect sample rate.

21 = incorrect lead combination.

22 = incorrect lead duration.

23 = incorrect data compression.

24 = other ECG data error.

30 = measurements invalid; one or more of the measurements was/were invalid.

31 = diagnosis invalid.

40 = output device not ready.

41 = storage device not ready.

42 = database error.

43 = other system error.

44 = insufficient memory error.


50 = no ECGs for this location.

60 = no data matches request.

Codes in the range 128 to 255 are reserved for manufacturer-specific error codes.

l) Areas defined as “SPARE” in message data blocks are available for manufacturer-specific

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D.2.8 Minimum functionality

To be compliant with the specifications of this section, a system consisting of a cart and host is able to:

1) Exchange “ID” messages.

2) Respond to an “RR” request with a subcode of 0 as defined in D.2.7, f).

3) Transfer “All” ECGs as defined in D.2.7, e) or f).

D.3 State diagrams

D.3.1 Establishment of session state diagram

Figure D.1 describes the process by which ID messages are exchanged by cart and host devices in order to
establish an SCP-ECG Query-Messaging session. Note that the session does not enter the “connected” state
until ID messages (D.2.2) have been successfully exchanged. See D.3.2 for a description of operation after
the session has been established.


Figure D.1 — Session state diagram

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D.3.2 Query messaging system state diagram

The following state diagram (Figure D.2) illustrates the proper operation of the query messaging system
following the exchange of “ID” messages as described in D.3.1. A device exists in one of two states while
executing the query messaging system: master or Slave. A master device is allowed to send commands. A
slave device may only respond to commands.

Manufacturer-specific messages and responses are not required to adhere to this diagram.

Figure D.2 — The query messaging system state diagram


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D.4 Message sequence examples

D.4.1 General

In the following examples, “ECG Data” refers to an SCP-ECG formatted data file, and “ID”, “Request”,
“Status”, “Done” and “Advisory” refer to SCP-ECG messages defined in D.2.

D.4.2 ECG Transfer

The normal message sequence for sending an ECG from an initiator to a responder is as follows:

Initiator Responder Comment

a) ID Log-on: Exchange of Identification Data

b) ID via message type “I”.
c) Request Initiator requests to send an ECG (message type “R”).
d) Status Responder replies: ready to receive (message type “S”).
e) ECG Data Initiator sends data.
f) Status Responder replies: received data are OK (see Note 1 under
g) Request Initiator sends another request (see Note 2 under D.4.5)
[go to d) above or D.4.3 to D.4.5]
or or
Done says “no more data” (message type “D”).
h) Request Responder sends its own request (go to D.4.5, below)
or or
(done) terminates the call.

D.4.3 Patient list request

The normal message sequence for requesting a list of patients who match the request mask is as follows:

Initiator Responder Comment

a) ID Log-on, exchange of identification data.

b) ID
c) Request Initiator requests a patient list.
d) Status Responder replies OK.
Responder keeps line alive until request can be
e) Request Responder requests to send a patient list.
f) Status Initiator replies ready to receive.
g) Data Responder sends ECG data.
h) Status Initiator replies received data are OK (see Note 1 under
i) Done Responder says no more data.
j) Request Initiator sends another request (see Note 2 under D.4.5)

[go to d) above or D.4.4 and D.4.5]

or or
Done says “no more data”.
k) Request Responder sends its own request (go to D.4.5, below)
or or
(done) terminates the call.

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D.4.4 ECG list request

The message sequence for requesting a list of ECG reports for a known patient from a responder is
as follows:

Initiator Responder Comment

a) ID Log-on, exchange of identification data.

b) ID
c) Request Initiator requests a list of ECGs.
d) Status Responder replies OK.
Responder keeps line alive until request can be
e) Request Responder requests to send the list of ECGs.
f) Status Initiator replies ready to receive data.
g) Data Responder sends data.
h) Status Initiator replies received data are OK (see Note 1 under

i) Done Responder says “no more data”.
j) Request Initiator sends another request
[go to d) above or to D.4.3 to D.4.5] (see Note 2 under D.4.5)
or or
Done says “no more data”.
k) Request Responder sends its own request (go to D.4.5)
or or
(done) terminates the call.

D.4.5 ECG report request

The message sequence for requesting a specific report or reports for a known patient from a
responder is as follows:

Initiator Responder Comment

a) ID Log-on, exchange of identification data.

b) ID
c) Request Initiator requests to receive an ECG.
d) Status Responder returns an error status
or if no ECG to send or a request
Request to send an ECG.
e) Status Initiator replies ready to receive.
f) ECG Data Responder sends data.
g) Status Initiator replies received data are OK (see Note 1).
h) Request Responder sends another request [go to e) above]
(see Note 2)
or or
Done says “no more data”.
i) Request Initiator sends its own request (go to D.4.2 to D.4.4) or
(done) terminates the call.

NOTE 1 If the received data are not OK, the responder replies with an error code (see D.2.4). The initiator then
requests g) above to retransmit the same data, other (new) data or send “Done”.

NOTE 2 Through this mechanism a “batch” of ECGs or a “set of patient lists” can be transmitted. See also Example 2
in D.5.

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D.5 Use of advisory messages

At any point in the above sequence where a control message (ID, Request, Status or Done) could
be sent, one or more Advisory messages may be interjected. An Advisory message has no effect on
the processing sequences. It is a means of providing additional information to a human operator.

An Advisory message does not end with a line turn around. When an Advisory message is received
instead of another control message, the receiver processes the Advisory (normally by displaying a
message to the operator) and continues in the same state, waiting for the originally expected control
message before proceeding.

Examples of the use of Advisory messages are as follows:


Initiator Responder Comment

a) ID Log-on, exchange identification data.

b) ID
c) Request Initiator requests to send an ECG.
d) Status Responder replies ready to receive.
e) ECG Data Initiator sends data.
Advisory “Default used for patient age”.
Advisory “Please wait 30 seconds”.
f) Status Responder replies received data are OK.
g) Done Initiator says “no more data”.
h) (done) Responder terminates the call.


Initiator Responder Comment

a) ID Log-on, exchange of identification data.

b) ID
c) Request Initiator requests to receive an ECG.
Advisory “Sending #1 of 1 ECGs cued”.
d) Request Responder requests to send an ECG.
e) Status Initiator replies ready to receive.
f) ECG Data Responder sends data.
g) Status Initiator replies received data are OK.
h) Done Responder says “no more requests”.
i) (done) Initiator terminates the call. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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Annex E

Standard low-level ECG-Cart to host protocol

E.1 General
The specification for this low-level transport protocol for communication of ECGs between digital ECG carts
and computerized ECG management (storage) systems consists of two functional layers:

⎯ the data link function layer;

⎯ the physical function layer.

Communication between two ECG management systems, and communication between these systems and
other hosts is not within the scope of the specification.

E.2 Data link and physical functional layers

In Clause E.3 a brief description is given of the minimum requirements for local and remote connection and
transfer of ECG related data, permitting the use of low-cost, high-speed asynchronous modems or simple RS-
232-C local lines. Its purpose is to ensure that devices utilizing this standard protocol are able to

Clause E.5 describes the methods used to ensure that the two devices communicating are synchronized and
that the data are not corrupted during the transfer process. The document describes the states necessary to
handle the exception conditions.

When communicating data between devices, especially between compressed binary data which are

particularly susceptible to corruption by errors during transmission, it is important to employ some device or
software by which the integrity of the data and data link is ensured. Such devices or software are available in
many formats, e.g. lower-level network protocols, error-correcting modems, etc. In this annex a low-level
protocol is described, which can be used when no other adequate protocol is available or appropriate.

Also included are state transition diagrams to aid in the understanding of this layer, the algorithm for the CRC
of each data packet and the format of each of the defined data blocks. Basically the data link layer is an
enhanced XMODEM protocol.

E.3 Physical functional layer

E.3.1 General description

In this clause a description is given of the physical layer of the standard protocol for the transmission of ECGs.
Minimum requirements for both “local” and “remote” connections are given. Local connections are defined as
a point-to-point direct connection. Remote connections are those that utilize public switched telephone
networks or the equivalent.

Individual manufacturers may decide to exceed the requirements given here or use other physical layers. The
standards described here are not meant to impede future system development or degrade system
performance but rather to provide a common interface which provides reasonable performance with minimal
cost of implementation while maintaining a common method of ECG transmission between vendors.

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E.3.2 Local connections

The local connection consists of an RS-232-C link. The link is able to support the following parameter set:

9 600 BAUD
8 Data Bits
1 Stop Bit
No Parity

E.4 Remote connection

The minimum requirement for a remote connection is a V.22bis modem with the appropriate government
approval(s) for the installed country. The V.22bis standard calls for a 2 400 baud full duplex asynchronous
modem. MNP level 5 error detection and correction is not a requirement since the error handling layer is
designed to be able to handle that function. Other requirements are the same as those for local connections.

E.5 Data link functional layer

E.5.1 General description

E.5.1.1 This clause defines the error correcting and line arbitration layer of the standard protocol for the
transmission of ECGs. The purpose of this clause is to define a minimal standard to allow carts and systems
from different manufacturers to communicate. It is not intended as a definition or suggested method for
system-to-system communications. This protocol level is referred to as the data link layer.

The data link layer is a modified (enhanced) version of XMODEM. It is intended to be easy to implement using
“standard” asynchronous communications devices, and yet to address the performance requirements for ECG

Specifically these are as described in E.5.1.2 to E.5.1.6.

E.5.1.2 Timeouts were reduced from 10 s to 2,5 (t1) s and 3,5 (t2) s, thereby reducing execution time
when either machine's performance is less than optimum.

E.5.1.3 A temporary text delay was introduced to allow a machine to keep the link alive when there are no
data to send. This supports the situation where a transmitting device is expected to transmit a data block, but
the data are not ready due to processing delays. Under normal XMODEM the receiver would timeout several
times waiting for data, then abort the link.

E.5.1.4 The ability for a transmitting device to request retransmission of the latest data block

acknowledgement message was added, to cover the situation in which the receiver's ACK or NAK was
garbled. Under standard XMODEM, the transmitting station simply retransmits its data block, a potentially
lengthy process.

E.5.1.5 The block size is larger, 256 bytes.

E.5.1.6 The protocol allows “line turn around” so that data can be transferred in both directions during a
single session.

For the purposes of identifying the participating station in the following description, the two devices are
referred to as the “transmitter” and the “receiver”. The device that is transmitting data or that last transmitted
data is the master. These roles can change during a communications session (see also Figure E.2).

During each state described below, except for TRANSMIT WAKE-UP and RECEIVE WAKE-UP, both stations
have the capability of receiving or transmitting an EOT termination code. EOT capability at any time is
necessary to handle abnormal terminations. The same mechanism may be used for normal termination
because there is no difference between the two methods at the level of the data link layer.

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E.5.2 Transmit machine

E.5.2.1 For graphical representation of the transmit machine, see Figures E.3 to E.5.

E.5.2.2 The transmit machine consists of three states: TRANSMIT WAKE-UP, NO DATA WAIT and WAIT

E. TRANSMIT WAKE-UP: This is the entry state for the calling device. The answering device is
expected to send an ASCII 'ENQ'. Upon receipt of an ENQ, if data are ready to be sent, the caller sends the
data and switches to the WAIT FOR ACK state. If there is no data ready when the ENQ is received, then NO
DATA WAIT becomes the current state. If no ENQ is received within 1 min the process aborts.

E. NO DATA WAIT: In this state the transmitter is waiting for data to send. When this occurs, the
transmit station is expected to send a data block but the data block has not yet been prepared by the higher
level application. This state has only a 2,5 s time-out.

If the 2,5 s timer goes off, the transmit machine checks for data. If they exist, the data are sent, and the
current state becomes the WAIT FOR ACK state. If no data are present, a temporary text delay is sent to
prevent the receiving station from timing out, and control remains in the NO DATA WAIT state. If data become
available before the 2,5 s have elapsed, they may be sent as described above.

E. WAIT FOR ACK: In this state the transmitting device waits for a response from the receiver to the
last data block sent. Proper responses are ACK or NAK.

E. If an ACK is received and the transmitter is instructed by the application layer to turn the line
around, it transmits an ENQ and control is transferred to the receive state, WAIT FOR TURNAROUND.

E. If an ACK is received and the transmitter is not expecting turnaround, it checks for the
presence of data to send. If data are present they are sent and the transmit machine remains in the WAIT
FOR ACK state. If no data are available, the current state becomes the NO DATA WAIT state.

E. If a NAK is received the last data block is retransmitted. The state remains WAIT FOR ACK. If
ten consecutive NAKs have been received, an EOT with error code 006 will be sent, and the link aborted.

E. If 2,5 s pass without a response, the last packet is retransmitted. After ten transmissions of
the same packet have been sent with no response, an EOT is sent with error code 001 and the link will be

E.5.3 Receive machine

E.5.3.1 For graphical representation of the receive machine see Figures E.6 to E.9.

E.5.3.2 The receive machine has four states: RECEIVE WAKE-UP, WAIT FOR TURNAROUND, WAIT

E. RECEIVE WAKE-UP: This is the entry state for the receive machine. Upon wake-up, the device
transmits an ENQ and enters the WAIT FOR TURNAROUND state.

E. WAIT FOR TURNAROUND: In this state the receiver waits for the transmission of the first data
block from the transmitting device. Two inputs are valid: a data block or a TTD.

E. If data are received, they are checked for accuracy based on their block number and their
CRC. If the data are good an ACK is sent and the current state becomes WAIT ON DATA. If the data are bad
a NAK is sent and the receive machine enters the BAD DATA state.

E. If a TTD is received, no action is taken (other than resetting the time-out clock).

E. If no data are received within 3,5 s, the ENQ is retransmitted. If after ten ENQs have been
sent with no response, the link is aborted and an EOT is sent with an error code 002.

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E. WAIT ON DATA: This is the normal receive state. The receiver waits here while receiving data
blocks from the transmitting device. Four inputs are valid: data, TTD, SYN and ENQ. Non-valid inputs are

E. If data are received they are checked for accuracy based on block number and CRC. If the
block is good an ACK is sent and the machine remains in the WAIT ON DATA state. If the data are bad a NAK
is sent and the current state becomes BAD DATA.

E. If the new packet just received is the same as the previous packet, send an ACK and discard
the packet. After receiving ten consecutive copies of the same packet, an EOT is sent with an error code of
005 and the link is aborted.

E. If a TTD is received no action is taken (other than resetting the time-out clock).

E. If a SYN is received an ACK is retransmitted and the WAIT ON DATA state remains valid.

E. If an ENQ is received, the receiver is about to become a transmitter. The presence of data to
send is checked. If no data are present, the receive machine becomes a transmit machine, in the NO DATA
WAIT state. If data are present, it is sent and control passes to the transmit state, WAIT FOR ACK.

E. If no data are received within 3,5 s, a NAK is transmitted. This ensures that the transmitting
station resends the last data block if it was lost. A NAK is sent rather than an ACK because resending an ACK
may result in a loss of data, if the transmitting station sent a data block which the receiver failed to receive.
The machine enters the BAD DATA state.

E. BAD DATA: After the receiver sends a NAK it waits in the BAD DATA state. Valid inputs are data,
SYN and ENQ.

E. If good data are received an ACK is sent and the machine enters the WAIT ON DATA state. If
the data are bad, a NAK is sent. After ten NAKs have been sent and another bad data block is received, an
EOT is sent with an error code 003 and the link is aborted.

E. If a SYN is received the last NAK is retransmitted. The state remains BAD DATA.

E. If no data are received within 3,5 s a NAK is transmitted. If ten NAKs have been sent due to
lack of input as opposed to bad data and another 3,5 s pass without input, the link is aborted and an EOT is
sent with error code 004.

E. If an ENQ is received, the receiver is about to become a transmitter. The presence of data to
send is checked. If no data are present, the receive machine becomes a transmit machine in the NO DATA
WAIT state. If data are present, they are sent and control passes to the transmit state, WAIT FOR ACK.

E.5.4 Format of the data blocks

E.5.4.1 The control codes should be sent as follows:








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where the three characters (CHAR’s) are ASCII digits representing the termination code, i.e. the error codes
001 to 006 mentioned in E.5.2 and E.5.3. For normal termination, an error code of 000 will be sent.

E.5.4.2 The format of the data blocks are as follows:

a) Message: SOH
Block # (1 to 255, incremental, recirculating)
255 - Block# (1's complement of Block #)
data (256 bytes of data)

b) Data: STX
Block # (1 to 255, incremental, recirculating)
255 - Block# (1's complement of Block #)
data (256 bytes of data)

NOTE The same block counter is used for message and data blocks, and should be incremented for each
occurrence of either type of block.

E.5.5 CRC error detection algorithm

The CRC is based on CRC-CCITT (X16 + X12 + X5 + 1). The CRC is a 16-bit quantity and should be preset to
all 1s (FFFF hex) at the start of the calculation for each block of data. The CRC is calculated over the entire
data block up to the CRC itself, as shown in Figure E.1.

Figure E.1 — CRC-CCITT error detection

The algorithm for the CRC-CCITT is below described. Note that all operations are on bytes.

A = new byte

B = temp byte

CRCHI = High byte (most significant) of the 16-bit CRC

CRCLO = Low byte (least significant) of the 16-bit CRC







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B=A { temp save }


A = A AND $1F {000IJLLM}



A = B AND $F0 {MNOP0000}

CRCHI = A XOR CRCHI { CRCHI complete }


B = B AND $ E0 {NOP00000}

CRCLO = B XOR CRCLO { CRCLO complete }



Final check on the CRC is accomplished by adding or concatenating CRCHI and CRCLO at the end
of the data stream. Calculating the CRC of the resulting data stream will result in a zero CRC if the
data were correctly received.

E.5.6 State transition diagrams (STD)

E.5.6.1 Data flow diagram (not an STD)

Figure E.2 — Data flow diagram

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E.5.6.2 Transmit machine STD

Figure E.3 — Transmit machine state transition diagram

E.5.6.3 No data wait STD

Figure E.4 — No data wait state transition diagram


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E.5.6.4 Wait for ACK STD

Figure E.5 — Wait for ACK state transition diagram

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E.5.6.5 Receive machine STD

Figure E.6 — Receive machine state transition diagram

E.5.6.6 Wait for turnaround STD

Figure E.7 — Wait for turnaround state transition diagram

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E.5.6.7 Wait on data STD

Figure E.8 — Wait on data state transition diagram

E.5.6.8 Bad data STD

Figure E.9 — Bad data state transition diagram

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E.5.7 Communication scenario

Scenario of an electrocardiograph sending an ECG to a central ECG management system.

Cart System

(initiator) (responder) Comment

a) ENQ Ready to receive.

b) SOH ID (log on).
c) ACK Acknowledge.
d) ENQ Turn line around.
e) SOH ID (complete log on).
f) ACK Acknowledge.
g) ENQ Turn line around.
h) SOH Cart requests to send ECG.
i) ACK Acknowledge.
j) ENQ Turn line around.
k) SOH Status (system received OK).
l) ACK Acknowledge.
m) ENQ Turn line around.
n) STX Transmit ECG.
o) ACK Acknowledge.
p) STX ECG data.

q) ………………………. the ECG record is transmitted.

r) ACK Acknowledge.
s) ENQ Turn line around (done with ECG).
t) SOH Status (system received OK).
u) ACK Acknowledge.
v) ENQ Turn line around.
w) SOH Done (no more data).
x) ACK Acknowledge.
y) ENQ Turn line around.
z) SOH Request (system can send its own
or or
EOT terminate call (see E.5.1.5).


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Annex F

Universal ECG interpretation statements codes

F.1 General
Universal ECG interpretive statement codes may be used, in addition to free text, to transfer interpretive
statements between various ECG analysis systems, but also between such systems and clinical workstations
and hospital information systems.

A common set of statement codes is of utmost importance in order to exchange interpretive ECG messages in
a multilingual environment, and is also an important asset for data compression.

These codes can also be used for storage of the overreading trail. Storage of overreading results is necessary
for legal reasons. Changes made to the computer interpretation, by a cardiologist, need to be stored and
should be retrievable for transfer to general practitioners or other specialists, and to other third parties.

F.2 Constraints
The coding scheme presented below provides a “pragmatic” approach to the problem of mapping computer
statements on to a common and understandable lexicon. Simple, basic mnemonics, modifiers and
conjunctives are proposed which can be used to compose and reflect simple but also rather complex ECG
interpretive statements.

It should clearly be understood that it is not assumed that ECG computer programs should attempt to make all
the statements listed in this annex. This is beyond the reach of current technology and even the desire of
cardiologists. Indeed, based on the ECG alone several statements listed in this annex are hard to make on an
objective basis. The present document does not want to provide a value judgment on the usefulness or
limitations of standard electrocardiography. However, this annex attempts to provide a fair representation of
the electrocardiographic terminology and ECG reporting used in current practice.

F.3 Composition of the code and general syntax rules


F.3.1 General principle

Mnemonics, which are as far as possible widely used in the literature and which can possibly be remembered
by physicians overreading ECGs, have been used. These mnemonics can be converted into numeric codes
for “internal” program use. The electrocardiographer who only occasionally reviews computerized ECG
interpretations cannot be expected to familiarize himself with a set of code numbers or the sometimes rather
complex mnemonics used in the programs of different manufacturers.

Through the use of a flexible, but unique code structure, the computer can be made to gain at least a general
understanding about the changes made by readers without forcing them into a strict use of numbers.
Conversely, rather complex statements hidden in the free text of computer interpretive reports can, by means
of acronyms and simple syntax rules, be converted into universal understandable statement codes.

F.3.2 Basic composition of the code

The universal SCP-ECG interpretation code consists of one or more fields. In principle there is no limit to the
number of different fields, except that the parsing and phrasing of the interpretive statement may become too

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The first field (5 bytes long) defines the basic diagnostic interpretation or descriptive statement.

The second field (1 or 2 bytes) is primarily used to indicate an estimated probability that a statement is correct
or to define the certainty degree of the corresponding statement.

e.g. A or DE = definite D or CE = rule out/cannot exclude

B or PR = probable SS = strongly suggestive
C or PS = possible CO = consider
U or UN = unknown CW = consistent with

The second field can also be used for other purposes.

The third and other fields (2 bytes) are used for other modifiers.

F.3.3 Modifiers

The following modifiers can be used:

1) to indicate the age of an infarction or ischemic ST-T changes

OL = old EV = evolving
RE = recent XO = probably old
AC = acute XA = probably acute (recent)

SU = subacute YO = possibly old

AI = age indeterminate YA = possibly acute (recent)
AU = age undetermined

2) to indicate the location of ST-T and other abnormalities

AN = anterior BA = basal
AS = anteroseptal AF = antero-inferior
AL = anterolateral SE = septal
IN = inferior PL = posterolateral
IL = inferolateral SN = subendocardial
PO = posterior SP = subepicardial
LA = lateral EX = extensive
HL = high lateral WI = widespread
IP = inferoposterior DI = diffuse

3) to indicate the severity of the abnormality, e.g. hypertrophy, conduction defect or ST-depression

MA = major, MO = moderate and MI = minor

Another coding scheme, e.g. S1 to S5, may be used, where grade S1 is used to define
light and grade S5 represents very prominent

4) to indicate the evolving nature or time course of some abnormalities, where:

SE: serial changes consistent with...

CC: continuing changes of...
OC: occasional TR: transient UF: unifocal
IM: intermittent FR: frequent MF: multifocal
TE: temporary
EV: evolving
NE: new
MU: multiple

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5) to indicate the physiopathological nature of ST-T changes

- LV: compatible with left ventricular strain

- MD: compatible with myocardial ischemic damage
- PE: compatible with pericarditis
- EL: compatible with electrolyte abnormalities

6) to indicate the normality or abnormality of a finding

- NO: within normal limits

- NX: may be normal variant
- BO: borderline
- AB: abnormal
- BN: borderline normal
- BA: borderline abnormal

7) rhythm modifiers/anatomic locations

- SI: sinus
- AT: atrial
- SV: supraventricular
- ND: nodal
- VE: ventricular

8) miscellaneous

- IC: incomplete
- CP: complete
- TY: typical
- YT: atypical

NOTE AT means “atrial”; see 7) above.

F.3.4 Separation delimiters

1) The different fields within a statement code are separated by an underscore, e.g. LVH_PR.

2) The main diagnostic code is put first. The modifier indicating the certainty or probability of a code is
put as second (as shown in (1) LVH_PR). In case the program or the reader is uncertain about a
modifier such as the phase of an infarction or of ischemic ST-T changes, then a certainty modifier
should be added to this modifier, as demonstrated in the following examples:

AMI_PR_AC: means Probable acute anterior infarction.

AMI_AC_PR: means Anterior infarction, probably acute.


AMI_PR_AC_PR: means Probable anterior infarction, probably acute.

In the second case there is assumed (definite) certainty about the infarction, but uncertainty
about its phase.

3) Various statement codes are separated from each other by semicolons. Statements are preceded by
sequence numbers during the transmission of the data (see SCP-ECG Protocol). These sequence
numbers can be used to link various statements, but also conjunctive terms can be used to this end.

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F.3.5 Conjunctive terms

Conjunctive terms may be used to link statements or to create composite statements.

1) The classical Boolean operators can be used as conjunctives, i.e.: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, EOR.

The conjunctive NOT can be used to indicate that the leading statement is true “in the absence of” or
“without” the subsequent statement.

2) The following arithmetic and relational operators can be used as conjunctives:

- ADD: add (+)

- SUB: subtract (−)
- MPY: multiply (*)
- DIV: divide (/)
- EXP: exponent
- SQR: square root of
- ABS: absolute value of
- MAX: maximum value of
- MIN: minimum value of

- EQU: equals
- ILT: is less than
- IGT: is greater than
- INE: is not equal to
- IGE: is greater than or equal to
- ILE: is less than or equal to

3) Conjunctive terms with respect to serial comparison, such as:

- SER: serial changes of

- DEC: decreased (in comparison to the previous recording)
- INC: increased (in comparison to the previous recording)
- UNC: unchanged/has not changed (in comparison to the previous recording)
- CHG: changed/has changed (in comparison to the previous recording)
- DIS: (now) disappeared (in comparison to the previous recording)
- REP: (now) replaced [(statement) reported previously]
- IMP: improved (compared to)
- WRS: worse (compared to)

4) Other conjunctive terms can also be used, such as:

- RES: to indicate that the leading statement “results” in (or “causes”) the next statement
- SEC: to indicate that the leading statement is “secondary to” the subsequent statement
- ASS: is associated with
- EXC: exclude, rule out, or consider also the next statement
- WTH: with
- ALT: alternating with

The conjunctive terms can be maximum 3 bytes long and are given between two semicolons to link separate

Linkage of the conjunctive terms within a composite statement is performed with the underscore ( _ ) sign.


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F.4 Acronyms for ECG interpretive statements

F.4.1 References used for the elaboration of this proposal

Lists with interpretive statements of different ECG computer programs have been consulted to elaborate the
current proposal. These lists can be found in the 5th to 8th CSE Progress Reports, as well as in the
Physicians Handbook of several manufacturers.

In addition, two reports on “Standardization of terminology and interpretation” and on “Definitions and
classification of cardiac arrhythmias” have largely been used. These reports have been published respectively
in the Amer. J. Cardiology (1978, 41, pp. 130-145), and in the Amer. Heart J. (1978, 95, pp. 796-806).

F.4.2 Acronyms

F.4.2.1 Normal/abnormal

NORM normal ECG

NLECG normal ECG

NLQRS normal QRS

NLP normal P wave

NLSTT normal ST-T

WHNOR ECG within normal limits for age and sex

POSNL possibly normal ECG

BOECG borderline ECG

ABECG abnormal ECG

POSAB possibly abnormal ECG

ABQRS abnormal QRS

ABSTT abnormal ST-T

NFA normal for age

NFB normal for build

ABFA abnormal for age

ABFB abnormal for build

UFB unusual for build

F.4.2.2 Ventricular hypertrophy

LVH left ventricular hypertrophy

VCLVH voltage criteria (QRS) for left ventricular hypertrophy

RVH right ventricular hypertrophy


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VCRVH voltage criteria (QRS) for right ventricular hypertrophy

BVH biventricular hypertrophy

SEHYP septal hypertrophy

PRANT prominent anterior forces

F.4.2.3 Myocardial infarction

(The infarct location is preferentially defined within the basic acronym, but can also be defined with a location

MI myocardial infarction

AMI anterior myocardial infarction

ASMI anteroseptal myocardial infarction

ALMI anterolateral myocardial infarction

LMI lateral myocardial infarction

HLMI high-lateral myocardial infarction

APMI apical myocardial infarction

IMI inferior myocardial infarction


ILMI inferolateral myocardial infarction

IPMI inferoposterior myocardial infarction

IPLMI inferoposterolateral myocardial infarction

PMI posterior myocardial infarction

F.4.2.4 Conduction disturbances

(for definitions: J. Amer. Coll. Cardiol., 5, pp. 1261-75, 1985)

BBB unspecified bundle branch block

CLBBB complete left bundle branch block

ILBBB incomplete left bundle branch block

ALBBB atypical left bundle branch block

CRBBB complete right bundle branch block

IRBBB incomplete right bundle branch block

IVCD non-specific intraventricular conduction disturbance (block)

IVCD> intraventricular conduction disturbance (QRS >120 ms)

IVCD< minor intraventricular conduction disturbance (QRS <120 ms)

WPW Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome

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WPWA Wolf-Parkinson type A

WPWB Wolf-Parkinson type B

PREEX pre-excitation

LAFB left anterior fascicular block

LPFB left posterior fascicular block

BIFAS bifascicular block (its two components shall always be listed


TRFAS trifascicular block

F.4.2.5 Other QRS morphology or general descriptive statements

COPD ECG consistent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

PE pulmonary emphysema

QWAVE Q waves present

POORR poor R-wave progression in precordial leads

ABRPR abnormal R-wave progression

PROMR prominent R waves in right precordial leads

DXTRO dextrocardia

LVOLT low QRS voltages in the frontal and horizontal leads

HVOLT high QRS voltage

LVOLF low voltage in frontal leads

LVOLH low QRS voltages in the horizontal leads

HVOLF high QRS voltages in the frontal leads

HVOLH high QRS voltage in the horizontal leads

S1S23 S1 S2 S3 type QRS pattern

RSR1 rSr' type in V1 or V2

TRNZL transition zone in precordial leads displaced to the left

TRNZR transition zone in precordial leads displaced to the right

MYOPA compatible with cardiomyopathy


MYOCA compatible with myocarditis

CRIMA criteria for

CRIMO moderate criteria for

CRIMI minimal criteria for

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F.4.2.6 Rhythm statements

(For definitions of rhythm statements see Amer. Heart J., 95, pp. 796-806, 1978.)

Statements related to impulse formation (abnormalities)

SR sinus rhythm

NSR normal sinus rhythm

SARRH sinus arrhythmia

MSAR marked sinus arrhythmia

SVARR supraventricular arrhythmia

STACH sinus tachycardia

ETACH extreme tachycardia

SBRAD sinus bradycardia

EBRAD extreme bradycardia

JTACH junctional tachycardia

SVTAC supraventricular tachycardia

JBRAD junctional bradycardia

SVBRA supraventricular bradycardia


WQTAC wide QRS tachycardia

NQTAC narrow QRS tachycardia

TACHO tachycardia, origin unknown or not specified

BRADO bradycardia, origin unknown or not specified

ARRHY arrhythmia, origin unknown

IRREG irregular rhythm

REGRH regular rhythm

JESCR junctional escape rhythm

VESCR ventricular escape rhythm

ACAR accelerated atrial rhythm

ACVR accelerated ventricular rhythm

ACJR accelerated junctional rhythm

AVJR AV-junctional rhythm

ARHYT atrial rhythm

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SVRHY supraventricular rhythm

JRHYT junctional rhythm

VRHYT ventricular rhythm

UNRHY undetermined rhythm

EAR ectopic atrial rhythm

LAR left atrial rhythm

MAR multifocal atrial rhythm

NODRH nodal rhythm

RAR low right atrial rhythm

LGL Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome

SHTPR Short PR-interval

AFIB atrial fibrillation

AFLT atrial flutter

ATACH atrial tachycardia

PSVT paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia

MFAT multifocal atrial tachycardia

RATAC run of atrial tachycardia

RJTAC run of junctional tachycardia

AVNRT atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia

AVRT atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia

IDIOR idioventricular rhythm

VFIB ventricular fibrillation

VTACH ventricular tachycardia

RVTAC run of ventricular tachycardia

SVT sustained ventricular tachycardia

NSVT non-sustained ventricular tachycardia

TORSA torsade des pointes ventricular tachycardia

MTACH multifocal tachycardia (multiform), supraventricular or ventricular

VFLT ventricular flutter

ASYST asystole


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Sinus node dysfunction, atrial and AV-conduction defects

1AVB first degree AV block

2AVB second degree AV block

3AVB third degree AV block

I2AVB intermittent second degree AV block

A2AVB alternating second degree AV block

AVDIS AV-dissociation

WENCK Wenckebach phenomenon

MOBI2 Mobitz type 2 second degree AV block

SAR sinus arrest

SARA sinus arrest with atrial escape

SARSV sinus arrest with supraventricular escape

SARJ sinus arrest with junctional escape

SARV sinus arrest with ventricular escape

SABLK sino-atrial block

SPAUS sinus pause

WANDP wandering pacemaker

LRR long R-R interval measured

OCAP occasional capture

Statements related to ectopic rhythm abnormalities

PRC(S) premature complex(es)

PAC or APC (APB) atrial premature complex (beat)

(use of APB is not recommended)

BPAC blocked premature atrial contraction

MAPCS multiple atrial premature complexes

PVC or VPC (VPB) ventricular premature complex (beat)

(use of VPB is not recommended)

MVPCS multiple premature ventricular complexes

RVPCS or RPVCS run of ventricular premature complexes

RAPCS run of atrial premature complexes


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RJPCS run of junctional premature complexes

VIC ventricular interpolated complexes

MVICS multiple ventricular interpolated complexes

MICS multiple interpolated complexes

SVPC supraventricular premature complex

SVPCS (multiple) supraventricular premature complexes

SVIC(S) supraventricular interpolated complex(es)

ABER(S) aberrantly conducted complex(es)

ABPCS aberrant premature complexes, origin unknown

ABSVC aberrant complex, possibly supraventricular origin

ABSVS aberrant complexes, possibly supraventricular origin

ABASH aberrant supraventricular complexes of the Ashman type

JPC(S) junctional premature complex(es)

MJPCS multiple junctional premature complexes

PVPCS or PPVCS paired ventricular premature complexes

PAPCS paired atrial premature complexes

PJPCS paired junctional premature complexes

OVPAC occasional ventricular paced complexes

ONPAC occasional non-paced complexes

VBIG ventricular bigeminy

ABIG atrial bigeminy

SVBIG supraventricular bigeminy

BIGU bigeminal pattern (unknown origin, SV or ventricular)

FUSC(S) fusion complex(es)

CAPT(S) capture complex(es)

VEC(S) ventricular escape complex(es)

AEC(S) atrial escape complex(es)

SVEC(S) supraventricular escape complex(es)

JEC(S) junctional escape complex(es)

ESCUN escape complex, origin unknown


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VPARA ventricular parasystole

APARA atrial parasystole

VTRIG ventricular trigeminy

ATRIG atrial trigeminy

SVTRI supraventricular trigeminy

TRIGU trigeminal pattern (unknown origin, SV or ventricular)

VQUAG ventricular quadrigeminy

RECIP reciprocal or re-entrant impulse

Statements related to (predominant) conduction and block

B2T1 (predominant) 2:1 block

B3T1 (predominant) 3:1 block

B4T1 (predominant) 4:1 block

B5T1 (predominant) 5:1 block

VARBL variable block

EXIBL exit block

ENTBL entrance block


VABL ventriculo-atrial block

BLOCK unspecified delay or failure of impulse propagation

C2T1 (predominant) 2:1 conduction

C3T1 (predominant) 3:1 conduction

C4T1 (predominant) 4:1 conduction

C5T1 (predominant) 5:1 conduction

VARCO variable conduction

SVR slow ventricular response

IVR irregular ventricular response

RVR rapid ventricular response

WRV wide rate variation

AAVCO accelerated AV conduction

RETCO retrograde conduction

ANTCO anterograde conduction

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ORTCO orthograde conduction

ABBCO aberrant conduction

CONCO concealed conduction

AVREN AV nodal re-entry

CONRE concealed re-entry

RENTR re-entry phenomenon

AECHO return of impulse to its chamber of origin: the atrium

VECHO return of impulse to its chamber of origin: the ventricle

FCOUP fixed coupling interval

VCOUP variable coupling interval

Pacemaker types and pacemaker function

PACE normal functioning artificial pacemaker

PACEA artificial pacemaker rhythm with 100 % capture

PACEP artificial pacemaker rhythm with partial capture

PACEF artificial pacemaker rhythm with underlying atrial fib or flutter

PACED demand pacemaker rhythm

PACEM malfunctioning artificial pacemaker

EPAVS electronic pacemaker AV sequential, normal capture

EPVC electronic pacemaker, ventricular capture

EPDM electronic pacemaker, demand mode

EPFC electronic pacemaker, failure to capture

EPFS electronic pacemaker, failure to sense

EPARV bipolar electronic pacemaker at the apex of the right ventricle

EPU unipolar electronic pacemaker

EPURV unipolar electronic pacemaker at the apex of the right ventricle

PAA electronic atrial pacing

PAD dual chamber electronic pacing

PAVA electronic ventricular pacing with atrial sensing

PADEM demand pacing, analysis based upon intrinsic complexes

OVPAC occasional ventricular paced complexes

ONPAC occasional non-paced complexes


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international classification of pacemaker types

PAVVI 3rd byte = the chamber paced:

PAAAI V: ventricle; A: atrium; D: both

PAVAT 4th byte = the chamber sensed:

PAVDD V, A, D: same as above; O: no sensing

PADVI 5th byte = the response of the pacemaker to a sensed beat:

PADDD T: triggered;
I: inhibited;
D: double (atrial triggered + ventricular inhibited or atrial
triggered/inhibited + ventricular inhibited)

other rhythm related statements

ARATE atrial rate

VRATE ventricular rate

RATE rate, not specified ventricular or atrial (but mostly ventricular)

RHY(T) rhythm

F.4.2.7 Descriptive axis statements

LAD left axis deviation of QRS in frontal plane (< −30)

RAD right axis deviation of QRS in frontal plane (> +90)


AXL leftward axis (i.e. not severe enough to be called LAD)

AXR rightward axis (i.e. not severe enough to be called RAD)

AXIND QRS axis indeterminate

AXSUP axis shifted superiorly

AXPOS axis shifted posteriorly

AXVER axis vertical in frontal plane

AXHOR horizontal axis in frontal plane

TRSLT transition in horizontal leads shifted leftward

TRSRT transition in horizontal leads shifted rightward

CCWRT counterclockwise (anticlockwise) rotation

CWRT clockwise rotation

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F.4.2.8 ST-T descriptive statements

The following basic roots are proposed:

ISC_ ischemic

INJ_ subendocardial injury

EPI_ epicardial injury

STT_ ST-T change

NST_ non-specific ST changes

STE_ non-specific ST elevation

STD_ non-specific ST depression

RST_ reciprocal ST-T changes

TAB_ T-wave abnormality

NT_ non-specific T-wave changes

Two solutions can be used to define the location of the ST-T changes - either by using a location modifier - or
by extending the root with two more characters to define the region, as follows:

ischemic ST-T changes

ISCAN in anterior leads

ISCAL in anterolateral leads

ISCIN in inferior leads

ISCAS in anteroseptal leads

ISCLA in lateral leads

ISCPO in posterior region

ISCIP in inferoposterior region

ISCIL in inferolateral leads

ISCAF in antero-inferior leads

ISCWI widespread ischemic ST-T changes

ISCDI diffuse ischemic ST-T changes

ischemic ST-T changes compatible with subendocardial injury

INJAN in anterior leads


INJAL in anterolateral leads

INJIN in inferior leads

INJAS in anteroseptal leads

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INJLA in lateral leads

INJPO in posterior region

INJIP in inferoposterior region

INJIL in inferolateral leads

INJAF in antero-inferior leads

INJWI widespread subendocardial injury

INJDI diffuse subendocardial injury

ST-T changes compatible with subepicardial injury

EPIAN in anterior leads

EPIAL in anterolateral leads

IPIIN in inferior leads

EPIAS in anteroseptal leads

EPILA in lateral leads

EPIPO in posterior region

EPIIP in inferoposterior region

EPIIL in inferolateral leads

EPIAF in antero-inferior leads

EPIWI widespread subepicardial injury

EPIDI diffuse subepicardial injury

non-specific ST-T changes alternative

NSTAN in anterior leads STNAN

NSTAL in anterolateral leads STNAL

NSTIN in inferior leads STNIN

NSTAS in anteroseptal leads STNAS

NSTLA in lateral leads STNLA

NSTPO in posterior region STNPO

NSTIL in inferolateral leads STNIL

NSTAF in antero-inferior leads STNAF

NSTWI widespread non-specific ST-T changes STNWI

NSTDI diffuse non-specific ST-T changes STNDI


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non-specific ST elevation

STExx and replace xx by the corresponding lead or location, e.g. AN

non-specific ST depression

STDxx and replace xx by the corresponding lead or location, e.g. AL

other ST-T descriptive statements

NDT non-diagnostic T abnormalities

TNOR normal T-wave variations

DIG digitalis-effect

HTVOL high T-voltages

QUIN ST-T changes due to quinidine-effect

PERIC ST-T changes compatible with pericarditis

STVAG ST-elevation V1-V3 possibly due to enhanced vagal tone

LNGQT long QT-interval

SHTQT short QT-interval

HIGHT high amplitude T-waves

LOWT low amplitude T-waves

INVT inverted T-waves

HPOCA consider hypocalcemia

HPOK consider hypokalemia

HPRCA consider hypercalcemia

HPRK consider hyperkalemia

STDJ junctional ST depression

REPOL ST-T changes compatible with early repolarization

ANEUR ST-T changes compatible with ventricular aneurysm

POSTO post-operative changes

PULM compatible with pulmonary embolism

ACET related to pacemaker activity

NDOC compatible with endocrine disease

METAB possibly due to metabolic changes

IBP compatible with hypertension


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CONG secondary to congenital heart disease

VALV secondary to valvular heart disease

RESP secondary to respiratory disease

JUV juvenile T waves

CLIN interpret with clinical data

MYOIN suggests myocardial infarction (no location specified)

ISDIG compatible with ischemia/digitalis effect

STNOR normal variant

STPAC review ST-T analysis for the effects of pacing

STPVC post-extrasystolic T-wave changes

F.4.2.9 Atrial statements

LAO/LAE left atrial overload/enlargement

RAO/RAE right atrial overload/enlargement

BAO/BAE bi-atrial overload/enlargement

IACD intra-atrial conduction delay

HPVOL high P-voltages

NSPEP non-specific P wave abnormalities

ABPAX abnormal P-axis

UNPAX unusual P-axis

F.4.2.10 Statements related to pediatric ECG analysis

PED pediatric interpretation

RVD right ventricular dominance

ASD changes compatible with atrial septal defect (ostium secundum)

ECD compatible endocardial cushion defect (ASD ostium primum)

EBSTA compatible with Ebstein's anomaly

TCA compatible with tricuspid atresia

ACA compatible with anomalous location of the coronary artery

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F.4.2.11 Statements related to the ECG calibration

HSCAL all leads half standard calibration (i.e. 5 mm/mV)

HSPRE precordial leads half standard calibration

HSLIM limb leads half standard calibration

DSCAL all leads double standard calibration (i.e. 20 mm/mV)

DSPRE precordial leads double standard calibration

DSLIM limb leads double standard calibration

NSCAL non-standard calibration

F.4.2.12 Technical problems

ARMRE suspect arm leads reversed


LMISP lead misplacement

QCERR poor data quality, interpretation may be adversely affected

AHERR acquisition/hardware error

MEASE possibly measurement error

NOISE noisy recording

WANDR baseline wander

FAULT faulty lead

ARTEF artifacts

SIMUL input is from simulator or test pattern

PINFO inconsistent or erroneous patient demographic data

INCAN incomplete or no analysis (by the program)

NODAT missing or no data

F.4.3 Examples

F.4.3.1 The statement “Probable old anterior infarction and atrial fibrillation” shall be coded as follows:
AMI_OL_PR; AFIB. The statement AFIB has no direct relation to AMI, therefore the AND conjunction is not
used. There are in fact two independent statements, one on QRS contour and one on cardiac rhythm.

F.4.3.2 The statement “Probable left ventricular hypertrophy with ST-T changes compatible with left
ventricular strain” is coded as follows: LVH_PR_AND_STT_LV. The underscore signs before and after the
AND indicates that the conjunction is made within a single statement.

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F.4.3.3 If the same statement has been made on two separate lines, and one wants to link them logically,

⎯ Probable left ventricular hypertrophy

⎯ ST-T changes compatible with left ventricular hypertrophy

then coding is done as follows: LVH_PR;AND;STT_LV

F.5 Overreading of measurement results

F.5.1 Waveform and interval designations

P P-wave

P+ P-wave, positive component

P− P-wave, negative component

PA the atrial repolarization wave

Q Q-wave, i.e. the first negative deflection of QRS

R R-wave, i.e. the first positive deflection of QRS

S S-wave, i.e. first negative deflection after first positive deflection in QRS

R2 second R-wave, i.e. the first positive deflection in QRS after the S-wave

S2 second S-wave

R3 third R-wave in QRS

S3 third S-wave in QRS

J the J-point

ST the ST-interval

ST20 the amplitude of ST 20 ms after the J-point

ST60 the amplitude of ST 60 ms after the J-point

ST80 the amplitude of ST 80 ms after the J-point

STO the amplitude of ST at the onset of ST, i.e. the J-point

STM the amplitude of ST at the middle of ST

STE the amplitude of ST at the end of ST, i.e. the beginning of the T-wave

T the T-wave

T+ the (maximal) positive component of the T-wave

T− the (maximal) negative component of the T-wave

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U the U-wave

QRS the QRS complex

QR QR type of QRS complex

QS QS type of QRS complex

RS RS type of QRS complex

RSR RSR2 type of QRS complex

PR the PR interval

PP the PP interval

RR the RR interval

QT the QT interval

JT the interval between the J-point and the end of the T-wave

TP the interval between the end of the T-wave and the succeeding P-wave

ARP absolute refractory period

ERP effective refractory period

RRP relative refractory period

FRP functional refractory period

F.5.2 Lead denominators

a) For the abbreviations of the leads, see “Specification of the ECG Lead Definition – Section 3” portion of
this part of ISO 11073.

b) The following conventional lead-labels shall most often be used:

D1 aVR V1 V4 X

D2 aVL V2 V5 Y

D3 aVF V3 V6 Z

c) Further abbreviations:

LEAD lead

INN indication of location, for example in lead D3: translated as INN_D3

AXIS axis

NOTE INN is used instead of IN which has been reserved for “inferior”.

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F.5.3 Units of measurement

DUR duration

MSEC milliseconds

SEC second(s)

AMP amplitude

MVOLT millivolt

MUVLT microvolt

DEGR degrees

RATIO ratio of e.g. Q/R amplitude

UNIT unsigned units

F.5.4 Examples

Most of the time rather simple single or composite ECG interpretive statements, such as listed in F.4.3 will be
generated, but more complex statements can also be created such as listed in the examples shown below. It
should be noted that these abbreviations and conventions for creating statements are to be used for
communication between heterogeneous systems and that each system manufacturer can continue to use its
own abbreviations for internal use.

The P-amplitude in lead V1 equals 120 millivolts

The Q-wave in lead D3 equals 40 milliseconds

The Q/R ratio in lead D2 is greater than 0,5

The sum of the S amplitude in V1 and the R amplitude in V5 is greater than 3,5 millivolts (i.e. the
Sokolov index is positive)

The maximal R amplitude and the maximal S amplitude in the V-leads is greater than 4,5 millivolts

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Annex G


A basic background in electrocardiography and in computer science are prerequisites for the reader to
understand this standard communications protocol for computer-assisted electrocardiography. For this
reason, only terms that are beyond the knowledge of basic names and definitions in these fields are presented
in the following glossary.

Amplitude coding

The third of the three steps of analog to digital conversion. The sequence of integers produced by the
quantization step may be encoded (e.g., Huffman, first difference) to reduce memory requirements.

Amplitude quantization

The second of the three steps of analog to digital conversion. The amplitude of each sample is truncated to an
integer multiple of a fixed value, which is chosen to be “small” in comparison to the detail in the original signal.

Analog to digital conversion

The approximating process by which a continuous signal is converted to a digital representation. The degree
of approximation must safeguard all useful information in the original signal.

Artifact filter

A filter that removes artifacts from the ECG signal.

Baseline filter

A filter that removes low frequency drift or oscillations from the ECG signal.

Beat data

Data related to the morphological characteristics of single ECG cycles.

Compression ratio

The ratio of the memory occupancy before compression to that after compression.

Data compression

Any method that satisfies the general aim of reducing the size of a given set of data. Algorithms usually take
advantage of characteristics of the signal to be compressed, such as alphanumeric data, digitized signals or
digitized image data.


The process of choosing a lower quantity of samples among an ordered set (see Annex C).

Fiducial point

A reference point within the ECG signal.

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Huffman method of coding

An encoding method where variable length codes are used in such a way that the shortest codes are used to
encode the most frequently occurring data.

Irreversible data compression

Data compression that becomes irreversible when the possibility of reconstructing the original signal, as it was
before compression, is lost.

Low-level transport protocol

A detailed procedure to be used in the absence of other methods to ensure data and data communication link
integrity during communications between two digital machines.

Low-pass filter

A filter that removes components of the input signal above a given frequency.

Notch filter

A filter that should remove a particular frequency component of the input signal, commonly at 50 Hz or 60 Hz,
i.e. the mains power distribution frequency.

Pacemaker spikes

The pacemaker impulses as they appear superimposed on the ECG.


A number used to identify a particular data item.

Time sampling

The first of the three steps of analog to digital conversion, i.e. taking discrete samples from a continuous
signal in the time domain.

Transform/inverse transform

A signal can be expressed as a weighted sum of orthogonal functions. This set of weights, or coefficients, is
known as the transform of the signal in the given domain. The weighted sum of these signals is known as the
inverse transform. Often signals can be expressed, processed or compressed more simply in the transform

See also Clause 3 for other specific terms related to this part of ISO 11073.


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National and International Standards

[1] ANSI-AAMI EC18-1982, American National Standard for Diagnostic Electrocardiographic Devices

[2] ANSI-AAMI EC12-1983, American National Standard for Pregelled Disposable Electrodes

[3] ANSI-AAMI SCL12-78, American National Standard for Safe Current Limits for Electromedical

[4] ANSI X3.4-1986, 7-bit American National Standard Code for Information Interchange

[5] CCITT Blue Book, ed. 1988, Volume VIII.2, Recommendations for X.25 and Specifications for the
CCITT-CRC Calculations

[6] IEC 60601-1:2005, Medical electrical equipment — Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and
essential performance

[7] HL7 aECG Implementation Guide, Final, March 21, 2005

[8] IEC 60601-2-25, Medical electrical equipment — Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of

[9] IEC 62D(CO)6, Performance Requirements for Single Channel and Multichannel Electrocardiographs

[10] ISO/IEC 2375, Information technology — Procedure for registration of escape sequences and coded
character sets

[11] ISO/IEC 10646, Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)

[12] ISO/IEC 6429, Information technology — Control functions for coded character sets

[13] ISO/IEEE 11073-10101, Health informatics — Point-of-care medical device communication —

Part 10101: Nomenclature

[14] JIS X 0202, Code Extension Techniques for Use with the Code for Information Interchange

[15] JIS X 0212-1990, Code of the Supplementary Japanese Graphic Character Set for Information

[16] GB2312-80, Code of Chinese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange — Primary Set

References from the ECG standards literature

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[19] PIPBERGER, H.V., ARZBAECHER, B., BERSON, A.S. et al. Recommendations for standardization of leads
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[20] ROBLES DE MEDINA, E.O., BERNARD, R., COUMEL, P., et al. Definition of terms related to cardiac rhythm,
A special report of the WHO/ISC Task Force ad Hoc. Am. Heart J., 95, pp. 796-806, 1978


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[21] SURAWICZ B, UHLEY H, BORUN R et al. Standardization of terminology and interpretation, Report of
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[23] VANBEMMEL, J.H. and W ILLEMS, J.L. Standardization and validation of medical support-systems: The
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[25] WILLEMS, J.L., ABREU-LIMA, C., ARNAUD, P. et al. The diagnostic performance of computer programs for
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[26] WILLEMS, J.L., ARNAUD, P., VAN BEMMEL, J.H. et al. A reference database for multilead
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Specific references with respect to ECG data compression

[32] ABENSTEIN, J. and TOMPKINS, W. A new data reduction algorithm for real-time ECG analysis, IEEE
Trans. Biomed. Eng., 29/1, pp. 43-48,1982

[33] AHMED, N., MILNE, P.J. and HARRIS, S.G. Electrocardiographic data compression via orthogonal
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[34] BEDINI, R., FRANCHI, D., GENERALI, G.L. and SEVERI, S. Performance evaluation and choice of criteria
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[35] BERTINELLI, M., CASTELLI, A., COMBI, C. and PINCIROLI, F. Some experiments on ECG data
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[36] CAPPELLINI, V., DEL RE, E., EVANGELISTI AND A, PASTORELLI, M. Application of digital filtering and data
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Ottawa 1976, pp. 32-33

[37] COX, J.R., NOLLE, F.M., FOZZARD, H.A. and OLIVER, G.G., AZTEC, a preprocessing program for real-
time ECG rhythm analysis, IEEE Transactions Biomed. Engin., 15, pp. 128-129, 1968

[38] FURTH, B. and PEREZ A., An adaptive real-time ECG compression algorithm with variable threshold,
IEEE Transact. on Biomed. Eng., 35/6, pp. 489-494, 1988

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[39] ISHIJIAMA, M., SHIN, S., HOSTETTER, G. and SKLANSKY, J. Scan-along polygonal approximation for data
compression of electrocardiograms, IEEE Transact. Biomed. Engin., 30/11, pp. 723-729, 1983

[40] JAYANT, N.S. and NOLL, P., eds. Digital Coding of Waveforms, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1984

[41] KARLSSON, S. Representation of ECG records by Karhunen-Loève expansions, Digest of the 7th
Internat. Conf. on Med. and Biol. Engineering, 1967, p. 105

[42] KUKLINSKI, W.S. Fast Walsh transform data-compression algorithm: ECG application, Med. Biol. Eng.
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[43] HSU, K., W OMBLE, M.E., TOLAN, G.D. and ZIED, A.M. Simultaneous noise filtering and data
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[44] HUFFMAN, D.A. A method for the construction of minimum-redundancy codes, Proc. IRE, 40,
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[45] LAMBERTI, C. and COCCIA, P. ECG data compression for ambulatory device, in Computers in
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[46] LEE, H., CHENG, Q. and THAKOR, N. ECG waveform analysis by significant point extraction, Comp.
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[47] MOODY, G.B., SOROUSHIAN, K. and MARK, R.G. ECG Data compression for tapeless ambulatory
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[48] MOODY, G.B. and MARK, R.G. QRS morphology representation and noise estimation using the
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[49] MUELLER, W.C. Arrhythmia detection program for an ambulatory ECG monitor, Biomed. Sci Instrum.,

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[50] PAHLM, O., BÖRJESSON, P. and W ERNER, O. Compact digital storage of ECGs, Comp. Programs
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[51] PEDEN, J., ECG data compression: Some practical considerations, in Computing in Medicine, PAUL, J.,
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[52] REDDY, B.R.S., and MURTHY, I.S.N. ECG data compression using Fourier descriptors, IEEE Trans.
Biomed. Eng., 33, pp. 428-434, 1986

[53] RUTTIMANN, U.E. and PIPBERGER, H.V. Data compression and the quality of the reconstructed ECG,
in W OLF, H.K. and MACFARLANE, P.W., eds.. Optimization of Computer ECG Processing, North
Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 77-83, 1980

[54] SHRIDAR, M. and STEVENS, M.F. Analysis of ECG data for data compression, Int. J. Bio-Medical
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compression for storing and transmitting ECGs/VCGs, Proc. IEEE, 65, pp. 702-706 KL, 1977

[56] ZYWIETZ, C., JOSEPH, G. and DEGANI, R. Data compression for computerized electrocardiography,
in W ILLEMS, J.L., ed., Digital ECG Data Communication, Encoding and Storage, Proc of the 1st
Working Conf of the SCP-ECG Project AIM 1015, Leuven ACCO Press, pp. 95-136, 1990


[57] Amer. J. Cardiology (1978, 41, pp. 130-145)

[58] Amer. Heart J. (1978, 95, pp. 796-806)

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[59] Amer. Heart J., 95, pp. 796-806, 1978

[60] J. Amer. Coll. Cardiol., 5, pp. 1261-75, 1985


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