ISO-8336-2009 (En)
ISO-8336-2009 (En)
ISO-8336-2009 (En)
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 8336:2009(E)
© ISO 2009
ISO 8336:2009(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 2
4 Symbols and abbreviations ................................................................................................................. 4
5 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 5
5.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Sheet classifications ............................................................................................................................ 5
5.3 Composition and manufacture............................................................................................................ 6
5.4 Appearance and finish ......................................................................................................................... 6
5.5 Dimensions and tolerances ................................................................................................................. 6
5.6 Physical requirements and characteristics ....................................................................................... 9
5.7 Fire properties..................................................................................................................................... 12
5.8 Product performance.......................................................................................................................... 12
6 Evaluation of conformity.................................................................................................................... 12
6.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.2 Type testing ......................................................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Quality control system ....................................................................................................................... 14
6.4 Inspection of a consignment of finished products ......................................................................... 16
7 Test requirements............................................................................................................................... 16
7.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 16
7.2 Dimensional and geometrical tests .................................................................................................. 16
7.3 Physical performance tests ............................................................................................................... 16
8 Marking ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Annex A (normative) Consignment and inspection sampling..................................................................... 22
Annex B (normative) Statistical method for determining the corresponding wet values or revised
dry specifications for the MOR when making the dry method of test or when tested prior
to coating for quality control purposes............................................................................................ 23
Annex C (normative) Dimensional measurement and geometrical testing procedure............................. 26
Annex D (normative) Test method for the determination of fibre-cement sheet modulus of rupture
(bending strength) .............................................................................................................................. 30
Annex E (normative) Test method for the determination of the apparent density of fibre-cement
sheets................................................................................................................................................... 34
Annex F (normative) Test method for the determination of moisture movement characteristic of
fibre-cement sheets ............................................................................................................................ 36
Annex G (normative) Test method for the determination of water permeability of fibre-cement
sheets................................................................................................................................................... 38
Annex H (normative) Test method for the evaluation of freeze-thaw performance of fibre-cement
sheets................................................................................................................................................... 40
Annex I (normative) Test method for the evaluation of heat-rain performance of fibre-cement
sheets................................................................................................................................................... 42
Annex J (normative) Test method for warm water evaluation of fibre-cement sheets ............................. 44
Annex K (normative) Test method for soak-dry evaluation test of fibre-cement sheets.......................... 46
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 48
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 8336 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 77, Products in fibre reinforced cement.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8336:1993), which has been technically revised.
It also incorporates the Amendment ISO 8336:1993/Amd.1:2004 and the Technical Corrigendum
ISO 8336:1993/Cor.1:2005.
The purpose of this International Standard is to provide manufacturers and purchasers with uniform
requirements for fibre-cement flat sheet products. These requirements are performance based, and have
been specified with the objective of ensuring product quality, industry efficiency and the performance of the
product in service.
In the development of this International Standard the technical committee had as an objective, harmonization
where possible with other national fibre-cement standards (CEN, ASTM and JIS), to facilitate and promote
uniform performance benchmarks for the global use of fibre-cement products.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies methods for the inspection and testing of fibre-cement flat sheets and
gives the acceptance conditions for their use in one or more of the following applications:
Products covered by this International Standard can be used for other purposes, provided they comply with
the appropriate national or international application code or standard.
NOTE 1 This International Standard does not apply to sheets for fire protection purposes.
NOTE 2 This International Standard does not include calculations for installation design requirements, wind uplift or
water proofing of the installed sheets.
NOTE 3 This International Standard does not apply to the following products:
⎯ fibre-reinforced boards of calcium silicate or cement for thermal insulation or fire protection;
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2602, Statistical interpretation of test results — Estimation of the mean — Confidence interval
ISO 2859-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by
acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
ISO 12572, Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products — Determination of water vapour
transmission properties
ISO 13787, Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations — Determination of
declared thermal conductivity
ASTM G21, Standard Practice for determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi
ASTM D1037, Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Properties of Wood-Base Fiber and Particle Panel
ASTM E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
acceptance test
test to establish whether a batch of sheets conforms to a specification
NOTE 1 The test is performed on samples drawn from continuous production or from a consignment (ISO 390).
NOTE 2 Test methods, specifications and limit values are specified in this International Standard. Sampling levels and
acceptance criteria are specified in Clause 6.
type test
test carried out to demonstrate conformity with the requirements of this International Standard or for the
approval of a new product and/or when a fundamental change is made in formulation and/or method of
manufacture, the effects of which cannot be predicted on the basis of previous experience
NOTE The test is performed on the as delivered product, but is not required for each production batch.
acceptable quality level
maximum percent defective (or maximum number of defects per 100 units) which can be considered
satisfactory as a long-term average quality level in a sampling plan
NOTE When a manufacturer’s process satisfies a sampling scheme with an AQL of 4 % this indicates that 96 % of
the inspected product exceeds the specification. This type of specification provides the consumer with a clearly defined
lower quality boundary; this does not occur if acceptance is based solely on the average value of the measured property.
Examples of sampling schemes can be found in ISO 390, ISO 2859-1, or ISO 3951.
apparent density
dry weight/unit volume based upon the volume of the sample determined by water displacement or equivalent
as delivered
same condition as the producer intends to supply the product after completing all aspects of the process
including maturing and, when appropriate, painting
upper face
face normally exposed
under face
reverse of upper face
textured sheets
sheets which have a relief pattern which is either embossed on or applied to the upper face as a coating
reinforcement fibre
organic, and/or inorganic reinforcement fibres for the manufacture of fibre-cement sheets complying with this
International Standard
See 5.3.2.
small-sized sheets
sheet for which the method of installation includes horizontal overlap
NOTE Their dimensions are generally such that they have an area of < 0,4 m2 and a length/width ratio of u 3.
large-sized sheet
sheets that do not correspond to indicators for “small-sized sheets”
NOTE Large sheets can be declared as “small-sized sheets” provided tolerances for small-sized sheets apply and
are specified in the manufacturer’s literature.
category A sheet having an aspect ratio of > 7 normally used as horizontal overlapping wall covering
aspect ratio
ratio of the sheet length to the sheet width
modulus of rupture
maximum load/unit area of cross section at breaking, under flexural loading conditions
NOTE The modulus of rupture is referred to as the bending strength or flexural strength in some countries.
factory production control
quality control is referred to as factory production control (FPC) in some countries
ambient laboratory conditions
(23 ± 10)°C and (50 ± 20) % relative humidity
b 1. Dimension of the specimen (length or width) measured parallel to the test machine supports,
expressed in millimetres
MORfi Modulus of rupture of ith exposed specimen after the type test
MORi Individual ratio of the modulus of rupture of the ith pair of exposed and unexposed specimens
RL Lower estimate of the mean of the ratios at 95 % confidence level of the modulus of rupture of
exposed and unexposed specimens
λ Thermal conductivity
xstd Minimum value to be used as the specification for the dry test method of test. This value is calculated
at the 97,5% lower confidence level from the value specified for the wet method of test (see Annex B)
ystd Minimum value specified in the standard for wet testing (see Annex B)
y0 Value calculated from the value obtained from a specimen tested dry, which is the estimate at the
97,5 % lower confidence level of the value expected from a specimen tested wet (see Annex B)
5 Requirements
5.1 General
Sheets covered by this International Standard are divided into three categories, A, B, and C, according to their
application. Within these categories there are five classes based upon minimum modulus of rupture
performance (see 5.6.1). The dimensional sizes are based upon the installation requirements (see 5.5.1 and
5.5.2). They may be supplied coated or uncoated.
Dimensional tolerances are specified for two levels of product quality, Level I and Level II, which are selected
according to the installation requirements of the product.
NOTE When selecting a sheet product for a particular building application, consideration is given to the sheet
Table 1 gives information concerning the sheet category which should be selected for various typical building
NOTE This table gives examples of common building applications. Other applications can be agreed upon by the
manufacturer and the purchaser.
5.2.1 Category A
Sheets are intended for exterior applications where they may be subjected to the direct action of sun, rain,
frost or snow. They may be supplied coated or uncoated.
5.2.2 Category B
Sheets are intended for applications where they may be subjected to heat, moisture and occasional frost, e.g.
where they are either protected from or not subjected to severe weathering conditions.
5.2.3 Category C
Sheets are intended for internal applications, such as interior walls, floors, tile underlayment and backer
board, where they may be subjected to heat and moisture, but not to frost.
5.3.1 General
Fibre cement flat sheets shall consist essentially of cement or a calcium silicate formed by the chemical
reaction of a siliceous and a calcareous material, reinforced by fibres (see 3.9). Process aids, fillers,
aggregates and pigments which are compatible with fibre-reinforced cement may be added.
5.3.2 Reinforcement
a) cellulose fibre;
c) glass fibre.
⎯ continuous strands.
5.3.3 Cement
The cement shall comply with the relevant national standards in the country of manufacture.
5.3.4 Manufacture
These products may be formed either with or without pressure and cured, under either natural or accelerated
conditions, to meet the physical requirements specified in this International Standard.
The upper face (3.6) of the sheet can be with or without texture. The sheets can be coloured or left in their
natural colour. The sheets can also receive coatings such as sealers, primers, and/or finished top coats.
Variations of the surface appearance which do not impair the fitness for purpose of the sheets are permitted.
The manufacturer shall specify the nominal lengths and widths of the fibre-cement sheets.
5.5.2 Thickness
The manufacturer shall specify the nominal thicknesses of the sheets. For non-textured sheets the nominal
thickness refers to the average thickness. For textured sheets the nominal thickness refers to the maximum
NOTE The nominal thickness of textured sheets cannot be used for the calculation of mechanical performance. General
When measured, sheet dimensions and shapes shall be within the tolerance ranges specified in this clause,
except where alternative values have been agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer, or where
national standards specify alternative values.
Tolerances on nominal length and width dimensions, a, when measured in accordance with the procedure in
7.2 shall be in accordance with the values given in Table 2, for the appropriate level nominated for the
a u 600 ± 3 mm ± 4 mm
1 600 < a ± 5 mm ± 8 mm
a “a” is the nominal length or width.
For sheets without a textured surface, the tolerances on the nominal thickness, e, when measured in
accordance with 7.2 shall comply with Table 3. The maximum difference between extreme values of the
thickness measurements within one sheet shall not exceed 10 % of the maximum measured value.
Thickness Tolerance
eu6 ± 0,6 mm
6 < e u 20 ± 10 % e
e > 20 ± 2 mm
For sheets with a textured surface, the tolerances on the nominal thickness, e, when measured in accordance
with 7.2 shall comply with Table 4. The maximum difference between extreme values of the eight thickness
measurements within one sheet shall not exceed 15 % of the maximum measured value.
Thickness Tolerance
6 < e u 20 − 10 % e + 15 % e
e > 20 − 2 mm + 3 mm General
When measured for straightness and squareness of edges, sheets shall comply with the requirements given
in clauses and, respectively. Edge straightness tolerances are only applicable to large-
sized sheets.
When measured in accordance with 7.2, the tolerances on the straightness of edges, defined as a percentage
of the length of the edge of the relevant dimension (length or width), shall be in accordance with Table 5 for
the appropriate level, I or II.
Level I Level II
u 0,1 % u 0,3 %
The tolerances on the squareness of edges of sheets measured in accordance with 7.2 shall be in accordance
with Table 6 for the appropriate level, I or II.
Level I Level II
u 0,2 % u 0,4 %
5.6.1 General
Compliance with this International Standard requires that the sheets satisfy the prescribed minimum physical
or mechanical performance requirements, according to their category and class, as listed in Table 7. These
properties are determined on as delivered sheets. Test results shall identify whether they apply to coated or
uncoated sheets.
Modulus of rupture
Class 1 4 MPa 4 MPa 4 MPa
Class 2 7 MPa 7 MPa 7 MPa
See 7.3.1 Annex C
Class 3 13 MPa 13 MPa 10 MPa
Class 4 18 MPa 18 MPa 16 MPa
Class 5 24 MPa 24 MPa 22 MPa
NOTE 1 Values stated in this table are the minimum values at 4 % AQL. Minimum value (4 %AQL) for this property is to be declared
by the manufacturer.
NOTE 3 For initial type testing, where production variance is not yet known, an estimate of the mean MOR at the 95 % confidence
level is calculated to determine the class. (See D.6)
When tested as specified in 7.3.1, using the test method given in Annex D, the minimum modulus of rupture
(MOR) of the sheets expressed in megapascals shall be as specified in Table 7. The MOR shall be the
average of the values obtained from testing the samples in both directions.
The MOR of the sheets in the weaker direction shall not be less than 70 % of the value specified in Table 7
(this is not applicable for plank products) .
NOTE For textured sheets, the MOR is not used for calculating mechanical performance.
The manufacturer’s literature shall specify the minimum apparent density for each category of sheet
manufactured. When tested in accordance with 7.3.2, using the test method given in Annex E, the apparent
density shall not be less than the specified value.
The manufacturer’s literature shall state the percentage value of lineal sheet moisture movement measured
when the sheet is exposed to a relative humidity change from 30 % to 90 %. The stated value shall be
determined in accordance with 7.3.3 using the test method given in Annex F. For category C sheets, this shall
be u 0,07 %.
NOTE Some national testing methods and performance requirements for moisture movement will differ from those
given in this International Standard.
Category A, B, and C sheets, when tested for water permeability in accordance with 7.3.4, using the test
method given in Annex G, may exhibit traces of moisture on the underside of the sheet, but in no instance
shall there be any formation of water drops.
NOTE Some national testing methods and performance requirements for water permeability will differ from those
given in this International Standard.
The manufacturer’s literature may state the value for the water vapour transmission, µ. An example of a
suitable test method is ISO 12572.
The manufacturer’s literature may state the value for the thermal conductivity, λ. An example of a suitable test
method is ISO 13787.
When tested in accordance with 7.3.5, using the test method given in Annex H, the ratio of the lower estimate
mean values of the modulus of ruptures for the exposed and unexposed specimens, determined at the 95 %
confidence levels, RL, shall not be less than 0,8.
NOTE 1 The number of freeze-thaw test cycles required varies according to category of sheet (see Table 9).
NOTE 2 In countries of product use where there are, under normal circumstances, never or only occasionally
temperatures below 0 °C, determination of freeze-thaw performance is not necessary.
When tested in accordance with 7.3.6, using the test method given in Annex I, any visible cracks,
delamination, warping or bowing or other defects in the sheet shall not be sufficient to affect their in-use
NOTE 1 The number of heat test cycles required varies according to category of sheet (see Table 9).
When tested in accordance with 7.3.7, using the test method given in Annex J, the ratio of the lower estimate
mean values of the modulus of rupture for the exposed and unexposed specimens, determined at the 95 %
confidence levels, RL, shall not be less than 0,8.
When tested in accordance with 7.3.8, using the test method given in Annex K, the ratio of the lower estimate
mean values of the modulus of rupture for the exposed and unexposed specimens, determined at the 95 %
confidence levels, RL, shall not be less than 0,75.
NOTE The number of soak-dry test cycles required varies according to category of sheet (see Table 9).
When resistance to mould growth is to be demonstrated to the purchaser or specifier, the product shall satisfy
the minimum performance requirements when tested using a method approved in the country of application.
Where no standard or performance requirement has been established, the product, without decoration, shall
be tested in accordance with ASTM G21 and the mould growth shall not exceed the value of 1, as specified by
ASTM G21, 9.3.
When minimum performance requirements for resistance against sheet fastening nail head pull-through is to
be demonstrated to the purchaser or specifier, the product shall satisfy the minimum performance
requirements when tested using a method approved in the country of application. Where no standard or
performance requirement has been established, the 6 mm thick product shall have a minimum saturated nail
head pull-through resistance of 400 N when tested in accordance with ASTM D1037 under the conditions
given in 7.3.10.
NOTE Sheets of thickness greater than 6 mm shall also satisfy this requirement.
When the minimum saturated interlaminar sheet shear bond strength is to be demonstrated to the purchaser
or specifier, the product shall satisfy the minimum performance requirements when tested using a method
approved in the country of application. The saturated condition is as defined in this International Standard.
Where no standard or performance requirement has been established, the product shall be tested in
accordance with the method given in either ANSI A118.1, ANSI A118.4 or ANSI A136.1, using sheets of
material bonded together with the specified adhesive. The minimum shear bond strength after 7 days of
adhesive curing shall be 345 kPa.
When specific limitations on surface burning characteristics are required to satisfy national performance
requirements, testing shall be conducted using the method approved in the country of application. Where no
standard or performance requirement has been established, fibre-cement sheets of 6 mm thickness shall have
a reported flame spread index of 0, and a smoke developed index of not more than 5, when tested in
accordance with ASTM E84. Sheets of thicknesses greater than 6 mm shall meet this requirement or shall be
formed at 6mm thickness with the same formulation for test purposes.
For the purpose of conformity with national regulations, products may be required to satisfy specific product or
system fire tests. The details of the specifications and acceptance criteria shall be defined by national
standards and/or regulations.
The sheet categories defined in this International Standard (see 5.2) can not be considered to give an
indication of the service life of the product. Product service life will be influenced by factors such as the
geographical location, location of product on structure, type and method of installation and applied surface
coatings. This International Standard only defines minimum physical performance requirements and does not
prescribe sheet material formulations. Therefore, presumption that the service life of sheets of similar
category, made by various manufacturers will be similar cannot be made. Service life can only be estimated
for clearly specified product applications and products in defined climate zones. (Reference should be made
to ISO 15686-8 to obtain further information regarding service life prediction.)
6 Evaluation of conformity
6.1 General
The conformity of products with the requirements of this International Standard shall be demonstrated by:
⎯ type testing;
6.2.1 General
Type tests shall be carried out on as delivered sheets. If the same composition and production method is used
to produce sheets of various nominal sizes and thicknesses, type tests only need to be conducted on the
maximum and minimum thicknesses. If the ratio of the maximum to minimum thickness is greater than three
an additional intermediate thickness shall be tested.
All product characteristics listed in Table 8 shall be subjected to initial type testing. The type tests relevant to
each category are listed in Table 9.
Testing of mechanical characteristics is normally carried out with the upper face in compression. If a
relationship between the upper and under face testing values is required for design purposes, or because a
significant difference in values is expected, the load shall be applied to the upper and under face.
Inspection S3 in
Dimensional conformity 5.5.3 7.2 accordance 5.5.3
with ISO 390
Inspection S3 in 5.6.1 Table 7
Modulus of rupture 5.6.2 7.3.1 accordance
with ISO 390 apply 4 % AQL
Inspection by variables;
Density 5.6.3 7.3.2 5.6.3
method σ or s
Moisture movement 5.6.4 7.3.3 3 test sheets 5.6.4
Water permeability 5.6.5 7.3.4 3 test sheets 5.6.5
Water vapour transmission 5.6.6 ISO 12572 3 test sheets 5.6.6
Thermal conductivity 5.6.7 ISO 13787 3 test sheets 5.6.7
Freeze-thaw performance 5.6.8 7.3.5 10 samples 5.6.8
Heat-rain performance 5.6.9 7.3.6 Minimum of 3.5 sq m 5.6.9
Warm water performance 5.6.10 7.3.7 10 samples 5.6.10
Soak-dry performance 5.6.11 7.3.8 10 samples 5.6.11
Resistance to mould 5.6.12 7.3.9 4 samples 5.6.12
Resistance to nail head pull-through 5.6.13 7.3.10 10 samples 5.6.13
Refer to appropriate
Saturated shear bond performance 5.6.14 7.3.11 5.6.14
ANSI document
Initial type testing shall be performed to demonstrate conformity with this International Standard. Tests which
have been previously carried out, (on a product having the same physical characteristics and satisfying similar
conformity requirements), using the same test method and sampling procedure specified in this International
Standard, may be taken into account.
Additional type testing shall be carried out for the approval of a new product or where a fundamental change
in formulation or method of manufacture creates effects which cannot be predicted on the basis of previous
For initial type testing, where production variance is not yet known, an estimate of the average characteristic
at the 95 % confidence level shall be calculated to determine the class.
The results of all type tests shall be recorded and held by the manufacturer for at least 5 years.
Whenever a change in the fibre-cement sheet design, the raw material or supplier of components, or the
production process occurs, which would significantly change one or more of the sheet characteristics, the type
test shall be performed for the appropriate characteristic(s).
6.3.1 General
The manufacturer shall establish and maintain a documented quality management system which ensures that
the products placed into the market conform to the stated performance characteristics. The quality control
(QC) system shall consist of procedures, regular inspections and tests and/or assessments of the incoming
materials, components, manufacturing equipment, manufacturing process and the product.
A manufacturer with a quality management system satisfying ISO 9001 is considered to meet the above
requirements. The results of inspections, tests or assessments which require action shall be recorded together
with the remedial action taken.
The specifications of acceptance tests apply to the product as delivered, but some of the tests may be
completed at an earlier stage of maturity.
Sampling from continuous production testing of the base sheet prior to coating, and/or in conditions other than
those listed in Table 8, is acceptable provided that it is statistically established (see Annex B) that compliance
with the requirements in Table 8 is achieved.
Acceptance tests can also be used to confirm that a batch of sheets conforms to this International Standard,
for example in conjunction with type tests or for receiving inspection.
⎯ measurement of dimensions, such as length, width and thickness (method specified in Annex C);
⎯ measurement of mechanical characteristics, such as bending strength (method specified in Annex D).
Each limit of specification, for the characteristics in Table 10, shall be subject to an AQL of 4 %. The sampling
schemes provided in ISO 390, with an AQL of 4 % and with an inspection level of S3, ensure that for large
batches approximately 95 % of the items satisfy the requirements.
6.3.3 Equipment
All weighing, measuring and testing equipment shall be calibrated and regularly inspected according to
documented procedures, frequencies and criteria.
The specification of all incoming raw materials and components shall be documented, as shall the inspection
scheme for ensuring conformity.
ISO 2859-1
Length and width Inspection by attributes
Thickness Double sampling
Straightness of edges AQL 4 %
Squareness of edges Level S1
ISO 3951
Apparent density Inspection by variables; method σ or s
Bending strength AQL 4 %
Level S3
The manufacturer shall establish procedures to ensure that the stated values of all the characteristics are
Inspection of a consignment of finished products is not a requirement of this International Standard but if, in
special cases, this is demanded by the customer, it may be conducted in accordance with Annex A and
ISO 390.
7 Test requirements
7.1 General
This part of this International Standard specifies the requirements for acceptance and type testing.
7.2.1 General
The measurements shall be made on whole sheets as delivered and without conditioning using the apparatus
and procedure given in Annex C. General
The MOR tests shall be carried out using the test method and apparatus identified in Annex D with test
specimens prepared and conditioned as specified in
Where the sheets are smaller than 250 mm × 250 mm the whole sheet is tested; if the sheet has larger
dimensions, a specimen satisfying the requirements of is cut from each sheet.
Test specimens are cut from the same part of the sheet. Specimens shall be cut with their dimensions
perpendicular and parallel to the manufacturing direction of the sheet. Where rectangular specimen
dimensions are used, an equal number of specimens are cut perpendicular and parallel to the manufacturing
direction. All specimens shall satisfy the requirements of
The preferred dimensions of the test specimens are 250 mm × 250 mm.
a) ratio of span, ls, to the nominal thickness shall be equal to or greater than 15;
b) ratio of span, ls, to the deflection at rupture shall be equal to or greater than 20;
c) length of specimen shall be equal to or greater than span, ls, plus 40 mm;
d) width of specimen shall be greater than or equal to five times the nominal thickness of specimen.
NOTE The MOR testing is normally completed using a test machine which has a span, ls, of 200 mm. It is possible
that, when tested using the preferred dimensions, some products do not satisfy the requirements given in a) to d). Where
this occurs, the dimensions of the specimen and span are adjusted in order to satisfy those requirements. For plank
products in particular, it might not be possible to test the specimen in both directions. Where this is the case, the MOR in a
single direction can be used for the purposes of product classification.
Prior to testing, the specimens shall be conditioned in accordance with Table 11. General
The apparent density shall be determined using the procedure and apparatus details given in Annex E.
The specimen shall preferably be a piece of sheet used for the MOR test. General
The moisture movement shall be determined at a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C using the test procedure and
apparatus details given in Annex F.
Two specimens shall be tested; one specimen shall be cut parallel with the long dimension of the sheet and
the other shall be cut at right angles to the long dimension from the same sheet.
Condition specimens at (30 ± 2 %) relative humidity at a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C until weight loss or gain
during a 24 h period is not greater than 0,1 % of specimen weight. General
The water permeability test shall be conducted using the procedure and apparatus given in Annex G, with
specimens conforming to the requirements of 7.3.4.
For large sheets the preferred specimen dimensions shall be 600 mm × 500 mm minimum. When the sheet
width is less than 500 mm, then specimen width should be the maximum possible.
For small sheets the whole sheet shall constitute the specimen. Conditioning
The specimens shall be kept in ambient laboratory conditions for at least 7 days. General
The freeze-thaw test shall be carried out using the procedure and apparatus given in Annex H. Each freeze-
thaw cycle shall be as stated in H.4 d) and the number of tests cycles for each sheet category shall be in
accordance with H.4 e).
From each of 10 as delivered sample sheets, cut a pair of specimens conforming to the requirements for the
MOR test (see Each pair of specimens shall be cut from the sheet so that they are adjacent and in
the machine direction as shown in Figure 1. The specimen pairs should be given identification, which will
enable later comparison of test results. Conditioning
Ten specimens, being one specimen from each pair, shall be conditioned as detailed in Table 11; these will be
subjected to MOR testing. The remaining 10 specimens should be immersed in water at ambient temperature
(> 5 °C) for 48 h prior to freeze-thaw testing. General
The heat-rain test shall be carried out using the procedure and apparatus given in Annex I. Each heat-rain test
cycle shall be as given in I.5 b) and the number of test cycles for each sheet category shall be in accordance
with I.5 c).
The sheets shall be selected at random and stored in ambient conditions prior to assembly for the test.
The number of sheets required will depend upon the specific installation being tested or on the size of the
sheets. Where possible, maximum-sized sheets should be used. General
The warm water test shall be carried out using the procedure and apparatus given in Annex J.
From each of 10 as delivered sample sheets, cut a pair of specimens conforming to the requirements for the
MOR test (see Each pair of specimens shall be cut from the sheet so that they are adjacent and in
the machine direction as shown in Figure 1. The specimen pairs should be given identification, which will
enable later comparison of test results. General
The soak-dry test shall be carried out using the procedure and apparatus given in Annex K.
Dimensions in millimetres
a Machine direction.
Figure 1 — Adjacent specimen cutting
From each of 10 as delivered sample sheets, cut a pair of specimens conforming to the requirements for the
modulus of rupture test (see Each pair of specimens shall be cut from the sheet so that they are
adjacent and in the machine direction as shown in Figure 1. The specimen pairs should be given identification,
which will enable later comparison of test results.
Test specimens shall be prepared and conditioned as specified in the referring standard (see 5.6.12). General
Test specimens shall be prepared and conditioned as specified in the referring standard (see 5.6.13).
Unless otherwise specified, the nail shall have a nominal shank diameter of 3 mm and a nominal head
diameter of 10 mm.
Test specimens shall be prepared and conditioned as specified in ANSI A118.1, ANSI A118.4 or ANSI A136.1
as appropriate (see 5.6.14).
8 Marking
The packaging of sheets shall be marked with at least the following:
d) the category;
e) the class;
A minimum of 50 % of sheets greater than 2,5 m2 in each delivered unit shall be durably marked with at least
items a), d), e) and g) of this clause. For smaller sizes, there shall be on average one marking every 5 m2.
For sheets intended for decorative purposes, the marking of the sheets may be reduced by agreement
between the manufacturer and purchaser.
Annex A
A.1 General
This annex gives details of a system for inspecting and sampling a consignment of finished products (see 6.4),
which may, by agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser, be included in a tender or product
A.2 Sampling
A.2.1 When specified, the acceptance sampling shall be made on lot(s) of the consignment in accordance
with the test programme of this International Standard, unless there is a special agreement. Table 8 specifies
the characteristics to be tested.
Details related to the application of the sampling procedure (Clause 6) shall be established between the
manufacturer and purchaser.
A.2.2 After agreement on the sampling procedure, sampling shall be carried out, in the presence of both
parties, from lot(s) which is/are to be delivered to the purchaser. If the inspection lot(s) is/are not yet formed,
the manufacturer should present to the purchaser the stock(s) from which the inspection lot(s) can be selected
and marked. Unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and purchaser, the maximum and minimum
inspection lots shall be 8 000 and 4 000 fibre-cement flat sheets.
A.3 Testing
The tests shall be carried out in the laboratory of the manufacturer or by an independent laboratory selected
by mutual agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser. In case of dispute, the tests shall be
completed in the presence of both parties.
Annex B
B.1 Procedure
Sample at least 20 sheets. Cut them into paired specimens for the bending strength test described in
Annex D.
Both specimens of a pair shall be cut from the same sheet and each given the same number.
Test one set of specimens wet and one set of specimens dry for bending in accordance with Annex D.
For the paired results, determine whether there is a correlation between them at a 97,5 % confidence level
using the method in Clause B.2.
If there is no significant correlation then dry testing cannot be used. If the correlation is positive, continue as
a) determine the regression line using the method described in Clause B.3;
b) determine either
⎯ a wet value for each specimen from the obtained dry value, using the method described in Clause B.4, or
⎯ a revised minimum value to be used as the specification for dry testing corresponding to the appropriate
minimum value for wet testing as specified in this International Standard using the method described in
Clause B.5.
B.2 Determination of the correlation between the results of testing wet and dry
Calculate the coefficient of correlation between wet and dry values, r, using Equation (B.1):
∑ ( xi − x )( yi − y )
r= 1 (B.1)
n n
∑ ( xi − x ) 2 ∑ ( y i − y ) 2
1 1
t= n−2 (B.2)
1− r 2
If t > t0,025/n-2, then there is a significant relationship between the results of wet and dry testing and the
regression line is straight. Dry testing can be carried out for quality control purposes.
y = a + bx (B.3)
∑ ( xi − x )( yi − y )
b= 1 (B.4)
∑ ( xi − x ) 2
a = y − bx (B.5)
B.4 Determination of a value for wet testing from an obtained value for dry testing
The residual standard deviation (also called the standard error of the estimate), s, is calculated using
Equation (B.5):
∑ ( yi − a − bxi ) 2
s= 1 (B.6)
The value for wet testing, y0, is calculated from Equation (B.6) using the obtained dry value x0:
n +1 ( x0 − x ) 2
y 0 = ( a + bx 0 ) − st 0,025 / n −2 + (B.7)
n n
∑ ( xi − x ) 2
y0 is the value calculated from x0 which is the estimate at the lower 97,5 % confidence level of the value
expected from wet testing.
For routine quality control testing, individual values of y0 can be calculated each time or, alternatively, by
substituting a suitable range of values for x0 in Equation (B.7), a plot of x0, y0 can be made (see Figure B.1)
from which future values can be read.
B.5 Determination of the minimum value specified for dry testing, xstd,
corresponding to the minimum value specified for wet testing in this International
Standard, ystd
Plot the line for x0, y0 by substituting a suitable range of values for x0 in Equation (B.7).
Read the value for xstd corresponding to the value for ystd from the graph (see Figure B.1)
ystd is the minimum value specified in the standard for wet testing;
xstd is the minimum value to be specified for dry testing calculated from ystd at the 97,5 % lower
confidence level.
1 wet values
2 regression line
3 dry values
Figure B.1 — Regression line for wet/dry values with lower confidence level
Annex C
C.1 General
This annex gives the details of the measuring apparatus and measuring procedure which are to be used for
the determination of compliance with the requirements of this International Standard.
C.2 Principle
Sample sheets, selected from batches of sheets, are measured to determine their compliance with the length,
width and thickness requirements of this International Standard.
C.3 Apparatus
The apparatus shall include the following items.
C.3.1 Inspection surface, smooth, flat, rigid, of standard quality, having dimensions appropriate to the size
of the sheets being measured.
Two metal rules shall be fixed at right angles along adjacent edges of the inspection surface. The straightness
of each metal rule shall be at least 0,3 mm/m and the right angle shall be accurate to at least 0,1 % (less than
1 mm deviation from normal per metre of length) or 0,001 rad.
Alternatively a portable square of at least 1 000 mm in each direction shall be used. The same requirements
for straightness and angularity apply.
C.3.2 Rules, short, metal, capable of being read to an accuracy of 0,5 mm.
C.3.3 Measuring tape, metal, of sufficient length to measure the length of a sheet to an accuracy of 1 mm.
C.3.4 Dial gauge, reading to at least 0,1 mm, with flat parallel metal jaws between 10 mm and 15 mm in
C.4.1.1 General
Avoid taking the measurement over a local deformation which could be considered as a visual defect. Smooth
any rough areas.
Measure each dimension twice on each sheet, i.e. one at about 50 mm from either end.
Measure each dimension three times on each sheet, i.e. one in the middle and one at about 50 mm from
either end.
C. For large-sized sheets make three thickness measurements, with a dial gauge, along one side of
the sheet taking each reading to an accuracy of 0,1 mm, as indicated in Figure C.1.
Report the individual results and calculate the arithmetic mean and difference between extreme values.
C. For small-sized sheets, make two measurements with a dial gauge on each sheet, approximately
20 mm from the edge in the middle of two adjacent sides.
Report the individual results and calculate the arithmetic mean and difference between extreme values.
Dimensions in millimetres
C. For large-sized sheets, make thickness measurements, with a dial gauge at the eight positions
shown in Figure C.2, between 20 mm and 50 mm from the edge, taking each reading to an accuracy of
0,1 mm.
Report the individual results and calculate the arithmetic mean and difference between extreme values.
C. For small-sized sheets, make thickness measurements with a dial gauge, in the middle of all four
sides of the sheet, between 20 mm and 50 mm from the edge, taking each reading to an accuracy of 0,1 mm.
Report the individual results and calculate the arithmetic mean and difference between extreme values.
The thickness measurements obtained by this method for textured sheets shall not be used for the calculation
of MOR and density (see C.4.2.3).
NOTE Sheets with thick applied coatings (> 0,5 mm) are measured in accordance with C.4.2.1 without the coating.
For textured sheets and sheets with thin applied coatings u 0,5 mm, determine the specimen thickness, e,
expressed in millimetres, required for MOR and density calculation by measuring the volume displacement in
water using Equation (C.1):
e= (C.1)
Dimensions in millimetres
For large-sized sheets measure on all four edges the greatest distance between the edge of the sheet and a
string or wire stretched from one corner to the adjacent corner with a steel rule.
Place two adjacent corners of the sheet in succession between the arms of the square keeping one edge
against the full length of the large arm and the other in contact with the small arm at least one point.
In this position measure to the nearest 0,5 mm the greatest distance of the sheet edge from the small arm of
the square. Record the measured value.
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the batch of sheets from which the sample sheet was
Annex D
D.1 General
This annex gives a method for determining the modulus of rupture for fibre-cement sheets.
D.2 Principle
A specimen is cut from a sample sheet and subjected to a flexural bending load until failure occurs, the failure
load and specimen thickness are recorded. This test is repeated on the specimen with the bending mode at
right angles to the initial test. The average modulus of rupture for the material is calculated from the test
D.3 Apparatus
D.3.1 Bending testing machine, which shall apply a load at a constant rate of deflection with an error of
accuracy and an error of repeatability of 3 % comprising:
⎯ two parallel horizontal supports, one fixed and the second free to move to permit alignment with the
specimen. The upper face of each support shall be rounded and shall have a radius between 3 mm and
25 mm (see Figure D.1).
⎯ a loading bar having the same edge radius as the supports, located parallel to and equidistant from the
supports. The loading bar is attached to the loading mechanism through a flexible connection.
The lengths of the supports and loading bar shall be greater than the width of the test specimen.
D.3.2 Micrometer, reading to an accuracy of at least 0,05 mm, with flat parallel metal jaws between 10 mm
and 15 mm in diameter.
Dimensions in millimetres
a 3 mm to 25 mm.
Figure D.1 — Bending test configuration
NOTE This is normally 200 mm between bar centres, but can be altered according to the specimen characteristics
b) Measure the thickness of the sheet along the imaginary line of breakage (see Figure D.2). Measure
smooth sheets at two points and textured sheets at four points.
c) Arrange the specimen with the under face against the supports and the loading bar on the upper face
equidistant between and parallel with the supports.
d) Load the specimen such that the breakage occurs within 10 s and 30 s. A constant rate of deflection is
preferred; if this cannot be achieved a constant rate of loading is acceptable. Record load at break.
e) For square specimens, re-assemble the broken pieces and submit the specimen to a second bending test
with the line of load application at right angles to that of the first test. Record load at break.
NOTE Where rectangular specimens are being used, the strengths in two directions are obtained by testing each of
the appropriate specimens (see Figure D.2).
3 Fl s
MOR = (D.1)
2be 2
⎯ for non-textured sheets, it is the arithmetic mean of two measurements for each breaking load direction,
⎯ for face textured sheets, it is calculated from the volume measured by water displacement.
The MOR of the sheet(s) shall be the arithmetic mean of the five (ten) values (two values in each direction).
For initial type tests, to determine product class where production variance is unknown, an estimate of the
mean MOR at the 95 % confidence level shall be determined. This shall be done by taking one square sample
or two rectangular samples from a minimum of ten individual sheets, and carrying out the following procedure:
a) For each sheet calculate MORi as the average of MOR along and MOR across for the ith sheet;
b) Calculate the mean, Ri, and the standard deviation, s, of the combined average MORi values;
c) Calculate the mean, Rcl, of the MORi values at the 95 % confidence level using Equation (D.2):
d) Determine the product class by comparing the Rcl value with the category and minimum class requirement
in Table 7 (Rcl W Table 7 value).
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the batch of sheets from which the sample sheet was
Annex E
E.1 General
This annex gives the test method for determination of the apparent density (see 3.4) of fibre-cement sheets.
This is the average density of the material and its pores.
E.2 Principle
The volume of a saturated specimen is determined by immersion in water. The specimen’s oven dry weight is
then measured. The apparent density is determined by calculation from the measured values.
E.3 Apparatus
E.3.1 Oven, ventilated, capable of achieving a temperature of (100 ± 5) °C with a full load of specimens.
E.3.2 Balance, accurate to within 0,1 % of the specimen mass, equipped to determine both the immersed
mass and the non-immersed mass of the specimen.
c) Take saturated specimen, remove excess water from surfaces and then determine the volume of the
water displaced, V, by the saturated specimen when placed into a water bath. Record this value.
d) Remove specimen from water bath and place it into a ventilated oven which is maintained at a
temperature of (100 ± 5) °C until constant mass, m, is reached. (i.e. mass gain in any 24 h period does
not exceed 0,1 % of specimen weight). Record this value.
d= (E.1)
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the batch of sheets from which the sample sheet was
Annex F
F.1 General
This annex gives the details of the apparatus and test procedure required to determine the moisture
movement characteristic of fibre-cement sheets.
F.2 Principle
The lengths of sheet specimens, conditioned in air at the prescribed temperature and relative humidity, are
measured when a steady weight condition is achieved. The specimens are then exposed to a higher relative
humidity until a second steady weight condition is reached. The change in length which occurs is measured.
F.3 Apparatus
F.3.3 Measuring device, metal, of sufficient length to measure the length of the specimen to an accuracy
of 0,02 mm.
c) When specimens have reached a steady state condition (i.e. weight gain or loss in any 24 h period does
not exceed 0,1 % of specimen mass) reweigh specimens and measure their lengths. Record values.
The linear, Lm, expressed as a percentage, due to a change in the moisture is calculated from Equation (F.1):
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the batch of sheets from which the sample sheet was
Annex G
G.1 General
This annex gives details of the test procedure and apparatus required to determine that sheets of fibre cement
comply with the water permeability requirements of this International Standard (see 5.6.5).
G.2 Principle
A specified depth of water is applied to the upper face of a horizontally positioned sheet specimen for a
prescribed period of time. Visual examination of the test specimen determines compliance with standard
G.3 Apparatus
G.3.1 Frame, sealed on top of the sheet specimen.
For small-sized sheets, the frame shall be 50 mm less than the length and width of the sheet. For large-sized
sheets, the frame dimensions shall be 600 mm × 500 mm. A narrow frame of the same length shall be used
for narrow sheets.
b) Fill the frame with water to a height of 20 mm above the sheet face.
c) Place the specimen in ambient laboratory conditions so that the underside of the sheet can be viewed
without moving the specimen during the test.
d) After 24 h examine the under face for the presence of water drops. Report the visual condition of the
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the batch of sheets from which the sample sheet was
f) the visual condition of the test specimen at the conclusion of the test;
Annex H
H.1 General
This annex gives the details of the apparatus and test procedure required to evaluate the freeze-thaw
performance of fibre-cement sheets.
H.2 Principle
Paired fibre-cement sheet specimens are taken from sample sheets. One of each specimen pair is subjected
to a number of test cycles comprising a period of immersion in warm water followed by freezing. A comparison
of the bending strengths of the specimens exposed to freeze-thaw test cycling to the unexposed specimens is
H.3 Apparatus
The apparatus shall include the following items.
H.3.1 Freezer unit, having forced-air circulation, with an air temperature control capable of reaching the
temperature specified in H.4 d) within 1 h to 2 h with a full load of specimens.
The water in the water bath shall be saturated with soluble salts derived from fibre-cement sheets.
H.3.3 Test equipment, for determining the bending strength (see Annex D).
b) Condition one set of 10 specimens to the appropriate sheet category type test conditioning requirements
as specified in Table 11 of this International Standard. Following the conditioning period, determine the
bending strengths of these specimens according the test method given in Annex D. Record the results.
c) Immerse the second set of 10 specimens in a water bath at ambient temperature (> 5 °C) for 48 h.
d) Remove samples from water bath and commence the freeze-thaw test cycle. A freeze-thaw cycle shall
consist of
i) cooling in air to (−20 ± 2) °C in not less than 1 h and not more than 2 h. The specimens shall be
held at that temperature for 1 h.
ii) thawing in water to reach (20 ± 2) °C within 1 h to 2 h maximum; the specimens shall be
maintained in water at (20 ± 2) °C before recommencement of the cycle.
An alternative method in which the saturation of the specimen during cycling is ensured by sealing
the saturated specimens in plastic bags, may be used where suitable automatic equipment for the
preferred method is not available.
e) Repeat d) for the prescribed number of freeze-thaw cycles appropriate for the category of sheet being
tested. The value of the ratio, RL, of the lower estimate mean values of the modulus of ruptures for the
exposed and unexposed specimens, shall be determined for category A sheets after 100 freeze-thaw
cycles and for category B sheets after 25 freeze-thaw cycles.
f) When e) has been completed condition immersed specimens to the appropriate sheet category type test
conditioning requirements as specified in Table 11 of this International Standard, then determine the
bending strengths of these specimens according the test method given in Annex D. Record the results.
NOTE During the cooling and heating (freezing and thawing) cycles, position the specimens to allow the circulation of
the heat conducting medium (i.e. air or water) around them.
MOR fi
MOR i = (H.1)
MOR fci
MORfi is the modulus of rupture of the ith specimen after freeze-thaw cycling;
MORfci is the modulus of rupture of the ith reference specimen (from the first batch).
Calculate the average, R, and standard deviation, s, of the individual ratio, MORi.
Calculate the lower estimation, RL, of the mean of the ratios at 95 % confidence level (see ISO 2602) using
Equation (H.2):
RL = R − 0,58 s (H.2)
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the batch of sheets from which the sample sheet was
g) the calculated values of the modulus and the modulus of rupture ratios and the lower estimate of the
mean ratios at 95 % confidence level of the modulus of rupture of the freeze-thaw and reference
Annex I
I.1 General
This annex gives the details of the apparatus and test procedure required to evaluate the heat-rain
performance of fibre-cement sheets.
I.2 Principle
Sample sheets are fixed to a framing system to simulate a typical sheet installation system. One side of the
test assembly is subjected to a number of test cycles comprising a water spray and radiant heating. A visual
assessment of the sheet performance is made.
I.3 Apparatus
I.3.1 Framing system, to which sheets can be fixed in a vertical position.
Spacing of framing members and type of material used shall be specified by the manufacturer
(see Clause I.4).
I.3.2 Water spray system, capable of completely wetting the sheet faces, having a water flow rate of
approximately 1 l/m2/min.
I.3.3 Device, capable of heating and uniformly maintaining the surface of the test elements conforming to
the following:
a) The heating device shall be controlled via a black body sensor positioned in the central area of the test rig
where the maximum temperature is expected.
b) The temperature at the sensor location shall be maintained at (60 ± 3) °C and this temperature shall be
reached within 15 min of the commencement of heating.
c) The difference between the black body temperature in the centre of the rig and the edges of the rig shall
not exceed 15 °C.
I.3.4 Control system, capable of providing test cycles complying with Table I.1.
The frame shall provide a minimum area of 3,5 m2 and a maximum area of 12 m2, shall allow vertical
orientation of the sheets and shall allow for the installation of at least two sheets.
Where the sheet specimen is not greater than 1,8 m2, there shall be sufficient sheets to cover an area of at
least 3,5 m2.
NOTE If the combined area of the specimens is 12 m2, the sheet length can be reduced to provide a test area of not
more than 12 m2.
b) Subject the assembled frame to the water spray and drying cycle given in Table I.1.
Cycles Duration
c) Repeat step b) for the prescribed number of cycles appropriate to the category of sheet. Assemblies
made with category A sheets shall be tested for 50 heat-rain cycles. Assemblies made with category B
sheets shall be tested for 25 heat-rain cycles.
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the batch of sheets from which the sample sheet was
f) the visual condition of the test specimen at the conclusion of the test;
Annex J
J.1 General
This annex gives the test procedure and apparatus required to perform the warm water evaluation test for
fibre-cement sheets.
J.2 Principle
Paired fibre-cement sheet specimens are taken from sample sheets. One of each specimen pair is subjected
to a period of immersion in warm water. A comparison of the strength of the warm water immersed specimens
with the un-immersed specimens is made.
J.3 Apparatus
The water in the water bath shall be saturated with soluble salts derived from the fibre-cement sheets.
J.3.2 Test equipment, for determining the bending strength (see Annex D).
b) Condition one set of 10 specimens to the appropriate sheet category type test conditioning requirements
as specified in Table 11. Following the conditioning period determine the bending strengths of these
specimens according the test method given in Annex D. Record the results.
c) Immerse the second set of 10 specimens in the water bath at a temperature of (60 ± 3) °C for a period of
(56 ± 2) days.
d) When step c) has been completed, condition immersed specimens to the appropriate sheet category type
test conditioning requirements given in Table 11. Then determine the bending strengths of these
specimens in accordance with the test method given in Annex D. Record the results.
For each pair of specimens i (i = 1 to 10), calculate the individual ratio MORi, as given in Equation (J.1):
MOR fi
MOR i = (J.1)
MOR fci
MORfi is the modulus of rupture of the ith specimen after the warm water immersion;
MORfci is the modulus of rupture of the ith reference specimen (from the first batch).
Calculate the average, R, and standard deviation, s, of the individual ratio, MORi.
Calculate the lower estimation, RL, of the mean of the ratios at 95 % confidence level (ISO 2602) as given in
Equation (J.2):
RL = R − 0,58 s (J.2)
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the batch of sheets from which the sample sheet was
g) the calculated values of the modulus and the modulus of rupture ratios and the lower estimate of the
mean ratios at 95 % confidence level of the modulus of rupture of immersed and reference specimens;
Annex K
K.1 General
This annex gives the details of the apparatus and test procedure required to perform the soak-dry evaluation
test for fibre-cement sheets.
K.2 Principle
Paired fibre-cement sheet specimens are taken from sample sheets. One of each specimen pair is subjected
to a number of test cycles comprising a period of immersion in warm water and drying in an oven. A
comparison of the bending strengths of the specimens exposed to soak-dry test cycling to the unexposed
specimens is made.
K.3 Apparatus
K.3.1 Oven, ventilated, capable of maintaining a temperature of (60 ± 3) °C at a relative humidity of less
than 20 % with a full load of specimens.
The water in the water bath should be saturated with soluble salts derived from the fibre-cement sheets.
K.3.3 Test equipment, for determining the bending strength (see Annex D).
b) Condition one set of 10 specimens to the appropriate sheet category type test conditioning requirements
specified in Table 11. Following the conditioning period, determine the bending strengths of these
specimens in accordance with the test method given in Annex D. Record the results.
c) Immerse the second set of 10 specimens in the water bath and commence the soak-dry test cycle.
A soak-dry test cycle shall consist of
ii) drying in a ventilated oven at (60 ± 3) °C and a relative humidity of less than 20 % for 6 h.
The 20 % humidity shall be achieved for at least 3 h prior to the conclusion of the drying period.
If necessary, an interval of up to 72 h between cycles is allowed. During this interval, specimens shall
be stored in immersed conditions.
d) Repeat step c) for the prescribed number of soak-dry cycles appropriate for the category of sheet being
The value of the ratio, RL, of the lower estimate mean values of the modulus of ruptures for the exposed and
unexposed specimens, shall be determined for category A sheets after 50 soak-dry cycles and for categories
B and C sheets after 25 soak-dry cycles.
e) When step d) has been completed, condition the immersed specimens to the appropriate sheet category
type test conditioning requirements specified in Table 11, then determine the bending strengths of these
specimens in accordance with the test method given in Annex D. Record the results.
For each pair of specimens i (i = 1 to 10), calculate the individual ratio, MORi, as given in Equation (K.1):
MOR fi
MOR i = (K.1)
MOR fci
MORfi is the modulus of rupture of the ith specimen after the soak dry cycles;
MORfci is the modulus of rupture of the ith reference specimen (from the first batch).
Calculate the average, R, and standard deviation, s, of the individual ratio, MORi.
Calculate the lower estimation, RL, of the mean of the ratios at 95 % confidence level (see ISO 2602) as given
in Equation (K.2):
RL = R − 0,58 s (K.2)
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the batch of sheets from which the sample sheet was
g) the calculated values of the modulus and the modulus of rupture ratios and the lower estimate of the
mean ratios at 95 % confidence level of the modulus of rupture of the soak dry and reference specimens;
[1] ISO 6707-1, Building and civil engineering — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms
[2] ISO 15686 (all parts), Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning
ICS 91.100.40
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