Student Essay

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Student Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Student Essay" can be both intriguing and challenging. On one
hand, the subject seems familiar and close to home, as it revolves around the experiences, challenges,
and achievements of students. However, this apparent simplicity can make it challenging to approach
the essay in a unique and engaging way. Given the broad scope of the topic, narrowing down the
focus becomes crucial to avoid a superficial overview.

One of the complexities lies in balancing personal experiences with broader perspectives. The essay
should not solely rely on individual anecdotes but also incorporate relevant research and insights into
the student experience. Striking this balance requires thoughtful consideration and a deep
understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, the challenge extends to maintaining a cohesive narrative. The structure of the essay
needs to be well-organized, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Transitioning between
different aspects of the student experience—academic, social, and personal—requires finesse to
ensure a seamless flow.

Incorporating a variety of perspectives is another hurdle. While the essay is a personal reflection, it
should also acknowledge the diversity of student experiences. This requires careful research and an
open-minded approach to present a well-rounded view.

Additionally, grappling with the pressure to make the essay stand out among countless others on the
same topic can be overwhelming. Crafting a unique voice and perspective becomes essential to
capture the reader's attention and leave a lasting impression.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the seemingly straightforward topic of "Student Essay" demands
careful thought, organization, and creativity. Balancing personal experiences with broader insights,
maintaining a cohesive narrative, and considering diverse perspectives are key challenges that writers
must navigate. However, overcoming these challenges can result in a compelling and insightful essay
that resonates with readers.

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Student Essay Student Essay
Procrastination Is Natural Essay
Is procrastination natural? Procrastination cannot be considered natural, because natural
can be define as something that people have become use to doing in their everyday
live. In his recent Ted Talk, Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator, Tim Urban,
states that everybody is a procrastinator, and honestly, I disagree with his idea. Not
everybody is a procrastinator.
In the article, What we finally got around to learning at procrastination research
conference , by Heather Murphy, she states that at least one out five people are
procrastinators. (Murphy, 2017) In making this comment, Murphy (2017) argues his
audience to believe that not everyone can be considered to be a procrastinator. Now
considering that one out five people are procrastinators in their live, can there be any
side effects to procrastination? Been a procrastinator can have side effects, for example
anxiety, stress, and tension. Personally, I believe that students go more through this
side effects because they are always being bombarded with due dates before the
semester has even started. As reported by, Erin Ben Moche from the Chicago Tribune
newspaper, Teens report that their stress level during the school year far exceeds what
they believe to be healthy (5.8 versus 3.9 on a 10 point scale) and tops adults average
reported stress levels (5.8 for teens versus 5.1 for adults) (Erin Ben Moche, 2017, par.3)
In other words, Erin believes that teen students stress more than adults because of school.
As a student, I personally haven t dealt with this kind of high stress, but in the other hand,
I met teenagers who have dealt with this kind of stress during mid terms
In the Ted Talk by Tim Urban, he touches the topic of anxiety and stress. He goes on by
saying that guilt, dread, anxiety, and self hatred can be a dark playground when people
are doing last minute paperwork or assignments. (Urban, 2016) Like I stated in the
beginning of my essay, procrastination is not something that everyone does,
procrastination is more like a decision someone decides to take when they are been lazy.
According to Adam Grant s article, Why I thought myself to procrastinate, For years, I
believed that anything worth doing was worth doing early. In
Brute Force Attack
1 Introduction The amount of information being processed and stored has grown
significantly in recent years. This makes organisations a prime target in which they
frequently fall victim to cybercrime, reasons being cybercriminals are often financially
motivated. One of the main issues organisations face, users often create easy passwords
to remember, which makes their credentials susceptible to various brute force attacks.
Cybercriminals use elaborate tools and techniques to crack user credentials which may
later be used to perform an attack to the systems on the network. Authentication attacks
occur on a daily basis which affect victims and corporations all over the world. The
effects of a breach could result in sensitive information being compromised or a
significant financial loss. There are various reasons that are thought to be correlated to
authentication attacks. Some examples include, users using weak or the same passwords
across multiple websites, organisations not salting and storing passwords in plain text.
This aim of this report shall investigate the current tools and techniques used to conduct
brute force attacks over both standard and SSH connection as well as offline. A number
of usernames and passwords that range... Show more content on ...
However, the type of encryption the password adopts also played a role in how
efficient the brute force was. For instance, MD5 took 1 second, in contrast, SHA512
took 6 times longer. This illustrates brute force methods which are reliant on dictionaries
or rainbow tables may have positive and negative characteristics. The positive
characteristic is dictionaries contain a considerable amount of passwords that have
previously been tried and tested, however, the downside is simple passwords are often
still left out. For example, dictionaries that do not contain words with special
The Canadian Criminal Justice System
It is believed that while all human kind may have had common beginnings in the
millennia past, the course of human history prevents all races from reverting back to that
common kind. It is further believed that the racism that subsists in today s society does
not exist in the same manner within Canada. While Canadais an egalitarian society, a
close examination would suggest that the blunt historical and social truths of racism that
are often smugly denied exist very much in Canadian society and have seeped into the
Canadian criminal justicesystem. The racialization of crime, discriminatory policing,
minority overrepresentation in prison populations and a blatant denial of justice are
aspects of the system that taint much of its past and create a worried present. This paper
argues against the prevalent Canadian defence of egalitarianism by establishing the
presence of systemic discrimination within the Canadian criminal justice system.
Whether it is through print or through television screens, the press is the today s public s
sole source of news; especially news about crime and the courts. The tendency of the
press to focus on crimes committed by minorities majorly influences the justice system s
reaction to minority offenders. A minority criminal is never given the racial anonymity
that a non minority criminal enjoys. The following are news headlines and/or excerpts
from court reports illustrating the aforementioned; : Warm Pipe Scorches Chink Opium
User (Toronto

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