Giving Expanded Definitions of Words Detailed Lesson Plan

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World Literature
April 12, 2024


A. Most Essential Learning Competency:

-EN10V-IVa-30: Get familiar with technical terms used in research.

B. Objectives:
At the end of the 50-minute lesson, students should be able to;

1. Define the concept definition of techniques in expanding

2. Appreciate the importance of techniques in expanding
3. Create an expanded definition using the provided word, employing
the technique of expanding definitions.


Topic: Research
Sub-Topic: Giving Expanded Definitions of Words.
Reference: Quarter 4 - Module 2: Giving Expanded Definitions of
Materials: Projector (Viewing Material), PowerPoint Presentation, and
Board / Chalk.


A. Routine Activities:


Good morning, Class!
Good morning, Teacher!
Kindly, pick up the pieces of plastic
and paper under and beside your
(Students pick up the trash.)
Class Secretary, may I have your
attendance notebook?
(Class Secretary to hand over the
attendance notebook.)
(Teacher to check the attendance.)
Wow! I am glad that you are all here!

B. Review / Recall the Previous Lesson:


We talked about the three technical
words at our last meeting. Anyone
willing to go over the three (3)
technical terms to the class?
The previous meeting, we had,
teacher, we covered three (3)
technical terms: variables,
sampling, and sociodemographic
Bravo! Can anyone remind the class
the three types of sampling we
discussed? Teacher, we talked about three (3)
different sampling techniques:
Very good! How about the two (2) convenient, stratified, and random.
types of variables?
Teacher, the two types of variables
we discussed last meeting are
independent and dependent
Excellent! It is crucial to keep them variables.
in mind since they might assist us
in creating an accurate and reliable
research report.

C. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson:


Today, we will discuss the techniques
in expanding definition.

Before that, let us first move to the

Unpacking of Competencies. (The
teacher is to display the learning
competencies on the television.)
Can someone read the competencies?
Teacher, I can define the concept
definition of techniques in expanding
Correct, Next,
Teacher, I can appreciate the
importance of techniques in
expanding definitions;and

Excellent! And finally?

Teacher, I can create an expanded
definition using the provided word,
employing the technique of
expanding definitions.
Very good! Before we go to the next
lesson, we will have an activity first.
Today's activity, "Which Hand?",
challenges us to guess which hand
conceals the red ball. A correct guess
earns the privilege of selecting the
student to answer today's prepared
questions. However, an incorrect
guess means we must step up to
answer the questions ourselves.Are
you ready? Yes, teacher!

(The students will do the said activity

and three (3) students will be chosen
to answer the questions)

Okay, now for our first question;

What is happiness for you? (Student's answer may vary)

Very good! For the next question,

what is the source of your
happiness? (Student’s answer may vary)

Excellent! Finally, what causes your (Student’s answer may vary)

happy, exactly?
Bravo! We're going to utiliz
e that word in today's lesson, so
remember it. Yes, teacher!

D. Presenting examples / of the New Lesson:


So, for today, we'll delve into a new
lesson focusing on techniques for
expanding definitions.

Who would like to read the first set

of techniques in expanding
definitions? (The teacher will display
the first set of techniques in
expanding definitions) Teacher, the first set of techniques in
expanding definitions are etymology,
history, cause and effect, description,
and principles of operation.

Very good! These techniques serve

specific purposes, and today we'll
explore them through examples. Are
you ready? Yes, teacher!

E. Discussion Proper:


Let us get to know the first
technique in expanding definitions?
(The teacher will display the
description of etymology.)
Teacher, the definition of etymology
is, etymology explains the word
Very good! Now in our activity
earlier we had a word. Can anyone
remind the class what that word is?
Teacher, that word is happiness.
Very good! Now in etymology we are
just finding the explanation for the
word happiness. Can anyone read
the etymology of the word
happiness? (The teacher will display
the etymology of the word
Teacher, the word "happiness"
traces back to its Old Norse root
"happ," meaning luck or chance,
and its association with the Old
English word "hæpp," which
conveys good fortune or prosperity.
Very good! Now that is the
etymology, it explains the word and
its origin.

So, are there any more questions

about the etymology? None, teacher!

Very good! Now let us move on to

the next technique in expanding
definitions, the history. Anyone from
the class who would like to read the
definition of history as a technique
in expanding definitions?
(The teacher will display the Teacher, history discusses the
description of etymology.) history of the term,its use, and
controversies associated with it.

Excellent! The technique history is

about finding the first usage of the
word. For example, let us use the
word happiness again. Anyone from
the class who would like to read the
example? Teacher, as an example for the
( The teacher will show the example technique history, the term
for the technique history) "happiness" was first used in
written form in the fifteenth
Good! Now, remember that
etymology is about finding the root
word and the history is about when
that word was first used, okay? Yes, teacher!

Bravo! So, are there any more

questions about the technique
history in expanding definitions? None, teacher!

Okay, good! Now let us move on to

the next technique in expanding
definitions which is the cause and
effect. Anyone from the class who
would like to read the definition of
cause and effect in expanding the
( The teacher will show the
definition of cause and effect.)
Teacher, the definition of cause and
effect is, it discusses how the
situation came about and what
effects it may have.
Excellent! Let us take the word
happiness again as our example.
Anyone from the class who would
like to read the example for the
cause and effect?
(The teacher will display the
example of cause and effect.) Teacher, the example for the cause
and effect is, the brain can release
endorphins when one engages in
regular physical activity, which can
elevate mood and happiness levels.
Marvelous! Now, with the definition
of cause and effect in mind, what do
you think causes the word
happiness in the example?
Teacher, the cause of the word
happiness in the example is when a
person engages in regular physical
Good! How about the effect?
Teacher, the effect of regular
physical activity is the elevation of
mood and happiness level.

Very good! Now that is the example

of cause and effect everyone,
something must happen first and
then something will happen next. In Teacher, regular exercise happened
our example what did happen first? first.

Bravo! And then what happens Teacher, the mood elevated as well
next? as the level of happiness.

Yes, teacher!
Very good! Do take note of that,

Bravo! Now let us move on to the

next technique in expanding
definitions, the description. Anyone
from the class who would like to
read the definition of description? Teacher, the definition of
(The teacher will display the description is, lists and defines the
definition of description.) term.

Very good! In description we are just

describing a word. Let us take the
word happiness again for our
example. Anybody from the class
who would like to read the example
for the technique description? Teacher, the example for the
(The teacher will display the technique description is, a state of
example for the technique well-being and contentment or
description) happiness arises from engaging in
activities that bring joy and being
surrounded by supportive
individuals. It involves cultivating
positive emotions and gratitude,
even amidst challenges.
Marvelous! Now just like that we
can have the description of a word
or the process of a word. Remember
that we don’t just define it in the Yes, teacher!
technique we are also going to show
the process of it, okay?

Okay good! So are there any None, teacher!

questions about the technique

Very good! Now for the last

technique we will tackle for today. Teacher, the principles of operation
Anyone from the class who would discusses how something functions,
like to read the definition of including any special materials or
principles of operation? conditions required.
(The teacher will display the
description of principles of

Excellent! Now let us use two

examples for this one. The first one Teacher, happiness, it pertains to
is the word happiness. Anybody the foundational concepts or
from the class who would like to practices that contribute to the
read the first example? experience of happiness and well-
(The teacher will display the first being.
example for the principles of

Very good! Now, happiness Teacher, the next example is the

functions as a result of practices principles of operation for a teacher
and activities. That is the principle involve adhering to fundamental
of operation for the word happiness. guidelines and practices that govern
effective teaching and learning.
Now, let us proceed to the next
example. Kindly read.

Bravo! Keep in mind that we said Yes, teacher!

that there are conditions required
and in teaching, a teacher should be
licensed to be able to teach. That is
Teacher, the techniques that we
the principle of operation in the have discussed today are
word teacher. Remember that okay? etymology, history, cause and effect,
description, and principles of
Very good! So again, what are the operation.
techniques in expanding definitions
that we discussed today?

Yes, teacher!
Excellent! Take note of those
techniques because they will help
you in the future when you are
writing your own research or
definition of terms, okay?

F. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson:


Class, what lessons can we learn
from knowing the etymology, history,
cause and effect, description, and
principles of operation? Teacher, by knowing etymology,
history, cause and effect, description,
and principles of operation, can
provide us with a richer
understanding of words and how
they function in our lives.
Okay, very good! How about the
importance of knowing the technical
terms we discussed today? Teacher, knowing the etymology,
history, cause and effect, description,
and principles of operation is
important because it expands our
knowledge about words.
Worthy! The importance of knowing
the techniques in expanding
definitions allows us to grasp the full
context and functioning of a concept
or subject, allowing for deeper
comprehension and effective
application in various aspects of life.

G. Evaluating Learning:

Activity: Create an expanded definition using the provided

word, employing the technique of expanding definitions.

The word is literature


Do an advance reading on the next set of techniques in expanding



Are we clear, class?
Yes, Teacher!
Any questions or clarifications?
None, Teacher!
If none, do not forget to sanitize your
hands, inform your teacher if you are
having some problems, and continue
to grow as one person. Are we clear?
Yes, Teacher!
Goodbye and thank you, class!
Goodbye and thank you, Teacher!

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