Instructional Plan Caballero Nadela Regis

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Instructional Plan (iPlan) Template

Name of Teacher Clear Ann Caballero Grade/Year Level 3rd Year

Kate Nadela
Maefate Regis

Learning Area: SYNTAX Quarter: Finals Module No.: 3

Competency: Effectively use various types of sentences and their functions to convey meaning, communicate
ideas, and interact in different context.
Lesson No. 7 Duration (minutes/hours) 60 mins.
Key Sentence Functions
to be developed

Learning Knowledge Identify the four types of sentences according to function: declarative, interrogative,
Objectives imperative, and exclamatory.
Skills Create a short story highlighting the four sentence functions: declarative,
interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.
Attitudes Show the importance of using the different sentence functions through a role play
Resources Modules and Props (popsicle sticks)
Needed References: Sentence Function: A study of the Syntax of Sentences by M.A.K. Haliday (1994).
Oxford University Press.
The Syntax of Sentence Function by Simon C. Dik (1978). Academic Press.

Elements of the Plan Methodology

Preparations Motivation/Introductory
- Before starting the Activity Teacher: Good morning class!
lesson, prepare the Opening Prayers
Students: Good morning, Miss….
students by giving them -Checking of Attendance
a warm-up activity Teacher: Let’s pray first….
through a game which (A student will lead the opening prayers.)
they can enjoy. This will
help the students to be (The teacher will check the attendance and the students will
motivated and be ready tell who’s the absent for the day.)
for the lesson of the day.
Teacher: So how are you today? Did you sleep well last
Students: Yes Miss….
Teacher: That’s good to know. So, for today we are going to
have our new topic. Are you ready?
Students: Yes, we are….
Teacher: Okay. That’s good to know. So first, we are going to
have an activity.

Presentation Activity Teacher: I have here different colored popsicle sticks and
- Present the lesson by The teacher will present some of the popsicle sticks have phrases in it. You are going
engaging them first in an and let the students pick to pick one popsicle stick and those students who are lucky
activity which can give a one popsicle stick each. to pick popsicle sticks with phrases will come to the front and
them a preview on what Some of the popsicle give their insights about the written phrases.
will you discuss for the sticks have phrases in it. Students: Yes Ma’am!!!
day. The students who pick
(The Teacher will call the students to come in front)
- Present the lesson by the sticks with the
using materials/props phrases will give insight of
that would catch their what they have observed
attention so that they about the written
will be interested with phrases.
the lesson and keep their
focus on what you are
Analysis Teacher: Great job, class! Thank you for your participation.
After the activity, the You may now take your seats. I want volunteers to answer
teacher will ask the the following questions based on the activity that we did.
students some questions: 1. How does these sentences relate to your daily lives?
- How does these
(Students will give their answers)
sentences relate to your
Teacher: Why is it important to know when to use these

daily lives? sentences?

- Why is it important to (Students will give their answers)
know when to use these
Teacher: So, do you already have an idea about our topic for
Students: “Yes, ma’am”
Teacher: So, what is our topic?
(One student will raise her hand)
Student: “Sentence Functions, miss”
Teacher: Very good! Today, we are going to discuss about
the different sentence functions.
Interactive discussion of Teacher: Before I discuss the sentence function, can
the lesson. someone give me his/her idea of what is a sentence

Students: (a student will volunteer to answer)

Teacher: Thank you, very well. So, a sentence function is the

speaker’s purpose in uttering a specific sentence, phrase, or

Teacher: So, there are four sentence functions, these are the
declarative function, interrogative function, imperative
function, and exclamatory function.

Teacher: Declarative functions are the most common of all

sentence functions. Declarative functions used to;

 Make statements

 Give opinion

 Provide an explanation

 Give Facts

Example: I like Singing.

Teacher: Now do you understand the first sentence


Student: Yes Ma’am!!

Teacher: To see if you really understand, can someone give

an example of Declarative Functions?

Student: (answer the teacher’s question)

Teacher: Very Well!! Thank you for that.

Teacher: Now let’s proceed to the next sentence function

which is the Interrogative Sentence, Interrogative Sentence
are used to asked questions and typically require an answer.


 Where is the bathroom?

 Do you prefer tea or Coffee?

Teacher: Do you Understand the second sentence functions?

Student: Yes Teacher!

Teacher: I need a volunteer that can give me another

example of Interrogative sentence.

Student: (the volunteer will stand up and give his/her


example of an Interrogative sentence)

Teacher: Okay, Thank you!

Teacher: Let’s go to the next one which is the Imperative

Sentence Functions, it is mainly used to give command or
make a demand and can be presented in several ways.

 Give instructions.

 Offering advice.

 Making a wish on behalf of someone

 Extending an Invitation

 Giving a command.

Example: Please, take a seat.

Give me some Coffee.

Teacher: Do you Understand the Imperative Sentence?

Student: Yes Ma’am!

Teacher: Now I need another volunteer to give example of

Imperative Sentence Functions.

Student: (give his/her example)

Teacher: good answer, thank you!

Teacher: And now the last Sentence functions is the

Exclamatory Sentence functions, it is used to express strong
feelings and opinions, such as surprise, excitement, and
anger. Exclamatory Sentence must contain the words What
or How and usually end with an exclamation mark (!).


 What a nice surprise!

 Oh, how lovely it is!

Teacher: Do you understand the last sentence function?

Student: Yes Ma’am

Teacher: Now let’s have another volunteer to give another

example of Exclamatory Sentence.

Student: (give his/her answer)

Teacher: Excellent!
Teacher: So, do you have any questions or clarifications
about our lesson?
Students: No, miss…
Teacher: Okay, since you don’t have any questions or
clarifications, we will now proceed to our activity.
Application Teacher: We will have a group activity. You will be divided
(role-play presentation) into 4 groups. So let us have a count off starting from the
The class will be divided
into 4 groups. Each group
(The students start counting off from 1 to 4)
will be assigned to one

sentence function and

will present a role-play Teacher: Group 1 will present the declarative function, group
presentation about their 2 will present the interrogative function, group 3 will present
assigned sentence the imperative function, and group 4 will present the
function. exclamatory function.
Teacher: You may now proceed to your respective groups.
Group 1 will stay here, 2 here, 3, there, and group 4 will stay
at the back.
Assess- Assessment Matrix
Levels of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?
(Refer to
DepED Knowledge Assess the students’ Assess based on Give a point for each
Order No. (refers to the substantive content of knowledge on the the application of correct item that the
73, s. the curriculum, facts and usage of sentence sentence students will get.
2012 for information that the student functions in functions in
the acquires) communication. communication.
examples) What do we want students to
(relevance and adequacy)
How do we want students to
express or provide evidence of what
they know
Process or Skills Assess if the Assess based on Give a point for each
(refers to skills or cognitive students can the correctness correct item that the
operations that the student construct a of the usage of students will get.
performs on facts and information sentence using the sentence
for the purpose of constructing different sentence functions.
meanings or understandings.) functions.
Skills as evidenced by student’s
ability to process and make sense of
information, and may be assessed in
the following criteria:
understanding of content and
critical thinking
Understanding(s) Sentence Functions refers to the different roles that sentences
( can play in communication and language. There are four primary
sentence functions: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and
Exclamatory. These functions help convey information, seek
information, give instructions, or express emotions in language.
Products/performances Applying the appropriate sentence functions in various context is
(Transfer of Understanding) essential for effective communication and in achieving specific
communications goals.
Assignme Reinforcing the day’s lesson Give one example of each sentence function. Write it in a ¼ sheet
nt of paper.
Enriching the day’s lesson Create a short story and highlight the four sentence functions:
declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. It must be
printed in a short-sized bond paper and will be submitted next
Enhancing the day’s lesson

Preparing for the new lesson

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