Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Using Numerical Simulation

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper

Using Numerical Simulation



M Gangadhar Raoa, R Ramakrishnab, B Nitish Kumarc, Ch

Hareeshd, Ch Prem Chandue, A Sarath Chandraf
Article History: Received: 01.02.2023 Revised: 07.03.2023 Accepted: 10.04.2023
The outcomes of this research showcase the predictive analysis of the behaviour of
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids while being heated during their flow through a
tube with ellipsoidal dimples, employing numerical simulations. The findings have
significant implications for manufacturers who rely on constant viscosity values for heat
exchanger design or lack information about viscosity variations during processing. By
changing the elliptical dimple angles to 0°, 45°, and 90° and using cross-combined
configurations, the research looked at how heat is transmitted in tube sections with
Reynolds numbers ranging from 3000 to 8000. Additionally, pitch lengths (PL) of 10–
30 mm were tested while keeping the heat flux constant at 20000 w/m2 and maintaining
a wall thickness of 1 mm. Results showed that cross-combined dimple tubes improved
heat transfer by an average of 25.6%. The highest Nusselt number was achieved using
a tube with an 8 mm diameter ratio, a twist angle of 90°, and a PL of 10 mm,
specifically at Re of 8000. On the other hand, the tube with the 8 mm dimple diameter
(Dd), cross-combined with a 10 mm PL, notably at a Re of 3000, was found to have
the lowest friction factor (f).
Keywords: Numerical Simulation, High viscous fluids, Ellipsoidal dimple, Flow
a, b
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of
Engineering and Technology, India
c, d, e, f
Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering
and Technology, India
Corresponding author: [email protected]

DOI: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s1.130

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1), 1240-1257 1240

Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

1. Introduction radius on the heat transfer characteristics

Heat transfer is a vital process in was examined to determine their impact.
many engineering applications, including These findings offer theoretical guidance
food processing, power production, and recommendations for potential
chemical processing, and refrigeration. applications of the ETDP. Rizwan Sabir
The use of highly viscous fluids in [7] The study uses a parametric approach
different industrial processes has grown to investigate the optimal pitch length,
in popularity in recent years. geometry, and arrangement configurations
Unfortunately, the heat transfer behavior under steady flow conditions using
of these fluids in tube sections is poorly Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes
known. As a result, it is critical to (RANS) simulations. S. Eiamsa et al. [8]
developing accurate and efficient Dimpled tubes are tubes that have been
techniques for predicting the heat transfer modified by creating small indentations
behavior of extremely viscous fluids in on the inside surface of the tube. These
tube sections to improve the design and indentations disrupt the flow of fluid
operation of industrial processes. passing through the tube, creating
turbulence, and increasing the surface
Liang Zhang et al. [1] For the first area available for heat transfer. Lu Zheng
time, a numerical simulation utilizing the [9] By utilizing the effects of
K- model was utilized for Developing a reattachment and up-washing, the aim is
technology enhancement model for a to produce a conclusion in the discussion
tube with cross-combined dimples on a of heat transfer in fluid flow
composite-shaped surface to examine the Performance of the thermal-hydraulic
thermal-hydraulic characteristics of fluid system is enhanced by more intense
flow. Toygun Dagdevir et al. [2] secondary flow, improved flow mixing,
Dimpled tubes have been suggested as a and creation of local flow impingement.
suitable solution for achieving efficient Zhimin Han [10] generates longitudinal
heat transfer with minimal pressure drop vortices using Although the use of vortex
in various industrial applications. This is generators has the potential to augment
because the dimples on the tube's surface heat transfer, it may increase pressure
disrupt the boundary layer and induce loss. Consequently, vortex generators are
turbulence, which enhances heat transfer commonly utilized in heat exchangers to
rates. Shuai Xie et al. [3] By examining augment their heat transfer efficiency. J.I.
their impact on overall performance, the Córcoles-Tendero [11] This model
study examined how variables such as incorporates variations in tube geometry.
dimple height, the distance between two The employed methodology utilizes a
dimple centers, and axis ratio affect a meshing process and applies conservation
surface's ability to conduct heat exchange equations in fluid dynamics. Shuai Xie
and fluid behaviour. M. Li et al. [4] [12] The research examined the
Heat transport in the fluid flow is argued performance of ETTD (Enhanced Tube
because dimples cause the creation of Thermal Diffuser) Re of higher values
vortices and turbulence. Zahir Shah's [5] by modelling the flow and heat transfer
article explores various methods for behaviour and contrasting their outcomes,
enhancing heat transfer in different with those obtained from spherical or
processes, such as heat exchangers, elliptical dimples to better understand the
refrigeration, chemical processes, and heat transfer enhancement mechanisms in
automotive cooling, categorized as either ETTD. Harish H. V. [13] One preferred
active or passive techniques. Zheng method is to use passive approaches. The
Liang [6] examined the parameter like use of flow modifiers, such as inserts in
protrusion height, pitch length, and the flow path, can enhance heat transfer

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

rates. Passive techniques are favorable performed on the dehydration process of

since they have a simple manufacturing pomelo fruit juice, which involved the
process and can be integrated into approach employed in this study, which
existing heat exchangers. Koray Demir utilized a procedure that combines spray
[14] analyzed how heat transfers and drying with block freeze concentration.
pressure change in a specific setup: a N.L. Chin [23] The concentration of
hollow cylinder where the inside wall is juice concentrates, as determined by their
heated and fluids are used to help the total soluble solids content, can lead to
flow. S. Rainieri [15] At all Reynolds either shear thinning or pseudoplastic
numbers in the range of 150–1500, the behavior, as indicated by flow behavior
curved wall design improves heat index values (n) that are less than 1. As
transfer, whereas the corrugated wall the shear rate increases, the viscosity of
design only improves heat transfer at the concentrates decreases, resulting in
higher Reynolds numbers. Ming Li's improved flowability. MIKAIL A [24]
study [16] used a numerical approach Using a coaxial-cylinder technique, the
called the realizable k-e method to thermal conductivities of pummelo juice
analyze how turbulent flow behaves in was determined through the steady-state
tubes with dimples to enhance heat method. In Norazlin Abdullah's [25], To
transfer. They used a mathematical The power law model was used with the
technique to solve the pressure-velocity shear rate-temperature-concentration
coupling, and a consistent SIMPLE superposition method to examine the
algorithm was utilized. They found that rheological properties of Pummelo juice.
tubes with dimples had better heat Palash Goya [26] Compact and efficient
transfer performance and that dimples heat exchangers are favored over straight
arranged in a straight line (rather than and shell-type heat exchangers due to
staggered) resulted in the best overall their higher heat transfer capability and
heat exchange. Hairong Yue [17] larger heat transfer area. Saman Rashidi
describes the characteristics of EG [27] says these compact and efficient
(ethylene glycol) and its latest heat exchangers are preferred due to
developments in synthesis and their ease of fabrication, low
applications. The focus is on the maintenance costs, small pressure drop
chemical reactions and mechanisms penalty, and lightweight construction. A.
involved in its production, as well as Garcia [28] When Reynolds numbers
how it is used in various applications. exceed 2000, corrugated and dimpled
Henry C. Fuller [18] Ethylene glycol is tubes are a more favorable choice than
a suitable substance for preserving wire coils, as they offer a similar level
various types of food and beverages. of heat transfer coefficient while
Applications in the domain of food and maintaining a lower pressure drop.
beverage domain mostly like fruit juices. In this research paper, we discuss a
Weikang Sun [19] A group of researchers numerical simulation method for
created a laboratory system using five forecasting the heat transfer properties of
enzymes to produce ethylene glycol from fluids with high viscosity within tube
glycerol. K. Wongcharee [20] In the sections. Our approach is based on
study, empirical formulas were used to computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
calculate the f and Nu for the system techniques and incorporates various
under study. Ruifang Shi [21] Changes geometric models of dimples to
in the quantity and dimensions of accurately capture the complex heat
particles in the flow will impact both transfer phenomena. We apply our
the pressure drop and heat transfer. D. approach to a range of tube section
DAS [22] A research investigation was geometries and fluid properties to

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

demonstrate its effectiveness in specifications. Simulations are conducted

predicting the heat transfer behavior of under transient and turbulent flow
highly viscous fluids. As a result, a conditions, with the Re range of 3000
numerical investigation was carried out to 8000 having an impact on the heat
to analyze how ellipsoidal-shaped in a transfer behaviour of tube segment, with
modified tube, dimples alter the flow and varying dimple angles, i.e., 00, 450, 900,
heat transmission qualities. The and cross-combined as shown in Fig. 1,
investigation considers factors like the by varying pitch 10, 20, and 30 mm as
angles of the ellipsoidal dimples (0°, 45°, shown in Table 1. The ellipsoidal
90°, and cross-combined), the diameter dimpled parameters under investigation
of the dimples (Dd = 8 mm), the pitch's tube encompass the diameter of the
duration (PL = 10–30 mm), and the dimple, the ellipsoidal angle of the
operation under transient and turbulent dimple, and the pitch length. The
flow conditions, which were analyzed entrance length is set at 10 times the
across a range of 3000 to 8000 Reynolds tube diameter, with an exit section of 5
numbers in the study. times the tube diameter to hinder reverse
flow effects during numerical
calculations. A no-slip condition at the
2. Computational Methodology walls is one of the boundary conditions
2.1. Model Specifications and that was imposed, furtherly with velocity
Boundary Conditions magnitude at the entrance and pressure
at the exit chosen as the boundary types
This study's goal is to use numerical
for the solution domain. The calculations
simulations to examine the effects of
tested a tube with a 1 mm wall thickness
different ellipsoidal dimple surface
using an assumed fluid temperature of
parameters on a circular tube that is
300 K and a surface heat flow of 20
being subjected to a continuous heat
kW/m2, as shown in Fig. 2. In this
flux. The computational domain
study, the working fluids used are water,
comprises an annular tube with
ethylene glycol, and pummelo juice. In
dimensions of 17.272 mm in diameter;
numerical simulations, the properties of
the ellipsoidal dimple's major axis
fluids are typically incorporated, taking
measures 8 mm, minor axis measures 2
into consideration experimentally
mm, and an overall section length of
measured rheological properties as shown
1000 mm, as per the technical
in Table 2.

Table 1. The geometric parameter investigated in the current study

The dimple The dimple principal Ellipsoidal
tube Pitch Length
secondary axis axis Dimple angle
diameter [mm]
[mm] [mm] [°]
17.272 2 8 20
Cross combined

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig 1. Geometry modeling of various ellipsoidal dimple angles = 00, 450, 900, and
cross-combined, respectively.
Table 2. Highly viscous fluids with experimentally measured rheological properties.

Properties Pummelo Juice Ethylene glycol Water

Formula C20H28O12 C2H6O2 H2O
Molecular mass/g mol 180.16 62.07 18.02
Freezing point / 0C -2 -12.7 0
Boiling point at
100.5 198 100
Viscosity at 20 0C/m-pas 0.001 20.9 1
Density Kgm-3 1050 1115 997.5
Temperature Coefficient
0.5 0.258 0.609
Specific heat at 20 oC/J
3740 2347 4186
Kg-1 K-1

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

Fig 2. Computational domain in the current study with its Boundary assumptions

2.2. Principal Equations "Transport equations for the dissipation

The governing equations for rate and turbulent kinetic energy in
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are fluid flow are examined using the
mathematical expressions that describe Renormalization Group (RNG) model.
the behavior of fluid flow in each 2
 k  

 uki  
 
  k eff
k 
  Gk  Gb    Ym  Sk
domain: t xt x j  x j 

Equation of Mass Conservation in Fluid 2.3. Parametric definition

Dynamics: To simplify the analysis, it is customary
 V   0 to group variables into dimensionless
numbers, thereby reducing their number.
Equation of Momentum Conservation in The subsequent dimensionless parameters
Fluid Dynamics: are frequently utilized to quantify the
thermal-hydraulic properties of internal
  u.  u  P   2u   g
Energy conservation equation: Re    D L / 
Cp  u.  T   2T  Q
Nu  h * D / k
f  (2 *P *D) / (  *V 2 *L)

2.4. Grid Independence test

Table 3. A test to assess the grid independence of water flowing through a tube with
a smooth inner surface at a Re of 6000

Number of Nusselt analysis Nusselt Friction factor Friction factor

Elements in current study analysis analysis in current difference in
difference in % study %
615942 58.67 - 0.0308 -
716638 52.98 9.70 0.0323 4.87
1063164 50.771 4.17 0.0338 4.64
1890122 48.984 3.52 0.0343 1.48

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Fig 3. Number of elements vs. Wall Y+ value along the tube wall

Fig 4. Meshing of a straight ellipsoidal dimple tube in the current study

Fig 5. Meshing of a cross combined ellipsoidal dimple tube in the current study

Fig 6. shows a comparison between the current study's analytical findings and those
from Toygun Statistical findings for a smooth tube

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

The purpose of this test is to ensure that this grid structure was calculated to be
the numerical solution obtained from the approximately 1.1269 as shown in Fig.3.
simulation is independent of the grid or In a straightforward manner, the
mesh resolution. The results of grid numerical simulations conducted in the
independence verification are shown in present study were compared to Toygun
Table 3, where different grid structures [1] is depicted in Fig.6. The graph
with varying numbers of cells were illustrates the relationship between the
utilized. The grid structure employed for number of elements variable and. the
this study consisted of approximately 1.8 simulations revealed that both the Nu
million cells, and it was observed in and f varied between the two cases. It
Fig.4 & 5. The study found that changes is observed that beyond a certain point,
in the grid structure had minimal Simply increasing the number of elements results
put, how it affects the Nu and f, which in a marginal change of 5 to 10%, in
remained relatively. Briefly stated, the the magnitude of the Nu and f values.
Nusselt number remains roughly constant which then remain relatively constant.
at around 0.2, and the friction factor Thus, the addition of extra parts has
remains around 2.0. Furthermore, the little impact on the Nu and f.
average y+ value along the tube wall for

2.5. Validation of Numerical Technique

(a) (b)
Fig 7. Li et al. [4] and Toygun [1]'s validation of the numerical study Re vs. f and
Nu for Improved Tube Flow
The analysis of the numerical simulation combined tube with dimples as shown
results in comparison with experimental in Fig. 7 indicates that the simulation
data, depicted in Fig. 7, indicated that approach employed in the study is
the largest disparities in Nu and f were accurate. This suggests that the numerical
9.7% and 4.87%, respectively. These model effectively represents the physical
differences were found to be well below problem and can be relied upon for
the acceptable threshold of 20%. Thus, subsequent analysis and optimization
a validation analysis of the single tasks.
ellipsoidal tube as well as the cross-

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

3.Findings and Analysis

3.1 Thermal Performance Analysis

Fig 8. Axial Temperature Contours for Dimple Angle (0, 45, 90, Cross) of Ethylene
Glycol, Pitch Length = 10 mm at Reynolds Number of 8000

Fig 9. Axial Temperature Contours for Dimple Angle (0, 45, 90, Cross) of Pummelo
Juice, Pitch Length = 10 mm at Reynolds Number of 8000

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

Fig 10 shows the cross-sectional temperature contours for a combined dimple of
ethylene glycol and pummelo juice (labelled as a and b, respectively), with a PL of
10 mm and an 8000 Re.

3.1.1 Effects of Ellipsoidal Dimple the dimples, there is a stagnation zone.,

Vary with Angle which causes significant disruption to the
The findings from the data on ellipsoidal thermal boundary layer along the tube.
angles reveal similarities to the results The maximum Nusselt (Nu) number is
from the dimple diameter and throughout observed where flow separation causes a
the length section data in terms of heat quick contraction of the boundary layer
transfer effectiveness, as shown in Figs. of the thermal systema pitch length of
8 to 10. The study investigates the 30 mm and a 90° angle give the nu its
temperature distribution in dimple tubes maximum value at this location, where
with fixed ellipsoidal angles (=0°, 45°, there is a sharp separation between the
90°, and cross-combined), Reynolds flow and the windward surface. The Nu
numbers (3000, 5000, and 8000), and a values in the surrounding areas are
dimple diameter of 8 mm. The pitch higher when there are dimples on the
lengths vary between 10 mm and 30 surface compared to areas without
mm. A stagnation zone forms behind the dimples. Increasing the ellipsoidal angle
dimples, resulting in the ends of the of the dimple increases the base surface
dimples experienced the warmest area, which, in turn, produces a bigger
temperatures. Increasing the ellipsoidal area for the creation of a thin thermal
angle results in a larger near the end of boundary layer, especially at higher
ellipsoidal angles.

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

(a) (b)
Fig 11. compares the Nu and Re for ethylene glycol and pummelo juice with a
dimple angle of 900 and a PL of 10 mm (a, b, respectively)

The Nu distribution and Re for a cross- exhibits significant variability in

combined dimple tube are shown in Fig. proximity to the wall. The gradient in
11. The Nu increases. An increase in core temperature is greater at z = 0 mm
ellipsoidal angle, Reynolds number, and than at z = 1000 mm as the fluid shifts
pitch length is associated with a decrease from laminar flow to turbulence. The
in pitch. The Nu with a peak value of temperature distribution in the smooth
139.9074 is obtained at 90°, PL = 10 region at z = 250 mm is like that of
for Re = 8000 for pummelo juice, and the preceding cross-section of a dimple
the Nu value of 102.1791 is obtained at at z = 0 mm. Additionally, the gradient
90°, PL = 10 for Re = 8000 for ethylene in core temperature in the sections with
glycol. dimples is much larger than it is in the
sections with smooth surfaces. The
average Nusselt (Nu) values for the
3.1.2. Influence of Dimple Pitch smooth section at z = 1000 mm and the
Length on Outcomes dimple section are 25.23 and 120.13,
When the distance between dimples on respectively, at z = 0 mm. Additionally,
a tube gets smaller, more dimples are the dimple section's maximum and
added, causing more disturbance in the minimum Nu values are higher than the
flow zones. This leads to an increased smooth sections. Due to the tube section
Nusselt number, which indicates better length and the periodic variation in the
heat transfer ability. Figure 11 shows dimple section, the smooth sections
how adjusting the pitch length of corresponding to the entrance and exit
dimples on a tube can greatly affect flow extensions are negligibly affected in
characteristics and heat transfer terms of Nusselt number (Nu) variation.
efficiency, as demonstrated by the link However, significant Nu variation is
between the Re and the average Nu for observed in the dimple section, with the
various dimple pitch lengths and maximum local Nu occurring at the peak
ellipsoidal angles. When examining the of the dimple. In summary, the three
temperature contours in Fig. 10 using portions' average Nusselt (Nu) values are
radial cross-sections, four distinct zones 69.73, 82.95, and 139.278, respectively.
can be identified the temperature gradient This demonstrates how the presence of
is lessening away from the dimple region dimples on the tube surface significantly
and toward the cross- section but improves heat transmission performance.

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3.2 Flow Characteristics

3.2.1 Effects of Ellipsoidal Dimple Vary with Angle

Fig 12. Velocity contours for dimple angles (0, 45, 90, cross) of Ethylene glycol, PL
of 10 mm at a Re of 3000

Fig 13. Velocity contours for dimple angles (0, 45, 90, cross) of Pummelo Juice, PL
of 10 mm at a Re of 3000

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
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Fig 14. Cross-sectional Velocity Contours for the Cross-Combined Dimple of Ethylene
Glycol and Pummelo Juice (a, b, respectively), PL of 10 mm at Re of 3000.

The average velocity magnitude increases windward surface. However, as the

as the ellipsoidal angle increases due to ellipsoidal angle increases, the influence
the dimples' higher obstructive impact, of the barrier on the flow becomes more
as shown in Fig. 12 to 14. At lower significant, increasing the pressure on the
ellipsoidal angles, the flow separates windward side.
more gradually from the dimple's

(a) (b)
Fig 15. f versus Re for a cross-combined dimple with a pitch length of 10 mm of
ethylene glycol and pummelo juice (a, b, respectively)

The results of the friction factor mm, 20 mm, and 30 mm), and an 8
investigation for various ellipsoidal mm dimple diameter are presented in
angles (0°, 45°, 90°, and cross- Fig. 15. As the ellipsoidal angle
combined), lengths of the pitches (10 increases, the f substantially rises. At a

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Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

Reynolds number of 3000, the lowest for ethylene glycol, and at the same
friction factor is 0.04695, which occurs conditions, the value of the friction
when the cross-combined pitch length is factor is 0.04056 for pummelo juice.
10 mm and the dimple width is 8 mm

Fig 16. Pressure Distribution for Dimple Angles of 0°, 45°, and 90°, Cross-Combined
Dimples at p = 30 mm, Re = 5000

The data presented in Fig. 16 shows that increased surface area, compared to a
the maximum pressure drop occurs in a tube that is smooth, encourages more
cross-combined dimpled tube effective heat transfer. Moreover, the
configuration, specifically at a PL of 10 data also shows that a shorter pitch
mm and a Re of 8000. The measured length (10 mm in this case) leads to a
pressure drop is 105538.4 pascal for higher pressure drop. Pressure drop is
ethylene glycol and 107210.1 pascals for the resistance encountered by the fluid
pummelo juice. The relationship between as it flows through a conduit or channel.
surface area and Nusselt number implies In this case, a shorter pitch length means
that incorporating dimples on the tube that the dimples are closer together,
surface, which increases the surface area, which increases the obstruction to the
can lead to an enhancement in the flow and results in a higher pressure
Nusselt number, leading to higher drop. This indicates that a decrease in
Nusselt numbers. A higher Nusselt pitch length leads to increased flow
number indicates more effective resistance, requiring higher pressure to
convective heat transfer. Technically, it overcome the hindrance posed by the
is possible that adding dimples to the dimples.
tube's exterior can boost heat
transmission from the surface to the
fluid, resulting in improved convective 3.2.2 Influence of Dimple Pitch Length
heat transfer. This is because of the link on Outcomes
between surface area and Nusselt The frequency of disrupted flow zones
number. This is because the dimples' rises as the pitch length is reduced,

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Using Numerical Simulation

leading Simply put, adding more dimples angle. The findings show that the friction
along the length of a tube can improve factor rises with increasing ellipsoidal
its heat transfer performance. The angles and decreasing pitch lengths.
increased number of dimples provides When the dimple diameter is 8 mm, the
additional surface area, leading to more ellipsoidal angle is cross-combined, the
efficient convective heat transfer PL is 10 mm, and the Re is 3000,
compared to a tube with fewer dimples. representing the maximum flow
as reflected in the increase in the resistance, the friction factor reaches its
average Nu. The connection between PL highest value.
and Nu vs Re for the ellipsoidal angle
and dimple pitch length is shown in Fig.
11. Thus, modifying the pitch length of 4. Conclusions
a tube can significantly impact the In conclusion, the research findings show
efficiency of heat transmission and flow that having dimples on the tube greatly
characteristics. When examining affects how temperature is distributed
temperature contours using the radial across the tube's cross-section. The
cross-section in Figs. 8 and 9, four dimple section exhibits a larger
distinct zones can be distinguished. temperature gradient compared to the
Beyond the dimple section, the smooth section. This suggests that adding
temperature gradient reduces toward the dimples can increase a heat exchanger's
centre of the cross-section, but it available surface area for heat
drastically alters closer to the wall. transmission, therefore improving heat
Moreover, as the fluid changes from transfer efficiency. Furthermore, the use
laminar flow to turbulence, the of cross-combined dimple tubes has been
temperature gradient is somewhat higher demonstrated to considerably enhance
at z = 0 mm than at z = 1000 mm. heat transfer efficiency, with an average
Simply put, the smooth sections of the enhancement of 25.6% and a range of
tube are located at the entrance and exit improvement between 12.2% and 36.38%
extensions, while the dimple section when compared to traditional single
exhibits periodic variation along the ellipsoidal dimple tubes. Specifically, the
tube's length. The change in Nusselt highest Nusselt number was achieved
number (Nu) is relatively small in the with a tube of 8 mm diameter ratio, a
smooth sections but significant in the twist angle of 90°, and a PL of 10 mm
dimple sections. The three sections' at a Re of 8000. Additionally, the lowest
average Nu values are 69.73, 82.95, and friction factor (f) was observed for a
139.278, respectively. In conclusion, the tube with a Dd of 8 mm, cross-combined
performance of heat transfer is with a PL of 10, and a Re of 3000 for
significantly improved by the presence both working fluids. These findings
of dimples on the tube surface. The highlight the potential of cross-combined
friction factor results for various dimple tubes as an effective means to
ellipsoidal angles, pitch lengths, and an enhance heat transfer performance in
8 mm dimple diameter demonstrate a various applications.
significant increase in friction factor with
Author contributions
increasing ellipsoidal angle. As the pitch
length decreases, the average pressure M. Gangadhar Rao: Conceptualization,
drop along a tube increases because Supervision
dimples have a more substantial effect R. Ramakrishna: Approach and
on flow blockage. The friction factor Analysis
distribution is shown in Fig. 15 as a
B Nitish Kumar: Design and
function of the Re, PL, and ellipsoidal

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 1), 1240-1257 1254

Predicting Heat Transfer Behaviour in Tube Sections With High Viscous Fluids Section A-Research paper
Using Numerical Simulation

Ch. Hareesh: Revision and Editing References

Ch. Prem Chandu: Revision and [1] Liang Zhang, Wei Xiong, Jiyu
Editing Zheng, Zheng Liang, and Shuai Xie
A.Sarath Chandra: Initial draft Numerical analysis of heat transfer
enhancement and flow characteristics
Declaration of Competing Interest inside cross-combined ellipsoidal
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